#idk if i have it in me to write a full scale au
izloveshorses · 24 days
Swan Song
Anya's new boyfriend gets invited to the coveted Friday Night Dinner with her grandmother. It goes about as well as you expect. Or a dimya Gilmore Girls au. (ao3)
Anya didn’t know why she had to prove that Dmitry was a suitable boyfriend, but the world seemed hellbent on asking for evidence. 
So, fine. She would collect evidence for her case, line by line. He wasn’t as gruff and apathetic as he pretended to be. They swapped books, he left notes for her in the margins, brought her food from Vlad’s diner without thought or question— with extra fries on the side (and no pickles), like she always liked. He even changed the oil in his car to prepare for the 22.8 mile trip to Yale because he was so sure she would get in (yes, he googled the specific distance). The world would see the smart, charming, soft boy she loved, flaws and all, if she had anything to say about it, dammit! 
He could help her out a little more, though. 
Not everything was his fault, she knew. But did he have to show up at her grandmother’s house with a black eye? 
He was already late, which— out of all the points he could’ve scored with Nanna, punctuality was the easiest win. Anya had nervously changed out of her uniform when she arrived, babbled apologies to Nanna, who was being uncharacteristically patient and characteristically making rude remarks about the maid. Dmitry hadn’t exactly been popular with her immediate family at first, since he was a little sarcastic sometimes, deeply hated authority, went to public school, smoked the occasional cigarette, and didn’t really enjoy crowded social functions all that much. Her mother probably thought Anya was one step away from coming home with a belly button ring and a positive pregnancy test or something. As for the others, she just chalked it up to them being a little overprotective of the youngest daughter. For that she couldn’t blame them. 
Her father, her brother, and Maria warmed up to Dmitry first, though, and the others followed suit. She would never forget catching him and Maria at the kitchen table one night when their parents were out of town, arguing about Jane Austen. And when, because he understood how important her family was to her and wanted to make a goddamn effort in his own special way, tried playing video games with Alexei the best he could. A few weeks later, when Olga quietly confessed she thought Anya’s previous boyfriend was a little weirdly aggressive and possessive and called too often, Anya knew she had won them over. 
Nanna wouldn’t be so easily persuaded, though. She was about as stubborn as Anya when it came to changing her opinion on someone after the first impression. She made mild comments about how he was probably stuck in that accident on the highway up to Hartford, and Anya made mild noises of acknowledgement. 
So when the doorbell finally, finally rang, Anya chirped that she would get the door, giddily swinging it open. Her eyes widened when she spotted that purple blotch of skin swelling around the left side of her boyfriend’s face. 
“What happened?” She heard herself ask instead of a greeting. 
He just pursed his lips together, like it hurt to smile. The way he always did when he was hiding something she didn’t want to hear. “Accident on the way up,” he said curtly, moving inside, “I was sitting in standstill traffic for a while.” 
“No, I meant— your face.” 
He forced a smile with one corner of his mouth, his good side, as he shed his coat, the maid racing to grab it. “Just born this way, darling.” 
Anya frowned. His jokes and witticisms were what initially charmed her, since she always loved a challenge, but sometimes she just wished he understood when certain situations called for a straight answer. Like right now, for instance. When her grandmother, one of her favorite people in the world, was staring daggers at him. 
To both her grandmother’s and Dmitry’s credit, the greetings were cordial: he shook hands the way Nanna always said people should shake hands, and he took off his shoes without being asked, and made a point to mention some of the things Anya said would be good talking points for tonight; Nanna gave him microscopic smiles, and didn’t leave him out to dry, and was good-humored about the traffic. But by the time they were seated and the roast was in front of her, Anya was still frowning, trying to figure out where on earth he would’ve gotten into a fight and into a fight with, of all days to get into a fight with someone. 
It wasn’t like he was always getting into fights or whatever. But it wasn’t like he never did, either, you know? And he knew Anya didn’t like that, so that could explain why he was so cagey about it, and she knew he didn’t exactly get along with her ex who wouldn’t quit picking on him, and this town was so small so there was nowhere to hide, really, and it wasn’t like he would back down if things escalated. He was too proud to walk away from a fight. So. Anya chewed on her lip more than the roast lamb in front of her, digesting the anger sitting heavily in her stomach more than the salad they ate first. 
The worst part was he kept looking at her like he knew. Like he knew how angry she was that he would do this. She didn’t ask for much, and she didn’t think making a pleasant first impression with her Nanna was that big of an ask to begin with. Nanna was already so overprotective and looked for every reason to dislike a person, so if Dmitry was serious about being in Anya’s life, at least as much as Anya wanted him to be, this would set them back years. 
When the maid brought out dessert, Anya declined, declaring it was time for the two of them to drive back to town. Dmitry protested. What was the rush? he asked. She gave him a brittle smile. It was late. Don’t use my grandmother to hide from me, you idiot. 
They both said goodnight and made their way outside. Somewhere in the driveway between his car and the door he ran a nervous hand through his hair. “That went really well, don’t you think?” he said, eerily cheery. “I told you, older women have a thing for me. Thank god we got that over with—”
“When are you going to tell me what happened to your eye?” Anya interrupted, her anger boiling over. 
Dmitry wouldn’t look at her. “It’s nothing, Anya.”
“It’s not. Just tell me.” She moved into his line of vision. “Who did you get into a fight with?”
A muscle in his jaw fluttered. Now he was angry. “You think I got into a fight.” 
“I think you’re hiding something from me. And I can’t think of anything else you would bother hiding.” 
He laughed, rolled his eyes, looked away again.
“Just tell me! You knew how important this night was to me, the least you can do is tell me why you—” 
“Why I messed it up?”
“Why you got into a fight!”
“I didn’t get into a fight, okay?” 
“Then what happened?”
“So that black eye just magically manifested on its own?” 
“Sure, yeah. Let’s go with that.” 
He pushed his hair back, agitated. “Look, can we just go?”
“No! Not until you tell me! If you’d just tell me, I’d be less mad at you for getting into a fight than lying.” 
“Jesus, I didn’t get into a fight! Can’t you just trust me?”
“Can’t you just tell me?” He only fidgeted a little more. She shook her head. “I can’t believe you would do this. Out of all days—”
“I can’t believe you, of all people, would assume I got hurt in a fight! Obviously I didn’t choose to do that, I can’t believe you don’t believe me.” 
“Then what happened!” 
His sigh was loud, forced, impatient. “I really don’t want to get into it here. It’s been a shitty day, and I didn’t even want to do this thing tonight in the first place, and— are you getting into the car or not?” 
Anya crossed her arms. “Not until you tell me what happened.” 
“Anya, please, just… I can’t leave you out here.”
“I can sleep in the spare room inside, actually. So you can. Or you can tell me.”
He set his jaw. To his credit, there was a real pain in his eyes, but she didn’t soften up her resolve. Dmitry nodded, resigned. He swung his keys on his index finger. “Goodnight, then, I guess.” 
Anya stubbornly watched him get into the car and slam the door shut, and didn’t go back inside until he pulled completely out of the driveway. Only then did she let her shoulders sag a little. 
Dmitry’s eye hurt. 
It had nearly swollen shut last night by the time he got home, but he was too angry and confused and sad to do anything about it, so he just went to bed and suffered. And then when he was just trying to get to work the next morning, of course Vlad had something to say. 
“Who’s the other guy?” he accused. 
Dmitry rolled his eyes. “No one! I didn’t get into a fight, why does everyone keep assuming that!” 
Vlad gave him a withering look before pressing a bag of frozen peas to his face. Dmitry hissed in pain. “Did Marie do this to you? Is that it? The old lady can hold her own, I wouldn’t be surprised.”
“No, it was before.” 
“So it was at school.” 
“No.” Exasperated, Dmitry pinched his nose, then winced, because maybe that was broken too. He was so tired. What an absolute shitshow of a weekend. 
“What happened then? Come on, you gotta tell me.” 
“You’ll just laugh.” 
“Try me.” 
Reluctantly, Dmitry told him. Vlad laughed. Like, a big, belly laugh. Dmitry scowled even deeper. 
“I would love to see what Miss Anya has to say about that,” Vlad said, still giggling hysterically. 
“She doesn’t know,” Dmitry muttered. 
Vlad finally stopped laughing. “So you mean you just showed up at Marie Feodorovna’s house like this—” he gestured vaguely to Dmitry’s half-swollen face— “and didn’t explain? And then stormed off? And, let me guess, Anya wasn’t very pleased by this?”
“I…” Dmitry swallowed. “I didn’t think she would believe me.”
“Did you give her a chance?”
He looked towards the door. “I gotta get to work.” 
“No, sit.”
Dmitry sat with a huff at the kitchen table, holding the peas up to his face. Vlad pulled up a chair next to him, aiming a finger at him.  
“Here’s the thing— you better learn to open your mouth and communicate, like grown ups do, or say goodbye. Anya won’t be saintly and patient forever.” 
“Look— I don’t even get why I had to go to her grandmother’s in the first place. We don’t need her approval, she doesn’t need permission.” 
“But she’s a packaged deal, Dmitry! When you’re dating this girl, you’re also dating her three sisters, her brother, her parents, and, yes, that old lady who lives a half hour away. You know why? Because they’re important to her. And if she’s important to you, you better figure that out soon. You both like the same books and movies and stuff, but a real, mature relationship is more than hanging out and chatting when it’s convenient. You like her, yes?” 
More than anything else. “Yes.” 
“Then just do what she’s asking you to do.” 
He looked up at Vlad, really looked at him. “What… is she asking me to do?”
“She’s asking you to try, Dmitry. Try.” He sighed and leaned back. “That other boy of hers used to go to her grandmother’s house a lot, too, you know.” 
Dmitry had to fight rolling his eyes because if he kept doing that his headache would only worsen. “God knows why she chose me.”
“But you’re the one she chose.” 
He let the bag of peas drop to the table, soaking in the words. Truthfully, he was just waiting for her to cut him loose, dreading the moment when she would look at him and learn he wasn’t worth the effort. His instinct was to just roll over and accept it now before either of them got hurt any worse than this. Keep things a little less messy. Easier to disappoint her now than to learn she was just like the others and would give up on him, too, or something. 
But Vlad was saying Dmitry would be the reason this good thing would fall apart, if he let it, not any of the other shit he always blamed. And Dmitry didn’t want it to fall apart. He liked Anya too much for all this to go to waste. So… maybe he was right. Maybe he needed to act like he actually was worth the effort. 
So that night, at the diner, when he saw her walking alone against the backdrop of the empty street, he saw his chance. He dropped the coffee pot on the counter and bolted out the door, catching her on the sidewalk. 
“Hey,” he started a little breathlessly. He hadn’t realized seeing her in person would make his mouth dry up in fear. 
“Hey,” Anya replied, voice softer than he deserved. 
Because he was a coward, he pointed to the paper bag. “Movie night at home?” 
“Yup. Maria wanted nachos, and I wanted the walk, so.” 
Silence. And then, at once, “Look, I wanted to—”
“Can I just say—”
They both halted when they realized the other was talking, and Dmitry was relieved when she smiled. “You first,” he conceded. 
She set the bag down. “I just— I’m sorry.”
His brow pinched. She was sorry? “For what?”
“For not— I should’ve trusted you. It didn’t need to be that big of a deal. And I do trust you, really, it’s just—” 
“I don’t have the best track record,” he offered, smiling self-deprecatingly. 
“But that shouldn’t have mattered,” she insisted, her blue eyes so earnest it broke his heart. “You said you didn’t get into a fight, so you didn’t. And I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions.” 
She was close enough to him now he could reach out and take her hand. When he did just that, she let him, intertwining her fingers with his. He took a deep breath. “And I’m sorry for not being honest.” She tilted her head, stepping a bit closer. “I know your family is important to you, so next time, I’ll be on time and bruise-free.” 
Her eyebrows rose, pleased. “Next time?”
“Yeah. Assuming I’ll ever be invited to dinner at your grandmother’s again.” 
Her lips twitched, like she was fighting a smile. “I think we can arrange that.” She reached up to push his bangs out of his eyes, careful to avoid the bruise. “You don’t have to tell me, but was it really that bad?” 
He huffed a sigh, already feeling the dread in his stomach again. “It’s embarrassing.” 
“Embarrassing enough to pick a fight with me about it?”
In spite of himself he smiled. “Fine. I’ll tell you, but you have to promise not to laugh, and not to tell anyone.” 
“Promise me.”
She rolled her eyes at his theatrics. “Fine, I promise.” 
