#idk my sal lore
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Tommy shows up to DeLuca Christmas Eve dinner looking so sopping wet and pathetic that Sal’s wife is like okay fine. after the kids go to bed and we get the presents out Sal can fuck you while I watch again. because it’s Christmas
#saltommy#tommy kinard#sal deluca#does sal’s wife have a canon name#is she even a canonical figure#or completely a fandom invention#idk my sal lore#911 abc
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🏳️⚧️ because I don’t fully understand the “Sal voice and princess gender headcanon” lore
that's because I just have some few set in stone hcs, and then I just play around with pronouns for everyone else lol. For the ones I have specific headcanons tho:
Hero: He/Him, transmasc. Guy of All Time by choice.
Contra: They/He, genderfluid guy-thing (just kinda stamped my own gender on them tbh)
Para: She/Her, Girl™��
Cold: She/He/It/They, Error - gender not found
Hunted: It/Its, Gender: Fuckin' Thing
Broken: They/Them, Gender: idk, I just work here
Cheated: He/She, boygirl thing
Razor: She/He/It, boygirl thing with KNIVES
Stranger: They/Them, in a plural way
Tower: They/It, in a deity/concept way
Quiet: They/He, Ambiguously Guy
Shifty: Any and all, she's everything all at once
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FULL CR TO aghostofsomething
︶ ⏝ ︶ ˚₊‧꒰ა ♡ SUNDOWING SIGILS ♡ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ ︶ ⏝ ︶
1: 'Sediment'
In this context, we're looking at the dregs that settle at the bottom of liquids.
2: 'Precipitate'
In alchemy, precipitation is a process "in which solid matter is created by a chemical reaction and falls out of the solution. The descent of a substance out of a solution; the precipitate descends to the bottom of the flask."
3: 'Salt'
Typically, the symbol for salt's line ends even with the circle, but there are several instances where it extends further. This same symbol can also be used for 'Sulfur' and 'Spirit of Wine', as well.
4: 'A Year'
…I really think I can just leave that without anything further.
5: Repeating #2
Once again, I am still not entirely certain what this one is and it's rapidly becoming the bane of my existence.
The added bits on the curve of 'precipitate' could be a stylization choice - If it creates another symbol, I haven't been able to locate it as of yet.
1: 'Sediment'
Neste contexto, estamos olhando para os sedimentos que se depositam no fundo dos líquidos.
2: 'Precipitate'
Na alquimia, precipitação é um processo "no qual matéria sólida é criada por uma reação química e cai da solução. A descida de uma substância fora de uma solução; o precipitado desce para o fundo do frasco."
3: 'Salt'
Normalmente, o símbolo para sal tem a linha terminando alinhada com o círculo, mas há várias instâncias em que a linha se estende mais. Esse mesmo símbolo também pode ser usado para 'Enxofre' e 'Espírito de Vinho'.
4: 'A Year'
...Acho que posso simplesmente deixar isso sem mais explicações.
5: Repeating #2
Mais uma vez, ainda não tenho certeza do que isso é e está rapidamente se tornando o pesadelo da minha existência.
Os detalhes adicionados na curva de 'precipitate' podem ser uma escolha estilística - Se cria outro símbolo, ainda não consegui localizá-lo até o momento.
1: -idk noises-
'Tin' is a close contender, but the main bar of the symbol usually passes through the circle near the end when this variation is drawn. I'll save the explanation on tin's uses for 'Sugar' since it's relevant and more obvious there. 'White Vitriol' (zinc sulfate) is another possibility (and functions as a coagulant).
It would require some stylization, but we also have 'Magnesia' as an option.
Magnesia was one of the components of the Philosopher's Stone and "In the more modern sense of the word, it is thought to have originated from 'magnes carneus', which means 'flesh magnet' from the way it stuck strongly to the lips." Is that important? Doubt it, but it made me giggle.
'Half Liter' doesn't seem applicable, but it is sort of there. It could be a stylized drawing of 'Furnace' - While it typically has an extra circle on the end of the hook rather than a line, it's close enough to point out. In the same vein, it could be 'Cupellation' which is the process of removing impurities from gold or silver via blasts at high temperatures. Last of all, in the realm of similar-ish symbols, is a version of 'Dead Head'/'Death'. This only works if you take the outer section of the main crossbar with it.
2:, 3:, & 4: 'Honey' - 'Furnace' - 'Rust'
I don't think any of those need further notes.
5: 'Common Oil'
Usually it pertains to olive oil.
6: 'Iron' - Variation
Explained in 'Dark Signs'.
7: 'Fixate'/'Fixed'
Explained in TNDNBTG.
It would once again be rotated/flipped.
8: 'Soot'
9: 'Spirit'
"Spirit in alchemy is the active presences in all of us that strives towards perfection. Spirit seeks material manifestation for expression. Ultimately, it is the One Mind of the universe."
10: 'Phlegm'
(Rotated) To be clear, phlegm in alchemy was a watery distillation of plant matter rather than something you're hacking up from your lungs because you chain smoked 8 cigarettes while hiding under the back porch and didn't contemplate that the smoke might give you away... You could also view it through the lenses of The Humors which would put it as "cold/moist" and the cause of lethargy and apathy.
This is actually the one that started all of this because I wanted a tattoo of it, but I am wary of embedding things into my dermis that I don't know the full meaning of. So, now I guess once I order some more ink, I get to stabby-stab it into my skinsuit. I may not know for one-hundred percent certain, but I feel good enough about it to plant ink now.
Honorary Mention: 'Musical Gold' can be formed by taking #4 and adding the center circle while removing the end bars of the crossbar. 'Hot Copper' can be made by combining #8 and #9
1: -idk noises-
'Ouro' é uma opção próxima, mas a barra principal do símbolo geralmente passa pelo círculo perto do final quando essa variação é desenhada. Vou deixar a explicação sobre o uso de ouro para 'Sugar', pois é relevante e mais óbvio lá. 'Vitriol Branco' (sulfato de zinco) é outra possibilidade (e funciona como um coagulante). Requer um pouco de estilização, mas também temos 'Magnesia' como uma opção. Magnesia foi um dos componentes da Pedra Filosofal e "No sentido mais moderno da palavra, acredita-se que tenha originado de 'magnes carneus', que significa 'ímã da carne', devido à maneira como grudava fortemente nos lábios." Isso é importante?
Duvido, mas me fez rir. 'Meia Litro' não parece aplicável, mas de algum modo está ali. Pode ser um desenho estilizado de 'Forno' - Embora normalmente tenha um círculo extra na ponta do gancho, em vez de uma linha, é perto o suficiente para ser destacado. Da mesma forma, pode ser 'Copelação', que é o processo de remoção de impurezas do ouro ou prata através de explosões a altas temperaturas. Por último, no reino de símbolos semelhantes, existe uma versão de 'Cabeça Morta'/'Morte'. Isso só funciona se você pegar a seção externa da barra transversal principal com ela.
2:, 3:, & 4: 'Honey' - 'Furnace' - 'Rust -'Mel' - 'Forno' - 'Ferrugem'
Não acho que esses precisem de mais notas.
5: 'Common Oil' - 'Óleo Comum'
Normalmente se refere a azeite de oliva.
6: 'Iron' - Variation - 'Ferro' - Variação
Explicado em 'Dark Signs'.
7: 'Fixate'/'Fixed'
Explicado em TNDNBTG. Novamente, seria rotacionado/invertido.
8: 'Soot'
9: 'Spirit'
"O espírito, na alquimia, é a presença ativa em todos nós que busca a perfeição. O espírito busca manifestação material para expressão. Em última análise, é a Mente Única do universo."
10: 'Phlegm'
(Rotacionado) Para deixar claro, a fleuma na alquimia era uma destilação aquosa de matéria vegetal, em vez de algo que você está tossindo dos seus pulmões depois de fumar 8 cigarros enquanto se escondia sob o alpendre e não percebeu que a fumaça poderia te denunciar... Você também poderia ver isso através das lentes dos Humores, o que a colocaria como "fria/úmida" e a causa da letargia e apatia.
Na verdade, esse foi o símbolo que iniciou tudo isso, porque eu queria uma tatuagem dele, mas estou receosa de gravar coisas na minha pele que eu não entenda completamente. Então, agora, acho que quando eu encomendar mais tinta, poderei fincar ela no meu "traje de pele". Eu posso não saber com cem por cento de certeza, mas me sinto bem o suficiente para marcar a pele agora.
Menção Honorária: 'Ouro Musical' pode ser formado pegando o #4 e adicionando o círculo central enquanto remove as barras do final da barra transversal. 'Cobre Quente' pode ser feito combinando #8 e #9.
1: ‘Fire’
It almost feels like a cop-out to just say 'Fire' at this point, but let's be real - That's there and it's the elemental symbol for fire.
