#idk there are some things I rewrite a little just for my own enjoyment but I loved the hell out of this game even with its issues
macaroonkitti · 2 months
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Happy anniversary to Tears of the Kingdom 🎉
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morningstargirl666 · 2 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
thank you @garglyswoof and @stars-and-darkness for tagging me!
How many works do you have on ao3?
12, though 2 of those are moodboards so don't really count.
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
553,036. Huh. Lower than I expected. No doubt that will shoot up when the tbbw rewrite is done [fake laughter, hiding real pain]
3. What fandoms do you write for?
TVD, TO a.k.a Klaroline
4. Top five fics by kudos:
The Big Bad Wolf, Into Eternity, The Little Wolf, The Red Wedding and Falling For You.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I try to respond to every one as I love talking with readers. I figure if someone spends time to write a comment, I'll return the favour and reply. In fact when I'm updating fics regularly, if my reply to your comment turns up in your inbox it's often a pre-warning that a new chapter is about to drop, as I read over comments I've missed before updating.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Does Damon murder count? [I don't really do angsty endings, I need my happily ever after]
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Into Eternity. It's really sappy and makes me feel all warm and gooey inside. What can I say - I'm a romantic at heart.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes, kinda. Is it hate if it's just wild interpretations of the characters or plot? Some people leave comments that just make you blink repeatedly and think...are they reading the same fic I'm writing? I remember one time someone left a comment calling Caroline a pushover (honestly had some kind of vendetta against her showing ANY kind of emotion like okaaaaay mate) even though in that very same chapter...she literally kicked Klaus is the balls. Man, that was a weird day.
9. Do you write smut?
No. Not yet. In the future? There may or may not be scenes planned. 😏 I'm picky with smut, I need feelings and the eMoTiOnS, I need to be INVESTED. Porn with plot, rather than just smut for smut's sake.
10. Craziest crossover:
Haven't written a crossover - unless intending to drop Dracula into tbbw at some point coints. There's some great ones in the fandom though, just not really my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of [narrows eyes]
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No! But I'd be flattered if one ever was, as long as its translated on ao3 and given credit to me.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I haven't. I might be open to it though, if it was a round-robin kind of thing where the writers take in turns to write the scenes.
14. All time favorite ship?
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I really want to finish Divided We Fall, Falling For You and Songs of the Sea. I wouldn't say I doubt I'll ever finish them, just that I doubt I'll finish them while I'm still writing the tbbw series. Too much of the klaroline brain rot is invested in that fic alone.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told it's shifting between moods? So I can give readers whiplash in the emotions department - one minute you're crying, the next you're laughing. I like to think my strength is dialogue though. Even the way I write is focused around it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Historical accuracy. I'll fall down a rabbit hole researching stuff like any writer, but the researching is more out of obligation and crippling writer guilt rather than actual enjoyment. Which is why I often take creative licence and go fuck it, history has its own au now bitches (sorry ella).
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
If its little words here and there - even a sentence or two - yes. Full conversations though unless you're fluent yourself are not fun to sift through.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Star Wars? I want to say Star Wars. Idk those fanfics are over on my ffnet account which I will not be going back to anytime soon. I dare not go where the light doesn't touch, Mufasa speaks wisely.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
It used to be The Red Wedding but I actually love The Little Wolf more now. That one's a true labour of love, fueled on rage and spite, curtesy of Julie Plec.
I will tag @galvanizedfriend @kirythestitchwitch @marxandangels @bellemorte180 @impossiblekryptonitecolor @the-road-betwixt @purplesigebert @that-sarcastic-optimist
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the-owl-tree · 10 months
Top five things you would fix first in warriors? (Doing a rewrite, need ideas that aren't just "fix ableism" "more culture" and "fix redemptions")
hmm....that's difficult. usually i go arc by arc to ""fix"" things (i hesitate to say fix because most of my changes, i don't see as better, but just more appealing what i would like from the series). i've never really tried to write a full on rewrite (looks guiltily at my fallen stars blog) so idk how good my advice would be from a practical standpoint lol there are just some stuff that i look when i occasionally do my little indulgent fanfic binges. so i guess keeping it broad:
Establish the parameters of your rewrite. How close do you want to stay to canon? Is this leaning more into au than rewrite? While there are some scenes that definitely could be ripped apart and made into something new, what scenes could you stick by but reframe into something different? Something that sticks to the thematic tones of your rewrite?
Themes!! Consistent themes are good. Change is a big one a lot of fics hit. Are you looking to improve clan life or change it? do you want the clans to show they can change and exist or do you want them to be a tragedy of their own making? doomed to cycle in violence or even destroy one another? obviously you don't need to hit your reader on the head with these, but I think factoring them into plotlines can help the brainstorming process.
cutting, combining, or figuring out uses for characters. The wc cast is HUGE and a lot of the side characters get the short end of the stick in terms of consistent characterization and spotlight. Very simple changes like combing Longtail and Dustpelt could prevent a bloated cast, but also utilizing both in unique ways can make your rewrite world far more vibrant and alive. While sometimes original characters can get the job done, trying see what characters you could work with first before adding in another character to such a massive cast.
This goes for worldbuilding to! Worldbuilding is....generally gonna vary from person to person. I prefer worldbuilding that uses the canon material instead of making up new gods or legends, but it's up to you! Just be warned, rewrites and fanfics have the advantage of already having an audience invested by the fact they know the characters and lore of the world. Original stuff doesn't when you add it in, and it can be a huge hit or miss. While staying close to canon when making stuff up can work, you'll face a bit more trouble investing your reader when you add completely new stuff. Not saying it's impossible, it's just something you need to remember when adding it in and make sure that it functions in a way it can help further absorb the reader into the world and not make them feel more distanced from it. like original characters, remember that original stuff doesn't have the same level as familiarity to it as existing canon characters; you're asking a reader to invest themselves from scratch.
Make it gay as fuck make it so you like what you're writing. i really enjoy seeing passion and enjoyment in people's works, and you should make decisions that make you invested in your rewrite and happy with it. it's gonna vary from person to person but if a heavy religious setting is something you enjoy, write it, if you want that crack ship to be canon, write it. a bit of self-indulgent writing never killed anyone, especially when this is fan rewrites. rewrites should be fun above all!
and those are my top five. idk how useful they are to you but i hope i gave you some answers to think about :D
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gemini526sdumptruck · 2 years
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Ok so I said this a few days ago, and I decided that I actually did want to draw this out. I thought it could be fun.
Now to hopefully avoid confusion I want to make something ABSOLUTELY clear.
To give some context, before BFB became a thing, everyone used to make up their own personalities for the (now former) RCs, and I was one of them. I even featured them in my old sketchbooks from middle school.  Of course, when BFB came around, we were all excited that these RCs were given personalities. Though I joined the internet much too late to show people how I used to portray them.
But when I talked about it the other day, I figured maybe it isn't too late to do so. After all, as long as I gave context people would understand right? So I decided to make this, mostly for my own enjoyment and to revisit those memories.
I also used to portray a few characters here as a different gender, but for the purposes of this I'm gonna leave some of the character's genders ambiguous.
I want to clarify this is not me rewriting characters, it is simply just a drawing I made of how I portrayed these characters before BFB for fun.
With that said, here's how I used to portray all these characters (based on what I drew and/or wrote in my old sketchbooks from like late 2016):
Cake I used to see as the cutesy one who loved pink and plushies. They also really liked making friends. I even made a small comic once about Cake inviting others to hang out with them at their house.
Gaty I saw as an artist with a southern accent.
Balloony I saw as a silly little jokester who liked to make others laugh.
Basketball I saw as a jock. Not like a mean one but like an overly energetic "dude-bro" one.
Lollipop was kinda the same as she was now except she was more blunt. I think that might've been from her one appearance in BFDIA.
Cloudy I saw as a typically bashful fellow with frequent mood swings. I kinda demonstrated those mood swings in my Cloudy doodles pic.
Lighting I saw as the cool guy who thinks he's the best.
Robot Flower I saw as almost identical to Flower, though Robot Flower would always brand herself as the "cooler" Flower.
Remote I saw as like a cheery and charismatic object show host who loved batteries.
I kinda just used alexlion0511’s (Marker’s recommender I think) portrayal of Marker as my portrayal of Marker. I watched his videos a lot back then.