He let out a slow breath. “I… a swan beaked me, okay?” 
Anya had such a wicked grin on her face, he could see her molars. 
“I was on that bridge over the pond, you know? And I guess I was too close to its nest or something, because it was honking and then it, like, flew up and got me, and— you promised you wouldn’t laugh!” 
She put her hand over her mouth. “I know— sorry—”
“Sorry— I’m not laughing at you,” she insisted, even though her grin said otherwise. Her hand came up over his chest, fixing his shirt collar. “See? That wasn’t… so bad.” 
“Jury’s still out on that.” 
Her eyes were still light with laughter, but he couldn’t really fault her for that. It just made him love her a little more. “Tell me, in this situation with your big and scary swan, does that make you Odette or Rothbart or the prince—” 
He threw his head back in offense and laughter at once. “Anya.”
“Okay! That was the last one, I promise.” 
He shook his head, fondness making his heart swell a bit. “But I’m sorry for how that… played out. I didn’t want you to not think I was tough and mysterious.” 
She tilted her head. “Don’t know if I ever really believed you were all that.” 
His smile widened. “Do you at least still think I’m handsome? That’s more important to me.” 
She laughed. “Maybe even more handsome.” 
“Hmm…” he tilted his head towards her, careful to not brush his nose with hers because it genuinely might be broken and he didn’t want the pain to ruin this. “I can live with that.” 
She closed the gap, impatient as ever, but the kiss was sweet and slow, like they had all the time in the world, like she could be content here with him, like this, as long as the sun was in the sky. For a moment he allowed himself to believe it. 
When they broke apart, his forehead still touching hers and his arms around her back, he asked, voice low, “We good?” 
“Yeah.” She gave him another peck. “We’re good.”
He exhaled. “Call me later?” 
“Yeah.” She untangled herself from him and he watched her pick up her bag of dinner, preparing herself to go back to her family. She had many rituals with them, ones he may never understand, but. He cared about her enough to at least try, a little. Just because he had a terrible family life didn’t mean hers was all that bad. Just because they were different didn’t mean they couldn’t belong with each other. Anya gave him another kiss on his good cheek, like she couldn’t help it. “I’ll call you.” 
She started to step away, but then she turned around, like she suddenly remembered something. “My family gets tickets to the theater a lot, and I think you would enjoy this ballet that’s coming up, if you were interested?”
He raised his eyebrows. “Sure. What is it?”
“Well… if it’s Tchaikovsky, would that freak you out, you know, after the incident—”
“Anya,” he rolled his eyes, smiling, “goodnight.” 
Her laugh was worth it. Worth the whole damn thing. Even the broken nose.
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Do you think you could do like a characterization of the Familers?
Everytime I try to think about their personalities and how they would interact with each other, or M6, or Mc I just feel like I don't get it right. Like I've got like the very basics but that's like it
Malak is a crazy
Chandra is spoiled
Faust is a wildcard
Ianna is protective
Pepi is energetic
Idk Lucio’s familars ( i cant spell one of their names) but they are kinda like wild dogs, they do whatever they want
EVEN THEN, I still feel like some of these are wrong or don't cover most of their character or I'm mischaracterizing them on accident.
Could you maybe do some more Familers mini headcannons?
Like what do the Familers do when M6 is sad?
What do they do when Mc is sad?
How do they interact with each other on a day to day bases?
( I think you might have done one of these actually )
But I have more
What do they do when M6 or/and MC gets hurt?
What do they typically do during the day and/or What do they do when they aren't with M6?
How would they respond if M6/Mc was in a dangerous situation/attacked | How are they when M6/Mc is ill?
Some of these are probably answers in their routes but it's hard to remember/recall. I do wish they were in their respective routes just a little bit more than they are so I could get a could grasp of their personalities.
What I really want is just like a written out basis of what they are like? I don't even need the Mini headcannons ( but I do like them) Their personalities is just what I have a hard time grasping because it not like right in front of me or I'm not constantly reminded of it like the Li’s that I just forget or mischaracterize them.
So if you ever have the time and or patience, I would love if you could just write about their personalities or just more about them in general. They are right hand to the Li’s and I love them so much and I tried using the wiki but I don't trust it because apparently some of the info is just flat-out wrong. I love reading you headcannons and mini headcannons because I feel like you do the Li’s justice and this account is keeping the Arcana fandom alive. I'm very sorry that this is a really long ask and my grammar my be wrong in some areas.
I'd like to thank you if you've read through everything. I hope you keep making Arcana content in the future as me and many others really do enjoy your content and takes on the characters.
Hi friend!! I hope you're ready for the full scale essay under the cut XD
(also, you are more than welcome to request some mini-hcs with the M6's familiars - please feel free to submit them individually so I can sort and try to answer them ^.^)
The devs don't go hugely into detail about how familiars work, exactly, but here's what we know: First, how in-tune to magic you are does affect how involved your bond is, but people still have familiars whether or not they have a lot of magical ability. Second, the bond makes the most sense if you think of it as being similar to a "soulmates AU" setup. The person and animal involved have a natural connection with the potential for a full-fledged familiar bond, but how that manifests changes depending on the effort and type of bonding that happens.
There's also a consistent pattern when it comes to vibes and personality, with the familiars being very similar to their respective humans. I'll go familiar by familiar from here ^.^
Julian and Malak are (unfortunately) not very in touch with each other. Julian doesn't speak of him much beyond referring to him as "the raven", and while it's clear that they're more in sync than the average human and animal would be, Julian tends to find it more uncanny than comforting. Malak, in turn, tends to get quickly annoyed by this when his genuine attempts to help and protect and connect get consistently thwarted. He shares Julian's values and habits, constantly keeping watch (anxiously or otherwise) over his person and the people important to him, and often flying beak-first into situations that seem out of control with little regard for his own well being. Malak and Julian have the capacity to cover each other's blind spots. Julian is quicker at analyzing and navigating social situations that sometimes send the bird into a frenzy, while Malak is aware of magical happenings that Julian is completely blind to.
The two of them share an anxiety about the world being a constantly dangerous place and noble mindset focused around doing the right thing and protecting the people they love. The big difference is that Malak doesn't doubt his own abilities - as generally anxious as he acts with all his ruffling feathers and screeches, the raven doesn't hold himself back because he thinks someone else could do better. If anything, he's often pushing Julian to get over the self-deprecation and join him already. Unfortunately, neither of them has figured out how to listen to each other yet, which means more often than not they just get on each other's nerves. Given MC's ability to help Julian navigate things of a magical nature, they could very easily become the communication bridge between the two.
It's pretty heavily implied (if not canon) that Faust is the child of Asra's parents' familiars, Chimes and Flamel. She was given to Asra as an egg and hatched on one of their birthdays, and the two have been inseparable ever since. They have an incredibly strong bond, enough for them to send memories to each other, have conversations, communicate across long distances, and even share emotions. Faust loves Asra, herself, and MC almost equally, and in Asra's route she happily becomes MC's companion when Asra isn't around to do so. She also appears to have her own capacity for magic, frequently blipping from one realm to another as she pleases.
The best way (in my head) of describing her vibes are that one honorary younger sibling who is also the instigator best friend. While she's borne witness to Asra's toughest moments, she's received such excellent care and attention that she doesn't seem to have nearly the same levels of trauma - or maturity. Reading about her feels a lot like what I imagine reading about a teenaged Asra with a much kinder life would feel like - whimsical, mischievous, creative, impulsive, unpredictable, and carefree to the point of recklessness. She's still learning what it means to have limits (re: going off on an unannounced adventure, only to be caught and held hostage by the Devil) but when push comes to shove she's suprisingly dependable (re: sabotaging the ritual, right under the Devil's nose).
Due to her being so accessible to MC's character, she has a level of plot influence and general content that comes closer to a main character than the other familiars. It gives fan work more content to work with, but also less space to take its own creative liberty.
Chandra is always hovering, and yet rarely directly involved. We know that Nadia used to be able to speak with her similarly to how Asra speaks with Faust, but she doesn't remember how. There's a wall between the two of them that they both seem to want to breach, but given the circumstances, they just haven't found the time and resources to do it yet. However, it's clear that they know how important they are to each other - Chandra seems to live at Nadia's beck and call, despite seeming so distant, and Nadia dedicates much of her personal time and interests to caring for her. They rely heavily on each other as allies in uncertain times (re: Nadia trusting Chandra in multiple routes to be her eyes and ears and carry her most important messages).
Chandra certainly has Nadia's independence, initiative, and desire for companionship. She's often seen on alert on the fringes and ready to step in and help take control of chaotic situations. However, where Nadia responds to a desire for companionship by initiating connection, Chandra is more reserved. She's present, she's paying attention, but she's not actively connecting until she's invited. She, like Nadia, has become accustomed to living in a Palace filled with with intrigue and uncertain loyalties, and it plays out in her reticence. She's much more likely to communicate interest by watching intently from a distance than by approaching and interacting. Over time, if MC is able to help Nadia find the way to communicate with Chandra again, they'll likely become her confidante in her efforts to be a good familiar.
The best way to describe her and Muriel is trauma bonded. (Which, given Muriel's past, is arguably the bond that lets him receive the support he needs from her best.) They're both loners, both uninterested in connection until it's proven to be worthwhile, and both deeply distrusting of other people's motives. Inanna is Muriel's breaking point twice. First, when he's expected to kill her in the Coliseum (how they met), and second, when she's horribly injured trying to protect the heart of the forest. Both of those moments with her push Muriel to recognize his priorities and actually act on them. As a result, they have a deep mutual respect for each other - and a stubborn emphasis on still being their own people (or wolf). Muriel refers to her as his friend more easily than as his familiar.
Inanna as a character, however, seems to hold onto some of the traits that Muriel has buried under his trauma. She's more adaptable than he is, quicker to accept change, and considerably more hopeful and optimistic. She's faster to act (often the one prompting Muriel to follow through, when he'd rather continue thinking), and she's nosier. Where Muriel analyzes and then quietly judges while respecting someone's decision, Inanna analyzes and then does her best to assist any kind of good change. Whether that's leading MC to Muriel when he's injured and would rather be left alone, or expressing the affection towards them that he's still trying to hide, she acts like a big sister. Independent, a bit of a bully, fiercely protective, and loyal beyond measurement. She doesn't need to bond with MC through Muriel, she can do that herself.
Portia met Pepi on Mazelinka's ship, as she was on her way to hunt down her older brother and beat some sense into him. The two of them bonded instantly, and when the time came for Portia and Mazelinka to part ways, Pepi gave up the life of a ship cat to stay by Portia's side. Portia doesn't seem to be fully aware of Pepi being her familiar and sees her as more of an uncannily well-bonded pet. At least, until her own route, where Pepi learns how to speak. Up until that point Portia just seems to see Pepi more as an unusually intelligent cat that she likes to talk to. The two of them are each other's family, Pepi always ready to lend a helping paw with unruly birds, and Portia always happy to spoil her with snuggles and treats.
Pepi has Portia's optimism, love of mischief, and dauntless attitude. However, they differ somewhat in how they view themselves. While Portia struggles to see herself as the main character of her own story, often fading into the background in order to support someone else, Pepi is more than happy to take center stage. This cat can and will prioritize her own needs and preferences if she thinks nobody else is going to do it, and it often lands her in trouble (re: stealing your heartsong festival gift, seeking out nap places that give her access to forbidden fishies, etc). She's quick to make her own friendships, and when you and Portia start your new life together, she'll consider you one of her family as well. Thanks to her retained ability to speak (upright ending) you'll never have to go without a conversation partner again.
Mercedes & Melchior
Lucio, unfortunately, didn't realize these two were his familiars until after he'd met you. While a large part of his menagerie building was his search for a familiar, he failed to notice how those two in particular were so attached to them. Thankfully, they're never on their own given how closely they stick to each other. Their lack of a strongly developed magical connection with Lucio doesn't really stop them from being able to communicate. They vibe with him on a similar act-first-think-later wavelength, having such little interest in impulse control that it's impossible not to know what they want. All you know is that they're hellbent on accomplishing it and on getting out of whatever consequences they invite with a pair of large, shining puppy eyes.
Besides their impulsiveness and chaotic nature, Mercedes and Melchior share Lucio's tendency to live in the moment and focus on life's pleasures. However, they also have the emotional intelligence and undying loyalty all good dogs do. When Lucio was "dead" they spent three years guarding his wing and trying to find help for him, and when you join him in his search for answers, they'll remain with you and empathize with you regardless of the dangers involved (re: one of them going with Lucio to get help, the other staying next to you and whining when Valdemar has you strapped to a gurney). They instinctively track your emotional state and are often the reason Lucio notices how you're doing as quickly as he does. For all their bratty behavior, their doggy bodies are overflowing with love for the people they care about and nothing makes them happier than being with them. Don't mistake love for respect, though - they take orders from nobody.
