#gotham jerome valeska
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sunflowerrosewood · 9 months ago
He Has a Nightmare HC~ Gotham Boys
Author's Note: Since my other account @cheekyredwillow got deleted. I am adding some of my favorite fanfictions to this account and revamping this one with new ones. I hope to make an actual list of fandoms I am still a fan of! NO requests for the time being.
Warnings: cursing, mentions of killing, nothing too graphic.
Jim Gordon 
~Jim has dealt with so much shit
~Between going after villains to dealing with the PD
~So when you two fell asleep one night
~He had a nightmare you were killed by multiple Gotham villains
~You don't notice he has a nightmare until you feel cold
~When Jim is sitting in the kitchen nursing something to drink
~But not facing the bedroom
~You have to come up from behind
~And hug him tight
~He will probably jump 
~But he melts in your embrace 
~He wont tell you want happened
~But he will allow to be vulnerable 
~And allow you to just mumble in a sleepy voice all the reasons you love him
Edward Nygma
~Edward didn't have nightmares often
~But seemed to have them after being in Arkham
~Then escaping to home
~You would only know when you heard him arguing with himself
~That he shouldn't wake you up
~That this makes him useless
~As you could hear him mutter these things
~Pull him down to the bed
~So you can cuddle into him
~And promise that you'll always be there
~Both sides will melt
~And he'll tell you about the nightmare 
~So you'll understand his pain
Oswald Cobblepot 
~Oswald had nightmares often
~And you usually knew
~The reason is that he talked in his sleep and would hold onto you tight
~You would feel his hands tighten
~And whimpers fall out of his lips
~You’ll probably have to wake him up
~Just to let him know that he is not alone
~He will be sweaty and his heart racing
~But as long as you kiss his lips
~And squeeze his hand
~Oswald will calm down
~Go get a washcloth to help him cool off
~And intertwine your hands before you fall back asleep
Jonathan Crane
~Nightmares plague his head all the time
~And it isn’t because it is his fault
~It usually has to do with his father
~And another person that you will know when he wakes up
~Because he gets as far away from you
~He is shaking in fear 
~It’s usually when he does not consume himself in fear
~But appears in his nightmare
~Allow him to slowly calm down on his own
~He’ll immediately climb back into bed 
~Because he needs to feel you by his side
~Usually he falls asleep slowly after
Jervis Tech
~Jervis usually has nightmares that his Alice runs away
~You ran away because he harms you
~Jervis is one of the ones who will wake you up
~Just to make sure you are real
~And still loves him
~Before you get tired again, you’ll notice the fear in his eyes
~Whisper to him how much you love him
~And kiss his cheek 
~Before cuddling into his chest which calms him down
Victor Zsasz
~Victor wont show he has nightmares 
~You usually know when you wake up
~And he’s sitting in the shared bathroom just staring
~No emotions are shown
~But you know what is going on
~So you’ll have to go in
~And kneel where you look up at him
~He won't say anything
~He’ll just pull you into his lap
~And holds you tight 
~Just the silent of the night is going to be heard
~Victor will pick you up and bring you back to bed
~Usually it takes just that before the two of you fall asleep
~Victor will probably mention his nightmare later on in the week
~When he is ready
Jeremiah Valeska
~Even after the spray, Jeremiah still gets nightmares
~It happens to be about him almost killing you
~And he’ll wake up to you being sound asleep
~He’ll touch your arm
~And sigh 
~Usually you know something happened because he’ll be in the lab
~Bent over
~And probably throwing things in anger
~When you ask him what’s wrong
~You’ll see the anger turn to worry
~An emotion you do not see often
~And Jeremiah will walk over to you to hold you tight
~Demanding you wont leave him
~Even though you never thought that way
~It’s feeling you near him that causes him to want to go back to bed with you
Jerome Valeska
~Jerome did not have nightmares too often
~He was awake in the middle of the night usually
~But when he did fall asleep and had nightmares
~He was similar to Oswald by holding you tighter against him
~But you would still be asleep 
~Until you feel him kissing your face and neck while rubbing your hip
~When you slowly wake up, Jerome will kiss you lips and grin
~Usually you wouldn’t ask much
~Until you watch his grin falter
~That’s when you touch his face
~And kiss him softly till Jerome makes you fall back into his chest
~Once the two of you hit the bed, he’ll still be rubbing your arms or hips
~But you’ll hear him yawn
~He falls asleep pretty quick
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adalwolfgang · 1 year ago
Jervis: Happy birthday my dear! It’s me! I’m your gift!
