#idk it was such a waste what they did in the show with gabriel
certifiedducky · 17 days
i can’t decide which version of emilie i prefer.
Because on one hand, there’s the idea that Emilie and Gabriel were both good people. They were so in love with each other that they’d do anything to have a biological family. Gabriel wanted Adrien to look just like his mother, so she’s the one to use the peacock miraculous. They’re a happy family for the first 13 years, but Gabriel has to watched his wife slowly suffer and fade away, while the child they created together looks more and more like her with every passing day. when she finally dies, the guilt breaks him and seeing Adrien’s face everyday makes it worse. He can’t stand to look at the boy who looks so much like his wife. Tragic, because Adrien lost his loving family. He lost his mother to death, he lost his father to grief.
OR. Emilie is a narcissist, and Gabriel is controlling from the beginning. I’ve already gushed about @wisteriasymphony ‘s Emilie posts. SHE controlled Adrien because she liked having a doll. Gabriel let her because he loved her and it made her happy. After she died, Gabriel didn’t see any use for Adrien other than his place in the Agreste brand. He misses his wife, and will do anything to get her back. His “son” looking just like her does nothing but rub salt in the wound. “THIS is what she died for?” Tragic, because Adrien remembers his mother as being wonderful because the only other person he can compare her to his father, who is more direct about his feelings through neglect and disdain. Adrien puts his mother up on a pedestal because he wants to remember her that way, it makes it easier to accept that she was loving and his father was, too, before she died. Even if that’s not the truth and, deep down, Adrien knows this.
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thoseyoulove · 1 month
Reacting to The Vampire Lestat - Part V (with a bit of spoilers and maybe important quotes?)
Okay, what the hell is happening?
Am I lost because I'm reading the Brazilian Portuguese version and maybe it's not properly translated?
*Downloads an English PDF copy* Yeah, this isn't much better and it looks like it was poorly transcript.
I'm still not sure I'm following...
I still like this anyway?
Also, I can see I'll have to read at least this book twice anyway. Maybe more or even the whole chronicles.
Because since Armand showed up I'm DEVOURING this and I can see myself maybe missing a few details... I'll need to read it slower and savor it in the future. I also assume that knowing more of the lore will give me perspective on a future read.
Armand is never boring.
Still my favorite character. :) Let's hope nothing ever ruins that. :) /hj
Not one Lesmand/Armandstat interaction is wasted tbh, I don't care if they're vibing or hating each other's guts, they're always A MOMENT™.
Let's hope nothing ever ruins that. :) /hj
They also have some pretty valid and intriguing conversations, really.
The impression I get is that they want to stay close, but deep down know it's better not to because they're so messed-up and would be even more messed-up as friends or else (and maybe it's the or at least one of the reasons why they attract each other?), but there's some frustration in that acknowledgement too. Like, doing something because you should is not the same as doing it because you want to and... Well.
I mean, there's more I could say, but this is the short version of how I generally feel about them lol.
Can't wait to see all of this on season 3.
Assad is right, I want Armand to be unhinged too. So glad we're on the same page about all thigs Armand ever and that the spirit of Armand posses Assad on a daily basis so he can play him 100% the way I imagine him. SMILING THROUGH IT ALL, CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS MY LIFE RN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm also ready for more Lestat (Armand's version) and finally some Armand (Lestat's version). Let the battle begin. I wonder who will be more insufferable.
Little bit of Armand's back story. :/ I wanna put him in a bubble.
I don't really think I'll be interested in Marius, tbh.
Anyway... He's not here yet.
Gabrielle jumps from roofs like Cat Woman and Armand quickly and silently vanishes from places like Batman. I hope we keep the Gotham-esque vibes of these scenes. I think it's super cool tbh.
I also love seeing Armand talking to people telepathically? Feels so much deeper and kind of poetic, idk. Not to mention is such a cool concept. I hope the show explores more of that.
Also, when he stops blocking his thoughts and let's someone peek at his thoughts it feels intimate? And not necessarily romantic or anything like that, but just like, "hey, this is a little piece of my soul, I'm sharing it with you". Or maybe I'm too romantic and trying to find the beauty in everything lol.
But then he finally speaks out loud and it feels deeper and more meaningful as well? I don't know. Maybe I'm becoming insane.
Lestat went like 3 pages without mentioning Armand's beauty. I'm proud of him.
Nevermind, now he is mentioning it 50 times per sentence. Even more than he did before. It's like he regretted it and it's making up for lost time lmao.
Some of the words Lestat has used to describe Armand so far: beautiful, sublime, ethereal, exquisite, perfect, soft, saint, angel (there's more, but it's been so many synonyms for beautiful I can't remember... still, you get the point). Not to mention comparing him to a Caravaggio and Da Vinci paintings.
I feel like he'll run out of words to describe him pretty soon.
I guess we all feel pretty (not) normal about Armand.
This is also ruining it for me, because if someone doesn't describe me as "irresistibly beautiful" then what is even the point, really...
And it's not like they're a couple or anything, SO??? STOP!!!
They're not lovers, they're not friends, they're not enemies, they're a fourth and more sinister thing that not even them can classify, let alone my mere mortal self.
Anyway, I hope Lestat will be even more annoying describing Louis. He set the bar too high now.
I wonder if Louis appears (for a significant amount of time) on this book.
I hope so, but I don't know.
"But I was so glad it was finished. So glad that we could go on. Yet I held to the bars for a long time just looking at the distant woods, and the dim glow far beyond that the city made upon the lowering clouds. And the grief I felt was not only for the loss of him, it was for Nicki, and for Paris, and for myself." This is sad...
"So let him be your patron saint if you need it" LMFAOOOOOO.
Is Gabrielle wrong, though?
Just have fun with your immortality instead of going on an uncertain quest to find Marius? Stop being stupid???
You'll probably just find danger or disappointment. Or both.
"And the sense of grief came back to me, the realization that we were really going, that it was finished with Nicolas and finished with the Children of Darkness and their leader, and I wouldn't see Paris again, or anything familiar to me, for years and years. And for all my desire to be free, I wanted to weep." So, he finally starts making a life for himself away from his abusive family. Then, he is forcefully turned into a vampire, has to live this double life with mortals, without ever being able to be completely open, honest and have real, deep relationships with them. Later, he turns Gabrielle, Nicki, meets Armand and the other of his kind, but they're all so troubled or with completely different interests... And it's clear as a day that they can't stay together anymore, he's slowly coming to the realization he's losing everything and everyone he knows and will soon be alone again... I'm (not) fine.
Also, this is so BPD-coded of him. He's had these pretty sad and traumatic moments, but he never allowed himself to feel those emotions for too long, he always found stuff to distract himself with, tried to see the "the good side" of things, embrace them, be positive instead etc, but you can only ignore it so much until it becomes such a big problem you can't possibly avoid anymore. And then the emotion hits 9483958345x harder than it would have if you processed things properly and had better coping mechanisms. Like, I get him, but OMG. Get him some vampire therapist.
Btw, Armand feels pretty BPD-coded too.
I also heard somewhere that Armand is a Scorpio?
And Lestat is another BPD Scorpio...
That would explain A LOT actually lmao.
End of "The Vampire Armand" chapter and they're parting ways.
So I guess I'll just rot and die, then?
...Armand will return in the worst possible way lmao.
I tried to find a gif of 2x05 saying "everything is fine!" to represent how I'm feeling right now, but failed, so consider it done anyway. Everything is (not) fine!
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girljpg · 1 year
i warched good omens season 2
i have a lot to say that doesn't really amount to anything so i'm gonna start typing at random
i liked the romantic vibe of the season and all the cute flashbacks. the dialogue between the leads was appropriately trusting and sweet. they really leaned into showing how they rely on each other. i also like that the conflict was pretty small in scale compared to season 1. it's not armageddon, but there were still some stakes if you include all the humans that almost died. although.... heaven and hell seem to know exactly where crowley and aziraphale are... yes, they fooled them at the end of s1, but wouldn't they idk. try other means? why didn't they get their names erased from the book of life earlier if that was something higher up angels could do? whatever
i like that there were real actual gay characters (lesbians even! who looked like real people!) even though I was worried they were getting together too fast, the reveal towards the end that they were going to move slow felt realistic. but them having to talk crowley into confessing his feelings felt ripped straight from a fanfiction. the lesbians comparing themselves to aziraphale and crowley was a bit on the nose. many moments did in fact feel like fanfiction. the dancing together, the "I need you!", the "We can just be us." all of that was cute and probably something i would've written idk could you do any better??? i am not immune to fluff. but also, that's a grown man. does it not take agency away from the character to have his relationship explained to him? and then they had the gall to not even show us this conversation. ideally he would've come to a conclusion about his feelings on his own-- perhaps after seeing gabe and beez fuck off to alpha centauri and going huh. i guess you can just do that. or even just through way of flashback-- oh no wait. all of the flashbacks were from aziraphale's point of view for some reason. why didn't azi get any realizations? you know michael sheen would've ate
the "i was wrong dance" well here's the thing i did clap
I thought the set of the street in london with all the little shops looked nice although there were always so so many extras walking around. is london really that crowded?
i thought they kind of wasted muriel's character. she seems to disappear for a long time before the plot calls for her to conveniently be there. i know she's meant to be a bit dim but surely she noticed 70 demons walking down the street.... ALSO i thought the book crowley handed her was going to be good omens but it. was not
looooved shax loved new beelzebub. who else. idk everyone was really giving it their all. megatron showed up for all of two episodes i think but was pivotal for the ending. what are you doing neil. gabriel is also doing. things. they wasted jon hamm as well by making him a frustrating himbo. one of the only scenes i liked with him was crowley yelling at him for trying to kill aziraphale in s1 and then trying to jump out a window and then calling crowley nice. but that whole bit felt more like a crowley scene than a gabe scene. he does get a mug with his name on it tho and hypocritically falls in love with the fly lady so all is forgiven.
i'm gonna be real with you all.. the way they filmed the kiss felt awkward. the way the camera swings around and crowley grabs him felt very....... rehearsed? a little unnatural, i think. the way crowley LUNGES. idk i need to rewatch the last ten minutes again. and it went on so long. we got like three of four angles on it like whoah. but the reaction face we got out of michael sheen. mamma mia
"I forgive you." asdejgkasdgahdgdfs when i say i paused the ep for extended laughter lmfaoooooo. clutching a wine bottle to my chest and cheering. this fucken guy. babygirl is distraught for all of about ten seconds before it's time to start the new job. i did start yelling at my screen after that point. he had no right to look crowley dead in the eye across the street and not run back to him. COWARRD. i understand why he did it but COWARD. why, after sooo long, would you think crowley would jump for joy to be an angel again... i watched all eight minutes of the credits certain that there was going to be more but nope. catch ya next time for the second coming (of jesus?? <- does not know things about the bible)
so i was pretty satisfied with that watch. i wish the season was longer than 6 episodes but tbh they had to make this story from nothing and it shows in the romcom hijinks and threadbare mystery. but it was fun and went by quickly. then i check on the fandom and they're, get this, upset for some reason about this ending. there's no pleasing some fans i guess. good job neil you've pissed off the people who wanted them to kiss AND the people who didn't want them to kiss, bravo! hopefully in a month or so everyone will cool down about it. and if not well. plenty of fanfic fodder until season 3. not that i read good omens fanfic, but it'll be there. just be happy there was a kiss alright!!!!!!?!!!1
(i just know we're going to get a flood of people calling aziraphale a big meanie and crowley a poor little scrimbly blimbo meow meow who got rejected. booooo stop that right now)
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Fanmix game! List three songs you associate with either your blorbo or your otp, then pass this on to three other people!
Oooh this is fun! So the only 2 shipper playlists I ever made were for John and Sherlock (BBC Sherlock) and Nick and Charlie (Heartstopper). So let’s cheat a little and do 2 songs for each : )
Johnlock #1
Haven't we met?
You're some kind of beautiful stranger
You could be good for me
I have a taste for danger
If I'm smart then I'll run away
But I'm not so I guess I'll stay
Heaven forbid
I take my chance on a beautiful stranger
I mean, if this doesn’t scream John in ep 1 where he chases Sherlock all around London and literally KILLS A MAN for him within 24 hrs of their meeting, idk what does
Johnlock #2
Love, I don't like to see so much pain
So much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away
I get so tired working so hard for our survival
I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive
And all my instincts they return
And the grand facade, so soon will burn
Without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside
In your eyes (your eyes, your eyes)
In your eyes
In your eyes
The light, the heat (in your eyes)
I am complete (in your eyes)
I see the doorway
To a thousand churches (in your eyes)
The resolution (in your eyes)
Of all the fruitless searches
GOD this song is just so so perfect for them - it shows the pining and sacrifices and misunderstandings that make up their relationship but ends on a happy and content note (which is how I end the show, fuck you Moftiss)
Ok now for Nick and Charlie. Guh the Heartstopper soundtrack is so so perfect already, it’s hard to add to it (but I totally did haha).
