#idk if I wanna provide context for this
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no-one-hears-me · 1 year ago
I need to be euthanized
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acaesic · 11 months ago
if yapping in the tags were a job id be jeff bezos
#does that make any sense?#i feel like the words im saying come out extremely convoluted to anyone who isnt me#cause in my brain#i like will re-say sentences without thinking about the previous sentence and how they mesh together#OH YEAH and then i dont provide context for how i got to that thought#so ill say one thing and then the next thing will like sound out of left field almost i think#anyway i really wanna draw gerard way but i cant decide on an image and its so !?!?#AUGH. do i draw nurse gerard or ….. i forgot the word? accountant??? gerard? whatever#or one of the ones where theyre covered in blood which is a lot of them#OOH AND. i really fucking wanna draw 2ourdust pete and soul punk patrick when he had the red suit and the devil horns#BUT I CANT !!!! number one i cant find just the right image of pete to draw and THERES MAYBE 5 DEVIL PATRICK IMAGES#so i was thinking i could just improvise like how i did with my idiots of oz art? and just draw a sp patrick image but colour his suit red#and draw some cartoonish 2D devil horns on instead#idk. anyway#im hoping to draw today . it might happen#ALSO ALSO ALSO!!!! i got vip for my idkhow concert next week :)#HAGSHSNANGSHFNKSLSJHSBCJDNSNSGSBFNJZBXNXKSLFKFBHSGSHFHGAGSHENSHSHSUGSHSBCHZHDKDLSHGDNAGSGSBFNKZHXNDJAGSHDJALSLJFHDNSJFKZBSHGAHSJFKFNDMXMCKF#IM SO FUCKING EXCITED ABOUT THAT#AUGH!!!!!! i also really wanted to draw dallon but if im being honest. im getting so sick of his face#i run a daily dallon blog i have like 8000 images of him ive drawn him 15 dozen times im TIRED!!!!!!!#so yeah. what was this post about again?#chase said something alright
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avocado-frog · 2 years ago
Happy WBW! In honor of Idalia and her looming approach on the SouthEast US, what is the most dangerous natural threat to your world?
(man i read that at like seven this morning first thing when I woke up and forgot about the hurricane and thought that there was like. some sort of dragon headed)
Well uhhhhh in new hampshire 2017 there was a severe rain and snowstorm. apparently
I guess there's also flooding over there. I live 41 hours away. I don't know
There was a snowstorm chapter so I'll go with snowstorms
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oldmanpusspuss · 5 months ago
hell0o. i dont know anything about the beatles but i just watched two of us on a whim and have become insane. fic recs please or just any content, news articles interviews idek. help me tumblr use paulmccartneyprostateorgasm
Sorry I haven't been ignoring this I've just been Thinking. The thing is that I've been into the beatles off and on since I was in middle school so it's hard for me to remember like. Beatles 101. But welcome to hell. Two of us is a cwazy intro to mclennon lol.
Ok so I guess the thing is really depends on how serious you wanna be with your idk beatles scholarship? Like at an absolute bare minimum I would skim some wikipedia articles so you know the major people/places/events/eras. There are a zillion beatles bios and docs most of them bad some of them vital. Unfortunately it haven't gone through any of those since I was a teenager so I can't really tell you which is which anymore. I'm sure plenty of other beatles blogs could provide resources if you want them.
Definitely watch get back and let it be. The movies the beatles were in as well but less essential I guess. Advanced Level McCartney Studies but watch give my regards to broad street it's a fascinating reflection of pauls psyche.
I'd look at blogs like @amoralto @thecoleopterawithana @undying-love for references. Probably more upper level stuff but all of pauls interviews are on the paul mccartney project website and I once went through and read all the interviews from the 80s. Full disclosure, the thing about mclennon that compels me the most is the tragedy of it all, so that's where I tend to fixate. But it was a fascinating experience because you can really see paul work through his regrets/grief/resentment/bitterness/pain about john in real time
A word of caution when reading interviews: both of these guys are incredibly untruthful at times. John, after the breakup in particular, could be very hot and cold, especially about paul so don't take everything he says at face value. Paul also lies a lot no matter what anybody tries to tell you he just gets away with it more because he's still alive and people feel bad calling him a liar
Songs. Their songs are very very important. I sometimes see people act like it's stupid to believe things based on the songs. To a point I get it art doesn't have to be literal yadda yadda. But you also gotta consider these guys communicated a Lot to each other through music from the time they were teenagers. Anyway I'd suggest listening to the songs for a more thorough understanding but just reading lyrics I guess is fine. I personally still like going through people's mclennon playlists and analyzing Why people think they're mclennon. Look at the lyrics, go to beatles bible and/or the paul mccartney project and learn about the context, etc.
