#idk what to do with my arms for some reason because it has like slits for your hands
thehobbutts · 2 years
i have a hobbit cloak that i really want to wear casually since the weather is cold now bit I'm so socially anxious and scared I'll look weird
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implalazz · 8 months
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Asked for some yokai fusions on reddit, this is the first batch
L-R: Frostysol, Nonoko, Venyan, Lord Lie-in, Slimatina, Whisbuzz
Some thoughts on these designs under the cut
Yayyyyyy thoughts on these because I like talking, esp about my creative process
Frostysol: I WILL SAY RIGHT NOW I KNOW I FUCKED UP THE KOSODE MASSIVELY, IT DOESN’T HAVE SLEEVES & IT’S TOO BIG….. I literally only had two ideas for this desgin, one was inspired by the yuki onna segment's backgrounds from Kwaidan & the other was inspired by the spirits from Kuro Neko. The eyes in the backgrounds of yuki onna were so striking & I had just watched the movie recently so it was still fresh in my mind. I knew I wanted her to be closer to a real yuki onna rather than just a cute snow girl spirit. And in that regard Kuro Neko helped with that. I guess subconsciously I wanted her to give off vibes of an unsuspecting girl who kills you & turns out to be a yokai. I thought a kosode would make more sense historically than a random cape, but also idk if young girls wore kosode like that or if it was just adult women. Had no ideas how to incorporate pallysol so I just used him for little details. He's more prevalent in the design intentionally than physically
Nonoko: Pretty simple what do I say. Uh I thought I could do a clover for the tail rather than a heart like Bloominoko. Wanted to make him even fatter than he is cuz he's Noko x2, also made his spots clover shaped cuz what's more lucky than a four leafed clover? An eight leafed clover! Or two four leafed clovers..... Also gave him double teeth & some little wing shaped clovers on his head kinda like Dudunsparce. This one didn't have a lot of thought go into it, I just kinda did what felt natural
Venyan: The first thing I thought about was what colour to make the fur & what colour to make the hair. I decided on red hair cuz it would pop more with dark blue fur. Also made his face pattern a part of his hair cuz he doesn’t have enough room on his face for it with Venocts bangs. I wanted him to be kind of a shitty little bastard, a real cat kinda cat. A good mix of their personalities y’know. Didn’t have much going on with this design either other than I didn’t want the scarf to be all bulky with the dragons cuz Jibanyan is very squart, so I moved them to the tails. Also just because that looks cooler. Had a hell of a time drawing them, I have experience drawing dragons but I’ve always been bad at drawing them roaring or snarling, they look okay but not great.
Lord Lie-in: Also had a bit of trouble combining these two, makes sense cuz I put this one off for more than a few weeks. Didn’t wanna give him big spiky saiyan hair so he got some stray hairs in the front. Took his face framing bangs & tied them up cuz I always like that look (They’re two different pieces tied individually then tied together, so there’s two mini ponytails instead of one. Also had to deliberate on the hair colours cuz I knew I wanted him to have white fur. One of my favourites was red hair with light blue ends but I didn’t go with that one cuz his outfit is mostly red. I also DID NOT feel like giving him a whole kimono (mostly for silhouette reasons) so I just gave him Miku-like sleeves. I originally wanted to give him split leg hakama but when looking at reference I remembered “Oh yeah these things have a lot of pleats & the crotch is pretty low so that’s not great for the silhouette I have in mind.” I gave him harem-esque pants & if you look closely at the upper thigh you can see a little slit in the side of them. Underneath his waist plate & top, the pants tie together like hakama do so I guess I got the hakama in a little bit. I didn’t have any room for his arm warmers so I made them into gloves & gave him the kind of socks that I don’t know what they’re called (Catra has them & I think they’re cool). Also gave him tengu cuz they look cooler than whatever Lie-in Heart has going on. Also cuz it makes him more like “Woah what a bold guy/character!!” And don’t ask how the sword fits in that sheath, idk magic or something he’s the king of the yokai he can do whatever he wants
Slimatina (or Frostymander): Again not much going on here it’s pretty simple. Gave the lower body muscles cuz I noticed the lower body of Slimamander kind of looked like a chest & also just cuz that makes it more creepy. I gave the main body/head some hair clips resembling the patterns on the bulbs of the other heads. Also made the openings in the head look more like a woman’s mouth cuz again, makes it creepy, but also I just thought it would fit more with the Frostina part. Also gave the main heads head eyelashes that look like the openings on the other heads. Decided to give her a cape this time cuz I’m not fuckin around with another kosode. I don’t know if it comes off in the piece but I wanted her cape to be flying up like she just summoned a harsh wind. Last thing is I gave her an eye ornament on her obi & a specially tied obijime cuz I saw one tied like that on google & I thought it looked cute
Whisbuzz: YET AGAIN SAY IT WITH ME! NOT! MUCH! GOING! ON!!!!!! Uhh gave him a frown cuz he’s depressed or whatever, made the top of his hood look like Whispers…… ahoge???? Made his wings wispy on the ends. That’s about it. Fun fact before I drew that one I had another one but I scrapped it because it looked too much like a sperm cell :]
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c4n1d43cup1d · 8 months
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Some hogcanons. notes (me rambling) under the cut
So silver was the reason i wanted to make this in the first place despite him looking the most on model (not entirely obviously, but i don't have many hcs for him). Mostly i wanted to draw his height compared to the other hedgehogs since him being freakishly tall despite being younger than sonic and shadow is funny. I saw someone say hes probably the most conventionally attractive hedgehog and i think that's true, hes a pretty boy and his fur/quills are really sleek and well maintained. The fluff on his chest is less spikey and more fluffy looking plus i put some fluff in his ears as well. I think his paws and nails are black and he doesn't wear eyeliner his lashes are just really long and hes got black markings on his eyes. Coming back to this after writing Amy's desc but i think hes genderqueer in some way idk maybe bigender i need to study him under a microscope some more every character i touch becomes transgender
Sonic has a few more added details, i like giving him a little nick in his ear and top surgery scars because that hog is trans. I haven't really seen many people give him stylized top surgery scars surprisingly, i tried to make his look kind of lightning bolty because uh something about him being fast. idk man. i think i imagined its similar to what itd look like for him to run in a zigzag? whatever i think it looks cool. I think his claws are kind of uneven and he doesn't really care too much about how they look especially since he just has them under gloves most of the time
Amy is fat because i said so, also i gave her wavier quills and heart markings everywhere. Her ears might look a little strange since it like implies her skin is making that heart shape but i imagine thats her fur spiking into the point. Her nails are painted the same red that shadows markings and stuff are mostly because i think them being besties is cute like. i see shadamy as a queer platonic relationship. Theyve always been my favorites im going to to make them as close as i want. Anyway, i think she and sonic are tied for having the shortest ears, and hers are the rounest (might make them even rounder the next time i draw her) also not entirely related to her design but i think shes transfem and genderfluid.
Shadow my son. im taking custody from black doom and gerald. anyway, i have the most headcanons for him because he is my absolute favorite guy ever he rots my brain. I think he and Amy are the same height, his rocket shoes are like platform/heels and so when he has them on he looks like Sonic's height or maybe a teeny tiny bit taller. I give his quills extra little spikes for no reason other than i think its cute, i could bullshit that its a black arms thing but idrc. What are black arms things though are his eyes and claws, his scelera is a more yellow compared to everyone elses (jaundiced as my friend put it. thanks endy) and i didn't draw it but his pupils are slits. Claws are long but are even longer when all the way out (retractable) his gloves are thick enough that he doesn't pierce them but he probably has a few spare pairs. Also not pictured but black arms related: his teeth are fucking razors, larger than the other hedgehogs and also serrated because i think thats cool. his tail is the longest out of all of them though i think it used to be longer but was lopped off in the name of science and never properly grew back. also his inhibitor rings are connected to a sort of device that does the task of being a proper gateway between his internal energy and the rings themselves, i didn't draw them but essentially its like a smaller ring that is embedded into his wrists i think. also hes trans but in a sort of alien way, i think the black arms can do the clownfish genderswap thing and shadow has it to a somewhat lesser degree its like an internal tshot i guess idfk
ok yeah thats all if u made it to the end thanks for reading the ramblings of a mad man
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bittrlys · 2 years
TDP s4, huh?
Claudia was on FIRE
Claudia getting actually cool wings unlike Callum's dorky arm wings >>>>>>>>>>>
Terry and Viren's various bonding moments
Terry following a dark path out of love of Claudia as Claudia followed a dark path out of love for Viren ... ZESTY
Terry being down to clown with dark magic
Claudia saying she'll take care of Viren
Viren's "GET A GRIP" lmao
PTSD Viren, his melancholy and uncertainty, etc.
Aaravos blowing a kiss and destroying the mirror, iconic behaviour I will say
Claudia getting to acknowledge the existence of generational trauma even if she's wrong and bad and has no evidence or whatever else the show probably wants us to think
Rex Igneous dragging Thunder even if he's wrong and bad and has no evidence or whatever else the show probably wants us to think
Rayla's new hair
World's most unnecessary time skip
Would it have killed them to write Callum with more maturity and confidence?
Everyone enjoy this charming child ruler who makes guards exert the extra energy to open doors for his frog dog and seems to have done away with almost all of the kingdom's old advisors so he can appoint close personal friends instead
"IDK I have no evidence elves and dragons were shitty to humans" girl what? Even if it wasn't written down (OK) that would mean an oral tradition which I guess we can't have any respect for 😊
"You threatening those gold coins (which I don't even know are real and not a bluff) to get the person threatening to slit my throat to let me go (they refused to bargain with you) was so CRUEL, Claudia." <- normal things for your bf who has been on board with all your other unspeakable crimes to say
If Zubeia is going to be useless (couldn't she have been digging out that door?) and then just show up at the end for deus ex machina reasons, can they just uh. Kill her off? I promise the narrative would improve
Zubeia standing amongst those humans like 🧍 while Ezran talks vaguely of 'hurt feelings' praying nobody says the word 'reparations'
Dragons and drakes are different things. OK. Drakes are more animalistic so it's okay for this insular society to mistreat them despite being ruled by dragons. OK. Why not show the hypocrisy of this by having Zym (whom they acknowledge as a dragon) treated differently? Or would a reminder of Zym's privilege be too much for this show?
(Humans get the boot for killing animals but elves get a pass for treating drakes like that. OK.)
"THE STAFF IS MISSING THE FALLEN STAR IS COMING BACK" what? the staff has been missing for centuries ... humans have had it ... maybe they just want it back ...?
Ezran like let's host this feelings party in a cemetery/sacred place full of tributes to people this dragon's mate killed ... I would have done more than slash a painting let me tell you that!!!
Not nearly enough Aaravos. A more physical avatar of him being in that cocoon would have made way more sense.
That architect subplot requires it's own sub-points because ???
Has nobody started a cooking fire or lit a candle in this city in the past TWO YEARS? This is the FIRST TIME this has come up?
The man physically assaulted her over this and there's just never any kind of justice for that huh? Almost like humans are second class citizens? Huh ...
Obviously she was disrespectful but it's such a stupid argument because I think most people in this situation would say "Can you do this elsewhere" but they didn't want to spoil their little 'build a temple outside of this place' twist I guess.
(Their culture is this religious and didn't have some kind of temple or area of religious observance built already? OK.)
Every 'good' human in this series has to be so goddamn SUBSERVIENT to the will and whims of the Xadians
Like when they want to set up a comedy gag of Amaya being terrified of being assassinated by her gf's people because of the horrible history between their nations (lol) Amaya is allowed to express believable self-preservation but when it comes time to defend one of her own people she's just like. EH. She did wrong, but be nice to her about it! Pwetty pwease! Sorry us humans are such dummies!!! 🥺🥺🥺
I know she's not a lawyer but how about "Misunderstandings and hurt feelings can grow unexpectedly when two cultures live together, but this woman did not act out of malice, but out of a desire to protect this settlement. Her words and actions were thoughtless, but if thoughtlessness is to be punished, is having THIRD DEGREE BURNS ON HER HANDS not itself a punishment already?" or you know anything but what we got
But don't worry it's okay because her wifey is so benevolent, aren't we lucky to have such BENEVOLENT people in power who are allowed to call for your death for *checks notes* putting out a fire? They won't, and that's what makes them so GREAT, but they could, of course. Of course they could. Don't forget that. Don't forget that they could. I'll make you think I'm about to cut off your fucking hands so you don't forget it!
Anyways, the rest of the worst hits:
Aaravos is literally just Satan. OK.
Just heavy-handed Christian ideology in a series that wants to purport a kind of cross-cultural paganistic worldview
Honestly I don't think 'worldwide mastermind' is a plot concept without merit but it's so boring in this series because they simply do not seem interested in giving him real depth while placing him on the side of the oppressed-but-not-really humans, reinforcing how much the humans are in the wrong, so absolutely nobody benefits from this writing decision
This season took so long to come out because they were reading the arguments from us 5 people who call them out on writing a weirdly pro-imperialism series and then had to stick in a bunch of strawman scenes to be like "Oh you think this but really it's unfair" and then realized they couldn't think of actual counterarguments and eventually had to admit defeat and just have characters they like go "NUH-UH!!" in response
Fans of the show want to say it's 'nuanced' and 'showing both sides' but that doesn't hold water because A) every person that expresses any kind of doubts or cynicism about the status quo is a villain in this series and B) Unless they plan on Uno reversing their whole lore (wouldn't put it past them) these things DID HAPPEN and if Xadians were meant to be meeting humans halfway, there would seriously be a real discussion about allowing humans a place in Xadia and other shit that simply never comes up
Will Zubeia apologize? No! She just compliments the good humans for dancing to her tune. It's simply so one-sided.
Anyways points for Rayla dumping Callum on his birthday LMAO. It seems a bit thoughtless of her but I can't deny the comedy. 👍
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The Star wars version of my OCs :
Will use the same version of aliens as my voltron OCs which..... I may not have described yet? Uh.
Hmmm. Skeyastons from the planet Melitta-Fullon. The planet is a mystery to biologists and basically anyone with sense, because it's nomadic. It moves. It doesn't have a set solar system. It will orbit around a sun or another planet (but more often a sun, for reasons currently studied but not yet discovered) for any length of time between a year or two decades (maximum recorded time was 28 years, shortest was 9 months) and then just... Move. It will leave the orbit and drift into space until it gets snatched into another orbit (time spent wandering in space is usually shorter - just like the time anchored, it varies wildly, but tends to be counted in months rather than years. Longest wandering recorded time was two years, shortest, two weeks).
Recorded history doesn't remember a time when it collided with another planet or satellite, but one side of the planet is suspiciously more wonky than spherical planets tend to be so it must have happened at some point.
The way they measure time is a mess because they don't always have a sun to measure up the days, and when they do it's not always a reasonable way to measure up the days.... So every town has a giant sand-hourglass that contains exactly one day worth of sand. How they decided what "one day" meant is anyone's guess, it's so ancient. The hourglass does not get turned once the day ends : the day ends when the hourglass turns. Each house tends to contain a smaller hourglass that you must turns 20 times to complete a "day" or a "night" (but most towns have a bell that rings every time the hourglass is empty and half empty). It's a mess!
Due to the whole "the planet only has a sun sometimes", most of the population isn't really nocturnal or diurnal. Really tho it's all a question of adaptation, they can become diurnal or nocturnal if they need to.
When they do anchor a sun that has a reasonable rotation time (that is to say, regular days and nights), the government holds a vote so the population can decide if they'll adapt to the diurnal or nocturnal rotation. A lot of small villages and a lot of individuals don't give a fuck tho, even if the government decides that they, as a society, shall be diurnal until their planet decides to wander again, some people will still decide to be nocturnal and vice versa.
It's always a MAJOR jetlag to adapt to a new sun's rotation, and same when the planet wanders again and they have to re-adapt to the total or partial absence of a sun. People who were born while the planet was anchored to a particular sun and stayed that way for a while have even more trouble with the latter. Sleep is A Thing™ that varies wildly between people.
As for the people : they're shapeshifters. They're very varied but most of them are born roughly human-shaped. That is to say, a head two legs and two arms but as they're nomadic they've actually picked up a lot of different species along the way (not as much as you would think, because the Skeyastons are actually built to survive on a planet with no sun, but a lot of other species aren't so a lot of locals are wary of romance with offworlders they would have to abandon once the planet migrates again. Same with children. What if your hybrid child can't shapeshift and can't survive the wandering the planet? Heartbreaking. Those who do pursue a serious romance with an alien usually end up moving to another planet).
Their baseline form is roughly human, but they have fangs, slit pupils, claws, often pointy ears, feet that are paws and legs that.... Idk how to they're called actually. You know, like cat legs, digitigrade legs. Some of them are born with gills, not exactly fully functional ones but it is easier for these ones to shapeshift them into proper gills. Same with the ones with vestigial wings. Almost all of them have a tiny tail, sort of goat-like.
That is to say. The shapeshifting that is natural to everyone is controlling their blood temperature and skin color. It demands no energy at all, and being able to self-regulate is how they've survived in cold space or when their planet anchored way too close to a sun. Controlling your hair growth and hair hair color is also very easy for most of them, but as it's not as life-or-death, it demands a bit of effort. Same for the eye color.
