#if I can get one more thing done on my RP blog I'm letting myself try to write something here
tonight on ‘song lyrics that fuck me up, especially when applied to certain characters’
I’m drunk on your voice, high on the moment I’d fall for you twice, if that’s what you wanted
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despairforme · 8 months
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[ Oh man this post got long (and surprisingly serious) fjfjfjffjjf I wrote this 2 days ahead of time because I was so excited about it ahahaha --- I'm wishing you all a wonderful 2024!!!!!
2023 was a year of surprising development for me. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older, or if I'm simply moving into a different mindset. I loved this year! It was awesome, and I'm so happy to see that I've written MORE for Nnoitra this year than I did in 2022 ( even though my overall word-count went down from 290 000 to 280 000 ). I can't say I completed many of my goals ( or any of them LOL ). I had lots of goals for 2023, but I was unable to complete them. The past few months, especially, have brought forth big changes in my creative flow and focus.
I've realized that I need to change my priorities, to better fit my new mindset.
Roleplaying is no longer going to be my main focus. In the past, whenever I've wanted to write, I've always focused on finishing drafts, asks ect. I've mostly written on here, since that's what I prefer. Or, rather - what I used to prefer. This is not to say I don't have muse for Nnoitra, because I always feel inspired for him. What's changed are my priorities. I've come to the conclusion that what's important to me is creating stories. Since Nnoitra's story ( main verse ) has become so stagnant, it feels less important to me. I know I can drive the story on, push it forward and thus find it important once more, but - I don't want to do that. I want to create my own, original stories instead. Becoming a professional writer has always been my dream, and that's simply not possible to do when I'm prioritizing rping. Roleplaying is going to have to take the backseat.
--- That being said, I'm absolutely not quitting! I can't imagine myself not writing for Nnoitra, so I'll be writing on here like before, and I'll even try to be more consistent. An enemy of mine in 2023 has been procrastination. One of my goals for 2024 is to conquer this, so that I can be more efficient with my time. I think that by dedicating less time to roleplay, I'll be more efficient when I do sit down and write for my muses. My activity the past few months have been spotty, so I'd love to get into a better flow.
2024 GOALS:
FOCUS ON PERSONAL PROJECTS. I have a lot of them. Two (three?) book projects, two long OC-centered fanfictions.
WRITE FANDOM PROJECTS. I have a lot of ideas for fanfictions, and I want to make the time to write them. Some are long, some are short. Getting feedback on my stories has always been a great feeling, and fanfiction is the best way to get that serotonin.
CHANGE MY WRITING HABITS. My habits are bad. They lead to a ton of procrastination and wasted time. I want to be more structured when it comes to my writing time (and my time in general, but especially my writing time). I want to stick to schedules, word-count goals, page goals ect. Conquering procrastination is going to be key.
CONSISTENT RP POSTING. Even though I won't be focusing on roleplaying, I still intend to do it regularly and get replies and asks out in a more timely manner. I'll probably set off some time in the evening to get replies done, and have some fun on the dash when others are online. I'll try to be consistent across my blogs, not just on Nnoitra.
CREATE THINGS THAT ARE PHYSICAL. I've come to realize that I love things that translate to the real world. Not just words on a screen, or a digital artwork, but things that you can touch. It's why I've absolutely fallen in love with watercolor painting. I'm going to try to print some of my writing work so that I have physical copies. I'm also going to print my art so that I can hold it in real life.
FIND A SHIP FOR NNOITRA. It's been so long since I wrote a ship for him, and I need it back in my life. I've been looking for a ship for him the whole time, but I need to put more effort in, and let him interact with more characters, as well as continue to develop the relationships he does have ( in case one of them turns romantic? ). I'd love for 2024 to be the year Nnoitra falls in love again.
I am SUPER excited for 2024! I love new years and fresh starts, and I feel so incredibly inspired by the changes in my mindset. I feel like I've been stuck for a good while with rping. Don't get me wrong, I've loved every second of it, and I've learnt so much about writing - and met the most amazing people. It's just that it's time for a change. Time for me to create other kinds of stories. I thought that things were aligned for me to write books last year, but I really didn't have the right mindset - but now I do! I'm hyped!! Hope you're ALL going to have the most amazing 2024 guys!! ]
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andalasia · 2 months
hellos. dusting off my old sideblog to throw up this request bc that feels like a good idea. i've responded to a couple other searches, so i'm realistically not looking to take on too many more. little bit about me, i'm a 29 man, live in the central timezone [ i think technically it's cdt bc it's currently july... but don't quote me on that ], used to consider myself a reader reader but me and the books have been beefing these past few months so that isn't occurring as frequently. maybe because i've been giving rp more attention. i've been rping since at least 2009, but most of that has was on forums like proboards/invisionfree/jcink. i have only recently really been a discord rp girlie
really only looking for m/m plots at this time. mayhaps one day i will go back to doing hetero ships, but for the time being that's not really something that interests me. i don't have a robust collection of muses that i pull out of rotation, that's just never been how i rp... if you see a guy on my main blog [ blakegallo ] the odds are that i would use them as a face. because i cut my teeth on forums i do typically only use actors, musicians, and the occasional model as faces; i typically steer clear of people who social media people. it's really just a matter of personal preference. i am willing to consider a fandom based rp, but would prefer something that is more oc x oc.
as far as preferences go i do write in the third person past tense. i don't really have any interest in breaking the discord message character limit for replies. i would never do a one liner, but a nice well developed paragraph or two is usually good enough for me. i like there to be something to respond to and get a nice back and forth going. i've seen a lot in my decade plus in the rp community and i've definitely done responses that are what the girlies call novella length now and that's just not something i'm super invested in returning to at this time. i don't have any interest in rping in dms, i think that things are just more organized in a private server. i also prefer for new threads to be individual channels just because i find that easier to scroll back through than one general channel, but that's me. i am a tupperbox girlie... and so i do have a slight preference for using them. it's not a requirement by any means, i have more 1x1s that don't use them currently than do, but just throwing that out there. i also find that doing something mumu is just easier for me with the tupperbot, but we can make it work if you aren't for it.
as a sidenote, i also do really love text threads. in my time perusing the the tags i'm not sure if this common because so many of the requests i see are for the novella level girlies. but sometimes i might have time for some quick banter between our characters. i also find that characters texting leads to where a next thread should go. as a vibes girlie i just like letting the characters sort things out sometimes than us as muns going back and forth figuring out where the plot should take them next.
plotting for me tends to be more organic. i really don't like to get too far ahead of ourselves. to me it's like writing a romance novel, we know these characters are eventually going to get together, but the journey to that destination can be whatever we make for it. so the ups and downs and angst along the way is what makes it fun. obviously i'm all for tossing ideas back and forth about how we think we should handle something or where we should go next, but i don't really have any interest in outlining the whole journey and then just hitting the beats.
so please be 21+, 25+ honestly would be even better and like this if you're interested. i might read the occasional high fantasy book, but that's not a thing i am all that interested in. i might be up for something vaguely paranormal, but i'm really more a regular person writer. give me the lives and the rich and famous or mess happening in suburbia... i'll reach out from my main blog in tumblr dms and we can go from there if we think it could be a good fit.
