#idk what i’m supposed to do. i’ve never had a doctor believe me when i say something’s wrong
ddaengju · 1 year
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oleander-nin · 1 year
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A/N, not important: Well, idk. I'm tired. Mikey's ooc, sorry. I just. IDK. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Tw: emotions, crying, mention of nightmares
Words: 865
Prompt(s) requested: 16(Nightmares) & 3(“There’s a whole world out there. You just need to find your place in it.”)
Summary: Mikey's here to help.
Mikey smiles softly at his partner, his orange sweater brushes together every time he moves. They glance up at Mikey, uncertainty shining in their eyes. After seeing how stressed and tired they had been as of late, Mikey had scheduled them an appointment with Dr. Feelings. He was worried about his lover, having noticed the signs of immense strain on their mental health. Mikey wanted to help.
“Hello and welcome to my seminar! I’m Dr. Feelings.” Mikey grins as they chuckle at his words. His heart swells with pride at the fact he made them smile. Their happiness was everything he lived for. “I’ve noticed you’ve been repressing a lot of your emotions. You know you can tell me anything, right?”
Their face is a puddle of guilt, their eyes avoiding Mikey’s as they stare at the floor. Mikey taps his knee with his pointer stick, stuck in thought. He wanted to help them, but if they wouldn’t tell him anything…
The box turtle sets his pointer down, his arms folding behind his back. He rocks between his heel and the balls of his feet, trying to think of how to get them to talk. “Nothing you say will be judged. I’ve noticed how tired you’ve been. Want to talk about that?”
It seemed an easier subject to deal with.
The human opens their mouth, then sinks back into the chair, looking conflicted.
Or… Maybe not.
Mikey chews on his cheek, eyes narrowing at their curled figure. They had obvious eyebags, their face seeming to have lost some color. It wasn’t fair. “Is there a reason you’re not getting enough rest?”
Mikey’s voice takes on a more delicate tone, his dark eyes plagued with worry. Mikey’s partner hesitates, then nods. Mikey feels hope settle in his chest. He was getting somewhere. Mikey clears his throat, trying to maintain an air of fake professionalism. He was supposed to be a doctor after all. “Can you tell me the reason?”
“Been having nightmares.” They mumble. Mikey’s heart pangs at this, a small pout on his lips. That wasn’t good at all. Mikey drums his fingers on his covered thigh.
“What are they about?”
The human lets out a long sigh, sinking further into the chair. Their arms cross over their chest, eyebrows furrowed as they think. “Everything I suppose. It changes a lot. It just… I hate it.”
“Has it been happening a lot?” Mikey asks softly, sympathy in his voice. The human nods.
“Every couple of nights probably.”
Mikey sighs in sympathy, wanting nothing more than to hug them tightly and never let go. Seeing them like this hurt him. He couldn’t stand them being upset. “Do you know what caused it?”
“Uh, stress probably? I uh, I lost my job and uh, everything’s kinda going downhill.” Mikey’s eyes soften when their voice starts to break. Them losing their job was most likely the root of the problem. He couldn’t believe they didn’t tell him, didn’t let him help shoulder the burden. He understood to an extent, but he still worried for them. It was taking such an obvious toll on their mental wellbeing.
A small cry brings Mikey out of his thoughts, his loves hunched form desperately wiping tears away. Mikey panics for a moment. He knew it was bad, but he wasn’t expecting this.
Mikey sighs and takes the glasses off, setting them down on the arms of the chair. He walks closer to his crying lover, cupping their cheeks. His thumbs gently brush away the tears, Mikey cooing sweet nothings to them. He hated seeing them cry, seeing them so upset. Their tears slow, a small choked sob leaving them. Mikey kisses their forehead softly, letting them cry it out. He was honored they were willing to show him these emotions, to trust him enough to be vulnerable in his presence. He wasn’t going to chide them for this, not when they were doing everything right.
“You’re just trying your best. Sometimes things don’t work out. It happens. You just have to push through it.” Mikey’s words are soft. He didn’t want to overwhelm them and make it worse. He continues to caress their face, kneeling in front of them. He wipes away another tear, murmuring softly as he does so. “There’s a whole world out there. You just need to find your place in it.”
They both stay in that position for a while, Mikey tenderly holding his love as they cry. He stays quiet for the most part, only adding in sweet words when necessary. He frowns when the sobs get more choked, as if they were trying to hold them back. A hand moves to their chin, tilting their face towards him.
“Hey, it’s okay to cry.” He says gently, trying his best to be comforting. It took everything in him not to pull them into a tight hug and never let go. Seeing them this upset broke him. He just wanted to help. “Everything’s going to be okay. I love you.”
Another sob bubbles from their chest and Mikey sighs, a sad smile on his face. He could wait for them. He would wait forever if he had to.
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kale-smoothies · 16 days
I really want to hear someone ramble about music and characters, and this is the second time I’ve seen those songs being used to describe Scourge so please explain away.
if you want of course.
everytime i listen to the song i imagine an animatic so ill do my best to explain why I associate the song with Scourge.BUT ITS REALLY HARD FOR ME TO EXPLAIN THINGS LIKE THESE so forgive me if it doesn’t make sense
From the scars on my arms And the cracks in my hips And the dents in my car And the blisters on my lips That I'm not the carefullest of girls
Scars on his arms and blisters on his lips cause he’s always fighting AND being tossed around like basketball (He was used as a basketball in one panel) so I always think he had some small lasting scars on his body or something
And the strings that're breaking And I keep on breaking more And it looks like I am shaking But it's just the temperature
Okay FIRST TWO LINES, I like to take it as a metaphor for losing control. Scourge lost control over his life and KEEPS losing control in prison, OR it could be a metaphor for losing sanity. As Scourge was seen being super paranoid at one point, maybe everything he’s going through is slowly chipping at his sanity.
last two lines, shaky hands due to anxiety but also because he’s cold at night since he doesn’t have a mattress or a pillow or a blanket
If it were any colder I could disengage If I were any older I could act my age But I don't think that you'd believe me
It's not the way I'm meant to be It's just the way The operation made me
“I could act my age..” GUYS HE’S 17!! He did all he did when he was 17! Barely 17 too. “The way the operation made me.” IT’S THE NARRATIVE! HE’S TALKING ABOUT THE NARRATIVE! HE WOULDN’T BECOME WHO HE WAS IF HE WASN’T SHOVED INTO THE VILLAIN SHAPED COOKIE CUTTER THAT THE UNIVERSE WANTED TO MOLD HIM INTO! He accepted and embraced his role as Anti Sonic which is WHY HE’S SUCH A DICK! HE’S SUPPOSED TO BE A SONIC! BUT THAT’S WHAT FLOWING
And you can tell From the state of my room That they let me out too soon And the pills that I ate Came a couple years too late And I've got some issues to work through
State of his room AS IN solitary confinement. They DEFINITELY tossed his ass in SC multiple times in the first week, BELIEVE ME. And he’d go crazy over no chaos energy, no movement, no running, no form of communication, just him, himself, and the darkness of his thoughts and his past regrets IT WOULD EAT HIM ALIVE
also he has ALOT of issues to work through Imposter syndrome, Superiority complex, parental issues, possible feelings of inadequacy. Which is probably why he never went to therapy with Zouge. He doesn’t want to open up and admit he has problems with people he doesn’t know
There I go again Pretending to be you Make believing That I have a soul beneath the surface
“Pretending to be you.” HE’S TALKING ABOUT SONIC!! Like? Like?? “I’m sonic at his fullest potential.” IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT BUT THIS IS LITERALLY HIM!!
I was taken out Before the labor pains set in and now Behold the world's worst accident I am the girl anachronism
Literally him went he went green! He was taken out before he turned super AND so behold the world’s worst accident: scourge. He was never meant to be green, he just jumped off the road of the narrative with that little escape
And you can tell By the red in my eyes And the bruises on my thighs And the knots in my hair And the bathtub full of flies That I'm not right now at all
Red eyes due to insomnia, bruises because of fights, knots in his quills because of lack of self care…
There I go again Pretending that I'll fall Don't call the doctors 'Cause they've seen it all before They'll say just
Let her crash And burn She'll learn The attention just encourages her
“Don’t call the doctors!” THATS HIM! NO BODY CALLS THE GUARDS WHEN HE’S BEING BEATEN SHITLESS! BECAUSE ZOBOTNIK DOESN’T WANT THEM TO!!!!1! “Let her crash and burn she’ll learn. The attentoin just encourages her.” DO YOU SEE MY VISUON
And you can tell From the smoke at the stake That the current state is critical Well it is the little things, for instance
In the time it takes to break it She can make up ten excuses Please excuse her for the day It's just the way the medication makes her
First part is probably Moebius after Scourge disappeared? Did it fall into anarchy? Did Alicia Acorn or the supression squad take control?
I genuinely don’t know how to explain the last line but its him its him its so him AUGGHHHHHHH
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upslapmeal · 11 months
The Three Doctors
They're comin back baybeeeeeeee
lmao Three stirring his coffee with science equipment
Liz must have been turning in her...idk office chair?
‘make yourself at home. we’re only supposed to be a top secret security establishment’
need that handshake meme for UNIT and Torchwood where the middle says ''''''''secret''''''''
‘when I tell you to run, you run’
nooo RIP Bessie 
Benton seeing the TARDIS for the first time!
‘Sergeant, aren’t you going to say that it’s bigger on the inside than it is on the outside? everybody else does’ 
‘the first law of time expressly forbids him to meet himself’ guys I've got bad news for you about something that is going to happen many times
‘I can see you’ve been doing the TARDIS up a bit. I don’t like it’ there it is!!
‘you don’t mind do you’ ‘ yes’ ‘I didn’t think you would’ I love them and I’ve missed Two
‘show me the earliest Doctor’ aaaaaaaaaaaa
One <3 <3 <3
‘oh so you’re my replacements, a dandy and a clown’
it’s quite sad how you can tell Bill is struggling but it’s so good to see him again
‘so stop dilly dallying and cross it!’
interesting seeing the Time Lords like.. actually doing a job
I mean I guess we kinda got it in the War Games but this is Desk Job Managing Time
‘where are we’ you’re in a quarry Jo
‘you’re his assistant’ ‘his WHAT??’
 ‘care for a jelly baby’ wait this started with Two??
‘e=mc^2…well there’s no doubt about that’ glad they could confirm that this character is a Scientist
‘I can boost this through the TARDIS’s communications circuit..’ *all the contents fall out* ‘..I think’ oh boy the Brig is this close to ensuring that Two regenerates early
One again!!!!!
‘who in the name of heaven was that’ ‘I’m afraid you’d never believe me’
‘he told me to and I’ve always had a great respect for his advice’
I love One being trated like the Wise Elder when he's literally the baby of the group
beyonce meme OMEGA??
‘mind over antimatter’ good to see he shares the Doctor's propensity for making bad puns
‘there’s sand everywhere!!!’ ‘oh splendid, who’s for a swim’ I genuinely think the Brig might explode
oh yikes I see why Omega wears the helmet 
I’m so glad we’re getting a bit of One each episode, I thought it was going to be a one (heh) off
‘are you sure that you and he are the same intelligence’ savage Omega 
can’t wait for Two’s recorder to end up saving the day
‘we cannot take off the mask because..’ ur too ugly
oh that’s a proper cry of anguish
‘three of them. I didn’t know when I was well off’ oh the Brig is going to need a holiday
lol the recorder actually is going to save the day
‘wonderful chap. both of him’
 ‘you young men and I’ One you realise these are older versions of you right??
‘I shudder to see what you’ll do without me’ One’s actual final words (Hurndall and Bradley you don’t count)
ahhh I love seeing all three names in the credits!
I think if I had been a kid in 1972 I would have lost my mind with excitement seeing One and Two again!! At least I know I'll be getting some more Two in the future...
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liesoverthec · 3 years
OG 911 Character Details from Canon Pt 1
Hi folks! Welcome to my post of character details for fic writers or really anyone who wants to know! All of these details come directly from the show - they’re just things I picked up on watching the show on intense repeat for screen time, so the details are about as canon as they can get. Some of them, like addresses, come from an specific episode, while others are trends I’ve picked up on. If you want a “citation” for a fact let me know and I can provide one if it exists!
I tried to include a good range of information between the 7 main characters, so that it was available for anyone.
I’m going to keep making these posts every time I get enough details collected so you can find them all under “911 canon character details” in the future! I’m committed to rewatching the whole series again for the regulars’ screen time, so I’ll be making more of these posts throughout the summer. If there’s something in particular you’d like to know, let me know and I can keep an eye out for it.
Things I noticed that might be interesting character details, part 1:
Athena and Bobby live at 1810 Fallsgrove St.
Eddie lives at 4995 S Bedford St Apt 403 (Julia made this fantastic post of the layout of Eddie’s house, and I’ve spent my own significant amount of time trying to work it out, so when I say this layout is spot on, I really mean it). (I believe this is more of a duplex situation - ie he has other neighbors attached to his outside walls, but no downstairs or upstairs neighbors.)
(These two locations are 8 minutes apart, which I personally thought was vvvvvv useful if you wanted to have someone rush from one place to another - also makes me think the 118 would be close to that neighborhood.)
Chim and Maddie live in apartment 2B. It’s a one-bedroom apartment, so currently Jee-Yun is sleeping in their room with them. I’ll be curious to know if they move as she gets older or if they magically spring up a bedroom for her - I just know there isn’t one at the moment bc Albert slept on their couch first, and then when he was injured, THEY slept on the couch.
Buck has two bathrooms! There’s one immediately to the left as you walk in his front door, and then one up in the loft, off the platform. Which I thought was a large number of bathrooms for a loft since it’s such a small space, but useful for when Christopher is visiting I suppose...
The hospital they go to for personal stuff is First Presbyterian. They’ve only started featuring its name prominently this season, but it’s the same waiting room and ER they’ve been using since s2, so I’d assume it’s also in the same neighborhood, since it’s fictional.) It’s on Altamont Street.
Given that you can see the Cecil Hotel from Michael’s apartment, I’d assume he either lives on S Spring St or S Los Angeles St. Either way he’s about twice as far from Athena and Bobby as Eddie is, and in the opposite direction.
Alcohol preferences - Athena prefers white wine, but will also drink rose and red, Hen drinks red and beer but doesn’t do it socially as much as everyone else, Chim is p much strictly beer unless it’s a fancy dinner (or tequila if he really wants to get drunk), Maddie prefers white wine, Buck drinks beer or white wine, and Eddie is a beer dude, red wine if it’s a fancy occasion (this is what they choose if they have a choice like at a bar, or if they’re hosting - eg when Athena hosts, EVERYONE drinks white because that’s what she’d choose.)
Eddie does not have the Hildy coffee maker on his kitchen counter - he still has an older model that only makes coffee.
He also likes to decorate in the color turquoise! (Maybe Shannon liked turquoise so that’s what he tends to buy?? That’s your decision, there’s just a lot of it in his kitchen. Also, his laptop case is turquoise!)
Hen gets a new pair of glasses every year. (Which means she’s doing better than me, I only get a new pair when I lose the old ones 😂)
Athena has two big diamond rings, and she wears one on each of her ring fingers (Bobby has good taste). She does not wear her rings while working.
Bobby has a gold wedding band for home, and wears a black silicone ring at work.
Hen wears her wedding ring all the time, and it’s a plain silver band.
Eddie had a gold wedding band while he was married to Shannon, and he wore it while on active duty in the Army (even during the helicopter crash). He is wearing it after Shannon leaves, but he takes it off before he comes to LA. His St. Christopher’s medal is silver with a navy border, hanging on a silver chain.
Chim prefers the short sleeve uniform. He really never wears the long sleeved one.
Eddie likes soft jazz, and will play it in the background during dinner. Idk if it’s his favorite type of music, but he likes it enough to put it on.
Buck has a picture of the ocean (I think? it’s definitely some sort of landscape) in his work locker - no other photos currently. Eddie has also been seen using this same locker.
Everyone has an iPhone and if they have a computer, it’s a Mac (this one is just bc capitalism - the show is sponsored by Apple). Hen has a red phone case, and Maddie has a navy one with gold trim, everyone else’s is super boring black/navy.
Maddie’s contact for Chim is “Howie” in her phone.
In Eddie’s phone, his contact for Buck is just “Buck”.
Bobby is just “Bobby” in Buck’s phone.
Christopher’s current interests are space and dinosaurs. And gaming!
In addition to Eddie and Albert, Chim also seems to like baseball, going off the jersey on his wall.
Every time we’ve seen Buck and Eddie drive somewhere together, Buck has driven and Eddie took the passenger seat.
Both Eddie and the Wilsons have a fireplace in their living room with framed photos of their kids at various ages.
Karen is a doctor! It’s a PhD, so she couldn’t join the team as a medic, but it does make them the future Drs Wilson. Her specialization is something to do w/ physics or chemistry etc, b/c she worked on a project for JPL on Mars, so you can run with that.
Michael is an architect, and David is a neurosurgeon who can help with emergency medicine.
Work masks: Bobby, Maddie and Athena prefer masks with a loop over each ear, while Eddie, Chim, Buck and Hen use the ones with two straps behind the head. Everyone uses the two ear loop ones for personal time.
Buck sleeps with socks on.
I hope the start to this list met up to your expectations, but if you’re looking for more then it will be on the way soon! I just wanted to get this first set out (plus it was looking a little long in my drafts 😂)
Lots of love!
Tagging: @imaginebuck
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atlasscrumpit · 2 years
My personal Experience with PTSD and DID
(Trigger warning, ptsd, trauma)
I guess I just wanted to share a little bit of my own experience especially with DID and PTSD.
I think like a lot of others I’ve kind of gotten used to keeping all of this quiet, people teach you that sharing your pain means you’re weak. So I never share.
But I think I should start sharing more, because then maybe the more I share others will want to share as well or feel more confident.
I’m not really sure where to begin with all of this.
Well, i suppose I’ve always struggled, but I didn’t face it or realise it until I was 15.
All of the things before it were kind of just put down to ‘she’s different.’
Seizures or ptsd episodes were just put down to ‘she’s wanting attention.’
The doctors didn’t really know what to do with me, I was an ‘interesting’ case.
So, instead of helping me further they put a 15 year old girl onto 100mg of sedatives every night until I became so numb that I just stopped talking. I suppose then I wouldn’t bother anyone.
Because of the high dosage I don’t remember much of those times.
They put me on so many different pills and treatments that me and the entire system just switched off.
I remember small details, having outbursts and being on even more medication.
Or the side effects, I mean at one point I was on a treatment that made me lactate. Yes, a 17 year old girl with a body ready for a child. The medication literally made my body prepare for a child.
And if that isn’t fucked up idk what is.
Anyway that’s just some background pieces. When I began getting actual help the professionals were confused to say the least.
From every point of view I had a normal childhood, of course I had the normal trials and everything. But the doctors were confused because I had complex ptsd with ‘no trauma.’
My level of ptsd was the same as someone who had gone through years of sex trafficking. They’re not the only ones confused either because I honestly don’t know what happened. A lot of my childhood was wiped from my mind, but I don’t understand how so many people can say i had a happy childhood yet I’m left like this. Having flashbacks of horrible things, screaming in my sleep at night and having panic attacks in the grocery store.
It’s been hard, it’s been really fucking hard.
But I don’t get to say that, I don’t get to cry, I don’t get to scream.
I have seizures, I have nerve pain, I get terrible headaches, I have times where I forget everything even my own name or my own family, I get nightmares nearly every night, i get really strong deja Vu every single day, of course it’s a struggle having DID as well, the constant switching and voices can be overwhelming.