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edgeray · 3 months
Hello Ray! 🍅 anon here again (I got a breather today). Pulled for Furina earlier to keep my Husband and Wife in the same team (Arle and Yelan), because Yelan was being dragged to the hyperbloom comp. Somehow my Furina is miles more cracked than Arle even though I've spent TWICE as much resin on the latter (I do not. understand.) [And Arle is the one I really do want built :,,,,) )
I know that I can ask you shorter stuff, but so many things pop into my head that I do want to say so these reqs become. really really long by accident oops.
Tumblr protecting everyone else from your Arle angst is REAL. Think it knows how it can break everybody's hearts so it saves us the heartbreak... Wow you broke even tumblr's heart! that's a next level achievement right there xD
Speaking of the occasional angst to let off the steam from the fluff, I think that's our cue to run. If an angst writer needs to let off steam they're about to give us the worst kniving of our lifetime and I think the rest of us should hightail our feelings out of here as quick as we can and read it like a robot /j
Dragon AU wouldn't be that popular if it wasn't so well written. HAHSHAHAH your world building really does do it justice and it shows! I love dragons personally so I am actually d.o.w.n. to discuss dragons (anoncryinginthecorner is me so yes!) and their biology (which differs from species to species which makes it highly interesting! Did You Know that Zhongli, as a chinese dragon, would have 2 pillars instead of one? Hence that C1 HAHSAHHAHA) Also pregnant reader... What did Lyney burn down in his excitement when he found out? Dragons should have a sharp sense of smell and whatnot, so the 4 dragons in the house probably found out that reader was pregnant before reader even knew lmao. Cue trio being extra caring and Arle being excessively protective! PART FOUR PART FIVE OMNOMNOMNOMNOM Also Arle being a whole head and torso higher than R in human form as a dragon is going to be hilarious (there's no need to transform into a full human so Arle goes into a form that saves more energy to transform into, hehehhe). Reader getting embarrassed by EVERYTHING because what do you do when your eye level is face to face with the most delicious abs and thighs possible? Not drool and want to worship even for good snuggles and for use as a pillow?
Dragon!reader makes this all the more interesting! Imagine magicking an egg that hatches as their child! Speaking of dragons a lot of them have what's known as a reverse scale, which is technically a weak point/treasure and getting to touch it is a huge symbol of trust. Thoughts on Dragon!R/Arle giving their SO the scale/letting SO touch it? And horns are really sensitive right? Arle petting D!reader's head and horns... oh my goodness. internally combusting due to Arle!!! Nuzzling deep into Arle's warm neck/chest to hide the embarrassment heheheh...
Also well written sfw blogs are a rare find because everybody is (rightfully) thirsting for Arle, like your mommas (whom I also read but don't dare to req because... tbh idk why they scare me even through the screen HAHSAHAHS I may have worse social anxiety than Bocchi of all people), so don't feel pressured in any way to change it unless you want to! We have your back always (I keep coming back for more of your writing as comfort food HASHHAH)
If I can hazard a guess, nobody req'ed Vampy!Arle yet because the people who would req vampy!Arle and the people who want a continuation of Late Night Devil (which has a similar atmosphere) is a circle (I am a part of it). DISHONOR ON YOUR FAMILY DISHONOR ON YOUR COW (but our fam doesn't even have a cow so the dishonor is going to the resident cat (me))
ONE UPPING THE HANAHAKI!!! How about 2 idiots in love who Hanahaki for each other but at the same time don't let the other know it, then someone (HotH trio, Furi, Tsaritsa, ANYONE) just locks them in a room and "here's the one chance you idiots in love have to talk it out, I am NOT opening this damned door if I hear coughing". WAIT NONONO THIS IS NOT A REQUEST THIS IS NOT A REQUEST THIS IS A ONE UPPER YOU HEAR YOU AXOLOTL (I KNOW AXOS DON'T HAVE EARS BUT THEY CAN HEAR SO THAT GOES THE SAME FOR YOU)
I love your fic lists! I have only one miff with them and it's my fault because I've read them all so there was nothing new to read HASHHAHAHA. But getting to read old classics again was great! (Istg why is mlm content so much easier to find... ao3 feeds haikaveh and chili well... but why not us :,<)
ALSO ALSO before I forget (because evidently i Forgot the last time) One Hell of a Butler... I MISS IT SM how did it take... what? 10k words for them to kiss under the facade of... FAKE MARRIAGE?? istg slow burn is the best but this is not even slow burning this is dry aging before it even goes to slowly roasting... (but like all meats treated this way it's also heavenly)
I think I've yapped too much with this one... oops. It's dead middle of the night here so I think I'm going to go read the Dragon fics again before getting some shut eye (hopefully it works)
Hi, 🍅 anon!! I'm glad you got your Furina even though she was more cracked than Arle, sadge ;-;. Furina is (or was, but I still consider her is) an Archon sooo.
I've searched up why Tumblr may not be letting me post my stuff, so hopefully I can get that fixed. Still really mad. The sad thing is is that I don't have a ton of ideas for arle angst ;-; except for arlevie. I love Clervie and Arlecchino 🫶 (but I love hurting them more). One of my friends is working on an arlevie fic and I'm so excited and I'm patiently waiting...
All of your dragon arle/reader thoughts are so hnghh ajk;flasjlk;as lmfao. Protective Arle 🥹 need. The fact that the trio and Arle can smell the baby before Reader even knows... a;jaafas. I honestly am trying to wrap my head around what a hybrid between human and dragon would be... maybe a wyvern? I have no clue lol. That is a problem for future me while writing dragon au pt.4.
Also yes, I'm aware that your user is anoncryinginthecorner, which is a genius name by the way. And ooh... Zhonglie has 2 dicks. Imagine Arle with -- well I'm sure you get what I'm thinking about.
I wish I made dragon reader cuter but I was hella tired and for some reason I kinda couldn't get any ideas. ;-; Also am I the only one who believes that d!arle/reader wrapping their tail around their s/o as cuddling is so 🥺 .
fa;fasjklasf; I'm like. stuck in between. I want to write smut, but I don't want to make it a thing. I know that smut is like 10x more popular than sfw so honestly it's a little tempting... but I'm not going to fall under the trap of more views/engagement! I have my little community here among the sfw and it's really cozy ^^. Also I don't know how nsfw blogs work... like how do you guys constant write horny all the time? I mean, I'm hypersexual but don't yall get tired of the same dicking around?? I'm pretty sure I would get exhausted of writing nsfw even if it's very self indulge.
anyways, point of that was I do want to stay sfw as much as possible, but I wanted to at least try posting smut once because i've never published smut before! and if it gets more engagement than anything I've ever written... oh well. I do admit it's a little saddening to me that I've put what, 3k, 4k, 5k, 6k words, however long my works are, and a 300 word smut blurb gets like more attention. It's unfortunate but eh. The dark side is not worth it. I love interacting with you guys 🫶. I also don't really like the idea of having to restrict my content to everyone, because I do want as many people who want my content to see it (though I hope minors don't read my smut, but they'll probably do anyways and that's just a fact of life I can't change).
I love my mommas, don't be scared (although that probably doesn't help, so...) They're really nice and I talk to them a lot outside of the occasional reblogs and comments under their posts. They have a discord channel if you want to talk to them but not request lol. I'm not in, because I don't use discord and talking to groups of people makes me want to combust...
anyways. I kinda get that those who want vampire arle may want more 'late night devil.' I've also seen you not mention nuit rouge, so to clarify, it's the idol arle with the delicious boob window. It's from the Srping? Hoyofair of this year. and I... need.
lmao, the one upping. what if... arle coughs out rainbow rose or lumidouce bells... that's the only thing i have for an idea currently. I mean @\aetherdoesthings is already making a hanahaki series for arle per my request 🥹 (i love you aether). if you're looking for a hanahaki, there's that. And okay, fine, I won't take this as a requset 🤭. I still have yours to do, which I think is the next one after the current one I have to work on.
ughhhh hearing 'One Hell of A Butler'... it's like nostalgia even tho it's not that old lmfao. I stopped working on it once I got requests and I'm just so-- man the amount of horny I had for demon butler arle... look. it is a really fine and unique opportunity for sub arle which is just so 🤤anyways, enough about that. high key, outside of horny, i had so much plot in mind including reader's and arle's traumatic backstory. maybe if somoene requests it i'll write the next part. 'One Hell of a Butler' was always supposed to be a slowburn but the slow burn is slow burning and oufff i just want to write them together ._.
speaking of another throwback, what about the series that probably built up my following 'arlecchino is a person.' i honestly don't even know how I came up with it, especially with 'arlecchino is a cold angst' (i prolly just wanted angst, and then I got another idea and another idea, and I thought-- why the hell not? might as well make it a series). I do want to do more series like that over my school break once that... maybe of a specific au or i could have each day a different au.
anyways, i've basically yapped as much you have so it's okay. we both know we don't mind haha. looking forward to your next response, whenever that is. no rush!
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cafecourage · 6 months
Idk if requests are open; if they're not, please feel free to ignore this!!!
Okay so uh, I know that the post I'm gonna reference is more than a year old, but I just discovered your blog and I went on a binge and, well...
The Dragon Au Part 2? The one with Sky (along with the other boys, but I'm focusing on Sky)? Where you said that Sky would probably never tell his S/O about him being a dragon despite the trust he has in his S/O?
It's just...so sad! 😭 So, if I may, could I request a fic where Reader (who is, or wants to be, Sky's S/O) finds out that Sky's a dragon?
Maybe he accidentally shifted during battle, or maybe one of the other Links accidentally let slip that all of the Chain (and, therefore, Sky) are dragons? I'm not quite sure about how Reader would find out, but they do; cue them crying to another Link (probably Time, bc he's The Dad™) or even Sun, and Reader admits that they feel like they're a terrible person bc surely they did something to make Sky not trust them, right...? And Reader asks for advice on what they can do to make up for whatever Bad Thing they did, and how to be a better friend to Sky, etc. etc.
I don't like angst if it doesn't have a happy ending, so idk how to end it on a happy note; maybe Sky talks to Reader about it all & they "kiss & make up" (either figuratively or literally lol)?
(Again, feel free to ignore this if requests aren't open!!!)
Typically you were stay away from battles if anything you were learning how to fight. In this battle though your back was towards a cliff and the monsters were blocking your way into the forest which is where you normally hide. Well… This was a particularly bad situation to be in. You duck and tried to weave through but each time you tried to you almost get hit. Luckily Sky was staying by your side for a bit to fight the monsters off. Though the chain was truly outnumbered.
Not to be a downer but you think they might need a miracle.
Then it happened.
A Lizalfos got a fairly lucky shot at you right in the shoulder. The impact knocked you back off your feet and stumble back.
The cliff.
It was weird. You didn’t scream. But something did. It was loud and it felt like the air was full of electricity. In a blink of an eye a black plop swooped down heading towards you. When the blur finally crashes into you whatever it was brought you into its arms and pulled up. “Keep your eyes close.” You hear Sky whisper in your ear, you didn’t even know that your eyes had been closed the whole time. It’s not like you’re going to open them now. Especially with a warning like that.
There was a lot of screaming not just from the boys but monsters as well. A few crashes of lightning made you flinch and hold onto Sky tighter. Slowly your curiosity had peaked and you open your eyes and glanced up at Sky.
Sky who was typically the softest person in the world looked monstrous. His eyes were sharper more snake like and Night Sky-esque scales framed his features. Giving his once soft face a fiercer look to it. It could also be the death glare he had on his face. Behind him were two bat like wings and long serpents tail that matched his scales. It would have been breathtaking if you weren’t loosing blood.
Your glaze was met with his now electric blue eyes, “put me down?” You asked as you had to force yourself to look at the others but as soon as you moved the arrow that was lodged into your shoulder made its move. A curses leave your mouth as you slump back in his arms.
Sky was about to speak but Hyrule beat him, “We should find and get camp set up. For now Let me see what I can do.” The team’s medic was in charge now as the battle had been over for a bit now. “Rancher, Champion can you scout out a better, safer place?” He leads Sky with you in his arms to be seated. When settled with you in Sky’s lap and Hyrule helping you through the process of being stitched up.