2: Repeating #1
Can I have a word with whoever made these? Just a word. I promise. Please. I am safe and can be trusted.
This time around, there is no intersection with a closed symbol, so that knocks out my theory for smoke/fumes use here. The hooks are also mirrored which makes my head hurt in trying to further narrow it down. Are we going back to the layered symbol idea? If so, then they're 'Day' again on the bottom half. They could also be 'White Arsenic' again or 'Borax'. We already covered white arsenic in 'Levitate', so let's do a quick rundown on borax:
The most common use for that, at the moment, is as a cleaning agent, but - thank you, years acting as a forge assistant - borax can be used as a welding flux and for alchemy it was utilized for forge brazing (helps keep the welded iron or steel from overheating and assists with preventing oxidation within the weld).
Could it also be a variation for 'Living Silver'? Yeah, probably. Don't ask me the fuck that means in this context, though.
3: 'Lime'
Covered in TNDNBTG. Though this could also be 'Mars', I lean more towards lime for both style and context.
4: V
V's have a lot of uses and variations: 'Wine', 'Water', 'Alive', 'Vapor', 'Bath', and 'Copper' as some of the most common. This one is on y'all to pick what you want to go with if you regard it as a standard V shape.
With the addition of the circle, however, you get 'Filtare' or 'To Filter'.
If you want to take #3 and add the circle, then you could have a possible planetary symbol - i mean, Could it be Pluto? Sure. While Pluto normally has a cross at the base rather than a straight line, there's a reasonable doubt there that it could be a variation. In modern alchemy, pluto is used for Plutonium.
1: ‘Fire’
Quase parece uma saída fácil simplesmente dizer "Fogo" nesse ponto, mas sejamos realistas – isso está lá e é o símbolo elementar para o fogo.
2: Repetindo #1
Posso ter uma palavrinha com quem fez esses símbolos? Só uma palavrinha. Eu prometo. Eu sou segura e posso ser confiável. Dessa vez, não há interseção com um símbolo fechado, então isso elimina minha teoria de usar esse símbolo para fumaça/vapor aqui. Os ganchos também são espelhados, o que me dá dor de cabeça tentando afunilar mais. Estamos voltando para a ideia de símbolos sobrepostos? Se sim, então eles seriam 'Dia' novamente na metade inferior. Eles também poderiam ser 'Arsênico Branco' novamente ou 'Bórax'. Já cobrimos arsênico branco em 'Levitar', então vamos fazer um resumo rápido sobre o bórax: O uso mais comum dele atualmente é como agente de limpeza, mas – obrigado, anos atuando como assistente de forja – o bórax pode ser usado como fluxo de soldagem e, na alquimia, foi utilizado para brasagem em fornalhas (ajuda a evitar o superaquecimento do ferro ou aço soldado e auxilia na prevenção da oxidação dentro da solda). Isso também poderia ser uma variação para 'Prata Viva'? Sim, provavelmente. Não me pergunte o que isso significa nesse contexto, porém.
3: ‘Lime’
Coberto em TNDNBTG. Embora isso também possa ser 'Marte', eu inclino mais para cal, tanto pelo estilo quanto pelo contexto.
4: V
O "V" tem muitos usos e variações: 'Vinho', 'Água', 'Vivo', 'Vapor', 'Banho' e 'Cobre' são alguns dos mais comuns. Isso fica a critério de quem estiver analisando, caso o considere como a forma padrão de "V".
Com a adição do círculo, no entanto, temos 'Filtare' ou 'Filtrar'.
Se você quiser pegar o #3 e adicionar o círculo, então poderia ter um símbolo planetário possível – quero dizer, poderia ser Plutão? Claro. Embora Plutão normalmente tenha uma cruz na base em vez de uma linha reta, há uma dúvida razoável de que poderia ser uma variação. Na alquimia moderna, Plutão é utilizado para o Plutônio.
1: 'Dead Head'
Yeah, are we really going to even pretend to be surprised here?
The other term for this is 'Worthless Remains'. It's the "epitome of decline and decay" and consists of the residue left from sublimation or distillation. There's a certain, delightful irony here that it became very popular as a pigment for painting religious figures' robes and earned the name Cardinal Purple.
There are other ways this symbol is used - 'Fermentation' and 'Materia Prima' feel worth mentioning. Honestly, Prime Matter might be the primary use of it in this sigil, but I'm calling it as ‘dead head’ for the Vibes.
2: 'Salt' (common)
As singular symbols, mirroring one another and flipped vertically.
If you piece the two together, back to back, then i haven't the faintest clue what they could be. The closest i could find to that symbol isn't exactly related to alchemy (but then again, we've been shuffling around between the protoscientific and spiritualist sides of it anyway) and is related to Jesus Christ. So...hm.
A similar symbol is used for 'To Pour', but it typically has an extra squiggly bit.
3: 'Gem Salt'
Why would there be two salts?
The difference is between crystallized salt and mined salt. This one looks clear, but -gestures to the image-.
Yes, I realize I didn't highlight the triangle and that's 100% because it confuses me. The positioning, the skewed angle...i don't feel comfortable calling it an element symbol, but i also have no guesses for what else it might be. This one is so simple that it has to be deceptive and I know I'm missing things. The hunt continues.
1: 'Dead Head'
Sim, realmente, podemos mesmo fingir que isso não é esperado aqui?
Outro termo para isso é 'Restos Sem Valor'. É o "epítome do declínio e decadência" e consiste no resíduo deixado pela sublimação ou destilação. Há uma certa e deliciosa ironia de que isso se tornou muito popular como pigmento para pintar as vestes de figuras religiosas, ganhando o nome de "Púrpura Cardeal".
Há outras maneiras de usar esse símbolo - 'Fermentação' e 'Materia Prima' merecem ser mencionados. Honestamente, a Matéria Prima pode ser o uso principal nesse sigilo, mas eu estou chamando de 'Dead Head' pelas Vibrações.
2: 'Sal' (comum)
Como símbolos individuais, espelhados e invertidos verticalmente.
Se você juntar os dois, de costas para costas, eu realmente não tenho a mínima ideia do que eles poderiam representar. O símbolo mais próximo que encontrei não está exatamente relacionado à alquimia (mas, novamente, temos transitado entre os lados proto-científicos e espiritualistas da alquimia), e está relacionado a Jesus Cristo. Então... hm.
Um símbolo similar é usado para 'Verter', mas normalmente tem uma parte extra, meio ondulada.
3: 'Gem Salt' - 'Sal de Gemas'
Por que haveriam de ter dois sais?
A diferença é entre o sal cristalizado e o sal extraído. Este aqui parece claro, mas -gesticula para a imagem-.
Sim, eu percebo que não destaquei o triângulo e isso é 100% porque ele me confunde. O posicionamento, o ângulo inclinado... eu não me sinto confortável em chamá-lo de símbolo elemental, mas também não tenho palpites para o que mais poderia ser. Esse é tão simples que deve ser enganoso, e eu sei que estou perdendo algo. A busca continua.
1: 'Tin' / 'Jupiter'
In order for this one to work, it needs to be rotated, but I don't see that as an issue here, especially. In alchemy, tin was associated with several things including the tongue and saliva (yeah, that feels relevant with this song) along with the more symbolic meaning of growth.
2: 'Lead'
The Prima Matera ('primal material' or base material) of alchemy. The classic idea of turning lead into gold in alchemy is not one I think I need to spend any time on here.
"The tragic element in poetry is like Saturn in alchemy - the Malevolent, the Destroyer of Nature; but without it, no true Aurum Potabile, or Elixir of Life, can be made." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
3: 'Volatile'
Flipped horizontal to work.
'Volatile' generally meant changeable. Volatile spirits are also often referred to as 'airy' due to primarily being substances that turn into vapor.
In alchemical drawings, winged serpents were used to represent volatile substances (I'm pointing that out since the video for 'Sugar' does feature a snake), but angels were often used as well. There is an entire rabbit hole you can fall down here with the symbolism use for volatile spirits.
The next two might not actually be there - I lean towards them being created by overlap rather than intent.
4: ‘Fire’ or ‘Phlegm’
Honorary Mention because while triangles often got skewed one way or another depending on the writer, certain skews turned them into different symbols altogether. So you could have a symbol for 'Fire' here or you could just as easily have a flipped/rotated symbol for 'Phlegm' (check 'Take Aim').
5: 'Day'
This is one of those variations that I have only seen once, but since it's sort of there, I'm pointing it out.
Extra: There is possibly (yeah, no there is absolutely) one or two symbols missing here. 'Lead' in that configuration can be drawn with the extra hook, but it isn't very common, so there may be a symbol layered in that section which I'm overlooking.
