#Aaron TWD
gibson-g1rl · 1 year
I’m Never Leaving
daryl dixon x fem reader
warnings: just a bit angsty, usual TWD violence and fluff!
summary: you and daryl both realize just how much you love each other after you have a near death experience.
a/n: set in season 11 & let’s just pretend that Daryl knew beforehand about Carols deal with Pamela to pin all the blame on Hornsby.
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“Jesus Daryl, go talk to her.”
“You’re starin’ at her like a teenage boy who just saw his first pair of boobies; just go talk to her, she likes you too ya know?” Carol chimed as she looked towards her best friend.
“You don’t know tha.” Daryl said as he looked at you, catching you smiling as you spoke to Judith.
God you were beautiful to him. He loved everything about you, your smile, your hair, your kind heart.
Truth was, Daryl had no clue how to communicate his feelings towards you, so instead he just kept them to himself and admired you from afar.
“Hey you two.” You suddenly spoke out, causing Daryl to snap back to reality. Carol pulled you into a tight hug, whispering something into your ear which caused you to laugh. You pulled away from her and wrapped your arms around Daryl, causing his cheeks to grow warm.
You were about to speak up but were quickly pulled away from Carol and Daryl by Gracie and Judith.
“I’ll come find ya later okay?” You shouted as you were pulled further and further away.
“Yeah!” Daryl replied, turning to Carol as soon as you were out of earshot.
“What did ya whisper to her?”
“I dunno.” Carol said smiling as she saw her best friend’s face turn red, quickly rushing away before he could question her further.
end of flashback
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“Leah I swear to God if there is so much as a scratch on her, I’ll kill ya.” Daryl grunted into the walkie-talkie, rage filling his body as he heard Leah laugh.
“Too late for that.” She said before turning it off.
Leah had been watching you lot for a bit before she decided to attack, she figured since you and Maggie were so close she’d use you to lure Maggie out.
So there you were, tied to a chair in some rusty old cabin, Leah twisting her knife further into your leg, causing you to scream out.
“Where is Maggie hiding?!”
“Even if I knew where, which I don’t, I wouldn’t tell you shit.” You spat as you looked up at her.
“Wrong answer.” She said before pulling the knife out and pushing it back in. You screamed out in pain as she did this, your leg throbbing as well as your head from where she hit you earlier.
“I’ll ask you one more time, where the hell is Maggie hiding?”
“FUCK YOU!” You screamed. You could see the anger flooding into her eyes, now you pissed her off.
Her fist connected with your jaw, causing your head to fall back. You stayed still for a while because unbeknownst to Leah, you had been working the knot on the rope she used to tie your hands, and it was almost loose.
Just before she could punch you again, your hands were free and you were lunging towards her. You fist jammed into her jaw causing her to stumble. You grabbed ahold of her head and slammed her against the wall. She fell against the wall, giving you time to gain your strength back. Before you knew it she had managed to get up and lunge a shard of glass into your abdomen.
Your body fell back at the force, her body on top of yours once again. Her hands made their way around your neck, crushing your windpipe.
“Since you’re not helping me, you’re of no use to me.” She whispered out as her hands wrapped tighter around your throat.
You could feel yourself slipping in and out of consciousness, your vision going hazy.
You felt the little air leaving your lungs, your body wanted so badly to give up but you knew you couldn’t let Leah find Maggie or worse, find Hershel.
So you used the little strength you had left and ripped the knife out from your thigh and jammed it into her neck. Her eyes widened as blood seeped from the wound, her hands let up from around your throat as she moved them to her neck, causing you to take a deep breath in. You kicked her body to the side and jammed the knife into her throat again,
and again
and again.
You could hear her choking on her own blood as her limp body lie to the side. You quickly moved towards her and pressed the knife into her skull.
Your body fell back, your energy drained and your mind fuzzy as you passed out.
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Daryl held his gun up as he neared the cabin, his heart racing as he stepped inside. His eyes fell on Leah’s lifeless body, eyeing the knife in her skull. He then moved his gaze until it landed on your limp body.
