#idk im finding it intriguing to think about..... obviously there would have to be a lot of precautions taken and stuff but i think it would
marcusagrippa · 5 months
oohhh.... feeling evil might mess with some roman genders.......
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toytulini · 3 months
me, stupidly and weirdly resistant to listening to audio books vs reading a physical book for no real reason: man i wish there was a way to like, read a book while i crochet like i do with tv shows and movies and podcasts
#toy txt post#my reasons are irrational you dont need to try to talk me into it. i KNOW#its very silly of me#imagine how much reading i could get done. but alas. Feels Bad#even listening to a more. uh. Story type podcast or fiction like nightvale was a bit difficult to start for me. i like nightvale now i#listened. but i worry that is clocking in my brain as an Exception 😔 maybe it would be easier if i tried some nonfiction books? scary#i also struggle with single host podcasts apparently even tho im also ehhhh on the kind where the structure is the host Interviewing a#different person everytime? maybe it would be okay with a nonfiction audiobook tho cos it would be getting read by a narrator and not sound#so much like a guy ranting into a mic which makes me feel a little insane. altho propaganda doesnt necessarily always sound like a guy#ranting into a mic so idk. i could probably make it through if i can find a nice book about like. parasitic worms. i could tolerate#feeling like im falling into sigma male affirmations videos for worms i think. wormffirmations are allowed#*to clarify i dont listen to those but listening to better offline makes me feel like im morphing into the kinda guy who does and i hate it#which feels unfair cos he is RIGHT and the podcast is good but i need there to be like a cohost there to break the tension of the Ranting#sometimes he has guests on? but its not quite the same#i think the format i like best is either like 2 or 3 regular cohosts discussing things within a specific topic#OR. 1 host whos like infodumping to the other host who knows nothing about the subject. OR. 2 hosts info dumping to each other about#different aspects of the subject. OR. 1 host who brings on fun guests to infodump to them about a subject. and then obviously the subject#needs to intrigue me. ex. sawbones well theres your problem (I HATE THAT THIS ONE IS BEST EXPERIENCED ON YOUTUBE😭 I WANT THEM TO JUST DUMP#ALL THE SLIDES INTO A BIG BLOG POST SOMEWHERE AND I CAN CHECK IN AND FOLLOW ALONG THAT WAY WITHOUT HAVING TO HAVE MY PHONE SCREEN ON THE#WHOLE TIME!!!!!!!!! but. im listening for free so its unreasonable to demand more of them BUT ALSO I FEEL LIKE JUST COPYPASTING ALL OF THE#SLIDES INTO A BIG BLOG POST ISNT THAT MUCH MORE EFFORT THAN EDITING A WHOLE YOUTUBE VIDEO? WAAAAAH. THEY DONT NEED TO BE TIMESTAMPED OR#ANYTHING JUST THROW EM IN ILL FIGURE IT OUTTTTTT#anyway. also more than 3 hosts is really pushing my ability to keep track of voices.#anyway: sawbones wtyp tpwky behind the bastards scam goddess#(which is true crime adjacent but focuses mainly on scams and isnt copaganda and laci is funny and cool)#common descent pod completely arbortrary maintenance phase if books could kill#deep sea podcast has more bringing ppl in to interview them about shit than i personally enjoy but i put up with it cos i do like the hosts#and the subject
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hibiscusseaart · 4 days
Had a dream today and I'm evolving it as I go here
The main idea that Rin didn't die when she tried to unalive herself by Kakashi's hand, but Obito was already traumatized and got in with Madara's Moon Eye plan. So yada-yada, she's the jinchuriki of Sanbi. BUT the difference was that she decided to come out of the closet (a real tight one cuz of her clan but she almost just DIED what to regret now) that she's actually a guy. So FTM Rin guys. Rin is he/him from now on.
He wouldn't change his personality and crush on Kakashi much. Dude is a medic, have you met medics? My extended family has a lot of medics in ER and other and let me tell you, they're ruthless and give 0 fucks.
Oh and since he's a medic he has top notch access to remove his own boobs and change his hormones fucking manually.
I think he would rethink his crush on Kakashi, like, man, he's a loser, plus it's hard to crush on someone who you thought killed you (even tho you made him) AND Kakashi has doomed love with 'dead' Obito and it's a bummer.
Idk about his name tho, he probably would change it just to, unknowingly, create more confusion for poor Obito, who is SURE that Rin is dead-dead and fucking Konoha didn't even made a grave for her and Kakashi doesn't even VISIT.
Madara and Zetsu obviously don't tell him about his development. They don't need him to have a hope in this world again.
Kakashi is just glad that he didn't kill his teammate and maybe they connect better since "Rin" (listen i NEED a name for him, but i have 0 ideas about meaning or what ever. maybe he'd take something to honor Obito's memory?) doesn't crush on him anymore and maybe he's trans too?? idk about it yet but he might act warmer to "Rin" now.
So Obito is just confused, like WHO is this dude from Nohara clan who is now with Kakashi ALL the time (they're still best friends). He doesn't connect that this brown haired (!) medic (!!) from Nohara clan (!!!) with the same marks (!!!) same age as them (!!!!!) might be Rin. like no, nope, Rin a nice gentle lady, not this smoking dude who yells at Kakashi and curses at him cuz he run away from hospital again.
So yeah Obito is just not impressed. But intrigued. And jealous. He stalks Kakashi AND this guy all the time. May develop a crush on both, cuz "Rin" is still the same at his core.
Kakashi would still go in ANBU cuz Minato asked him (still not sure about it, like yeah lets put deeply traumatized 13 yo in assasin squad good job) and stuff.
So idk how canon would go from there, like i doubt that Minato would let 14 yo jinchuriki near another one at this tense situation, even tho "Rin" could've help.
So yeah Kushiha and Minato die, "Rin" barely holds onto the Sanbi but Obito finds out that the guy is holding them. He doesn't connects the dots. Or he does? His mind just CAN'T hold on to the fact that his Rin MIGHT survived.
But maybe "Rin" was closer to the place where they sealed Kuubi in Naruto (maybe he ran there cuz there's Kuubi rampaging and he HAS to help) so Minato entrusted Naruto to him, not to fucking Sandaime.
So yeah, now "Rin" is Naruto's legal dad at the age of 14 and no one can fucking take him away cuz a) it was Minato's dying wish; and b) just fucking TRY to peer "Rin" away from Naruto, you'll get your hand bitten off and NO arguments work, cuz "Rin", who was trained by Kushina in jinchuriki stuff, can make some sort of turtle shield and he hides in it with his new baby and no one can do anything.
And no one can protect baby jinchuriki better than the other jinchuriki so it's fine. Everyone just accepts it.
(Isobu laughs at Kurama cuz haha im the older sibling now :))
Naruto is bullied less but I think no one can tell him about his parents cuz Sandaime sucks ass. But "Rin" drops HUGE hints cuz he hates Sandaime now too. Like no shit Tsunade left.
Idk what would happen with Obito if he finds out about "Rin's" identity. he'd come back crawling and crying probably. Maybe try to kidnap him and cry more in Kamui.
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update: added sketch
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literaila · 3 months
Heyy so I've readed your fanfic A Typical Family and I can't stop re reading it because, well, let's just say that the manga is not at it's finest (Prettysureyouknowwhatimean.) and your fanfic is doing a great job helping me with my mental stability caused by Gege Akutami 😀 so thank you!
I love everything, I sure as hell needed that fluff. But one of the things I like the most is actually y/n's past, I like that you didn't went into details about what happened to her and it was just mentioned like two or three times. I like that a lot because it makes the character more intriguing and you give the reader the posibility of being as creative as possible when it comes to her past, I atleast came up with a few ideas of how she used to live.