Pie I saw as like the average one, not contributing much to things, in fact the most exciting thing they did was blow up. Eggy was their bestie.
Eggy was like the chipper but injury prone one. That's why they wear that bandage.
Pillow was the sleepy one.
TV I saw as like a cohost who always wanted to help out. They didn’t speak but they communicated using random clips of things. Maybe they were the cohost to my old interpretation of Remote?
Bracelety was the same as she ended up being. An Ice Cube fan lol.
8 Ball didn’t just not have a favorite number, he didn’t have a favorite anything. He was Mr. Basic.
Barf Bag was the stupid one (bit ironic now lol).
Clock was the know-it-all egotist. I think it was from his "Watches are wanabes" line. Perhaps maybe he felt superior and wanted everyone to know it lol.
Taco was basically like "the quirky main protagonist of a show where nothing goes right for them".
Fanny hated everyone and everything and isolates themselves from everyone else. They’re hurting and they’re lonely. Why were they hurting? Idk ask 11 year old me.
Grassy is for the most part the same as what he ended up being, just a fair bit more playful. He specifically liked to play hide and seek with Tree.
Tree was the calm and friendly father figure to Grassy.
Bell was like that one person who would sing about how great their morning was, about how the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. Basically all rainbows and sunshine and a singsong voice.
Bottle I never actually cared about so I didn’t actually portray Bottle as anything, but put her in here out of obligation.
The only real thing I did with Firey Jr. was make him the bratty son to Firey.
Naily was the tough jerk who always went after the “weaklings”. Saw was Naily's right-hand person. Saw tries to act tough, but they're not really tough at all. And Black Hole I saw as this wise all-powerful god that everyone went to for advice.
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asimplechaos · 2 years
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so i havent really posted much here to let people know what’s up and like. idk. felt the people who only have contact w me via tumblr should at least know, so. here’s some updates i guess.
for starters, it’s been a year since i moved to the states. it hasn’t been terrible, but it’s still been a big adjustment, and i still have yet to receive any of my stuff from home aside from my electronics which i got... october of last year. and my parents have to move from their current house so they’ve been busy with that and it’s just. ugh.
artfight has burned me out a little bit but i think that’s in conjunction with adhd being ‘oh but you wanna draw This instead’ so i’m gonna try and cordon off the stuff i want to draw until i get some more attacks done--at least my bookmark queue.
but aside from a couple other things i haven’t really done art for the sake of it since. well. moving. even after getting my tablet, it was hard to jump back into the swing of things because various things were damaging my wrist and i couldn’t draw for very long, and even now arthritis is kicking my ass and i have yet to see anyone about it, so my artistic battery has been super low. doesn’t help my specific arthritis is rheumatoid, and due to recent events one of the most popular medications to treat it is being stopped for thousands of people, so. yeah. kinda feels like my hopes of managing it with anything aside from a topical menthol-based gel are dead in the water.
because of this, i don’t really feel up to doing commissions so much right now, as i only have so much art energy in the day and doing commission work eats into other things. “you don’t have to do it in one day,” you can tell me, but I Am Being Paid Money And People Deserve Product Soon To Prove I Am Good Worker, do you see the issue here?
and as a result, pretty much all the money i’ve been making has been from adopts, which are fun, but never guaranteed to sell, so. eh.
honestly looking at all this i think i might be in a depressive slump which. okay.
pretty much the only thing i’m finding enjoyment working on is Court of Fools, and even that has had a lot of setbacks due to me tackling the story outline and having to rewrite entire chunks when i realize something isn’t working out or helping with the pacing.
not to mention some real life stuff has happened to a family member i’m not emotionally close to but me and my grandparents are the only immediate family who are physically nearby, so that’s. been a thing.
i guess this has just been a long way of saying... idk if i’ll be posting my own content here for a while. most of what i do ends up on discord and is for other people anyway, and i’ve started getting quieter and quieter on my twitter as well.
so like. yeah. existing is kinda tiring right now.
if you do wanna see stuff i produce and put out, then i will always loudly point and wave my hands at Court of Fools because it is my baby and i want people to See It and Play It and Like It, but other than that... yeah.
not that i expect a whole lot of people to, considering how engagement with my content has been as of late. did that sound too pessimistic? probably.
so i guess thanks for reading this far if you did. not sure how to close this out but.. yeah. as the picture says, i’ve been surviving, but not thriving.
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heathersgameoftag · 3 years
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SURPRIIIIISE SHAWTY it was a double whammy. i remade the first ever TAG drawing i made. as you can see over the past three years (fuck) a lot has changed since my first concept. Veronica's bigender, Duke wears red, and oh worm..... new Mac design dropped???? 😳
anyway long paragraphs below
i'm around 40 followers away from 2000 followers on this blog (i've been kinda stuck around 1950 followers for a while now, it keeps going up and down lmao) so i guess this is a little thank you from me for sticking around for this long to read a silly AU that i've become so fixated on. even when the day comes that i no longer am interested in this AU (which will be a long time from now dw) i'll still have a very special place for it in my heart. i wouldn't be planning to rewrite it as its own novel if it wasn't so important to me.
i know lately my blog has calmed down a LOT from its initial launch in 2018. i've also had some personal stuff happen relating to it that has sucked a bit of enjoyment out of it (nothing to do with any of y'all!!! it's a very personal thing). but even though things have calmed and i struggle to answer asks as well as i used to (sorry for all the unanswered asks, it's nothing personal i promise) i still check my notifs for this blog daily and i always love seeing comments and reactions to my fics and drawings. it really means the world to me and it's the main thing keeping me going with this AU.
i do want to apologise if it feels like i've been a lot more quieter or distant from this blog though. idk if anyone has noticed anything but i definitely feel like i haven't been doing enough to keep y'alls enjoyment lately. i even get worried that my fics aren't interesting anymore since we're past the 'useless gay pining' stage and are onto the 'useless gays making a weird relationship work' stage, and i feel like it's not what most people want to see. idk if that's true, but it's what it feels like. but i also know that a lot of it is probably in my head. i still get comments and love and kudos from y'all and that should be and is enough for me, and i'll always be super appreciative of that.
i would like to maybe bring a bit more life to this blog again. if you ever wonder why i may not reply to asks, its because i'm just unsure how to answer. i get very few asks relating to TAG these days, which is fine, don't get me wrong, but it's difficult for me to give a good answer to something that could easily be its own headcanon post or otherwise. this isn't me complaining btw, i'm saying if you're one of the people sending me hcs, especially on anon, i'm recommending you put yourself out there on your own blogs !!!! i know it's nerve-wracking but i always see good stuff in there. i don't want it stuck on my blog where you won't get any credit, you deserve recognition :]
anyway, like i said, i want to bring more life to this blog again. i'm much more likely to answer asks relating to my au. it brings me a lot of dopamine and motivates me to actually get around to it. so if anyone wants to go ahead and do that, then i'd be happy to do it <3
again, a huge thank you to everyone who has been reading or has read TAG, even if you've lost interest in it, the fact that it caught your eye for some time means the world to me. i appreciate all of y'all sm <3
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
Ah, I do see your points, anon. I'm not going to post all your asks publicly because if you really feel that unsafe, it's probably best not to have a bigass chunk of your text for people to analyze and try to guess your identity from. I think one of the best points you made is about how close to home it hits when the non-fave is not only your fave but is similar to you in some way like demographic. You're not wrong for having those emotions. I do wonder if they make it hard to see how some other people feel similarly embattled on other axes.
TBH, I think one of the big problems here is that the large aggregate patterns you're talking about are racist, but most individual fics and fans are not really the problem. It's hard to know how to talk about this or who to tell to "fix" it when we're looking at free, hobbyist art.
A lot of people's tastes are certainly formed by shitty society, but once they're formed, they don't change fast if at all. Asking someone to rewrite their libido is a big ask, yet tumblr does it all the time as though it's as simple as snapping your fingers.
This leaves me with the sense that a lot of tumblr is... like... the political lesbians of porn fic or something: desire is not real, only choosing based on logic and politics. Or maybe people are so asexual that they just don't understand the lizard brain's "YES!" at some porn things and complete indifference to others?