I just want to scream, i want to show people how much I’m hurting, but I can’t.
Because all of this is ‘in my head’ people don’t believe it hurts.
Life has been hard, it has been so hard and difficult but I’m not allowed to say that because other people have it worse and at least I have a home and food.
That’s a bullshit argument, having a home or food doesn’t stop the pain, it doesn’t stop the crying and the screaming.
Every job I’ve had has been terrible, the coworkers treat me terribly because I’m different. The job I have now is a little better but people still don’t understand any of it. I don’t expect them to.
There’s been times where I lose the ability to speak, I don’t know if many of you have been through that but god it’s scary and no one cares. My family just said ‘it’s just because of your anxiety’ even if it was that doesn’t make it any less terrifying.
I’m just tired of suffering, I’m tired of having to be silent.
I’ve been through so much and it isn’t fair, none of this is fucking fair.
And I still have no idea why I’m like this or what happened.
I just want a break, and i want some peace. But life isn’t fair, at least not for me.
Why does everyone get to have a life, why was I born and instantly my life was a trial? I don’t understand it one bit, apparently I did something absolutely awful and all of this is punishment.
Obviously there’s a lot more than just that stuff but that’s all I can do for tonight cause I’m already close to passing out from that.
And if you made it to the end holy shit.
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A Memory Locked In The Heart - Spencer Reid x fem! Reader
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A/N - Requested by the lovely @overduelibrarybooks I hope this was the kind of thing you were looking for!
Find my masterlist here.
My taglists are open and requests are open.
Requested: Yes l No
Request: "could u ever write a spencer reid x reader where reader def works for the cia but more as a translator who’s kinda forced into doing agenty things in order to gather intel and on a mandated break she finds out the UNSUB before the team does so she uses herself as bait, and shoots the guy all very badass fashion n then gets interrogated bc ms girl just shot him coldblood and halfway thru she recognizes spencer bc her mother and his mom lived in the same care facility??? idk sorry my mom has paranoid too so it just hits different but u don’t have to write this if u don’t want to i love ur writing <3"
CW: disclaimer: I know next to nothing about the CIA and what they investigate so please go easy on me here. This is all made up so hopefully it makes some kind of sense. Mentions of violence and sex work, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, some swears. Mentions of drug use and overdose. Spanish used towards the end is from Google Translate so I apologise if it isn’t completely accurate. Italics indicate flashbacks.
Plot: Eighteen years ago you met a boy named Spencer Reid whilst visiting your mother at Bennington Sanitorium. This time you are meeting under entirely different circumstances; across the table of an interrogation room.
WC: 5.3K
How did I end up here?
That was a question you kept asking yourself as you rolled into your third hour of sitting in that cold, dimly lit interrogation room at the FBI headquarters in Quantico, Virginia.
Well you supposed you’d have to go back to the beginning to truly work that out.
The CIA and FBI joint task force for a country wide sex trafficking ring they believed to be operating out of DC.
When your team at the CIA had started investigating it was estimated that the ring had close to a hundred women who had been abducted and forced into the sex industry.
A lot of women were believed to have been taken trying to cross the border. Your job as a translator had involved spending a lot of time in Mexico, helping interview witnesses and family members who didn’t speak English.
The FBI involvement had come when women believed to have been part of the trafficking ring started turning up dead.
At last count they were up to twenty bodies. The Behavioural Analyst Unit had given their profile of the man they believed to be running the show.
White male in his mid to late forties. Bilingual. Possibly born in Mexico or an area surrounding the border but grew up in DC, they assumed based on his knowledge of the area. He’s attractive, charming and has a good level of education, he’d need to be able to charm the women into trusting him. He doesn’t have a full time job because he wouldn’t have time for one. All his time and focus goes on his girls. He was tech savvy, incredibly so, he’d have to be, to be able to set up the network on the dark web which enabled his customers to pay for his services.
It hadn’t been going well. Bodies kept dropping and the task force was no closer to catching the person responsible.
This went on for six months. Everyone was exhausted. You kept hitting brick wall after brick wall. It was demoralising.
Your boss had called for mandated time off. You’d all argued but she had been absolutely adamant. You’d all been working yourselves to the bone and she didn’t want you burnt out entirely.
You’d argued but your words had fallen on deaf ears.
“Can I get you a glass of water or something?”
The voice startled you out of your thoughts. You looked up to see the lanky, messy haired agent who called himself Doctor Reid, sticking his head through the door.
“Is coffee an option?”
He smiled brightly at you, a smile you swear you’ve seen before.
“Coffee is always an option.” He told you. “How do you take it?”
“Strong and black. Please.”
“I’ll be right back.”
With that the door closed leaving you to your thoughts once more.
There was something so familiar about the Doctor. His dark yet sparkling eyes, his awkward smile and the way he dressed. You couldn’t place it. But there was definitely something about him that stirred some memory buried deep in your brain. You just weren’t sure what it was.
He returned a few minutes later, bringing your coffee into the room and placing it on the table in front of you.
“Hopefully you won’t be stuck here too much longer. It’s just standard procedure.” he spoke sweetly, his voice stirring the hidden memory.
“Yeah I know. I get it.” you sighed as you spoke, wrapping your hands around the coffee. “Thank you for this.”
“You’re welcome.” he smiled before he started backing out of the room. You wished you could ask him to stay because you felt so much more at ease with him around. But you knew you couldn’t.
He turned to you in the doorway.
“You look cold in that.” He smiled a little sadly at you.
You’d forgotten about your outfit choice. No self respecting CIA agent dressed like you were right now.
“I guess I am a little.” You shrugged.
Spencer instantly shrugged his blazer off of his shoulders and laid it in front of you on the table.
“Thank you Doctor Reid.” you spoke again before he disappeared out the door.
“Goodbye Agent Y/L/N.”
The door closed, his voice reverberating in your ears, dragging you into a long forgotten memory.
As you slipped his jacket on, your eyes fluttered closed, his scent wafting up your nose.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Spencer. Spencer Reid.”
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
Your eyes shot back open, a frown on your face.
“Spencer?” you muttered under your breath. “Spencer Reid.”
Where had you pulled that name from? And why did it feel oddly connected to Vegas?
You tried to push the thought away, you already had enough on your mind. There were much more pressing things to deal with than a vague memory from your hometown an undetermined amount of time ago.
You’d been instructed to switch off. Your time off should be used to recoup, relax and not to think about the case.
Easier said than done you thought.
Before you’d left the office on your mandated leave you’d taken photocopies of some files and slipped them into your bag. You knew you’d be in trouble if you were caught but you couldn’t help yourself. You wouldn’t be able to relax with this case still open.
As far as you were aware the BAU was still working on it but it provided you little comfort. In your time with the CIA you’d never gotten to be involved so heavily in a case. Your skills were mostly utilised in interview capacities and then you were sidelined.
You’d never had the privilege to work on a joint task force or investigate a crime so brutal.
You felt personally invested in this case. You thought if you could just find that one missing puzzle piece you could crack this case wide open.
And then you’d found it. The golden ticket. The smoking gun. The missing piece.
It had taken five days of your leave and copious amounts of coffee but you’d connected the dots no one else had.
You knew how to draw the unsub out. And you were going to do it tonight.
“Let’s start again from the beginning shall we?” Agent Rossi linked his fingers together on top of the table as he looked across at you, still slowly sipping your coffee.
“Oh goody.” You sighed. “Could Agent Jareau not fill you in what I’ve already told her?”
“Humour me.” The old man shrugged.
You didn’t have any ill will against him. Far from it. You were actually a big fan of David Rossi. But you were sick and tired of being treated like a criminal.
“Tell me how you managed to work out how to find him.”
You took another long sip of the coffee.
“All the pieces were there, they just hadn’t been put into place.”
“And how did you piece them together?”
“There was a pattern to where the women had been last seen. It was a guess more than anything. A lucky guess.”
“And the pattern was?”
You sighed in frustration.
“As I told agent Jareau,” you sipped your coffee. “The bars they were last seen in all had ties to Mexico. I’m not a native to DC but I know the area like the back of my hand. They were all either Mexican owned, had a Mexican name or were previously establishments such as Mexican restaurants. I made an educated guess that he frequented places such as these looking for his targets. I just got lucky I picked the right one.”
You felt incredibly exposed, but you supposed that was the point.
If you were going to get this guy's attention, you had to do this right.
It was a long shot. Just because Western’s bar was known for its famous tacos did not mean it would be the place he chose to pick up girls.
You just had to hope.
You wore a skimpy skirt that barely covered your ass, knee high boots and a crop top that accentuated your assets.
Your firearm was hidden in your left boot.
Your outfit garnered a lot of looks as you headed through Westerns towards the bar.
You felt men’s eyes on you from every angle, making you feel extremely self conscious. But you needed to keep your cool, exude confidence.
If your guy was here he needed to see you shine.
You ordered a soda to keep your head clear and sat at a table over the far side of the bar. From there you had a good view of the entrance and most of the room. And more importantly, the room had a view of you.
Three hours you sat there nursing your soda. It was a huge stab in the dark, you weren’t really surprised.
You finished your drink and headed out onto the cool DC street.
You made it five steps before you felt a presence behind you.
Just as you were about to turn, something covered your mouth.
You struggled against a pair of strong arms.
A smell wafted up your nose seconds before you lost consciousness.
“Why didn’t you tell your unit chief before you went in?”
“Because I thought it was a long shot.” And because she would have been furious I was working the case.
“So you chose to use yourself as bait?”
“Yes.” You shrugged nonchalantly.
“Do you know how dangerous that could have been?” Rossi raised an eyebrow at you.
You had to refrain from rolling your eyes.
“Yes agent Rossi, I’m well aware. But I had a lead and I wasn’t going to ignore it.” You pulled Doctor Reid’s jacket tighter around your scantily clad body.
You caught his scent again. Coffee. Old books. A hint of peppermint.
Another long shut off memory wormed it’s way to the surface.
“So are you here visiting someone?”
“Yeah.” You smiled sadly. “My mom.”
“Oh.” He returned your sad smile. “Me too.”
“Agent Y/L/N?”
You were brought back by Rossi’s concerned voice.
“I said, what happened next? You were chloroformed and then what?”
You shook your head, your mind clouded.
“Can we take a break? I could really use some air.”
Rossi sighed with a small nod.
He stood from his chair and motioned you to follow him.
You got some odd looks from his fellow agents as he led you to the elevators. They all recognised what you were wearing as Spencer’s jacket.
You followed Rossi into the elevator and he pressed the button for the ground floor.
“Agent Rossi, can I ask you a strange question?” You asked as the doors closed.
He gave you a curious look.
“I suppose.”
“Doctor Reid. As in Spencer Reid?”
“The one and only.” Rossi frowned unsure what you were getting at.
“Where is he from?”
Rossi’s frown deepened, not sure he should tell you such things about his team. But you were an agent and you didn’t pose a threat to the team.
“Vegas I believe.”
Vegas. Of course.
“Why do you want to know?”
“I don’t know.” You chewed your lip. “I think I might have known him.”
You wished you hadn’t opened your mouth. This was not the time or place.
“I’m probably wrong. Just forget I said anything.”
The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. As you stepped out you pulled Spencer’s collar to your nose and sniffed it.
No you weren’t wrong.
Las Vegas, Nevada - 1999
“Hi again.” You smiled at the lanky man, Spencer you’d met a few days ago. “How’s your mom?”
“Still angry at me.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and stubbed the toe of his shoe on the floor.
“She came in recently?”
“Yeah a few months ago. I turned eighteen and I was able to have her put into care.” He blanched, clearly feeling guilty for his decision.
“Do you want to grab a coffee?”
“Uhm sure.” He shrugged.
He followed you through to the day room. It was late and there were only a few patients inside and a few nurses milling around.
You got two cups of coffee from the machine and the two of you sat at a table together.
“Do you mind me asking what’s wrong with your mom?” You dared as you slid him the drink.
He sighed heavily, gnawing on his bottom lip as though his life depended on it.
“She’s a paranoid schizophrenic.” He spoke clinically, words he’d had to say too many times in his life. It was as though he’d distanced himself from it. Like he was giving a patient a diagnosis rather than talking about his own mother.
“Mine too.” You gave him a wry smile. You had something in common, just not something you would like to have in common.
“How long has your mom been here?”
“Three years. She got really bad and my dad couldn’t take care of her anymore. She’s been doing much better since she moved in here.”
“That’s good.” Spencer nodded. “I hope my mom realises I did this for her. For her well being. At the moment she’s just so...angry.”
You reached across the table and placed your hand on top of his. He seemed a little startled by the physical touch but you didn’t move your hand.
“This is the best place for her. I assume from what you said earlier your dad isn’t in the picture?”
He used his free hand to sip his coffee with a sad shake of his head.
“He left when I was ten. He couldn’t handle mom's illness.”
You gave his hand a small squeeze.
“I can’t imagine what it was like for you to have to look after her by yourself. It was hard enough with my dad there. Really makes you grow up fast.”
“It really does.” He agreed. “I’m not sure I ever got to be a kid.”
“I know that feeling.”
After that you spent hours chatting about anything and everything until way into the night. It wasn’t until a nurse came and asked you politely to leave that you realised how late it was.
“I’ll probably see you around?” You spoke as you stepped outside together.
“Maybe. In a few weeks I’m heading out of state. I’m working on a PhD.” He didn’t want to tell you it was actually his second PhD.
“Oh. Ok.” You tried to hide the disappointment from your voice.
Despite the circumstances you’d enjoyed talking to someone like minded, someone who understood. You didn’t have anyone else your own age you could talk to about this kind of thing.
“Maybe we could exchange numbers?” You blushed a little.
“I don’t have a cellphone.” He shrugged.
“It’s not an excuse.” He sensed you didn’t believe him. “I’m not so into technology. I don’t even have email.”
Normally you would have thought it was just a bad excuse to get out of seeing you again but the look on Spencer’s face told you he was being genuine.
“Ok.” You gave him a shy smile. “Well maybe I’ll see you again before you leave.”
“I hope so.” His eyes sparkled as he looked at you on the dark street.
There was an air between you, some kind of thick tension but you didn’t know what it meant.
“If I don’t see you again,” you spoke trying to ignore whatever it was. “It was really good to meet you and I hope your mom gets used to the facility.”
“You too.” He smiled so genuinely at you, it made your heart skip a beat.
And then you went your separate ways.
“Ok, so what happened next?” Rossi wasted no time once you were back in the interrogation room.
“Well I blacked out after I was chloroformed so excuse me if I don’t remember.” You gave him a sarcastic smile.
“What’s the next thing you do remember?” He reworded his question.
“I woke up in a large basement. It was gritty and dingy. And there were other women there too.”
“How many?”
“At least twenty.” You sighed letting your mind travel back to the basement you never wanted to go back to. Not even in your mind.
You woke with a start, your head pounding. You gasped for air as though you’d been drowning.
You blinked your eyes trying to adjust to the dark room you found yourself in.
It was cold and damp and you could hear a pipe dripping in the distance.
You tried to roll over but your arm wouldn’t budge. You were met by a loud clanking sound when you tried.
You tugged your arm, hearing the same sound and being met with a sharp pain in your wrist.
“Good luck.” A woman’s voice scoffed. “They don’t come loose.”
You blinked a few more times, looking over to your left arm. There was a heavy metal cuff right around your wrist that was attached to a metal bed frame.
That’s when you realised you were laying on a small cot on top of a ratty, itchy blanket. You were still dressed, thank god.
You suddenly remembered your firearm concealed in your boot. You patted your left calf and sure enough you felt the hard weapon still inside.
That was something at least.
Oversight on their part.
You remembered the voice you’d heard before and turned as much as you could with your arm cuffed to take in the rest of the room.
There were at least forty other cots close together lining the walls, with at least half of them containing the body of other women.
The voice you’d heard belonged to a woman in the cot next to you. She gave you a smile but it didn’t reach her eyes.
Her eyes were broken.
“Hi,” you croaked. “I’m Y/N.”
“Delilah.” Her accent was Spanish. You were sure Delilah wasn’t her real name either.
“How long have you been here?”
She sighed, playing with a strand of curly black hair.
“What month is it?”
“Oh.” She frowned. “Not that long then. I’ve been here since July.” She looked confused as though that couldn’t be long enough.
“Delilah?” You narrowed your eyes on her. “What year do you think it is?”
“2018…” she saw your face drop and knew instantly it was no longer 2018.
“Oh gosh.” You felt for her, tears welling in your eyes. “It’s 2020.”
“Oh.” Her face fell. “Wow.”
“It’s ok.” You lowered your voice. “I’m CIA. I’m going to get us out of here. I promise I’ll keep you safe.”
“Delilah.” Rossi opened the file in front of him. “Was that Roberta Suez?”
He pulled out a photograph and slid it across the table. You averted your gaze.
“Yes and please I don’t need to see it, I was there.”
“How did she end up in hospital fighting for her life?”
“You know how.” You huffed. “Look I’m starting to get fed up with this now.” You folded your arms. “Carlos Ramirez was a sick son of a bitch. If I hadn’t done what I did he would have killed all those women. I don’t regret what I did.”
“How did she end up in hospital?” He repeated.
“Good lord.” You grumbled. “I’ll talk but I don’t want to talk to you.”
Rossi narrowed his eyes on you.
“No? But I’m so compassionate.” He spoke sarcastically.
“I won’t say another word unless it’s to Reid.” You looked up to the two way mirror. You didn’t know why but you had a feeling he was there.
Sure enough it was barely twenty seconds before the door opened and Doctor Reid himself stepped in the room.
“I got this Rossi.” Spencer told the older man who stood up with a shrug.
Rossi left the room while Spencer took the seat he’d been occupying.
Did he remember you? It had been close to twenty years since you’d last seen each other. Had it not been for the olfactory memory that struck you when you put on his jacket you might never have remembered him.
But you knew the rest of his team was behind the two way glass, or at least some of them were so it didn’t seem an appropriate time to ask such things.
“So agent Y/L/N,” he smiled softly at you. “Can you please tell me how Delilah ended up in hospital?”
“You already know the answer to that Doctor but since you asked so nicely,” you leant your elbows on the table, entwined your fingers and rested your chin the little bridge you’d created. “She had a drug overdose. But you and I both know it wasn’t her who administered the drugs.”
“And who did?”
“I did.”
Your words hung in the air between you and Spencer. He knew the answer, the whole team did. You’d already told Agent Jareau everything.
This was a huge waste of time.
“I administered the drugs because he told me if I didn’t he would kill me. I needed to stay alive so I could save those women.”
“Who said he would kill you?”
“I don’t know his name.”
“It wasn’t Ramirez?”
“No.” You shook your head. “If it was Ramirez I would have shot him. But it must have been one of his right hand men.”
“How would you know that? You’d never met Ramirez correct?” Spencer had a soft tone to his voice which made his line of questioning easier than Agent Jareau’s.
“I’m not a profiler but I’ve been to enough seminars over the years. He didn’t fit the bill. He was young, scatty, he didn’t strike as much fear into the other women as I thought the boss would. I made an educated guess and I was right. If I’d shot at him I would have blown my chance at getting Ramirez.”
“Shit shit shit!” You pulled yourself as close to Delilah’s cot as possible with your restraint. “Delilah, keep breathing, try to breath. Fuck I am sorry.”
Tears rolled down your cheeks, the empty needle you’d been made to inject in her vein between your cots on the floor.
He’d held a gun to your head and said he would shoot you if you didn’t do it. You didn’t think he was bluffing.
“It happens a lot.” A woman opposite spoke up. “You’ll soon find out. If she wakes up she’ll have the pleasure of returning the favour.” She gave you an almost manic grin.
