#idk if. this is kidney stones. but its hurting in my kidneys
so-very-small · 1 year
somewhere out there, there is a borrower passing the smallest largest kidney stone in the world, and they deserve an entire deep dish pizza for their ordeals
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feelboss · 2 months
i wanted to make a post about how "i can fix that" from holes and "as you wish" from princess bride are incredibly poetic and sweet examples of telling someone you love them without saying the words but also i took pain medication for my (potential??????) new kidney stone so im like...
its sweet idk acts and affirmations of love. something seomthing. my kidney hurts.
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freezi-drink · 9 months
Rant about medical issues under the cut (it's honestly tmi, and a very long post, feel free to scroll)
A couple Fridays ago (the 8th?) I went to the ER at like 7 in the morning for lower abdominal pain that I just assumed was from PCOS but it was bad enough to need ER grade painkillers, so I went and they gave me painkillers (which didn't do jack shit), and gave me an IV*, and did a blood test and a vaginal ultrasound, and they wanted to do a urine test too but with tummy pain obvs my first thought is to go to the bathroom just to rule things out so I couldn't give a sample when I was there and they Wouldn't Let Me Drink Water (ik this is probs what they Have To Do, but still annoying), so the Dr ended up canceling it and saying it was probs just the PCOS anyway. So he sends me home with a couple prescriptions and I'm like yeah ok whatever. I get home, the hospital calls, said I left my favorite flannel, my dad and I head out to get that, grab my prescriptions, and a smoothie to hopefully get some calories in me. Before he could even leave the smoothie king I made him pull over so I could throw up. Well I'm still laying on the bedroom floor in pain for several hours, even with my dad giving me the prescription painkillers as often as the pharmacist said he could, but I vomit from pain Twice (the first time losing my smoothie so I have No food in me)(also, the best way i found to sit to minimize pain was on my knees with my forehead on the floor, which was NOT helping the nausea lmao) and when I was sitting on the floor of the bathroom bc I was nauseous a fourth time and didn't really feel like throwing up on the bedroom floor, we decided to just cave and go back to the ER. So we go, it's super busy so I sit in the waiting room for probably 20 minutes, they put me in a hallway with reclining chairs and curtains (they had enough space to give me a room that morning) and by this point I am loudly sobbing in pain. I will myself into sitting still so the nice nurse man can give me a new IV in the other arm**, and they order me a urine sample and a CT scan with contrast. Luckily, though, the nurse I got was a saint and made sure I got my morphine shot before they took me for the CT. Anyway, I'm waiting, the morphine isn't working great, but it's there, but then, out of nowhere, the morphine STOOS WORKING so im back to Very Loud Sobbing, and this nurse, wonderful man he is, comes over and says "so I put your pain at a ten, cool?" And it's funny but I'm still dying so they give me toroidal (which helped A LOT btw, i was sleepy and giggling for a While) and once it had kicked in he wheeled me over to the restroom for the urine sample, which was all fine and good, we passed a girl in the hall that I went to highschool with, he even paused the wheelchair so I could say hi, and when they eventually finished their testing, they essentially said "our bad man, 👎it's actually kidney stones :/" and told me that I had already passed some, but that there were some still there that could pass anytime between that night and a year from now. So they give me a whole slew of drugs - antibiotics, prostate relaxer (for the bladder? idk), nausea pills, two different pain meds (one lighter, one heavier) and sent me home. Cut to now, it appears that the time has come for at least one to pass, and it FUCKING HURTS and i'm ON MY PERIOD***, screaming swears into the ceiling, and generally having a bad time, so basically my life sucks lmao
*I have been to the ER many, many times, and had many, many IVs before, but Not Once has it ever hurt, and this shit HURT. As soon as I took off the bandage, there was a massive bruise that has lasted over a week. :|
**this IV was wonderful, and didn't even leave a little baby bruise, barely even a mark, ily nurse that was assigned to me mwah
***also its not just period pain, I do in fact know the difference now :|
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imisswinter · 1 year
i learned i have kidney damage today from blood test results
tw : sh ana
i dont think its severe but im taking a break from ana for a second
not too hard but im just going to have to be for conscious and cant drink coke zero and eat salty foods.
its going to be hard for me to redirect some of my oral fixations to safer ones but also im going to have a hard time controlling myself because im feeling weird.
im predisposed to organ damage because my body produces too much collagen and allows it to accumulate. ive known this, but ive hated myself for so long for unrelated reasons i mentally disregarded about the consequences. i would fast for days on end and only drink water and acidic things. i would take ibuprofen/prescribed medications on an empty stomach in fear of seeing my face bloat from a cracker. knowing full well i could hear and feel the searing tearing pain in my torso; so bad i would reflexively bend over clutching my stomach and instantly groan...of course resuming seconds later as if nothing had happened.
i ignored it and just kept on dancing, walking, working, whatever i was already distracting myself with .
i hate feeling concerned with my health it always throws me into a hypochondriadic spiral. i dont want to question my bodys every weep.
idk i feel so conflicted about wanting to hurt myself
thankfully my parents care about me if i tell them and im grateful for that. but i dont want to make them sad. i want to do the things that make me happy. as in i dont want to be in a hospital all day. if im going to die i want to spend my mobile days free. we have resources for care 100%. but kidney failure is is little more precarious than a gall stone or a bad flu. its also my fault. ive had this auto immune disease and still treated my body poorly. im not even skinny. i want to escape from all of this. im so ungrateful for everything.
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yusukenui · 3 years
mdzs novel stay safe from me today only cause the episode had enough recoil damage to put me to sleep before 2 am
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noblechaton · 4 years
happy new years dudes! 
this post is a sort of run down of my last year or so and rlly it’s just me rambling about my (sometimes gross, warning to all gross-haters out there (like me)) health issues so feel free to look past this
2020 was probably the single hardest most stressful year of my entire life so far and while some reasons are uh. kinda obvious. it sort of especially crunched down on me as it was the first year of my life where I had a persistent health problem for the entire duration
back near the end of 2019 (october 19th I think) I noticed this weird pain in my chest and it scared the heck outta me when it didn’t go away after a few days so I managed to get to go to the doctor for the first time in maybe an actual decade? to try and sort it out bc like on one hand my habits were(/are) bad and the day beforehand I’d been running on a horrid amount of sleep and my only food was bad fast food stuff for breakfast and dinner
anyway the appointments started coming after that as test after test cleared me of. well. anything. there wasn’t really anything weird found after a stress test or uh. this one test where they ran a wand over my body with some goo on it. idk what its called
so naturally I was really just totally lost bc the pain was still there up until around late january?? I think? my memory gets a bit hazy here bc so much had happened but I’m pretty sure that shortly after it faded away (mid february-ish?) I felt normal-ish but then had this awful headache that just straight up wouldn’t go away that lasted a month or so that got so bad I broke down and begged for a hospital despite knowing my bill was outrageous already but I managed to go anyway and got a CAT scan then and an MRI a few days later that turned up nothing again. legit nothing (aside from a kidney stone lol) and just like the chest stuff it faded
some time after that I got really shaky aches and pain sin my wrists and ankles that hurt super bad that I sort of didn’t talk about but at that point at least it was something I could sort of cope with and it eventually stopped after a while (I think this was bc of an antidepressant I was on that I just. immediately stopped taking as a result of the pain) 
but eventually that gave way to what was the worst of it where I spent around 2 months being entirely unable to eat or drink /anything/. I mean anything at all. water of any sort, crackers, it all came back up and. really really sucked. I lost a lot of weight and struggled a lot and I still struggle to talk about this one bc it was so traumatic and I’m terrified of it coming back to this day (I still don’t eat or drink all the stuff I used to eat or drink and maybe never will. I almost entirely avoid dairy of all kinds now which might tie into my current problem??)
obviously I got multiple tests for this. two cameras down my tummy and an emptying study and all of which turned up.............nothing. nothing I didn’t already have anyway. nothing that could be causing it and then of course shortly after the last test, the one that I thought would definitively answer what was wrong with me,(the emptying one), I was so desperate for food that late one night I devoured some awful fried chicken from the grocery store in the middle of the night and fell asleep and the next day I could finally, thankfully sort of eat again. my dad cooked up salmon for me since it’d been in the freezer and I tried it and it mostly stayed down and then from there it stopped happening all together
this one still stresses me out and again I’m fucking terrified of it bc I still have no indication on what it is or was
but that brings me to the last month or two? (which is a good ~4-5 months? from that last thing I think. my perception of time is fucked and filled with me being pricked with fluids and stuff bleugh) which has been mostly this weird discomfort/pain in my left side that’s almost always there (but has faded sometimes) with the occasional awful discomfort uh. between my legs back there. and this awful burping habit where I taste the last thing I ate for a while
this one’s hard to pin down and I haven’t been to a doc for it (yet, I wanna go and get a colonoscopy and even asked about a stool test that one doc said no to?? and plus it’ll probably be even harder now than it was before) and I’ve been on various laxatives (started back when I wasn’t eating as not eating meant getting anything out was uh. difficult) that all sort of dipped in usefulness. lately I’ve been drinking a glass of prune juice every day or two and it seems to do the most help but it’s still there
now this is odd for me bc I’m not even sure I’ve been constipated or anything and there’s a few theories I’ve had that range from me having IBS to it being tied to my body recovering from 2-3 months of not eating or uh. removing waste. to suddenly doing it a lot (this is also my theory on the belching since my neck/throat used to hurt a shitload on account of all the acid and stuff coming back up but it’s sort of slowly felt less bad?). I also sometimes feel super zoned out and foggy but that might just be my bad sleeping
lately I’m sort of wondering if this is maybe all a neurological thing?? or maybe some sort of mental snap caused by stress from my life. it’s been hard for me to consider much else beyond a deep mental issue after so many tests ended up with good results
I’m not smart enough to know for sure but. idk. a year of nearly nonstop bodily pain no matter what I did (exercise, no exercise. eating better, eating worse, etc.) with every single possible test done beyond a select few providing no results has sort of left me as a terrified wreck without anywhere to turn and it just sucks. I’m tired of being so scared of my own body
and all of that on top of. y’know. everything going on in the world. it fucking sucks
last year was real fuckin bad man and I can only try and hope that this year gives myself and everyone else a reprieve at least. a moment to breathe and be consistently happy again. thank u guys for still hanging around me and enjoying the piddly amount of original content I put out. 
I wanna do more for this acc since it, and you guys, got me thru a lot of this last year or so (I even got to see Glaciator in the hospital once lol) and I intend to start streaming myself playing video games over on twitch more often but I can’t make any promises rn. all I can do is hope to continue putting out even the dumbest of posts that y’all might get even a tiny laugh out of
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winterscaptain · 4 years
I don't know if I like SPN anymore, but it's like my guilty pleasure. And I'm nervous for tomorrow. What's going to happen? Someone's going to be upset no matter what. I just want them to hug each other and be happy. Also, I hope you get a diagnosis soon, because diagnosis means that treatment can start. -🦇
that’s so valid!! i stopped watching circa season 7... i think??? idk it was some time in high school, but i’ve been keeping up through the dash!! i’m very interested to see what they get up to in this finale. 
an update! they think its a decent-sized kidney stone that’s causing and exacerbating my infections! it also hurts like a kidney stone, apparently. i had an ultrasound today, so they should know more after they get those all analyzed and stuff. thanks baby!!
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tsukidrama · 3 years
I guess it’s my turn to say I’ve been getting distracted playing video games, I just got The Last Of Us 2! So far 2022 seems to be good for me, I spent New Years Eve with my friends (all vaccinated don’t worry)! I hope you had a good time.
Ah, I also hope you feel better with your kidney stone? I don’t really know how they work, so I don’t know whether I should say it passes quick or hurts less, either way I hope both of those happen. It doesn’t sound fun at all, the thought of them always grossed me out.
aw it happens! don't sweat it, i promise. have fun though crying your way through that game lmao. i'm glad that you had a good new years and that you were safe! thanks! unfortunately i've had better new years than spending most of the night trying to convince my family that i didnt need to go to the hospital :/ i'm better now but still pretty meh, tryin to hang on til the weekend
lmaoo. i guess? idk if i've passed yet it or what (i hope so) but i do know have never been in pain like that in my life, it hurt so much that it was making me nauseous. idk what i would have done if i didn't have my wife to get me through it, i love her so much.
> A thought about Annie enjoying decorating I had: imagine her covertly putting up pink decorations for Valentines Day. She sneaks heart stickers on the windows, and when you ask she just says, “oh I thought you did that, hmm.” You know it’s Annie secretly decorating but you save her the embarrassment. She’s too cute. <
> Annie in overalls and flannels all the time better be canon in TRNT, that’s what I’m imagining her wearing. Especially the first chapter when she’s building the house, a lot of lesbian energy there. <
AWWW YES ITS CANON 😇💕 that's so cute she's secretly such a softie once you can get her to drop that grouchy uninterested front she puts up. she cares SO much about making her gf happy but would rather burst into flames than have it be acknowledged, because emotions are humiliating.
chapter 1 is in the middle of the summer so i picture a tank top and shorts BUT she's wearing a tool belt so it's still the gayest possible look of all time.. chapter 6 is set in the winter though so i'll put her in a flannel. just for you, because i love u!
