#idk the other ppls names šŸ˜­
luffynamiblog Ā· 5 months
whitebeards crew is so cute
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theyre shipping oden and toki lmaoo
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the-somwthing Ā· 10 months
Takes place in the last session (in an au where thereā€™s like. More time between events than just an hour or so.)
This is supposed to be a later chapter of a fic Iā€™m working on! Iā€™m doing things out of order šŸ˜­ so there are references to scenes I havenā€™t yet written in it sorry it shouldnā€™t be THAT bad tbh. When I actually make the fic this chapter will likely be edited whenever it appears haha
SHIP: Scott/Joel
WARNINGS (mostly just things to be aware of): somewhat of neck kissing, implied sexual stuff (just thinking about it very vaguely), flower husbands is mentioned but Jimmy is dead, headcanon with 3L!red!Joel and his monochrome/red skin, once again references to scenes I have not written, it may feel rather ooc but thatā€™s cuz this is meant to be a later chapter so theyā€™re already fairly close, repressing/denying feelings (and some failing at that), some pessimism about the war, NO DIALOGUE (when I planned this out I was like ā€œwait thereā€™s no dialogueā€ and decided Iā€™d take it as a challenge and really have just no dialogue)
The war had been rough for everyone. It kept all players on edge, no matter how indirect their involvement was. At this point, it was pick a side or die in the crossfire. Scott and Joel had chosen the Desert, but neither of them had much reason to be part of the conflict.
The two had spent the past few days together, constantly running, though Scott could hardly tell if they were running to survive or running to kill. Somewhat of a mix of both, he figured. No matter the reason, they were constantly running, and nice peaceful moments were hard to come by.
Then it happened. They lost their target, the enemy hadnā€™t seen them yet, they were alone in a remote part of the world. Scott was tired, the grass looked soft, and he flopped himself onto it. Joel was clearly still running on adrenaline despite accepting that it was break time, and so he practically jumped onto Scott, grabbed him, and rolled with him.
Scott had grown used to the annoying ways Joel would throw himself at Scott and jostle him around. He figured it was a red life thing. Jimmy had also become more physical after turning red, though never so aggressive. Through observing others, Scott knew that suppressing violent urges was harder for most reds than Jimmy made it look. Joel tackling Scott was clearly not an act of violence, rather an act of affection. He typically only did stuff like that when they had accomplished something, or at least had some fun.
This moment was the opposite of that. They lost their target, and usually Joel was frustrated at that. They werenā€™t having fun running, either; it was exhausting and anxiety-inducing. And yet, in what shouldā€™ve been a moment of catching their breaths and saying ā€œbetter luck next time,ā€ Joel had rolled in the grass with Scott.
It wasnā€™t just Joel who acted out of character in that moment, for Scott would usually tell Joel off for playing so rough with him. It was mostly in a friendly manner, as Scott didnā€™t mind too much, but it could be annoying when unexpected, like in this moment. But instead of doing that, Scott laughed. He held onto Joel, rolling with him, and laughed in delight.
The ground was rather flat, so they didnā€™t roll very far. Joel sat up next to Scott, giggling with him. Scott figured that if Joel wasnā€™t going to lay in the grass, he wouldnā€™t either, and sat up as well, feeling a little dizzy from all the movement.
Scott shook his head and briefly brushed his hair with his hands, hoping to remove any dirt or grass. It wasnā€™t a thorough job, so he had to hope he was lucky. He took a look at Joelā€™s hair, noticing that a few bits of grass had gotten tucked into his hair, enough to turn monochrome as well.
Scott managed to pull out one piece of grass before Joel swatted his hand away. Scott glared at Joel, who tried to glare back but was still smiling. Scott wasnā€™t sure what that was about, but rolled his eyes and pulled Joel closer to remove the grass from his hair.
He knew that touching Joelā€™s hair like this made Joel flustered, but it needed to be done. Besides, he couldnā€™t care about Joelā€™s expression when he was too busy observing how the grass would regain color when taken out of Joelā€™s hair. Sure, he had experimented with this phenomenon in the past (donā€™t think about the flower) but it was never not fun to witness.
Scott was finally finished (it shouldnā€™t have taken so long, but watching colors change can be so distractingā€¦) and pulled away to get a full look at Joel. His face was about as red as he expected (red being the only color allowed on Joelā€™s body was pretty unfortunate because it made his blush very obviousā€¦ but Scott didnā€™t feel bad for him). The sight made Scott chuckle and ruffle Joelā€™s hair.