If she wakes up. It was the if you were having the issue with.
“Who’s in charge around here?”
She shrugged.
“Don’t know his name. Big guy. Tattoos. Mustache. You can’t miss him.”
“Does he come down here often?”
Again she shrugged.
“Being down here you have a way of losing track of time.” She clicked her tongue. “But he’ll be here for you later. He has to test his new girls.”
Your blood ran cold.
“Test?” You swallowed, pretty sure you knew what she meant.
“He can’t very well expect you to make him money if he doesn’t know how good you are.”
Oh god.
Your heartbeat raced. No, it was not going to come to that. You were a CIA agent and you were armed.
It was not going to come to that.
Spencer’s face paled a little at your words. You hadn’t told Agent Jareau that part.
“He was going to...he didn’t…”
“No.” You cut him off, pushing the memory back down. “I had a gun, remember.”
You offered him a wry smile.
“So you know what comes next.”
“I’d like you to tell me.”
The way he said it was more like he was a therapist than an FBI agent. As though he wanted you to tell him so you could get it off your chest, unburden yourself, rather than for interrogation purposes.
“Ok.” You nodded. “He came for me later that night. And that’s when it happened.”
“Ahh look at you.”
A deep, Spanish voice woke you.
Your eyes fluttered open and landed on a strong, tattooed man with a mustache standing over your cot.
This must be him.
“Tan hermosa.”
So beautiful.
You tried not to shudder.
You sat up wiggling your legs in your boots to make sure you could still feel your firearm. You could.
“Su nombre es Rosa.”
Your name is Rosa.
Guess again.
“Su nombre es Y/N.”
“Tú hablas español?”
You speak Spanish?
“Eres perfecta.” He grinned menacingly. “My clients will love you.”
He reached in his pocket and fished out a key chain. He reached over you and unlocked your cuff.
You rolled your wrist to try and get your blood circulating again.
“On your feet.”
You complied and stood up. Your legs were shaky.
He grasped your wrist, hard enough so you couldn’t wriggle free but not hard enough to leave a mark. He started dragging you across the room.
With his free hand he undid the four locks on the large steel door and pulled your through it. Once on the other side he took care to lock them all again, keeping a firm grasp on you the whole time.
You were dragged down a long, narrow corridor towards another steel door, this one with just one lock on.
He slid the key in and opened it, pulled you inside and locked it behind him.
The room was much smaller than the one you’d been held in and only housed a single cot.
He licked his lip as he looked at you. His large, thick fingers stroked your cheek and you had to try and hide your disgust.
“En la cama. Ahora.”
On the bed. Now.
You had to pick the opportune moment. You had to plan this just right. You had no doubt he had a gun on him so if you faltered even slightly, he would kill you.
“Qué tal esto.”
How about this.
You made a show of licking your lips and then dropping to your knees in front of him.
“Whoa, feisty. I like it.” He grinned, his meaty hands going to his belt buckle.
Yes. Right where you wanted him.
While he was fumbling with his belt, you reached your hand back into your left boot, drawing your gun in one swift move.
You head butted him in the crotch, sending him stumbling backwards, crying out in pain.
“Mierda!” Shit. “Usted puta!”
You whore!
You were on your feet in a second, your gun trained on him.
“You will never hurt another woman again.” You spat, furious tears suddenly streaming from your eyes.
He looked up at you, his mouth opened to speak.
But the words didn’t come out as your bullet hit him between the eyes.
“Who’s the puta now?”
“I would say,” Spencer chewed his lip. “You did what you had to do to survive.”
You breathed a sigh of relief.
Thank god.
“Thank you.” You smiled softly. “And I did. If I hadn’t shot him, who knows how many other women would have died.”
Spencer pushed his chair back and stood up.
“Just so you know, we got word from the hospital a little while ago. Roberta Suez, Delilah, is going to be just fine.”
“Oh thank god.” You felt tears brimming your eyes.
He opened the door and turned back to you.
“Are you coming?”
“I can leave?”
“You were never under arrest.” He smirked at you.
You couldn’t help but laugh.
You got up from the chair and Spencer motioned you out of the room.
“I’ll walk you out.” He showed you across the bullpen towards the elevators. There was an awkward air between the two of you.
Did you say anything? It didn’t seem as though he remembered you, was it worth reminding him?
He motioned you into the elevator first and he followed, pressing the button.
The elevator started its descent.
Time was running out.
“So uhm…” Spencer turned to you and turned too. “How’s your mom?”
A smile broke out on your features.
“I didn’t think you remembered me.”
“Are you kidding?” He laughed. “I recognised you the second you walked in.”
“It’s been twenty years.” You laughed.
“Eighteen years, seven months.” He corrected you. “But I could never forget your face.”
You blushed a little, averting your gaze.
“My moms doing ok. Thanks for asking. How’s your mom?” You looked back at him.
“Recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.” He told you sadly.
“Oh gosh I’m so sorry.”
“It’s ok. These things happen.” He shrugged. “Made it to thirty without having a schizophrenic break but now I have to wait until I’m older to find out if I’ll develop Alzheimer’s.”
The doors to the elevator opened and you stepped out, Spencer close behind.
“I really am sorry Spencer.”
“It’s ok.” He shrugged. “Is your mom still at Bennington? I used to see her when I went to visit my mom but I moved her out a little while ago.”
“Yeah she’s still there. She likes being close to my dad.”
You both hovered by the exit, not ready to say goodbye.
“Can I take you for coffee? If you don’t have anywhere else to be.” Spencer blushed as he spoke.
“I’d like that. A lot actually. But I’d really like to shower and change out of this getup.” You laughed. “How about dinner?”
“Dinner sounds perfect.” He grinned at you.
You gave him a smile and turned to leave but before you made it to the door Spencer spoke again.
“Y/N,” he called your name, his voice cracking a little. “You uh...you forgot something.”
You turned to face him curiously.
He walked closer to you and without a second thought, placed his hands on your face and kissed you.
For a second you stood frozen, in shock of what was going on.
But after a few moments you wrapped your arms around his neck and opened your mouth to deepen the kiss.
When the kiss ended you were both smiling at one another.
“What was that for?” You asked softly.
“Oh you know…” he shrugged with a coy smile. “Just something that needed to be done.”
“I’ll meet you back here in a few hours.” You told him, touching his chest briefly.
“Bye Spencer Reid.”
“Bye Y/N Y/L/N.” He croaked.
And with that you sauntered out the doors but not out of his life.
Las Vegas, Nevada - 1999
“Spencer?” You’d only made it a few paces away from Bennington before you stopped in your tracks, calling his name. “You uh...you forgot something.”
He turned to face you curiously.
You walked closer to him and without a second thought, placed your hands on his face and kissed him.
He stood frozen, in shock of what was going on.
It was just a brief kiss, Spencer was too confused to do anything but stand there dumbly.
“Wh-what was that for?” He swallowed.
“Just something that needed to be done.” You smiled. “Bye Spencer Reid.”
“Bye Y/N Y/L/N.”
And with that you sauntered back down the street, hoping that one day, the universe would lead you back into each other’s lives.
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@mggsprettygirl @measure-in-pain
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ssaalexblake · 3 years
“they’ve (humans) fought off so many things, including the worst of their own people“
13 says this about humans in resolution to the dalek, and i’d forgotten about it or not clocked it before and only just saw it while trying to make a gif, but it’s interesting to me because she says it with respect. Even with pride, imo. 
13 consistently claims to be a pacifist and this isn’t super interesting to me beyond the fact that she’s clearly lying (like, for clarity's sake this is not me slamming her. I’ve had people think that before but i don’t claim to be a pacifist because i do not believe all violence is equal, much in the way 13 doesn’t, tbh. The refusal to commit violence can be a powerful tool in specific situations but as a flat out ideal that you are unwilling to compromise on it can toe painfully close to ‘silence is on the side of the oppressor’ in action. I’m not insulting her... I think more of her for it Not being true.) 
But she is lying, her pacifism is another part of that happy go lucky ‘ideal’ doctor she’s cooked up for everybody to look at in S11 while trying to be the person 12 wanted. She clearly thinks she Should be a pacifist to be that great person. 
13′s motivations are interesting because okay, the doctor historically does Not do well with people not willing to stick up for themselves or others. Think of that species who are the most invaded??? species in the universe? Their planet has the record for the most invasions? them? Because they just roll out the welcome matt and accept it all. 11 was frustrated by them. I’d say 12 kind of actively hated them. 13 in the above scene with the dalek expresses respect for humanity’s willingness to fight the hell back, even against themselves, and we can all think of a few different instances in history where humanity has fought back against people who deserved it... Point being, she’s the same as the other doctors, she doesn’t have any philosophical differences causing her to disdain sticking up for yourselves and others... Unlike them, she’s just lying. 
I actually don’t think 13 Wants to be a pacifist as much as she thinks she should want to be one. 13 wants to be a lot of things... She wants to be the lie she was pedaling in s11, she wants to live a life of no violence. She doesn’t get to have these things because that’s just not her. Even if she Does want to be a pacifist genuinely, she doesn’t want to be one enough that her own principles matter more to her than saving innocent lives. 
The point is, I guess, that 13 respects fighting, she is a fighter, she respects those who fight back she just doesn’t think she Should. There’s a genuine discussion to have around the morals here, because 13′s saying pacifism is great and the Best you you can be is a pacifist, but she is both lying about it being so brilliant and the show consistently narratively points out thhat fighting back Is okay by having her, you know, fight back as the heroic protagonist. They illustrate this also through Ryan who took this no violence approach very seriously and thinks very hard about whether he will fight back or not even in a situation where he will surely die and suffer a horrific fate if he does not. He decides to fight... when he celebrates the destruction he causes he almost gets shot by cybermen, but he is Never condemned for fighting back against them in general, just getting glee from it. 
The message is, imo, clear, that the glorification of violence is a mistake, but that doesn’t mean that sometimes it is not necessary and that is can very well be acceptable and something to respect. Be it to save yourself or to fight back against those who would kill or oppress you (the cybermen, who do both), the action of fighting back is Not the same as them attacking you to begin with. 
Idk, i see people talk about 13′s pacifism in a good light a lot and i have had pushback multiple times when i call her out for lying because it is perceived i am insulting her but the thing is... I don’t think the narrative Wants us to take away the message that ‘pacifism is always good’. I don’t think we’re supposed to respect the idea of Never fighting. I think it wants us to be Ryan, and therefore who 13 actually is, and not who she claims to be. Do not be gleeful in your violence but do not think it is inherently bad to fight back against people who would oppress or harm you, because it’s not.  
But also, I am interested in how she places emphasis on humans fighting back against ourselves in the above scene, and us fighting the Worst of our own species in how it would relate to her relationship with the time lords. Especially in regards to the new knowledge of what was done to build the society. Especially in regards to the fact that it did, in fact, actually backfire on them eventually and one of their own fought back for what was done. I mean, he also slaughtered billions of others who were in no way actively culpable, but he was also, technically, acting out against the evils done by the ones who actually Were genuinely terrible people. Once again, his glee in his violence marks him as in no way in the right by the narrative even past the whole innocent people thing, but i would Love to her 13′s take on this nowadays. 
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nctworststuff · 3 years
idk how detailed my request should be so I'll just explain all I can
fluff, with jaemin, y/n as a doctor
new relationship, jaemin doesn't know about his partner being a doctor
prompts 20 and 25
thank you 💗
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Lucy say: Hi ^^ Thank you so much for requesting this 💗 Also I'm not sure if I understood your request correctly, so I'm really sorry if it's not what you wanted. In that case please tell us and I'll write it! -Lucy [Also please tell me if I made a mistake, English isn't my native language.]
Disclaimer: This is purely fictional, means it's an AU and in no way meant to harm anyone. Pairings: jaeminX gn!doctor!reader
Prompt 20 (i love you) + 25 (we are meant to be)
Warnings: mentions of severe burns, accidents in general, cold pizza, worried jaemin and my horrible writing. If you notice anything else pls lmk
Genre: tiniest bit of angs in the beginning, fluff, slice of life? New relationship and Jaemin doesn't know that y/n is a doctor
Words count: 0.9k
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23.41 Pacing up and down the living room, Jaemin nervously glanced at his phone. It was already way past the time you were supposed to arrive. See you at 11, Na! Maybe he had heard you wrong over the phone and you said something else. But then why weren't you reading his texts or answering his calls? For the fifth time in the past 10 minutes he dialed your number. And for the fifth time he instantly heard the voice mail. To say he was worried was an understatement by now. Yes, you had only started dating a few weeks ago. Yes, you were still in the phase of getting to know each other. And yes, you two still lived in different apartments, so meeting up wasn't always as easy as it could've been, but both of you said that you preferred keeping your own place. The topic simply dropped and never came up again. However Jaemin felt like he knew you for years already. When you first met, you clicked immediately and talked nonstop. It was like an old tale where two people, destined to be together, met one day and fell in love as soon as they laid eyes on each other's frame. Like Soulmates. He believed in it and he knew you felt similar about your relation. You never talked about it, but he knew. Just how he knew that you hadn't forgotten about the date and went home. You were the most organized and structured person he ever met. There was no way you would've forgotten. However that only left one last option in his mind: You were kept from coming. Maybe you had an accident? Maybe you were robbed? Hit? Or even worse, were you... DING. As fast as a lightning bolt Jaemin sprinted to the wooden door and pulled it open, not even bothering to check who it was first. And he was lucky. Upon seeing your face, completely fine with a small excusing smile, he pulled you in and wrapped you in his arms. "Do you know how worried I was? I thought something happened to you." Feeling utterly calm in his atmosphere you simply sighed, before freeing yourself and readjusting your position so you could squish his cheeks. The small pout making you giggle. "I'm really sorry Nana! We had a horrible accident at work and I was the only person available, so I needed to step in without having the chance to tell you I won't make it in time and then when I was finished cleaning up, I jumped in the car and got here as quick as I could. I'm so, so sorry!" Now it was his turn to coe at your pout. "You don't need to be sorry y/n! I'm just glad you're fine! But what about the accident? Is everyone okay now?" "Yes, those accidents keep happening from time to time. It wasn't the first time I saw something like that. In fact it's the third severe burn we had this year and it's only February." Looking in shock at you, Jaemin kept opening and closing his mouth. "Y-you.. bu-urn.. acci-d-dent... f-from time to, from time to time?" Finally he seemed to got his brain to properly function again. "You have accidents at work which lead to severe burns for already three times this year? Y/N I know you said you wanted to wait a bit longer to tell me where you work, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to rest again if the only thing I can think of is weather you get hurt too. I know we haven't said this before, but I love you and I don't plan on losing you this soon!" Now it was your turn to be speechless. Of course you liked him and yes, maybe you considered the idea that you
loved him before, but hearing it from him, right in this moment, made your brain feel like cotton candy. "Say that again!" It only came out as a whisper, but he heard it clearly."I love you y/n! I truly do! It was weird at first, I admit that, but I've never felt for a person like this before! It just... It feels like we're meant to be." Those words mixed with his deep brown eyes looking at you like were the only good thing on this planet brought out your shy side. Going back to hugging him, you buried your head in his mint green pullover. "I love you too, nana! And don't worry, I work in a hospital. I didn't want to tell you because I'm not permanently employed yet and I wanted it to be a surprise once I am." Getting nervous you started playing with the fabric of his pullover. Jaemin still hadn't said anything, so you pulled away from his arms, expecting his face to be angry or even dissapointed, but instead his beautiful smile beamed down at you. "That's like so cool, you know that? You're out there saving lives and stuff. That's wOw." You chuckled at his cute way of pronouncing the word, feeling unbelievably relieved he wasn't feeling negative about it. Instead he suddenly picked you up, forcing a squeal from your lips. "So y/n, tell me which movie do you want to watch while eating our cold pizza?" "I absolutely don't care as long as I can watch it with you, I'm fine with everything!" You kissed his cheek one last time before he plopped you down on the chouch and started the TV.
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opluffys · 4 years
What We Aren’t- Killer x Reader
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this took me so long cuz i had no motivation to write it... i fucking love killer but i’m so lazy lol. i hate this but there’s not that many fics for him, so enjoy? idk i’ve been unhappy with my writing for a while ughhh. please enjoy even though it’s bad! *please let me know if something looks off in the writing, sometimes it copies weird!!*
You sat perched upon your small, uncomfortable office chair, calmly awaiting a very important call. All you had been doing this entire day was waiting, for that damn transponder snail to ring. How long does it take to read over one single paper and respond back?
Being a member of a Supernova's crew meant a lot of injuries, you were no fool, no. You knew the toll it'd take on you as a surgeon to become Kid's ship doctor. One would take a look at you and assume you had enjoyed the challenge, the thrill of getting a new patient under the operating table each hour with something new wrong with them.
No, that was not the case, not at all.
Goodness, you adored being a surgeon, of course! Holding that scalpel and practically slicing people open always made you giddy. A sadistic surgeon, guess that's what people would pinpoint you as. But those were just simple perks of being the ship doctor on the Victoria Punk.
The real treat was the second in command.
Every time you weren't blinded by the lights in the operating room, you would steal glances at the attractive man. How mysterious he was just did wonders for you...
Over the years that you had stayed, you obviously had made advances. You wouldn't say that Killer always had women throwing themselves at him, they must be blind, though. So of course when you hinted that you wanted him in a more, intimate, manner, he at times accepted.
The two of you were not in a relationship, in fact, the two of you had barely exchanged any words to one another. Even though you always treated his wounds with utmost care, and not a word was said. Just a simple thanks and he was on his way.
You didn't care, though. You were not, by any means, looking for a long term relationship. You did not have the time for that, and you probably never would, if you were to continue your role as a surgeon, that was all you could focus on.
You scribbled notes down messily, crossing names out on the list quickly. While you waited for the transponder snail to ring, you decided to doodle a list. It wasn't important, not in the slightest. But you wanted to see how each crew member had gotten injured and where. It wouldn't help, but it was fun to see such a thing.
You heard the door swing open, being caught just in time in order not to bang against the wall. You were about to yell at whoever burst inside in such a way, but then you saw that familiar mass of fluffy blonde hair.
"Well, hello." You said, settling back into the chair, hearing it give a weak squeak in response to any weight put onto it. You really needed to get a new chair.
Killer grunted in response, and a small sigh left your lips. At times, you would question why he wasn't so talkative like the rest of the crew.
You quickly ripped the list that you had made, tossing it in the nearest trash bin you could find. You figured now would be a time to make an actual list you would use, not one that would bring you petty amusement.
"So, what do you need? You don't look injured, and I only do surgeries. So go over to the others if you have a scratch you need checked." You said, scribbling more unreadable words down.
"Since when do you only do surgeries?" You heard an unfamiliar voice pipe in. In question, you rose your head from the notes over to the voice you heard. After seeing a random lackey holding bandages, you scoffed and gave an eye roll.
"Too many on this ship come to me everyday to go under my operating table. You know that? Imagine if I had to take care of everyone else who came to me with a runny nose crying for dear life. I'd go insane." You said, relaxing your skilled hands in your lap, smiling proudly. Of course you would end up helping anyone who wandered into your office regardless. You knew nobody else could take care of anyone like you.
You shooed the young boy out of the office, who smiled in return to your words, not believing a thing, he knew how soft you were.
You groaned loudly, putting your head against the table. Why couldn't you be a mean pirate like your captain? Refusing any with a small bruise on their arm. It's your own damn fault, being too nice to the crew members, acting like their damn mother.
You then returned to take your notes.
"I need painkillers."
You nearly had a heart attack.
"You're gonna fucking end me..!" You gasped, feeling your heart beat quicken.