Narlie #1
I wanna twirl you 'round the kitchen
Don't worry 'bout no dirty dishes
Not tryna do nothing ambitious, yeah
I just wanna dance with you
Let's act like we're just on vacation
Put Frank Sinatra on rotation
We're taking off like on a spaceship, yeah
I'm just catching vibes with you (vibes with you)
This song is just so sweet and innocent and fun and screams young love and just being happy hanging out together, which is 100% them
Narlie #2
Catch me overthinking
Looking for the reasons why
I'm getting so tired
I feel like I'm falling
But I'd like to fall in love instead
Ain't nothing better than that
And I try to keep it together
I don't want to lose it again
I need you now to get me out of my head
'Cause baby when we touch
It's like the whole world stops
And I wish I knew what it is you do
'Cause when you say my name
Woah, I can't explain
And I wish I knew what it is you do
What you do to me
Not only is this song a BOP, but it fully addresses Charlie’s feelings of anxiety and overthinking (and Nick’s also). The whole song is them finding love and growing together it’s just perfect. I can’t wait for s02 so I can add more awesome tunes to the collection : )
Also, if you want both playlists…here you go
Johnlock playlist
Narlie playlist
Thanks for stopping by!! xx
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meganlpie · 3 years
For Her
Based on this request: Hi! I was wondering if I may request a Gabriel x Fem!Reader? Maybe the reader is a hunter and she gets injured or something…? Idk 😂 @dark-angel-is-back
Here you are! I apologize for the wait! I do not own ANY SPN characters. They belong to the writes/creators of the show.
Warnings: a little angst, mentions of injuries. ALL THE FLUFF!
Pairings: Gabriel x fem!reader
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As far as angels were concerned, Gabriel wasn't exactly top-tier in the selfless department. However, there was one person Gabriel would have risked everything for. Gabriel never really stuck around one place long enough to become attached to people. To feel things for them. You were the exception. There was something about you that seemed to pull him to Earth. Even if he could return to Heaven, he didn't want to unless you were there with him.
It took Gabriel a long to time to understand why he felt the way he did for you. A long time and a hunt that ended with you nearly dying. As soon as it happened, Gabriel felt it. He couldn't explain it even if he'd wanted to, but he felt it in every single fiber of his being. He wasted no time in locating you and appearing by your side. Upon seeing you, it was as bad as he feared.
"Gabriel?" Cas questioned his appearance, but Gabriel didn't answer. Instead, he moved to your side where you offered him a smile. "Hey, stranger," you greeted weakly. Gabriel returned the smile. "Hey there, Sweetcheeks. You're looking a little rough there." You laughed a bit.
"Understatement. What are you doing here?" Gabriel did his best to keep his smile on his face and shrugged. He couldn't let you see just how seeing you like this was affecting him. "I was in the neighborhood. Thought I'd drop by and see my favorite hunter." It was then that Cas finally spoke again. "She is dying, Gabriel! How can you make jokes at a time like this?!" Gabriel actually winced at his brother's tone.
"That true, Dollface? Are you dying on me?" You shrugged before crying out in pain. "Yeah. Probably. Feels like it anyway," you managed to say when the pain subsided. Gabriel felt a tug in his heart. "Well that won't do. Without you, the Winchesters would never let me have any fun." You laughed softly again. You tried to hide how much pain you were in, but Gabriel saw through it instantly.
"Hey, Gabriel?" you asked, "Did I ever tell you how much I love your eyes? They look like honey…or whiskey in a clear glass. And it's funny...I think I can almost see your w-wings right now." You were starting to not make sense. You were leaving and there was nothing any earthly being could do. Gabriel knew that. He was losing you. So, he did the only thing he could think of. He performed a minor miracle. Though, of course, he did it in true Gabriel fashion.
Whereas other angels, even archangels like Gabriel, would have simply placed their fingers on your forehead or wherever the wound was, Gabriel wanted more for you. He very gently picked you up and held you close, his lips near your forehead. "You trust me, Sweetcheeks?" You nodded without even a second of hesitation. "Good. I'm gonna try and heal you now, okay? But you tell me if you're not okay with it." Once again, you agreed wordlessly.
Gabriel slowly brought his face closer to yours and you smiled. "You gonna kiss me, handsome?" Gabriel chuckled and nodded. "If you let me." Gabriel's answer came in the form of you wrapping your uninjured arm around his neck and pressing your lips to his.
For a moment, Gabriel forgot he was supposed to be healing you. When he thought about wanting to kiss you, his imagination took him on a wild ride. But his imagination wasn't like the real thing. To actually feel your lips against his was even better than the paradise Gabriel had once called home.
When he felt your body begin to shake, the archangel remembered his task and let his grace flow between you, healing you of your wounds. After what Gabriel felt wasn't nearly long enough, you pulled back with a smile on your face. "That was amazing," you whispered before your eyes closed and you fell into a peaceful sleep. Gabriel wasted no time flying you to the nearest motel, Castiel following right behind and letting the Winchesters know what happened.
Gabriel gently placed you on the bed in the room and sat down next to you. It had been a long time since he'd used his grace to help anyone other than himself. It was exhausting even for an angel of his caliber. He closed his eyes, but could still feel Castiel's gaze on him. "What is it, little bro? I can practically hear the gears turning in that head of yours." Gabriel asked, not bothering to open his eyes. Castiel to reply instantly, but Gabriel was in no hurry. You needed to rest.
"What makes her special?" Castiel finally asked. That made Gabriel's eyes open. "What?" Castiel had placed his trench coat on the second bed and had his arms crossed over his chest. "What makes her so special? You would never have used your grace to heal Sam or Dean without someone begging you to. That's not your way. So why her? Why would you use your archangel grace on her?"
For once in his existence, Gabriel wasn't sure how to answer. If he lied, Castiel would know. He had a gift for that. But if he told the truth, Castiel might not believe him. Or worse, you might want nothing more to do with him when you found out. Gabriel had never been good with deep feelings. Still, Castiel would find out either way.
"Because she is special, little brother. I would do anything for her." Castiel's arms uncrossed as he stared at Gabriel. "Do you mean that? Is it possible that you love her?" Gabriel glanced down at you before letting out a sigh. "Yes. And if you tell anyone, I will make the rest of your existence miserable. When she finds out…if she finds out, it'll will be through me. Some romantic crap or other." Castiel just smiled and nodded. "Of course. For now, I'll let you watch over her while I find Sam and Dean." With that, he was gone. Gabriel smiled down at you. "You hear that, Sweetcheeks? Get some rest. I'll watch over you." Gabriel got up just long enough to place another kiss to your forehead before sitting back down and closing his eyes once more, resting easy because he knew you were safe.
(a/n: Hiya! I am, in fact, alive! Got internet hooked up and got a new job! However, I'm also getting back into the swing of writing!)
Forever Tags: @fizzyxcustard @brewsthespirit-blog @sirkekselord @aikibriarrose @lady-of-lies @dark-angel-is-back @esoltis280 @stories-by-shanna-p @motleymoose
SPN Tags: @jotink78
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volperion-moved · 2 years
Sometimes it feels more like we inherently don't want to say that the characters we like are flawed because liking the character makes us feel good and that feeling makes it a matter of personal pride. However it's just not healthy or really all that enjoyable to associate what you like with who you are. Once you stop defending characters as some weird projection of your own morality, and see yourself as simply a human person with human emotions, and a character themselves as something that NOT, you tend to enjoy the fandom in a healthier way. When we criticise characters, we're criticising the message that character is representing to the demographic. It's not just a question of if that the character is 'evil', it's 'is this character being evil in a way that's being normalised'. It's the fact that the character's narrative is a building block in a toxic narrative. This show (and yes, Astruc has said this) LITERALLY USES the characters to represent/show a lesson to an audience that can then use that to navigate the real world. So when your character is doing covert & problematic shit with NO indication that it is BAD, it's normalising that behaviour TO that audience. Blinding them to what it really is.
Yeah IDK what to really add at this point. I'm sick of talking about characters like Alya did this Marinette did that. Even Adrien I feel like I can't talk about properly because everyone looks at criticisms through this stan or hater mindset. People like characters for lots of different reasons I'm not trying to make fans of characters feel bad or stupid.
"Marinette is a well rounded character, it's great that a superhero show has this female lead who uses her brain to solve problems every episode" and "The formula of the show being that Marinette makes a mistake and has to learn a lesson each episode means the narrative is unfairly harsher on her than other characters at times" and "The way Marinette behaves toward her crush Adrien is outright creepy at times, even if it's a joke or in service of having her learn a lesson it sends a bad message about what love is/should make you act, giving her trauma over dating as an excuse does not help in the slightest" and "Marinette has very little connection to the main villain of the show" are all statements that can coexist.
Lila is/was my favourite character but a big issue with her is that she's poorly utilised, she exists in an episode to push the plot forward and then does nothing for a season. Does that make her a good or bad character? Is she a bad character I just like the wasted potential of? imho it's the wrong question. This show has issues with having too many characters and not focusing on any of them beyond Marinette and Gabriel. It can't figure out how to raise the stakes and create drama without using characters like Lila and Felix but also can't figure out what to do with those characters afterward. Lila's lies aren't built to last yet the show avoids having resolution to her storyline so they can use her for cheap drama when they want. These are problems with the show as a whole but they affect Lila so fair enough if they make you dislike her idc. Whether she's an enjoyable character and should be your fave or not is irrelevant to the points I'm making. If you're mad I like Lila more than your fave or think me saying anything bad about your fave means I'm saying you're stupid for liking them get a grip.
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elai-okonma · 4 years
Chapter 13. Hell In Heaven
Lucifer leaves to find Luke. With Simeon gone, he was the only other Angel in the Devildom. 
He finds Luke praying in his room at Purgatory Hall. Lucifer waits until he is finished before speaking;
“Luke, I need your help…”
The little Angel yelps, and jumps up.
“W-w-what in God's name, Lucifer you scared me half to death!”
“I’m sorry Luke, I didn't mean to startle you, but I really need your help.”
The Angel looks at him confused, and he immediately starts laughing. “You need MY help? What could you possibly need my help with?”
“I need to see Father.”
Luke halts his laughter. One look at Lucifer’s face and he knows something’s wrong. “You what? Where is this coming from?”
“I’ll get straight to the point Luke, we might have another Celestial War on our hands, and I need to speak with Father about it.”
The Angel in front of him starts to panic. What does he mean, another Celestial War?! Luke was one of the youngest Angels, so he wasn’t trained nor prepared for war. Lucifer continues;
“I know what I’m asking is impossible, but I at least need to try, and I can’t do it without you Luke, please.”
“How do you suppose I get you there, Lucifer?”
“I can use my magick to disguise myself, for a short period of time, but long enough to find Father.”
The young Angel thinks about this. It could be possible, if they were careful enough, but what happens if he gets caught? An Angel helping a Demon get into the Celestial Realm? And not just any Demon, but LUCIFER?! Father would punish him for sure, but he also couldn’t just stand by with another possible war happening. 
“Ok, I’ll do it… I’ll help you…” 
He was scared, but now was not the time for that. After all, there comes a day when one must show what they’re really made of, and Luke guessed that today is his day. 
Lucifer bows before Luke and expresses his sincere thanks. He knew he was asking a lot of the Angel, but he couldn’t turn to anyone else. 
“So, when do we go?”
“The sooner, the better. We’ll have to go now. My brothers already know the plan.”
“And what exactly is the plan, Lucifer?”
“To ask Father directly, if there is going to be another war.”
Luke shrugs, “alright. Let’s go.”
It only took a few seconds to reach the Celestial Realm, Lucifer shielded his eyes from the Heavenly skies. When was the last time he had been in the sunlight? Real sunlight, not one Lord Diavolo fabricated in the Devildom. 
Luke reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pair of sunglasses. He hands them to Lucifer;
“I knew you could use them.” he says with a shy smile. 
As he puts on the glasses, he looks around to see where exactly they were. He recognizes one of the grand halls, one for Archangels to discuss Celestial Realm matters, and the like.
Lucifer instantly picks up your scent, and he becomes flustered. “Why... do I smell MC?” He starts to tear up, and looks at Luke. “WHY DO I SMELL MC?!” 
Luke pauses to see if he can sense you, as well. His head snaps back to Lucifer, “I can smell her, too! Is she here?!”
