#idk man im literally talking out my ass on all this 💀
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whorbidmore · 1 year ago
okay, so, I've fallen victim to the leon kennedy brainrot steadily overtaking me, following me from Tumblr to Pinterest, to Instagram and even the absolutely fucking dreaded application of TikTok. I don't even use it that often??? and the algorithm is just like 'wow, yeah, this little fuckers gay as hell send in the 40 year old meow meow!!' and having watched Death Island fairly recently, I'm gonna have my opinions on what this dude would be like. Cus my brain loves to rationalize shit and think ab 'what if this mf was someone real?' so... fuck it.
Leon Soft Kennedy Headcanons
accidentally bigoted. - im sorry but let's be so fucking real here. he's a 40 something year old man who spent the majority of his life in either the military, a police training academy in the 90's, or otherwise working under the U.S Federal System with minimal/no time between missions to unpack absolutely everything he's got going on... the guys gonna have some problematic tendencies. Obviously that doesn't mean he means any of that or is incapable of change, etc. etc., but I know for damn certain this dude would laugh a little at Bill Burr's borderline to blatantly misogynistic material and has probably chuckled unironically at the attack helicopter jokes. But, he's not a complete dick, and would definitely become more critical of those kinds of jokes if it's pointed out to him.
honest to God, Dad Without Kids™ - it's not simply enough for me to leave it at 'but it's the vibes!!' so, I'm gonna break this shit down. Leon is absolutely Gen X incarnate. I can fucking guarantee you that on his off days he accidentally ends up dressing as an undercover cop; I'm talking cargo shorts, light blue button up, those fucking standard issue boots cus "they're perfectly good shoes" and those stupid ass sunglasses... you know the ones I'm talking about. Let's say you're living with him, right? And you're... you, and you wanna watch something on TV. This dude would strain himself getting up like a turtle fallen backwards on its shell, stand up, walk right in front of the TV screen and stand there with his hands on his hips. It doesn't matter that he had to piss, he needs to get a better look of what's happening! Does those really loud, obnoxious coughs and sneezes, absolutely blows his back out doing one at least five times a year.
Only watches British Reality TV - Considering he's canonically a film buff, I'll say that this is purely for whatever he gravitates towards on general streaming services. I honestly don't see him being the type to regularly tune in to standard American cable TV, or only does so under specific circumstances like American Ninja Warrior or maybe Forged in Fire if there's absolutely nothing else. It's not something that's exclusive to Americans, — I'm from New Zealand and I do this too, — but Leon absolutely falls into the category of watching British Reality and Game shows purely because of the accents. I'm talking Jeremy Kyle, The Big Fat Quiz of Everything, Taskmaster, The Great British Bake Off and so on and so forth. It doesn't matter that baking isn't his forté or a passion of his, if Josephine curdles her buttercream by over mixing, his hands are in his hair in utter disappointment. 100% tries to mimic their accents too. We all do it, don't lie.
Has... very dated music tastes - I don't know if you could guess, but the last paragraph included me calling myself out and name dropping some shows I watch anyway or grew up watching, and I'm just saying that this is gonna be no different. If anything? This'll be worse! Since I'm very passionate about the music I listen to and have the inability to keep my interests separated from the other, of course my love of particular bands will bleed over into my interpretation of Leon's character! Anyway, all that for me to say that Leon fucking LOVES 90's grunge musicians, specifically Pearl Jam and Soundgarden, as well as early nu metal bands like Korn (their dubstep phase did not happen.), TOOL, and Rage Against the Machine — and no, he unfortunately doesn't see the irony of him being a fed and listening to Rage, — but would also have a soft spot for psych rock, post-punk and shoegaze. My man's definitely laid awake at night, sobbing without expression as he struggles to accept that Ada never really wanted him like he wanted her while listening to fucking Slowdive. My hottest take here is that he doesn't really listen to Deftones. Like he'll occasionally blast My Own Summer, Change, Bored or Rosemary, but anything outside of those? He just didn't listen to 'em. My second hottest take is that he does NOT like Slipknot, which kind of pains me 'cus I do, but I fucking bet you this dude would actually adopt one piece of "Gen Z lingo" or whatever just call them cringe. Though admittedly he would've been jamming the fuck out to Psychosocial and The Devil in I when they came out. Went off the deep end in Vendetta, obviously, and drunk-cried himself to sleep on the couch listening to Linkin Park.
Very confusing spending habits - On one hand, we all understand that Leon came from money, — he was implied to have been born into a mob family from my understanding? And I doubt he'd ever really had to worry about being fully, irrevocably broke, — but I'm sure that growing up in the U.S Foster Care System made him at least a little more cautious of where his money comes from, where it's going, what he's spending it on, etc. So, on the one hand, he's apprehensive to spend recklessly, particularly on perishables. But also, if he can drop over $100,000USD on a motorcycle that got absolutely fucking cheese grated into the road, and spend a perceived, metric fuck ton of money on designer leather jackets and massive watches, it's gonna be hard for me to call him 'financially conscious'. On one hand, he gets apprehensive on spending more money than he needs to on food since he's "just gonna shit it out later", but if he sees a cool watch or a nice suit in a shop window? Money's suddenly not an issue! Not because he's materialistic, but because the one thing he really maintains a sense of control over in his life are his possessions and the way he dresses. The D.S.O can call him in for another months long mission whenever they please, and all he can realistically do is allow the government to tug on his leash and put him where he's needed. He may as well spend their money on things he wants!
Gets out... enough? But also, not really? - So, personally I've pegged Leon as more of an introverted person, — amateurly typed his MBTI as possibly ISFJ? — so he doesn't really feel the need to go out and meet new people or really hang out with anyone. If somebody invites him out? Sure, he'll go. Otherwise, it rarely occurs to him to meet up with friends or colleagues at a cafe or anywhere. I think he'd prefer to just go there alone, mostly for the sake of having somebody else cook for him as opposed to actively seeking out the atmosphere. It's pure convience in his mind. And remember when I said in the beginning about him accidentally being at least a little misogynistic? Yeah, that was me trying to say that he regularly tries to hit on younger waitresses. Not because he actually wants anything to do with them, but simply because it's an ego boost. He likes that he can make girls half his age blush or offer him their numbers, because it tells him that he's still desirable, and ultimately, that gives him the power to reject them politely and go about the rest of his day. If they don't reject him first, of course. Admittedly, Leon's audacity towards women peaked during Infinite Darkness.
Since I'm planning on posting more NSFW headcanons for this guy, — and more NSFW kinds of posts, — here is the obligatory Minors DNI attachment. For your own safety, I don't care if what I have to say is tame so far, you can hold it off I promise.
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swiftfootedachilles · 2 months ago
honestly i was so mad when i watched that orgy scene in s11 and at the whole monogamy situation bc wdym they're not already monogamous without having to talk about it? as if they're not borderline obsessed with each other and also jealous asf and they constantly was being pulled apart from each other through the whole show, how can ian or mickey want somebody else after all shit they went through? i just hope that they didn't actually fuck anyone and just banged in the bathroom or smth😭also when i see fics with gallavich/omc? 💀 saw this from a popular writer and i was like hell nah im not reading ts
no for fucking real those 2 are the most jealous men to ever walk the planet
on one hand i get it. they both had insecurities that made them feel like the other wouldnt want to only sleep with them for the rest of their lives. ian is the only guy mickey canonically dates and has sex with multiple times. mickey felt like ian would eventually leave him like he had in the past also multiple times.
so in the first episode the monagamy conversation seemed normal to me. they literally both specifically say "i dont want you to fuck anyone else" and mickey was obviously just waiting to see ians answer because he wanted to do whatever ian wanted. if he did write down "open relationship," it wouldve been because he thought thats what ian wanted. personally i think he didnt write anything down because he was still trying to grasp the concept of him and ian being a "normal" married couple that communicated heathily and didnt run away and flirt with/fuck other people when they got scared.... plus he actually cant spell monogamy hes a dyslexic with an 8th grade education
so that episode was fine on its own. if they wouldve left it at that, it wouldve been a silly cute moment in their bumpy marriage. but then the writers had to make that stupid ass orgy episode. first of all why the shit would they NEED to be friends with other gay men, and WHY ARE THE ONLY OPTIONS TO EITHER BE THEIR FRIENDS OR FUCK THEM??? IT LITERALLY MAKES NO SENSE. DID THEY NOT JUST DECIDE IN EPISODE ONE THAT THEY WERE GONNA BE MONOGAMOUS?