Okay anyway on to fanfic. If this is your main concern just ignore all the above advice who cares. Also I'm a horrible resource because I always forget what I read. Um @forthlin @menlove @pauls1967moustache have good fics sorry I can never remember any of your ao3 names. Merseydreams (I think it is) has good fics. @crepesuzette2023 does a lot of fic recs I think. One thing that's always fun about beatles fics is when u think something is completely made up and you look it up and it's literally real like wtf. I'm also a bad reference because I'm heavily biased towards early days fics and post breakup fics.
Ok hope this helps even a little bit. Remember the most important rule is to have fun. People take this shit so seriously but it's literally the beatles. But please do fact check that always drives me nuts.
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sleepanonymous · 1 month ago
I just want to put in my two cents on the whole band identity thing since stuff is going around atm: As far as I am aware, please feel free to correct me if I am wrong, Vessel and the rest of the band have never explicitly stated that the masks are supposed to hide their identities for safety purposes.
Vessel said in that Metal Hammer interview that music is pushed based on who or who isn’t in a band, and that their identities are unimportant. To me, this says that their masks are a form of commentary against the popularity contest/politics within the modern music industry.
Not doxxing/harassing/doing other harmful behaviors to the band members should be the bare minimum and common sense, but of course, people have shown us and the band otherwise and I understand that has made some within the fandom become even more protective/vigilant with information related to the identities in the band.
That being said, I personally don’t see any issue with knowing who they are if you want to know and it shouldn’t be looked down on within the fandom. I think there can be a respectful divide between those who know and those who don’t want to. I found out by accident, but knowing what I know has given me a much deeper appreciation for Sleep Token in all of its iterations in a way I don’t think I would have gotten to otherwise.
I think some fans feel as though they’re betraying the band by knowing their identities and I disagree with that level of stigma. I can’t imagine any of the guys being offended about their fans looking into past projects/bands they’ve been involved in, and having huge support from all of us if one or more members decided to do a solo feature for another band would be incredible!
In my opinion, I think we need to reframe how their identities are handled within the fandom at large: they’re not in witness protection, they just prefer for their audience to put the majority of their focus on the music instead of the people playing it. It’s obvious that Vessel takes great pride in his craft and, based on the MH interview, it seems like his main goal here is to have his music speak for itself instead of becoming another soulless corporate shill. Just something for all of us to consider and I’d love to know your thoughts as well.
So sorry it took a few days to respond to this ask. I wanna be a little less subjective to give you a platform, Anon, but you are correct in the fact that Vessel and the band never said their anonymity was explicitly for safety (although there’s a valid argument that that is a given assumption, as you also stated).
If needed for context, the quote from the Amped Up Kerrang Article (idk if you meant this article, Anon, or if Ves said something in one of the Metal Hammer ones and I forgot; lmk in another ask or dm and i’ll add to this post):
“Art has become entangled with identity,” Him says of the band’s anonymity. “The aim is to provide something people can engage with without being obstructed by the identity of its creator. The true identities behind Sleep Token are irrelevant. Our identity is represented through the art and music itself.”
I do believe their anonymity is both a device for creating more powerful music as well as a clever way to market the band. Humans are naturally curious and we are drawn to mysteries. Its interesting to see how it has morphed into this beast of those who know and those who do not (and those who do know, pretend they do not, and then ostracize those who do know while also creeping in online spaces they should definitely not know about if not knowing identities mattered that much to them). The band’s anonymity has created a fanbase full of toxic interactions that I’m certain they never intended to cause.
I don’t fault any fan for their views, or if they choose to seek out identities or not. I only have a problem with it when views are forced onto others maliciously.
