#idk if I should tag the L&C fandom...
the-au-collector · 5 months
Random AU idea that has consumed me:
Linked Universe x Lockwood and Co.
So for those of you who don’t know, Lockwood and Co is a book series by Jonathan Stroud. The first 2 books got turned into a Netflix show that got wrongfully cancelled but was very very good (I seriously recommend it.) And the basic jist of the books are ghosts are real, they kill people, and only kids can see them and can get rid of them. There’s also slow burn, government conspiracies, and fancy swords. I could ramble on and on about this series but I’ll just leave you this recommendation: Read them. They’re so good. If you don’t want to read them at least watch the Netflix show. It’s so good. Cannot recommend it enough.
Anyways the brain worms yelled at me that I should fuse it with LU.
Oh boy lets go:
So the idea is a fusion with the Lockwood and Co. world so it takes the basic concepts from it: ghosts are real, they kill people (called Ghost Touch), and kids/teenagers are employed in agencies to get rid of them. Most agencies have adult supervisors who do jack shit. There’s the top one or two agencies, the big corporate guys, but most are smaller. There’s multiple variants of ghosts falling into one of three categories: Type One (harmless, mild annoyances, don’t go out of their way to hurt people), Type Two (will attack you, angry things, very scary, usually have violent deaths), and Type Threes (legendary, only one is confirmed to exist but there could be more…). Also there are 3 main skills called Talents for detecting ghosts: Sight (you can see them), Listening (you can hear them) and Touch (by touching something important to them, you can feel what they felt. Can get very vivid, almost like hallucinations). You also have people who are agent material whose Talents are very strong, but you also have sensitives whose Talents aren’t very strong. Almost forgot those lol.
Oh and it’s all centered around one country. In L&C, it’s England. In this it’ll be Hyrule. The same ideas of keeping ghosts at bay will remain: lavender, running water, etc. and you still fight them with swords, iron chains, salt, and explosives :)
(Can you tell Lockwood and Co is my favorite book series?)
So the stuff that comes from LU/Legend of Zelda would be the country (Hyrule) and the ghost variants, which are taken from the monsters that appear in the game (so Bokoblins, Lizalfos, etc.). And of course the characters and I’ll try to pull the agency names from them as well. The OG books are centered in London, but occasionally do travel around England, so the other cities can come from other existing LoZ place names.
This already got really long but I did some character sketches earlier that I'm going to link with info about these versions of the characters here:
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zodiyack · 4 years
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Angst, tEnSiOn, not proofreading (see tags maybe idk)
Words: 1,086
Summary: Y/n helps around with Enola and her mother, considered a family friend rather than teacher. Sherlock has fancied her since she first began with Enola, and she fancies him just as much. Not that she’d ever admit it though.
Note: My effort was purely in the ending, so I don’t expect the beginning to be that great aka, I’m lacking in confidence
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​, @thewarriorprincessxo​, @maan24​
Masterlist | Henry Cavill Masterlist
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Sherlock watched from the home, fixated on the h/c-haired woman pushing the swing his sister sat in. Enola was old enough to lack the requirement of a nanny or caretaker who wasn’t their mother. However, the woman pushing the swing was not considered the teacher she was hired to be.
Y/n L/n was indeed Enola’s teacher, for many years, but over time, the Holmes had grown to know her not as Miss Y/n, but just Y/n. She was moved into the family’s home when she first began her job and though Enola didn’t need her anymore, they insisted she stayed.
Especially Sherlock.
He watched with a smile, Y/n clueless to his loving gaze. However, Mycroft was more than aware. He knew of Sherlock’s feelings, and he laughed at them. “Why must you waste your life, Sherlock?”
“Pardon?” The presence of Mycroft was acknowledged by Sherlock’s head turning in confusion.
“Oh, don’t let me keep you from stalking the teacher. She’s bad enough at her job as it is. Our sister should be a proper girl, instead, she’s going around playing mystery with that woman.”
Sherlock turned back to the females. His expression turned from awe to disapproval, his brother’s words daggers and his own a shield. “She’s still a child. She’s having fun. As for Y/n, she’s done her job, and she’s damn good at it. Enola knows how to read, how to write, stuff we learned when we were her age.”
“We are men. She is a girl. Women do not do what men do.”
“Maybe. Maybe not.”
“Besides. Even if the teacher did well, when are you going to face reality?”
“And what might you mean by that, Mycroft?”
“The teacher. You continue to pursue her day after day, year after year. And day after day, year after year, she continues to turn you down.” Mycroft laughed mockingly. “It’s pathetic, really.”
“Thing what you’d like, brother.” He shrugged before dropping the conversation as he ran over to Y/n and Enola, who were now sitting and chatting in the grass.
Enola’s eyes lit up when she saw her brother, the smile on her face enlarging. Y/n reacted as well; the genuine smile turning to a kind, faked, greeting before sliding from her lips as she found new interest in the grass she sat atop. Enola ran back to the house, Sherlock having asked her for some time with Y/n after he hugged her.
“Are you disappointed to see me, Y/n?”
“No. Just...not in the mood for company.”
“You were just talking with my sister.”
“She’s gone now, isn’t she?”
“Yes.” It’d been like this for years. Ever since she first moved into the Holmes house, Sherlock had confessed only to face her stubbornness. Every single rejection filled the air with tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. Yet, Sherlock never gave up. “I’d like to ask you something-”
“Not now, Sherlock.” She knew the words he wanted to say, hearing the same every confession over the years, both losing count of the number of times he’d spoken them.
“Please, just give me a chance-”
“I can’t.” Y/n stood up and began to pace back to the house. Sherlock jumped up and grabbed her hand. “Sherlock. Let go of me.” She yanked her hand away, speeding from a walk to hurried steps, few pushes away from jogging.
Sherlock followed behind her, matching her speed. They ran into the house, the same words exchanged over and over. Until, finally, Sherlock changed things up.
“Oh come on, Y/n. You like me too, and you know it!” He chased her up the stairs frantically. She continued to ignore him as she ran. Sherlock decided to give into his urges, using tactic against her speed. He stopped running and speed-walked to the exit of another room the halls Y/n ran through would eventually lead to.
After a minute, she did as he thought she would. He moved forward, body colliding with hers and trapping her against the wall.
“Move, Sherlock!” She shoved him harshly yet her actions made no affect on him.
“Admit it.”
He stood his ground, lifting his palms beside her to spots that would guarantee her a lack of escape. Y/n tired of her fighting with a sigh. “Sherlock...I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I’m your sister’s teacher-” Y/n scoffed, expecting him to have known by now.
“No, you’re helping her.”
“Your mother still hired me as a teacher.”
“That was years ago. Now, you’ve become a part of our family. A part of my family, Y/n.” She avoided his eyes. Sherlock couldn’t just see the sadness in her eyes, he could feel it coming off her. “Hey, hey,” one of his hands lifted from the wall to lift her chin, “I’m sorry.”
She met his eyes and slowly brought her hand up to his. Her other hand cupped his cheek as her e/c orbs moved from his to search and observe his face. She’d never been this close to him, never been able to see how beautiful he was from directly in front of his face.
Then again, she’d never bothered to try. To stubborn, she almost lost the chance she so desperately wanted but believed to be off-limits. For so many years, Y/n was drawn to Sherlock, just as he was to her, but as Enola’s teacher, she feared it would be considered an inappropriate relationship. All it took was the chance to grow tired of being avoided and shove itself into her hands, quite literally at that.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”
Sherlock paused, taken aback not only by her sudden response but the words that left her mouth. “I- um...” As he processed her comment, he began to chuckle softly. It brought a warm feeling to her stomach, not new but not familiar. She’d ignored it for years but despite her ignorance, the feeling was always there; when she was around him, when she heard him laugh, when he smiled at her, it stemmed from him. “No, actually. I don’t believe you’ve ever said anything related to compliments aside from your opinion on my work.”
“And I still stand by what I said. You’re a talented and fantastic detective. The world could use more men like you.”
“Just as the world could use more women like you.”
“A little less stubborn, perhaps.”
His smile grew with his chuckle, the hearty noises eliciting giggles just as heartful from Y/n. “Perhaps. I personally love the stubborn woman despite her stubbornness.”
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lemony-snickers · 3 years
20 [Fanfic Writer] Questions Game
i one thousand percent stole this from @depressedhatakekakashi when i saw it and sat down to answer them all now.  i’ll put the whole thing under the cut because it’s l o n g, lol, but i’ll also tag a few folks if they’d like to play along.  i’m only going with folks i know have relatively active ao3 accounts off the top of my head.  if you wanna play, feel free to steal this shit same as i did. 😂
@myaekingheart @whatshernameis @chemmerson @kakashiswilloffire @kakashi-tsukuyomi
no pressure, obvs, but this was kind of fun!  <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
34 + 17 = 51 (plus there’s a few on here i haven’t copied over yet; should probs get on that, lol)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
141,984 + 379,165 = 521,149, most of it from this year.