(Name), whispering to Jon: did you get a receipt or do i have to keep him?
(Name): And that's how I got here...
Zsasz: Ha! You sure are a funny one!
*Zsasz stares for a long moment*
(Name): What?
Zsasz: I like you. Like a lot. I'm going to keep you.
*His hand tightly held (Name)’s*
(Name): Uh..okay-.
Zsasz: Good! There was no choice anyway.
Edward: I always apologize when I'm wrong.
(Name): I don't think I've ever seen you apologize before.
Edward: I'm never wrong.
Oswald: you're trying to use my ego against me?
(Name): I thought it'd work.
Oswald: no, it worked. I'll do it.
Jerome: Something's off.
(Name): maybe you've finally developed human emotions and are actually feeling bad for hurting people?
Jerome: no, but that's funny!
Jon: Have you heard the joke about the gas light?
(Name): no..?
Jon: Yeah you have.
(Name): no I haven’t.
Jon: You've literally heard it already.
(Name): I HAVEN’T?!
Jon: You're crazy.
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meekydeeks · 3 months ago
watching season 2 of criminal minds and iwas so excited for episode 6, when isaw cameron monaghan in the opening credits because, iloved him in shameless
and when ifirst saw him iwas all like awww look how baby he is 🥹
only for him to end up being the unsub 😧
like erm HELLO mini jerome valeska in the making
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king-ofthe-ruckus · 4 months ago
like to think that after getting out of arkham Jerome still has no understanding of pop culture for the most part, but Jonathan is like constantly on TikTok or something and around their base you'll randomly-
jonathan: femininomenon
and then an hour later om the kitchen
jerome: femininininomenon
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gothamslostboy · 2 years ago
Hi!! Can you do Jerome x transmale!reader where they have a height gap in between each other (ex. 4'10 - 6'2 ft)
A/N: thanks for the request anon and sorry it’s taken literal months. I didn’t know if you meant ur taller or he is so lmk if you want the short Jerome version
Oh he’s such an asshole
Purposely puts things on shelves he himself can barely reach bc he knows it pisses you off
Also one of those ppl that uses shorter ppl as armrests, put like sticks you in his armpit
If anyone makes fun of your height though? Game over
He knows it’s something your insecure about, and he makes it clear he’s messing around
He cut like 3 inches out of one dude’s legs bc he called you short stack
Jerome asks you for help causing mayhem all the time
Mostly fitting into small spaces and planting bombs or stealing things
Or when he loses something under a desk
He low key makes it very obvious he likes towering over you
He’s not going to hurt you more than you consent too, but likes feeling like he could if this ends badly
If you’re really dysphoric about your height, he steals you lifts or platform shoes
Whichever one you’d like more
he’s obsessed with carrying you
Not in like a cute way though
He picks you up like a ladder:
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Just sneaks up on you and keeps walking
You both gaslight anyone who sees this into thinking it’s a perfectly normal thing a tall person does
Forces convinces workers at theme parks or waterparks to let you on the rides with a height limit you don’t qualify for
Then gets pissed and kills them if anything goes wrong (bc PSA: height limits are there to keeps you safe)
Don’t worry
You get to fuck with him all the time too
When he goes to far with his jokes you hide his journal in places he never thinks to use bc he’s too tall normally (bottom cabinets, bottom desk drawers, or anywhere else that is naturally below his eye level)
It’s also very easy to sneak up on him, especially if he’s already doing something
And once he’s comfortable in his own home? Mother fucker jumps like 3ft when surprised
You had to take a break from scaring him for a bit bc he almost stabbed you
That’s also when you learned he carried switches blades around to play with
Despite your heights, he likes being the little spoon
Maybe it’s his mommy issues but he needs to be held like a little baby
Also the one time he was big spoon he rolled over and crushed you
——— TAGS ———
@crustyboypix @britany1997 @g4ywastaken @writhingcreature
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fangirl--writes · 2 years ago
Ok, I'm curious mostly because of your Ecco fic. How do you see the Gotham villains as parents?