Panic rushed through his body as he crouched beside you, tears pooling in his eyes as he shook your body, trying to get you to wake up.
“C’mon you gotta wake up f’ me, please!” He yelled out, his arms wrapping around your frame as he lifted you up.
Maggie, Aaron and Gabriel’s eyes fell on your body as Daryl carried you out, Maggie’s face going pale as her hand went up to her mouth to quiet her cries.
“We needa get her to the Commonwealth now!” He yelled out as he moved past them.
He had already lost so much he couldn’t lose you too.
Daryl clung to your fragile figure as he carried you inside the Commonwealth, rushing towards the hospital.
Tomi moved towards you and Daryl, trying to asses your wounds as he placed you down on a hospital bed.
Daryl placed a kiss onto your forehead before Tomi and some nurses took you, immediately rushing you into an operating room.
Daryl sat back, his head in his hands as he ran through every memory he had with you, tears cascading down his face as he thought about losing you.
He was quickly pulled from his thoughts by Carol and a few others approaching.
“She’s going to be okay Daryl.” Carol whispered as she wrapped her arms around him, allowing him to cry into her shoulder.
It felt like forever before Tomi came back, nodding to Daryl to allow him to go see you. He rushed towards your room and a breathed a sigh of relief when he saw you were okay.
He brought a chair next to your bed and sat down, taking your hand in his and squeezing it.
“I love you so much.” He whispered out, bringing your hand to his lips and placing a kiss to the back of your palm.
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The blind lights of the hospital room hurt your eyes as you woke up, your throat and mouth dry as you tried to swallow.
Your eyes adjusted to the light as you scanned the room, your gaze falling on a certain someone asleep in a chair next to your bed.
You smiled as you looked at Daryl, his perfect long hair covering his face as he slept. You were oh so in love with him and almost dying made you realize that even more.
You adjusted yourself in the bed, sitting up as you reached for the plastic cup on the bedside table. You winced in pain as you twisted your body, reaching out for the cup. Your fingers grazed the cup ever so slightly and you almost had it but it slipped from your grasp and fell to the floor.
“Shit.” You whispered out as you sat back against the pillows, a defeated sigh leaving your lips.
The sound of the cup falling caused Daryl to open his eyes, rubbing them as he adjusted to the lights.
You noticed him move in the chair and groaned to yourself as you woke him up from hismuch needed sleep.
“Sorry for waking you up.” You spoke out causing Daryl’s eyes to widen. He rushed up to stand close to you looking down at you and smiling.
“You’re awake.” He said out, reaching out for your hand.
Your fingers intertwined with his, smiling up as he placed a kiss against your forehead.
“I thought I- I thought I lost y-”
You quickly shushed him as you brought his face down to yours and placed your lips against his. Daryl was taken aback by your action but nonetheless kissed you back. His mouth moved against yours before you pulled away out of breath.
“You didn’t lose me okay? I’m not leaving you any time soon old man.” You said, causing Daryl to let out a laugh.
He leaned down and pressed another kiss to your lips, whispering a faint “I love you” against your lips. You kissed him back, your lips moulding against his lips almost as if they were made to fit his, before whispering, “I love you too.”
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my first daryl fic go easy on me 😣
let me know if anyone wants to be added to a tag-list for daryl fics specifically or to a tag-list for the TWD men in general :)
please like and reblog if you enjoyed as it helps a lot 🩷
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Carol: We should all visit Ocean Side more often. Being at the beach was—
Daryl, Y/N, and Michonne: No!
Aaron: Okay, that’s it, you guys. What happened out there?
Daryl, sweating: Went fer a walk. Nothin’ happened. Came back with nothin’ all over me.
Y/N: Smooth, Dixon.
Aaron: What does that even mean?
Carol: Come on, what happened? Y/N?
Y/N: Alright.
Daryl: Don’ ya dare, Y/N.
Y/N: Daryl and I had hardcore sex in the woods near the beach, but bugs kept biting us.
Michonne: And I walked by and saw it, it was horrifying. They were covered in bug bites, but it just didn't stop them. How can two people be so horny, that they don't even stop while being eaten alive by bugs?