You had so many questions to ask but you honestly doubt you would get answers too. “I have a question.”
“Yes Darling?” Sky’s voice was a bit more gravely than normal.
“Are you guys…” You had not idea what to say about this situation as you would assume dragons.
“Yes.” Time said before you could find the words.
A beat passes you look up at the token father, “all-“
“All of us yes.”
“Ok…” You lean into Sky’s chest. Before something bothers you again, looking up at Time again you go to ask him something.
He just sighs “yes. I’ll explain later about how our magic work. Just focus on healing.”
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bronzeagepizzeria · 11 months
Thanks for the tag @nodirectionhome-ao3!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 words count? 81,583
3. What fandoms do you write for?
doctor who and harry potter, as of now. i do have a few x-men fics in the works!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Of Thorns and Roses: tenrose; arranged marriage au
The Surrender: tenrose; shag or die
Dimorphous Expressions of Positive Emotion: tentoorose; babyfic
One Day Closer To Death: tenrose/tentoorose; post JE reunion
The Seduction Pit: tentoorose; ood sex talk crack fic
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
almost IMMEDIATELY haha. as soon as i post/update i be refreshing that inbox :')
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
as of right now, it's got to be One Day Closer To Death. the ending is still canon compliant w.r.t ten’s arc in the show, i just wanted to give him a little closure. but it made me saddddd.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably this little microfic? it’s just a fluffy slice of life thing about mia’s first play.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nah. i’ve got maybe one or two slightly odd comments but not outright hate
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
i have tried it a handful of times and i think there’s loads of scope for improvement so i’ve got to keep practicing. as for the kind, erm, f/m i guess?
i only have one m/m ship at the moment and i don't usually think of them in smutty ways (it's the angst that draws me in lol) but never say never, i think.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
no, and i don't know if i ever would...i love playing in the sandbox of AUs but a full blown crossover doesn't appeal to me at the moment
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
probably not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
co-writing one right now with @thirdeyeblue for the tentoo gift exchange! also working on a jily one with @joyseuphoria but we've yet to make proper progress xD
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
i'd have to say doctor x rose. i've had a lot of ships and usually i move through them super quick so the fact that i've stuck on for 3ish years is a big deal!!
cherik is going up my otp scale rapidly as well
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i AM going to finish my WIPs. manifesting
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think dialogue, mostly. i think (hope) it’s usually in character and it flows quite decently. i watch a lotttt of movies so it comes to me more easily than other parts of writing
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i feel like a lot of my descriptiveness is lacking? like it just comes across as filler, or it’s too expository. i also can’t write actions 🫠
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i am fluent(ish) in a few languages other than english but they almost never come up in fic lol. but if i had to include a foreign language, i’d either write it from the pov of the character who doesn’t know the language (and gets it translated from a third party) or i’d have to consult someone who could help me out with the language
19. First fandom you wrote for?
when i was 12 i wrote a chris hemsworth x reader fic on wattpad 😭 the first proper “fandom” was probably x-men. i hand wrote a bunch of logan lives (logan-2017) fics in my diary lmfao
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
god. idk😂 nothing at the moment
Tagging: @thirdeyeblue @nostradamus0 @naaer @demdifferentstories-29 @ashesandhackles
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shalpilot · 5 months
Hello! It's been a while since I asked you something
So, i'm not really into ffxiv stuff (like, plot, game itself, etc) but I'm extremely curious about your oc Kiril. Due to this i came up with some questions (they're so basic, because i need to know at least something to ask a proper question)
1. Can we get a lil' bit of Kiril's backstory (other than running away from home). As far as i understood, he ran away with his sister/friend Yesui and something bad happened to her. So, maybe now you can give some extra details on their runaway and her death (if it was death, obviously)?
2. What about Kiril's parents? I didn't get the thing about forehead scales (maybe, it's described in ffxiv wiki or smth, idk) and who were they? Some sort of a ruler? Just soldiers?
3. Not really important but how do you pronounce Kiril and Yesui's names (full, of course)?
So, I'm glad to write again and being eager to wait for your new answers
Probably, if it doesn't bother you, i'd ask more questions in future about Kiril
edit: question one ain’t canon anymore LOLOLOL. yesui still dies in coerthas but it’s related 2 the herectics now. idk how bc I like. just stared heavensward but. we will see.
1) I actually rolled Kiril’s last name and ended up getting one of the tribes with canon lore which is GREAT for me bc it helped me mold his backstory more. I’m not at the part where I actually get to learn about ‘em in-game cuz i only started playing like a month ago but to boil down what I know, the Dotharl tribe believes in reincarnation & as a whole the Xaela- pausing. Kiril is an Au Ra (race), a Xaela Au Ra (black scales; nomadic), and a Dotharl (tribe). hope that makes sense lol. anyways as a whole the Xaela are pretty unwelcoming to outsiders and even Xaela from other tribes. Every year they have a Naadam which is battle where the victor “claims dominion” over the Azim Steppe (homeland) for the year. The Dotharl emphasize not fearing death and not being a fucking pussy
all of that is setup LOL. Anyways, Kiril was born shortly after the death of a notable warrior (also named Kiriltugh) and so he was set on the path of becoming a warrior since essentially day one. thing is, he a.) hated it and b.) was shit at it. he struggled to pick up even the most basic parts of fighting and suffered a lot of berating due to it. at the same time, an older girl in the tribe was making strides and becoming a veritable golden child in the eyes of the adults. that was Yesui! she was incredibly strong for her age and seemed to have a natural gift for battle. but very importantly, she was also understanding of Kiril’s struggles & helped train him even after plenty of other people had declared him a lost cause. eventually though, despite her best efforts (and Kiril’s improvements! turns out a mentor who doesn’t yell at you is a lot more effective) Kiril made up his mind to just. leave. when he told Yesui about his plan, she insisted on coming with him. even with Kiril protesting (you’re doing fine here; don’t ruin your life by coming along!) she wasn’t going to let a 10 year-old leave on his own.
They travel together for an undecided amount of time- left vague so I can update it when i get to later expansions (heehee) until they eventually end up in Coerthas, a snowy region. To my understanding this is pretty fucking far away so I think they must’ve argued their way into an adventuring party or several to make it all that way. they didn’t exactly have a plan; it was just “keep going until we feel like it.”
(a realm reborn spoilers until the next question.)
in Coerthas, things take a pretty sharp nosedive for the two of them and they end up alone and very, very lost. their adventuring party was attacked by a beast tribe and the materials they were carrying were ran off with. They manage to find a cave which offers them a small amount of shelter. Yesui leaves Kiril there while she goes to look for any kind of settlement they might be able to hole up in. she’s gone for ages. and when she comes back, excitedly promising Kiril she’s found someplace safe, she seems… off. she’s holding his hand a little too tight, moving a little too fast. she assures Kiril that where they’re going is safe, warm, and “beautiful”, but the storm raging around them only seems to be getting worse.
…i’m gonna get a little more technical from here because i want to make the rest of this into a comic rather than writing it out.
what’s happened to Yesui is she’s become enthralled by a primal god. Garuda, the resident primal of the region, is in the process of being summoned by the same beast tribe that attacked them, with the items they were transporting (large quantities of crystals). the more followers a primal accrues, the more powerful they become, and something in the region has caught her attention.
so, using Yesui as means to draw him to her, she means to take control of him as well. unbeknownst to either of them, Kiril is under the protection of Hydaelyn, a different (benevolent) goddess who grants Kiril immunity to the thrall of primals. in shielding him, She also ends up shattering the crystals being used in the ritual, causing it to fail. in the ensuing chaos, Kiril escapes with Yesui and manages to find an actual settlement. he begs for help for him and his closest friend- who has remained enthralled even after the disruption of the ritual.
the thing about those who become enthralled is that there is no helping them. what’s more, every follower is another source of strength for a primal.
she cannot be allowed to live.
despite his desperate pleas, despite his promises that she’ll never hurt anyone, Yesui is put to death.
he is far, far from home, and he’s never been more alone in his life.
….then some stuff happens and he becomes an adventurer. i don’t wanna fill in everything just yet, haha.
2.) His mom is a goldsmith and his dad’s a hunter! His mom’s forehead scales are just a trait female Au Ra have. men don’t tend to have as many/any scales there.
3.) Key-rill-too (full name is Kiriltugh) and Yesui is like. yeh-sooey. kinda :?
Kiril doesn’t tend to go by his full name because he feels he hasn’t earned it. this is more so a thing before he saved the entire realm; now it’s more of an affectionate nickname from friends.
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stellamancer · 5 months
niku niku niku!!!! i am dropping by with a few things i find pretty bc april is so very pretty to me! 🍞🌻💭🌷☀️🫧✨🌱💗🍓 how are you?? i hope the month is lovely to you 🥺
i also come back with a curious sel question 🤓 a more technical writing one but, what is your anchor point to writing a character like gojo or deku (or bakugo)? what part of them do you like exploring and what quality of theirs stays the same to you across any universe you put them in? 🥺
I AM OKIE. very full from the breakfast i just ate (some steamed shrimp dumplings hehe). i hope you are well lil selsel. i know you have been a very busy girl lately. LMAO
please be prepared for my very long answer. because i will be addressing all three.
let's start with deku since i think he's the most straightforward. i'm actually not entirely what you mean by anchor point but in terms of what i like to explore with writing deku. it's like. this is honestly all on a very... hypothetical scale since my one deku fic is. well not like this (in fact i read it last night and you know it's about three years old now and the bits of my writing i think have changed... lmao).
anyway. i'm getting off track. for deku i like... i really like to explore how adamant he is about... helping people LMAOOO. with the exception of one wip. deku is very dedicated to helping reader in some shape or form (in that other wip is more that the reader is working to save HIM). but as much as i love writing how sweet and kind he is, i do actually like giving him a change to quip a little. he's a smart lil guy.
but the one thing i like to have (generally) be consistent is that earnest goodness that basically defines deku. it doesn't always have to be at the forefront, and it might even be buried but. you know. so i like writing fics where that gets to be highlighted.
next. bakugou. it's a little hard to talk about bakugou because i, despite what you might think, have not really thought of many fic ideas for him. it's really just my kitchen adventure neighbors series and the one shot i will maybe finish one day 'surface of the sun' and they're actually pretty similar in terms of theme. i guess i have those emotional support bkg drabbles too. but those i've really just wrote on a whim.
i think, and i suppose i said this with deku and i will say this with gojo, it's very important to keep the core of the character in mind when you write them in any au. for bakugou specifically it's his roundabout way of being kind. he's not straightforward in his kindness like deku, but a little more... harsh about it. i suppose. like deku will get you lunch and smile at you and say he hopes you like it (but knows you will because he knows it's your favorite) bakugou on the other hand might just shove it at you and tell you to just eat it LMAOO. which is probably a very general way of saying it.
with bakugou there's a balance you have to maintain: his actually legitimate good heart and his attitude. bakugou seems mean at a glance, but he's really just harsh. which also seems like the same thing. that being said, if you make him too soft then... it feels like something's missing, but make him too harsh and he's just outright mean. i think. i'm not sure bakugou is more willow's expertise LMAO (willer do NOT LOOK AT ME TALKING ABOUT BKG)
and finally gojo.
it's hard to say with gojo. i think also because i approach writing from a scenic standpoint (so i see scenes a little less than character traits). i think similarly to deku, outside of infinite loop!verse which i regard a bit similarly to the emotional support bkg drabbles. I guess i like writing being a menace but not like. in a mean way? idk. but when i think of the like... non infinite loop!verse fics i've written/have planned i think that similar to deku there's a desire to help people but he's not as... straight forward about it and there's a bit of serving his own goals too. haha. he's nice as nice about things as deku.
similar to like. bkg. whenever i write gojo i have to try and keep a balance. but just replace harshness with frivolity. LMAOOO. that's why i've said to you before that i think that if you write gojo you can write bkg, because i take a similar approach to both. too nice is just not gojo and too frivolous is not gojo either. i think there's also a bit more of a complicated blend with gojo especially when you take to account other factors. for that reason for one of the aus it was kind of hard to figure out how to write him but i think i figured it out.
....damn i yapped a lot. i don't even know if i actually answered your questions LMAOOO.
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Hii!! For the ask game, 1, 4, 5, 6, and 14? Thx!!