No one knows much I love discussing this idea except many @gabile18 who is present for most of my ramblings.
Sooo this might have to be a multi part ask?
Starting off strong with the Valeska Twins
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GIF by sanelikevaleska
🤡 Papa Jerome
So I believe with my whole heart he would try to be good father
Never saw himself as a parent but children and animals naturally gravitate toward him
Wears the name with pride.
Bandit Heeler Vibes
He REFUSES to be like his parents
Will even go straight for his kid(s)
That doesn’t mean they won’t end up with some new shiny toy, or other obviously stolen item of desire
Spoils them Rotten
Constantly talks about them will show photos it’s embarrassing
“Look at my baby 😭😭 aren’t they just amazing” shows albums of photos to hostages
Always present in their life. He’s very involved. (Whether they want it or not)
School drop offs are a must much to other parents and Jim’s dismay (Education is v important to him)
“I never had this chance I got dragged around a circus by my abusive alcoholic mother you’re going .”
school plays, band concerts, sports? FRONT ROW
They are his world god help whoever tries to take that from him
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GIF by missis-gingersnap
👓 Father Jeremiah (Pre-Spray)
Child? Where 😑🤮
Oh, you mean His Child? 🥹 (Eventually)
He DID NOT EVER want a kid, however it happens and he has to adapt and survive
Bourbon Dad.
He will quite drinking, but he picks up smoking
Baby's an iPad kid
Ecco will primarily care for them as a little little.
Him change a diaper? (No.)
He is very awkward around them.
BUT he gives them any and everything.
Has no parental instinct whatsoever.
His child is a SECRET.
Unlike Jerome who will gladly be public as a dad, Jeremiah keeps them well hidden in the bunker. He has his life to think about
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GIF by endiness
👔 Father Jeremiah (Post Spray)
There are so many thoughts here…
His love evolves into possession, an obsession to protect them.
If they had any freedoms before, they’re gone now. The kid is under constant surveillance. Always guarded.
They’re too precious to lose, too precious to be on their own
They’d never understand the complexities of what he’s trying to do for them. So, he HAD to lock them away.
Mother Gothel Mode ACTIVATE
“How is my flower today Hm? I brought you another book to add to your collection.”
He could care less what happens to them.
It’s like a switch was flipped. He doesn’t feel a thing toward the child.
Regardless on how much they beg and plead that they need him, or love him
Unless, they had some special talent, or skill that he can exploit.
Then, he guesses you can stay, but stay out of his way until he needs you.
Oh, you don’t? You’re worthless to him and his plans, you could be canon fodder for all he cares.
✨Gremlin Taglist✨:
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valeskakingdom · 2 years ago
I teach you a lesson (part54)
"Don't you wanna say something, doll?" Jerome frowned irritated while grinning at his precious "Aren't you pleased to see me after such a long time we've been apart? A little rude since I've done so much for you" To one of these questions you should just answer positively, especially Scarlet since she was his doll still - she had to be pleased when he was around, no matter what.
"Oh, yes, I am pleased to see the loser that tried to kill me because he couldn't handle he was wrong," Scarlet sarcastically spat "I have missed you so much," She chuckled bitterly. Did Jerome think she would miss him after what had happened? Oh hell no, she was glad she could have some time off him!