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When Worlds Collide
As the camera starts out staticky, you can hear a dark chuckle. Once the static clears out, a rather strange, mixmatched, dragon-like creatures comes into view.
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"Hello, everypony! Should I say everyone. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony!"
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"Originally, I wasn't scheduled to make my Tumblr debut until much later, but a certain mod informed me that desperate times call for desperate measures. Something on the line of... 'notifications'?"
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"Though as exciting as it is for me to show my face early, my only complaint would be the fact that I have to SHARE this blog with others. But I suppose this will have to do for now. Perhaps if things go well here, I'll be able to have my own personal blog down the line..."
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"With that being said, let's get this show on the road! I've been sent here to summon several muses here that I'm sure you'll be happy to see! After all; a lot of them are people you've met before I assume?"
And with that, Discord snapped his fingers. Just like that, tons of people(and one pony), appear. They look around in confusion before turning to face the odd creature that was before them.
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The spikey-haired boy ran into hiding. Oddly enough, two of them looked and dressed exactly like him. One went after the more timid version to check of him, while the other had bandages, all over his torso, arms and legs(I have no sprites for that one! T_T)
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"W-what that f&ck is that?!?!"
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'Kyaaaaaaah! It's a monster!'
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"I'm going to assume that this is the creature who brought us here. But... why?"
Discord was rather disappointed by certain reactions as he turned away.
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"A simple 'thank you' would've sufficed! But I suppose most of you aren't much a fourth-wall breakers now aren't you...? How rude! To think I actually did this to help you all on your current predicament-"
Before the draconaquus could finish his sentence, a certain pink pony zoomed in and gave him a super tight hug from behind.
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"Discord! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you sooooooo much for bringing us all together! I'm so happy to finally be able meet all my neighbors at once! I thought it going to take like... foreeeverrr to meet a few of them at a time! And I SO thank our mod a bejillion times for this too! And that best part is... you now get to be a part of this too! This is the best! Decision! EVERRRRRRRR!!!"
"C-can someone... please give us a promo... before Pinkie Pie... breaks me in half...?"
(Hello everyone. Mod Princess here. So basically, this is a chaos blog mashing @ask-timid-makoto-naegi, @danganronpa-v3-demo-au, @your-pink-party-pony, and @sole-survivor-makoto-naegi altogether. This is being done due to the recent changes on tumblr regarding the notifications. I figured that I'd have some fun and add Discord from MLP into the blog as well.
So this is what's going to happen from here on out. Every event and starter I decide to do regarding any of my other blogs are going to start off here from now on. You also can also RP on the chaos blog if you'd like. It will just require me to use other blogs to respond depending one which of my muse(s) you are interacting with. I will also be using this blog for any and all RPs that I didn't get notified on.
Aster recommends this to me as an alternative option to constantly pinging, and so far it seems to have worked after @unofficialuserluser tested it out. So now I'm giving it a go. Fingers crossed this continues to work!
Edit 5/5/2023 - Okay so I wasn’t informed until like… just now the the problem has been fixed. REALLY wish someone would’ve told me this sooner before I went ahead and made this blog. Nonetheless, it’s here and people are already interacting. So I’ll need to figure out an alternative. If you still want to interact, go ahead and do so.
@unofficialuser(anyone you want), @werewolf-makoto-naegi @slimemakotonaegi @ask-ghost-boys @yui-samidare-reborn (anyone you want), @japanese-ultimateautism @special-encounters (surprise me), @laylayeh @tobys-multiverse-official @lre123 @ask-ultimate-personas @ask-the-ultimate-matchmaker @alizachan @coldwisped
As always, anyone who isn't tagged can also interact
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moved-mainblog · 11 months
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I know this is a long post and I'm sorry for that but please read through it all.
After some very triggering things that happened here that led into a very very bad nightmare and almost in an anxiety attack, which both I didn't had in a very long time. I decided to do some things a bit differntly around here. It's getting harder and harder for me to come on this blog without feeling bad about certain things. And I tried to ignore it, tried to see the positive things that happened here and still happen that clearly overweight the negative things. But it's starting to get harder and harder up to the point where I don't want to come online here at all anymore. And I finally realized that's why I have been feeling so emotional latley.
So I decided to make a new blog for my RP blogs which I will only use for RP's, character building and all of that stuff. OOC stuff still will happen but not in the way it did here. This means from this new blog I won't be making any kind of feel good messages or what ever but only stuff that belongs to RP's. Which doesn't mean I won't give supportive coments or messages anymore if I see you (my mutuals) posting something. But I try not to do them anymore for people I'm not mutuals with or more like I try not to talk much with people that I'm not mutuals with.
My problem is I have a really strong helper syndrome. When I see something or someone I feel like I have to do something. Like I have to make everything better and fix things etc. even if I don't really know that person. It's almost like a compulsion for me and something that didn't always ended well because sometimes I just didn't saw where to stop before it was to late. I thought I had learned to keep this under controll but it seems like I didn't as much as I thought. It started to get really hard for me to differentiate between helping and overstepping and also in differentiating between people I'm really friends with and people I'm not really friends with. For me it's the problem as soon as we wrote a few messages together where you have been nice to me I immediately see you as my friend even if we are still strangers to eachother. I have trouble in realizing who is really my friend and who was just nice because not everyone is a bad person who wants to hurt me. I'm just so used of people being mean to me and hurting me that my brain instantly says oh you're nice that means we're friends now. In addition to that, I have a problem expressing myself correctly even in my own language and the language barrier here on tumblr isn't helping either because English is not my first language so it often happened that I was trying to say or ask something but did it in a completley wrong way so it came off completley differently than I intended. All of this has made me do things that I regret and wish had never happened like it did because I harmed people even if this was never my intention. In germany we say "Gut gemeint ist nicht gleich gut gemacht" Translated, it means something like: "Well-intentioned does not equal well-done".
It started to get really hard for me to realize there's only so much I can or should do and that it's not my job "to save the world". Through this behaviour I hurted people while trying to help others which I never wanted to happen. I tried to move on from this but there are other things like hate asks that reminds me everyday of what happened and how I hurted people I never meant to hurt. I know my behaviour isn't fair to you, to the people I hurt but also not to myself and I'm trying my best to not let that happen again. Don't get me wrong this is no ones fault and completley a me problem. A problem that I'm trying my hardest to fix and keep under controll with seperating my blogs, and as hard as this is for me, with also sometimes just looking away when I see something. I need to learn not to react to everything I see.
