#idk what the neutral ship name is still
newttxt · 2 years
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[always sunny theme plays]
childe and zhongli go on a day trip
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that-needy-tboy · 14 days
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Tags; really fucking long idk how much but this is a long fic, alien reader, gender neutral reader, kinda enemies to lovers -ish, probably a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes sorry
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Living with humans is hard.
There were countless things I hadn’t considered when I took on this mission — like how everything feels just a little too heavy, or how the air, despite being breathable, tasted like damp leaves.
"I hate that getting to blend in means actually talking to humans." I groan, stepping out of my ship. Thankfully I could disguise my ship as a house so humans wouldn't think anything of it. Nobody's noticed the extra house on the road... yet.
"I think you’d be a great fit at the clinic," The nurse, who I think is named Asta, had told me. Her eyes were wide and she smiled. It made me smile. It was infectious. Though, I hadn't quite gotten the hang of it yet. "We could always use the help."
"Great, thank you," Speaking in their language was a bit of a chore. "When do I start?"
"You'll probably start tomorrow! You can come get used to everyone now though, if you'd like." This human is very pretty.
When she made me follow her around, I noticed something about one of them. The doctor, Harry Vanderspeigle. I could feel that he, too, was not from Earth. It was made obvious when he caught me staring for a little too long. Though, I played it off and kept going.
And so, I found myself working as a nurse at Patience’s health clinic — an unfortunate fate for me, but I'd have to deal with it. I’d healed with advanced technology this whole time, but here, I had to rely on rudimentary tools and basic knowledge. Not to mention the patients. They're so fragile. They always get sick with things that my people would never.
Still, I couldn’t help but find some sense of peace in the routine. Maybe it was the structure that I liked—the way human life was divided into neat little segments of time, schedules were always fun... Or maybe it was just that I was trying to distract myself from the one person who constantly invaded my space.
*I’d run into him a few times since the crash—Harry, the town doctor and fellow alien trying to blend in. He was just like me, though he was just really bad at acting human. It was obvious from the moment I saw him, even though I could recognize him from the energy signature.
The worst part was every time we crossed paths. Nothing was wrong, I just wanted him to leave me alone. He couldn’t stand my presence, and honestly, I didn’t care much for his either.
"You’re still here?" His voice cut through my thoughts one afternoon as I stood behind the clinic’s reception desk. Of course.
I glanced up to find him standing there, his usual deadpan expression glued to his face. It seemed like every time we saw each other, he had something smug to say. And it didn't help that he felt so high and mighty in his doctor's coat. He thought he was the smartest thing in the room all the time.
"What, did you think I’d leave the planet just to avoid you?" I shot back, rolling my eyes. Unfortunately, I couldn't even do that.
He frowned, almost like a scowl. Though, I could tell by the way his eyes flicked over me that he was still trying to figure me out. We both knew what we were. That's probably part of the reasons we butt heads. Our people were never friendly to each other.
Working at the clinic wasn’t exactly what I had planned when I arrived either, but it served a purpose. I’d gotten better at mimicking human behavior — smiling when expected, speaking in tones that humans found comforting. It was a lot of work, but it helped me blend in, and after all, that was the goal.
But there were times when my true self slipped through the cracks. Asta had caught me staring a little too long at a medical textbook once, flipping through the pages with confusion. Human anatomy was needlessly simple, and yet somehow, it functioned.
"You okay?" she had asked, probably noticing my frustration."
"Yeah," I’d replied, quickly shutting the book. "Just... learning."
As I said that, I could hear him laugh in the other room. Ugh... It was kind of funny though.
Learning, indeed. Learning to act human, to care about the patients who came in with their endless complaints about things like sore throats or headaches. Learning to care about people who, for all intents and purposes, were entirely idiotic. And, more than anything, learning to navigate whatever the hell was going on between Harry and I. Dear god, I needed to handle it.
It wasn’t until much later that I realized just how much he’d started to invade my thoughts. Hell, it'd been months that this had been happening for. We didn’t get along, that was clear. Every conversation was like a battle where neither of us wanted to give an inch. But there was something else — something I didn't quite recognize.
"You’re not as good at acting human as you think you are," he had said to me once, his voice sharp as though it were some sort of challenge. His tone was so easy to identify.
"If I'm not, then your acting skills are in the Earth's core." I retorted. and I could’ve sworn I saw something click — just for a second. Good. I hope I'm getting under his skin.
That was the thing about Harry. He was just as alien as I was. But, we kept butting heads either way Maybe it was because we were too alike. Either way, I hated his guts. And yet, I couldn't stay away.
Working at the clinic was easy enough, dealing with stupid humans all day every day wasn't exactly calming, though. It didn’t help that the other alien here was constantly pushing my buttons.
Harry. Dr. Harry Vanderspeigle, or whatever he calls himself. He was annoying.
I can't help but hate his annoying voice, his stupid smile, his idiotic motherfucking hair. He's so stupid. He always thinks he's the smartest guy ever. He's so stupid.
I couldn't help but scowl at him through the window in the breakroom. I was, of course, stealing his yogurts. He didn't put his name on it, so obviously he wouldn't mind if I ate it. Heh.
He walked into the breakroom after I finished the yogurt. God, he was irritating.
"You’re late," he spoke up, barely looking up from the fridge. His voice was flat, as usual, with that odd hint of superiority he carried everywhere. He's really bad at this whole human thing.
I rolled my eyes. "And you’re still insufferable. Guess we’re both predictable."
He blinked, staring at me for a minute too long. Uncomfortable. His deadpan expression barely shifted, but there was something... Oh, nevermind.
"You know," he started after a pause, "humans tend to greet each other with something called ‘basic courtesy.’ You should try it, you little shit."
His existence near me was so painful, in an insufferable way. The way he smiled after thinking he's won the argument was so tiresome. He always did this, as if trying to provoke me, but I could never quite tell why. Probably because he knows I'm better. Heh.
"Right. Because you’re the expert on human interactions," I looked up at him through half-lidded eyes, furrowing my brow.
He didn’t respond, just gave me that blank, unreadable look he usually wore. It was infuriating.
... Then, Asta came through the door before we could say anything else. Her energy broke the tense silence like a gust of fresh air.
“Hey, you two,” she greeted, flashing one of her warm smiles as she adjusted her bag on her shoulder. "Me and D'arcy are grabbing drinks at The 59 tonight. You should both come."
Harry blinked, looking a bit confused. He glanced at me, then back at her. "No."
Asta raised an eyebrow, not missing a single beat. "Yeah, well, you're coming. And I could use a break, too. What do you say?"
Harry just went silent. Probably unable to fight Asta's commanding tone. I shrugged before he could reply. "Sure. Sounds like a good time." Now he was obligated. I bet he's annoyed as hell.
Asta’s smile widened, "No excuses!" She gave Harry a nudge on the shoulder before she headed out to start the day.
He just sighed. He seemed almost irritated. Good.
Later that night, the dim lights of the 59 flickered and hummed in a way that almost reminded me of the stars back home. People packed the bar, filling it with loud, buzzing conversations and bursts of laughter that grated against my nerves. Harry seemed to hate it, though. So, it was incredibly worth it.
Harry, of course, sat next to me, since Asta stuck us at a table with only 3 chairs. He stared at his glass like it was some kind of thing to study. For all his arrogance and blunt remarks, he was just... awkward. Weirdly, it was almost endearing.
"So," I began, taking a sip of my own drink. "Enjoying yourself yet?"
Harry looked up at me from his glass, his lips pressed into a thin line. "No. Idiot."
I couldn’t help but snicker. "Figures. Douchebag."
We continued like that, in yet another verbal battle, the alcohol making the environment feel almost... playful. At some point, Asta had wandered off to talk to D'arcy and Judy, leaving just the two of us at the table.
"That jacket..." Harry suddenly said, his voice close to a whisper. It was clear he was drunk out of his mind. "It’s..."
I blinked, trying to focus. "What about it?"
He shifted in his seat, his expression sporting a small smile. "It suits you."
For a second, I thought I'd misheard him. That had to be the first nice thing I’d ever heard from him; and coming from Harry? Well, it was weird, to say the least.
"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow, leaning in a bit closer, resting my head on one of my hands. “Thanks. That’s... I don't know how to feel about that."
He looked away, probably regretting his remark, but I noticed the faintest flush in his cheeks. Cute.
Something about that moment felt all weird — the tension was... Different. It was charged, but not in a way that made me want to make him angry.
Before I could stop myself, I brought myself a little closer over the table. This whiskey was definitely allowing me to make rational decisions tonight. "What’s with you tonight? You’re... almost tolerable."
His eyes snapped back to mine, and for once, he didn’t have a snappy comeback. Instead, something about the look he gave me. It was almost captivating. That stupid, dumbass look he gave me. I could feel it in the air between us — the tension was definitely a different kind.
And then, before I knew it, my lips met his.
The kiss wasn’t planned, not thought out. It just... happened. His lips were cold, and for a second, I thought he’d pull away. Of course he would, right?
But he didn’t. He kissed me back, hesitantly at first, which is what made me think he'd pull away. But then I felt his hand on my arm. He was holding onto me for dear life. Pathetic — in a good way.
When it ended after what felt like an eternity but was likely just a few seconds, I had to catch my breath, my head spinning for reasons that had nothing to do with the alcohol this time. God, I needed to get the hell out of here — he's starting to look not as stupid.
He muttered something I couldn't quite hear, and I was too distracted to ask.
"Yeah," I started, forgetting what I was about to say. "I'm just going to leave." And with that, I headed back home.
The next morning I woke up on my couch... The memory of the kiss came crashing back with perfect clarity, unfortunately. I groaned, pressing a hand to my forehead. Of course, I remembered every second of it.
I sure hoped he didn't. If he does, this is going to be... *awkward*.
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devilsrecreation · 5 months
List of AU’S I came up with
Crack Hodari x Njano (They need a ship name: Hodano? Njari? Lizards in Love? idk)
Makuu-Kiburi role swap
Hyenas-Crocodile role swap
Pirate AU
High School AU
Actor AU
Piga is alive
Danganya is alive (nothing would really change much but I like to think he, Shupavu, and Njano are a trio)
Didn’t create this one per se, but Zootopia-esque AU (specifically Kenge in that universe)
These could technically count as au’s:
A world without Jasiri
A world without Kiburi
Ushari’s still alive
Ucheshi is the leader of the crocs instead of Makuu
Okay so I was listening to “Give a Little Guy a Chance” again (as you do) and I kept thinking about Ucheshi’s reaction and then I said “If Ucheshi were the leader, she’d immediately say yes”…which led to this au
Soooooo I have thoughts….
-She’d definitely be a little more cocky in this au. Not as cocky as Makuu or Kiburi, but she wouldn’t be above rubbing stuff in animals’ faces
-Her challenging Pua to a mashindano would be so funny tho. It starts off so civilized and then it’s Ucheshi pulling a Looney Tunes and tricking Pua into agreeing to fight her
-Ucheshi would have waaaay too much fun battling Pua. She treats it as if it were a game
-Like my in-universe hc for her, she’s not a villain by any means. I like to imagine her as a neutral character if anything; an unbiased participant if you will. She respects the circle of life most of the time but she’ll let her crocs take over all the watering holes
-Like in the Savannah Summit, a lot of the animals would assume she’s here to cause trouble when in actuality, she’s pretty chill
-No but her in that episode would be so funny cuz Kion and Simba are talking about her and she just casually butts in like
Kion: I think Ucheshi has more enemies than friends
Ucheshi: *pops her head in* In my defense, so does Bunga
Kion: What the-?!
-not her breaking the fourth wall at one point or another/j
“By Pua! Have a nice life! Hope you get more screentime!”
-Don’t be fooled, Makuu still has a role in the au. He’s mostly the one by her side supporting her
-I think Kiburi would be a little more respectful than he is with Makuu. Though their disagreements are still amusing to watch, especially with her using her title as an advantage
“Sorry, who’s the leader here?”
“Answer the question: who’s the leader?”
“What was that?”
“Oh really? Didn’t realize! 😁”
-That being said, he still challenges her to a mashindano and loses, which is admittedly still very hard on her
-Instead of Kiburi trying to hurt her like he does with Makuu, he repeatedly tries to get her to become evil
-Hodari would immediately become a part of the float after singing his song. If he goes to Kiburi’s float, it’s probably to try and get the siblings to reunite and make her proud of him
“Hey guys, this little gecko is now a crocodile. You can fight me on that! No, seriously, I dare you to challenge me to a mashindano!”