i actually cannot stand how the writers (and the fandom by extension) cant let gay characters have their boundaries and be left alone. why the fuck do they have to be open to straight sex and orgies and nonmonogamy and being verse WHY CANT GAY PEOPLE HAVE BOUNDARIES. CAN YOU IMAGINE IF THERE WAS RANDOMLY A SCENE IN SEASON 11 WHERE TAMI ASKED LIP 'HOW DO YOU KNOW YOURE STRAIGHT IF YOUVE NEVER GOT FUCKED IN THE ASS BY A GUY?' AND THEN HE ACTUALLY WENT OUT AND DID IT??? YOU CANT IMAGINE IT BECAUSE IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN THEY ONLY DO THIS SHIT WITH GAY CHARACTERS!!!!
the inability to understand that gay people can also have preferences and hard limits actually blows my mind. and if you dont like it youre somehow a prude or dont understand the characters. actually i fear i understand the characters more than the writers do.
and im okay with showing characters experiment! but its very telling that in Shameless, it only happens with queer characters who are pretty fucking firm in their sexual identity and boundaries. why did debbie have to fuck a gay guy in season 11. why do ian and mickey have to be verse why do ian and mickey have to be polyamorous. why did ian have to fuck a woman to "truly know" hes gay. why did svetlana have to all but announce shes a lesbian but still date kev instead of just date vee. why does this only happen to gay characters!!!
the trope of queer men specifically being easy and dtf is why the AIDS crisis was so deadly. because queer men are so open to sharing sex fantasies and sharing partners and sharing needles, right? its just a gay problem, and its better for all of us if theyre dead anyway, so lets ignore it until it goes away
maybe not every queer man needs to be written as a polyamorous verse switch bisexual-under-the-right-circumstances only-married-for-tax-reasons-not-because-they-love-their-life-partner idk! this is a haters only area so if you dont like me hating why are you here⁉️
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g0ttal0ve101 · 1 year ago
Johnny Headcanons <3
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Note: had to do it to them 😮‍💨 i decided to do a mix of romantic and random hcs cause i thought it was cutie but I did section them off from each other!! might write about tcm later on so i’ll take requests for it!!!!! @twsted-idiot :3
he definitely had a FUCK ASS haircut growing up. all those boys in that damn house did. NANCY HAD NO IDEA WHAT SHE WAS DOING 🗣️💥 she really pulled up with the scissors and said ‘alright sweetie just hold still’ and fucked up his entire life for a hot 10 years. after that no one gets near the hair…
fuck ass teeth lets be soooo real. from the amount of times he’s gotten into fights at the bar or in a street, he definitely lost/chipped a few in his prime teen years. his bottom teeth are also a lil crooked…but it’s cutie on him! our little gummy bear ❤️ (bitch has gums for days it’s ok to admit it!!)
i’ll talk abt a lot of his love languages in the romantic section but let me tell you, he’s good at pulling bitches but has trouble pulling ppl he’s ACTUALLY interested in 🗣️💥
^ what I mean by that is like. if he just wants a good fuck and a bougie dinner, trust he’ll have a bitch under his arm! but if he has someone he genuinely cares about and wants to be with, he’s more reluctant to show interest… if that makes sense.
everyone knows he has a farmer’s tan 😭 tan one second, takes off his shirt, WOAH!!! WHOS THIS WHITE MAN??? IS THAT A FUCKING GHOST??? oh no it’s just johnny’s tatas 😻
^ speaking of wish im a freckle truther so fuck you he has light freckles on his face 😮‍💨
ALCOHOLIC. REAL BAD. say bye bye to his livers 😿……but no seriously he has terrible drinking habits. practically drinks every night smh. and that’s on dealing with unbearable depression 😮‍💨
SMOKES HEAVY TOO. (johnny your lungs…😿)
idk abt yall but I think johnny’s a sweetheart to bubba….his mama taught him better than to boss him around and be an asshole like CERTAIN PEOPLE. although johnny can come off as demanding, i truly think he has the best intentions at heart when he’s interacting with bubba ❤️
kinda homophobic but gay at the same time 😮‍💨 and that’s on that TEXAN TIP 🇺🇸🦅💥 YEEEEHAW!!!
in my head i think johnny had his own room n stuff in the house up until he confronted nancy. after that and getting his eye fucked up, he wanted to be petty and sleep outside just to bother nancy. at first she didn’t care and thought he’d eventually just come back in but. he. DID NOT. instead he literally cleaned out the entire shack, found a cheap couch from some thrift store, n fucked that shit UP!!!!!! nancy was PISSED!!! 🗣️ “come back in”…..“no” type shit
loves keeping souvenirs of his victims. ESPECIALLY memorable ones. where did he get that belt? simple, really. this cute guy tried to use it as a defense mechanism! johnny strangled him with it shortly after ❤️ oh and this perfume? yeah, he found that in a REAL fighter’s purse. she was cute whenever she screamed 🌹
started driving at like. 10. nancy fucking FLIPPED OUT whenever she caught him riding around in a car as a literal CHILD. (influenced by certain people😒) but even after all her scolding, he never stopped 💀…that’s why he’s a good driver to this day!
this man loooooooooves his hunting. talking abt sum “THATS A BUTTON BUCK 🗣️” bitch no one knows what you’re talking abt be quiet. (I love him passionately)
johnny DESPISES wearing formal clothing. whether it’s some dumb church suit, dress shirt, or WHATEVER, he does NOT FW THAT SHIT ❌ the real ones know johnny walks around his house with just his boxers on…..and that’s on that country shit 🇺🇸🦅💥 (more like CUNTry)
CALLOUSED HANDS TRUTHER 💥 he definitely has some fucked up fingernails too. stained with oil n shit….SOMEONE GET HIM A PEDICURE IMMEDIATELY.
nubbins always instigates him into fighting a family member 💀 (usually sissy or the cook) talking abt sum: “she said you get noooo bitches…hot ones at least lolsies” or “he told me that he thinks you’re the weakest link of the family but yknow…” FALSE ACCUSATIONS!!!! but johnny falls for it every time 😭
HATES PHYSICAL AFFECTION AT FIRST!!! I’m telling you this right now he DON’T LIKE IT!!!!! and it’s not even in the cutie ‘aw he’s touched starved’—NO. HE DON’T LIKE IT. that’s not to say his opinion won’t sway a lil depending on the person (🤭) but at first that’s a big no no with him.
^ but once he starts getting comfortable with you, it’s impossible to pry him off. always wanna hug you n kiss you n play with your hair….he’s a lil love bug fr!
terrible at handling verbal affection. like god 😭 when receiving compliments, he kinda just scoffs, says something snarky, n tries to change the subject. keep doing it? he doesn’t know what to do with himself. it eventually becomes a staring contest with him being like ‘quit that rn.’ but let’s be honest, he likes it 😮‍💨
^ in terms of GIVING IT OUT, he’s pretty good at it. words of encouragement come easy to him since he just has to give you a ‘good job’ (maybe even adding a lil pet name if he’s feeling cute) n move on with his life.
^ but complimenting your laugh? your voice? your eyes? your hair? your clothes? he does it in the slickest ways possible. never over the top or on the nose, always subtle and almost unnoticeable.
he shows his affection through gift giving. stolen flowers from sissy’s garden, stolen jewelry from…trespassers, stolen expensive clothes with suspicious gashes through the fabric, severed limbs—LMAO OFC NOT!!!!! but yes he’s very inclined to give you lil gifts here and there.
surprisingly enough, he likes teaching you stuff. whether it be something small like the mechanics of a car or something big like gutting and skinning a corpse, he enjoys being the one who shows you how to do things he knows how to do well. and when he sees that he successfully accomplished his goal of educating you, he’s happier than ever. (this is also a perfect excuse for him to call you a good girl/boy!!!!!! he’s not slick!!!!!)
pet names consist of the TEXAN WAY BABY YEEEEHAW 💥🦅🇺🇸 sweetie/sweetheart, baby/babe, honey/hun, angel face/doll face, y’know how it is. and it’s kinda cute cause throughout your relationship with him, you unlock certain pet names!!
wanna see a magic trick? 🪄 MANIPULATION! johnny is a genius when it comes to manipulating you. and trust me, you will NOT know he’s doing it.
this is really fucked up (bc HE’S fucked up) but he definitely pushes your boundaries in the beginning of the relationship. it’s kinda like a test to see what he can get away with and how you’ll react to him being an asshole. are you gonna cuss him out? are you gonna hit him? cry? run off? he wants to know.