3. How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
4 – naruto, cowboy bebop, boku no hero academia, justified
4. What are your Top Five fics by kudos?
long fic (just reached 500 – WHAT EXCUSE ME WUT – yesterday) ours (206) nice to meet you (204) when love blooms (159) first (156)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
almost every one.  i started in a pretty small fandom and really appreciated the two consistent readers i had who commented on nearly every chapter, so i got in the habit and sort of stuck with it.
6. What fic have you written with the angstiest ending?
idk, i am honestly such a wuss and i think i almost always end with Happiness, lol. maybe what cannot be forgiven?  i also have a one-shot that’s sort of sad under my other pseud, but honestly it’s just people growing old, so that’s different.
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
i am gonna go with clan, i think.
8. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
nope.  never even wrote an au until january.  before that, i wouldn’t even read a fic if it wasn’t strictly adherent to canon.  i've grown this year, ya’ll!  XD
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
no, i don’t think so.  i've def been pretty lucky in that i've only ever received VERY FEW slightly rude comments, mostly just nitpicky stuff. definitely no actual hate.
10. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
lol, nope, never even heard of it…
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don’t think so.  my stuff isn’t popular enough for such sordidness, lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have not.  yet.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
izuocha, probs.  never been a super shipper or anything, but they’re very adorable and wholesome and i love them very much.
15. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
honestly?  the college au that began my entire smut journey, lol.  i basically rewrote a scene from a kakashi/reader fic that made me BIG MAD and thought about how i would write my own college au, but… it hasn’t coalesced yet and i think it’s very clear that one-shots are much more my wheelhouse than multi-chapter fics, unfortunately.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i am gonna go with what i've heard from others because i cannot evaluate myself, lol.  i've had people compliment my character development and portrayal of relationships, and i hope that’s true.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
P A C I N G.  i will gladly spend 14 pages on a single cup of coffee and then .02 on an action scene.  partially because i don’t think i'm very good at describing action and partially because i just have no idea what i'm doing, lolol.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i haven’t done it much.  i have written characters who speak another language, but the story is always told from the perspective of someone who doesn’t understand it.  i think i threw in 1 or 2 russian words once, but it was all very obvious from context what they meant, so i didn’t have to provide a translation or anything.
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
technically, i posted exactly one chapter of my naruto longfic before anything else.  but then it sat untouched for over a year while i wrote 100k+ about u.s. marshalls, lol.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
oof.  that's a toughie.  probably a fantasy au izuocha one-shot.  but of the lemony variety, i think i'll go with the wait is over because i wrote that shit fully for myself, lol.
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bangtanger · 4 years
was thinking for 84 hours where should i post it but as its my creator blog i m doing it here <3 i was tagged by @taemaknae @suhdays @ynki @honsool @jjeongukie @taeyungie @dearbangtansonyeondan @lifegoesmon @everythingoes @flipthatjacketjiminie @yoongi-bts @jiminslight @hopekidoki @cowboyjinbop @yoonqiful @jcngkooks @pjmsdior @hobeah @balenciaguks​ @jinvant @hobibestboy @vjimin @yoongikook AND THANK U SO MUCH FOR INCLUDING ME T_T ik maybe its not a big deal but its a big deal to me and im touched :(((((((((((( also gimme some time to check all ur posts 👉👈 also im in a mood to say that ive collected many pokemons here djfksfhsakjddld ok nvm 
also sorry for a long post ik tmblr fvcks things up sometimes when there is keep reading so dont fight me plz <3
❀ first creation and most recent creation of 2020 
ok this is the fist one (still very pleased with colouring here T_T the stage lighting was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well yeah as always lmao) and this is the most recent (TBH DKJSKDSDK I WISH MY MOST RECENT POST COULD BE A DIFFERENT ONE THE ONE I WANNA MAKE FOR A MONTH NOW THE ONE ID PUT A LOT MORE EFFORTS IN SO IM A LIL FRUSTRATED i literally just missed giffing but couldnt watch anything new so took an old vid i wanted to gif once I DIDNT EVEN USE MYCOLOURING PSD IT LITERALLY HAS ONLY COUPLE OF LAYERS uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :( but whatever,,, it just kinda doesnt show the difference -_-)
❀ a creation u r really proud of 
well 👁👄👁 there r quite few,,, and the main reason is colouring most of these r comps and i a b s o l u t e l y sucked at comps and esp at making the colouring consistent there lol so lets begin lol  1 (u have no idea how muchi love this set) 2 (i fucking mastered it i wanted to remake it for two years and i finally did!! 60 fps smooth good moments iconic performance iconic hair colour his attitude bruh and ofc the fact that i could do sth with colouring,,,,,, and chose such an unusual colour scheme that i doubted jckdckfdk and it still worked out 🥺) 3 (lol i had this idea written down since 2018 as well and this year i could finally collect all moments i needed and oh boi yeah,,, AND COLOURING I COULD ALMOST yeah almost do sth decent with it there r still couple moments id changed but im pleased) 4 (im so happy whenevr i see this CUZ IT ALL WORKED OUT it was such an impulsive comp i literally only saw couple moments for past few years as well where i could see three of them in one frame and suddenly I WAS LIKE I FUCKING MUST POST THOSE MOMENTS SOMEHOW and im so proud of colouring it looks so well T_T) 5 (the colouring ofc im still :o that i could get rid of that shitty shit dkksjkj AND THE MOMENTS ITSELF?????? AND BLACK SWAN???????? EVERY PERFORMANCE???? HAIR?????? OUTFIT???????? EVRERYHTIGNM???????? HIS FUCKING STARE? FACE??? DONT MAKE ME CONTINUE AAAAAAAAAAA also if im not wrong this set in particular made me start my before/after posts 🥺) 6 (i jujst love everything about it e v e r yt h i n g also i could made ppl believe that jin fr has purple hair here when in reality its brown djhfdhskdf one of blending modes or adjustment layers worked this way lol) 7 (i wont even comment this tried a great tutorial with great beautiful resuls for the first time ever and it worked out so well and i like it so much and the whole yoongi here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, also love me some borders that add cinematic feels to some gifs or just make them pretty in a dif way just like i did with prev post i mentioned imo lol) OK LAST ONE 8 (I USED A VIDEO OF STARS AND ADDED IT TO THE GIF FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER I FUCKED WITHMASKING FOR 3 HOURS GRRRRRRRR THIS IS SO HUGE FOR ME!!!!! i cant even explain whew IVE NEVER DID ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE SO I WAS REALLY PROUD TOO even tho i fucked masking up on some layers lmao but lets not pay too much attention to it 👀)
❀ a creation that took u forever
ohhhhhhhh i think this one cuz the moments were long i couldnt decide what do i want to include + it ts file so u kno,,, the speed,,, of processing,, + somehow decided to put them all together + fucked with colouring + had to get rid of the logo and as we know japan likes a lot of big braight text around haha and draw hair in moments where logo made it look blurry + had to adjust the order and all that stuff but getting rid of logo was the longest part 
❀ a creation from 2020 that received the most notes
whew this iconic one im still amazed tbh they looked soso incredible and im glad how everything turned out here <3 (could change some colouring on bg tho so it could look better and more hq :c)
❀ a creation u think deserved more notes 
lol this one cuz i was so hyped to make it cuz their concert in saudi arabia is one of my fav things in the world and i waited for so long to have mood and energy to go throught it to find jk moments and i couldnt choose some for this comp for so long and just,,,,,, overall,,,, the way he looks here............................................................... its a special comp to me haha ill def gif more of it i have shit ton of clips left and also there r other members and i just want to sit and enjoy yhe whole thing to so may find more stuff to gif here lol
❀  a new fandom u joined an a creation u made for it 
i didnt join anything heurheru
❀ a creation u made that breaks ur heart
OKAY LISTEN DSJAKDJHFDKJ THIS ONE IF U KNOW U KNOW AND IM SURE IT BREAKS ALMOST EVERY HEART tbh whenever i see soft smiles or soft interactions or anything like this im just :’( <3 even my serotonin boost tag does it to me cuz its too precious T_T
❀  a ‘simple’ creation that u really love
this one cuz everything about it ah and this one 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
❀ a creation that was inspired by someone else
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk maybe this one ? cuz i never did anything like this before and maybe i saw someones beautiful headers and decided to try one too ? i could do a lot better there is not enough depth but oh well,,, lol
❀  a favourite creatin created by someone else
oh its gonna be hard :) dear every conten creator i hope u dont mind if i wont go though the whole 2020 gif tag but choose form the most recent ones i loved? u know how much i appreciate ur content cuz i never stop screaming about it in tags but truly there r more content makers and i want u to know that i really love ur content :(
@syubb welllllllllllll i wont even comment this is iconique.....