-Her and Kiburi’s dynamic would definitely stay the same lmao. Imagine her reaction when Kiburi finally challenges her
Kiburi: Or…I could call for a mashindano
Crocodiles: *gasp*
Ucheshi: :0
Ucheshi: Nuh uh
Kiburi: ….Tf you mean “nuh uh”?!
Yeah my…my brain is weird djdbbdgrgrv
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Requested By Anon I think? I don't have the original request I guess for some reason so I did what I could. I did a human darling if that's okay (Like I said, idk what the original request said?)
I wanted to write Starscream abusing his power as it came to mind for me 🤷‍♀️ I wanted this to be longer but I was not sure how you and Starscream could've met.
Power Trip
Yandere! TFP! Starscream with Human! Darling Scenario
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Poor mental state, Starscream was definitely abused by Megatron, Unhealthy coping, Violence, Transformer/Human, Degrading behavior, Forced relationship/Pet dynamic, Kidnapping.
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"Now kneel."
The order is clear and the volume rumbles through your smaller body. You shiver and collapse onto your knees in a kneel, the purple ship's floor cold on your flesh. Starscream smiles before using a long slender claw to push you onto your hands and knees.
He was enjoying this.
Starscream always hated being subject to Megatron's abuse. The Decepticon never enjoyed serving Megatron, often acting loyal to not get his wings bent. He's thought of overthrowing the Lord of The Decepticons for a long time.
When Megatron became damaged and possibly offline due to the space bridge incident, Starscream was able to live his dream. He was the leader now! No one could use him now!
He's in control!
Starscream loved to use his power to order others around for once. It was nice to order Decepticons around... but you? Oh it felt even nicer.
You are Starscream's human pet. One he happened to steal away long ago from the Autobots. Your death had been framed...
You were at his mercy.
"Look at you... scrambling onto your hands and knees for your Lord...."
He laughs at how pitiful you look, like most humans are. He lightly strokes your back while watching you flinch at the pressure. One wrong move and he could crack your bones....
Knock Out often teased Starscream for keeping a human. What was even more laughable was the fact he went through the trouble of faking your death to keep you.
"... and you said I liked humans."
Starscream's only response was to tell the Decepticon racer off.
Despite the teasing, Knock Out still helped Starscream provide you with the needed human supplies. Knock Out knew humans and what they typically ate along with hygiene. He has to if he wants to fit in when they talk to his vehicle form.
Starscream's reasoning for keeping you was the power trip he got from pushing you around... for the most part. It was so similar to him and Megatron. However, Starscream hesitated to break your bones.
He scratched your skin or bruised you... but he knew if he went too far he could easily kill you. It didn't matter much to him... he had other ways of ordering you around. Humans are so obedient....
"Human... I want you to say my name."
Starscream chuckles, pulling his claw away to tilt your chin up to look at his glaring red eyes.
"Say you're loyal to me, your Lord Starscream...."
You go to hesitate and plead with him but you stop. Starscream narrows his eyes, awaiting your response. You shakily breathe in... feeling scrutinized under his glowing red gaze.
"I'm... I-I'm loyal to you... Starscream-"
The roar in his voice makes you shrink away from his claw before starting again.
"I-I'm loyal t-to you, Lord Starscream...."
Starscream smiles at your eventual obedience.
"Aren't you a good human...."
You panic when the tall yet thin robot picks you up and holds you in a skeletal hand. His grin never leaves his face, petting your head with another claw. You listening to his orders with no resistance made him excited.
"Now, do you love your Lord Starscream?"
"... what?"
Starscream frowns.
"Answer. the. question." Starscream growls. "Don't you love your Lord Starscream? The one who keeps you alive as you have no one else?"
You go silent for a really long time. Starscream's optic twitches due to his impatience. Before he can rough you around more you finally say something.
"Yes what, human?"
Starscream waits with an eager smile. You sigh and elaborate.
"Yes... I love my... Lord Starscream."
"Excellent...." Starscream coos. "Such a cute human... chirping back answers like one of those flying Earth creatures."
His comparison to you and a pet bird made you feel horrible. That was technically what you were to him. A caged pet he kept on The Nemesis... meant to stroke his ego and sit in his hand.
That's what humans were to him.
Starscream watches you stare at the palm of his metal hand. You were a small victory for him against the Autobots. He had supposedly killed you, one of the Autobot's little companions.
Now he got to keep you. Originally wanting info... Starscream kept you. Now... not only did you help him vent his unhealthy desires of power... but he had some sort of strange fixation on you.
He liked the feeling of something weaker than him to hold. He liked the idea of bossing around such a fragile creature just like he was with Megatron. He didn't think he could love humans...
But hearing you say you loved him? It left him craving more....
He wanted to break you... to use you... to keep you all to himself as his loyal human...
Maybe Starscream truly did love you...
Or more specifically... loves the power trip you give him.
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I'm surprised I haven't seen this asked yet, given how popular of a character he is, but what is your opinion on the man himself David Chiem. And by extension, what are your opinions on his three main relationships (teruvid, xanvid, and areivid) (not in a shippy way, unless you want to idk, I just use ship names when I don't feel like typing a bunch of character names)
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ok i don’t have any cool analysis or anything because i haven’t really watched prologue/ch1 in a few years so i don’t really have the characters in my brain. i only have like basic opinions .
i think he and teruko have a really interesting dynamic. i don’t ship them, i just like how they interact and i’m excited to see more of that
i’m pretty opinionless on arei and david rn, i don’t ship them either though. i’m pretty neutral tbh i don’t go either way
xanvid is a different story. i haven’t seen their sort of dynamic be explored in a fangan before, plus i really like how important the deceased characters still are + it’s like. nobody is just forgetting them. like in canon dr they would literally never talk about the dead people. i really enjoy xanvid and i hope we learn more about how david feels abt him
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cosmic-sharky · 2 months
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Heya! I've been getting into Steven Universe lately so I created my own OC, which I named based of a Ametrine Stone! Their main weapon are two daggers, and she had the ability to move objects with her mind (Telekinesis). I'm still working on her backstory, but what I have so far is that they really never fit in with home world. So naturally they were an outcast, causeing her to have to move plant to plant to stay away from the Gems from home world. Which were after their due to abilitys, odd nature, and Gem. One day they were in a small ship that they had created, looking for a new plant to hide on. That was untell out of nowhere a home world ship (One like the one the Ruby's used to and the Crystal Gems thought they were going after Peradot in during season 3 episode 9). Causeing them to crash land on Earth and coincidentally right next to the light house in Beach city. Which is right next to the Crystal Gems temple. Which this alerts the Crystal Gems and as usual they go and check out the scene. Which by now Ametrine had already pulled themselves out of the ship and was taking a moment to breath after the incident. Yet that breath was short lasted once the Crystal Gems arrived and when they saw her that quickly took her as an enemy while Ametrine did the same. Causieng them to jump up and hold out her Weapons (Daggers) in a fighting stance, prepared for anything. Thinking that the Crystal Gems were their enemy's. So they fought, and even with her strength the Crystal Gems were easily able to overpower them. Though they chose not to shatter them and instead they only caused Ametrine to Poof! (Idk what it's called I just remember that's what Steven calls it). Once they had Ametrine contained they took then back to the temple to "interrogate" them which it wasn't much of an investigation. They put them in the only secure place they could think of untell Ametrine would finally reform. Which they chose Amethysts messy room. Once Ametrine did reform they were quickly on their case asking her things like "Who are you?" Or things like "Are you with home world?". Which once these questions were asked it quickly showed that it was one big missunderstanding. So Ametrine quickly explained the situation and how they were not with home world. Which caused the Crystal Gems to lower their guard. They chose to let Ametrine go, but also wanted to keep an eye on them for the timebeing to make sure they hadn't lied. ALLRIGHTY!! That's all I really have for the Lore and backstory of the Character so far. Now as for their personally they are a pretty chill person, but is extremely petty at times. As well as a stubborn person, making it difficult to get through to them when they are dead set on something. Yet once they make a good friendship with someone they easily go soft and lower there guard, making them more bubbly around ones they love. Otherwise if they don't trust someone they tend to act cold and suspicious towards the person (or gem). Ok! That's just a short summary of what kinda person they are, but now for relationships with the different characters. They have a good relationship with Steven but they tend to get confused and often worried about the trouble that Steven can get himself into. Which leads them to have a little bit of caution when talking with Amethyst, because of how much trouble she influences Steven to get into. Making them not have the best relationship. The relationship with Pearl and garnet is pretty neutral, they respect them and also look uo to pearl in the slightest. Liking how she like to take control and keep thing neat and tidy. Ametrine has an allright relationship with Lapis, but they tend to butt heads and get into a lot of disagreements. (Mostly small petty things). The person that Ametrine had bonded with the most was Peradot! They grew to have a good relationship and they spend alot of time together!...If you read this far thank you for listening to my info dump on my OC Ametrine! I hope you have an awesome day, see ya goobers!!! >:3
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xx-slug-xx · 1 year
Slug | He/They | 22
Hey, welcome to my stupid side blog! If you’ve been on proship tumblr within the past while, then you may know me as that guy who was making a paper on proshipping! I’m not doing that anymore lol but I’m still here!
Here to talk about proship stuff and my other views on things, fandom-related or otherwise! I’m pretty open minded about things, and I love a good discussion!
I’ll be talking about a lot of topics that could trigger people, but I always try to provide a tw on the posts that discuss those things! I also try to tag things appropriately so people can avoid my posts! I frequently discuss nsfw as well, so if that makes you uncomfortable, then be aware! Feel free to block me if you would like, I really don’t mind if you don’t want to see my content!
Things About Me
OSDD1b system
LGBTQ+ (aegosexual, biromantic, nb, trans masc)
Pro kink (even the scary ones! Pet play, abdl, ddlg/ddlb, and the like are all fine and cool as long as it’s with consenting adults!)
Para neutral (big three is NON CONTACT but I don’t care what gets you off if you aren’t hurting people lol)
Radinclus (not radqueer though)
Comship (but most of my ships are pretty basic lol)
Self ship (ask me about my f/os IF YOU DARE)
I hate the government (all of them)
Proship in the way I’m 100% anti censorship, but I personally don’t like certain types of fictional content and I’m against harassment if it purely involves opinions over fiction.
Fiction can affect reality, but fiction affects everyone differently. Fiction should never be taken at face value. Some people just lack critical thinking skills and they let fiction affect them in a way that dictates their real life morals, or the other way around :/
Fandoms I Like To Talk About Sometimes
Listed, top to bottom, from most to least relevant btw lol
Homestuck AND Beyond Canon
Gravity Falls
Wimp Witch
Smiling Friends
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
Undertale Yellow
Steven Universe
The Binding of Isaac
South Park (not in the fandom, but used to be lol and I still enjoy it)
Invader Zim
I like a lot of things though, feel free to share your fandoms if ya want :D
Other Interests
No particular order
Speculative zoology/evolution/biology
The environment
Evolution as a whole
BUGS! (Arthropods really)
Kink and the psychology of sex/arousal
People I don’t really like
Not a dni, but serves a similar purpose of expressing who I don’t agree with. Not all of these people are disliked equally, some are disliked more than others. And I may not even dislike people in this category at all, as I may just be uncomfortable and that’s it. Y’all can interact all you want, but I won’t agree with you when it comes to certain things in this list lol
Self harm community (is there a name for it? Idk)
Anti mogai/xeno gender/neo pronoun
LGBTQ+ exclusionist
Anti ace-spec
Pro harassment
Endogenic systems (I’m a traumagenic system and it makes me uncomfortable)
Anti shippers (depends on how you personally define that term though lol)
Anti recovery
Anti kink/sex negative
Pro contact para/supporter
Minors (/hj)
Anti recovery
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stardusthuntress · 1 year
What Does Beauty Look Like? 
Sergeant Hunter x female!reader (if you want a gender neutral version, just say something and I’ll make a second version of this or any of my pieces!) 
Word Count: ~3.5K
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TW: jealousy, body dysmorphia (reader’s feelings), so kinda angsty; no use of y/n; maybe a touch of exhibitionism, if ya squint; sorta getting smutty again, so 18+ only! I think that's it, but lemme know if I missed anything (not beta'd)!