"You can be glad I missed the shot," Jerome muttered with gritted teeth, giving her a dark look "I could have killed you right away if I wanted to. I had all reason to since you've been acting like a little brat" He hated that she was so petulant towards him. He didn't deserve that, she had to treat him with respect after all the time they'd been together.
"Strange, you didn't. I thought you'd show no remorse," Scarlet smirked mischievously, walking closer to him, and staring deep into his eyes "You can't live a minute without me, eh? Always seek for the emotional support, always seek for the attention - you seek for all the things your mother never gave you and you become upset when this joy inevitably disappears because you consider yourself as a fool. That's what we call mommy issues, my dear"
"Oh, yes, doll," Jerome chuckled bitterly, cupping her face "You've always had a thing for analyzing me, huh? You loved to degrade people with their foibles to feel joy," He then grabbed her throat, squeezing it in rage making Scarlet gasp in surprise "Doesn't mean you can do it with me. You know, I've got a lot of time to think about us and I'm on it to set some rules," He grinned darkly "Number one: I am the boss, not you. Number two: Never play fool with me again. Number three: Don't. Ever. Leave without permission see! We don't want me to be upset about you, right?"
"Are you trying to scare me, Jerome?" Scarlet tried to say panting since it was quite hard for her to breathe normally "You can be a little rougher with me, c'mon, go ahead! Show me your dominance!" She was just messing with him, for sure. She wanted to see how far she could go with him after such a long time. She wanted to see whether trying to shoot at her was just a knee-jerk reaction or not. Would Jerome ever have the intention to kill her? Or did he just forget himself for one moment?
"Just as I expected," Jerome grinned, loosing his grip "Sure you wanna see more, and you will! You will be astonished by my glorious work, and I've got a little surprise for you since I've heard about your little come back in Arkham," He winked at her "You'll love it!"
"Oh, sure," Scarlet scoffed "Let me think: A little boy toy I can play with? A little knife? Or controlling a little bunch of freaks to be pleased?" First not showing any kind of dominance as he used to, and now he's coming with any stupid surprises? A bit low to try to get her back, she thought. Jerome used to do better, but still, she was excited to see what kind of surprise he'd got for her.
"Oh no, a lot better," Jerome chuckled bitterly, grabbing her hand, and leading her to a bench "Take a seat next to me and enjoy the show! You must know, a short while ago we've got a new inmate here and I'm sure you both are pleased to see each other"
Scarlet just frowned in response. Who did he mean? Was Jerome just being delusional and picked any guy from the old cult to play with? His jealousy had to be a big deal still if she was right with her assumption. He hated every guy who just stared at her, even though they both had their ups and downs: Scarlet was still his property, so the chances were high he recognized any inmate from outside and now used him as a boy toy.
A few seconds later, you saw a bunch of inmates hushing from another in Jerome's direction. It seemed they pulled something or someone after them, you could hear someone saying the word "no" over and over again as if they knew something bad was about to happen. The voice was familiar though, a voice she hadn't heard in a while, a voice she eventually missed. She eventually had an assumption who it might be, but she wasn't sure, somehow things seemed to be unrealistic, too.
"Oh, your surprise is on its way to you! Watch and enjoy" Jerome chuckled when he saw this certain person being nudged at a table with a gunny sack on their head, breathing heavily. He knew Scarlet would love to see them since Jerome was informed they both had a lot of things to discuss, things from the past especially. It was something about their friendship. One said mean things the other didn't like to hear - something like that.
The person with the gunnysack on it crawled up the table plate, kicking with his feet so that other inmates wouldn't grab him by their ankles and do shit on him. Immediately, since the gunnysack didn't help with breathing a lot they tore it from its head to see and breathe again - for Scarlet, it was a shock to see whose face was under the gunnysack: it was Oswald.