^ and by ‘pushing the boundaries’ I mean degradation n shit. you ask him what’s wrong and he calls you a filthy whore, a mangy slut, a stupid bitch, JUST TO SEE what you’ll do.
^ the way to pass the test is STANDING UP TO HIM. that’s what he WANTS. be an asshole back!! don’t lose your shit, just one-up him. for example, call him a bitch ass momma’s boy!! that’ll have him on his KNEES!!
who said jealous? BECAUSE YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. johnny IS insecure and thinks you’ll leave him, so it’s better if you DON’T talk to anyone he could perceive as a threat. he lays off with family n shit bc he gets it, but if they ain’t related to you? bitch they better know how to fight 😮‍💨
PDA is iffy with him especially around any of the family LMAO….but if he feels threatened by a guy or god forbid JEALOUS, best believe you’ll have an arm around your waist real fast. 🤭
you better like late night drives bc this man ADORES them. whenever he wants to have a sentimental moment with you or treat you real special for a night, best believe you’ll be in his car for a good while. takes you to the PRETTIEST landscapes he knows of and just chills with you.
^ cutie till he tries scaring the shit outta you with some horrific story abt what happened there or sumn. or even…idk…..starts the hypothetical scenario of “y’know I could kill you rn and no one would be able to hear you scream LOL! 😹” johnny…..if you don’t shut the hell up….
if shit is serious, you definitely made a blood oath with him that you’ll stick with him despite everything. basically marriage imo. peak romance right there <3
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kamiversee · 10 months ago
gr sukuna when i catch you boi we getting down. THINGS ARE GOING DOWN YOU FATHEADED COW (ily sukuna)
sigh i know gojo is a creep and a weirdo and disgusting but hear me out PLEASE. what if he did actually want to change 😔 sukuna did NOT have to go and make him do allat. sukuna couldve just MINDED HIS OWN DAMN BUSINESS 🤬 if he actually CARED he wouldve JUST TOLD US EVERYTHING
sukuna when i catch you sukuna trust bruh yo ass getting dealt with omm
he is such a motherfucker and i LOVE it.
i love drama and everything so I LOVE that he did all this cause it makes the story way more interesting
im still mad at him. me and sukuna beefing as of rn frs. he can catch me outside (and in bed) when i get my hands on him its over. SUKUNA IS SUCH AN ASSHOLE BYE…HE QUITE LITERALLY FID NOT HAVE TO DO ALLAT TO MY BOI GOJO SATORU. LEAVE MY MANS ALONE SUKUNNAAA
yes hes a dirty hoe and a perverted obsessive stalker and even I was a little scared but bru
why. all of this couldve been avoided if you played fucking smash bros or some shit as your entertainment you fine sexy hot toe-curling hunk of a man
hes lucky hes fine bru
gojo too. he lucky hes fine asf bc i quite literally wanted to smash his head in after he stalked us and wrote shit about us in his yandere ah journal instead of just talking to us. hes so lucky hes my favorite👅 but even so ur actions cannot be excused satoru and you can catch me outside as well
SUKUNA the main one catching me outside tho dont think youre safe bro. when i find you its over…🫵
ur not safe sukuna. ill blackmail you how bout that.
(im actually behind this whole thing😈)
I’m glad ur enjoying the story ml! Gojo really was going to change regardless of he blackmail— he just didn’t get the chance to :P
And Sukuna might be self-projecting based on his own trauma to cope or smth idk, ask tht guy not me 💀
Everything will play out as it’s meant to love, dw <3
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mywons · 2 years ago
pair ur moots w/ an enha member and describe them!!
@csmicvrse you, my baby, are one hundred percent JUNGWON. even tho u tease me (and try to murder me w hee spams) ur so sweet and nice and u have been since we met 🙁 i get this feeling of like immense comfort whenever we talk, and thats how i feel when im watching jungwon do literally anything. u guys are similar in the way that u make ppl feel good ab themselves, like u js give off this positive lovey dovey vibe that i love sm.
@sngvhs okay maybe this is just bc i associate her w him. but SUNGHOON, because they both seem like they mostly keep to themselves til theyre really comfy and their insane side comes out. but also she has this really weird vibe, not in a bad way, but it’s like i can’t explain it? one of those ppl i could talk to for hours and admire from afar.. i just love her so much idk
@tofuhoon literally my wife. NIKI, because she’s so annoying but in the best way. we don’t talk as much as i’d like us to (ew i can’t believe she’s gonna witness me saying that 😐) but whenever we do, she makes me really happy js receiving a notification from her.. probably my favorite person i’ve met on this app, i won’t lie. her and niki are similar bc theyre like that younger friend/sibling u can never get rid of, always messing w u and mocking u, but u can tell they love u. (if u see this Kiss me)
@jayzprk MY BAEEEEE omfg, i will say this til the day i die. SHE. IS. SUNOO. theyre both so kind and sweet but funny and so lighthearted, just like one of the best ppl youll ever meet ever i love her i love u xoxo mwah mwah mwah. i could stay on the phone w her for hours (and i do 💀), shes sm fun to talk to and her voice is like honey, js like sunoo.
@porcelainbouqet JAY, because she gives off those expensive ass sugar baby vibes (even tho irl shes the complete opposite and my actual baby even tho shes older than me) but also bc shes kinda childish and loves annoying me. her & jay would probably get along well ngl, also she’s told me sm times that i seem like a jay stan so i kinda associate her w him. (i also associate @dreamenha w jay tho)
@misokei JAKE. not bc she biases him, but because theyre both literal golden retrievers bye.. actually the sweetest kindest most caring person ive ever talked to like js the way she talks/texts feels like a warm hug 😭 shes so supportive and these are all things i imagine jake to be!!!!
and u may be wondering why i havent done heeseung yet. nobodys being associated w my man. end of story.
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weebsinstash · 2 years ago
Hi :3 I was wondering if you had watch the new episode of helluva boss any thoughts or at least any thoughts/thots for Chaz or Crimson.
My procrastination is so bad I literally waited until like today to actually watch the new episode
I keep mentally tossing around what kind of special powers Reader could have that would make them like idk more interesting since all sinners are unkillable and I kind of keep circling back to "well if they're in limbo maybe they're not beholden to 'the rules' and can travel the rings' besides whatever other special powers they may have". Maybe Reader can be helpful in killing Hellborns since they have respawn mechanics and the other IMP members dont?