If you want to add the diamond to the skewed triangle and flip it vertically, then you have a close approximation to 'Salt Water'. A hollow diamond can also be used for several things on its own, including 'Soap', 'Brass', and 'Glass'.
1: 'Tin' / 'Jupiter'
Para que esse funcione, ele precisa ser rotacionado, mas não vejo isso como um problema aqui, especialmente. Na alquimia, o estanho estava associado a várias coisas, incluindo a língua e a saliva (sim, isso parece relevante com esta música), além do significado mais simbólico de crescimento.
2: 'Lead' (Chumbo)
A Prima Matera ('matéria prima' ou matéria base) da alquimia. A ideia clássica de transformar chumbo em ouro na alquimia não é algo sobre o qual eu sinta que precise gastar muito tempo aqui.
"O elemento trágico na poesia é como Saturno na alquimia - o Malevolente, o Destruidor da Natureza; mas sem ele, nenhum verdadeiro Aurum Potabile, ou Elixir da Vida, pode ser feito." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
3: 'Volatile' (Volátil)
Virado horizontalmente para funcionar.
'Volátil' geralmente significava mutável. Espíritos volúveis também são frequentemente referidos como 'aéreos', pois são substâncias que se transformam em vapor.
Nos desenhos alquímicos, serpentes aladas eram usadas para representar substâncias volúveis (estou apontando isso porque o vídeo de 'Sugar' apresenta uma serpente), mas anjos também eram usados com frequência. Existe um buraco de coelho inteiro que você pode cair aqui com o uso de simbolismo para espíritos volúveis.
Os próximos dois talvez nem estejam presentes - eu acho que eles foram criados por sobreposição, em vez de intenção.
4: 'Fire' (Fogo) ou 'Phlegm' (Fleuma)
Mencionado Honorariamente, porque enquanto os triângulos frequentemente ficavam inclinados de um lado ou de outro dependendo do escritor, certos ângulos transformavam-nos em símbolos diferentes completamente. Então, você poderia ter um símbolo de 'Fogo' aqui ou, igualmente, um símbolo invertido/rotacionado de 'Fleuma' (verifique 'Take Aim').
5: 'Day' (Dia)
Esta é uma dessas variações que eu vi apenas uma vez, mas como ela está meio que ali, estou apontando isso.
Possivelmente (na verdade, há definitivamente) um ou dois símbolos faltando aqui. 'Lead' (Chumbo) nessa configuração pode ser desenhado com o gancho extra, mas não é muito comum, então pode haver um símbolo sobreposto naquela seção que estou deixando passar.
Se você quiser adicionar o diamante ao triângulo inclinado e invertê-lo verticalmente, você tem uma aproximação de 'Água Salgada'. Um diamante oco também pode ser usado para várias coisas sozinho, incluindo 'Sabão', 'Latão' e 'Vidro'.
1: Eh
Let's get the tricky one out of the way first. This could be two things if it's one of the rotated symbols i mentioned at the start:
'Empyreumaticum' aka empyreumatic - adj. :
"being or having an odor of burnt organic matter as a result of decomposition at high temperatures"
For alchemy, this was usually referring to 'Oil of Brick' (it's one of the most common empyreumatic oils to get) and was obtained by soaking a brick in an oil (such olive oil) and then extracting it via distillation at extreme temperatures. This had medicinal uses, but more interesting is the fact it was used as a lubricant for cutting stones and gems.
The other option is 'Sugar'- Which I don't really need to explain further.
Both of these require the symbol to be rotated 90 degrees. If we take it as vertical from the start, the only option I can find to fit would be 'Populous'. 'Fat' is also similar, but...eh.
2: 'Iron'
This is one of the many, many versions for iron and does have a little bit of stylization going on, but it's still obvious. You can check back on ‘Dark Signs' for its meaning.
3: 'Rock Salt'
(in some contexts 'The Consistency of Rock Salt') or 'Stagnation' OR 'Glass'. Each is interesting within the context of the song, so perhaps it's all three. Up to y'all.
4th option being there is no extra symbol there and i've just been staring at this shit way too long.
4: 'Night'
There are a multitude of ways to write both night and day, I'm leaning towards that for these based, again, on context.
5: Which would put this one as 'Day'.
However, I also want to point out that this one could just as easily be 'Borax' (check back on ‘Give' for that explanation, if you want).
There could be a symbol for 'White Iron Pyrite' (marcasita) present.
1: 'Empyreumaticum' or 'Sugar'
Empyreumaticum aka empyreumatic: "ser ou ter o odor de matéria orgânica queimada como resultado da decomposição em altas temperaturas"
Para a alquimia, isso geralmente se referia ao "Óleo de Tijolo" (um dos óleos empyreumáticos mais comuns), obtido ao embebedar um tijolo em óleo (como óleo de oliva) e depois extrair a substância por destilação em altas temperaturas. Esse óleo tinha usos medicinais, mas seu uso mais interessante era como lubrificante para cortar pedras e gemas.
Sugar (Açúcar): Não precisa de mais explicações.
Ambas as opções requerem que o símbolo seja rotacionado 90º. Caso o símbolo seja vertical desde o início, a única opção que encontro seria "Populous" (Populoso), mas 'Fat' (Gordura) também é uma possibilidade similar.
2: 'Iron'
Iron (Ferro): Uma das muitas versões para ferro, com um pouco de estilização, mas ainda evidente. Você pode conferir o significado dessa versão em 'Dark Signs'.
3: 'Rock Salt'
Rock Salt (Sal de Rocha): Em alguns contextos, isso pode significar "A Consistência de Sal de Rocha", "Estagnação" ou "Vidro". Cada uma dessas opções é interessante dentro do contexto da música, então talvez seja todas elas ao mesmo tempo. Ou talvez não, depende da interpretação.
A quarta opção seria que não há símbolo extra aqui e eu só tenho olhado para isso há tempo demais.
4: 'Night'
Night (Noite): Existem várias maneiras de escrever 'noite' e 'dia'. Estou inclinada a achar que isso representa "Noite", considerando o contexto.
5: 'Day'
Day (Dia): Isso poderia muito bem ser "Dia". Porém, também poderia ser "Borax" (veja a explicação em 'Give', se quiser).
Pode haver um símbolo para 'Pirita de Ferro Branca' (marcasita) presente aqui.
1: 'Water'
Off to a good start! That's a fucking obvious one. Doin' alright.
2: 'Crucible'
Okay, a little more buried in there, but we can still pick it out.
Past this point, we're in "I have been staring at this thing too long. I don't know if these are actually there or if I'm just picking and putting things together now" territory.
3: 'Spring'
If it is, then it's flipped horizontally. It looks like it and there's been some potential flips before, so...fuck it. Why not.
4: 'Mercury'
Not the planet, but the substance.
"The omnipresent spirit of life. Mercury was believed to transcend the liquid and solid states. The belief carried over into other areas, as mercury was thought to transcend life/death and heaven/earth."
5: ???
The half circles on their own could be 'Lime' again. Or are they 'Horn', 'Silver', 'Moon', a variation and/or stylization of 'Moonlight'???
There are some extra lines left here.
What do they go to?
I don't know! I give up!
This one broke me!
I̮̤ͪ̀̌̌̒ͅ ͕̜͔͖w̗̺̞a͛̈̍n̘ͬ͒͌ͥ͑̑t̥̠̻̃ͣ ͚̩̦͉̊͋t͇͚̣̝̩̫͇ͥȯ̗͍͙̪̳̍͒̔ ̖̾̈́̀̽ͣea̖̜̬̟̙͒ͅt͈̩̯̻͒ ̒ͪ̏iͮ͗̾̀t̘̺̍̂͑͗̔.̟̱͍͐͊̔ͥ
1: 'Water'
Water (Água): Começando bem! Isso é bem óbvio. Estamos indo bem.
2: 'Crucible'
Crucible (Crucível): Ok, um pouco mais escondido, mas ainda conseguimos identificar. Depois disso, estamos no território de "Eu fiquei olhando para isso por tanto tempo. Não sei se isso realmente está aqui ou se estou só juntando coisas aleatórias agora."
3: 'Spring'
Spring (Primavera): Se for isso, então está virado horizontalmente. Parece com isso e já houve algumas inversões possíveis antes, então... dane-se. Por que não?
4: 'Mercury'
Mercury (Mercúrio): Não o planeta, mas a substância. "O espírito onipresente da vida. Acreditava-se que o mercúrio transcendia os estados líquido e sólido. Essa crença se estendia para outras áreas, pois o mercúrio era considerado capaz de transcender vida/morte e céu/terra."
5: ???
Os semicírculos sozinhos poderiam ser Cal, novamente. Ou são Chifre, Prata, Lua, uma variação e/ou estilização de Luz da Lua???
Há algumas linhas extras aqui.
Para onde elas vão?
Eu não sei! Eu desisto!
Essa aqui me quebrou!