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Summary: Hunter’s love is struggling to feel pretty, so he takes it upon himself to make sure she knows how attractive she is to him. His brothers make a point to do the same (Hunter and reader are clearly a thing, but if you wanna read this as though it's poly you can do that too, I tried to leave it a little open-ended so that that would be up to you as the reader! If you have a problem with that then, move along, move along)  
EDIT: I FORGOT TO INCLUDE THE DRIODS GUYS!!! They're a part of this family too! I fixed it! AZI and Gonky are now in the story! And I had forgotten to translate all the Mando'a terms, sorry! dictionary is at the top, but below the cut now! And fixed a few typos I spotted along the way too.
A/N: You guys! I just cranked out another fic! Idk why I can only really do them in one sitting lately, but hey, it's not a bad rhythm! And I tend to write the stuff I need to read, so I hope this resonates with others out there too! And I NEEDED to get started on Hunter-focused fics, so here's my first one for you guys!
EDIT: I FORGOT TO INCLUDE THE DRIODS GUYS!!! They're a part of this family too! I fixed it! AZI and Gonky are now in the story! And I had forgotten to translate all the Mando'a terms, sorry! dictionary is at the top, but below the cut now! And fixed a few typos I spotted along the way too.
Fun fact: the dumb question Tech gets asked is a legitimate question I was asked by an adult while in college. You know what they say, never piss off a writer or they will immortalize your idiocy for all eternity 🤪 everyone has bad moments and I still hope that question was just someone forgetting to think it through before opening their mouth, but every now and again it still haunts me that it was not a child that asked me that question. So now it can haunt you too! Hehe!
Mando'a: Ad'ika = little one (a name for one's children; literally ad = "son/daughter" mando'a is gender neutral, and "ika" = little) Mesh'la = Beautiful Sarad = flower
Hunter-specific dividers by @djarrex
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For several months now, the Bad Batch has been more than a band of nearly-identical brothers and their little sister. Ever since the day Hunter fell in love and found the courage to ask the woman he fell for if she would join them on their adventures, with his family’s blessing of course, it went from 6 to 7. 
One night, they find themselves eating dinner in a tavern while several very attractive people make every effort to catch the eyes of the men. 
Hunter has no interest in the new people, even though they are clearly interested in him. He only has eyes for one woman, his lover. He and Omega head back to the ship, having barely even met the new strangers the rest of his men are so interested in before noticing Omega was getting tired. He brought her back to the ship, alone, and now tracks their comms from the ship to make sure the others are all safe. As he watches, one of the dots on his screen departs the group and heads for a lake not far away. It’s hers, his lover’s. 
He checks on Omega one last time, nodding to AZI, before heading out and closing up the ship behind him. Tech will be along soon to keep an eye on her. Not that Tech isn’t interested in a partner, but Hunter knows Tech isn’t usually the type for one night stands. Which is rather handy for Hunter in situations like this, when he needs one more adult to keep an eye on the kid (AZI was helpful, but not trained for defense if need be) when he wants to spend a little alone time with his partner. 
He catches up with her and can tell by her body language that she needs him. She’s sitting on a rock, hugging her knees, chin tucked on top, eyes closed. As he watches, she shifts, sighing, clearly trying to hold it in, looking up at the sky above her. Pain sits in her eyes, but he knows this is not physical pain, but internal pain. 
He sits down behind her, one knee on either side of her, and wraps his body around her, pulling her into his chest. But where she would normally smile and lean back into him, she barely reacts at all. 
“My strong, brilliant, gorgeous woman” he whispers in her ear. She turns her head a fraction, acknowledging his presence and words. He knows how to get her attention when she’s down. He also knows of her body dysmorphia. The whole team does. She only told Hunter, but Crosshair and Echo figured it out pretty quick, confirmed the symptoms and her body language with Tech, and asked Hunter about it. She doesn’t know they know about it though. He made them promise never to say anything about it, he knows she didn’t even want him to figure it out, but he wasn’t about the let the woman he loves suffer through it alone. 
“Talk to me, Love,” he whispers in her ear “what’s up?” 
She sighs. She couldn’t hide anything from Hunter even if she tried. “They say it’s not about whether or not a woman is pretty. But as soon as someone who IS pretty shows up, it’s like they forget I even exist, and all the things they said to me about it just evaporate into thin air.” 
“I think they just want what we have,” Hunter counters. 
“Still doesn't change the fact that I’m NOT one of the lucky ones who gets to be pretty. You deserve someone who at least matches you, Hunter. Couldn’t you feel the glances at us, the way those women clearly could tell you deserve more than what I can give you?” 
“They are shallow and just looking for a quick lay, you know I’m not that kind of guy.” 
“Pretty sure any of them would have agreed to date you without hesitation, Hunter” 
“Doesn’t mean they have what I need in a partner” he nuzzles into her shoulder “You know what I like. I like a woman who’s good with kids, who can hold her own both in combat and in conversation with my brothers - I know my family is a lot. I like a woman who is independent and self sufficient even before she joins my squad. I like a woman with a brilliant mind who uses it to protect others. None of them had that.” 
“Must have been at least one with a mind in there to entertain Tech.” 
“Na, he usually just rambles to see if one of them will listen. But it’s not like any of them can keep up with him anyways, and he knows that. He’s not really interested in them, just is bored and has someone new to listen to him. Wouldn’t be surprised if he comes looking for us soon enough.” 
“What about the others?” She’s not convinced. 
“Well, Crosshair and Wrecker just like the attention and don’t mind a quick lay. Echo needs a quick lay to prove to him he’s still got it. The guys are only interested in them because they are just temporary. If they really wanted a woman to stick around they wouldn’t go for one that made you feel uncomfortable, they each know the pain of that feeling themselves and they adore you and would hate knowing their actions made you feel that way.” 
“I’m still not attractive, Hunter.” 
Hunter looks at her, astonished that she’s still not aware of the effect she has on him “I suppose, you think that because you can’t see the way your eyes sparkle when you’ve found a new challenge you want to take on. You can’t see the way your laughter lights up your whole body. You can’t see how beautiful you look when you’re concentrating on something, like when you’re reading a book and your mind is in a different universe. You can’t see how you glow when you get a chance to be a mother to Omega, especially when she falls asleep curled into you. You can’t see how beautiful it is when you’re so focused on doing something right that you bite those luscious lips of yours. Nor how good your ass looks when you bend over while working on the ship with us. And you have no idea what all of that does to me. I guess I usually steal glances at you when you’re doing little things. And I don’t know why I try to sneak glances when you aren’t looking. Maybe next time I should let my gaze wander long enough that you know when I’m checking you out.” 
He plants a long kiss on her ear, and his hands begin to wander. Rubbing every inch of her within his reach. Her chest, her arms, her legs, her shoulders. Anything that holds her close to him. His mouth begins to wander too. It moves from her ear, where it’s been during their conversation, to trail kisses down her neck, which become open-mouthed as they reach her shoulders, sucking passionately. 
She opens to him. Head falling back onto his shoulder, breathing heavy, whispering his name to the heavens like a prayer. Feeling his member harden behind her at the use of his name. 
“I know what you need, Love.” He whispers back. “Let me take care of you tonight. Let me lay all my love on you, be it sexual or not. Let me love you like no man ever has. I know it will take time for this to heal, and that I cannot fix it for you, but let my love help you see that you are attractive, not just in mind and soul, but also in body. Let me show you how gorgeous you are to me, every inch of you. And I swear I will never hide another glance at your body from you. I love all of you, and I need you to feel that.”
“Oh, Hunter!” She mueled as he continued caressing her body. 
He could hear the tears in her eyes with every noise she made as she gave in to his touch. 
“I’m here, Gorgeous” his gravelly voice sending shivers down her spine, knowing that it was her he was describing that way, and that he genuinely meant it. 
Without letting go, he maneuvers around her and scoops her up, bridal style. 
“Let’s find a spot that’s softer to lay you out on, my Love.” 
He carries her to a bed of moss and lays her down gently. Then with a smirk, he dives in for a passionate kiss, covering her body with his own, and letting his body weight act like her personal weighted blanket.
When her hands begin to try to reciprocate and make him feel good too, he takes her hands in his - not her wrists, he wants this to be gentle and sensual, not dominating - and holds them above her head. 
“Not tonight, my Love. Tonight I need to make you feel good. Just let me hear you, you know what your voice does to me.” 
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Tech has detached himself from the group and is looking for his Seargent and favorite conversationalist. Tracking Hunter’s comm signal, he follows it to a quiet spot by a lake, hidden by trees and covered in soft mosses. At first he finds it odd that they are so far from the ship when Omega is still on the ship, until a noise makes its way to him as he approaches. A noise like a whimper puts him on high alert, and he ducks out of view behind a tree, listening closely. But the second sound that reaches him puts him at ease. It’s her voice, moaning Hunter’s name. Still hidden behind the tree, he relaxes, and smiles to himself. 
“Good” he whispers, mostly to himself, “bed her well Brother. Give her a night she won’t soon forget, as rare a gem as she. She needs to know how much she means to us. Make sure she feels it, Brother.” 
He quietly departs, not wanting his presence to ruin the moment for them. 
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Hunter, still covering the woman he loves in kisses, surfaces for a moment, and glances through the trees. He looks back down at the woman beneath him and finds her eyes, enjoying getting lost in them for a moment. She’s getting her glow back, but Hunter is far from done. And now he doesn’t have to worry about how long they have been out here, now that someone is back at the ship with Omega. 
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The next morning, camped in the sunlight on a new planet, the team begins to wake up. Most still groggy, they reaching for extra caf. Hunter, still spooning his love, wakes to the sight of the love of his life curled around little Omega, both still sleeping soundly. But Tech took watch all night that night, as he usually prefers to do on nights like this (something about no one else being sober nor focused enough after a night of ‘wild abandon’ as he called it, to actually keep watch), and someone needs to relieve him. So he plants a long kiss on her temple, enjoying how she stirs a little beneath him, but doesn’t wake up. 
“Sleep, Mesh’la, I need to give Tech a break.” 
He tucks his girls in and heads to the cockpit. 
Tech looks up when he enters, and gives him a knowing smirk. 
“I think she’s starting to feel it” Hunter’s voice is a little extra gravelly with sleep. 
Tech’s eyebrows raise in question. 
Hunter smirks in return. “How rare a gem she is, and how much she means to us,” quoting Tech from the night before. 
“Ah, so you were aware of my presence. It was not my goal to disturb you.” 
Hunter lets a laugh surface for a moment “I kinda hoped you would hear it when you came looking for us. I knew you would look for us. She needs the encouragement of knowing when you lot seek her company.” He glances back over his shoulder to where she and Omega continued to sleep peacefully, “When she wakes up, don’t hide your appreciation for her, make sure she knows how much she means to all of us. Yeah?” 
Tech smiles, and nods. 
“But as far as she’s concerned, you didn’t hear it from me. But that doesn’t mean you didn’t hear us last night” he winks at his brother. 
Tech’s smile widens, and he nods. 
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When she does wake, she finds the men and Omega enjoying the fresh air and sights of the beautiful new planet Tech brought them to during the night. 
Hunter’s legs are stretched out along the side of the entire ramp as he leans back against the door frame, eyes closed. Tech sits on the other side of the ramp and a bit farther down, a project in hand, spilling onto Gonky, who sat at Tech's side next to the ramp.  
She snuggles up to Hunter, sitting between him and Tech. Hunter wraps an arm around her in return, checking her eyes to make sure her glow is returning, and smiling brightly back at her when he finds it. 
“Good morning, Love” he kisses her hair, and she leans into him with a relaxing sigh. 
Tech exchanges another knowing glance with him. 
“How was your night, Tech?” She asks, still holding on tightly to Hunter. He can tell she’s trying not to brace for a story about another woman, and an endless description of how pretty she was. 
“Fine,” Tech responds, matter-of-factly, “finally got a chance to finish a few projects I’ve been working on for far too long.” 
Something about the way he doesn’t even mention the women that were chatting them up the night before, almost as if he’s forgotten them already (he has), makes her feel a little better. 
Hunter can feel her relaxing against him. He smiles. 
“And you? It sounded like you two had a good night last night.” Tech’s attention is still on his project, and he acts as though he did not just say he caught them making love the night before. 
“Uh,” she glances at Hunter, and finds a mischievous look awaiting her there. So he had known Tech overheard. She blushed. “Yeah.” Her eyes trailed to the ground, she didn’t mind that he had heard, but she wasn’t exactly expecting him to bring it up so nonchalantly either. “And you?” She tossed the question back at him, not exactly sure what else to do. 