I'm talking about the SoD AU because I can >:}
1 Do you have a backstory for [character] without one? Is it relevant to how you write them?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure empires season 1 Joel never got much of a backstory (besides maybe some x-life stuff? idk I haven't watched empires!Joel or X-Life). Which means I'm fixing that :D
Joel's upbringing is deffiently the best out of the Bad Boys, which is saying something about the others- And it reflects in how he acts! As prince, he always had to be on the lookout, for his subjects safety and for people who would try to hurt him and/or said subjects! It results in him judging people long before he meets them, and this can greatly impact how he interacts with people! He's general unhinged-ness is also something from his backstory, as his whole island relied a lot on hunting, and often times worked with wild wolves or dragons to share food! Joel would actually spend weeks in the forest, hunting or hanging out with dragons, and it's resulted in him sometimes forgetting that people don't often act like a dragon when angry or while hunting.
4 If you could change something canon about [character], what would it be?
Does the entirety of the 3rd HTTYD movie count? If not then Stormheart. I don't know if it's ever explained why she wants to keep Lumie safe? Like it just seems to oppose her established characterization of not really caring about dragons or using them as weapons.
5 Are there any particular locations, whether from the source material or your own mind, that you enjoy writing?
The Hidden World is one, and I also quite enjoy the School or Vanaheim! In the game, I loved flying around them, especially the Hidden World Annex because it was a giant circle, so I didn't need to turn around if I didn't want! And I think that carried over to the SoD AU, because I love describing how the Hidden World looks or what it's like at the School or why Vanaheim matters to Etho specifically!
6 How do you envision [character] when writing about them?
Putting this below the cut because I went on a full ramble. And the next question has a long answer as well lol
Honestly this is a bit of a hard one. I'm not great with descriptions and character design is a bit of a weak spot for me, but I'll give it a try with Etho!
I think they literally only wear one outfit unless forced to wear something else, much to the annoyance of Skizz (who is the exact same way). Said outfit is a basic white shirt under a black jacket with green patches wherever it's been torn. They also have scales sown into the jacket, if one of their dragon friends shed, you can bet Etho will have a new scale sown onto the arms of their jacket. They often wear just plain black pants, simply because it's easier to explore new islands and have full mobility. If they weren't planning to go out flying, they might try on a skirt because fuck gender roles. I genuinely think despite the fact it would be better for traveling, they do not wear boots. They stick with sandals or something a bit like sneakers. They are doing this out of spite.
Of course, they've got their mask. It's probably been torn at least five times since they've landed on Berk, but hey, it's just some fabric and can be replaced with ease. They probably also remake their headband with the mask, because consistency is important.
I chose to let them keep the two colored eyes, because it's fun :) They've still got the red left eye, and their right is really dark green! We're keeping the white/black/green color theme :D Of course, we've got white hair. I'm saying it's natural, because if there are dragons why not let somebody have white hair? It's also established in the 4th chapter that Etho knows how to make purple dye for a strip of their hair! (also it's never mentioned but they probably had long hair before arriving on Berk, cut it around the time of joining due to getting teased, and later started growing it out again a bit)
As well as that, they are probably also tall and skinny, due to the fact that they do not eat enough. It isn't on purpose, they are just very forgetful and dragons + Skizz take first priority. They also have horrible posture and look about half a foot shorter then they are :)
14 What is something you would like to talk at length about?
Well uh. I talked a lot about Etho's appearance above but also, dragons.
Etho - Starlit'Void (sand wraith) and Lumie (luminous krayfin). I gave them Starlit'Void because he was my starting dragon and I thought it would be fun! Lumie is more of a technicality, because he's not a playable dragon in game, but with how often he appears in quests, I think I can say he's Etho's now. (also because if you've seen the second httyd movie, there's this scene when Valka is riding on Cloudjumper as the bewilderbeast rises from the ice and I am imagining that but with Etho + Lumie when he fully grown) All other dragons are part of Etho's hoard and are either from quests, their and Skizz's children, or just ones that stick around for fun!
There is another dragon Etho gets, a [redacted] named Stardust! I cannot explain much due to spoilers for a not-yet released fic, but I chose Stardust because around the time the fandom got confirmation of a 4th series, everybody started trying to decide what the winner's title could be! And someone suggest Stardust if Etho won and it lives in my head rent free (It was suggested to fit with the astrology theme + redstone!).
Skizz - Gaze (triple stryke). Personally, I feel like (both 3L and SoD!)Skizz and post-redemption!Dagur share a lot of similarities and hey, why not share the same dragon species! I'll also explain Holly here because why not. Holly is also a triple stryke that Etho and Skizz adopted during Stormheart's first attack on the edge, and the two of them raised her together!
I think to a point Pouncer and Ruffrunner could be counted, but I see them less of Etho and Skizz's dragons and more of future alpha's that the two humans are helping grow!
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down-thedrain · 2 years
mandela v2. elaborate 👁👁
so funny story this ask has been sitting in my drafts for like 2 months cuz i honestly didn't know how to even begin to describe what mandela v2 is. it's an enigma even i don't know what it is it's just a dark spot in my brain that i occasionally stick my head into and come out covered in ashes and piranhas but. i'll try ig !!
it's kinda just me taking the characters and very general rules of this universe and making like. a completely new story put of them . a lot of the events are similar but shuffled around and there's a ton of new shit and it is FULL of headcanons and really self indulgent shit lol. it's not based on anything and there's no central premise it's just. another version of tmc. hence v2
i can't list every change in there because even i don't know the full extent of the changes i made but uh
- cesar has a special interest in the occult because autistic cesar is real to ME okay. he writes a bunch of shit about alternates and they figure out how to channel spirits because they're just like that. he kinda becomes a hermit the older they get and they have a very normal kinship with alternates that definitely isn't anythign to worry about :)
- cesar lives his encounter with alt!cesar but mark doesn't so mark's ghost (after escaping limbo and reliving his trauma because mark has to be absolutely miserable all the time it's required by law) follows him around and cesar occasionally channels him. but it works like in ace attorney so he physically changes to look like mark n shit it's funky
- bps isn't a high school club turned society but rather a giant underground operation with a head council and divisions in mandela + bythorne + werksha + etc. with the main goal of fighting both alternates and the police wherever they can. they're the ones that discover that dragonbreath bullets kill alternates and they have an entire research division it's cool i love v2 bps
- jonah joins bps before adam does in this au and ze's kinda like. the vice president of bps despite technically being too young when they first join. they mean everything to me in this au you have no idea
- mandelatech is a much larger corporation too. bps/mcpd/mandelatech are like. 3 warring factions kinda (which. yes. means that dave and eve end up fighting w bps a lot. it's. eugh)
- thatcher stays as lieutenant a lot longer than he does in canon and ae's just. so pissed at everything god bless. ☕ wants everything to be okay but he buries those hopes in pure rage <3 ☕'s canonically won fights against alts with aer bare hands so people know not to fuck with him. he'd call canon thatcher wet and pathetic LOL
- generally v2's on a much larger scale and kinda considers the world of tmc as a whole, rather than just focusing on specific characters. idk i like worldbuilding it's fun so sue me. there are a lot of ocs that fill the space suffice to say and i am totally willing to just throw whatever i want in there. this au is my witch's cauldron
- mervin has some shit to do maybe good for him
i love this au but it's like. definitely my least comprehensible (except for maybe tmcblr is that even counts) i just do whatever the fuck i want and no one can stop me. don't ask me questions about it i don't have to explain myself
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mangacat201 · 1 year
Tag 10 People You Want to Know Better
Tagged by @noxsoulmate let’s update this sucker shall we? :)
Relationship Status: single and not at all interested in changing that
Song Stuck in my Head: “We won’t keep fallin’ down” Main theme from “Guardian” (usually I skip Intros after the first couple of run throughs, I have never watched every single one of a series full length just because I wanted to keep listening to the main theme whenever it was on. And it’s 40 episodes!)
Last Song I Listened To:  “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles” Main Theme from the Series (writing soundtrack for my Buddie Terminator!AU)
Last Thing I Googled:  Mexican Weather Conditions (for SCIENCE... no for fic of course, how to freeze a viking in 10th ct. Mesoamerica)
Three Favourite Foods: pickled asparagus, mint chocolate chip icecream, Halloween themed potato flips
Dream Trip: New Zealand or the Artic Circle (I wanna see the Northern Lights at some point in my life)
Anything I Want Right Now: a much needed vacation (only 11 days to GOOOO)
If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? Oof, idk. I think a cat, they rule their household, get to do anything they want all day whether it’s sleep or eat or hunt or demand scritches (funnily enough, I’ve never owned a cat, me and my fam are dog people). Alternatively, a kolibri. Flitting from blossom to blossom at invisible speed must be kinda rad. 
Would you rather have the power to read minds or fly? So.. hear me out. On a coolness scale? Read minds, every time. On a scale of ‘Do I wanna know what depraved shit is going on in my fellow people’s noggins and have to bleach my brain on a regular basis? Absolutely braving that fear of heights for sure.
No Pressure Tag: @godotismissingx, @izarrestarlis, @prncss-prk, @pastel-chrysalis, @rosyfingered-moon
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luzho · 1 year
okay. i’ve probably already said that back in high school i read Asimov’s Foundation trilogy in full but never finished the fourth novel, and that now that i’m actually reading it, i’m super fucking excited?
well this fucking book keeps getting better oh my fuck. spoilers for Foundation’s Edge, i guess? if you even care HEJJWJWJW:
i’ve never cared much for the robots series, idk why, i just dont care for the robots JSJJSJS but looking for Earth, the lost original planet that birthed humanity??? thats super cool
the First Foundation keeps getting more badass!!! i do root for them
more insight into how the Second Foundation actually works, their government, their communication, the relationship with the other Trantorians… i like imagining the First Speaker’s office as the white room from 2001:)
and actually, i have really appreciated how slower this novel is, how many more characters are involved in this crisis and how much complex the whole thing is in every side
oh the fucking apple tv series. i dont watch it but i saw a short teaser in which the Vault (WHICH ISNT EVEN A ROOM, ITS A HUGE FLOWING OUTDOORS SCULPTURE??) wRITES OUT the name of Hober Mallow. This pisses me off so much because A. the Vault literally should just show a hologram speech every now and then, why the fuck would it show just tEXT; B. psychohistory, the made up science that drives the series is an STATISTICAL SCIENCE that can predict SOCIOECONOMICAL DEVELOPMENTS not an individual’s name nor their fucking historical importance (subpoint B, THAT fundamental misunderstanding of psychohistory means that the Mule COULD have been prevented and HALF THE TRILOGY GETS RUINED); and C. HOBER MALLOW ALREADY??? for me, a great characteristic of this series is the sheer scale of time… we’re spanning CENTURIES and we just briefly see the crisis and the few people that happened to lived them. feels like the history of a very real, huge and interconnected world (the Galaxy). so. it is HORRID that the tv series just pulled reasons out of their asses to keep the protagonists alive. Gaal Dornick should be DEAD before Salvor Hardin is even born, and SHE should be also dead by the time Hober Mallow is important. UGH!!! if those idiots just want to do a fucking AU at this point, just change the fucking name because that is no longer the Foundation. assholes
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chisatowo · 3 years
I really should better develop the thh talentswap characters but everytime I think abt them my brain just fixates on Kyoko and Mondo and refuses to think abt anyone else
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sugamamacustard · 4 years
Please don’t let me go
Pairing:  Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo x Omega! Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, NSFW
Request: HIII my favourite author!!! Happy new year 💜. Wishing you a very happy 2021. Ok sooo i got a scenario In mind. You don't have to write it if you don't want to Reader (half wolf/half omega, and if you don't write half wolf, then omega) in a pack (maybe like you know joint nekoma, fukorodani and karasuno but it's ok if you don't write that, only nekoma then in case) where their pack hasn't exactly accepted them, they're very cold with her. Reader , who has madly been in love with kuroo (cuz I'm such a kuroo lover) for very long, doesn't mind and continues to take care of everyone, making sure their ok and basically like having a soft sweet motherly attitude despite how they treat reader. But at one point reader is just fed up and feels very hurt, thinking they hate them and blames themselves. They also have to keep seeing kuroo bring in other girls for his heat and that Hurts them a lot. So reader thinks they never needed them and slowly stops contacting them. That's when everyone realises they fucked up and tried to find them but they can't. Until one day reader comes to practice and says their joining another pack and apologies for not being enough and all, how would the pack and kuroo, who loves them, stop them, apologize and make it up with them? Angst to fluff, and if you want idk if you write it but nsfw. You don't have to write it ofc! It's just a quick scenario that came to my mind. Please ignore this if you don't want to write it, and sorry if it's too specific and long 🥺
Summary:   You were excited when the other packs joined yours, even finding solace in one of the alphas of one, but suddenly, you weren’t needed. Wanted. Not what he desired. And that hurt. So you do the only thing you can think of. Try to find someone who will comfort your poor omega heart.