You calmed down quickly, your heart still beating quite quickly. Not because of how scared you were, but because of who was in front of you.
"I've been feeling a little sore and tense lately." Killer replied, leaning on the wall.
You laughed, bringing your hand to your mouth. "I can give you painkillers for that, but it can easily go away by a simple massage." You said, kicking your legs up onto the table. Hell, it was disrespectful, but it was your office. You could do whatever the fuck you wanted here.
"And I think I could help you out with that." You added, sounding a little suggestive about a simple favour to a friend, if you could call him such a thing.
"I thought you only did surgeries..?" He said, and you could've swore you heard a slight teasing undertone. Sly bastard...
You didn't bother a reply, you did not want to bicker with the man. Especially at a time where just a look at him paired with the sound of his voice would ignite your entire body on fire.
You sauntered over to him, urging him to take a seat. He did so, and you knew your chair couldn't take his mass of muscles for very long.
"Your shirt." You said from your place behind him. You were sure the both of you knew he didn't really need his shirt off. But ugh, that back of his...
You obviously were not a masseuse, but how hard could it be?
You dipped your fingers into his skin lightly, pushing harder when he didn't say anything to put a stop to you.
After around thirty or so minutes, you could've cooked anything with just the temperature of your skin. You were dying to be under the man in front of you, harsh nail markings sporting his sculpted back.
You leaned in a little closer, pressing your lips against the nape of his neck. He immediately stiffened, not being used to such a loving gesture.
"So? How does it feel now?" You questioned, spinning him around to view you.
You took a seat on his thighs, a much better place to be seated than your chair.
"I hope I made you feel at least a little better. It would hurt my reputation if one of my patients left without being helped, even just a bit." You grinned, hands roaming all over his built chest.
His breath hitched as you began to move your hips against him, feeling his hands attach to you.
"Now?" Killer questioned, not seeming to protest against any of your actions.
"Why not? I've been awaiting a call, but it looks like that idiot forgot about it."
It seems as if that were all the affirmation he needed, because soon after you said that, you were pushed harshly against your own desk, a surprised squeak coming from you.
Your garments were ripped off with haste, a lazy smile spread across your reddened lips.
Within seconds, you were just an utter mess. You always questioned how he always knew what your body had craved from him.      
He quickly pushed your soaked panties aside, sliding his fingers against your slick folds. You bit your lip to try to prevent any unwanted noise from leaving you, but just the sheer skill he had was too much for you.
Your cheek was against the desk, your mouth slightly agape. Such a lewd face you had made, and all he had done was a little teasing.
"So wet already. What have we done that was exciting?"
You whimpered in response, pushing your hips back in hopes of feeling his fingers, or rather, something else, fill your insides.
You felt his presence flush against your back, "Or maybe," he pushed his fingers inside agonizingly slow, nearly causing your death, "this had been on your mind the entire day?"
Fuck, this man was a master at reading people.
Your hands were balled into fists, nails creating marks on your soft palm. You didn't want to give in, you didn't want to beg, but your mind was beginning to disagree with your pride.
"No. That's not the case..." You gasped, feeling his thick fingers curling inside of you, "Hmm, I don't like liars. But, I do like watching you squirm."
"All you have to do is tell me the truth, come on. I know you can do it." Sick bastard. Fuck him. Yeah, you didn't need him, you could finish yourself off, if needed.
"I already told you," You took a deep breath, feeling him move behind you with ill intentions, "all that I've done today was wait for a call. Then, I'd seen you... My thoughts had run for a little, that's all."
Yeah right! Like he'd believe such a thing! This seems like a child who took something they shouldn't. It wasn't your fault, you weren't working properly. Your mind had become wired on feeling Killer inside of you, and that's what you had needed.
You heard shuffling behind you, followed by the removal of his digits. You grumbled unhappily, was he really hellbent on you admitting something that didn't matter? You were both adults, and adults were supposed to get mad behind closed doors. Yup.
While you had been lost in thought, you felt his tip press against your dripping entrance. Finally! About time! You almost broke out in song you were so happy.
You won this little dispute.
Actually, no. You didn't.
He pushed himself inside rather slowly, cock snug against your velvety walls. You expected him to start moving, or at least do anything. But nope.
"Seriously..." You mumbled, trying to move back into him, obviously he didn't allow this, hands stopping any of your ministrations.
This is fine. You were going to be okay like this. You weren't going to give up. You wanted to be a pirate, so you couldn't just rip your pride to shreds.
You knew he couldn't last longer than you. He would crack eventually, and you would triumph. In this case, it was seen as the opposite.
"You really can't admit it, can you?"
No! You couldn't! It wasn't the truth... Mhm, just keep telling yourself that.
You knew he obviously didn't care, he just loved to see you have an internal meltdown. He would use anything and everything he could against you. You could practically hear the 'teehee' come from the bastard.
He took a seat on your tiny chair, bringing you with him while the chair squeaked in discomfort. Now sitting upright on him, oh this wasn't good for you. You could feel him deeper inside of you and you craved more. You craved sweet friction of any kind.
You squeezed around him tightly, trying to ease him into forgetting about this little feud.
You heard his breathing become slightly uneven after that, you grinned, you had an ace up your sleeve.
"What kind of monster takes teasing to such a level?" You politely asked, slightly raising your hips. He wasn't able to stop you in time as you sank onto him slowly.
He was so heavy inside of you, you couldn't take it anymore. You wanted him to fuck you until your mind stopped working. You just got a little taste of what you could have, and you wanted more, you wanted it all.
"How about we take a rain check on this. I think we're both a little needy today." You smiled, you're such a genius. This way, you didn't lose. No, you won. You wanted to tell him to suck it, but you had boundaries.
"Fine. But next time, don't expect me to give in so easily." He sighed, getting a better grip on your hips.
You turned around briefly, seating yourself back onto him. You always secretly enjoyed being so close to him, hearing his heartbeat in an irregular way. Maybe it was because you were so close. Your face heated up a bit, no, that couldn't be it. You placed you hands on his chest gently, "You can move now." You braced yourself for a second, at times, the two of you had gotten a bit rough. You didn't mind, as long as the both of you enjoyed it, you were happy.
He lifted you slightly, you felt a little empty for a moment but sighed blissfully when you felt him back inside.
This was an odd pace... Almost like he was taking how you felt in consideration. Usually you fucked like animals, but this? This was more of a lovers pace. Even the way he held you, it was gentle, for such a large man you hadn't thought he could hold you in such a way.
Maybe he was still teasing, going at a slower pace than you were used to. You could wait a little, at least he was moving now. Your head made contact with his chest, a slightly more comfortable pose for you.
How awkward for him! Your soft hands at his chest lovingly, your face against him while he slowly pumped inside of you... This is what lovers would do, not people who just wanted a quick session... He almost imagined you looking up at him with teary eyes, mumbling an 'I love you'.
He too, felt his face warm. It was such an uncomfortable feeling for someone who didn't welcome such emotions.
A small part of you somewhat enjoyed this, being next to him like this. You wished you could feel his lips plush against your own at this very moment. You smiled while in thought.
He looked down at you through the holes in his mask, he didn't expect such a serene look on you..! You had been liked this, hadn't you? Holding him while you had sighed and whimpered with want.
He took no time to pull out of you, flip you the other way, so you were, once again, facing the desk. He shoved himself inside, pounding into you at a more wanted rate.
All of this has happened very fast. Literally blink of an eye. You had no time to adjust whatsoever, from a slow and leisurely pace, to harsh snapping of the hips.
The expression on your face was priceless, but also very vulgar. The illusion of lovers was wiped away instantly, meaningless pleasure filling its slot.
Your muscles had stopped supporting you, your body nearly becoming lifeless. You silently depended on Killer to keep your body from not falling off of the desk. You laughed imagining this actually happening.
Your eyes screwed shut while your lips had only been able to form, 'yes yes yes!'. You knew his ego was through the roof right now, having a girl under him screaming for more.
And you were right, spot on, actually.
Again, Killer didn't always have women offering themselves to him. You however, would happily flock to him anytime he felt like he needed to relieve some stress.
He looked down at you again, seeing your greedy cunt swallow his cock with urgency put him in a trance. Fuck you took him too good. It was literally as if you were the missing piece to his life.
The way your insides clenched around his length every single time he moved a single muscle, paired with your small and delicate moans... He felt like he'd break you in an instant at such a pace. But he knew you could take it, he wanted you to take all of him every time the two of you do this.
Tears came out of your closed eyes due to the intensity your body was undergoing. It felt fucking phenomenal to be stretched and filled and body bent while being pushed into the uncomfortable wood of the desk. God, you nearly unraveled right there.
Your grip on the desk tightened, knuckled turning a burning white. You couldn't go on forever, you knew that. But with the earlier teasing, you were going to be finished soon.
"Oh fuck yes... Right there fuck yes!!" You screamed, the feeling of pleasure skyrocket when he brushed against that sweet bundle of nerves inside.
"Right here, huh..?" He hummed, large hand caressing the curve of your ass. You panted and whispered something even you didn't know in response. You were just broken at this point.
You were certainly not prepared for when he continued to slam into that desired spot over, and over, and- oh fuck you couldn't handle this shit.
Your orgasm hit you fucking hard, you felt lifeless. Completely and utterly dead.
Seeing you moan and whimper desperately beneath him was, simply, hot as fuck to Killer. The way your body silently begged for more with every thrust, you lightly convulsing and squeezing him when you had gotten close, and the sudden outburst when you had finished... It just kept replaying in his head over, and over, and- oh fuck he couldn't handle this shit.
A deep grunt left him and he pushed deep inside of you again, a quiet whimper coming from you since you were so sensitive. His tip giving a final kiss to your insides, and finally sealing his hot release in you.
You mumbled incoherently while you struggled to get up, trying to pull on your panties.
"Woah, no need to waste." He grinned, pushing a finger into your entrance, keeping his cum inside.
You lightly fell onto his lap, not knowing he'd still stimulate your exhausted nerves. You turned your head into his hard chest and nearly cried.
"Don't be an asshole..." You muttered lowly, looking up at him, "Someone might come in and see."
"So? Maybe it's a kink of yours..." He replied, voice slightly hinting a mischievous undertone.
You snickered, rolling your eyes. When he wasn't so scary, he was quite pleasant to be around.
"Maybe... We might explore some of your kinks too." You giggled, feeling him stiffen at your response. Usually after sex the two of you would go separate ways. You would never bask in the afterglow with him, at least not this long. Talking so casually, too.
You were scared at what the two of you shouldn't become. This was a dangerous life, you couldn't get attached.
And finally the fucking phone rang.
It was as you hadn't just had the best sex of your life, finally this idiot had done what you asked. Who the hell knows why it took him so long.
"Yes? Hello?" You answered, getting off of your comfortable seat, which had been Killer, and leant against the desk.
"What a fucking view..." He mumbled to himself. It seemed that you had forgotten to put your garments on, just how important was this call?
You faked a laugh, this fucker said he went to the wrong island. How. How did that happen..? You would be sure to give him hell when he came back.
"It's okay! It's okay, I'm not mad!" Yeah, you're fucking seething. He was lucky you got remarkable sex out of this.
"Yes, please tell me how much they want for it? Also don't forget to try to swindle them for it, okay? I know you're a shy bastard but you can do it!" You said into the phone. He better get your herbs. You need these stupid little fucking plants or else you couldn't make your medicine.
"Holy shit, that's a lot of money... Well can you try-"
Oh he did not just.
While you were on the phone.
Your assistant constantly asked if you were okay, a shaky answer leaving your red lips.
"Hold on a second sweetie." You said calmly into the phone, acting like you didn't once again, have a huge cock deep inside of you.
"While I'm talking to someone? You couldn't fucking wait?" You whispered, bending slightly. This man had no shame, he wanted you to take it all, clearly.
"Let's see how quiet you can be." He retorted, not even acting like he'd done anything wrong. "Fine, just don't move too much. I don't want anyone on the other line figuring out that we're doing something so scandalous... It's quite rude to do so on the phone." You sighed, removing your hand off of the receiver.
You actually held up quite well, rocking side to side a bit while holding a normal conversation with the shop keeper, haggling about a price. You were so proud of yourself!
“No, put the price lower that’s way too... Too, ah..! Oh fuck..!” You yelled, feeling his large thumb rub harsh circles into your clit. Now everyone knew what you were doing, fucking great.
“Aww, and you were doing so well.” He chuckled, watching you shake under him. You didn’t bother saying anything back to him, too far gone in your own pleasure to care.
How embarrassing... You could try to cover this up, but you don’t know if that would end up well...
“Yes, yes I’m fine... Just stubbed my toe...” You laughed nervously, biting your lip not to let any unwanted noises out.
“How sly.” He smiled, hidden admiration in his voice. You gave him a quick middle finger, cursing at him a couple of times.
“Yeah thanks sweetheart. I’m gonna hang up now okay? Yeah, bye bye.” You spoke, not even hearing anything your assistant had said. You were focused on feeling another great climax, and certainly didn’t care about the price of the plant any longer.
“You’re so fucking wet...”
“Yeah, I wonder why.” Cue the eye roll, “I guess I was right? This is one of your kinks, isn’t it?” He grinned, pushing his cock deeper inside of your warm walls.
“You gonna finish inside of me without warning again?” You muttered, exhaling a shaky breath.
“Only if you want it babe.”
Oh. Oh he had called you babe. Names like those? Oh fuck now you were gonna get attached, and... And...
And maybe that’s okay.
“Fill me up.” You moaned, letting out a gasp of his name that you had chanted like a prayer.
You sure as hell didn’t need to tell him twice.
“Hey,” You looked up at Killer, hugging him under the sheets, “I think I like you.” You sighed, worried for his answer. You had a feeling the worst thing that could happen was a simple no, but hopefully you wouldn’t lose the sex.
He took his warm hands off of you, which you took as a no towards your earlier statement. You felt a tinge of embarrassment, but since you were so tired, you also didn’t care.
He lifted his mask just so his painted lips were shown, he quickly captured your lips in his own and you felt the sparks fly. You initially thought that it was just sexual, but during the day when you had thought of him, goodness, you were oblivious to your own feelings.
“Really now? You’re not just using me for the sex, are you?” He whispered, voice husky and deep in your ear. You reached to scratch his goatee lightly, “Who knows.” You pressed your lips against his once again, sitting upwards and quickly growing hot. Who knew a make out session would be this hot? The mans got mystery, that’s some extra points right there.
“I think I like you too.”
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llamakenma · 4 years
Can you give me some angsty Kageyama.
Idk if you do cheating but like readers been working a lot more during the pandemic maybe like they are a doctor or something and well they come home one night after a very long night and hear groaning and moaning from the bedroom and they go to check it out and sees That Kageyama is cheating.
You don’t have to write it! I’m sorry I just want some Angst, been having a bad few days. Thank you if you do write it! It doesn’t even have to be long!
a kageyama fanfic
note: hi anon! i hope you feel a lot better after reading this! i hope this meets your expectations!! stay safe and take care!!
3:01 am
you finally removed the hundredth layer of mask on you, heaving in a huge breath. it was almost as if you had forgotten how the air felt; how the air smelled. you could feel the air spreading throughout your lungs- filling up every sac of alveoli present- it felt like heaven. your face was free from the constricting medical equipment for the first time in, probably, three weeks and you had never been more thankful for this break you had been granted with.
you had been working day and night- everyone had been- not even catching a wink of sleep since the first patient diagnosed with the symptoms was confirmed to have the disease. that was, until more than thousands and thousands of patients are brought, each one requiring more attention than the last.
you had one day- one day to return to your home- before marching on the battlefield once again. you were desperate to continue the treatments, yet you knew you would not be able to if you did not catch some sleep- you were drained. more than looking forward to get some sleep, you were more eager to feel the touch of the one you had missed so much.
the tiles felt cold against your feet as you stepped into the apartment you shared with him, making your effort to be as quiet as possible. nothing makes him happier more than a good surprise and you dreaded to see his reaction when he would wake up with you greeting him a good morning. a smile reached your lips at the thought of seeing him again after such a exhausting period.
a sudden noise cut off your trail of thoughts, and you went alert at the sound of it, what was it exactly? you were sure it wasn’t the sound of glass crashing nor was it any signals of a burglar breaking it- besides it was impossible to break in from a window that sat on the 76th floor.
with a matter of a few soft steps, you tracked down to the place the sound had originated from, only to stop in front of the room you had planned on entering in the first place. the sound you knew you weren’t supposed to hear had once again reached your ears. you were sure of it- it wasn’t just your imagination- yet you were hoping, praying even, that this sound wasn’t what you think it might be.
your fingers wrapped the handle of the door, opening it ever so slightly. your body started to tremble at the sight you were witnessing, your hand over your mouth. your throat felt constricted, your breaths becoming shallower every second, it was as if all the words you wanted to say had left every inch of your body. you couldn’t believe your eyes, you truly couldn’t. it was only when you fell on the floor, creating a loud thud, did the movements stop and were you recognized.
“(y/n)?” he spoke. you wanted to laugh, you wanted to laugh so much at the audacity to call your name while being connected to another person that wasn’t you. yet, you could still feel your heart racing at the sight of him- this time you were sure- it was racing with sorrow. it was racing with so much sorrow, it was slowly molding itself into anger, and for the first time, you felt the anger seeping through your veins as you watched him push the person off and rush towards you.
he reached out to touch you, as you flinched away from him at the sudden approach. he tried to reach out again, only pulling his hand away when you flinched for the second time.
“(y/n), it’s not what you think, i swear.”
and this time you laughed, you laughed at how he still had the courage to lie to your face even though you had witnessed every single detail of it, when you had seen him in action with your own pair of eyes... how could he?
you still remained speechless at his words- not even desiring to speak to him anymore, you felt like returning to the hospital and pretend that this had never happened, yet at the same time, you wanted to run away from everything.
“how could you..?”
“i’m really sorry (y/n)...”
“but why? did you not have enough patience to just wait for me to come back, do you not understand what i’ve been doing all this time?”
“patience? did you just say that i don’t have enough patience? you’re not even home anymore. do you know how long i wait for you to come back every night? do you know how long i’ve come back to a lonely apartment every day? what made you think that i did not wait for you? i did, every day. who knows what you’ve been doing out there, who cares what you’ve been doing out there. i don’t want to come back to an empty place anymore- its tiring.”
you’ve never felt more like a fool than this moment. he didn’t know what you’ve been doing out there? he didn’t know the reason you’ve not been coming home all these days? does he even know who he was dating?
“you know what kageyama, i don’t give a damn on who you sleep with, hell go ahead bring every one home if it makes you less lonely. I’m leaving.”
you gathered up the last amount of energy you had, as you stood up and retreated from the scene, turning your back on him for the first and last time. grabbing your car keys from the the table top, and your bag filled with most of your essential belongings, you shut the door on the yells of your name.
it was only then did you feel every ounce of tiredness weigh onto you, as tingles befriended your whole body, making you limp against the cushion of your car. tears edged your eyes, as they started to breakout. you could no longer feel any part of your body, as they ached from the longing to go back and fix everything. you wanted to rush back towards the room and feel his hug, maybe just one last time. you knew you were going to lose him somehow, but you weren’t prepared.
you grabbed the sweater you had stuffed in the back of your car- inhaling it’s scent for the very last time- you still longed to remember his scent. after all, you have loved him for so long, and missed him every second of your day, the pain you felt was immense as you tried to hold on. and you knew you’ve held on for too long.
“thought i loved you so, why did you go?”
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sydnee-kom-spacekru · 3 years
Cosmically Connected (Spencer Reid x Reader Fluff)
Disclaimer: The first part of this one-shot is a rewrite of @reidsnose one shot, Cosmically Connected. This is in no way meant to steal credit from them, or steal their work. This is merely a rewrite and extension. I have permission to rewrite this.