But after Chapter 29 I couldn't help myself but wonder what really happened to y/n with her family during her youth. In details. Because I felt that there was A LOT going on-
So yeah, that's why I searched for you in tumblr, fell in love with you after scrolling down your account for a bit (which means hours) and decided to ask you if you could specify more about her past? What happened to her? How was her daily life living in a place where she was missunderstood by her own parents? How did her parents treated her? Did she always felt lonely? Is that why she's so insecure when she became a mother? I REALLY am intrigued.
Thanks again for everything and let's hope to find that annoying cat's hideout 😄🔪
ah. my dear reader.
she started as just an archetype of sorts, i suppose. like a person in my head but not enough of a person to interfere with the story in any particular way
the focus was abandonment issues so that satoru/suguru leaving could actually have some purpose.
but as i’m sure everyone is well aware—i don’t do simplicity, and i wholeheartedly believe that each and every character (in any media) should be a little… messed up? hurt? battling their own demons??
i think about things in the ways that it’ll improve or harm a story. and satoru leaving reader after being left by everyone else—that’s what i latched on to originally
(actually originally originally it was just a one-shot of megumi calling reader mom and being upset about it… ah how things change)
so i continued with that idea and im not sure when exactly i decided that her parents were awful, but they were. it made it easier for her to avoid talking to satoru about any issues, and easier to understand why she would care so much about these kids and them growing up with (no offense to gojo) a child for a father.
and at the beginning you can tell (or maybe only i can idk) that she is less self conscious about herself, and more worried about the kids. how are they going to react to this? how can a recently graduated person become a mother in under an hour? so it’s not that she’s insecure because she didn’t have a good childhood—that’s just how she is. too thoughtful, a bit anxious.
(mostly just to tie in satoru and readers relationship because i figured they’d need some balancing somewhere)
but then as the characters become more of their own, i needed more from her character. why does she care about these kids so much beyond just having morals? why do they trust her almost immediately?
and this began in the part where she’s consoling tsumiki—because i wanted to give baby a moment sorry not sorry. suddenly she missed her estranged parents and understood how sad miki felt. how much losing your mother matters.
but i’ve always made it fairly clear that tsumiki is just trusting. so easy one there.
but with megumi—reader is more worried that satoru is going to raise him under his wing. and obviously, that’s a horrible decision. satoru is barely a normal teenager to reader so… yeah she doesn’t trust him with megumi. who is obviously impressionable and easy to persuade.
plus the boy is rough for a six year old—needs a gentler hand than some people (ahem, satoru) can give him.
but unlike tsumiki, megumi was going to take time. so instead of a moment they have lots of little things—like the fact that she can read his emotions even when he’s trying to close them off, or that she watches him interact with both tsumiki and satoru very differently.
their trust is built on silence—but once megumi can depend on someone there’s really no going back.
and none of this has anything to do with reader necessarily—but her foundation is made from the two children, and satoru.
and then i had to push some more on the two of them. because—they are in love (they don’t say it ever, but it’s obvious), but they need a reason to hide it.
for satoru it’s because he has been raised to be the most important thing, and to not really trust anyone. and when suguru leaves he realizes that no matter what no one will understand him—he’ll always be a level ahead, a step too high.
so for reader it has to be different. some echoes of pain. and as soon as i realized how scared she was for megumi—i had to give her a reason to be scared. i imagine that she’s always been terrified of jujutsu, not because it’s difficult or because there was some nasty curses, but because it essentially ruined her life.
i imagine her parents to be average, run of the mill people. i think she depended on them when she was very young, and was naturally trusting (like tsumiki) as a child. she’s the type to believe that her parents are the best people in the world.
but once a little girl begins to see things that aren’t there—to scream and hide in closets, or cry while being dragged into the kitchen—things shift.
i don’t think it was bad at first, but when her cursed technique manifested, her parents understood that she was something other.
outwardly, they provided everything a child needs. food, home, clothes, education. but they refused to listen to her when something was wrong, they would leave the room when she entered—because she carried that negative presence with her.
so, i think to reader, they treated her like she was the curse.
and when yaga shows up, rattling about jujutsu high and these strange things that only the two of them would be able to understand, there was no returning back into the child her parents had loved.
she was different. too different for them to understand—or want to even try to.
i doubt they gave her a choice in going to school. if they could get her out of their house, get her curse out of there—they were going to.
(not to mention that there’s no reason for her to stay at home—not with two people who couldn’t care less about her).
so she was essentially sent away at fifteen and (like reader says) they were gone not too long after that.
(i think both the first and second years found out about this because yaga was trying to be nice and tell them not to push and accidentally revealed too much information. also he’s a gossip oops).
with the type of childhood she had—bad but not awful, nothing to run from—it makes it hard for her to connect with other people. and reader truly does believe she is the curse because that’s all she’s been taught.
but everyone at jujutsu high can understand, even if it’s the smallest amount. going there changes her life, simply put.
with at least five other people there to understand the things that she does—the burden is divided equally among all of them. she doesn’t have to hold it all alone.
so she connects with suguru, begins to realize she was just a child and not a problem. she learns how to control her cursed technique and is no longer scared that she’s doomed to forever push people away.
and she makes friends. friends make all the difference in the world, obviously.
plus, there’s satoru and he’s a burden of his own.
but at least she gets to choose it this time, no matter how difficult he makes it.
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bumofthewild · 5 months
what are your thoughts on the stormblood characters. did you like fordola at all
i wanted to organise my thoughts (oxymoron) on the sb chars actually so this is a good opportunity to start. none of my thoughts are positive though bc i think sb's writing is really bad so when i probably start to sound aggro during this while remembering this expansion i'm sorry.... i try not to be mean when criticising things but i have very little respect for stormblood. also this is about to be extremely long like im not kidding but i figure ppl expect that by now? i hope
i can't really talk abt the stormblood chars without mentioning how much this expansion worships whiteness. and thats even after playing heavensward????? with all of the stuffy white (though beloved) elves who love their white elf history??? fantasy rpgs in general ig. and from square enix. idk why i was so shocked by sb... its a fantasy rpg from square enix....that was truly my bad...................
but fordola isn't who bothers me the most anymore at least. while i was playing sb she used to be the worst sb character to me bc i just thought she was silly and hard to take seriously. initially i was just uninterested in her personality solely being a traitorous attack dog for the empire. that's not to say i don't think sellouts are interesting--i actually think characters like that are very interesting, hence why yotsuyu is one of the more interesting chars (but not by much). it's more that i dont think a single stormblood character was doing anything interesting enough for me to really appreciate, or if they were, it went nowhere or was so poorly developed that any new thing i learned about a character felt random. i feel like anything that could have been interesting in sb was squandered constantly. a lot of them had the potential to be interesting, but were instead so bizarrely flat and almost kind of cliche that i genuinely struggle to put it into words how sb managed to achieve this. possibly bc the story was so preoccupied with repeatedly driving home the same uncomplicated ideas about war and oppression (this would require a separate post) that any sort of actual personality was more or less lost? maybe because it didn't really have a foundation it was working from to keep itself focused? i feel like a lot of time would pass with the characters making the same realisations over and over again (we have to defeat zenos...!) and then when it came time for actual developments it had to rush, thus the feeling of being random. of course, unless, the character was from othard, which the game obviously gave more of a fuck about developing as a location.
like i think fordola's really serious and unwavering personality, the fact that she would do literally ANYTHING to accomplish whatever it is she wanted, could be interesting. if there wasn't so little else going on with her. and also that unlike her fellow ala mhigans she's white. i can't stress how ridiculous it was to watch her or lyse be presented as so important/be the more relevant ala mhigans and everyone else is brown and they're just white. but it wasn't only that she was white. there was just nothing else really going on with her whenever you saw her that provided any kind of intrigue or texture to her scenes. nothing about her character ever changed. until they reveal her motivations for joining the imperials (????)