Thank you, Blood Sport, for existing as the only simple one of these to sort out.
That's a lie, it's not that simple.
1: 'Wax'
If the spokes were a bit longer, it might have been either 'Tree Oil' or 'Hematite Stone', but I think the safer bet is to keep it as wax. If you knock off the top and left spokes, then you have something very close to 'White Arsenic', but again the spokes are too short for me to call it that.
2: ‘Niter’
This one could be 'Niter' (potassium nitrate) or 'Soda Ash' (sodium carbonate) - The symbol has been used for both. i'm going with niter here for "The Cask of Amontillado" reference and I'll let enotes sum that up real quick to save space (and prevent me from rambling any further):
Image Transcription: But in Edgar Allan Poe's story "The Cask of Amontillado," the niter has a symbolic meaning, as well. As Fortunato is led deeper into the catacombs of Montresor's family, the niter increases. Montresor has premeditated the murder of Fortunato, and he plays with his victim the way a cat sometimes plays with its prey before killing it. Montresor is pretending to be concerned with Fortunato's health when the truth is that he has absolutely no regard for Fortunato. The symbolic meaning of the niter is that Fortunato is being led further into Montresor's web, just like the web-like niter on the walls is increasing.
3: Double
This arrangement of dots most often goes with 'Oil' or, more specifically, 'Oil of Tartar'. However, when you flip it vertically, it becomes the symbol for 'Flint Stone' (among others*). The combination of the two has some interesting implications, really.
If you take only the outermost dots in the 4 point configuration, then you have 'Essential Oil'. I don't think that plays into it, but once again trying to cover the possibilities.
If you want to go looking for more layered symbols, then you can knock out the bottom spoke of 'Wax', plus remove the end lines, then you're left with the symbol for 'Body' or 'Spirit'.
Obrigado, Blood Sport, por existir como o único desses símbolos que é simples de resolver.
Isso é mentira, não é tão simples assim.
1: 'Cera'
Se os raios fossem um pouco mais longos, poderia ser 'Óleo de Árvore' ou 'Pedra Hematita', mas acho que a aposta mais segura é ficar com cera. Se você remover os raios superior e esquerdo, ficaria algo bem próximo de 'Arsênico Branco', mas novamente, os raios estão curtos demais para eu chamar de isso.
2: 'Nitre'
Este pode ser 'Nitre' (nitrato de potássio) ou 'Cinza de Soda' (carbonato de sódio) - o símbolo foi usado para ambos. Eu vou com 'Nitre' aqui, pela referência a "O Barril de Amontillado", e deixarei o enotes resumir isso rapidamente para economizar espaço (e evitar que eu fique divagando ainda mais):
Transcrição da Imagem: Mas na história de Edgar Allan Poe, "O Barril de Amontillado", o niter tem um significado simbólico também. À medida que Fortunato é conduzido mais fundo nas catacumbas da família Montresor, o niter aumenta. Montresor premeditou o assassinato de Fortunato, e ele brinca com sua vítima da maneira que um gato às vezes brinca com sua presa antes de matá-la. Montresor finge se preocupar com a saúde de Fortunato quando, na verdade, ele não tem absolutamente nenhuma consideração por ele. O significado simbólico do niter é que Fortunato está sendo levado mais fundo na teia de Montresor, assim como o niter nas paredes, que vai aumentando.
3: Duplo
Este arranjo de pontos normalmente está associado a 'Óleo' ou, mais especificamente, 'Óleo de Tártaro'. No entanto, quando você vira ele verticalmente, ele se transforma no símbolo para 'Pedra de Pederneira' (entre outros*). A combinação dos dois tem algumas implicações interessantes, na verdade.
Se você pegar apenas os pontos mais externos na configuração de 4 pontos, você tem 'Óleo Essencial'. Eu não acho que isso se encaixa, mas, mais uma vez, estou tentando cobrir todas as possibilidades.
Se você quiser procurar por símbolos mais sobrepostos, pode remover o raio inferior de 'Cera', além de excluir as linhas finais, então você fica com o símbolo de 'Corpo' ou 'Espírito'.
I will never recover, but that's also just kinda my default state anyway, so it's all good.
If you want more brainrot, TPWBYT is over here.
Like the beginning says, if you’d like to use this spiral into madness to create your own breakdown of lore connections and lyric content, by all means, please do. Thanks for sticking around all the way to the end of this ridiculous ramble and I hope it was an enjoyable read.
Eu nunca vou me recuperar, mas isso também é meio que o meu estado padrão, então tudo bem.
Se você quiser mais confusão mental, TPWBYT está por aqui.
Como diz no começo, se você quiser usar essa espiral de loucura para criar sua própria análise das conexões de lore e conteúdo das letras, fique à vontade, por favor.
Obrigado por ter ficado até o final dessa enrolação ridícula e espero que tenha sido uma leitura agradável.
Links & References / Links e Referências:
● Alchemy Reference Guide: A Tool For Exploring the Secret Art ● Site de Alquimia de Adam McLean (vá lá e se prepare para sobrecarga mental; tem muito conteúdo por lá) ● The R.A.M.S. Library of Alchemy, Volume 21 ● The last vvill and testament of Basil Valentine, monke of the order of St. Bennet 1671 (disponível no internetarchive) ● A Lexicon of Alchemy de Martin Rulandus, o Velho ● Dictionary of Occult, Hermetic, and Alchemical Sigils de Fred Gettings ● Alchemistische und chemische Zeichen de Fritz Lüdy-Tenger (conseguir esse livro me custou 5 anos de vida)
#sleep token lore#sleeptoken#music#band#vessel#sleep token sundowning lore#sleep token sundowning#sleep token teories#sleep token teory#fan made teories#fanmade#ivy
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Not sure if you answered this already, but what is everyone's role in the gangster au?
I wouldn’t say there’s any ‘Roles’, but more like.. Well, abilities? Gangster AU is a joke au I made on a Whim, so there’s actually 0 lore to it HAHA
>>>check this video for more info!
(Or even better, check my pinned post!)
Abilities! Anyway! For example!
Fr4nk can hack into any electronic systems! (He’s the most useful out of all of them to be honest) and he’s super smart! And loves overexplaining things because it makes him feel superior to everyone, BUT most importantly it pisses Wally off!
And Wally D can steal stuff! And run! Super fast! Like a Rat! (And he loves snitching too… Like a Rat.) He’s the most useless out of them all.
Howdy Pi££ar can fight really really well! He’ll BEAT anyone to a pulp! Unless you’re a grandma. Though he is impatient! And hotheaded! (He still won’t fight a grandma though. Unless you give him 2 million in USD. He LOVES money, just like how Barnaby loves Hotdogs.)
JJ and Silly Sal are the only ones that can drive motorcycles! The other thugs are hopeless at it!
Big Edd sells uh.. you know. Zaza. The ‘rainbow goodies’. And owns a Van (which is gangster AU home bahahajnd)
Barnaby? I would say emotional support! Just Kidding, he can smash into things? I suppose? I mean, he’s a dog! He does whatever a dog does!
Oh and Pøppy! She can do a Roadman Voice when she’s angry and that usually scares the shit out of amateur cops.
☀️In the end, Gangster AU is 100% joke au and I made it only to make dumb animatics and silly comics out of it HAHA
So don’t expect any ‘serious lore’ out of it!
I mean, the main 8 use permanent markers to draw their ‘tattoos’.. and instead of real weapons they use waterguns.. Hell! Nobody even bleeds in this au! They’re all made of COTTONS!
Profile Pictures!
#welcome home gangster au#this au is 100% a joke pls dont take it seriously#welcome home#welcome home puppet show#welcome home arg#wally darling#barnaby b beagle#barnaby b. beagle#krasytoonz#howdy pillar#welcome home project#Julie joyful#poppy partridge#sally starlet#Eddie dear#Frank frankly#welcome home home
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EMBARRASSING MYSELF SENDING THIS BUT every so often I see your banger Ace Attorney & Gravity Falls posts when I look into the tags and I go "omg it's the nice person who reblogs my Sal posts sometimes!!" And idk I just find it crazy that in the midst of posting abt those popular fandoms you also engage with my obscure 2013 rpgmaker game brainrot 😭😭 (this is very /pos if you cant tell)
omg thank you for reaching out aaaa!!! wadanohara/funamusea in general is an old friend to me that i love to come back to and catch up with occasionally, ever since i first played watgbs a decade ago (i was here when funa was still on tumblr, rip queen). it's like a familiar fairytale book i still crack open now and then for comfort. even though my main interests lie in bigger fandoms, i admire the dedication of funamusea fans still making content, sharing stuff from her streams, faithfully translating, etc!