I don't think it's great if great swaths of people feel like bottom!Nicky is super hot and top!Nicky fundamentally isn't, but I also don't think they can necessarily just turn it off like flipping a switch.
(If someone reading this doesn't like their current tastes and wants to attempt to alter them, I do think it's possible. What you should do is line up a large slate of media that prominently features characters of the ethnicity or whatever that you don't find hot/interesting. These should be leads whose emotional development drives the plot and is supposed to be central to the audience's enjoyment of the media. Watch/read/etc. this media all the time. All. The. Time. Try out many pieces because you won't like every character or every show, and we're looking for genuine enjoyment, not the fandom equivalent of a pity fuck. Spend enough time on this, and your unconscious sense of who's hot and interesting will eventually shift somewhat. This is a project you should expect to take a few years.)
But I digress.
The one tweet thing is a very toxic pattern. If TOG fandom is doing that, guys, please try to be more conscious of holding the actors of color to a higher standard (or the women or whomever). I know this often comes from a place of paying more attention to our own and wanting to set a good standard, but the effect is that minorities can't fuck up ever while white dudes get infinite passes.
Okay, on to the fic thing... Gotta say, my instant reaction to that description is "Ooh!"--as it would be for the same scenario with the characters reversed. (Ships who start out trying to kill each other are my favorite! x1000 if they're resurrecting style immortals and they literally do.) I can see how it would feel like slamming into a brick wall if you aren't kinky in just the right way and you didn't know it was coming though.
Part of why I react so strongly to a lot of discourse that runs along these lines is that I am a naturally extremely kinky person. It's not so much about what I do (which as a deeply lazy person in a long distance relationship is essentially nothing), but it's absolutely how I'm wired.
And I can tell you that my quotidian experience in fandom is sharing something I don't even realize is a big deal only to have someone I like, respect, and trust react in horror and tell me that it's triggering and awful and should not be allowed in fandom spaces because it makes "people" unsafe. It's such an instant, kneejerk reaction they don't even realize I was sharing it because it spoke to the very core of me. Lesson learned, friend. Lesson learned.
That sounds a bit off topic, I know, but bear with me: The point of that anecdote is that it's pretty common for me to get people trying to raise my awareness of things I have already thought deeply about while denying my essential humanity and not even realizing. As a kinky person who likes to make my fave the top (and generally a conflicted sadist), this constant request to explain and justify is exhausting.
I doubt most of the top!Joe fans have this precise problem simply because people who make their fave the top are much less common in fandom than people who make their fave the bottom, but I see a similar pattern with fans who are just fundamentally wired for rape fantasies (one of the most common fantasies that exists) vs. fans who just don't get rape fantasies at all. Or substitute your BDSM/kinky/messed up fantasy trope of choice. Covertly radical feminist attitudes towards kink and power are on the rise in fandom, and as a naturally kinky person, boy do I notice it!
I know that it feels like crucial activism to share these insights about why the ratio of top!Joe is hurtful, and the pain you feel is real. But it's also the case that it's a big ask to want people to listen. (Not me. Obviously, I routinely choose to engage with discourse. I mean overall.) The reason for that is that you're only seeing a fraction of what they do or who they are, and you don't know how many previous people they've listened to how many previous times. It's a very different situation from someone whose job is making some major TV series or movie or something. That person does, in my opinion, owe you some amount of listening.
Now, I'm not saying no top Joe fan was ever a jerk. I'll bet they were. There's a tendency to be rude and to publicly air your schadenfreude when you feel like everyone has been yelling at you. What I am saying is that a lot of the problem here boils down to conflicting needs, and that means there isn't a good solution. It's a situation where people are genuinely hurt, but I don't necessarily agree that other people have harmed them.
I like that you did an actual count of the explicit fics, btw. It's good to look at the real numbers. I see too little of that in these situations. My off the cuff reaction is that 2/3 to 1/3 is not a bad ratio at all compared to many fandoms, but yeah, it definitely shows a strong trend, and that can be painful. (I have a fandom where I think there's maybe like 1 bottom so-and-so fic in the entire zine era fandom. One. It's pretty extreme.)
I guess my thinking here overall is: What is the practical solution? What are we hoping to gain? What is reasonable to ask of people?
And it can't be "Well, if they would just listen..." That's just a sneaky way of saying "If you haven't done it my way, it's because you haven't listened to me yet."
So the question I would ask of people is this:
What does a non-racist fic where Joe tops look like?
What does a non-racist sex pollen, dubcon, or even noncon fic where Joe tops look like?
And if you say the latter is impossible... well... sadists exist everywhere in the world. So do doms. So do people who prefer to top in a purely physical sense. People with rape fantasies where they're the rapist exist (people who are not actually rapists, I mean). None of this is restricted to any one group. We can't categorically say fic like that about Joe is coming from a place of racism without denying the fundamental humanity of kinky MENA people who'd want to make Joe like themselves or like their ideal partner. (Yes, I agree this won't be the majority of fic writers writing top!Joe, but this is a place to start for figuring out what the better version would look like.)
IDK, maybe you're that kinkster yourself, but your asks gave me the vibe that you don't really get the drive towards those darker kinds of fics and what might be motivating it besides stereotypes and shittiness.
If we can answer these kinds of questions, we can better critique the way people write what they write without telling them all of their taste is bad and they should just stop writing. Even if we think the latter is true, it isn't going to get us anywhere. Figuring out how to make Joe more multidimensional in the fic they already want to write or finding very specific wording that should be avoided might actually work.
Beyond that, the actions I think are productive would be running prompt fests, exchanges, or other events for bottom!Joe or for top!Joe where he's the main character and the fics are required to be from his POV. Themed collections and recs lists are great. (I've seen a bit of this going around in TOG fandom in the past, and that's an excellent approach! Keep it up!) Positive actions tend to work better here. Make more of what you want. Promote what you want to see.
I don't mean this in some fluffy magical thinking way: you aren't going to change that ratio radically just by the power of positivity. But I've seen this kind of thing play out in many, many fandoms, and going after the people who write what you don't like, even in a well-intentioned effort to educate and even in a polite, kind way doesn't do much. A few people feel guilty. A few feel defensive. A lot ignore you. The overall fic doesn't change. It's not a good use of your limited time and energy.
I'm off to look up that fic to see what I think of it in practice, but I'm going to post this before tumblr manages to eat it.
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zaeedsflipflops · 3 years
Zaeed, Kasumi, Joker!
Full disclosure, I don't know why I reblogged this ask game bc I almost never remember my first impressions of anything lmao
First impression: lol I don't know. I think I enjoyed him.
Impression now: He is my favorite shitty elderly man full of rage and chaos and horrible morals. I just really get such a kick out of him. Maybe it's bc I immediately drew a parallel between him and my beloved Shepard so I was like "oh he is beloved too now I guess". Nasty man. Evil.
Favorite moment: I like when he's stuck under that burning pillar 🥰
Idea for a story: So many, weirdly. But none that focus on him. I just want him to pop up in other characters' stories.
Unpopular opinion: LISTEN. LISTEN. i KNOW in my heart zaeed is a stinky man who smells like old dish rags and, like, garlic for some reason. but like... his game model could get it, you know? his va is robin sachs. like. 👀
Favorite relationship: I like him and Garrus' interactions. Zaeed is like the Bad Future for Garrus. them interacting is enjoyable and brings out the worst in both of them and that's so sexy and fun
First impression: I don't remember specifics, but I liked her. I thought her hood was cool.
Impression now: I love her now, and I love how playful but also wise/street smart she is. It's kind of refreshing to have a character with both traits. I just wish she had more content in ME2 (and ME3, but the same goes for all ME2 squad mates).
Favorite moment: Probably during her loyalty mission when she explodes at Hock. her voice actor is really good at showing her range from playfully indifferent facade to grief and anger.
Idea for a story: I'd love to see some of her and Keiji's heists explored
Unpopular opinion: I don't know if I have one? tbh I don't think I even know the popular opinions about her
Favorite relationship: @bluhawke has opened my eyes to the idea of the Kasumi and Thane friendship and I hate that they don't really interact
First impression: idk. probably funny pilot guy who wisecracks
Impression now: I like his characterization a lot. I like that they have him in that wisecracking sidekick role to Shepard but he's very much his own person. I love that he's got so much anger inside him. I feel like I don't see a lot of angry characters who aren't just Mad all the time, but whose anger comes out less obviously
Favorite moment: I love when he and Shepard steal the Normandy and share that little look and it just gets me all pumped up for the story, and it's also like, the subtle camaraderie and loyalty 🤌
Idea for a story: Some Shoker thing. A rewrite of some ME3 stuff I don't love.