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plaidos · 4 months ago
Yeah i wanna say transitioning is a thing in my world, the character is on E and is in the process of medically transitioning in the story. She doesnt have facial hair due to dysphoria, and stuff like that, and has less body hair than she did pre transition due to taking E which i was told by my transfem friend is a side effect. She still has leg hair though which my friend says is uncomfortable even if shaving legs is not a beauty standard for women, im really sorry i do think i worded my first ask badly and didnt provide context, and im also really sorry if im coming across as insensitive, im genuinely trying to learn and get better, the last thing i want to do is portray any of my transfem ocs in a way thats harmful, thank you again
don’t apologise you haven’t done anything wrong; i was skimming your first ask that’s my bad!! you’re not being insensitive i was just being autistic about your question lol.
i PERSONALLY feel like my body hair grows slower/softer on hrt but idk if that’s true for everybody or if it’s like just placebo effect lmao but like. sorry imo your friend is wrong lmfao i dont shave my legs and even when i did was not so uncomfortable with the idea of trans women being portrayed as having traits that considered masculine irl that i would ask people to enforce shaving standards on like a fictional world 😭
your transfem OC sounds fine! i would say worry more about like not sensationalising the changes of transition than worrying about stuff like this. it’s good to care about stuff like this but it can be overapplied leading to boring & milquetoast queer narratives where the characters are more “acceptable” than “interesting”
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zbeez-outlet · 3 months ago
i totally get ur annoyance with the vi calling reader 'cupcake' thing! idk if this might make it "better" (???) (and pls dont take this the wrong way!! just wanna provide some context :D) but it seems in the original league of legends lore, vi tends to call other people cupcake too!
she does it in this short story that was released way before arcane was even conceived of:
but i totally get why it would irk you given the arcane-focused fics that are coming out tho!
This is great context to know, but since my knowledge of League begins and ends with Arcane, it’ll probably always bother me at least a little because I will just instinctively associate it with Caitlyn. I think a lot of fans will for similar reasons. And I doubt, if we see them in the other shows they have planned, that they’ll have Vi use it on anyone else. But it is nice to know she uses it for other people too in the more extensive lore. Appreciate you!!
My thoughts on Vi calling Reader Cupcake
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swordfright · 8 months ago
I remember sending this to a bunch of dsmp blogs (starting with elmhat I think ?) bc I like when people share ideas/opinions who diverge from the main consensus because I find it the most efficient way for people to stick to canon and not fanon since people can have different interpretations of event
And it was super interesting to see the one about the experimentation being after prison rather than before (loved the two LN and Q ones too but as you said they were a bit more common. Would love to see your take on c!slime though now)
(And I wouldn't have a problem with you giving unpopular opinion about the fandom either but to be clear I was not trying to start anything with my first question, I just like seeing uncommon takes)
Don't worry lol I didn't assume you were trying to start shit. Ok, so c!Slime is pretty interesting in that he's the closest thing we have to an NPC in what is otherwise a roleplay, which implies certain things about how he can be used in the narrative.
A little bit of quick background: I spent a LOT of time as a kid doing RP online (it was an original story set in the Death Note universe and it happened on a website that went bankrupt in like 2017 and no longer exists lmfao don't worry about it) and idk what RP etiquette is like in other communities, but in the community I was a part of, it was sort of frowned upon for players to outsource heavy plot/character development material to NPCs. It was allowed and people did it, but it was seen as sort of a cop-out. The underlying idea being that if you're gonna bother to do RP, your character's most important interactions should be with other PCs, in part because it helps build/strengthen the RP community and in part because it better entrenches your character's storyline in the storylines of other PCs, which in turn encourages other players to keep RPing and keeps the story going. Again, creating NPCs was very common, but players were discouraged from having entire arcs or character trajectories be highly dependent on NPCs. It was seen as sort of a cheap, low-effort way of progressing your character's development without having to coordinate plot beats with other players, and doing it too often was seen as sort of antithetical to what RP is trying to achieve as a form of gaming-storytelling. To me, c!Slime is a classic example of when an RPer outsources a little too much narrative weight onto an NPC.