“I don’t know… I can’t sense her in any other way, except scent...” 
As Lucifer and Luke look at the direction of your scent, they think of what to do next; find Father, or find you.
Celestial Realm Torture Chamber
“Gabriiiieeellll”, MC sing-songs the Archangel’s name. You know you’re going to wreck him, and you can’t wait. 
Still sitting on top of him, you slam your hand around his throat. 
“Maybe I should do you how Belphegor did me,” you say, looking deep into his eyes. “Or maybe, I’ll be more creative. Tell me Gabriel, after all the torture, purgatory, and the labyrinth, what was next? Would I be forgiven? Repent my sins, and God would welcome me back with open arms? That is how it works, isn’t it?”
Gabriel looks like he’s about to cry, and you knit your eyebrows at this.
 “Ohhh, no tears please. It’s a waste of good suffering.”
As a tear does start to form, you lean down to lick it up, squeezing his face so hard you break his jaw. Gabriel lets out a gargled scream, and you quickly cover his mouth.
“Oh, did that hurt?” you say with a moan, “I want to make sure it hurts.” 
You smile down at him, “This is where our fun really begins.”
You harden your wings, and use them to pin his hands through the floor, and Gabriel whimpers. Using your crown of thorns, you smash your head into his face --repeatedly-- not giving him time to cry out. When you raise your head back up after several bashes, both of your faces are completely covered in blood. You lick the blood off your lips seductively, and then check to see if Gabriel is still conscious. Barely. 
“You’re so fucking weak, Gabriel. I know you had planned worse for me, so before you completely give out on me, let’s take things up a notch.”
Between your assaults and insults, is Gabriel on the brink of complete collapse. A punch to his nose, “pathetic,” a jab to his ribs, “weak”...You reach over to his fingers and break them. Nails ripped off, jaw shattered, ribs broken, and nose crushed and he’s still holding on. 
“This is what I like to see, Gabriel.” 
As you stop to take a breather, you pick up on a familiar aura. You go completely still when you recognize it. 
As Lucifer and Luke debate on what to do now, they feel someone walk up to them.
The familiar face was accompanied by two others.
“Luke! What are you doing here? And who is this with y-”
“There’s no time, Simeon! We sensed MC when we arrived, is she here?!”
Lucifer gives Luke a side glance before looking to Simeon, but the look on his face has the Demon worried.
“Luke...MC is here, but...she attacked Michael, and Father took her to Gabriel.”
This has Lucifer about to reveal his Demon form and blow his cover, and Luke crying in confusion.
Luke didn’t understand why MC would attack Michael, and Lucifer knew all too well the punishment for an offense like that. He also knew what Gabriel was capable of, and now his priority was finding MC. Little did he know what was about to unfold.  
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ms-rampage · 4 years
19 and 100 for the prompts? 👀
The Baptist and the Trickster
19 for “I’m going to kill you” for Angst
100 for “I didn’t do it” for General
This one is not that long
Warnings: Strong language, a few derogatory insults towards women.
Note: Tbh, I didn’t know what to write so here’s another Kate Winchester and John Seed with a few guest stars. Lol, a sorta little crossover action. Maybe some deleted content from “Left Behind” that didn’t make it to the final draft. Idk it’s a cluster fuck drabble lol. 😂😂😂
“So who is he?” John asks her, walking into the living room of the Seed ranch house. 
“Who?” she asks, confused. 
He chuckles in annoyance, scratching his beard “You know who I’m talking about. That guy”.  
Shaking her head, “Umm, I don’t know who you’re talking about”.
He walks around the couch, standing in front of her. “Don’t fucking lie to me Katie” he growls. 
Still confused as to who he was talking about, “I still don’t know who you’re talking about!” she shouts back.
Getting annoyed, and angry that his girlfriend is lying to him, and is also seeing another man behind his back. Cheating on him, being a little fucking slut. 
“The man in the beige trenchcoat” he tells her, crossing his arms, “You’re seeing another man. Being affectionate with each other”. 
Trying not to show that she was lying, but she wasn’t cheating. That conversation she had a few days earlier. 
“One of my men saw you two talking, hugging and walking by the river behind the Lamb of God church” he tells her in his deep voice that he speaks in before he gets really angry. Physically angry.
*A few days earlier*
Behind the Lamb of God church. 
“I just wanted to thank you for that” she tells the Angel. 
“Of course” says Castiel, “I promised Sam and Dean that I would watch over you and Paige”. 
Off in the distance one of John’s followers sees Kate with another man, not knowing it’s an Angel of the Lord. 
“How were you able to find me?!” she asks, knowing that this Angel is low on his grace. 
He sighs, and clears his throat “After hearing your voicemail to Dean. Him and Sam weren’t able to get to you, so I took matters into my own hands to find you”. 
Grateful that he came to her save, especially with all the bullshit going on in her life at the time. 
She hugs him, in which he does back, they take a walk along the water, disappearing through the trees away from the peggie’s view.
“There are a few things I need to tell you about” he tells her. She looks up at him, “About what?!”. 
Seeing Kate talking to another man, hugging him, smiling up at him. He goes to tell John about what he had witnessed. 
“So?!” John says loudly, “Who was he?!”. 
Not being able to give him a proper answer, and even if she did, she wouldn’t be able to tell him because he wouldn’t believe her, nor would he understand that type of life. 
She stammers, “He-he wasn’t. It’s not what you think!”. 
That cliche type of response that has been used a billion times over the century. 
“Bull-fucking-shit!” he yells, “I’m going to kill you and that guy”. His eyes turn black, not like a demon, but dilated, his blue eyes gone. The vein on his neck sticking out, completely fuming angry.  
Looking like he wasn’t gonna go back on his words and actually kill her. 
“John, please. Listen to me it’s not what you think!” she explains to him, “It’s really not!”. 
She backs up, trying to keep a distance from him, knowing if he got his hands on her. He would actually kill her. 
Actually getting scared, she feels very vulnerable because she still has a minor injury on her knee. All it takes is one sweep, or kick to it and she goes down. She doesn’t have her gun or knife on her to protect herself. 
He follows her as she backs up, away from him, looking like a predator going after its weak and vulnerable prey.
“You little fucking slut!” he growls again, “I’m going to kill you”.
She backs up to a wall, and is cornered by him, trying to find a way to sneak past him. He goes to grab her and she ducks underneath him. He trips her, making her fall on her bad knee. 
“Fuck!” she mumbles, clenching her knee. She tries to crawl away from him, but is too slow to get away from him. Almost in tears. 
“John, John please. I didn’t do it. I didn’t do anything!” she pleads with him, “Please stop!”. 
Seeing the rage build up inside him. “Lust is definitely your sin” he tells her, “If only there was a sin for a cheating whore like you”. 
“Don’t you dare call her that!” an male voice tells him from behind. Kate recognizes it right away, and immediately feels relieved. 
John turns around and sees a man in an olive colored jacket with brown hair and whiskey colored eyes. 
Kate’s Archangel Gabriel, “And this must be the other man” John says loudly followed by a chuckle, “What a surprise!”. 
“You stay away from her” Gabriel orders him, pulling out his angel blade. 
John lets out a short chuckle, “You want her?, That’s fine, I was finished with her anyway. She’s no use for me anymore”.
She looks up at him with anger and also hurt in her eyes, The Archangel can sense it. John walks away from her, moving to another part of the living room. 
Gabriel helps her up, putting her arm around his neck and shoulder. 
“Also don’t waste your time with her. She’s. What’s the word or several?. A cheating, sinning slut” he tells the Archangel. Not even aware that the man standing in front of him holding his now ex-girlfriend is a celestial. Her guardian Angel.
He glares at him, “She deserves better than a pathetic, douchebag Yes-man like you!” he says to him, trying to hold himself back from using his Angelic powers on him. 
Taking her out of the house, and away from him.
“You heard me?!” she whispers, trying to hold back her tears and all other emotions. 
“Of course” he says, smiling down at her “You’re my human, and I will always be there for you”. 
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Chloe in the Panthera Noire Au
As always, I’m giving her a redemption, but not yet, she has to be a major ass first, but not like.. psychotic (I’m still wondering on what to do with Lila because while I want to give her a redemption too, I’m not sure what to do about things like Chameleon- maybe Gabriel’s forcing her in this? Idk)
Let’s start off with a few things first that are pretty obvious with how I write chloe: she’s really really gay, using adrien as cover for such, she’s a better friend to adrien, and has a lot of mother issues that weigh on almost everything she does with an Overwhelming force.
Great? Good.
I’m gonna ramble so I’m adding a read more here
The redemption actually low key starts at Reflekta. Reflekta actually doesn’t happen here, because while Juleka isn’t as crazy as Anarka, she’s still a feral cryptid when she wants to be- so added with her new strength from working out as Panthera: SHE SCALES THE FUCKING BATHROOM WALLS AND JUMPS OUT
There’s this huge argument and Vincent the Photographer gets akumatized (the say spaghetti dude). And while Juleka is pissed off, she still saves Chloe during the attack and invites her and Sabrina to the park class photo. (It’s not a class photo if not everyone is there) So why does she give a shit about Chloe?
Well one of the main things I noted about Juleka in this is that she notices things. She an observant person by nature(so is Luka, and hey- maybe Anarka too) (If Lila was evil in this she’d probably notice and pull Rose and a few others out of her web as quickly as possible, and if she didn’t notice, she’d notice the inconsistencies anyways or the things she knew that were completely untrue (other than the superhero thing))
So what Juleka notices is Chloe’s absent Mom. The way the light practically died from Chloe’s eyes over the years, how it just so easily boiled over into aggression, the flickers of regret and grief on her face as she did something bad, before twisting backwards again after no doubting thinking of what her mother would do, how she spoke briefly of the agreste family and the lonely son that resided in its walls before shutting up entirely with the disappearance of Emilie Agreste.
One of the plot points in this whole ass fic is Juleka’s relationship with her family (because unlike the show I’m writing actual character development here( and she has a little bit of dad issues. Those issues with being absent, being the cause to her slightly manic mom’s slightly rough relationship with her, him not being related to Luka, and also most likely abusive from the few memories she has of him
She sees that shit, looks at Chloe and is like “yep. This is a problem.” because although it’s not the same obviously, their upbringing is similar.
Although Juleka is pissed half the time by Chloe and won’t hesitate throwing her into the seine, she also sympathizes with her and gets where she’s coming from and doesn’t want Chloe’s sibling relationship with Adrien to break/strain (like hers and lukas is due to luka being more of a parent than a sibling and is much more protective), she genuinely wants to help and see her get better, and she can through Panthera.
See- I haven’t to it yet, but I’ve already written and published part of Style Queen/Queen Wasp in a Panthera Noire One Shot called “Dont Do This” and it’s definitely canon to the story so I’ll just spoil:
Basically- Chloe still nabbed the Bee Miraculous and Audrey does her bitch thing where she’s like “lol you mean nothing to me child” and Chloe is about to reveal herself as Queen Bee. HOWEVER- Juleka -daughter of an anarchist-Couffaine— snuck in just for kicks and seeing Chloe about to pull out the box, she chucks Plagg into a pillar that he destroys and crashed into the ground. They all jumped out of the way and are mostly safe (Audrey’s weird jumper is ruined and covered in dust) but there’s a big cloud of dust now, obscuring a lot of shit.  Juleka runs through, scoops Chloe up, and hides behind a wall far away. She covers Chloe’s eyes and is like “hey it’s me Panthera, don’t look I’m detransformed, I know you have the bee” and lectures Chloe on the fact that no her mom doesn’t love her but that means jackshit because she never will and Chloe shouldn’t waste her energy on someone like Audrey and instead work to be happy and a better person for herself.
She gives Chloe back the box as Audrey somehow Akumatizes AGAIN and is like “okay good luck byeeee” and scrambles off. Queen Bee keeps her identity a secret and she and Panthera become bros. (I’m considering whether or not Ladybug knows who Queen Bee is, Juleka could pull a “Hey I don’t know who Rena and Carapace are let me have this one”, but granted the fact that Jules knows who Marinette is.. I wouldn’t be surprised that she was able to connect Rena or Cara too, we’ll see).
TLDR: Crime Cat Girl Goth helps Bee Bitch with her mommy issues through the power of collateral damage and subtle Ladybug manipulation because she has daddy issues and anxiety.
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mostweakhamlets · 5 years
Good omens prompt, as requested: Aziraphale being sad because the other angels are Back On Their Bullshit, Crowley being a protective mother hen
omg idk what happened i tried making it angsty then i thought about how dorky crowley is and then it kinda turned funny
Below left Aziraphale and Crowley alone for a lot longer than Above did. 