I know my helper syndorm is a really big problem and something that I need to to keep under controll before it starts to get everyone elses problem because this is the last thing I want but I can't do this if I'm using one blog for everything where I'm doing my rps but also my feel good stuff. I was thinking of just redoing this blog. But As I know myself this would only help for a while before everything starts again so I decided to start completley from the beginning with separating my blogs.
I'll still be doing my side blogs again like I did here so this won't change. It's just a preference for me to get some structure as I don't find tagging really helpfull and I know I won't be able to handle so many main blogs. And I'll be doing an extra blog for my feel good stuff. So if you want to see them follow this blog or tell me to put you on my taglist if you don't want to follow but still want to see them. Also as long as I don't have my syndrome under controll I will be doing personal supportive stuff only for my mutuals. I'm so sorry for everyone who isn't in a good place and has a hard tim. I really wish I could help everyone and make everything better for you. But I know I can't do this even if my helper syndrome says I need to do this. This doesn't mean if I post a general feel good post that you can't tag your people in it. Feel free to do this but I'll be only tagging the people I have the premission from to do so or people I'm mutuals with and they haven't explicit said they don't want this. I won't be tagging everyone I've been talking to here to avoid overstepping again.
For now I won't be mutuals only but this is only regarding rps and plotting. Everything else depending ooc talk I will only do with mutuals I know for a while and who I have on discord (I'll make an exception if you don't have a discord but only if we talked about this). With non mutuals I will only write through rps and the only ooc talk that will happen between us is also regarded to our rp.
I also want to deeply apologize to everyone that I might have hurt, overstepped or made you uncomfortable or mad with my behaviour. I want you to know this was never my intention and I'm so so sorry. I promise I'm trying everything to get better with this.
I know things need to change not only for the people around me but also for myself. And this is exactly what is going to happen from now on. Now that I'm aware that my helper syndrome is still as strong as it is I can be more careful and thoughtful of how I handle and approach things to ensure that something like this won't happen again. And maybe it also helps you understanding me better and why I sometimes do things that I do.
I'm tagging everyone here that I would love to keep interacting with but I completley understand if you don't want anymore after reading all of this. Just know I don't ask anyone of you to change anything about how you are doing things around here. It's me and only me who has to change and I'm willing to do that.
So yeah please just write me a DM or for those who have my discord you can write me there too and let me know if you still want to keep contact or not.
For now I won't be answering to rps as long as I don't know if you want to keep going or not. As soon as I have your answeres I'll be answering again and transfer our threads over to the new blog when I have everything set up.
Again I'm so sorry for not realizing this earlier but I was so sure I had this under controll. But maybe some of you are willing to make a fresh start together with me.
PS: Please know not everything I did and said was because of my helper syndrome. It's really important to me that you know that I really truly love you all and when I said I'm here for you if you need someone to talk I meant it and when I said I'm happy to help I meant this too. It's only about drawing the line between people I'm friends with and people I'm not and people I just got to know and realizing I'm overstepping while trying to help before I do.
If there is anything you didn't understood feel free to ask me.
@antvnger @brooklynbred @spideymn @silently-judgingyou @kyber-infinitygems @skallagrimulfhedinn @azuresrp @vekovoysoldat @notgonnabesubtle @stripesofbrooklyn @askmyocsandrpwiththem @grimmusings @sah1x1s
For everyone who has multiple blogs, I only tagged one blog of you but ofc this is also regarded to your other characters you are playing as. I just tagged one so it won't be too much.
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aintitfierce · 1 month
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NAME -- masha
PRONOUNS -- she/her, but they/them or it/its could be nice. i won't kick up a fuss to he/him, either, but it does give me a brief pause
PREFERRED COMMS -- lies down probably IMs here, unfortunately. i have 'not getting out of this chair-itis' rip also my computer (not the laptop) is like 15 years old and dying a slow death so i can't open more than a single tab and maybe my pictures folder without everything slowing to the speed of molasses on a cold day
HOWEVER, i have gotten over myself a little bit and i do have an active discord now. so i've been thinking about moving some stuff there
NAME OF MUSE -- vanya, but he prefers pretty vanya or anything similarly Fawning. he has a noticeable, unexplained fondness for being referred to as the nondescript 'creature' as well
EXPERIENCE IN RP -- my first experience with RP was in the gaiaonline forums as a teenager lmAO. i used to scrounge around in the forums for any literary magical school-based RPs. then i kinda fell away from it once i left the site. i didn't pick it back up again until after i'd been on tumblr for a few months in 2013-2014 or so, stumbled into the kung fu panda fandom and made a friend who got me into RPing canon characters through skype ghfhiieo then i opened up an ask blog in june 2014 which very quickly morphed into just a RP blog instead and the rest is history
BEST EXPERIENCES -- back on gaia i joined a roleplay which was taking place in some school for people with super powers (i was in a lot of those as u might have guessed, they were my favorites lmao). me and one other person were the only ones awake and active at one point and it was just a rapid fire interaction between our muses for a couple pages, after which we laughed at The Shenanigans bc we were pretty sure our two characters had just become the comic relief of the entire thread and wondered how the other players were going to react when they inevitably came back
honestly i just remember it being a ton of fun. that style of RP is so incredibly foreign to me now, but nostalgic
PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS -- i had to take a long time to think about this, and i think the number one thing that gets to me is infomodding. i very much prefer having a running tally of what our muses each know about each other and more importantly what they Don't. i wrote with someone once who would occasionally consider what they knew about my muse to be fair game for their muse to know as well, without any reasoning for how they'd know this information or when they found it out
additionally, the only other thing i can think of that does get to me pretty badly is related to pacing. like i mention below, i like interactions that feel relatively real and natural, and sometimes that means letting the conversation unfold on its own and allowing awkward silences and lulls to play out to their conclusions. it drives me a little crazy when i'm just getting comfortable in a conversational thread but my writing partner is instead evidently feeling Bored with the small talk, so they inject some drama or some other bombshell to Liven It Up and get the action rolling orz usually has killed the thread for me in the past
MUSE PREFERENCE ( FLUFF, ANGST, SMUT ) -- out of these three probably angst, but i rarely RP it bc i don't feel that i'm very good at it. also idk how Seriously people could pretty vanya angst lmao
i've done so little actual RPing with him (my own fault, tbh) that i don't really know what my preference is with him yet. him being captured by big jack bc there were rumors about him being Powerful And Rare has probably been one of my favorite interactions so far. i admittedly do enjoy writing more antagonistic interactions more than i do friendlier ones
PLOT OR MEMES -- my Natural State is that of a pantser, to be completely honest, but there's a special place in my heart for plotted threads. i do enjoy laying out the basics and then letting it go with a check-in every now and again when one of us is running out juice or Unsure about anything
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES -- either or. i'm no good at one-liners, and i struggle with novella length (condensing my partner's response into something i can reply to while being careful to keep the story Moving takes a lot of brainpower for me). i do however love replies and threads and partners, perhaps, who are okay with letting some parts of the conversation Drop and potentially come back into play later. i like that sense of continuity, where it feels like a real or natural interaction two people might have with lulls in the conversation and callbacks
BEST TIME TO WRITE -- at this point i have no clue wheezes
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE? -- lord i hope not lmao
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varietales · 4 months
Talk about your favorite ship! | Favorite character to rp?
mun meme // accepting
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This turned into a massive ramble oops...