Summary: Reid doesn't believe in soul mates, and you convince him. After, you go and watch movies and he reads to you, and things are said.
Warnings: FLUFF, slight language, makes me want to scream just starting to write it, etc. Nothing bad.
A/n: Idk if Reid has watched Harry Potter. So let's just say he hasn't. This is set in season 5. F/c stands for favorite color.
Requested: No. Well, by me but that's it.
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The BAU was had an unusually slow day. Paperwork and jokes were all that went on.
It was just you, Garcia, and Reid left. Even though it was only six in the evening.
You were coming back from the restroom when you heard a loud bang! You panicked, and rushed to the cubicles, getting ready to pull out your gun.
After you realized that nothing was wrong, you noticed that Garcia was the source of the loud noise. She had slammed her hands down on Reid's desk.
You sighed out of relief, "What the hell?" It was part relief, part anger at them for causing you such grief.
Garcia stood straight up, pointing at Reid, who looked amused. "Him." Was all she said.
"Uhm," You breathed out a laugh. "You'll have to fill me in." You were smiling, you adored the people in front of you.
"He, he doesn't believe in soulmates, Y/n. Soulmates! What kind of person..." She trailed off, sitting down in your chair.
Spencer just shrugged, smiling. "I am a man of science, Garcia! And science says no."
You hummed, and he turned towards you, "What's that supposed to mean?" His voice got higher as he went on.
"Because," you said, leaning against his desk. ""Science Man", science says "yes"."
"Oh! Y/n told me about this last Tuesday!" She turned towards you. "You remember, I said you sounded just like boy genius over here." She giggled and waved you on.
You nodded and stood up, stealing Reid's glasses, putting them on. Reid just smiled at you, laughing making you snort.
"Now tell me!" He said impatiently.
"I am, calm down!" You cleared your throat. "So, you know when the big bang or whatever caused the creation of the universe, there were all sorts of molecules and space dust that was together at one point, broke apart. I'm accurate so far, yes Mr. Science Man?" You smirked.
"It's Doctor. And, yes?" He glanced to the sides.
You snickered, then continued. "The whole universe is made of such particles?"
"You're correct."
"And humans are made of previously mentioned space dust?"
"Yeah, that's right." He said cautiously.
"So two people could be made of the sae space dust that was once whole?" He sputtered, you smiled. You knew you had him.
"Y-yeah, I guess that could happen."
"In such a case, these two space dust beings are cosmically connected. They are bound together from the beginning by the beginning." You watched as he slowly became more impressed. "These two souls are connected. In other words;" You paused, wiggling your fingers and underlining the imaginary word, "soulmates!"
You sat back, satisfied with the effect that the words had on him. You knew his brain was racing, you could tell. You watched him as he worked this in his brain. You loved to just watch him think, to exist, every little thing he did brought a blush to your face. Never in your life had you met a person quite like Doctor Spencer Reid. It was quite embarrassing, actually. To have such a ginormous crush on one of your co-workers.
But, you shook off your euphoria, you were convinced he didn't feel the same way. As long as you could be his friend, you were content enough, for now.
He kept opening and closing his mouth, trying to think of something to say. He felt as if you had electrocuted him, but in a good way. A refreshing way. "I-, I can't believe it, Y/n."
"Ha! You did it, Y/n! You proved our very own resident genius wrong!" She smiled an award winning smile, flashing all of her teeth at you.
"So," You grinned at him. "Wha'd'ya say, Brainiac? Convinced yet?"
"Well, Y/n, science is science. Soulmates are true." He cracked a goofy smile.
But what you didn't know is that it wasn't your lecture that convinced him. It was the fact that he believed that he had found his soulmate, right then and there. It was you.
Spencer realized as you were telling him, the way you looked at him, with complete adoration, he thought he was going to melt. He felt his heart rate speed up as he thought about the last couple of weeks, how you were there for him when he needed someone most. How he loved to be around you, how he longed to be. How he felt warm inside when you were around, how he loved every little thing about you. He was then hit with a sudden realization. He loved you.
"Yes!" You practically screamed, snapping him out of his thoughts. He realized that it had only been two seconds, two seconds of him thinking of everything about you.
You jumped off of his desk, and hugged Garcia, who had stood up. You pulled back, now you were both chanting "Science says soulmates! Science says soulmates!" You sat down, and Garcia pushed you in your chair around the office.
Garcia pushed you down the hallway, the sound of you guys' laughter fading off.
Morgan came into the office, slapping Reid on the back, laughing. "When are you going to tell her?"
"I don't know, probably never. Maybe not even then." Reid shrugged. Then, desperate to change the subject, he quickly said, "By the way, what are you doing here, Morgan?"
"No no no, Man! Don't change the subject. Why not?"
Reid turned red, "She isn't into me like that, Morgan. You've seen the guys she's gone out with." He scoffed.
Morgan sat down, getting serious. "Come on, Reid. You're a profiler, you have to know she's into you." Spencer just shrugged, but enjoyed the idea of you liking him back.
Morgan just hung his head, laughing. He stood up. "I can't wait to tell you I told you so."
"Then you'll be waiting for a long time."
"Ah! But not forever, Pretty Boy. Not forever!" He laughed as he walked out.
Reid laughed, but a small smile tugged at his lips at the idea of a relationship with you.
"Damn it." You sighed in resignation at your phone. You were getting ready to leave, to head to a friends house. Have a Harry Potter Marathon, watch all of them consecutively. You baked 200 cookies, literally.
And they just cancelled on you. You spun in your chair, you were disappointed to say the least. You've had this planned for a month.
Reid walked up behind you, peering over your shoulder. "What's the matter?"
You sighed, leaning your head back and looking at him. "It's nothing, my friend just cancelled on me. She's sick." He pursed his lips, "Oh, I'm sorry Y/n." You shrugged.
"Can I do anything for you?" He sat down in his desk, which was in front of yours, facing you. You guys only had laptops, so it was easy to see over them.
You thought as you packed your stuff. You both headed to the door, it was dark even though it was only seven. It was November. "I guess you could come over and help me eat all of the cookies I made. And you could have a Harry Potter marathon with me." You grinned, looking up at him.
"Okay," he paused. "How many movies are there?" You stopped as you came to your car.
"Have you never seen or read Harry Potter?"
"No, it didn't interest me." You raised your eyebrows.
"Okay, then we'll start the books tonight." You stated, and opened the passenger seat for him.
The ride to your apartment was quiet, The Arctic Monkeys played softly in the background. It started to sprinkle. You were nearly home, maybe five minutes.
"Hey Spencer?" You started.
"Hmm?" He turned to face away from the window and look at you.
"Do you really believe in soulmates now?" You shifted in the driver seat, glancing over at him.
He didn't hesitate to answer, "Yes." His breathing had sped up. "Uhm, Actually," You came to a stop at the red light, and turned up the heat, it was cold. "I think that I've met mine." He barely blinked as he waited for your reaction.
Your heart sunk, but you recovered. Quickly telling yourself it was never going to happen anyways. "Really?" You voice sounded unnatural, but you didn't know how to fix it. "Who is it?"
He hesitated. "I'm not sure I want to tell anyone just yet."
You swallowed, and resumed driving after a car behind you honked at you.
You waved at them as they passed you by, mouthing "Sorry."
You pulled into the parking garage, taking out an umbrella from the trunk. You could hear the rain beating down on the floors above you. Spencer got out of the car, coming up beside you and putting his hand on your shoulder, making you shiver. "I'm sorry, I didn't bring an umbrella." He shouted over the thunder, but at the lat second it ended, and his voice echoed throughout the garage. A mother holding her baby glared at him, and he whispered sorry. After she was gone, you both burst out laughing.
"That's alright," you said as soon as you calmed down. "We can share. But you have to hold it, my arm would get tired." You smiled at him, handing him the umbrella. He unravelled it, and it had a hole in it. Right in the center.
"Oh no." You said, dragging out the 'o', groaning. "It's too big, it wouldn't cover us up anyways. I hope you have extra clothes." You chuckled.
"Wait," He shrugged off the trench coat he was wearing, and held it over both of you. "There we go." He sounded proud of himself. You just giggled at him, and held yours and his things close to you.
You ran across the street, trying to keep up with Reid.
You flopped down on your couch, Reid stood there awkwardly with the sopping coat. "Shoot! Sorry, here give it to me." You stood up and reached for it, and went to put it into the washer.
"It should be done pretty quick," you hollered from the laundry room, "my washer and dryer-" You turned around, then yelled. Reid was standing right there.
"Jesus! Spencer you scared the living hell out of me!" You smacked his chest.
"Sorry, I heard you talking and I came back here..." He backed up to let you by.
You sighed, laughing and turning on the heat. It was freezing in your apartment. "Come on, I have literally over two hundred cookies in my kitchen, and I have the first book in my room." You point out the kitchen, and tell him to grab the cookies.
You went to your room, looking through your book shelves for the first book. "Ah-ha!" You whisper shouted to yourself, you had found the Sorcerer's Stone. You grabbed it off the shelf, and went back down the hallway.
"Hey, Spence! I found..." You trailed off as you found Spencer on the floor in your living room, with a large plate piled high of the different kinds of cookies you made. He was watching some random movie that was on. You just set the book down on the table, and sat down next to him, taking a cookie off the plate. He smiled close lipped at you, "These cookies are so good, Y/n." He looked adorable, he was so happy. You couldn't help but look at him for a little while, he kept laughing at random parts in the movie.
About an hour and forty-six (Spencer counted) cookies later, the movie was over. "I need to go shopping, so I don't have very much food in here besides leftovers." You said, opening the fridge. It was nearly empty, day-old Chinese, a small bottle of orange juice, and just a smidge of cookie dough. "Do you wanna order some pizza?"
You heard Spencer get up and enter the kitchen. "Do what? I heard you say that you had leftovers, but not the second part."
You turned around. "I asked," you paused, turning around and closing the fridge. "If you wanted to order pizza. Or I could just drop you off at your apartment." You added the last part quickly, not thinking about it until the last second. You walked back to the living room, sitting down sideways on the loveseat, your feet up on the second cushion. He came and picked up your feet, sat down, and put them back on his lap.
"We can order pizza, what kind do you want?" He asked you. You shrugged.
"How about we just get hot wings." You suggested.
"Oh my God, my mouth is on fire." You laughed. "We shouldn't have gotten the ghost pepper flavour."
Spencer was whining, waving his hands in front of his mouth. You burst out laughing, he glared at you but he was smiling. "Hey! This isn't funny."
You groaned, drinking some water. "Shit. That didn't help." You whined, sticking out your tongue. Spencer had gone to your kitchen, you didn't notice.
"I found Orange Juice. Can I have some?" He asked, faking desperation. It was a cheep little bottle, one you get from the dollar store.
"Yeah, just don't drink it all." He took a long drink, and handed it to you. He sighed in relief.
"It's better. Did you know, the reason the orange juice helps is because of the..." You weren't listening. You weren't trying to be rude, but you were just focused on the orange juice. You finished the small bottle and set it down on the table next to the empty container that smelled spicy. You laid down on the loveseat, closing your eyes for a second. It was only ten, but you were unusually sleepy.
"...Neat, right?" You just nodded. You were sleepy, and you still wanted to read with Spencer.
"Y/n? Are you tired?" He sat down in the space between the coffee table and the loveseat, and you felt his put his hand on your cheek, rubbing over your cheekbone with his thumb. You opened your eyes, a sleepy smile on your face.
"I have to take you home." You said, but made no move to get up.
"Hey, shh." He brushed your hair out of your face, causing you to turn red. "I can sleep on the couch here tonight."
You sighed contently, "You should come read Harry Potter to me." You whispered. You were in a daze, half asleep and unsure if this was real or not.
"Okay." Reid whispered, and waited a few seconds. When you didn't move, he reached under your head, and your legs. Then picked you up.
You woke with the sudden movement, "Sorry, you can put me down now." He set you down in the hallway, and you stumbled to your room. You pulled back the f/c blanket, and laid down. You patted the spot next to you, and he climbed in next to you.
You scooted closer to him, snuggling into his side. "Can you read to me please?" He nodded, not that you could see, but started reading.
""Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of Number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say they were perfectly normal, thank you very much."" He started playing with your hair mindlessly, lulling you to sleep even faster.
"Spence." You looked up at him, your eyes were droopy. He raised his eyebrows, asking you what was wrong. "Can you sleep in here, please?"
"Yeah, I will." He said gently. You nodded, and laid back down. You barely heard the rest of the first paragraph.
You were running through a hallway. The lights flashing. Someone was chasing you, screaming things at you. But you couldn't hear, it was like the words were blurred. You glanced back, he was right behind you. You tried to run faster, but when you turned back around, there was blood spattered everywhere. It made you stumble. The unsub caught up with you, tackling you to the floor. He grabbed onto your neck, and bashed your head into the ground-
You woke up with a jolt, terrified, in a cold sweat. You grabbed onto Spencer in pure reflex, waking him up. He sat up quickly, reaching over to turn the light on. It let off a soft light, and you saw the book on your bedside table with a bookmark in near the end.
"What's wrong?" He cupped your face in his hands, brushing your hair out of your face.
Your breathing was shallow, and your heart was racing. You were having a minor panic attack. "Spence," You breathed out, it was like you couldn't stop moving, you had to convince yourself you were safe. "I can't- I can't- I can't breathe." You were sweating, horrified that the unsub was going to find you.
He held you close, trying to soothe you. "I need you to breathe with me, Y/n." Your chest was heaving, you struggled to get your breathing under control. You nodded, and tried to breathe with him as he showed you to breathe in and out. You were tugging at the bottom of your shirt, until Spencer grabbed your hands in his and started covering them.
"You'll be alright," he whispered, pulling you close again. You had calmed down, now silent tears were falling down your face. You were just trying to listen to the sound of his heart beating.
"Do you want to talk about it? Talking about your feelings actually have positive effects. Talking leads to Catharsis, which is the feeling of relief." He toys with your hair while you tell him about the nightmare. "I'm so sorry."
He pulled away from you, looking at you. "I just want you to know, I will never let that happen to you." You pulled him back to you, you probably looked like a mess. "What time is it?"
"It's one in the morning."
"Can we go back to sleep, please?" He nodded, and lay back, taking you with him. You sniffed. "Can you read, please?" He reached over to grab the book, and resumed reading.
"I'm on the last page, I hope you don't mind that I read ahead."
"Of course not, I'm surprised you didn't finish the entire series."
He laughed a little, then five minutes later, ""...I'm going to have a lot of fun with Dudley this summer. . ."" You sighed, you were calm now. Still shook up from the nightmare, but calm.
"Do you have the nightmares often?" He whispered to you, tracing circles on your back.
"Yeah, almost every night." Your eyes were closed, and you were close to sleep. He lifted his head up, hesitated and laid back down.
Another ten minutes went by, you were nearly asleep when you heard Spencer say something. "You're my space dust." He sounded groggy, and you had convinced yourself he was sleep talking. But you still hoped.
You woke up to your alarm at seven-thirty. You were laying on top of Spencer, between his legs. "Sorry. Do you want me to drive you home so you can change?"
"How about we call in sick, it's just paperwork today." He sounded tired.
"Okay, I'll text Hotch." Though neither of you made a move to actually text him for another hour. When you did, he just smiled at his phone. The entire team had suspicions about the two of you, although you had never acted on it.
After, you both just laid there together, until you remembered what you thought you heard last night.
"Spencer?" You asked hesitantly.
"What's up, Y/n?" You were laying next to him, head on his chest. His arms were wrapped around you, which is weird. Because he's generally not very touchy.
"I think you said something last night. But I'm not sure that I heard you correctly..." You were timid, and you felt him tense up.
"W-what do you think y-you heard?" He stopped moving completely now, but you were very fidgety.
"I don't want this to ruin our friendship, but I thought I heard you say that I was your space dust. D-did you say that? Do you mean that- that..." You rambled on, just until Spencer interrupted you.
"Y/n." You stopped talking, and you both sat up. "I mean it like that." You sucked in a breath.
"I need to hear it." Your voice was shaky, and your throat was burning. But you didn't want to cry, you couldn't cry in front of him again.
He grabbed your hands in his, took a deep breath, and "Y/n, I-I love you." You couldn't help it, you pulled him to, and pressed your lips to his. It was like fireworks had gone off.
Your stomach was turning, Spencer had one hand on the back of your neck, and the other was holding one of yours. You had never kissed anyone and felt something deep inside you like this.
You pulled away from him, smiling. "You're my space dust too, Spence." And you gave him one last kiss before getting up and going to make breakfast
AHHHH IT'S FINISHED lmk if you like it
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stickthisbig · 2 years
So I forgot I wrote a whole post about taking ketamine and never posted it? TW for discussion of depression, mostly legal drug use. TL;DR: I took a bunch of ketamine, AMA
Starting in... March? of 2022, I did a course of ketamine assisted therapy (KAT)!  Ketamine for pain has been used for a while, but I took it for treatment-resistant depression. It’s a newish kind of therapy, and from my learnings it’s primarily used in the US.
The whole idea with KAT is that you take ketamine as a cotherapy with psychiatric drugs and counseling. Ketamine stimulates the growth of neurotransmitters; when you're depressed, your brain activity decreases, and ketamine therapy bumps it back up. This means that the uptake of your standard medications increases, so they work better. (There are multiple sources about this available, I’m not linking to one in particular because I don’t know enough about the literature to pick a 100% trustworthy one.)
Which all sounded like bullshit at the beginning, but I was so depressed I wanted to hamburger time. KAT is for people for whom multiple traditional therapies in a row have failed, especially ones who have both depression/bipolar disorder and anxiety. It kind of has a perfect audience, because to even be offered it, you have to be a person who believes in psychiatric medicine even if it hasn't worked, and also has nothing to live for. By the time it was offered I was like "well hell yeah, let's get high, what's the worst that can happen?"
It's worth stating that KAT is increasingly used as an alternative to ECT, and though it has an acute effect, a full course takes several months. So it's not for people who are actively on the ledge, but people who, as Dorothy Parker put it, might as well live.
So you go into a room at the doctor's office and get high! The kind of drug used is, here in this part of the US, produced by a compounding pharmacy in a nasal suspension (ketamine for pain or tranquilizer is usually injected or distributed orally). My doctor's office prides itself on maximizing the effects by providing a safe, comfortable, less sterile atmosphere; some doctors treat it more clinically. My course was 7 treatments (one a week x 4 weeks, two a month x 1 month, once a month x 1 month), but some people do more or less.
And then, idk man, you just sit there and are high for about 2 hours. The effects peak at 40 minutes, then the rest is comedown. You have heard of a k-hole, where you take too much and disassociate from your body? It’s considered a negative effect when used as a party drug, but for KAT, you are actively supposed to go into a k-hole. The stages it followed for me were
I ain't getting high on this at all, this was a waste of money
I Have A Great Idea, Nay, The Greatest
The K-Hole
Sleeping it off
It's hard to describe what a k-hole is like? It's not like detachment, or the losing track of yourself mentally you get with some disorders. I literally felt myself leave my physical body, which existed as an outline or a void, like my essence had been carved out with a knife and left a hole in reality, like my consciousness was attached by flimsy tethers or nothing at all.
It was wild. 
But Sabine! Surely you've done a ton of other drugs! You can hang! 
