#idk what ?
paradubolical · 7 months
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strinder lawn chair
pov strider seducues you at the neighborhood fourth of july potluck while the dads light firecrackers
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uselessgaywhovian · 1 year
hello everyone, today should be a national holiday
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year
"You look stupid as all hell right now."
"You look stupid as all hell right now," Mike snorted as he watched Robin touch up Steve's eyeliner, "You know that right?"
"It's called romance, you ass," Steve hissed, flipping him off while dutifully keeping his head still, "Who invited you anyway?"
"Your better half."
Steve rolled his eyes but he didn't correct him. He was right anyway, "Isn't it a school night? Are you allowed to be out this late? What would your mom think, knowing you were wasting your precious brain power on Halloween parties-"
"I'm in college you fucking dick!"
That struck a nerve. Steve smirked, good. The little shit deserved it.
"And done!" Robin announced before either of them could throw anymore insults, "I think you look good, way sexier than Tim Curry, for sure. Mike come with me to go get Nancy for a second opinion. You obviously can't be trusted."
Mike huffed, mumbling something under his breath before both of them left the room. Steve was pretty damn sure Eddie had sent him in as a spy because despite all of his reassurances, he still didn't believe that Steve was going to follow through on this stupid costume. But here he was, adjusting his fish net stockings while examining himself in the mirror.
He looked...decent. Which was better than he had been expecting. The make-up wasn't as cartoonish as the movie, something that he hoped Eddie would appreciate. In all honesty, Steve was going to take no criticisms for how he put the whole thing together, Eddie was lucky it was happening at all. Not that he would but still. Though if Steve had to guess, Eddie was going to be a fan. He better fucking be a fan, considering how he'd been asking for this forever.
They'd been together five years. Five fantastic, wonderful years. And four Halloweens with Steve laughing in his face whenever he brought up the Rocky Horror Picture show as costume inspiration. But this year...Steve didn't know. Eddie had just looked...extra desperate this time, needy in a way that Steve just couldn't say no to.
So now here he was, moments away from going downstairs to entertain all of their new and old friends for hours on end, all while wearing a corset.
The things he did for love.
"Knock, knock," Eddie's voice called from the other side of the door, like he could just smell that Steve was alone, "You decent in there Stevie?"
"Not exactly?" Steve called back, still frowning in the mirror, "But you can come in. Just lock it behind you."
Steve didn't look up when Eddie waltzed in, but he did hear his little sharp intake of breath.
"Holy shit," Eddie mumbled, bordering on a whimper as he came up behind Steve. He wrapped his arms around his waist, locking eyes with him through the mirror, "You look..."
"Stupid as hell?" Steve answered for him, smiling a little at how flushed Eddie's face already was. Damn, maybe this thing wasn't that bad after all if it could make him look like that.
Eddie shook his head, swallowing once before breathing out, "I was going to say beautiful. Gorgeous. Breath-taking. Extremely attractive-"
"Okay, okay, I get it!" Steve laughed, turning around in his arms. He wrapped them around Eddie's neck, pulling him down for a quick kiss, "I'm glad you like it so much. In fact, I'll even let you take it off later tonight."
Steve thought that would have been a good deal, but it made Eddie frown, "Later? But we can-"
"We can what?" Steve interrupted, "Have sex with all of our adopted children downstairs waiting for us? I don't think so."
But Eddie wasn't done begging. He was even starting to bring out the wet, puppy dog eyes, the manipulative little shit, "B-But I can be quick. I can fix your make-up after. I can-"
"Nope," Steve laughed, pulling away from him with a little smirk, "You made your bed. Now lie in it."
Eddie nearly looked like he was gonna cry, the little drama queen, "I...I didn't think this through, did I?"
Steve grinned, leaning up to kiss his cheek before going to the door. He looked back at him, his smile getting a little bigger at the desperate look on his face.
Maybe he did look like an idiot in the bizarre get-up, but Steve didn't care. Not when it had Eddie rushing to follow him out.
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moonlitdesertdreams · 8 months
By the Sea (part 1/?)
A/N: Why am I on a True Blood kick in February of 2024? I have no idea, but please enjoy if you also are. Tags: Eric Northman, vampires, Eric Northman True Blood, True Blood Imagines, Eric Northman x OC, Eric Northman x mythical creature!reader, Eric Northman x Reader WARNINGS: Canon-typical swearing, overwhelming amounts of sweet, confused Eric Summary: Eric's been cursed to forget all his memories, but you stick out... and have to deal with the aftermath.
Word count: 1.6k+
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You had no interest in meeting with the new King of Louisiana.
Bill Compton’s new position as King had given you nothing but pause, and part of you recognized his calling upon Eric as a power play.
So you lounged in the back office at Fangtasia, drifting in and out of consciousness. You could hear the faint arguing between Sookie and Pam in the other office, no doubt about relinquishing ownership of Sookie’s house. The same issue, you assumed, that Bill had requested Eric to discuss. You chuckled at the remembrance that it was your idea to buy the decrepit old farmhouse when Sookie went missing, both to keep an eye on the new King and have a safe haven for Eric away from Fangtasia. 