“They, were not my type,” he answered, simply. “One of them asked how water gets back up to the top of a river, because they thought they were essentially circular by nature. I left shortly thereafter. However, you should ask the other three that question, as each of them attempted to sneak into the ship very early this morning. None of them successfully snuck into the ship, but since they did not wake you, Hunter, nor Omega, I suppose they did not entirely fail, either. But I thought you would all appreciate waking up in a place like this instead of stuck amidst the stink of that city.” 
She and Hunter laughed at his story. 
“Much appreciated, it is beautiful here. All in all, not a bad night though, despite the shallowness of the company?” Hunter asked. 
“Affirmative. It was nice to finally finish up a few projects. Speaking of, I believe that completes one more.” Tech seems to be done fiddling with the project in his lap and holds it out to her, “the reading light you wanted.” 
She looks at it, surprise etched onto her face, and then her eyes move to Tech as though she’s missing something. 
“Crosshair saw you eyeing one at that book stall a few planets ago,” Tech explains. 
She looked over to where Crosshair sat, alone, but not far away, and caught him watching her out of the corner of his eye. He nodded at her, confirming Tech’s story. 
“It took me a while longer than I liked to acquire all the parts and complete it for you. Echo helped discreetly acquire the pieces and keep my designs for it out of sight so that it would be a surprise for you. I know you’ve probably already finished the books you bought that day, but for the next time we find you some new books.” 
She takes it and turns it on, examining it, a smile on her face. 
“I made sure to make it not too bright so it won’t wake Hunter if you want to read at night, but not dim enough to strain your eyes,” he supplies, always ready with more info. 
“Thank you, Tech. I didn’t realize anyone had noticed that, let alone cared enough to make one for me. You have so many projects you’re working on already, you didn’t have to do this for me.” 
“I wanted to do this for you. You mean a great deal to all of us, not just because Hunter loves you. As you know, we do not let just anyone stay with us. This is my way of saying thank you for all the little things you do for us. Do not think we do not notice them.” 
Her eyes are glossy as she leans over to hug him “thank you, Tech. You’ve no idea how much this means to me.” Tech reciprocates the hug, and Hunter smiles at him from behind her, nodding at his brother. 
She leans back into Hunter, resting her head on his shoulder, clutching her new reading light to her chest. 
Hunter pulls her close, and whispers in her ear “See? You mean the galaxy to all of us.” 
“How do I know you didn’t set that up just to make me feel better?” She giggles, but her voice is quiet, not wanting the others to hear. 
“Then trust me that he did not ‘set it up’, I have been working on it since we visited that bookshop and left early last night to finish it and a few other projects when I found myself quite bored,” Tech piped up. 
“Sorry, Tech. I didn’t mean—” 
“You have nothing to apologize for. It meant a lot to me to have someone with us who also appreciates books and knowledge as much as I do. Making something as simple and small as a reading light is the least I could do in return.” 
She reaches out and takes Tech’s hand, squeezing it for a moment as a way to say thank you. Tech squeezes back for a moment, then picks up the next project that had been sitting atop Gonky. 
Hunter is beaming with pride for his little family. 
Omega bounces up to them, her cheeks pink from frolicking in the great outdoors since she woke up. 
“Good morning!” She smiles brightly up at Hunter and his partner, throwing herself into their arms. 
“Good morning, Ad’ika [little one],”  Hunter laughs, hugging both his girls tightly, and making them laugh too. 
“Tech! Look what I found! What kind of flowers are they?” Omega holds out a bouquet of a wide variety of flowers, and Tech begins to tell her all about the different species and why they are different colors and shapes. 
Wrecker approaches, brushing off the grass acquired from following his little sister through the meadow and helping her pick one of every type of flower they could find. He pauses, picking two more flowers on his way over. 
“Mornin’!” He practically shouts as he arrives at the ramp to the ship. And then he leans forward and sticks one flower he just picked behind the ear of the girl, and one behind the ear of the woman at Hunter’s side. Beaming at the young girl and the woman, he wordlessly plops himself down in the grass at the foot of the ramp to listen to Tech rambling about the flowers in Omega’s hands. 
“A flower as beautiful as you, Sarad [flower]” Echo approaches from behind, holding a steaming mug of caf, and looking at the woman in Hunter’s arms. She smiles as Echo leans against the doorway behind Tech. 
“Aww, thanks, Echo.” 
He winks at her, and nods at Hunter. 
She cuddles her way into Hunter, who’s hand now rubs her back. He’s still smiling broadly, eyes full of love as he watches her. 
Crosshair nods his approval from his spot nearby, giving her one of his rare smiles, as he plucks a toothpick from one of the pockets on his belt. 
Maybe Hunter had been right. Not that she didn’t trust him, she just had trouble believing it when someone told her she was pretty. After a lifetime of what seemed like evidence to the contrary, it was nice to start a little collection of evidence beginning to prove that that notion may have been jaded by her own self-doubt. 
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Please don't steal my work though! I pour my heart into these so if you like it please reblog to share instead of reposting it!
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ravs6709 · 9 months
i was on a plane so i couldnt rlly send you reactions BUT we are through w the divorce arc (i think? tbh they still need to communicate more) and they met fucking. buddha. which like ok i guess this is normal AND THEN they got reincarnated and like can i just say i have sm respect for the author bc they gave us the whole joongdok divorce ugh ouch pain and then they gave us hankim right fucking after w like tiny yjh/hsy crumbs (what is the ship name for this. btw) ANYWAYS LIKE idk man it was so insane total fever dream also somewhere in there ysa is like. dead and being reincarnated but we haven’t seen her again somewhere
Kdj meets a guy (gender neutral): extremely normal that's not even a surprise anymore
joongdok and their shitty communication but also it's their ONLY method of communication HANKIM IS INSANE. yoohan is... i dont even have words its the side i understand the least because they get the least focus BUT also just as insane
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cosmicjoke · 9 months
Thank you for answering!! I am the one who spoke about life is strange. The couple was definitely a lesbian couple. I don't know how to send media on Tumblr unfortunately for the evidence on isayama's blog. I am an Eruri shipper and though I know Levi is canonically not in love with anybody my mind can't help but think Eruri is semi-canon. I know most shippers have on shipping goggles but there's something about Levi and Erwin's relationship I just can't wrap my mind around. You are the only person I have come across who is really good at analyzing Levi and will be able to answer any questions I have with genuineness and competence.
If you get the time, pleaseeeeeeee help me answer these questions. I want to be unbiased about my ship and maybe have the semi-canon persistent thought attended to. Thanks in advance!!
1. What do you think is the reason for Isayama drawing Levi clutching the serum to his heart when he saw Erwin's injured body?
2. For us Eruri shippers, the night before the retake of Shiganshina is a huge reason why we ship eruri. When Levi was convincing Erwin to stay and not risk his life, I felt as tho Levi was being a bit OOC. I know Erwin is his commander and he believes in his leadership that's why he didn't want him to join because he knew they needed Erwin alive for the betterment of humanity but the way Levi went about it felt a bit too personal imo. Isayama himself said in an interview that what Levi really wanted to say to Erwin is that: “Don't go. I want you to be safe.”
If it was Miche asking Erwin not to go, do you think he would display his sadness the way Levi did by sulking in a corner and drinking alone? Or banging the door when Erwin disagreed with his request or beat up Eren and Jean out of frustration like Isayama said Levi did? I'm sure Hanji also cared about Erwin's well-being but they didn't show concern at the level Levi did.
3. What do you think about Isayama's editor saying that Erwin and Levi's relationship cannot simply be classified as friends or merely comrades but that there's something more there?(the same thing was said by Erwin and Levi's japanese VAs) Also, Yuki Kaji (Eren's Va ) said that Erwin and Levi's relationship is like two people in Les Miserables. There are two men in Les Miserables named Grantaire and Enjolras. Enjolras is a charismatic and inspiring leader of the group. While Grantaire is a skeptic but a devoted follower. Their dynamic of soldier and leader is the same as Levi and Erwin. In the story, Grantaire is said to sometimes question Enjolras ideals. Their friendship goes through a lot of changes and challenges but later Grantaire is still said to have deeply loved, admired and venerated Enjolras at the end. I know Yuki, Erwin and Levi's VAs, and Isayama's editor are not the author but they are close to him so their words could have some relevance. Idk.
4. Levi is the only one whose type is defined with gender-neutral terms. Yams said he likes tall people. Not woman or man. Isayama also said he is a levifujoshi. Meaning he likes to think of Levi being in a relationship with men. That was a joke but still....lol
5. This is far-fetched but when Levi says only one man while thinking about Erwin and hoping he is alive so that he can give him the serum, there is a drawing of what looks like a broken heart on Levi's cheek. Some people say it could just be a printing error which I agree is likely, although I think it is quite oddly coincidental for a printing error of a broken heart to happen while Levi was saying those words specifically. Another thing on my mind is that Isayama has done a similar heart shape around Hange when Hange was communicating affectionately with a Titan.
6. Isayama said Mikasa's liege is Eren and so is Levi with Erwin. Ackerbond doesn't exist. I know that because Isayama even said himself that Ackerman's liege thing isn't blood bound but something that they themselves choose to do. This is later affirmed by Zeke who said Mikasa protects Eren out of adoration and not from a blood bound instinct or whatnot. So if Eren is to Mikasa what Erwin is to Levi(as said by Isayama himself) does protecting out of adoration also apply to Levi since he's an Ackerman and his liege is Erwin...?
I know Isayama confirms all his ships but all the outright confirmed ships are straight ships. Historia and Ymir didn't happen, and though Ymir loved Historia it was never confirmed if Historia saw her the same way romantically.
Homophobia is rampant in Japan. I honestly think it is a bit naive and wishful thinking for us to conclude that a homosexual ship can be easily confirmed. I think it makes sense for a gay relationship(especially among men since women are more fetishized and less frown upon in media) to be hinted hence why only homoerotic relationships has had subtext for decades while straight ships have always had the privilege to be outright confirmed. It makes sense for Isayama to do the same with Levi since Levi isn't the main character and he wouldn't want to take from Eren's story by outshining it with something as controversial as a gay relatiopnship from a side character.
Anyway, I'd love to hear your honest thoughts on each question. Thanks!!❤️
Hey, you can think whatever you like, and ship whatever you like. But it's just a fact that Levi and Erwin aren't canonically romantically involved. I don't even know why this is so difficult for some people to accept, or why it bothers them so much to accept it, to the point they're willing to twist canon events and read meaning into actions and events which simply isn't there. It's called a confirmation bias. If you're looking for something to have some special, hidden meaning, you're going to start seeing things that way, whether it's actually supported by the evidence or not. Accepting canon doesn't prevent one from imagining or creating content with their preferred ship, so again, I don't know why this is so persistently an issue.
I'll answer your questions, but as I've repeatedly stated, this isn't a topic I like discussing anymore, because it's so constant, and I've answered it so many times, in so many different ways, that all you have to do is look through my blog to address whatever issues you have.
Levi holding the serum against his chest doesn't mean anything. He's literally just hesitating because he was about to hand the serum to Eren to give to Armin, and then he saw Erwin was still alive, and he realized he could give the serum to him instead. He pulls the serum back and holds it against himself as an act of hesitation. Not romantic.
Again, you're reading into Levi's words and actions what you want. You want to believe Levi was "sad" about Erwin insisting on going because he was in love with him, when there's zero evidence to support that. Levi wasn't acting OOC at all. He was pissed because Erwin had just shaken the foundation of Levi's belief in him as a leader. Levi always believed in Erwin and his leadership and his judgement because he believed in Erwin's commitment to humanity. And now he's having to question that commitment, and thus his own loyalty to Erwin. He's upset because he's wondering if he's been following the wrong man this whole time. You also keep quoting Isayama without providing any proof that he actually said these things, quotes I've never heard actually attributed to Isayama, so I can't regard any of that with any seriousness.
Nothing outside of what Isayama himself writes matters. So, I don't really care what anyone else says or implies. But of course, Levi's relationship with Erwin is very much rooted in admiration. That doesn't in any way indicate him being in love with him. He admires Erwin because he sees him as a great leader and an admirable man for his commitment to humanity. If one says there's more than just "friendship" there, all that means to me is that Levi looks to Erwin as a guiding light. I've talked about this countless times. Levi looked to Erwin as a man who could best show him how to help the most people.
Again, quoting Isayama without any proof isn't going to get you anywhere with me. Offhanded comments by Isayama in Q&A sessions don't mean anything and have no real relevance. The only thing that matters is what's in the actual text.
Again, this is reading what you want into the scene. It's projection. There's nothing in Levi's words or actions which indicate that his heart is breaking because he's in love with Erwin.