Actually, I've only done a little bit of pot (and loads of alcohol). I've accidentally hallucinated a handful of times on legal drugs or due to high fever, and I h a t e d it. I always experienced that as there being an illusory world that I couldn’t escape from. From my point of view during KAT, what I was experiencing on ketamine wasn't real but also wasn't a hallucination?? I wasn't in an illusory world, but this one, where weird shit was happening but authentically, as part of the real world. 
I suspect it has to do with the fact I previously hallucinated as a side effect of drugs that aren't actually hallucinogenic, and I knew even in the hallucination it wasn't supposed to be happening? You might find ketamine very scary if you didn't know it caused disassociation. Idk. 
And the results! 
What it's done for me is let me feel my own feelings. I've had mostly good days since, because my depression doesn't compel me to feel sad for no reason. I've been super feisty this week, but I feel angry because I need to get a new job; I feel righteous in this anger but not compelled to feel it. I have enough wherewithal to unpick it and say, "I feel this because I am frustrated, my boss is less supportive than I need, therapy has been bringing up a lot of hard shit that I'm still unpacking."
And that's what I want! So many people with psychiatric disorders will tell you about that one drug they took that was some We Happy Few shit and stopped them from having the capacity to be sad. I don't want that; I want the highs and the lows, but both of them at a reasonable level.
So for side effects, really the only ones are in the first few days after. It makes me extremely quiet and in my head for a while. It also makes me stumble over my words for a few days. That eventually went away, and a month out from the last dose, I haven't noticed any side effects at all. The two things that suck about it are that insurance doesn't cover it and that for 24 hours afterwards, you're not legally allowed (at least in this state) to drive, operate machinery, sign contracts, etc. I also don't know if it's given to minors or outside the US. 
The cost is… not great, because I don't know that any insurer covers it. I shelled out right at $1600 for the full course. But, our healthcare system is so damn broken that that's two months of Latuda, another choice I had (and would have to pay for perpetually). For me, my savings could take the hit. I viewed it as an investment into myself, and also, I was so fuckin' depressed that I was like "I won't need money when I'm dead (next week)." 
Would I tell you to do ketamine? If you’re offered it at the club, 100% say no, it causes blood pressure spikes and can be dangerous in an uncontrolled environment. Would I tell you to undergo KAT? I’m not your doctor, but I can tell you that I had an experience that was nothing but positive. It put a dent in my wallet, but I’m not dead, and I might have been otherwise. It’s really nothing to be afraid of, in my experience, so if you get the chance and it’s right for you, consider going for it.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Thor’s twin
Thor Odinson x twin!reader
prompt: @locke-writes: “Wait Lacey I have a headcanon idea if you’re willing to write it. Headcanons for being Thor’s twin??? Idk man I feel like that could be unbridled chaos”
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okay, i believe that odin and frigga refused to tell the two of you who was born first
“either one of you could earn the throne, but you need to prove that you can handle the responsibility” -odin
jokes on him, neither of you cared for the opportunity to rule
you two were much better suited as warriors
you were both able to weild mjölnir, which created...disagreements
“i should have mjölnir! i lifted it first!” -you
“only because you pushed me out of the way!” -thor
“will you two just rip each other apart already?” -loki
speaking of loki, his pranks always exhausted you
especially when you appeared to have woken up in your twin brother’s body
“wh-what is this? LOKI!!!”
he always got a kick out of it
and the celebrations of victory? they never disappointed
“brother! another victory on the battlefield, but was there any other doubt?” -you
“of course not, y/n! at this rate, i don’t think we’ll ever fall!” -thor
“don’t put your hammer where your mouth is” -you
you and thor were definitely unstoppable fighting together, both blessed to be literal gods
“eyes front, thor! the fight’s not over yet!”
when you walked beside each other, sometimes you’d summon mjölnir to your hand
it always annoyed the hell out of him
“give that back”
“i don’t think i will”
“y/n, i’m serious”
“come and get it”
“that’s it!”
*swatting and wrestling in the middle of the hallway*
sometimes frigga would even catch the two of you arguing
“oh, my children. would you quit your bickering for just one moment?” -frigga
“but mother, y/n took my hammer!” -thor
“you’ll just have to learn how to share” -frigga
as the years flew by, there was always something crazy to occupy you
especially the day that thor had been banished, which hadn’t exactly gone as planned for loki
you were supposed to be banished, as well
“i suppose the future of the throne is your responsibility now, my child” -odin
“i...i don’t know what to say” -you
“but y/n doesn’t desire the throne one bit, i would have no problem stepping up, father” -loki
“we’ll deal with this later, brother” -you
you had to plan something with sif and the warrior’s three
yes, it was treason, but your brother would always be worth it. no matter how much you two argued, he was your other half
now you found yourself on earth, it was such an odd-looking place
and then you were chased by a destroyer
“thor, you must get to safety! i will not lose you again!” -you
“hi there, i’m jane...” -jane, obviously
“hello, lady jane! i’m y/n, thor’s twin!” *blocks debris* “i must go now!”
life didnt get much more simple after that, especially since loki had died (or so you thought) and the bifrost was completely destroyed, it would take a long time to fix any of the damages that asgard suffered
mourning over loki felt right and wrong at the same time, he betrayed you and your family, but you’d never stop loving him
he would always be your brother
as time went on, you had to visit earth once again because of...loki
“i should have known” -you
“yes, you should have” -thor
“you didn’t know, either!” -you
“and they call us petty?” -any SHIELD agent or avenger
loki mocked you when he was captured
“you were nothing but loved growing up, brother. what happened?” -you
“there was a shadow cast over me, thor’s shadow. don’t tell me you haven’t noticed it, either. odin only ever truly notices him and all of his feats” -loki
“you tell nothing but lies, loki. i won’t fall for them and i will not help you. you should stop while you’re ahead”
“so you agree that i’m ahead?”
threatening loki with mjölnir
ppl actually called mjölnir “thor’s hammer”
“i think you mean our hammer” -you
the battle of new york was admittedly terrifying, you knew loki had it in him, but seeing it in the moment just hurt you
it was possible you had a guilty conscience
but the avengers saved the day (mostly) and you brought loki and the tesseract home
and loki was sentenced to an eternity in prison
“hey, thor, think i’d have a shot at lady sif?” -you teasing the hell out of him
“shut up. you won’t make me jealous no matter what you say. my heart belongs to—” -thor
“the midgardian, i know”
you did sort of make him jealous tho ngl
aaanyways you pushed him to go see jane again, it had been too long to leave a midgardian waiting. their lives were short.
and you got to see her again! unfortunately you lost your mother that same day
and you were p i s s e d
murder? murder. (murder)
you may or may not have broke into the vault to get a weapon you could truly call your own
and then went against your better judgement and took loki to off-world with you
“y/n—” -loki
“shut up” -you
but you wish you had listened to what he had to say since you had the bear the loss of loki once again
now you had two family members to avenge
speaking of avenging, you steered clear of the avengers because......they were nuts
“y/n! you know, we could use another god like yourself on our team” -tony
“thor won’t help power your building, will he?” -you
“you got me” -tony
“so, you and thor are twins? who’s older?” -steve
“we actually don’t know!” -you
“oh...neat” -steve
“you know, thor was crying the first time he tried to lift that hammer of his” -clint
“i have no doubt about that” -you
“thor always talks about fighting in wars, but he never gives us any details. has he really fought wars?” -natasha
“oh, plenty of them! my brother and i have fought side by side in countless battles, you’ve even witnessed one! in new york!” -you
“how could i forget?” -nat
okay getting past all that, you focused on getting a headstart on some more *prophetic* instances that thor caught up to you on
and once you got back to asgard, you knew there was something wrong
“are you kidding me? loki? again?” -you
“hello, sibling. it’s nice to see you again” -loki
“why are you the way that you are?” -you
“that’s enough, y/n” -thor
✨going to midgard for odin who instead gave you a homicidal sister✨
hela was not nice at all. at ALL.
your heart broke when she shattered mjölnir
and loki made a bad call to open the bifrost for the whole odinspawn family
and next thing you knew, you were on sakaar
“thor? what the hell?” -you
“y/n! oh, it’s so good to see you! help me out here, please!” -thor
“i’m sorry, brother, but me and loki have been playing the loving brother/sibling act to keep it civil. this place...it’s unlike any place we’ve ever seen. we need to be smart. and we need to get back to asgard.” -you
“yes, we do. there is no doubt in my mind that hela is destroying asgard as we speak” -thor
“right, well...i don’t think loki will be joining us because, he and, uh, the grandmaster as they call him...they sort of formed a relationship” -you
trying to break thor out of prison and oh....hulk is here? that was unexpected
“y/n! y/n, that mean girl who kidnapped me? a valkyrie. a real life valkyrie!” -thor
“what?! father told us they had all died!” -you
“i think it would be safest to disregard everything father has ever told us” -thor
“i very much like that idea” -you
kicking absolute ass on your way out
you and valkyrie teamed up, so you had to say your goodbyes to loki early on, he made it clear he wanted to stay
“you will always be my brother, loki. i wish you well on your journey to find your place in this life. and i do love you, remember that” -you, giving him a hug
“...thank you, y/n. i...me, too” -loki
yet he came back for you in the end
after thor had lost his eye, he’d unlocked his true power........not to be a sore winner, but you’d unlocked yours first while he was on earth
but you two together? that should have been unstoppable
yet you weren’t
“what the hel? she should be dead!” -you
“we need to go” -valkyrie
“wait, i have one more idea” -thor
and that idea was the idea that ended asgard
but you’d create a new asgard
but then half of asgard was murdered by thanos! and you and thor were stranded in space! and loki actually died! and you were saved by space pirates! and were flirted with by half of their crew!
“thor, you need to see dmitri, you need a new weapon if we’re going to finish off thanos” -you
okay, well you and the “guardians of the galaxy” went after infinity stones instead, you knew that one day you’d have to
running into tony stark in space?????
“y/n? what are you doing here?” -tony
“i’m here to kill thanos, what are you doing here, stark? who are these two?” -you
“hi, i’m peter! that’s mister—doctor strange” -peter
everyone turned to dust after thanos escaped and you, tony, and nebula went to star-lord’s ship
and were saved by captain marvel
and reunited with thor
“y/n, by odin’s beard, i thought i had lost you” -thor
“it’s alright, i’m here now” -you
starting up new asgard and watching your brother fall into a depression that caused you to do most of the heavy lifting in this new kingdom
“are you still playing fortnite, brother? it’s five in the morning” -you
“can you pass...” *belch* “just pass me another beer” -thor
and after 5 years, you got to go back to asgard? but asgard from 10 years prior
“mother...” -you
“y/n, we have a mission” -rocket
“i know, i know...where’s thor?” -you
running into your mother while getting thor
“hello, mother. i...yes, hello” -you
“hello, my child. i hope that the future is treating you well” -frigga
“it isn’t, but thank you, mother. i love you” -you
and then you were back on earth and had to comfort thor, who was self-loathing again
but the work had been restored by a simple snap!
and you and thor were able to fight a real fight once more, summoning mjölnir again was invigorating
and there was some kind of bittersweet win here, one i’ve covered plenty of times
“it was fitting for such a great battle to be our final one for now” -thor
“you’re leaving?” -you
“i am, but i trust you’ll take care of our people like you always do. i will see you again, dear sibling. one day” -thor
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck //
369 notes · View notes
Take Your Father to Work Day (S2, E4)
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As many people have said: This is one of the STRONGEST Prodigal Son episodes to date. It was incredible. My time-stamped thoughts for this episode are below. 
I reference Malcolm’s mental health and sexual violence in this one. So if that’s going to be a trigger for you, don’t keep reading.
0:16 - OMG. Destiny’s Child. Whoever is in charge of the soundtrack for this show needs a raise. Or an award. It’s SOO GOOD.
0:18 - How great is this montage of Martin’s prison life too? I mean the insane mundanity of it combined with “Survivor” and Michael Sheen’s incredible acting is some perfect mix between hilarious, captivating, and just brilliant. 
1:06 - I feel so bad for Mr.David. He has to deal with Martin’s theatrics every day. Poor guy looks done in this episode.
1:35 - CAN HECTOR BECOME A BIGGER CHARACTER?! PLEASE. He’s hilarious and I love him. “Bro. You got your ass jumped at Sunday School.”
2:09 - Wait. What? Jerry’s getting released?!? I mean, I understand that he’s no longer in need of psychiatric care......but he still killed someone. Shouldn’t he just be getting transferred to a different prison?
2:25 - Does Jerry have a death wish?!?! He’s talking about being released in a room full of jealous murderers. Everyone looks sooooo pissed at Jerry. 
2:54 - Martin is such a liar. However - Michael Sheen’s performance is astoundingly good. Like he shines brighter than usual in this episode. 
 3:17 - Poor Malcolm. “What’s going on?” Poor boy looks terrified. 
3:23 - I love everything about this scene. I love how freaked out Malcolm is. I love you extra Jessica is. BUT HANS. Holy shit. I want Hans in every episode. He’s crazy in a good way and such a beautiful comedic relief. 
3:30 - OMG.  “Skinny milennial” might be the best thing anyone has ever called Malcolm. Someone please tell JT and Dani - hell, even Gil. They would tease him forever and I want to see it. 
3:45 - 1) Malcolm is a terrible liar. 2) Jessica knows he’s lying. 3) This story about the wine is interesting. I wonder when and how Malcolm first told Jessica the story. Was it the same night? AND HOW DID ENDICOTT’S BODY END UP IN ESTONIA?!? I WANT MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THAT NIGHT. 
3:54 - “Ainsley and I came back from the hospital after Gil’s stabbing.”....we never saw Ainsley at the hospital. Was she there and left before Malcolm got there? Or is this a plot hole I need to ignore?
4:05 - The way that the flashbacks of Endicott’s murder is spliced into this scene with Malcolm’s cover story is so perfectly executed. It’s so captivating and so so well done.
4:14 - Malcolm’s eyes look quite manic during the retelling of this story. Poor guy is desperate to have everyone believe the story. Poor guy probably wants to convince himself that the story is true. 
4:16 - Wait. What? Ainsley has always been clumsy? .....interesting. I’ve seen no evidence of it but I’ll believe it for the sake of the plot. 
4:23 - “At least one of you has a soul.” Holy shit.  hahaha Hans is brutal. I love him so much. I also love how this line makes me, as a viewer, think “does that mean the writers want me to think that Ainsley doesn’t have a soul?” ...or more likely that she doesn’t feel emotion (which can be interpreted as a lack of a soul). That she’s a psychopath like Martin?
4:27 - OMG. Jessica loves Hans. He speaks to her dramatic rich woman soul. So entertaining. 
4:30 - Poor. Malcolm. This boy is always in some sort of emotional turmoil. For once I wish he was happy (but also I love the emotional whump so if that could continue that would be great). 
4:44 - “It’s so much more than that.” *chef’s kiss* comedic genius.  I would watch a whole episode of Mr.David making fun of Martin. But can we all just take a minute to appreciate that Martin doesn’t seem bothered at all that Mr.David is basically verbally telling him that he sucks? It’s almost like Martin thinks they’re friends?
4:50 - Martin is strangely chill talking to Mr.David in this scene. It’s a little off-putting. He almost seems normal. He’s not putting on his usual theatrics or ranting about doctor stuff. It makes you wonder how many different sides of Martin that Mr.David has witnessed. 
5:01 - “Oh no. Not Jerry.” LMAO. HOLY SHIT. Michael Sheen needs an Emmy. His delivery of that line might be the funniest thing this show has ever given us. hahahahaha
5:29 - Damn. This is not Gil’s month. First Jessica dumps him. Then he has to deal with Martin Whitly in the flesh. That plus the on-going drama of worrying about Malcolm’s mental health and the stress of reintegrating into work after a STAB WOUND.
5:31 - Gil’s face. hahahahaha he’s like, “Kill me. This can’t be happening. I hate everything. I wish the ground would open up and swallow me whole.”
5:37 - “Yeah. Why’d you do it?” GIL. OMG. I’m so proud of Gil for dissing Martin to his face. BUT ALSO I worry that that’s going to give Martin more of a reason to hate Gil. I’m genuinely scared that the writers have Martin escaping as the pre-finale episode and Martin trying to kill Gil as the finale. Maybe Gil shows up trying to save Malcolm, AInsley, and Jessica (whom Martin is trying to abduct or hurt or something) idk I just feel like it’s going to be a likely subplot somewhere. I don’t want an attempt on Gil’s life to become a season finale tradition. 
5:56 - Ew. “Gilly” That is a terrible nickname. I think I threw up a little. 
6:00 - Damn. I love this scene. I could watch Martin and Gil pretending to be civil to each other for years. So entertaining. 
6:29 - hahahahaha OMG. Gil’s reaction to Martin saying, “Thank you” PLUS Edrisa’s sudden excitement at realizing she’s 10 ft away from Malcolm’s Dad - a medical legend, is magical.
6:35 - Not gonna lie. When Edrisa said, “Ok. I’m gonna play it cool.” I had to pause my TV and walk away to calm down. I was experiencing a mixture of second hand embarrassment for Edrisa’s inevitable behaviour, excitement for what is to come, and fear that Martin would be a jerk to our precious Edrisa. 
6:44 - Edrisa and Martin interacting was everything I’d hoped. It was strange, funny, sweet, and disturbing at the same time. The sweet, eccentric girl who attends cuddle parties is getting buddy-buddy with a literal serial killer. Hilarious. Even better is Gil’s background reactions as he desperately tries to keep Edrisa away from the psychopath. hahaha <3 
7:12 - Gil is currently living in a nightmare. hahahahaha 
7:47 - I love this. I love how Malcolm and Ainsley interact. Malcolm is such a good big brother. IDK something about these two adult siblings chilling on a couch and warning each other about Mom’s current rampage reminds me of myself and my younger brother. <3 Warms my cold dead heart. <3 PLUS has anyone else noticed that (as long as Ainsley isn’t hounding Malcolm about a story or airing out his mental health diagnoses like the bs from Q&A) Malcolm is extremely calm around Ainsley. Like maybe the calmest we’ve ever seen him?
8:20 - “Oh Ainsley, that’s a horrible idea.” This is adorable. Malcolm is totally acting like Ainsley’s surrogate dad. He’s trying so hard to protect her. <3 
8:42 - There’s something about the way that Malcolm says, “Hey Gil” that makes my heart swell. Idk why. I just their father/son relationship. So much. And it makes me so happy to see Malcolm having semi-normal interactions with people in general. 
8:48 - This. Is. The. Funniest. Episode. Of. Prodigal. Son. To. Date. Holy shit. The comical dread on Malcolm’s face. Martin’s glee on the phone. Gil’s general “done with life” body language. Ainsley’s utter joy at her luck. MALCOLM DRAINING THE ALKA-SELTZER. Ainsley saying “chug chug”. So perfect. 
9:27 - Is it just me or has Jessica been showing way more concern for her children’s well-being this season? At first I thought it was because she was so happy with Gil....but that’s not a thing anymore (because Jessica is a MORON - seriously if this show gets cancelled before Gil and Jessica are living happily ever after I will riot) so now Idk. 
10:02 - EDRISA WHY DID YOU NOT TELL GIL AND MALCOLM THAT THE SURGEON WAS ON THE PHONE?!? For a hot second, poor Malcolm looks like he thinks he’s hallucinating. 
10:40 - Gil hanging up on Martin and then telling Edrisa that she needs to make new friends is everything. It’s vicious. Gil looks absolutely furious in this scene and I love it. 
11:07 - Yo. Edrisa’s got some baggage. hahaha Malcolm looks soooo uncomfortable with her outburst.
11:18 - I would pay good money to watch Martin and Gil have a pissing match in front of Malcolm every episode. It’s amazing. They’re constantly trying to one-up each other. The tension is palatable. And someone Malcolm is the only one acting like a mature, working adult. Malcolm. My mentally unstable, skinny millennial. 