Despite never being fully human, sleeping was one of your favorite indulgences. And tonight you were content to let Eric handle Mr. Compton’s silly requests while Pam argued with Sookie in the other room and you remained at ease. The couch in Eric’s office was worn and comfortable, and you settled yourself underneath one of his jackets, propped against the armrest. When Sookie’s annoying voice drifted away, you were left with the dull roar of protestors outside Fangtasia. 
Dreams of blue seas and daylight walks with Eric plagued your mind. The warmth of the sun on your skin, and the golden dance of his hair in a Mediterranean breeze flitted by, and you relished in the fuzzy feeling it brought. 
But the invigorating daylight suddenly vanished, replaced with a drab gray office and the annoying scream of a cell phone. You quickly realize it was not in fact your cell phone, but the Fangtasia office phone ringing obnoxiously on Eric’s desk. The sound of Pam and her… company through the wall gave you the idea she wasn’t getting to the phone anytime soon, so you yawned and climbed to your feet, having half a mind to let it ring till it quieted. 
However, the newest anti-Vampire movement was raging, and everything at Fangtasia now was about saving face and playing nice. You picked up the receiver and tucked it in the crook of your shoulder, putting on your best vampire purr. 
“Thank you so very much for calling Fangtasia. How may I be of service?”
You grimace, recognizing Sookie’s sing-song twang. “What do you want?”
“Listen, this is no time for your normal attitude-”
A snarl breaks through your lips. “Watch your mouth, brat. I’ll be on that doorstep before you draw in your next breath.”
“Y/N!” Sookie breathes heavily. “It’s Eric. I found him walking down the road on my way back.”
You stiffen. Sookie’s house was less than a mile from Compton’s, and the thought of what happened to Sophie-Ann at his mansion invaded your mind. 
“What’d Compton do to him?”
“This wasn’t Bill.” Sookie’s tone was defensive in spite of everything he’d put her through. “I’m not sure who did this. Y/N… he doesn’t remember me. Or, much of anything. He keeps saying your name.”
Your slow-beating heart ticked up a notch. “You’re home?”
“Yeah. I’ll see you soon.”
You call on every power you have, letting your eyes fall closed. Teleportation was more of just extremely fast flying, mostly manageable but just exhausting. Sookie’s front porch materializes in your mind, and shortly after you feel a warm Louisiana breeze on your face. The sound of screaming cicadas followed, ringing your ears to the point of a migraine. 
Before you can get a hand on the doorknob, the wooden panel flew open. Six feet and five inches of blonde viking greeted you, big hands palming at your shoulders and arms as he drew you close in an instinctual embrace. Sookie’s scent caught your attention as well, but your face was buried in Eric’s bare chest, too busy reveling in his closeness to care. He hummed against your hair nonsensically, nose nuzzled into the roots. 
“Älskling” Darling. 
He murmured the Swedish word into your hair, pushing a soft rumble through his chest. You finally found it in you to return the embrace, rubbing what you imagined to be reassuring circles on his torso. His behavior was startling, as public affection was not his favorite. He wasn’t afraid of it, per say, but he was more brutish. Eric was possessive and pushy, grabbing onto you and nuzzling against your body to mark you with his scent before visiting vampires or their nests. Coddling and dotting outside of that was usually reserved for the bedroom and private rooms away from prying eyes. 
“Eric?” You take a step back, and your heartstrings tug painfully on one another. 
His blue eyes are wide, full of confusion and apprehension The air of calm and power he usually carries is missing, replaced with the naivety of a scared child. You reach a hand up to cup his cheek. 
“What happened, my love?” You whisper, ushering him to sit on the porch swing.
As you walk away from the entryway, Sookie’s eyes meet yours. She nods briefly, and steps away before closing the door with a soft ‘click’. Eric reaches for you once he’s settled on the cushions. You allow him to have a hold of your hand, but maintain a bit of space and sit cross-legged facing him. 
“I’ve missed you.” He murmurs, even though you saw him less than five hours ago. 
The gush and fluttering of human emotions was something you haven’t felt in years. “I know. What’s the last thing you remember?”
“The sea.” Eric takes your hand with both of his. “Where we met. You were so beautiful.”
His words were full of emotion and love, and you hated that your face blanched. When you met, when he could smell and taste the shore of the North Sea as it danced under sunlight, was the last few days of his humanity.
“Do you remember what happened to you tonight?” You implore him to continue, trying not to choke at the sight of his ruffled hair. 
Eric’s face fell, far away from the contented glaze he had when speaking about the sea. “I know I am a vampire. You are mine. But I… I don’t-”
“Shhh, Shhh.” You hush him gently. “That’s okay.”
Eric shakes his head, gripping your wrist as if you could take his memories via osmosis. He mutters in Swedish, and you prompt him to speak up. The words he utters tell you of flashes he’d seen, but couldn’t provide any context. 
“Det var hon, men det var inte hon.” It was her, then it wasn’t her. 
The description is of a face morphing from older to younger, but nothing more. 
What the hell had Bill Compton done to him?