Unpopular opinion: Unpopular idk, but I think he should've been a romance option. I'm also not a huge fan of him and EDI as a couple. I don't hate it, but it doesn't sit super well with me for various reasons.
Favorite relationship: Him and Shepard, platonic or not. he's kind of the only person on the Normandy in ME1 who doesn't open up to Shepard and is just kind of in the background, but he comes thru at the end and then follows Shep to Cerberus. he never mentions how Shep died saving him and downplays it but it comes out in ME3 that it's clearly been bothering him. Like I love the loyalty plus the emotional unavailability of him and Shepard. It's interesting
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cunttom · 2 years
18. 15 17
15. Vampire Matt, Monster Tom, or PowerEdd?
VAMPIRE MATT VAMP MATT VAMP MATT VAMP MATT!!!!!! idk why i just dont get the appeal of monster tom/poweredd. monster tom is cute and i like drawing him like a puppy dog but like eh...i think its my zest for horror. im not really into vamp matt for any emo reason IT JUST FITS HIM SO WELL aesthetically. also not an option but zombehs. zombeh any of them. idc. i love zombeh tord more than anything but zombeh matt is a delicacy and zombeh tom and edd are like fine wines that cost millions of dollars. to me zombeh tom is worth a thousand monster toms
17. Which Eddsworld character do you relate to the most, and why?
tom but not emo fandom tom. canon tom. i have composed a brief list of reasons
“it was for the bit your honor” *league of people in the courtroom mauled to death, im being charged with every crime*
has the disease that makes a person like ska
not human. some kind of thing. object. objectgendered
useless little hater for my own enjoyment
i could fit a whole bass in my hoodie pockets. i get so attached to objects you would not believe.
born to hate the pain of alcohol forced to love the flavors and effects. btw why does alcohol have to burn so bad. im kind of obsessed with how much it hurts though. same with sparkling water.
simultaneously random XD and “im too smart and cool to be random *eyeroll*”
literally the stupid and dense but in a silly funny way.
the bestie is matt. we are besties :D
idk. im just like him i could think of more i just dont know rn...#girlsquad
in summary if i kinned id be him
18. If you could write an episode, what would it be about?
this changes daily. BUT. if i got the chance. maybe i wouldnt even write an episode. id rewrite the end, i think. or if it has to be a new thing then id write a conclusion to it, make sense of it. i have a rewrite in progress but IDK!!!! anyway the demonswap concept i made would be very fun. AND the stupid disneyworld thing me and the bestie have. theyre writing it tho. ummm maybe Adventures of Future Matt and Future Tom. or id comission saloonatics two the saloonating from the person who directed the animation i forgot who it was. or man, just a stupid slice of life thing would be mad fun. genuinely just nothing happens. im going to regret this one in a few days cos ill think of a genius new idea and have lost my opportunity to rant about it
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mars-ipan · 3 years
ok fuck it completely self-indulgent post time.
things i would do if i rewrote danganronpa!! spoilers and tws for mentions of dr’s bullshit under the cut.
NOTE: i am not the end-all-be-all for good writing. in fact i want to keep some bad writing in bc it’s funny to me. my opinions may not match your own and that is okay
chihiro is a trans girl. not whatever the fuck happened in canon
hifumi’s no longer a gross asshole who makes everything about anime porn!! he’s just a content creator now. oh also he has an actually possible body type
byakuya gets a smidge more character development. not too much!
ishimondo are still only queer-coded but you can barely call it coding at this point. also after mondo’s death taka wears his coat </3
can’t believe i nearly forgot this- toko and jill are getting full rewrites. they are still a system and jill is still aggressive, but jill has never actually killed anyone and honestly isn’t even that violent. she’s just a fierce protector. also toko’s less of a prick to everyone and while she still has her mental illness symptoms (the hygiene thing is not because she likes feeling gross. trust me i’ve been there) the others actually try to help her rather than shame her.
also byakuya’s not a flat-out abusive dickhead to her! he’s mostly just dismissive. toko’s still down bad but she’s not too creepy about it. think like... middle school crush type thing i guess? idk i never had many crushes
hiro gets an actual fleshed-out character please. i’m not even a huge hiro enjoyer his character is just kinda there. i want to see him use the potential he has
teruteru’s not so icky. he makes me so uncomfortable in canon but i want to like his character. so here he’s still like. flirty but he takes no for an answer and backs off when people are genuinely uncomfortable. the dude just likes sex jokes
twogami’s weight isn’t constantly made fun of. i actually think the writers did... kinda alright for twogami in that he’s perfectly comfortable being fat but the bar for dr is so low at this point so take that with a grain of salt. anyways hiyoko still makes fun of him a tiny bit but not every conversation with him revolves around his weight
mikan. mikan honey i love you. no more gross fanservice shots. also your execution’s getting a full revamp. u are injected with a bunch of weird ass serums that like. turn ur skin different colors or some shit before eventual euthanasia. i can’t believe the writers did that stupid ass arm rocket thing when this was right there. they didn’t need to allude to junko it was just like. bad
mahiru gets a personality!!! mahiru i love you so much already but the games did you dirty. gave you no appeal. they just put you There. you are now robust and boisterous and instead of pushing gender roles u just want everyone to do their best. ur like a peppy guidance counselor
as funny as hiyoko stinky is i really don’t think it’s necessary. also her corpse doesn’t have the sash tied in the front bc ew gross <3
nagito sweetheart i don’t wanna do too much to change your character bc i love u but like. you deserved some character development man. a little more empathy towards you. i would consider making the “feed me hajime” scene less weird but it’s so fucking funny to me so that’s probably staying.
soda!! soda my man. we are making you less creepy. you are no longer possessive and weird, just like. really in love. soda’s got a lot of love in him man. he crushes hard but he’s respectful about it! he deserves it. also whatever you call sonia/gundham/soda? yeah that’s at least going to be hinted at. “oh fuck the people i’m into are into each other just my luck” would be fun
miu doesn’t say slurs!!! she still has that rivalry going on with kokichi but no slurs. speaking of which they’re kinda more like frenemies? they piss each other off but they get along too. oh also miu’s slightly less... odd when she gets flustered? she’s still easily flustered! just... in an embarrassed way not a gross way
kokichi’s character is almost perfect but i’d like to see him get a bit more development before he goes. show his true colors just a little bit. be a little vulnerable. that way it hurts more to see him go. sorta like with my ideas for nagito
oh, kiyo. kiyo you poor poor man. there’s still some things going on with the sister stuff but this time it is CLEAR that this is abusive. oh also no incest i know that happens in a lot of abusive relationships but just like. personal boundaries. i’m leaving the ropes thing alone because honestly i just find it funny.
honestly get rid of all the incesty bits in general, including the monokubs stuff? it’s heavily implied it was something tsumugi liked and i just. hate it. get it out
i... don’t know what to do about the love hotel. i still wanna keep it in some sense bc i think it has potential but like. tone it down some. we don’t need angie’s and miu’s and ESPECIALLY tsumugi’s to be like that. it’s important that kokichi’s stays exactly the same though. saiouma isn’t even my first pick but that scene is so funny to me that i refuse to change it
oh also. tenko is explicitly a lesbian. like yes this is obvious but it is like. explicitly stated “i am tenko chabashira i am so attracted to women so much”
ok this technically could fit within canon since the ending is ambiguous but!! the events of dr1 and dr2 are NOT fiction in the dr3 universe. the third killing game was still treated like a reality tv show (the world ending is fake) but! tsumugi is essentially like a remnant trying desperately to get the Tragedy rolling again. she failed. the survivors are eventually picked up by makoto + company where they are given safety and work to help repair the now mostly despair-free world
that gross minigame with the hands is gone. bye. sayonara. get it out. same goes for the rest of the creepy shit kotoko sweetheart i am so sorry
also haiji’s still a fucko but he doesn’t have that gross cradle robber line!! yay!
i would change kurokuma but god. that piece of shit bear is so funny to me i don’t know if i could do it. i know my sense of humor isn’t the best but god i love that dickhead’s character. just there to be annoying and a counterpart to shirokuma. respect
i also want to do something abt the nagito fanservice scenes but like. once again: funny. they’re stupid but they make me laugh so i guess they can stay
the “toko’s fantasy” scenes are still a thing but they’re much more chill. they’re basically just sailor moon and tuxedo mask
as funny as i think the aphrodisiac scene was because the nagito stans got NOTHING it is A.) gross and B.) contradictory with the canon of this rewrite. so that’s gone.
i want to keep the “secretly gay and pining” twist with juzo and kyosuke but no bury your gays this time. fuck you kyosuke’s bi and while he’s still mourning chisa’s death he does maybe wanna try something out with juzo once they’re emotionally okay
why did monaca go to space??? that’s so stupid and they never resolved it. monaca does not go to space this time. she just kinda fucks off, if she leaves at all
i honestly don’t have many gripes with the anime. since so many characters are recurring it’s mostly been fixed already
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undyingsunshine · 3 years
14 and 15 for the most recent post, and I’m gonna come back with more too
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Here we go!!!!