ok anyone can correct me if i'm wrong, but her goal is to free the ala mhigans from the imperials.....?????? like i'm 100% sure that's what she said. but how does upwards mobility in an imperial nation that relishes in using the word "savage" to describe your people seem even remotely like how that's going to happen? i actually could not fathom for a long while that was what she had said. like i fail to find another way to describe this aside from idiotic, and i often try not to consider things in those terms, but i really don't know how else to describe this. like. this is what i mean when i say the backstory for the characters feels so poorly constructed it genuinely feels random. nothing about her behaviour to me suggested she gave a fuck about ala mhigo. it didn't turn out to be some grand farce when she had her skulls or whoever stomping on the brown guy who they collect dues from in the middle of the road the first time she was introduced. so i just have no idea why that's what her goals are or how i'm meant to believe that's what she wants. i have no idea why she would care about ala mhigo except that her father does or something? but that explained so little to me bc it was lazily done and she definitely does not demonstrate any resolve re that memory except for the one time you see it so okay
similarly, nothing suggests to me that she's deluded enough to believe this path she's on will lead to freedom, either. she didn't seem unaware of the cruelty of the imperials. she's actually meant to seem very capable and smart considering she's established her own unit amongst the other garleans and ends up getting the apparently desirable prize of being zenos' little pogchamp but then what???? why does she think that zenos will give her what she wants?? i literally do not understand what her angle is supposed to beeeee
so i considered the angle that what she said is actually not what we're meant to believe and we're actually meant to extract from the story that she's on a revenge quest for her father against the ala mhigans, and the best way to enact that would be to join the side that's oppressing them. except how she's expressed her motives and how the game makes it clear shes carrying on her father's beliefs for a better ala mhigo doesn't really imply that this is out of revenge either? also she'd be doing the exact same thing yotsuyu is doing, which could be possible bc this expansion can't write. but i just don't think that's it. i think if she truly believes that's what will help ala mhigo like her father did i don't care about it being wrong or right and whether she learns that won't work... but then it just seems so silly.......like girl there is literally no way..................... i am stumped trying to think of what this was supposed to mean or what insights her character could possibly be providing aside from the extremely banal "everyone deserves forgiveness" argument stories about colonialism are OBSESSED with trying to make. hmm i wonder why that is, square enix japan? why cant you properly research colonialism? why is media so obsessed with sympathising with colonisers and pretending its even remotely original to keep saying "if we kill this imperialist...we're just as bad as the people who have been systematically oppressing us for decades...." well...!!
im ngl i actually forgot about fordola until u brought her up bc post-sb really seemed to be gearing her up for the aforementioned redemption arc. but then i forgot how much ala mhigo gets pushed aside to put the spotlight back on doma. bc after she helps you fight sri lakshmi (another character who they just had to make white btw despite the vira/qalyana being brown bedlah babe snake women. they worship a white god. whatever i hate my life) she just vanishes. i thought that was maybe the most interesting thing they did with her character even despite my hatred for lazy redemption arcs for colonialists and cheap backstories about dead parents, bc i liked that she wasn't forgiven and that she herself didn't seem to know what was in store for her own life anymore, but stubbornly chose to help everyone fight and was still really driven despite all her L's. and then you just never see her again. as far as i can tell anyways, and i do not want to know actually bc im still in shadowbringers.
in a parallel world where stormblood is well-written i see myself liking fordola a lot. but this is not that world and i can't keep spending my time imagining a world where sb could be good. like... she just lacked a foundation that really made any of her actions make sense to me. was i meant to feel bad her dad got stoned for selling out to garlemald? i'm not being sarcastic i genuinely dont know if thats what the game wanted. i assume it is bc this entire expansion reeks of endless humanisation for white characters, but ive said the writing is so bad as to leave me genuinely confused abt its purpose many times already.
anyways the absolute worst waste of a char to me is zenos. i haven't had such a hard time taking a character seriously in a long time, and asahi gets introduced shortly after so competition was definitely fierce. i think part of it was that he was one of the few chars id seen fanart of b4 i got to him in the game which gave me the impression he was going to be insightful or something, so maybe i had given myself expectations. but ultimately i was left with maybe the most simplistic main villain this game has produced thus far. which is a shame, bc like fordola there's aspects of his char that i found really interesting, only for them to be routinely squandered with each new cutscene. initially i thought his disinterested, calmer demeanour was interesting in comparison to the other imperial chars, like gaius, who had a lot of thoughts about/passion for what he was doing. i like characters who feel a sort of existential boredom...like a real dead inside char who discovers a sort of esoteric way to live or regains meaning thru someone else--i love that trope! wanting to forever be locked in a cycle of violence with wol. sure. why not! i like that sort of thing! i was even willing to ignore the blonde hair and blue eyes (i wasn't) like i've done this before as someone who used to devote a lot of time to dimitri fe3h. this is not new to me.
but the thing is the moment zenos started talking about the thrill of the hunt i felt something in me wither and die. that trope is not interesting! i will never find it interesting!!!!!!!! if you do i'm happy for you but not me. his nihilism could have been interesting if it wasn't manifesting itself thru the subjugation of the fantasy brown people this game invented just to subjugate like...can we be serious. even just the scale of that was so beyond moronic to me. i had such a hard time suspending my disbelief whenever he opened his mouth... that i was supposed to care about this prince who was deathly bored of it all but somehow still gave a fuck about maintaining the occupation and fetishising the struggle? it was so hard to reconcile any of what he said with his actual apparent years of behaviour. like okay, i already know whiteness is synonymous with violence and ppl are unwilling to take that seriously, but seeing that realised in the sheer scale of colonial violence zenos apparently engages in and then for him to turn around and be like grr i'm gripped by such potent ennui and this is really deep. what about this was supposed to be complex or interesting or well-thought out. i genuinely have no clue
what made it even funnier (worse) to me was that before i got to stormblood i was back at home watching my dad play two separate video games where the main villain was a white guy with the exact same motivations: everything else in life now bored them except for this very specific (and not socially constructed at all apparently!) thrill of hunting real people/framing life as some social darwinist thought experiment that definitely has to be true bc look at how many ppl ive killed and conquered? what's left for me in this life now that i'm at the very top of the very real and not invented and not racist social pyramid.........? but it's not just a me thing humans are just like violent and actually love killingand i am very smart <- like how is this not just a blatantly normalised concept in life in general. nothing about zenos having this outlook reads as crazy or interesting to me, it actually just feels monumentally simple. he was just reading from the coloniser textbook. my sis actually told me while we were talking about the game that there's a book called "the most dangerous game" where i'm assuming this trope as it exists in media probably stems from, if not just the like usual racism/unfortunate fascination with imperialism over and over and over and over again. i just...that his thoughts on the consequences of his actions, the sheer amount of conquest he's engaged in, are largely due to some fatalistic boredom that comes from just being way too strong and too powerful and elevated above the savages. like okay dude.