Favourite ship (i'm letting myself do 3 RP ones from across my blogs)!
Lisanna x Sting with @aitheros. It lives in my head and heart rent free, I’m so soft for them. We have had so many good and precious interactions with them and plotted much more too! They are such a lovely pair and bring out the best in each other, I adore their softness and the way they can relax around each other so beautifully and understand each other. They’ve both been through a lot, and the plot we’ve done for them has added to that and I’m forever excited about the things we can do within the plot and outside of it too. They’re also AU gold honestly. And I can’t even think about Lisanna without Sting coming to mind now. I can’t express how much I adore them, and Mandy is an incredible writer (im forever in awe of the description and imagery and use of metaphors, absolutely stunning every time, not to mention the dialogue and everything else too) so I’m always feeling super lucky to get to write with her! Her Sting is just CHEFS KISS (its also his bday today and I remember this bc I love him so much, he is the sunshine in my life). So yes 10/10 I adore them.
Rogue x Mary with @killrate. We started writing these babes together way back in like 2016, so it has been A Long Journey and it’s been so good. Beautiful example of awkward friends to secret lovers. With Mary being an ex-cultist and criminal and all, and Rogue being a famous mage, we get this Delicious plot of them keeping their relationship secret. The Yearning and Drama and all that goodness. And we also have an angsty breakup era planned which is gonna kill me but I also love it. In their happy era, they are so beautiful, so cute and adoring and flirty and fun but deep too and the feelings are so real and get me every time. He just adores her so much and is the absolute softness for her. I’m weak, send help. Plus as well as being one of the coolest people ever, Fae has such wonderful writing, its always so fun, so well done and full of personality, and a delight to read!!!
Gray x Evergreen with @lucentaire. At first glance, one might think Huh that’s a weird pair, but the more you think about it, the more it makes sense. They have a lot in common in terms of hobbies/interests, the way they think and even act sometimes, and a lot more. I love these two (and Jana’s specific portrayal) for the way they have this beautiful…idk exactly, like understanding or acceptance of each other, that’s growing with each interaction. They’re really starting to Get each other and it brings a certain peace and its lovely. I love seeing them begin to open up to each other, and I love the hints of feelings creeping in, and I love the teasing that happens from time to time between them as well as from their friends, its just all So Good. When I think about them, I just get this really warm sense of peace and I love it. I also have to say Jana is an amazing writer, her words always flow so well, and she has this gift of sneaking in little references to other characters/muses or little anecdotes from a muse’s past or family that just really Add a little something and make her muses feel so real and rounded. An absolute inspiration every time. And anytime i'm writing anything about Evergreen in general, I have to actively stop myself from writing 'Rena' instead, she's just so deep in my brain.
Favourite character to RP!
I have so many muses and have written so many more in the past, so it’s tricky to pin down a favourite! They all have their differences, and my fave can change based on mood as well. That being said, the first one that came to mind was Lisia (Pokemon)! She was my most active (basically Only) muse for about 8 or 9 months (which is sadly impressive for me) back in 2018. I’m not sure if its nostalgia that I’m holding onto, but I had a lot of fun with her. The RPC was fun and active and I had some really cool things going (and then things went Bad). I put in a Lot of work with Lisia, writing heeeaps of hcs and so she’s a muse that I really adore. She’s just a gorgeous gal with a gorgeous heart. I haven’t been able to get her going again since then but I’ve been thinking about her lately and might give her blog a clean up. I say that every so often tho and never do it, plus I can never manage to get her active again. But anyway, outside of her, I think I would say Lisanna is one of my faves to write! Coincidentally (or not), Lisanna and Lisia are very similar personalities. I enjoy their bubbly, cute personalities, and the way they can become teasing menaces when they want to be, particularly when they get close to someone. They also have this great potential for depth and deep and meaningful convos and angst. They’ve been through a lot and are still So Kind and I think I just find that sort of character comforting. On the complete other hand, I also really get a kick out of writing Macbeth, and my other old fave that’s just come to mind is an og muse of mine, Siegrain, which again, was once upon a time a Most Active muse of mine that I somehow can never get going again. But I did love that sassy blue haired bastard...
I suppose I could have said which muse on This blog is a fave to rp, but i haven't really gotten things going for each muse yet so we'll have to wait and see!
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teriyakichop · 2 months
You're seriously becoming unhinged. Reading your posts, even scanning through from the beginning when it all started shows a downward path and unraveling coming from you. In all seriousness, with no sarcasm or ill-will, get some help. You're putting on display someone in a downward spiral, holy fuck. It's not cute, you aren't getting any sort of clout or giving off any vibes other than: help me.
All seriousness? Ok. Let's be serious about this. Before I reply to you, I just want to say that the ONLY reason why I am replying to you is because you took the time to message me directly and speak to me like a human being, while also being stern. I can respect that. I don't know what your interpretation of what "unhinged" is, but I assure you that I am mentally stable, and sound. Do I get angry? Of course. It's human to get angry. But I don't stay angry. My anger rises and falls just like everyone else. What you're seeing from me is Exhaustion. I'm tired. I'm exhausted. Now, maintaining all of this while I am tired, THAT is unhealthy. I can definitely agree to that. Keep in mind also, that what you're seeing is a path of one person talking to a bunch of other people who are A, speaking about too many unnecessary subjects into the subject matter, B, twisting my words into statements that I never said, and C, demonizing me about a situation that they don't understand. People have the impression that I am not competent to handle the situation with Xyzis and the alleged pedophile accusations, while ALSO refusing to seek what it was that I've actually done in relation to the pedophile accusations. I am not a machine, and I am not sugar spice and everything nice. I understand that some people want me to be, but I'm not. At the same time, I'm fully capable of knowing right from wrong, justice from injustice. And I don't need anyone's opinions on whether or not I am "deranged" or "unhinged." All I asked was for people to approach me like a human being and ask questions, request information, things like that. INSTEAD, because Wyrmguard and other propaganda blogs SENSATIONALIZE situations and circumstances, people refuse to see the actual truth, and make their decision based on how hyped the situation has become. That's why I said, the fireworks happened, and the Wyrmguard people didn't see it. But it did happen, and the people that saw it, are VERY happy. Now I have people volunteering information to me to make even more fireworks, and some people want to make fireworks of their own.