In terms of Crimson I actually think his behavior is going to be a lot like Val is going to be tbh, except with Val I think, unless you're a business associate or rival/enemy, that he wins you over emotionally or waits until he has something on you before he shows his darker side, since the Overlord is also a drug dealing mafioso of the Pride ring (also what's the deal with like shark people being criminals? Is Mammon a shark or something aquatic too? And when's gender daddy Asmodeus coming back, him n Val can pass me like a blunt 😩❤️). It's kind of stereotypical Mafia shit, everyone has ranking, loyalty is everything, obey orders unflinchingly, don't you dare talk back. Like I'm literally watching Crimson grab Moxxie's face and my stoned ass is sitting here like "sigh but Val grabbing Reader like that as he threatens them to 'fix their face before he fixes it for them' because theyre scowling and glaring at him while they serve him drinks and he forces them to smile 🥰" like big scary men got me acting unwise
I for one think it would be very funny if the Chaz introduction happened and in some alternate universe he's winking to Moxxie and Millie and just *finger guns at Reader* "and don't think I'm gonna forget about YOU either ;)" as Reader just visibly changes colors with embarrassment while IMP all turns to look at them, Reader flustered all "It was ONE TIME, I was really drunk, and--"
Like his stupid ass "sexually charged musical ballad" actually made me laugh like he could've maybe actually got me with that shit 💀like did you listen to the credits where they play the rest of the song. Laughing my ass off in my bedroom at 5am because the song suddenly ends with him saying all sing song "im finished" (cumming). and then Blitz says later in the episode that he's absolutely horrible in bed... lmao... can you imagine getting drunk and putting out for this man and then he wakes up and you're gone, note behind all "thanks for the fun time kthanksbye" meanwhile he's blowing up your phone, basically crushing on you, wanting something much more than just a really awkward one-off bang. I can only imagine what would happen to Reader if they were working for Val and someone very forward like Chaz or another ex shows up and the Overlord is getting jealous af because they're just being very openly flirtatious with you, maybe even brazenly mentioning some of the things you guys did together/in bed (also jesus the apples and oranges NIGHTMARE of having either Val OR Blitz know what you like in bed 💀 the teasing. The merciless fucking teasing. They would both clown on your ass so hard. You're just trying to have a glass of water in the IMP break room and in comes Blitz "wow you're really guzzling that, just like Chaz said you really liked giving h-" *insert not so playful strangling of your employer*)
Poor Reader constantly surrounded by demons hellbent (lol) on humiliating you and watching you get embarrassed because it's just so fun to watch you squirm until you're practically ready to cry 😩👌
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inlovewithcharmers · 2 years ago
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Never in my life would I have thought to do this to a harry styles fan but they insulted everyone besides Joe Keery in the cast even though Gaten is literally on Broadway rn and they called MY BBG SEASON 3 TRASH- like don't act like seeing Steve harrington in a skirt was the best thing you have gotten to see. PLUS DACRE :((((( NO ONE GIVES HIM ENOUGH CREDIT FOR THIS SHIIIIIITTTTT HES SO TALENTED LIKE HE LITERALLY MADE PART OF HIMSELF CRY WHILE ACTING AS FLAYED BILLY.....
like girl......
Eduardo.....as soon as I seen the musical of everyone getting high I was genuinely scared....but Mike's beef with him is hilarious lmaoooooo.
I also love how they changed Charlie's character into being funny.....At first I was like I don't like how he stalks people like that?- but Steve s1 was an ass more than he was so I forgave him. He did a really great job changing his character a bit.
Finn is so amazing in mystery horror movies and series you don't even know- he can also sing so like WHAT YOU TALKING ABOUT? HES SO SWEET. THE SWEETEST BEAN EVEEERRR. HES THE REASON WHY I EVEN GOT INTO IT SO MUCH. I LOVE HIIIMMMM.
Gaten :)))) The talent My grandparents are so sucked into this show and literally have 7 to see him on Broadway but just don't want to drive💀 like HIS SINGING WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO MISS OUT ON. JAMIE WOULD BE SO PROUD OF HIM BRUH-
You sound like you only know one person that can sing and that's it? You are so wrong for that.
MILLIE DESERVES THE WORLD, SHE HAS A BOOK COMING OUT UNLIKE THE REST OF THEM.....Hell, she's living my dream talking to Winona writer and Henry Cavil. SHE. IS. LITERALLY. BESTIES. WITH. A. HOT. MAN. (Noah taking notes✍️) Not to mention this girl can rap like Ice spice who? No that's eleven spices. HIM AND DAVIDS FATHER DAUGHTER DUO IS SO ICONIC.
NOAH SLAYYYYYED THIS SHOWWW. OMFG WHERE DO I START?- When it was just us old byler stans. This man made us livid in a good way tbh. Finns my favorite ally, and noah not to sound homophobic 🙄 but he's my 3rd or 4th favorite LGBTQ bestie idk man Sadie's just so🦁 Rawr you know what I mean? I CRIED WHEN WILL HAD THAT BREAKDOWN IN SEASON 3 I WAS SOBBING. OUR POOR WILL :(
Jaime omfg. If you say this man is shit, sis we going to fight to the death. Jaime as Jace was a masterpiece. HE FITS THAT KIND OF VIBE SO WELL I LOVE IT. ALSO HE WAS IN TWILIGHT ❤️
SADIE IS FR A GODESS.🛐 She carried 2022 on her back. WAS AMAZING IN FEAR STREET. BREATHED DYLAN O'BRIENS AIR. I WOULD'VE FELT LIKE I WAS DIEING MAN WTH?. Not to mention the fact that her and dacre are my fav 2 duo in the show. I LOVE THEM. YOU INSULT OUR GINGER QUEEN WE RIDE AT DAWN.
Natalie, sure her character in season one was a little annoying and was pretty much a personality copycat to a shameless character, but THE CHEMISTRY OMFG. IF JOE KEERY LOOKED AT ME LIKE THAT- girl bye. WHO CAN EVEN SAY NO TO THAT JAWLINE LIKE DAMN GIRL?- D A M N.
Pryiah is my favorite girl boss d&d player feminist btw so if you mess with her ill literally hunt you down.
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jakesimfromstatefarm · 1 month ago
HIIII UNCONDITIONALLY ANON AGAIN I am also good i’ve js been stressed with college admissions, mans worst creation.
you’re entire response was so real because whenever i’m out at night in my city i think i end up looking crazier than the actual crazy people because i am constantly looking around so much people probably think im schizophrenic
and girrll i hope i can find friends when i get to college because i think if i had no one to yap too i would actually start hallucinating and projectile vomiting. I’ve lived in the same city i was born in for basically my whole life, except there was like 5 years i moved to small town like 2 hours away from Seattle (which i miss everyday because now every k-pop group is touring in seattle and i now live in the midwest 6 hours away from chicago) AND I HAD SUCH A SOLID COMMUNITY I ENDED UP CONVERTING TO A THEATER KID BECAUSE OF MY FRIENDS AND WOW I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD MISS SOMETHING LIKE THAT SO BAD
I’m really excited to go (even tho idk if i will for sure yet, depends on where i get in) because idk the hustle and bustle is just something i yearn for but i definitely am an introvert and spend most of my time alone im also hoping having a life style like that will help with my confidence because i am so horribly socially awkward and somehow lose the ability to speak when socializing and it’s a bit maddening because like
truly i could talk for hours if given the chance and time to open up 💀😭
and i’m sure you can tell from this long ass ask 😭😭 BUT ANYWAY don’t overwork yourself!!!! one day at a time fr! <333
omg good luck with college admissionsss,,,i know exactly what you mean that time was so stressful for me too,,but im a firm believer of everything happens for a reason and i trust that everything will be ok :')))) you got this i believe in u <333
also--SCHIZOPHRENIC HAHAHA this is so funny bc i kid u not once i walked out of the subway station late at night and i was in a lowkey sketch area so i zipped my puffer all the way up and put my hood up and kept whipping my head around like an insane person bc i was so paranoiddd i feel u 110%
omggg ive always wanted to visit seattle & chicago lmaoo i've literally never been to any of the other big cities in the states other than nyc and la pls,,,i needa get out more fr but THEATER KID AS U SHOULD,,,i 100% know what you mean though, even though ive been in the city for five years im still struggling to find a solid "friend group" per say, i have my roommate who's practically my best friend and i have a few close friends but not a nice lil group to do just anything with ya knowwww likeee that'd be so nice to have :')
and YES i know what you mean omg i feel like im SO SO SO AWKWARD IN REAL LIFE (and online lowkey sometimes idk how to talk to even my moots like im just shy plsssss) but if we're close and i know how to open up to you then I WILL YAPPPPP ur ear off (as u can see from this long ass answer to ur ask HAHAH)
thanks for reaching out again :')))) if anything we can always yap to one another !!! <333333
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winwintea · 5 months ago
hi ml!! i so agree with you and it's always been her over anyone😭 she on the other hand WANTS me to continue talking to him, on which i insisted that i'd back off any second she even feels the slightest bit uncomfortable, but no girl's all about how this was MEANT TO BE😃
meant to be, my ass, but okay coming down to the guy, okay so this might be a itty bitty of a trauma dump, but i love you, so here we go, i have known the man since we were in elementary, and i kinda grew up with him, so he's one of those people who knows me really well, so everything with him comes naturally, but now it's as if he's playing hurt/comfort.
so, what happened last night, was that after having the conversation with my bsf, i abruptly ended the conversation with him, because i just couldn't find myself to talk, and in the morning he was all, what happened, you should have talked, i'd have listened and when i said, okay the next time i will, bro goes on saying, i'll disappear by the next time😃
i don't want to hate this man, but he makes it very hard not to, because this is what he keeps doing and i actually suffered from anxiety at one point in my life, and the push and pull of it all isn't the best thing to me, it makes me all nervous and fidgety, like AT ALL TIMES😭😭😭
i'm sorry this is sm of a lore, but here we go, hope i'm serving well 😞✊🏻
girl... she is not coping well 😭😭 that is fore sure... does she think you still like him cause 💀💀 that's crazy. she's probably not in the most great mental mindset rn so you should wait until she can see some logic because rn her mind is so clouded with the breakup i can see how the emotional instability can affect that... lowkey feel bad for her omg she deserves so many hugs...