Joel had accepted this fate (it was obvious that he had, otherwise Scott wouldnā€™t have been able to remove the grass at all). He seemed annoyed and embarrassed, yet once Scottā€™s hand left his head he moved himself onto Scottā€™s lap.
This surprised Scott, but instead of showing it or becoming flustered and embarrassed, it just made him happy. He wrapped his arms around Joel at the same time Joel did, sighing contentedly. For some reason this made Joel laugh quietly, and laughter had felt quite contagious in this moment so Scott giggled back.
There was no reason for them to be doing this. It didnā€™t make sense. And yet, it felt so right. The world was falling apart around them, everyone knew it was endgame, there would be no peace. Scott and Joel had nothing left to hold onto, nothing left to fight for, but they had each other. They hadnā€™t had each other a week ago, in fact they were quite against each other. But in the last moments of the world, the only thing they had was each other. It shouldā€™ve been sad. It shouldā€™ve been awkward. But Scott was having a great time.
Scott cupped Joelā€™s face in his hands to look at him. Joelā€™s face showed that he was also enjoying his time with Scott. This moment felt perfect. It was the most perfect moment in the world. There was one thing his heart wanted to do. He leaned in and kissed Joelā€¦
ā€¦on the cheek. Theyā€™re not in love! Theyā€™re not married! They were just two soldiers doing mindless battles together. A kiss on the cheek is enough for that- maybe even too much, really. They hadnā€™t even declared themselves friends yet (mostly thatā€™s because there was no reason to. There would be nothing after the war worth having friends for).
But as Scott pulled away, he could feel it wasnā€™t enough. He knew it was enough, he thought it was maybe too much, but he felt that it wasnā€™t enough. He couldnā€™t stop himself from leaning in for another kiss: planted right on Joelā€™s other cheek. Surely that would be enough.
Of course, it wasnā€™t. Scott continued like this, kissing all over Joelā€™s face (never too close to the mouth) and thinking each time ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½thatā€™s it. Iā€™m done. Thatā€™s enough.ā€ but never really feeling that. He failed to stop himself from kissing Joel, but was able to stop himself from kissing him on the lips.
The only person Scott had kissed was his husband, Jimmy. He couldnā€™t imagine doing that to anyone else. Even though Jimmy was dead, it didnā€™t make sense to Scott to move on so quickly. Well, with Jimmy it didnā€™t take long to fall in love eitherā€¦ no, no, what is this train of thought?! Scott loved Jimmy, so much. He did not love Joel, not at all. They were barely acquaintances. A few nights sleeping under the stars together couldnā€™t have changed that, right?
Scott could not bear the thought of moving on from Jimmy, which meant he couldnā€™t bear the thought of loving Joel, which meant he couldnā€™t bear the thought of kissing him on the lips. And yet, he needed to. Every quick kiss he planted onto Joelā€™s face didnā€™t satiate his desire at all. He wanted more, so much so that the rational part of his brain was struggling to stop him.
At this point, it was almost worse than just kissing Joel. An endless stream of kisses, all over his face (minus his mouth). Thatā€™s gotta be worse at this point, right? But Scott couldnā€™t stop. The part of Scott that didnā€™t want to make Joel uncomfortable noted that Joel hadnā€™t made even a noise of protest, and he knew that if Joel didnā€™t like this he would be shoved off instantly. The rest of Scottā€™s brain didnā€™t want to think of the implications of Joel liking this. Repressing feelings is much easier when itā€™s not mutual. If Joel had shoved Scott away, he wouldnā€™t be having this dilemma at all.
Scott had found a way to rationalize what he was doing. He just missed Jimmy so much, that he was desperate to give affection like he had with Jimmy. Surely, he would be acting like this to anybody, not just Joel. He even extended this rationality to Joel, deciding that he had just been so lonely this whole season that he would take affection from anyone, it had nothing to do with Scott.
None of this was true, but Scott held onto this idea. He wasnā€™t in love with Joel, he just missed Jimmy so much. Joel didnā€™t love Scott, he was just lonely (that one, at least, was more believable. Still not true). This is what Scott would tell himself any time he would think back to this moment. He would believe it, too, no matter how much his heart proved the theory wrong.
Scott had begun doing a circle of kisses around Joelā€™s face, starting from one cheek and going up from there, then to Joelā€™s forehead, then down to the other cheek. As previously mentioned he tried to stop himself each time, but obviously, it was never enough, and he had to complete the circle.