^ me, lovingly peppering my blog with a mix of tv-y7 cartoons, 20+ yo video games, live action shows and obscure rpgmaker games
i appreciate your posts pointing out details i haven't put together even after so many replays! i recently had the honor of sharing the game with my friend who was completely blind on it (after a mighty struggle to properly install the reboot fan translation bc i wanted the full experience dammit, thankfully i was successful), and as someone who knew the sal twist before i even played the game the first time, it was so much fun to see! sal continues to be a great villain and i love the new-ish lore that fleshes out his motivations some more.
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Peacing and Loving my previous post but counter that, one of the things that makes Wh40k activate my goblin brain is the fact that the Lore™ does not, in fact, follow the "everyone is Like This™ All the Time and killing each other about it"-style of worldbuilding. Like, top level would that be ideal for the Imperium? Sure. But it's too big and resources are too thin theoretically for that to be feasible such that even their own government doesn't hold to that rule. Like, somewhere out there there's a garden world where the figure of the God-Emperor isnt even a cave painting on their oldest ruins but they still pray to Saint Esha to heal the sick with her tears or make icons to the Emperor with bloody hands because at some point pre-Crusade they had prolonged contact with the Aeldari. There are Chaos Worlds with arguably better standards of living than your average Hive Planet, with their own distinct cultures and history (hello Q,Sal). Or places like the ttrpg!Koronus Expanse where the Imperium's presence is a drop in the vast sea of space and whole civilizations/faction of humans and Aeldari Corsairs (and Kroot....Orks even) have been coexisting mostly just fine for millennia without the Imperium even knowing they exist.
Idk it's the bits like that that keep me coming back to the setting more than anything because that's where the depth is. Like I genuinely could not care less about Space Marines or the Imperium's War Machine but I absolutely will read pages and pages about the cult of Saint Quivvar Nog, Patron of the Calixis Expanse's "primitive peoples" and how there's a brewing religious schism around the fact that he got gentrified into becoming a Frank Frazetta Beefcake once the wider Ecclesiarchy got ahold of him and now his OG followers see Frazetta!Nog as a false idol and refuse to allow it in their missionary work. Amazing shit.
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I randomly remembered how on Newtralizer's action figure toy had a description in the back that called him a big bad mutant. So your theory about the salamanders being mutants that the Kraang created 1000 of years ago might not be too far off. That or we can also assume the writers just intended to be a one off villain or some crap but then they introduced the salamanders and went with making apart of the salamander alien race. Or by the time they started making season 5 they remembered Newtralizer and decided to shove a bunch of all of a sudden lore about him.
Funny enough the toy is correct about him being an assassin and also a bounty hunter seeing as he originally worked for Lord Dregg as an assassin. Also also, idk if you remember that one ask where I suggested Newtralizer could have gotten a potential redemption arc if it weren't for When Worlds Collide but also on that toy desc it says he proves to be more of an ally to the turtles. I don't know- (sorry for the rambling I originally intended for this to be about your theory-)
The original idea for Newtralizer was for him to be a mutant experiment made by the Kraang that has gone rogue. If I remember correctly (I could be wrong so don’t quote me on it), Newtralizer was a rejected mutant character for the 87 toy line created by Ryan Brown.
Here’s the original concept:
The concept was for him to be a mutant newt who would hunt down Krang, possibly being a failed experiment of his that he abadoned (idk, I'm guessing. Like I said, don't quote me on this).
Even in his 2012 series concept art, it’s kind of insinuated that he’s a mutant experiment of the Kraang cause the concept sketches refers to him as the “Amphibious Assassin of Dimension X”, as if he was born or better yet created in Dimension X and it's his home.
In TMNT 2012 they seem to have planned to go with this idea like with his rejected 87 concept in the beginning of the show. That’s what they hint at during the season 1 episode Operation: Break Out.
But by season 2, the writers started switching from him being a mutant to instead him being an alien.
In the season 2 episode Newtralized, Raph refers to him as an alien:
But then not even 5 minutes later (No joke. I timed it, it was less than TWO minutes later) in the SAME EPISODE they refer to him as a mutant!
Granted, maybe they had Leo refer to both Slash and Newtralizer as mutants just to make it easier than saying "We've got a crazy mutant and alien running around",
I kind of gone off topic here, but I wanted to share this interesting info and point of the inconsistency. You can tell in the earlier season they were still debating on whether or not they wanted Newtralizer to be an alien or mutant.
Anyway, yeah my headcanon of the Salamandrians being long descendants of mutants that escaped the Kraang many many years ago was pretty much inspired by the confusion/Newtralizer being mistaken for a mutant for the first half of the series, even if that wasn’t intentional/planned out, considering they didn’t officially confirm Newtralizer was an alien until 2015 during a San Diego Comic Con and they were showing the concepts of Mona Lisa and Sal Commander for the upcoming 4th season.
We even got an in show confirmation in the season 4 episode The Moons of Thalos 3, if you listen carefully when Sal and Mona first confront the Turtles, you can hear Leo called them "Newtralizers".
#my-name-is-bunnyfoxy#asks#answered#tmnt 2012#tmnt#teenage mutant ninja turtles#tmnt newtralizer#newtralizer#tmnt salamandrians#operation: break out#newtralized#the moons of thalos 3#fabtrash headcanons#tmnt headcanons
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we're the spectre system! we plan on posting on here a lot so heres a big intro!
✦🌱collective name: phantom (or any other name for a ghost!)
✧🪶pronouns: he/him
✦🌱osdd-1b, schizophrenia (unspecified type), bipolar II, social anxiety, ptsd, autism
✧🪶splits easily!
✦🌱sys tag: 🍄
✧🪶frequent fronters: (not including hosts/co-hosts) alexis🐾, blair🦷, cameron🍇, fritz🥁, kayden☕️, parker🎮, simon💥, syren🪼, and zee🪩
(most of us are pretty massive stoners so heres our blog for that! @st0n3yp0ny ANNDDDD we may or may not have a gaming youtube channel in the works..... we'll be posting updates on our blog called liv1ngd3adb0y (cant mention it for some reason??))
✦🐀nickname(s): Salamander, Salsa, Salutations, etc.
✧🌑pronouns: He/him
✦🐀hobbies: Drawing, reading, writing (I'll post some of my documents eventually, I like to write about music lore and true crime), gaming, playing the drums, Idk what else
✧🌑likes: House of 1000 corpses, the poughkeepsie tapes, human centipede, my religion (I'm a practicing Norse Pagan and Diabolist), geralds game, supernatural creatures/cryptids, the walking dead, the last of us, hannibal, postal, resident evil, the blair witch, taxidermy, metal music (mainly industrial, black, and death), body modifications, the horror genre (Especially body horror!), true crime, etc.
✦🐀dislikes: Obnoxious people and those freaky ass TCC serial killer romanticizers 🤢
✧🌑extra: I'm a very blunt person and tend to come off a little rude but I'm pretty cool if I do say so myself 😋
✦🐀personal blog: @cvrsedcvltist
✦🧸nickname(s): asterisk (courtesy of sal :P)
✧☕️pronouns: she/it/xe
✦🧸hobbies: drawing, baking, fursuiting, sewing, making jewelry, laminating flowers, reading (only graphic novels because i have a short attention span ;-;), and more!!! :D
✧☕️likes: adventure time, gravity falls, sanrio, my little pony, stardew valley, animal crossing, tloz, flowers, moths, cats, oversized clothes, laura dean keeps breaking up with me, and i LOVE organizing stuff, i set up our simply plural/pluralkit accounts and make the templates we use!! :3
✦🧸dislikes: unexpected loud noises, flashing lights, crowds, and itchy fabric >:[
✧☕️extra: its mainly me who runs this blog so ill be posting the most!! and i age regress pretty frequently, i use my personal blog for it!^^
✦🧸personal blog: @aster111sk
✦🕯nickname(s): Kaz or Kazzie
✧📼pronouns: It/dead/rot/corpse
✦🕯hobbies: I enjoy researching and writing (Mainly about freak accidents, cult histories, liminal spaces, etcetera), listening to podcasts (My favorite is True Crime with Cam, I love her R/Letsnotmeet episodes), I can't think of anything else at the moment.
✧📼likes: Bone collecting, found footage horror movies, gothic metal, Bridge to Terabithia, The Sixth Sense, The Taking of Deborah Logan, As Above So Below, plants and fungi, tarantulas, millipedes, frogs and toads, I don't feel like typing anymore.
✦🕯dislikes: I don't know.
✧📼extra: I'm not really a fan of social media so I'm not sure how much I'll post on here.
✦🕯personal blog: @ N/A
✦🪐nickname(s): i dont have any, PLEASEE give me some 😭
✧⭐️pronouns: he/him/his!