First of all, I wanna clarify that it's kinda difficult to define what an NPC is or isn't on this server, but I'd say c!Slime is more of an NPC because even though he's played by a CC with some degree of improv, we know that cc!Quackity specifically wrote c!Slime's character to fulfill a narrative role and asked cc!Slime to play that character - as opposed to alternate characters played by CCs of their own accord (Sam Nook, Dream XD, Sam Bucket, Mexican Dream, etc.) So, for example, I don't see Sam Bucket as an NPC but I do see c!Slime as an NPC. c!Slime wasn't an original creation on the part of the player, he's a narrative tool (which is fine, but it does mean that what he can and can't do in the story is limited to what cc!Q needed him to do.)
There are some things I think the addition of c!Slime did accomplish. For one, Q's interactions with him provide a platform for more introspective character work on Q's part. And while I that character work could've been done by having Q interact with a PC instead, I do think Slime is better positioned to act as an apprentice figure because he had almost no lore prior to Las Nevadas and didn't enter the story with baggage or ties to any other major characters. He's a blank slate, which makes him really easy to use as a narrative device. Q voices thoughts and ideas to Slime that he can't voice to other characters (usually because it would be OOC for him to do so, or wouldn't make sense in context), which means that Slime is sort of a vehicle for delivering Q characterization to the audience.
This is all fine and I think a lot of it was done fairly well. I like cc!Slime's acting and I think the character is a fun addition to the LN crew. That said, I don't think the payoff was great. Slime being an NPC really undermined what I assume cc!Q was going for with End of Las Nevadas, in large part because he doesn't have well-established relationships with other characters. Aside from Q, Slime basically only ever interacts with Tommy, Foolish and Ranboo, and even those interactions are limited to a really tiny handful of streams. Punz capturing and manipulating him, Slime helping c!Dream confront Quackity...all that stuff could have been a lot more interesting if it had more time to marinate. Like, I love the IDEA of Slime and c!Dream interacting, but we don't really get any meaningful interactions between them outside of Slime's function as a storytelling tool. He's there when he needs to be, and only ever when he needs to be.
For instance, I would've loved to see what Slime thinks about Q's slime army. It's really weird to model your mindlessly obedient slave army after your friend. That was a weird ass thing for Q to do, and it would've been cool to see Slime react to that. But because he's more NPC than PC, and because highly scripted lore like the LN series doesn't really encourage deviation, we never get to find that out. Slime doesn't ever really get to be his own character, which in the end kinda undermines a lot of the character development he triggers for c!Quackity because at the end of the day, it's really transparent that Slime only exists to be a prop. It's a kind of one-sided relationship that's unique to RP.
I think End of Las Nevadas was weak for other reasons too, but uhhhh yeah the Slime stuff bothered me a bit. Would've liked to see him do more. And he disappears after pushing Q off the ledge and, to my knowledge, we never see him again! If he had been more PC and less storytelling tool, presumably other characters would've had opportunities to react to Slime's role in the events of that stream, or notice that he's missing/back again/missing. But instead, he's able to just vanish from the story after he's fulfilled his role because that's all he was ever supposed to do.
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landonkirbyappreciation · 3 months ago
Can someone please explain the Landon hate to me, because it ranges from "he's not supernatural enough for Legacies" to "He's not good enough for Hope but Lizzie/Rafael/Josie is" to "He whines about being a foster kid and is another Matt Donovan".
Can I get some clarity because these "issues" I listed are mostly writer choices in the end.
I’ll never understand the Landon hate, people have had the most ridiculous and flimsy reasons for hating him for years. And have always attacked him for the tiniest of things, taking stuff out of context and blowing it out of proportion.
I’m not sure how being a phoenix isn’t supernatural enough, even more so when tvd had references to phoenixes with the Rayna Cruz storyline? I think Landon fits in the universe pretty well. And it’s wild to me how people will think Landon isn’t good enough for Hope but think Lizzie and Josie are after how badly they treated her. They’ll attack Landon for lying a few times at the start of the show (ignoring that he apologized multiple times and stayed honest afterwards) but Josie lying about Hope and causing problems between her and Lizzie for years is fine. They’ll attack Landon for being jealous in 1x14 but Josie having major jealousy issues in season 2 is fine. They’ll attack Landon for “abandoning” Hope when he needed some time for himself after finding out she’d been lying to him, but Lizzie and Josie actually abandoning Hope by not being there for her when she was grieving is fine. Not to mention all the other things the twins did to Hope, bullying her, excluding her, trying to erase her existence, trying to kill her, etc. but Landon is the one who isn’t good enough for her.