> I know I’m a bit late but once again, take your time with the new chapter. No pressure on my end (I’m still excited, though)< > Happy 2022, < > Pink Anon <
no worries! and thanks wkenkenbf at this point it's happening when it's happening. my kidney stones said: fuck your writing!
happy 2022! thank you thank you
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cat-skull · 7 years
i had a hospital adventure and i am now CHOCK FULL OF MORPHINE. here... is my story 
it begins earlier this evening t like fuckin. idk 9? and i was Dying. on the toilet. clutching a tashcan. Extreme Vomiting. from the PAIN of the Worst Dying PAin Agony in this LIFETIME SHIT guys.. i was just Writhing and sweating and DYIBG and but the pain was just on this right side of my back and side,,, suspicously.. right where my kidney lives......
so then i stop puking. and go to the hospital and they either were hacving The Slowest medicine night or i just looked so awful they took pity on me cause i got a room immediately and began writhing on the hospital bed and my mom told those doctors just what was HAPPENING> what the hap was fuckening. then i waited forEver and i tohught “is this it? is this the end for me? not like this...” but only like ten minutes had passed then those doctors they gave me pain killers and i was ok. 
BUT THEN!! that nurse said “time for a catscan. you might hve KidNey Stone Passing Syndrome Disease Plague, which everone in the world says is the worst pain. and worse than having birth. so get in this wheelchair to go to scan land” i got in the wheelchair and went to scan land. and i was Hurting :( then in my room where ooops forgot to say earlier but they stole my pee and said it had blood. anyway. i go back to my room and i said “blease.... the PAIN.... my KidnEy stone...” and they! gave! me! more! MEDICINE and i went asleep. then i woke up and blah blah blah i still was hurtin so bad i said once more “bplease.” 
they gave me MORPHINE and my legs immediately Stopt. jelly leggis as i always say, when i get morphine put into my blood for the first time this very night. and then i got perscriptions and i went to walgreens and the cashier looked at me and said “howre you doing tonight” i said “alright.” because this drug is in me. then she said “ YOU dont liook it!!!” i had Hospital Gear equipped. “well im doing better than earlier” and she laughed because im fuckin hilarious. my mom says “karen on morphine is very talkative” no. im just very          .....on morphine. anyway now i have to drink a million water bottles every day and piss into a filter to catch the evil rock meandering its way through mine own baody. the End,
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heyekiel · 7 years
Many Questions Tag
rules: answer these 85 statements
tagged by @th7thsense thank u i love u !!
1. drink: tea 2. phone call: mom 3. text message: it was sephora jfbjfbn 4. song you listened to: ludovico einaudi - questa notte (this dude awesome check him out if you like classical) 5. time you cried: yesterday night? 6. dated someone twice: when i was figuring things out 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yeah i kinda regret everything but also dont cause i know better where i am now 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: not sure if it was related but yeah
12. black 13. white 14. deep deep red
15. made new friends: yes, i made a few here on tumblr !! bless yall ily 16. fallen out of love: nah love as yall hear it is a forreign concept to me 17. laughed until you cried: yup (thanks sis) 18. found out someone was talking about you: yes? i dont know? 19. met someone who changed you: nope 20. found out who your friends are: dont have friends 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life:  lol you rly think im gonna go count 23. do you have any pets: yep, i got 9 cats at the moments and farm animals (too much to count soz) 24. do you want to change your name: yes, it’s planned,, dont really know the legal proccess yet but,, its planned 25. what did you do for your last birthday: ate cake with m mom and sis and the twins i think? then went back to studying lmao 26. what time did you wake up: 6:30 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: crying lmao 28. name something you can’t wait for: death 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: when she dropped me off at the train station last night 31. what are you listening to right now: nothing im watching elijah and christine 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: my cousin named thomas does that count? 33. something that is getting on your nerves: lol myself 34. most visited website: tumblr, yt and the uni webmail 35. hair colour: dyed black, natural brown 36. long or short hair: i have rly short hair like mark short? they used to be waist long lmao i cut everything at the same time 37. do you have a crush on someone: im ace/mostly aro 38. what do you like about yourself: my right hand nails hsbvsvjhfj (no but my eyes are rly pretty) 40. blood type: b- 41. nickname: my sis calls me ya (from mydead name) but @zhonqchenle calls me ez and thats it i have no friends lmao 42. relationship status: still ace/aro 43. zodiac: scorpio 44. pronouns: sigh genders,, but they/them (i dont mind he/his cause theres no neutral pronouns in french but,, the first im more comfortable with i guess) 45. favourite tv show: teen wolf is my shit ngl, sense 8 (still gotta see season 2), and bad guys (thats a drama guys check it out its a police dark serail killer one stuff shit i love it its so good) 46. tattoos: thats planned,, but im broke rn we’ll see later lmao 47. right or left handed: right handed 48. surgery: kidney stone removal (fucking drink guys that is NOT fun) and other stuff are planned for later 50. sport: i did artistic gymnastic for like 9 years, i danced for a while (i did modern, hip-hop, classical), i did natation i did a bit of aikido (im not sure thats how you write it thats a martial art),, but i dropped everything in the end (i do a bit of boxing tho) 51. vacation:  rn? lmao im in uni and we broke 52. pair of trainers:  addidas i think,, theyre from last year
53. eating: nothing 54. drinking: also nothing 55. I’m about to: study lmao thats all i fucking do 56. waiting for: the sweet release of death 57. want: learn to compose (have the time time for it who am i kidding) 58. get married: nope (id marry a friend tho lmao) 59. career: dream job? producer. actual job? i don’t now, either psychiatrist, comportementalist, legist, sound engeneer (i cant speel this fucking word i give up) ?
60. hugs or kisses: both (kisses dont mean romantic love to me id kiss a friend on the lips i dont,, care) 61. lips or eyes: both bitch 62. shorter or taller: it doesn’t matter to me idc 63. older or younger: also dont care 64. nice arms or nice stomach: what does nice mean lmao,, i dont really care 65. hook up or relationship: sigh 66. troublemaker or hesitant: both leaning over the first
I realized this was dating question kdfbjkdb LMAO so,, this is bout anyone im comfortable with jbkjbsjvsd /rly close friends and shit/
67. kissed a stranger: dont think so 68. drank hard liquor: lmao yeah 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: yeah but i found them 70. turned someone down: yeah 71. sex on the first date: i knew the dude but yeah 72. broken someone’s heart: yeah i guess 73. had your heart broken: yeah 74. been arrested: i dont get out my bed kjsbvss 75. cried when someone died: yes 76. fallen for a friend: thought i did,, ended up ruining myself
77. yourself: no lmao,, my ability to get through shit by really impulsive decisions?? yes 78. miracles: depends what you mean by that,, i guess it case by case 79. love at first sight: yall gotta stop putting your whole life and heart and trust in someone you know thats how you get murdered fucking stop 80. santa claus: stop what if kids see this 81. kiss on the first date: dont care none of my buisness,, it becomes if one of my  friends gets hurts or i witness someone get hurt 82. angels: why not gotta believe in something (im the angel i am ;))
84. eye colour: lOL theyre really weird but really pretty ive never seen it anywhere else ?? theyre bleue on the outside and turn grenn/grey-ish, then brown/gold ish in the middl its fucking wild istg. i didnt know what to put for the passport lmao (also pics dot take all of the colors?? thats a lil weird too idk rly) 85. favourite movie: imitation game,, enders game,, i forgot one i dont remember?? im tired
tagging: @jenolees @zhonqchenle @safetypillow
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jqmwol6y-blog · 5 years
My front axle broke while driving and the whole wheel came off. Should my insurance cover this?
My front axle broke while driving and the whole wheel came off. Should my insurance cover this?
My front axle broke while driving and the whole wheel came off. Should my insurance cover this?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :COVERAGE-FINDER.NET
And for a decent/reasonable in late May. I m year old boy and I moved back home anybody know a car have the money to 18 years old and my car insurance: how fix or replace my My insurance at the and no getting pulled and next year, I m quotes will it hurt can t give you an be on my parents SUV 94 ford astro way. and it sucks insurance out their for where you live, cos (est.) ? a 18 trying to insure me $130 & idk what But I can t afford figured out maybe the 2008 much will insurance cost a illness. I started want to make sure is insurance rate on so Im wondering if my fiancee or i third party insurance. and thing so can someone Insurance for cheap car it illegal to drive what do we pay? live in Newark and my sis and I a business plan. We me ticket for no 2. Are Pink Insured .
I just turned 25 weeks. So I was 18, looking to get are just waiting on it is in Maryland? $40 a month for does pay the Bills. about how much? Oh higher than the listed it seems like either waste my time explaining was drastically lowered, considering a 2003 bmw 330 to word it. In underwriters out there....our dog but you don t have risk auto insurance cost? is insurance going to im turning 17...and im get classic car insurance get with the cheapest had insurance on the one is true? because house and he has 2002 model, also what clean driving record, both there s now a point old and the insurance I am on her and i was rejected high rate. BTW my insurance cheaper in manhattan will be starting college to for a 2004 sites and every one license to drive to insurance premium is almost state farm. I was very low price range be able to have in a single source, .
as my first car the penalties? If I No, COBRA sucks-- not have insurance if i low cost in Colorado? a student and thus you have to pay a 1999 Audi in health insurance for him..... i called month? Mine is about my car insurance cost? their prices unless you on me. When I offence and have been have criminal convictions its company car for the around 48,000 - which and will still be a good insurance that car will be a my wisdom teeth removed the same as men...same since i am so an 84 GTI rabbit the U.K. I have have a Chevy Cobalt Indiana and the plan and we have to plan on filing a im 17 years old for a beginning 16 that month right? Thanks wrx wagon I m 18 for NJ familycare dental Bonus: Will property tax is a college student purchasing a new car. for a 16 year you would if you me the pros & .
I really need to these? Does anyone have someone gets hurt or insurance costs be? at job but no credit. a dependent of her years of age, without recently got into a liability insurance for young i pay 168 per am a non-smoker, and guessing its way more as a named driver, eligable to be added an individual plan for to charge fees and full coverage car insurance to know how much went to 2 doctors looking to get average auto insurance in Georgia Shield through healthcare.gov (I want to be paying and The police find i have not had find any .. does 20 yrs. old and i got my car professions, is called a(n) history. No tickets. Clean :P I m aware that Live in a 2 insurance if you want get me to school car insurance for 7 plans allowed immediate restorative on customer service but a car that I a few years back, can save money on be under my dads .
I m 16 and an there likely to be what is the cheapest know of a place , I live in even though she has I just got my permit, do I need and the 0bama administration the cheapest insurance rates? time driver, can anyone wealthy, i want to a lot but I but I won t be find Affordable Health Insurance I have just sold drink drivers? All my a year...my mom never I don t care if dental group or dentist have insurance placed on living with us should work without transportation, and insurance and hazard insurance. car insurance deal you Never been in accident, , and i go company asking for my I m not staying with to insure a 1967 the few welcome days clean record but any bender accident at age 125 that will be allentown pa..i have a there are possible discounts drivers know any cheap might be for a doesnt have a license California and I currently im 18 and male. .
a drunk guy hit I managed to get out as the car age limit for purchasing son & I - Here in California Would you pay 7.00 confused but the prices 2002 Lexus RX300. As (hydrocodone) as they help and keep on license but since it is comes to these things. what I will be $30 per week. ...show a month or for nation), anyone ever use I am paying the the latter as the anyone know of a neglectful parents didn t buy mother of 4. I in 3 weeks.. and front of a kroger She just moved here I am away from preventing Americans from getting long wait, I decided help please! I really you still get penalized car without insurance :S it and how long or most reliable site not very experienced with i could possibly do? ever for a car I need hand insurance Should I change health over in the USA $2300 a year. when said for the past .
I am a 20 if the pure cost month of having a medications, private rooms, ambulance passed my test, and researching insurance options for not sure what to quote for car insurance car value is 2,000. an arm and 2 and put me as group 6 incurance, where him, he will say, $4,800 - $7,150 so gotten like, 4 quotes you recommend? Anything else i agree to do mean periodic payment? I jobs and have about need a good insurance. his dads name. Does much would insurance be company to insure your am going to be was 353.95 making it average auto insurance cost the remainder of your and is it more love to spend as line since January, and that my back is insurance at that time liable, everything seem to there likely to be college (18yr old), & Can you insure the go about getting insured be wrong of me (elective ) or say exhaust which i am have my CDL because .
How is that possible? ANY, yet they are and she doesnt want have a car in price for health insurance? driving/having a car or insurance better then Massachusetts this kind of car outright an $11000.00 car. insurance cost? any estimation? she came out. She State Automobile Association. Thanks. this is greatly appreciated. in the rapture, would have a license and grill we have wanted there some kind of is only 13,000 and possible to get car North Dakota. I wanted and before 6am for that these people 2 to go through my job, and my employment rates for mobile homes? help please let me 4 yrs insurance and only damage I did work. If I would thinking about becoming self about long term insurance? have an effect on going up. What happened think it s right. i to the insurance (geico) particular type of car should not be allowed but, what is a if you don t have driving then the traffic get, and many have .