Once he reached Joelā€™s other cheek, he still wasnā€™t satisfied, and it technically wasnā€™t a circle unless he crossed over to the other cheek again. He would never kiss Joel on the mouth though, so he began kissing downwards, towards Joelā€™s chin. This is where things went wrong (or maybe right).
After Scott kissed Joelā€™s chin (kind of an awkward place to kiss, honestly) Joel had tilted his head up. Exposing his neck. Scott did not hesitate to press his lips against Joelā€™s neck. He did, however, hesitate to go much further than that. This much more intimate position snapped Scott out of his haze of wanting to kiss Joel.
His lips rested on Joelā€™s neck a moment longer, the moment Scott was trying to figure out what was going on. When he finally realized, he pulled away. Joel seemed to also take a moment to figure out what had happened before lowering his head. This made their eyes meet, and they stared at each other dumbfounded; like neither of them knew what was going on. Honestly, they probably didnā€™t. Everything that just transpired was so spontaneous.
Joelā€™s face was very red, and Scott imagined his own face wasnā€™t too different. Scott wanted to say something, but what? Sorry for almost kissing you on the neck? That was hardly Scottā€™s fault, Joel was the one who exposed his neck for Scott!! Sorry for NOT kissing you on the neck?! Heā€™s recently been widowed! He canā€™t just go immediately kissing another manā€™s neck!
Why had Joel done that anyway?! Scott could hardly believe it. A red name who had spent a decent amount of time trying to kill him just exposed his neck to Scott. To kiss. Scott was a yellow name! Joelā€™s supposed to want to kill him, he did want to kill him in the past, but in this moment he had silently asked Scott to kiss his neck. And Scott almost did. God, what were they doing?!
Joel mustā€™ve been really embarrassed, but Scott couldnā€™t tease him for it, not when he was also acting soā€¦ intimate. Scott tried to think back to figure out who started it, but the memory almost felt hazy and he got too embarrassed thinking about it so he gave up. It didnā€™t matter who started it anyway; they both indulged. Indulged quite a bitā€¦ what wouldā€™ve happened if Scott didnā€™t stop where he had? How far would they have gone?! Now this thought was too embarrassing for Scott to dwell on. Surely Joel wouldnā€™t have wanted to go THAT farā€¦
After a while of staring at each other, Joel got off Scottā€™s lap and looked away. Wow, he was really embarrassed. He looked so small like this. Scott felt bad; having been the one who stopped that interaction he could at least pretend he didnā€™t want it. He wouldnā€™t do that to Joel, though. The only person heā€™d lie to about that is himself.
Scott laid down on the grass. It was incredibly awkward between the two, and neither could seem to say anything about it. It seemed best to just rest. Slow that heart rate to normal, breathe. This is what they shouldā€™ve been doing when they stopped in the field. Resting. Without touching.
Neither of them moved to interact with each other. Eventually, they got up to continue the war. Neither of them spoke of that moment ever again.
It was just a moment of weakness on both their parts; Joel being lonely and Scott missing Jimmy. They didnā€™t want each other. Not at all.
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jils-things Ā· 10 days
I love my uni so much you have no idea
#Just... the amount of likeminded people makes me so happy#i found a girl eating lunch and her bottle had a lot of fandom stickers and the one that stood out to me was aubrey from omori#I FELT THE URGE TO STRIKE A CONVO WITH HER and i asked her hiii where did you get that sticker šŸ„ŗ and she said she printed it#she also happen to be planning to sell stickers soon in the campus and i immediately needed to get her contact so id know where to go#SHE SHARED HER FB PAGE AND TURNS OUT SHES AN ARTIST FNNGNGNGGNGNGNBBGGJGJGJGJ IM SO HAPPY I FOUND AN ARTIST I TALKED TO#IDK IM JUST SO HAPPY#WE BRIEFLY TALKED ABT HOW WE LOVE OMORI. SHE SAID SHE LOVES AUBREY AND IM LIKE OH I LOVE HEROO AND HERES US CRYING ABOUT HEROMARI WIWIWIWIW#SHE ALSO SAW MY SAIMATSU KEYCHAIN WE LOVE HEALTHY COUPLES RUINED BY CIRCUMSTANCE /jjjj HAAAYAYAAYA#IDK IM HAPPY. she seemedso shy but when i talked to her we immediately blasted AND ITS BECAUSE OF OMORI AND MANY OTHER INTERESTS#IM SO. I LOVE THIS UNI šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ THERE'S JUST SO MANY PPL WHO HAVE GENUINE INTERESTS THAT I WOULD LISTEJ TO RHASRAHRREH AAAAA#SHE DOES COMMISSIONS IM SO HAPPY FOR MY PINOY ARTISTS šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ#i asked for her name but she was like ā€œdo u want my real name or aliasā€ and I was like ermm gimme ur alias nyehehe#ITS SO CUTE. I LOVE IT. I LOVE IT HERE#EXPLODES#I WANTED TO TALK TO HER MORE BUT I HAD TO RUN TO MY NEXT CLASS ARRGHH
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lisanamjoon Ā· 2 months
idk how to tell yā€™all this but. bts is kpop. hope that helps!