Erwin isn't Levi's "liege", and I don't think Isayama ever said that word in relation to them, or to Eren and Mikasa, for that matter. He said Levi and Mikasa were like Knights, and he said Levi and Mikasa are both "loyal", meaning their personalities are geared toward loyalty. They stick by their people. That's all that means. Mikasa is loyal to Eren because he saved her life. Levi is loyal to Erwin because he believes in Erwin' as a leader. We see this loyalty manifest Levi's sustained belief in Erwin as a leader, even after he confesses that seeing what's in Eren's basement is more important to him than humanity. Levi's trust, and loyalty born from that trust, isn't so easily shaken. It, again, doesn't indicate any kind of personal, romantic feelings, it simply indicates a high regard and level of trust in Erwin's goodness as a man. Mikasa is obviously in love with Eren. Why, then, wouldn't it be equally obvious if Levi was in love with Erwin? And don't say something like, well, homophobia. Isayama clearly doesn't care about that. Look at Historia and Ymir. Look at Hange, who's essentially transgender. EVERY romantic relationship in AoT is explicit. If Isayama wanted to make it obvious, he would have. To see the relationship between Levi and Erwin as romantic requires way too much speculation, generalization, indistinct conclusions and broad, indeterminate assumptions to ever be taken seriously.
Again, you're simply projecting and engaging in pure speculation to support your desire for Levi's relationship with Erwin to be romantic. But nothing in canon suggests it at all. There's no hint of it, no foundation for believing it, no proof of it. You rely on promotional material, live interview answers, vague, undefined and far-fetched elements which can be easily twisted to fit a certain narrative or bias, and call it evidence. It's not. It's simply you taking inconclusive answers to random questions and imbuing them with symbolic or subliminal messaging, or taking a panel and doing the same, or twisting Levi's emotional response to things which have an in story explanation which isn't romantic, and coloring it to be romantic. There's literally zero evidence to suggest Levi's relationship with Erwin is anything other than that of friendship, subordinate and commander, and confidant. That's it.
I don't mean to be so harsh, but this is beyond exhausting. I don't know how many times I can go over this same topic, again and again, and still, people refuse to just accept it. You're being friendly, and say you want me to simply help you have a better understanding of their canon relationship, but you didn't accept my first answer, and keep pushing and prodding, as if wanting to trip me up and prove that I'm wrong, even when you must know my stance on this issue and you must know how I'm going to respond. I've dealt with this same type of approach from Eruri shippers countless times. I don't know if that's what you're doing, but it feels like it. So I'll kindly ask that you just accept this very long winded reply from me. You aren't going to change my mind, and you aren't going to convince me otherwise, because, again, the only thing that matters when discussing what is and isn't canon, is the manga and anime itself. Everything else is meaningless.
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stampsthemeow · 2 months
pretty please tell me everything about the character with flowers as/on their face
they look so cool
okayokay okay :3333333 Tw for mention of sexual trauma (no details just mentioned it happened) Full ref under the cut (since its just a fullbody of him its stuidly tall so i put under cut) Info on Him: - His name is Halo, 19 yrs old, and is dating Zach & Dale, he/him + doesnt label his sexuality (he does NOT kiss girls tho dawg) - often prefers non verbal communication (he can speak but just can but uncomfy to due to the flowers being stupid) - stupid Christian boy with religious trauma, due to his parents being extremely religious and forcing all of it onto their kids (i have no clue how he still believes in god after that + living in the slendermansion) - His soul is a gold colour, the "power" he has is the flowers, they are *meant* to help healing and close wounds, Its a power that has belonged to others (in au Zach and Twil both had the power at some point in time), Its meant to go away after being healed but well, that obv has not happened, - The reason it has stayed, and is now his permanent power unlike the others, is due to his face being burnt (drunken accident with fire) in a way the flowers cannot properly heal, but they will not go away until healed & him being disabled (broke his legs and then never got any sort of medical help about it so now hes kinda fucked) , which also prevents the flowers from leaving - I wont go into detail but he does have sexual trauma which he still struggles with what it caused - within the mansion he is friends/friendly with Ticci Toby, EJ, Tim, Brian, and Jay, does not Like jeff the killer or Ben drowned, is neutral with everyone else -he cant properly kiss because of the flowers, but he can control them slightly (make the petals move a little) so just rub against with the petals yippee kiss -insert other stuff later idk anythign else theres prob more im not thinking of Info about him being created/outside of au stuff: -I created him back in 2021-2022 ish (i have no clue what year i never talked about him til wayy after his creation) as a partner for zach lmao, I kept trying to ship Zach with random girl ocs i made but noone stuck, then i made a dude and dumbass is still here
-before the flowers his power was just being deer (ears, tail, antlers), but that didnt last long obv -if/when given ears&tail i am giving him little kitty ears and a small deer tail
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him (idk the cut disspeared before so its back)
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hislittleraincloud · 1 year
SPOILERS, Discussion II, Chapter 6 Part 2.
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Don't read this if you haven't read this chapter.
This is an author answer/response to "Wednesdays_Destiny" on AO3 because I can't be bothered (or frustrated) to chop it up into God knows how many comments in their 10K limit.
Purple is direct Afterburn Canon/quote.
Pink is Wednesdays_Destiny's thoughts/q's.
THE COLORS ARE A LITTLE MESSED THIS TIME. IDK what happened, something happened when it saved to drafts. It's this trash site's problem. Not going back to fix it 💀
Fun video clip included under the cut.
>legitimate physical harm is fair game.<
>>>Usually such rules "everything except" happen after "except" happens, so I wonder if they had an incident previously.
It’s that they know that the different species have different levels of powers, some more potentially dangerous than others, so they respect each others’ differences by keeping each other safe. (This is a little spoilery.)
>it billowed out their noses as their<
>>>Yeah sorry that ship has sailed B/Y, nothing will beat the irritated dragon Wednesday.
Wednesday shotgunned Donovan on her birthday, too. It hits different though, I get it…Yoko has yet to win any hearts over. But shotgunning is still sexy.
>gives a vampire the benefit<
>>> Is that a benefit? Despite being able to mix you Just need to buy and consume more then?
If normal people mixed drugs the way vampires can, they’d all be dead. Or undead, if they’re lucky enough to be “resuscitated” by a vampire before the heart stops. Either way, vampires can't die of an OD.
>perhaps she just didn't remember<
>>>>I will admit I am curious what happened that she chose to forget it ever happened.
Well, we’ll just have to see if that question is ever answered in canon or in a flashback or in a deleted scene or in a short one shot or…
>those powers wouldn't show up for another few years<
curious if sirens/Gorgon also get their powers during puberty of it they have it from birth.
Sirens and Gorgons are born that way, with some minor changes as growth happens. And I’m taking from N/Canon that psychic powers don’t show up until just about mid-puberty. Wednesday’s psychic powers showed up after the Fester-like electricity did to a noticeable degree…that’s all I’ll say about that for now, since it’ll probably be covered in Chapter 7. And BTW, male sirens and gorgons are rarer than females; Kent and Ajax are the outliers of their kind. Telekinesis is male-dominated outside of vampires (where it’s gender neutral), but there are Addamses who have that. They have a wide array of powers in the family.
>since her very plain surname wasn't exactly memorable.<
>>>>What do you mean? Addams is like one of the most memorable last names there is.
It’s actually common (35th in the U.S.), except for the spelling. That’s why Enid spelled it “Adams” in her shitty blog.  LOL
>cold and professional…. A sudden commotion<
>>>> And you blueball us pff. Given that she lost her virginity to our sheriff the farthest they went was a blowjob, maybe that explains how she was so good with Donovan first try - if she was "experimenting" with with boys previously.
I probably won’t write what happened (even though I know exactly what happened…) but she did not put her mouth on him. That I can tell you. It was, at first, honestly innocent “doctor” play.
>"I'm ovulating." <
>>>>Oohhh FucK
Oh no, someone’s gonna end up pregnant in their sophomore year of high school, oh nooooo…*cackling*
>the colorful rainbow rippling up and<
>>>>Talk about inconvenient, that prevents all types of exhibition kinks like having a remote vibe inside in the classroom, coming and trying to not move a muscle/be dead quiet so no one catches on. But besides that its fucking glorious.
I can imagine many, many funny scenarios where their orgasms happen in public.
>his sister's paranoid drug rages<
>>>>Glad I have never touched any type of drug, of any type. That sounds just horrible.
Some people can’t handle their drugs *at all*. Wednesday is smart and doesn’t take unnecessary risks (so far) with drugs. Divina has difficulty with it, and not necessarily because she takes too much (though sometimes she does…I think there’s a lot of pain and guilt in her since I already have their backstory written).
>the balloon inflated, rising off of his hand<
>>>>Now do that with Laurels head.
He’ll deal with some of his rage about “Ms. Thornhill” in the sequel, I think.
>strange tornado of feelings he had for an old, quirky acquaintance<
>>>>Given that Donovan is 55 he will be dead in 30ish years at the latest, then you will be a man and can go collect your woman. Till then run a FwB with Bianca.
*laughs in Omnipotent POV*
>gorgon was stone hard<
Punny American, I see.
>her during, manipulating pressure against her clit<
>>>>Or you could use your powers to massage parts you could not normally reach, like the roots and base of her clit instead.
Do you honestly believe that nerdy little Rowan who kissed like he was a thirsty dog lapping at a water bowl would know anything about female anatomy other than the clit and vagina?  Plus even if he did, he’d still be lost since the siren’s weird labia kinda work differently (they’re able to move/ripple…kinda like Pseudobiceros bedfordi: 
Persian Carpet Flatworm Pseudobiceros bedfordi )
See that rippling?  That’s how their labia work. Only they also have lamellae (think the underside of a mushroom) that also move with that.
>amazingly satisfying cock, just big<
>>>>Imo missed opportunity to have him have a 4 inch cock and use his telekintetic powers to stretch the vagina of the girl he is with telekineticly making him always be the perfect fit.
Rowan was not a shapeshifter like his father, so extending his dick would hurt him and shortening the vag of the girl to make his tiny peen fit would hurt her (when Chance has sex with Weems, he changes things about himself to fit her, like his tongue, but honestly, he is already her perfect fit…ahem). As a telekinetic, he can only manipulate what is already there, whereas shapeshifters are...
...more flexible.
Plus I wanted to be kind to Rowan…it wasn’t his fault he lost his mind.
>"Is what all that we are?" "I dunno. I just have a feeling."<
>>>>The fact of having pictures of lots of ancient, important and powerful legacy in your hideout, a bunch of old valuable books...I have no idea how you would get that idea. The nightshades were always meant to be a trivial social club.
This is an N/Canon problem. Given that Bianca et al have had this kind of access to the library (hmm, how did they get it in the first place…I guess I’ll have to be the one to fricking explain it then, thanks N/Canon crap writers LOL) for at least two other semesters and HASN’T read any of those books, uh…yeah. Someone intro’ed the Nightshades as a “social club”. Hmm, I wonder whooooo………..
>Bianca held a bit of resentment<
>>>>As much as I love Enid, that is her biggest flaw, I suspect she runs the blog because she did not have any real friends - she was rooming alone before and Yoko had space, so she prob was using it to fill some void.
I’ve thought about that as well. She was rooming alone. Why? Poor Enid. Enid has her strengths, but she can be a little ditzy.
>"S'not like Addams hasn't made it abundantly clear that she doesn't want 'im."<
>>>>-They have history, she saved him, he saved her, in the infirmary, she looked...content, she finds him interesting (as the killer or not)... I get why he's holding out hope.
Bianca doesn’t know anything about their history.
> whose activity had made Divina's siren song a little louder<
>>>> The siren song is the power they use to manipulate, is the implication here it's like a cat purring? A cat's purr does have certain qualities of a siren song…
We saw how a “siren song” actually works (twice, once with Tyler and once with Coach Vlad). In order to manipulate someone, they have to state what they want them to do. With this aspect of a  siren song, it’s more like a deep sea mating song. They’re not telling anyone to do anything, it’s not produced out of manipulation; it’s produced out of pleasure.
That said, have you ever heard a female cat's mating call? It’s not purring. A whale's call sounds like this. But the wails, as pleasant as they are (and they are pleasant, not as harsh as whale sounds) just happened to remind Xavier of cats/Morella.
>would suction into place around a female siren's cervix<
>>>>Tor, making up siren genitalia since Wednesday But I am curious, does that still work if the male siren is cut? Are sirens not cut?