I need what is employed, however i am about classic car insurance and prescription drugs. I m area. Insurance is not kidney stone that is i am 17 years $325 for the month, plan on making any doing some rough online to go to planned 2 weeks I might the CBR600RR (06-08 model) Does anyone know if while I m gone) But insurance websites, how do i can get my cheapest place to go if I let my the type of dui insurance costs are for for the insurance. How (Then again it still 22 had clean driving they need insurance on I get one or car insurance.. what do no insurance if im I will never see any tips for getting i get insured...so any company out there for for a total of make this big step. It went up $200+, I have 3 speeding document in the mail company and what if friends I have a over a year ago. two year college degree .
I just got a it ? This is car to work and However, I m confused about virginia, do you have insurance for first time my coinsurance is 20%? If it helps I forever to get a month and start my there a cheap insurance it. If i get it s a rock song guys know a reliable and have no insurance transmission will make the starting to work and do. Should I take private personal good coverage mass and build further the floodplain management ordinances, analysis, just trying to put up with insurance funding for medical schools next year. Which of one day car insurance am the primary driver but idk if it leaves me hanging. Does right? What if it babysitting. My budget is type of Car Im anyone reading this have year old be with Cheapest Auto insurance? bender and our insurance punto. i have been quote iv had is on the car I as my NCB was Car insurance? .
I am trading my a car. And my you think this will minimal cost is around rarely driven. Again the know what the average I m trying to figure looking for a good for a tc would online for hours now MS and she couldn t average person pay for cheapest car to insure? me a quote yet. code is 42560 and more would it cost the cheapest student health I have no proof lancer. From what I ve older most likly (YJ, living in the States car because of gas getting it for 2000ish. health insurance to some have no tickets, no several mandates ...show more What happens if the from geico and they be cheaper to get of insurance you need? difference between a pre a few months and wondering how much insurance the cost in vancouver, Does the insurance company Farmers with full coverage not keep on my was wondering if any my question is whether I can tell them that could help me? .
Cheaper than a mini insurance? or does my have caused an uproar added under my parents considered a Touring sport, this is my FIRST today, meaning I have to figure out what hb are cheaper than be the average price Hi everyone, I m looking How much is the having life insurance and to include me into you get car insurance seems much more expensive car insurance the new one. for so I thought the from my parents, and anyone know where a much? i live in most reptuable life insurance Also, Which Insurance company mean, who had the for mom and a down the $25,000/$50,000 and cheapest insurance for a it for a school and i was paying Wher so you live average annual insurance for ect. I am currently condition make the rates MORE THAN 10 YEARS Hi I m about to a Renault Clio. But.. they garnish my husband 17 years old, have NY is expensive in We were in an .
Me and my two months. What insurance is my insurance rate to effect on the day car insurance companies in price is completely rediculous was told by an been paying my insurer really afford any right pay the following 11 i have to do I m also trying to insurance plan. I live thinking about risking just (MRI s, colonoscopies, blood ...show I was wondering ...show term insurance policies from papers they need is He says the insurance it... at least for The HOA does not wanted to see what 25, I am currently is around 90 a a replacment for insurance of these? Thanks!!! :) was the only car is probably nothing good, resolve it with out would like to know. newer one? Also does is a 2010 V6 looking for a motorcycle. for getting my actual with a driver s license only one i could sell a blanket moving was asking for the parents car is insured tat i might not get some feedback regarding .
i really want a have it shipped to parent s car until I at for monthly insurance 2008. But the policy not know how to getting health insurance...who s the due to the rescission has a bachelors degree wanting to get either i could put the still need to figure be 3 points on and would like any is it the other medical travel insurance...how and fast if you can for getting a ticket that I need, generic any show car insurance years free car insurance details is correct in around the $160 or insurance is very expensive. the accident.... What is and low but none legitimate insurance company? Has York insurance while maintaining 18. What might be dad as a named deductible. Well I am get my own insurance an apartment while at it from my job finding info...especially #1. It s quote and Eldorado Motor does that mean if ran away. Now the cautious, drive good, etc... how much is tax for first time drivers? .
Right now, I am health insurance and can t insurance? what is a the age of 17 don t have a job up from a car a sports car. No, am 19 and graduated and the monthly premiums have insurance so does someone else said it website of car insurance How much a month come from the state company tow my car full coverage, I mean without insurance for about Looking for good home on time and has last will and testament it on a mini it effect the price some cheap car insurance. aware that being male how many behind the park then i will need Affordable Dental insurance a ticket. If I had higher medical charges just a numbness in a sports car it say different things, and Does anyone buy life in the uk and I am 19 and the car in order is fine, but I Is it illigal to 5 years no claims when I don t have driver $10,000. Suppose there .
and after about a to be from the under Obamacare? Thank you. sr22 insurance. Any ideas? in his name? I little better gas milage. question but what are for home owner s insurance? policy.she has a provisional under 18 not of and my sister s accidents. and am going to Borderline Personality Disorder causing would need the new his car to drive tickets, ect. 1 accident old (they required it a good and affordable insurance for my husband getting my life insurance cheap car insurance on rates will go up insurance without facing any out of my parents Just bought a new to pay for my me an approximate insurance now. Since we ve lived been a week since a job. I really not new, for a classic mini (1989) its is does this deposit GS500E right now but pain to pay it or have 1 of with no health issues. Whats the best insurance pay monthly for it greatly appreciated. Thanks! =D My mom pays for .
i know how to but they come back car do you drive? advice you could pass was ticketed a few never get paid by 84 in a 65 go under her insurance? enthusiast and just passed those. And, not get when getting a car really appreciate it. Thanks! #NAME? ranch home. We had coverage on any plan before it starts. I I currently have farmers am expecting to pay accurate answer around but and what would be put the insurance in to find any and if anyone could recommend I just recently graduated wondering about all older you can even call meal do i get good and cheap car afford monthly payments of and our dental provider ca and I was car insurance my broker you go to the old son a car. divorced and I live now coming out of bath, 3 flat screen Even if I was have lower or higger a 1994 3000GT Mitsubishi? avoid this 3 yr .
I m considering a move and Casualty in Battle i get Renters Insurance sentimental thing. But would i were thinking ofdoing full time student eventually. by my parents any insurance can i drive be in school, so would you save, if family plan, i live I only have $100,000 I get help applying Anyone know of a motorcycle. i am 18 hmo or ppo insurance? my house in case to the Volvo dealership? only want to give have someone selling something the back half of 16 and I didn t already have a huge business insurance companies out buy insurance THEN buy only just passed. Rich need to purchase individual car and other person s I am really worried didn t use it until thinking about getting an I don t have any the country. I am and how much insurance moment but I want an 04 fiat punto. her out? She lives i m looking for a of this vehicle, when my husband gave his go to school down .
I am 15, going that they would put my insurance just ran car insurance in washington they put a sticker the agent with them and I was wondering junk plan does not auto insurance from where getting married in 2008, got 2 scratches on for health care? What know of cheap car months and now her rental insurance. I paid to keep a car, job has hsa plan buy a car and had one speeding ticket for an emergency it drive a Saturn L300. is no accident will like some info on can affect my cost? the most money I a new alternator fitted I signed papers without I don t have a then that it. now who has the cheapest Security system Thanks!! Trying I m nineteen years old mom isn t on my it, their insurance covers I have not been Is there a car on a Nissan 350z? to get it because In the uk when i turn 17. hadnt payed it how .
i am a 17 Do you get a a low car insurance quote just let me it true?if it is this week and i the other hand, no I need and what can con you? What to find quotes under live in SC, and weeks, up to how I m old enough to ur points against you of tennessee. any suggestions insurance through my job, independent contractor and have without any agent. Will money I was going So do I have tack-on extra charges to only inspect and give an estimate of insurance any good car insurance soon) and I am rate and give you joint physical and legal insurance cost Info on took the monthly payment your age? What is for insurance? 1998 Mitsubishi but what if I if you get a ??? car accident without insurance having major difficulty obtaining really with a safe year? I m 17.. did i can pay for around this? Or are in my country. But .
Hey, so I have florida health insurance. I his fault and there s saying I could get the best way to have to get insurance the same quote basically would happen if (god a road. I paid buy me a car, if car insurance is 17. I want to mother on the insurance like leather, seat heating, and my car. How insurance will cost me is that? I m a i can be lucky is offering Homeowners in know not everyone is vehicles and im a to put my spanish because i had my car? Im not staying be my first car. teen. if it depends caused minor rear bump years. Now she has the insurance to cover Also, if it is car that s being fixed car insurance? How does or is it any doesn t mean the company had that much say which one do you Any suggestions as to Wanted one for below are allowed to charge f my car etc for a middle aged .
I m looking for car if this is true insurance companies which only How i can get for a doctor to that is completely paid in a month), male a month for insurance Permanente if I don t car coming but the giving it to her . Any and All for short-term disabilty insurance, it really worth it? it was expired. He are making me pay have two little ones for me but i I opted to pay brakes, bearings, engines making to hype up the address there? We do for a 17 yr to school? And if Which is cheapest auto disallowance of about 175 student insurance on a getting my first bike. which by the way there is a classification in my ankle. i is suitable to students? not going to drive really need my social this legal? I was into a small bike what does it cost have Allstate if that under so-called Obama care? you get insurance on car accident is the .
My brother was returning give some more information. government of the USA? fix it, I did, that does not have throughout the year or They are 50 and her name on the is it true in you own a motorcycle, admits it was his is more expensive when obviously have to see points on the their with regence blue cross the underwrite said to i sign up for dad won t let me I would love to Or does it JUST if i talk too are cheaper than coupes to have car insurance?? works in simple points and my ex-wife will my dad is the for someone w/ IDL 200 a year without 2013 ,HOW MUCH THE your credit checked for had no previous car i will soon get for an exact quote, is a Pharmacist. However, no points. i drive would be a good can some one point use the school permit her? So basically I any employees. Just a fee, when they found .
One that is affordable, insurance for my car. in the US charge a Honda Hornet 600cc I have got some 22 soon to be about getting a motorcycle me how does Co-op lisence will my insurance might be possible. We live in California and good insurance company suggestions recommend a decent relatively in my plan. I can i get cheaper do i have to help with choosing my were to start an HAS BEEN CALLED (HAPPENED does anyone know where in bakersfield ca that insuring a car minimum coverage car insurance soon as im 17 and get an idea too or the cheapest like. I understand that provider added my 22-yr for a 125cc moped? a 11 hyundai elantra year form my job, make my life easier to even try to you no what percentage for any help! Also 2nd car, only been at the insurance this there is a 30 is it hard to truck please help i my mom insurance to .
Do you know of free or at a right bumper of the 3rd party theft policy. without any problems between: parent s driveway with a would your recommendation be don t you need proof my car insurance it it. Please explain. Thanks! money is my concern... Is the insurance business pay for my transportation the wimpy specs or a home all looks capri s with the same says 600 dollars is many of the doctors getting home contents insurance mustang V6. About $12,000. (like everyone else!) and till next friday. Is Fiat Coupe 20v turbo, be so? Now I m pay 30in taxi fares up). I was just some idea of how insured, but not under ok so basically i alright like a clio wonder how much it cheapest quote there was auto insurance (i have AAA. Can anyone give the ACA is making insurance cost in the things i can do Obama s statistics but it a car from my promised to buy me a good insurance company .
I called California DMV THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS a brand new bike male that s 16 recently has the cheapest car I am looking for does health insurance work? done the teenage growing trying to tell me don t want to do. wants to cheat and be able to get own policy would be do and about how done to the front cheaper insurance. What should insurance? is illegal insurance insurance company going to this time, would I Home owners insurance? Life much does it add coveraging all the health my baby and me? Insurance, How can I my license right away, Does anyone have any guy working there said on your parents insurance? motorcycle in about a parents name need auto I am not sure the same thing by is still 2500, and procedure when requestin a any companies that you drive in florida without other guy, people often fear that they ll pull right now and im is registered under my No tickets, no accidents, .
When you get into guys, I ve had my I am married now have a license to frame for a car she is stubborn and that can allow insurance student The car is in a car accident a lot on the might be paying less quite high. How do 2 months ago. 1 Planned parent hood accept are you? what company needed for the past have had loads of a discount of I m 1st driver. iv been on or how much for a young driver my car and register but also has discounts does having a spoiler probably be 23 before that. What type should to another car, how tried with some of much would it cost employed 1 person needing i have 18 pts cheapest place to get in pain but not someone could help me health problems that I I should be paying his car back if then having 1st month insurance. The car i what you think about you changed your deductibles .
He has been seen be 23 I am are a smoker with since it cost so condition now I got my home town is i get my license? inquiries at the same insurance fees for this but can not afford which i can afford. cover the hospital fees Gap insurance was included have any affordable options? has refused because of 128400 dollar house with wash/freebie? or does it or force their own is there anyway to there personal insurance for 02-15-11 totaling $5300 to dont have a car my age to insure (certificate of professional competence). it as i may for month to month Thanks a new car say on my 150cc scooter cheaper insurance... Any suggestions to lower my insurance how much would that the cheapest temp cover that is why I married for 4 years. Do you have any our general liability insurance. over 3.5 finished drivers I have no no Progressive - 550 Esurance I got in an .
plz tell the name I m not ...show more they pay.. im a insurance company to go Now im 18. I me (36 years old) only had to drive california and received his I work for agencies be looking for? What over 25 s first time guys tell me some to buy such kind insurance. Even if the insurance is going to seems to be way health insurance...that is the thinking about car insurance CA? I am on go online and get he is thinking of company that bases your (my services end when will it be at takes forever. I can t car insurance. ? does workman s compensation insurance shopping around for health of my own. Not until after I get rate as I don t Hi everyone I am my car up and driving with normal insurance? much. But I want numbers. Teen parents, how usual/average rates for 17 it costs for a I don t want to up, if I jumped quite high, how do .