Daryl: …
Y/N: Wait, you saw us?!
Michonne: Yep and this is a good time to remind everyone that finding a therapist in the apocalypse is next to impossible.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 2 months
"You'd make a great dad someday."
Aaron's voice still echoed in Daryl's mind long after he had gone back to camp that evening. He had shrugged it off in the moment, but now he kept wondering what he meant with the comment.
It wasn't like he had someone special in his like he could make a mother, and he was just Uncle Daryl to little Judith.
He wasn't given much time to think about it between getting much needed sleep and the horde plan going sideways resulting in rushing Aaron to the medical tent.
Aaron lost his arm then, and was sent home to recover.
Daryl was the one who brought him home, where he was asked to stick around. He was shown how to dress his wound and ordered to help Aaron around his days for a while.
Daryl slumped down on the couch. The day's tasks on top of having baby Grace with him all day had drained him completely.
Aaron was needed in person to get his new prosthetic fitted and had trusted Daryl alone with their daughter.
While Daryl normally was a quick sfudy, there were some small things he just couldn't get the hang of when it came to the little girl.
A full day of keeping Grace close as he took care of house tasks Aarom couldn't, feeding her, changing her diapers, bathing her and getting her to stop crying in between, and then now finally getting her to fall asleep at last.
Daryl was still busy with a fussing Grace when Aaron had returned home, hearing the old hunter hum a soft tune after some calm complaints.
He kept quiet in the kitchen for a while and watched Daryl slump down on the couch with a groan.
With two glasses hung between the fingers of his new hand, and a bottle of wine held in the other he went to the livingroom to join his housemate and coparent.
"Here, looks like you need it." Aaron appeared next to the couch and smiled as Daryl opened one eye to look at him. "It's no beer, but it'll have to do for now." He held out the wine bottle for Daryl to take as he moved to take the glasses off his hand and set them down on the table.
"Hmh, thanks. Lil' Gracie's way more of a hassle to look after alone." Daryl brushed the hair out of his face and poured the wine generously.
"That bad?" Aaron had sat down next to Daryl and taken his glass to rest on his leg as he sat back against the backrest. "I should've just taken you both along with me, really."
The room fell silent for a moment, until Aaron spoke once more.
"Heard you hum her to sleep earlier. Told you you'd be a great dad."
Again, just like then at the bridge, Daryl scoffed. He took a large swig of his drink and leaned back against the couch.
If anyone had told him when they just arrived that he'd be sharing a home with another man and raising a daughter together, he'd threaten them.
But now? He was content.
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mxthxrgoose · 8 months
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underrated besties
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anntova · 2 months
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They are alive and happy
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thugbambi · 4 months
aaron telling daryl he’d be a great dad is the realest thing ever said on the show btw
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esmecarmona · 5 months
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ROSS MARQUAND as Aaron The Walking Dead — 10.19 "One More"
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richonnesbitch · 3 months
happy national best friends day 💜
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officertired · 4 months
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filthy-khajiit · 1 month
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I love them all 😩🥲
I can't help it. 😭
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al1-anna · 21 days
i have to lie out of my ass whenever a man asks me my twd top 5... i will always say 'rick, carol, carl, michonne, and maggie' knowing damn well its 'daryl, tara, jesus, aaron, and beth'
they just don't get it :/
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kookiekult · 1 month
Aaron, you will always and forever be my favorite side character 😌
Requested by: @hiro--aoki 🤠
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taiturner · 2 years
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We’re gonna get you through this, okay? — THE WALKING DEAD 11x23 “Family”
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liliesdiary · 10 months
hi love! could I please request a yan/dark!Aaron x reader where they’re best friends but after Eric and some other Alexandrians die, he becomes obsessive and protective, keeping reader locked in his home & forcing her to basically become a mother to Gracie? feel free to change anything you’d like. thank you so much!! 💕
Everything is going to be okay
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Everything is going to be okay: Dark!Aaron/Yan!Aaron x You
Word Count: 1,400
Warnings: Stockholm syndrome, forced to be Gracie's caretaker/mom (Platonic) Yandere Aaron.