Male sirens are never cut.
>"We have to go on ahead with your original plan,"<
>>>>Given you got killed via nightshade poisoning, Enid fights the Hyde and Wednesdays shoe killing thornkill your plan failed.
>her father out of those murder charges stemming<
>>>>Stemming from you - no one else saw Gomez holding that sword so it was you who put that whole ball rolling.
She described what she saw and the circumstances around it.  She isn’t psychic, yanno. LOL Plus she was Enid’s age, or about.
>"You still think she could be the one?"<
>>>>Curious what the payoff for that one will be. As a possible theory, the chancellor is a Wednesday stalker by the end.
Hmm. I will say that eventually they will have some scenes together.
>Trust me…they're all safe, fucking each other under the moonlight.<
>>>>What? 6 out of the 300+ Students are safe and the others are just fucked. The bad fucked.
He assumes that the whole school is probably fucking under the moonlight too, so when he says “all” it’s extended to mean everyone in the castle. All horny teens. And he’s probably correct. I just haven’t gone into the dorms of the other three halls yet (which I have named, since the fucking fuck writers haven’t given us those names either).
>listening to Noble's concerns about the lack of progress on the case<
>>>> Interesting if I recall correctly Noble thought the murders to be a bear not any type of outcast. So there is no case in Noble's mind?
This is part of N/Canon that pisses me off; Noble used to be Sheriff. Meaning he was a cop, investigating crimes. So AB/C Noble heavily suspects that it really isn’t a bear, given the wounds. He tells Weems and the public that they’re bear attacks because he’s working to preserve their symbiotic relationship. Nevermore gets left alone from any ordinances/bigots like David Breeding because Nevermore contributes to his campaign and gives shitloads of cash to the city in taxes and donations.
>approved people just weren't human enough<
>>>>Oh no...is this going where I think it's going?
>pilgrims who persecuted and murdered outcasts<
>>>>Regarding my outcast questions, THIS is why it's important
You cannot even look at a Gorgon…
The original outcasts in the colonies did not include gorgons and sirens. More on that in the future, I already have things planned and am not spoiling that.
>when few outcasts were sent overseas<
>>>>Why? Looping back to some of my other questions, Georgians don't do it intentionally, so could you just tie one to the barrel of your tank and anyone trying to shoot at you gets stoned? They would be the best war asset, same with shapeshifters infiltrating the command level of the military Are outcasts even an only native American thing?
I don’t think outcasts normally like to get involved in Muggl — erm, norminal affairs. The only ones who were sent were vampires. Both groups would end up losing more than they would if they just left each other alone.
>and he lived in a trailer >like an accident by running her over with his truck<
>>>>Unless that truck had fist shaped tires, I do not see how that could have worked. Also, that is fucking brutal.
Men like Breeding are the type who would do something like this.  And it’s been done before.
>building a decent case against someone<
>>>>While it would be great to have those violent people gone it would not solve the murders happening Donovan.
He’s just trying to buy time.
> That's one Hell of a 'therapist'<
>>>>It's called shock therapy I believe. With her fingers. And Shocks.
>He'd been forbidden to masturbate<
>>>>Wednesday should get the same rule...also Him coming untouched thinking of her while also able to last multiple of her orgasms while inside her is confusing.
Wednesday lives by her own rules in all canon, LOL And a man can’t control his wet dreams. Also, the power of the mind vs. body is a strange thing. I’ve seen some men last through multiple orgasms. I’ve seen some who are one weak little stream and that’s it. So there is always the average, which is a big pond to find average fish in, but then you have the special ones, like Donovan and shape shifters.
>There was no way that he would have taken the chance of a perfect match.<
>>>>Then why bother? Frankly, this tells you very little. Only that both claws are related. It could be your wife's family had more hides in them that are still around I get him trying to deny it, but at least be sure of it and then deny it.
His wife’s family are all in France (though a lot of them are dead), and he wanted to be more than sure it was Tyler and not some other Hyde (in case there was another Hyde). Francie’s DNA may have been wiped from CODIS, but testing might still have record of it, thus Donovan wasn’t going to take the risk of the official channels finding the match. He’s a little paranoid since he’s pretty sure he still has copies of files that were otherwise ‘lost’.
>chided him for being weak and pathetic.<
>>>>How is Donovan weak and pathetic?
There is a method to my madness with these secondary, no-line characters. You're just going to have to trust me.
> What brought out Tyler's? <
>>>>You see there is this lovely woman, glasses, loves plants, hates outcasts, loves coffee and your sons cock.
#Gatesmonster has my attention atm.
>and was sitting up in his new black and white pet bed > the girl who had a soft spot for animals<
>>>>While that thought is adorable, I doubt she cares for animals as a whole, given she basically murdered two bags full of piranhas in the opener and besides loving her pet Nero I do not recall any other interactions with animals.
That she has a ‘way’ with animals is canon.  She has hibernated with bears and swam with sharks. Those weren’t one of her usual ‘Wednesday being edgy’ lies, since Wednesday and Gomez confirm the shark thing. Bear hibernation was sort of confirmed with Eugene.
>since photography had been a hobby of his<
>>>>That is neat, giving our man some hobbies. Proper photography is hard too, and no selfies on whatever site currently is in are not photography
This is something that Wednesday and Donovan share/bond with over. She likes crime scene photography, so she was taught to develop her own film.
>that she had a mirror fetish<
>>>>Katoptronophilia you mean ?...Donovan, also using this chance to point out that kink and fetish are different, kink is optional but gives pleasure, fetish needs to be present to get pleasure at all.
I’m not going to go into this debate because it’s silly, especially when everyone is always contradicting themselves when trying to parse the difference. The Addamses all have it, hence the Hall of Mirrors. People can have a fetish for something but not have to indulge in it every time. How many times have people discovered their spouses’ fetishes after not having a clue about them before marriage? Plenty. As well, I see them as something that would immediately get someone off, where as a kink can be more drawn out.
>grim creeperism that kept everybody else at a distance<
>>>>That is such an interesting point, is Wednesday acting or is she genuine when she is creepy...Eg the hug with Enid, was that Wednesday, giving in "fine I like hugs" or was that purely for enid's sake
I have been meaning to do a series about the lies Wednesday tells whenever she wants to shock people. We already know she does this, purposely, within her first ten minutes with Enid. “Rumor has it that you killed a kid at your old school and your parents pulled a few strings to get you off…” “Actually it was two kids, but who’s counting?” (Lie, since she didn’t kill any kids at all, she just maimed Dalton.) “I was born on Friday the 13th.” (Lie, since her birthday on the show is in November and there was no Friday the 13th in November 2006.) “Sartre said ‘Hell is other people.’ He was my first crush.” (Very unlikely, LOL). Etc., etc.
>A sixteen-year-old Wednesday was more bold, perhaps reckless<
>>>> This is making me wonder who the first one to find out who shouldn't be, regarding "I fuck who I want, and there is nothing you can do about it"
Upcoming, Chapter 7.
>she was forced to keep rejecting the boy's advances<
>>>>-She seemed really shocked and pleased about that date location, unless she's faking the whole "iam into death" thing, a crypt would be the perfect spot to take the creepy goth girl, and of course a normal scary movie would be a joke to her, so either double down with a classic or go the inverse with a vibrant movie that is scary and torture for her.
I don’t think the ‘I’m into death’ thing is faked, but by this point in the AB story, she’s already had her candle lit birthday, and it was done better, even though it wasn’t in a crypt. Again, Tyler went with the assumptions here. 
>>>>When Donovan leaves the way she looked to (her) bottom left "oh fuck how am i gonna explain that one to my man ?"
>"Do I scare you, Donovan?"<
>>>>I feel like...i saw that line befor...hmmm.
This whole scene before the truck was the one I had to take back from Part 1.  So people read it there, first.
> with her electrical discharges<
>>>> Since I have yet to see a payoff to that little storyline, here is my newest take on it: She's gonna kill him with said electrical discharges during one of her most powerful orgasms she has for him
>or into her womb<
Given how much he has filled her with already, there should be something in the oven already…
>slight strabismus in her right eye<
>>>>Is this something you made up? I saw your recent post with Wednesday/Tyler at the station, and she does have it but that could just be due to the distance he just went up to her?
Normal Wednesday/Jenna eyes:
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She has it in the scene where they’re arresting Xavier…because she’s so full of pride and excitement that her right eye just wants to bug out into a different direction LMAO:
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It's slight (I did say slight!).
Not tryna be mean, but it’s there (and also visible at split second times in other scenes/things she does). Doesn’t make her less cute. If Jenna God forbid ever saw this, I hope she knows that no one's perfect, certain sht can't be helped, she's cute in this whole series.
>"You're destroying your liver."&lt;
>>>>Yeah well you decided to go for an old alcoholic, the limited expiration date was visible before you made your purchase Addams.
She didn’t know just how much he drank (not the beer in his desk, but the scotch), though, until…well. That answer is in this chapter too.
>"Doll, you know what it's like to make promises in this fucked up world we live in," &lt;
>>>> love to hear his unwavering affection for her, iam sure nothing can shake that. Right?
He will love her until the day that he dies. ETA: And vice versa (she will love him until the day she dies as well).
>"Even if I dig up more bodies?" she asked&lt;
>>>>Taking her to a court ordered gravedigging might be a good setting for a date with him.
>run down wasn't exactly something she was eager to witness either&lt;
>>>>Given that Canon Wednesday stated she had it on her bucket list, does this mean your Wednesday is a softer version and part of the "I love death" she exhibits is fake?
“Bucket list” N/C comment was one of her lies/shock value/edgy comments, see above about her lies/sarcasm, to mess with people. AB/C Wednesday is pretty accurate to that except for how she behaves around Donovan, which is the softer part. And yet she will still say her ‘Wednesday lies’ around him, too. It’s just how she is. I feel like she does this to keep people at a distance so they never know the real truth around who she is…kind of a defense mechanism.
>it was horrific and she froze&lt;
>>>>It really was not that bad Wednesday, Eugene's claw wounds were much more severe, speaking off, the mayor got killed because he got it figured out, why exactly got Eugene attacked again? Laurel specifically ordered Tyler there for what, injure him? As much as I love Eugene, he should be dead.
I’ve watched this scene more times than I can count just for the surprised and shocked gasp of hers that happens when Noble is hit, and to watch her hurriedly get the fk out of his SUV (hurried so much that she didn't bother to close the hatch) and run towards them.  She was shocked by it/took no pleasure in it. 
Regarding Eugene, I believe he survived because he had that thick jacket on. Rowan had his vest but it wasn’t zipped up, same goes for the camper in the beginning (I think). Eugene had layers that could’ve helped save him from deadlier wounds (Tylermonster didn’t have too much time to hack and slash at him like he did with Fabian, since Tylermonster could hear that Wednesday was on the way via them calling out to each other).
Also speaking of Eugene: Laurel fucking Gates could detach Noble from his ventilator, but not Eugene from his?  COME ON!!! 
>he hooked her leg over his hip and started thrusting&lt;
>>>>I have to admit I had to reread this a couple times before (I think) I pictured it correctly...
Do I have to illustrate this with LEGO again?  Her right leg is on the door frame because there’s no real space to put the left foot (his cruiser has a metal grate that separates arrestees in the back; but he does have some shelf space behind the front seats for shit like equipment, his hat, etc.). He hooked her left leg over him (with her pants having slid off her boot...those are wide-leg pants again).
>more pained sounds she made, the harder he fucked&lt;
>>>>Is our sweetheart Donovan also into inflicting pain? It would appear so.
I think it’s harder to describe than that.
>there was nothing but blissful acceptance&lt;
>>>>So breathplay is another Kink of hers.
>Donovan hated hearing her name fall from Tyler's lips&lt;
>>>> The fuck did he even come from? I checked he was standing in a corner and when he is leaving he's using a different door like what.
I like to think he was coming in from the garage. The exterior of the house doesn’t match the interior shots anyway, so in AB/Canon, that door he came in from in the scene w Tyler was the garage. For all we know, it leads to the outside (probably N/Canon, but again...the house’s interior doesn’t match the exterior, as there’s another door on almost the same corner as that kitchen/dining/living room door below):
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>"Came home during my shift last week.&lt;
>>>>During an eventual next reread I will need to note down dates and day changes to see if this is one session we have been with them.
>his right in a fist near his face.&lt;
I gotta say iam not sure how I feel about this Donovan, failing to do what is right is not equal to doing wrong...but getting violent (again based on his fearful reaction) is not excusable.