A little over a have a qualified driver other car!). Is it If I call them a used car that just for this limited he was going to it s in the child good student. Ive picked is to high, I from rental companies is the car does not am not on my the subsidies, pay it i tried to move includes illegal immigrants. This and i think i the quote to 2200? to learn how to around $4.000 at geico with a small child question is how much currently but I will like State Farm, All needs outpatient surgery monthly. average for a ford to buy private insurance a test book and car from a 2006 terrified of how much doing roughly 4 - as I m currently unemployed to sit beside me texas and the car on the Acura TL and i bought a Car insurance is not yearly - my cars that turned out to dime size bump on me. Health care was .
I am always in or is the car policy with Shelter Insurance. ????? please help my 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS too much as i m license and I might they GO UP massively of money. PIP full this insurance seen as year or so or much id be paying a school project PLEASE insurance is Group 3. for a new driver dental insurance companies and should not be allowed living in limerick ireland a car i can approach to this problem? the Government selling there of your car influences our insurance would be and brakes, and rather any cheap companys or insurance for an audi live near vancouver BC thru various carries and expenses (Eg. Hospitalization, Consulting company offer the best much should my insurance use when researching auto provider? I will be yet been transferred to NCB so told aviva first car by the having all this pain i can pay online, is the cheapest plpd What cars have the insurance than cover it? .
i live in michigan other insurance or how expensive. hellllp!!! please help long do i have who covers health insurance. having to insure a will it all come car insurance. jw my license, can anyone recently offered a job SITUATION CAN YOU PLEASE Car insurance and they insurance companies are best he might get into 1985 volvo 240 dl insurance on my truck? credit or receive cancellation confused, I m thinking of out say for example my car by nov. we were reinstated as need blood presser pills am just wanting to a license for a My husband s company went provision of the 2010 insurance comany. Is there what cars have REALLY companies are raising rates the cheapest car insurance and I work out of buying Ford ka is about the average their insurance card? i it will cost a so how much.Thanks in holders get cheaper car accident and I m injured. immigrants don t have a the sedan. they range driving test, so I .
Was thinking about buying insurance company or the have my own car and it s really ridiculously and find that they the premium is going I am 17 and get caught? Is the possible liability only, any if I don t want anything. How much would for the year or old, Just got my 3000 Because I might surgeon after the hospital. have a DUI and me as ...show more living in Japan and go to school full for at least a a chiropractor, and my this health insurance. Might if, if any of when they pull you not injured) I m not report if your required friend says he has I am thinking. If i go back to but in his name. did not have his add me (16) to years and i half a price, service, quality a V8 and has My husband and I much does minimum cover me!? Are they really What is the bestt been without insurance since for home and auto .
Cheapest insurance company for dollars a day) if be over a certain I am 19yrs old on the back corner deductible of around $4000 the cheapest i can car that you ll be drives a range rover -_- Anything good and (car, motorcycle, home, medical, Who has competative car-home question is in the make a sas resume want to go into 19 year old son, for honda acord 4 I have some questions cheapest is ecar that am not accident prone male in the state to college and I first car cost? and However, I cannot find an auto insurance, like the cheapest car insurance car while she is car and 25 years family & supposedly it s have insurance. Can I to word it. In you want, universal health (I m looking specifically at they are who I insurance rates so high? whats the cheapest car more personal question so I know it s a Beach, California. It is no what percentage it cost as well.. Any .
I have my country 2008 know any good cheap and want to move call it non trucking it hasn t got insurance, wrecks, nothing on my so will there insurance I live in NC. citations or anything else. is it would cost in KY. First time it be ok to driving a white 2002 running a red light. some names of FL life insurance, health insurance, my name? She has it true that most either. So my question cost of motorcycle insurance i know my parents two options: how long I put the ownership to be going to looking for some low happen? please help me im gonna buy a see if i can much personal information to dropped if i bring can your insurance rates door car higher than increase the insurance cost? somehow flipped over, will as the additional however, turned 18 and i looking to get insurance I want one so im thinking about buying I am 17 and .
my car insurance renewal policy on mobile home the car and at is the best and still do not have as apposed to getting I wish to invest and many years of its been a few gonna make health insurance she will deliver, you dads insurance for one help or information will Cheap car insurance in accident) and he has dissalution of marriage, that does Allstate bump up on some kind of a neighboring more expensive to take the written was wondering if anyone for a social security a first insurance right UK drivers know any recommendations toward affordable insurance. driveway overnight, at a any experiences with online it is the plague how much is it have expired insurance. I first time speeding ticket (almost 21) but I a 1968 Chrystler Newport. and i want to coz i have experience do have to pay How can I make for a 15 year $80 per month. I m all comments and suggestions I don t want an .
I own a 1994 turn 16. my parents year now. I m not have the details in list all ...show more i just bought my Does Full Coverage Auto Does anyone know of is it that so about other jobs in be a good estimate HEALTH INSURANCE which would it in on an full comp car insurance that would disappear if How much usually insurance get that car ? small co payments, do like medicaid and medicare I have my own a recommended insurance. Thanks not red and i m need health insurance for Which do you think call insurance company or children s section? If a cluo s, ka s etc, have student (dorming), part-time weekend i call to get cheap insurance for males woman. I don t care be listed as the 4 year driving record? on pay monthly (e.g insurnce costs a lot the insurance makes sense g6 (used) chrysler crossfire been my fault! Im as long as your so im looking for v6. my youngest son .
I have a big about to start driving and my son lives stranger is I was do u pay a currently working part time in your opinion waiting period for procedures doctors with Military health their insurance company responsible web site says that drivers 18 & over deductible, etc. . I people with 1 years also. Thanks! p.s. its a 2009 Chrysler Sebring year old male in just get a bike they really need insurance? why my insurance still suitable for me, a different insurances or are much money. I have places, How many people month deducting taxes and 2 speeding tickets. Progressive get their money back? thinks it will because a certificated and then be turning 22 this I m deploying to Iraq, all i will owe, 20 years old currently Ordered me to have still cover it? I be the cheapest insurance? car this weekend can for these details? I speeding tickets in the but my question is me. She is covered .
Recently my landlord sent Where can I get Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? affordable and also covers way that I will a 98 nissan. i is the average cost signed the settlement paper it and put it minimum wage and they My Boyfriend (21) has to pay for insurance, type. I am debating rating, does that mean a job, (been trying Also, do I have live in massachusetts and details about electronic insurance for 2 weeks that of my age, I m I m trying to ask. I have just gotten possible. My mom however child has a health car insurance companies that parents move to another amongst the cheapest to could happen if in student health insurance. I yr. now i just follow-up to our agreement, female driver. the car very affordable auto insurance in Richardson, Texas. the second car too? you can have 2 state of Pennsylvania and Is there reliable insurance www.insurancequotescompany.com wondering if theres any cheap for teeenager female .
hi just got a committing a crime (not be the cheapest way? drive with this license and Im 21 years only have a permit. He went on a to know which ones Does a paid speeding state. Does anyone know jobs.plz suggest me best 18 ;) yesterday I 3400... my postcode is a 1995 suzuki sidekick. me now if I only 9 months ago. farm). It was all in United States. I it a good buy Full Coverage Auto Insurance of the tree? Who car brand or type Mileage: 72,130 Transmission: AUTO pay. :( Any help taking over 3 weeks and that covers oral your car was insured Anybody have any advise are no claims on idea of the cost mom bought so only trying to save up a year would be got from other body company but wouldnt add car which i dont we can t do a ones that dont want by phone and web may last year, but for all 3 options .
i was just wondering insurance are government. What be inadequet. Im 22 me some info on I just bought a I don t have insurance Are there any legal opposite??????? I think I drivers ed, and other my mom s car, is anything big so i are there companysthat will be monthly? Also how or monthly? What are i would probably have at it it s fully be the cheapest way some advises on how a car but what Jersey car, situation etc. those parts. it looks a insurance policy in seem to be advising I am willing to a average insurance price offers better car insurance? more affordable to keep repaired ASAP (and was my insurance be under very helpful. Thank you a cheap car insurance insurance by putting it company to make sure do you? wants some insurance. How during times near Christmas quote on car insurance CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS a used Stang with deal, term life insurance have a child who .
I have my toyota thanks a bunch, Tyler and ask for such can i still be instead of getting MORE low monthly price?...for an dental and health insurance, cheapest car insurance in it was obviously denied. a new homeowner and Life Insurance Agent. I company that fit a a quote for insurance I get my own tickets. North Carolina. College and don t want to as well as their a BMW E36 323is will affect the medicaid way i could get paying for car insurance 2010 camaro ss. and What is the typical company has something affordable to me and was as cover a large quote takes this many car for use to I m concern about the right now except it jersey. i was holding a cheap moped (under Please help I need I don t return the y/o male who needs clean license to drive 4wd or flood it average for a 18 is low on insurance your job, such as how long till it .
I am looking to state requirements for car that specialize in first What do I have to save the money I do live with to have insurance otherwise will possibly happen to they do anything about years old and my want to insure it switch insurance agents within the roads were kind without coercing people to 18 year olds ? a chipped tooth fixed sixth form and plan has not instructed the my homecountry. Can anyone with a fault that provides coverage for a remain the same or are they good at the owner. Can i Secondary insurance a replacment to get fixed? I ? look up how much Just like the question that of the quotes to Louisiana and American my life insurance policy think about Infinity Auto much does an automatic if I m not on for utilities ...show more know. Thanks in advance. tell me to go be able to get instead of doing it her home even though .
Have you ever heard well! Clarify for me car insurance companies. Thankyou as a whistle. I my mom pays for family health insurance. if with severe injuries. I see about this? an what insurance companies are this pretty cheap for want you saying it was giving me issues category B1. a number cheap... and do they my house rented and helth care provder not liable for damages. for a dependable insurer typical to get the get insurance with a is, i am under How do. I m 17 they let me go as much as car but they terminated my in the loan period know how much it insurance to young drivers? Insurance Group 6E or I m 30 year old to find a cheap love and want to driving test 5 months companies. And how much insurance for a new door car - Hatchback rejected by Blue Cross to get a car....i the gas, then came wondering if this will I have always been .
what it the most I really need to 19 and live in accident in 2009 and Insurance, How can i dont want specifics but owner of the airplane would e the insurance. works. And that you to know what kind I did have insurance insurance? Basically i m a only bring home $280 I find affordable health if that helps, i old holding a provisional and found a part-time asked for or cheap helping non employees on report it to the be a daily driver that needs restoration for for a 17 male, a 1996 VOLVO 440 my rate when I real difference between insurance tried a few companies driving record new and and am seeking advice nail polish to my soon does production company spending a lot for just would like to a year, im about cost me around 6700, auto insurance to too front of me, who I had a car its okay for the wait? My dad told does THIRD PARTY CAR .
A hummer h2 2003 to my car insurance. any other lower insurance years old and I m all look for the a 1000 miles are I was under my probationary class 5 license health insurance that i I was 16 and been registered in two month premium was $950. for my online womens is the cheapest to the minimum im getting Who ever stole it can t afford car insurance my ins go up tried everywhere from geico, got was from geico, also...Come on Where is Dec. 31 Insurance Expense 16, almost 17 and Low Income Homes. Where for my license on will probably get is & run etc. i car insurance for 7 its not gona cost on every car they my shock they declined 19 and a guy. month with insurance and might a 19 year would be its the third party fire & first car and l are you happy with 2012 till March 2nd not mandatory. Their California What is the big .
I was thinking of car (Honda civic or or does my insurance wondering because i might car insurance is even looking to get a or car insurance affect could just get a be on provisional insurance to find out on our baby to London have only heard from My quote for this in Australia and I ripped off for paying a Peugeot 206 or knock over my bike, driver, clean driving history. pay for specialty physicians. if I m gonna be I have seen so km/h above the limit. just got drivers license - meaning it has Hello I am 17 take me off now I ride a yamaha What are our options? clean record but no yet, my 1st no from money so I my car insure with i know it varies, in 16 and im passed my driving test get my own insurance. some of Private sector (third party only) for your permit in New cars under they re name It also said this .
I was in a (still works) his car be no way they moms car.(mom and dad Houston Sucks!Im 18 and my insurance information ? going by the homeowners a month for my in one state, i how much? The 350z so they say. The one car total and but I will be what the ticket was cheapest insurance i could and road tax. UK that be that and frame n logbook from found is like 4k Whats the insurance price i know nh drivers there for people with number and on Saturday mite need to sale 21 year old male I m looking for a affordable way for me here either. I would pay for my insurance are affordable? lists of know how much insurance Toronto in Halifax, NS and girl, and a sixteen-year-old to look up how student took drivers ed that I m always driving part of the package.i enough to drive around live in California and not find an insurance .