14. At what point in writing do you come up with a title?
Honestly, it usually differs from piece to piece! Usually, though, the title comes last! (Though I do have a short list of potential titles for Li Cu fics stored away, most of which are just lyrics from songs xD Whether I end up using them or not, only time will tell!)
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
All of these tend to give me a bit of trouble xD if I was to rank from hardest to easiest however, I think I'd say titles are the hardest and tags tend to be the easiest. For summaries I usually just slap a portion of the fic in and then add a small almost-summary below it, mostly because I feel like giving a sample of the fic will be more effective than trying to give a succinct description? Kind of shows you what you're getting into before you've even clicked xD
Titles, I use a lot of lyrics from songs, especially ones that I think fit with the character. Though, this does sometimes mean my titles are... long and it can make it a little awkward when trying to talk about the fics themselves. xD
Examples include;
"Come with me, I promise the water is fine..." Which is a lyric from God Bless Eric Taylor by Marietta, a song that I relate to Li Cu somewhat.
This next one is the title of a chapter instead of a whole fic, but I'll count it anyway xD Chapter 2 of I'm Here is titled: "I have this dream that I'm hitting my dad with a baseball bat and he is screaming and crying for help..." which is from the song Father by The Front Bottoms.
I ideally try to make it so that the lyrics also match up with the contents of the chapter/fic. I'm Here's second chapter is all about Li Cu's nightmares, so I thought the title would be pretty fitting xD Honestly, thinking back maybe I could've added more types of dreams.... Ones that fit that title even more.... Small rewrite of that Chapter perhaps? I don't think it would be that different, but still... Would add more angst onto everything xD
The title for "Come with me..." Also sort of relates to the contents of the fic, but moreso in the following line that appears in the summary: "I need something else to comvince me I won't die."
Honestly these lines could have me ranting a whole lot, especially in relation to Li Cu. Just makes me think of all his conflicted feelings, and how he must feel when he drags his friends into the mess he didn't even make. (And these feeling really would increase after Su Wan blames him for the snake bite and getting Shen Qiong inveolved, and during just... the entirety of the time he, Yang Hao, Su Wan and Liang Wan are in the desert together. (ESPECIALLY when Yang Hao is being absolutely mistreated by the 9 families, like sheesh.)
It's just a whole lot of guilt, but also maybe some stubborn determination? Li Cu is very adamant on living just to spit in the face of everyone around him. Existing out of pure spite, but with friends involved, it's more like he's existing to fulfil a purpose? One that he feels like he's bestowed upon himself. Not Wu Xie, or Rishan, or anyone. Just him. He stays alive so he can protect his friends. He'll keep them safe, he'll get them home alive. He has to. And he knows that he will. Or else, what is he even persevering for? "I need something to convince me I won't die." In the fic, this could also be referring to Wu Xie, as he kind of marks safety by the end of the drama. Wu Xie being there means it's okay. It means he doesn't have to fight anymore. And in the fic, it also means that Li Cu can let go. Of Everything. Permanently. (I have so many branching ideas based on that 300 word demon of a fic, you wouldn't even believe)
As for tags, I struggle mostly because I never know what's okay to tag? I'm afraid of tagging a fic with something if the content of that particular tag doesn't show up all that much in the fic? Unless it's something that's a potnential trigger, and then I'll tag it, even if it's small. Just ot be safe. But like. Characters, I don't tag unless they're actually there and present and doing something. If they're mentioned, I tend to not tag them since it's not all that crucial? For people to know they show up for a second? Idk, I like to be as succinct and precise as possible with my tags, because I know how annoying it is for tags to be clogged or for fics to have too many tags xD
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
I have a few, surprisingly! I'll choose two, both from the second chapter of I'm Here!
"Each one makes him wake up, terrified and shaky and wanting to hide or just outright stop existing; to become intangible, untouchable, safe. Of course, he can't actually do that, so instead he pushes the fear down and suffocates it before burying it in the backyard of his mind in the hopes it'll never be dug up again."
Something I try and do while writing is find ways to explain how I. Just. Experience life? (This is also present in Chapter 1 with the line "Further frustration gathered in his chest, making it tighten with stress before it shot up into his throat". Just little things that I've never really seen in words before? That I feel but never know how to accurately describe.) There's always the whole "let the void swallow me/him/her/them whole" thing in media that I love because, honestly, mood. But I guess for this I just wanted to word it differently? In the way I felt was most accurate to myself. Just to be in a state of which nothing can get you, be it life or that one imaginary demon that you sometimes think is lurking around the house at the convenient time of 3 AM, Y'know? When real life becomes TOO real and you just want to blip out for a second, just pause everything and have a moment to be free of everything xD
I also just kind of like the metaphor(?) with his fear. Trust Li Cu to not only associate feelings with violence, but also treat his feelings violently xD I feel like I'm not the best when it comes to imagery and creative expression, especially through words. I point out the obvious, the facts, a lot, both when speaking normally and in writing, and it takes a bit of time for me to remember that I'm writing a story and not jotting a list of events xD So anytime I actually come up with something more kind of creatively written, I feel particularly happy with myself.
"He can't even fully comprehend what's been going on - everything feels bizarre and just out of reach, moreso than usual - but what he does know is that Wu Xie is here and he's angry. The man stands above Li Cu, his cold calculating eyes burning him with wordless accusations that, despite their ambiguity, feel justified. There's guilt, desperation and denial crashing inside him like waves assaulting a rickety raft on a stormy sea. What these feelings are for, he doesn't know. It makes him want to plead for forgiveness all the same."
Let's be honest, Li Cu probably has way too many mixed feelings on Wu Xie. The man who simultaneously built him up and destroyed him. The man who caused him agony, but is also probably one of the best things to come into Li Cu's life??? Like damn, I think I'd be pretty conflicted if I was Li Cu. And things only get worse when, in this fic's timeline, Wu Xie essentially ghosts Li Cu out of guilt for what he did to the kid. This is taken wrong by Li Cu, and he ends up feeling abandoned. By his own kidnapper. I just feel like this snippet is pretty okay at capturing all the blame he puts onto himself, and captures some of the trauma that comes with the events of Sha Hai as well. I just kind of like how this paragraph turned out in the end. xD
6. What character do you have the most fun writing
LI CU!!! Absolutely Li Cu. I don't know exactly what it is but it just. Clicks with me? Or at least the version I write of himd does, it's probably not even close to Li Cu's canon portrayal xD Maybe it's because of the fact that I'm also an angsty, angry 19 year old that I feel as such? It's much easier to put myself in the mind of a teenage boy rather than a 40 year old man xD In terms of non DMBJ writings, I have OCs that I love writing for! Funnily enough, one is an angsty 19 year old boy with a lot of self-worth issues (ringing any bells?) and the other is an angry, confused and conflicted character that was modified to be a kind of living weapon, but had since escaped and repressed all their memories of what happened. Though, the memories eventually start to resurface and they begin to question themself a whole lot, with flashbacks haunting the corners of their mind and driving them deeper and deeper into guilt-filled despair.