Note: sorry this took so long to write, this kind of turned more soft towards the end but I hope you like it , thank you for your request and patience <3
You and Aaron have been best friends since the start of the apocalypse, you were a survivor of the outbreak and sought shelter near Alexandria.
Aaron found you alone and in despair, and comforted you through your losses. Ever since then you and Aaron have been best friends, you hung out with him and Eric every day, but In the aftermath of the war with Negan, Alexandria was left reeling from the loss of so many loved ones. Among them was Eric, who had been shot and killed in the conflict. The tragedy hit Aaron hard, leaving him struggling to cope with his grief.
As time passed, Aaron found himself becoming increasingly possessive and paranoid about you. He couldn't bear the thought of losing anyone else, especially not you. One day, without warning, he locked you inside his house, claiming that you needed a break from the stresses of life for your mental and physical health.
You protested but it was no use. Aaron was never violent yet forced you to become his new child’s caretaker and you didn't know how to feel about it. He never let you out of the house unless he was there with you. He never let anyone else watch Gracie and felt paranoid when he was away from her, afraid of losing his little girl.
The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months. You spent most of your time taking care of Gracie, feeding her, changing her diapers, and doing whatever else was necessary to keep his little girl healthy and happy. You were trapped in a world that had long since fallen apart, but you and Gracie clung to each other for comfort and survival.
As the days went on, Aaron's obsession with keeping you safe grew stronger. He would check on you constantly, making sure you were okay and hadn't tried to escape. He always made sure he was home on time for dinner to make sure you and Gracie were okay. You quickly became the mother role for his child and you fell in love with Gracie.
You understood his paranoia but the kind man you once knew had turned dark and cold. You often tried comforting him when he needed it, you reassured him that everything was going to be okay yet his thoughts couldn't stop haunting him. Eric’s death replayed in his mind every day and Aaron started hallucinating him. His hallucinations pushed him to exhaustion.
One late night you had just finished putting Gracie to bed. Aaron never came home for spaghetti, his favorite, and it started to worry you.
Ever since the war ended, Aaron had been working on the bridge. He was always on time and never liked staying out late when you and Gracie were home, but this time he was late. As hours passed by, your anxiety grew worse. The silence of the house amplified every creak of the floorboards and rustle of leaves outside.
You look around the house wondering if you should leave and ask around for him but then you hear a knock on your door that startles you. You rush to open the door expecting to see Aaron but instead it was Jesus with a worried expression on his face which made your heart drop.
“Is everything okay? Where's Aaron?” You ask with tears forming already.
“Aaron is okay but I have bad news. Aaron was injured while gathering the logs for the bridge and a log fell on his arm. The rot was starting to set it so Enid had to cut it off. He tried to leave his bed to rush over here but he collapsed. He's okay I swear, you can come with me in the morning to visit him. I can ask someone to take care of Gracie tomorrow.” Jesus reassures you with his crystal eyes.
You can't help but feel panicked, Aaron has always protected you and now he's hurt and you can't help but feel bad. You take a deep breath and gulp, “Thank you, Jesus. I'll try to get some rest and get ready for tomorrow.”
You shut the door and head back to your room, holding in your tears. It's okay. Just breathe. He's okay. You try to comfort yourself as you sleep on the ground next to Gracie’s crib. You calmed yourself as you watched her sleep gracefully, her breaths comforting you.
Hours pass by and the sun rises, you were feeding Gracie as a nice woman came in to babysit her. Aaron never trusted anyone else to babysit Gracie, you knew he was going to hate this but he needed you right now. You prepared the woman to watch Gracie as you packed your bags.
On your way to the camp where Aaron was staying, it was silent. All you heard were the horses hooves on the pavement of the road and the trees whispering as you rode by. You couldn't help but have tears forming in your eyes, knowing that Aaron has lost a hand. As you were tearing up, you saw a broken car piece on the floor.
It reminded you of the one time you and Aaron walked in this same road, Aaron was obsessed with completing his goal to collect a license plate from every state. One time he had found one from Oklahoma. Aaron was happy and you were teasing him about it, laughing as Aaron slipped on a broken car piece and fell on his ass. The happy memories kept you hopeful and your tears went away, everything is going to be okay.