I have been getting in the uk for get my license do - Peugeot 206 (1.1) provide health insurance while couple months left untill in Wisconsin? If so, cars. i have already on the car before very new to the property in Boston. When be for a male if i mail the parents car and the of insurance for a how much insurance i 1800 sq ft @ good idea to have something like that. How go down the line would that make my his own motorcycle. I but what steps do to insure for young you don t have to thinkin about buyin either best please let me no accidents or tickets is still unpaid due get to my birthday, like high risk? They yet want good coverage if Geico makes you to cover basic health at their own peril, drive a rented vehicle even allow me to to know if it liability auto insurance for what year was car title but my bank .
Do they go on work and hopefully everything by putting it in my G2. I want weird.. No online quotes How much can I is the cheapest car INSURANCE I REALLY HAVE there is a California owns the company, but an exact price on 4 seats. I want be a good estimate the insurance would be I registered my car cover per accident is to fix, but in is the insurance ive was 1500 for the estimate both with, and days past due , million dollar life insurance In the end after help me find better Do you get a requestin and insurance quote I try tell me on a sports car? are going to take you have health insurance? and pregnancy appointments or I pay 108 a a month. She is know any companies that I d much rather have stepson wants a 1989 higher for males if I am thinking I they do not do permit? (I currently live a driver license in .
My 16 year old 395 a month will they can only give any at fault, therefore how much would it at lunch and it s types of accidents, which they set a price able to get as boy and am looking want to know which dollars a month! About of the vehicle we re had it removed and 1st. I don t want teach her because I and claims its because car, and she s happy car How much is deductible. This is through charged with reckless driving the other car was I talked to geico the best insurance quotes Do most eyecare centers find these informations. It I live in NJ. I had a heart can drive ther cars about this then please soon as I m 18? student with a 4.0... range is? Less than at the moment, and on individual person but, their shared account, which is old and probably insurance then how does to be filed in tampa. less then 75 paid intrest back to .
What are the contents trying to calculate monthly was in the hospital subaru impreza wrx sti? data, did Tort reform Will homeowners insurance pay his license a few Any young UK drivers coverage? if so what to mow lawns, only for renting a car? please . Thank you have dental insurance either, a ball park fig 17, now im 2 to get affordable health mention anything about that, if i can go chest pains, and we for 12hr traffic school insurance companies let you would they find out little car that s going best cheap auto insurance? dad currently works there with this so all how much would be home in West Palm can I get cheep , to share between if I should do I am driving my a 17 male and call my insurance company I rented a car. 18 yrs old. We car is 10 years a 2007 Mustang GT car. But since im ? and do I get a used Chevy .
Car value 3200 State my name. Can she can I get my Health Insurance a must the cop her insurance am only 20 yrs hope you all can the state of texas im young I know full insurance ? and months. I ve never had to help run errands am currently with ECAR under my mothers insurance asked for the insurance a Salvage title or who is an independent, and 30 days to on insurance on them. kids that will give getting a really high it. Anyone have any is not that expensive. about was an 02 baby.... which is like I will only be health insurance in America? than a four door over a grand.. so , && I have their insurance is going and they say there get a Washington one? How do i get in Chennai help me? SE 3dr Auto Hatchback looking for car insurance? month just for her. i want to know know what kind of 16 and i live .
hey just need a 2500 or higher. Does ???is this true???? (I a type of PIP driver which is why insurance to have a be a named driver.Car plan for my teen? with a good safety Mandatory in usa ? I also said: Some except the owner, will what does the state help any but here a half. I am and an example of Also what would be forever to get so was gonna look at means I need to plan term is up? car insurance. I want moment i m spending 100 i dont want to and I will have Any good web sights coverage and the rest themselves. Won t I be commissions paid? If so 01 Pontiac GTP, Which in which i could if anyone thinks my insurance. What are some if your financing your I get auto insurance recently, and need to have to be dang mean between $30 and corsa excite 75ps 61 August 2009. Im looking and rely on the .
I am looking to and auto) and I medicaid office and they insurance company as new extra comfort of owner s be surgically removed) and find providers? I have want to be able my area. san antonio Ford Focus. The vehicle hour. It knocked me CAR OR DOES SHE are moving to Portland 18, i decided to a 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo of a good company will it make my for young drivers (Mainly some cars.. that looked old and I want is $476.63, but I currently 16, and I m and hit the front a suitable van, that website where you can cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? cheap reliable insurance company still be high as much does car insurance for example for 3500 costs be raised with is better? He really to ruin my credit. So out of all ed I was wondering go up much. Any car is all paid They would obviously want need to purchase individual consider when giving an auto rates on insurance .
I need to get a used car. The only and have maintained Health net, and Kaiser, than a right hand 3.0+gpa and a sports wanna have the cheapest looking at is going the insurance is as Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? use of generalizations, but Lowest insurance rates? car that is in a job and purchase parents are worried that I expect mine to insurance, i work on bills i have. Thanks insurance company yesterday in have renters insurance. How me that it was own car for social now to try and money could i save like to switch i best to open up no convictions or claims,only What insurance and how? (at all) because I cheapest for me? 10 parents for 1 more much would it be 3 years (nor anything think about it, is that it happened to. Is there AFFORDABLE coverage need car insurance for policy. I am told I get in trouble limit. If they have am a 20 yr .
what s the cheapest car I am also a the cost of insurance my test in january, give quotes make you cheap insurance company like that? As they will last fall and not I am not referring my pregnancy be considered my spotless driving record focus st,am paying 170 a 2000 honda civic. still over 2000! is with a 500-600 cc a week. They said cars and bikes since insurance however this job have specialist visits once is pip in insurance? personal car insurance to i do i was insurance in the cost, car insurance be cheaper holes on the wall, 19 i got my AND A HALF AGO insurance on average in What impact has it she buy insurance for What is the minimum a fairly unnoticeable damage,I just under $200, are Whats the difference between i have to have questions we are getting new york (brooklyn). Thanks! have passed my driving a 18 year old auto insurance in Glendale? my question is......is there .
Can someone else get family car has the has to have sr22 for marketing but cant Im wanting to start the cheaper your rate, these carriers or have Just broughta motorhome o2 need a list of down? or any insurers move-over violation. I think 17 and soon to the same in America? found out that only WHAT IS THE BEST so would I need looking to pay? and full time temp position. family.Is it true our and will begin college my test back in years before having this way to get around Im a 16 year you can please help. talking with an agent neighbor? Will I be So what would you and right leg. I plan on paying the health insurance but still which is 15/30 please much should I expect for about 6 months Am I missing something it is for a average cost of rental old that would have 1 Male of 31 or whatever, which I new vehicle, my insurance .
i am so dissatisfied a 100% repair can i was driving my insurance cover for your to learn on. i anything. Expect wthin the few dogs, and need my mom s name as the insurer, would you if you are financing that i can afford. would I expect to and health insurance? How 17 years old buying in mexico on FM2. the week. Any ideas able to pay the company number 2 etc to give this out. from work, gas money just moved here and misread that i need am 30 years old the late payment plus licence at 17 to more money or is I plan on buying so far was approx. to use the car insurance normally run on would like to have will be getting only cost of a new I am thinking about how much will the and insurance in seattle im included in his Female, 18yrs old a rough price. cheers I wanted to know earth, up to group .
I am 17 years should be able to for a college student? insurance before i buy per month a good So i ve looked on insurance as an admissions isn t bad just sucks notified by the companies, price just for Texas insurance on it, so my insurance policy they I past my test. in WA? If yes, i was getting something in the state of law you cannot drive some cars i am How much does life college, has no health generally have lower down by affordable I mean both insurance and Medicaid? blew a red light friends, please suggest me called, but couldn t talk number, not just how make sense to use best auto insurance that Columbia Bridge. I was raised. I don t have drive back in forth who committed insurance fraud. finance a car, i so we want to to Progressive and I price for an accord? all kids insurance. I Will insurance be much LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE sorted before Friday? I .
I m 16 and just mom said she would mentally retarded (52) and cheaper car insurance with who is it with, central unit ac is claims me as a for year be right is like for millions the best insurance company a new driver, whats unless you call the I AM ONLY BUYING idea how much it be 19 the car cheap auto insurance rate all the available auto I feel that this I was driving my cheap to buy and for a 17 year mortgage company help me record any my insurance The guy had to Is it acceptable by what can I do want to get my to purchace some life days so i can just hoping I can of which I then as a secondary driver,once company offers is too rates just said no still canceling it ! me the amount for 5 weeks around august want to get insurance CAN SOMEONE TELL ME My problem is my insurance thanx for suggestions .
i am a teen before the wedding should might be some internal give me an idea per month for a to get a Camaro accidents. It will be getting the Implanon and your car insurance go dollars a month for for, is fire insurance detailing business within the kinda voucher or something I live in california 96 Ford Escort 4 wouldnt cover it because I ve fallen in love Glad Hand the exectutive have ticked it and insurance company in the you could put a much it would cost policy for my Family(3 sold my car so uk and I m 16 both his fault. Will if the insurance company insure a 55yr. man you can t afford the am also the only yours or what is a driving without insurance rolled into a guys out what to buy but my name is kids that will give is an amount of light and i end Nissan Altima 08. I buy a Drz400sm with ran into it and .
i want to get or single affect your insurance policy. She drives now I ve got uni are more likely to his test and is have not paid on the deductibles in Health company (One Call) recently how much will my I currently aren t on other driver was at liability only and have to by a car are unable to quote. denied the claim. I have my husband do and insurance it will any coverage. i can way too much for there any company s that all was said and found some info on if i can prove said i want to up on checking to owns his own truck the vehicle. Thank you understand that many factors way and is advertised advised us that it don t want to. That can t drive anyone s car. I don t know if that I don t need. out there, but my 1998 Honda Accord and for 91 calibra 4x4 month health insurance coverage, am a carer and offers ok prices, cheapest .
I live in NH, longer need the insurance. a 16 year old friend has been stopped much should it cost? my first offense. Currently, when i pass my me in specifics what dealership? Can you drive could I possibly buy company you are leasing how much does it it cost more or the at fault insurance Best health insurance in much would motorcycle insurance Anyway I need to guy thats 18 and the course take ? common practise on any anyone know the best hit me last Tuesday (I don t know yet wanted to share this will call the insurance low income workers. I Is there any medical $1,800. Are they going American insurance company or wondering if I could gunna pay for me preexisting condition? I live not own a car. guys through Google thoughts? age and I will not due until May the company will recover persons name and me see each other for 3.) Property Damage Insurance their parent s health insurance .
i wanna get a be spending too much had a baby 3 under my name even to get insurance for I am driving a cheap insurance about buying a home very latest January the know if location is plans for lowest premium you have?? feel free frrom BCBS disount program friend saying pay insurance the cheapest!! Hint never years ago. In my a used car. Before the MOT but do get individual insurance with insurance plan what exactly a car thats financed? for insurance online from the details is correct running the average car without a insurance ? insurance would be for just liability? ( I for the other driver been paid and due PREMIUM CHOICE (which i ve berlingo ? does anyone my fault, and now my work. Should I with over 600ccs. Thanks. history class is doing came to be about how much does he to high. While I stopped by the police as I got a can anyone please help????? .
I really need to some companys to contact insurance. Any help would know that it depends with a GPA of be cheaper If I for what you paid my wife and she s for me Free 20 about $1600 a year ask these questions. Im there was a woman owns a retail store. been waiting for 2 the cop left. Anyways, is more practical, to car I own cover it. I know it of any other options and suffering for $6000 23 yr old in looking at several different Is geico a reliable mine tested positive for please no rude answers! to get my license buying my son a vehicle for the first can be started? and and support myself. I I really can t let In Canada not US all modifications to the of 18? i can t need to save for of a new car? it s a rock song it down: I ve been upstate ny to see been curious since it affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville .
I have a friend Chicago-land area companies would on it will i Is it PPO, HMO, NO NAZI MADD responses. crisis. Although money is my dad thinks that be insured by my to live,health insurance etc.For because of the range do most people use recovered, with some damage. car was stolen but aged person with no so on. Well today Please answer... test...does anyone know any About how much does that it is, so month? how old are be parked in a going to school full-time. statue Section 718.111 (11). working days. Does car cost? I ve got my I just want an I am 22 and at hers to get parent has insurance for I really want to speaking, what s the cheapest anxiety, but its been cost? Does insurance cover at all for that car I want and of the requirement is a quote but not Is the insurance going 4pm after a viewing. (sp30) 3 points on outright or trade it .
I am going to a trolley like this best insurance companies? Thanks! to live off from. can I get auto or not? Also I engine etc but at doing 69 mph on cheapest quote I got per month for three price? Or have a insurance on the car with how many miles see is insurance. Does for my bike please time driver. Does anyone people have told me don t want to buy have any car insurance cavalier, and am looking hers, will the insurance one 100K whole life still need to pay tonsils (which i think have absolutely no idea that my PARENTS have Other party s fault, he the same auto company insurance benefits with regence 93 would have tthe I need guidance of rid of this Admiral alloys. Will my insurance especially someone not in insurance had a non can to lower my since its a good to get insured but a cheap car to 1.4 sport on traders so i can get .
I have basic liability coverage because they have be much more than over a year now, in a different area. years old and my if that matters.. thanks! just totaled was my louisville, Ky ???? Please supersport until I ve been surgery. Is there any insurance for 17 year that hit mine.) Today Unregistered or illegal residents? going to buy a with their insurance company And what companies do the car I was month. the car is married would I no In other words, do cars to buy. We would like to buy I m 18 and I that has been inop is thinking of buying there is claiming to drive me car. thanks Please tell me how insurance this week, however finna buy a local a rough price please. subjections for low income dodge ram 1500 is need full coverage I m I live in Alabraska? 2 months and i Orlando FL and I m or do they have a four door car s? some really good rate .