@jinv T_T val i miss u but there should be bday comps with that BIG ASS IMAGE THAT HAS ITS PARTS ON EVERY SINGLE GIF I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN that icant even find dfjksfskj
@jung-koook i literally couldnt choose ehdskjdjksd but i decided this one cuz its sososososososososososososososososososososo well made every single detail here is chefs kiss
@kkulmoon i truly really cant get enough of ur colouring lately T_T
@minhope !!!!!!LITERALLY EVERY PANTONE COMP OR ESPECIALLY 7 YEARS WITH BTS PANTONE ONE IM AAAAAAAAAAAAA and lmao i think this is one of the most reposted things ive ever seen on internet T_T
@jjoon hng amy u know how i feel about ur content T_T decided this one cuz f l a w l e s s 
@hopekidoki stuff like this makes my jaw lie in the floor dsjkdj
@flipthatjacketjiminie idk whats up but it makes me scream like a madman every time i see it.........
@lifegoesmon i cant even explain why i chose this one but everything here is so incredible !!!!!!!!1
@hobeah one of those good fucking bye ones.....
@taeyungie this made me feel so many things and a whole ass a w e so cool T_T
@jiminfilter i will never shut up about bts core jungkook one should also be here
@jinvant i wanna YELL but also u know how much i love ur quality and blacks  T_T and gfxs too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@yoongi-bts i love everything here with my whole heart!!!
@joenns  I WONT EVEN EXPLAIN IM SO HURT HES SO THIS IS SO T____________________T 
@jjeongukie idk i cant get enough of skin tone!!!!!!!!!!!!
@chaylani i really love the colouring and love these posts with highlights T_T
@oncupid cant get enough of every colouring ive seen <3
@taee it was really hard to choose too T_T decided to go with this cuz,, u kno
❀  some of your favourite content creators from this year
ok i may forgot someone + in no order in particular + literally every creator that i follow/whose content i reblog @taeguks @tearuntold @cyphertaehyungie @love4hobi @kimnamtaejin @taejoon @jimiyoong @namkook @taeyungie @jinvant @jinv @6dis-ease @jiminrolls @daechwitas @syubb @syuga @jjeongukie @cowboyjinbop @hope-film @minhope @hopekidoki @joonie @namgination @jung-koook @faerieth @kooksv @lifegoesyoon @yoonqiful @j-sope @chaylani @jiminfilter @jjoon @everythingoes @varietae @seoksjin @dearbangtansonyeondan @ofkimtaehyung @yoongi-bts @gaypeople @seokjinyoongis @agustdfeatrm @joenns @houseofarmanto @namjoon (will miss forever) @thebtsgenre @honsool @vjimin @seokjinite @jiminswn @taee @hobeah @lifegoesmon @taemaknae @gukgi @kkulmoon @flipthatjacketjiminie @jintae @jcngkooks @ynki @yoongikook @yoongiandthebiaswreckers @jiminslight @gwkie @oncupid @eternalbulletproof and many more <3
OK SO i wanna say a special thanks to every content creator ever and also i wanna say that im really glad to be a part of this community all of u r so cool and creative and make such beautiful things and many of u made me feel EMOTIONS with ur sets or not only sets ill be forever grateful that i discovered bts and for everything they do to me without even knowing ALSO THANK U FOR STILL BEING HERE ON TUMBRLDSDFKJ yeah this year was less active there were few issues many ppl went on twt but thank u for still being here also happy new year <3333333 i think i sounded deeper and more emotional when i was commenting ppls gifs :| but its almost 2 am so i hope u will understand dkfjkfsjk im happy there is this corner on the internet that feels cozy and so welcoming <3 i love u i wish u a better year ahead <3 ok for checking notifications purpose ill tag my blog lol @eternal-bangtan
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over-under-through1 · 4 years
Master post + Introduction
requests are currently open, but i can’t guarantee i’ll get to it immediately
hey, I’m gonna take a sec to introduce myself. my name’s Grace, I’ve recently (ish) started this blog to let out my hyper fixations. I post headcannons, text posts, AU’s, scenarios, fic recommendations, and more. *all characters are aged up in this AU, ranging from 16 or older depending on the post* if any of this sounds interesting to you, take a seat and enjoy. my asks are open if you’d like me to give you my take on certain headcannons or ideas. I’ll answer almost everything, but please be respectful if I’m uncomfortable with an ask. PLEASE DO NOT SPAM LIKE!! below are links to most of my long posts (the ones mentioned earlier). I love these dorks and the fandom that comes with them, so I hope you like the (somewhat chaotic and slightly incoherent) content I give out
DNI (do not interact): TERFS, racists, homophobes, transphobes, ace/aro exclusionists, trump supporters, ableists, those who don’t support the Black Lives Matter movement, sex worker exclusionists, misogynists
I didn’t add shit posts to this cause there’s over 100 but if you want to find them you can click any tag under this post, it should lead to there
all links are after the page break
color code:
Purple: anything that isn’t a specific ship or character
Green: Butch and/or Buttercup
Blue: Boomer and/or Bubbles
Red: Blossom and/or Brick
Orange: norms
Pink: non PPG related info
Black: fanfic recs
If I don’t Answer Your Ask After A Week , NSFW asks , General Asks info, Which PPG character are you quiz Random PPG Headcannons, Fanfic Recommendations, Greens Headcannons part 1, Norms Headcannons, Who I ship with the Norms, Why I love the Greens, Butch lying on (crushing) Buttercup Headcannon, Bubbles cooks Boomer bakes (turned into family nailed it competion) scenario , Bricks Car scenario, Butches Hurt Leg Headcannon, Mojo is a shit dad and the girls are protective Headcannon, Unpopular headcannons, Greens Headcannons part 2, Greens favorite tropes and headcannons, Blues favorite headcannon, How I would get the Greens together and the song that suits them , Why I love the Reds and what genre they suit, How the boys join the team, Song that suits the reds, Arson , Greens fanfic recommendation , Height Headcannons , Emergency Contact (read tags) , Greens Nicknames (Buttercup edition), What Pablo Looks Like, Buttercup x Mitch BROTP , Random Headcannons Part 2, Greens Fic Recs part 2 , Dancer Buttercup x Film Student Butch , Dancer Buttercup x Film Student Butch, expanded , PPG group chat ,yet another Dancer Buttercup x Film Student Butch , Fic Rec , ATGB greens bit , Brick x Buttercup BROTP , Skate Shop AU , FLANNEL BUTCH , Rating The Ships , Stereo types , Songs For The Pairings p2 , Favorite Crack Ships , Hawaiian shirt Boomer , Harry Pitt AU , Greens Hospitalized AU , random greens headcannons , small greens headcannon 1 2 , Embarrassing Boomer Moment for the soul , Boomer has a nut allergy , Harry and Butch , Greens as parents , Greens (and the gang) At the Beach , the ppg with kids (personality switch) , Rage Room , Small BC headcannon ,Blossoomer Friendship HC, If the ruffs and puffs got jobs , Hiking AU by @beecried-stuff , Butch Stan Culture , Hidden Talents Boomer x BC BROTP , How Butch Became The Professor’s Favorite , Greens Cuddling , Reds Headcannons , Brick being needy , ingredients chosen for the perfect team, idk what to label this as , Christmas Headcannons , Different Trios in Battle , The Greens and Bisexuality , Reactions to Finding Out they’re gonna be parents, Brickubbles Friendship , Random Headcannons Part 3 ,Buttercup Headcannons, Blossom + Anxiety , Holding your drink at Parties , Norms Face Cast, the Ruffs and Facial hair , Pediatrician Butch , Greens Birthdays , Greens Writing Prompts , Blues Headcannons , The embroidery on Bubbles’s purse , How Brick Got His Car , PPG x Social Media , ask game AU 1 , ask game AU 2 , Sisterly headcannons , RRB brain swap , “Mommy, how did you and Daddy meet?” , Walking Into The Wrong Bathroom , Boomer and sports , Style and Hair headcannons , Cows , Roadtrip , Pablo Headcannons
(link limit was hit, more are in the reblogs)
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seijorhi · 4 years
alright i’m compiling these because today was a lot 
i dont think there was even any negative stereotizing of black men bc all of the men in your fics do dark things??? pls ppl be looking for crumbs to hate 😭😭😭
i mean that’s kind of my view. if you’re writing like mainstream fics and characterising aran (and aran alone) as somebody who’s aggressive and rapey and all of that, absolutely, that’s a real red flag, but everybody is equally as awful in my fics. i don’t do fluff or any kind of safe, sane and consensual so??