GIRL JUST DROP HIM ATP. lowkey i know that's difficult so like if you can't do that obviously don't do that. childhood friends are even more difficult ugh like idk. WHAT DOES HE WANT??? like i can't understand. like he does realize you two are exes like there is a clear boundary line here?
honestly if you can't drop him, you should just flat out state that "this is a clear boundary that you are pushing with me. i know our relationship had its ups and downs, but at the end of the day we are still exes no matter if that hurts to admit. i feel like i'm in an uncomfortable position between you and my bsf and your flippant attitude is not helping at all. if you can't accept this then 'disappear' like you said you would. please understand that although i'm not hurting or need of comfort i am a human being at the end of the day and i'm entitled to my own feelings, and you are making it severely uncomfortable, pushing onto me like this."
the childhood friend does make things so much more difficult ugh. like i think with most of my childhood friends i'm in a mindset where i couldn't imagine dating half of them bc i literally watched you glow up so although everyone else thinks you're hot i think of the small child i grew up and hung out with... but i did have a crush on my bff 😭 and she knew which like kinda screwed over our relationship past high school so yeah. don't fall in love with your childhood friends !!!
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onlyjaeyun · 1 year ago
greetings my dear zadie 😁 i missed u sm (sorry for the disappearance- i really missed filling ur inbox like this pls don’t mind me💔) & i genuinely have no idea where to begin from because i just got caught up with like 30 chapters of strictly business and i haVENT BEEN SLEEPING SINCE YESTERDAY BECAUSE I CANT CLOSE MY PHONE 🧍‍♀️ first of all what the FUCKKKKK IS GOING AWNNNNN😨 like what the hell what the fuck the whole family situation is so heartbreaking then we have the fucking mind blowing jaw dropping earth shattering identity crisis inducing universe colliding inducing smut to have ever grazed tumblr idk if it’s the severe daddy issues but my GOD thewayjongseongisaservicedommakesmegentearup also can i just say as someone who’s been reading your masterpieces since hype boy i absolutely adore. like ADORE 🧎‍♀️ the way you write your smuts they always like ooze out love and i adore it sm like it’s like that one meme where u know it’s not a quick nut but smth made with love & care and that’s exactly how you be writing your shit dawg like you’re so talented?? out here making me close my phone every 5 mins just to giggle and calm myself down. now when i tell you my legs r aching bcs of the amount of hours i just spent swinging them while giggling because of the shit i was reading for HOURS BRO. 😀 like i’m so obsessed with how you write i want to kiss & appreciate each every single one of your neuron cells and axons for connecting to eachother to form such beautiful ideas mamas. anywho back to the story FUCK YOU SHIAH UGLY ASS PREHISTORIC ASS BITCH THE FUCK IS YOUR GODDAMN PROBLEM DAMN. like you’re genuinely a miserable grandma if you’re out here in your 30s or smth pushing 89 and you’re bullying & talking shit about a girl who’s 21 💀 like girl go teach at unis what u learned about dinosaurs since you’ll be talking straight up from experience. i bet yo ass she was there at the last supper arriving with her horse and all that like GIR- sorry excuse me for the disrespect fr 🙏🏼GREAT-GREAT-GRANDMA. GET YOUR GODDAMN SHIT TOGETHER AND BACK THE FUCK AWF 🤺 anywho now that we talked about the literal cause of the big bang theory let’s go talk about jongseong 🤭 no because i love this man with my whole entire heart i just- i <3 mature men <333 he’s so cool & mature & understanding & it’s making him so much more sexier than he already is it’s actually driving me crazy because wHERE do i find a replica of the man i just read about. like sir. SIR im losing my mINDDDD 🤸‍♀️🕳️ and then going to yn i love her sm :( she’s so smart & kind and she did not deserve anything that happened to her she’s such a sweet girl i can’t do this i can’t stand kind hearted people getting their souls hurt like this like pls she deserves sm better (i’m literally coming for you shiah. sleep with one eye fucking OPEN.) i’m so glad she has jimin & aeri w her i love them all so much and nayeon (btw making nayeon jongseong’s older sister single-handedly saved approximately 26392 lives and prevented 6 million deaths im telling u, ur mind? legendary.) and then we have seoul’s fav four oh mY GOD i love jaeyun sm. he’s so hilarious like bros always speaking & asking the ACTUAL questions he’s so funny i love him sm & hoon is just hooning he’s a bad bitch & a serious mf i love him sm for that fr always serving shit and all that a fucking icon he’s so real 💯 and oh lord 30 year old hee? is going down in the history books i fear 🚨 u making hee this attractive right after poison is just so ooooooo i wanna fight you so bad (w kisses & hugs duh!) but like gen. easily one of the best stories i’ve ever came across, easily one of the best authors/writers i’ve had the chance to read the works of and witness with my own eyes 🙏🏼 like thank u so much for your service fr i love u sm pls take care of urself & don’t tire yourself out (i’m ignoring all events that took place in the most recent chapter because no.) sending u sm love & kisses zadie ! <33
actually no fuck that what the fuck do you mean the engagement is ACTUALLY GONNA HAPPEN. didn’t jongseong already put that bitch in her place like GRANDMA???? R U NOT EMBARRASSED THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING. chasing after a dude when he literally told u all ur shitty fantasies AINT GONNA HAPPEN and someone who put u in ur goddamn place and SO OBVIOUSLY HAS SOMEONE ELSE HES INTERESTED IN (WHICH TALK YOUR FUCKING SHIT JONGSEONG 🗣️💯 SPEAK UR TRUTH DONT LET THEM SILENCE YOU!!) IS SO LIKE ??? girl stand up fr you’re famous ig & hella rich u can find someone else leave my babies alone i beg. and oooo girl jongseong’s dad fr about to make me become a lawyer to jail his stupid ahh alongside yn’s father (and her brothers) 👩‍⚖️ now one thing shitty men will always excel at is being a fucking asshole to everyone including your family yet excluding your side chicks! like at your prehistoric grown goddamn age you’re gonna force your son to marry someone he doesn’t even like 😧? shit’s wild fr. anyways fuck you shiah fuck every single dad in the story and fuck you shiah (pt2) cuz u ain’t SHIT. you will never be SHIT with your horrendous pick me attitude and with your personality that’s literally revolved around being a trophy wife (and being in a marriage with a man who doesn’t even want you??? like do u have no shame. no self respect. like idgaf if this is about business and allat the man DOESNT WANT YOU 🫤 get that shit in your thick ass head grandma) like that shit’s crazy and fuck that account that posted that shit i hope yn’s okay and jay makes shit up for her cuz come on now 😐
-⁉️ <3
MY BABY IS BACKKKKKK HI BABY 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 you have no idea how much i giggled and smiled seeing you in my inbox imagain i MISSED YOUUUUU and hope life has been treating you well baby 🥺💞 pls tell me you havent been overworking yourself or i will have to fight you 💔
and please the way i couldn't even hold back my ugly laughs while reading bc you expressed my thoughts and feelings about yoo shiah in strictly business too spot on 😭😭😭😭
when i tell you the part where you started complimenting me, the smau and my writing made me tear up like i dont think you guys know how much your words mean to me and i will forever keep them super close to my heart so thank you so, so much baby. sending you the fattest kiss right now pls accept 🥺💞🩷💞🩷💞🩷
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diorwoo · 1 year ago
AAAAAAAAAAA REN im so happy to hear that you’re doing well, or…. trying to make everything fine, BUT IM SO HAPPY THAT U’RE TRYING YES BABE WE HATE LIFE BUT unfortunately we have to keep going just to spite it !!!!! (my motto 24/7) but yes omgomg we should exchange igs (i’ll send u another ask hehe)
i’ve missed u so so much and literally when i felt like i have feelings for one irl man i immediately thought of u and went,,,, my gawd ren’s gonna have a field day about this,,,,,,,, buT literally idk how and idk when but i fell for him and now im down bad IM A SIMP. THERE I’VE ADMITTED IT 😔. (i don’t even simp for san anymore 😨😨😨😨😨)
but to tell u a brieF bit abt this man (bcs if u let me actually talk about him, i could go on for DAYS), he’s literally the sweetest mf that’s living on this earth, i kid u not. it turns out, he’s been interested in me since my first semester of uni (im currently in my 5th semester) but he’s never gotten a chance bcs i get into situationships often and he’s super shy so he was not confident on approaching me at all 😭 but in the beginning of our 5th semester, we end up being in the same classes and we found out we have mutual friends and that’s when we started hanging out (at first, in group settings)!!!!
to answer ur question, yes he’s very handsome, he’s very tall, and he goes to the gym and……. welllllllll i shouldnt be thirsty on main but GAWDDDAMN he can literally headlock me n i’d say thankyou (LORDDDD IS THIS WHO I AM NOW) but yeah 😝 the first time we hungout, we’ve barEly talked, but long story short i got drenched bcs we went to a golf driving range AND THE SPRINKLERS TO WATER THE GRASS TURNED ON OUT OF NOWHERE AND I WALKED INTO IT 💀 he then offered me his shirt and it just started spiralling after that ehe (🤢 i folded 🤢)
we’ve recently been going on dates and he picks me up to go to campus even though he lives literally 5 minutes away from campus and i live 30 minutes away from campus 💀 like he spends an HOUR driving just to go to me and take me to campus then drives another hour to take me home and go back to hiS house almost everyday and he’s just…. so sweet. he’d open his car door for me all the time, never lets me pay for anything (we literally physically BRAWL in front of every cashier of every restaurant we’ve eaten in bcs i also insist in paying), is such a SHYYY person but gets loud whenever hes with me and texts with emojis with me, always waits for me anytime EVERYTIME, sends me tiktoks of cats bcs it reminds him of me, is allergic to cats but has FOUR who he loves veeery much, and thinks of the cutest activities for the both of us to do :’-)
also, one time i got him his favorite coffee (that he drinks. every. single. day.) and he literally couldnt stop going MMMMMMMM THIS COFFEE IS SO GOOD everytime he takes a sip and i was like… bro it’s the coffee u drink everyday tho????? and he went sorry it just tastes sm better bcs u got it for me 😔 AND I WENT AKAKKANFNDJSBJSJSSJNS !!!!!!!!! there’s so many things about him i could tell u but oops i realized i literally just wrote a 3 page essay about him 🧍‍♀️
ANYWAYYYSS all the simping aside, i can’t thank you enough for supporting me throughout my journey here!!!! you were the first person ever to send me an ask detailing abt how u loved my first work and that holds such a special place in my heart IM NOT KIDDING. literally trashed around like crazy when i saw ur ask ily. and i love love whenever u send me asks bcs theyre so fun to read and its so nice to get to know u!!! thank you so so much for being u, ren. i literally cannot thank you enough and im so glad we’ve met <3 i love u the mostest <3
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he DRIVES U HOME DOESNT COMPLAIN SIMPS FOR U OMFGGGG IM SO HAPPY FOR U LIZ IM LITERALLY SOSOSOSOSO HAPPY ND THE STOEY AAAAA IM SO ON LOVE WITH like he was right in front of u nd I'm telling u are gonna have ur happily ever after (my frnd also had the same story nd is now happily married with the guy ) MY GOD LIZ U ARE IN LOVEEEE Finally U PULLED A GENTLEMAN A KEEPER A LOVER A SIMP FOR U (when both simp for e/o >>>>>>) TELL ME MOREEEEE I WOULD LOVE TO LISTEN TO U ND YES I WILL ANNOY U 9N IG 🤩🤩🤩ND Y3S THANK U SM for coming back nd u just healed a part of me which u didn't break
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holllandtrash · 2 years ago
not good enough | charles leclerc social media au
paring: charles leclerc x reader
charles' girlfriend gets a lot of hate online and he usually stays out it because she knows how to handle it...but sometimes people just need a little reminder that they're in love asian faceclaim: christina nadin - british/filipino influencer
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 26,522 others
yourusername 'come to paris' charles said, 'it'll be fun' mate it literally smells like ass and i dont speak french
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charles_leclerc i've been translating everything for you, you're fine
pierregasly should have visited milan instead
charles_leclerc are you hitting on my girlfriend pierregasly milan is simply better than paris yourusername we're going to milan next time
hamiltyres shes so real for this
lightsouthannah she complains about everything why does charles put up with her
55carlando4 are they there for paris fashion week??
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liked by charles_leclerc, noviaelegante and 43,159 others
yourusername day 2
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pierregasly how did charles convince you to leave the hotel?
yourusername he told me i wouldn't have to stay for the fashion show yourusername he lied charles_leclerc 🙄🙄🙄
noviaelegante love the fit😍 check your dm's girly!
hammilstop is it just me or does y/n seen ungrateful?
jemmaf1 yeah i was thinking the same thing
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari and 412,110 others
charles_leclerc Celine Homme 2023🖤 Merci celine
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yourusername pretty
charles_leclerc you should have came with yourusername i had nothing to wear charles_leclerc thats a horrible excuse
scuderiaferrari 😍😍😍😍
luvfrom63 i dont understand why y/n goes to paris with charles but then refuses to attend the shows
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liked by charles_leclerc, noviaelegante and 31,121 others
tagged: noviaelegante
yourusername a sustainable fashion show that promotes empowering women living in recovering nations? sign me up
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noviaelegante so happy to have you attend🖤
charles_leclerc you should have modelled one of them
yourusername im not putting on a wedding dress until you give me a reason to
pierregasly when are you walking down the aisle?
yourusername when someone puts a rock on my finger pierregasly is this an open invitation? charles_leclerc mate dont even think about proposing to my girl
channyinthepaddock THATS what she wore to the show? girl💀
kaleyschumacher its a no from me
lewisfanclub im sorry are we not going to talk about pierre's comments????????
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly and 297,192 others
charles_leclerc The man!! doni.nahmias
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yourusername sorry i missed your show doni.nahmias ❤️❤️
doni.nahmias the drinks are on your tab tonight yourusername thats fair
caraf1fan charles slays at another fashion show and y/n can't even bother to attend and support her friend? what is wrong with her
mickysunshine y/n do better💀💀
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yourusername added to their story
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 37,612 others
yourusername these pictures were taken within 45 minutes of each other
view all 412 comments
charles_leclerc beautiful in both 🖤
pierregasly so she does know how to dress up
yourusername its our last night in paris i figured i'd put in some effort
hannahsformula idk i still think charles can do better than her
vivvverstappen nah her and charles are a power couple and anyone who says otherwise is so so wrong
luvforlance but why hasn't charles said anything about what shes been dealing with online 💀 he defends her the same way justin bieber defends hailey
yourusername im a big girl i can handle myself
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liked by yourusername, scuderiaferrari and 417,923 others
charles_leclerc thank you dior for helping me end Paris Fashion Week in style
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dior 🖤😍
yourusername hot
liked by charles_leclerc
mickandkmags forever wondering how y/n managed to pull charles when he looks like that and she wears jumpers and sweats 99% of the time
yourusername he loves my personality pierregasly yeah sure thats it
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charles_leclerc added to their story
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liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari and 11,619 others
yourusername prettier than paris if you ask me
comments on this post are limited
charles_leclerc i agree
pierregasly not as pretty as milan
charles_leclerc will you please shut up about milan
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pierregasly added to their story
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yourusername added to their story
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 57,124 others
yourusername sorry, i thought a bitch on twitter said something
comments on this post are limited
charles_leclerc oh my
pierregasly oh my x2
landonorris people should piss you off more often
danielricciardo shes a keeper charlesleclerc
charlesleclerc trust me i know
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liked by yourusername, paddockgf and 412,401 others
tagged: yourusername
charles_leclerc ma chérie
view all 7,134 comments
yourusername but am i hot enough for you?
charles_leclerc i like your personality yourusername good answer
pierregasly 😧😧😧
yourusername close your eyes pierre
yellowhaas charles really said 'shes all mine'
hamiltvvn but can he fight
f1fanclubs for so long people have been saying she doesnt deserve him...besties...i think its the other way around
liked by charles_leclerc
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this felt like a rushed ending but oh well
masterlist here
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mulletmitsuya · 3 years ago
Dead people groupchat
Warnings: sano manjiro, swearing
Desc: um basically it's all the people Mikey lost and what they think of the current situation (spoilers until chapter 246)
Shinichiro: WHATS HE DOING NOW ?????
Izana: its kinda funny to watch tbh
Izana: but i guess he's going too far
Izana: and he knew me for 2 seconds idk why he said that to Kaku
Emma: Ken-chinless behaviour
Draken: do you think OG Toman's gonna win?
Draken: i'm pissing myself here
Baji: i think they need to let Angry go beast mode
Emma: i just think we need to accept the fact that some people are gonna be joining us soon
Emma: Takemitchy might literally die
Emma: and idk how my girl Hina will handle that 😭
Shinichiro: i trust this Takemitchy dude. hes been doing good so far right?
Izana: it's his fault Draken died tho
Draken: stfu no it's not
Draken: i'm at peace with my death, and tbh i wouldn't have it any other way. i entrusted my life to Takemitchy so he could save Mikey. he's gonna win
Izana: 😕
Baji: okok enough about Mikey
Baji: can we talk about Hakkai???
Baji: he's so fucking funng to me. every single time something comes out of his mouth i shit myself laughing
Shinichiro: he's such a simp lmao
Baji: 🤨
Baji: weren't you the biggest simp of your generation??
Baji: you would lock eyes with someone and fall in love with them
Shinichiro: i had attachment issues 🙁
Shinichiro: there's nothing wrong with wanting to be loved damn
Izana: please don't cry
Izana: we don't know what to do when you cry
Emma: just hug him, it calms him down
Draken: really??
Draken: i hugged him when he was crying and it just got louder and more intense
Shinichiro: i'm right here guys
Izana: idk what to do when people cry so i just watch them until they get uncomfortable and stop crying
Emma: :/
Emma: you did that to me when i was younger
Emma: but you weren't a psychopath back then so it wasn't as weird
Izana: sorry ig
Izana: although i never said it sorry for orchestrating your death and stuff
Shinichiro: ngl that shit had me heartbroken i wish you guys just gotten along
Shinichiro: i just wanted my little siblings to love each other
Emma: he's crying harder
Baji: Shinichiro stfu you're a grown adult
Shinichiro: i'm not crying
Draken: you're literally weeping
Shinichiro: it's just
Izana: no one asked
Shinichiro: Senju's gonna have to fight Wakasa and Benkei
Shinichiro: i can't fucking take this
Shinichiro: i'm overwhelmed rn
Shinichiro: WHERE'S OMI
Draken: i think Waka and Benkei are looking after Mikey
Draken: probably guilty or smth
Draken: i'm annoyed tho
Emma: at what
Draken: Hanma
Draken: i fucking hate that dude jesus fucking christ
Emma: he put me 6 feet under 😔
Baji: jack skeleton lookin ass slenderman bitch ass mf
Draken: i wish I'd killed him tbh
Draken: or Kisaki
Emma: can't believe a 13 year old took part in my murder 😭
Shinichiro: ...
Shinichiro: kids are nifty little fellas
Shinichiro: they come outta no where
Izana: don't try to justify getting killed by a 12 year old
Izana: that was embarrassing
Emma: yeah Shin you could have dogged why did you turn around so slowly💀
Shinichiro: y'all acting all cool by being mean to me and shit
Shinichiro: when you were deeply affected by my death😕
Shinichiro: you love me
Emma: you're still a pathetic old man 😁
Emma: ily <3
Draken: :/
Emma: he's my brother :(((
Emma: but i love you too Ken :)) <3
Draken: :)
Izana: disgusting
Izana: repulsive
Izana: revolting
Baji: stfu you never experienced love
Izana: 😐
Shinichiro: Keisuke🙁
Baji: sorry
Baji: change of subject
Baji: i think Haru might kill someone
Emma: oh definitely
Izana: no question about it
Shinichiro: c'mon guys give him a little credit he might change
Baji: Haru's fucked up, Takemitchy's gonna have to come up with another genius plan or smth :/
Emma: Senju'll save him
Emma: i wish I'd been friends with Senju
Emma: girlboss
Emma: i want her to beat Mikey's ass
Baji: remember that one time she girlbossed too close to the sun
Draken: while i was in Brahman i wanted to fight her but i didn't wanna live with the embarrassment
Emma: of losing to a girl?
Draken: of losing to someone who's 5 feet
Emma: i'm 4'9
Draken: Emma i was talking about fighting
Emma: :(
Draken: ily
Emma: :)
Shinichiro: ok guys we get it you're capable of being loved you can stop now
Emma: no bitches?? 🤔
Emma: i'm sorry
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deadseobwalking · 3 years ago
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description: self explanatory. piwon members as drugs ive done before. for legal reasons, this is a joke and i have never done a drug in my life
• dangerous.
• do not let this man drive
• y'all will NOT make it home
• he just comes off as a drinker to me
• the park jimin of p1harmony
• give him 2 shots of whatever and bro will be the life of the party
• im talkin like ... twerkin, pole dancin, stripin in the club, flirtin with anybody and anything
• even inanimate objects 😕
• if y'all been drunk before, yk damn well y'all be trippin over anything and laughin your ass off
• y'all remember that live with keeho when he beat bro tf up?
• that's him drunk but 20 times worse.
• steer clear of drunk theo.
• chill
• best music taste in p1h
• funny asl and for what
• ooh but don't leave bro alone in your kitchen
• he gon cook up the most random thing
• but you BEST BELIEVE it's smackin.
• watch a movie with him and y'all would be pausin it every two seconds cause you can't read the subtitles fast enough
• i was gonna just put straight bud instead of an edible but nah
• keeho gives me "made edibles for a living pre-korea" vibes
• keeho 🤝 vernon
• they prolly both sold edibles out the garage for some cash
• fellow stoners, just imagine this with me.
• driving late at night with jiung, smoking blunt after blunt, blasting music, laughing at each other's jokes, going to eat out when y'all get hungry, giving each other guns at traffic lights, a lil messy wet kisses while blowing smoke into each other's mouths <3333
• lord gimme a jiung.
• idk
• i can't explain it but jiung as weed just makes sense
• the chillest of chill
• literally will let anything slide
• even if you murder somebody in his living room
• "it's cool, we'll clean it up"
• god i love him.
• will make you fall in love with music fr.
• best music taste pt 2
• ugh and ik he can roll well and fast 😩
• I WANT HIM SO BAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• now i've only done this once
• and it was while i was high off bud too so bare with me
• chill pt 2
• but in a chaotic way ????
• will talk your goddamn ear off about the most random things
• im not kidding.
• he will talk about what he did on november 6, 2008 even if he don't remember fully
• you wanna know his life story?
• give this man an oxy and LORD you will feel like YOU raised him
• oversharing.
• so. much. oversharing.
• he's cute tho so we'll let it happen
• watching youtube until y'all fall asleep 🫶
• ...
• don't y'all EVER give lil shosho a bump.
• he will be bouncin and dancin off the walls.
• talkin your ear off pt 2
• but in japanese
• he don't care if you know the language or not
• bitch you gon listen to what he has to say 👿
• twerking machine.