Author’s Note: I’m your favorite 🥺 🥺 Happy new year babes!  And I was reading this, and I just kept getting more and more ideas and began writing it right away Hope you enjoy!
Requests: Open!
Keep in Mind! This heavily based off of my Dragon/Shifter! AU from my mainblog! (@Angstyclowns) . The long short of it, is that Shifters have three forms. The first, is completely human. Though the person still has some attributes (Better sight, smell, hearing, etc.) they don’t have any visible features. The second form gives the shifter about half of their features. Tails, ears, wings, fangs, things like that. The third is the “full form”. This is a full dragon, wolf, cat, dog, etc.. You aren’t able to talk in this form, but you do have full control of your actions. I can go into more depth in this AU! if you all want, be sure to let me know!
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Tetsuro Kuroo
➵ The Fukorodani pack was big. Huge maybe. 
➵ It was made up of three different, smaller, packs that had combined for both numbers and power. Karasuno, (the namesake) Fukorodani, and Nekoma. 
➵ You were originally apart of Fukorodani, only really close with Akaashi and Bokuto and had yet to get close with anyone else. 
➵ You still cared for them though. 
➵ You prepped meals in the morning, making enough for everyone. 
➵ Made sure you always had band-aids just in case.
➵ You took the role of pack omega well. 
➵ But people still seemed to hold you at an arms length. 
➵ You at first brushed it off, as they were getting used to being in such a big pack, but as they got more comfortable with Bokuto and Akaashi, you began to feel this sense of unease. 
➵ It was obvious they didn’t trust you, but you couldn’t quite place why. 
➵ It soon got to the point where even Akaashi and Bokuto were spending less and less time with you. 
➵ Your omega was hurt and you felt completely deserted. 
➵ You had no idea what was happening. Did you do something wrong?
➵ You didn’t think so. You just did what you always did. Maybe you were too clingy. 
➵ Too overbearing. 
➵ Yeah, that was it. Right? 
➵ Too much too soon. 
➵ So you slowly began pulling away. You stopped making breakfast (Staying in your nest and feigning being asleep when Akaashi or Suga would come check up on you.). 
➵ Stopped carrying medical supplies. Which hurt at first when Hinata or Noya would excitedly ask you for a cartoon printed band-aid, but immediately frowned when you said you didn’t have any.
➵ You just stopped...caring? 
➵ You went on runs a lot more, staying out later and later and leaving earlier and earlier. There were days when no one saw you at all-- Bokuto ending up crying on those days, almost as if his alpha knew you were pulling away. 
➵ He would make an effort to spend the next day with you but then the process would just repeat itself. He’d be gone with Kuroo for days, weeks on end and you were stuck alone one more time. 
➵ “We always have an opening.” Daishou hummed, stretching his arms out as his forked tongue wiggled between his lips. Your tail swiped behind you as your ears fell back. “We could use a wolf like you. Strong legs, strong jaw, good looks-” 
➵ “Don’t.” You sighed, wrapping your tail around your waist and wringing it gently with your hands. “I appreciate the offer, but I- I can’t. I just-”
➵ “I get it. It’s that damned cat, yeah?” The olive haired alpha smirked, playing with one of his scaled fingers. He chuckled at your red cheeks, licking his teeth all the while.  
➵ It was not secret that you fell for the Pack alpha of Nekoma, Kuroo, quickly. Though Daishou (A snake shifter that you ran into during one of your all day runs) didn’t approve of the crush, he didn’t interfere with it. He respected it, in fact, encouraging it on days he felt good. 
➵ You could honestly say Daishou was one of your closest friends at the moment. He always allowed you into his territory, his pack supporting and loving you all the while. 
➵ He had offered to let you join his pack, in fact, but you turned him down. You were tied with Fukorodani, with Akaashi, with Bokuto. They were your family.
➵ Whether or not they saw you the same way, that was how you saw them. 
➵ Your inner omega kept reminding you that Daishou was also your family. 
➵ You suppose the final straw was seeing Kuroo laughing with some random Beta girl. She smelled like cheap perfume, making you reel. You merely watched as he kissed her neck, nipping her ear, quickly taking her to his room. His rut was around the corner so you knew what was going on. 
➵ Didn’t mean you had to like it though. 
➵ Maybe like a rebellious teenager, this kicked off that side you had been hiding.
➵ Instead of disappearing for a day every few weeks, you disappeared for days, one right after the other. You would pop in for a change of clothes, shift into your wolf and you were gone. 
➵ You were strategic about it too. You made sure one person saw you enter, just to assure everyone else you were alive. You made sure they were far enough away they couldn’t catch you even if they shifted-- which most did. They tried to talk to you, just once.
➵ But you had routes made in the deep of night to get you out of sight, running through water to get rid of your scent, just doing everything to make you disappear. 
➵ And slowly, but surely, Daishou and his pack began considering you their omega, just as you began forgetting about the Fukorodani pack. 
➵ Everyone on the other side just got worse though. More often than not, meals were either ordered in or skipped all together. Alphas snapped on each other, Betas snarled in retaliation, omegas were hissing and closing in. 
➵ While Bokuto and Akaashi were expected to be the worst of this all, they weren’t. While they growled and hissed and snapped, they didn’t snarl. They were recluse and kept away, looking for you day in and day out instead. 
➵ The worst of all was Kuroo. He snarled and snapped, baring his teeth at anyone who crossed his path. That beta girl? She ran out a week ago, bleeding from her hand because Kuroo had bitten her for touching him when he told her to go away. 
➵ Even Kenma had been on the receiving end of a near-close call, making everyone turn their attention to what his issue was. 
➵ They only got their answer on one of the few short trips you made back. You smelled heavily like the territory next door, so much so they could smell it from your room while you were re-packing your bag. 
➵ Your nest had been dismantled and one of the several blankets in there was folded and you began putting it into your bag, only for Kuroo to slam open your door. 
➵ You chirped in surprise, crawling back from the seething alpha. He was angry, you could tell, and you didn’t want to get in his way. 
➵ You bowed your head, quickly zipping up your bag before making your way to the window. 
➵ You couldn’t deal with him right now. Not with your feelings, not with his anger. You just couldn’t. 
➵ “Where the fuck are you going?” He hissed, stomping to your window and shutting it before you could crawl through. 
➵ “I- I don’t- Just-”
➵ He stopped you, sniffing your neck. “You smell like him.”
➵ “Who’s him?”
➵ “That fucking snake! Who else?!” Teeth are dragged dangerously down your neck, making you shudder. “What the fuck are you doing near him?”
➵ “Dai-”
➵ “Don’t fucking say his name. Answer the question. Why were you near him?! His pack?! We are right here. We’re your pack. Not them.” He sounded close to exploding,  making you whine as you withdrew. 
➵ He ran a hand through his hair as he paced in front of you. “Were we not good enough? Huh? You needed another pack? WHY WEREN’T WE GOOD ENOUGH?!” 
➵ You didn’t realize it, but you began shaking, slowly drawing in on yourself, trying to seem as small as possible. 
➵ You didn’t want to make the alpha angry. Why was he so angry? 
➵ “Tell me!” Looking up, you hiccupped as tears began streaming down your face, Kuroo having his own tears dripping down his cheeks. “Why wasn’t I good enough?”
➵ He collapsed in front of you, hands yanking on his hair. 
➵ And while you were hesitant, you slowly crept closer. He was shaking his head by the time you got close enough to hear him whispering “Please don’t leave.” Making your heart and omega whine. 
➵ “I-” You stopped. What was there to say? All of a sudden he wanted you here? Where was he the past however many weeks? 
➵ You wanted to scream at him. Turn and leave through the window anyway. 
➵ Leave this pack, and Kuroo, behind. 
➵ “Don’t leave me. I don’t care about the rest of them-- maybe Kenma-- but don’t leave me. Please. I can’t handle- I can’t handle not seeing you everyday. I thought I could. I thought I could fill the void with meaningless flings, but they couldn’t even touch me before I was aching for you. “ He was sobbing now, tears dripping down his cheeks. 
➵ You hesitantly wrapped an arm around his shoulder, allowing him to cry into your shoulder. He held you tightly, refusing to let you slip through his fingers as he almost had. 
➵ “I-I don’t- I don’t know what you want from me anymore, Kuroo. I-I tried staying, and that didn’t work. I tried leaving, and that didn’t work either. I don’t want to leave but I can’t stay. I’m so touch starved and I can’t keep living like this!” You cried out, frustrated with all the mixed signals around you. 
➵ What did your pack want from you?
➵ “We’ll fix it! I swear, I’ll fix it myself. I swear on my life. I’ll fix it. Fix myself. Make myself that alpha you deserve. Please.”
➵ You said nothing. Only allowing him to hold you close. 
➵ “Tetsuro!” You squealed, laughing as soft kisses were laced down your thighs. 
➵ “Kitten~” He responded, suckling a hickey right near your cunt. 
➵ You were wearing nothing but his sweatshirt and he was rabid seeing you, his pretty omega all nice and ready for him. 
➵ And his cock. 
➵ Sitting up, he pulled you onto his thighs with a swift movement, making you laugh once more.
➵ He smirked down at you once you calmed down, pressing a sweet peck to your lips, making you hum with satisfaction. 
➵ His hands trailed under his shirt to rest on your hips, keeping you close to him. You seemed so ethereal, sitting in the light that filtered through the window-- oranges and reds highlighting your body.
➵ “I love you. I love you so much.” He huffed, leaning his forehead onto yours, feeling the heat of your smile against his lips. 
➵ “I love you too, Tetsuro.” Another peck was pressed to his lips. 
➵ His heart felt so full, having you in his arms, having you in his grasp. He just couldn’t let you go. 
➵ He had almost done that once. 
➵ But he would never make the same mistake again. 
His cock dragged slowly out of your walls, sending shocks of pleasure and sensation wavering through your body as you shuddered. It wasn’t often you got to see the slow and sensual side of Tetsuro-- the one that would kiss your bond mark, the one that would tear up as he spilled praise after praise into your ear, the one that would hold a hand on your chest just to feel your thundering heartbeat only to pull your hand up to feel his own, which was just as bad--but when you did it left you  just breathless as he always did. There were days when you just needed this side and he always picked up on that, but some days he needed the solace he got with it as well. 
You’d always enable it, purring and whispering your own praises to him, kissing his temples when his emotions bubbled far to quickly for him to properly absorb, spilling over.  
It was times like this, when his forehead rested against your shoulder, did you feel closest. His pants were hot against your already flushed skin, adding already to your sensitive body. 
Running a hand through his hair, you waited for him to give you an indicator of what he wanted. What he needed from you at that very moment. 
When he didn’t move it hit you. He just wanted you close. To keep you close. To remind himself you were still there. To remind himself he won the war. He won you. He finally got the queen to his kingdom. The one he wanted from the star. 
And you would indulge him, running your both your hands through his hair and holding him close.  Even if you pretended not to feel the happy tears falling onto your shoulder. 
Soft sex Kuroo had me  🥺 🥺 
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pappydaddy · 3 years
Enchanted (j.m)
A/N: Hello lovelies! To wrap up my 300 follower celebration, I am posting this! This was submitted by someone who I love to interact with - obx anon. They requested a blurb based off of Enchanted by Taylor Swift with the enchanting JJ Maybank. However, this did not turn out to be a blurb, it was a full-out fic because I could not help myself. What else am I supposed to do with Taylor Swift songs as prompts? But, yeah, this is like nine pages which isn't too bad, but still not a blurb. While I was writing I was thinking about doing a part two, but idk. If y'all want a part two, just let me know. Like I just need one person to tell me and I will do it. I already have ideas.
I've also been listening to Speak Now on repeat since I got this ask. Also, this, Wedding Crasher (re-write) and Part Two of A Lumberjack and A Mullet (and a rewrite of that) (these two fics are available on Stragner Things Masterlists) will be part of the eventual Speak Now collection once the album is re-released and after Folklore/Evermore + Fearless + Red collections are done.
Anywho, obx anon, I hope you love this lovely💛!
Pairing: JJ Maybank x fem!reader
TV Show/Movie: Outer Banks
Taglist: @rottenstyx
part i - you're here! | part ii​​
AU where the treasure hunt did not turn into what it is in the show. No Bahamas, no Ward/Rafe psychopathy, etc. Just a harmless, fun little adventure that brought Sarah and Kie together again.