In general, angsty characters with a lot of conflicted emotions are super fun to write for! To flicker around from thought to thought and dive into all the hidden feelings that a character can have. It's just super enjoyable for me xD
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luci-cunt · 4 years
hi im super sorry to bother you! but i was wondering if you had any writing tips? im like really bad at writing, like fleshing out ideas and then building on them? and i see your writing and im always amazed because everything is so put together!! also there's no pressure to answer this if you dont want to! 😊
asjfd;lsakdj why are all nonnies so worried about annoying me?? I love you guys??? especially when you say shit like thsi??? my brain is leaking out my ears aldskjf;lasdkj <3333
also: jasl;dkfjasd oh my god you think my writing is put together?? aslkdfj;asldkjf <333 ajsd;fasjdlfkjaljdf
This got a little away from me so here’s a TL;DR:
Hoard your writing
Realize it probably doesn’t look as bad as you think it does
Characters make worlds
You’re your own carpenter and other peoples writing strategies probably won’t 100% work for you
Writing’s kinda like acting well: get in your characters heads! (and I mean ALL of your characters--even your villains. ESPECIALLY your villains)
My writing process is a mess don’t follow it XD
I think one of my favorite pieces of advice is the fact that creators are ruined by all the answers XD. Like, idk if that makes sense but basically: as the author/ artist/ creator you see everything that goes into making your work work which means you can’t really ever know what the polished piece looks like.
I mean, if you want visuals being a creator is only seeing the back of your cross stitch, while your readers/ consumers only see the front final image.
(this wonderful Elizabeth Cady Stanton found here is a great example but Tumblr is being stupid and won’t let me post it in the actual answer XD)
To us, it’ll always look a bit unfinished or wonky, because we know just about all the details!!
The point I’m trying to go for is that: as the creator you can’t really know whether or not your work makes sense or is “put together” it’s why I love getting feedback so much--I’m an addict. For one: it’s hugely encouraging to get compliments and reactions (+ a nice boost to the ego ;) XD) but, at least for me, I’m always terrified nothing in my stories makes sense!
Having aid that, fleshing out details/ building on them is still important and I think it’s one of the most important things about writing. I’m assuming you’re meaning just general ideas, in which case--write it down. al;ksdjfajk I know that seems obvious but at least for me I write everything down OBSESSIVELY, and I delete NOTHING. I have a whole doc where I copy paste sections that I want to remove just so I have all of it, becuase you never know when it might make sense later or come back to you!
I guess what I’m trying to say is--HOARD YOUR WRITING!!! Even the stuff that’s cringy and stupid and kind of makes you wanna throw up because oh my god did I really write liek that??? One of the first things I ever wrote was basically a rewrite of this one youtube minecraft series I liked, I think I was like 12 and it was cheesy and all over the place and just utter garbage nonsense. Everytime I look at it I cringe because oh GOD, but I kept that shit! BUT! One of the side characters was a stroke of accidental genius and I’ve been trying to replicate it since! XD
K I got a little away from myself but also: building and fleshing out ideas is...... a unique process. It’s not like physically building something, because at least with that there’s specific ways to go about doing it, but it’s more like.... idk taking pieces from other people until you get the strategy you want.
I’m a dumbass with ADHD so my strategy is the Jack Karouac. He was a classic american author known for his book “On the Road” which he famously wrote all in one 3-week sitting. He used a roll of ticker paper so he didn’t have to change it on his type writer and just wrote.
When I get an idea I sit down and just write everything out, my strategy is usually to frame it like I’m writing a letter to someone--YES snarky commentary included! XD--it just helps flow things.
So say I have an idea for a story, first I write an into something kinda stupid like “Ok I just came up with this like four seconds ago and now I need to write it out” and then I start with the most vivid details and go from there. Usually that means characters, I’ll describe them only as they pop up in my head (sometimes this means everything from name down to the way they tie their shoelaces and sometimes it’s just ‘best friend of mc’), then I work my way out from there, asking questions and writing the plot out.
Questions are worldbuilding things like “is this world like earth? is it in this time period? if it isn’t what time period? why that time period? this persons job is x, why? when did boy-next-door move in? why is there that scar on her face?” and usually while this is happening I’ll come up with little dialogue snippets that I just dump into a “Snippets” pile XD. Again--those are sometimes full pages of scenes I’m thinking of, or just dialogue bits I want to use or just more character quirks.
Once I’ve done that I drop it all and leave. Go for a run or a walk or make some food or whatever and DO NOT touch it or even THINK about it for at least a day. Then, come back and read over what you’ve got and fidget with it until you’ve got something at least resembling a story XD.
K wow this got long but lastly: Characters make worlds! If you’ve got kinda iffy world building or a plot you’re not very happy with, as long as the characters are enjoyable and real people will like it. Idk if you’ve read the All For the Game series but the world building is GARBAGE. lakjdsf;klj that’s not an exaggeration: a kids dad is a mob boss who works for the Japanese Yakuza who also run a fictional sport called Exy and regularly torture/ brainwash people. That’s just wild right there--BUT people adore it because the Characters are interesting and real.
Another example is the Green Creek series: I love those books to death but I stg Klune just recycles the same plot/ character drama every book and I STILL go back and reread them because the CHARACTERS!! And a LOT of people love those books despite the fact that they’re all basically the same.
Characters. Make. the. Story.
Idk, maybe I put too much weight on characters and I don’t know what I’m talking about, but--at least for me--I put the MOST effort into making my characters real and something people will be interested by and hopefully connect with, and I think it works out ok XD
Sorry this is rambly and long, I like talking. :) I hope this helped!!! Maybe?? ajs;dflajk
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keiyoomi · 4 years
(1/2) Y'know I want to be a writer, but school sucks. Everyday we have these homeworks and projects(that I do during weekends/free time). I can't allot a time for writing a fic. I feel like shit, everytime I read fics I just feel insecure like how am I gonna do this/that when I can't even free my time for that dream. Also, I have to maintain my high grades as to not disappoint people and myself. I'm exhausted, but I can't just abandon things like that.
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hi, anon! (⌒o⌒)
i’m not sure if i’d be able to give you useful tips with regards to finding time to write. i, myself, am struggling to manage my time now that i’m studying again.
honestly, months before i started this blog, i felt insecure as well. my grammar sucks compared to other writers in this platform. i don’t use fancy words, i suck at writing description, you know things like that.
but before i completely drown myself with negativity—that i couldn’t write fics that would be enjoyed by others or that is well-written—i took a step back, and started to plan and imagine how i wanted my blog to look like.
[shokugeki no soma spoiler] it’s like what soma did when he failed to capture the guests’ attention during their activity in totsuki hotel—the one where he made souffle and only managed to sold (?) 8 plates at first. he took a deep breath and pictured out what he needed to do and what he needed to do in order to pass the test. and the first thing he do is showing off his skills to a kid, and presenting her the food.
that scene from the anime is my inspiration before starting keiyoomi. my previous blog sucks and flopped immensely at first. i thought keiyoomi would fail as well since i only have 14 followers before. 😅
anyway, you are free to write whatever you want in your own pace. it’s totally up to you whether you’d like to post or share long fics or ficlets. as long as you’re having fun, then you’re doing great.
also, i’m not a very creative person myself. so, i sometimes use dialogue prompts available here on tumblr. just don’t forget to credit the sources. 😅
i hope you feel better, anon. feel free to send messages here. even if it’s vent, i don’t really mind.
lemme add the things i did with this blog in the past few months (for pointers, maybe?):
wrote some of my stories without editing it, only to rewrite it for a couple of times until i’m satisfied. [farewell, mr. almost, ver. 3 and paalam]
started a mini series filled with ficlets that barely reach 200-1000 wc. [hq!! characters with babies, potato omelette]
still trying to write something despite feeling burnout. some are enjoyable, but there are those that flopped, but who cares? [tag: #keiyoomi: does impulsive shits]
this are some of this things i could maybe share with you. ah! and before i forgot, please try not to write your fics directly on tumblr. there are times when the app is down and your hardwork might perish into nothing. you can use wps, or word, or google docs in writing your first drafts/rough drafts.
also, um. . . some other tip? maybe this part is directed to myself?
don’t focus a little TOO MUCH of your attention to the imperfection of your writing. polished story is really great, but if you’re similar to me who tends to um feel lost while trying to write a “perfect story,” it’s probably best to remember that having a rough draft is more important because it is easier to clean up a messy draft than start from scratch. idk.
write as much or as little as you want. i’m pretty sure nobody’s checking whether or not you’ve a reached a certain wc. and you’re writing for free. you’re writing free stuffs. come on. just enjoy writing.
aksksksksksksksksks idk what i did at the last part, but i hope this has been helpful.