"S-scarlet," He stammered in shock when he saw her. He couldn't believe seeing her after such a long time, he was relieved, pleased, but also hella scared. He knew what he had done, he left her hanging when being with Andy. He did that on purpose. He did that because Scarlet left him and he wanted to make her feel the same - and he loved that, which was his biggest mistake. He now knew he would regret this because Scarlet surely didn't forget about this. She would never forget something like that.
"Oswald" Scarlet muttered, her anger building up. She remembered the last time she saw him and the last time she spoke to him. He's been disrespectful towards her and what he has done afterward was even worse. Sure, at first she didn't care about his action because she was glad to escape but in the end: everything would come back "It's been a while, isn't it?"
"You can thank me for that later, I know you have a lot to discuss" Jerome proudly said, he saw the rage in her eyes. She'd love to chop his head off after the last time they were in contact, and this reaction filled Jerome with satisfaction because he knew certain things would work out now. You could see Oswald drove her mad, he disappointed her for some reason - and yet, Jerome surely knew Oswald hadn't apologized for his atrocity.
"Oh, I do. This surprise is just perfect!" Scarlet praised with a little hiss, the focusing back to Oswald "Remember the last time we spoke to each other? It was a rough conversation, wasn't it? I was pleading with you for help with Andy while being trapped in a basement and chained to a wall. And do you remember what you told me?" She frowned at him, expecting him to answer.
"I-I left y-you hanging," Oswald gulped in fear "I-I said it's y-your business, not mine" It was true. The exact words he said were: Oh, we don't have a problem, Scarlet. You have a problem. According to your latest claim, we're no longer friends. He couldn't tell her, luckily, because she had interrupted him. But even this was bad enough.
"Is that true, Oswald?" Jerome looked at him in surprise, his anger was building up again even though he already knew the whole story, Oswald hadn't mentioned this, all he said was the two of them ended up in an argument, but he didn't go into details "That's quite impolite towards a lady, hasn't your silly mum taught you manners? Did you apologize?"
"He hasn't" Scarlet muttered "He hasn't called me back, he hasn't texted a message, he didn't check on me after my call. He just left me hanging," Scarlet shook her head "But good, you're here to talk about it, right? So...tell me, why did you leave me hanging?"
"I-I uhm... I-I wanted to -m-make you feel left, how I-I felt w-when you left..." Oswald stammered. His outrageous eyes of Jerome's and the crazy and pierced look of Scarlet's scared him. He felt like he was dying every minute. He knew they were about to do something, but what? Were they both kill him with torture? Playing mind games to drive him crazy? Or else?
"I see. You felt insulted by me when I told you you're paranoid," Scarlet nodded, acting understanding "But what I've learned from my parents is most people who reacted like you can't stand the truth. So you knew Fish Mooney's presence made you paranoid because you were scared she was taking revenge on you. Am I right?"
"Y-yes," Oswald stammered "B-but I am willed to say, I-I was wrong. I should have listened to you considering Fish. Y-you were right all the time. I-I shouldn't h-have left you in t-that cellar"
"I'm a fan of apologies, Ossy," Scarlet grinned "Don't you think an apology is appropriate after you've been quite rude to me? Letting a friend hang in an emergency is not quite suitable" She then looked at Jerome "What do you say, J?"
"I agree with you, doll" Jerome mischievously grinned at Oswald, It was obvious that for Jerome an apology wasn't enough. He was on for punishment and he had an idea already "He does owe you an apology"
"Yeah," Scarlet nodded, staring at anxious Oswald "So Oswald, where's my apology?"