✦🪐hobbies: photography (I LOVE TAKING PICS OF THE SKY!!), gardening, painting (rarely), binging shows, hrmmmm... thats it i think, i dont do much tbh 🫣
✧⭐️likes: shameless, breaking bad, greys anatomy, drama shows, astronomy AND astrology, theatre arts, plants (i really like succulents!), traveling, hiking, camping, and more!
✦🪐dislikes: literally just dont be rude and youre fine
✦🪐personal blog: @ N/A
#looking for moots#osdd system#plural system#system stuff#endos dni#dni endos#endos go away#intro post#introduction#system intro#first post#traumagenic system
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i finished edge of the woods today & now i have to talk about it (spoilers for every andrew rowe work within the climber's court universe)
starting off with the obvious: i'm not entirely sure why it took me so long to get to this book (though i think it has smth to do w the fact that now i've read All of andrew's books not including novellas + i think i thought it was YA ? i'm honestly not sure) but i think i'd have gotten to it faster if i knew that JONAN WAS IN IT YEAHHHH BABYYYYY JONAN NATION!!!!!! i'm very happy about that. i mean i know he was like Barely in it i know it's so severely Not About Him but like. he <3 i've always loved jonan & i always thought he served as such a good counterweight to taelien etc etc
also . i pretty much solely listen to andrew's books on audio bc i love the narrator(s) (<- like it's primarily nick podehl & i'd be a fool not to like him but i also really like the shattered legacy narrators, that's not so much his books but like they're part of the universe, so) but i did end up reading Andrew's blog post about eotw earlier so now spelling out sal's name i'm like HUH OK. listen it's not fair to tell me i'm slow to catch on when Edge spends the entire book going 'yeah idk like i like my name but i feel like there's a part missing' bc in my defense i thought it was spelled lian and not lien so. there.
but that does bring me to 2 things: who Edge is to Taelien and the EoTW retrospective. i'm really pleased that we're going to get some more big answers soon but i can confidently say i'd love to keep reading this absolutely massive world forever and just figure stuff out as it goes. it feels a bit like watching a tapestry being woven, or maybe done in a jacquard, like you keep getting little bits of the picture with every colour added in but you can't see the whole picture until every single part is finished. *I* don't mind that. i also don't mind a slower, infodumpy book. i actually really liked the solo-pacing of Edge's story & everything wrt the training at the sword school. i also wish i had a physical copy of this book so i could leaf through and check, because Edge's scabbard was made out to a certain E (whom i believe to be edge himself) but was it FROM T ? now i'm convinced that it was but like. i could very well be lying to myself.
either way i'm dying to know whether edge is like... mirror world keras or if he's a different part of keras that was split off from him at birth (?) orrrrrr i mean if we're talking faeries if he's some manner of changeling or what. also, i could very well be wrong here, but isn't Edge younger than keras? in my mind edge is like 17 as he's chatting with Jonan but that could be a misconception born from my thinking this is a YA book ... i know to pay better attn during a climber's court novel so i'm a bit miffed at myself.
anyway. i have many more questions & theories but i know myself to be a little impatient and a little bad at making connections so i won't make a fool of myself by going into potentially very obviously incorrect statements. i am just thrilled for AA5 & whatever else is coming at us, especially if EoTW2 sees Edge and Ayara interacting..... mostly just because Ayara remains a figure of such mystery to me, i don't know how she fits in with selys & the tyrant in gold & all the other divine and / or mythical figures of the lore
#recently read#chatting to myself for the most part — i'm kind of considering retiring my physical book journal and going digital#but i love physical stuff too much.... it's just that my typing speed is so much better than my handwriting jgdhfsk
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-dv livestream!
-so first of all, mY ABSOLUTE MADLADS HOLY SHIT JOSEPH JOESTAR VOICE RICKY BOI IS GOING TO WIN THE DEDUCTION STAR OH MY GOSHHhhhh ok. i am normal abt this. i would really like it if he wins but im terrified at what sorta skin they will give him.
neutral ending: he gets like. a chopin biopic theme outfit (or even another composer. monteverdi maybe if they want to hammer in the references to orfeo or whatever). playing it safe but thats fine tbh. you want me to suffer (affectionate) ending: its amadeus the movie and idk if ricky would be mozboi or sal but either way im screaming and crying on the ground. bad ending: its none of these options and its something predictable/boring/shipping related and im like. angery face. expanded galaxy brain it will not happen but i can hope: any of my shitpost rickys. music man ricky. froderick fronkensteen ricky. beet from batea ricky. ricky wearing a nightgown and nothing else absolutely losing it ricky (that being said i have no idea but a jekyll and hyde ricky would be a bit goated)
-and for the actual livestream stuff. the three new characters are neat. i think im more attached to them than other ones- memory and adaemil were very lore heavy, lily and friends were fine but i dont feel so invested (esp when operas backstory was just a more marketable rehash of antonios -angry face emoji- ). i like the gambler lady. shes fancy yes but shes got an air of like. elegance and politeness i dont get from other characters in the series. idk i just think shes pretty and shes got them gantsby vibes -pacha hand-. goatman seems nice, like bane or burk or someone. knight seems like a cool guy or could be just the "polite guy villified for plot" and i guess that means either way ill prolly like him -le shrug-. that being said i hope hes well written and isnt a character i wont end up liking. itd be cool if he and ricky can be bros. he gives me those vibes. also gambler lady and antonio being gambling buds would be so cute. the friend he deserves. everyone can be buds with goat man bc he seems nice too.
-not so interested in the crossovers/events besides the holmes one which is big interest omg. the new lady seems like shed be a cool irene adler if shes added. detective as holmes pls. (its prlly gonna b novelist or maybe mercenary bc of mr inference? but listen cone boi is detective so holmes should be too, since his apprentice is lol)
-sept the first school au hunter gets revealed. im like :| bc this series hasnt had any faves yet but it also seems mostly harmless and gives less popular characters skins occasionally so tbh im fine w it. itll prolly be a popular hunter and not my boi antonio but whatever. -shrug emoji-
-rest of lore: ok this is fine. like tbh id rather they dont focus on the journalist plot bc i really dont like it lmao. i find the animation kinda ugly and the characters are all really unlikeable. its also just impossible to talk abt the plot to anyone since everyone has such different takes on it lol
-that being said i am looking forward to maybe the next essence/season (w gambler lady? antonio a/b tier pls he needs it. pretty lady who is also gambler i think he needs this)
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no wayy the first chapter is so good!!
ofc i have to relay all of my thoughts and troubles first of all, i need to put babygirl in a corner for calling other girls plastic dolls (whatever she said) - MY BABYGIRL WOULD NEVER, then again i know she is in pain and regrets breaking it off with jeno cause it was in the heat of the moment and she probably just couldn't see past his shortcomings - we all know she loves him so much, based on her replies in the gcs, she's using humor to cope and hide her true feelings from her friends sal really just keeps her feelings and emotions on the DL, because i guess she's been made to feel insignificant and an inconvenience as she was growing up (me making lore) but i hope jeno gives her all the tlc she needs to open up, at least to him
and damn. that boy is lovesick as hell, esp because he's out here getting pissed off when renjun asks him about the whole thing on the gc but i'm so going to enjoy their evolution from enemies to lovers bc i think as of right now, they're still a little bit bitter towards each other since both of them fucked up and hurt each other
not them being in the same hall, like that's just asking for trouble. she might get locked out of the room or something and have to go find him since he's the closest, or vice versa (idk). they'll pass each other in the hall. they'll have to see each other when everyone hangs out together, and it's awkward because i bet everyone's going to know what exactly happened
another thing i kinda wanted to mention was how some of them were just brushing off what happened between sal and jeno, likeee - ig it's bc she downplayed it but i kind of expected them to have seen how often she was with jeno and how happy she was with him, too (ig she wasn't happy but i digress) but i'm probably reading too much
i can't wait for them to fight and for him to call her out and vice versa, and then he softens and asks her if she really loves him, because we all know that him finding out she loved him has been on his mind and it kind of made him realize it wasn't actually a fling and that she really did care for HIM and not his body or his looks or anything, which is something he probably hasn't had experience with
the downplay is going to be shown very much so in the next few chs y’all will get (maybe not right away,, but just giving y’all a heads up,, this is gonna be bad for EVERYONE. i’m talking jensal,, markjoy,, hyucky/n and even jaemal and you’ll know why when you get there BUT TRUST THE PROCESS.)
and no bc i too am waiting but i don’t wanna rush it and try to pace it out but yk i’m getting impatient w myself so if i’m going to fast but not fast at all,, don’t blame me love made me crazy if it doesn’t you ain’t doing it right 🤡
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i've really been thinking deeply on lore and shit for my oc story.
i think the idea is that it would be like. a "monster of the week" type of situation, but instead of fighting actual monsters- it's the trio helping out monsters in the town they live in (which is like, super populated by monster people) and occasionally dealing with whatever sal has going on with their past and their" "evil" demon sorta-siblings. hijinks and drama happen.
but that's just the idea. idk if i'd actually be able to write a coherent story myself, i can barely write in general lmaooo
#.txt#it's a way to have all my monster/supernatural ocs in one place and have an excuse xp#candy would still count as a 'monster' so she can exist#cause angels and demons also exist so aliens do too
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MORNING REBLOG. Also, in the comments of the new chapter @thedawningofthehour had a bunch of questions so I thought I'd put my reply here!! Because maybe some of you other people will ALSO be interested- I DON'T KNOW!! Spoilers for the chapter but no spoilers for the fic itself going forward.