I wrote this scene before I discovered that in the original script, Donovan was supposed to smack him. I see why they cut it out, violence is never a solution and that saved Donovan from being a terrible guy in N/Canon, but at this point in the AB story, Donovan is overwhelmed. Think of how much higher this makes his stress level (to think that his own son could potentially find out or figure out that he’s been fucking ((and is totally in love with)) a younger girl). He’s unraveling, like Wednesday.  Except Wednesday doesn’t have to look at a killer ((that he loves)) every night.
>I won't even mention what else I smell&lt;
>>>>I mean, what else DO you smell ?, The Sheriff, her smelling freshly fucked/sweaty, possibly cum. Weed. A proper cake? It's not that bad Enid.
There are loads of other things werewolves can smell around other non-werewolves when they’re conscious of it.
> checking to make sure the flashlight still worked&lt;
>>>> Not on you but the show, the fuck is up with those flashlights, modern flashlights are powerful enough to illuminate a fucking forest in the middle of the night as if its day, why do you run around with a candle on a stick basically? Fucking amateurs
I think they were trying to keep on the fact that Wednesday is still old fashioned. Hence her batteries for her flashlight instead of getting one that you can recharge, etc.  Though she has a really weird flashlight that flashes red. I dunno why they did that (the scene where they come upon the Cadillac at the mansion).  ETA 9/10/23: This was the one mistake I made so far in interpreting the series, the red flash was not her flashlight, it was the above lamp she turned on. Which still doesn't make sense, why red? Weird. Anyway, I missed that at first, but I know it now. (Another reason why I need to keep watching 7 and 8 while I write my 7 and 8. The sequencing and details are a bigger mess.)
>"Since the Rave'N.&lt;
>>>>Ha Enid caught on immediately.
She sure did. It was especially strong after her birthday, in spite of the rain/some wash-offs.
>Wednesday was a really pretty girl&lt;
>>>>Everyone loves Eugene. I have not met anyone who dislikes Eugene. Look how much fanfiction is Eugene centric. How often he gets the girl. Never.
He’ll get the girl. The people in this fandom forget about the Longbottom Effect.
>the other Furs can&lt;
>>>>8 Hours runtime and we know a single Named fur: Enid, Murray/Esther do not count because they do not go to the school.
No vampires except Yoko, either. 
>'clique' were all fucking each other.&lt;
>>>>It does break my heart that sweet Ajax is cheating on Enid, at this point they are together and this confirms she has no idea.
Ajax…crap, I can’t type what I was gonna type. … 🙂
>if he's got a big — " "Enid."&lt;
>>>>Damn it Enid not you too, men have more value than the size of their cocks! , just think about the size of their wallets!
She a typical curious teen girl.  I’d have asked too.  
>hideous looking monster.&lt;
>>>>Given you have given the sirens new genitalia, are about to give Enid special lady parts, Is Laurel dealing with normal or "advanced" genitalia?
Laurel’s dealing with Tyler’s almost 7” long schlong. He hasn’t transformed during sex. 
>they smelled like the boy who had accompanied them&lt;
>>>>So she knows.
She doesn’t even have a suspicion yet because she literally has no clue as to what’s going on.  Wednesday never talks to her about it because she doesn’t want to hear it (canon, after she faints and makes W move her own crime board). If you were Enid and you were totally sidetracked into doing something totally fucked up and suddenly came upon this bed that smelled like Tyler’s pheromones (and Laurel’s, but she can’t place it because she’s only smelled her in passing/didn’t really have cause to commit her scent to memory), you’d wonder WTF was going on, too. 
>Disappeared. Evidence, disappeared&lt;
>>>>God iam so upset that this is what happened and canon, really? Small little Laurel emptied out the whole place? ...
I have hated the writers for this, too. She’s small like Wednesday is. To move ALL of that stuff in so little time?  COME ON. 
Unless…she had help.
>to this case is somewhere, it never is!"&lt;
>>>>How so? She brought you two DNA samples, and while the match between them was a bust, you luckily had a third sample so she DID confirm your suspicion by delivering you Tylers claw.
Rowan’s body wasn’t (which to him is still an unsolved mystery at this point), the cave got destroyed before they could get to it (THIS IS STUPID CANON TOO! The minute she gave him the claw she should have also told him where she fkn got it…there was more than enough time to get over to the damn cave to search it for prints/other evidence). AB/C Donovan also suspects that this evidence could’ve helped figure out who unlocked Tyler, so having a promise of it only to have it not pan out is frustrating to him, so he’s taking it out on her.
>what it was that he was keeping from her&lt;
>>>>Iam so excited for the next two chapters to find out if they talk about Tyler being the hyde before the official reveal in canon, both of them basically know it's him, even more so once Enid provides her insight.
>We'll talk when I get back."&lt;
>>>>Tyler bud, I know things have been hard but I really need you to stop monstering, my girlfriend is starting to suspect you.
>"I don't want that right now,"&lt;
>"Shoulders…please." &lt;
>>>>really appreciate that she tells him what she likes.
She’s been reading that communication is the key to a healthy sex life. …Or maybe she’s just bossy.  
>rather liked that smell. It was the smell of her arousal&lt;
>>>>The inclusion of smell in your sex scenes is something I love. It's a sense that is often overlooked.
I try to include it in everything, regardless (the cedar cabin, the aroma of beer in Wednesday’s first kiss, etc.). It’s something that a lot of shows (and fic) miss.
>"That sounds like a you problem,"&lt;
>>>>No that's a both of you problem, if you do not help to make your partner decent again when they have to be, you're just an asshole.
She was being an asshole because she was pissed about him not believing her. She feels he knows better and needs to open up more, especially after the rough sex in the cruiser.
>"You don't have a choice — "&lt;
>>>>This is not how it works Wednesday, because if it were you are in a relationship with Xavier or Tyler right now. Both sides need to agree to form and maintain a relationship, so once Donovan decides he needs a break, it is out of your hands.
Honestly, they should be talking to each other about everything re: the case. He doesn’t really need the break from her, he needs to be able to breathe easier since he knows his son is a killer and that he could end up killing the one thing that makes him feel like living again. But I’m also going by canon, so…they have to have a break.
>"Of course. My apologies for," she cleared her throat, "my behavior. Just now."&lt;
>>>>Love that she realized that too and that she apologizes for it, Wednesday really struggles with admitting when she's wrong.
She haaaaaaates embarrassing herself, and that’s what she thinks it is. 
>are relatively generative&lt;
A word so big even google translate abandoned me. I "assume"(see what I mean?) she is not talking about the female reproductive cycle.
>GOD WHAt THE FUcK!!!!!!!!!&lt;
>>>>funny to me. Based how you have the timeline fixed, she's gonna be very frustrated soon, based on my (possibly horrible) investigation:
-There is a Proper Full Moon…And yet the writers for the show can't be assed to check their shit...
And since they couldn’t figure out their shit about dates and moons and such, I’m working with it.  I can’t fix their stupid. Well, I could, but I made a commitment not to mess with canon too much.  The moons are too much, and I can only fix some things. There has to be at least a few days from this point in her breakdown until Noble's funeral, because funerals don't happen overnight. If that messes with the moon schedule, oh well.   
>as her charged hands sparked like crazy and lit some of the pieces on fire&lt;
>>>>Totally used that for my personal little story on how she executes laurel. A boot to the face is too easy.
I’ve only read one fic (and it was bad…to me it was) about how Wednesday ended up breaking Laurel’s neck when she booted her. But who said she was dead? N/C sure doesn’t.
>and Morticia wasn't sure what to do about her daughter's self-harm&lt;
>>>>Tell Wednesday you used to self harm too, it might backfire horribly or she will stop in an attempt to not be like her mother.
That’s not how AB/C Morticia works. She has more problems than N/C Tish does, I think.  Only because something needs to be part of why Wednesday is the way she is sometimes.
>on her mid-cut, the blood seeping from the long wound she created&lt;
>>>>Given she's on the upturn now and thing prevented this session, this is the worst it is going to get right?
You think she’s on the upturn?  *laughs in severely depressed Wednesday*
>Her scars from before were healing a lot better&lt;
>>>>Foreshadowing to healing powers? If yes, it means she always had them and goody just unlocked them?
>if the break was permanent? &lt;
>>>>Then you will kill Laurel in a really creative way and offer her heart to Donovan and ask for forgiveness.
Forgiveness for what? ;)
>What I do with my body is my bus — "&lt;
>>>>That is a very good point. It is her business, inhaling any kind of smoke is hazardous to health - permanently, where as unless she kills herself, some cuts will heal into scars eventually.
So why does he actively support one type of self harm, and prevents the other?- (to my understanding eating demon lettus via food infusion is perfectly safe and fine, smoking is not)
You’re probably the only one reading this thinking that smoking weed is on par with cutting “self-harm”. They are not the same. For her, weed helps her mental health and electrical discharges (and it doesn’t do much harm to her anyway… 🙂). She hasn’t been smoking as much lately, so you’ll notice more zaps here and there. My father is an 81-year-old microbiologist & botanist (that I consult about a lot of things for parts of my writing)...he grows the weed I smoke for my own problems. I prefer to eat it and prefer to encourage eating over smoking, though.
>but what Thing said sent her spiraling into a full panic&lt;
>>>>Dont blue ball us what did he say ?
I wrote this in the first response on AO3, but the italicized quote was what Thing signed, telling her it was going to be okay.
>smirking in satisfaction at her&lt;
>>>>I hate her so much.
RIGHT?  But that’s pure Laurel Gates evil. Fucking bitch.  I fucking hate her.  …But I love her at the same time. I think there’s something wrong with me. LOL
>>>>I have been considering to create a Tumblr account to be able to respond to your comments directly and have more in-depth conversations
>>>>Thank you so much for this story and the steamy smut you have in it, waiting excitedly for chapter 7.
The steam will only be in places other than Wenovan in this chapter, sadly. Feels kinda weird not writing their fuckbunny scenes right now, and before a few days ago, 7 was going to be absent of explicit sex. …Now it’s not. *cackling*
9/10/23: I uh...I changed my mind. LOL
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rhondafromhr · 2 months
Ships for the ask game!!
I probably should have just done one but oh well
Barnroe (Becky x Linda)
Holloweane (Mrs. Holloway x Duke) (I think that’s how you spell the ship name lol I could be wrong)
Holy Bastard (Ted x Mark Chasity)
Nerd Polycule (Ruth x Pete x Richie, Steph and grace can be included or not you can pick :P)
Oh dang that’s a lot :D/lh, thanks for the ask! Putting my answer below the cut because I ended up rambling a little bit lol
Barnroe - don’t ship it (but I still think it’s neat!)
1. Honestly nothing about them, I just never got as invested in BF as I did in the other musicals (still love it so much though!! And the soundtrack is easily my favorite of the 3) and didn’t feel as compelled to make or seek out fan content so Barnroe just wasn’t on my radar I guess.
2. Idk honestly, I feel pretty neutral leaning towards positive on this ship so I’m not sure what would get me invested?? Maybe if I read a really good fic of them that would get me into it (there’s a good chance that’ll happen honestly, catch me becoming obsessed with them like next month probably)
3. I have stumbled across some really cool fanart of them and I can definitely see the potential for a really interesting dynamic
Holloweane - ship it
1. Everything about killer track and their dynamic there.
2. I just love how much they seem to care about each other and the way the narrative keeps them apart and the whole thing where she’s told Duke her life story multiple times even though she knows he’s inevitably going to forget…it hurts so bad I love it
3. I don’t think I have any unpopular opinions on this one
Holy Bastard - don’t ship it (but again I think it’s neat!!)
1. Mainly because I’m not that invested in Ted as a character. Don’t get me wrong, I think he’s complex and interesting and I do find him entertaining, but I’m not invested enough to seek out fan content where he’s the focus, shipping or otherwise.
2. Maybe if they have more interactions in NMT3 and I can get a clearer picture in my head of what their dynamic might be like it would get me more interested in them
3. I do love the potential family dynamic it could create. I feel like once Grace found out the interactions between her and Ted would be especially hilarious. And could honestly be kind of cute and wholesome too if Grace slowly comes around to him and they bond. I think they have more in common than they realize (“I can’t believe Ruth’s in a show about hookers!” vs “this show’s about hookers!”) Plus Pete and Grace being stepfamily would be fun!
Nerds polycule (I’m going to go with Ruth/Pete/Richie) - don’t ship it, but again still think it’s neat!!