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cal-cium-the-nerd · 4 years
Writing Update
Ok. So.
I took a little break from writing. Mental health related. 
(I’m very glad to have such nice followers that I was never asked for updates/ to post writings/ etc during this whole time period! It might also be because my writing sucks but hey let’s focus on the positives here)
Break is officially over and I am back to writing.
I’d also like to share what I’m currently working on/how my WIPs are doing right now. 
The... word count hasn’t changed much (sorry). But I cleaned up/organized a few things! So. That’s nice. I hope. 
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(As of now, there are 38 parts outlined. It says 34 in the pic bc i had to squeeze a few in and they appear as stuff like ‘13′ ‘13.1′ ‘13.2′, but that’s just me being lazy and not wanting to edit all the numbers) (All the parts that are stated in the pic are the ones I’ve already started writing. No I don’t write linearly, yes it’s a mess. Yes 5 arcs might be a bit much. I might end up fusing arcs 4 and 5 together idk) (The red squares are for censoring chapter names/spoilers) (i have fics i want to write for arc 5 but rn they’re mostly only slightly-connected drabbles, so i don’t count them as really ‘outlined’) 
(In my defense, this is a pretty long project and the whole posting-while-i’m-still-not-sure-what’s-going-to-happen-next thing doesn’t go very well with me. I’m always paranoid of suddenly thinking up a great subplot which’d need early foreshadowing but having already posted the parts where i’d have to place the foreshadowing)
 Mother of Learning Short Stories
YES I AM STILL WORKING ON THESE (i started some of these in NOVEMBER of LAST. YEAR. pls sue me.)
no word count because the doc has other stuff there as well
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‘(F)’ means it’s a wip I still have to Finish. [C-RW] means it’s a Completed WIP which needs Rewriting (I usually put [C] before a WIP’s name when I’ve finished it) The ‘/’ means it’s at least partially posted on ao3. 
(The ‘I do not know what this is’ fic will probably end up as part of the drabbles, it’s a fic that started out serious and rapidly turned into crack) 
 Unnamed WIP
Then... Surprise! You might remember that one time I made a post about an original fantasy WIP which had a plant/tree humanoid species called Dendrians. This WIP is mostly for my own enjoyment since the plot’s not really strong and I mostly just write every idea I’ve always wished to see more of in fantasy stories (and lots of lgbt characters bc im weak) 
this WIP does not currently have a name but it’s my baby (it’s almost 2 years old...) (How the hell have I not named it yet... what a horrible parent i am) (i never even tried to)
I’m not gonna give a word count and it’s not yet divided by chapters so I’m just gonna leave a synopsis here in case someone’s interested.
Humanity has long since lived in decline. The world is home to a number of different species, all of which have coexisted together since the beginning of time (peacefully or not-so-peacefully). Humans don’t have many advantages compared to entire communities which don’t need anything else more than air, light and water to thrive, or people who need no more than 3 hours of sleep per day yet are able to regularly design technology way beyond that of the simple human mind. Species which need only a couple of years to reach maturity, or who are able to punch through walls as infants. Giants, dwarfs, elves, there are all kinds of people out there, and humans are slowly losing their presence in the world. In the past few decades, they’ve reached a point where they might go entirely extinct if something isn’t done to save them.
Etta is one of the few remaining scattered humans, who’s looking for a mythical land her parents used to tell her stories of as a kid where one of the last human cities still stands. Her exotic race attracts attention wherever she goes, though, and her adventures (or misadventures, as she sees them) are not few. 
Her loyal companion, a child named Liepa, is a Dendrian who decided to forsake their culture and tribe in order to travel the world beside Etta and explore everything there is to see. Together, the two will have to find a way to defend themselves and carry on towards unknown lands. 
(I couldn’t find a way to fit it in the synopsis but Etta also eventually becomes a mage! I’m still working on the magic system though) (...It’s more complicated than I thought and it’s hard, okay?)
(...If someone’s interested in this story send me an ask or smt and I’ll happily rant about it some more :D)
So. Ehem. Haha. 
I’m writing a one piece fanfiction. 
I know I should be focusing on the mol ones but I simply couldn’t stop thinking about this until I sat down and wrote it and... and it’s a long fanfiction. 
I don’t want to give a synopsis for this one because I think it’ll be funnier if people only find out what the hell I’ve cracked up in my head once it’s posted (or at least the first chapter is- this is a chaptered fic. which is very weird for me) 
Let’s just say it has 2 main characters (no shipping though- 100% gen), one of which has thousands of fics written for them and the other one which has... 11 fics. of which only one has them as anything more than a one-time side-appearance. and that one fic is a 300-word drabble (my wip is already over 4,5k words so apparently i’ve already written the longest fic which has them as one of the main characters??) (they’re not a new onepi character) (they’re not... very important either but hey! :( i like that character) 
(this is giving me war-like high school flashbacks)
I’m gonna keep writing regularly, and I’ll try to advance all these wips as much as I can. I’ll do my best to try and post something mol-related... uh... soon. I’ll also try to post Stubborn’s first chapter (it’s my new baby and I want people to read it. Sorry wdwgfh i swear I’ll give you more attention soon). I probably won’t be posting the unnamed fantasy wip any time soon (especially bc I don’t even really have a platform in mind for it) but I’ve already talked my dad’s ears off about it and he won’t let me mention it aloud anymore so if anyone’s interested in it I could post drabbles/worldbuilding pieces of it. 
Thank you all for waiting during all this time I wasn’t very present on tumblr (or ao3). I’m still writing, and I still have lots to give to the mol fandom, so stay tuned! <3
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background harry potter ships i enjoy
so you know how you have like your main ships which may or may not conflict with each other, but who cares, each story is in a different universe to me but like i was thinking about like other ships that i enjoy, like not ones that i would read a fic dedicated to, but if its in the background of a story, i really do enjoy it, so without further ado, here are the canon and non-canon harry potter ships i enjoy on the down low
remus and tonks-ok so like i enjoy sirius and remus but idk i just absolutely adore their dynamic and also like i’d like to bring up teddy lupin, because i love him with my entire heart. the character of tonks is so fun, and i adore remus and idk the ship just makes me happy? if theres a story with sirius/remus i do like them together, but i like them together in the marauder era if that makes any sense?
harry and ginny-so i do very much like hermione/harry, but in cases where the story is draco/hermione, ginny and harry being together does make me really happy, you know? i love it when ginny is a good friend in stories to hermione, she can tend to be vilified in hermione/harry stories, which isn’t a dealbreaker for me in a fic, but it does put a bit of a damper on things? i just like it when ginny is nice, her character has a lot of potential
fleur and bill-ok so fleur deserves so much more like she is so much more than a pretty face, i mean the goblet declared her worthy in gof and she didn’t get herself killed in the tournament so she honestly deserves more credit. as for bill, i just think he’s cool and i like them together. also victorie and her relationship with teddy is one of the few things i would keep in the epilogue if i were to rewrite the series
narcissa and lucius-in dramione stories? god i love this ship in the background. narcissa is smarter than people give her credit for, and i think in fics that are written well, the dynamic between lucius and narcissa is so enjoyable
james and lily-ok like i understand that some people dislike james and i get that he could be a bit egotistical but like in most marauder era fics, james is really sweet. i think that the thing between him and snape was a very two sided issue, and neither one of them come out of it the hero. that being said, i don’t think that a childhood rivalry should define his character. also him dying to buy lily and harry some time? that’s such an incredible and wonderful thing to do as a human being and he really did love lily and lily really did love him. 
neville and hannah abbott-ok we don’t see a lot of this in the books but honestly i think both characters are incredibly sweet and its just really cute to me
frank and alice longbottom-come on! like freaking any marauder era fic, alice and frank are the cutest together and like their love story is so freaking tragic, honestly even more so than james and lily to me, idk. whenever they get healed in a fic, which doesn’t really happen often, it always makes me really happy,, like we don’t know how their minds actually are-they could be trapped inside of their own heads without a way out and honestly that terrifies me. also i just want neville to be loved, is that too much to ask?