Aziraphale had thought they were safe. After their stunt with the holy water and Hell fire, he thought they would be considered off limits. They had started their new lives together as university students living away from their strict parents for the first time would. They drank wine, dined out, took walks in places other than St. James park, danced, laughed, and found a reckless adventure every so often. 
They were happy. For the first time in 6,000 years they were truly happy. 
There was a cottage in South Downs they had their eyes on. Aziraphale was approaching Anathema to take over the A.Z Fell & Co., training her to find authentic books and repairing them. They were going to embrace “retirement” as humans called it. 
Everything was going well. 
Until Gabriel showed up in Soho. 
“I don’t want to be here as much as you don’t want me here,” he said, holding up his hands as he walked into the bookshop. “I just have a message.”
Aziraphale stayed behind his counter. “From who?” 
He tried remaining impassive. He squared his shoulders and lifted his chin. The days of being intimidated by the archangels were long gone. 
“All of us,” Gabriel said. “Turns out having a rogue angel on Earth is less than desirable for Heaven. Who would have known?”
Aziraphale clenched his jaw at the sarcasm. “And what does… She think about it?”
“She’s been AWOL. Needless to say, between Her and you, things haven’t been running so smoothly.”
“Oh, what a pity,” Aziraphale tutted. “What is it you’re having trouble with? Colluding with Hell to kill your own without Her permission?”
Despite having cut ties with Heaven, Aziraphale was still on the mailing list (annoyingly). There had been memos that God wasn’t pleased when she found out about the Hell fire incidence. No one knew if she knew about the holy water in Hell, but Aziraphale could only imagine how Michael was reprimanded. 
“You have a lot of nerve talking about colluding with demons.” Gabriel’s voice was rising. “If you and your demon hadn’t made a mess of things with the apocalypse, none of that would have happened and we wouldn’t be in a mess now. So, shut up and let me finish.”
Crowley was taking his time getting ready. He didn’t like mornings, unlike Aziraphale who never slept so never knew the torture of waking up. 
They had a routine. Crowley would wake up at a reasonable time and wrap his arms around Aziraphale, who had been sitting up reading all night. Aziraphale would play with his hair until he commented on how late it was getting and how they should really start the day. Crowley would tighten his hold, and Aziraphale would give him five more minutes. Once Aziraphale untangled himself from the bedsheets and lanky limbs, Crowley would pout for another five minutes before finally getting up, dressing, and meeting his angel in the bookshop.
He liked their routine. So, when anything or anyone disrupted it, he felt he had the right to be angry. 
He had heard yelling. 
“So, shut up and let me finish.”
It sounded dangerously close to “so, shut up and die already” and was definitely coming from the same person. 
Crowley was dizzy with anger. 
He ran through the apartment and down the stairs. 
“Gabriel, I’m not going back--”
“You’re a pretty pathetic angel, you know that? You barely do what you’re told for millenia, you interfere with the Great Plan so that you can keep shacking up with your demon, and now you’re refusing to follow our judicial process? We’re trying to throw you a life line. Another trial, and you’re in everyone’s good graces again.”
“But I won’t really be in anyone’s good graces again, will I?”
“Of course not! It’ll just be on paperwork. Do you know how many people up there never want to see you again? You’ve made everyone miserable--”
Crowley nearly tripped over a book as he ran to Aziraphale’s side, but he recovered. Gabriel rolled his eyes. 
“Great, it’s here, too.”
Aziraphale glared. 
“Whatever you’re trying to get Aziraphale to do,” Crowley began, but paused when he realized he didn’t know where he was going with his sentence. “Just stop it.” 
He bared his teeth, hoping that made up for his weak threat. 
It didn’t. 
Gabriel looked as if he were going to say something to him, but then shook his head and turned back to Aziraphale. 
“This isn’t something you can say no to,” he said. 
“And yet here I am, saying no,” Aziraphale said. 
“It’s a real miracle you haven’t fallen yet. You should have been sent down centuries ago.” Gabriel glanced at Crowley. “Maybe it would have been more to your taste and then you wouldn’t have wasted all our time.”
“Get out.”
“If you don’t show up for this trial soon, I’ll be back and I won’t be so kind.”
“Get out!”
Suddenly, a serpent was pulling itself up to hiss in Gabriel’s face. 
Gabriel stumbled back. The serpent followed from the floor, wrapping itself around Gabriel’s shoes and feigning a few jabs up at him.  
“I’ll be back,” Gabriel said, grabbing the door handle and trying not to fall over the snake. 
There was another hiss. Gabriel almost lost his hand before he escaped through the door. 
The shop was quiet.
Aziraphale sighed shakily and ran his hands through his hair. Crowley walked back to his side. 
“Are you alright, angel?”
His eyes were filling with tears. “No. I’m not.”
Crowley took him in his arms and peppered the top of his head with kisses. 
“This isn’t ever going to end is it?” Aziraphale sniffled. 
Crowley tightened his hold. 
“It will eventually,” he said. “And until then we’ll keep driving archangels out of here. We’ll do it for as long as we need to. I’ll do whatever to keep you safe. You don’t have to stand up to them alone anymore.”
“Yes, but you’re hardly intimidating unless you’re a snake.”
Crowley pulled back to look at his angel. He knew that, but Aziraphale didn’t need to say it.
“And,” Aziraphale went on, wiping at his wet cheeks. “What if someone were around to see what just happened? It’d be a nightmare with animal control. I’d have to get a muzzle for you.”
“I know you’re trying to use humor to cope, but I’m going to say right now that if you ever get a muzzle for me when I’m a serpent, I will tear up your favorite books as a person. I am not above eating them.” Crowley scoffed. “A muzzle. That’s humiliating.”
Aziraphale laughed. It was genuine, though it ended in more sniffling. Crowley smiled. 
“There we go,” he said, kissing Aziraphale on the forehead. “That’s better.” 
“I’m sorry. I’m being silly. It’s just overwhelming at this point.”
“You’re not being silly. You’ve been through a lot because of those guys. They literally tried killing you.” 
Aziraphale took a deep breath, collecting himself. Crowley miracled a handkerchief and wiped away the tears. 
“Should we close early for the day?” They had only been open for an hour. “We can go back to bed for a while and order in for lunch. After that, we can do whatever you want.”
“That sounds wonderful, my dear.” 
Crowley lead him upstairs. They miracled back into their pajamas and curled up together in their usual positions. Crowley laid against Aziraphale’s chest, and Aziraphale pressed his nose into Crowley’s hair. They held each other tight, savoring the silence for a few minutes. 
“Do they even make muzzles for snakes?” Crowley grimaced. 
“Oh, there’s little tricks for makeshift ones for short-term use. There’s plenty of resources on the internet.”
“Why do you know that?” 
Aziraphale closed his eyes. Crowley propped himself up on his elbow. 
“Angel, why are you researching how to make snake muzzles. Angel, answer me I know you’re not asleep. Angel!”
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The Most Pt. 1
A/N: Okay so this is my first ever John Wick fic! In a nutshell, it’s basically like a mentor X student AU. I don’t know why but i couldn’t get that idea out of my head and i really wanted to write it, so here! It’s called The Most bc it reminds me of the song with the same title from Miley Cryrus’s new EP. I wouldn’t say the fic is inspired by the song, not entirely at least, but idk to me it just vibes with it (if that makes any sense? i feel like once the second part is out it might make more sense?). This fic is intended to have a second part so that shall also be posted shortly as i have another mini John Wick fic i wanna start and i also want to write the second part to my short Spider-Man fic. I’m so excited about this story y’all! I hope you all enjoy it! As always, feedback is always appreciated. Without further ado, enjoy! :))))
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Words: 2.7k+
Today marks the fourth and a half year that you’ve been under John Wick’s tutelage. Only six more months left and John will have had completed his marker. Initially, John was rather reluctant to be your instructor but the marker held by your father gave him no other choice but to abide by your father’s request to turn you into a formidable assassin. Who better to teach you than the infamous John Wick himself?
In the beginning of your training journey, John didn’t bother to hide his reluctance in your father’s request. This made things rather difficult until one day you decided to confront him about his behavior. He was in his study, probably searching for a way to get out of having to train you, when you knocked to let your presence be known then proceeded to enter.
“Evening, Mr. Wick, call me crazy, but I’m getting an inkling that you don’t want to train me.”
He scoffed.
“Believe me, I get it. I bet you’d really rather not have me intercepting with your lonesome peace and quiet but the bottom line is that I have to do this too and I have to learn it all to be as good as you. Maybe not exactly as good as you, but good enough to have me not die immediately as that would be, despite your current opinion of me, quite upsetting.”
He silently glared at you for a long minute, still not very much pleased with his current situation, “Why do you want to do this?”
“Want, who said anything about want? You may be bound by a marker, Mr. Wick, but I’m bound by my family to learn and master everything that there is to know about how to thrive in this lifestyle to survive in it.”
The room remained uncomfortably silent for sometime but you still didn’t falter in your stance.
“Before me who did you train with?” he asked.
“Well I was being trained in Krav Maga by Gabriel Avdeyev for some time but he and my family had a falling out and-–”
“I heard,” he sighed. “.... Based on the results of your initial assessment you have a lot to improve on. For starters, the way you initiate your attacks are okay but they will need to be refined or you will be killed. Get some rest. Tomorrow at dawn we will continue your training.”
Despite knowing John couldn’t actually purposely hurt or kill you, he was still very intimidating and the confrontation was rather hard to execute. But, it paid off.
Training with the notorious John Wick also meant living with him and sometimes that involved taking care of each other. Along with being a good fighter and shooter, John also stressed that one needs to know how to properly patch themselves up. He’s given you medical lessons before but to really teach you, one night he decided to not go to his usually doctor for a patch up but to go directly to you instead and see what you’ve retained from your lessons. When that great idea struck him it was in the middle of the night and he gave you quite a fright when he went into your room all bloody. You almost shot him with the gun you had hidden under your pillow if it weren’t for his quick reflexes which actually made you feel really impressed considering he was critically injured.
“Are you serious, John?” you asked, rather irked at being abruptly awoken at three in the morning.
“No, I’m bleeding. Now get up, this is part of your training. Time to see how much you’ve retained from those medical lessons,” he grunted as another pang of pain struck his lower abdomen.
You promptly threw your covers over your body and got out of bed before leading him to the bathroom where the first aid kit was kept. After finding the source of his bleeding you unbuttoned his shirt and got to work. Under the circumstances, seeing John shirtless wasn’t at all awkward. However, ogling his exposed chest was the last thing on you mind considering how he was bleeding an awful lot from his lower abdomen.
“Jesus what did they nick you with? This looks really bad,” you comment as you inspect the wound.
“Broken bottle of champagne. Try to avoid those in the future, they can be pretty tricky to fix.”
“Yeah, no shit,” you proceeded to clean the wound and remove any stray traces of glass, subconsciously taking quick glances at him whenever he winced. “Do you need anything for the pain?”
“Do you happen to have bourbon in any of these cabinets?”
“No, but I wouldn’t really recommend that considering how alcohol consumption can actually thin your blood out and make you bleed more.”
“But it does help with the pain.”
“Mmmmm, I’d still wager more on the pills designed specifically for that.”
John huffed. At this point you’re finally starting to stitch up his wound but his pained grunts make it a little difficult to focus.
“Are you okay?”
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing I’m not used to.”
“That’s so sad, John,” you paused to briefly glance at him. “Also super broody. We get it, you’re a badass.”
“A bad ass? That seems rude,” he sarcastically replied.
“Oh, my god, you’re actually joking with me for the second time this night. Don’t think I missed that dad joke earlier with the ‘No, I’m bleeding,’” you imitated his gruff voice and lightly laughed. “Good one, John.”
The small smile subconsciously remained on your face for a few seconds longer and John couldn’t help but admire how nicely it adorned your face. You caught him vaguely looking at you but simply assumed blood loss had something to do with the way he was looking at you. He turned away before you could even question your hypothesis.
“Well, we’re all done now. With the abdomen wound at least,” you noticed he’s also bleeding from his head and move to inspect it but his hands reached out and gently grabbed your wrists.
“It’s alright, (Y/N), I can take care of the rest, you’ve done good with the ugliest of them.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, John, I’m here now and I’ve got this for you.”
Never one to waste words, John remained silent which you took as a go ahead.
Thankfully the injuries on his head were nothing more than a few small cuts. At least on that night they were. Some nights John would come back with much rougher cuts, clearly showing that whoever he had fought had certainly put up a good fight but not quite good enough to best John Wick. Still, not only did cleaning his injuries provide you with insights to his battles, it helped you both establish a sense of trust between you two.  