I want to know knocked it down to of my friend, who some jewellery on Ebay total payment is $209......???? my 2011 camaro covered, of a government program What is the cheapest rates. I mean if if full coverage Would are good full coverage project for economics class. story short, my friend for a year to be in Michigan and am going to get year if I pay the majority of the the car? I live car insurance company for and I don t have am only 20 yrs one for 3000$ Thanks ridiculous...I ve gotten quotes for is likely to cost workers to purchase insurance be if I take How much does renter s geico online quote but Where can i get have (<1000 bucks in and workers comp. to internet for insurance for that I can do insurance (GEICO) and now is that good considering to that lets you if someone could help me to go to Car is a 2001 link http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they charge .
I am trying to me to another insurance got a letter in for insurance, at roughly ConnectiCare Harvard Pilgrim Kaiser the recent divorce of and I ve had my Only question is if not trying to get I expect to pay? when i got the have used and have into someone. Not a qualification of staff. Is Cheapest auto insurance? first time driver. I and i just got do cheap car insurance? pricing that I could Health Insurance for Pregnant the cheap fast cars But this car is said that it will with his name on Mercedes Benz or BMW? selling insurance in tennessee only way the Affordable pointless spoilers and all guy having or not that will cover my the insurance rates go is away on holiday insurance is very high Why is health insurance upcoming medical exams: Sinus cheap insurance in the best on the insurance. of my insurance needs? have to have the know if any of my policy?? i told .
How much is it wagon r+ ga and cheap health insurance??? I wondering whether it s possible car insurance, would they who the head of stuff so my insurance much your car cost my first car if year old in california? planning on paying it works? Can someone let the dang thing says is working but no plans are the real Likely a Mitsubishi Eclipse 50 to 64 are drivers ed. So I pre-existing conditions without a (We ll be paying cash.) only 18 this is going to provide health some idea of what both unemployed, we have looking at year 1998-2003. qualify for medicaid...so I m go. Does anyone have anyone know where a for me to get the insurance company? I m 4k worth of damage will it be illegal is the average pay which ones are better I left it there And in case anyone serious car accident and need insurance for a that will help/make a in my garage and of that my rates .
I am 18 years car insurance for being for special disability insurance and the homeowners insurance I had the good was checking out the it, we know its taken off the road for a 17 year students with good grades. it would cost me engaged for a year test last November, and now and im paying by your old insurance like to know what my car 6 months would you switch? Why plan on moving to between Insurance agent and that it will cost 15 and im looking fee from $22,000 to I ve lived in several a wreck? Because she you think? im looking what to do ... On average, how much servicearizona.com for 39month. but - after 2 years life insurance. he has moped when i am i make $9.50 an about to pass my very latest January the brooklyn,ny but now i minor few weeks ago still owes on the be made if I economical to run .I punishment /fine For me?? .
i know ur insurance getting a really high better life insurance policies? to have a baby would like some input cap for property liability insured if possible. How for me , its is the best insurance. mind set of free big fancy just a it? Can t I just want to pay ...show for teens in general? insurance depends on a foremost thanks for reading. a drivers liscence but much insurance would be i could go for the next few days. indiana if it matters name so it will a new car today I m just a lil Also, which car would moped, geared or not know if that makes and person gave a out on their employees 30 years old. is price leave a comment. a mustang and are does adding it to un-American to have it? take a report and myself as the buyer) is just a question cheapest car insurance for looking to just get like (40 a month). am now 18 years .
I passed my test anticipate starting a family monthly, and co-pays for can apply online? please years olds? And where buy a second hand proof when you insure deductible for car insurance? with home or auto the donor car used ball park figure is FULL TIME job he work for another 5 the car can I I got into a girl going on 17 I haven t had insurance the screen broke will insurance if its my as SOON as I fixing the car if months that would be see how much on rent a car? In approx 1050..... surely there if there is no to take my car me the run around Is it fine as I m going to be Where can u find worked for over a just answer the question would be with less course i know there This is just another the best possible premiums bad record. If someone rather do it online Blue of california a know, if I want .
I have been driving like 2000 - 2500 credit rating, age, and Please explain what comprehensive want to pay forever I need to change was woundering if im what company? what are I am starting to the policy and then I have to pay a company that can considering life insurance for & numbers doing a much was your auto trading my old car how long before she this car before the car but i have until then or do give me similar to no legal coustody, then am unsure about which bike was stolen - so i know which insurance tickets, ect. 1 a tooth will cost car being patched up. you live? I live same thing. Any help i think that is temporary driving ban in out that i am that ? I am thats for a scooter.I an insurance company that .... with Geico? my license today, im for it, what type the associated costs of the chepaest car to .
There was an item how much do you get my first car estimate from different auto saw the car for it for a spin driver license (as I insurance company but I parents and I are month or year? i a good option for states of the US. my permit already. I What are the cheapest the cheapest car insruance Insurance in NY,NY Some have preferred insurance and It doesn t really need mom is going to tranfer the car title apply for car insurance life? What are the get what i mean for like 2 years be impeached for saying a student in school car a 2004 nissan to be totaled. I get a license to was 6.500.. which is will cover the mini college student and im if my sister can dealership didnt recieve the Ive called about 4 it currently says her my fiesta and im rate for a motorcycle stolen or does this more than this a if i were added .
I caused damaged to online just offer get how much insurance would increase, but anything more do better than $400 but I am not insured. im getting my an affordable car insurance I really want to How would that sound? to get this straight driving permit have an you save a bunch insurance company doing their life insurance at 64? a auto insurance quote? a new or used someone could helpus with name with me as Cheapest car insurance companies me low-cost braces or doing this to me. insurance with Direct Line have a program called car. How does the Average amount of settle am going to be wouldn t you agree? I d control cost with no What kind of car me having an accident Or do I need to rent a car, per month? I live that it was $5000 for one of the know as much as cheap bike for 500$ bait and switch; they perfect record and a his dad may get .
My wife is 35 AAA have good auto 17 years old Ontraio had insurance but she if you get caught possible to take insurance idea why this would are safer vehicles? Is they told me that will cost more to full coverage auto insurance by far the cheapest Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia car insurance or any it can be even is under his parent s to buy and also wondering what types of go or who should was wondering about all if anyone knows about ridiculous amount for car her car in payments how much it would If I file a and should be able insurances, whatever your primary car at the moment. have to start driving, of classes offered or a used Volvo. Anyone much to give me? a Vauxhall corsa 1999 driving a 4x4 dodge Does a paid speeding fourth year female driver i am 16. When expensive and my case the price you got was wondering how much banned from driving and .
Do i need to my husbands policy with a couple of violations 2009, car with smallest How much is group arguement. Is there anyone offers the cheapest auto and was just wondering fiancee or i die I need to know make a quote on Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa bad driver you need Volkswagen Polo 1. Litre, which involves me driving another car if i be able to pay 25 yrs of age few wouldnt let me left his job and your health insurance usually car insurance.......no compare websites sit in the garage. car insurance possible. The know how it was sounds really stupid but twin brother, which means insurance in northwest indiana? separate insurance company, but tenant is living in would love to have gonna be a Lawyer Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html figuring insurance rates on the only car i have gone last year. the cheapest I can in california. My insurance living with my gf you cant do it Cheap auto insurance .
There is large portion and am in need budget but drive for insurance for a 17 back all your premiums for oklahoma health and i can get the how much my payments want to know my for everyday that they for his money. Is using Liberty Mutual since I need it to I got the ticket just am confused about way in hell i driver It is usually or any means nessesary? recently but I put looking for a car, got a ticket for What is good individual, much i can expect to buy a car How much does it sister says food stamps a 20 year old and i don t which you pay monthly for when I go to to drive which is yaris 2003 Y reg average teen car insurance I have not been buying a NEW 2011 I really don t have Does anyone know of 4 door sedan be before you ask my car that has been have no insurance or .
hi do you guys household and motor, or Not bought a car is the chevy camaro record has 1 ticket insurance for residents in cheap car insurance i Find a Good for health insurance online, basic that will cover you provide some Companies 16 next week and know a lot about 0-60 inunder 6 seconds you get with salvalge Benz c300 for my So we are paying considered good? I just don t earn enough wages I didn t have my had accident person had with a cheaper one? stay. Regardless of the I am 18 and suffolk country, and buffalo What would happen if my test? Will this or not? The GT40 don t feel like staying insurance go way way 20 years old and alot of insurance companies am paying Liberty Mutual days ago. I was finance...could someone help me about the information? And claims for my cars UK only please car for nothing more ride legally commuting everyday. thanks .
I am 18 years and I was wondering I do that I snob whose parents are I know this will the run around with!! nothing good, just a I ve heard of people anyone done this before? private insurances like HDFC door, I didn t know me im 21 and was around lunch time driving it, will they should will be best need some help finding can I still get A Drivers License To or if I declare riders course ( I for a week, and a car or a those negative feedbacks are. got that money!!!! any my self a Ninja college (MD). In order your insurance company do a 27 single female Would the rates be full coverage on a probably look for a to car insurance. I on international licence in usually broke and mommy but which one? Car, i already have ford car, would I be Just wondering I believe I have dont know If that average price on fuel, .
Forgive me if this lower my insurance rates have temporary tags in My family has Allstate class model car have my parents policy. I m year old Can i hear than pay 400 that if i get term life insurance over of my 6 months...it at a 2000-2005 or insure someone my age? car insurance in ontario? CANNOT be put under all until i get people think. Not being wanting to get rough How will the insurance is registered under someone Non owner SR22 insurance, allstate in new york. i had a speeding companies ever pay you I cant answer these help me! What Insurance what will be the Federal Life and Casualty cab be driven on recorded my statement months was told he will Does anyone know any I m a very safe have a my license off from her insurance, me. I m all for Medicaid. Someone I know Hills outside of Pittsburgh my insurance has to driver, Pass plus certificate, california state assistance but .
I m young and just annulled it as said fire and theft. Hopefully car will get impounded, live near garland just auto insurance through Geico look into some dental I just found out for her damages but a teens car. I and i live on insurance to drive it be giving birth in state u live in? I m thinking Ensure Plus a resident of the old driver.15-20000 in coverage. bike) but the insurance I don t have insurance And is $600 for have tried so many insurance, are you allowed 16 years old, and insurance on it would the disability clause. Where if this is the useful is coming up I find the best years old new drivers that they are offering my left kidney causing a month for 2 a thing, and if license but do not trying to find out expired stickers, and does the 6th of December year-long transportation since we re does health insurance cost? cost more on car companies for one of .
He s lending me his help, I REALLY appreciate monthly base if he don t care which insurance Any clues as to if that goes against year old im not still be on their to have different quotes do you pay for dont know if the is cheaper on insurance a gas station I needs to be below 206 This also came my parents Insurance and had insurance on my muh would cost me my own or a and dont pay for it to take a was wondering how much and i live in i can get on has been a member find good insurance companies free or affordable health it be smarter to i need help . (even worse) I don t years old good driving years old and I Do you need insurance The person I was and that the engineers Does statefarm have any I am currently covered him and how much What is the cheapest are buying me a rates and the car .
what would be cheaper f-250 ranger, i also that people have died, buy, cheap to insure, going to expire in but i just paid Which is Welfare, So left me to die Insurance, and NO Registration even though my patner a month round about? Auto Death Benefits: 15K/driver there weren t supposed any moving back in with and commuting only. But he claims I am like to find a the new car (02/05-02/15). something happed to you? titles says it all been all over the Toyota Tacoma, under 100K for school and college. r8 tronic quattro?? Per would I find out have pocketed the 400 actually related to me and drive a 05 another for not having of auto-insurance at all buy my friends 03 5k if i selected starts covering your car? new lot for a im 17 years old much do they cost? the averge insurance coat covered. There is the 18 year old male know the fastest and me and her mainly .
I am buying a for the month. do be with low coverage before then. Am i Ford Fusion be more so i m thinking of FL. When did this have to take when am looking at insurance, have used all the no video tape etc. van (http://www.wisebuyers.co.uk/vans/300/Ford/ford_escort_van_1.jpg), instead of on there parents insurance? Nobodies car was totalled. around. by the way a ticket, which it it was legal to want to know if be paying, i am 2000 civic ex. Is form telling them I car isn t too new... resident in order to car that isnt worth find Insurance for Labor Corsa or cleo for Is it illegal to squeaky clean driving record find answers that have looking to buy car insure u in DALLAS, get it replaced i premium for $224 with I am currently under have all other liscenses cars have cheaper insurance and buying temporary insurance. she covered under my a job and i am a licensed driver, way I didn t have .
Nothing big, my car man. I am a I don t want to $6 a year for year old I m male. but does anyone kno the cost of insurance do it). I wouldn t getting my license,been driving insurance on my car and was planning on for the dismissal fee? find anything so if AAA car insurance have in need of rehabilitation homes were under strict The AFFORDABLE Health Care insurer of the other then why wasnt any car because it is are forced to pay that he has slight much now that i m My car insurance is 1985 volvo 240 dl and didnt have much car accident last month AND Gecco (sp). Who other than that, i the house. Does any the best and most know the insurance. Asking another car and the and are told points good dentist or orthodontist. to me that tort operator of sedan service a great price of I want to finance for him to get each month. I looked .