Sure, Eric recalled a woman’s face, but there was nothing to say Bill didn’t set him up. You were suddenly pissed at yourself for not accompanying him to the new King’s hold. You hadn’t so much as asked why he was going. Pam was her normal stoic self upon hearing about him being beckoned, but you bet she had asked why. 
“Eric?” His eyes are fixed on you, unwavering and diligent. 
“Yes, my queen?” 
You almost blush at the pet name. “Can you go sit inside with Sookie? I just have to call someone.”
A lopsided grin stretches his face. “Anything for you.” 
Eric leans in and meshes his lips with yours, and it’s the sweetest kiss he’s ever laid on you. There’s no possessive undertone, no domineering fangs brushing against your lips. It’s an innocent show of affection, driven by absolute base instinct and a loss of personality. 
“I love you.” He murmurs, breath fanning over your lips. 
“I know.”
That amnesiatic smile twists his lips again, and he shuffles back into the farmhouse. You dwell for a moment on the odd behavior before withdrawing your cell phone and immediately dialing Fangtasia.
“Good evening, Fangtasia, Northern Louisiana’s most fang-tastic club. What do you want?”
On any other day, you would have laughed at Pam’s greeting. And you tried so hard to be nice. 
“Pam it’s me.”
“Are you really callin’ me from the other office? I thought we talked about-” 
“Something happened to Eric.” You stop her,  “I don’t know what’s wrong.”
The line goes silent, and you half expect her to come rushing onto the porch as you had. 
“Sookie called me… She found him wandering down the road on the way home from Fangtasia. He doesn’t remember anything.” You force yourself to keep your voice steady.
“What do you mean, anything?”
You sigh. Nervous Pam is not good for anyone. “The last thing he recalls is the last days he was human…. When we met. He knows what he is but not who.”
Pam’s voice quakes, and you can’t tell if it’s anger or fear. “Bill set him up.”
You raise a brow. “I had an inkling. What did he go there for?”
“Some new coven of fuckin’ witches in Shreveport. Rumored to have been practicin’ necromancy.”
Your blood runs cold. “And Bill sent him in alone?”
“Probably knew it was a trap, too. Wouldn’t be the first time he’s tried to get rid of Eric.” Her hatred of Bill is palpable, even through the shoddy phone connection. “If the AVL finds out, they might sign off on assassinating Eric.”
“Alright.” You scrub a hand down your face. “Thanks Pam. I’m gonna take care of him”
“Y/N… be careful. I don’t trust Sookie.” 
Said southern belle is trying to covertly look at you through the window and you turn away. 
“You know I will.” A pause. “And Pam?”
“You get all mushy with me and it’s just gonna piss me off.”
You laugh for the first time that night. “Just do me a favor and don’t worry.”
The line disconnects, and you know she’s worrying. From inside the house, Eric smiles at you, dopey face swaying ever so slightly in the window frame. You look at the sky, wishing you didn’t know there was no such thing as God. 
“Fuck my life.”
True Blood Masterlist | Send me an ask!
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leavemetoplaythesims · 3 months
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she's lost an earring (and an earlobe) :(
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oh god this means that the archivist is right outside the fucking oiar!!!!?????
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kafka-ohdear · 25 days
you know what. what if goose grows wings on his back but instead of being an angel he's a goose.
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heehoo it's me your (least) favorite gimmick blog and i'm gonna make you a gimmick blog too!
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womanofdarkdesires · 1 month
omfg dick knubblers fanart is so cute sometimes but IM SORRY HE KINDA CREEPS ME OUT like i have a bad feeling ab that guy AND MAYBE IM JS BEING MEAN I DONT WANT PPL TO ATTACK ME FOR SAYING IT but im terrified of him a wee bit like he just seems?? creepy
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czaneavecg · 4 months
I was looking through my stuff and saw this
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I was looking through my stuff and saw this
this is what utter boredom happens to bugs WHAT HAPPENED TO MONOMON
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mimipuph · 6 months
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ohdorothea · 27 days
it’s time to go and The Bolter are quite something side by side
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mclarennerd1645 · 1 year
max: What's going on? oscar: carlos and charles are keeping their distance from each other. They had a big fight. yasmin: Like oil and water. lando: Wait, I got it! *runs up to carlos and charles* max, oscar, and yasmin: lando, pushing carlos right into charles: I AM DOING THE IMPOSSIBLE
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iris-drawing-stuff · 1 year
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Do you ever think that if Mahiru’s boyfriend ended up in Milgram, he would definitely be voted guilty on Trial 1? I wonder how he would’ve reacted.
I tend to headcanon him as a sort of pushover. I think he and Mikoto would get along since Mikoto doesn’t have many people the same age as him. Everyone’s younger, older, or Fuuta. He wouldn’t be part of the smokers club, though, since he doesn’t smoke. I think Yuno’s more bubbly persona may make him uncomfortable because it reminds him of Mahiru.
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flowerycoffin · 26 days
I wanna draw so badly but I have no ideas at all what to do. Head empty, but hands crave pencil.
Can anyone give me suggestions or kick me gently for my brain to start working again?
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cloudellesims · 2 months
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new sim wip
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