• like stop him please.
• too much ass
• and he be throwin that shit in a circle
• but also pls stop too much energy
• will talk to you and tell you about his memories like he was japan's el chapo
• like,,, "yeah i stole a pen from a bank then stabbed that pen into someone's backpack because they told me i was stupid"
• ... okay lil psycho
• you do what you want babe <3
• i've only had this combo like,, thrice ???
• and bro.
• it's the most jongseob experience ever
• i remembered everything from my childhood 💀
• nah but fr
• jongseob as the combination of both bud and soft is also dangerous
• but not theo-putting-your-life-in-danger dangerous
• im talkin,,, like
• brent faiyaz dangerous
• y'all would smoke a blunt, do a bump them smoke another blunt like it's all normal
• he'll tell you just about anything
• he's one of those talkative people off coke
• sharing his experience training at yg compared to training at fnc
• working with the trainees at yg compared to working with the trainees at fnc and his current members
• fanboying over newt <33333.
• talkin on and on about his passion for music, while playing music
• specifically brent faiyaz cause ik his smokin playlist is fire.
• doin bumps with j cole playin 😻
• "the qualities that make up the people who listen to my music are like... empathetic narcissism, attention to detail, over indulgent personality when it comes to... sex and drugs and... if you don't get it, you don't get it. but if you get it, it's cause you livin"
• and he lives by that brent faiyaz quote.
• trippin tf out over asap rocky's lsd mv 💀
• "i know im folded but... 😦"
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years ago
FB gave us some SAVAGE scenes this week, like praise be!
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You know full well I did bits with Finn and my petty ass is over here smirking that we got away with it😈 BUT THEY GAVE US AN OPTION TO SPRAY HIM WITH COLD WATER?!?!?! Comedy gold.
I also told Dana I wanted him to do the romantic gesture to me and told Kat I hoped Finn raised my HR the most, like girlie pop if the shower bits get spilled maybe you won’t be so shocked now!?
HR challenge… not worth talking about. But whatever I danced my sexy heart out for Suresh and the gem dance for him too. Mama was gonna treat him right and remind him of that time I got paid for accidentally stripping❤️ come on baby let this little cowgirl whisper (moan) in yo ear😮‍💨
Fucking Alfie man. FB, why why why do we keep spending so much time on him?! Clearly Suresh wanted to talk then too so why did we not get the option? The man spilled his heart out and I said NO yet he still wanna take us on a “love tour”? NAUR. Rejected again! Wasted time.
GABIIIIIIIII, the one thing FB kinda got right this volume😂😂😂 I got to tell her I’m through with her stories, give her sass, make her look like a 🤡🤡🤡🤡 over a ring that was clearly meant for us from the minute she opened her mouth, and she’s finallyyyyyyy out of the villa BUT NOT BEFORE I COULD TELL HER SHES NEVER GOING TO FIND ANYONE AND BE SINGLE FOREVER💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 when I tell you I cackled at that, I mean I CACKLED! But also too much time spent on her leaving. Like GIRL BYE!
Biggest plot hole though was MC saying that the ring was like the one she always wanted but literally no one ever described the ring…🤔🤔🫢
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I’ve been playing Finn and Suresh routes at the same time for the last 2 volumes and especially this go around but idk if Daddy Resh wanted to marry us I might have to stick with my OG baby boy. Cause like what if we go that route and he proposes to us at the finale?!😮‍💨🫡
Also this volume set up @mrsbsmooth perfectly for more Jaded chapters🥹🥹
BESTIE I LOVE UR SYNOPSIS!!!! I am dying lolol I cannot believe u told Gabi she was going to be single forever 💀💀💀💀 I didnt have the heart LMAO
As for Alfie....FB LEAVE ME ALONE...I DONT WANT HIM. the love tour. LIKE omg ...im sure the alfie girls ate but how many times must I reject this man?!
As for the ring, I actually did get a description of it! They said mine was a gold band...did people not get a description?? I think this was based on what you said in excess baggage to alfie.
and YESSS @mrsbsmooth is going to kill it on jaded, as she has been, with all this new tea in this volume!
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jinkicake · 2 years ago
FHDHFH NO BC REALLY SCARAMOUCHE GOT ME AND I HATE IT!!! Bc all the fanart is top tier like it belongs in a museum and he the same vibe as imposter albedo like they can destroy a nation as a treat bc they’re lashing out🥺 chronic dabi disease. Like someone made this Tiktok about scaramouche walking in like “ daddy’s home” AMD IVE BEEN CRYING BC ITS TRUE HE STOLE ALL MY ATTENTION like wow I LOVE a mean ass man he can be all yandere in public but I’m taller than him like I’ll throw you over my shoulder and take you home💀like good luck choking me I’m into that,but unfortunately the dick is the punishment bc he will get and more unhinged the more you push him, like yeah you can ignore him yelling at you when he’s pissed but in retaliation he will fuck you in the harbinger meeting table like 6 mins before they’re supposed to start he has absolutely no shame bc who’s gon beat his ass?? Lmao can’t decide weather he gags you and they continue on w the meeting like normal like your NOT bouncing on his dick about to pass out or he makes them watch as he humiliates you “don’t try to hide your face now, should I let them use you too? You’re already making a mess” like yeah you can roast him unites red in the face but is it worth him electrocuting you when you cum?? And doing it over and over?? Him🫱🏽‍🫲🏾Lisa Using their electro powers to shock their partners when they cum to make them loose it😔😔 like I would be scared FR if I even made him roll his eyes bc I will be blacked out for four business days he system updates your brain so you just gotta chill for a while like the dick is phenomenal but at what cost😫 and speaking of he definitely has customizable ones like he definitely has one that lights up in that big ass robot like I saw art of the “ fight” of him fucking the traveler In that robot and the wires holding them in place, and now that he’s got his redemption arc started I want him to travel around!! Ion even like going into sumuru w them annoying ass mushrooms 😭 I want to see him go to Liyue and hear about childe reputation “ you know that harbinger that almost drowned the harbor? I hear he’s sneaking around w that hot funeral consultant” “ excuse me what did you say🙂” I need him to restart his hoe era bc I KNOW that he was trying as much shit as he could as a freshly free “human” like idk how he knows kazuha but wouldn’t be surprised if they fucked like he’s a traveler and he’s seen shit, like kazuha could probably tell you about some crazy ass threesome he had in sumuru while on sex pollen😭 like they are for the streets!! Scaramouche would just have to give up bc I like him like oh you hate me? Hate me harder that’s hot🥰🥰 like very jealous of the fatui grunts bc he degrades them 😒 like okay your right maybe a “god” does beet to put a lowly human in their place🥴
EXACTLYYYYY like why is scara's fanart so good it sets me up to fail.... he's a fucking short puppet i should NOT like his ass T T but then again,,, he's fucking crazy and i love psycho characters..... he's unhinged and i enjoy it!!!
((the mention of dabi.... my heart hurts,,, my number one psycho like hes forever in my heart!!))
naur literally scara is so scary because he doesnt care like the dude has nothing to lose so he's so reckless T T it's not like you can ever leave him or anything so he can do whatever he wants w you!!! hence his obsession w fucking you in front of others and just treating you like shit sighhh
honestly, im torn between obsessive yandere!scara and timid gentle!scara like there is no in between... he's either k!lling everyone that you talk to or holding your hand to make sure that you never leave him.... i guess clingy scara is another form or yandere!scara huh-
wahhhhh no literally ughhhh he and lisa are bitches when it comes to teasing their s/o w electricity like their fingers are literal vibrators.... ADD MISS MIKO TO THAT LIST TOO BC SHE'D ALSO DO THAT- they're all evil!!!!
oh my gawdddd did you read that one post about fucking his robot? my jaw DROPPED when i saw it.... it's like fucking eren's titan
i've seen the scara kazuha ship connections already!!!! and honestly,,, i see it.... i truly do!
also, i have to ask.... how do you feel about his supposed redemption arc? bc me, personally, i don't know how i feel like i want closure for him and everything but i also like him as a little shit >:-) i dont want him to get softttttt but idk!!!
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