#idk why but i thought that was the most appropriate thing to put for him running way in tiny
babycatlix · 2 years
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@momobani​​ !!! yesss you got the reference! i wondered if anyone would get it 😂 “no we just sell lemonade...”
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nonuify · 3 months
ᝰ.ᐟ 🐈‍⬛ — J.WW ; ! soon to be mrs
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nsfw is included ! minors do not interact 18+. old money au ! [ smut, fluff & degrading kink oop- ]. idk why inspired by this song lol ꩜. | wc ; 1.8k.
“ who would’ve thought that you were to be with one of the most wealthiest men on earth? but being the wealthiest sure means being the busiest here you are sitting bored in the classiest bar in paris while being on a business outing with your dear fiancé. ”
if you told yourself four years ago that you are engaged to jeon wonwoo of jeon industries you would’ve laughed your ass off.
but now here you are sitting right beside him.
he had displayed his affection to you by holding your thigh with his veiny hands, his fingers brushing slowly on the delicate surfaces of your skin. but he was also giving more attention to the business man in-front of him and you.
now you would bang your head to the wall of boredom but you must admit that it is refreshingly breathtaking to your ears hearing the man talking business with his elegant french accent but you would’ve loved it more if your dear lover was making love to you in the penthouse owned by him.
but of course here he was not giving the attention that you’ve been needing all these two hours. trying squeezing your thighs together to relive some friction but eventually becoming a failed attempt the reason being your fiancé, giving you a blank stare for a moment meaning to warn you but you didn’t give a flying shit anymore you just wanted to get your brains fucked out.
a low sigh escaping your lips from clear frustration following a roll from your eyes which caused the french man to speak up “mademoiselle it must be tiring for being a wife of such a busy man” a chuckle out his lips while taking a sip from his martini, a giggle also left your lips with a response “well if I may say yes it is tiring but wonu always makes it up to me” a wink flew to wonwoo making him smile.
“by making up I’m sure you mean hurting his credit card” a hearty laugh from the client.
“well no, but the answer well… let’s just say it isn’t appropriate for a business scene like this” a smirk forming on your lips, enjoying every moment of this, but as your eyes shifted to your lover you couldn’t say the same, his eyes widened as he almost choked from his alcoholic drink from the words the graced your mouth.
but smoothly saved the awkward silence by saying “I think my darling angel here has had too many drinks” he chuckled but did not mean he found it funny one bit.
instead he was frustrated maybe even abit jealous if he may add he knew that bastard of a client was flushed when y/n said that, not to mention he dared to check his fiancé out too many times for his liking.
“well.. it was nice meeting you mr.aucalir but i think i need to take care of y/n here” he said putting a hand around your shoulder, signaling for you to get up from the comfy space of the chairs you were both sitting in. “ it was a pleasure having a drink with you mr.jeon & certainly a delight to have known soon to be mrs.jeon here” he said kissing you hand while you giggled away also went afar from the business man you just chatted with, coming close to wonwoo’s black porsche 718 spyder RS, his looks weren’t the only thing that was breathtaking but also his taste in cars.
the feeling of the seats leather warmed your skin but once you sat done his hand also warmed the flesh of your thigh once again but this time he gripped it tight, you knew you were in for a ride once you got home.
“wonwon you know i was joking my love?” batting your eye lashes at the male who was driving the car, but unsurprisingly you were meant by silence from him but the car sped faster, wonwoo knew your bratty little tricks and he wasn’t gonna give you what you desperately wanted easily.
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after of what seemed like a decade of a car ride you finally stepped into the penthouse you guys had lived into for a short-period stay in paris, the simple yet sophisticated well decor gave the housing unit a warm yet elegant vibe, you’re admiration for the designing of the penthouse was cut short when your fiancé pinned your arms above your pretty little head to the wall leaving no space between your bodies, he wasn’t touching you thoroughly yet your panties soaked when he did the simple movement “nonu I didn’t mean to word it out like that I swear it was only for fun” you pouted, knees weakened as he stared into your pretty trapped hands around his & saw the big diamond rock around your finger, memories flowed when he asked to be his forever, then moved his beautiful orbed eyes and looked at yours with so much lust yet so much love.
“I think it’s about time you shut your dirty little mouth for me how about that doll?” he spoke as he left his lips dangerously close to yours eventually kissing you passionately.
his hands moved letting yours freed but went to your hips grabbing them, you wrapped your legs quickly around his waist, knowing this session was heading to the bedroom you slept in.
your roberto cavalli dress you’d previously had worn was now on the floor as you were on the bed, back on the silk mattress & now wonwoo was on top of you, taking off your classic black little thong a wet spot was felt by his hands causing him to laugh “dumb baby gets wet by anything don’t you?” throwing you a smug smile, “you were the one who-“ you get cut off, your own panties gagging you “that motherfucker” you thought as now you can’t do nothing but whine against the thong that was in your mouth.
“didn’t I tell you it’s time to you shut your mouth angel?” kissing your neck leaving purplish-redish marks against it, you knew he loved marking you, it was a way he would prove to the world you were his and his only.
you would be lying if you said that didn’t make you even more wet, whining & moaning louder as your lover moved from your neck to quickly ripping your black bralette that obviously matched your thong.
he groped one of your breasts in one hand with the other he bit & roughly kissed it.
he knew how sensitive your nipples were and oh boy you were in for a very long night, with each kiss the rougher on your poor nub, “mm those boobs were made for me weren’t they angel” he smiled against one of them as you would only moan loudly enjoying every bit of this moment, wonwoo the moved down to your wet sex, hot breathes against it.
kissing your inner thighs first then eventually after more teasing he sucked on your clit , your hands never moved faster down to his hair at that second, his eyes on yours as he licked & kissed away down there, you could only watch and was helplessly gagged by the panties as even your moans were painfully to let out by that you knew if it made you uncomfy he would remove it in a matter of moments.
but luckily you liked it no. loved it deep down you both know you were a little masochist.
“aww my dumb girl is struggling” he faked a pout then went back to tongue fucking your hole, stretching your tight little cunt out until a knot formed in your stomach feeling an orgasm coming, whining loudly as you tugged on his hair more harder, rolling your eyes you finally you came on his face.
panting heavily till you calmed down a little. momentarily after that he took the panties from your mouth & threw it somewhere around the dark natured bedroom, you begged him “please please nonu please fuck me I promise I’ll be a good girl “ as tears formed falling from your eyes, giving him the best puppy eyes ever “but I let you came no?” disappointed as you began to cry more, thinking of an idea of letting him into fucking you, you got on all fours pressing your ass on his clear raging boner “such a pathetic cocksleeve” but he smiled at how desperately you wanted him he found it cute even.
you heard his belt being taken off, you couldn’t be happier after hearing that you could scream you were getting what you wanted all night long “t-thank you s-so much nonu!!” how cute his cute little angel “always so polite when I give you my cock, I guess you are my good girl” he chuckled kneading the flesh of your ass then spanking each side of your cheeks loving the sight of it jiggling.
teasing you, sliding his dick against your folds, you whined pushing backwards to hope you would get him inside of you quickly, but he answers by grabbing your head and pushing down on the mattress with one hand and pushing his cock in your tight hole with the other.
make-up that took hours for you to finish was totally ruined.
your knuckles turned white from how you gripped at the mattress “w-wonnwon!!” moaning loudly feeling as he stretched you out completely by his big cock, “fuck a-always so fuckin’ tight f’me” he groaned thrusting slowly for you to adjust to his size then picking up the pace, skin slapping & lewd noises was filled with in the room.
“mm fuck this cunt was made f’me isn’t it princess, m’gonna wife you up ” you only muffled a mm! yeah! loudly as a response, too fucked out to respond correctly.
“gonna cum with me angel?” his thrusts sped up feeling his high he moaned and said again “cmon baby come with me s-shit” both moaning in unison riding your high together till he came & you squirted out on his cock.
loving the feeling of his warm seed in you, you whined after he pulled out and lied down on the bed with you “fuck that was really hot baby, squirting all for me” he pushed the hair out your face and leaves kisses all over your face, saying precious compliments on how you did good for him, “mm love you nonu” you hugged him lying with him soon into going into the world slumber “love you more angel” he smiled pulling you close to him.
the tingling thought of tomorrow & the day after & after because what was awaiting is the best life you could wish for as long as it’s with jeon wonwoo.
! 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ this is so bad I’m so sorry- but thank you for reading >ᴗ< !!
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hoodie-buck · 4 months
you've got game
—idk this silly idea came to me after last nights ep and i just blacked out and wrote whatever this is <33
words: 1.1k | rated: g | read on ao3
They’d been lying there for about ten minutes with nothing said between them. Buck had asked Eddie about Chris and the letter, listening to Eddie work his thoughts out, offering commentary when needed.