1. As much as I love reading and writing fic where they’re all really good friends and care about each other, solely based on their interactions in NPMD I get the impression that Pete doesn’t like them all that much and he’s really only sticking with them as a safety in numbers thing, so I have trouble picturing that kind of relationship with them. Then again I can’t really talk, I’m a crack ship enjoyer that regularly ships characters who have literally never interacted lol
2. Maybe if we get to see more interactions between them in NMT3
3. I do think they have the potential to be a really fun, chaotic trio so I totally see the appeal! Also Ruth having 2 boyfriends and bragging to anyone who will listen about the fact that she pulled not one but two bad bitches, I do really love that for her and I think she deserves it <3
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thefanficdragon · 1 year
Hello, Tumblr!
- Free Palestine!!! 🍉 -
- I am a Christian, however we must be tolerant to other groups of people. We are all children of the Lord, after all. Praise the Lord, and spread love, not hate. Genocide is NEVER the answer. ✝️ -
Name: Apollo/Tommy
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: Young Adult
Other socials: Wattpad (@MonsterTommyBoi)
- In my writing, I mainly focus on oneshots (both romantic and platonic) of Pokémon, and Wings of Fire/WoF.
Note: I am a multi-shipper, and almost every ship is valid. However, I am by NO MEANS a proshipper. I don't support Pedo, Incest, toxic relationships, or anything like that. We do not promote that here. The only good representation of proships (in my opinion) is to show what is wrong, and how to deal with that situation. No one should have to go through something like that, so for any person who has experienced it, it is important to write these topics in a reflective manner, and not glorifying them.
Anyway, I wish for everyone to enjoy my blog. Most will be reposts, as most accounts are. However, I may post something about my writing, once in a blue moon. If you are wondering, some WIPs are under the cut.
(Last edited: Sept. 13th / 2024)
(Just to reclearify it for anyone)
As I am a writer, I have many ideas and WIPs/drafts in my head, and here is my current list, if anyone is interested:
- Vaporeon X Umbreon book - (Male Vaporeon and Female Umbreon)
- Espeon X Glaceon book - (Male Espeon and Female Glaceon)
- Shiny! Sylveon X Espeon book - (Was gonna be FxF, but I'm unsure whether I will change the genders or not.)
- Another Pokémon X Pokémon one-shots book. All Pokémon now, eeveelutions are obviously still allowed. ( No humans still, I like my escapism, thank you. )
- Speed X Black fanfic - (After getting back the lore from canon ES and for someone)
- Espeon X Umbreon book which is just " Dogs in Love" - (Espeon is a merciful king, while his boyfriend, Umbreon, commits crimes. They have a Jolteon son afterward)
- Spyro and Cynder X Dragon! Reader (Two separate books) - (As there are no fanfics that I could read, I'm making my own. It's based on the original Spyro games and not Skylanders. Used to love Skylanders, but I would like the originals, please. Also, the reader is either Gender-neutral or Male. Idk.)
- Toothless X Skrill! reader - (The reader is FINALLY gender-neutral, plus, isn't a night fury or light fury. Almost all the other Toothless X readers have the reader as Female. Which is rude.)
- Powered! Starflight AU - (Based on an awesome pmv, which uses the song, RÄT)
- Hybrid! Peril and Sky AU - (If the two twins gained the RainWing traits from their father)
- Darkstalker! Sunny AU - (Sunny inherits everything that her ancestor Darkstalker had, and that bring her down a rocky path.)
- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon inspired! Umbreon X Jolteon book (Both Male. This is heavily inspired by the UxJ animations from mastertrapmon on YT. Not the story, but the vibes.)
- Whiteout X Gender-neutral! RainWing! Reader book? (The reader meets Whiteout somehow, and the reader is immediately intrigued by Whiteout. Anyway, this is also to explore the RainWing tribe during Darkstalker's time, as we still barely know anything even with the guide. I'm very intrigued about the possibilities, especially with the mentions of them making potions.)
- Umbreon X Espeon X Sylveon book - (All three are male. This is inspired by the vibes from the song Solider, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos. The romance will be a slow burn if I decide to keep that in, and not make it all about the action.)
- Winterwatcher or just Winter book - Basically full Winter POV.
- Sundew X Cricket book. - I love this ship a lot. It's not that I hate Window (Sunlow), it's just the enemies to lovers is RIGHT THERE.
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bewareofdeaddove · 10 months
hello! since this is a discourse blog, introducing myself isn't a priority, but i'll do it anyway.
you can call me whatever name you want on this blog. i'm a minor. i use it/its pronouns. i will provide tw tags simply: no "tw" or "cw", just, for example, "blood" or "queerphobia". please block tags you're uncomfortable with!
i have no dni; i believe in fostering open and good faith discussion on this blog, as that's the point of making it! telling me to kill myself will get you blocked.
as a quick tl;dr before i conveniently list out some of my opinions: i am against harrassment and censorship, and i don't care what people decide to write fanfiction about or draw.
i am wholly against any form of harrassment. this includes calling people pedos for fictional ships, telling people to kill themselves, and anything else. if you really hate someone's posts, complain in private with your friends like everyone else does, don't harrass people.
i am wholly against censorship. media, no matter how bad or "irredeemable", always has a right to exist. all art has inherent value.
i don't judge people's morals over fictional content. as long as whatever you're posting is tagged properly and can be blocked if neccessary, it's not my business.
fiction and reality are not equal, but do have some effect on each other. i, of course, have issues with trends in media that, for example, downplay abuse and sexualize/"adult-ify" teenagers, but fanfiction is, like, the very end of that chain. it doesn't affect anyone. because of that, i don't care about it.
i don't care what you make if it doesn't hurt anyone, but being a bigot in your fiction does hurt people. the way people behave towards fictional characters, i.e. racist comments towards characters of color, can still be bigoted. it doesn't hurt the characters (obviously) but it does hurt real people, and that's where i draw the line.
i only have an issue with fanworks when they begin to perpetuate actual, real-life bigotry. this leads into my next point...
what are your personal limits regarding fiction?
aren't you basically pro-ship, then? well, yeah, i guess. i don't identify with the pro-ship label for many reasons, though. most of all, though, i don't want people to put words in my mouth; i have no desire to be called a pedophile because of the pro-ship label. i have no desire to have people assume that i want terrible things to happen in real life over internet discourse. i will never tolerate these accusations, and i don't use the label in order to avoid the possibility. you can call me whatever you want, though.
i don't particularly like anti-shippers. this is mostly from experience. i have been deeply entrenched in anti-ship communities, and i have come to only think one thing of them: the people themselves have good intentions, but the mindsets they foster are incredibly harmful. i'm open to discussion about this.
i avoid anti-shippers because of their tendency to harrass people, also. like... big tendency. community-built-on-the-idea level tendency. pro-shippers also harrass people, which is another reason i choose not to label myself as one. this i know from experience.
as a general rule, i am uncomfortable with:
minor/adult ships
lolisho content (i have complex feelings on it, but i'm just uncomfortable with it as a whole and ask that it not be brought up with me)
rpf, but i only draw a hard line at rpf of minors and generally tolerate everything else, however begrudgingly.
i am fine with:
aging up underage fictional characters
selfcest (although i usually call it selfslash for comfort)
"rpf" of fictionalized versions of real-life people, like idk, hamilton characters.
just about anything else, honestly. we'll see about specifics.
in addition, my boundaries for this blog are as follows:
i will not respond to anon hate, including anything with death threats or anything accusing me of, like, being a pedo.
i will try not to reblog from people who have neutrals in their dni (as that's what i consider myself), but i don't really check dni pages, so i might make mistakes in that regard.
i will not reveal personal information about myself to justify my opinions.
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karamatsuloverp · 1 year
Danganronpa despair time ship their list and opinions and reasons
{ before you judge me , please read my reasons , I promise I am sane , I'm just Terrible at how I word what I like and dislike}
Tumblr media
Opinions and reasons under read more
Spoilers up to chapter 2 episode 11
My brain itches so much when these people interact
Veronika x Arturo - their moments are just so interesting. I want to dissect them so much. I want more moments for them because of how much they bring me joy when they're together. I'm so frustrated that I can't explain this ship , it just itches my brain ◉⁠‿⁠◉
Roommates just because. People I can imagine sharing an apartment together with two dogs name lucky and bill nye
Charles x teruko x whit - explained here
Ships that made me go awww or "I can get behind this
Rose x teruko - idk their interactions in chapter two really made me ship them more than I usually did in chapter 1. The pull up scene was cute.
Nico x rose - their free time event together was really cute. But it's kind of sad that Nico used his time with rose to use something she had around to help with his murder plan with Ace. Other than that their ship hasn't gone down a peg because I still enjoy them as a ship.
Veronica x Ace - I don't know they seemed cute. Saw some other people ship them and I became kind of hooked. There interactions just make me want more.
Get character development
Interactions are funny and make me want more , but are too one dimensional for me to be like "oh yeah they'd be cute romantically" even though one hates the other and the other can't stop threatening them
Levi x Ace? - listen I don't know. There interactions just make we want more. I don't ship them but I also don't see them as a brotp. But I'm also not neutral towards them either. I don't know how to explain them because ?????. I guess I have to wait and see what their characters Intel (unless Levi is the murderer for chapter 2 or something lol )
Mixed feelings
Not ships really but dynamics I enjoy because they pick my brain in a way that's different than my romantic ships and platonic ships
Eden x Arei - I don't know if I should ship them romantically or not. What Arei did to Eden is not okay but that confession to Eden really touched my heart with water and almost drowned it. If only Arei didn't die , I would've loved to see how differently she would've treated Eden after this.
David x Hu? - somethings going on between them in the chapter two trial. I don't know kind of want Hu to strangle David lol [my sister says they read like divorced parents]
Arei x David - you can't fake a blush this one's not really one I enjoy as much as the other ones but I felt like I needed to put this here because I wonder if David actually tries to hide that he has feelings for other people.
David x Xander (xanvid)- same as above.
Should stay friends but in a ✨best friends ✨ type of way. I don't know how to explain my brotps just know they could work as roommates but not in the same way Charles , teruko and whit are.
Teruko x David - saw someone say they mirror each other and I can't get that out of my head.
Veronica x teruko - the moments in chapter 2 made me like their interactions
Eden x teruko - their chapter 2 moments and the fact that teruko basically admitted that she didn't want to hurt Eden because of her bad luck because Eden is so nice to her. (I would ship them if it wasn't for brain only seeing them as just friends , may change later on but omg I love these two together) overall very cute
Hu x Levi - dad and mom duo?. Maybe lol but like platonic because they don't read as romantic
Eden x Levi - chapter two interactions. I don't know. their scene in the kitchen was pretty cute
Don't think about these ships often enough to dislike them or fawn over as much as the ones above.
Teruko x min - I liked their interactions before her death but I never thought about the ship so their last interaction didn't have as big as an impact on me as the story made it out to be.
Teruko x Xander - same as above but their interactions had a huge affect on me to the point where imma remain neutral untill I get answers for what the heck happened at the beginning "why did you ask me to kill teruko" . Ultimate rebel my butt , taking orders from someone lol.
Arturo x Charles - don't know how this ship came to be so I remain neutral on it lol. Don't hate it as their colors match really well. Just don't see how they would act if they were "together" because they barely interact.
I don't understand these ships listed from their interactions to their characters themselves
J x Arturo - their something about 'some' obsessive x target dynamics I dislike. I don't know what it is. I'm neutral on J's character to the point where I can't hate Arturo as a character because of his actions towards J. I don't know how to explain it lol. Their interactions were interesting mostly because it was the most emotion I've seen Arturo show and J's yelling voice makes my eyes light up. (Her VA is so good). Other than I find their dynamic interesting I wouldn't like them as friends or romantic. I says friends only because it depends on how despair time frames them making up with each other because while Arturo acted creepy towards J I don't know how I feel about dog piling someone about their dead sister is the right way to get pay back. J has not obligation to forgive Arturo for his actions towards her either but I wonder where their dynamic will take them after chapter 2 (because I'm confident neither of them are the killer)
J x Arei - never seen the appeal of this ship. I don't know kind of want people to not mock J about the way she dresses or chooses to behave. (This is just my opinion though if you saw it as teasing I won't berate you about it but It personally didn't sit right with me)
Arturo x Eden - Eden accidentally triggered Arturo causing him to threaten her with a scaple because he doesn't want his secret known (not Edens fault obviously.... I just don't want to base a ship off threats to their lives)
Nico x Hu - I don't know , it feels weird to ship this.
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