"Scarlet," He gulped since he knew an apology wouldn't be enough to satisfy her "I-I do owe you an apology a-and I-I'm truly sorry. I-I shouldn't h-have let you h-hanging after all you've done for me. This wasn't right since we used to be friends. I-I hope you will a-accept my apology"
"Hmm," Scarlet pretended thinking "No, no I think you can do it better. Beg for my forgiveness! Or do you want me to let out all my anger on you? That wouldn't be pleasing for you"
"Scarlet, I beg your pardon!" Oswald knelt on the table, starting to beg "I was out of my senses! You must understand me, I haven't thought about my actions!" He sighed "You should give me another chance like I gave you a chance to work with me, remember? We both became a great team"
"I know," Scarlet sighed "That's why your deed was an even bigger disappointment. You practically turned me into Andy. Is that what friends do when the other needs help? I don't think so "Scarlet shook her head no "You've been a good friend to me, Ossy, but it's time to teach you a lesson. What do you think, J?"
"Yes," Jerome darkly grinned, staring at him. Oh, Oswald had to learn a lesson, though it wasn't time to kill him. Scarlet and he both knew they could make good use of him with the right teamwork, killing him would rather be a loss even though he deserved it. But Jerome already had an idea of what to do now.
"What do you want?" Oswald's breath hitched as he stared at both of them. They scared him just with their dark grins. He begged for forgiveness anyhow, he hoped none of them would neither kill him nor harm him in other ways. He'd offer them everything just to stay alive, he'd even offer them to be their butler, even if it scratched his ego enormously.
"I told you, Pengy," Jerome muttered, now his plan of Oswald's punishment could finally start "I'm gonna cure you of this sad sack mopey pack, as I will make sure Scarlet will accept your pitty apology instead of harming you for the treason you've committed on her," He paused "And the best cure is the laughing cure. Make us laugh"
"Make them laugh! Make them laugh!" The inmates chanted immediately. They wanted to see the big surprise Jerome had for all of them, too. He has praised this for a while but never told them what they would going to see.
"So what'll you be performing?" From the table that's right behind him, he grabbed a bowl of popcorn, sharing it with Scarlet "Contortionism, juggling act, a tight five? Oh. What's that?" Jerome held his hand on his ear as if he had heard a certain voice "You want to do a clown dance? What do you think, love?"
"A clown dance would be perfect for the foolish little Oswald who thinks he's better than others and doesn't need to care about his friends" Scarlet smiled at Oswald while the other inmates just cheered behind her. A clown dance was just marvelous!
"Wonderful," Jerome grinned amused, looking at some other inmates who already held a clown costume in their hand, specially made for Oswald. They just waited for him to put it on.
"I will not!" For Oswald a clown costume would be a huge degradation, he was no clown! He was no fool as would never make a fool of himself just for tho psychos! He wasn't Jim Gordon who gave in every time his plan didn't work and then tried to make it up with all the others around him! But no one reacted to his denial. The inmates with the clown costume walked to Oswald - no one in there accepted a no of him - the other inmates grabbed Oswald's hands and legs since he would try to flee from that act. He yelled they all should get their hands off him and leave him alone but it wouldn't work out. The inmates pushed him down to the table plate he was standing on and forced him to wear the costume.
"Just the sight of this is entertaining already," Scarlet chuckled, eating some popcorn "It's so funny to see how Oswald desperately tries to escape all of them and thinks we need to treat him with respect. Even though, he made clear he'd do anything for me now"
"Oh, you ain't seen nothing, yet, doll" Jerome chewed and kept watching the scene. Oswald stood there, wearing this silly costume, his shoes squeaking whenever he made a step. It was so embarrassing, he looked so silly! He was a laughingstock! If just his mother saw him... or his father! They both would be disappointed in him. They both would tell him what a mess he has made and that he now needs to deal with the consequences.
"In your own time," Jerome chewed while Scarlet applauded when Oswald stood up.
"You have no idea how I've suffered. The betrayals I've endured. Just leave me alone" Oswald squealed, starting to cry "Leave me alone" All his memories came up from the past until now, from all the things he suffered, the pain he felt - just everything.