The conversation with Chris had devastated both of them, but especially Eddie. With Chris getting older, the difficult questions kept coming. They were both finding them harder to answer.
For the time being, Eddie had settled with the fact that Buck had talked Chris through it and that Chris had eventually read the letter and put the picture of his mom back up. It was a start.
It was a serious matter, one Buck knew Chris wasn’t going to be “over” with a single letter, but it helped; for now.
Even so, Buck couldn’t help the silly little thought that kept creeping in the back of his mind. He let out a little laugh for it, quickly trying to cover it with a cough. Eddie didn’t buy it.
“Care to share?”
Buck cleared his throat as he turned to lay on his back. Eddie laid on his side next to him, facing Buck.
“Nothing. It’s uh, it’s dumb. And probably not uh, not appropriate right now.”
Buck knew if he turned toward Eddie he’d find his boyfriend directing a raised brow his direction. And so, Buck avoided it, turning back onto his side and away from Eddie. Still, Eddie wasn’t having it.
Eddie snuggled up behind him, snaking his arms around Buck as he pulled him in close, nuzzling into him.
“Inappropriate thoughts have never stopped you from sharing before.”
Buck snorted as Eddie squeezed him tighter.
Buck tapped his fingers over Eddie’s, stalling.
“Well it was just, I was kind of—proud.”
“Of what, that I didn’t have a panic attack about the whole thing?”
Buck smiled as he brought one of Eddie’s hands up to pepper kisses over. “Well yes that, but I was thinking more that ya know…our son has game.”
A groan fell out of Eddie and he was turning away and abandoning Buck in an instant. Buck rolled to face Eddie, propping his head up on his arm.
“C’mon babe, he has five different girls going after him? I’m just saying; that’s pretty impressive.”
“You’re insufferable.”
Buck pushed into Eddie’s space, nosing into him.
“I mean, I’m just saying…we know he doesn’t get that from you.”
A playful yet warning pinch came to his side, Buck yelping a little for it as he pushed further into Eddie’s space. He made the smart decision not to say anything further.
Eddie’s arm reached out, his fingers landing on Buck’s hip. His hand fit right into place, molding into Buck.
“I got you, didn’t I?”
Buck was grateful the room was dark enough to hide the flush of his cheeks. Even after all these years, Eddie still had such an effect on him. He hoped that would never change.
Buck slid his hand down to meet Eddie’s and he threaded them together.
“I’m not immune to your charm like the others.”
Eddie snorted. “You just like my ass.”
Buck quickly shifted their positions so he could get his hands on Eddie, practically pulling his boyfriend on top of him. He squeezed Edddie’s ass before kissing him a little filthily.
“Well it is a nice ass. But it’s not why I fell in love with you.”
A smile fell off Eddie’s lips, one he placed to Bucks.
“Then tell me cowboy, what did lure you in?”
Buck preened for the dorky pet name. He brushed his hands up and down Eddie’s arms a little absently as he thought over all the things that made him fall in love with one Eddie Diaz.
“Well, you’re badass under pressure, you let me into your adorable sons life, you always have my back, you’re my best friend, you’re the best dad I know, and you’re probably the most selfless person I’ve met besides my sister. You’re always there when anyone needs you, and adorably afraid of technology. You make me wanna be a better person and you just…well you love me for—me.” Buck squeezed Eddie’s arms before leaning up to kiss him and whispering into him. “And you have a nice ass.”
Eddie rolled his eyes then kissed Buck again, sweet and slow.
“Thank you Buck, for always being there for us. Chris looks up to you; trusts you.” Eddie looked down to him, those browns wide and endearing. “I don’t know what we’d do without you.”
Buck smiled up to him while pulling Eddie closer.
“Good thing you’ll never have to find out.”
Their lips met in the middle, soft yet passionate kisses shared between them. They eventually settled back into each other, Buck on his back with Eddie nestled in close.
“You know,” Eddie started, tapping a finger across Bucks bare chest. “I’m pretty proud of you too.”
“Why’s that?” Buck asked, settling further against Eddie.
“Well, I know how badly you wanted to congratulate our kid for being a total ladies man, but you somehow managed to refrain. I know that must’ve been hard for you.”
Buck sighed as he tossed his head back. “God Eds that was so badass of him! I wasn’t meant to be the un-fun parent.”
Buck pouted while Eddie snickered. Eddie sat up to kiss his pout away, Buck easily accepting it.
“You know, I still have pretty good game.”
Eddie raised his brows. “You think so?”
Buck puffed out his chest a bit. “Oh I know so.”
“Prove it,” Eddie challenged, Buck not backing down.
Buck pulled Eddie back against him, wrapping him up tight as he whispered in his ear, sliding his hand down the expanse of Eddie. “So are you just excited about this talk or is that a—“
“Buck—go to bed.”
Buck totally had game, for the record. Eddie was no fun sometimes.
“You didn’t even let me get to the punchline!”
“That’s because I already know it dork. You use it on me all the time.”
Well, when Buck found something good, he stuck with it. Especially at work when it tended to send a blush across Eddie’s cheeks as Eddie gave him a firm yet bothered warning.
“Fine, but I have more, that I will be wooing you with starting tomorrow.”
Eddie chuckled in his hold. “Can’t wait. But just remember, you already have me. I’m all yours Buck.”
He did love the sound of that.
Buck snuggled in closer, Eddie tilting his head up so their lips could meet.
“And I’m all yours.
Just when Buck was finally settled and on the verge of sleep, Eddie’s voice filled the silence.
“You can use your cheesy lines to pick me up any day.”
Buck smiled into him. “Yea, or you know uh, you could-you could use them on me.”
Why did they need game when they had each other?
tagging squad below; lmk if you wanna be added or removed <3
tags: @loserdiaz @redlightsandicedtea @loveyourownsmiilee @monsterrae1 @buddierights @swiftiebuckleyhan @honestlydarkprincess @barbiediaz @spotsandsocks @justsmilestuffhappens @eddiiediaz @djdangerlove @eddiebabygirldiaz @elvensorceress @jacksadventuresinwriting @stanningsky @wh0re-behavi0r @ronordmann @spaceprincessem @transbuck @disasterbuckdiaz @giddyupbuck @wildlife4life @betty-boom @hippolotamus @thewolvesof1998 @watchyourbuck @underwater-ninja-13 @pirrusstuff @nmcggg @theotherbuckley @louis-tenn @the-gayest-wug @buckley-diaz-rules @muppetbuddie @gamer-kai @blorbodiaz @heartshapedvows @trashbaget @steadfastsaturnsrings @buckbuckgoose @wikiangela @hobbitnarwhal l @shortsighted-owl @pirrusstuff @goldencherrymooon @murder-trio @daffi-990 @greenfairrryy @mattsire
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beenbaanbuun · 6 months
christmas choi jongho thoughts…
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genre: fluffy smut (bullet point form)
words: idk
warnings: loss of virginity, protected sex, christmas celebrations, praise, kissing
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so i fully believe that our boy jongho is a gentleman above everything
i’m talking gives you his jacket, buys you flowers, holds your bag, that sort of thing
so when he finds out you’re a virgin, obviously it’s no problem at all
he’s more than happy to wait until you’re ready because again, he’s a gentleman!
he can make do with his hand for a little while
he really doesn’t mind as long as you’re comfortable
and then like 5 months into your relationship, it’s december!
the relationship might have been relatively new so spending actual christmas together was probably a little intense, but christmas eve?
that was practically christmas day: the prequel
the two of you sit there in your apartment in matching pyjamas, two mugs of hot chocolate sitting half drank on the table and a shitty hallmark film playing in the background
the two of you are illuminated by nothing but the lights on your tree as you snuggle together under the fluffiest blanket you could find
you keep sneaking looks at one another, both of you in awe at how the other looks under the multicoloured lights that shine down upon the two of you
the films only half finished when jongho passes you a gift
you look at him confused but he just shrugged
“the films boring, baby,” he grumbles before gesturing to the pristinely wrapped present in your lap, “she’s going to realise she’s made a mistake and run off back to the country boy who can show her ‘what christmas really means’… boring.”
you giggle at his run down of the plot of every hallmark movie ever
then you unwrap the gift
it’s a necklace. a locket to be specific
you open it to see a picture that he must’ve taken in secret: you cuddled up to him in bed, his lips pressed to your forehead as your cheek lay smushed up against his chest
“it’s nothing much… kind of cheesy now i think about it.”
you shut him up with a kiss before passing over your gifts
you passed them back and forth until all that was left was your final gift
it was silly, and now you were kind of doubting whether the gift was perhaps too silly
you pass it over anyway and bite your lip as he rips into the wrapping paper only to find… a box of condoms?
he looks at you with a raised brow and a smirk on his face
“a box of condoms, hm?”
you blush and nod
“they might come in useful…”
“oh, they might?” he chuckles as he studies the box, “how come?”