And of course when other characters like Hope or the twins are affected by/talk about their trauma then it’s very important and should be treated with sensitivity. But when Landon is affected and talks about his trauma from growing up in the foster system then it doesn’t matter and he’s whiny. It’s really messed up and there’s a whole lot of hypocrisy. And I still don’t get the comparisons to Matt. I think their hatred for both characters is what’s actually comparable and they just wanna compare two characters they hate idk.
But yeah, sorry I can’t provide clarity because their hatred for Landon makes no sense. I don’t see the problem with those writing choices antis get so worked up about, they just grasp for any excuse to hate Landon.
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wee-miss-noone · 8 months ago
List of books/Tv shows/other stuff that I would like to see Chase and co. visit
This is non-exhustive lsit so feel free to add more.
Also this list will include non-book media, because as far as I'm concerned things like plays and tv shows have to have a (physical) script at some point and you know what a script is? A story written out on bunch of pages tied together in book-like fashion. Check-mate baby.
Carmilla. This one is self explanatory. A hot lesbian villianess flirts and sort of seduces naive fair haired maiden. Somehow both the stuff of Chase's dreams (bcs vampires yay) and his worst nightmares (bcs he has to hang around Buddy, and also doubful consent). I just wanna watch these two dance around the plot trying to figure out how to make it work onsidering their relationship over all.
Swan lake. Idk I just think aesthetic would be pretty. Also I just imagine Chase only watched the Barbie movie version so he has no clue what he's in for. He's dissapointed though there's no unicorn.
Any isekai manhwa. I just wanna see how Chase's profesional story-hopping works within the context traditional isekai. Like is he just isekaining into the body of the od Heroine or is he also hijacking the mind of the isekaied real heroine?
She-ra and the Princesses of Power. Chase gets a cool sword, Buddy gets to be a cat (provided he's not going to take on the role of the Shadow Weaver but let's just assume that's not the case). also they are obligated to flirt again. Great!
Thorn of Court and Roses. Especially after Buddy and Chase grow closer. Feyre flips off all the male love interests and goes off to make out with Amarantha which incidentally solves her riddle breaking the curse (yeah I know Amarantha's very evil, but also I never cared for those books and I just thought it would be funny.)
lowkey Coraline but only with Chase. Yes it will be dark and unsettling, but I still think it would be interesting to see Chase dealing with Other Mother given his own baggage.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Chase and Buffy are just too much alike for this not to be fun. Blonde cheerleader-sort-of types that are willing to go anything for those they love and are sassy to boot (and crushing on vampires as if it's their job). Also depending on what season this would be Buddy could be either Cordelia, Drusilla, Gloria or Anya(? or Willow technically in one specific season) but to be honest I would really like to see him as either Gloria or Drusilla (RIP Spike, torn between these two women only for them to start making out).
Howl's Moving Castle - again just for Chase and Deacon maybe. I wanna see Chase inerract with book Howl.
My Lady Jane. Adding this one purely bcs I wanna know if Guildford Dudley would hate Deacon the same way all the other horses in stories do.
Okay this one is tricky but if they figured out a way to get into digital world, one of those "I was sold to One Direction/Justin Bieber is my new roomate/boss" self-insert fanfics. Purely for Chase as a treat/threat
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sweetenerly · 1 month ago
The monologue does not look like a lie at all. It is genuine. I like how you all just say Finn cringed, but it was because it's a really emotional scene and, well, don't you cringe when you see yourself in these scenes? Finn said filming it was great and the Duffers planned it from the beggining. Byler can't happen, Will will probs just be with another person. Mileven is endgame, and if they are not, it's because El dies. They are star crossed lovers, so I guess El will die. But Mike has a scene with Hopper talking about her in 1989.
If you take the monologue out of the context of the entire show, then sure, however as a wise woman once said, you exist in the context of all in which you live in. If you can’t see the inconsistencies between what Mike says in the monologue and the actual storyline, then idk what to tell you other than you’re a master gaslighter because it is right there on the screen, you just have to scroll back a few episodes or seasons.
Im not gonna go in depth pointing out every single lie because there are many analysis posts made on that already if you care to look into it and you’re open to changing your mind.