Requested as part of an event by the lovely obx anon
Warnings: idk if there is any? Fluff? Some angst? Just someone falling in love with someone they just met. Mention of socio-economic levels, social status, etc.
masterlist | taglist | wips | navigation
- not my gif -
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One would think the life of a rich kid would be easy, a dream within a dream - and for some it is. Y/N never was one to overlook the advantages and privileges she had in life thanks to her parent’s wealth, even if they weren’t all that wealthy. The L/N family sat comfortably in the upper class of life, they had the fancy house, the social status, but there were definitely richer families - particularly her mother’s best friend’s stepfamily. Rose Cameron was one of Y/N’s mother’s closest friends since their realtor’s course way back when and was the whole reason Y/N was forced to move to the small island in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Missing the California lifestyle, Y/N found the incessant welcoming parties people have been throwing them a bit overwhelming but unavoidable. Part of being on the lower part of the upper-class scale was putting on the show.
So, here she was, faking a laugh as some stranger clutching a champagne fluke made some horrible joke. Dressed to the tens, almost all of the Kooks of the island were gathered in the Cameron’s extravagant house, having just finished a fancy meal and currently waiting for the patio to be reopened to allow them to meander back out to the bar. One thing Y/N noticed about Rose and the Cameron’s - they loved to show off their wealth. “Y/N, dear, why don’t you tell everyone about your shot at a prestigious scholarship- actually, I’ll tell them.” Her mother boasted yet again, her gentle hand being placed on her shoulder blade that was exposed by the thin, crisscrossing straps of her satin dress. Faking a smile, Y/N stayed quiet as her mother tried to up their social standing to the group of adults.
“Say, Mr. Carrera, we should get together for a round of golf, I’ve heard the course at the Country Club is amazing. Perhaps we can get the wives and children together the same day, give us a bit more freedom, am I right?” Her father laughed with one of the other men in the small cluster, branching from the others.
“Please, call me Mike,” The man corrected him politely, before tipping his champagne fluke towards her father slightly. “And I think I’ll take you up on that offer, maybe your daughter could help set an example for mine, we’ve been having problems with her lately,” Mike whispered the last part to Y/N’s father quietly as if it were top secret information. “Actually, she’s here somewhere, she’s probably outside helping her friends, some of them are working the party-” Mike cut himself off, looking over the heads of the crowd gathered in the base floor of the Cameron’s house. “She’s walking in the door now, Kiara!” He yelled her name, waving her over.
“Y/N, come here for a moment please,” Her own father spoke softly but with a harsh tone daring her to not comply. She did as he asked, her heels clicking against the expensive tile for the few steps it took to approach the two, another pair of heels joining them seconds later. “This is Mike and his daughter, she’s about your age.” He gestured to the man and (presumably) Kiara as she settled at her father’s side rather reluctantly.
“This is Kiara, Kiara, this is Y/N,” Mike introduced the two girls, prompting them both to smile politely at each other. “Maybe you two could hang out and talk for a little bit?” Her father suggested, giving Kiara the same tone Y/N’s father gave her seconds before. Forcing a smile onto her face, Kiara agreed.
“Sure, come on, I’ll introduce you to Sarah.” Kiara nodded her head towards the crowd, leading Y/N away from the stifling conversation of adults trying to kiss up to one another. The pair walked in awkward silence. Y/N could tell Kiara didn’t take too well to her parents using her or these parties to climb the social ladder either from the way her back flexed as she pushed her way through the crowd.
“Just so you know, I didn’t suggest that. They forced it upon me as well,” She let her know as the crowd started to thin, the two girls approaching the outskirts of the party. Kiara nodded, humming in understanding as she led them into another room with fewer people. “I didn’t even want to come to this, but my parents are determined that we need to be highly regarded in the eyes of these stuffy people - no offence, your parents seem nice-” She ranted, not even noticing that Kiara had stopped.
“None taken, my parents force me to these places for the same reasons and they are no better than any other parent at this party,” Kiara told her earnestly, making Y/N nod, thankful she understood what she was getting at. It seemed Kiara knew the tiredness and loneliness Y/N often found herself battling thanks to her parents' incessant need to appease people. “I think Sarah is outside, they just opened the doors to let everyone out so you should stick close to me, it’s like a feeding frenzy once the bar is open.” She advised, grabbing Y/N’s hand before she started pulling her towards the large glass doors of the room they stood in, following the stream of people searching out the expensive alcohol stashed behind the bar.
Y/N stumbled slightly, looking at the vast difference between what the outside patio was when they ate and what it was now. It was alive with string lights wound around the canopy and the lanterns littered through the grass. With the silver moon and the glow of the artificial light, it looked like a scene from a romance movie, but Y/N highly doubted the presence of some dashing stranger at a party primarily attended by middle and old-aged men. “Hey, Kie,” A girl's voice spoke from ahead, pulling Y/N’s attention from the setup. At the end of their small path, stood a blonde girl with her dress and her hair flowing in the summer breeze - making her look like a goddess, the lights creating a halo on her head. Her round cheeks became rounder as she smiled such a gorgeous smile Y/N was almost awestruck. “Who is your friend?”
“This is Y/N, the same Y/N this party is for, correct?” Kiara looked back at her for confirmation.
“Uh- Yeah, that’s me. Y/N L/N.” She confirmed with a startled nod, reaching her hand out for Sarah to shake. Gently and almost royally, Sarah shook her hand, the smile never leaving her face. Y/N had to take a moment to take her in. She looked so beautiful, it was almost like she was a princess - the main character of the romance movie they appeared to be in. While she was welcoming to the invitation of this beautiful girl into her night, Y/N couldn’t help but feel ridiculous that she let herself believe she would be the main character for the night.
“Sarah Cameron, Rose and your mom are friends,” She asked, earning another confirming nod from Y/N who found herself at a loss of words. She hadn’t expected to meet people who would actually want to talk to her, let alone people who she would actually want to talk to. She had assumed that everyone close to her age would be pompous, arrogant and self-righteous. “Rose hasn’t stopped planning this party or talking about your family moving here for at least six months. I welcome it since that means she’s distracted.” The blonde noted as the flowing music from the live band started to weave through the crowd. Y/N couldn’t help but look around. The backyard was practically flooded with people. Very few people were squeezing through the crowd with trays held high and most were the guests.
“So, this place, is it all rich people,” Y/N asked nervously. Leave it to her social status chasing parents to move her to a place filled with out-of-touch snobs. Sarah and Kiara started laughing, making Y/N brows furrow in confusion. “What? What’s so funny?” She pressed, looking between the two girls as they leaned against each other, their laughter fizzing out. Heat crawled up her cheeks as they wheezed for air. Had she misjudged the two? Were they really just like everyone else at the party? Or did they two feel the same dread and exhaustion she did at these parties?
“It’s nothing to do with you,” Sarah reassured her kindly, almost reading Y/N’s mind entirely as she righted herself, fixing her dress. “But I can see why you would think that since all you’ve gotten to see so far are parties trying to out-do each other. The island is much more than that.” She explained, her voice calmer now as she tried to wipe her eyes of the tears that were forced out by her laughter.
“It’s not all rich people who live here, but most of Figure Eight wishes it was just rich people - trust me on that-” Kiara was cut off by Sarah pointing off in the distance.
“My brother, over there,” She paused, making sure Y/N found the right person. Following the line of her finger, she spotted someone about nineteen standing around with a bunch of other guys, all nursing a scotch that didn’t appear to be sipped from yet. The group of them, they were exactly the type of guys she would suspect to be here. All sporting expensive coats and watches in such a flashy way it almost blinded her. “He’s one of those people so it might be best to steer clear from him the best you can.” She advised, letting Y/N take her attention away from the dirty blonde.
“Our friends are from The Cut, they are all working the party,” Kiara spoke again, rolling onto the balls of her feet, trying to see over the loud crowd. “Pope, he’s the smart one, is on the grill helping his dad.” She pointed over the heads. Peering around some people, Y/N spotted the boy almost completely hidden behind the open cover of the grill, only his backwards hat sticking out over the silver cover. He worked frantically from what she could see, his elbow poking out from behind the cover every few seconds making her assume he was wiping his forehead.
“John B is bussing tables, he’s my boyfriend.” Sarah smiled dreamily, pointing over to a boy swiping empty glasses from the tables already. Y/N could see him a lot better than Pope. He was tall, with sunkissed skin that she wasn’t sure was natural or from spending time at the beach, all matched with flowing brown waves on his head. Noting how Sarah gazed upon the brunette, Y/N could tell that their story was a great one that would be told time and time again and this was just another scene in their epic love story.
“I’m not too sure where JJ is right now, probably off somewhere hitting a blunt,” Kiara shrugged, searching the crowd for her other friend. “I’m sure you’ll meet him soon enough, you’re gorgeous and he’s JJ, he’s bound to flirt with you at some point,” She waved her hand, not concerned about her friend’s disappearance. “Hey, my parents are flagging me down for some stupid shit, I’ll find a way to keep in touch with you, Y/N, you seem cool!”
“Thanks, you too!” Y/N called after her, a bit shocked about being called cool, but Kiara was too far. Cringing when she saw a few people turn towards her, their noses in the air in disapproval. Sarah, having watched Kiara begrudgingly make her way to her parents, looked back at Y/N, a wide smile back on her face. Opening her mouth, she wasn’t even able to make a sound before an older blonde with a huge headpiece came rushing over to her.
“Sarah, you need to go find Wheezie, she’s MIA yet again and the Buchanan boy is looking for her. If we manage to get closer to them, they might hire me to sell their summer home in Peru.” The woman pleaded rudely, making Sarah send an apologetic smile towards Y/N as she was dragged away - leaving Y/N alone with her own thoughts once again. Sighing, she slowly turned to face the party once again. Spotting Kiara with her glowing complexion and white dress, she watched as the Carrera’s introduced her to some wealthy couple as if she were a show dog.
“So much for me actually enjoying the rest of this party.” She mumbled dejectedly as she grazed over the dance floor, almost completely occupied by people just standing there talking. With a warning glare sent from her mother, she stood up, plastering a fake smile back on her face, a facade of happiness and contentment being built back up. She had assumed by meeting Sarah and Kiara, it would open the door to actually having a decent night, but of course, for rich parents, it wasn’t a decent night unless they used their children to boost their egos and position within society. Suddenly, she found a boost of morale when her eyes spotted another busboy. On the other side of the sea of fancy dresses and suits, stood the most beautiful boy she had ever seen. Clad in the vest, crisp white shirt, and slacks that every other caterer wore, his blonde hair was perfectly styled in a way that told her it was normally a wind-tousled mess. Just by standing there, he had her completely speechless.
It was when he turned his face slightly towards her, his magnificently bright eyes landing on her, that she felt every ounce of vacancy, insincerity, and loneliness leave her body. Gone was the need to flick her eyes over the crowd, hoping that Kiara or Sarah would find their way back and rescue her. Now, all she wanted to do was stare at this boy and take in all of him. From how the yellow-tinted glow from the bulb lights reflected off his tanned skin to the way his eyes whispered to her from across the lawn. For the first time the whole night, she didn’t have to hide her true emotions and feelings. Instead, the awe and the smile she was feeling and showing were one-hundred percent real. Reaching across the dance floor, the words his eyes were trying to convey reached her like a message in a bottle. ‘Have we met before?’ The (what appeared to be from this distance) azure blue eyes asked her.
Heat rose in her cheeks once again, dusting them a noticeable pink that appeared to be a good enough answer for the wondrous boy. In a blink of an eye, she saw his silhouette weave through the crowd, his eyes locked on her frame no matter how many twists and turns he had to make around people. The bus pan originally clasped in his hands was left abandoned on the table, but it appeared that he didn’t care. When he finally stood before her, his chest rising and falling, slightly breathless from the trek to her, she found herself not worrying for him anymore. Shifting her eyes to accommodate the new view she had of him, her eyes locked with his yet again. The same eyes she once believed to be a light shade of azure were really a captivating cerulean. “Hello.” She breathed out, her breath being fully taken away by his presence.
“Hello, lovely lady,” He flirted, his eyes drifting from hers to flick around her face, taking in the features he hadn’t been able to see from across the lawn. “I haven’t seen you around, I would have remembered a face like yours.” He flirted so shamelessly and boldly. It didn’t even matter that Y/N had heard that exact same line thousands of times before - it was almost like a whole new line as it dripped from his lips but she couldn’t let him know that; not yet anyway.