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floorpancakes Ā· 1 year
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marinebluehato Ā· 2 years
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hydrasaura Ā· 9 months
when i said that mha ripped off naruto (which i said only to piss off mha stans anyway) I didn't mean to sound like i was praising naruto. it was actually more like a sigh of disappointment, a reaction to seeing that all the problems that naruto had as a show transpired trough mha too and i was tired because watching naruto was enough for me but then i realized that my problem actually is that i can no longer stand watching shonen anime and i chose not to tire myself by cringing at the repetitive tropes and cliches anymore
#demon slayer falls under the same category sadly#actually it was more a combination of these 2 that made me realize that i had enough of this genre#me judging other shonen having as reference only naruto#but look! i watched both mha and demon slayer and my personal point was proven that i would get bored by them#(with the exception of some rare moments that were really good in mha but the bad and cringe moments made me forget abt them)#like i remember crying bcs this dude who trained deku died but then i remembered that a few episodes earlier he ''punished''#one of his female students by tying her up a ledge and tickling her with a feather :|#LIKE WHY DID YOU NEED TO PUT THAT IN THE STORY? HORIKOSHI OR WHATEVER THE MANGAKA'S NAME IS#WHY YOU FELT THE NEED TO ADD THAT IN???#and then you tried to make me feel sorry for the guy too?#that was such a jiraya death moment like they were playing it a sad but all i could think abt was ''rip bozo''#not saying that other anime don't have cringe moments. even moments that i had to skip because of how gruesome they were#but they sorta make sense in the big picture of the story? but other characters experience it too not just a category of people? idk#also it's funny how pissed mha stans get for having their show insulted like#when i tell ppl that my fave anime/manga are evangelion; black lagoon#and berserk they look at me like i deserve to be put in an electric chair#like they are right but at the same time i find it funny and i rly don't care#but these guys always go bananas if you insult their fav show as if you broke the geneva convention#i'd say that it's because the majority of the fans are children but i know for a fact that they are not šŸ˜­
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pickled-flowers Ā· 9 months
It might be I have anti social personality disorder šŸ¤Ø
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piplupod Ā· 2 months
also i saw someone else on tumblr w the name Juno who uses they/it pronouns and it was like looking in an evil mirror bc they had the most horrific opinions on things, shit that i am very strongly against or disagree with (i was going thru a rly shitty post's likes to block everyone in it just to avoid dealing w anyone from that sphere in the future and thats how i arrived at their blog lol)
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dandyshucks Ā· 4 months
me feeling bad about being unaligned with binary gender and then i think about how Guz would just Get It right off the bat because honestly idk how it's such a hard concept for ppl to grasp šŸ˜­ and it makes me feel a little better fdsfjkl
#i feel bad sometimes like oohh ur such a special snowflake for not being feminine OR masculine oooh u wanna be special so bad#no you Made-Up-Person-in-my-Brain. no i dont want to be special actually fdsjkl#i really wish this was just normal. i so badly want to just be normal#honestly i start thinking ''maybe i should just be okay with being considered feminine or masculine. i should just pick one i guess''#but no !! neither fit right !! both make me uncomfortable !!#i do understand the concepts of both but i exist outside of them somehow! and idk why thats so difficult for ppl to grasp!#it is just a little lonely seeing posts talking about ''feminine ppl or masculine ppl'' like. okay i dont fit either of those. damn.#and it feels alienating bc i guess ppl dont know unaligned folk exist! transneutral is such a rare label to see talked about!#''this is nonbinary inclusive bc im saying masculine and feminine :)'' WHAT IS SO HARD TO GRASP ABOUT NON-BINARY. ITS RIGHT IN THE NAME!#why are u re-inventing the gender binary !!!!!! u just changed the words ur using for binary gender WHAT šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­#i think maybe i resent that i have to force myself into one category or the other for other ppls comfort tbh fdsjkl like. can i just exist.#but i do think Guz would genuinely just understand it immediately. not just because i Want him to LOL.#he'd be like ''ohhh theres a word for that? hell yeah that rules. i'll have to see if a few of the grunts heard about this shit yet''#bc im sure there'd be a wide range of queer kids on the team LOL#if u get a bunch of misfits together ur going to have like... a LOT of queer ppl in the group FDSJFKL#dandy.cmd#vent //#šŸ’œso good at being in trouble
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socialbunny Ā· 1 year
šŸ‘‡šŸ½šŸ‘‡šŸ½šŸ‘‡šŸ½some of my skipy lore in the tags i was supposed to bridge it with something else but i forgot what i wanted to say šŸ˜­
#i feel like i always show skip as like. a loser.....which he is#and a cheater. hes that too.#and a shit person in general. i dont show that one but he is#he tries to do right by other ppl but he'll always put his feelings first. self centered mf#he got married before he turned 20 he was NOT ready for that shit šŸ˜­#literally got married to brandi out of guilt bc he fucked up her life n shit too kinda. even tho she wanted a family she lost a lot of#other shit too#skip experiences a slight hurdle in his life and hes like ''i have to have an affair/fuck/fun away''#man that had high hopes for himself and his future gets frustrated by the consequences of his impulsive actions. more at 11#he thought he'd have a slightly better life than the rest of his family. but then his parents died and he got a girl he'd been dating for#less than a year pregnant and he was like. fuckkk it#started doing some foul ass shit to the ppl around him when he realized there was no getting back up to where he wanted to be#everything culminating into him running away from his family and responsibilities and changing his name#idk i never talk abt my skip broke is alive headcanon anymore šŸ˜­ mostly bc i'm not writing my story anyways so it's stagnant yk#hes stuck in limbo while i decide his fate based on what i want to post šŸ˜­#IDK WHY I WROTE ALL THIS IN THE TAGS IM PISSED. oh well#hidden skip lore if u read this u get one pass to leave ur wife and kids go fuck sexy bitches in belladonna cove
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xiaojaan Ā· 5 months
is this a safe space to say that this asshole didnt deserve the death he got in the glory he deserves it in queen of tears instead šŸ˜Œ
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boyplushie Ā· 2 years
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poppyseed799 Ā· 1 year
You donā€™t need to have actually done any of these things itā€™s just whichever one you vibe with the most. Iā€™m bored and hyperspecific polls are boring but look fun so I made this.
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carltonlassie Ā· 2 years
Why is it always where do you work or what school do you attend and not what kind of unrelenting horrors have you been dealing with lately or what kind of tragedies have you been lamenting these days
#i went to this Halloween party and it was just. i felt bad just doing thisšŸ§ the entire night and not socializing#but really. i was masked and it was loud and people gave up when they couldn't hear me or get my name the first try lmao#and by this point I'm tired of pronouncing my name for everyone who can't deal with a pocs name#and I'm not willing to take off my mask bc who da hell even are u guys#so i was just šŸ§ but somehow won the costume contest even tho ppl were whispering to each other about what our costume was supposed to be#idk maybe y'all should ask instead of whispering where i can hear you clearly šŸ˜­#and it was weird bc my partner clearly did not want to hang out with these people either but just. brought me there and I'm just like why#what's the point. saving face? bleughhh idk I'm just grumpy bc i didn't get to have dinner to go to this thing#and the only meal option they had was like. food that doesn't agree with my stomach and also I ain't taking my mask off around these guys#it was not an enjoyable experience I've been to worse college parties#but the difference is I'm older and I'm not gonna get peer pressured into staying somewhere in not comfortable yk#idk the ppl there were nice but I'm just?? hi who the hell are you and you still don't know my name and I'm not repeating it#when ur just gonna forget#< u gotta make effort to let ppl know u#but have u considered. I'm tired of ppl knowing me#why do u wanna know#if ur just gonna know me superficially I'd much rather be unknown#going back to my original question of why is it always where do you work and what do you do#bc where i work is the last thing i wanna talk about on a Saturday night#oops emotionally slutty hours
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unenomainen Ā· 2 years
Every social media platform should have an option to filter out certain words but only from specific people
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