non canon:
harry and cedric-ok i’ve only read one or two fics with this ship in the background, but i always think that its really sweet and cedric being a positive light in harry’s life is honestly something harry deserves because that boy has been through it lol
harry and theo nott-during a dramione fic i love nottpott. i think half of it has to do with the ship name like its so fun to say, but also like the trope in which like your best friend dates your s/o’s best friend is honestly so cute and gives me serotonin so yeah, also i’d like to mention (um i can’t remember the name of this fic but i know that its like dramione and nottpott and its got like this device with numbers for comparability and an alternative title was) statistically yours because *chefs kiss*
tonks and fleur-another one of the ships i haven’t read a ton of fics in which they’re in the background, but like i feel like they make such a badass couple and i very much enjoy them 
ginny and blaise zambini-slytherin centered fics that are dramione or even like theo and hermione (which i don’t read quite as often but still), i always love blaise, he’s always got so much flair and i feel like energy-wise he always matches up with ginny like the chaotic energy from this pairing is incredible. also like i mentioned before, i love the trope hey we’re dating, let’s match up our best friends
luna and blaise-like i said before, chaotic energy but in like a different way? very enjoyable still and i love it when luna hangs out with hermione and the slytherins in fics like luna is just a very enjoyable character and i wish more was done with her
ginny and luna-another kickass girl couple, and have you seen the fanart of this ship? it’s always absolutely gorgeous, and i just think that ginny and luna would play off of each other really well, and even though i haven’t seen it in many fics yet, i’m currently manifesting for it so
theo and luna-again, luna and hermione w/slytherins? instant win for me. i feel like theo tends to be very ravenclaw for a slytherin and brings out the more grounded side of luna, without stifling her and taking away the luna we know and love. also i feel like they would set up a nice little succulent garden together and just live their best lives and honestly that’s what i want for them
neville and luna-speaking of gardens... anyways like mad that this couple isn’t canon like i love hannah, but luna deserves better than a character who is mentioned like maybe twice? luna and neville are both constantly underestimated and made fun of because they’re different but like when they finally gain confidence in themselves? love it. also would love to see luna teach charms or like divination (luna is a seer you can fight me on that) while neville teaches herbology
neville and susan bones-love susan bones, that girl deserves more please and thank you and like her and neville like they’re both sweet characters and i love seeing susan idk the couple just makes me happy ok?
sirius and amelia bones-literally every story that has this ship in it slaps and amelia bones was a badass and deserved better and honestly i’m just saying that this should’ve been canon and sirius and amelia shouldn’t have been killed but you know whatever
luna and pansy parkinson-come on you’re telling me that pansy fighting anyone who has anything bad to say about luna wouldn’t make an incredible little fic with like a super odd couple but i think they would work great i mean
theo and blaise-this is just a really fun couple lol i just think they always make a fic more enjoyable :)
minerva mcgonagall and poppy pompfrey-haven’t read anything with this but i saw a fanart of them being young and going shopping together and it made me happy so honestly i ship it
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the-purple-hero · 5 years
The Mun Behind The Muse(s)
The rules are simple. Repost, don’t reblog, and just tag the first five muns you think of to do this meme!
Nickname(s): Blake
Gender Identity/Sexuality: Male/Straight
Married?: No
Have Kids?: No, unless pets count XD
Mun Faceclaim: Toothless The Dragon
Three Favorite Disney Movies: Coco, Wall-E, Zootopia
Three Favorite Disney Villains: Scar, Dr. Facilier, Maleficent
If You Had a Catchphrase: “Gotcha!” (Lame I know but I got nothing better XD)
If You Could Be a Mythical Creature: Dragon, no question about it.
Favorite Texture to Feel: I tend to like soft things, from fur to smooth things.
Favorite Smells: Cookies, Scented Candles, Chicken
Favorite Genre(s): Fantasy, Adventure, Horror, Action
Best Childhood Memory: Spending many summers with my Grandmother and on these occasions I found visits very enjoyable.
Worst Childhood Memory: Perhaps when my two dogs years ago needed to be put down because it was hard, I was denying it and it didn’t hit as hard at the time but it did later and it’s one of the big things I can think of.
If You Could Tell Your Past Self One Thing: “Never be afraid to be yourself and learn to stand up for yourself.”
If You Could Go Anywhere in the World: Egypt, Greece, France, London
One Lie You Told in the Last Year: I have told my sister that some of the things I currently own were bought as gifts by my S/O. They weren’t. I bought them for myself with money that should have gone to rent. (She won’t see this because she doesn’t have tumblr, but it’s good to say something about it.)
One Interesting Thing You Learned Recently: Sirens were not originally depicted as fish-people, but were instead actually bird people, and male sirens were a part of the early texts about them.
Random Useless Fact You Know: I know how to sex hermit crabs. I don’t know how that applies to adult life except in that particular situation.
Plans for the Future: I hoped at one point to become an animator but now I’m not so sure, I mean yes I’m still fascinated by that stuff but in terms of a dream job idk right now.
Least Favorite Interview Question: “What are your weaknesses?” Like, as if I want to tell you that I’m an ADHD, depressive asshole with severe anxiety who has stolen small things from previous jobs and might be a mild kleptomaniac and also may have multiple personalities. You won’t hire me if I tell you that shit. Also I hate when they ask “Why do you want to work with us?” Um.. Because money. I don’t necessarily care about your business but I have to tell you I do just so I can get a job, because I need money to live.
Note: The muses don’t have to be yours. They can be a partner’s muse, or one you’ve seen on your dash.
Favorite Muse: Oh man it’s really no contest, I’ve gotta go with Spyro of course. Not only is he a major part of my childhood therefore part of my life for a long time, he’s also someone that has a lot of potential for cool plots and ideas. :3 
Not to say I don’t have other muses I really enjoy using because I definitely do but I’d say Spyro is probably my top muse, and my favorite of them all and if I were to keep only one muse to stay it’d be him.
Least Favorite Muse: Hard to say, because there are a couple of muses I’ve got on another blog that I’ve been holding onto but don’t really see the reason yet I keep them anyway like Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde from Once Upon A Time. Not really sure why they or Nimue (OUAT) are still there, especially the former because they never get used and some muses I hold onto just because of one or two plotlines that needs them XD. 
Besides that though I like all my muses and they all became muses for a reason cause I liked them in some way.
Favorite Thread Plot: I love action and adventure, and I also like me some angst and fluff threads. 
Least Favorite Thread Plot: Don’t know if i could really say this but sexual subjects because I really don’t write it anyway not even with adult muses I’ve got. 
Favorite OC: I’ve only got one OC I actually rp as around here, but that’s not my only OC I have at least 2-3 more that I don’t have as rp characters but they were formerly in very old fanfics I wrote that are very cringey. 
So for now I’d have to say Andrew Goldberg, because the other 3-4 OC’s would need a lot of reworking in order to be considered I’d say because sure Andrew is a kidnapper and not a good person but still despite many rewrites on him I think he’s pretty good and can get good plots.
Least Favorite OC: Probably one of the OC’s I don’t have a blog so I’ll just say one I called Richard, because I had a randomly dark story connected to him just for the sake of having a big scary villain. 
The other could be one I called Brian Ravencroft or Nightwatcher, he was a superhero of sorts but would need some reworking I’d say cause his story is confusing and connected to a canon character. 
If You Could Meet One Muse: SPYRO, no contest really any of the dragons from Reignited I could say or even Crash Bandicoot but pls let me meet my precious purple boi!
Which Muse Would You Punch: Probably either Fiona/The Black Fairy or Thanos, cause they’re both terrible but I would definitely not live long past doing that I imagine. XD
Which Muse Would You Hug: Again Spyro, he’s just a super tough strong little guy but you can’t deny he’s adorable so I’d gladly hug him.
For the Other People
Tagged By: @jabbers-wild-world​ (Thanks and nice job making this ^-^)
Tagging: @chief-n-alpha @timekeeperlindar @nihoneshi @musesmansion @bluebirdsmuses @adventurouswind
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