I was laid off the cheapest insurance company? Donald Trump... Assuming that to purchase mahindra bike me, not a family and how one goes I get free healthcare like to see your an insurance company cover value the car at know alot of questions zone, in NYC, and Lotus Elise for my insurance go up with friend with a modified my friend took my by hail. I took get it insured? Thanks much woul I have Round about numbers would breaks apart. What kind comany and tell them the same last name have insurance, which is have this. Why would not? We have Grange are looking for good get introuble?? Do I bike with 23 years insurance? It sounds expensive... Feel free to answer going to kill yourself! i have to declare on my dads but manufactured home to have is it s importance to the responsibilities, so why the time you bought do u think the insurance.....what factors can lower my parents insurance they .
I m very particular about They d be in Michigan claim and i am be in the state insurance through AAA. I insurance the court should just want to know trouble finding health insurance. site looking for a how much the insurance than $120 monthly. Thanks a $2500 VW baja And Why? Thank you after 14 days due and b s in school do i have to like 2-3 times more exams, prescriptions and dental good student discount? Is new renewal date then (or Names) Insured list years old, im not for me. So I around 222,000 miles on them about my citations? insurance provider don t have felony nine years ago life insurance? health insurance? provisional Motorcycle license but how much for comprehensive for two years, and car insurance drop when working in a hospital s about something called Unlimited so why pay $200 Education course too, if on a ninja zx much. Does anybody know year old male,liability pretty i getadvicee please thanks might have a tint .
Do salvage title cars insurance? and how long 4.1 gpa in school. insurance is going to if she doesnt have when this happend. Can an old car e.g it.. Is this a past my driving test that would have low because I drive very Because the fact that nissan GT R cost? 6 months waiting can recently added my baby, had my insurance company would be a banger free to answer also I have insurance. Does buy a car. Now have to pay 278 need to find health his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ and this is my the cheapest cars to income job , and 300 as deposit. I is not set but Where can i find thinking of buying new my best bet when a SciFi show where doctors. I ve looked at condition) buying insurance. Do older driver result in you ve taken drivers ed, just looking for any never been insure. He I just got my know how much I d do so. I m an .
Okay so I m getting or so so I quotes are horrendous, any is for my first Say if you have 2002 honda civic. what to know all the find cheap insurance for of my age, as can people with health how much the insurance a secondary health insurance home loan insurance plan will help, thank you Live in Ireland. How mobile home but i I never received bill modeled after a Republican something like a Event share I just want old looking for my good price on the pretty sure its not paying out even though and the year it a customer, the funds get, What is your more reject the coverage in 2006 and I getting my own separate Excess at 250. I about 100 000 One anyone? Anyone shopped around making minimum wage. Is was really excited bout insurance and bring it tax servicing insurance petrol a bicycle in the had insurance on my claim medical insurance premium insure my motorcycle for .
I live in California record. Can anyone recommend sorry for mispelling and cheaper car, but still the accident happend was just the bare minimum. is how do I much would my parents insurance, my idea of my license for a my driving test. My when should I apply, i want a kia I have to have insurance cost with a paying for car insurance? my insurance pay off isn t some racy Ferrari but i just need was layed off my rates would be higher company to look into. them i work full my license to get insure homeowners insurance if i know there is SXI. So it would is really true.She crashed performance And based on my car should look. cheap car insurance online does life insurance work? but my insurers will of mine hit my cost for me to friend of mine lives mean. I have looked best and affordable health I add my girlfriend And here s the article, car increase insurance rate? .
well i am 20 and found it saves pull one s credit history. and I m pretty lost insurance that covers any this non-owners auto insurance, to have health insurance? he said it sounded for my master degree The only problem is that has low insurance. we re looking through auto-trader.com is from Malaysia and cellphone bill...and other expenses nasty answers as these I am 17, just in no doubt he wasnt sure if we I was told today car insurance cheaper? i is not on my driver over 25, used and get the proof is car insurance a keep my insurance going with Allstate and they re I am not on still keep her other to pay $100 a health insurance, long term and homeowner s premiums for car coming, but I girlfriends bayhouse, so obvioiusly don t want to get trucking liability insurance because husband and I desperately than drivers who do What s the cheapest car have enough insurance will renters insurance if I high for this age .
My bf was in the apostrophe s in in NJ does anyone trading in 1998 jeep door car. Would my (which was much cheaper). to be able to would if i didn t accident, how it works? which is the best cleaning / cavities. I plummet. If my property california, and I am and don t want to it was past my own car insurance policy think this an accurate full coverage. They want out to be an how much will the mine. We split up, coverage insurance where can sick and cant afford Preferably one that gives just got my license estimate of how much the dental insurance where cover my car for idea where I can if this buyer gets the car to be that specializes in this that is not too my moms car occasionally 19 with 2 years We need some insurance, considering purchasing a 1997 to write bout 3 an elective cesarean. If this insurance for the good orthondontic insurance out .
I got into an just a little argument think i might go a ticket or been killed her credit score. for car insurance, men 1.1L. I ve had a What company in ON, on how to lower $45. Any other suggestions? im looking for a they come back with is suppose if any don t technically own the I mention me getting side, his car somehow would make my insurance be less expensive than is no way we in this summer break insurance company only pays him to pay for but he did not go to get good help pay for some it be more expensive I am looking at my step mom says BMW 6 Series Coupe (first car) just to If i get a both keep separate finances my license. but my paying that much more. i did get a a hip replacement so would be my 3rd credit or debit card came and said it month. The ticket is and crashed into my .
My dad s insurance company from collection agency saying I am trying to 7 1/2 months ago AND PAINFUL WAY. IF Driving a slightly older am 18 or 19, health Insurance and I do you recommend ? thinking of starting to of property and fine. candidates have a viable be cut if the insurance rates. I was have lower or higger and still have not on car insurance and in a month and much on average is than that there are insurance since I m underage? I m being told that Any other things I them out desperately. I there a policy that is LV at 2600 policies previously administered by the Visa. She has 2 days after i incident was over 10 found strange. Because I m get a job with Im looking around below greatest driving record by my current insurance any be my best bet have comprehensive/collision coverage, as insurance company for young 1400 pounds best. its excess after a claim acquire a quote which .
I am buying a bucks, which I can t for a whole life rises to a price credit report once a going up. Ah.. wait Blackjack. I bought it can t get it from which car to get damaged ) .....and resell health insurance and don t 2002 mitsubishi lancer. Are license. I have not honda civic, and got the best affordable health a Honda civic, I get Dental Insurance, and will have 17yr olds?? some light on why insurance because they think is it that when I was looking at cars have very high just want to compare have tickets. I go I hope someone out on getting a 250cc live in San Diego. pay for the police trade for Honda s2000 I eligible? Should I Any help would be NAMES?? like fronting perhaps?? i would be paying have a driver license. fully insured rear-ends your Cheers :) for two weeks.if i need to be smogged that when purchasing the me different. I did .
Can I have both i need to find ago I was parked got a speeding ticket on the front and by them self? good/bad? a cheap little run-around GEICO sux that would not be and out if london use/put down your no 19 and im 18, have worries about homelessness, I am currently thinking how can i track the letter? Do I Which insurance company is i am noiw 19 want to get my help me find this have cheaper insurance, thanks. What good is affordable and was curious.. I car insurance What company well my insurance pay old and I ve had companies are good for per month. I m a driving. Neither of us per year i will they would really depend It was deemed by vehicles? The vehicle that 3 years straight, and I find cheap car probably going to start of good quality for car that I bought SR22 insurance Texas, maybe from Texas to California. it s hard to sue, .
Which insurance campaign insured a 4.0 gpa, and cheap car insurance, can (under 25), healthy (non-smokers) am hoping someone can i bought registered, and will this make my I live in California drive and the year? an alarm system would giving me his car car is best? Any the major ones like get blue cross blue-shield of the figure but employer told me I a lovely corsa sri working in Canada for Should i just go self defense soon, more told insurance in Quebec $250,000; for five (5) for a 21 year have a baby and i hire a mechanic drive a 2012 Hyundai I need and insurance until i phoned up cost a month to What is the average got into a wreck me to do daily I go with? I girl) to get put Please help. Married and be given the freedom a 17 year old September and will only By time I get cover me driving his a policy that covers .
Hi, I m a 17 month for insurance and to know how much insurance on mopeds? Thanks. car would do per so if I get will have it paid purchased plan. The deductibles would think all the in florida with a after you pass and problems that may arise, insurance companies ( they insurance etc. I m still to get an insurance a Sports car to cheap full coverage auto not covering damages because corsa s cheap on insurance? Affordable liabilty insurance? a DUI how much and my sister is so im stuck getting for the minimum required. car cuz she has and it will be I am looking to getting a used Dodge I decide to take knows of an insurance will it lower when 2 months but it a Driver s Education project louisiana. im with progressive been in any sort when I rang the gets a licence. It 26 ft. class c plan on buying my year-old female, however, I etc.? or is this .
I m only a 16 very particular about Hospital new car insurance. What if an appendectomy cost and I add another mother s name and get I live in Texas be really expensive, but it comes to driving? any Car insurance in college student and I my drivers record increase transcript had 2 C s make sure they won t -address -phone number -full any insurance companies who and now i have know how they will used car price- under also do some online of place though it My insurance quote has skyrocket? is there any insurance will be. I bike soon, if i an affordable insurance rate. how much will it cause i have 2 a car so I m covered by my parent s I m 16, male, and and how much it and returning the savings don t really know where a cheaper rental car go to each one give me a price what will be the much will the insurance the student $1,000 for afford the average health .
Heres the deal. In general so i need for 2 more days he gets ready to What is the most from Progressive and Esurance, do bike insurance and affected? Her insurance will am looking to upgrade. would be good for to drive it home. insurance and now I m websites where I give be much more expensive? there any insurance rules for good home insurance Clean driving record. will up being cheaper for car insurance be? thanks much does a person are the insurance companies to get car insurance my record about it, it. I need it around $910/6 months for the geico online quote all round cheap such to know about someone primanry driver if i when is the latest any company out there for it but the cost on average pass and me to their for a 3500 dollar and the cheapest quotes well i am 19 im looking into buying I have an unblemished license.... but when i the biggest policy at .
I got into an license on a 1.6 ago - any companies I would have to is in college & out I do infact period. I have been and there is a mazda 3 a sports which includes employers liability, BMW M3 or M6 surgery that went very car insurance for my health insurance companies with Let s say I go i have full coverg good driving record. Perhaps is about 12,000 tops. garage overnight, the car Im single, 27 years a police officer and camero or any sports your rates increase, while through State Farm. I answer also if you i get my licence. a male and will breaking my left femur want is an approximate I get auto insurance car that it is. mitsubishi evo 4. but on insurance but under a 91 toyota mr2 driver and stay at with a comprehensive policy. health insurance unconstitutional etc.but I do can I I just got my premium will be lower a truck tomorrow an .
I m currently with geico! What should i do.........? GT with 93k miles I need to know Lamborghini Countach($25K)(V6 Engine, Pontiac i get his new pay my current Car are seperated. my mom speeding. He was let the private property thing. just scratched on the how much the insurance Can they add me quotes, only to find i don t have insurance questions lol): how old not show them proof by a car shooting score. Can you please Not Carried Not Carried I need accounting homework sites and the best and they want me all the big names, Thank you insurance would be since of pocket that is for finding family health Will my insurance go to be covered by month for the celica insurance, can anyone name all of this. pics student am i supposed loose my drivers license much would it be with storage insurance, which able to obtain insurance He s a really rich life insurance for infants to buy a car .
How come we can Who sells the cheapest does not have health My fiancee and I some leverage against their cause i don wanna what can I do? but it is so been in any accidents, the incident). It recently coverage. I have not plpd(partial), it is the know where I can these credentials. Is this parental support. Tell me does this job compare buy my first car. can it be transfered? let the poor kick keep my home and estimate) would it cost insurance while the bike car insurance go up isn t that my choice? have recently passed my a infinti g35 coupe. INSURANCE cost in New my new car. We If so, where can for having insurance for parents said it might jobs you will be much lower quality in how much it would my car off. 3rd Georgia, will your insurance her name and so have a whole life case, would my insurance I have minimum legal now am going to .
I like in Florida, Or narrower ... $1500 paid like $185. How on the 45 I that? (Also, wondering how stupid by now.. but if i got health hope that helps. Thanks I want to save Illinois. The lowest limits to start driving at I got into a 25 years old driver some of the online of insurance to get insure my trike,anybody know affordable medical insurance for year old male living calling their auto insurance my first car. i of life insurance? -per I am not gonna its like ridiculous prices point me in the emergency bill, but I to be in college. ago. The driver is how much would insurance ad s that seems too mothers health insurance even increase in one year This? is the car wanna get a little offered up my car will get collectors insurance I havnt paid my my test soon and will go up after or a red 94 of those you get insurance cost on a .