(Faikishi if you don't want me to post this I'll go ahead and take it down, but it was all such good questions I decided to put the comment on my fridge.)
I had ONE FEAR and it was Faikishi with their insanely good world building asking me questions LMAO I was like please no one look too close at my world building please please please- (I mean that in a good way I live for your comments lol)
EXCUSE THE LORE DUMP I don't think any of this is necessarily spoilery- it's just stuff I've tried to imply within the story, but left vague on purpose because- I don't know why honestly. I guess because the characters might not know everything or think of it?
>I am just curious, I know the reason you don't give the Hamato fam a lot of 'rich people stuff' is probably because it's just funnier the other way, (and because Lou doesn't want his kids to grow up spoiled rich kids) but I feel like he'd have a car and/or paid driver. I mean, it's a security concern too, he's Lou Jitsu. Crazy fans and whatnot, people kidnapping a rich guy for ransom. (which would be hilarious because not least of all he could kill a man with a single one of his gelled-up hairs, but if they called home to make their demands instead of directly to Sal-well, if the Jitsu didn't kill them, the Donnie would) I mean, they could just be trying to keep a low profile here. I feel like the cabbie couldn't have known this was Lou Jitsu he was threatening. They do use a private diver/car sometimes! I feel like Yoshi mainly uses the car and driver for work, but the family as a whole mainly uses the subway or taxis or bus because that's the 'New York' thing to do. (Also I've been visiting NYC a lot recently and the idea of driving there is unimaginable to me. I will never do it, and the subway is WAY faster and easier besides.) I'm basing Yoshi's income based off of Bruce Lee's income, which I figure would be a similar paygrade arc if we're taking the silly cartoon show seriously when it hypes up Lou Jitsu. so, man is a MULTI MILLIONAIRE before he disappeared, and he only made more while he was gone. (Because people love a mystery.) But (and here's where I may be drifting outside my lane) he is also a first generation Japanese immigrant who didn't have family support when he first got here so I imagine he was pretty broke, and his Grandpa always struck me as the type of strict guy who doesn't like waste. So while Yoshi is someone who will throw money at a problem to make it go away rather than deal with it, he also sometimes doesn't think to do it, and will yell about the AC and also not throw anything away until it's falling apart. IDK if that makes sense lol, Xander is super fucking cheap and Yoshi approves because Xander will just sit and clip coupons with the kids before going grocery shopping.
>Okay, that character design fucks. I love that. Justice is blind and so is fucking Medusa. I just wanted to give Sal a sexy archnemesis I am a simple writer with simple needs. He gets a hot bunny paralegal and a seven foot tall Council retainer who hates his guts. (For yokai that's actually romance, but Sal doesn't know it yet lol.)
>Oh, well that's interesting. I guess Draxum couldn't have exactly kept his creations secret in this universe, huh?
I have a weird idea of nobility and how it works in the Hidden City because like- BARON Draxum?? That kind of IMPLIES A LOT?? I MEAN you know you're writing fucking. DAWN OF THE HOUR. The implications. Baron Draxum is "at large" but the Council of Heads is not exactly working as hard as they could to get him, because the political mess it would cause is almost not worth the trouble. But an easy target is the human who doesn't have any political identity in the Hidden City besides "famous", and who has custody of the neat little science projects that you were going to be confiscating anyway. (Meme voice: It's free super weapons.) The Hidden City is 'aware' of mutants because they have agents and spies (I'm assuming Mayhem isn't the only one), but they're calling the turtles here yokai for two reasons. ONE it's easier to win a custody fight without all the legal tape if you just call them normal kids, and TWO they don't really want word of mutants getting out quite yet. Some crazy fucking guy in a castle on a hill is basically recreating the yokai CREATION event, they're trying to keep it quiet for now. Even Euryale isn't aware of all the nuances, she'd kind of working with a disadvantage here, but she's got enthusiasm because. Conflict of interest. The Hidden City is actually aware of the turtles in this universe, because how could they not be. There's still yokai above ground (I'm going to cover this later because I had to do a lot of research about CLEM the goat guy in a few of the episodes) so word would eventually spread even down there. And Yoshi has done PHOTOSHOOTS with the kids, their trip to the zoo was in the social column of the NYT.
>?? I feel like? Conflict of interest? Conflict of interest doesn't exist! The court process in the Hidden City is HORRIFYING but also INSANELY SILLY. (Just like ROTTMNT lol.) There's rules but also there's NO RULES. It's why Sal is going to have a heart attack, and why he has Mariko in the first place. She's actually studied human law so she knows what the differences are.
>To be fair, I can see Big Mama getting all the correct paperwork for this. I mean, why not? It would be trivial for her to accomplish. If she does have the correct paperwork she definitely did not present it for this trial because she lowkey is trying to make things harder for Yoshi, but. SLIGHT spoiler? Sal is not referring to "Law" as we know it, but different law which is part of his argument. I had to struggle SO HARD with this fic precisely BECAUSE I had to come up with both sides and I can only hope I did- well not even a good job, but a LEGIBLE job lmao.
>I'd wonder if Lou and Sal have contingency plans in case this doesn't work out They do! It's called "Lou get me the fuck out of here Lou get me the fuck out of here Lou get me-" and Yoshi trying to kill everyone in the room lmaooo. Literally every time I try to figure out what Yoshi would think I remember him going to rescue the kids in the season 1 finale, and looking at April ( A SIXTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL) and saying, 'Alright, new plan. We each defeat 300 Foot ninja.' And then April NODDING AND AGREEING like mmm. Yes, of course. They are BOTH THE SAME KIND OF STUPID I love him so much. I think he's terrible at planning he just brute forces everything.
And like- he CAN brute force everything? He's in his sixties in the show and hasn't worked out for decades and still cracks concrete with Draxum's HEAD. He ripped a hydra apart barehanded in the Nexus flashback. He's a FREAK OF NATURE no wonder Draxum sucked his DNA for superweapons. I have this whole complicated headcanon lore reason why the Hamato are like this, but I don't know when and IF I'm going to be able to include it.
I'm super grateful for the comments honestly because I'm dying to talk about this shit.
Guys, I can't think you enough for what a great year this has been and I can't wait to start showing you guys what I've been working on in this upcoming new year. All the comments and community and fun crossovers with friends have really made my year, and I'm so happy I started writing a stupid little turtle fanfic that people actually enjoyed. I expected maybe 100 kudos if I was lucky, and a couple little comments;
But my expectations were absolutely blown out of the water by you guys commenting, and drawing fanart, and just- playing with me in this silly little turtle space.
So thanks for a great year!
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My On My Shelf Books (but its chaotic)
- the weight of your sky - Hanna Alkaf I CRED I TELL YOU SO HARD WE STAN LITERALLY ANYTHING BY HANNA ALKAF IS GOOD IF SHE WROTE LIKE 3 WORDS I WOULD BE AMAZED MASHAALLAH - a heartwarming and heartbrekaing look at racial tensions on the brink - feels especially true
Queen of Tiles - Hanna Alkaf , murder mystery grief and literally so good. much better than YA murder grounded and heartbreakign and im a sucer for the scenes like the ending would look beautiful on my shelf as well
a language of thorns - Leigh Bardugo - i have read this book time and time agian i have my problems wiht the rest of Leigh’s work but this, this will foverever remain untouched ON MY SHELF AND IN HARDCOVER TOO
Once upon a Eid - anthology literally the best muslim rep I have come across like i cannot tell you how big of a content and slightly weepy sigh my hearttook wiht this.
the ballad of Mulan - Sherry Thomas - actually shipped the main two SO GOOD- hISTORICAL FICTIONNNNN beautifully done ALSO THE COVER??
nevermoor !!!!! - home grown aussie magic mog DRAgon cant wait for silver born. THE WRITING IS SO GOOD FOR THIS unparalleled . also the people in this fandom are really nice ON MY SHELF WOO
Sal and Gabi break the universe + Sal and Gabi Fix the Universe - RR PRESNETS SO GOOD FOUND FAMILY- creative funny and poignant and took my inner “i want to be in the arts!!” self and jjust gave it all i want
bone witch trilogy!!!! rin chupeco can have my soul i have read this series so many times and i never do that. - i am trying to describe this but like its so good i cant
Airman - Eion Colfer guys its eion colfer what do i even have to say
Deeplight & A Skinful of Shadows & Cukoo Song - Frances Hardinge - no words except i want to write like this
The Anne of Green Gables Series- friendship and love and forevermore
The Secret Garden on my shelf!!!!