After that night, rather than go to his usual doctor John began going straight to you for his patch ups. Could he have chosen to start going to you simply because it’s quicker than stopping by The Continental first and then home? Possibly. The reason for him basically appointing you as his patch up doc never really came up but you didn’t really care. By then your affection and attachment to John was beginning to grow so you didn’t mind being the one to help him feel better after a difficult job. Not to mention that tending to his wounds meant having a good excuse to touch him. Not while overstepping your boundaries, of course, but sometimes it was just nice to be able to be able to grab his hands without it being weird. Tending to the cuts on his face was something you always saved for last. It was your chance to really admire his facial features up close while simultaneously healing it. Sometimes you were so gentle with him that he actually managed to doze off and you were able to tell when it happened because he’d look so relaxed and serene. When you had to wake him up, although you didn’t want to but you knew he’d sleep much more comfortably in his bed than in a stiff chair, he’d always apologize for falling asleep which in effect often lead you both to joke about it. However, you swear that you caught him blushing the first few times it happened and when it did it just felt so, human…
You and John have really come a long way in terms of tolerating each other and actually bonding together. You both truly did. Because John is your instructor and you are over a decade younger than him, your relationship with him was purely professional. However, after about two years of training with him, your feelings for him continued to evolve into a much more stronger and different kind of admiration.
Are you in love with The Baba Yaga?
The answer to that would be a very strong perhaps. When you and John were briefed on the deal of the marker, you were supposed to learn about weapons training, fighting forms, assassination techniques, melee weapons training, etc. You were to learn how to become a proficient and deadly assassin, such as John, not about love or anything else that might be considered a weakness.
You hardly ever give yourself the chance to ponder on your feelings for John, much less at the possibility that he could possess the same feelings of affection towards you. It’s not as if you believe that the less you think or talk about it the less real it is, you aren’t that naive. You’ve simply decided long ago that you’re not going to act on your feelings for John. Love or anything remotely close to that is just not in the cards for people like you and John. At least that’s what you keep repeating to yourself.
Still, with your training nearing to an end you’ve been feeling really glum about it. Training with the notorious John Wick hasn’t been easy but living with and falling in love with the real man behind the legend was so foolishly easy. John is an extremely proficient killer, that much is true, but he is also a man. John is a man with dry humor, a latent love for the simpler things in life, a fun penchant for stunt driving and cars, kind and gentle eyes, and, surprisingly but also not really, a man of a very chivalrous nature. Despite the initial turbulence in your mentor-student relationship, you and John inevitably became good friends which really allowed you to see him under a different light. He often took you out to nice dinners claiming that he wanted a change of scenery from an uneventful day or simply because you did very well while training. Either way you enjoyed your outings with him and also simply appreciated being in an entirely different place, not being reminded of the person you’re supposed to become. However whenever you got injured while training to become that person, John would actually help patch you up. Although he’s taught you how to do so yourself, John would claim the medical lessons were mainly for when you are by yourself and have no one to help you and he’d remind you that he’s there with you now. Which is pretty similar to what you’ve told him the first time you helped patch him up now that you think of it. For an assassin who’s extremely well known for his brutal techniques and merciless takedowns, it astounded you to learn that the same man can also be so gentle. You’re not even officially leaving yet but you already know just how badly you’re going to miss John Wick.
In spite of yourself choosing to not focus on a particular set of feelings held for a particular person, today your brain can’t help but do the exact opposite. Today, John decided to focus more on Brazilian Jui-Jitsu. Little to your knowledge, John actually enjoys training you in this fighting form because these techniques allow a weaker or smaller attacker to successfully overpower a stronger opponent by manipulating the human body and redirecting it’s force. Therefore, if you do it right, you could use the opponent's strength against them and take them down. Usually you do very well in this form of martial arts but today John is able to tell you’re not fully there with him. Although John is very good at Brazilian Jui-Jitsu you’re level of skill is practically on par with his as well and you’re current struggle to beat him is alerting him.
Currently, John has you in locked in a rear choke hold on the ground, with one arm wrapped around your neck, his other arm around your free arm, and one leg wrapped around your other arm preventing you from breaking free. You struggle for a few seconds, realizing there’s no use, he’s already one this match, and grunt in frustration. John loosens his grip around you but doesn’t fully release you yet, he brings his lips close to your ear, “What’s wrong?”
The feel of his breath on your skin sends shivers down your spine, yet you quickly and physically swat those thoughts to the side and shake your head, “Right now you have me in a choke hold and I can’t get out of it, John. I don’t know about you but this seems like a pretty big issue for me.”
John instantly releases his grip on you and rises up, he’s about to lend you a hand to get up as well but you’ve already beaten him to that.
“That’s not what I meant, (Y/N). Tell me, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” you insist. “What makes you think something’s wrong?”
“For starters, I’ve been kicking your ass in this all day when I know I’ve taught you better than that. And for another, you just seem very distracted today.”  
John is as perceptive as he is deadly, which is why you don’t bother lying to him again and instead insist on continuing to train.
You look down for a second before looking up, making sure to avoid his concerned gaze, “Look, John, do you mind if we just call it in for the day?”
“Something is wrong,” he states.
“John,” you impatiently groan.   
“Why won’t you just tell me what the issue is?”
“Because there’s nothing you can do about it!” you snap and instantly regret it, rubbing at your temples. “Okay, I did not mean to say it like that. I’m sorry. I just need to cool off right now, John…”
This time you don’t wait for permission and simply walk away, however, John doesn’t try to stop you either. Not because he doesn’t care, quite the contrary in fact. Concerned and confused, John intently watches you head towards your room. He begins to trail after you but halts in his steps deciding that right now the  best option would be to give you your space. Still, John can’t help but wonder about what could possibly be troubling your mind so much and why you refuse to speak of it.
He glances one last time in the direction you previously walked in before heading towards the kitchen and serving himself a shot of bourbon.
“You can’t do anything about it!” your words replay in his mind.
“She’ll tell me when she’s ready,” he mentally tells himself. “We’ll figure it out then.”
John downs two more shots, currently finding it difficult to dwindle his concern and thoughts of you, before taking off in the direction of his room. He encounters the door to your bedroom on his way and halts at the entrance. He balls his hand into a fist and raises it to knock on your door but slowly brings it down and proceeds to head to his room. After finally entering his room, he gives your door one last glance before closing his door and retreating to his room for the remainder of the day.
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charliesshitposts · 5 years
Supernatural Omens (part one)
The nice and inaccurate prophecies of someone,somewhere about something that never happened. A fan fiction.
Warnings: none :) feel free to read this in front of your family and pets.
Word count: idk but it’ll probably take you less than 30 minutes to read.
  From across the tent the demon gave the angel a look that let him know it was time to leave. Both of them, covered in cake, fled towards the Bentley parked by the bushes.Safely inside, they exchanged worried looks.Crowley, the demon, smoothed his shirt down. In the process he accidentally smeared the cake all over his hands. Aziraphale,the angel,on the other hand, calmly wiped the bits of cake off him with a cloth napkin. After a moment of silence,Aziraphale said “Well that didn’t go as we planned.”
 “No it did not.”Agreed Crowley.”And now we have bigger problems on our hands.The boy we’ve been taking care of all these years wasn’t the one we were supposed to be looking after.All of this was practically time wasted.”
  “Now now we didn’t know.”The angel said comfortingly. His good nature had him trying to see th positive in this situation.”We don’t know where he is but we do know he’s in England. That narrows our search down tremendously.”
  “England is freaking huge! Do you honestly expect us to find him in time to convince him to not go through with the apocalypse that is destined to happen in exactly seven days?”
 Aziraphale sighed and leaned his head back against the head rest. Finally in a low whisper he asked.”So what are we going to do? I somehow feel responsible for everything that's going to happen. Bloody prophecy!”
  “Alright chill out.”Crowley said.” There’s no need to use that word.There is still a way to fix this but we’re going to need help from others.”
  “Sure.”scoffed Aziraphale.”Who would want to help us? Who would believe us? Nobody.”
  “Ahh don’t be so quick to talk my friend.You’d be surprised at how many people work with these kind of situations.”When the angel didn’t say anything about this Crowley rolled his eyes and continued.”There is a way we can get the help we need. I know of experts that have dealt withsimilar situations but sadly they are nowhere near us. Have you ever heard of those witches who were able to open portals to alternate worlds?”Aziraphale nodded his head quickly. Crowley smiled.”Excellent.The experts I’m referring to live in an alternate world. In the States. Their world isn’t much different than ours except that they have an infestation of supernatural beings among them. They’re not doing anything right now so I say we whip up a spell, open a portal, and try to talk them into coming back here to aid us.”
  It didn’t take much to convince Aziraphale. He figured that with the little time they had left, any attempt to get help was better than no attempt at all. With both of them on board, they set off for Crowleys flat. Crowley ,after doing a mental recap of everything he owned, realized he didn’t have certain ingredients for opening the portal. They made six stops before finally arriving at his flat. After stirring,crushing,and sprinkling ingredients into a metal tin, they successfully opened a portal.
  Crowley pressed his ear closely to hear for noise,but he didn’t hear anything.”They’re probably sleeping. Nows our chance. Let’s go.” He helped the angel step over the portal, which shut as soon as demon stepped through it.
  ‘Today’s agenda calls for absolutely nothing.’ Thought the angel Castiel.’Which is a first.It’s rainy too. Our day off could not have come on a better day. I’ll make breakfast for Sam,Dean and Jack. Oh and Gabriel is coming over later on too! We’ll probably do a movie marathon like last time. I hope we get to see Kill Bill volume one and two. Dean will prefer that much over a musical. The last time I made him sit through Hairspray he fell asleep.’
  The smell coming from the pans Cas was using roamed the hallways. It was intoxicatingly delicious. Sam had taught him the basics of cooking. Everything else he had taught himself by reading cook books and watching cooking shows on the Food Network. Right now the angel had eggs in one pan, hash browns in another and bacon in a small pan. Before he had set himself to cook he had squeezed fresh oranges into a pitcher. The orange juice sat next to him on the counter with ice and pulp floating at the top, just like Dean and Jack liked it.
  Recently they had ditched styrofoam plates and cups and had gone out to purchase ceramic dishes. Elegantly Castiel placed the food onto each plate. Jack had gotten into the disgusting habit of having his eggs with ketchup. Cas, although he hated it, embraced the nepheilims weird quirks. Suddenly he heard the creak of the floor in the library.’They must be up’ he mused. He brought our Jack and Sams plate first. He carried forks and napkins in one pocket of his trench coat and the ketchup bottle in the other.
  “Good morning guys! I hope your hungry because I’ve made-”his own scream cut him off. The plates slipped from his grip, shattering onto the floor. Food spilled every which way. It was actually quite impressive, the distance in which the food had landed at. A bacon strip laid on the tip of a boot. The Demon that owned the boot picked the bacon up, dusted it off and bit into it. He smirked at Castiel, who at the sight of this grew tense.
  “Wh-Who are you?!?” Exclaimed Cas.
   Crowley, acting as the spokes person for Aziraphale and himself, calmly rose to his feet.”We have never met before but we know very well who you and your friends are. My name is Crowley-”
  “No that’s impossible.”Interjected Castiel.”Crowley is dead.”
  “Maybe the Crowley in your world, darling. But I am very much alive, for now.Anyways, I’m a demon.” Cas opened his mouth to speak again but Crowley quickly stopped him.”I’m sure you’re Crowley was a demon too.”
  “King of hell. But before that he was a crossroads demon. And he was British, too..But No.”Castiel shook his head.”No you are an entirely different type of demon. You..you caused the fall of mankind.”
  Crowley hissed.”Guilty”He chuckled.”And this lovely celestial being standing next to me is Aziraphale.”
  Upon hearing his name Aziraphale extended his hand so Cas could take it. “Pleasure meeting you. I gotta say,I love that there are more of us out there. Castiel,is it?” Cas, instead of shaking Aziraphales hand, stood there staring at the other angels hand.
  “I’m sorry.”Apologized the seraph.”I’m sorry but i’m just having a really hard time acknowledging your presence. I better..um..”
  “Get the others?” Suggested Crowley.
  “Ye-yeah.”stuttered out Cas.”Yeah them. Hang on while I go get them.” His natural instincts made him rush towards Deans room. Dean was always his go to when things were wrong.
  Dean was sound asleep under a small layer of blankets. He liked to sleep in a fetal position, hugging a pillow between his arms and legs. Cas ignored Dean’s previous warnings about waking him up. He barged through the door and shook his friend awake.
  “Dean! Dean wake up! Wake up and get your gun! We have company.”