 Who is aran? And what fandom?
aran is from haikyuu, he’s an outside hitter for inarizaki :)
Please bb write that Aran fic! That man is sexy af and there is not enough content out there for daddy Aran! Please! I’ll give you my whole heart if you write it out of spite!
haha i’m honestly tempted 👀
Lol maybe the aran anon sent to the apology to the wrong creator 😂 
I don’t think it’s nice to tell people to delete their fics cause that uncomfortable. Also it’s not your only JUST writing Aran fics 😂
yeah idk the ask felt very half cocked but it’s whatever
I’m sorry there are people being mean to u :( is there anything I can do to help? Is there a way for you to blog that aran anon?
it’s okay, i’m not really bothered by it – mostly because it doesn’t actually apply to me but anyway lol
Anon, if you don’t like dark content then use the content AND tag filter to block it. I don’t think you understand how both HATEFUL and RUDE it is to demand a writer to delete their fic. If you really dislike their content, then block it. Every single writer does not exist to cater to YOUR preferences. Sorry you’re getting this rude and ridiculous anon Rhi! Thank you so much for writing amazing pieces 💕
it’s all good, bby, but i do agree. tumblr has a blocking system, people should use. also i would never delete a fic just because somebody came to complain to me about it
What’s a moot? Sorry i should know this
a mutual - somebody who you follow and who follows you back :))
Did anon think you were just writing yandere fics for Aran or smth👀 Did they ignore the entire masterlist full of other characters
i don’t think they bothered to think about it, just went straight to jumping down my throat after making an assumption over blindsided
To Aran Anon, don’t you think intentionally excluding the black characters of haikyuu in fanfic writing is inherently ✨ r a c i s t ✨?
I think anon needs a pair of glasses, cause I don’t think they see the bigger picture of this issue.
i understand where they’re coming from i just think that their viewpoint (at least in this case) kinda doesn’t make sense, but hey, they’re entitled to feel how they feel, i’m more irritated that they came up and asked me to delete a fic over it
first time sending something in but i gotta bc wtf is that aran anon on?? like i get that it can be seen as demonizing black men but does anon not know that literally almost every other character is asian lmao dont pick and choose which group of poc can or cant be in dc fics its all in good fun and horniness at the end of the day ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also i love you youre one of the few haikyuu dc creators thatll always have me entertained keep it up babes <3
yeah, it’s just all a bit ??? but what’re you gonna do. 
also i love you too thanks for this bby!
Pretty sure I just bombed my Math exam 😢
Please send one good vibe my way it would be appreciated (also big fan of your work, please never stop being great!!!)
aw i’m sorry bby, i’m sending you all the good vibes and love 💕
I’m writing for Oikawa rn and I need help because your yandere Oikawa is so...amazing. What nicknames do you think he uses with reader? Like darling, cutie, sweetheart...anything?
sweetheart, cutie & babe/baby are my go-to’s for oiks :) but darling works too!
hello this is the anon who u made simp for oikawa even tho ive never having seen haikyuu dropping by to say you are my favorite writer!! i picked this flower for u ✿
omg i would love a second fic for final girl! the whole story and concept is super interesting ALSO i love bo kuroo and akaashi 🤍 (i love your fics and ideas in general ily)
well it’s currently winning with 354 votes so :))
So I voted for Final Girl but I'm sure whatever fic wins it will still be a masterpiece but what fic are you rooting for Rhi?
honestly i think i could go for a blindsided part 2 or et tu part 2 efbhjvkl i just wanna write more manager au’s
don't mind me, just coming here say that y'all are really sleeping on Good Girl 😟 It's a total chef's kiss 1000/10 fic.
fdhcbjiewrkoviwhrtj my first hq fic 
Do you read manga or watch anime? 🥺 Where do you watch you’re anime (if you do), I can’t find anywhere to watch after kiss anime was shut down 😭
i watch animes across crunchyroll, hidive and netflix. manga’s i just google but i’ve only read a few
Istg the way you write these fanfics are
We love you!
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
15x07 Commentary
Bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
@smol-and-grumpy​ (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Nat : 3
Nat : 2
Nat : 1
Nat : go
Giulia: Yas eileen
Zee: This thing with the bullet I still don’t completely get
Kat: So happy she’s back
Kat: It’s not a real bullet
Giulia: Us
Nat : do they always have to have a flashback tho
Zee: Future corpses
Kat: But it’s explained a bit more this episode
Nat : Tag yourself
Giulia: I know the blonde one
Giulia: I’m the brunette
Zee: I’m the brunette
Kat: Brunette for sure
Nat : I'm a mix
Kat: Nah babe you’re the blonde
Zee: I’ve only been the blonde once
Zee: Amazing
Nat : What
Nat : I didn't hear a car
Kat: At least the blonde didn’t get murdered
Zee: Bitch wipe the spit
Nat : Yet
Giulia: Oh no clean your lips yuck
Kat: Too much throw up sound
Nat : Ridiculous. You would still hear it
Giulia: Well ok wow
Giulia: I jumped not gonna lie
Nat : Ew What is that
Zee: Was that a werewolf ?
Giulia: The wendigo feels
Nat : snorts
Kat: Red shirt of sex
Giulia: Oh look wallowing in depression again
Nat : Ah Deano
Zee: Weak
Kat: Yum
Kat: No surprise there
Zee: What’s that sound of his lips?
Nat : "Yeah"
Zee: Mostly
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Zee: Real bacon
Nat : Real bacon?
Nat : lol
E: We might've gotten just a little carried away with the margaritas last night.
Giulia: WOW
Kat: Fucking adorable
Kat: So domestic
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S: You're turning down bacon?
D: Mm, yes, yeah, I'm actually... I'm gonna head out.
Kat: Get out
Giulia: DEAN’s weird
Zee: I’m good Dean motto
Nat : "I'm good" I'M GOOD, GOOOOOOOOD
D: It means I got to... I got to get out of here, okay? I just... I got to...I'm gonna take a drive, clear my head.
S: Eileen and I have stuff to do.
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Giulia: Lol
Giulia: I BET U DO
Zee: Look at that face
Kat: Aw someone’s feeling like a third wheel
Zee: Aaagggggghhh
Giulia: MY GOD
Kat: The dimples
D: Um, okay, but if, uh, things go your way, just make sure you put the sock on the door so I know.
Nat : sock on the door
Zee: Sock on the door
Kat: The wink melts
Giulia: not only on the door
Nat : well that would be highly uncomfortable
Giulia: Oh shush you know what im talking about
Nat : What's with the hair
Zee: Can he shut his face ?
Giulia: The accent lol
Giulia: He weird
Nat : Jensen's jealous that the sheriff can have an accent and he doesn't
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Zee: Do you all talk like that Kat ?
Kat: Excuse you. I do not speak like that.
Giulia: Snort
Kat: Dean is not impressed
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Zee: Can we focus on the scruff for just a sec?
Giulia: And the crazy hair
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Kat: The blue steel
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Giulia: You’ve got the look
Zee: Is he hitting on him?
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Giulia: IS IT TIME
Zee: Swayze’s???
Kat: Roadhouse nod
Zee: Look at that strut
Giulia: Nice
Nat : Fun that there's only one parking spot left right in front
Giulia: I wanna go in a dump like that
Nat : Lots of Woo girls
Giulia: Hand it over
Nat : Get in line
Giulia: Lol i like her. Will she die
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Giulia: Oh well now she will
Zee: Nice
Nat : Ow
Kat: Damn girl
Giulia: Cute. They cute
Kat: Dean friggin Winchester
Zee: Is this ep filled with his close ups?
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Giulia: So cute
Nat : HE owns this joint?
Zee: I’m happy
Nat : Will this be the place where Dean will always end up tho. Because his friend owns the joint
Zee: Look at that couple
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Giulia: SO CUTE
Giulia: the stares
Giulia: Cute
Giulia: Why don t we do something fun
Zee: Do something fun
S: Yeah. Um... ideas?
E: I mean, a few.
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Zee: Go girl
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Giulia: NO. COME ON
Zee: Seriously ???
Kat: It’s not okay
Nat : Ah
Giulia: my bb has done nothing wrong in his entire existence,ever, shut yo mouths
Nat : Snort
S: So we've been looking for signs of Chuck and Lilith
C:  Lilith?
S: Yeah, uh, she's back.
Giulia: U should have read your messages cas
Nat : Hey, nobody can say that they've been cock blocked by an aNgEL oF tHe LorD
Zee: I think that Sam’s virginity might have grown back man
C: So there may be some of you inside Chuck.