i think if they had just removed that shit (except idk if thats possible the colonialism is so entrenched in this expansion bc ff couldnt conceive a non-white race without oppressing them) then his character would have been a lot better......maybe..? idk all that shit he says to you before he goes shinryu mode about violence or his being self-serving wouldn't have been original but at least it'd have been a lot easier to believe as his ideology without this nonsensical pile of bodies behind it that i literally could not take seriously. his final monologue was hard to sit through bc it all felt so random. my sis also pointed out that he doesn't feel relevant to the story, especially ala mhigo's story, at all, and i genuinely agree. i feel like they must have had a lot of ideas for him separately and then shoved him into this expansion because they needed a strong villain or something to keep their already thin plot running. with other villains you can see where they get their ideas from or why they're doing what they do and how their actions might progress the story. gaius for eg is a char i find really interesting bc i thought his opinions on primals in arr which is about primals was really interesting, and his conceptions of an ideal empire as well. like he actually has a leg to stand on and compelling things to say. nidhogg is also a good enemy to me, and i dont care so much for thordan but i still think he had interestingly selfish motivations and contributed ideas to the story. maybe that's because hvw didn't wallow so much in a simplistic good vs. evil like stormblood did...like hvw isnt just war its revising centuries of propagandized history and learning to change your own beliefs and going thru a lot of interesting discomfort (to put it mildly). stormblood i thought tried to be complicated at times when for eg meffrid (one of the only chars i liked in sb btw) would occasionally argue with lyse on what's "right" for occupied ppl to be doing during their occupation, like how a lot of ala mhigans wanted to keep their head down. you can see where that idea gets used throughout sb like in namia, but it never actually gets complicated into something worth thinking about bc again the chars are constantly reachign the same realisations over and over by the end (we have to kill zenos...! ANDTHEN THEY DONT EVEN FUCKIGN KILLGHI). like the ideas don't go anywhere, which might be for the best bc in my perfect world this game would not be writing about any of this. and now meffrid is dead bc ff doesn't give af about the ala mhigans or developing their thoughts/beliefs beyond the occasional potentially interesting idea on the map dialogue. atp i just feel blessed zenos doesn't have a backstory so that his personality isn't the result of some lazily done traumatic event. well i say that but the game couldn't even keep him dead so fuck my life. who knows what's in store for me. plz dont tell me.
all the thoughts i have are negative i'm so sorry but the chars i actually liked like gosetsu just get ruined by the time post-sb gets its evil evil hands on them so this expansion is genuinely just dead to me. i used to like gosetsu a lot, and i thought the shame he carried with him for abandoning hien a long time ago was a fun addition to his character. one of my favourite tropes is when a character just wants to die...like they feel like they've emotionally exhausted themselves and don't know what to do with the end of their life. i find that kind of thing really poignant. and i'm pretty satisfied w how they wrapped up his arc, actually, with him deciding to go on a sort of pilgrimage. it was just how they got there i absolutely hated.
it just keeps going back to an inability to write. for eg, if what they wanted was to complicate gosetsu's character by demonstrating how someone extremely self-sacrificial and devoted to his country's cause could actually really want to indulge in something, they choose to do it by having him play an uncomfortable game of house with someone who's murdered an innumerable amount of their country's people. but its okay bc instead of giving that idea any meaningful thought, here's a throwaway line about how he had a granddaughter so it makes sense he's doing this, also we're going to age regress the coloniser so its okay she's basically a child now which isn't a total slap in the face for everyone involved including the player, and then we're going to play these scenes for laughs and everyone is totally fine with it and it's not lazy writing at all.
asahi too i thought was an example of just poor writing, bc why is a single almost zero-context scene of zenos saving him supposed to do anything to explain his behaviour. does that not just seem lazy? he doesn't like zenos for any other reason...? we don't see asahi's thoughts on zenos except for this one cut scene where the chars could be replaced with how meaningless it is and then from then on his suddenly passionate behaviour is just supposed to be engaging...? i personally thought he was a lot more interesting when he seemed to genuinely believe in the bullshit he was saying about the empire being gracious and forgiving and rubbing his hands obsequiously at wol and being overly flattering and just a sort of greasy spoiled bastard. but then of course this totally obvious reveal happens and he's just some "crazy" guy who just wants to be his coloniser's lapdog bc he's sooooooo strong. fascinating. post-sb felt like a bad tv drama. its like the ideas in somewhat isolation are alright but they just stopped caring
tbf to asahi i did like his moments with yotsuyu. if they weren't so steeped in like....the weirdest plot points ever (random-ass yandere behaviour and yotsuyu behaving like a child) i would have been a lot more invested in the punishment they enacted on their parents for grooming one to be an imperial officer and the other being sold off. yotsuyu's backstory is still kind of typical but i thought she was like. interesting enough. she was ok. i could believe in/enjoy their callousness a lot more readily than a certain other character ive already said too much about. i think their truly awful sibling relationship had potential. dare i repeat myself about what happens to potential in this expansion
i wish i had more to say about hien and yugiri and lyse but they kind of just...idk. they just feel kind of shallow......... i don't think they really get developed much, i mean i definitely have things to say but there's just nothing really there that inspires me to do so and this post is already way too long. maybe when i finally write like an essay on how mjuch i dont respect stormblood. i like yugiri though. her hometown is very cool but she just gets relegated to "dutiful ninja" that they use when something needs to be done that wol isnt going to do, and they don't go into much detail about what really pushed her to leave or how exactly she felt, they just kind of have her parents tell you thats what she did. i liked the part though where she was like WE NEED TO KILL ZENOS RN bc it suddenly seemed out of character almost but then well where did that go...ok. hien just feels genuinely evil to me like his vibes are so off and i could not tell you why but he's kind of just there to move the plot forward so i really don't have much to say about him. and talking about lyse would just make this post even longer and more hateful. i used to really like her too.
time for something positive...? i really liked the azim steppe when it wasn't being so randomly misogynistic. that was where i was most interested in what was going on bc it had less to do with the war, but then you bring the war to them so...*screaming*. like it's a shame to me that the xaela are still framed by a focus on war, but the dotharl's concept of rebirth and the other practices the different groups had were maybe the most interesting things to me in the entire expansion. also how gosetsu had that moment with one of the dotharl warriors who died without it being some weirdly ignorant clash of beliefs. i liked that part a lot. sadu and magnai and cirina arent developed enough for me to have much of worth to say about them rn bc like yugiri and hien they kind of just become channels for the story, but at least they have a lot of personality and there's a lot to work with. also its 2am. i'm hoping to have more ideas re the xaela when i get around to doing the sidequests in that area, which i think will help me round out their characters more. i called cirina having a thing for hien from like a mile away btw bc this game is so unserious. anyways i think there should be like a spin-off about sadu magnai and cirina and if it doesn't come to exist soon i will grow like ten extra hands and make it myself
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wormlips · 4 months
The way I got into Thramsay, I was frightened at the thought of reading ff about them, even though I shipped the guys from Killing stalking — arguably not as whumpy. But, they were the most toxic pairing I’d shipped, up until that point. I had only ever watched GoT too, till recently. I thought the fanfiction would be darker, I think. But I was still intrigued, cause I did draw them on one occasion. Then like 5 years later, I came to check this tag on a whim, and had such a visceral reaction to some fanart on here. Long story short, I now strangely ship three pairings where one half of the ship kidnapped (“kidnapped”) the other. And two where one character has .. lost some bits. *whispers* how are there two?? 💀
Yeah it's funny how you can tell yourself 'im just going to take a quick look' and then fall head-first into things. like you never saw it coming but suddenly it's a part of your life
or dismissing a thing only to return years later and realize that it was right up your alley all along
Your ask made me write even more because like you I hadn’t shipped anything on thramsay's level before so i didnt have a good frame of reference what it might have been like but i were intrigued too and it's cathartic putting into words what i think makes them so captivating to me