This Pedophile situation caused an entire underground movement to form, and everyday I see people drawing their lines in the sand and picking a side. Hell, there are people who HATE me with a passion, and they're giving me information on the guilds with DNIs against my guild, just because they want the injustice to stop. This movement has been a long time coming, and the Pedophile accusations, and the demonizing of ME was the straw that broke the camel's back for A LOT of people. YOU may not see it, but behind the scenes, I've help a lot of people over the years. I funded hundreds of thousands of gold to struggling guilds. I've donated free WoW monthly gametime. I've arranged RP meet and greets in the most random of places and players enjoyed the RP events I've hosted. I geared myself for heroics just so that I can help other players get AotC achievements before the season ended. And I cannot even begin to tell you how many MOG runs I've done for players, especially where the weapon "Taeshalach" dropped for so many players, and even when it dropped for me, and even when I wanted it, I open trade and give it to someone else. I have a very solid and positive history with many players who are sick and tired of the Wyrmguard tumblr, SCA, SLP, Grand Alliance, Warcraft Conquest, and the other groups. And this pedophile situation, along with the accusation that I am "Defending" the accused pedophile, was the spark they needed to throw the gauntlet. Trust me. I'm not crazy, or deranged, or unhinged, or anything like that. I am a guild leader. And as a guild leader, I get attention from countless players. Those that love me, those that hate me, those that plot against me, those that want to plot with me...and it is all exhausting. Don't get me wrong. I can see from your perspective how things look, and how I appear to be deranged and unhinged. But again, keep in mind, there's only ONE of me, while there is a bunch of players speaking to me all at once, coming at me from different angles. I went on Wyrmguard and counted 11 posts about me alone in the week, 3 to 4 posts a day about me. I'm banned so I can't respond to all of that, and even if I wasn't banned, there's too many people to respond to. My perspective is WAY different from yours, and I just want you to keep that in mind. And for the last time, I'm mentally fine. Tired? yes. Exhausted? Absolutely. Unhinged and/or deranged? No. Now, with EVERYTHING I said, ask yourself this: Does Yuliyrel sound like an unhinged person, with a reply like this? I'd like to know your answer, as your answer will define everything. <3
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crystalflygeo · 11 months
Wait a second! I knew I've seen you around! Crys!
Also, holy heck in a handbasket. Why are you also not an EBG participant? I've seen you on a couple blogs, notably, Meirin's and Dresvi's, and I really enjoy your shenanigans.
I like how you take things in unexpected directions. I thought the whole idea of bringing the Adepti in as players in Meirin's blog was such an amazing choice. You have a lot of talent in writing different sorts of characters, and I like it a lot.
I also like how you can find a way into blog arcs. With the way you write, you're flexible enough to push the writers on the other end just enough to get them to open up into the lore they have. I remember you pushing Elzer in Dresvi's blog just enough to drop little tidbits about the general lore and the fire situation that's apparently going on in there.
Also, do not get me started on how entertaining it is to watch you start up shenanigans in Meirin's tea house. It's so much fun to read your shenanigans.
I never know what I'm gonna get when I see you as an asker, and that makes it fun.
Like with Risu, I hope that you do end up being an EBG participant. I'm honestly amazed by how much mastery you have for different character voices. But even if you don't, it's been fun watching you cause a lot of fun shenanigans. I hope you continue to cause all the chaos.
There's only one day left, so I look forward to seeing what other shenanigans you get up to.
sfcvgsahvcajshcbsakn AYOOOOOOOOOO WHAT I'M HONORED PLS???
ANON WHO ARE YOU LET ME HUG YOU RN THANK YOUUUUU Again I did briefly consider it but I was just coming back from a trip for vacations, starting back work again, had other stuff going on stressing me also I genuinely don't think I have the brainpower to make a plotted EBG lmao
Also I feel like idk for something like this I'd like to establish some more lore about my OC/avatar? hehe. A lot of wonderful friends (most notably @meimeimeirin @floraldresvi @moraxsthrone and @localplaguenurse) have been really inspiring me to write more and kinda... open up more? feel more comfortable with myself in my blog? bc I always had this idea of being kinda "anon" and be a little removed from my own posts and writing, but they've given me courage to be myself and have fun and do what I want and that includes selfshipping which I never really... did much? But it's so much fun! It's so fun to RP, to share silly little headcanons and ideas, to express your love and happiness for characters, and share that supporting others too and making them happy! Anyway wow I got sappy. Point is, I do hope to kind of... introduce myself/my OC and be a little more "me" about my bias if that makes sense? because that is what the ebg is all about (I think?) that funny and weird "hey this person who loves X character is now forced to get out of their comfort zone and simp for Z instead lmao"
pls I had forgotten how much fun RPing could be I feel like I haven't done so in yeeeears and I still think I'm rusty scvgasjbvcjhak but I used to love it and I do love to write
EBG has been so much fun! Even as a spectator, and I sure hope to participate someday but pls literally all of this was so sweet schajbckas I am not worthy of that much praise aaaaaaaaaaa
I AM VERY PROUD AND HAPPY WITH MY SHENANIGANS AT RIN'S TEAHOUSE HAHAHAHAHA and knowing I gave her some good laughs and she has also been enjoying it's all worth it
ty anon this has been an experience, but also to know people see me like this just... pls Imma cry, I'm thankful to be so loved <3
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harper-collins · 4 months
Hello Everyone,
I come to you with news about both my mental health and the state of my writing;
First off, I probably won't be posting anything of my own for a while here. Maybe an update for a book if it happens, but not anything outrageous. It's more of a quiet one for me as I have somehow gotten to one of the worst points in my life.
I won't give too much information, but I'm currently off work and taking time for myself, and I realised I should probably do something about my writing, whether it's just finishing it off awkwardly or explaining.
I don't want to give any of my stories an unfinished ending, and I really do love them all, even if I may not be super into their respective fandoms anymore; this includes all 7 projects. (ohmygod)
I've been working on my book semi-regularly, but as it's still in the basics, I won't share anything until I've built it up more. I know I say that a lot (whether you guys hear it or not), but taking on a project the way I have done is exciting and scary.
That said, here is the list of things I will be taking from now until I decide I can either handle multiple things again or finish them.
Rewriting An Eternity To Wait
Proceeding to finish the last few chapters of An Eternity To Wait.
Finish Mission: Return Home
Finish Experiment Gone Wrong...?
Write more or finish Scar in Yandere High School (RP) (as there is only one at the moment and it's a very bare project I started on a whim)
Finish Trapped in 'Dreams'
Rewrite the rest of The Twins, The Triangle And The Magic
Finish The Twins, The Triangle And The Magic
Add or Finish Billdip Cards Against Humanity
Full focus on my book, maybe write oneshots etc
To explain, The start is simple, the least amount to do in the projects goes first (AETW, M: RH), and then finishing some long-term projects (EGW?, Scar in YHS), and then T4ATM is put essentially in the back due to the pure size of the project. I plan on it being longer than the HP books, meaning it will probably take years to complete.