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Giulia: Ew
Zee: Ew
Nat : Is that sexual
Giulia: Family business beers lol
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Kat: I think you’re right
L: I always liked that crusty son of a bitch.
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Giulia: Awe dad. Crusty sob lol
Kat: Oh.
Kat: No
Giulia: Ah well praises from dad Winchester
Zee: His crinkles are distracting me
Giulia: And his smirk
Kat: Aren’t they great
Giulia: ...ah that stare
Zee: So that’s how you felt last ep? @Giulia
Giulia: Yes. U get it now
Zee: He needs to shut up
Giulia: Awe dean. And now some zoom
Nat : Dean, you don't wanna do that
Zee: That head nod hurt my soul
S: Cass, are you sure about this?
C: No, but I am sure I can't heal the wound. Maybe I can probe it.
Giulia: Yes probe cas
Zee: Probe
Kat: Ew lol
Giulia: Im ready
Giulia: Same
Zee: This is gonna sting
Nat : This is gonna sting
Nat : snorts
Giulia: Sam are you ok
Nat : a little
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Giulia: Awe
Giulia: Oh wow
Giulia: Nice cas
Nat : AH
Zee: Amazing
Nat : Well he's not ok now is he
Kat: Poor Sammy
Giulia: Awe that cheek rub
Zee: Sam knocked out again
D: This is Dean's other-other-other-other phone. Leave a message.
Zee: Other other other
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Giulia: AH how does it feels now cas
C: Dean, I need you to call me back. Sam is hurt, and I..
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Nat : How many phones does he has
Zee: Jaggers
Giulia: Look at that tuff of hair
Nat : Ew
Giulia: Slutty
Kat: Everything about him is slutty
Zee: Can’t spell it
Zee: Love it tho
Nat : Split up Triplets?
Zee: He’s gonna get some me thinks
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Giulia: What a dumb stare
Kat: Ah I miss blushy Dean
Giulia: Oh him again
Nat : Who dat
Giulia: Sam winchester is hurt
Giulia: What else is new
Giulia: The one with gabe grace
Nat : A collecter
Kat: You think so huh
C: Let me rephrase. If you don't help me tonight,
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Zee: Cas is serious
Kat: A return of badass Cas finally
Giulia: Lol yellow fever
Nat : Cas has zero patience
Giulia: Same
Zee: We’ve been knew
Giulia: U have even less
Nat : No but I just don't think that he'll get any this season cuz it won't do anything to the plot
Nat : Plot of dying guest stars
D: Trust me, uh, bigger doesn't always equal better.  
Giulia: what she said
D: Besides, who's gonna look out after the little guy? God certainly isn't.
Giulia: Damn brother that’s rough
Zee: Rough decade
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Zee: No shit
Giulia: He has no idea
Kat: Ugh that smile
Nat : Dean has doubts. I hate that
Giulia: aw look that is future dean if he’s going on like that
Giulia: GIMME
L: Remember that old song your dad used to play us before we'd go out on a Hunt?
D: Oh, no.
All of us: Oh, yeah.
Zee: YAS
Giulia: come on BOI
Kat: I had to look the song up
Giulia: YEAH what song
Kat: I didn’t know it 😂
Kat: Dukes was a clue
Giulia: idk her
Giulia: still don’t know her
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Giulia: YEEEEP
Giulia: FUCK OFF
Kat: Exactly
Giulia: flips table
Nat : Better than Karaoke Demon Dean
Giulia: don’t let him hear you
Giulia: YAAAS
Zee: Wait in line
Zee: He’s so happy I’m scared
Giulia: AWE 20sec of happiness
Kat: NO
Nat : Ah
Kat: Damn I’m soaked again
Giulia: Me
Zee: Thank god don’t need my ovaries anymore
Kat: He sounds so Texan this ep
Zee: Oh fuck yeah
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Kat: Them bowlegs
Nat : What a concidence
Zee: Not the ghostbusters
Nat : I like Sergei. He's got attitude
Giulia: I hate him
C: Okay, that's enough. You're here for a reason.
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Giulia: Cas needs to tie his fucking tie because he slutty af
Zee: He’s following the mood of the ep
Kat: Poor Eileen so worried
Zee: Dying?
spn fandom: what else is new
Giulia: Not even surprised
Giulia: Of course he is
Nat : What else is new
Giulia: She loved jesus and america too
Giulia: So I’m a bad girl
Zee: It was a good car
Nat : lol it's the tom petty song
Giulia: me in the morning
Zee: You love Jesus and America in the morning ?
Kat: Love that song
Giulia: Am I too young for that shit?
Nat : Freeeeee Faaaaallin
Giulia: No, that whiskey in the coffee. Pay attention
Zee: Yeah. Like you paid attention last week
Giulia: Well I was on the important stuff
Kat: Okay children
Giulia: Look at my confused bb
Kat: Sergei is so dramatic
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Giulia: Nice shit
Zee: The legs
Giulia: Shot
Zee: Also correct
Nat : HE knows that the junkyard is NOT a runway right?
Giulia: Don t think he does
Kat: Everywhere is a runway for him
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Giulia: That haircut is bad ok
Kat: I saw it coming a mile away
Nat : He ded
Zee: Wait for it
Nat : Like I said, plot of dying guest stars
Giulia: They need to stop with these jumpscares
Giulia: SERGEI
Zee: Fucker
Nat : They need to find Amara. Think Amara is sick of her brother herself. she'd probably help them without even wanting anything in return
Kat: Don’t worry Cas takes care of him
Giulia: good
Giulia: Nice Eileen
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Giulia: The key to death. Psh fuck off
Kat: The key to death. That’s going to come into play I bet
Giulia: So dramatic
Zee: Cas still confused. And angry
Giulia: Look at that face
Nat : Sergei is so fucking extra
Zee: Suck it Sergei
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Kat: He called Bobby
Giulia: Oh the other bobby. Forgot about him
Nat : They should get the key and open the door to the empty. Bring Jack back. And death. Ah why am I babbling
Kat: It’s what you do
Giulia: Snort
Nat : The eye squint
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Kat: It doesn’t open the empty though I don’t think lol
Giulia: Wtf is in there
Kat: Aw Dean tied down. My fave
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Nat : What is that thing 
Nat : What she said
Giulia: But also
Zee: Shut up
Giulia: Will dean have to kill his fwriend
Kat: 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Giulia: Nice
Zee: He will huh?
Giulia: It won’t be a great addition to his mental health
Nat : Have you been watching the same show
Kat: All his friends die
Giulia: All their friends die
Kat: Well Eileen’s back lol
Kat: I know but my heart can’t take it
Nat : Every one who comes on the show die
Zee: Shush
Zee: Can blood really go up the tube?
Giulia: If there is vacuum yeah
Nat : I don't think they care
Giulia: The monster needs to suck
Nat : It doesn't suck
Giulia: He stupid
Zee: Oh stop please
Kat: Come on Dean get out
Giulia: What she doesn’t say
Kat: Nice
Nat : The monster will get out
Nat : what he said
Zee: And kill lee
Awe look at Dean’s repulsion towards his friend
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Giulia: Nah dean will kill lee. Because this is supernatural
Zee: Daddy’s home
Nat : Surprise
Kat: The head
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Giulia: Is that the sound of water 2
Kat: Ew
Zee: God bless Texas
Nat : Why does Lee do that for again? I missed it
Zee: His happiness
Kat: Money health
Nat : Feeding people to a monster makes him happy
Kat: Because fuck everyone else
Giulia: Ah saw it
Giulia: Oh yeah dean?
Kat: The monster gives him things for keeping it fed
Nat : Ah Nat : Dean distracts me
Kat: He yummy
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Zee: I kill monsters
Giulia: Awe dean . Well you become the hero or the monster you hunt i guess
Zee: Welcome to my world
Giulia: Ouch
Zee: Impaled
Giulia: That should hurt so much more
Nat : Ah, that's the cue he was talking about that didn't break at first and he had to "walk off the pain" Kat: What
Giulia: ?
He told it once at a con I think? They had a fight with a cue and the cue didn't break like twice or three times and his back was blue
Giulia: Awe bb dean
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Kat: Aw his murder face. Now sad face
Giulia: CAS
Giulia: awe look at them
Giulia: Oh
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Nat : Awkward
Zee: That bed is too small
Kat: No, he’s just huge
Kat: What she said
Zee: What she said
Giulia: Everything is too small concerning to sam
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Nat : Preview?