I 100% believe the Duffers planned it from the beggining but i don’t understand how that is helping the milkvan case at all. If the monologue is genuine then the Duffers simply can’t write because how are you going to plan something for so long and then make it full of inconsistencies and contradictions with the storyline. If the monologue was written with the intention of showing Mike’s ingenuity and simply projecting what Will told him in the van onto El, then it’s obviously over for mil*ven.
Now onto your other points.
This is all i have to say about Will getting a different love interest:
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it’s what Matt said, here is the link to the interview
It would also just make absolutely no sense given they have built up Will’s feelings for mike since the very first season, just to abandon them in the last season? Ya’ll wanna talk about rushed writing…
But you’re right, it’s impossible for a relationship that has been falling apart for 2 seasons to not end up together in the end because they have a couple of cute moments together. They’re not star-crossed lovers
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They’re just teens who grew up and realised they can’t provide eachother what they need from a relationship anymore. They’re the ”doom” in question.
From S4 we know that:
-Mike needs to feel needed
-El finds truth and power in independence
-Will needs mike
this is canon so don’t even try to argue with it
So how can you be so sure milkshake will be endgame if there was an intentional contrast set up between Mike and El not being able to give eachother what they need, and Mike and Will who have what the other needs.
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taylortruther · 1 year ago
i personally think it’s okay to write an opinion piece about artists work which resonate with the lgbtq community and if that’s an actual reflection of the artist’s sexuality, talking about how people perceive media and what assumptions can be made, etc, and then taking taylor as an example. but imo that article was so targeted (idk what other word to use) at her and in my mind, it was like if a person wrote a 5000 word piece about their perception of my sexuality (which i just wanna point out is a personal thing) after i’ve said/implied that im straight, i’d feel very uncomfortable and frustrated that all context that i have provided has been ignored to make me fit a role in a way. i don’t know if im saying this well, but yeah.
exactly - i think marks shared some really good thoughts about queer interpretation of art and how that's necessary. but using taylor as the symbol of it and also VERY poorly defending her "evidence" was completely irresponsible journalism. like, she linked a tolstoy essay and never summarized or explained its direct relevance to her thesis! she said WTNY was related to emily dickinson which is a "dropped hairpin" and that the archer referenced queerness and hits different is undeniably about a woman. all of that is normal language in the gaylorsphere but it is crazy to let that go unquestioned even as an opinion piece imo.
i was just telling jaycee that i have wanted her to make a statement like this for a while. i understand why she hasn't personally made it but it was time.
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my-name-is-jefferooni · 1 year ago
Have you ever even heard of…
Okay, allow me to give you some additional context before just bombarding you with all the many reasons why you need to watch this show.
Search for the Lost is a fan-made production created by Creative Planet Entertainment on YouTube. This shit has been around for 6 whole years, and it is such a good show! Made entirely out of g-mod screenshots/screen recordings and Sonic gameplay, Search for the Lost is a show about Silver the Hedgehog and his friends figuring out what Melhiles of all people is doing back in action, and why the fuck he’s working with Eggman of all people. Also, why is Infinite back… AND WHAT’S ALL THIS TALK ABOUT A PROPHECY!?
Aight lemme just give a quick spoiler-free explanation about Forge because I know yall are looking at this like “Who tf is Forge?? Some kinda fan character or something??” Because… Yeah, he is a fan character, BUT A VERY GOOD ONE AND HIS DYNAMICS WITH EVERYONE WORK LIKE A CHARM I TELL YOU HE IS NOT JUST SOME RANDOM SONIC RECOLOR.
Cuz he’s a Metal Sonic recolor! 🤩 Haha, well to be fair, they literally call out Sonic recolors in the show with this fact. It’s in Forge’s story! Basically, Forge once worked with Silver in his bad timeline in Crisis City, but the ashes and the chemicals were too much for his small little itty bitty bird lungs. So, to keep himself from slowing everybody down, he managed to shove his consciousness into an old Metal Sonic model. A black-and-yellow one, kinda like the one from Archie except a lot less like Sonic personality-wise and a lot more like Sonic visually. With all these new robotic upgrades, Forge became a force to be reckoned with, and became one of Silver’s bestest friends after the whole Iblis thing. Oh, and he ships Silvaze like it’s nobody’s business, so that obviously gets an A+ from me lmao
I may have gotten carried away with that explanation and maybe there’s some spoilers in there but it’s late and I’m sleepy so you’ll only know if you watch the show~! ✨🙂
Seriously tho. This show is very underrated. I’ve been keeping tabs on it for years now, ever since episode 5 came out! Trust me, that’s a long time. They have their plates full when it comes to personal things and it’s a big project so episodes come out after a long time in production.