"Cut!" Jerome yelled annoyed, standing up and walking to him. He should entertain all of them, especially Scarlet! He shouldn't sob like a baby! But of course, Jerome always had a band-aid for certain situations "Oswald, Oswald, Oswald. You are trapped in a prison in here" He tapped on his forehead "And I'm offering you the key. So, dance!" Immediately, the inmates poked with sticks on Oswald that it looked like he was dancing.
"Now we're talking!" Scarlet and Jerome chuckled amused about this, seeing Oswald being degraded, desperate, and embarrassed at the same time that it would drive him nuts -  "I can feel the funny coming. Here it comes! Here comes the funny! Again!" The inmates kept poking over and over again that it started hurting already - and they wouldn't stop because they all enjoyed the act, as well! It was torture but in a fun way - except for Oswald. It was driving him nuts, it was driving him mad. He wanted to punish Jerome for what he was doing to him now! He deserved it this time! And so, when the inmates stopped poking for a moment, he tried to jump on Jerome to probably punch him - but an inmate knocked him out with a punch that he would lay on the ground bleeding and twitching, not realizing what was going to happen next.
"Fred Astaire, you are not" In disappointment and maybe in annoyance, Jerome kicked Oswald's face so that he would bleed even more "I'll try again tomorrow, come on doll"
"You're a real shame, Oswald," Scarlet shook her head, kicking his stomach so that he would choke "Good for you, I'm in a good and will give you another chance tomorrow"
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s9fti3 · 9 months ago
‘I can fix him!!’
Him in question;
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strawberrybyers · 1 year ago
being a slut and mentally ill means i’d do really well as a patient in arkham asylum
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sqreamunson · 8 months ago
me after spending my entire day reading Gotham smuts :
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awa444 · 5 months ago
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To think I used to be the handsome one
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i-smoke-chapstick · 10 months ago
all i can think of are gotham villians that would 100% get incredibly possessive, pissy, and pouty when they have a dream of Y/N cheating on them.
Oswald? Yeah. He’s waking up in a cold sweat, drinking himself into a hangover with lots of insecure thoughts, before being very standoffish the next day with you, maybe even a little mean. More irritated then usual. You can either wait it out for him to calm down and realize he’s being silly or he’ll get hyper attentive to every move you make and accuse you of ACTUALLY cheating 😭 knock some sense into this man pls. superstitious and paranoid bird man thinks it’s a sign.
Jerome. Unlike Oswald, he will surprisingly gently wake up in the middle of the night. Theres no cold sweat or jolting awake, he just opens his eyes and stares at the ceiling for a few minutes….before settling on VIOLENTLY shaking you awake. You’ll be half asleep, and youll have to listen to him rant into the next day about how dream you is a total sleeze. You’ll be able to go back to sleep though, since his ranting is pretty much white noise. Despite this, he’s inwardly pouting. Will be passive aggressive the next day.
Jervis!!! He wakes up with a start and cannot erase the thought of someone else touching you. Makes him violently ill. Will polietly excuse himself from bed (Jervis, reader is asleep, they cant hear you) and will either throw up or just start tweaking. Won’t be able to fall back to sleep. The next day expect some eerily calm smiles and EXTRA affectionate doting, just incase you think you arent getting enough attention at home with him. which is where you belong.
they are all delusional. i love them sm
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margonika00 · 8 months ago
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Bruce, when? Always x)
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king-ofthe-ruckus · 4 months ago
Gordon: At least someone loves me. Does anyone love you?
Jerome: No, but i really love my guns
Jerome: *reveals two previously hidden guns*
Jerome: NOW DANCE BITCH *shoots at his feet*
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gothamslostboy · 2 years ago
Could i get Jerome headcanons if he were to find out his male S/O was a notorious criminal/killer?