Kat: Ya go watch
Nat : Adam snorts
Kat: Basically tells them to suck it lol
Giulia: you let me rot in hell. Well he ain t wrong
Nat : Can u blame him
Kat: From his view, they must
Zee: They left him there for ages
ee: I’m happy with this ep. Need to change panties but I’m happy
Zee: You can leave this out
Kat: No leave it in lol
sam and Eileen cute gif
Giulia: They kill me
Giulia: Ok but if that’s sam endgame i’m so good with that. My bb deserve it
Giulia: Hope it doesn’t end in smoke
Giulia: snort
Giulia: That was mean
Kat: Wow Giuls
Giulia: Ok but look at it from chuck’s eyes
Giulia: PLOT
Giulia: lol
15x08 coming soon
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby​ or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl​  @destiel-honeypie​      @mariekoukie6661​      @dragontamerm​       @closetspngirl​    @rainflowermoon​     @mattiecat​       @bunnybaby121115​  @aliaitee2​    @jacks-word-of-the-day​     @4evamc​       @dammitsammy​     @legendary-destiel​   @winchesterprincessbride​    @destielhoneybee​    @castiellover20   @ravenhg​ @evvvissticante​ @emoryhemsworth​​ @markofdean79​s
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huds-hub · 4 years
FILL OUT & REPOST ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
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Stolen from @mrfunnybone. Since this meme has a bias for canon muses, I’m tagging two of my favorite canon writers that I know didn’t fill this out yet: @soulcoerced and @spearslinger (I wonder if a fellow Undyne RPer has a different take on some of these questions? ^^;;). For everyone else, feel free to steal it and tag me if you do! I’m curious to see how OC muns answer some of these questions...
MY MUSE IS:   CANON / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated [[ The adult version of my muse is canon, but her teenage equivalent is not present anywhere in Undertale / Deltarune. So, uh… canon but kind of complicated I guess??? I like describing my muse as canon-wise. My Deltarune fishies are undoubtedly AUs at most, canon-divergent at least. ]]
[[ Mun’s note: I’m going to cheat on this. For the next 8 questions, I’ll answer for both Undyne as my teen muse AND regular adult canon Undertale Undyne. My thoughts on her counts as something, right? My muse is based on canon! ]]
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK [[ Undyne’s character to the rest of the fandom is unpopular (compared to Sans, Chara, Gaster, etc…). It’s a shame, because her dialogue portraits alone would make great meme fodder. HOWEVER, among Undyne fans, I notice there’s an interest in depicting her early years because she’s one of the few cast members who’s had their childhood explicitly mentioned. ]]
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK [[ She’d better not be, because my muse is a  C H I L D. As far as I’ve seen, canon adult Undyne is depicted more often as a ‘badass’ than a ‘sexy fish.’ ]]
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK [[ Younger Undyne is definitely interpreted to be a determined, tough kid. Of course it’s the same for adult canon Undyne. It’s basically her most distinct character trait. ]]
Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK [[ Lordy, Undyne as a whole is entirely underrated by the fandom... ]]
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO [[ OMG... you’re gonna get me started. I’m marking ‘no’ on this question because this is supposed to be about my aged-down muse. But Undyne... sweet violent Undyne’s very important to Undertale’s story! *fangirling START* Besides being the mid-point antagonist in the game, Undyne adds a layer of the theme of DETERMINATION to the game and how it can manifest in monsters if their bodies are strong enough to handle it. In an allegorical sense, she represents extremism in reaction to oppression and how that passion can take on the form of extreme love or extreme hatred depending on circumstance. So HELL YEAH she’s important to the main story of the game! AAAHILoveThisFish!! *fangirling END* ]]
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. [[ Same as the previous answer for my teen Undyne: begrudgingly marking this with a ‘no’... It’s a YES for canon Undyne. In all routes, original game’s Undyne is the first character who is purposefully trying to kill the Player. Players can’t get the best ending without helping her hook up with Alphys and not incurring her wrath by killing any monster. In the worst ending, she’s one of the two antagonists that put up enough of a fight to make any player abort the Genocide Route. ]]
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO [[ My muse WANTS to be significant to her world. In the original game, Undyne’s only mentioned by others in Snowdin and Waterfall (not counting Alphys in Hotland). She’s described as a “local hero” by Gerson. I get a sense she’s not exactly famous to the people in the entire Underground compared to, say, Mettaton. ]]
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL [[ Oof. Pretty sure my teen fish annoys the residence of Waterfall for being a loud-mouthed little scamp. The only reason she’s not considered ‘bad’ is because it’s pent-up energy and misguidedness, not flat-out cruelty. In canon, it seems like the people who talk about Undyne do it in either a positive or neutral light. You have Monster Kid, Papyrus, and Onionsan singing her praises. The Royal Guard members respect her. Asgore thought of her well enough to have her lead his military. Uhh, for a neutral instance, I remember an NPC in Snowdin saying she’s “loud, rude, and beats up anybody who gets in her way” (I don’t remember the exact quote). To weigh this more on the side of my muse, I’ll mark this answer as ‘neutral.’ ]]
HOW STRICTLY DO YOU FOLLOW CANON?  [[ Since I have an aged-down character, canon is literally my END GOAL! I gave her a “starting point” on her journey to the determined, dedicated, and excitable warrior fish we all know and love from the game. I filled in the gaps from there, using parts of her past mentioned in the game to glue the headcanons together. Deciding what she was like when she was younger – What’s her family background? What aspects about her changed as she matures? What internal and external conflicts would she deal with as a teen? – THAT’S the non-canon part. My Deltarune AUs are… different. Canon is my end goal too, but the timelines are all wonky to fit the needs of wanting to interact with the Fun Gang. LOL ]]
SELL YOUR MUSE! AKA TRY TO LIST EVERYTHING, WHICH MAKES YOUR MUSE INTERESTING IN YOUR OPINION TO MAKE THEM SPICY FOR YOUR MUTUALS.   [[ This kid is spunky, loyal, compassionate of the plight of her people, and will see through anything she sets her mind to, despite life’s barriers. She’s got a lot of pent-up energy and is searching for what she can do with it to help her achieve her goal of setting Monsterkind free! ]]
NOW THE OPPOSITE, LIST EVERYTHING WHY YOUR MUSE COULD NOT BE SO INTERESTING (EVEN IF YOU MAY NOT AGREE, WHAT DOES THE FANDOM PERHAPS THINK?).  [[ The teen fishy has a streak of selfishness and short-sightedness. Being honest, Undyne would be a racial supremacist if she existed in real life. Big yikes. Also, she’s willingly being trained as a child soldier. Another big yikes right there. ]]
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO RP YOUR MUSE?   [[ Ages ago, I RPed the adult version of Undyne, which resulted in a bunch of headcanons for her past. I had no desire to RP any of them after it ended. A year later, I commissioned an artist for a Gerson vs. teen Undyne piece. That single-handedly made me want to get back into RPing again. ]]
WHAT KEEPS YOUR INSPIRATION GOING?   [[ My fellow RPers wanting to interact with this silly fishy! When I first started, I expected my interest to peter out over the months. I didn’t expect many RPers wanting to interact with an aged-down character. But here I am, wanting to expand my headcanons further and making AUs so I’m not limited to canon. ^^ It’s all thanks to you guys!! ]]
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO?
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF?     [[ I should do it more often TBH. But I find showing them via story-telling more fulfilling than just explicitly explaining them in posts. Plus, it gives me more leeway if I’m still playing around with an idea. ;) ]]
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO  [[ I’m not counting the three pending drabbles until I finish them. ^^;; ]]
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO [[ She finds a way to bother me! Usually in the form of sudden inspiration for how to respond to RPs. ]]
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF? [[ Sometimes I wonder if I forgot some aspect about Undyne that’s in canon, or unintentionally exaggerating other less-important aspects of her other characteristics… ]]
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO / SORT OF? [[ Generally, yes. But I do have my days when I suffer from low self-confidence. ]]
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. / SORT OF? [[ It depends on what’s meant by that. I’m sensitive to other people’s feelings, so I don’t intend to sound rude OOC, even if I’m expressing something negative about something I think the other did. If this is referring to being sensitive about events in RPs… my sensitivity is equivalent to that of being invested in any work of fiction. I know it’s not reality. I can pull away from the fictional world and it won’t bring down my real life. ]]
DO YOU ACCEPT CRITICISM WELL ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL?   [[ If it’s given in good faith and is constructive, sure. ]]
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES TO A HEADCANON OF YOURS, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?  [[ It depends if they want to tell me. I don’t mind either way. Personally, I like hearing other people’s interpretations! ]]
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOUR PORTRAYAL, HOW WOULD YOU TAKE IT?   [[ *shrug* It doesn’t matter as long as they don’t harass me. ]]
IF SOMEONE REALLY HATES YOUR CHARACTER, HOW DO YOU TAKE IT?   [[ I’d just ignore it. They don’t need to interact or follow me. If my muse really is a bother to them, they can block my account. ]]
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PEOPLE POINTING OUT YOUR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS?   [[ I hope my grammar’s good enough, or else my English degree studies went to waste! But yeah, sure. Fun fact: explaining grammar rules so people can avoid major errors in the future is more helpful than nit-picking insignificant errors without explanations. ]]
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE EASY GOING AS A MUN?   [[ As long as fellow RPers aren’t being rude OOC, don’t break any serious rules, or do something that I mention are personal triggers to me, I am easy-going! RPing is fun and it should stay that way for everybody involved! ]]
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gentleshinigami · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm. image:
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent??? / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.  Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK???  Are they underrated?  YES / NO. Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. Were they relevant for the main character?  YES??? / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO. How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. 