Murder most Unladylike series - specifically mistletoe and Murder and arsenic for tea at the mo cause BERTIEEEEEE WELLLS -- aside form that one of the best middle grade book series i have ever read mysterious are complex and leaveyou on the edge of your seat and a series to binge when you feel like coffee and pistachios
ILLUMINAE FILES- HOW COULD I FORGET THE BOOKS SERIES THAT CHANGED ME AAAAAAA- sci fi opera mixed media told by chats and ship logs and literally took my heart and forged it into a new being
Trials of Apollo THE META FOR THIS SERIES I SWEAR- honeslty ricks best work AMAZING character development 1/5 on my shelf
Enchanted Emporiun- literally magical will fight you all if you dont like it/j
A Wish in the Dark - TEH VIBES Thai inspired fantasy friendship and coconut made me feel at home def reccoment
A Place to hang the Moon - wooooo found family very Blyton-esque whihc makes it no suprise that i enjoyed this eimmesly
Middlegame - god this books is so good 500 hundred games wish a thousand times i could read it again
Spinning Silver - Naomi Novik - the fairytale inspired book of my dream rich a nd deep and oh my god i ship these people moment
The VAlley and the Flood - loss grief ptsd beutifal writing eerie enought to seem real . grounded and omg it is now a comfort read. radio waves in sea glass green
Berrybrook Middle School - graphic novel series SO GOOD aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAH
Glorious Wrestling Alliance, Ultimate Championship Edition : go read this graphic novel its vey good idk how to describe it just do it
Red White and Whole - made cry best rep of a south asian mother and daughter relationship i think i can see also good at describing the relationship between the parents (spoiler: they love each other)
The Carpet Merchant of Konstantiniyya VOL 1 & 2 - such great grpahic novel the muslim rep immaculate THE STORY???? immacualte the characters????? IMMMACULATE
A Bit of Earth - its a south asian muslim retelling of the secret garden what more can i ask for it made me cry
Discworld - havent read many but ive been love with every single book carrot is the only character ever
Tress of the Emerald Sea - AAAA found family pirates cutest couple ever cool sea spores and worldbuilding and the plot twist the power of love and friendship and CUPS tress the woman of my heart we would be besties
Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries - Heather Fawcett. (Emily would love APA citations I love and relate to her so much. Be my Friend)
#mmu#murder most unladylike#nevermoor#the secret garden#trials of apollo#toa#anne of green gables#pjo#frances hardinge#illluminae files#rr presents#rick riordian#hanna alkaf#hoo#bone witch trilogy#bwt#books#Enchanted emporium#A wish in the Dark#a place to hang the moon#awid#apthm#middlegame#seanan mcguire#ahoys thoughts#naomi novik#spinning silver#Books On My Shelf#On My Shelf Books#OMSB
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Idk if I - or someone else- already did this ask before, but mixing Sally Face w/ Greek Mythology, wich gods/nymphs would the Sally Face characters be??
I see Travis as Persephone or Aphrodite but may be a little biased since I just like their myths the most and at the same time I like Travis the most sooo
Hear me out!!!
Travis is locked away, threatened and abused away from everyone and thing Kenneth does not approve of. Would it not fit Persephone lore that Travis is either her descendant or vassal. Kenneth pretty much treats him a little worse than she had been treated. ESPECIALLY if Hades is one of the bros (leaning more so to Larry)
Sal is more complex though as he could literally be a good handful. But I’m going to stick to Ares for shits n giggies. Short king with the calmest demeanor being the vassal of Ares?? Funky lil dynamic!
Larry just straight up gives Hades vibes for how he gets treated. Hades got such a bad rep despite lore being relatively pascifistic in terms of his actions. He does have moments where he will assert himself (for valid reasons usually). Not so monogamous… he would 100% be down with three headed dogs. But would also be drunk and sobbing that he only has two hands.
Todd Hermès. Fight me.
Neil (if Greek) would fall under Heras tutelage. A kind and considerate boy who sometimes has to talk down his angry goddess mother. Pls, imagine him waddling up with a flower to this gargantuan woman and just giving her the sweetest smile. Wars have stopped, crops are flourishing, pregnant women deliver their babies safely.
Now! IF NOT GREEK he would 100% follow under the African goddess Oya! (If you don’t know I def recommend looking her up and the other west african gods!!)
Ash and Apollo give me vibes. Not necessarily good vibes… but vibes.
I don’t… I don’t think I need to say Chug… he is very obvious. Likes to hang out/party? Foodie?? I think we can all agree who his god is
Maple would definitely not be Greek but Indian.
Now if she was Greek: Artemis. She loves her man but doesn’t take shit from one and makes it abundantly clear.
Now I do believe her true deity’s Khali. A strong goddess. I like her lore (aside from the husband part…) I also recommend checking her out!! I don’t wanna type it I’m afraid of butchering it/messing up important parts ;0; my memory is v bad in that regard.
#travis phelps#sally face#sally face au#larry johnson#sal fisher#larry x travis#larvis#laravis#salvis#sal x travis#sally face Greek mythology au
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So about the update...
There have been several speculations about the kingdom in the sky and the kingdom of darkness that's referred to in the cutscene at the beginning of every battle pass, and with the release of Enkanomiya, my remaining two braincells made some electricity and came up with a coherent thought.
The pearl
The symbol of the Gnostic Hymn looks an awful lot like the genesis pearl that the heir from the kingdom in heaven was tasked to find.
So this one is guarded by a snake (wow good job may who would've thought). This may lead to Orobashi who saved the people of Enkanomiya from the Dragonheir of the Depths. This Dragonheir is used to refer to the Bathysmal Vishaps in Enkanomiya. "Bathysmal" refers exclusively to something belonging of the deep sea (Note that the word used is Bathysmal and not Abysmal, indicating two distinct regions). So whether this snake is Orobashi or the Dragonheir is still unclear, but my guess is the Dragonheir since the events of Orobashi rescuing the people and bringing them to the surface are relatively recent (at least from my speculation).
The involvement of the Abyss
So we know that the abyss is clearly involved because of the Pyro lector. It was searching for a book which proved that Celestia came from someplace other than Teyvat and before that, it belonged to a single civilization. We'll come to that later. It calls Enkanomiya the land of sinners, which sounds oddly biblical for a nation who proudly calls itself a nation without gods. Khaenriah most definitely wasn't the first nation destroyed by Celestia, it's predecessors being Sal Vindagnyr and Tsurumi. The common thing between these two nations was that it was cause by a weapon or weapons which destroyed the let lines there and caused the climate to go into disarray. We don't know whether Enkanomiya was always in the state it is right now, requiring artificial modification to change the time of day, but it may be a possibility that Enkanomiya, like Khaenria, was destroyed for questioning the authority if the gods. Perhaps Khaenria was built by another group of people who fled Enkanomiya after it's destruction.
KFC windglider lore
Yeah this is definitely a bit of a stretch but this is what the windglider lore says:
Once upon a time, that world was ruled by dragons. But not the ones you hear about in stories. These were more akin to a cross between lizards and chickens. It might be hard for you to imagine it, Klee, but that was exactly what that world was like: fish-dragons lived in the oceans, and bird-dragons soared through the skies on wings that were super huge! They were powerful creatures, and so they looked down on all the other animals. In that world, they were rulers of all life. Later on, humans appeared in that world. No one knows how that happened. Maybe they came with the falling meteorites.
So that's the relevant part of the lore. I would like to draw your attention to the fish dragons living in the ocean, which may resemble the Bathysmal vishaps. I mean, they don't exactly look like the Durin/Dvalin-esque winged dragons who breathe fire. So maybe Enkanomiya is the remains of this civilization? Or a part of it? At least the sea part of it. Now these falling meteorites may be a reference to the wishing system. Yknow, those stars and all. Also when we're out of primogems, we can buy genesis crystals which could be fragments of the genesis pearl? Idk it's downright speculative from here on.
Speaking of primogems, their description mentions them to be shining with the condensed hopes and dreams of universes that once were. And we wish with primogems. And we wish for characters. So maybe, Celestia were the ones who created humans in Teyvat? Which leads on to this insanely speculative theory I have which says that Celestia may be one of the projects launched in the Honkai universe to preserve humanity. Sigh this is too much work maybe I'll make another post about that theory.
Leaks utc:
Also this is the leaked paid battle pass namecard so I'm pretty sure that the kingdom of darkness they refer to is Enkanomiya. I will go sleep after this.
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