“You would think that someone with a face like that would have a better line prepared.” She quipped, letting her eyes freely roam around his face. A smile tugged on one corner of his lips, growing into a smirk as he let her take him in.
“I was too overwhelmed by your beauty, all I knew was that I had to get to you before anyone else. I can't lose my chance to some rich mommy-boy with ten pairs of Sperrys in his closet.” He winked, playing into the scene they had set. Y/N, unusually bold and flirtatious in this moment, shrugged, her eyes floating to the crowd behind the boy for a split second, almost like a trick to see if he would try to get her eyes back on him - which he managed to do instantly by reaching his arm up to scratch his ear lobe, his muscles flexing under the tight sleeve of his button-down.
“That almost makes me sorry to tell you that you’re about an hour late, I was already flirted with by three men,” She sucked in a breath through her teeth, mocking sympathy. It was true, part of having rich parents is dealing with their distorted morals. They would rather sit back and watch their teenage daughter get hit on by old married men than have to network themselves. “But, if it makes you feel better, you’re the only one out of all of them that I actually want to talk to.”
"So I’m not out of the running yet I see,” He hummed, laying his palm out towards her, her eyes dipping down to look at it for a second. “Care to have a dance with me?” He asked when her eyes reached back up to look into his. He felt the weight of her hand sinking on top of his, making his eyes drop this time.
“I’m Y/N, just so you’re not dancing with a stranger.” She introduced herself before he could start to lead her to the dance floor.
“Ah, the guest of honour, the lady of the party, we finally meet,” He bowed to her, making her let out a laugh. She cringed when she heard it, knowing it wasn’t a dainty little giggle like expected in the situation, but she couldn’t help herself but to laugh, he was bowing to her as if she were royalty. The boy didn’t seem deterred by her less than cute laugh, instead, there seemed to be a flicker of sparkle in his eye at the sound. At that moment, Y/N could have sworn she had fallen in love. “I’m JJ.” He returned the introduction, standing up, her hand still wrapped in his. Kiara had been right, he did find his way to Y/N and she didn’t mind one bit.
“Pleased to meet you, JJ.” She nodded, giving a little curtsy before she could stop herself. Fighting the urge to cringe yet again while her cheeks flared, she was grateful that JJ simply started to lead her to the dance floor. Stepping onto the small deck platform which Y/N couldn’t even begin to guess it was used for when there wasn’t a party. It was even brighter, with the outer perimeter of lights on top of the ones that lined the dance floor alone, it was bright enough to land an aeroplane.
Once the next song, a slower song, started to play and JJ led her in the dance, Y/N seemed to blackout. She could feel the heat of JJ’s hand on her waist, the other one holding her hand as if they were truly at a ball, waltzing the night away. She could feel his back flex from where her fingertips lightly touched his shoulder blade, the muscles rippling with every move he made. She barely registered the way the skirt of her dress billowed as he twirled her, her hair fanning out and her eyes closing with laughter only to be pulled into his body, flush against each other - her breathing hitching as she felt his warmth and abs, his face inches from hers despite the height difference between them.
“Maybank,” A shout dissolved the fairytale land they had plunged themselves into, making Y/N gasp, pulling out of JJ’s grasp just as his face had dropped an inch closer to hers. “Back to work or you don’t get paid!” The man gruffed aggressively before looking back at his clipboard, talking into his earpiece.
“Don’t worry, my lady, this shall not be the last you see of me tonight.” JJ reassured her with a wink, running back off to the side as the man started to approach like an angry bull. Y/N, still a bit shocked, watched him, hoping and wishing with all her might that he was right - it isn’t going to be the last she sees of him. Slowly, the crowd morphed, blocking her view of the blonde who bewitched her mind and soul to only think and need him, as if he was Elizabeth Bennet and she was Mr. Darcy.
Lo and behold, JJ had been right, it wasn’t the last Y/N had seen of him. With every shift of the crowd, she managed to find him on the other side of the room, his eyes watching her just like when she first saw him. Every time, a swirl in her stomach and heat in her cheeks plagued her - a side effect of his gaze. Though, as happy as she was that he hadn’t managed to forget about her, she still wished for him to find his way to her yet again instead of his eyes whispering to her across the lawn. It wasn’t until now, as she was nodding along half-mindedly as Rafe Cameron talked that he did. “The restaurant in the Country Club is the best. My usual table looks right over hole nine of the golf course which is also where I got a hole-in-one.” He yammered on, bragging.
A gentle tap on her shoulder ceased the conversation, making her turn her head only to see the blonde she was waiting for all night. Extending his hand to her, she noted a piece of folded-up paper between his fingers. “Excuse me, I was instructed to give this to the Lovely Lady.” He clarified as Rafe seemed to breathe fire at JJ’s presence, his eyes burning dangerously into him.
“Thank you,” Y/N smiled brightly, her eyes seeming to sparkle as she plucked the paper from his hand. Turning to Rafe, her smile became less authentic. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to see what this is.” She dismissed herself, walking off to the side of the party once again, unfolding the paper. It looked like paper from a waiter's pad, ripped hurriedly. ‘Lovely Lady, I sensed you were in need of rescuing.’ The note read. Even without his name and with just meeting him, she could tell it was from the messenger himself. Lifting her eyes from the note, letting them drift over the crowd until they landed on the sharp blue eyes watching her as he walked through the crowd yet again.
“We meet again.” He breathed out once he stepped up to her, standing only inches from her.
“Looks like it,” She nodded, amazed that he kept coming to her. She wasn’t used to that kind of treatment from people who looked like JJ. “Thank you for the note and thank you for the lovely night-” She wanted to tell him about how he managed to chase away any darkness clouding over her this whole party, or at least tell him how bewitched she was with him since the first moment she laid eyes on him - but her mother and father swooped upon her, sensing any shred of happiness she felt and crushing it.
“Come now, Y/N, you don’t need to thank the staff and it’s time to leave.” Her mother grabbed her elbow, pulling her from JJ before either of them could say anything else. Stumbling slightly, Y/N hiked the long, flowing skirt of her dress up, wide eyes watching JJ in shock and disparity - wanting more time with him because she knew too well that it wasn’t guaranteed that they would see each other again.
“We will meet again, Lovely Lady.” He mouthed to her before the crowd once again separated them, too thick to see through. Being dragged by her mother into the darkness of the night, the shining lights of the party disappeared as they rounded the house, but the magic never left her. Especially when she saw the blonde hair step to the side of the party, watching her leave. Too preoccupied with the blush filling her cheeks as she thought over the night, she barely registered her mother dropping her arm, the three walking silently towards their house next to the Cameron’s.
It was as if the entire world around her was sparkling as she floated after her parents, her mind consumed by snapshots of the night. From the shared glances to the way their fingers grazed each other when she took the note from him. It was purely whimsical and so magical that she was convinced it was all a dream she would be woken from any second. “You should go to bed, we have brunch with the Cameron’s tomorrow.” Her mother advised, but her words went in one ear and out the other as Y/N stumbled up the stairs, her dress balled in her hands carelessly. Biting back a smile, she tried her best to hold in her squeals and excitement until she was safely in her room, high above the ground and extravagant beyond necessity.
With a click of her door and a twist of the lock, she nearly bounced to her bed, squealing all the way. Her body felt like it was consumed by light, shining through the dark of her room, rivalling the moonlight and glow from the party next door as they glowed through the windows. She felt like she had spent the entire night fusing and bonding and now, she was burning a bright light just like the stars in the sky, only continuing to shine brighter and brighter as she thought back to the night.
Sighing dreamily, she flopped down upon her large bed, nearly being swallowed by the fluffy comforter and heavenly soft mattress. She was completely and entirely enchanted by meeting JJ. Her head was spinning as she imagined what it would be like to date him. Imagining him showing up to her doorstep, proclaiming his love for her as he told her that he was also enchanted and bewitched by her. Letting out yet another loud squeal, Y/N rolled onto her stomach, kicking her legs out of pure excitement and romance as she buried her face in her pillow, the wide smile on her face hurting her cheeks.
But, just like with every star, it is destined for demise. The burning, the growing, the bonding, and the brightness of her happiness weakened before finally bursting like a supernova. Shooting up in the bed, she rushed to one of her many windows, looking out over the party, watching as it died down. From above, she could barely make out who certain people were, but she could spot the blonde who took up most of her night easily. Standing off to the side with two more workers (she could guess were Pope and John B), along with Sarah and Kiara, all standing and talking as people bid thanks to the hosts. “What if he has someone else? What if he already met his own Elizabeth Bennet?” She whispered.
She gazed upon them, watching as they conversed. Sarah and Kiara seemed to be ordering JJ to do something from what Y/N could see. She furrowed her brows, leaning closer to the window, trying to figure out what was going on. Sarah’s arm flew out to the side, her finger pointed right at Y/N’s house, the group turning to it. Even with her room darkened other than the light through the window, she didn’t want them to know she was spying, making her fall to the ground quickly with a thud on the hardwood floor. Gasping, she laid flat, her heart pounding and racing. Flopping onto her back, she blinked up at the ceiling, looking at the distorted shape of the window filled in by light from the moon. “Please don’t have someone else. Please don’t let this night go.” She whispered, clasping her hands to her chest as she pleaded with the universe.
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hi anon who had the idea for the valdangelo lost hero au here! i made the executive decision to actually try and write the fic. more stuff that will be included: they’re both autistic as fuck. this has absolutely no relevance to the plot but i’m autistic and i don’t think i can write them any other way! in leo’s memories (which were a full blown, heartstopper scale romance between them both at their boarding school) he and nico were a very touchy couple, so even now that he knows they weren’t really together he can’t stop himself from being touchy w/ nico. accidentally holds his hand, brushes his hair out of his face. a few forehead kisses. leo also spends a good portion of the fic convinced that nico finds him annoying. at one point nico BLUSHES bc of leo ‘accidentally’ kissing his forehead and leo is just “oh no am i too warm did i accidentally burn him. fuck.” they are both so emotionally constipated it’ll take a while for any actual love confession to come out xx however i cannot for the life of me decide if nico should immediately have a crush on leo from the first Real encounter they have, or if it should just be like. ‘cute guy. why is he holding my hand tho’ and THEN feelings build over time. i think given the situation nico def wouldn’t have time to form an actual crush, he’d be too stressed but. also. idk
ouhgogughgho i cant wait anon i cant wait im so excite im sobbing im throwing up im selling my kidneys yuo have such an enormous brain i love you so much i am kissing you so sweetly
nico wakes up with not a thought in his head he looks to his left, cute boy holding his hand, looks ahead where theres a nice girl leaning over the seat to talk to cute boy. decides this is fine back to my nap.
im calling you hero anon from now on so you can get back to me easily anytime you want to talk about your absolute galaxy brained fic
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recipe-for-thomathy · 4 years
This week on Zenpai's Early Morning AU Ideas: Out of This World
tw // experimentation, slicing someone open
Pair/s: Logicality
It's Alien!Patton and Scientist!Logan
Now here me out
Patton comes from a planet similar to earth
But get this
Everyone there is able to shift into or have animal features/genes
So think of them as like hybrids or werewolves
Some can have wings, grow fur, have scales (wink wink) and even animal-like abilities (night vision, speed, etc)
What is Patton, you may ask?
Well he's obviously part frog (Lilypadton y'all c'mon)
His skin is a pale blue with a few grey spots here and there
He has webbed hands and feet
And most importantly
He has heart-shaped pupils
He also ribbets whenever he has the hiccups
Aight let's proceed with Logan cuz this post is going to be longer than it should be
He's a scientist working for this secret organization or whatevz
And he's suddenly assigned to study an alien that was captured a few nights prior
That's how he meets Patton
(and falls in love with him oop)
But ofc we need conflict
So here's where Johnson (idk that's the best name I could come up with for the villain lol) comes in
He's also a scientist at this secret organization
And he's like, totes jealous of Logan's works and achievements
So he does a bit of negotiating and manages to convince one of the higher ups to give him Logan's case (aka Patton)
He plans on doing actual experiments on the alien instead of just studying him
Logan doesn't find out about this until he hears Patton's screams
And he is PISSED
Thankfully, he storms in just in time to stop Johnson from slicing open his alien boyfriend
And he has the head of the organization with him
And gets her to fire Johnson
So in the end he gets to keep Patton
And they live happily ever after!
Or do they...?
Sksksksksksk I still have so many ideas for this but don't think I'll actually write it into a full-fledged story hahahaha
But I'm happy to share what I've thought up so far with y'all! (if you want)
And yes you are free to ask me questions about it ✨
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