“don’t make me say it,” you whine, “i gave you the box to get out of saying it…”
he chuckles because how can you be so cute???
like you’ve just passed him a box of condoms and yet he still wants to giggle and blush and kick his feet because you’re absolutely adorable
so he decides to tease you a little just so he can watch you cutely squirm a little more
“but i don’t know what you mean, baby,” you grins at you and you can’t help but swoon at his pretty smile.
the way to corners of his eyes crinkle as he shows his gums AGDJSGDJSGAMDHSJ
he’s just so pretty and you have to do everything in your power to stop yourself from leaning forward and kissing him right then and there
but you somehow manage to hold back
“please do tell me why exactly you bought me this box of condoms…”
even though his teasing is annoying, you can’t help but giggle along
“choi jongho,” you murmur, “i swear i will take my gift back if you don’t…”
“don’t what?” he smirks
it immediately turns into a pout when you try to take the condoms back
he eventually concedes and stops his teasing
decides that kissing you would be much more appropriate for the time and place
it’s soft and sweet and intoxicating
you chase his lips as he pulls away but he just giggles at you before diving in for more
“jongho,” you whisper as you pull away, “do you want to put your present to good use?”
“absolutely, baby.”
and it’s literally the most magical thing because once again…
strips you of your pyjamas himself, asking before he removes each piece if it’s okay
in fact, he asks before he does anything just to make sure you’re fully comfortable with everything (gentleman…)
holds your hand throughout the whole thing because he needs to make it romantic
peppers small kisses to your face as he pushes in to distract you from the initial stretch
“you’re doing so well,” kiss on the nose, “so perfect for me, aren’t you?” kiss on the forehead, “like you were made for me…” kiss on the lips
and he’s right. the two of you fit so well together and when he starts to rock his hips back and forth, you can’t help but notice how natural it feels when he slots back into place, cock buried deep inside of you
if he’d had prior warning he definitely would’ve busted out the rose petals and the candles
you lying naked on the sofa with the lights of the christmas tree bathing your bare skin felt right, though
when he realises he’s close, he takes one hand out of yours so he can play with your clit
the pout that forms when his hand slips out of yours is quickly replaced by a gasp of pleasure as he steadily pushes you to orgasm
it takes a moment or two for him to find a rhythm that works in getting you to the edge, but once he does, you reach it pretty quickly
he can’t help but tell you how pretty he thinks your moans are
“you sound so beautiful,” he pushes deep inside of you with shaky thighs, “i wish i could listen to you forever.”
and then, once he’s snugly within you, he cums into his condom and flops down on top of you
snuggles you close as you both dip in and out of dreamland
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the-milk-monarch · 7 months
☣︎ Context - I am a dum dum and accidentally wrote a different story for Tyler bc I didn't understand the assignment well, or perhaps that's what you wanted? idk gee I love being autistic /s (from future/in making @yeetusdeefetus ask (Alejandro finished so far 💯))
【 TYLER GETS A CRUSH ON A GUY 】 Summary: After his (ex) girlfriend forgot who he is, Tyler focuses on his boy friend and protects him in a challenge. ☢︎ | masculine reader ☢︎ | Total Drama ☢︎ | Tyler
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Tyler was drawn to you after he gave up on Lindsay, who forgot who he was.
He didn't know why, but he wanted to spent each minute with you.
He assumed it's because you were such a cool bro to hang out with.
And you knew his name!!
You were friends before, but most of the time he wanted to hang out with his (now ex) girlfriend, because she used to bring him so much joy.
But now that she forgot him, his attention focused on you.
One day however he started to think more about his dating life situation.
He wasn't quite sure what he felt, but after initial sadness of Lindsay not recognizing him he felt quite- fine??
He was still very unhappy, don't get him wrong, but he wasn't like- depressed.
That made him think about the possible reason, which made him think about you.
That realization hit him like a train.
He "likes girls!" after all.
As if on cue, you appeared on his radar.
You noticed he was looking kind of upset, but you weren't sure if you should approach.
After some thinking though you decided to finally walk up to him.
Once he noticed you nearing his way, he started acting more fidgety and anxious.
You asked if he's okay, to which he responded with a nervous and obviously trying to be cool "Of- Of course Y/N! Why do you ask??"
You carefully asked if it's because of Lindsay, trying to remain lighthearted and supportive towards him.
He stopped for a moment before responding, trying to find appropriate words.
"…Yeah! I just want my girlfriend to recognize me, you know??" He told you, although his expression changed to a more hesitant one.
You spotted his slightly pink cheeks and him side-eyeing you when you weren't looking.
"B-But I mean- They say there's lots of fish in the sea, eh??" He said, trying to lighten up the mood, in his own goofy way. "I will just search for the fish on land!"
You chuckled at his words that didn't make sense.
"Wait- There must be some odd fish that walk on land, right??" Tyler trailed off a little with his side thoughts about what he just said.
You laughed softly again.
"Well, we all were once fish that walked on land, so- I guess?" You say playfully, amused by your own conclusion.
He seems to be glad that you're not calling him stupid, and even a bit proud of himself.
"Well- In any case- If you don't have anyone to hang out with, feel free to come to me sometime." You put your hand on his shoulder in a friendly and supportive manner, which made Tyler's cheeks hotter.
"Eheh-" He mixed a bashful chuckle with "uhuh".
After that conversation Tyler was all over you in a few days.
It was like impressing Lindsay again, but this time it was you.
He tried to be smooth and low-key while catching your attention, but the whole team (even including you, being slightly suspicious about him) knew that he had a massive crush on you.
"Hey Y/N!" He waved at you once Chris announced that you'd need a partner on your next challenge coming up. "Y/N!! Here! Tyler! Do you wanna pair up?"
You sighed, keeping a defeated smile on your face. This man was killing you, but you enjoyed his silly behavior.
"Sure, Tyler, we can pair up," You approached him, making him let out a victorious and a bit goofy "yeah!".
Chris had made up yet another stupid and possibly dangerous challenge, where Chef would be firing items thru his cannon while you go do an obstacle course.
The cannon was a surprise, as Chris didn't disclose that to you all.
Chef had pointed the thing at you, letting it fire with a loud "boom".
A flying pillow flying at full speed almost hit you, but you managed to swiftly avoid it, letting out a quiet gasp.
Chris and Chef snickered at that.
Tyler noticed that you were in danger, so he quickly ran up to you, jumping in front of second object that was supposed to hit you.
The flying chicken toy and Tyler squeaked at the same time as it hit him.
You were worried something happened to him but he optimistically (albeit a bit in pain) raised his hand in a thumbs up.
Fortunately you both were able to complete the challenge without too many bruises.
Tyler was roughed up a bit, but he didn't wanna complain in front of you.
After you both were somewhere alone, you approached him to thank him for being your "hero".
He blinked at you once, processing the words that came out of your mouth, but after he did, he grinned proudly and a bit flustered.
"Yeah, it was nothing." He said while red on his cheeks matched his outfit.
"How shall I ever repay you?" You asked playfully.
"Oh, um…" He stopped for a moment, deep in thought. You chuckled softly, seeing how preoccupied he was with figuring that out.
You were feeling brave after today, being like 95% sure he was into you, so you decided to be a bit bold.
You kissed him on the cheeks while he was still in the process of figuring out what to respond, making his eyes go wider and his cheeks getting redder.
"Wow-" He muttered with his jaw widened a bit. "Is- Is that enough?" You asked, looking at his face in a bashful amusement.
"Hell yeah!" He grinned widely.
"… Wait- Does that mean I have to repay you for that kiss as well??"
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radiant-reid · 2 years
idk if you ever answered this before but how can you see spencer reacting to finding out his s/o is a single parent and how can you see the first time he meet his s/o’s child going?
You figure it's better to tell him sooner than later, considering it was something you can't change, you wouldn't want to date someone who felt negatively about it, and it is easily the most important thing to you. The last thing you wanted was someone who thought you were going to hell for having premarital sex.
"I suppose I should just put this out there." You start, fidgeting with the tablecloth of the fancy Italian restaurant he insisted on taking you to. You're not sure why you're so nervous, maybe it's because Spencer is the best guy in a long time- maybe ever. "I have a six-year-old daughter."
He doesn't even make a shocked expression, not for a second. "My godson is five. What's her name?"
You swoon at his genuine curiosity because it's a rarity. "Madison. She's a great kid."
"I bet." He replies. "She's got a great mom. What's she into?"
It's your natural reaction to be slightly skeptical of telling someone you've only been out with thrice too much information, but it feels different with Spencer. "Well, she just learned to read so she's really into that." You start, and the conversation keeps going for the rest of the night, from Spencer's childhood to yours, and you're both sharing more than seems appropriate on a third date, but it feels right.
You want to introduce them sooner than later, knowing Madison's approval was paramount. So with enough time for Spencer to prepare and Madison to be prepared, you plan for them to be introduced at a fair. It's low-key but fun and something that'll excite Madison.
You can tell how nervous Spencer is when you clock him in the crowd, just like he was on your first date with his hands shoved into his pockets and shifting his weight on his feet.
You take a deep breath as you near him, hoping it goes well. "Mads, this is my friend Spencer." You introduce them.
"Hi." He says, squatting down so he's at eye level with her. "It's nice to meet you." He says, offering out his hand.
She sizes him up for a moment, scrunching her nose up as she decides on her first impression. Spencer knows all too well how important first impressions are.
In an act that makes you both overjoyed, she shakes his hand. "It's nice to meet you, too." She replies.
The day goes just as well, and by the time you're having fair food, you've been on all the rides and you're carrying a big teddy bear that Spencer won for her.
"Do you have a crush on my mom?" She asks Spencer when you're sitting down to eat.
You freeze, but Spencer's surprisingly calm. "Yeah, I do. Is that okay?"
It doesn't take her long to answer that. "Yeah, but I want a little sister, you know?"
Both of you laugh at that, grateful the other didn't think it was awkward, and he reaches out to hold your hand. "I'll keep that in mind."
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cherryo · 2 years
can i req suggestive hcs of the rise turtles(separate) of how they would react to fem!reader on top of them during fun time suddenly put a hand on their throat and lightly choke them and then suddenly stopping when she realizes she got too lost in the moment?
so with this i kinda did this where the boys are like surprised in a good way and not like scared? if that makes any sense ! i appreciate you requesting and I loved writing this <33
Pairings: Rise!boys x fem!reader (seperate) hc genre: smut? smut HCs wordcount: Pronouns:she/her w/ fem genitalia Warnings: explicit content, swearing, choking, BOYS ARE AGED APPROPRIATELY <333
So you cant exactly “choke” him because well,,, your hands probably wont even reach around his neck 
You end up just putting pressure on his neck? 
He stops, like fully stops his part and youre confused
You realize as he just kind of reaches up and pulls your hands off his neck
You apologize and all he does is smile and says its okay
Tbh i dont think he’d be into it but he wouldnt mind if you were
Was just shocked tbh but was like kind of turned on by your straight forward-ness
You both had an in-depth convo after about what you both like and if the other is okay with it and what not, tried to make it a lesson almost?
He’s so silly, he’d probs admire the fact you thought you could actually choke him and thought it was hot that you got that into it hehe
You could wrap your hands around his neck
Also stopped but as soon as he made eyecontact he laughed, like belly laughed
He thought it was cute and hot 
I feel he’d be into this tbh
Didnt let you apologize because “it was so hot babe! Why would i let you apologize for that?”
I dont think he would want to choke you unless you specifically asked beforehand
Defintietly wants to be choked though teehee
I doubt you’d have an in-depth conversation but he’d ask what else you were into and what you were hiding up your sleeve
Literally the most shocked out of all the boys 
I don’t think he’d stop but would def sit up in shock
Would look at you then like hold your hands together in confusion
Didnt know you were into that but was seriously turned on by it
I  think Donnie would be into it both ways? So being choked and choking you?
He’d def do it if you had a hot reaction to it!!
Idk why but i think donnie would be the experimental one out of them all
Y’all talk about other things to try later on
Holy shit
Just goes wide-eyed
He isn't stopping so he's not going to let you stop
Def an ‘in the moment' type of guy?
Like he wasn't sure what to do but to continue?
He wasn't nervous or scared, just turned on 
You stopped when you realized, apologized, and felt bad but he laughed it off and said it was fine and sorta hot
Yall have an in-depth conversation because yknow, dr. feelings has to make an appearance lol
And the fact he wants to know what else you like
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gagsolineoilrefinery · 2 months
brian headcanons? pretty please
Smiles so big and wide at you yes absolutely I love that little freak
putting under a read more for convenience's sake
- I'm 100% a Bug Brian truther, that man is an insect you can't convince me otherwise, I like to think he can make weird little chittering noises and climbs up walls with his hands and feet for enrichment
- He's trans and has no last name because he didn't care enough to pick a new one so he went with none, acts all mysterious about it because he thinks it makes him look cool
- This man needs glasses so fucking badly but after a litany of "nerd" comments growing up he refuses to wear them, has attempted contacts but cant get them in his eyes for the life of him
- He would genuinely rather die than go to the factory, he does all his needed repairs on himself unless he's forced to (usually by Ben or William)
- He gets along with his co workers in, his own way when he's forced to interact with them. He does not understand how to behave "appropriately" around other people, he's my favorite rude autism icon (he is going to insult your intelligence at any given opportunity with what he sees as good intentions and does not understand why everyone hates him)
- I'm also a Bellthinker truther I think that british man should kiss that bug right on the brain dome and make him so flustered his systems soft reset
- Every time theres a meeting that he's in the second he's at the front of the room the entire mood changes because everybody knows he's gonna have a whole presentation planned thats no less than 1 hour long, and he will yell at you if you try to stand up for any reason
- I like to think living in the heart of toontown (right in the playground no less) definitely has some side effects on him, the silliness is rubbing off on him more than he realizes, most obviously things like his brain exploding comically when he starts baby raging
- Im sorry this man is absolutely a cog reddit user (coggit? idk) you can't change my mind, hes a power mod and proud of it, keeps getting talked to for using it on company time though
- He's very attatched to the Desk Jockeys but absolutely hates to admit it, I like to think its a Dr. Robotnik with Scratch and Grounder type dynamic (thinking especially like that one scene where Robotnik says "I don't even know why I bother to repair you guys, I suppose I'm too sentimental" shit like that)
- With his dynamics with the other toontown central managers, I think he actually feels very guilty about the incident that happened with Buck- but instead feigns a petty hatred for him so nobody will ask him about it and he doesn't have to admit how monumentally he fucked up
- He's on relatively chill terms with William, they're both angry big mouthed autistic people who do not know how to shut up so they mesh pretty well, I think they like to fight eachother to let off steam and then makeup immediately after, Brian isn't too fond of the whole oil leakage problem thing though because it makes a mess of his basement but he doesn't exactly hold it against him since he knows he can't help it
- When he can spare the time he loves poking around in the systems of his co workers just to see how they operate out of morbid curiosity and to see how he can make the jockeys more efficient, he's on that medic tf2 shit, not many of them let him do it though (understandably so)
- Probably went to whatever the cog equivalent of medical school was but lost his medical license after The Buck Incident™️
(And I think thats probably good for now because I am dangerously treading the line of infofumping about my AU sorry I have so many thoughts about this creature)
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coulrology · 3 months
hiiiiiiiiiiii ^w^ *falls to the ground and blacks out*
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(uhhh idk how much of this is actually right or if its just me being balls off the walls crazy i. um. i just have alot on my mind right meow 🐈‍⬛)
SHAKING YOUR HAND LIKE CRAZY daughter. You have done it once again 🤝 Okay gonna ramble below bc ofc I have to 👇👇💥💥💥
I'm actually really surprised you caught that sorta transition from peachick -> peahen -> peacock because I made it so low-key! It would have been more obvious if they had brown in their color scheme, but with his natural hair color and original connection to bard magic, I thought that maybe those maroons would still read the same way, so I'm glad that that still came across
The pre-coven head design was inspired by typical stage magician costumes so yes!! It gives off more obvious ✨performer✨ vibes! Felt very appropriate since so much of real life "magic" is actually just illusions
And of course, at the peak of their career, Juniper's colors and "feathers" stand out much more, but that performer side is stripped away from them. Now, it's more professional. Much more covered up compared to his previous design, which was the most they've opened themself up (at least at this point in time). Juniper quite literally has eyes everywhere, and now he acts as Belos' eyes, so he needs to hide this fact. Can't afford other people knowing how much blood they have on their hands, they've got an image to maintain.
As for the specific butterfly I like to use for Juniper - the eyed/blue pansy (Junonia orithya) !
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That of course carried over to their timeskip design. Darker colors to signify their age as you mentioned. Something I don't think I've touched upon yet is the whole eye thing and clothes. From a practical standpoint, covering your eyes with tight fabric is bound to be uncomfortable!! So that's why in his pre-coven and ex-coven head designs, they have looser sleeves for comfort - at these stages in life they are much more free. Those periods where he wore tighter sleeves are times when he was trying to keep a certain image for himself, no matter how uncomfortable it may have been - all the blood, sweat, and tears to earn their name, the shit he puts himself through with Belos, and trying so hard to earn his parent's approval as a kid. It's uncomfortable, but hey, it's worth it, right? Now that the sleeves are completely off, he's finally free. Juniper can finally breathe
All of that said though, there is one exception ! (not shown in that cheap lil timeline)
Haven't updated their hair here so it's still the previous design, just ignore that
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Juniper's timeskip outfit for formal events! It is also the only other design where they cover their hands, but for good reason!! All of the Cranes wear their signature fingerless gloves, and since Juniper is an honorary Crane, they get them too 🫶
And though his casual timeskip design is more focused on the butterfly motif, the peacock side of him was not completely dropped! It is more connected to their past self and their theatrical side, hence why it's not really present in his casual outfit. Although they no longer have their blues, he instead dons Pearl's colors as a way to remember her 🤍 And of all the designs, this is the one with the longest "train"! Juniper's changed a lot, but they're finally content with their life and proud of who they are, and have the feathers to show it :)
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heybaetae · 6 months
There were a few parasocial relationship discussions in the past week on reddit and someone brought up Jungkook almost every time as someone who leans more into the parasocial relationship with his fans - or enables it, I'm not sure how to word it properly. And it made me a little confused because to me, it doesn't seem like he does it? Or maybe I'm not that delulu to think that what he's doing Is indeed parasocial sometimes, or I don't fully understand what counts as parasocial with an idol. So I wanted to ask: do you think that he's leaning a bit into it?
If I remember correctly they brought up him calling the fans as his girlfriend(s) - I honestly just took that as a joke but Idk? - and him folding his underwear on camera - again very confusing to me because why is that parasocial? - and him sleeping on camera - well okay I can see why This counts as parasocial, but the others?
Sure, compared to idols who only do the necessary fanservice and rarely interact with fans he really does a lot more, like he had a million lives this year alone and he shared his recipes with us and gifted songs and etc. but I still don't know. Is it really more parasocial than it should be and I'm just simply not noticing it? 😅
i think his dynamic with the fandom is appropriately parasocial enough without it becoming overly codependent even though some would probably argue that it might feel that way from time to time. he's expressed that the fandom can't be excluded from his life and i believe he really feels that way since ARMY have been a constant in his life for a decade from such a young age and that's a big factor into why it's so strongly important to him.
i think he leaned into it way more than ever this year on purpose because he knew there'd be a temporary pause eventually and he wanted to make the most of his spare time with us in a less stress-inducing way while being in full control of it. consider how rare that's been in his long career, everything from your fanmeets/concerts to your scheduled livestreams at the company building being orchestrated and planned out for you. him deciding to say "fuck it i wanna chat with fans whenever i feel like it" and kickstarting the habit of going live from home without telling anyone at work first and letting it become a regular thing was a conscious decision he likely put thought into after he got away with it the first couple times. i'm not implying he didn't have control of that before, but there was always an obvious protocol to follow for safety reasons, which is understandable, but he wanted to take the risk and so he did. other members would later follow that example too.
i think sometimes people misunderstood him or purposely misconstrued his words on those lives, especially his jokes or his way of expressing his thoughts/feelings to fit their own narrative or image of him. people want him to fit the mold they've created in their heads of him, so no matter how often he came live and was vulnerable and honest with us, people still looked for ways and reasons to dictate what he did, how he felt, how he meant something differently from what he said when he couldn't have been more clear, etc.
i can't make you see something differently from how you already do. i don't love the term "delulu" in this sort of context because like you said, a lot of the normal things he let us see on his lives were normal every-day chores and not everyone is going to consider it very parasocial to have seen it, but how often do you hear of idols letting their fans in that much? hardly ever. it was fun for both parties because it was unexpected and sometimes spontaneous (like sleeping/cooking/exercising) and he felt comfortable enough to do certain things with an audience. we're talking about someone who'd been mostly ghost online for like two years. someone who has a history of being very shy. it meant a lot to fans to see him come out of his shell and grow even more comfortable with us, even if it sometimes put him in some unsafe situations because unfortunately, there are some really scary people out there. idk where the parasocial quota is, so i can't say what it "should be" but i can tell you i've never seen any famous person engage with their fans in as pure of a way as he did this year.
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Thank you for that post about To. and I am so sorry about everything. This was so well put together and not throwing around straight insults in each sentence. I see both sides throwing around hate without even explaining their sides of why they're sticking up for him or why they're mad. I was also one of the people giving him a chance to come back and apologize, people say stuff in the moment all the time and I felt like he deserved that chance. But, then he just left.
At first I thought his post was okay, I understand not getting neopronouns, not liking the idea of people showing too much at pride parades, or people under 18 getting surgery. Those are things I could understand but when the n*zi and racism down play happened? I was in shock and upset. Still, I wanted to at least give him a chance to comeback fresh and see if he would apologize... but he left.
If I'm being honest. Both sides weren't handled at all properly and you guys who explain it make it so much better to understand then others just writing it off as hate, telling people to kys, or getting called cis and not trans, which I am, as an insult. Everyone is still upset so I'm letting it go but I will stand by what I said and if that gets me hated just for giving him a chance or not supporting either side than that's okay. Thank you again for your amazing post and I hope you have a wonderful day.
TW: I’ll be detailing some of my experiences subtly and trying not to go into full detail.
Hi there. I don’t know who you are, but thank you for reaching out.
There’s a lot I want to say on Tom’s views, but many people have done that for me with their own time and energy and I appreciate them. I’m going to use this space to come out and say that I use neopronouns now in light of the situation. You’re allowed to use he/him, they, them, and fae/faer/faers when talking about me. I’ve been wanting to use these pronouns since first learning about them back in…idk…2014(?), but….I’m Black and of indigenous heritage, it’s hard enough being nonbinary on top of everything.
I highly suggest taking courses in gender and sociology, it was one of the most informative and open spaces for discussing gender, gender expressions, and touches on intersectionality within the Black community and being Queer during my college years as someone who was told that if I entered those spaces that I’d be molested…despite that happening more in the spaces I shared with cis/straight people .
I will echo what a lot of people have said and what I know from my own personal research as a trans person in an unsupportive family and as someone whose partner’s adopted little brother is going through: Children don’t go through gender affirming surgeries. In some cases, a 16 year old can with expressed consent from a therapist, their parents, and themselves. And honestly? It’s no one’s business. Out side of that, most children are placed on hormone blockers until they’re over 18 and able to take the right hormone replacements to experience puberty properly and develop what they need to before surgeries are viable.
On the topic of pride, in my experience in both small communities and going to San Francisco pride, there are safe spaces for children. Parades usually have an itinerary that parents can look at and guide their children appropriately. I am 100% on the side that human bodies aren’t inherently sexual as a demisexual person. It’s on the parents to PARENT their children appropriately, not complete strangers just trying to exist and feel good about themselves for ONCE instead of being afraid of hatred, death….so much…it’s so fucking much…
That being said….yes, I wanted to give him space. I really wanted to give him a chance to do better, but he’s going to have to do a lot more now before I forgive him or accept an apology and actually move on and want to engage with his content again. I just want people to really sit and conceptualize the situation and just how much people are hurting. And if I have to be that voice, then I will be. Please bare with me. 🙏🏽
Again….no harassment towards anyone. You’re allowed to realize your mistakes and apologize, but there’s work you need to do to make it stick.
Edit: Also, people are allowed to be upset, but there’s a line when you send death threats. I AM, however, in the sentiment that the only good N*zi is a dead one. Half of my family didn’t flee to America for no reason- if they weren’t already fighting against them. Those are harsh words, but it’s my truth seeing the PAIN it’s caused my family first hand. I wouldn’t ever wish that on anyone, but you are NOT in good standing with me if you support any form of N*zism.
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f0point5 · 9 months
I think the reason why y/n feels the need to keep Elliott around and subsequently, keep him away from her F1 life, is because that’s not really hers in a way? So much of her is intertwined with Max and his life and his friends that she doesn’t seem to have friends that are just hers — even clara is a mutual friend who has connections to max.
Idk, I just think that she needs some time away from Max to find herself and who she is without him. On the extreme end, I’d say she should move out, but on the less harsh side, she needs a no-Max vacation like nothing HIM related at all.
I genuinely think that’s the only way a relationship between them could ever be healthy— if she finds who she is outside of THEM
Okay so, if I’d had a whole season to do this fic, I’d have dived more into this, but I didn’t and we’re getting to crunch time so this will never really be explored in depth so I’m just gonna put my thoughts here.
I get what you’re saying, but I disagree in some ways.
I think the way you see it is definitely partly how Y/N sees it on her worst days, and how a lot of the internet community sees it which is why they go so hard on her for “hanging off” Max. Like, they think it’s his world that she just appropriated. And yes in some ways she did eg her close friendship with Lando, but in most ways she didn’t. She’s known Toto longer than Max, she’s known Mick and Lance independently of Max, she was friends with Daniel before she was friends with Max. She was friends with Clara before Clara even knew she and Max had met. She knew Charles peripherally through her teen years. I don’t think that because that is Max’s job for which he gets the public plaudits that she’s necessarily a hanger on in the paddock or that it’s “his” life that she’s just with him for and that it’s not hers. She probably feels like that, on those imposter syndrome days she thinks “is my whole life just gifted to me because of Max” but it’s not true, her relationships are genuine and if she stopped being friends with Max, it’s not like those people would stop being her friends.
By the same token I don’t think she doesn’t have a personality without Max. I think Max in a way has become like ice on a burn for her, he’s stitched up a lot of wounds that were open, having to do with her childhood, and her regrets, etc. and it’s the same for him. Her unconditional support and faith in him, and having a home with her has been important to him, especially when branching away from Jos. Whether that’s a good thing or not, one can debate. But I don’t agree that she doesn’t know who she is without him.
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cray-cray-anime · 11 months
How do you feel about the new voice actors for Camp Camp?
I...Really don't like them. Like Gwen, I don't know why the voice actor left, I know they say that the three got replaced for representation, but replacing Gwen makes LITERALLY NO SENSE since she's not even going to be in the new season!
And then for Max, I get it, again representation, but he's already such a character. Plus, Micheal still works for Rooster Teeth, so I feel like it would have worked better if he had at least done this episode, and THEN got replaced for the next season if they really had to, and they could say he went through puberty or something.
Nerris I can't really tell because she hardly spoke, but another issue I have with Gwen and Max's voice actors is that they sound like robots. It's like this is their first jobs voice acting.
I think for Max it's almost definitely because the new voice actor is TRYING to sound like Micheal, like really trying.....I don't think it's working.
Tldr I don't think the VAs are necessarily bad and can be judged completely soley on this episode. Max new VA could do really well if he talked faster and tried less sounding just like Michael. Gwen sometimes sounds too nice and monotonous and sometimes nails annoyed and tired w shit gwen. Nerris sound definitely different but not bad when not scratchy. Recasting for representation reason is understandable but it threw everyone off w new voices after 4 seasons of getting used to these characters.
Edit: adding the video cos its crazy how it improved max talking at ×1.25 speed
Hmmm well first I always think most important thing of a VA is being able to be expressive as the character. And then ofc there's if you look at that character you think this VA goes well w it.
Tho think especially hard to get used to the new VA when we've heard them for 4 whole seasons. Also i think this episode writing was also kinda awkward w the way the characters speaking or not expect the characters to say. Like for max
"Excuse me! Another betrayal"
"Hear that, they love it. What would they do without us"
Actually someone mentioned max is talking too slow which makes it sound more off just like w that last quote.
You know putting max at faster speed at ×1.25 he sounds good like in alot of them! I'm wondering if they slowed him down or the VA really did talk slowly; so weird (I'm not over it)
Even went back for gwen on some parts and she could also talk a lil faster to sound better.
I think for max you are in somewhat right he's trying hard to sound like max, but i think emotion wise he does have potential if he just well wasn't trying hard to mimic "usual max". You can hear it especially when max annoyed like
"Nothing, I'm having a great time"
"Neil what did she just tell you to do"
"You have no idea how depressing that is do you. Don't worry kid you'll be happy at some point"
So i think as you said if the new VA just stops trying hard to mimic Michel (probably as you said excuse w puberty) I think he'll turn out well. (And if he talked faster lol)
For gwen oddly enough tho slightly different I don't think the va necessarily bad, I think in part it's the volume, like idk her volume is oddly consistent; I want her to be louder when she's pissed lol. I'm going back and someone mentioned she's sounds "too nice" and i think ye it doesn't sound in character sometimes in the episode.
Tho if she's not coming back it is odd to recast (unless it's a trick and she is coming back lol).
Tho yes it would make sense to at least keep the old va before kicking the new season but then thinking irl it's been years and who knows what they doing.
The only reason we can see is they change for representation and not to appropriate. Alot of conterversy around this, but personally I think the VA should match w characters ethnicity. Tho it can be alot harder to do like here where you already had the va for awhile and just now changing since now expected to sound the same.
As for nerris going back she sounds soooo different. She only talked twice.
One when the trio sat w her and dolph: different but not bad. Tho not typical "nerdy/dorky" voice.
And when everyone made fun of david: that i think was trying to mimic nerris "nerdy" (?) voice which made it sound off.
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haroldtea · 1 year
For the fic title ask game: leading threats
ok first off, apologies for such a late response. i had a hard time coming up w something for this one! and then i got completely carried away. hope you enjoy!
it’s an au where the war ended early and everyone’s aged up a bit. sokka is the highest ranking representative of the SWT other than hakoda and he goes on a diplomatic mission w yue and arnook to the fire nation where they are to meet with fire lord iroh and work out something fairly innocuous like naval trade routes.
the reason they’re having a fancy in-person summit for something innocuous is because it’s been awhile since leaders of the water tribe met w that of the fire nation and it just looks better diplomatically to have personal meetings like this from time to time. although the war ended early and there is peace, the nations do not necessarily feel the warm n fuzzies about each other yet. they decide on the fire nation rather than one of the tribes because the dates they agreed upon coincide with a fire nation holiday the fire lord can’t miss - and the holiday gives the opportunity for a public appearance of the two nations’ leaders together.
sokka has never actually been to the fn before and it’s not like he’s heard the most amazing things about it back home, but he’s gonna be with yue, and katara and aang are going to meet up with them in time for the holiday after aang is finished with his pre-planned visit with the earth king. he’s there as a representative of the SWT, yes, but this visit is mainly business between the NWT and the fire nation (cuz of where the waters they’re discussing are, idk) so he’s essentially just here to keep up appearances, and to offer his input when needed, which is why hakoda felt it appropriate to send him in his stead. so… some political stuff, but this is mostly just going to be a vacation for him. (there probably already is some kind of au like this out there tbf)
they arrive and are welcomed by fire lord iroh and his family. son and crown prince lu ten, as well as iroh’s brother prince ozai and his wife and children. the overall first impressions are…colorful…but iroh receives them warmly and lu ten seems cool enough for a crown prince.
they’re not to start negotiations until the next day, so iroh tasks his nephew zuko with giving yue and sokka a tour of the palace. he thinks it’s a wonderful idea because zuko is around the same age as yue and sokka, but it becomes apparent very quickly that tour-guiding is not one of zuko’s strengths (although sokka wagers he’d still rather have him as the tour guide than his sister azula, who clearly did not have the warm and fuzzies for any of them). he tries to make jokes in such a dry tone that yue and sokka can’t tell that they’re jokes. he’s prickly when sokka offers his own sarcastic commentary and then when he realizes sokka was being just that, sarcastic, tries to make up for it by overcompensating with another terribly timed joke.
he relaxes a little when yue starts to ask light, but thoughtful questions that get thoughtful answers out of him. they have being royal children in common and find out they share a distaste for the same things that come with the title. by the end of the tour, he’s wearing an easy smile as he asks some palace staff to see yue and sokka to their rooms to rest before dinner.
sokka does not retain much from the tour (seriously, there’s only so many times one can say “and this room is the ___” with no other details as the 3 of you just stare into an empty room before moving on) other than being totally smitten with zuko.
yue clocks this immediately and sneakily arranges them to sit together at dinner. and by “arranges” i mean “pretends the cushion on her seat is too soft for her liking and asks sokka to switch seats with her loud enough that sokka can’t refuse without everyone noticing and thinking he’s being rude to the princess, which puts him right next to zuko.” the cushion is fine. what does “too soft” even mean? he grumbles as much to himself, which zuko overhears and lets out a surprised little laugh at, and that interests sokka much more than the cushion. “you know, i’m something of a prince myself back home…”
they continue to talk and laugh throughout dinner, zuko having relaxed that much more since the Tour That Shall Not Be Named, and later sokka feels eyes burning into the side of his head. he turns, expecting to catch yue being not subtle at all, but instead finds prince ozai, zuko’s dad, leering at him from down the other end of the table. sokka assumes that he’ll glance away once he knows he’s been caught, but ozai’s eyes just grow darker as he holds his stare.
unnerved, sokka turns his attention back towards zuko, who doesn’t seem to have noticed the interaction as he continues telling sokka about something called the ember island players while he pokes at his food. (i do think zuko is burned before this but i can’t think of a way to have that be true and have iroh be fire lord without ozai being dead or banished so… just let that be a plot hole in this fake fic. maybe it happened while azulon was still alive so iroh couldn’t do anything about it at the time. sure idk)
the negotiations begin the next day and sokka sits dutifully at yue’s side during the meetings, but zuko’s there too sitting next to lu ten and they quite literally can’t stop glancing at each other with furtive smiles, so much so that lu ten even elbows zuko to get him to pay attention. yue hides a laugh in her sleeve and disguises it as a cough.
they break for the day and zuko sidles up to sokka on their way out and asks if he’d like to see the palace gardens, which he didn’t get the chance to show him and yue yesterday. yue’s already gone off somewhere with arnook and iroh, and although sokka reallyyyyyy doesn’t want to relive any more of Zuko the Tour Guide, he won’t pass up the chance to spend time with zuko one on one. it ends up not exactly being one on one, and not really a tour either, as they end up at the turtleduck pond and find zuko’s mother already there. they spend some time with her, ursa teaching sokka how to get a turtleduck to come to him (a work in progress) and then lending him a scroll of old fire nation poems he might like. eventually zuko invites sokka back to his quarters for tea and they leave the pond.
finally alone, sokka thinks to himself when they reach zuko’s rooms. zuko brews them some tea, making small talk about how his uncle taught him the best way how, and pours some for sokka and then himself before sitting down at the table.
they sip their tea for a little while, chatting aimlessly, and sokka tries to act cool and collected while feeling anything but. eventually there’s a pause, and zuko gently places his teacup down and says, casually, “i actually don’t really like tea.”
sokka’s heart rate picks up as he places his own teacup down and says, “me neither.”
their eyes meet, another pause, and then the two of them scramble out of their seats to create their own meaning of diplomatic relations rather enthusiastically.
the week continues on like this, daytime political negotiations followed by a deeply satisfying rendezvous in whatever secret corner of the palace zuko brings him to next. or one of their rooms. beds are usually a good fallback. sokka is very much enjoying his first visit to the fire nation. he will absolutely be recommending it on trip advisor.
the vibes from ozai get increasingly whack, though, as the days pass. there’s a tension coming from his end of the table at dinner every night that only sokka seems to notice, although he does catch zuko minutely shrinking under his gaze once or twice. he’s not going to ask zuko about his dad issues, but something tells him there’s something bigger going on with ozai.
so in between his meetings of the political kind and his meetings of the… carnal kind, sokka snoops.
this is where the “leading threats” part comes in (finally, you’re thinking). sokka finds out in ways i do not feel like figuring out or describing that ozai is planning a coup to overthrow both iroh and lu ten so he can take over. he’s planning on using the visit from the water tribe officials as a cover — he plans to frame iroh and lu ten’s deaths as murders by the water tribe, then kill the water tribe officials themselves so they can’t clear their names. not only will this get ozai to the throne, it’ll give him a clear cut motive to restart the war that his brother ended.
sokka also discovers that ozai is not acting alone — he’s roped azula into masterminding much of the logistics of the coup, but also he’s coerced ursa into being involved with the actual murders (she poisoned azulon in canon right? or something? whatever it is, ozai is having her do that to iroh and lu ten) under threat of zuko’s death.
so yeah, sokka’s secret boyfriend does not have a chill family.
i think sokka would not immediately tell zuko (or anyone else) because 1) he doesn’t want to risk the consequences of being wrong and 2) he’s not sure if he 100% trusts that zuko isn’t also involved, even if it is coercion like ursa. not wanting to risk the consequences of being wrong is also why he doesn’t alert the rest of the water tribe or iroh & lu ten. this is a hugely serious accusation against ozai and by association, the fire nation, and if sokka’s wrong the diplomatic fallout would be catastrophic. beyond repair.
so he decides to try and usurp ozai himself and catch him red-handed. it does not go well. he’s quickly apprehended by azula and ends up becoming ozai’s hostage. ozai probably says some mean shit about zuko and their relationship. i think it’d be really evil if he told sokka that he’s gonna kill him and make it look like zuko did it. etc. (this would also confirm for sokka that zuko is definitely not involved)
not sure exactly how we get from point a to point b but i imagine sokka either finds a creative way to escape and alerts the others, and/or this is when aang and katara arrive and aang swoops in and takes care of business (this is, let’s say, the day before the holiday i mentioned), and/or ozai is intercepted by zuko, lu ten, and iroh because sokka is not as subtle as he thinks (the bar is low, okay? his best friend is yue) and zuko picked up on something being off. maybe it’s a big fight scene combining all of these things. let your imagination run wild!
“dude, your family is kinda…” sokka would shout to zuko while they’re fighting side by side (idk i imagine ozai has some other buff lackeys working for him too, guards he turned to his side, what have you).
“yeah, i know,” zuko would respond sheepishly.
“it’s okay, i still think you’re hot!” sokka would reassure him.
it ends with ozai being imprisoned. i think because this coup was a more short-term plan than ozai’s whole plot in canon, his claws aren’t sunk so deep into azula that she has the same mental break that she has in canon. i say she and ursa are sent to ember island for awhile on “house arrest” as like, diet banishment. not full banishment. azula is a child and ursa was clearly under extreme duress and truly believed ozai would kill zuko if she did not comply (he would have). azula and ursa can work on their shit while they’re away.
the next day is the fire nation holiday, and the royals & officials make a lovely public appearance as iroh formally begins the festivities. the trade negotiations are settled, so all there’s left to do is party. aang, katara, sokka, yue and zuko hang out around the festival, checking out performances and trying new foods.
eventually zuko pulls sokka away from the rest of the group and they hide behind a larger tent. “you know, i don’t actually care if people know. i just figured it wasn’t the best thing to advertise during the, y’know. diplomacy stuff,” sokka says, taking zuko’s hands.
“me too,” zuko replies. “but also, it’s kinda fun?”
“definitely,” sokka agrees and then pulls zuko into a kiss.
later (much later), sokka and zuko are meandering through the festival stalls, swinging their clasped hands between them, when zuko sees a stall selling messenger hawks. “do they receive mail in the southern water tribe?” he jokes, reaching up to stroke under the chin of the closest hawk.
“you know, i’ll have to get back to you on that one,” sokka says, rubbing his chin and pretending to look unsure. zuko elbows him. “you’d better write me. i know where you live, you know,” sokka adds.
“and you’d better write back. i don’t know where you live, but i’m told i’m pretty good at tracking.”
“tempting,” sokka hums. “that would be one way to get you down to the southern water tribe, i guess.”
“you know, my uncle has mentioned recently that i should probably do more traveling. get to know more about the other nations so i can help lu ten when he’s fire lord,” zuko says casually as they pass by another stall.
“he has, huh?” sokka tugs zuko into his side.
zuko smiles. “yep.”
“he has a point. international diplomacy is invaluable. just ask aang.”
“right,” zuko says, staring at sokka’s mouth. “international diplomacy.”
sokka thinks he says something like mhmm or uh huh in response but he quickly loses track of anything that isn’t zuko kissing him, so he lets it go.
the next day, zuko grabs a sheet of paper and goes to his desk with a fresh well of ink before sokka’s ship has even dipped from the horizon.
[if you can stand me writing more insanely long shit like this, weeks late, send me a title and i’ll tell you what kind of fic i’d write for it!]
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fantomette22 · 1 year
What do you think Maria was wearing as a caretaker in Research Hall? It feels for me like her hunter/knight outfit was a snapshot that traveled into Nightmare (so, the Hell) whereas in "reality" maybe hunter outfit was not so appropriate? Or maybe it WAS, since there ARE some Old Hunters on second floor too (floor where there are patients running on their four, no less). But even then doesn't look like Maria was a handler of more "animalistic" patients so far. I dunno what I am rambling about anymore, but share your thoughts! (And design if you have a doodle somehow?)
Ah yes, I finally have an excuse to talk about it more ! 
Alright first thing quickly about the nightmare : 
The problem with the hunter nightmare (+ nightmare frontier and Mensis) is that it’s complicated to see what WAS REAL (in the past) and what is well a nightmare, an amalgamate of reality and dreams or even what could be the apocalyptic future of Yharnam (it look so much like the nightmare frontier that is Loran but in surface. Is Loran really like this in the present ? Who knows)
As such, I don’t think living burned corpses walk on a blood river like we saw back at Ludwig era but who knows XD lol. Same with Laurence : did he really turned into a fire cleric beast or is it like this because well it’s a nightmare/purgatory for him (yes I know the debate with the bloodletting beast is another thing it’s not the subject for today so I will stopped here but I have some ideas XD) 
So, for Maria now. I think I already talk about it but I believed what we saw is an « incomplete » version of her. She’s missing a few things and what we fight might be  the « worst » part/version of her. The game descriptions tell use she didn’t liked to use blood blades and that she threw away her Rakuyo and stopped being a hunter right?  How did she fight us? With her Rakuyo and blood techniques! The thing she’s supposed to hate and have discarded in the first place ! But we’re in a nightmare right ? So it can work !
So yes, I don’t think Maria wear that at the research hall everyday like you might guess. Especially after not being a hunter anymore. It’s clothes made to fight not everyday clothes.
So in short, I imagined / interpret she would wear like the Doll set or smt similar to it most of the time/ sometimes.
I know I know. I already talk about this somewhere on my blog but it’s just my interpretation. Nothing tell us she wear that ? Well nothing tell us she didn’t wear it either 🤷‍♀️
I don’t know I think she would look super cool in both outfits <3 both characters are amazing after all!
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Putting one of the lil sketches i did today here bc it’s the prettier one & there’s a pic at the beginning to make the post look better.
Now, I’m going to developed a bit why I think she wear that at the research hall.
((No I swear it’s not about trying to redeem the old man for once ! )) Actually I thought she wear that because of a few things. One of those being the freaking winter lanterns! Yes let me explain
There’s church hunters at the research hall and doctors (were they hunters at this era ? Were they church hunters at the times? Idk) They have « normal »/ healing church clothes. The doll set is a mixt between a black church set and smt she could wear at Cainhurst I feel. + the doll do the women salute of the church. Yes maybe the hunters of the church taught her but I like to imagined Maria herself did all those little gestures at some point is her life.
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Also I think for the patients sake a hunter outfit like Maria’s is not the best idea. Especially before they become blind right ? They would just be super scared ?! (Yes she’s a bit intimidating like this)+ I don’t think she would hold their hands with a huge leather glove. But the doll set ? Make way more sense as a caretaker. She's not a hunter anymore.
But I do like the idea of her wearing some kind of more practical clothes as well. You know trousers and like a fancy uniform or smt. Similar to the hunter set but not the hunter set x) 
Also i think either one of the doll set (the one the doll wear) was her own clothes or they are copies of things she used really used to wear in real life before. But the doll set is more for « festive » occasion too. Also she kept her boots and all !
About the research hall we see is in the nightmare. It’s hard to see what really happened when. I do hc that when Maria passed away it was a giant and horrible mess (idea I saw only once in parallel of mine!) it’s a story I hope to tell one day but it’s not the moment. Anyway what I’m trying to say is that we don’t know if all the dead patients/+going crazy happened all at the same time or if they just mixt everything.
Also! I always wonder of Maria status and role at the research hall. Yes she « took care » of patients, ok. But was she one in charge of all this mess and failure ? That would be a huge problem and not depict her greatly at all if that’s the case. If she was the one in charge. It’s also possible (my main idea) that she actually didn’t have that much power. She wasn’t in charge but a subordinate of the doctors maybe? That would explain why she just give the key to Adeline and don’t lead her herself directly to the garden 😔 (were strong arcane built patient are and are leaved alone?) she just couldn’t do it because she would had big problems maybe.
(I need to return to my funny meme one day and expand on it but I imagined that with the celestial dial she just was supposed to do astronomy at the beginning XD then try to supervise Caryll, Adeline, Rom (& Mico) so they don’t do anything stupid XD but hey while she’s here she wanted to help the patient and all.
Now the winter lanterns,there’s many theories (it’s not the debates of today either) but well it’s the same model as the doll right ? (Yes they could be dolls made by the church to help in the nightmare and all I like to imagined it’s also a nightmare of Maria herself. Like she dreamed of becoming like this. They kinda looked like the patients too don’t you think? And they have clothes similars to the doll so I thought oh Maria may have wear that back then too.
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Damn I have many hc & stories idea for the Research Hall and post fishing Hamlet… (yes Maria killed beast dress like that XD Idk if it’s a good thing or nah for her but she saved people so)
Alright now here's the lil sketches I try to did today. Idk i tried do to something. (Don’t ask me about the first one idk it’s a flower in a pile of mud/ blood idk)
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Ok so some beast show up at the RH/ grand Cathedral and Maria intervened to save people… trauma time yeah. She would have like to not do it but didn’t have a choice.
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Babies ! Yeah i want to imagined that with Caryll,Rom etc and all they took care of the lil celestial larvae they bring back from Isz or begin to pop in Yharnam.
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businesstiramisu · 1 year
Okay I rewrote the post. Thoughts on the last tenth (or so) of Worth the Candle:
[I don't really expect this to be interesting to anyone except me, but i do want to save these for future me, lol]
 I found the ttrpg Fel See Incident much more satisfying than the Aerb version. No, not satisfying, it was horrible. But it was exactly what the story had been building it up to be, for 1 million plus words, and that's quite an accomplishment. Whereas the Fel Seed of Aerb.... I think the problem is scope creep? When the stakes get Too High and the antagonists (or protagonists, for that matter) get Too Powerful my brain just gives up and I disengage. Like "sure, whatever, just tell me who wins". Whereas the ttrpg version, and the real world-level drama around it, felt horribly plausible.
I did like "we'll win the second time because, if Joon had gotten a second chance at the game, he would have let the players win." That was a nice bit of narrative reinforcement/article of faith.
 I love the Long Stairs. It's almost enough to make me think I should give SCP a more serious look, but I'm still worried the horror will be Too Scary for me. (And don't get me wrong I would hate to play a ttrpg campaign in it... actually, maybe it wouldn't be worse than usual? I could just follow the RDP instructions instead of my usual choice paralysis. well, depends on how often they come up. I probably wouldn't like having to make new characters constantly b/c they keep dying.) But like when Juniper wished they could've stayed in the labyrinth and explored the other cultures living there, I was right there with him.
The final reveal of Uther/Arthur..... hmmm, complicated feelings. On the one hand, ugh! why couldn't he just apologize, and admit to being terrible!! Well, he kinda did later... to Juniper, after they'd spent a long time rebuilding camaraderie and basically giving each other a pass for the horrible shit each considered the other to have done. And that was depressingly realistic. Well, idk that anything in my life compares (fortunately) but the most serious, scary arguments in my life have mostly gone like that.
Juniper and Arthur's ultimate goodbye felt appropriate, even cathartic. Raven and Bethel didn't get anything comparable though. Just Uther brushing them off (or in Ravens case saying "I understand this is hard for you but you've got to suck it up", basically). Which, yeah the world ain't fair. It wasn't justice, though. They didn't get their due like Juniper did.
The final conversation withe the dungeon master was also surprisingly satisfying! I liked it a lot more than when Sophie's World did the same thing. (And I've probably read more books that have the character confront the fact that they're characters in a novel, but that's what came to mind lol).
Maybe b/c it was really funny how the DM told Juniper "you're all characters in a novel I'm writing" and Juniper immediately rejected that explanation as bullshit.
Similarly, the Narrator, as the actual Juniper who was writing WTC
Heaven!Fenn though, felt overly self-indulgent to me. Which is maybe ridiculous, b/c the whole story is an exercise in self-indulgence/self-examination, but i dunno she just didn't work for me
Well, it's pretty hilarious that she was The One Person In Aerb Ever To Go To Heaven, and was always destined to be that one person. Hilarious in a pretty arbitrary way.
Someone in the comments to Ch. 245 or 246 said that "Worth the Candle but Reimer died instead of Arthur" is a great fanfic premise and... i dunno, it would be a massive amount of work, but it's tantalizing to think about. Seems like Aerb would have to be very different with--well, idk, would it be a whole collection of Reimer's characters, since he never seemed as devoted to one of them?-- instead of Uthur Penndraig, but with the themes of putting people on a pedestal, using their tragedies as an excuse to wallow in your own grief and depression and rage, and also the DM presumably having the same goals, I have to wonder how much it would even matter?!
Wow, the void beast was a metaphor for global warming?! kinda kicking myself for not picking up on that. Unless I just forgot about it; this story is really long.
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