I have no doubt that T4ATM will signify the end of my fanfic writing (or at least series writing). I will then focus on my book, which has its own blog. These should be primarily easy considering that I have started all of these projects, and for all, apart from like two, I have plans ready for them. All I need to do is write them.
I can't say how long this will take, and I do apologise to anyone who's been wanting an update of others etc., but I'm just so fucked that this is probably the only way I'm going to get over this heap of self-inflicted work that I want to finish.
Of course, if the entire idea of making a oneshot inspires me (this includes the oneshot series I have), then I will probably write that, but then I will go back to the list. If anything changes in the list, I will let you know.
Thanks to anyone who cared to read this; it means a lot. I hope anyone who likes my projects will wait for them to be finished or just read them as they come out, but once I get my hands on something, I will do my best to sink my teeth into it and only that instead of going around in circles.
Thanks, cya.
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soulrph · 2 years
I'm so happy to have your blog on my dash it has shown me that I'm not the only one struggling in the rpc. I feel like the rpc has fallen into a coma, people are so wrapped up in their own bubbles that they don't interact with each other anymore (it seems) like I'm so frustrated with tumblr at this point, I'm so sorry I just don't know what to do, it's really disheartening to have like 1k followers, writing an rp blog but no matter what you do, no one sends anything at all, no asks, no memes, no starters, nothing, it makes me sad and wonder if I have done something wrong? I checked the settings twice as to make sure asks are enabled and I try to regularly send the people on my dash things but now I'm questioning myself. Like why and how are so many people following me if it feels like they don't want to interact? Of course I know many of these are lurkers but not all? I'm so confused by this to be honest...
My Question is: Am I the only one who feels like that?
my lovely friend, let me tell you something. these feelings you’re having? we ALL have them at some point in our tumblr lives. it’s perfectly natural, there’s nothing wrong with them, much less with you for having them in the first place. you understand? i want to make that much clear before i continue, because i’m getting the impression that you might be trying to take on the blame and responsibility for other people’s actions, and that’s not close to being accurate, love, okay? you’re doing just fine! and now i’m going to go into a little detail on your message. but i don’t want you to read on unless you’re feeling solid and good about yourself again, because try as we might, we’re not responsible for other people. and you mentioned that you’re very active in your efforts to make people feel comfortable, so no. don’t go blaming yourself. you’re doing nothing wrong, my love, i promise.
NOW! i say as i slap my hands on my knees like a suburban dad in an american film! except not, bc my laptop’s there, but i digress. before i continue, i want to say that i’m only one person, my suggestions may not be applicable to you. if anyone reads this post, and would like to contribute their own suggestions, you’re all welcome to hop into the comments to help our lovely friend out! this is a sideblog, however, and i will not be able to interact with these comments directly!
the first thing that i’m going to say here is that 1,000 followers is a LOT of people. like that’s overwhelming to anyone, but i feel like it could also contribute to these feelings of isolation when you have a thousand people following you and nobody’s really reaching out. that’s why i would suggest that maybe you might feel better if you try and bring that number down? it’s like this; if you host a big party, realistically speaking, you won’t be able to invite a thousand guests. it’ll be next to impossible to have these intimate personal connections with one thousand individual people, right? but if we try, say, 500 people? instantly easier to handle, i think. personally i try to keep my own limit at 150 mutuals, because i’m oftentimes too tired and too stressed to handle the idea of much more than that, and it’s much fairer to 150 people than it is for 1000 people.  plus, those 150 people are far more likely to have solid friendships with me. i’m only one person, and so are you, and we can’t be pressuring ourselves into trying to interact with 1000 people!
in your case, this also applies. 1000 people is a LOT. if you bring the number down, perhaps then you can explain to people that you will be implementing a few changes in the way you do things. you want to plot with people. you want to develop solid relationships both OOC and IC. you also might find it useful to use an interest tracker or a permanent starter and plotting call, or a few open starters are also useful! 
i’m going to repeat something here. you are not responsible for other people’s actions. there are parts of the rpc that are withdrawing from the core purpose and values of the community, and the lack of interaction is a widespread challenge. it’s not their fault. it’s just something that’s happening. that being said, you can only control YOUR experience. which sounds powerless, but it’s actually entirely the opposite!
you can make that post and say what you expect to change in your blog. “i’ll be much more active in the rpc from now on, i’m here to make friends and write with like-minded people, and i’m going to be cleaning out my followers over the coming week. if you want to stay mutuals, please let me know, but i don’t want to stay mutuals unless we intend on building a solid friendship and writing together!”
you can obviously change the wording! be as nice or as blunt as you like! but try to be firm. your experiences of the dash are yours and yours alone. my suggestions might be worth nothing to you, and that’s more than okay too! but my earlier experience in the community was very much like yours in that i had about 500 mutuals, but it was so quiet and awkward that i may as well have had 0. it only changed when i brought the number down to 150, keeping my mutuals as people who i wanted to write with and befriend, and then posted a quick psa to let people know that i was planning on actually writing much more in the future, and i would be changing certain things in my blog to accommodate that.
you don’t have to do any of this, my love. you don’t have to soft block any followers, you don’t have to make a psa, you don’t have to do anything! my decisions came from a place when i was so frustrated by being stuck in the “nothingness”, or the “meh, idk, i don’t mind, idc” phase of the community, that i just decided to shift gears and change things. the way i see it, i could have 20,000 mute, withdrawn mutuals, but just one person who i genuinely loved to chat to and plot with and write with would outshine the lot of them! fortunately i found much more than just one person, though. and i know, i KNOW, you will too.
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weldfists · 11 months
Indie ask/RP blog for Sett the Boss from League of Legends & Riot Games Selective | 21+ | Multi-fandom | Low Activity | Penned by Alfio
Anyone wants a piece of me, line forms right here.
Promo - Rules - Dossier - Headcanons - Memes - Verses
Mobile friendly rules under the cut.
-THIS blog can and will contain triggering material! Please follow at your own discretion!! I tag everything as best as I can and I’m hoping I can make this a comfortable experience for everyone. Some topics explored include but not limited to: PTSD, Familial Trauma, Abandonment Issues, Substance Abuse, Anger Issues, Anxiety, etc.
- ABSOLUTELY no God-modding/metagaming, the usual don’t be that person spiel you know. Also don’t be racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, etc. Like for real it’ll be the fastest block you’ve ever seen.