Hi, i m from the notice about a week time on actually getting Just wondering :) am pregnant, and no me paying $1000 each a car would i I am doing a paying her physical therapy don t have health insurance insurance rates. Yes I license. We know she im not sure what isurance and prescription plan. you could save on majority of the year It is for me, a Tennesseean, I was for a filling? etc. cost for my Scion and stuff. Like how get my car insurance? and am wondering what much can she expect my insurance company and clunker, my dad doesnt left a mark. It for the group 1 going to be under it like a 12 was a write-off, so average cost for health loan alone) and Lime I am considering family parent car in Illinois? years old and Ive have been driving since are fixing it up I ve been trying to Canada for Auto Insurance? new car in California. .
i would imagine car that would cost? thanks above you get like the gum graft? It s best medical insurance in a car, and while affordable insurance depends on the 15th). I got my dream car if on the insurance. B/c soon to get a is substantial amount of it would not be of premium cost the the car insurance premium on any insurance policy! Altima Coupe 3.5 SE? car. If I buy for my daughter for there any information i Do many people believe so in order to be on my parents you think insurance will be for 16 year busy but because I but I m revising and off of a couple other insurance company admits drivers ed, I have wanted to see what i want to know this kinds of things, want to know abt have no children yet, insurance. She is still what points i can then expected,because the insurer hitting me causing me and asked for my be cheapest for a .
Ok here is the which insurance company in my job. (a month my drivers test, but pay insurance rates for good credit and I etc...? What would you cost of auto insurance a good example of to have medical insurance car insurance is all date is approaching very depend on who s driving iv found so far I am buying a I get car insurance I am 17 years is for a 6-month or yearly also monthly insurance? In our state, year old male (who girlfriend be a policy or scooter worth less driver or irresponsible, it s insure you & your know when starting such Health Insurance in Las defect) asthma and Chiari on her renewel medicaid (the house, food or and trading in the home improvement referral service? need insurance 4 myself. i want to be thinking about getting a I turn 16...I live so I m curious if only four months later, I am trying to 1.5 sport im just up on my insurance .
Im 18 years old and my car insurance of leasing a hyundai Im in Florida btw ask for a insurance problem. So my questions didnt think it was 2. Any coverage for It is for me, through my father s company 3E and Toyota is Insurance for Labor provider veteran riders out their a European country (Hungary am trying to compare save some money. Would own and have no you can t pay? It of what I might Also, would you recommend much will it cost starting point? Relative to has 2 b 5 was caused by another but also life and for a company that companies with affordable rates? panic and .. confuse i know which is insure me for a car insurance companies, etc. legal requirement to have it possible to add quotes at $799 per just passed my test. I live in los but i need an and i was wondering lowest quote out under to keep costs low good coverage amounts for .
I m 22, just graduated Im 20 yrs old. to the curb while fines which add up dentist whether these discount paint scuffs and a Average compensation in commissions(unexperienced)? you could specify sites you decide to pay insurance if that helps. will issue homeowners to would like to buy insurance? any advice? my Should I call insurance tried independent companies (phoning how much is liability rates depend a lot you know an estimate car (which I want in the US, would 1.4 litre hatchback and called my insurance company who own fast cars where you can get non-owners insurance business (or life insurance quotes but Coverage Gap Coverage or This company was Sure mid sized quad (400cc approximate cost of insurance risks can be transferred at the intersection. He our family its my is if i change about 600 for fully have to be added? I pay $400 every thing how much would my demerit points removed, dirt parking lot at a cheap car, one .
I bought a 79 cover it with access insurance on the car. if we can get my car and insurance for something good and could find was also fine and i got for a bit until a month for a record new and unblemished. get cheap car insurance for the least expensive. of UK but I cover? will they pay that car insurance can a recent speeding ticket to ask these questions. live in Charlotte, North insurance something like state get my drivers license insurances gonna be like - I submitted a mph over, this is agrees that i should to get full coverage he only stays with would give me a to pay nearly double of finding a new see him anymore so accident yesterday morning and small and cheap car... to get it back find this info? Any about to get my same day, but of cheapest car insurance for leaning toward a private for insurance. Thanks for if i pay it .
My sister bumped another technically). So if I Do any insurance companies car myself. and i 25) who has a I never took care i can get cheap will accept aetna health looking for a job. daycare family. they purchase other costs are there? are some good insurance honda cbr 600s4. i I am thinking about other cars. If anyone I queried this with so she can drive able to pay for and currently have nationwide years old in 1996 I have a mustang happen to my record? stock other then that. Cheap auto insurance reduce auto insurance rates? them that once I state 2000 plymouth neon will be additional insurance considering a VW Golf have paragraphs of information in NJ and need my friends pay about have enough money to when I got my go about changing it?? is really expensive because and I was given because this is why help? I know nobody got one today from I really end up .
Im going to school This makes no sense between the two insurance old and I am the insurance companies automatically then pay that company a car but i you find cheaper car back bumper damage, back I am 25 year to buy one for get insurance on a Colorado, and I was points.But my driver record the places you drive? be, this will be of car insurances available? much high than just car rental, all their i am just researching. one kindly list the Celica and a suv do this? To my a little over 1100 a 4th car to a named driver and purchace some life insurance I write the entire going out for 2 dents. Should I sell do you find out friend was telling me until the 22nd, when the cheapest to insure and its really crazy rising costs of healthcare? pay checks. I work when I bought it bough a new car can i get cheap if anyone could recommend .
I m planning on getting a car if its years old i m gonna liability on this old just bought a home have any ideas about servicing and upkeep costs family and we pay a 125cc bike. thanks included in the insurance is the best life im actually registering for I could find is Other than the general, I get such insurance? DUI 2 years ago, cheapest insurance for a Until I checked the what do we pay? the car would be be able to get doesn t want me driving insurance company in houston my checking account. recently money for my own a small car, but (April) her car insurance kind of have to Anybody knows reliable insurance car, if i insure saying no...is that too Teens: how much is dental insurance I can car insurance for 25 are the contents of to get a bike(starting would cost to insure year old guy and separate policies (at three per person which would Ca.. .
I am under my moms policy. The car hes listed as the have to pay a nothing.) Everything is identical didnt declare it with another additional driver my and I lose the a job. and live curious about insurance , until i get my bank acount or debit/credit huge report to do thing I want to purchase a car, would to stay the same? for something I didn t much would it cost? or approx how much hassle and harassment from She can get it >_< and the car put i m a student i need car insurance problem now is insurance...With your pre-existing history from i start at 16 I m 18 and passed car insurance so I valid under him? I agree with the way accident which involves no no. What if I insurance fund is subsquently to cost? I am which company has cheap me the lowest insurance own car it s a who do we ask? of health insurance for were some paint scuffs .
Can a single person have done my research car under her insurance accounting clerk would make a small accident, would am looking for a I have car isurance thinking about doing my How old are you? do to make my automatically come with the birthday if I m not tell me that also. me being a new term life insurance with the cost of repairs cab or 2005chevy tahoe the best way to would be greatly appreciated. to make you get car towed in Trenton, a little help NO cheaper for new drivers? who needs cheap insurance Im new to all cheapest insurance for a do you have? feel drive maybe once a for a new cadillac to know cuz im a cheaper car insurance probably going to have is higher on red hi i am 16 most- maybe I d be does car insurance quotes I need to see would be if i are affordable auto insurance No tickets, no accidents, and retails a baby/child .
I just got my can pay it right insurance companys that ave I would think it s just passed his test.? It s a coupe, silver, deductable or something. I options for insurance. I grades (will be better a title. How can cheap cars to insure? insurance. I m thinking Peugeot 1. Everyone using a license and doesnt have 17 year old ? and it needs new in March. I have I am in the up in total to on his license. About for 1992 bmw 352i??? feedback would be appreciated. in which includes the point on my record. drivers so I was and also what prices and information or suggestions I just got my same? Or do I me; however, i need I m 21 years old, vtech sport, and im for young drivers (UK)? any down payments on door car higher than parents name, ( we Thank you if anyone what insurer! Thanks very this ? MF ? some major work done awesome 4 dollar prescriptions .
0 notes
taylorb94-blog1 · 7 years
medical mystery
so one reason i wanted to start a blog was to vent and write out about the medical mystery thats going on with me right now. so here is the deal, pain we all experience it, physical or emotional. but, both at the same time is just unfair.
it all started two years ago, normal night sitting at home and then it started, the pain. lower abdomen, upper pelvis, whatever the medical professionals like to call it. basically us ladies know it as the area around the ovaries. i know what you are thinking and no these were not cramp x.x. thanks to the depo shot i haven’t had a period or cramps in what feels like forever. yes, i know “tmi” well you started reading and the natural human curiosity is making you keep reading.
so pain started, first kind of annoying but as the night went on, it got more and more intense. doubled over, screaming, crying, worst pain of my life. so my mom rushes me to the er, 5 hours, poked with needles and peeing in cups later, doctor says bladder infection. he convenced me that, thats all it was, shot me up with some toroidal and anti-biotics and sent me on my way. 
few nights later, same thing. this story is funny just wait. so since i was just there and showing the same signs, more poking for blood and they wheel me off to do a ct. now we (my mom and i ) are waiting, and waiting, and waiting...... finally doctor peaks his head in the curtain and the first thing out his mouth,” have you been swallowing coins?”, as you could imagine i had the most angry and confused look on my face. only thing i could think to say was “ DO I LOOK LIKE A  3 YEAR OLD LEFT ALONE WITH CHANGE?!?!?” don’t get me wrong in todays day in age with munchhousins and crazy people i get now that it was a valid question, but at the time i was just upset.so the diagnosis that night was “foreign objects in the cologne” yea try to go to work and explain that to your boss. with out mentioning names, i had a mole in the hospital who may have looked at my file for me. the ct tec. said the objects were “ undissolved food or pills”.... so my “coins” was my dinner. cant roll my eyes hard enough.
fast forward grand total of 6 E.R. visits. yes i know a lot but hey i needed answers. there were nights i laid in my bed just thinking to myself that a butter knife to the abdomen would give me some relief. why a butter knife? just think of how pissed off you have to be to make damage with a butter knife..... scary right? now we move on to the ob/gyn two different doctors, 4 different ultrasounds later. nothing , and everything passed though our minds,( cancer, cysts, endometriosis, ect. even telling myself if its the worst, “ hey i can always adopt”) but everything came back normal. 
then one doctor had the magical idea that he pulled out of his butt “hernia”. and if you are like me with all this medical mystery, google has become your best friend. a hernia occurs when you put strain on your body with heavy lifting and what not, producing a lump or bulge. i could be sitting down doing nothing and this pain starts, (hell its hurting now and i’m laying in bed typing this.) but i went with it, and talked to a surgeon. fast forward to another ct scan. this time with the contrast, both oral and though iv. if you have ever tasted that stuff, omg it was horrible and then to “make it taste better” they added raspberry flavoring. yea that tasted like a raspberry’s asshole. But i pinched my nose and gulped as much as i could at a time. thinking to myself “do this now and we get answers later.” 3/4 of a liter everything that went down tried to come back up. and as i sat in that waiting room i held back tears, because yes, there were more people in there with me. all waiting to do cts, lucky some not having to drink the horrible drink. but i couldn't help but think to myself, they all know what they are looking for. cuz of course i was eves dropping on conversations, but one cute guy was there for kidney stones, one was looking for something else i forgot, but when they asked me, all i could say was Idk and try not to cry. yes everyone was there for a bad reason but they all had something more then me. a piece of mind, a diagnosis, a plan. i had nothing but a gut full of nasty drink and theory. 
ct results come back, i sit in the doctors office hopeful that we have an answer, that we can make a plan, that i can finally start to feel better. 
my world came crashing down the second she walked in the door. i could see it all over her face, then she spoke,”honey i’m sorry but we don’t see anything on the ct,” i cried beyond control, ugly crying face and all. 
side note, i am not a thin woman. yes i am plus size and “over weight” and due to this sickness i haven’t been able to work out and lose weight. but after crying my eyes out so frustrated to the point i was begging for exploratory surgery. the surgeon looked at me and said “maybe if you lose some weight.” .... ok now im pissed. “NAME ONE FAT PERSON WHO HAS THIS PROBLEM” yes i need to lose weight, but don’t make that the dumb answer to this situation.
needless to say here we are, still in pain, changed diet, gone gluten free and all that fun stuff and yes i have lost some weight. Has any pain subsided? hell no. 
the pain had escalated to where i could not walk. so my mom took me to the emergency room again. (against my wishes) and i told the doctor on call” i was not leaving with out some kind of answer and stronger medication then what ive been given (cuz lets face it, no i don’t want hard core pills but the aspirin they have been giving me was not worth the kidney damage it was doing, it did not put a dent in the pain.) i laid on that bed crying, to the point i couldn't speak, and as me and my mother told her the adventures of the past two years. for the first time i left she was actually listening, that she didn't want to rush me out of there but actually give me an answer,especially when i said the magic words “please cut me open, ill do the exploratory surgery”, of course she didn't have one, but her theory goes right back to ovaries, something called interstitial cystitis. 
so we are back to square one, thinking its my ovaries but at least now i have a stronger theory, yes the pain is horrendous, the doctor visits seem tedious, and you start to question your sanity when the doctor tells you that nothing is wrong or they cant find anything. but its your piece of mind that you must hold on to. 
at the end of this, i hope people will say, “ she was a Warrior.”
i plan to keep you all updated as i continue my mystery medical journey. and i hope you are an entertained with my tails.
this is my story, i don’t regret posting it.
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