There are only 7 episodes so far, but each episode is jam-packed full of lore and giving us more questions on top of every answer! It brings back characters we haven’t seen for a long while, and it always provides a reasonable explanation as to why some of them have been gone and why some just like. Cut contact or something. There’s characters from previous games, from Sonic X, from Archie, from IDW, BRO WE GOT GAMMA IN HERE BAYBEEEEE IF THAT AINT FREE REAL ESTATE IDK WHAT IS.
So. Please. Please just watch this show. Please look at all the additional content with Forge on their channel too, it’s fucking hilarious! Just… I wanna talk to someone about this show who isn’t just my lil bro. Like I love getting to bombard him with bullshit about characters he’s never even heard about until watching this show but I gotta know I’m not the only one. Please. These people are working so hard on Search for the Lost and I’d really appreciate if you even saw just one or two episodes. The story is very intriguing, the characters are all so well-written, TEAM DARK IS THERE, FORGE GETS A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION, so I say it’s all totally worth it!
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roenters · 1 year ago
Suptober Day 4 - Nimbus
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Context + other vers ↓
So basically I went on Pinterest cause I didn't exactly want to draw HP stuff since it seemed too obvious and I didn't wanna do the cloud thing either and it provided me with this motorcycle. And so I was like.. right ok who on earth in Spn would ride a motorcycle? And then remembered that I read a fic once where Luce had a motorbike so I thought - yeah sounds good.
The motorbike in question -
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Other vers ↓
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While I was drawing this as well I found it funny how many colours and aspects were similar to Jack. Like idk it was just funny to me
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ask-nico-and-the-sides · 9 months ago
Ooc: I'm sorry but can you remind me what happens when Logan gets curious? I joined Tumblr half way through your s1 and only decided to get invested during s2 so idk what's going on and I can't be bothered to scroll all the way down to the beginning of the blog which could take ages.
Admin: I gotcha! So, in s1, there was this whole thing that I call the curiosity arc, in which Logan got curious about “bad” things (think things Patton, as morality, would disapprove of Thomas knowing) and that caused him to get sick and risked him splitting like Roman and Remus did. It’s a really long story. The tag is below (tag labeled “curiosity arc”) if you wanna read through it; it’s fairly long but it provides context. Warning for Janus being quite literally the worst.
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theoddest1 · 10 months ago
I think you should formulate your critique posts better, if the caption remains vague or contains mostly ad hominem it can lose credibility or comprehension.
I understand getting upset at topics but you need formulate your messages better.
Nah. I don't agree because I usually provide evidence in nearly every post I have showcased, usually pictured. I also feel that certain things don't need to be splayed out with words.
For instance, with Viv saying she feels suffocated, I literally showed a post of her being a complete tone deaf hypocrite with not only her little rant with someone criticizing how she gives work but how much pay her animators and artists get. Idk how much clearer that needs to be, respectfully.
I also don't think me showing someone tattooing Angel being loomed over by his rapist while crying needs further explanation either... because it's self-explanatory.
I have done this consistently because I didn't think stuff like that needed further insight if I had either already spoken about it or have added literal visual evidence for people to look at. If you need an explanation, you can ask, and I'll answer.
Also, "ad hominem"?? Yeah, no, I usually explain things in detail when necessary ALONG with pictured evidence and get snappy when someone acts like an idiot for no good reason or wanna be a smart ass while not actually being smart. Oh, and when a clearly stupid thing is presented. Like Viv complaining about not having time despite literally going to Japan, El Salvador, and I believe Australia back to back. Act stupid, you'll be CALLED stupid. Very simple stuff, really. I appreciate the want to help, but this weird addition to the ask makes no sense with context. If there are examples of me doing any of this, solid examples, please feel free to point out examples, cause I am lost here, no offense.
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