- SEND me an ask or IM me if you’d like to start a thread! I’m not the best at plotting because I tend to be very vague but I’ll certainly try my best! Random interactions are fine as well too, I’d just prefer if you tagged me in a post instead of sending an ask for this one (doesn’t apply to inbox memes). I also don’t do welcome posts, but if you make one for me I’d be happy to respond!
- THAT being said I have the right to say no to certain plots/threads without a reason, most of the time though I might provide a reason. If I say no it doesn’t mean I don’t want to RP with you at all, just hit me with a few more ideas and we could figure something out!
- DUPLICATES are more than welcome! I have no problem with duplicates of muses I already RP with or even other Setts. I really enjoy reading everyone's unique take on their muses so the more the merrier!
- MAINS/EXCLUSIVES are something that I can practice if that's the preference of my role play partner. I'm not one to go out of my way to ask for this sort of thing though!
- THIS blog is multiship (each ship happening in it’s own universe) and I work with chemistry. But, I have a very big affinity towards Aphelios/Sett and Ezreal/Sett.
- AU’S and crossovers are totally cool with me! In fact I love ‘em. This also means I’m multi-fandom, yes! Just let me familiarize myself with your fandom for a bit while we plot.
- THREADS can be dropped if asked or even just dropped outright without any notification, I understand. I’ll probably also drop some threads too because sometimes I just can’t seem to muster up enough of my muse to continue ‘em but usually I’ll let you know!
- NSFW content can sometimes come up on this blog. More explicitly sexual content will be done under a read more. Sometimes I might push to a fade to black situation but I do want to get better at writing certain things. so I might try my hand at getting a little bit out of my comfort zone. That doesn’t mean I won’t let you know when I want a certain type of interaction to wrap up in a “fade to black” type of way. Depictions of violence/gore/drug use are a-okay and everything will be tagged accordingly.
- IF you want to continue an ask as a thread please move it to it’s own text post and tag me in it! It’s a lot easier to thread that way for me.
- MUN info: Hi I'm Alfio o/ I'm 26 and go by They/It pronouns. I'm the biggest thembo you'll ever meet and I'm full of heart and dumb of ass.
last updated. 6/23/2024
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warriorsparked · 1 year
Get To Know The Mun
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------The Basics!
Name: Owl (or Sam).
Pronouns: He/Him
Zodiac Sign: Libra (Scorpio cusp)
Single/Taken: Married
------Three Facts!
1- I grew up on horror movies and metal musik. Although my library is also full of different genres, metal music and synthwave (tho I'm fussy) are my favourites. 80's music is still some of the best music to this date imo. Watching slashers and thrillers are sort of comfort films to me, in a sense, which might seem odd to some people. But growing up in the 90's as a kid that liked these things, I was very outcasted. Writing Megatron and getting inside his head was a big outlet for me, and he's definitely a comfort character because of all the stuff he's endured. The post-war series I began writing started over 10 years ago. Back then, it was a personal journey for me just as much as it was for him. And now, over 10 years later, I'm rewriting the whole series (or... most of it lol), and looking back has been another wonderful journey, and also the reason I got back into the TF community!
2- I work in healthcare. I've worked in hospitals, clinics and Drs offices. I take legitimately any sample that can be produced by the human body from any part of the human body--yep... I mean any part (swabs, bloods, urines, faeces, histo, semen--ANYTHING), I also do heart checks and BP's, and covid, which let me tell you... working in healthcare during a pandemic is likely one of the hardest things I've ever done. I'm still burnt out and many of us are, so please give your healthcare workers some slack. <3 I've almost finished my studies for training and assessing, so I'm hoping to become a mentor or a teacher/trainer in my field :)
3- I was diagnosed late in life with Autism (severe Aspergers). Although I'd already diagnosed myself (lol, I'm obsessed with psychology and had also diagnosed my sister with BPD when I was like 16 which turned out to be legit), having that professional diagnosis meant a lot for me when it came to understanding myself and my behaviours, especially in my adolescence. It can mean at times that I am very overwhelmed and SLOW here (I'm also still studying, working, learning German and piano, plus I have other hobbies and blogs). Please don't take it personally if I don't always reply in IMs, especially due to time zones, but sometimes I'm just legitimately exhausted mentally and physically. My work is extremely demanding and busy and renders me fatigued. I also have other health stuff going on which renders me tired on a daily basis (:
Platforms Used: DeviantART, hotmail, MSN, RP forums, Skype, Tumblr. I've been around a long time lol.
Plotting / Winging It / Memes: All of the above tbh. I think that memes are a really good way to break the ice, but I definitely love plots as well, and getting to have long term RP partners <3 Srsly, if we're long term, I will likely gush with you about potential ships and stuff lol.
------Muse Preference!
Gender: I've Rped all, but I definitely feel more comfortable with male muses. I relate better with them.
Multi or Single: I've got both, and it entirely depends on how active the muse is. I definitely think single muses are easier to handle, but I've also got muses that had been neglected because signing in onto different profiles was a pain in the arse lol, and their activity was so low I felt like there was barely a point in having their whole blog to themselves, so I moved them all to a multi, and it's been a lot easier for me to manage. But then there's some muses that are just so loud that they gotta be on single ones lol.
Least Favourite Faceclaim(s): Most Game of Thrones actors are very over used, especially in some of the fandoms I'm in.
------Fluff / Angst / Smut!
Fluff: I adore fluff. But with Megatron, it's got to be a long standing relationship. He's not known for breaking down his walls and being comfortable exposing himself. It's going to take a lot of time and patience.
Angst: Look, I am a SUCKER for angst okay. Megatron is OOZING it anyway lol. But yes, angst!
Smut: I've been writing smut for over a decade, I'm very comfortable with it, and I love writing it. But I'm also PICKY with it, because the muses need to have chemistry, and if there's none, then it's not going to happen. Megatron is likely to sleep with MANY people, but there's also gotta be chemistry between the mods as well, because this is something that I do take pretty seriously when involving someone else. Just because I'm hella ace doesn't mean the muse is lol, and if there's chemistry, then heck yeah. I'm pretty open minded.
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Tagged: @blackwldcw ( thank you dear! ) Tagging: If you're not done it yet, then YOU!
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a reminder from my rules:
I’m mutuals only and VERY selective because I've exhausted my creativity when it comes to certain fandoms and relationships after writing Emma for so many years, there may be exception with some people I know but if you see me interact with a character from the 'no' list it doesn't mean it's now open for all. It's nothing to do with moral judgment though, just with me either not liking certain dynamics or having done enough of them.
You have a MULTI MUSE blog and need a hint about which muses I would want to rp with OR YOU WANT TO FOLLOW FIRST and aren't sure I'd be interested?