I definitely had interest in toxic relationships with abusive and dark elements in it long before but none where one of them had literally removed body parts from the other. I think Ive always been on the softer side so I need (needed? Idk if i do currently) some sort of mutual feelings even if it is irrational or non genuine like people who cant help but still love someone who hurts them or the reverse - loves someone but cant keep from hurting them. The DA fic kind of pushed that to its limits but it contained some sort of lingering sentimentality amidst graphic descriptions of flaying and i was thinking you can do that??? Though in that fic the torturer had been corrupted by magic so their relationship had been normal at one point which separates it from thramsay. but it had been proven to me that ppl could justify* ”love” in horrible conditions that is interesting to read and i should stop writing but i went into thramsay fics to find out if someone had done so (also whatever else, i was fucking around to find out)
It just hits the spot i ❤️ characters being conflicted about their lover and i want to be unable to tell if the ”love” they feel for their counterpart is actually something else
even though i'm not particularly into show-verse thramsay anymore the best example i can give is the infamous bathing scene where ramsay asks if reek loves him and reek says of course with full conviction and it's like obviously it isn't true though reek might feel like he does because he has conditioned himself to have that response, he brainwashed himself to cope and for safety because he has to believe so ramsay can't find out he's lying but then if he thinks he feels it so much that he does............? how do we define real vs fake love an-... whatever i'm going too far we don't need a philosophical discussion of this rn
you can make it worse by switching between him being self aware of all this to fully believing he's always been ramsay's, the way he slips back into theon's thinking patterns in the book from reek's and anything inbetween until you have toxic sludge on your hands and furthest thing from a normal, healthy relationship
and even more fun if you do the same to ramsay, it doesn't have to be real love but it's such a clingy obsession and dependency, mutual belonging and the idea that he will always return so his closeness, his whispers will be likened to that of a lover because what else is there to compare it to *there's probably a better way i could put it but by justify i mean the author writing something that makes sense from the character's point of view. i don't want to be misconstrued
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marzzthehuman · 4 months
sorry im just really curious ,:3
uwaahhh!!! yaayayyy
🧃- uhh favorite cold drink hmm. maybe like soda?? or water. or apple juice but maybe not? I'm still not over the time I drank a bunch of it after learning a dance that was too much. I think I got sick of the taste lol
🍜- hmm my favorite dish is probably this soup (okay had to Google for this) It's the "One-Pot Creamy Lemon-Dill Chicken Soup with Couscous & Scallions" from a hello fresh meal my dad got once. (we don't get hello fresh anymore my dad just saved the recipe cards lmao) idk I just really like it. (we cant have it anymore bc according to my stepmom 'its not soup season.' cries)
📚- gegegegeggeg favorite book I'm excited. ok here's a few: Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White, The Spirit Bares It's Teeth by Andrew Joseph White, My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix, The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes by Mei Hachimoku, and probably some others I forgot.
The books by Andrew Joseph White have gore, homophobia/transphobia, religious trauma, ableism and a lot of other stuff so I would take caution before reading (I also believe there's a warning at the beginning of them, I might be wrong but I hope I'm not?? I don't have them with me rn)
(excuse my bad summarizing lmao)
Hell Followed With Us is about a trans boy escaping from a cult but he was chosen to be the savior or whatever so he had this like??? substance?? infection??? (OKAY THANK YOU GOODREADS. its a bioweapon) put in him so he'd become the monster thing its great. (lots of gore, though)
The Spirit Bares It's Teeth (okay sorry if this one is especially bad this book is hard to descirbe) is about an autistic trans boy who wants to be a doctor ?? I think there's this whole setting thing with ghosts and stuff (its pretty cool I just don't know how to describe it lmao) basically he's put in an arranged marriage and was diagnosed with 'veil sickness' so he has to go to a boarding school. lots of gore. I don't want to spoil a specific scene but there is gore very much. its a super good book though.. I need to reread it
My Best Friend's Exorcism also has gore in it?? I think?? it gets pretty disturbing so. It's set in the 80's where this girl's best friend goes missing one night and then comes back possessed (obviously, as stated in the title) but no one believes her when she tries to tell people that that is not her friend. her friend gets all evil n shit (I mean she is possessed by a demon)
The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes is about a boy who hears rumors at school about this tunnel that will grant your wishes in exchange for you getting older. he finds the tunnel and is intrigued. (he also wants to know if it can make his sister come back bc she died in a tragic accident)
and unrelated but I also like the Komi Can't Communicate and TBHK mangas :3
ookay moving on~♪
📺- I don't really watch tv but I like Young Sheldon, the office, and superstore :33
thanks for the ask even though this is super long and the book summaries probably make no sense at all!!!
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sugarprincessbitch · 1 year
Can you give me ideas about the fate of my OC Tyrell? On the other hand, we have the stubborn young firstborn girl like her father Hoster Tully, Tulyp Tully, with long red hair like a river and blue eyes like a lake. She rebelled against her father and married Maren Tyrell, who abandoned his titles as Tyrell to be with Tully, marrying in Essos. They had a daughter, let's call her Taryn for now. Shortly after they die in mysterious circumstances, the Tyrells simply give her the family name but leave her to her own fate. Catelyn who always admired her older sister, Tulyp, decides to take Taryn to Winterfell as a kind of revenge for the arrival of Jon Snow and to have more connection with her dead sister. Taryn is the reassuring one of the family, she knows about literature and romance, being thus the best friend of her cousin Sansa and is allowed to train with swords, making her close to her other cousin Arya. When Ned agrees to be the king's hand, Petyr Baelish finds himself intrigued by her, gradually realizing that it is not because of her status as a noblewoman, but because of her personality as Taryn that she is INTJ.
Hi, honey!! I love that you wanted to share with me about your oc.
Ok, first I think that she won't have the surname of house Tyrell, because not only his father lost his titles and right to his family name for marrying her mother, but also she is a bastard ( the marriage is not legitimize by a priest of the seven), so her surname would be "flower", that is the surname that the bastards of house Tyrell have. Maybeee if you want her to have a noble surname, it will be Tully, because I think Hoster will be more likely to have some appreciation for the girl because of its love for his first child ( idk much about Hoster Tully personality, so I don't know for sure what he would do in this situation, but for the convenience of the plot I will do it like this), nevertheless he have to send a request to the king to legitimize a bastard ( a over complicated task if you ask me).
About the whole thing with Catelyn, I thought at first that she could pass as Catelyn child/bastard, but i immediately discard it because it will go against the character devoted wife that we see in the books. So, Ned will obviously now all about Taryn's parentage and will help Catelyn raise her as one of her children wink wink ( I think anyone, even Taryn, not knowing her real parentage will be a huge plot twist hehe). You can choose one of this two if you like (bastard/ Catelyn and Ned false child), obviously this is all my opinion and im not trying to impose.
Knowing a little about the personality of Taryn by what you're telling me, the relationship with Petyr will be a long slow burn/ enemies to lovers troupe type of relationship, because I don't think she is an innocent dove like Sansa, so she would realize the intentions of Petyr right away (having feelings for Petyr will create a GREAT internal conflict between her moral sense and her feelings). In this case, Peter at first will have a weird obsession with her because of how similar she is to Catelyn (idk If you intend her and her aunt to be physically similar), but then when the truth is revealed about her true parentage and also getting to know her and seeing that she is the opposite of what Catelyn is, things will change, he would no more see her as an extension of her crush but as a individual person aside from Catelyn.
(i lost myself in the relationship dynamic too much, if you have new ideas about her you can ask me!!! I will gladly respond)
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as a multishipper who ships pretty much every pairing thrown at them (except if its like illegal or morally not okay obviously) i think your opinions are very interesting to read and people shouldn't be pressed about you expressing them-- (i saw that one ask lmao its literally none of their business they had no right to say that bro LMAO)
on another and kind of unrelated note - im glad to find someone else that doesn't really like jamil x kalim ... like idk i think its weird how popular it is it gives me the icks so bad like for them to have a healthy friendship let alone relationship with each other they have to have at the very least a LONG TALK and like truly get to understand each others issues and problems right down to the roots and i just dont really think thats in the cards for either of them---
a few other ships i like that id find opinions on very intriguing are: cater x idia azul x jamil jack x sebek !!
actually i havent read too far into the main story/events and i have no idea how many times jack and sebek interacted in canon but ive read multiple cute fics with them so i think its cute in fanon :3
- 🔌🎹
Thank you!! I've gotten a couple more asks from people pissed off I'm giving my opinion on ships, but I've just deleted them. It's none of their business anyway.