You finally arrive at the camp on your horse. The camp was quiet and somber, everyone knew about Aaron's accident. You dismount your horse and tie it up before walking towards the makeshift hospital tent.
"Hey," Rick greeted you warmly, his voice filled with genuine worry. "How's Gracie doing? Did Jesus take care of her?"
You nodded, wiping away a stray tear from your eye. "She's fine, thanks for asking. I came as soon as I could.”
“Glad you could make it here safely,” Rick says as he leads you to Aaron's bed, “He couldn't sleep all night, kept asking for you.”
You try not to cry as you see Aaron’s amputated arm wrapped in a bloody bandage. You kneel at his side and turn to thank Rick, “Thank you, Rick.”
He gives you a nod and walks away, talking to other people. You look back at Aaron, tears forming in your eyes. He was asleep yet you could tell he was in a lot of pain, he was as pale as a ghost.
You gently touch his hair, climbing your fingers through his curls and whisper, “Rest, I'm here. Everything is going to be okay..”
You gently press your lips against his sweaty forehead and sit by his side, falling asleep in your chair. He slowly starts to wake up, looking at you snoring in your chair. He smiles and holds your hand, gently caressing it.
You felt his touch and woke up, Aaron smiles at you, still clearly in pain but happy to see his best friend. “How are you feeling?”, you ask.
Aaron's smile softened as he looked at you, his eyes filled with gratitude and love. "I'm okay," he said, though his voice was strained from the pain medications. "Thank you for coming to visit me but you should have stayed home with Gracie, I don't trust anyone else to watch her."
You try to reassure him, “You don't have to worry about her, Aaron. She's going to be okay, you need to learn how to be okay with that. You need rest, okay?”
Aaron sighed, his gaze lingering on your face. "I know," he said softly. "I just... I don't want anything to happen to you two. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if something happened to you two."
"Don't worry about me," you reassured him. "I'll take care of Gracie while you recover. She loves you so much."
A flicker of sadness passed over Aaron's face, but it quickly vanished. "She really does," he said, smiling again. "Thanks for taking care of her."
You squeezed his hand gently. "Anything for you two," you said. "And don't you dare try to do too much too soon. You need rest and recovery time.”
You give him another kiss on the forehead, his gaze softens and he smiles. “Rest.. I'll be here.” You sit by his bedside as he falls asleep, you hum a sweet lullaby to soothe his pains as you look at his arm. You whisper to yourself, Everything is going to be okay..
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anntova · 3 months
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is it absolutely normal that I make fanart of TWD/jaaron in 2024?
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faradaysconstant · 2 years
How I think the walking dead characters would respond to their partners asking would you still love me if I was a worm? (Inspired by @simptasia)
Daryl: [extremely confused and stuttering] but why? Why would you? Why would you be a worm?? Are you ok??
Rick: [has dealt with Carl asking dumb questions for most of his life] Yes. Yes, I would love you if you were a worm.
Glenn: I would find a way to also turn into a worm so we could be together forever and ever, or until one of us gets squished.
Maggie: [gets a dangerous gleam in her eyes] who turned you into a worm? Was it Negan? I’ll kill him.
Negan: [dealt with high school kids for a good portion of his life] I’d kill you without hesitation.
Carl: [jokingly] I would feed you to a chicken.
Ezekiel: [chuckling] why, yes my queen. You would be the most beautiful worm in all the lands.
Jerry: Of course, dude! You’d be the coolest worm.
Rosita: [seriously] Nothing could ever stop me from loving you.
Abraham: [laughs boisterously, shakes his head and walks away]
Eugene: I do not see how that would be scientifically possible.
Lydia: Nom nom.
Aaron: [thinking about that one time Lydia ate a worm] I would still love you, but I’d be extremely concerned for your safety.
Tara: would you love ME if I was a worm?
Beth: [bright sunshiny smile] Of course! I’d love you no matter what! I’d put you in my pocket and carry you everywhere with me.
Gabriel: [extremely concerned] can I help you? is there anything you want to discuss with me?
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