How strictly do you follow canon? 
With Crystal being an OC, I strictly try to be as close to Canon as possible as I have to carefully add her into everything without being too involved. I even revised her Bio to include extra details pertaining to the Anime. Though, I would consider seeing her as a side character more than a big part of the main story, but she does get much involved with Ichigo’s/Soul Societies Adventures~ However, feed back about her backstory if it’s close to canon is always appreciated, or any feedback in general!
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals. 
Crystal has unique facial features, especially her E Y E S!! I can’t recall if any other Shinigami have Silver Hues, but I think that’s one of Crystal’s best features! You never see her Zanpakuto unless you happen to fighting along side her considering she hides it away inside her actual B O D Y! She can be charming when she wants to be, and big softy once you get close to her!
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  
Pfffttt, okay...umm... She definitely has a biased opinions on Humans since she passed away in her Human Death. For a Shinigami, one has to be able to somewhat tolerate the Human World, but Crystal refuses to even find something good in Humans since her death. She’s quite content with being alone, and no use for Friendships hardly so it makes it hard for her comrades to trust her. Crystal will try every attempt to isolate herself from others, but wouldn’t mind going out drinking with them either. With hardly any experience on what Friendship is, it’ll take awhile for her to open up to the ideal that she does H A V E friends. 
What inspired you to rp your muse?
Wow, um... I am not 100% sure to be honest! I just got really interested in Bleach a long time ago, and it just happened to be the time I was exploring writing. My usernames in chat rooms, or even social media would be: Shadowcrystal. I think that’s how I got her name, and just then all of her details were coming to me; that’s how she was made!
What keeps your inspiration going?  
Not going to lie, it is always hard for me to get interactions with Crystal since I’ve started on Tumblr many years ago, this is my third account for Crystal tbh. OC’s are so hard to get interactions with Canon, or even other OC’s. It’s never stopped me from trying to get interactions (because I understand the people’s right to be selective & private), but since I have re-made Crystal’s account, I have gotten more kind, and loving feedback about her. I love hearing you guys comment on my OC, telling me that you guys love her back story, and even my portrayal of her. It always makes my day, and makes me want to be better for you!!
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / SOMETIMES Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO. (But I want too!) Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES (On previous accounts) / NO. Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO. Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO (But I try to be!)  Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO / SOMETIMES Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. 
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  
Absolutely!! As long as it’s not trying to diminish my OC, and not try to plainly tell me I should stop writing her. I appreciate feedback, or criticism on my OC, but nothing too hateful; or over the top. A simple I love your OC, or any questions that you guys have to help better understand her is always good!!
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character? 
YES!! I love character development questions! This just doesn’t apply to Crystal, but now to any of my muses. MY ASK BOX IS ALWAYS OPEN, flood it with personal, embarrassing, sad, or anything about my Muses questions!! I love answering questions you guys may have, so please don’t be shy!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?
Of course!! I am not picky at all when it comes to my OC, or my Canon Muses. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and if you C A L M L Y come talk to me about it; I am more than willing to adjust it, or involve your said Muse into it!
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?
This one is tricky cause I am generally a nice person, but if I feel like it was sent out to be rude, or hateful instead of stating your opinion; I will not tolerate it. I do not mind people coming to me to give me pointers/writing references to better my writing, but telling me to straight up give up my muse, there are better portrayals, and deactivate is not appreciated!
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  
In all honestly, I am surprised I haven’t gotten any thing like that, but it would defiantly drop my mood, and I would delete the message. With that mood drop, I would probably make a vague message, and just disappear for the rest of day until I’m ready to return.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  
YES!! English is my first language, and sometimes I think faster than I type. If I ever mess anything up, come to me in IM, and I’ll fix my error.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun? 
I believe that I am, but some people would say that they don’t know hoe to approach me. I can assure you guys I am a smol bean, and I give lots of loves!!
That’s about it, congrats for filling out! 
 tagged by: @bleachintothemultiverse​​ @windstormwielding​​ @t-hitsugaya​
Tagging: Whoever has time, and wants too! Tag/Stolen by me!s
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binnieseason · 5 years
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hello!! so a few days ago i reached another milestone which is,, p crazy!! i’m v thankful for everyone who has like,, just?? taken time out to interact or look at my content. it means a lot n reading peoples’ tags on my posts is just so!! lovely bc everyone is so nice n sweet n i rlly appreciate it!! so thank u for making me feel special n for validating me i hope u all know that i love u all n u have made me v happy n i can’t believe that 2k+ people want to?? see stuff i post?? what?? anyway!! i hope i didn’t leave anyone out but i’ve tagged my mutuals n bolded some who i’m gonna leave a special message for at the end!! look for the emoji i put at the end of ur tag for ur message 💕✨once again, thank u to anyone and everyone who has ever looked at my dumb blog or said smth nice or has sent me sweet asks. i truly appreciate it so much and i hope u all know i love u 💓💫
@01mino @19gf @1hyunlix @3noracha @3rachaz @97kwj @abangchan @abcdskz 🌹@banqchanz @binsual 🍊@blushyunjins 🌻@chanbffie @chang-bean @changbeanie @changbinn @popechangbin 🌿@changbln 🦋@changlixie @chanjisung @channie @cheelix 🐳 @cheetomin @chiddie @chimneycloud ☂️@chrsbng  d-l
@dayy6 @douxminho @geminijimini @gotosleepchris @han-and-kai @hanones @hcnlix @hjsracha @honeylixs @hoodiehan @huiracha @hyucafe 💕 @hyuwujin @jal-hago-isseo ❣️ @jeonginsdimple @jinlix 🧡 @jinnielovebot @jisquish @jisung1e 🌼@jisungeth @jjaebeom @joengins @jypstraykids ☘️ @kim-woojins @kkamist @leefelixz @leeknows @lixseu @lovwheel @luvknow @lxx-fxlix 
@minhoie @minhostrology @minkiwans @naegahoshsvt  💙@pillix @prodskz @risingsan @seungmies @seungminsmile @seungmqn @shortminho @skzbc @skzd @spearbe @spearones @stray--kings @stray-kids @stray-moon @straykids01 @straymemes @thegoodkindoftrash @theminho 💜@thiscaratwillstay @threeracha @ult-minho @ultscb 🌸@uwulix @wlwleefelix @yngbok 🌹; lyka!! bub,, u have no idea how much i love n appreciate u. u have been so lovely to me always n i’m sending u so many hugs bc u deserve them all. ur gifs are always gorgeous n ur tags are the cutest n i love you lots n hope u know how much i appreciate u and ur presence in my life n in this fandom 💌❣️ 🍊; ana!! u are the SWEETEST n idk what i did to deserve u giving me lov n stuff :(( i love u lots n i’m always wishing u the best bc u deserve nothing but love n happiness. ilu ✨ 🌻; lea!! hi hello thank u for always supporting me when i decide to make another sideblog sdjkjsfjk (even tho u should be discouraging it fsdjkfdjk). ur rlly the sweetest n i really appreciate everything u bring to my dash n this fandom ilu!!  🌿; bella!! u were one of my first pals on this site and i’m so appreciative of u. ur lovely and ur so funny n kind n i hope u know how special u are and how much u lighten up my dash 💖💫love u!! 🦋; amy!! first of all ur so funny and cool and i’m INTIMIDATED by cool u are. u do ur own thing n i think that’s amazing!! plus,, i’ll never forget the time where u rb’d my changbin gif everyday FSJKFDJK. i love u so much and i really hope u know how wonderful and appreciated u are bb. plus ur a leo n that’s the most valid sign so there’s that 😔👊🏻n/e way ilu 💞 🐳; cheese!! my bal!! i love u so much u superb little dude,,, even tho u clown me for my accent :// ur literally the FUNNIEST. u have made me laugh so hard so many times i can’t believe that u really be that hilarious???? will NEVER forget that photo u sent that broke me. love u so much u funky cheese kid 😔💘 ☂️; kashi!! did u know that u are the loveliest person 2 exist?? n that ur writing is so gorgeous n i’m so envious that u can just,,, write stuff that is so!! stunning?? n u are my #1 hypewoman so it’s time for me to hype u up: ur so talented n sweet n amazing n everytime u send me cute asks it instantly makes me feel!! the best!! u are such a lovely presence and deserve the whole world and more. love u bub 🤧💓