Adeuce is a perfectly fine ship. Some people like to say that Ace is a bully to Deuce, and to that I say, have you ever met a friend group of high schoolers? They banter, they make fun of each other, it's perfectly normal as long as they aren't going past certain boundaries. Adeuce is fine in my book.
Cater and Idia has the appeal of an extrovert and an introvert, but I'm gonna have to say no, just because Idia is in a position of power as a housewarden. This is nothing against your ship, they're both consenting adults, but I'm pretty firm with this rule.
Jamil and Azul is one of the most popular ships, and I can see why. Azul kinda simps for him in Canon. But I just can't ever see those feelings being reciprocated. Jamil doesn't really care much about Azul, so I can see it being one sided, but i don't think Jamil would ever like him back.
Jack and Sebek have appeal, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Like, they're in the first year friend group, even if they don't interact a bunch. They have similar interests, I think it could probably work.
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aristocrating · 2 months
Hot Take: Jack and Bitty are good for each other. Y'all are just mean LMAO
fandom is just one hermeneutic cycle of being an anti until arguing for the ship that's on the front of the book cover becomes a hot take again!!
ok so (looks straight at camera) im a confessed zimbits-snarker, right? hate those guys. fuck those guys. BUT. i would love to play devils advocate for *checks notes real quick* the most popular pairing in the fandom for a minute. watch me, i'm about to do the mental gymnastics meme where both the top and the bottom just say "zimbits good"
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one thing i think that draws people to zimbits is the aspect of wish fulfilment. with bitty serving as the reader-insert, it's easy to see why: bitty begins the comic as a fish out of water to college hockey, he undergoes the journey of being integrated into the group and learns to be part of its larger culture. add to that that Jack is literally set up as a handsome prince with a dark mysterious past who serves to sweep up Bitty and usher him off into the sunset. the author has even said that Jack specifically has to fulfil certain hunk duties as eyecandy. its cute! whats not to love! another thing that intrigues me specifically is that zimbits kind of starts out as enemies to lovers. me at age something-teen reading Check Please for the first time, seeing tall dark and handsome year 1 asshole jack yell at Bitty? i was like "oh i need him carnally", and evidently so did Bits.
Next, coming from the Jack side of things, it's just such a cozy concept for the ending of his character arc, right? After all these years of torturing himself, here is finally someone who is just willing to shower him in affection, who loves nothing more than to dote on him and bake him homemade pie, which is a very fitting image for the domesticity that jack could use after the fuckery that is his Icarus arc.
Another thing that I would love to see explored more is how Bitty's and Jack's stories end up falling in parallel when it comes to their upbringing. Both of them feel like they can't live up to being their fathers, which neither of their fathers necessarily want of them, but it's a sort of self-imposed expectation for both of them. As a woman who is certainly "my father's daughter" i find that very relatable.
Now here's where I'm gonna come in with my own hot take and say that, Jack and Bitty are good for each other– for a while. And that's okay. When I read their relationship, it always gives me the sense that here are two people who found each other at very pivotal points in their lives (i mean whats more epitomic of the college experience than that) and who profit from each other's company while they're going through that growing process. They work because first and foremost they're each other's friends. I think in year 2 this is especially evident when the buildup to their romance happens. Bitty cares about Jack's safety, his happiness. Jack wants to give Bitty what he can to make him happy.
When I think about where I see them in the future I always think, like. Happily divorced. There's a scene in Company by Sondheim where Peter and Susan, a sexually repressed guy who lusts after the protagonist and a southern belle ray of sunshine, get a divorce and it's the best thing that's ever happened to them. I rewatched the 2006 revival recently and at that scene I went "oh shit that's them. that's zimbits". At one point the protag asks Peter where he's gonna live now that they're divorced and Peter says like "Right here. I got Susan and the kids to take care of, I would certainly never leave them?" And obviously the scene is highly facetious and satiristic, but I think it's emblematic of how I see their relationship work out. They're probably not longterm compatible romantically but they'll still have each other's backs.
At least until Jack finds out about the vlog.
Idk I don't think there's anything to rate here. Zimbits good is a scorching hot take on this blog. To ME.
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fatherramiro · 4 months
please say more about the angel+krester spec because you are one of the only people i trust with them <3
hello yes welcome to the only ship adjacent fic for them i will probably ever write <3
tbh a lot of it has come from our discussions of what the sort implications would be for a narrative in which krester's, erm, poor decision making skills? would lead him to have a more negative character arc overall. since this is a post anyone can read i do want to clarify that this is not me being a mean ol' ramiroángel shipper who just wants krester to be a jackass but actually me looking at his story in season one and being intrigued by what it could mean for him to get worse, in fact. i think krester's loneliness and anger are vastly underexplored topics in fandom, and i want to see a story in which he does have a much darker overall role in the narrative. (also watching the rain made me have a mighty need for more tragic villain roles played by lucas so)
and on the flip side, just in general i do think ángel would have more positive character growth if only because he's able to accept what krester literally struggles to accept in season one: someone offering him understanding and a chance to be vulnerable and loved. for ángel, his romantic relationship with ramiro offers that and we see him accept it. for krester, his sibling relationship with tove means she's offering him choice and a chance to get away from their mother's influence and he spits them back in her face. so what happens in a later season, where ángel's growth is more cemented but krester is still struggling to find that for a variety of reasons?
this fic is, essentially, a conversation between ángel and krester set in reality/2099 in a hypothetical season three context. there's a lot of background work im doing for their stories (and for the stories of ramiro and tove, who won't be in the fic but whose influence will be strongly felt) that actually won't end up in the text itself? because i really want to just give a snapshot of this particular version of 1899 that lives in my head in only this scene, where ángel and krester sort of confront their similarities and how they've both become different. it isn't shippy at all, though obviously the simulation stuff will be addressed and i do think there's going to be some... idk, i don't want to say confusion on krester's part over what he feels for ángel, but i do think it is sort of him mistaking that "we're mirror images of each other" bond for romantic attraction when it simply does not exist for either of them (and would not have been healthy had they tried to pursue it). it is very sort of ambiguous and vague, and the ending is extremely open at the moment as to what will happen next, but it's been very fun for me to sort of outline and work on a fic with a dynamic that ive really avoided writing so far (mostly out of disinterest and a preference for other dynamics) but yeah. this is what that is! and it is one of the three sort of Big Oneshots im planning on writing this year to sort of break out of just writing ramiroángel because while i will be writing ramiroángel forever, sometimes a guy's got to branch out into other things so!
ask me about my wips based on their title!
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jjackfrost · 7 months
I saw this post about Prophet and instantly wanted to read. I have access to several different libraries and all had several months wait—— and a few of your other posts (skimmed so i didnt spoil myself too badly) were so obviously moved by this story that the next time i found myself at a bookstore i asked about a copy.
Heres whats kind of fun:
whenever i go to the bookstore with a specific ask, they almost always tell me that the story isnt in stock, and would they like me to order it? So my hopes werent high. YET.
And hardcovers! Yippee! I could take it home same day!
Neither copy was anywhere to be found on the shelves— we checked every conceivable genre under both authors for the better part of twenty minutes and nothing. By the end of this, five separate people are looking for this book, all apparently with increasing expertise or spacial awareness or authority or *something*… eventually they did find it on a random cart in the back storage section, completely uncatalogued. It never would have sold because they didn’t really know where it was.
Anyway, all the bookstore peeps seemed intrigued by the mystery, I think they may have appreciated the enrichment on a random sleepy wendnesday afternoon. I certainly was entertained haha.
Im really excited to dive into Prophet once i finish the book im currently reading, but idk if i can wait that long tbh!
So, thank you for the excellent review /reccomendation(?) and i hope you have an excellent weekend.
PS: i loved otnwas— im sure you get that a lot but it bears repeating. Amazing work:) makes my heart feel too big every time i read it.
to think that it wouldn’t have sold if you didn’t specifically ask for it 😩 godly intervention and LMFAO i hope the people working in that bookstore will remember the title and read it themselves and spread it to other people because MAN I AM SO ALONE OUT HERE. i hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!
re: otnwas, thank you, that makes me really happy to hear 🥹🥹🥹
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hollylachat · 2 years
mole game 2
today is febrary fifth
rewriting this because the discard button really seemed intriguing to me like 10 minutes ago i dont know what came over me. I had gotten like so much more then i thought i would yesterday. you actually get super powers in learning when ur actively putting off a college paper.
I be recording bits and pieces of the process of putting it all together idk how much i want to describe in detail, it really takes alot of time to say it all.
I did finally open up that unity program and make a cube, hard part was makin it move
I decided i was gonna use the new unity input system module thing, idk shiny new thing obviously better, no way it isnt, then it like wouldnt be new and i wouldnt be using it.
funny thing is that i spent 30 minutes tryna optimize code and shit because i thought i messed up and was laggin my game, but the like context menu for the player input module just straight up lags the game look at this
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i was usin the character controller module to setup the movement and i was tryna use the SimpleMove() function, which should've just taken raw inputs and added gravity, which should've been fine for my game since i don't need a jump and the character wouldn't need to be affected by physics. However it seems like that function is kinda awful, like it doesn't seem to work with Time.deltaTime or have a built in clock, so its all studdery and gets faster when at lower framerates, which i was able to test with my trusty player input context menu lol
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yeah but then i just kinda rewrote it in the Move() function and manually just did the funny "+ Physics.gravity" and it just kinda works
void Update(){
characterController.Move((moveVector * moveSpeed + Physics.gravity) * Time.deltaTime);
public void Move(InputAction.CallbackContext moveAmount){
vectorBeforeTranslation = moveAmount.ReadValue<Vector2>();
moveVector.Set(vectorBeforeTranslation.x, 0, vectorBeforeTranslation.y);
so yeah this is all u need for a character controller folks i hope this helped and i hope someone bullies me for this at some point moveVector is a Vector3 and vectorBeforeTranslation is a Vector2 declared empty earlier in the class.
Now then was to make the character rotate, idk i kinda did it but not really but like hey look holy shit the cube is moving
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i like couldnt figure out how make a transition so that the rotation looked clean so i kinda threw out that code
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so i guess i just decided that i would work on making the character face my mouse, this was a travesty
a mixture of deciphering how to grab the mouse position from the input system garbage and deciphering how to convert it into real coordinates in the actual game
its like difficult finding any material for understanding quaternions on like a programming or unity level, like i dont actually need to know quaternions just show me where to plug the variables, it seems like the internet is deadset on giving me alternatives so that i never have to touch it so i ended up using the LookAt() function and inserted the mouse position which like semi worked
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it made it look towards the ground which was goofy, but also i fixed this by just pretending like the y axis of the mouse position was the same as the character :^)
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thats about all i achieved, i spent a long time tryna make a sort of transition for the rotation of the character for like some game feel or something, but idk i can do that later.
i think the next big thing is to work on terrain and how its gonna be destroyed, im lookin into like how to variably change like the vertices and stuff on a mesh, not looking to win any rewards, just dont wanna end up using blocks or somethin stupid for the rocks and shit.
I also gotta research alot into shaders for how i want the insides of the tunnels you would be creating would be.
seems like this would be the stage that would cause burnout since I'm not really sure where to go on from here but i guess ill just learn more about the engine and come back at another day.
one thing to note is that I tried to make my code like modular so i can use them again at a later date, thats probably a fairly good idea, always thought it was weird how much people online tell you to split up ur code and nonsense but dont tell you how they personally do it or like explain how ur supposed to come up with your own system on ur own projects.
hoping seeing so many nonsense libraries and doin so much damn math in my head doesn't rob me of my personality
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imaginethathaikyuu · 1 year
HELLO! i’m back after reading everything for part 1 a few days ago. the first thing that came to mind was how it did NOT feel like 8K words, and none of the scenes felt wasted in any way. when reader brought yachi along i was surprised to see how you eased her into the team, and i think her skill to bullshit as a scammer was something reader thought could help them? i don’t think she actively tried to recruit yachi, but when yachi tagged along reader was probably not just thinking of her plan to teach yachi a lesson but also 5-steps ahead—hence why she was so casual in stuffing yachi into a role to entertain Ten. and also, the fact that akaashi looked extremely angry at the beginning but he softens so much at the middle only to harden at the end??? i think it’s because he doesn’t approve of reader’s methods to teach yachi?? he did say that one time while they were talking. i’m so intrigued how the “fake dating” will sprout, because we can see clearly that it’s obviously not fake. although keiji doesn’t want to settle with reader, he was the one who initiated intimacy in the warehouse even though no one was watching, aka there was no need for him to even act intimate. i’m betting on that scene alone that keiji does have real feelings for reader, but why he doesn’t want to settle…. idk. i’ll have to read and find out!
and as for other things (about keiji and reader), the fact that they quarrelled and act like enemies the next day when they were all mushy was soooo funny, and leading to the old lady telling the tale…. THAT CLIFFHANGER! and also, i know u probably don’t mean it to be funny but reading “2 body guards—one buff and one scrawny” is such a visual irony i laughed. and also, the whole scene with Ten… what inspired the flow of events? it felt so legitimate like you were actually in a con job. and also, with reader working with such high profile…… wow. wonder who she’s working for. she seems like the leader of the team but the story did mention she had to join while as clueless as yachi—i wonder how she rose to her current position!!!
love the series :) thanks for writing it. this was mostly a mind ramble and i didn’t backtrack to edit so i’m sorry if some parts don’t make sense. — keiji enthusiast anon (kea)
ahhhhh!!!! thank u so much!!!!! im sorry its taken me a few days to reply i was just so excited about this ask and had to sit down and take time to reply well enough!!!! right after reading this ask i literally immediately went and wrote an entire scene for part 2 like u dont even understand how energizing it was. like i love u sm fr
i'm so glad u liked it :')) i worked so very hard on this part and had so much trouble with the flow of it all so im glad u thought it was good!!! more information about yachi will be revealed in part 3:)) lets just say reader may have been causing trouble for yachi far longer than yachi thought o_O but this definitely wasn't a recruitment plan in the way it happened to work out, but reader is very good at changing plans last minute. when yachi begged her for a ticket to LA i think it softened her heart a little bit lmao
akaashi and reader literally feel SO strongly for each other but it can either manifest in gross icky lovesickness or insane burning hatred. like theres no in between for them. its ALL or NOTHING!!! and i go into that a lot in the next part. part 2 is very very different from part 1, but its my all time favorite, i love it so much and i cant wait to post it so all the secrets can be revealed<333 i wish i could just say everything now but that would be no fun!!!
also idk how obvious it was but the two body guards were bokuto and kudo :) idk why Ten would hire kudo as a body guard like hes a fifty something 5'5 stickbug but hes also very convincing idk man
ALL the background info on reader is revealed in the next part....as well as on akaashi....and the start of this team in the first place... i mean ALL!!! its so fun to write u dont even know
i got a lot of inspo right from The Great Pretender!! i took ideas from it and twisted them around to fit this fic in a concise way. in the first few episodes they pull a drug scam against a movie director with japanese candies and fake doctors and lots of guns, it lasts like multiple episodes, and i just took that idea and made it a lot shorter and less detailed so itd work here lmao. i think thats the only direct scam i pulled from the show so far? i may take one or two more for part 3, but yeah thats where the inspo came from!! it was very difficult because i am not a con artist but i tried my best lol!!
thank u so much for the amazing ask it really does mean so much to me that u took the time to read it AND tell me ur thoughts on it, it brings me so much joy and makes me that much more excited to keep writing. feedback is the only thing that feeds writers!!! so thank u for feeding me so well!!!!!
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lesbiannancytruther · 2 years
distracting myself w a new ronance super villains au i just came up with right now
nancy is ‘vendetta’ and her weapon of choice is guns (obvi) and im gonna get super impractical here bc she’s obviously a sharpshooter but duel pistols that r super decorated and she’s somehow modded to be completely silent are so cool SO IM GOING WITH IT
idk why but i feel like part of her outfit is a crown, but not like a royalty crown think anne of cleves’ costume in six- THAT type of crown bc with her perm it would slay
im thinking she goes deep purple and would rock bell sleeves with super shiny silver bullet bracelets that act as emergency high power rounds as well as at LEAST calf length boots but i feel like thigh highs… her secret admirer dies
part of me desperately wants her to have bayonetta heels but nancy is so practical she’d never wear heels on a job but😩
no one has actually seen her (except for a special someone) beyond her silhouette in gritty photos since she’s known for taking out security cameras with a well placed bullet. she’s always in and out and has yet to be caught despite a few close scrapes.
the only reason anyone knows her name is because every bullet casing has her name neatly inscribed in cursive in the side (shes so fancy <3)
by day, nancy is obviously a pretty big time journalist who scopes out potential spots by doing stories everywhere she’s interested in, and no one ( ;) ) suspects anything because she releases them wildly out of order.
her motive? nancy craves excitement and movement. she’s not content writing about the aftermath, she wants to be part of the chase, or in this case, the one being chased. for the most part she steals from the wildly rich with more money than anyone can use and donates it wherever she feels needs it. don’t get me wrong tho she absolutely splurges on herself sometimes (her wardrobe takes time and money okay)
also i’d say morality wise nancy has no issue killing people who she thinks are fucking awful (billionaires) but usually if she has to shoot henchmen she does it somewhere that knocks them down but won’t kill them (like the leg or smth)
now onto robin! robin is ‘haxx’ and has actually never been seen by anyone. i couldn’t think of a more obvious villain role than master hacker and code breaker, best in the business.
unlike vendetta, robin works for the right price, offering her services as a programmer by day and a hacker by night, and is actually well known and respected in the super villain community. if you didn’t talk to haxx,,, are u even a real super villain come on now
no one has been able to see or find her (unless its where she wants to be found) she’s just that well protected. people always come to her for whatever they need and she works with every top dog in the industry, which is why the presence of an elusive super villain who’s done huge jobs without a single message her way intrigues her to no end.
not only this, but instead of being conventional she just efficiently destroys security systems instead of disarming them, which robin thinks is not smart (but awesome), and she tries her damndest to get a glimpse of the villainess
robin succeeds when she sees the hidden connection between big time journalist nancy wheeler and vendetta’s chosen spots, with the only spot she hasn’t hit yet being her obvious prime time target
robin arranges modified security cameras just outside of vendetta’s typical radius, which would keep her out of sight of normal security cameras, but not special high tech versions.
robin catches a full frontal picture of vendetta in high quality and literally jumps for joy when she finds she was right about her nancy wheeler suspicion
now robin’s ultimate goal? figure out vendetta’s deal (and wife her in the process)
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Oh god so, since ive been watching and reading black butler a lot again Ive obviously also been thinking a lot abt it and it made me unlock this memory qnd have this kinda harrowing realization
For context, I was pretty active on Wattpad at the time, specifically the german side, specifically the german minecraft youtuber side, although I was slowly getting into fully fictional ships at that point as well. One day, one of the people I followed made this "book" or whatever that was like, a roleplay ? Idk the way it worked was that you would 'apply' by just making your character under the comments of one chapter and then go to the comment section of the next chapter where the creator had a comment that was like "RP starts here" and then you replied to that and thats where the rp took place. There wasnt really any direction to this whole thing lmao it was called like "Wattpadtown" or smth and the "premise" was literally just "a bunch of people who got some weird bullshit goin on hanging out in this wacky town" and the entire roleplay was basicalld just one extended shitpost, I really wish I could find it and read through some of it because it was WILD
We ended up being like 8 "main" people in this roleplay (rip to all the other people who applied lmao there were a lot surprisingly enough) and I actually became somewhat close friends w/ the person who started it although we never took it out of the wattpad comments section, at me most we would pm eachother so we've unfortunately lost contact lol. One thing to note about all 8 of us was that we were all pretty big billdip shippers. This is important bc the reason I got into Black Butler because of billdip basically lmao
Like, idk if these were that popular in other fandoms, but there were a lot of these Ask or Dare book for Billdip were you would ask your favorite characters/ships questions or tell them dares or whatever and then someone would write the weirdest most poorly written bullshit around it and its really funny I hope they still make those. But yknow, just having two guys interact in your ask or dare book is kinda boring so you'd get a lot of crossovers with other pairings, popular ones were like Willdip, Mawill, Tomco I remember a german one that had the bluehaired guy x the redhaired guy from Assassination Classroom that was fun. And obviously they would do Sebaciel, like, those two ships are soooooooo in the same ballpark its insane. Anyway, so Im reading this one ask or dare book, mostly for the billdip stuff but Sebastian n Ciel are also there and in one of the chapters they get this dare: "everyone, watch the corset scene from the anime" I remember this very vividly. These ask or dare books could get very meta btw. So they do that ig, and we get their reactions idk how Bill n Dipper reacted but Ciel is all flustered and Sebastian is all flirty or whatever bc the characterization in these books is the bane of my existence. Whatever, the important part is, Im kind of intrigued now bc I was coming out of that in that phase where anything gay seemed like, Scandalous and Exciting(tm) because I was starting to get used to it by that point bc I read a lot of gay fanfic HOWEVER media that had like, canon gay shit in it still seemed Scandolous and Exciting(tm) because yknow, i didnt know a lot of that and its also just different consuming fan content vs Actual Media(tm) yknow. So I watched it and I enjoyed it and I got to The Corset Scene and.. I was not disappointed thats for sure
So thats my story, lets get back to the roleplay stuff. Me and those 8 people would often talk (still in the wattpad comment section) about like, other stuff and one evening the creator wrote like "Heyy can anyone recommend an anime to me, I just binged attack on titan again but now Im sad again because my fave Marco died and like, yeah I have this theory that hes still alive as a titan but still :'( need something to cheer me up" idk why I remember this so vividly now because Ive only watched a single episode of aot so this is borderline incomprehensible to me to this day but whatever. I know she liked billdip and since I liked billdip and then I watched black butler and really liked it I jumped on the chance to tell her to watch it. ALSO I knew that she looooved pretty anime guys and Sebastian is a very pretty and very anime guy so I knew she would adore it. So then she tells me that shes gonna go find and watch it and Im like "YESSSSSSS pls tell me what you think"
Less than 10 minutes later she writes me back like "okayyyyy Im loving it so far (and Sebastian is reaaaallly cute xD) I just have one question tho: why do they have british accents" and I didnt really think anything of it I was just kinda like "Yeah it takes place in 19th century england ig" but I just came to a weirdly upsetting realization; she was definitely not watching it in japanese but also, they dont do accents in the german dub which means......... Ciel and Sebastian have british accents in the english dub.
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