  Still half asleep Dean slowly sat up. He stretched his arms way up high above his head, then he stretched his legs until they cracked. Tiredly he rubbed his eyes.”Mmm. I’m sorry Cas I didn’t get a word of what you said. Could you be a lamb and repeat it for me?” His voice came out raspy.
  Castiel growled.”I said wake up and get your gun. We have unwanted visitors in the library. The snake that caused the fall of mankind is here. And he’s with someone that claims to be an angel, but I have never seen him or heard of him before.”
  Dean smiled cheekily at his friend.”So this snake, what’s it look like?”
  Castiel glared furiously. If there was one thing he hated, it was not being taken seriously. Especially when he was having a panic attack, which at the moment, he was. Deans smile soon faded.
  “Oh man you’re not kidding. Alright alright i’m coming.” In a flash he got dressed into the clothes he had worn the night before. He took quite a bit untangling his shirt from his flannel. When everything was on he and Castiel went towards the younger Winchesters room.Sam was already awake. He sat at the edge of his bed yawning. His hair was matted from the back,and there was still a shed of blood from last nights hunt on his cheek. Neither Cas nor Dean addressed it.
  When Dean walked into the room he said.”Oh good. You’re up. We have a situation. A snake and an angel are in the library. They say they want to talk to us.”
  “Snake?”Sam asked, clearly confused.
  “No.”Cas sighed.”He can take the form of a snake but he’s actually a demon. He look’s human though. He must be inside someone, using them as a vessel.”
  Dean nodded.”Okay.So this demon named..”
  The eldest Winchesters eyes widened.”Crowley,huh? Wow. Small world.”
  Sam looked over at Castiel ,who was just about ready as explode.”Cas,what’s the angels name?”
  “Aziraphale. Neither of them are from here, from this world.”
  “Out of towners huh?”Dean walked towards Sams night stand and picked up a silver pistol.”I say we do the right thing and go out to introduce ourselves. What do you say, boys?”
  “Wait Dean.”said Sam.”What about Jack?He startles easily. What if you actually have to use that gun on one of them. It’ll wake him up.”
  Dean sighed in frustration.”I’ll drag them to our dungeon and kick both their butts in silence. Now come on, get dressed.” 
  Sam changed into jeans and a long sleeve. He had always been the kind of person that got cold easily so he plopped a jacket on.The way they walked in to meet their visitors were as follows. Dean, the pistol pointing forward at all times, led the little line. Then followed Sam, an angel blade hidden in the inside pocket of his jacket. Then, walking slowly behind them trembling, was Cas. A demon blade in the pocket of his trench coat. The ketchup bottle ,napkins and forks had been left behind in Sam’s room.
  Dean, noticing the change in his friend, whispered.”Cas, get behind me buddy. I got you.” Castiel obeyed and stepped behind Dean. 
  Crowley broke off from the conversation he was having with Aziraphale to look up at them. He saw Dean, pistol in hand, and laughed.”Oh please you can put your weapon away. We’re here to talk business not fight.”
  “How about I keep the gun out just in case one of you make a false move?”Dean suggested.
  “You could do that but you honestly wont be needing it. We mean you no harm.”
  Sam scoffed.”If you mean us no harm then how come Castiel’s feels tense just by being in the same room as you two?”
  “He’s just scared about the fact that Crowley is who he is.” said Aziraphale.
  The cocky demon strode over towards the terrified seraph who didn’t dare to look up. Crowley put both hands on Cas’ shoulders and shook him a little.”Aye boy ease up. I’m not here to hurt you.” That last sentence ended with a snakes hiss. Cas jolted.
  Through clenched teeth the seraph said.”Why are you guys here?” 
   Aziraphale straightened his vest out.”We heard you have expertise hunting the um, supernatural?We would like your help dealing with something relevant to that. In seven days an eleven year old boy will start the apocalypse in our world like the prophecy foretells. We need your help finding him and convincing him to not go through with this.”
  “Who exactly is this eleven year old?”asked Sam
  “He’s the son of the devil.”
  “Whoa.”chuckled Dean.”Deja Vu.”
  “We don’t know much about what’s to come but with your help i’m sure we can stop this before it starts.”
  “Where’s the boy?” Sam asked, he seemed to be the only one intrigued.
  “Somewhere in England. Where exactly,we don’t know.”
  Crowley,with an arm wrapped tightly around Cas’ shoulder, said.”If you could make up your mind on wether you’ll help us or not within the next 5 minutes that would be just lovely.”
  Aziraphale glared at his friend. He turned to his new friends and smiled.”I’m sorry for all of this. We’re sort of on the clock.”
  Dean waved Sam over for a group huddle with Cas. Meanwhile Crowley and Aziraphale circled into their own huddle. What they talked about was insignificant.
  “So what do you think?”Dean asked Sam. 
  “I think we should do it.”answered Sam quickly.
  “I think so too. I would say no if the apocalypse was months away. I’d tell them they have plenty of time to solve whatever they need to solve. But seven days away? They’re desperate. Plus someone clearly knows about us in their world or else they would have never come to us.”
  “Dean-”protested Cas.
  “Cas,please.” growled the elder Winchester.
  “No you please!”When he saw that neither him nor sam would budge, Cas threw his hands up in the air.”Alright whatever. If you wanna go on this murder road trip with the snake from the forbidden tree be my guest. I’m not going.”He turned and stomped off. Over his shoulder he yelled,”And Jack isn’t coming either!”
  “Cas!”Dean called out.”Cas! For crying out loud. Sammy,could you keep them entertained while I smack some sense into Castiel.”
  With Sam talking to the Angel and the Demon,Dean went looking for the Seraph. He found him in the kitchen packing away the breakfast he had made that morning. It had grown cold from staying out for too long. Dean stopped at the door, momentarily pausing to watch Cas angrily put food away in Tupperwares. He only spoke when Castiel angrily slammed the fridge door shut.
  “Hey! That fridge is as old as you. Take care of it.”
  With his back turned  Cas sighed heavily.”I can’t do this Dean. I can’t I-I thought we were going to take a well deserved vacation. I thought I wasn’t going to have to kill anybody for a really long time. Now everything I had planned for our vacation has gone out the window.”
  “I know how you feel, buddy.” admitted Dean.”I understand. But what has been our purpose throughout all these years?”
  “....Saving people.”
  “Okay. Now that that’s in your head I want you to think about the burden of rejecting a chance to help save millions. Not tens, not hundreds, millions, Castiel. Do you think you can live with that weight on your shoulders? The weight of being responsible for letting all those innocent people die? The weight of knowing you could have done something but opted for not lifting a finger to help?”
  Cas stayed silent for what felt liked forever before finally sighing out heavily.”I couldn’t live with myself if I let that happen.”
  “Atta boy!”Exclaimed Dean.”Look,I promise that after this we will take that vacation. Maybe even in England.”
  A smile crept on the corner of Cas’ lips.”That sound like fun.”
  Dean smiled.”And I know how you feel about Crowley. Don’t worry,I’ll deal with it. If at anytime you feel intimidated by him you don’t think twice about coming to me or Sam.”
Cas nodded,smiling fully now.”Okay. Thank you Dean.”
“That’s What I’m here for.”
“But wait! What about Gabe?”
“I’ve already taken care of it. On my way over here I texted him,explained the situation and he said he’ll be on standby in case we need him. He’ll be here in an hour to house sit.”
“That’s great. Already I feel better. Oh wait that still leaves one issue. What are we going to do about Jack? I don’t trust that Gabriel will take care of him well.”
“He’s been really good lately.” Noted Dean.”We should take him with us. He’s the son of the devil over here,maybe he’ll bond with the son of the devil over in England.”
Almost as if on cue Sam and Jack appeared at the door. Jack wore a jean jacket with a red shirt underneath. He looked his usual cheery self. He had already been told what was happening.”I want to come,guys.” Jack said.”I’ll listen to all your rules,promise.”
“I’m sure you will kid.” Dean smiled.”You can come. Just do us a favor?”
“You’ve met the two strangers in the library,right?”
“Yes I have. Aziraphale is really nice.”
“I’m glad you think so. Stick with him and with us alright? I don’t want you alone with Crowley until I know for sure he’s trustworthy.”
Sam smiled.”So it’s settled?”
“Excellent.” Said Aziraphale,who was standing at the entrance to the kitchen.”You have 5 minutes to pack. Pack lightly.”
With everyone’s clothes for the next 7 days packed into a duffle bags,team free Will was ready to go. They watched as Crowley and Aziraphale prepared the spell to open the portal again. They thanked the Winchester’s plenty for having everything at their disposal. Once the portal was open,it was go time.
“Here we go.” Cas said anxiously.
Crowley gestured towards the portal. “After you.”
Dean,Sam and Jack followed the Seraph. And just like before,the portal closed as soon as the demon stepped through.
That’s it for part one! I’ll be uploading a new chapter every Monday 💜 Stay tuned!
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zoe-oneesama · 6 years
Oh my FUCKING god all of your thoughts on the new episode please
What a fucking train wreck. That’s the summary.
(Un)luckily I sent my play by play commentary to my discord, so I can retranscribe it here with more detail. Soooo this will be like…stream of consciousness. 
Instantly put off by Once a Villain Always a Villain Bourgeois. Betch, you were akumatized twice and are scheduled to go a third time. You are the dumbest person to be saying this.
Why am I subjected to Nathalie’s bullshit. Gabriel cares about his family! Refuses to spend time with Adrien unless he’s painfully guilt tripped into it (Adrien falling [x] stories in free fall). I’ve grown to care about Adrien! Does nothing to convince his father to actually listen to him or help rearrange his schedule for a social life. I never thought I’d come to feel this way about Gabriel! Me fucking either, you were terrified of him in Bubbler.
Plagg of ALL characters implying that Gabriel has somehow grown in compassion because he played piano that one time and let’s Adrien watch his mom’s movie. I could see Adrien making those excuses for his dad, but Plagg???
Actually Plagg sucked this whole episode. He was the victim of OOC this time around. Ladybug “stood Chat Noir up”? That’s wasn’t your tone when it happened! (”She never said she would come”). Or the implication that Ladybug being in love with someone else is a fault of hers??? Just..ugh.
Anyway I know they’re only trying to give Gabriel more cheerleader lines from other characters to “build” to his redemption. I see what you’re doing there because you did it with Chloe. It’s not working.
The Earth leaves it’s orbit at a crazy rate. We’d all be dead. No survivors.
Oh as if 2465x flashbacks weren’t enough to totally waste everyone’s time, they show all but Queen Bee’s and Ladybug’s (normal) transformation. All of them. Even Hawkmoth. Chat Noir even went twice.
Chloe demanding to know why Ladybug hasn’t brought her her miraculous, boasting that she’s “Nicer than everyone”, and then following up with clips of her being an asshole…I guess they just stopped altogether pretending she’s become a better person???
Oh wait, they follow with that one time she helped in Despair Bear and Maledictator. So I guess they are still pretending. EXCEPT they forgot where she went back to bullying people at the end of Despair Bear or that time she crashed a train as Queen Bee
Except they kinda did remember. Because in their “Me and Chat Fight real good now” Flashback they showed Queen Wasp. Idiots. They also had the audacity to show Queen Wasp after Chloe repeats her Once a Villain Always a Villain bullshit.
Oh and fan favorite Stormy Weather? Badass Akuma? Who summoned a fucking volcano? She was dealt with off screen somewhere. Well sorta off screen, we got Clara the Reporter (because we needed two characters named Clara, it worked so well with Vincent!) giving us a play by play except not really. So that’s satisfying.
And then instead of wrapping up that O a V A a Villain BS or idk giving Aurore an ARC, jk we’re gonna zip over to the Agreste Mansion.
This whole episode was supposed to be about how far everyone’s come and how much everyone’s changed (they haven’t) yet Adrien’s compliment for Ladybug is how much she…doesn’t change??? What???
Aaaaand that misdirect. That fuck up. That Adrien World Class Moron Moment. We will not be discussing that, it’s just insulting. To me and Adrien.
This episode fails in like…27 different ways.
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myfanfictiongarden · 5 years
The fact that the season 3 finale Miraculous Queen is supposed to make the audience cry just like the ML crew did makes me wonder what we are about to get... especially when there already exists an episode that apparently had everything you wished for (and never thought coming). An episode that pretty much changed everything. I’m talking about Queen’s Battle: Queen Wasp. After re-watching it I stand by the opinion that this was one of the greatest things to happen. 
(Now bear with me, this is gonna be a looong post, but you will see why)
Time for a quick recap!
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We first see Gabriel talking to Emille (!!!) making it already the second time- first was in Style Queen- we see her in person. In the very end of Gorizilla we were shown some odd place that was apparently under the Agreste mansion, but now we know this is the place where Emille is, APPARENTLY IN SOME MAGICAL SLEEP!!! freaking talk about shocking opening. And to make it more gutt wrenching Gabriel decides (after the events of Style Queen) that he won’t risk endangering their son’s life and takes off his Miraculous, and GIVES UP THE FIGHT TO SAVE THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE AND LEAVES FOR HIS OFFICE COMPLETELY BROKEN 
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do I even have to talk about this scene? never thought an simple hug would ever mess up so much
while it was wonderful to see Marinette enjoy having her design be in the spotlight
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the next unexpected thing is even greater as we see Gabriel suddenly appeared on the scene, slowly going towards an completely surprised Adrien AND THEN THEY HUG! all the people around are forgotten and ADRIEN IS JUST SO HAPPY
Nadia Chamack mentions Gabriel hasn’t had any appearances in the public for over a year ever since his wife disappeared (makes you wonder what the public thinks has happened, I mean they both are known public figures)
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it is interesting seeing Gabriel interact with other people as we see he and Audrey are well aquatinted
You may not like Gabriel and his parenting, but Audrey makes him look like parent-of-the-year, and you start to realize in just what an position Chloe spend her childhood
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I can’t blame Chloe for doing the stupidest and most dangerous thing because we now know she has been ignored and called “un-special” by her mother probably more then once
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For everybody wondering why Gabriel decided to go back to villain-business that quickly: a spoiled girl he knows well just presented a Miraculous in front of him, a Miraculous he did not know was in Paris, and not only could he use an unloved and spoiled girl (with a Miraculous) as an powerful victim, this all also meant there must somewhere be a place with even more Miraculous to grab nearby WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY (This car drive must have been awkward with both of them actually waiting to go in action, but both of them are so collected, you see they are father and son. )Also, the first thing Adrien does is say how he hopes Chloe won’t do anything rushingly as he does know her well and truly is concerned
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Chloe going to arrange an train accident and calling the reporters to come and broadcast her saving people is the lowest Chloe has ever done, and you know this is going to be an turning point
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Getting bashed like that in front of cameras and by her own mother (who is a world famous fashion critic) could only further Chloe’s despair
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And here comes Hawkmoth, offering her a way to prove herself and she accepts because she doesn’t see another way
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And now one of my favorite scenes in this show. Queen Wasp is defeated and Chloe is standing there with the Bee Miraculous in her hand begging Ladybug to give her a second chance while at the same time Audrey repeats to the reporters what a waste of time her daughter is, but Ladybug and Chat Noir do offer her a second chance, a chance to stand by her mistakes and like a real hero learn from it. Chloe not only gives her Miraculous willingly back, she also apologizes and by it truly becomes closer a hero. (do I smell a possible redemption for Hawkmoth?)
Marinette too grows by deciding to help Chloe confront her mother
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This scene. Chloe needs so much courage to ask this simple question, and you see the toil she takes up. „Why don’t you love me, mother?” THAT WAS FREAKING SAD! (especially as we see that her mother is not capable to love her the way Chloe needs her to, the only thing they bond over is how bossy they both are)
We then cut to Gabriel once again talking to Emille about how Ladybug made a mistake he can use in the future and how soon they’ll be together once more. (idk the right wording, but I’m sure he calls her “my love”) Back in the office Nathalie appears and asks him what about his decision to stop being HM, to which he responds that he can’t stop as he misses her (Emille) too much.
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Now, while Nathalie at first nodes in understanding after exiting the room there is a huge change in her. She leans on the closed door nearly out of breath, her whole usually emotionless manner gone, AND THE LINES ON THE DOOR BEHIND HER LOOK LIKE A PEACOCK TAIL! 
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foreshadowing at it’s best
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The episode ends with Marinette reflecting on how she won’t leave Paris any time soon as her heart hangs too much on it. So, why did I do that long a recap? To talk about the following things:
1.) there is a huge focus on Chloé for a reason. In s1 she starts off as a spoiled, rich and bossy girl that you dislike the moment she first appears on screen, and yet ever since Antibug (where she is genuinely happy that Sabrina is her friend again) there have been hints that she may have a hidden good side to her. And season 2 follows that path further with Despair Bear where she seriously re-thinks her behavior (true, it’s only because Adrien says they can’t be friends if she continues to be so mean to everyone, but it is a beginning), Zombiezou has her apologize the first time ever (she not only apologized to Mmd. Bustier but also prevented Ladybug to be “kissed”), and then there is this three episodes of Queens Battle which all further her development. She tries to save Adrien from Style Queen while at the same time helping Ladybug to defeat her, she then hits the lowest after being ignored by her own mother and scolded by the hero she looks up to only to face the consequences and make the first steps in becoming a hero by giving her Miraculous back- despite her mother still calling her waste of time, and finally while fighting Maledictator she admits of feeling useless and unloved only to be assured by Ladybug that no one is useless and that even she can have a purpose. Chloé fell into the spoiled brat role because her mother ignores her and her father spoils her, and being a brat is the easiest thing to do. But she also genuinely wants to change- even though she still doesn’t know how to actually do it. The difference between her and Lila is the fact that Chloé is mean because she doesn’t know better while Lila choose to be manipulating even though she could be nice. And since Lila’s role started to grow in s3 and we were able to see how far she is capable of going, while at the same time Chloé has been on a redemption arc fore some while, I’m sure the season 3 finale will have them somehow clash together, there simply has to be a moment where at its peak Chloé will truly embrace the good while Lila will further cling to the darkness.
2.) the big elephant in the room ever since this episode has aired was the role of Nathalie and the nature of her feelings towards her employer, and since Stormy Weather 2 in s3 it has been confirmed: she fell in love with Gabriel Agreste. Now, SW2 did paint the picture in the most sensitive manner possible (we listen to her thoughts as she explains how her job has turned out to be different then what she thought, how she likes Adrien and felt sad watching Emille’s state getting worse and how her affections towards Gabriel have grown due to his commitment towards his family) but that did not change the possibility of drama that was opened since Queen Wasp. During all of season 1 she has been a minor character, a side character you did not pay much attention to, appearing once in a while, acting rather cold and distant, apparently very job oriented and as it seemed not important to the plot. Since this episode however (and her growing part in s3) she seems to be integral to the plot. While it was odd that as a personal assistant she wouldn’t notice her boss doing villain business, ep1 of season 2 The Collector proved she was very well aware of his activities. Not only that, Style Queen has her “actively” help create the titular villain. Not only that, Queen Wasp has her show so much emotions like never before which- even being a most simple hug- bears so much weight. And not only that, but in the season finale we see that she was truly actively included into all of Hawkmoth’s planing, goes to willingly be akumatized and when HM becomes cornered by the heroes has her take the Peacock Miraculous and turn into Mayura. Now, ep 5 The Pupeteer of s3 hasn’t aired yet so it’s unclear for us what happened that she took again up the role of Mayura (remember, using the Miraculous makes the user ill and Gabriel was more then reluctant on anybody ever using it again) but what ever it was must be essential as by now she isn’t an assistant on the sidelines but an active enforcer. I have absolutely no idea what they have planed for her but the fact that she was named to be Hawkmoth’s “boss” in season 3 makes you wonder.
3.) Emille is the key to freaking EVERYTHING. No kidding. Where ever you turn she seems to be connected to it and actually is the reason why we have Hawkmoth in the first place. Isn’t it kinda weird (even in this universe) that a fashion designer and an actress decided to make ancient-magic their hobby? From what Gabriel and Adrien let slip she seems to be the nicest person to have ever walked earth. And yet she seems to have been fully aware of Gabriel going Darth if something ever happened to her and actually helped create a plan how to do it (a plan is mentioned in Heroes Day 1)????!!!!! Maybe learning what happened to her may not be the most emotional part of Miraculous Queen and yet when it happens it will be the most important one.
4.) Adrien learning Hawkmoth’s identity (possibly?) idk about this, it may still be too early if they have more seasons planed, but him learning that his father is the villain he fights and that his missing mother is actually kept in magic-sleep under the house would shock him for sure. Or maybe there is no need for a full reveal, the show could possibly just throw hints in his way and make him suspect what happened to his mother... that would be most interesting indeed.
Conclusion: there is some drama coming up. Serious drama.
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So, I did a stupid thing and re-watched 9x09.
And, while I think I’ve said my peace on the mistreatment/use of one Paul Jesus Rovia (actually, no, I haven’t, I never will because my sweet badass boy is dead and it was all a waste and tragedy and I die on this hill, okay?) I do think there were a few things I wanted to make note of. Go no farther if negativity or Adaptation spoilers/content bother you.
So, here goes my long-ass post:
I said this when I first saw the opening minutes, but I’m so glad AMC took the time to show us Paul’s dead face and blood gushing out of his chest. Definitely not a sign that they’re recapping the last episode for the people that didn’t tune in to 9x08.
Also, thank you for exploiting the hell out of the “shock” of Paul’s dead body but giving the brain stab so little time it was hard to figure out what the hell he was doing. It’s really important to leave that in though or I wouldn’t have thought anyone was smart enough to do it. ‘Cause these people haven’t been doing this for ten years and you’re assuming your audience is too dumb to realize anything happens off screen.
Why would they not have a permanent guard on Negan? Like I get it, he’s been locked for years but they weren’t even doing it back when Rick was alive and I gotta tell you, that’s fucking insane. Like, we’ve literally seen that Maggie wasn’t the only one who wanted justice, what would stop someone from Oceanside agreeing with Maggie and going off to murder Negan??? (It also might have been nice to see a real situation in which Negan escapes with an act more direct than Father Gabriel being a dumbass but whatevs. (No, I don’t care if the comics did this. In comics, Maggie came after Negan after he escaped and assuming that one of the Saviors wouldn’t take the opportunity to bust him out or someone from one of the three communities he terrorized wouldn’t come to kill him is a kind of interesting dynamic - protecting everyone from Negan but also protecting Negan from everyone else. Just...more interesting.)
Negan walking around with a shovel in a house where he might meet Judith or Michonne makes me itchy. Unless he’s planting sunflowers, that shovel can stay the fuck away from my Grimes girls.
Still think you should’ve just shot him, Jude.
Okay, Negan’s speech about how Alexandria is a wonderland is fairly easy to follow. But part of what Rick was trying to teach everyone was that you need other communities, the saviors could be saved, ect. It’s definitely not like the comics in that Negan learns the lesson about civilization being “protecting the weak among us” but my biggest problem is that it’s all kind of moot in that TV!Rick was wrong? Like, the communities have nothing to do with each other, particularly Alexandria? And the Saviors are dead or gone? This is the problem when you try to shove too much into a ton of character exits and time jumps AND you try to follow comic storylines without applying the message/main character arc from it. You might think I’m over-exaggerating but it’s half the reason Negan contrasts with the Whisperers and ends up killing Alpha. He’s showing loyalty to Rick, yeah, but he also identifies the reason he is different from the Whisperers. They give no mercy to weakness and that’s what makes them animals - that’s the lesson Rick Grimes was trying to teach Negan by saving him.  
(I’m just saying, Negan’s redemption arc is gonna be damn hard without Rick and Judith  - who has no connection with who Negan was and is still not developed - is not a character that can show that narrative.)
I know that Eugene talking in riddles is a quirk but can someone tell the writers that some quirks are not necessary in every damn scene and are obnoxious and mood-breaking? Just let Eugene be silent and terrified please?
I should also note that I see no head wound on Paul and I am completely and utterly okay with that.
So, I have serious issues with the “Jesus chose to be out there”/ “It was bound to happen” lines. Like yes but also no? Paul might have been reckless in the past by going out but that had little to no bearing on why he was out now? He was rescuing Eugene. You were out there for the same reason, Aaron. He didn’t die on a picnic in the woods. An enemy snuck up on him. Period. And the alternative was either you or Daryl or someone else from your group dies because they get surprised by them. Or you leave Eugene to fend for himself in the barn. Which I’m all for if it meant Jesus would be around but. you know. I’m all for a grieving person thinking this way - a lesson learned in fear - but that better be resolved, if only for Aaron’s sake. 
Ugh, I hate that no one’s crying over Paul but Tara putting her hand on Jesus makes me really fucking weepy. It’s almost like they could have developed this relationship to a point where it fucking mattered... -_-
10/10, Tammy is getting too much screentime and going to end up on a pike. Caling it now.
Can I ask what happened to the walkie-talkies? They were solar, right? There weren’t a limited number of them in the world, right? Why is this not still a thing? Did I miss something? That would make this Luke/Alden situation moot.
You know, if they wanted to give someone a romance with Rosita, I wouldn’t have complained if it was Tara. I never hardcore shipped it but it would’ve made more sense and this pregnancy thing wouldn’t be an issue. Or, if it was, I’d care more. lmao.