Ofc bud! Thanks for the request:] it was really easy to write and I had a great time with it, hope you enjoy
Jerome W/ Killer S/O
He was intrigued the moment he met you
Jerome had seen you before
He knew he had
But couldn’t quite place it
That didn’t matter to him all that much
He was much more interested in the fact the you weren’t scared of him, no, you actually flirted with him
That was something he’d never seen before, and boy did he like it
The flirting happened at times he wouldn’t expect, like bumping into eachother while he flees a murder scene
It didn’t take long for you two to make it official
Which is when Jerome started to put pieces together
For all his insanity and blabbering, he had quite the keen eye
He notices how little you talk about your life before Gotham, giving vague answers or avoiding the questions entirely
He notices the way your eyes light up while he explains the various crimes he commits
Your hands twitching on top of your bouncing knee as you wait for more details
How you seem to have endless ideas for what he should try next
Jerome took these to mean you were just a killer in waiting, that he will have to be the one to help you accept these thoughts and turn them into actions
Until the news station managed to get you on camera one night
Even briefly, it was enough for police officers from several states to identify you and call Gordon
He had shown up at your apartment the next night
Coincidentally the same night you and Jerome were enjoying date night
Jerome heard Jim call out for someone, a Y/N L/N, to come out with his hands up, and figured they had the wrong place
That’s not the name he knew you by anyways
But as soon as he looked back at you, a grin broke out on his face
“Ooooohhh, what ya been hiding Doll? Has to be interesting enough for you to change yo-“
Jerome finally remembered where he knew you from
Years ago, while still at the circus he had read a news paper
A boy his age going all across North America, torturing and killing at least 5 close ones of the most well respected police officer in every place they travel
Jerome was buzzing with excitement as he followed you to a safe hidden in the bed room
“Sorry I Never told you Jer, was trying to get to Gordon under the radar ya’know? So he wouldn’t see it coming”
Meanwhile he’s bouncing on his feet, laughing maniacally as you hand him one of your guns
The two of you manage to escape the apartment, you aiming a shot at Bullock and hitting his knee
When you get back to Jerome’s hide out, he immediately pulls you into a passionate kiss
When y’all are done, Jerome wants to know everything about your crimes
How many have you killed?
How’d you kill them?
Did the other cops get destroyed?
Who are your targets this time?
As soon as you say Bruce’s name he gets really excited again
Making plans right then and there for you guys to kill him together
Overall he absolutely loves the fact you’re a criminal
Loves that you’re as insane as he is
Jerome’s gonna provide all the help you need to shatter James Gordon into a million pieces
I mean, what else are boyfriends for?
——— TAGS ———
@g4ywastaken @britany1997
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gothamhater · 3 months ago
jerome is a fucking pervert about you.
he steals your used panties to get off on. he’ll stalk you on your walk home from work. he’s sitting outside your fire escape whistling his favorite song until you’re slamming open the shutters with your shiny revolver pointed at his head; you’d rather be cautious than dead, no matter how many times you’ve woken up to his sickly sweet smile shining back at you through the window pane.
and seeing you point the pretty revolver he got you at him fires him right up.
he’s already picked the lock on your window, slamming it open and taking the barrel of the gun in his large hand before using the other to grab your face and pull you in for a brutal kiss. he’s moaning already, pushing you back towards the bed and laying back against the headboard, dragging you with him by his grip on the gun still clutched in your pretty little hand. you take the hint and straddle him, and both of your clothes are thrown aside within seconds.
he’s heavy inside you, but unrelenting as you slam up and down on top of him. his hand still hasn’t left the gun, and neither has yours. he bites your lip and sends blood dripping down your chest, chasing each drop with his tongue. you can feel every twitch and every vein of his cock- and when he presses the barrel of the gun against his chest and clicks the safety off you almost finish.
his hand snakes down to rub circles on your clit and you lean your entire weight on the gun, bracing yourself against his shoulder. you throw your head back and bare your neck to jerome as you finish. both of his hands come down to grip your hips and hold you in place as he erratically thrusts up into you.
you trail the gun down between your two bodies which finally sends jerome over the edge.
and when you wake up trapped in his arms, the gun is still safely tucked in your hand.
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