11:34 - OH SHIT. Martin did not just bring Jessica into this. Oh SNAP. Does Martin know that Jessica dumped Gil?!? 
11:56 - “I’m going to need a little more than that.” Damn. Malcolm looks pissed here. Pretty sure he hates that Martin just brought up Gil/Jessica. Malcolm’s bio-dad and real dad are fighting and it’s very clear that Malcolm is on Gil’s side.
12:17 - The look that Gil and Malcolm share here is perfect. I love it so much. You can see how annoyed they both are, how much they hate that they need Martin on this case, how much neither of them want Martin’s help. <3 
12:23 - SOMEONE GIVE GIL A MEDAL. This man just grit his teeth, smiled, and let MARTIN WHITLY - the man who tried to KILL HIM work on his case. Why? Because Malcolm silently asked him to. Because Gil loves Malcolm and knows that it’s better for Martin to work with them officially than for Malcolm to work with Martin in secret. At least this way he can look out for Malcolm. 
12:42 - “It’s taken Dr. Marsh years...” soooo was Dr. Marsh the name of the Asian doctor leading group therapy last season? Is this just a new actor, same character scenario? OR am I supposed to forget that Asian doctor existed last season? 
13:04 - I can’t tell if Gil hates this whole “father-son in group therapy idea”. He looks kind of like he hates it (although he is looking at Martin in the shot). I’m inclined to think that Gil is worried. He doesn’t like how nice Martin is acting toward Malcolm. He doesn’t want Malcolm to get hurt again. BUT I also think there’s probably a part of Gil that thinks group therapy might be beneficial for Malcolm’s mental health? I mean it was only ever going to be terrible or amazing. Nothing in between. 
13:12 - “They hate you don’t they?” GIL BRINGING THE FIRE. hahahaha angry Gil is really funny.
13:43 - OH HELL YES. More Hector. <3
13:46 - hahaha YES. Hector this is Malcolm - the son. You know, the one you had to role-play? hahaha I feel like Hector is a really cool dude (aside from the murder). 
13:53 - Damn. Hector pays attention in group. He has a lot of info about Malcolm. I would’ve thought the other inmates would just tune Martin out when he starts his monologues. 
13:59 - “He’s got a thing with hands?” hahahaha OMG. How did I never connect the hand thing. DOES Malcolm have a thing with hands? ....I kind of want that to be cannon?
14:00 - “You’re crazier than me.”  Ouch. That must’ve hurt. Think about it - Malcolm is ridden with guilt about Endicott. He’s haunted by what he experienced as a kid and by what his father is. Malcolm believes he’s broken beyond repair. On some level Malcolm thinks he’s crazy. Now a literal killer just told him he’s crazy. That just affirms what Malcolm already believes about himself. :( PLUS right after Hector tells Malcolm that he’s crazy - the camera pans to Martin. MARTIN looks scared. Martin is losing control of the situation and he doesn’t like it. Martin knows on some level that he ruined Malcolm’s mental health. He almost looks a little guilty?
14:31 - FINALLY. We have a cannon occurrence of someone calling Malcolm “Mal” (or “Malc” if you’re going by HULU’s subtitles?). I hope the writers start having people call Malcolm by Mal/Malc more often. 
14:38 - YES YES. Malcolm looks angry. I LOVE IT. Scream at him Malcolm! Give him hell!
15:03 - Yikes. Malcolm sounds like he’s about to cry here. :( My heart breaks for him. .....I wonder if this is the first time Martin has ever heard how much pain he caused Malcolm straight from Malcolm? Martin looks hella uncomfortable here. 
15:25 - The inmates (literal murderers) empathizing with Malcolm is twisted, beautiful, and haunting. These guys understand how much it sucks to hang out with Martin. These guys can see the real pain in Malcolm’s expression. They know he isn’t lying. Part of me honestly wonders if one of them is going to try and hurt Martin for Malcolm. They looked pissed enough by the end of the conversation that I kind of believe they might. 
16:00 - Malcolm is not acting here. For once he’s not projecting his problems onto potential suspects. He’s just venting to suspects. No pretence. I love it. BUT 100% of me wants to know where Gil is during this session. Is Gil listening? Is the session being recorded for evidence? There’s no way Gil (or Dani) wouldn’t confront Malcolm about this. Even if they just asked him if he’s okay. 
16:10 - hahahaha look at Doctor Marsh. He’s like “ooookkkkkaaaayyyy. I’m a psychiatrist in a psychiatric facility for people who have committed violent crimes. BUT THIS IS THE NUTTIEST THING I’VE EVER SEEN.”
16:12 - Look at the way Martin narrows his eyes. He’s trying to figure out if Malcolm is acting. He’s finally realizing that Malcolm truly hates what Martin subjected him to as a child. I honestly think this interaction will cause Martin to shift his “become a murderer like me” agenda from Malcolm to Ainsley. He’s finally seen the depth of Malcolm’s hatred and pain and knows deep down that Malcolm will never turn into a serial killer. But there’s still hope for Ainsley. That’s not to say that Martin won’t stop gaslighting Malcolm - he totally will.
17:10 - Martin has been at Claremont for 20 YEARS. How is it that he didn’t know a gold card existed?!?
17:21 - I honestly thought Marsh was going to get shanked. For the gold card. No other reason. 
18:07 - It’s not supposed to be funny but Burt freaking out and punching Marsh is HYSTERICAL. hahahahaha
18:10 - That guard who pushed Malcolm out of the room and into a safe area? He’s in my good books. Every time I watch him push Malcolm to safety I want to give him a hug. Just for doing his job. What the hell is wrong with me?!?
18:18 - UGH. I hate that creepy, satisfied look that Martin gives Malcolm. It’s the same look he gave baby Malcolm in the pilot. It’s the “we’re the same” look and it clearly bothers Malcolm. :( 
18:26 - Oh look. 18 minutes into the episode and we finally have a Dani appearance!! annnnnnd no mention of JT. I mean, I get it. He’s on paternity leave. I’m happy for him. BUT TWO EPISODES WITHOUT A JT APPEARANCE IS TORTURE. At least give me a throw away line about how happy JT is or about the baby!?? Honestly - it’s my biggest gripe with this episode. 
18:56 - soooo either Dr. Marsh is a terrible psychiatrist OR you can’t “cure” murderers. 
19:08 - The NYPD knows that Martin cured Jerry?!? HOW? Did Mr. David get Martin to admit to shocking him? Did Mr. David tell the police?!? I don’t remember Martin telling Malcolm. I specifically remember Malcolm saying, “I don’t want to know”
20:02 - Damn. I want Ainsley to go dark so badly. I want to see how badly it would destroy Malcolm and Jessica. I am evil. 
20:52 - Malcolm’s burgundy jacket is gorgeous. That is all.
21:10 - Malcolm knows that Martin wants to escape. This is good. I love this. 
22:00 - Oh wow. Finally - a perk to gender inequality. 
22:52 - This Brightwell scene is so cute. I love watching Malcolm be excited about solving the crime. I love watching Dani gently tease him about how weird he is. I love watching them subtly flirt. Is Malcolm ready for another relationship - hell no. Do I think Dani has forgiven him - not totally. If they got together now it would end badly. But I do want them to be endgame. 
23:11 - Andre is really suspicious throughout this whole scene. I’m convinced that if Dani and Malcolm weren’t too busy flirting Andre would’ve become a suspect really fast. 
23:15 - Why do people get released from psychiatric prisons?!? This is a genuine question. I would’ve thought that everyone in Claremont has committed some seriously heinous crimes and only a very small portion of them are actually sick. The rest of them just pleaded insanity and had good lawyers. But even if they are/were sick. I don’t think the types of mental illnesses that drive people to murder and/or rape is something that can be cured.  Sooo why are they getting released? I guess I just wonder because there’s this guy that’s been in my local news on and off for like 10+ years. He’s molested/raped many young women between the ages of about 16-25. He’s been arrested and released multiple times. He keeps getting released to different major cities in my province (usually a city with a big University) and reoffends within 6 months of being released. Most recently he was arrested last month after being released in October 2020. Clearly he’s going to keep reoffending - so why does he keep getting released? I guess I just don’t understand what the criteria are that allow an inmate who has committed that sort of crime to be released. Here’s a link to one of the more recent news stories if you’re interested: https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/police-warn-of-high-risk-sex-offender-moving-to-victoria-1.5149264
23:23 - hahaha Andre is like, “Yo. This dude is freaky.”
24:15 - Look at how proud Malcolm is of his whole “lobster = murderer” profile. <3 So freaking precious. <3 and Dani looks so amused with him.  <3
24:37 - Sooooo Mr. David isn’t listening to this conversation? He left the room?
24:40 - Jessica going to Martin for parenting help is terrifying. This is a woman in crisis. 
25:20 - But Jessica was right to be paranoid in 97′. She wasn’t being cheated on romantically but her husband was murdering people. 
25:24 - Martin is so selling his kids out here. He knows it. He doesn’t care. He’s having too much fun torturing Jessica. He’s rejoicing at the fact that he gets to play the “I turned the kids to the dark side” card. 
26:40 - Poor Jessica. She looks suspicious and scared. Scared that she raised a killer even though she tried desperately to prevent that very behaviour. 
26:56 - Damn. Martin is having a really good day. First he gets to annoy Gil Arroyo in the flesh. Then Edrisa talks medical with him. Then he gets to work with Malcolm. THEN his ex-wife calls him and he gets to toy with her mind. THEN his daughter, who has literally murdered someone comes to visit him. He is a proud Dad right here and he’s having an amazing day. 
28:00 - Rhonda is terrifying. This girl has perfected the “I’m sweet and unthreatening” while lying and manipulating people. I swear she’s a teenage Queen B personality with a side of violence. 
28:30 - I love how protective Malcolm is of Ainsley. Look how positively livid he is that Marin is talking to her. Malcolm is terrified that Martin is going to purposefully and successfully turn Ainsley into a serial killer. Malcolm doesn’t want to lose his sister. He doesn’t want Jessica to lose her ‘stable’ child.
29:09 - This scares me. This is the kind of Ainsley behaviour from last season that made me believe she is the Whitly child most like Martin. Her ruthlessness and lack of a conscience when it comes to looking for a news story is extremely upsetting. 
30:11 - What the hell happened to Tevin? AND WATKINS?!? We got no closure on those guys. Are they dead? In prison? Is Tevin still in Claremont? Were they transferred to facilities outside of New York State?
30:28 - Malcolm yelling at Martin is perfect. *chef’s kiss* Finally this boy is being honest with his father and he isn’t holding back. 
30:40 - Michael Sheen is an incredible actor. This is an Emmy worthy scene. By Sheen AND Payne.
30:48 - I love how you can see Mr. David just chilling. Sitting outside the door and staring across the hall during this scene. It’s just....can’t he hear the screaming?!? Is he just like, “I can’t take anymore of this today. Not my circus and not my monkeys.”
30:55 - Soooooo this is Martin showing his true colours. There’s definitely a part of Martin that hates Malcolm. I honestly wonder if that part of Martin actively tries/tried to emotionally torture Malcolm now and throughout his childhood. 
31:00 - “And your mother. And you ruined HeR!!!”....does this mean Martin was trying to make Ainsley a serial killer? Maybe after the camping trip when he realized Malcolm was too “weak” to kill anyone? Is this Martin saying that Ainsley is ruined because she didn’t become a serial killer? Or that Ainsley is ruined because she killed Endicott?
31:05 - “But that’s not me.” hahaha OMG. Michael Sheen just flipped between two personalities like nobody’s business. Respect.
31:08 - Martin’s outburst hurt Malcolm. Badly. You can see it all over his face. Even now, when Malcolm is being strong and showing some backbone to Martin, Martin can wound Malcolm with a single phrase. :( 
31:41 - soooo where has Gil been for the past 10 minutes of this episode?
32:02 - Sooooo did Andre kill Jerry for Rhonda? Or did he just know about the murder and keep quiet for Rhonda? Or is his oblivious to the fact that Rhonda killed Jerry? I’m honestly confused here. 
32:20 - Holy shit. Rhonda is crazy. Andre is dead now. Right?
32:48 - Wait. Why did Andre have a gold card? Mr. David only has red. What kind of qualifications does a guard need to get a gold card vs blue, green, or red?!?!
32:55 - Claremont isn’t a punishment for Martin. Solitary is. Martin should live in solitary. He deserves to suffer for his crimes (and the ongoing torture of his son). 
33:05 - How messed up is it that Mr. David’s job is to protect a serial killer? I don’t think I’m brave enough to do something like that. I also don’t know if I could do that for moral reasons. 
33:14 - Damn. That elevator looks like it hasn’t been cleaned since it was installed. It’s sooo much nastier than the hallway outside of the elevator. 
33:50 - Sooo does this mean Martin is eventually going to try and murder someone down here?
36:00 - This is really interesting to me. I honestly wonder if Martin has some sort of split personality disorder (personality #1: murderous, selfish, psychopath; personality #2: loving, concerned father and lawful doctor). You can see how desperately he wants to escape. But also how much he loves his son. I honestly thought he was going to leave Malcolm to die. 
36:06 - Ugh. Look at his whumped face. <3 <3 <3 ....one thing that I couldn’t stop thinking during all the tazing (which was amazing FYI, I’m not complaining) is this: in QxA (1x07) Mr. David says that he only has a single shot tazer. Why did Andre have a multi-shot tazer? Is this a gold card vs red card thing?
37:03 - MARTIN, IF YOU TOUCH A HAIR ON DANI’S HEAD I WILL PERSONALLY HUNT YOU DOWN AND KILL YOU MYSELF. He honestly looks like he wants to murder her. 
37:50 - Martin’s speech is not going to help Malcolm’s mental state. At all. 
38:31 - No. No. No. Martin you do NOT get to talk to Dani on a first name basis. Look at how much Dani hates it. 
38:35 - I love how soft Malcolm looks as Martin lifts him up. Look at how Malcolm gently leans into the touch. It breaks my heart. After 20 years Malcolm is still comforted by physical contact with his father. :( 
38:37 - “Put your hands on me again Dr. Whitly, and I’ll blow your head off.” OH HELL YES. Dani is my hero. Iconic. Also - anyone else notice that Dani is chewing gum in this scene (I don’t think she’s chewed gum on camera since the pilot?) it makes her look like so much more of a badass in this scene. 
38:55 - Oh look. The rest of the backup finally showed up. Where were these assholes 5 minutes ago when DANI WAS ALONE? AND WHERE IS GIL?!?!
39:00 - Malcolm thanking Dani is so so precious. And the fact that he’s clearly struggling to breathe and stay conscious is giving me life. ALSO Dani saying, “YOU’re welcome.”?!? *chef’s kiss* :) :) <3
39:30 - So Malcolm definitely knows that Martin almost left him to die so that Martin could escape. 
39:33 - ......Ainsley is currently living with Jessica. Why is Ainsley not at the family dinner? We literally see her in the house in like 30 seconds. 
39:35 - Malcolm in a polo shirt. Malcolm in a polo shirt. Why is it so attractive?!? He looks like a baby cinnamon roll? <3 
40:15 - Jessica desperately tearing apart the living room is heartbreaking. :(
40:29 - Question: Did Jessica send her staff home before she tore apart the living room? Because I can just imagine two of them staring into the living room from the hall like, “She’s finally snapped. Should we call someone?”
41:00 - Jessica is the queen of drama. HOLY SHIT. This reveal was so extra and so perfect. 
41:13 - “I killed him.” “You’re lying.” I love this interaction between Jessica and Malcolm. Malcolm has spent his whole life trying to convince people that he’s not a murderer. To protect Ainsley, his baby sister, he will say the words “I killed him”. Even though that is literally killing a part of Malcolm. Jessica knows it. I love that Jessica can see that Malcolm is lying. She’s not trying to convince herself that he’s innocent. She literally just accused him of murder. She’s scared. Because Malcolm just admitted to killing someone - his biggest fear - and it was a lie. 
41:35 - Watching Bellamy Young’s facial expression as Jessica realizes that Ainsley killed Endicott is a thing of beauty. This woman needs an Emmy too. HELL, CAN WE GIVE THIS WHOLE EPISODE AN EMMY?!?! 
42:00 - Poor Jessica. The guilt she must feel. She’s always thought that Malcolm was the one at risk of being a murderer. He’s a boy (they’re statistically more prone to violence than girls), he was older than Ainsley, he remembers terrible things, Malcolm had continued exposure to Martin throughout his childhood (Ainsley didn’t - I think?). But the child she neglected, the child she thought was safe, the child she thought remained free of Martin’s evil killed someone. It’s a plot-twist that just ripped Jessica’s heart into a million pieces. 
42:30 - Yep. I promise you Malcolm has been psychoanalyzing Ainsley’s past behaviours since the moment she killed Endicott. He’s found traits common to serial killers and he’s terrified that she’ll become one if she remembers what it felt like to kill Endicott. He’s probably kicking himself for not noticing sooner. He’s probably questioning his ability as a profiler and as a big brother. AND the fact that MALCOLM has to protect Jessica AND Ainsley is heartbreaking. It’s way too big a burden. No wonder Malcolm’s mental health is on a downward spiral. 
42:33 - This is the moment Jessica begins grieving for Ainsley. The fear, disbelief, and horror on her face. It’s torture that I can only describe as someone telling a mother that her daughter is dead. Because Ainsley is dead. The person Jessica believed Ainsley was - that little girl is dead. Because Jess just found out the truth. 
42:55 - Jessica is now terrified of her own daughter. That is maybe the most upsetting thing this show has given us. 
43:00 - I saw an interesting theory about how Ainsley is regressing back to her childhood (crawling into bed with Mom, moving back in with Mom) and I must say - that would be a really interesting way for this story to go. Ainsley regressing to a child-like state as she is convicted of murder. As a result she ends up in the women’s ward of Claremont because she can plead insanity. 
This episode was amazing. Seriously, one of the best Prodigal Son episodes to date. Definitely the best of season 2 so far. If you’ve read this far - thanks for hanging out. 
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wannabemobwife · 3 years
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas - Chapter 11
Chapter 11: Leave a Light On
Dad!Mob!Tom x Mom!Mob!Reader
-Pairings: Tom Holland x Reader, Rosie Holland x Henry Osterfield, Family!Rosie Holland x Family!Harry Holland (idk really how to do pairings because most characters have interactions with everyone)
-Warnings: Hospital scenes, sadness, blood, typos
-Words: 4.1K
Y/M/N = your middle name
Y/L/N = your last name
Y/B/T = your blood type (if you don’t know you can pick a random one, there is O-/+, AB-/+, A+/-, and B-/+)
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A/n: I have a too much fun writing the hospital scenes sorry. And before you at me for a second coma, it isn’t one. Some people just take longer to come out of general anesthesia.
Chapter 11: Leave a Light On
Words: 4K
“Oh my god, she still has a pulse” said one of EMTs in the copter.
“Tell the hospital to have as much Y/B/T on hand when we get there.”
“We got you, Mrs. Holland.”
Everything was a blur. You were taunted by your consciousness ebbing like the tide. One minute you were awake, the other not so much. Noises and smells seemed louder and stronger as your sight was stripped from you. A constant buzzing gave the hint of a helicopter, you were rescued. You wanted to give up at that moment. All your energy had dissipated over the hours of waiting. Giving up would make all the pain go away.
But at what cost? You wanted to see Parker’s and Rosie’s smiling face once more. You wanted to see Tom again. Tell him you loved him because you aren’t so sure he truly believed you the last time. You wanted all these things but it seemed you were meant for a different path.