💕; jan!!!! my bal,,,, my personal clown,,,, the biggest hyuck enthusiast,,,, i love u so much. ur SO funny n real and i love that. also u send the bals lots of memes so i appreciate that thank u sm. ur really the funniest ilysm thank u for being my bal 🤧❣️ ❣️; ellie!! hello hello i know we haven’t interacted a lot but i hope u know that i rlly lov seeing u in my notifs n we are all lucky to have such a sweetheart in the fandom 🤧lov u !! 💕 🧡; kelly!! i need u to know that ur SO SWEET N CUTE. like,, what is it like being that lovely n kind n wonderful?? plus!! ur a bundle of talent and when u deny it i am ready to fight u on it okay. ur talented n sweet and i don’t deserve u 🤧💞ilu!! 🌼; lulu!! hi hi i think ur rlly cool n funny n i love seeing u on my dash!! plus,, ur a fellow aussie which instantly makes u my pal okay okay. i know we haven’t interacted much but i jus,, wanna tell u that i appreciate u n think ur wonderful 💫lov u!! ☘️; vale!! did u know i love u to bits and think u are mega talented n sweet?? like ur gifs are gorgeous and ur SO talented u gotta trust me. and ur always so supportive of me and my content and ur tags are always ????? so sweet wtf???? n/e way ur so special n talented and i want u know that ur so lovely n wonderful and u deserve ALL the happiness and love. lov u, u talented little bub 😔❣️ 💙; rick!! suck my ass!! jk lov u and i said i would include u so here u go baby boy. tell aki and ur new cat,, big chungus,, that i love them. love u sweet prince 😔🤙🏻 💜; bub!! hello!! i wanna tell u that ur amazing n that ur gifs are amazing and that u are wonderful n so sweet. ur tags are always so cute dsjkkj and i really appreciate all the nice stuff u say abt my gifs n stuff. please keep doing what ur doing bc ur content is gorgeous and ur lovely 💖 lov u!! 🌸; taryn!! i NEED u to know that ur colouring saved me. like,,,, whenever i see ur gifs i’m just!! in awe. how do u do that!! bls,,, how are they all stunning. but yes yes ik our interactions are v few,, but i really love ur presence on my dash n ur so talented and nice and funny and i want u know that ily 💌🌹 okay okay ik this is long,, thank u everyone i’m truly so appreciative :(( 💓
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dcarhcarts · 5 years
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This.....is the 1000th post on this blog, and I definitely waited until that could be true to post it, and that’s honestly? Very fitting. Seriously, you guys are a m a z i n g and I have literally never done a milestone before so I can’t tell you what it’s supposed to look like?? But we’ve somehow Miraculously (tm) managed to reach 100 followers and - anyway, this is going to be me very unprofessionally gushing about everyone because....I love you all and you’re all amazing aaaaaa. I’m??? Literally so blessed to have made friends and write with all of you. Y’all with multiple blogs, I’m only tagging once so I don’t spam your feed ok? And - as usual, this is going to get Long, because everything I do gets Long apparently. I tried to do it chronologically but IDK how well it worked oops.
@ccrrupticn  / D!!!! you are?? literally the reason I made this blog?? Without you, this thing would n o t mcfreaking exist omg!! You’re such an amazing writer (seriously, you manage so many muses and you give them all such distinct voices??? witchcraft???) and also so ???ridiculously kind! I love gushing to you about our Kids and you’re honestly A Saint (tm) for dealing with all of my blog construction/life related breakdowns, my crazy crossover headcanons and crashing into your inbox rambling about musicals <3 I miss talking to you so hmu whenever you come back if you want!!
@personnages /  Lynna!! You’re like an Actual Angel. I think you were the first person!! who talked to me??  And You were So Nice and Welcoming that you literally soothed half of my fears coming into rpc like immediately?? You basically helped me figure out how diminutives work and you’re responsible for me adding at least 3 of my muses and I cannot tell you how much I love you and every time you pop onto my dash/feed/discord/etc, it just makes me happy inside <3 Definitely 100000% will follow you to every blog (if you’ll have me lmao) regardless of fandom!! i’m super excited about all of our ship/friendship roulettes and you’re just an absolute joy to talk to.
@nikolacvnas / LYDIA goodness you are a W O N D E R. Probably the best? Historically based blog I’ve ever encountered, and definitely one of my favorite parts of the Anastasia rpc!! The care and research and attention to detail that goes into your portrayals are a s t o n i s h i n g? Your Tatya is divine, your Maria is So Lovely and I Cry For Joy that you write Dima honestly. I’d been eyeing your blog for a little bit before I made my own - and I was honestly a little scared of you when we started cause you are a GODDESS and I am a potato, but then we talked??? and you’re hilarious and a ridiculously kind person and I love you? And of course, I love your dog (the cutest in the universe).
@mythostold / LESLIE~  Different blog, same story~ Man, I’ve been following you since maybe day two of this blog being active? No matter which fandom you end up in and which muse you write, you have such!! good!!! takes!!! For one, I love reading your meta posts??? Like you’re just so incredibly passionate about your muses?? And your writing style is so good aaaaaaa it’s so atmospheric. And on top of all of that - you’re??? such a sweet and incredible??? person??? And I love talking to you boo <3 
@lifeawoke  /  NAT BBYSWEET <3 <3 <3  I have told the story of how I did a victory dance when you followed me to d e a t h probably but it’s t r u e your writing is amazing and your blog is amazing and y o u are amazing! You are the Natasha to my Sonya, and literally every time you send me a musing I’m like immediate-goofy-grin-heart-eyes???? It’s honestly a crime we don’t have more threads but like you’re an absolute joy to talk to and meme with and I adore you/your portrayal of beautiful bratty Natasha even if she drives my Sonya up the wall <3 You are Definitely the Funny Mutual lololol I crack up so much talking to you <3
@valianceearned / CARP you’re an amazing person/writer and holy h e c k am I impressed by your OCs!! They’re all so well thought out and developed? Your bios are so detailed and so much love and care is put into all of your characters. And your writing is so Lovely and it’s also very aesthetically lovely like holy heck the amount of work you put into both the content and the formatting? I am agog, I am aghast!! 
@gearsandlevers / Callie!!!!! YOU ROUND ALL THE CORNERS I STRAIGHTEN THE CURVES!! love your kids so much. Your Violet is a delightfully clever and likeable kid, your Evan might have literally walked off the stage two seconds ago, and you’ve put so much thought into your cinnabon stoner Henry. Your dialogue is amazing and I love our headcanon sessions lobbing ideas back and forth with you!! 
@spareisms / HEY MAGGIE GUESS WHAT YOU’RE WORTH MELTING FOR!!  You’re like the sweetest person alive??? How are you an Actual Real Life Disney Princess?? Your Anna is so well characterized and multi layered and I love how she an be so flawed but so brave and just how human she is. I’m very excited for your Anne Shirley too!! You’re a great writer (and a super sweet person aaaa) and I love you!! 
@gcneralvaganov /  Deanna, I have just one question: How? Have we only known each other for like 2 months???? It feels like my dash would literally be incomplete without you??  You play such deeply complex and incredibly flawed muses with such a great depth of respect and humanity. I love all of our AUs (we.....probably have a dozen by now), our long fix-canon tangents, and....look the inevitable conclusion to this whole thing is that we should....basically just write Anastasia tbh???  You’re incredibly funny and kind and talented and I’m so glad I yeeted myself into your IMs that first time 2 months ago! I love you, I love your muses, (Dima and Anya love their Dumb Boyfriend), and I love writing with you! 
@ncvaflows / ALEXA YOU ABSOLUTE LEGEND YOU. You??? Unlocked Ultimate AU Mode Ro and it’s like I c a n ‘ t stop?? First off, I cannot believe we literally own the same books and like the same barbie movies. How are we not literally the same person??  (Maybe w e ’ r e Anneliese and Erika lmao). Honestly from day 1 you’ve been so welcoming and lovely and I’m so glad we crashed into each other’s IMs yelling at top volume about random ya lit/movies/aus!! I adore literally all of your OCs (is everyone a b s o l u t e l y sure they’re not canon??? hmmmmm a Mystery)???? In the words of Li Shang, “You WRITE GOOD????” Anyway you’re amazing and I love you <3
@curtainrisen / