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idkmybffjaden · 8 months ago
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This episode of GX is about the teen son of a warlord who brings guerilla warfare tactics into use while playing children's card games.
Putting tracking devices on school kids is about as above-board as the rest of the plot devices in this show.
Crowler and Bonapart suddenly look like the most responsible adults. (Don't think about that too hard.)
I keep expecting Viper to announce, "My HAIR is extracting bio energy!" etc. dat fro do
Here we see even Jesse struggling to witness Jaden's half a brain cell "at work" (maybe they can share?)
Once again Cyrus is the only one who can read the meta and see the GX world for the fucked up nightmare land it really is, being the most sane of them all while still namedropping Jaden and Zane like woah.
Chazz Princeton redefining the term "sass." "Know what's wrong [Cyrus]? YOU IN THAT COAT." Burn.
Every time I watch this show Jaden's dialogue gets more ridiculous. I still can't believe this isn't an Abridged.
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nakii-nyah · 3 years ago
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@idkmybffjaden @autistic-octopus-witch @jaden-yuki-is-a-mood @blackbeautyfanforever @dirgeofmusician @casanovaalldway @ask-smashcast @lucutus2k @just-an-otakus-blog @dreamswhatdoe @itta34deangelis @foggyphantomangel @crpz @ghostly-apple-53 @jacksontwst @vale1710 @overload36 @yoiloveyosstuff @sebastianmikaelis @iotakuusa 
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idkmybffjaden · 9 months ago
everything about this is such a fucking mood
new reblog game actually put in the tags what the blog you reblogged from tastes like
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idkmybffjaden · 9 months ago
Gonna chime in here with bells on for all my roleplayers in the house:
Please remember that rping should be fun.
This is a hobby, not a job. It's a creative space, not a competition. You should rp because you love what you're writing and because you love sharing that passion with like-minded people.
You should never feel pressured, bullied, or judged for your rp. And if you do? You're with the wrong crowd and rping with the wrong people. PROTIPS: no one who makes you feel bad is worth your time. Drop all them mofos like they hot and don't look back.
There is a place for everyone in this writing hobby.
No matter what your technical skill level, no matter what you're looking to get out of rp, no matter what your crazy rare kink is, there is an rp partner out there just for you. Each and every rper deserves to relax and have fun however they want to.
Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.
(If anyone out there ever needs a pep-talk about their writing -- be that rp or fanfic or hardcore academic, whether I know you and your canon/subject or not -- hit me up any time. I guarantee I'll talk you out of throwing in the towel and convince you you're awesome to boot. Try me.)
please remember you are writing fanfiction for fun. please remember you are writing fanfiction for fun. please remember you are writing fanfiction for fun. please remember you are writing fanfiction for fun. please remember you are writing fanfiction for fun. please remember you are writing fanfiction for fun. please remember you are writing fanfiction for fun. please remember you are writing fanfiction for fun
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idkmybffjaden · 8 months ago
Literally every episode of GX
Character of the week: No way is he dumb enough to do the thi-- Jaden: I DO THE THING!!
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the-golden-comet · 8 months ago
More Friday Smoochins
It’s that time again~! The Friday Kiss Tag 💋🎉 ✨) this also doubles as a Last Line Tag, for those who have tagged me recently (tysm you’re great). 💫
Rules: From your story/WIP, share a scene with a kiss. It can be any kind of kiss, from familial pecks on the cheek, forehead smooches, to full blown makeouts
Time to grab the boys in the boat, Peter and Benjamin from Peter Hart. Nothing explicit here, but this is right after they had sex so they’re a bit winded 😂✨
“I love you too….Peter…” Benjamin’s chest rose and fell deeply as he labored for breath. Gulping down his rasping gasps, he finished his thought: “I—I….! I’m yours forever…..!”
Peter smiled warmly and sincerely at the comment, once more making out with his equally tired partner as he whispered to his lover’s lips: “You’re right. You’re absolutely right.” He kissed Benjamin’s mouth. “And I am yours forevermore.”
Benjamin’s lips trembled as he let his tears fall down his cheeks, cupping his hands over the captain’s jaw. He winced, feeling that Peter’s cheeks were also wet, flowing in steady lines down to his stubbled chin. As they continued to kiss each other slowly, they submitted to their feelings and let the tears flow down passionately. For their love, albeit raw and unfettered, was pure and true.
Tags are below the cut, also open tag! Spread the love. Spread the smooches 💋💖✨
I shall no pressure tag: @fortunatetragedy , @drchenquill , @fractured-shield , @paeliae-occasionally , @avaseofpeonies , @theaistired , @finickyfelix , @wyked-ao3 , @jev-urisk , @idkmybffjaden , @thatuselesshuman , @theverumproject , @frostedlemonwriter , @madi-konrad , @justabigoldnerd , @pippinoftheshire , @gioiaalbanoart , @alinacapellabooks , @fantasy-things-and-such , @musicismymoirail , @noxxytocin , @katenewmanwrites , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @brigidfromthecelts , @drchenquill , @sunglasses-in-the-bentley , @unstableunicornsofasgard , @poorreputation , @astramachina , @aintgonnatakethis , @diabolical-blue , @far-cry-from-finality , @glasshouses-and-stones , @hagscribes , @houseplantblank , @dyrewrites , @deanwax , @aziz-reads , @just-emis-blog , @lychhiker-writes , @willtheweaver , @zackprincebooks , @billybatsonmylove , @cowboybrunch , @noblebs , @littlepup93 , @froggy-pposto , @talesofsorrowandofruin , @topazadine , @isabellebissonrouthier , +open tag! ✨
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idkmybffjaden · 8 months ago
damn straight
that guy right there's my boyfriend, y'all
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Old, but gold.
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idkmybffjaden · 8 months ago
You're on the phone with your duelmate he's upset he's goin' on about when you beat his deck 'cause he doesn't get your tactics like I do I'm in the dorm, it's a typical Tuesday night I'm talkin' 'bout all the cards he doesn't like and he'll never know your dragons like I do He wears Slipher I wear loose shirts He's King of Games and I'm just some cringe quotes Dreamin' 'bout the day when you wake up and find your real Duel partner's been here the whole time If you could see that I'm the one who wants to duel you Been here all along with my Crystal Beeeeeeasts You should duel with meeeee
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idkmybffjaden · 8 months ago
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Okay, y'all gotta stop everything you're doin' right now and look at this completely heterosexual man. This episode has a title and it ain't 'Subtle.'
hashtag rainbow is the new black
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idkmybffjaden · 8 months ago
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This just in, gals and cowpokes
Newest cosplay aspiration:
my friend and I have decided we want to do Jim and Shirley, because I fully believe I was born to dress up as an alligator backpack and not one of y'all can change my mind
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idkmybffjaden · 9 months ago
Okay but WHAT IF, thirteen years later, that sequel that was threatened actually ended up happening?
SPOILERS: it already exists it just never saw the light of day
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...how sad is it that I can't remember if the art inspired the fic or the fic inspired the art? :'D
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idkmybffjaden · 9 months ago
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Hey, y'all. Sure has been a hot darn second. I won't lie -- I'm feelin' kinda like a fish outta water here without my boy Jay and all the rest of the Duel Academy crew watchin' my back. I guess I still got my Crystal Beasts to keep me company... But what's the point of a Duelist gettin' all gussied up with nowhere to go?
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idkmybffjaden · 8 months ago
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Quick update on why I threatened to blog my GXS3 re-watch and then never followed through:
Y'all, I'm so torn over whether to recap the episodes I watch in the [very easy] parody manner or if I want to deep-dive into all my over-analysis about an unpopular spin-off show about children's card games.
Needless to say, I still haven't made up my mind so have some EFFing ducks because apparently ducks are our noble steeds in the acid trip fever dream that is GX.
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idkmybffjaden · 8 months ago
my boy Jay
this is the smile that lights up my life
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i’ve been on a gx roll recently. love is winning
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idkmybffjaden · 6 months ago
man, today's one of those days where i just want to write some damn porn
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idkmybffjaden · 8 months ago
y'all i'm so invested in tealshipping rn it's like all i can think about
how did i get down this rabbit hole??
srsly tho anyone interested in rp should hit me up. jewelshipping is the second stupid ship on my mind lol
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