One without pain, struggle and hurt. One that has only known of peace, bliss, and tranquility. One you ready to say goodbye to and the other hello.
Something beyond yourself was keeping in the position you were in. Struggling to bring oxygen to your lungs, bleeding out liter after liter from your side you were ready and needed to give up. Someone else wasn’t ready.
“Mrs. Holland can you hear me?” A doctor said, shining a light in your eyes to see if you were responsive.
“Mrs. Holland, we are going to take good care of you.”
“Oh, wow... she’s soaked entirely through her bandage. I need all the bags from the blood bank of Y/B/T you can find. She could die of exsanguination any moment.
“Tom,” you whispered.
“What was that? Did you hear that?” Asked the hospital staff, working above you. You reached up weakly, to pull your oxygen mask off for a second.
“Tell Tom I love him, please,” was all you could choke out before a terrifying but familiar sound filled the room. A monotone beep. You were coding.
“I need a crash cart in here. Charging to 200… clear,” called out the doctor. Your body jolted up with the force of 200 joules.
“Charging to 300… clear.”
“Charge to 400, CLEAR,” the doctor screamed.
“Charge to 450—.“
“Doctor we aren’t supposed to give that high of a shock,” informed one of the surgical interns.
“I don’t care, this woman needs to see her kids again… Clear,” The doctor said, delivering a final defibrillation. Your heart rate returned to normal, a steady pulse still weak but there.
“Doctor, she has a pneumothorax (collapsed lung) on her right lung,” said one of the medical personnel using the ultrasound. “Shit, we need to get her to the OR now. Let’s move. I’m not going to let her die on me.” The doctor explained.
A plane ride that was only supposed to be 2 hours and 15 minutes melded into what felt like days. No word from Harry or anyone had come about you and Tom. They all landed and took a car to the hospital. It was enough waiting by then, all they knew is that both of you were found. Neglecting to mention dead or alive.
“I’m here for Tom and Y/N Holland. They were airlifted in. Can we see them?” Nikki asked the person at the front desk.
“No hablo ingles, lo siento,” said the receptionist
“IS THERE ANYBODY HERE WHO SPEAKS ENGLISH?” Dom screamed. “Yes, I do. Did I hear you say you are here for Tom and Y/N Holland?” Asked a man clad in a white lab coat.
“Yes. He’s my son and she’s my daughter-in-law. These are their kids.” Nikki explained gesturing to Parker and Rosie.
“Well ma’am if you’ll follow me. I can tell you in private.” “No, whatever needs to be said, they can hear. They want to hear.” “Still follow me to a private waiting room please, your son is in there. Everyone can come,” the doctor concluded. “Alright then,” Nikki responded, following the doctor to a private waiting room.
“Harry.” Rosie said, seeing her favorite uncle.
“You made it, I’ve been waiting for you guys to hear an update.” Harry was so happy to see the rest of his family. “It’s bad, it was really bad,” Harry explained somberly. “Enough with the dilly dally, just tell me. Is my son dead?” Nikki couldn’t take the waiting anymore.
“They were both brought in barely conscious. Tom had lost some blood due to an open wound on his femur, he has a severe concussion, a few cracked ribs and a small knick on his kidney. He is currently in surgery, they are fixing his kidney. The most he will have is a few stitches but, we are very confident he’ll pull through,” explained the doctor.
“And my mom?” Rosie asked.
“Y/N is currently in surgery, she has protruding wound to the abdomen, a collapsed lung, broken ribs, and a severe concussion. She lost a lot of blood, almost dying of exsanguination. She is in surgery to treat her abdominal wound and her lung. Our biggest concern is sepsis, we are worried an infection caused by the elements will occur.”
“So she’ll be okay, right?” Parker questioned.
“She wasn’t conscious like Tom when they found her. In her case the amount of blood she lost might have stopped bringing oxygen to her brain. If she survives the surgery—“
“If?” Rosie gasped, starting to cry.
“Rosie, let him finish,” Parker snapped.
“If she survives, we don’t know when or if she will wake up. We can only hope for the best. I promise to come back with any further updates.”
“Thank you doctor,” said Nikki.
“I need some tea or coffee or a drink. Anyone else?” Sam said, Dom nodded in response.
“I’ll join you and dad,” Paddy said following Dom and Sam out of the room.
Parker was trying to keep everything inside. He actually appreciated the uncertainty of it all, the longer it went on the longer he didn’t have to hear a definitive answer, that you and Tom were dead.
Parker mainly tried to comfort Rosie but that position was filled once Haz and Henry got to the hospital. It was only 30 mins til another doctor approached them.
“Your son is out of surgery. He is resting in room 302, we are just waiting for him to come out of general anesthesia,” came in another doctor with news.
“Thank you. And my daughter-in-law?”
“She is still in surgery,” informed the doctor.
“Ok, thank you. I’m going to go check on Tom. Parker come with?” Nikki asked, she didn’t want to be alone seeing Tom lie in a hospital bed.
“Sure,” Parker said, following Nikki through the door.
“Harry, you’ll stay here with Rosie,” Nikki called out.
“How you doing, Roo?” Harry asked, moving towards Rosie’s side.
“My mom calls me that,” she said, unmoving towards Harry’s love.
Rosie was still like a statue. But her mind was very active, traveling from place to place. Just waiting for someone to update her on your condition.
“I know. She’ll pull through, Rosie.”
“How can you be so certain?”
“Cause I know your mom. For as long as I can remember she has always been the strongest person in the room.” Harry comforted her, draping an arm over her shoulders. “Your dad is convinced she is indestructible. Sure, she has gotten hurt in the past but she has always bounced back. Hasn’t she?” Harry encouraged.
“Yeah, she has,” Rosie sniffled, wiping her nose with her sweater’s sleeve.
“After everything she has survived, she is still here,” Harry asserted. “When she and your dad first were dating, they’d like to scare each other. Tom must’ve pulled something like 20 guns on her. It was really funny to watch,” Harry grinned.
“Tell me more stories please,” Rosie perked up at the anecdotes.
“Well there was that time when your mom told your dad about being pregnant with both you and Parker.”
“I already know that one.”
“Ok, let me think… oh. One time we pulled a prank on her. All of us, me, your dad, Sam, Paddy and Haz. She was supposed to speak at this benefit promoting something… I want to say a disease… maybe climate change… who cares,” Harry began. “But she is better at it now but she used to be so scared of public speaking. That night at the gala, she had a panic attack and Tom went to comfort her backstage, while the boys and I all went into her purse and switched out her speech for the joke one we made.”
“She went on stage and broke in to a laughing fit. All her nerves dissipated as she stood up there, cracking jokes from left and right. It was really funny because she was so scared she would read whatever was written on the cards. She did end up making a fool out of herself, but it was funny nonetheless. She was so mad at us, she avoided Tom for a week,” Harry finished, reminiscing of that night.
“Wow, that’s mean. Like really mean,” Rosie remarked as his story came to an end.
“No it wasn’t. It was funny, she’ll laugh about it now if you ask her.”
“Was she as mad as she has been lately?” Rosie inquired.
“What do you mean?”
“Mom and dad have been fighting a lot… I’m scared they won’t be able to work it out. I’ve never seem them like this,” Rosie cried, fighting back a fit of sobs.
“Roo, those two? Are you kidding me? They will work it out, they always have.”
“But that isn’t a guarantee.”
“Rosie, your mom and dad have been written in the stars since the beginning. Nothing will ever break them apart. And almost dying really brings people back together. I wouldn’t worry Rosie, they’ll be ok,” Harry consoled her.
Rosie really needed to hear that. Something to get her mind off all the death and sickness that surrounded her. She wasn’t ready to say goodbye. She needed you to hold her once more.
“Mrs. Holland, Y/N is out of surgery now. If you’ll follow me I can take you to her room,” a doctor said to Nikki as she was stroking Tom’s hair, waiting for him to wake up.
“Oh thank god, thank you. Parker do you want to come?” Nikki asked.
“No, I think I’ll stay here with dad. In case he wakes up. I’m not ready to see her like that anyway,” Parker mumbled, needing every excuse to not walk into your room.
Nikki just nodded in response. Nikki was there when Rosie was in her coma and she knew you liked to talk to her as if she was there, so she did the same.
“Hey, Y/N. I’m sorry this happened. The doctors have warned me that you might not wake up and I’m here to tell you that’s not an option. Your kids need you. Tom needs you…. He won’t be able to live without you. None of us will,” Nikki said, holding you hand. As soon as Rosie got word, she was already there. Standing in your doorway peering at your sunken body.
“Mom? It’s Rosie…. It’s your Roo,… why isn’t she waking up?” Rosie came barging in. She’d never seen you in a state like this.
“Mom? Mommy, please,” Rosie said, starting to shake you a bit.
“Rosie, come here,” Nikki said, pulling her into her arms. “She’ll be ok. All we have to do is wait.” Nikki concluded.
In Tom’s room, Parker was still there by his dad’s side. Everything had gotten massively screwed up. He was betraying his own dad and Tom didn’t even know.
“Parker?” Tom croaked out, slightly moving.
“Dad, I’m so glad you are okay,” Parker lunged to hug him.
“Me too, buddy,” Tom said, gritting his teeth to mask the pain.
“How’s mom?” Tom asked, praying you were still alive. It had been a rough night. Images of your half-dead body leaning against him for support plagued his memory.
“Umm… you should see for yourself.”
“What room is she in?” Tom asked, jumping out of bed.
“Dad, I don’t think it’s such a good idea you get up,” Parker exclaimed.
“Parker, don’t you dare stand in my way.”
“Mr. Holland, you’re awake — woah, you can’t get up. Your stitches could rip,” the nurse spoke with a thick Spanish accent.
“I don’t care. Let me see my wife,” Tom yelled.
“You may need to sedate him,” Parker said cheekily.
“Fuck that,” Tom cursed.
“You aren’t doing anything to me till I see her,” Tom asserted, the nurse just nodded in response and brought him a wheel chair.
Parker wheeled him through the hospital. He was about to face his fear as well as Tom. It both being the fact that you were dead and not longer living. They weren’t ready for that.
Tom came into your room and it was like a time machine. All those times he was walked into a room similar to this one with the white walls, white sheets, bright blinding lights and the machines that beep to no end. He was taken back to every time he had seen you lying in a hospital bed.
All the times he knew he hadn’t protected you. All the guilt and anguish came flooding back. Washing over him like a tsunami.
He walked in to see everyone gathered around you. Rosie was sitting on the left side of your bed, clutching your left hand and Henry was next to her keeping an arm around her shoulder. Tom didn’t care about them anymore, all that mattered was you.
“Dad, you’re awake!” Rosie cheered, as she saw Tom in the doorway.
“Yeah baby, I’m okay,” he said, holding Rosie close to his chest.
“I’m scared, dad. I’m scared she won’t wake up,” Rosie cried.
“I know. I am too.” Tom responded, his eyes still fixed to your lifeless figure.
“You know it was just a 5 weeks ago, you were lying a hospital bed just like mom. And she was holding on to your hand just like you are to her. And if you woke up from that, I can promise you she’ll wake up from this,” Tom encouraged.
“You really think so?” Rosie queried.
“I know so.… You know what your mom loves to tell me?”
“No. What?”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
“It sounds like her,” Rosie chucked to herself.
“Yeah, it does.” Tom did the same, he was the one keeping you here. He wasn’t ready to say goodbye. 17 years was nothing compared to lifetime he was destined to have with you. Nobody accounts for the times where something so drastic happens that it can change your entire timeline.
Nobody believes they will die tomorrow or get hit by a bus anywhere. People just live in day to day life thinking that they have a 100 years to go.
You’d think by now, he’d gotten used to seeing you in a hospital bed. Maybe grown accustomed to it. On the contrary, every time he’d see you like this he’d go weak at the knees and beg to switch places with you. To be the one lying there, on death’s door, not you
Every time he has made a promise, your life has been put on the line. You are constantly caught in the crossfires. Tom slowly remembered why he hated hospitals so much, especially when they were associated with you.
“We’ll give you two a minute,” Nikki said, motioning for everyone to clear the room so it was just Tom and you.
“Hey, darling. I told you we’d make it. We had two choices either we died together or we made it together.” Tom began, trying not to cry.
“Y/N, I’m standing here and I’m okay. So it’s only a matter of time before I see you again. We promised it would be us together. Don’t you dare go back on that promise from ages ago, I’m supposed to go before you. Ok? It’s supposed to me. You promised me.”
“This one that you have to keep. I know it might be nearly impossible to, love. But there is no but or if, there is only you waking up and seeing me. Seeing your husband who loves you more than life itself. Seeing our two beautiful kids. I know I haven’t been your favorite person lately, so don’t do it for me. Do it for them, Parker and Rosie. They need you, more than they know.”
“Alright princess, it's only a matter of time. I’ll see you soon.” Tom finished, pressing a kiss to your forehead. One of longing, he just wanted to see your smiling face again. He let himself go completely, breaking down the flood gates. Tears started coming and they didn’t stop, they couldn’t.
Haz peered through the open door, to see Tom crying over you, he immediately jumped into best mate mode and went to comfort Tom.
“Hey. It’s ok. You can let it out,” Harrison said, pulling Tom into his arms.
“I was so awful to her Haz. I let her think I cheated on her so she wouldn’t be mad about Rosie and Henry,” Tom cried out.
“Why? What did you do? You know what, that’s not important right now. The point is she will pull through.”
“She could be dying and the last moment I can only remember with her is our fight. I didn’t even get to say goodbye.”
“She’s not dying, Tom. Y/N has survived much more than this and promise you, you will say hello again.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Tom said, taking a line from your vernacular.
“Come on, let’s get some coffee… Here, hop on. I’ll push you,” Haz said, grabbing Tom’s wheelchair
“For fucks sake, you aren’t pushing me. I’m not some sick, crippled patient.” Tom exclaimed.
“Well… you did just get out of surgery.”
“I don’t care. I’m not going to let my helicopter crashing be the reason I can’t walk and I am looked at with pity.”
“Alright Tom, I believe we were going to get some coffee.”
“I don’t want to leave her alone,” Tom whispered.
“Rosie will be in here in a moment,” Haz explained.
“Ok.. Roo, can you go sit with your mom while I get your dad some coffee?” Haz asked. Tom still didn’t want to leave you but he knew you would want him to eat something.
“Yes, I’ll keep her safe.”
“I know you will, baby… Hold it. Hey Henry, can I talk to you?” Tom said, holding Henry back from entering the room.
“Dad,” Rosie said, sternly.
“Don’t worry, sweetie,” Tom said pulling Henry to the side.
“I’m sorry Tom.. um I mean Mr. Holland but I love your daughter more than anything,” Henry stammered.
“I just wanted to say thank you for being there for her when.. you know,” Tom admitted.
“Of course, I love her very much. And if the time every comes where I plan on marrying her I will ask for hands in marriage,” Henry promised.
“Woah kid, slow down. This is permission to date. No talking or even thinking about marriage, you understand. Also wear a fucking condom.”
“Yes, sir. Understood… Thanks Tom.”
“You’re a good kid, Henry. She’s in good hands,” Tom grinned, Henry just smiled and returned to Rosie. Returning to his rightful place, in her arms.
“Haz, did you bring me a change of clothes. I need to get out of this fucking gown,” Tom chuckled.
“Are you sure that’s a good ide—“ Haz started but was soon cut off.
“Eh, eh,” Tom interrupted giving him a harsh glare.
“You are not weak, I get it. Yeah, they are in my bag,” Haz concluded.
Tom said, “Thank you,” in return.
The waiting was back and it was killing Tom once again. This time he wasn’t waiting for both your impending deaths, just yours. It was eating him from the inside out.
You didn’t have enough time together. It wasn’t enough. Tom desired more, he needed more. All your favorite moments of you played through his head. Like he was watching a movie of his life with you, his love story.
One specifically, the day he proposed to you. It was hard to top his happiness that day.
All the days leading up to it he was distant and flighty. It worried it you greatly. Was he planning to break up with you? You were consumed with never-ending negative thoughts about your relationship.
It had been a while since you and Tom had a date night. He’d blown you off a few times to plan out the perfect proposal, afraid he’d let the question just slip out somehow. However, that was unknown to you so all you thought was, he’s an ass.
Tom was in his office, planning out how he was going to do it. What he would wear, where he would propose, what would he say. What would you say? He was nervous wreck.
“Haz, I can’t have anyone come in here ok?” Tom ordered. He must’ve practiced it 7 times. Getting down on one knee and declaring his love for you behind closed doors.
“Understood, Tom,” Haz said, giving him a cheeky grin as he closed his door. Not even 10 mins later, you came barging in through the front door. In a fury because Tom hadn’t returned any of your calls.
“Where is he?” You asked Haz. “Y/N?” He said, confused as to why you were here. Well, you did live there.
“Where’s Tom? I have to talk to him,” you asserted. “Why am I asking you? Of course, he is in his study,” you replied to your own question.
“NO, you can’t go in there,” Haz said, following you to Tom’s office.
“And why not?”
“He’s in a meeting.”
“What meeting would he have a 10:30 at night… Unless?” Your heart sank at the possibility of Tom not alone in there.
“Unless what?”
“He has a woman in there doesn’t he?”
“It’s fine. I’ll go. You won’t see me around anymore. He chose her over me,” you said, trying not to cry. But you weren’t going to put up a fight.
“Y/N it’s not like that,” Haz called after you, trying to stop you from walking away.
“Then what is it Haz?”
“I can’t tell you?… Just go in there and see for yourself.”
“I don’t want see them.”
“Just do it,” Haz ordered, you eventually agreed. Opening the door to a very well-dressed Tom down on one knee holding a blue velvet box in his hands.
“People always spoke of soulmates and I didn’t believe them. But then I found you. And I had never been so happy to be proven wrong. Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N you make me want to be a better man. You are my inspiration for everything. I can’t ever imagine living without you. Will you marry me?” Tom said, oblivious to you standing right there.
“Yes,” you said without hesitation.
“No! No, no. You weren’t supposed to see that. Haz I told you to guard the door,” Tom yelled.
“Yes, Tommy. I’ll marry you”, you continued, hoping he’d hear you.
“God, it's ruined now. I’m so sorry. I had this huge plan take you to the London eye,” Tom apologized profusely, running his hands through the curls atop his head in frustration.
“Tom, you're not hearing me. I want to be your wife,” you exclaimed, you couldn’t contain your excitement.
“You do?” Tom surprised at your answer.
“Yes, that’s what I’ve been saying. YES!” You screamed. Tom immediately grabbed you twirling you in the air and kissed you with all the love and passion you deserved. He had been neglecting you so he wouldn’t spoil it.
He put the ring on your finger. It looked as though it was home. You were his and he was yours. Nothing could top that moment.
Thinking about you and the time spent together. It made it that much harder to say goodbye.
Tom was brought out of his trance as you stirred, starting to wake. All heads and eyes turned towards you.
“Y/N. Honey, it’s ok. You were in a helicopter crash. You’re ok. You’re ok. I’m so happy to see you,” Tom whispered, tucking the hair out of your face.
The moment you came to, your eyes widened and a look of panic adorned your face. You were completely lost. Unaware of all your surroundings. You managed to croak out three words. Not an “I love you,” not words of love, quite the opposite.
“Who are you?”
A/n: Alright, Y/N lived. As I promised, there are 17 chapter in this series, 6 more to go. I will start writing the sequel series once all these chapters have been posted, even though I have it already planned out in my head lol. New chapters every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas Masterlist
Taglist: @dummiesshort @thenoddingbunny-blog @adriannauni @bi-lmg @allthisfortommy
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