This writing is so stupidly on the nose. Gee, could Henry’s questions also be what’s going on inside Daryl’s head? ~~~The world may never know!!!!!!!~~~  
Weird side note: I love The Dream Team/Jaaryl and all but I feel like the show kind of dismisses the fact that Aaron is (presumably?) a single dad? Like, I love seeing him out there and I’m all for the end of cooping up my precious gays but whats happens to Gracie if he dies? She has no other parental figure.  He is the only person she has and I feel like “making it back to Gracie” is a fear no one considers, not even Aaron? Like, leaving an orphan in this world would be fucking awful, especially since her OG parents were already murdered. Just...this is why this cast of thousands doesn’t fucking work when you don’t explore the communities rather than just a couple characters.
Listen, I give Michonne her due but I firmly believe that Tara could run this place on her own. The show took all that time saying that Paul was a shitty leader that left all the time, the least you could do is point out that Tara has been handling it like a single leader this entire time. Tara handles her shit, man. TARA FOR HILLTOP 2019.
I choose to believe that Daryl going hard on Lydia is redirection of his grief and no one can stop me. Daryl Dixon repressing his feelings is pretty much a life motto for him and I both love him for it and want to hog tie him and drop him into therapy.
I’m deeply not into the Whisperers so far and am kind of glad to be out from TWD’s viewership (hopefully for good) but this reminds me of the odd hope I had watching Fear The Walking Dead. Once upon a blue moon, I’d hoped that FTWD was prequel-ing the Whisperers in TWD. Like, Madison and Alicia would end up being Alpha and “Lydia” and we’d get to really get a feel for the characters in TWD. Lame idea, I guess, but that’s what I wanted to happen. Not that FTWD has been a waste of a show that barely connects with TWD or anything. IDK, I just wanted to share that because this Whisperer storyline is going to be the worst and I honestly hope it all burns.
So, yeah, just a few notes for those who are bored enough to read them.  
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foolishs-blog1 · 5 years
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☾     ▹     °     ⋅     aaron     tveit          /          thirty   -  five          /          cis     male          ;          have     you     had     the     chance     to     meet     gabriel     crowley          ?          he     has     lived     in     old     sprigg     for     thirty     years     ,     gaining     a     reputation     for     being     quite     intrepid     ,     romantic     ,     tragicomic          &          tenebrous     .     this     pansexual     gemini     can     be     found     around     the     clover     and     he     works     as     a     lawyer          &          playwright     .     most     people     tend     to     associate     them     with     expensive     shirts     undone     at     the     throat     and     rolled     up     to     the     forearms     ,     and     the     passenger     seat     of     a     well     -     loved     car     piled     with     reusable     coffee     cups     ,     half     -     scribbled     drafts     and     case     briefs     alike     .
this  was  meant  to  go  up  earlier  but  i  fell  asleep  and  then  my  laptop  decided  to  reboot  itself  and  i  lost  all  my  progress  and  i  kind  of  had  a  breakdown  over  it .  anyways   !   i’m  vanya ,  i’m  20 ,  i’m  writing  from  aest / hell ,  and  i  tend  to  use  she/they  pns .  i’m  the  world’s  worst  law  student ,  so  catch  me  whipping  up  lengthy  emotional  responses  when  i’m  meant  to  be  writing  letters  of  advice  n  whatnot   !   this  is  the  first  of  two  intros ,  so  bear  w  me   --- -   but  without  further  ado ,  here’s  the  loml ,  gabe   !
𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚛     𝚘𝚗𝚎     .          x          𝗱𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗲𝗿     .
full  name:  gabriel  arthur  crowley .  
nicknames:  goes  primarily  by  gabe .
age:  thirty - five .
date  of  birth:  june  sixteenth .
place  of  birth:  old  sprigg ,  missouri .
occupation:  local  lawyer ,  aspiring  playwright .
gender  identity  &  pronouns:  cisgender  male ,  he/him .
sexual  identity:  pansexual .
romantic  identity:  panromantic .
western  zodiac:  gemini .
hogwarts  house:  gryffindor .
𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚛     𝚝𝚠𝚘     .          x          𝗯𝗶𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗵𝘆     .
so ,  gabriel  is  from  a  pretty  prominent  family  in  old  sprigg   --- -   they’ve  been  living  there  for  generations ,  and  lay  claim  to  a  mom  and  pop  convenience  store  in  the  centre  of  town .  the  crowleys  aren’t  wealthy  wealthy ,  but  they  are  comfortable  (  which  is  what  rich  people  say ,  but  whatever  ) .  he’s  the  oldest  of  his  five  siblings  (  wcs  that  i’ll  probs  pop  in  later ,  oops  )  and  the  responsibility  of  taking  care  of  the  shop  has  fallen  to his  younger  sister .
just  for  reference ,  the  family  structure  is  below   !   they  range  from  35,  obvs,  to  27 .  they  were  all  born  in  quite  quick  succession .  bold  indicates  twins   !
gabriel .
younger sister .
younger sister .
younger brother .
younger sister .
growing  up ,  he  was  quick  to  assume  responsibility  and  play  the  protective  older  brother   --- -   he  helped  get  lunches  ready  in  the  morning ,  helped  cook  dinner ,  helped  look  after  the  younger  four  ;   he  adapted  well  to  the  responsibility .  he’s  always  been  quite  mature  in  that  respect ,  always  choosing  to  go  home  and  help  with  the  younger  kids  than  to  go  out  and  party  and  whatnot .  
throughout  his  childhood ,  he  showed  incredible  promise  with  language .  he  was  a  keen  reader ,  and  developed  a  taste  for  classic  literature  early  on .  his  teachers  understood  that  and  responded  to  it  well ,  and  fostered  that  love .  by  the  time  he  was  in  fourth  grade ,  he  was  being  sent  off  to  do  much  more  advanced  work .  he’s  maintained  this  love  for  literature  and  language   --- -   an  entire  room  in  his  house  is  dedicated  to  all  of  his  books .  (  he’s  formed  his  own  little  library ,  and  he’s  not  mad  about  it .  )
somewhere  in  high  school ,  he  was  introduced  to  the  possibility  of  doing  law ,  and  fell  head  over  heels .  there  was  something  about  its  innate  intricacies ,  the  interweaving  of  theory  and  language  and  cleverness  that  spoke  to  his  soul .  he  started  discussing  the  idea  with  his  parents ,  who  jumped  at  the  idea  of  having  a  lawyer  in  the  family  again  (  bc  who  the  fuck  wouldn’t  )   --- -   they  eventually  decided  on  a   university  in  kansas  city ,  and  before  he  even  realised  it ,  he  was  applying .  
he  moved  out  of  the  family  home  at  eighteen ,  car  loaded  with  boxes  and  heart  full  of  sorrow  and  the  inexplicable  joy  of  what  was  to  come .  he  can’t  say  he’s  sorry  for  leaving ,  but  he  will  admit  that  it  was  hard  .  living  in  such  a  close - knit ,  beautiful  family ,  you  get  very  attached  to  the  people  around  you  and  having  to  leave  is  a  pain  like  no  other .  (  he  drove  home  every  chance  he  could ,  brought  books  and  records  for  his  younger  siblings  to  swap  around ,  told  stories  of  university  life  with  only  a  touch  of  embellishment ,  bc  no  one  wants  to  hear  another  story  abt  how  you  stayed  home  on  friday  night  rereading  the  iliad  again .  )
he  pretty  much  cruised  through  uni  on  high  marks ,  tbh .  in  his  latter  years  he  became  a  tutor  and  peer  mentor ,  but  he  pretty  much  stuck  to  himself  for  most  of  his  time  there .  he  dabbled  in  theatre  arts ,  stage  managed  and  starred  in  a  few  shows ,  but  for  the  most  part  he  stuck  to  his  own  guns  and  got  through  uni  the  way  he  wanted  to .  it’s  here  that  he  starts  drafting  ideas  for  his  own  plays ,  but  he  doesn’t  take  them  too  seriously .  he  tends  to  write  them  as  a  detox  from  writing  legal  essays ,  and  his  first  ones  aren’t  great  but  they  get  better  and  better  as  time  goes  on .
after  he  graduated  with  first  class  honours ,  gabe  started  looking  for  work  and  after  a  month  of  relative  unemployment  (  there  was  a  whole  lot  of  greasy  takeout  and  near - teary  breakdowns  experienced  that  month ) ,  he  got  the  job  of  an  absolute  lifetime   --- -   working  as  a  legal  assistant  in  a  firm  in  new  york  city .  he  didn’t  hesitate  about  taking  that  job .
new  york  wasn’t  quite  what  it  was  cracked  up  to  be .  the  rent  on  his  apartment  was  exorbitant ,  moments  of  peace  and  quiet  were  transitory ,  he  was  overworked  and  underpaid ,  but  there  was  still  something  about  it  that  appealed  to  him  like  nothing  else .  he’d  save  his  change  and  go  see  broadway  shows  when  he  could ,  fell  in  love  with  everything  about  the  theatre .  note  that  his  burgenoning  love  for  theatre  didn’t  replace  his  love  for  the  law   --- -   it  merely  grew  out  of  the  same  place ,  that  same  love  for language  and  literature  that  drove  him  into  law .  
he  ended  up  working  in  new  york  for  about  five  years  before  deciding  to  pack  it  in  and  move  back  to  old  sprigg .  there’d  been  a  job  opening  back  home  and  he  was  starting  to  feel  the  urge  to  return  home   ---   so  five  years  ago ,  he  packed  up  his  car  again  and  made  the  long  trip  back  home .  he  doesn’t  regret  leaving  new  york ,  not  at  all .  he’d  made  quite  the  success  story  of  himself  there ,  and  it’s  not  like  he  couldn’t  just  travel  back  and  forth  for  big  cases .  the  firm  was  reticent  to  let  their  ‘  hotshot  little  attorney   ’  go ,  but  it’s  been  the  best  thing  for  him .
he’s  been  back  for  five  years  now .  he  bought  a  house  relatively  close  to  his  parents  and  siblings ,  and  has  since  established  a  small  business  offering  legal  advice  and  taking  on  distance  cases .  he  travels  back  and  forth ,  but  he  loves  it  regardless .  he’s  adopted  three  dogs  and  a  cat ,  all  of  whom  insist  on  sleeping  in  the  bed   --- -   gabe  gets  the  smallest  sliver  of  bed ,  naturally .  he’s  written  two  plays  (  both  of  which  have  been  published  )  and  he’s  starting  work  on  the  third  one  now .
idk  he’s  just  happier  in  old  sprigg  than  he  ever  was  in  nyc  and  he  deserves  that
𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚛     𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎     .          x          𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗸𝘀     .
style  inspirations:  spencer  reid ,  the  tenth  doctor .  it’s  a  lot  of  expensive  dress  shirts  and  scuffed - up  sneakers .  when  he’s  actually  in  court ,  he’ll  dress  quite  professionally  but  when  he’s  not ,  he’ll  keep  the  nice  shirts  and  swap  everything  else  out  for  worn  jeans  and  converse  in  varying  colours .  occasionally ,  we’ll  get  a  knitted  scarf .
exhales   ...   big  on  saving  the  environment .  turns  up  to  convenience  stores  with  canvas  bags  in  tow ,  has  a  reusable  coffee  cup  for  every  mood ,  tries  to  make  as  little  waste  as  humanly  possible .  he’s  slowly  weaning  himself  off  of  meat ,  and  he  won’t  go  fully  vegan ,  but  he’s  doing  his  best  to  avoid  meat  and  dairy .  (  yes ,  he  saw  greta  thunberg’s  tedtalk  and  promptly  felt  guilty  and  started  making  changes .  )
used  to  smoke ,  because  it  was  a  social  thing  in  the  firm  he  worked  at  in  nyc .  since  he’s  moved  back ,  he’s  quit .  he’ll  have  one  a  week  if  he  feels  the  need .  
he  did  a  few  shows  in  high  school  and  university .  he’s  got  a  fuckin  beautiful  voice ,  and  if  you  walk  by  at  the  right  time ,  you  can  catch  him  singing  to  himself  and  his  dogs  while  making  breakfast .  
he  jogs ,  bc  of  fucking  course  he  does .
talks  with  his  hands  a  lot .  doesn’t  know  where  he  gets  it  from .
holds  a  regular  saturday  night  movie  marathon  at  his  house  for  friends  and  family  ,  and  seeing  as  fall  is  approaching  it’s  gonna  be  halloween  movies  from  now  on .  he’s  a  sucker  for  a  good  horror  movie .
angelic  in  every  way ,  shape  n  form .  thank  u .
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