I can't list all of them but YES YES YES to fandoms like (or are similar to): For fantasy-Emma: The Witcher, Dragon Age (especially 1 and 3, I don't know 2 well but I'm okay with it), Lord of the Rings (movies), Doctor Who (very doable especially in her fantasy verse, because her universe is parallel to canon, her timeline was rewritten), Galavant, BBC Merlin, and surely many more than right now I can't think of. If we make it work with dimension-jumping to sci-fi/magic fandoms I adore Legends of Tomorrow, Buffy and Angel.
For non magical historical fandoms: Turn: Washington Spies, Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Downton Abbey, Bridgerton and similar shows. Honestly if you are okay with me not knowing the show, I can work with all your Jane Austenish characters.
There is a modern Emma page for Chuck, Lost, Leverage and a few Marvel characters. Also made a The 100 full backstory. The 'personality' generic paragraph can be used for many sitcoms/dramedies/action shows too, skipping the rest, more details on that page.
Finally: in Once Upon a Time: only with Killian/Hook, David and Ingrid/Snow Queen, but there are rare exceptions for other characters, I'll let you know myself if yours is an exception so things don't get awkward with you asking and me saying no. NEVER with Regina nor oc family members. To avoid forcing her backstory on you if you write someone who is a part of it, like her father David, we can have a thread in which this Emma meets the canon one.
However (maybes and NOs):
-I don't write Emma with villains unless they are in redemption mode because she would attack them and choose not to interact (but I'm all for not confusing fiction and reality, writing a villain says nothing about you), exceptions can be made if we plot so that we aren't taking it too seriously and they won't be trying to hurt her and/or they aren't senselessly murdering and/or doing it for fun. This because I need to be certain that I'm not making you feel godmodded but also that I don't have to change Emma's entire personality.
-If your character is a stranger who wants her to go away she will, she's not going to beg for their attention, so I'll suggest reasons why they are stuck together, please don't take it as godmodding or wanting to control everything! She's got trauma, she's not begging villains to be nice either, so we have to find a compromise.
-No to horror, Game of Thrones which I don't know, and Harry Potter. No-ish to Marvel/DC due to writing in it too much (exceptions are on the modern page or yes list above). No to historical figures unless they are characters in a tvshow: as in yes if you rp as 'Queen Charlotte from Bridgerton' who is a fictional character inspired by the real woman but not meant to represent her accurately and simply follows a work of fiction, no to a fandomless Queen Charlotte meant to represent the real person.
-No to angels/demons/deities/myths, and to immortals besides the Doctor. Very very selective with vampires and other magical creatures, they often have an aesthetic that makes me uncomfortable or plots that aren't my cup of tea, Buffy/Angel are the exception, so please let me be the one asking or assume it's a no.
-No to children and teenagers besides the 100 (but she's a teen too) because I've done enough of those threads and I'm not interested in exploring them with Emma anymore.
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Mobile-Friendly Rules (Updated?)
( Updated with a question mark because I think I made mobile rules before but I'm making new ones with snippets from my rules list I think are important! So let's roll this out! )
Mun is 30+, meaning this blog is 21+ only.
Muse =/= Mun and darker themes are not condoned irl.
Basic RP etiquette will be given and thus, expected in kind.
Drama is not tolerated. No callouts, no anon asks 'warning me' about people, and no vague posts. If I see you doing this shit I will soft block without question.
This doubles as an ask blog; you don't need an RP account to poke Vash. However: anon is a privilege and not a right and will be taken away if things escalate.
Blog is decently moderate activity, though I have more spoons some days than others.
I am very selective, but not mutuals only. I give (most) everyone a chance but will not pursue interactions if I feel our writing/characters don't mesh.
Due to a recent incident, I am not interested in interacting with OC-only content/blogs unless they belong to friends. This includes following them or having them follow me. If you have canons, throw them at me first so I can get to know you. I will not budge on this.
I am 100% duplicate-friendly, but assume other Vashes are not unless I am followed first.
Discord is NOT available to people I've just met. And as a warning to people who do want it: I am much easier to speak to/poke in group chat settings over one-on-one.
Shipping + NSFW
Lewd stuff can be sent/directed at the main blog, but if it starts getting hot and heavy, things will move to the NSFW side blog. Reserved for 21+ folks only.
This blog is multiship and I will not bend on that. Unless cheating/complicated relationships are planned in advance, every ship is it's own thing.
Do not forceship with me. Do not assume a relationship with Vash when the muses have just started interacting. I don’t DM RP OCxCanon, so don’t ask.
Mun chemistry is just as important as muse chemistry when it comes to shipping; if our vibes don't mesh, I won't push for a ship.
My blog is a Plantcest-friendly zone. Shippers and non-shippers are welcome to interact with me without judgement either way. If any posts regarding it come up, they will be appropriately tagged 'plantcest tw' for those who don't want it in their space-- keep in mind, however, that Tumblr does fuck that up sometimes. I will do my best against the spaghetti code. If you message me about this rule to come for my throat, you will be blocked. Just blacklist/block me and move on.
Threading with Sketti
I like doing multiple threads with people, but for my own sake, have to limit it to 3 plotted threads per character. +1 NSFW thread if desired, and crack-y short threads don't count towards the total.
Sometimes if it seems like I've dropped an ongoing thread, my brain has registered the last reply to it as a good place to stop. If you don't agree, feel free to poke me about the thread and I'll reply!
If I feel our muse's introduction thread hasn't hit a good stopping point, I won't plot a new one until it gets there.
If you want a new plotted thread when we have the three already going, we need to come to a consensus on which ongoing thread we can drop.
Obviously everyone has preferences and certain moods for certain topics, and I am not immune to that. I can very much psych myself up for something and forget about other things. Please (nicely) poke me if you feel I've done this and want me to focus our thread again.
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childrenofthelab · 2 years
For the meme for roleplay muns:
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Meme for Roleplay Muns
5. What is a character you love, but don’t think you can write?
Does it count if they're already on my roster and I just haven't done anything yet? Because Brenner. He's such a complex antagonistic character and I want to be able to write him so bad but I keep getting caught up in my head about trying to figure out his nuances and can't let myself actually try because I'm terrified I'll mess up.
7. What is one overrated roleplay trend?
I'll be honest, I'm not really up to date on trends? I tend to just do my own thing because I know I'm never really going to keep up. I guess one, though tbh I haven't really seen it be an issue so much anymore, would be the time when your graphics were the be-all and end-all and if you didn't have 'good' graphics, people wouldn't even look twice at your blog.
10. Why do you write?
I write because I enjoy it. I love making friends through writing and I love getting to take characters, especially more minor characters and flesh them out, develop them, give them their own stories. I write fanfic as well, but there's something about the collaboration involved in RP that sets it apart.
15. What is your opinion on tagging triggers?
I'm absolutely for it. It only takes a few seconds to do, so it's no real hassle and can make things easier on people, though of course it's up to each individual to curate their own experience and make sure they have any triggering things for them blocked, particularly when you rp in fandoms like ST where the source material innately has a lot of potentially triggering content.
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