More complex shapeshifting, such as changing your bone structure or growing additional limbs, is a mixed bag. Some people are born with natural talent, others aren't, but it's a skill that you can train and improve. Full shapeshifting, shifting into someone else, is really hard because it involves modifying your bone structure and also tiny details and color changes all at once. It is possible..... But it takes a lot of effort and tbh not a lot of Skeyastons train their shifting ability enough to be able to shift into someone else. Shifting into a whole different species that isn't even vaguely human-shaped, like, say, a snake, is the stuff of legends. That is to say, everyone says it's impossible but it definitely features in a lot of tales. Some people will spend their whole lives training their shifting ability and still not be able to turn into something not human-shaped (or well Twi'lek or Kel Dor but you see what I mean by human).
Additional limbs vary. For those who have vestigial wings, for example, growing wings is a whole lot easier than for those who don't have vestigial wings (another method is to transform your arms into wings, which is easier since it involves shifting an already existing limb instead of growing a whole new one, but it's also less practical to grab things. On the other hand, you don't need to go shirtless if you do that). Tails are easy for almost everyone since most of them have a very small tail, it's just a matter of shifting it.
Additional arms are very practical, but they take quite a bit of effort to grow.
Fins and gills are easier for those who have vestigial gills, and some people can turn their legs into a fish tail but it takes a lot of training and effort that doesn't appeal to most Skeyastons : when they need to swim, webbing up their hands and feet is usually enough.
Other things, like growing fur or scales, are hard, but not that hard? It takes practice to learn.
Shifting doesn't really have a time limit, but if you spend too long without shifting it'll become exponentially more difficult, like a rusty skill (except temperature control and color changes, those are as easy as breathing).
Bioluminescence is also very very easy for them (the scientists suspect that they're evolved from bioluminescent fish from their ever-frozen oceans). In fact, colored and bioluminescent patterns on their skin is one of their way to communicate. A certain pattern of a certain color on their skin (usually on their face) means a certain thing, like body language, and they use bioluminescent spots on their faces to communicate in a sort of Morse code. They have a sign language that can be used to communicate in the dark because they'll just shift bioluminescent ribbons onto their arms and hands and boom, signs are visible in the dark. The bioluminescent Morse code is something that is instinctual to them, but the language of colored patterns on their skin is not : it's learned and taught and it tends to have subtle differences given which side of the planet you're on. Some people also use eye color to communicate simple things like moods, but it's not very common and often done between families.
The weather is. A Mess. A MESS. The oceans and lakes tend to be perma-frozen due to the times the planet spends away from a sun. Some plants (so many mushrooms so so many mushrooms) have somehow found a way to still grow even without a sun (but it's still much easier with one) and bioengineers have found several ways to make plants grow when the planet's moving. Somehow there's quite a bit of rain, even with the oceans frozen? Snow storms, sand storms everywhere. It's a PAIN (the sign language comes in handy when you can't open your mouth on fear of sand getting into it. Masks too).
When I say they can control their temperature, I mean that they get their blood to be so cold that if they cut themselves it will freeze solid like five seconds after leaving their body, or so hot that it's like. The step right before water boils. It can in fact be used as weapon or to freeze things into place (flinging near-boiling drops of blood at people's eyes is in fact a valid fighting strategy).
Scientists everywhere (but mostly on-planet) wonder how intelligent life was able to develop with such conditions. It drives the biologists crazy. Being a student of ancient history on Melitta-Fullon is almost exclusively reserved for autistic people who hyperfixate onto it, and discovering the origins of life is said to be a career for the not entirely sane.
No one can really predict where the planet's gonna anchor next, but some experts are able to roughly guess the direction the planet's gonna go based on the way it rotates. They have also, after centuries of this, become able to see the warning signs of the planet de-anchoring itself from another's planet or sun, so that they aren't taken off guard by the sudden wandering. It's subtle but the planet's orbiting will be a bit more wonky and the weather will be a little more specific, but really it's a highly specialized job (that is really appreciated in the Skeyaston society, because some people will go off-planet when it's anchored and don't appreciate being left behind when the planet decides to move).
More Star Wars specific lore :
The planet wanders but rarely gets close to the Core. Sometimes it goes to the mid rim, but mostly it stays to the outer rim, wild space, unknown regions. As such, Melitta-Fullon is actually a bit of an urban legend in the mid rim-Core. Sure a lot of people have heard of the wandering planet, but really how could a planet be nomadic? It makes no sense, must be a tale.
All of the outer rim planets are aware that the planet exists tho, most of them have seen Melitta-Fullon orbit around them or one of their suns at least once. It's not a very popular tourist destination because of the weather, but it's fairly popular as a gateway for people fleeing something very dangerous, because if even the on-planet experts can't predict where the planet's gonna go, neither can the people hunting you. A lot of people are afraid to step foot on the planet without a very secure personal transport because they're scared the planet's going to begin to suddenly wander while they're on it and they'll be stuck on a planet they're not adapted to (it's a mostly baseless fear. The planet's wandering isn't that sudden, and the Skeyaston society as a whole is warned of when it's gonna happen, and the government has special suits to resist the cold of space in case tourists are stuck on planet while it's away from a sun. The suits are also for people who crash on the planet because they were on autopilot and then suddenly boom there's a planet that wasn't there before on their space lane).
Most of the Skeyastons, being contrary stubborn little bastards by nature, don't leave their planet permantly because it's a bitch but it's ours. A lot of them like to wander into wild space or the unknown regions for a while and then come back tho. Skeyaston ships are pretty good and most of all, equipped with something (don't have the vocabulary for this) that updates them when the planet moves.
Onto my OCs! Finally... I did not expect to have so much to say about my fictional planet.
Same baseline appearance as usual etc etc... But Alceo's (baseline) legs are, as I said, like cat legs (they never wear shoes even when they shift their legs to human legs.... But they've been trying to see if it's possible to shift wheels into the soles of their feet. Just because no one's been recorded to have tried shifting into objects doesn't means it's impossible...). Their freckles are constantly shifting, and they use colored patterns on their face to communicate with their twin a lot. Their freckles are actually usually spelling out something for their twin or spelling out rather violent insult to the person in front of them (not that Alceo had any problem saying them out loud), it's very subtle because most people don't notice when someone's freckles move unless they're very familiar with said freckles.
They're both very good at communicating through bioluminescent Morse code and colored patterns, they're even able to use their eye colors to communicate. Due to this they don't usually communicate out loud, but they like their planet's sign language a lot. And they like singing. Caleb doesn't communicate through freckle patterns as often as Alceo because he thinks it doesn't particularly suit him.
Alceo has very small vestigial wings, they're absolutely useless but they make it easier to shift-grow wings. They're also good at shifting their arms into wings but they think having hands is more practical. They like bird wings the best (as their vestigial wings are feathered) but bee wings are also super good. They love wings!! They wear them so often that they have a special vest and shirt with holes on the back. Their bird wings tend to be grey, black, teal, electric blue, and gold. They also use color patterns on theirs wings to communicate with their brother (this one took a bit of creativity to adapt color patterns that are normally on the face to wings). They like to shift feathers into their forearms and scales on their wrists and hands. The feathers tend to be light grey, rose gold, and off-white. The scales tend to be black. Alceo would like them to be teal also but they think it wouldn't go well with the feathers' colors. They like to shift scales into their neck and their belly and their underarms, to protect them a little. Their digitigrade legs have paws and are lightly furred. The fur is the same color as their skin (which is dark brown spotted with white most of the time). They keep an almost permanent tail (only make it disappear in emergencies). It's pretty long, most of the time it looks like a cat's tail but they will shift it into a lizard tail when the mood strikes. The color tends to be white or grey. It's a very mishmashed appearance, and they like it.
They can grow webs in their hands to swim, but they don't like to change the shape of their legs. They will if they have to.... But they don't like it. They can grow gills and consequent respiratory system but it's really hard and they don't like it, having to breathe water creeps them out.
They like to change the color of their eyes all the time, but the colors they use the most are teal and gold, or often both. They think making their skin transparent mid-fight is simply hysterical : everyone's always so surprised!
Caleb is able to grow wings, but it's considerably harder for him. He almost exclusively uses hummingbird wings because they're good for staying stable and pretty much the only times he's in the air is when he needs to snipe someone but doesn't have any good vantage points, so being stable is a must (if he has to do that he usually air-steps using the force, it's more stable). He has vestigial gills so it's real easy for him to grow actual gills and corresponding respiratory system. He doesn't actually does that super often since it's not practical except for water worlds. He really likes being in the water tho. He doesn't change his eye color as often as Alceo does, and most if the time it's because he used a certain color to say something to Alceo and forgot to shift them back. Besides his usual royal blue, he sometimes likes acidic yellow, which freaks out the Jedi that happen to see them, it's kinda fun. Will sometimes also forget to unshift some colored patterns on his skin after saying sometimes to Alceo, so he sometimes looks like he's splattered in paint (Alceo's face also looks splattered in paint sometimes, but that's intentional). His legs are normal non-digitigrade legs. He can shift them if he wants to but he doesn't like to be barefooted so no. He also has a tail. It's not as long as Alceo's, looks like a cat's, and is black tipped with neon blue. The neon is because a neon blue something moving in fast flicks is very useful to fuck with an enemy's peripheral vision. His baseline appearance doesn't pass as human due to, like, everything, but he's way less visibly alien than Alceo. It can be hard to believe they're related given that they almost look like different species, but despite all that their faces are still incredibly similar, it can be weird.
They're orphans. They don't remember the circumstances because their first memories are of living on the street and stealing food to survive. They joined a circus when they were, like, 13 (they have no idea how old they actually are, it's approximate). That's part of why they're very good at shifting, circus performers train their shapeshifting abilities extensively, it makes their performances more spectacular. Caleb was more of a mechanic than a performer but he still went on stage with Alceo sometimes. Alceo was a very good acrobat and juggler. Caleb learned how to play drums and the violin here while Alceo somehow got into blacksmithing. They're both very good at parkour too. When they turned 18 they decided to leave the planet and became mercenaries. They're mostly thieves for hire, sometimes assassins and sometimes bodyguards.
They're both Force-sensitive. They never went to the Jedi because they didn't have parents worried about unusual abilities, and even Seekers can't find the wandering planet without someone telling them where it is. They're of average strength but they're really creative and also no one told them that certain things were considered impossible so....
They're not very good at huge shows of force because it's not very discret and being visibly force sensitive but not Jedi is not really good, they like to avoid slavers. Also the Force is basically the ace in their sleeve so...
They have a very very very strong force bond. They don't remember when it formed, but they have never tried to weaken it and they never will. They feel roughly the same in the force, and when they're physically close, they don't have separate force signatures. And when they're close, they can completely erase the force signature of one of them. Like, Caleb could just.... Pull Alceo's force signature to him and boom, Alceo's both invisible in the force and functionally invisible because it's a very strong notice-me-not. It works both ways, but they can only hide one of them at once.
They're both very good at notice-me-nots, but dreadful at mind tricks. They don't mind that.
Empathy is complicated. They're both really good at telling when people are lying, but sensing what other people are feeling is... Complicated. Alceo's kinda bad at reading people so they tend to rely on the emotions they feel radiating from others, but Alceo also feels things differently on account of neurodivergency and it's actually easy for them to get overwhelmed by someone else's feelings. Caleb is just plain bad at empathy, for seemingly no particular reason. He is better at reading people than Alceo tho.
They never ever get visons of the future. They do get good or bad feelings about some things but besides that, their precognitive abilities are simply non-existent.
They're good at levitating stuff and destroying things from the inside. Caleb is particular is really good at destroying some key wires and making it look like an accident.
On account of them being good at levitation, they can fly. Flying is just levitating yourself after all. They don't actually use this ability often because Caleb isn't fond of flying in general and Alceo likes flying with their own wings better. When they need to fly absolutely silently tho, they'll use the force.
They can create sort of... Air platforms and step on air. Like shinigamis in Bleach. It's just sort of... Force platforms really. It's not super energy-consuming either. It's actually super useful to hide because if they're in, say, a warehouse, and someone comes looking for them, they can air-walk to the ceiling, create a platform for them to lay down on between them and the ceiling, and change their colors to camouflage.... No one really ever looks up, it's perfect.
They heard the sentence "the force flows through us" a grand total of Once and immediately decided that surely, that meant that the reverse was possible.
"flowing through the force" as it turns out, translates into short-range teleportation. It could probably be longer-range teleportation but it demands a lot of energy, and also if they start thinking too hard about the physics of it all it stops working.
They have one lightsaber knife each.... Or a lightknife each I guess. They just found the kyber somewhere. Both their knives are the exact same shade of gold.
They don't have a lot of morals but they're not Dark, purely because they give not a single shit about power or domination. The only thing that could drive them to the dark would be each other's death probably.
Relationships wise, they have mixed feelings about the Jedi. Most of them are good people just trying to do good, and if they find a Padawan in trouble they'll definitely help (half out of fellow force user solidarity, and half out of fear of Obi-Wan's disappointed face) but some Jedi are weirdly hostile to force users that aren't part of their order....
They love Obi-wan very very much. They're like two years younger than him and met him almost directly after leaving their planet, when he was a Padawan. He was one of their first contacts with another force sensitive, and was kind enough to teach them shielding more effective than hiding into each other's force presence. Honestly they probably would have figured it out themselves at some point but they still feel like they owe him a little bit. Plus, they plainly like him a lot just because. He's very kind and Light and sassy and fun and the trouble he finds tends to be entertaining (when it's not immensely disturbing). They tend to go visit him when they're on the same planet, and never take assassination contract on Jedi (both because killing a Jedi is hard and because they don't want to hurt Obi-wan or lose his friendship). On Obi-Wan's side, he's also fond of them. They can be a little bit exasperating, and their reasoning makes no sense sometimes, and they're chaotic as hell. But they can be nice, and they've helped him a lot, and even with their rather wonky morals they don't tend to be cruel for the sake of it (which is a low bar but...) and they're pretty entertaining too. He's also interested by the different ways they use the force. It's fascinating what self-taught force users can come up with. He's a bit worried about their extreme codependency though.
When it comes to Rebels -
They don't actually look that much older because their race is rather long-lived (~300 years on average but the weather on their planet is so comically awful that it's rare to reach that age). They're very not happy about the empire thing, first of all they liked the Jedi quite a bit and are not very pleased about their extermination!! And also they're a bit worried about their planet orbiting around something with a strong imperial presence and getting invaded. So far this fate's been avoided due to a combination of nomadism and gods-awful weather getting rid of the invaders. Also the people not tolerating invasion and being able to shapeshift into something with very sharp claws.
They try to help the Rebellion actually. They're not TOO involved in it, but they get a lot of supplies of all kinds for the rebels. They don't do much actual fighting but they're REALLY good at supplying whatever.
At some point they become one of relays between Kallus (Fulcrum days) and the Rebellion ; they're very good at smuggling things in or out of wherever Kallus is. They also provide him with some company of the non-imperial kind, where he can relax a bit and be himself while they stay on guard to keep him safe. They end up loving him quite a lot, and see him as something like a son or a little brother ; they keep in touch even after the new republic's established.
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feralforfruit · 2 years
Countertop Whispers Part 2
A/N: I’m so happy that y’all liked my first part and first fic ever. I am so passionate about writing so this is such a wonderful way of applying my degree and my tendency of maladaptive daydreaming. All because of a mf named Tangerine.
Warnings: NSFW, daddy kink because yes, oral sex w/afab!reader, mentions of anxiety, just tons and tons of smut bro idk what else to say
Pairing: Tangerine x fem!reader
“Whats wrong, gorgeous? Cat caught your tongue?” Tangerine growls into your ear as the wetness in your leggings grows. Your body wants you to wipe away all the supplies off the counter and pounce on him right then and there but something within you is stopping the fire from spreading because you know exactly what he wants.
You and Tangerine have been married for 2 years and, throughout your marriage, he has expressed how much he loves going down on you but you’re always pretty shy at the whole ordeal. He respects your limits completely so sometimes you enjoy to let loose of your anxieties and try to have fun with it. It’s very rare though, it’s only been a couple times that you have let him and yourself experience that level of closeness. You give him head, no problem, but for some reason you can’t seem to beat the anxiety of him doing the same for you. Today, he has you at the palm of his hand and you feel like you can’t help but melt into him despite your rising anxiety.
He can feel your heart beating faster and faster,“C’mere, love.” He grips your waist as he spins you around. He can see in your eyes how badly you want him but can always sense the nerves. He slightly tips your chin up with his two fingers and kisses your lips sweetly. He knows he has got to treat his girl with the gentleness she deserves to make her comfortable.
As your lips move in sync, he is shifting the supplies behind you that are blocking the space on the counter. He pulls away softly and grabs your waist to pull you up onto the cold marble. He reattaches your lips and starts rubbing your inner thighs up and down over the thin fabric. You wrap your arms around his neck while running your fingers through his dark curls. You can’t get enough of how sexy it looks pushed back.
His hands are traveling toward your waistband while he moves his lips to your blushing cheek. He then makes his way slowly to your ear as he whispers, “I want to taste you so bad, love. Are you alright with that?” His mustache tickling your ears. “I-… Yes but-…Please go slow for me” you say softly as his lips slam a huge sloppy kiss onto your cheek in gratitude as you lay back and lift your hips for him to slide everything off your lower half.
As he pulls off the last bit of your leggings with ease, he grabs your lifted legs and starts placing wet, hot kisses along them. His lips are getting higher and higher causing you to moan at the anticipation. As he got to your pelvic bone, he looks up at you, admiring how absolutely erotic you look all laid out for him in that sexy tight apron of yours. He makes sure your legs are secured on his shoulders before he interlocks his hands with yours. Your heart fluttering at his gaze.
“You are an absolute vision, darling. You comfortable?” He says as he kisses the inside of your thighs. You smile knowing you have found someone so reassuring especially when you really need it. “Yes, daddy,” you respond and he smirks and winks at you before taking his tongue into the place you need him most. He starts off with slow, long licks and kisses along your slit. His mustache begins stimulating your clit in such a way that has you arching your back.
“Daddy!” You gasp gripping his hands tightly. “Oh, Daddy, No Daddy, or More Daddy?” he mumbles between the delicious wet licks. “More! Please, don’t stop!” you moan as your hips begin to grind into his face. He groans at your submission and decides to let go of one of your hands. He brings his two middle fingers into your dripping entrance and inserts it with ease. He starts curling them up to hit your g-spot, combining it with his mouth on your aching clit.
“Yes! Yessss!” you scream at the pleasure, shocked at the build up of your orgasm coming in closer than you thought. “Feels so good, daddy, don’t stop!” Your one empty hand, that was once holding his, moved to his hair, gripping his curls. He LOVES it when you pull at them, so it causes him to groan, sending more vibrations to your already shaking cunt.
His tongue moves faster into the exact spot you needed him, while his fingers are steadily pounding you in a rhythm that is pushing you closer and closer. Your legs are spreading wider and wider to the point where it is allowing him to dive deeper into your pussy, making your mouth open wide and brows furrow tightly at the intense sensation.
“I’m so close! Oh fuck, oh fuck! I’m gonna cum, daddy! I’m gonna cum!!” Your moans get louder and louder. “That’s it. That’s a good girl, cum for me.” he murmurs while keeping his perfect rhythm.
With that, your orgasm washes all over him, his fingers, and the counter. He keeps riding out your high, making you a screaming, shaking mess. He is loving every second of it, dragging it out as much as he can. Once your screams become heavy pants, he stops and ejects his fingers softly, pecking your pussy once more before bringing his digits to his tongue. He sucks them off swiftly with a pop before wiping his mustache with the back of his hand. “So fucking delicious, that pussy, baby. Got me wanting to lick your juices off that counta, that’s not proper, innit?”
You giggle shyly before bringing your eyes down to his huge bulge that is begging to be freed. You bite your lip then look up to his eyes. He smirks, “I’m not done with ya yet, darling. Not even fucking close.”
part 3 is imminent and I’m so excited✨
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dollwritesarchive · 3 years
idk if this counts but dads best friend! steve. your at your friends house for a sleepover and…
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I think you meant best friend’s dad!steve, because of the sleepover, so that’s how I wrote it 💗
accidentally on purpose ;
it was faint, muffled. a dulled sound coming from downstairs, but it was him, and you were uncertain if you’d translated the meaning of the sound correctly. surely, you must’ve been mistaken. there was no way he’d made that sound for the reason in your mind; you were just overreacting because you wanted to believe it was true, because you had a little crush on him.
still, curiosity and the hopes that you were right led you to this point: skulking in the shadows along the staircase as you tiptoed down it, carefully. your best friend and her sister were still sound asleep in the bedroom you’d emerged from, and you’d had to be extra quiet when pulling the bedroom door closed so as not to wake them.
now, however, now that you were on the stairs, you had butterflies fiercely flapping a tornado of wings in your belly. the tv was on, you could hear it, but it wasn’t any movie or tv show you recognized. as you draw nearer, taking each step with the precaution of a child afraid of the dark, you watch the light from it move in shapes against the wall and on the floor. it must be the only light that’s cutting through the darkness of the living room, you concluded. for a moment during your descent, you’re curious to know what he’s watching, for there was an awful amount of voice and breath, but you reach the foot of the stairs and blush furiously when you see the screen.
the girl on the screen couldn’t have been much older than you, perhaps she had you by a year, and she was stark nude, held down by a muscle-bound brute as he takes her from behind.
you’d never watched pornography, but now that you were seeing it, you couldn’t look away for several seconds. both of them were sweaty and she was moaning something akin to, “Fuck yeah! Fuck my tight pussy! Oh god, I’m cumming!” your cheeks were on fire by the time you finally force your gaze away from the screen, and you notice his silhouette cutting through the light from it, his back to you. from the bluish glow from the tv bathing him in light, you could make out the bare muscles of his shoulders, pulled taut, his right arm working at his waist.
even before you inch closer to the couch, taking the far wall and pressing your back to it to keep some distance between yourself and the furniture, you knew what he was doing with his right hand. your original suspicion that his exasperated moan was more than just a mundane sound taken out of context confirmed by the way they fell from his mouth like sordid symphony notes. breathy, wanton groans fill the living room, his head teetering back against the cushion of the couch. once he comes into full view, your heart skips a beat.
splayed naked on the couch, Steve has his fist wrapped around the base of his stiff manhood, shiny with lubrication. there wasn’t a bottle beside him, so you ventured to guess that it was his own saliva. his jaw is drawn tight, brows furrowed, as he pumps himself up and down with hissing breaths, like a fierce cobra. the rest of him is as tight as the muscles in his countenance, every ripple in his abdomen tense, the veins in his arms bulging. his thighs are even so tight that you can make out each, individual pad of muscle within them. ocean eyes are slitted, but they catch sight of your mouth hanging open, and he smirks breathlessly.
“Oops, I guess I’m busted.” he murmurs between pleasured grunts. by the way he simpers, and the tone of his voice, not to mention his failure to cease stroking himself while he speaks, you could tell that he wasn’t at all disappointed.
dumbfounded, you can think of nothing to say— only stare at the display of vulgar nirvana before you.
“Liking what you see, angel?” he purrs with one brow quirking, “Can’t take your eyes off my cock right now, I’ve noticed. You been waiting to see what it looked like? Imagining how big it is?”
nervous habit spurs your first two fingers to your lips, and you chew on the foredigit, eyes glued to his sex. he was right; after all, you hadn’t looked at his face once since he came into view, his throbbing manhood demanding every ounce of your attention. you’d always imagined your best friend’s dad looked good naked, that he was blessed by Priapus in some way, but the size and beauty of his erect cock were both equally overwhelming now that you witness them in person. you nod, hastily, once you realize you’d been quietly gawking and sucking on your fingers, internalizing a desire to replace them with his sex. you wondered if he’d let you? if he’d be more than willing to allow you to finish him off with your mouth, you’d be all too eager to do so if he would agree to it.
Steve grunts, thumbing his leaking slit with a ragged exhale, “Mm, I can tell. I can also tell that you weren’t expecting me to be this big, isn’t that right?” when you nod, he chortles. “I know you think about it often, angel. I’d even bet you’ve had dreams about me fucking you. Filthy dreams about bouncing on my dick that you wake up from soaking wet with your fingers in your panties.” gritting his teeth again, his eyes focus on you, his stroking setting a faster, much more rough pace. “Don’t be embarrassed,” he can tell by the way you cower from his words that you are. “I think about fucking you all the time. Dream about it. The idea of your warm, wet pussy gripping me just right gets my cock so hard, can’t you tell? Drives me crazy.” he assures, before nodding in gesture to the floor between his feet. “You like to watch, don’t you? C’mere then, get down on your knees right here and I’ll give you a show you won’t forget.”
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juyeonjin · 3 years
Exquisite Encounter
Genre: Smut
Member: Taehyung, Jungkook
Warnings: smut, double penetration
Word Count: 2K
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Taehyung and Jungkook rented an apartment far near the coastal areas for the a week since they had the whole month off, with no schedule. The previous months before were well loaded, with constant performances and interviews and they just wanted to kick off and relax and just enjoy some tranquility. Initially it would have been with all the members but they thought it would be safer to not bring everyone since it can result in some unwanted scenarios. The other members also went to different places with Jin and Namjoon to a private Island and the rest to a rich friend's mansion, very far from the tumult of the city. Though separated, they all had one thing in common, doing what they can't do anymore because of how popular they were and busy they got. It was nearly eleven and they both got back from a luxurious restaurant and they would have arrived later if they were heading to a club to indulge in alcohol and have private lap dances but this time they had their own slut to use, who was waiting for them in the apartment.
You were a fan of them and mostly loved Jungkook and Taehyung and when you captivated the eyes of Taehyung during one of their concert, Taehyung asked one of the guards to bring you discreetly so he could meet you. Soon enough you were talking backstage and you couldn't keep your body from shaking from the nervosity and almost believed you were going to be banned from concerts for whatever reasons. "I swear, I didn't do anything, I didn't even bring my phone with me to take pictures or what not", you uttered in front of a smiling Taehyung who placed his still veiny hands from on your arm and replied, "Haha, you are so cute, do not worry you did nothing wrong, maybe only having my attention the whole time when I was on stage." When you heard that your heartbeat accelerated, and he then sighed, "How am I supposed to give you my number without your phone with you, pretty girl."
And that was it, the last amount of strength you had to keep you from mentally screaming, evaporating and your mind just, "What the fuck did I just hear, have I actually been knocked out by the guard that brought me here, is the man of my fucking dreams asking me out, ...!? wait does that mean I have to wipe out all information about me and start a brand new celebrity life, am I ready for this, I thought I was prepared but oh god, this is so sudden....", you stopped yourself from thinking when you heard a faint cough from the side and you wished you didn't turn your head to the direction when the Jeon Jeongguk made his way near his brother, all sweaty, veins very apparent and smirk on his face. "So I see I wasn't the only one to have been distracted by her the whole time I was performing", Jungkook said with a flirty tone and Taehyung smirked back at him then to you, and then replied with what could be the equivalent to the final blow to elimate the final boss in a game, "Her face and body just calls you and compels you to savour each moment your eyes lay on her", "My thoughts exactly hyung", Jk added.
You were in a dream state for real cause how is this happening right now!? The two hottest man in the world and the ones behind your fantasies right there in front of you, talking to you and potentially wanting to date you? or was it just going to stop there, though you hoped it didn't since not only was your blood rushing so fast but the heat that formed in your core was clouding your thoughts and the desire to bring your fantasies to life was becoming harder to repel. "So if I understand, you both are in love with me," you said teasingly knowing well how they would react and you just wanted to hear that for some reason. "Love? Isn't it too fast princess, I don't even know your name yet and also I can only start considering after I get a taste of those lips" Taehyung said while Jungkook grinned knowing well what Taehyung was trying to do and he wouldn't want to miss that too. You would've have been taken aback if you weren't already thinking of both of them railing you against the wall of their company and without thinking too much of it, "Well if my first kiss will have to be with master Kim Taehyung, I can only comply, unless master Jeon might want to do it first" you said moving your eyes onto Jungkook who was loving everything that was going down right now.
Taehyung loved it too, he was going to fuck you but not with his eyes like he did while on stage. He loved how you teased them back, called him Master!? and he would be your first kiss!? unless Jungkook gets it first, which he wouldn't let happen since he was the one who brought you here and began all of this. Both him and Jungkook's bulge were being obviously apparent from their their pants and you noticed that and you could only internally scream, " Omg, it's actually going to happen!". The thought of both of them fucking you in all your holes, when they bring you back at the company or maybe in one of their houses? all sweaty and roughly pounding you and dumping several loads in you made you soaking wet however before that one last step of having them inside you, a staff came and urged the boys to come back. Though, it made you think and even realise that obviously they couldn't just make it happen liket that, unless they could? but now you felt you eyes starting to get wet as you thought that all of this would end. "Were they just playing? was it just some teasing and flirting and nothing more? Am I not going to have them inside of me?" Taehyung who sensed that you were starting to doubt got closer to you while Jungkook stayed behind. His hand held your wrists and he slowly came near your ears to whisper, "Do not worry, we will meet again, you just have to remember my number unless your mind would be to busy thinking of my cock." He then whispered his number slowly, the air coming from his lips tickling your ears softly and you could've have sworn you felt like he was fucking you from how intense all of this was, how close he was too you, how his breath traveled around your collarbone and his hands gripping your wrists.
He lifted his head and looked back at you with his adoring smile, which actually calmed you down and made you trust him and that you will see him and possibly Jungkook too again. "I sincerely hope I can see you again and up until then I would not stop thinking about you", he told you and Jungkook added, "Try to keep those lips for us until we see you again, baby."
Taehyung chuckled and you smiled back at them and you then you said jokingly, "Well I'm going to another concert in two days, so.... Idk what crazy thing is going to happen this time around", knowing very well you had no conceet to attend or whatsoever. They both happily smiled back at you guessing that you were teasing them again which made the anticpation to meet you even more intense and you couldn't help but let out a laugh, which they joined. They said goodbye to you and looked at you with gleaming smiles and with eyes that said, "See you soon" as you disappeared from their view.
"Oh look at our baby, so impatient for her daddy's cock", Taehyung said with his deep voice that made your heat rise instantly. Jungkook and Taehyung got close to your naked body, kneeling on the long sofa and looked down at you with their piercing and lustful eyes. You couldn't believe it, it was really the start of a whole week of being the slut of these two hot men and the idea itself was enough inundate your veins with this erotic poison.
Taehyung: "Take off my pants and have my cock in your mouth baby, it's all yours."
You didn't hesitate to proceed and you unzipped his pants and pulled it down together with his gucci boxers. His was massive and already stained his boxers his pre-cum. You licked his whole length from the base to the tip with a slow tantalising motion, making you to keep your eyes fixed onto Taehyung's. Jungkook has already removed all of his clothes and was sitting next to your pretty figure.
Taehyung: "Come on baby, show me how you much you want this more than any candy,"
You nodded sheepishly and wrapped your lips around the head of his cock as you took all of it till it reach the back of your throat. Your gagging sound, didn't skip Taehyung as he groaned with his hips travelling back and forth into your warm entry, trammelling your breath.
Taehyung: "You love that hmmm? Pleasure your daddy's cock at the expense of your own comfort."
You removed his dick from your mouth as you nodded to him but he placed both of his hands at the back of your head as he penetrated your mouth and began bucking into your throat.
"I didn't say that you could take your mouth off now did I!?" Taehyung confronted.
Jungkook placed his hand onto your slit and began rubbing your sensitive area with a soft motion that made you wetter each second. You shifted and now you were enclosing Jungkook's dick inside your mouth. He hissed in satisfaction and began thrusting upwards into your mouth causing your eyes to water. Taehyung was behind your rounded butt and had his tongue work throughout your slit. He was so good at it, eating you like his favourite dessert. Before he could release into your mouth, Jungkook lifted you up by the hair, freeing his dick from your lips and he stared at your eyes for a few seconds. "Babe, you really love this cock of mine, hmmm, a little more and I would've you swallow my seeds. Taehyung it's time to make her go for a ride."
They were seated in opposite directions with their cocks aligning next to each other as you descended. You opened up nicely for them, welcoming their throbbing dicks inside your walls.
Jungkook: "Oh baby...., you are taking us so well."
Taehyung: "Mmmm yeah...., so wet and soft. You're gliding up and down so easily... fuck..."
The conjoined moans of the two men was the ideal music that made every motion of your hips more and more pleasurable. You couldn't hold it any longer and you came onto their dicks still inside on you. They both groaned louder when your walls tightened around them.
Jungkook: "Fuck..! That felt so good just now."
Taehyung: "Come on baby, be a good girl and make us cum inside of you."
Your bounced onto them a little faster, taking them as deep as you could until you felt their cocks shoot ropes of cum inside of you, filling you immensely that it was dripping out already.
You continued riding them for a few more seconds before sliding out and then got onto your knees on the floor. They both sat up on the couch and you went to suck Taehyung's cock slowly while jerking Jungkook's cock at the same pace.
Jungkook: "She was so good, right hyung..?"
Taehyung: "Yeahhh.... let's see if she can take us both in her other hole...", he replied lazily since you were sucking on his whole length still sensitive from the fuck you've just had.
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keilemlucent · 4 years
best nest: headcanon special
best nest headcanon for salem’s ver of rut season hawks? say no more my dudes (nsfw at the end)
physical changes:
there’s a bunch of these in the fic so lets get into it fellas
so in general, from the brief articles i researched, birds can go through some physical changes during a mating season for like a number of reasons but also realism be damned it was fun
i hc hawks as having weird nails, rut-season or not. normally, they’re darker at the cuticle and grow a bit faster than normal. rut-season? they grow very fast, fully-blackened, curl a bit. he can cut and file them, but it’s sorta fruitless as they grow quickly and are a bit thicker and thereby harder to deal with
eyes? keigo’s pupil shape is always a little off, but during rut-season, they’re nearly fully slit shapes.
wings!! plenty of bird species have changes in their plumage come mating season. typically brighter colors and pattern changes. keigo’s don’t change from their crimson, just have patterns made by small, thin, nearly clear filaments. it gives them a lil iridescent effects. the patterns are symmetrical between the wings and probably add contrast that might change the shadow/highlights of the feathers?? maybe creating an illusion of his already huge wings looking bigger?? this is me spit balling
in addition, they are very sensitive. in general, keigo is just oversensitive as fuck. especially if he hasn’t n*tted in the past hour or so. dude gets pent up fast.
alright now to whaat everyone wants to talk about
keigo’s fat cock
dude just needs to breed! dicks gotta impress potential mates and damn does it. a lil thicker, a lil longer, nasty huge balls. immaculate as y/n said
i haven’t even mentioned pheromones, but the dude is reeking of them whether he wants to or not. they probably don’t have a wide range of feelings and urges they can induce. prolly like horny & safe. but like hey isn’t that what we all want??
the fangs are just because of the cute edits like?? have u seen them? adorable. 
there’s no biological reason its just What I Wanted
emotional changes
this has got to vary whether kei has a ‘mate’ or not
in the case he doesn’t already have an established mate, the dude is just horny. balls to the wall wants to fuck everything in sight constantly. secure a mate, get them in nest, fuck until babies. easy
oooo but with an established mate?? there’s emotion rapport there. 
keigo isn’t a complete bird so there’s human dimensions to his rut- an established mate with like a background would elicit more of these feeling
basically like, protective!! gotta keep them safe and happy because they need to Have my Children but also bc love you know??
i imagine there might be some cognitive dissonance between like instinct and emotions here, especially in moments where its been an hour or two since y’all banged
besides the point, kei’s is gonna be an aftercare king once he gets some of his need to rail you outta the way. mostly because you’d be undoubtedly wrecked and if he wants to not have be pulp and nut by the end of his rut, he has to try and take care of u as he can
in the fic when i said he ‘handles the details’, i imagine this would be stocking up on easy to prepare food, medicine and like topical aids. just to help u out!!!
the chirps
the chirps
if we’re going full bird, we’re going full bird
lowkey it just sounds cute, kei letting go a little and falling into his more instinctual patterns and he just lets lose some bird sounds
over the course of the rut, you probably end up figuring out what certain tones and vocalizations mean
happy chirps, sad chirps, needy chirps, lil comfort coos, things like that
the nest
im a cancer and a homebody so this part is ~*self indulgent*~ 
basically, protective of his mate right?? gotta keep them safe 😤
most surfaces in the home are padded with some sort of blanket or sheet
literally i can see keigo dropping an insane amount of money on just nesting supplies, sleeping with them and scenting them before situating them just right all around
this is probably a long process bc it has to be perfect before he ruins it with u that’s part of the fun
in the fic, there’s a bed against wall windows which is just a nod at the central part of the nest being a spot where keigo can get a good, high vantage point to see any potential threats 
idk if keigo’s like “damn better fuck them near a window so i can scare of competitors” or “if we’re this high up i can always see if someones coming at us” 
whatever the case it’s definitely more instinct avian brain 
in the end, the whole nest is scattered with his softest feathers, his smell and pheromones. perfect. chefs kiss.
and lastly u gotta except the nest!! 
keigo’s put days into making it just for u two, and you gotta basically like, claim it and him 
once u do, it’s fucking time my dude
horny shit (nsfw) (warning: somnophilia) 
im practicing getting filthy on this account bare with me
in classic rut fashion, he is going to rail you until he’s sated and instinctual somewhat confident you’re pregnant. that’s the core of the whole rut right??
i’ve hc’ed him as having some agency during despite his need to stuff you with nut, but im truthfully not sure how much agency. 
point blank he’s gonna wreck you!!
face-down, ass-up preferred. feelings primal and nasty. 
he likes marking you up too oooo boy. you’re the only person who’s gonna see him for the next few weeks but he’ll  be damned if you’re not covered in scratches, bite marks and hickeys in your most sensitive spots
makes kei coo with pride, seeing you all fucked up and claimed by him. especially if you’re sleeping next to him, fucked out and safe in his arms. all the parts of his brain are sated and that’s probably the only time he can get proper rest
lowkey there’s probably a fair amount of cock warming involved, just ambiently. keigo wants you close, safe and filled with cum and what better way to assure this state other than keeping his nearly perma-hardened cock deep in your cunt for hours on end
he’s nice enough to grind up into you every once in awhile, help you come even in your sleep to keep you comfy and holding his cock just right in your cunt
ugh the existential peace kei must feel when he’s balls deep in his mate while in their nest..... ugh. wow. fucked out dream <333
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cozycryptidcorner · 4 years
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Kinktober 3: Naga/Semi-public
Tags: naga, semi-public, is there a word for female cockwarming? pussy warming??? idk, uhhh, yeah
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You don’t know why you find the upper levels of the library so enticing. Once the archives are closed, no one very much cares to venture up to the near-attic, the scent of carefully dusted wood calming after a day of stressing over whatever class you feel like you’re falling behind in. Up here in the rafters, surrounded by ancient scripture and stories of lands almost forgotten, you can slip out of your mind and focus solely on what you must.
Okay, well, scratch that, maybe you do know why you like it up here. Thunder roars in the near distance, shockwaves of sound vibrating against the windows and stone of the walls. It doesn’t take too much of a temperature shift outside to suck out all the heat through the thin sheet of glass separating you from the raging storm, and by the way a frigid nose pokes beneath your skirt, someone doesn’t find the cold as enticing as you.
With a steady hand, you turn the page of your textbook, eyes scanning the page as a scaled tail wraps around your ankle. Tapping your pen against your notebook, you practically glare at the illustration, trying to ignore the imploring fingers slipping beneath your underwear. All you offer in response is a quick shift of your hips to ease his struggle, his breath almost cool against the wetness between your thighs.
“Malak,” you half-whisper, tangling your fingers in his white hair. “You said you would help me study.”
“I’m cold, baby,” he hums in response, hiking up your skirt further up to your waist. Teeth graze against your inner thigh, nothing more than a playful nip, but it melts your insides down to a boiling point. “Let me warm up first.”
Swallowing thickly, you only turn back to your schoolwork, trying to angle yourself on the chair in a way that lets you spread your legs as far as necessary. Focus, focus, focus, your mind chants as his tongue slowly teases the skin around your lips. Intention when casting runes is just as important as the markings themselves; to fully produce their desired effect, one must-
A burst of pleasure runs up the length of your spine; you have to catch yourself before you let out a sobbing whimper. Malak’s tongue has graced your clit with its presence, his bright blue eyes looking up from under the table with a sly triumph. Clamping your mouth shut, you turn back to your work, trying to focus on making a flashcard with the proper vocab words as he spreads the skin of your pussy out.
Trying to keep your voice steady, you say, “what are the three virtues one must exhibit while casting runes?”
“Clarity,” he kisses your slit, “focus,” another kiss, “and aplomb.”
“Good,” you manage to get yourself under control, taking a sip out of your thermos, “glad to see you’re keeping up.”
He makes a purring noise, flattening his tongue and licking from top to bottom, little sparks of thrill running through your core. Then, just to be infuriating, you think, he lets out a small whimpering noise that sets your entire being on edge. Still, there’s no one around to hear his little show of subjugation, so you decide to let it slide.
Up, down, up, down, a smile on his face as you wrap a leg around his cool back.
Keeping your voice under control, you look over your notes. “What is considered the rune for this modern age?”
He waits for a beat, flicking his tongue against your opening, then says, “Synthetic Moderna.”
You shudder as he delves back down, but you have to nod your head. “Ri-right. What about- what about the Acadian Revival?”
“A period in the nineteenth century revolving around the idea that older magicks were somehow better than modern- do I have that right?” Without waiting for your answer, his mouth closes on the upper part of your pussy, slowly pushing his tongue between your folds, sliding it back and forth against your clit.
You suck in your breath. “Y-yeah, that’s it exactly.” Trying to convince your quivering core that everything is alright and you don’t have to pay attention to what’s happening between your legs, you turn the page, eyes dancing over the chapter for more important information. “And what put the Acadian magic back into obscurity?”
You think you can feel his eyes rolling, but you’re so focused on the letters in your book that you don’t look. “Older magic was useful for the older world. New technologies mean new uses that don’t coincide with those ancient concepts.”
“Yes, that’s- that’s correct.” You don’t understand how he can be so very casual about everything while his tongue slowly probes your entrance, nor could you ever fathom why he might not insist you pay his own body any mind. Still, you suppose that you’re grateful for the release.
“Have I earned my prize yet?” He asks, batting his pale, thick eyelashes at you.
“Not yet,” your chest is tight, your core even hotter. “We need to get through this unit first.”
“Mmph,” he complains against your pussy, taking one of your lips and nipping gently with his fangs.
You don’t want to ask him for any more information, mostly because his face feels awfully nice against your throbbing core, but you also don’t want him to flunk out, no matter how much he seems to know his stuff, he has a nasty habit of not showing up to exams. “Who is an influential figure that began the development of Synthetic Moderna?”
He shivers against your body, tail wrapping up your shin and closing in on your knee. “Alphonsa Rodrigez.”
For being at the mercy of someone hellbent on making you cum, you think you’re doing an outstanding job at ignoring him… until his fingers become involved. Your vision blurs despite your desperate attempts to focus on anything and everything but him. Clearing your throat, you continue, “and what exact discovery did Doctor Rodrigez discover?”
He moans into your pussy, his throat rumbling low and sweet. Now that his fingers are involved, the stroking of your clit doesn’t cease when he looks back up at your face, “isn’t she the one who came up with the three virtues?”
You inhale sharply as he presses his thumb into your slit, but say, “no, she wasn’t the one to finalized the three virtues into mainstream practices… it has to do with the idea of clarity, though.”
“Oh,” he says, realization in his eyes as he offers a kiss to your thigh, “right, wasn’t she involved in the development of neural observation when it came to the actual casting?”
“Ye-Es!” Your voice lilts and almost becomes a whine as Malak, the fucking bastard, closes his mouth around your clit and sucks just as you open your mouth. You clap your hands over your mouth, face red, hoping desperately that no one heard. Judging by the lusty smile on his face, he knows what he did, and you feel the urge to smack him upside the head. ” Malak!”
“Careful, baby,” he says, infuriatingly quiet, “someone might hear you.”
As though the universe heard his words and decided that it would be super funny to turn against you in the worst way imaginable, you hear footsteps. Sucking in air, you’re quick to fix your posture, wrapping your legs around Malak’s neck in the hopes of keeping him still. Despite the hazy layer of sweat on your temple, you think, you hope that you don’t look like… well, like someone is mouth fucking you beneath the table.
“Are you alright?” A head pokes out from the back, eyebrows raised. A grad student you recognize, he’s one of the TA’s in your least favorite class this semester, though you’d never tell him that.
Silently, you thank every god who might have brought the desk you’re sitting at because it’s one of the older fashioned ones, the kind that closes off and hides whatever might be underneath from passersby. Briefly, you wonder if the person who first made them had this exact reason behind it. Malak’s tongue doesn’t give you an ounce of reprieve, working almost harder to flush your face, hoping with all the power in his fingers that you might squeal with pleasure.
But you’re stronger than that, more determined than he, so you offer up a casual smile and a noncommittal shrug. “Sorry, Martin, I saw a spider. You know how I am with those.”
“Ri-ight,” he says, drawing out the center syllable for longer than you would like. Maybe he’s just mocking you for the phobia? “Of course, sorry for interrupting.”
“Oh, I’m just studying-”
“Of course, goodbye.” And just like that, his head ducks back between the books, gone and embarrassed for reasons you don’t want to think about. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a tail poking out from where the wooden board almost meets the floor, thrashing about like in some kind of distress. Or some sort of perverse pleasure.
You don’t have time to feel shameful because Malak is attacking your body with a much more vicious gusto than you had thought him capable of… okay, well, maybe not, but you did think he would at least wait until the study session was over. Steadily, with so little mercy, he sucks on your clit directly; you have to bite down on your hand to keep from crying out.
Even if you offer up a meager question, you know that he’s so focused on your pleasure that he couldn’t be bothered to answer. You’re almost afraid that you might be squeezing his head too tightly, but he doesn’t seem bothered in the least, arm snaking around one of your legs to shift and position however he needs. Out away, then back closer when a chill of coldness threatens his delicate skin.
He’s sucking now, sucking on your clit, except it’s not like those quick, kissing motions; it’s full-on, and your vision tangles with a web of black. Everything in your core is tight, hot, yet Malak is cool enough to tie your body down to the mortal plane, even if he’s relentlessly licking like his life depends on your orgasm. And there, you can feel it coiling in your stomach. You have to bite down on your sleeve lest you start whining like a pup. With your other hand, though, you rake your fingers through his hair.
Now he’s looking at you, crystalline eyes filled to the brim with smug satisfaction. Still, his tongue moves against your lower regions with the skill of a well-seasoned whore, a kind of his own desperation on his face. Almost like his very being depends on your pleasure. He gently pushes a finger into your pussy, curving it slightly to hit that one specific spot, then slowly begins to massage your inner walls, and you are over.
You can feel the beginning of the orgasm creep up inside your core, small tendrils of pleasure reaching out through your nerves. The steady building turns into waves, though, morphing from a modest sort of feeling to something large, bright, and overshadowing everything else. Something slick and hot rushes through your pussy, trickling out and into Malak’s eager and waiting mouth.
The sounds he makes while drinking your cum are obscene, even though he tries to keep quiet, just as you asked. But he doesn’t slow down and instead lets you ride out your orgasm on his face, tongue still licking and mouth continuously kissing despite your body’s slow decline off that high. Everything in your body seems to shut off, muscles relaxing as the final rolls of pleasure ebb away, until you’re barely nothing more than a shivering, boneless mass on the chair.
He crawls up your body then, every movement with purpose and vigor. He kisses your stomach, a shiver pulsing out from it, then up your sweater, pausing at your collarbone, then goes to your neck. You wrap your arms around his torso and your legs around his waist, snuggling up against his solid, large body to ground yourself.
“Babe?” He asks.
“What leap of advancement does Synthetic Moderna have over its many predecessors?”
“I’m going to kill you.”
“Incorrect! That's a penalty."
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
Angeled | Lee Taeyong (TEASER)
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Mafia!Taeyong x Nurse!Reader  
▸ TOO MUCH FLUFF, TOO MUCH SMUT, TOO MUCH ANGST ▸ Strangers to lovers, Mafia au ▸ A fic out of nowhere by B
Summary: A young mafia boss turned his back to his old life when he experienced the calmness that peace brings when you came and saved his life on that stormy night. You and Lee Taeyong fell in love deeply without you knowing that you're sharing a bed with a dangerous man who is hated by many people. Little did he know, you are hiding a secret from him too. One that will break his heart in the future. 
Warnings: Smut on smut on smut. The reader has heart disease so if you are uncomfortable with it, please click away. Mentions of: bruises, wounds, blood, guns, hospitals, drugs, alcohol, blood money, murders, and medications. Unprotected sex, nipple play, handjob, rough sex and intimate sex, oral sex female and male receiving, Somnophilia (with consent of course), heavy and mature themes. serious character death. SMUT UNDER THE CUT!!!!! A/N: Pure fiction. Now that I already finished my back to back smut fic for Jaehyun, it’s time for me to write a back to back smut fic for my number one man. So if you loved Sweet, you’ll love this too. Read Sweet here! Also idk if ‘Angeled’ is a word HAHAHA
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“Tae, are you okay?” You heard loud thumps from the bathroom while Taeyong is having a shower.
“I am, but can you help me? I slipped” he groaned loudly. He doesn’t sound fine so you made your way towards the bathroom and slightly opened the door.
“Are you hurt?” you asked.
“A bit and, I’m naked too. But I badly need help if that's fine” you entered your bathroom and saw him in the tub with the shower on.
“Of course it's fine” you said as you enter and turned the shower off, making your clothes wet and your nipples visible through the fabric. He hurt his back but nothing seems to be serious, you checked his forehead and the cut on the side of his eyebrow is kind of deep, and it's bleeding badly so you cleaned it immediately.
“I’m sorry, I’m not usually this weak” he admitted and let out a frustrated sigh.
“You got shot and stabbed two times, of course, you’re weak. And don’t worry, the cut on your eyebrow won't ruin your handsome face” you tried to cheer him up which is successful.
“You think I’m handsome?” he was teasing you but he’s blushing so much. You nod and helped him get up, trying not to look at his big cock, but too late. You already had a peek. “It’s alright to look, your nipples are exposed too and I’m sorry- I can’t stop myself from looking” You let out a nervous laugh before you leave him and let him finish his shower, you told him to be extra careful and you will wait for him outside the bathroom.
And while you’re preparing the stuff you need for Taeyong’s wounds, his warm hands startled you when you felt him touch you by the waist. You turned around and saw Taeyong with only a shower towel wrapped around his waist, looking so handsome and hot with his wet hair and great body. “Sit here,” you said and pat the edge of your bed.
First, you tended to his fresh bruise by his eyebrows, and you didn’t miss the way he looks at you. You pretend that you see nothing and continue doing your job but deep inside your heart is beating so fast that your hands are starting to shake. He let out a soft giggle when he saw your hand and caught your wrist, making you let go of the used cotton.
By this time, your heart is beating faster than earlier. But when he kissed your cold palm, in a matter of seconds a warm feeling scattered around your body and it brought you great calm. “Don’t be nervous. It’s just me” he says and made your hand rest on his shoulder while he boldly proceeds to unbutton your soaked dress shirt. He was quiet for a few seconds and reached for your hand again only to kiss it and ask for your permission.
“Can I?” he was talking about removing your shorts and exposing more of yourself to him. You’re not stupid, you know exactly what will happen if you say yes. And quite frankly, you wanted it to happen as much as he does. So you nod calmly and watch him remove your thin shorts.
His hand moved immediately from below your knee, all the way to your waist, and give your ass a gentle squeeze. It was not too long before he finally continued and remove your panties, letting it fall on your ankles. And lastly, your dress shirt, which swiftly falls down from your arms and made you fully exposed to him.
“Tell me if you want me to stop and I’ll stop” he says when he pulls you closer to him without any warning and made you sit on his lap. His kisses on your body were tickling you, but there is a slight hint of roughness already because you feel his teeth brushing on your skin and his grip on your body becomes tighter. He pushed you on the mattress and grab hold of both of your legs, spreading them to his likeness and massaging your wet slit with his right hand. Lips locking finally, bodies to bodies, and slowly with all his strength he’s finally on top of you, comfortable in between your legs. Grinding his semi-hard cock on your wet slit while his hands roam freely around your body.
You exchange moans and catch each other’s breath with every kiss, stopping both of your worlds when he finally lined his cock on your hole and push in slowly, only to pull out and thrust a little bit harder this time. Taeyong did not hesitate to be rough and showed you how he usually fuck. "Tell me how it feels, hmm? Tell me” he commands with a hoarse voice as he rolls his hips deliciously, sharp, and deep, making you both moan so good.
“Good- ah!” He went a little bit faster while he pins both of your legs on the mattress and kisses your neck. “Fuck Taeyong what do you want me to say” you moan out, clawing his back but careful enough not to touch his bruises because you know his whole body still hurts right now. But he doesn’t care because this has been the best sex he had in a long time.
“Does this hurt?” He gave you a sharp piercing thrust that dragged your body near your headboard, his thrust was so rough that you needed to grab hold of your board instead of his body. It’s like he hasn’t had sex for years and now he’s pouring everything to you, and it hurts so good.
In no time, you started to clench and unclench around his cock. He was busy sucking your boobs and kneading them when he felt it and it made him crazy. “Pill?” he asked quickly, you can only nod and let go of your headboard and hug him again. You wanted to feel his body shiver and hear him moan closely while he cums, little did you know he wanted the same thing too. So he tightens his embrace and kissed you while he holds you by the waist tightly for he’s about to shoot his cum.
He groaned near your ear while giving you sharp thrusts and fucking you through your orgasm. Sucking and biting your right nipple as he shivers on top of you and continues to shoot his cum inside you while moaning, “Oh- ohhh” over and over again.
“Tae. I need uhm- I need you to get off, uhhh. I need water. I’ll be quick-“ you croak. Completely out of breath but you have to keep breathing.
“Y-yeah sure,” you pushed him to the mattress and off of you, quickly you made your way to the kitchen with heavy breaths. Reaching for your medication and drinking it in secret while waiting for its effect before you go back. That was close, you thought. He can’t know that you have heart disease.
With weak legs and a pale face, you went back to your bedroom, but Taeyong came out of nowhere and scoop you off the ground, and carried you bridal style back to your room. Which reminds you... he’s married.
He was all smiles and giggles with a soft cock as he puts you down the mattress and started kissing your body again. “I’m a terrible person” you said and turned your back from him, covering your face with your arm and trying your breathing exercises without him knowing.
“What? No- you’re literally an angel. Because of you, I’m still alive” he protests, making you face him and intertwine his fingers with yours. “What’s wrong?” he kisses your hands. Again. Something that makes your heart soft in an instant.
“You’re married. I found this in your pocket the night you... well, you literally fell into my arms” you reached for your drawer and showed him the thick and gold ring. Both of you stared at its beauty before you hand it to him.
“Well, I hate to break it to you but it’s not a wedding ring” he snorted and kissed your chest, trying to put you in the mood again. “Keep that ring, that’s important” he added and helped you put the ring back to the drawer.
Now that you're that he's not married and you're not fucking someone else's husband, you showered him with deep and lustful kisses. Tongue sucking and lip biting lustful kisses that made you both horny. “Okay, okay. I believe you, but I can’t go again” you said, slightly pushing him away with your hand on his chest. Thankfully he respects what you want and covers your body with your thick duvet.
“Can I at least keep you close?” He asks with a hopeful tone.
“You can,” you said with a smile that changed the mood and you invited him under the covers. His skin is cold, rough in some parts because of all the scars and bruises, but his whole being is beautiful. Oh you wanted to ask him why does he have a lot of scars, but you would rather not.  
“By the way, are you okay? Was I too rough and that’s the reason why you can’t go again?” He asks with a soft tone while his fingers dance around your skin and go wherever it pleases.
The thing is, you’re not a liar but you can’t tell him about your condition. Maybe someday, but for now, you believe that he will see you as a weak person if he knew the truth. And you don’t want that to happen. So you don’t have a choice but to lie. “Yes, you roughed me up. Why though? Were you stressed?”
“I’m sorry, it won't happen again- I got carried away,” he said sincerely.
“No, it's fine. I needed it too, and it felt good” you pulled him closer and cup his cheek, “you were great” you said shyly, avoiding his eyes because you just said he fucked you good. He let out a laugh and wrapped both of his arms around you, trying to hide his blush and his big smile.
What happened between you and Taeyong on this beautiful afternoon is a clear explanation that you like each other. And if love grows between you two, Taeyong will not hesitate to embrace this second life. Although he is not worthy of a peaceful and quiet life, he knew that well, but when it comes to you he can’t help but be selfish.
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momoshin · 4 years
like maybe you’re all pressed up “challenging each other and you roll your eyes and are gonna turn around to just leave her fighting to herself but she yanks you by the hair … yea..” “bro she would love havinf you on all fours, facing a mirror?? her hand in your hair??” I’m begging you to write about this joint prompt 🙏
hmm idk how i could make this a full fic but i assume it would go along the lines of
“–you would know that if you would shut your fucking mouth for once.” her breath is hot on your lips. you can smell the expensive perfume she sprayed on her pulse points this morning, and you can spot a small place where her lipstick had rubbed off. you look at her lips for second, and your breathing is so fast and labored, that you need a minute to get yourself together. but when you do, you try to walk away with a roll of your eyes. the scoff leaving your lips loud enough for her to hear. there’s a faint pain in the back of your head, and when you open your eyes that had squinted from the pain, you’re back to face her.
“i’m not done” she growls. it was a petty fight, she hated petty fights, how you were always the one to start them for absolutely no reason. but she looks so good like this. lips plump, red and asking to be kissed and bitten, eyes hard and angry, nostrils flared to emphasize her anger. maybe that’s what you’re always after.
“yeah well im not listening” it’s an attempt to escape her again, but she just pulls tighter on your hair, pulling you closer to her, if possible. your legs are between hers and your hand inevitably wraps around her wrist as you hiss
“don’t make me make you listen” her voice is so much deeper than usual, her breath is right on your lips and your panties are growing damp by the second. but you won’t tell her that. not willingly. “is this what you want? want me all over you? greedy whore cant even live without my attention? is that it?”
her head shakes slowly as she speaks and her eyebrows raise, challenging you to snap something back. instead, you do what you know angers her most and you keep silence, reciprocating the challenging look and smirk, waiting for her to make the next move.
“im talking to you” ryujin groans, and when she sees you still don’t answer, her legs detangle from your own and she drags you with her to the room. “maybe you need the words to be fucked out of you, hm?” still, nothing. she’s more upset than she lets on, manhandling you around until your face first on the bed. and your girlfriend hears the small whimpers and sounds you try to hold in with every sudden movement. she likes it, but it’s just not enough for her.
“cat got your tongue baby? not gonna speak to me at all?” her knuckles feel cold against your skin when she curls her digits around the waistband of your pants. “answer me. when. i. speak” between each words was a spank to your bare ass, your voice raising with each one, moans and hisses coming out your lips so easy you were disappointed in yourself. “you know what happens to brats ... don’t you baby?”
“mmph” you back your ass into her hand, burrying your face in the grey comforter that decorated your bed, your arms stretched out and your back curved to perfection, it was such a sight for her, and if she wasn’t pissed of she would’ve probably left her own trail of kisses from your ass to your neck, but you didn’t deserve that, not today.
“what? tell me?” ryujin’s warm hand squeezes and massages your right asscheek, the bed shifting when she does and her mouth is next to your ear, nibbling on your lobe and whispering words of encouragement for you to talk.
“they don’t cum” it’s so low. almost a whisper, but with the deep silence that you were both in, she heard it loudly. a chuckle leaves her lips and caresses your skin before she kisses your cheek and lifts herself off you and the time she’s away from you only lets you look around your shared room, adjusting to the light that she had finally turned on, the body length mirror in the corner catching your eye completely. you had forgotten about it and could now only stare at the pink handprints marked on your ass.
“you look so pretty like this baby” she’s standing behind you now and you can feel the warmth of her hands running up the length of your back, around your body to your front. she likes the way you back up into her, looking for more. “what do you want?” her lips are pressing repeatedly against the skin right under your ear. “tell me what you want baby”
“your cock, please” when you look up, you make eye contact with her through the mirror, her cheek is smushed against yours as she smirks at the puppy eyes you give her before standing back straight, a hand on your ass squeezing it and holding you in place while the other ran the dildo up and down your slit.
“ah-ah-ah” she tuts, shaking her head no when you push your ass against her in an attempt to get the toy inside you. “you gotta be patient angel”
“..yes daddy” you throw your head down in embarrassment, embarrassed of disappointing her like that. but at the same time you’re glad at your choice of words, it earns you a slap of the plastic dick on your clit, making your body jolt in surprise and a gasp ripple through you.
“you know how i feel about you calling me that” finally, she pushes in. slowly but surely, making you feel all the ridges and artificial veins of the toy as she bottomed out. “say it again”
“-daddy” she hums, a small smirk on her lips as she enjoys the word rolling off your tongue and how submissive you look in this position.
“good girl” she kisses your lower back before pulling out slowly and thrusting hard inside you again. you let out a few moans and sounds you knew she would enjoy, but resort to biting your lip in an attempt to piss her off even more. because you’re aware she gets rougher when upset, animalistic even. and that’s what you want. “stop testing me y/n.” is what she groans when she realizes what you’re doing. her hips rolling expertly as she pulls your lip from under your teeth with her thumb, instead pushing the digit on your tongue for you to suck.
if anyone loves the way you look at her through the mirror, eyes small and droopy, with her thumb in your mouth, her plastic cock in your pussy, it’s her. you’re enjoying it all and so is she, even more when her skin starts slapping against your own and creating more sinful noises surrounding the two of you. ryujin pulls her thumb out of your mouth, distancing her warm chest from your back again only this time she surprises you when her thumb presses against your tighter entrance, eliciting a gasp from you when you look up at her through the mirror again. this time your eyes weren’t begging like others, instead she was met with furrowed brows and your teeth biting your lip again. something she growls at and before you can undo it, her hand has swooped a big amount of your hair and pulled you by it. now your back is flush against her chest, her thumb still in place, the toy deeper than ever and to top it all off, her sultry voice in your ear.
“you’re pissing me off” she spits “look at you, such a whore for daddy, hm?” her hips thrust up as she could, it was a small difference but you feel it everywhere. “im talking to you baby”
“y-yes” you take a deep breath, starting to lose consciousness of anything that wasn’t her railing you in the mirror. her thrusts are consistent, some harder than others but that’s what excites you both, the surprise in your gasp whenever she pushes a little bit rougher than before and hits the right place. her face is so close to yours, if you squint you can imagine your faces joined together in the mirror. the thin layer of sweat on your faces, cheeks specifically helps the visual.
“if you wanted me to fuck you, you just had to ask. nicely of course.” she carries that signature smirk on her lips, confident in the way you squirm before her.
“i did” you talk back “twice” your voice breaks at the last syllable because her thrusts are so hard and deep that she grunts in your ear. the tip of the toy grazing against your gspot and her hot breath in your neck, it’s driving you insane. “wanna cum, please”
“not today baby, you were rude to me earlier, remember?” ryujin pulls out smoothly and maneuvers you so you’re now on your back, your head hanging off the edge of the bed as she positions herself once again between your legs. one hand goes to your tit, and the other to guide the toy inside you again.
“please forgive me. im so sorry”
“mmm. i don’t think you are” her laugh sounds evil “look at yourself in the mirror baby. look how good you look all spread for me. fuck” she switches between fast and slow, watching you break every second a little more. her hand squeezes your tit deliciously and the more she massages it the closer you get to your orgasm.
she can tell, because of the way you’re less responsive and more touchy with her, hands that she of course swats away because not being able to touch her is part of the punishment. you’re so close, she knows it, that’s why she keeps her hand around your tit, but bends over you so she can bite and nibble on the skin from your ear to your neck, to under your jaw, her thrusts in sync with her mouth. and then, when your vision gets blurry and your walls tighten around the toy, when your mouth is open so wide and your gasps are so loud your neighbor can probably hear, she pulls away. just like that. gone. you whimper loudly at the feeling of emptiness, frustrated sighs in her direction as she smirks and rubs your clit for a few seconds, but still not enough for you to recover from your ruined orgasm.
“your actions have consequences” she whispers in your ear, hand slowly and teasingly playing with your clit. “next time, think before you throw me a fit”
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An Unforgettable Halloween | Luke Patterson
Requested by anon:  hiiiii! can i do a jatp luke x reader imagine where it’s halloween and reader runs into Luke and they spend the whole day making Luke forget he’s dead? thanks! <3 love your writing by the way
A/N: Thank you for this request, anon! I really enjoyed writing it! I hope you like it!! Idk why I always need to have the reader and Luke/Charlie singing together, but here ya go anyway. The song used is Favorite Place by All Time Low. :) 
Pairing: Luke x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff
Words: 4,447
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Halloween. It’s never been my favorite holiday. My poor, feeble heart can’t handle all the scares and creepy stuff. And besides, it’s over commercialized, in my opinion. Capitalism just needed another reason to exploit a holiday. My best friend, Ava,  tells me I hate the holiday because it reminds me of two years ago when a Halloween party traumatized me for the rest of my life. “Just because Brent made that day terrible, doesn’t mean the day will forever be terrible, Y/N,” she’d always say. Though that might be true, I still like to believe that’s not the only reason why I  hate the holiday. “Just come with me to the party tonight, and you’ll see it’s not as bad as you think it is!” We’re on FaceTime while I’m doing homework and she’s trying to figure out what to wear to the annual Halloween party at Charlotte the popular girl’s house. Another reason to hate the holiday. Charlotte Parks is the typical popular girl trope in this story. Pretty, popular with the guys, a cheerleader. The cliché. “I don’t think I’m gonna do that, Av,” I say whilst tucking my pencil behind my ear and staring down the phone in front of me, balancing against my backpack on the end of my bed. “You know Charlotte and I don’t mix well together.” That’s true. Charlotte has always despised me, God knows why. For some reason unknown to me, she always has to find a way to ruin my life. “Her house is so big, you won’t even see her!” Ava reasons from her walk-in closet before walking back onto the screen, another dress in her hand. This one is a black bodycon number with a white collar at the top and fringes at the sleeves. “How about this one?” “That’s very Wednesday Adams!” I exclaim with a wide smile on my face, to which I receive a very impressed nod from my best friend. “You know Bobbi’s coming tonight, Av. Can’t cancel on her!” Roberta’s my cousin of 13, and she’s one of my best friends, no matter how lame that sounds. We’ve always been pretty good pals, since we’re the only girls in the family. We kind of had to stick together against the testosterone of our other cousins. She’s not actually coming tonight, but I needed a good excuse to get out of this party. “Take her with you!” she yells both excited and kind of desperate at the same  time. “Ooh! How about I wear my pleather pants with, like, a black body and cat ears?!” She disappears into the wardrobe again. “She’s 13, Av! I’m not going to take her to a high school party!” I yell back whilst shaking my head in disappointment. “Wear whatever you want, Ava. I’m sure you’ll look amazing.” She appears into the picture again, her pleather pants halfway her butt and her bra on show. “Hey, is that my bra?!” I recognize that black lace with the gold detailing down the bust anywhere and I’ve lost that bra three weeks ago. “What? No! This is mine!” she says, but I can tell she’s lying. “You are unbelievable, Av!” I shake my head, grinning at my best friend. “I’m gonna have to go though. Send me a snap of  your outfit once you’ve chosen!” She nods her head in response, walking up closer to her phone, which she had balanced somewhere on her drawers. “I really can’t convince you to come?” Her expression has suddenly turned serious. She really is bummed I don’t want to come out, but I don’t care. I can’t care. This is for my own good. At least then, I don’t have to see Charlotte. Or Brent. “I’m really sorry, Ava.... Maybe next year, yeah?” She sighs mournfully before nodding her head. “Have fun, okay? And be careful!” A smile appears on her face again. “I will, babes. Have fun with Bobbi!” She offers me a wave, which I return before yelling ‘bye’ and pressing the red button on my phone screen. Lying to my best friend is not my favorite thing to do, but she wouldn’t shut up when she found out what I’m actually gonna be doing. With a sharp exhale, I crawl off my bed and head downstairs where my parents are getting ready for their little get-together with their friends. Dad’s dressed in a pin-stripe suit, a fake mustache stuck on his upper lip and his hair gelled back tightly whilst mom’s wearing a black dress with a deeply cut V-neck and a large slit down the side. Gomez and Morticia Addams. Very spooky. “Don’t you two look dashing,” I compliment, watching them from the middle of the stairs, sitting down. Mom shoots me a kind smile as she fixes her slick hair. “What are you gonna do tonight, sweetie?” Dad asks, tightening his tie. “Probably gonna go get some food and watch some movies,” I shrug, placing my head in my hand, my elbow resting on my knee. “You know, the use.” Dad exhales sharply, smiling sympathetically. “Don’t give me that look, dad.” “I’m sorry, sweets. But I just wish you would act like a seventeen-year-old instead of an eighty  year old.” I scoff at his statement. We had this discussion last year too. Both of them know what happened and why it’s so hard for me to enjoy this day. But they still give me shit for it. “I’m gonna have plenty of fun by myself. Even more so than if I did go to the stupid party,” I reason with him. He raises his hands in defeat before turning to his wife. “Just make sure the kids get their candies, yeah?” mom says instead, climbing a couple of stairs to press a kiss to my head. “I love you,” she whispers and heads down again. “Love you too. Have fun, guys.” Dad comes up to kiss me too before heading to the door with mom. With his hand on the doorknob, he looks back at me. “You know we only want you to be happy, right?” he says. I nod my head, offering him a smile. “I love you, sweets.” He walks out and shuts the door behind him, leaving me alone in the empty house. I sigh deeply before heading down and grabbing my Vans. Once they’re on my feet, I grab my wallet and exit the house. The cool October air hits my sweater-clad arms, sending a chill down my spine. As my feet tread down the pavement, my mind wanders to this day two years ago. Around this time, everything seemed normal. I was happy and excited to get to the Charlotte Parks Halloween extravaganza with my boyfriend Brent. We’d picked out a great couples’ costume. He was a wolf, and I was dressed as Red Riding Hood. I’d even taken the liberty to go all out with makeup and put a slash near my eye as though I’d been attacked by the wolf. Ava was a fan of that costume, more than Brent was. But when we neared the end of the night, everything crumbled down into shreds of sadness and anger. The residue of that anger wells up again until it’s knocked out of me when I bump into someone, making me stumble backwards. I would’ve fallen on my ass if it wasn’t for the hands capturing my arms to keep me from doing so. “I am so sorry, I--” I stop in my tracks as I look up into the gorgeous green eyes that belong to the attractive brunette that saved me from landing on the cold pavement. “A-are you okay?” he asks, letting go of me. “I--wait…” He furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “You can see me? And you can touch me?” That’s the weirdest question I’d ever gotten. My eyebrows knit together now too, trying to figure out what’s happening and why this boy is so confused about our entire interaction. “Uhm, yeah? Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do with people?” “No. I mean -- yeah, but I’m not a person, technically,” he replies in a mumble. He cautiously looks up at me again. “I’m a ghost, actually.” I let the words sizzle through my brain until it decides to send me into a fit of laughter. “Right, yeah, it’s Halloween. Ghosts. I get it. Good one,” I say between laughs, patting the boy’s shoulder, which only sends him to more confusion. To be fair, he doesn’t feel like a normal person. His arms don’t feel like they’re made of flesh and blood, but rather something light and airy. He gapes at me with this inquisitive look on his face, which calms down the laughter abruptly. “You’re not really a ghost, are you?” I ask, just to be certain. “I am, actually…” he mutters and jams his hands into the pockets of his black jeans. “Me and my bandmates died in 1995 and this girl, Julie, brought us back as ghosts… She’s the only one who could see us… Until now,” he looks up at me with hope and confusion written all over his face. “But she can’t touch us… Are you sure you’re not dead either?” I snort at his last question. “Kinda wish I was today,” I blurt out. My eyes widen after the words left my mouth. “That sounds way too dark…” I chuckle, and the boy does too, but I think it’s more out of awkwardness than finding it funny. “Are you okay?” he asks. At first, I think about answering it superficially, but there’s this look on his face that makes me want to spill all the beans. He, too, seems lonely and distraught on this Halloween night. “I’m not actually,” I glance down at my feet, finding his feet are clad in the same shoes. I then let my eyes glide from his shoes all the way up to his face. He’s urging me to continue by tilting his head a little, shooting me a questioning glance. “Halloween isn’t my favorite holiday…” I clarify. The boy nods his head understandingly. “That explains the lack of costume,” he says, which makes me glance down at my doodled-on mom jeans and oversized sweater before chuckling. “You don’t do the dressing up either? Or is that not something ghosts do?” I query, pointing at his ensemble. He’s wearing black jeans with a shirt and long-lined jean jacket. “I mean, it’s not like anyone would see,” he jokingly says, which lets a giggle escape from my mouth. His smile widens upon hearing this ridiculous sound coming from me. “Where were you going so determinedly before I smashed into you?” he asks after a few beats of silence. “Oh, I was getting some food from the place on the end of our street. They got pretty decent sushi, and since I’m home alone tonight, I thought, why the heck not treat myself, right?” I curse at myself for sharing this much with a complete stranger, who is a ghost, nonetheless, but the chuckle that reaches my ears comforts me a little. “No parties to go to? Back in my day, Halloween parties were always the best.” I feel the smile on my face fade away at the reminder of the Halloween party I’m not attending tonight. “Yeah, no… I haven’t gone to any Halloween party in two years… Like I said, Halloween isn’t my favorite holiday.” He offers me a sympathetic smile. A silence then falls over us as we stand in the middle of the street, looking at each other, debating what to say. “So… I’m gonna go and get my sushi. Uhm… Sorry for bumping into you,” I apologize and lift a foot to start walking away, but his voice stops me. “Would you mind if I tagged along?” he asks, which renders me surprised. “I don’t eat, so you don’t have to buy me sushi, but I think I could use some company tonight… If you don’t mind, of course.” His eyes are filled with hope, and some sort of desire to hang out with someone other than those bandmates he was talking about. “Uhm, no… Yeah, sure. You can tag along. It might be a nice change from that lonely Halloween I always have,” I chuckle, and he does too. “I’m Y/N, by the way,” I say as he turns and falls into step with me. “Luke,” he introduces himself with a smile. “Why don’t you go to Halloween parties, Y/N?” I inhale sharply at this question. I was hoping he wouldn’t ask too much about it. But I guess I can never get out of that question anymore. Halloween is a big holiday around here. “Two years ago, I went to one with my boyfriend. It’s the party where I found out he was cheating on me with the one girl who always had it out for me.” It rolls off my lips with ease. Normally, I’d choke or start bawling my eyes out. But Luke’s aura is so calming and reassuring that I can’t help but feel okay telling the story. “I haven’t been able to go back since, much to my best friend’s dismay.” I roll my eyes amusedly thinking about Ava and her desperate attempts to get me to go each year. “That sucks, I’m sorry,” he says as we enter the sushi place. “You better grab your phone now if you wanna talk to me. People tend to give weird looks at people talking to themselves.” I get my phone from my back pocket and pretend to dial a number before pressing it to my ear, glancing up at Luke with a smile on my face. “Hey, how you doing?” I say into the phone, which makes Luke giggle. “Just know that your ex-boyfriend’s stupid for ever cheating on you,” he tells me before looking down at his feet. “I would never wanna hurt someone as pretty as you.”  I can feel a blush creeping its way onto my cheeks, but decide to conceal it by jokingly saying, “Aw, you think I’m pretty.” He rolls his eyes, an amused smile on his face. “Next!” the guy from the sushi place yells. “Oh, hold on,” I say into my phone before placing it on the counter and facing the employer. “Uhm, the Halloween surprise box, please,” I order politely. The man nods curtly before getting into action. I grab my phone again and press it to my ear to continue talking to Luke while we make our way to a couple of chairs and tables set up for waiting customers. I let my eyes wander around the room. It’s decorated to the max with spiders in spiderwebs, pumpkins, skeletons, ghosts,... The lot. Then, my eyes fall onto Luke. He’s glancing around the place, letting his eyes wander until they find their way back to me. A shimmer appears in them when he finds me already looking at him. “So, you said you were in a band?” I ask, pretending to talk to the person on the other side of the line. “Oh, yeah! Me and three of my best friends were in this band called Sunset Curve. Three of us died on the night we were supposed to play the Orpheum,” he explains, and my eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets upon hearing the name of the venue. “The Orpheum?! You’re kidding, right?” He shakes his head, smirking. “You would’ve been legends.” The words come out in a whisper, hoping it wouldn’t upset him too much. “Yea, we would’ve been,” he sighs, then suddenly perks up again like an excited puppy, “But the girl I told you about, Julie? She can make us visible whenever we play with her! We’re now a band with her called Julie and The Phantoms!” I giggle at his endearing enthusiasm. “We would’ve had a gig at this really cool party in the Bel Air, but Julie got sick and had to cancel.” My eyes widen upon the words ‘party’ and ‘Bel Air’. Charlotte Parks lives in Bel Air. “That would be the party I’m not going to tonight,” I tell him, chuckling. “So, we would’ve met tonight either way.” He adds with a cheeky smile, “Some would say it’s fate.”  I shake my head at him, but can’t help the smile on my face either. I want to add something to debunk his theory, but my name is called out by the sushi guy. I get up and take the box of sushi from him, shooting him a quick thank you before leaving the joint with Luke in tow. “Where do you wanna go?” he asks, bouncing up and down. “Oh, I was planning on watching some movies at home, but if you have a better idea to spend tonight? Anything is better than going to that Halloween party.” He purses his lips in ponder, his eyes darting up to the night sky. “Ooh! There’s this park I like to hang out at sometimes?” I raise my eyebrows at his suggestion, popping a piece of sushi in my mouth. I’m way too hungry to wait until we sit down to eat. “You haunt children’s playgrounds?” I ask after having swallowed the seafood. His eyebrows knit together at this as he narrows his eyes at me. “I don’t haunt children’s playgrounds. I hang out at them,” he corrects me. “You’re a ghost, sweetie. That’s haunting.” “It’s not!” he shouts. “It is so!” I laugh loudly, throwing my head back. “You’re lucky the kids are all trick or treating tonight, so we can go there. Might be a little more secluded for me to talk freely to you without worrying people will think I’m crazy.” He nods his head agreeingly. Once at the park, we take a seat in the grass. I have my legs crossed whilst Luke’s are spread out, his hands supporting the rest of his body behind him. “So, what do you do in life, Y/N? You know, besides avoiding parties,” he asks with a little smile plastered on his face. I look at him for a moment, chewing my sushi. This gives me the time to really look at him. He has really great bone structure. Sharp jawline, chiseled cheekbones, fine nose, deep-set, dreamy eyes. “Eating sushi,” I reply jokingly after I’d swallowed the piece of deliciousness. Luke lets out a laugh too. “I’m still in school, so I’m spending most of my time studying. And I like to think I’m a pretty decent writer.” He stares at me, giving me his undivided attention with the cutest smile plastered on his face. “What do you write?” he asks curiously as I pop another sushi in my mouth. I lift my hand to my mouth, and reply, “Poems,” before continuing to chew quickly. “Kinda like songs, then?” I shrug my shoulders. “They could be, but I don’t play any  instrument, so I haven’t tried,” I reply and place the half-eaten box of sushi to the side, pulling my legs up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. “Do you write your own music?” He nods his head. “I wrote most of the songs in our band and now, I write with Julie for the new band,” he answers. As I’m thinking how much I’d like to hear him and his band play, he cuts those thoughts in two by asking, “Can I see your work?” I open my mouth, then close it. Then open again. I must look like a goldfish breathing. “I’ve never really shown anyone my work…” I trail off, debating whether or not I should show him. “Besides, my notebook is at home.” Luke suddenly gets up from the grass and reaches out his hand for me to take. I hesitate. Am  I really going to take a complete stranger, a ghost, to my house to show my poetry, only to find out he hates it because it’s nothing like his songwriting? The answer is yes. I place my hand in his and let him pull me to my feet. Without letting go of my hand, he grabs the box of sushi and then guides me out of the park and lets me lead us towards my house. “Wait here,” I tell him as we’re in the foyer. He simply jams his hands into his pockets and nods his head curtly. I run up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and then go to grab my notebook from my room, quickly storming back downstairs where Luke’s still waiting. I make my way to the living room and sit down on the couch. The boy cautiously trails behind me, and only comes to sit down after I pat the spot beside me. “It’s not that great, but… You know, it’s fun to do and a great outlet for anything I may be feeling.” I hand him the notebook and let him flip through all the pages. He stops on a few, reading it a little more thoroughly. It’s building some suspense in me. What if he doesn’t even like them? What if he, a songwriter, hates them? “Ah! This one!” he exclaims, and suddenly, with a whoosh, there’s an acoustic guitar on his lap. “One of the perks of being a musician spirit,” he tells me with a grin before strumming the instrument a little. He abruptly stops, looks at the page in my notebook again, and then softly tickles the strings. A beautiful melody pours out of the instrument before his melodic voice joins in too with the words I wrote. “I saw your face in the fire again I touched the flames and burned down everything I hear the sirens west of 8th now” He looks at me with a questioning glance as if asking for encouragement of some sorts. I offer him a smile, unsure of anything else I could be doing right now. His voice has rendered me silent. I think I could listen to him sing for hours.  “Wonder if you're hearin' them too And I know you don't belong  Know you don't belong to anyone” He focuses on the instrument again, making sure he’s still playing the right chords.  “No you can't be tamed love Maybe I was wrong  Maybe I was wrong for this But you feel like the perfect escape now Just like the sun on my face” His voice grows a little stronger, almost sounding raspier and more like a growl as he looks up again. I always thought it’d be cliché to melt when an attractive boy sings to me, but it’s actually happening to me right now.  “So can we close the space between us now It's the distance we don't need  Yeah, you're everything I love about The things I hate in me  So come on, come on, come over now and Fix me with your grace 'Cause I'm not too far and you're my favorite place” “You sing this last part,” he tells me, pushing the notebook towards me before going back to playing his guitar.  “I can’t sing, Luke,” I tell him, slightly panicking.  “Sure you can. I’ll sing along, don’t worry,” he offers me a reassuring smile before putting more power behind his strumming while also leaning closer toward me to read the words.  “So come on, come on, come over now and Fix me with your grace 'Cause I'm not too far and you're my favorite place” He now quits playing, placing his hands flat on the strings, and for a while we just stare at each other in disbelief. Disbelief about the song we just made together. Disbelief about how beautiful a voice he has. Disbelief about how attractive he is.  I cough, breaking the eye contact, “That’s a great song, Luke… You can have it if you want,” I offer with a smile to try and hide the blush from heating up my cheeks.  “No, Y/N, I couldn’t. That’s yours. Those are your words. Your words made this a great song.”  “They’re just words without a melody,” I mutter, folding the edges of the paper nervously.  “A song is quite boring without words though, isn’t it?”  For some reason, I’m starting to think all of this could be a metaphor for us. Him being the melody and me being the words. I would be a plain and simple poem without him, and his life -- though I doubt it -- would be boring without me.  “It would still be a song though,” I add, looking up at him again. One corner of his mouth curls up into a smirk, which makes me think he caught onto that metaphor I was thinking about. He suddenly grabs my hand and laces our fingers together. Before I can even register what’s happening, the front door suddenly opens, revealing a distraught-looking Ava. I let go of Luke’s hand and get up to help my best friend.  “What’s wrong?” I ask her as she stumbles inside. I grab her just in time before she can hurt herself. She looks up at me, her makeup run out all the way to her chin and blood trickling down her nose, though I’m not sure if it’s real blood or part of her cat costume.  “I punched Brent in the face and Charlotte punched me back,” she get out through sobs and hiccups. My eyes dart over to Luke, who’s watching this from the sofa. I almost forgot she can’t even see him. He offers me a small smile.  “Why?” I ask and guide her to the couch. She nearly sits down on top of Luke, but I’m quick enough to guide her next to him while he vanishes. He pops back behind the couch, looking down at the drunk girl lying down on the sofa.  “Because he was boasting about how he even managed to wrap the prude around his finger two years ago and got her to anything he wanted,” I swallow, remember those times people called me a prude because I covered up unlike girls like Charlotte who wore short skirts and plunging necklines. “I really don’t get what you saw in him, Y/N,” she mumbles while cuddling up to the pillow and letting her eyes flutter shut. “I hope you find someone that looks at you like I look at pizza.” I giggle at her drunken words before looking up at Luke to find him already looking at me. Kind of the same way Ava looks at pizza. A smile then finds its way to my face. Maybe Halloween isn’t as bad as I always thought it was. 
Taglist: @hannahhistorian92 @marinettepotterandplagg @thequirkybookaholic @bookdealer5 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hemmingsness @iainttakingshitfromnobody @ifilwtmfc @angryknightstatesmantrash @kiss-themoongoodbye @rudysbay @thedarkqueenofavalon @caitsymichelle13 @calamitykaty @parkeret @lukeys-giggle @gingerxarmy @lovesanimals @lolychu @perfectlywrongformend3s @luckylouiebug @camiladelrio98 @myfriendscallmebeans
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valeskakingdom · 3 years
Hi! I wanted to make you a request for a jerome x reader bc I saw that you write so well! Anyway, could you do a one shot where jerome and female reader meet when hes been kidnapped by Theo and she's an assasin that works for him that interrupts his speech that he's doing to the maniax (and if you could do her with a few tattoos, dressed in leather and covered in blood bc she just ended a "work" For Theo it would be great but you're not obligated) and they are fascinated by each other and begin to be friends and.. Idk if you can use your mind to make them sleep together 😂 and one last thing she has a strong personality but it's not like she never smiles like she has emotions ahahha (so she's not bitchy like I've seen doing in other fics), and she's kinda dominant in bed.. Like she is a switch, if you don't want to do it bc you don't like the idea it doesn't matter
Requested by @rott3nheart
Thank you!! Okay so, I tried to do my best on it. Honestly about the switch thing I kinda felt uncomfortable but still I tried to do my best. Hope you enjoy reading:)
PS: sorry that I took so long. had a lot of stuff to deal with
PSS: I split that request in two parts again because of the enormous length. Post the next part right after that here
Jerome x female reader (part 1)
Warnings: mention of sex, murder and violence
Another day full of work. Another day where a human life had to end.
Another day where you had to do a favor for your boss Theo Galavan.
He want to become the most powerful man in Gotham - the major. He wanted to win the election. It would be a tragedy if he didn't because any of his competitors seem to be better. It would be scandalous, wouldn't it?
Your previous days were the same as now: Theo called you, he wanted you to do him favors which obviously meant to kill people that could cause trouble.
Every day you came back covered in blood with messy hair, Theo thanked you, you had a nice conversation with Tabitha - your best friend - and then you made your way to clean your weapons and slowly drift to sleep.
Your every day life didn't bore you though. Oh no, you loved it! You loved the thrill every time you chase someone, tortured him and then killed him. The whole process was giving you chills, just the thought of it was enough.
You walked after that guy through a crowd of people. You took your time, even bought a coffee and some candies for yourself while chasing the guy. You didn't want to stand out.
Then you just waited for the perfect moment where barely people were around you and BOOM! - that guy was shot by you.
You tried to call Tabitha telling her Theo's competitor was dead, she didn't pick up.
It made you suspicious - usually she always picked up. So either she was busy with killing someone or she had to help Theo with some business.
You sighed for yourself and looked down at the dead body right in front of you. That corpse had to disappear. And so you decided to do what you always did: you carried the corpse to a forest, chopped it up with your axe and buried it anywhere.
And that was what you did. You carried that dead guy, stumbled at first through his weight but then you quickly made your way. Luckily the forest was near the place where you killed him and second of all, you made sure no one was watching you. You knew many ways through where you could literally invisible.
You walked through bushes, ran through little dark alleys and finally arrived the forest. You walked through it, deep enough until you were sure that this place was perfect to bury a corpse. You let the corpse fall on the ground, staring at it for a while. The guy's skin was pale already and he stopped bleeding.
"Well, I'm sorry my dear, but it's time to chop you up." You grabbed the axe from your back pocket and started the process.
First you chopped up the arms, then the legs, the head and then the guy's body in little several parts.
Of course, you always had a shovel next to your axe. How else should you eradicate a corpse? As fast as possible you dug little holes into the ground to shove the guy's body parts into them. It didn't take you that long, maybe an hour or two.
As you finished your work with pride you slowly walked out of the forest still making sure no one was watching you - and luckily no one did.
You tried to call Tabitha again - but again she didn't pick up the phone.
"Ugh, I hope she has a good reason not to respond. If she's fucking someone then I'll fucking kill her!" you hissed putting your axe and the shove back in your pocket and quickly made your way to Theo's Tower.
Finally the elevator opened and you entered Theo's living room.
People in some kind of small wagons were standing with their backs in front of you being tied up. Tabitha stood aside while you heard Theo was holding a speech about people's attitudes - you didn't pay attention to his words.
Being covered in blood and dirt you stepped forward, straight walking to Theo.
"Hey, Theo. Work is done!" You nodded to him, then turned your head to Tabitha "Hey Tabby."
"You have some uhm..." In disgust, she gestured that you have 'something' in your face and your body.
"I know. Had to chop up that guy." You shrugged. Somehow you felt watched so you turned back to Theo and his 'fellows'.
Every one was looking around besides a young ginger boy. He was eyeing you with a mischievous grin. His eyes expressed the pure evil. That guy was born to be a villain, that you can tell.
You viewed him from head to toe. He was still in his Arkham clothings.
His skin was pale, almost white. His eyes were as blue as the ocean, his lips red with a permanent smile on his face. The ginger was tall, not too skinny and not too fat. He had a standard body, maybe with some abs. Craziness was written in his face. You could tell he was crazier than all the others together. For you, he was interesting. You saw him as an opportunity to have some fun at work if Theo allows, or for fun after work.
"(Y/n)..." Theo gave you a little annoyed smile which let you know that you interrupted "Haven't expect you yet. You arrived here quite early."
"A simple kill isn't hard work, T," you crossed your arms with a slight laughter positioning yourself right next to Tabitha.
"Anyways," Theo looked back to the inmates walking past them slowly "Today is the first day of a wonderful future for all of you. If you wanna."
"Who are you?" A blonde, actually pretty girl asked him with a stern undertone.
"Well, now the question is: who are you?" Theo turned to the ginger "The world sees criminal lunatics. I see brilliance...I see charisma..." He walked back to the blonde "And power." And that was what he repeated while making deep eye contact with the blonde.
"Yes, exactly my man." The ginger growled with a sigh "That is so spooky, that is me to a T." He swung his head to the other inmate's direction contemptuously "These other bozos are, I don't know but you're singing my song." The ginger grinned.
You zoned out for a moment not listening to what Theo was saying.
You started thinking about the ginger: about how he and you made plans to kill others. It'll surely be crazy. For you he seemed to be like a showman. He needed attention, he was always right, he acted like his actual rivals mwere his best buddies... You could take advantage of it plus he could entertain you a little with jokes or his ordinary behavior.
"(Y/n)?" Tabitha snipped with her fingers in front of your eyes interrupting your train of thoughts "You alright?"
"Yeah. Was just thinking about something." You shook your head quickly trying to stop thinking about that ginger.
"About what?" Tabitha frowned "is it the ginger?"
"Why do you ask?" You scoffed taking a look at your fingernails trying to act completely uninterest. You hated talking about such a topic - especially when there weren't any kind of feelings, just nice thoughts.
"Don't play fool with me-..."
"I'm not." You interrupted her "Have no reason to."
"Tabitha, would you uh...?" You heard Theo say gesturing to the old inmate that Theo has uncuffed before.
Oh damn, that old guy will die you thought because you knew Theo. When he has a plan, everyone had to agree. If not, they'll die. There was no other option, he never showed any mercy.
"Miss Kean is coming with me." The inmate was uncuffed and he made his way to the blonde girl.
"Oh, she doesn't wanna go where you're going to." Theo stated shortly before Tabitha swung her whip and strangled the man.
His head already reddened and gagging for air. His hands tried to pull her whip away from his throat to breathe again. It didn't work though.
Tabitha pulled him on the ground and continued to strangle him. The other inmates, Theo and you just watched the whole scene.
Then she kicked him in his stomach as she sat on his body. He gasped for air still being strangled by her whip and then...she stabbed him - over and over again until she slit his throat. Blood was splashing on her and on the inmates' clothings as it spread along the floor. You heard gasps from the blonde and others every time Tabitha's knife drilled the old man's skin.
One of the inmates, it was a fat smeary man with grubby hair, kept staring at them almost psychotic with a grin. The ginger stared at the corpse staring to cackle.
It made you chuckle. You liked this straining atmosphere somehow. Most of the inmates' faces expressed fear and so you knew they'd do what Theo, Tabitha or you say anyhow. They surely didn't want to end like this old man.
"Anyone else who wanna leave?" Theo gave one of his mischievous grins. The inmates said nothing, some stared at him in fear, others just simply nodded.
"Tabitha, (Y/n)! Uncuff the guys. I'm sure no one likes to be handcuffed at home."
So that's what you did.
You took the little knife that was hidden in your pocket and severed the roped that were tied up all around them. Then you opened their handcuffs.
The smeary fat mam was the first, then a tall baldy, and then the ginger.
You looked at him for a while before you uncuffed him. He was kinda hot in your eyes as you examined him from the near. You affected his craziness, it even turned you on - somewhat. He was kinda special.
Most crazy people you knew were stupid, and dirty, and disgusting. You really didn't want to interact with them - not even for money.
And then there was the ginger. He wasn't nothing of it. He seemed to be clever, have brains...he knew what he wanted and he got everything, whether with or without violence. The word crazy was written in his face - he was everything else than normal. Maybe he was crazier than all the other inmates together? You didn't know yet, but you'd like to know. He aroused your interest a lot with his abnormal behavior.
"How many people have you killed doll?" He turned his head to you that he could still see through the corner of his eyes.
"Surely a lot more than you, sweetie." You responded with a slight chuckle "Guess, I'm some longer into that business than you, freshman."
"You're a feisty one, I like that." He grinned at you as you stood right in front of him.
"And I'm a lot more." You chuckled dark ripping the last handcuffs from his wrists.
You teased a little hoping you aroused his interest as he did with you. You knew Theo wouldn't let you take that ginger. It would cross all his plans and he'd be mad at you, threaten you and such. So you needed play tricks on him.
You didn't know what led you to all this. You just wanted that little ginger for yourself.
"We both speak the same language, how exciting! Finally I'm not only ordinary kid under all those apes. By the way, I'm Jerome." Grinning wider the ginger took a step forward to come down from this wagon and rubbed his wrists "Damn, they were tight."
"(Y/n)" you gave him a short smile "And yeah, just wanted to make sure the little bad boy's not escaping." You grinned shortly before you turned around to head back to your room.
"Oooh! What's that?" You suddenly felt Jerome's grip on your axe - your holy axe.
Within 2 seconds, you pulled your axe out of the back pocket and pressed the blade in against his throat. You could see how some blood covered the blade.
You hated it when someone touched your axe. It was your axe. No one besides you was allowed to touch it, not even to use it. Not even Theo or Tabitha.
Jerome gasped in surprise - probably by your fast reaction. And then again you saw a little smile was formed in his face.
That guy really cannot stop smiling, can he? You thought.
"You shouldn't touch other people's weapons. You could get killed." You pressed the knife a little harder against his throst.
"I know, how impolite, isn't it?" He sighed in shock "People really have no manners."
"(Y/n)! I'd feel relieved if you didn't kill our guest right after their arrival." Theo claimed giving you a stern look.
"Wasn't about to do that," You put the axe back in your pocket giving Jerome a mischievous grin "Just taught the little ginger one of our most important rules." 
You turned away again and walked along the floor to your room and swung your hips exaggerating. You knew Jerome was staring at you and you knew he examined your body.
Before you could even open your door, Jerome ran after you eagerly. It was amusing to you. He seemed to be interested in you as well. You felt strange though because he was running after you like a poor dog.
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anyway I need to go to bed but I have too much energy so I am channeling it into headcanons. here u go species headcanons for Everyone on the Dream smp with explanations because I’ve put a TON of thought into this. They’re probably like half contradicted by canon but fuck it My City Now.
Dream- A (juvenile) stage of being a god. He, DreamXD, and Drista have become known as “dreamons” but that’s technically a separate species, all spawned from them. He's not really focused on being worshipped in his own right, preferring power in the mortal realm, though he’s not averse to pretending to be his brother (the god worshipped by Church Prime) or his sister (a minor goddess of death worshipped by many hidden cults) if it can help him get power. He’s got pure white skin everywhere except his face (which is pale but human-like), black blood, entirely green eyes, pointed ears, fangs, claws, and digitigrade legs ending in hoof-like claws.
George- A human, the only human on the whole server. Humans are pretty rare, vastly outnumbered by hybrids but outnumbering any other species, and “pure” humans (what we'd consider to be a completely normal appearing human) are all but nonexistent. For example, George has eyes with dark sclera and white irises.
Sapnap- A blaze hybrid. He’s got a few rods surrounding him and his eyes blaze with fire. It’s usually just warm but not hot enough to hurt but if he's agitated or upset it can easily burn hot enough to set things ablaze.
Callahan- A reindeer hybrid. He’s got antlers, reindeer ears, fur around his arms, and hooves.
Awesamdude- A creeper hybrid. He's tauric, with four insect like legs. His skin and is green and mottled and has a texture similar to leaves. His eyes are pitch black. He has a tendency to make hissing sounds when stressed, though he can’t explode like a full blooded creeper.
Alyssa- A mouse hybrid, with large mouse ears and a long tail. This definitely isn’t an in joke for the thousands of hours I spent browsing TVTropes as a child and the “what happened to the mouse” tROPE SHUT UP.
Ponk- A demon hybrid, with pointed ears, slit pupils, a small spaded tail, and small horns.
BadBoyHalo- A full blooded demon, with pointed ears, a tall stature, pitch black skin and hair, fangs, claws, hooves, a long spaded tail, long horns, and small bat like wings. He’s rather self conscious about how intimidating he looks. He's also a lich (with Skeppy as his phylactery) which is why he has pure white eyes (a trait the undead share).
TommyInnit- An absolute mess, genetic wise, since I’m taking Tommy's joke about being born in a lab and running with it. He's mostly angel, and was basically cloned from Phil's DNA (from a feather that fell off his wings that somehow someone got a hold of) but had a bunch of other hybrid and human DNA mixed in to make him somewhat stable enough to actually survive gestation. He has very small, dark wings that are useful for balance and little else, fangs, claws, and pointed ears. His bones are very light, making him fragile but a lot more dexterous. His blood is slightly off a human's, being slightly pinkish. His freckles, wings, blood, and eyes glow slightly and are patterned like the night sky. Technically undead as of his resurrection, and maintains the many injuries of his death permanently (bruises stay and don’t heal but don’t worsen, broken limbs can be moved at unnatural angles, ect.), pale, corpse like skin, and one of his eyes turned pure white.
Tubbo- A ram hybrid, with small curved ram horns, horizontal pupils, ram ears, a tail, and hooves. Nice and simple after the absolute mess that was Tommy.
Fundy- A limited shapeshifter, able to change his species, though he prefers to be in a fox-like form. He inherited this from Sally, who had similar abilities, though with more strength. He's always got certain features he inherited from each parent that he can’t change though- wings, pale skin, and ice-like freckles from Wilbur, and salmon scales coating his wings and cheeks, and ginger-and-white hair from Sally.
Punz- A dragon hybrid, with dark horns, dark sclera and slit pupils, wings just large enough for limited flight, a strong tail, fangs, claws, and blue scales coating his cheeks, wings, tail, arms, and legs. Has a natural inclination to sleep in a pile of his wealth he only holds off on when he feels it’s at risk of being stolen (which, since this is the Dream SMP, is almost constantly).
Purpled- An enderman hybrid, with small horns, pointed ears, purple blood, and ender particles surrounding him. Parts of his arms and legs are covered in leathery, pure black skin.
Wilbur- Half angel, half fucking refrigerator because cc!Wilbur hates us (affectionate). His skin is unnaturally, icy pale, and his blood is an icy blue. His freckles are the colour of ice reflecting. He's got wings from his father, large enough to glide, but they’re pale coloured and slightly transparent. He has fangs claws, and pointy ears. His blood, wings, and eyes glow slightly and are patterned like the night sky. As Ghostbur, he’s got the injuries of his death apparent at all times, though they don’t hinder him or cause him pain, corpse like skin, pure white eyes, and is permanently transparent.
JSchlatt- A ram hybrid. He’s got large ram horns, dark sclera and horizontal pupils, a ram tail, fur around his arms, and hooves.
Skeppy- A construct made to be Bad's phylactery. He's fully made of diamond, and appears as a moving human statue (though entirely made out of diamond), though he has limited shape shifting ability to change his “hair” and “clothes”, though he has to remain the same mass. He has some small red detailing on him out of redstone (which was used partially in his contruction). The egg flipped the red and teal in his colour scheme. Also he's smalllllllllllll.
Eret- Part ghost, due to being descended from Herobrine. She has pure white eyes, pointy ears, and under stress he becomes partially transparent. They tend to hide their nonhuman features (ears under hair or hats and eyes under sunglassses) and are often mistaken for human.
Jack Manifold- Started as a wolf hybrid, with large wolf ears and a tail. After dying, he came back from hell as a hellhound with red and blue “flames” coming from his eyes, ears, and replacing his missing tail he lost in one of his deaths with two made of this fire. The fire is chillingly cold to the touch, and not warm. His eyes are also monocolour, though in heterochromatic red and blue instead of the usual pure white found in undead.
Niki- A moth hybrid, with antennae, monocolour amber eyes, fluffy wings, and more fluff around her neck, wrists, and torso. These and her hair are patterned gold and black, though as of now she’s dyed them all pink. Idk I just feel like moths fit her for some reason.
Quackity- A duck hybrid, with golden wings and webbed hands and feet. He’s also a shapeshifter of sorts, however instead of shifting into different forms he shifts into different beings, from alternate realities that never came to be. These can be used to shift into near identical copies of those around him, to impersonate them, or to shift into alternate versions of people (like Mexican Dream to Dream). These aren’t Quackity, though, and as such they have their own pool of canon lives, and while he has lots of influence over them they can still act autonomously.
Karl Jacobs- An inter dimensional being made of time itself. While his current form is mostly human, he has technicolour rainbow blood, freckles, and patches on his skin, along with clock-shaped pupils that change with the time. His “natural” form is a vaguely humanoid mess of ever shifting colour.
HBomb- I didn’t know what to do with him at first- he was a cow hybrid in my pfp set- but I just think the idea of him being a chill cat hybrid who turns full nyaa whenever he’s in a maid dress to be funny so he’s a cat hybrid now. With dyed-white cat ears and a dyed-white cat tail.
Technoblade- A piglin hybrid primarily, but he’s definitely got some weird traces of other species. He’s got tusks, pink hair, pink pig ears, a pig tail, and hooves, but he’s also got paws from some other animal hybridisation in his blood, and has a tallness that suggests demon blood somewhere down the line. His red eyes aren’t natural, and only occurred after he was sacrificed to be the vessel of the Blood God.
Antfrost- A cat hybrid, with blond and brown fur, a cat tail, paws both on his hands and feet, and cat ears. He’s also got split pupils and blue sclerae (though a different shade to his irises).
Philza- An angel- the creation of a god or goddess to help serve them (Dreamon's would be an example of the angels the Dream's can create, though they’re primarily running wild nowadays.) The creation and servant of one of the gods of death, Kristen, to serve her in the mortal realm. He’s got very large feathered dark wings, pupilless unnaturally bright eyes, pointy ears, fangs, claws, and dark blood the colour of the night sky. His wings, eyes, freckles and blood glow brightly and are patterned like the night sky. Injuries reveal that he's fully inhuman under his skin, appearing to be a void of colour that also glows and is patterned like the night sky. His crows, who are messengers from the afterlife, have this same pattern on their feathers.
Conner- I don’t know much about him tbh but. He’s just a hedgehog hybrid. I mean he’s joked enough about canonically being the kid of Sonic and Elise. He’s got blue hedgehog ears and a tail, and blue spines mixed in with his dark hair.
Captain Puffy- A sheep hybrid, with small curled sheep horns, sheep ears, a fluffy sheep tail, hooves, and hair curly and soft like wool. The split in her hair between brown and white is natural, though she keeps a small section dyed rainbow.
Vikkstar- Another angel, though of a god long gone. His entire body, even his “clothes” (which are made of flesh) glow intensely bright and have the pattern of the night sky.
LazarBeam- A gingerbread hybrid, which I’d say is dumb but we’ve already had a refrigerator hybrid so. I don’t know what else to say here.
Ranboo- Half enderman, half god of some sort. Has small horns, pointy ears, an inhumanly wide mouth with fangs, claws, digitigrade feet ending in hoof-like claws, pure black and white skin, pure black and white hair and freckles on the opposite side of the skin, red and green heterochromatic eyes barely distinguishable from their sclera, and red and green blood. Hmm, I wonder what other character shares similar descriptions... :)
FoolishG- A more matured god than Dream. Appears to be made entirely out of gold, with his hair and freckles appearing like copper. His pure green eyes have a similar texture to emeralds. Also he’s like. Massive. He’s like eleven Skeppy's.
Hannah- A nymph of the forests. Has prehensile vines and flowers flowing in her hair all the way to the ground, and half of her face and one of her arms are entirely made of these prehensile vines and flowers. Makes flowers grow in her step, after being corrupted by the egg they wither around her instead.
Charlie- Slime hybrid. Honestly just kind of got the most impractical parts of being a hybrid, having random sections of skin changed into green slime which drips everywhere and kind of gets in the way. It doesn’t seem to bother him though.
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velvetmel0n · 5 years
First Time For Everything
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Summary: Sleeping together counts as anger management, right?
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: It’s 3k+ words of smut, idk either ya’ll but uhhh penetrative sex, sex in a hallway, mutual pining?? Don’t know how that happened but we also got some good old fashioned thigh riding and a teensy bit of almost-but-not-quite-exhibitionism and Poe’s hot for it, fight me
A/N: Given my URL is anyone surprised I wrote for him first? No
The first time it happens it’s angry. Or it starts that way, at least. 
You’d been arguing about something, maybe nothing at this point because it seemed all the pilot had to do was breathe in your direction some days and you two were at each other’s throats, hurling insults and accusations back and forth and you think that you might hit him this time, actually hit him. Slap him across the face so that your hand leaves a red, stinging outline on his cheek or punch him hard enough to hopefully break his nose and not your hand. But that’s not what happens.
What happens instead is that he crowds you, pushing into your space and you’re wishing you had the Force because you would knock him back into last Tuesday and- and then he’s kissing you. His mouth comes down hard against your own like he’s trying to wordlessly continue the argument, chapped lips working yours and demanding a response from you.
Maker help you, you give him one.
You dig your nails into his shoulders, scratch them down the arms that he’s using to yank you closer to him when he licks into your mouth because you’re still angry with him and the stunts he pulls. He shoves you harder against the wall in response, hard enough for your breath to stall in your throat, hard enough that your skin prickles and something twists in your belly, heat suffusing your body.  
And…and that might be the precise moment when all that anger you kept stoked for Poe Dameron starts to spiral into the type of lust that you can’t ignore, can’t just pretend like it’s not burning a hole through the pit of your stomach. Not when his tongue is down your throat and his hands are in your hair, on your hips, grabbing fist fulls of fabric and pulling. 
Your head is starting to spin from the combined effects of lack of oxygen and the feel of his stubble abrading your skin and you can’t quite remember why kissing him is such a bad idea. Why you had always tried to cut yourself off from whatever feelings you may or may not have for him like they were a gangrenous limb. But for as hard as you tried to push them away you still got nervous whenever he took off, knowing he was a good pilot but also knowing he had no problems almost killing himself for the possibility of saving the galaxy. It happened before and it’s bound to happen again; it almost happened today for crying out loud and if you were the self analyzing sort you might think that that’s the reason he got on your nerves so easily. 
But he keeps eating at your mouth, nipping at your lip and a groan, quiet and rough, slips from him when your fingers twist in the curls at the back of his neck and you nip him back. And just like that you aren’t able to think about anything else that isn’t getting him to make that sound again.
His mouth finally breaks from yours and then he’s at your throat, mouthing at the sensitive skin under your ear and swirling his tongue against your flesh like he wants to see how you taste here, too. One of your hands move to grip the collar of his stupid, bright orange flight suit like a lifeline when he continues down the column of your neck, only dimly aware of the fact that you two are in some shadowy alcove and caring less and less about the chance of someone catching you two. 
Then he shoves a thigh between your own and you don’t care at all.
You stop breathing for a moment, suspended in time before your hips stutter into a roll and all that air you’d been holding whooshes out of your lungs in a long sigh. “That’s it,” They’re the first words he’s said since corning you against the wall, his tone dark and low. Almost…soft. At odds with the way he’s been working your neck over with his teeth, no doubt leaving marks that you’d find later after you’ve come to your senses.
 “Thaaat’s it,” He praises again, one of his big hands falling to your hip to wrench you harder against him until your clit is mashed against the meat of his thigh. Heat floods your system, his name little more than a puff of air leaving your lips and you’re helpless to stop yourself from grinding down. Your hands scramble to grab something, anything, ending up catching his face and pulling him back up to you, muffling your moan against his lips.
You feel like you could melt into a puddle right here against the wall, reduced to some quivering mess, and you want nothing more than to drag him down with you. He’s palming your breasts through your shirt now, finding your nipple through the fabric and pinching. You can feel the bulge of his cock against your thigh and the heat of it makes your mouth start to water and you want to go to your knees for him and take him into your mouth because… Well because you want to make him shake and pant and moan. 
And then you hear the voices.
 And instead of breaking apart, of doing the smart thing and running away before anyone catches you, the bastard grins at you. It’s a sharp, almost devious slash of white teeth in the shadows as he replaces his thigh with his hand. 
“They won’t know we’re here if you don’t make any noise,” He mutters at your ear and the urge to hit him is back as the voices draw closer, panic rising in your chest just as fast as the whole aroused, willing-to-jump-Poe-Fucking-Dameron-in-a-hallway thing had. 
“Let me go!” You hiss, afraid even that would alert whoever was coming, but to no avail. You try to stand on your tippy toes, try to crane your neck to see if they’ve turned down the hallway yet, and all the while Poe is working his hand into your pants with a renewed sense of urgency, like the threat of being caught excites him. 
Because of course it does.
This was insane; ridiculous, dumb, quite possibly the worst decision you have made in the past three months, maybe longer. You hate him and you hate his stupid, reckless- oh. The breath leaves your lungs when a single, calloused finger runs along the length of your slit. You hadn’t been expecting him to completely fucking bypass your underwear, hadn’t been prepared for the feel of it. 
Poe’s mouth falls open as he watches your expressions, watches the way your eyelids almost slip closed and your teeth sink into your lip. “I knew you liked me,” It’s a taunt, but it’s breathless and there’s no real venom behind it, the pilot too wrapped up in how wet you are for him. How soft, how hot. You’re practically dripping into his palm at this point and if he’s being honest with himself he wants to drown in it.
“You’re such a bastard,” You’re rocking your hips towards him all the same though, trying not to whine because he’s- he’s playing with you now. Just spreading your slick around, avoiding your clit entirely might you add, like he can’t get over the fact that it’s for him. You grab at his flight suit again, needing to hold onto something as he keeps petting you, dragging his fingers along your slit and over your lips, acting like he has all the time in the world despite the voices growing louder and clearer and you think you might actually cry if he keeps this up. 
Your head starts to loll back against the wall as he keeps rubbing at you, giving you just enough stimulation to set your teeth on edge, but then he’s grabbing your jaw and leaning closer, pressing his forehead into yours. “Look at me,” It’s stern, more of a command than anything else. If this was any other time, if you weren’t in a hallway and if his hand wasn’t between your legs, there’s a good chance you would tell him to fuck right off on principle. But here you are and his hand isn’t stopping, and, embarrassingly, something about his tone is just…just working for you.
So you manage to pry open your eyes, vulnerability rocking through you when you meet his gaze head on.  His eyes are dark and hungry, pupils blown out and flickering around your face like he’s trying to catch every little bite of your lip, every flinch when he touches you in just the right spot. He looks so absorbed in what he’s doing, staring at you hard like he’s trying to read your fucking mind or something and it’s affecting you just as much as his fingers are.
“Poe,” You try to appeal to him again, hearing footsteps now and your voice is high and tight from fear and the fact that he’s decided that pushing a finger into you at this exact moment is the best course of action. And, inanely, you think that nothing has felt as good as this. Then he presses the pad of his thumb against your swollen clit and begins to rub little circles into the bundle of nerves and you stand corrected; nothing has ever felt as good as this. You desperately try to suck in enough air, a whine building in your throat.  He shushes you, giving your jaw a short squeeze you take to mean as him telling you to shut up and, miraculously given the current set of circumstances, you manage to swallow back any noises you’re attempting to make. 
 You’re unable to look away from him when he begins to feed another finger into your soaked pussy and starts to leisurely pump them in and out, never once breaking eye contact with you. Dimly you realize that the footsteps have turned down some other corridor before they reached you and you really want to say that that’s the main reason you start sagging against the wall, hips rolling as best they could with the somewhat awkward positioning.
He seems intent on dragging your pleasure out for as long as possible but the chance of getting caught is still very much present and despite your hazy brain, you know you might not get lucky the next time. 
You tackle his suit with shaking hands, trying to remember how to breathe because he keeps filling you up to the knuckle with his fingers and you can feel the rough drag of them against your walls. You fumble the zipper once, twice, yanking it down on the third try- and you can’t stop the disappointment that bubbles to the surface when you see he’s wearing a shirt underneath.
You lean forwards and begin to mouth at his neck all the same, smiling against his skin when you feel the hand between your thighs stutter, stalling for several moments while he’s distracted by your mouth on his skin before he resumes fucking you with his fingers. You keep going, sucking and nibbling marks to match your own while your hands run over his torso appreciatively, wishing you two weren’t in a hallway so you could take your time to explore him. 
Instead you keep heading towards your destination, tugging his zipper down further so you’re able to push your hand into his underwear. You decide to forgo any teasing and wrap your hand around the hard length of him, preening when he makes a noise that sounds somewhere between a choke and a moan from low in his throat. His free hand comes up to brace himself on the wall beside your head and he leans into you, breathing harshly while you stroke him.
Stars, he’s thick. Thicker than you imagined he’d be- not that you imagined this, not like you fantasized about what his cock might be like when you were keyed up and couldn’t sleep, or at any other time of day for that matter. No, not like that at all. 
You peek down and you’re just able to catch a glimpse of the tip between your bodies, and fuck he’s pretty too. Ruddy and weeping underneath your palm as you twist and pull and swipe your thumb through the beads of pearly fluid collecting there, wishing they were on your tongue instead.
“Let me fuck you,” He breathes, thrusting into your first. He presses his lips over yours before you can answer in an open mouthed kiss. “Please let me fuck you,” It’s a ragged plea against your mouth and how could you possibly say no to Poe Dameron begging?
“If you don’t I swear I’ll stran-strangle you,” It’s less threatening than you wanted it to be, your voice keening and needy, but it got the job done and that’s all you could ask for given your current state. He slips his fingers from you and you can’t stop yourself from whining with the loss, with the promise of what’s about to replace them. 
He doesn’t waste any time, his hand replacing your own and the anticipation of it all has your toes curling in your boots before he stops short, the blunt head of his cock just…Just slipping across your folds, coating himself in your slick. You can’t help but squirm because yes, it feels amazing because the head of his cock keeps sawing over you clit but you want him inside, dammit. You’re about to goad him more, wanting to tell him that if he doesn’t get on with it you’re going to blast him in his pretty face, when he finally pushes into your weeping cunt.
You stop breathing, sure that you’ve never been more full in your life, and he’s making another of those choked off, moaning sounds from somewhere in his chest. He mutters something you don’t catch over the sound of your own blood rushing in your ears and then he’s moving, slow and steady at first but picking up steam until he’s pounding you into the wall. Thankfully he still has enough sense to slap a hand over your mouth because honestly, you shouldn’t be held responsible for the sounds you’re making right now.
You claw at his shirt, his suit, trying to keep him as close to you as possible. He moves his hand from the wall to slip under your leg, hitching it up as much as he could with your pants pulled tight around your knees and something about that slight shift in angle has you locking up when he hits some magical spot that you didn’t even realize you had, squeezing your eyes so tight a tear leaks out because now he’s slowed down again. Letting you feel every ridge and vein of his cock as he drills it into that spot over and over again and you really, really do not have time for this but it just feels so good.
You try to tell him you’re about to cum, you really do. But he still has his hand over your mouth and the most you can do is let out some pathetic whimper against it. The muscles in your abdomen tighten and he shuffles impossibly closer to you, not so much thrusting as he is grinding into you now and keeping delicious pressure on that one piece of you that had you seeing stars and your clit is pressed up against his pubic bone and just like that it’s over. 
Your eyes flutter and roll back into your head while you claw at him, sobbing into his hand as your body melts down around him in a rush of heat and wet. His head pops up from where it was resting on your shoulder, watching you through almost delirious eyes while he works you through it, hips doubling down until you almost can’t take it anymore.
He isn’t going to last, not after that. Not after the sounds you made, how absolutely wrecked you were as you shook in his arms. “Wh-where do you…where do you want it,” He slurs, trying to keep it together for just a little bit longer. He doesn’t remember to take his hand away from your mouth until you mumble something against it.
“Insi-side,” He can’t exactly cum anywhere else and expect to keep this little tryst a secret, but you think it’s nice that he still asked. Maybe there is a gentlemanly side of Poe hidden somewhere after all. Hallway-fucking not withstanding. 
At your words he makes a noise that sounds almost painful and hunkers over you, curling his body around yours and goes to town with his hips plowing into yours. You wrap your arms around him and hold him close, catching his jaw with your hand and dragging him into an open mouthed, sloppy kiss. 
Something twists in your gut then, pulling tight like an electrified wire that runs the length of your spine and you have a moment of disbelief. The only sounds are harsh breathing, Poe’s hips slamming into yours muffled by the thick fabric of his flight suit, and the obscene sounds of his cock disappearing into your body, and you think that you might actually cum again.
In the hallway.
This couldn’t be real. You had just gone too long without getting laid and are having some sort of hyper realistic fever dream to compensate. But then Poe shoves himself as deep as he can go and fucking stays there and the wire holding your entire body together at this point just snaps. Your pussy clenches around his cock and then it’s just bliss, complete bliss, because you feel him jolt against you, how he’s throbbing and wow you really didn’t think it would feel this good to have his warmth coating your insides but it does. You’re still trying to regain the ability to breathe properly when he starts talking. 
”Fuck,” You’re consoled by the fact that he sounds as wrecked as you feel, but he keeps going, murmuring like he was in a daze while he mouthed at your skin. Not really doing anything in particular, but like he wanted to just…feel you. Ghosting his lips over your pulse point, running his tongue over the corner of your jaw. Kissing your shoulder. He tells you how good you felt, feel around him because he hasn’t pulled out of you yet, how perfect you are at taking him. 
You soak up the praise like a sponge, the words going straight to your head and making you want to purr. You have to return to reality though, and you’re only allowed a few moments of being blissed out with a complimenting, affectionate Poe before you snap out of it. 
“Okay get off, get off, get off,” You chant, trying to push his shoulders and pull up your pants at the same time. “We need to go.” His cock slips from you with all the jumping around you’re doing and you aren’t prepared for how empty you feel without it, how fucking bereft. Nope, you aren’t dealing with that right now. No way. You’d deal with your sudden, apparently emotional attachment to Poe Dameron’s cock when you aren’t at risk of getting caught with your pants down. Literally. 
The pilot can’t help but chuckle at how frantic you are, unceremoniously yanking your pants up and trying to smooth out the wrinkles, trying to make yourself look as presentable as possible. All he has to do is tuck himself back into his pants and zip his flight suit, meaning all of his concentration can be on you. Warmth blooms in his chest and he wants to kiss you again, just kiss you. 
He really didn’t plan on this to happen when he followed you, honest. He was just continuing the fight, dogging your heels in a way he knew would have you seeing red. Maybe he’s a masochist -or a sadist, considering- but he loves it when you’re angry. Not because of anything real or meaningful; the kind of anger that comes from pushed buttons and butting heads, the kind that makes your eyes light up and all your attention focus on him and him alone. Schoolyard tactics sure, but it was the one surefire way he had of monopolizing your time and he wasn’t above using it to his own selfish reasons
“See you around, Dameron!” You toss the words over your shoulder as you speed walk away from him, trying not to break into a run back to your room in your haste to get away from the scene of the crime… and your feelings, but that’s neither here nor there.
He frowns at your retreating back. A few minutes ago he was Poe. He was Poe and you couldn’t get enough of him, were almost climbing him like a tree in an effort to get closer and if it wasn’t for your pants getting in the way, he was sure you would have. 
But he doesn’t start to follow you again. As much as he wants to, he just stands there in the hallway, looking lost before he collects himself. You’d talk about this later, whatever this had just turned into because he doesn’t want it to end. Not even close.
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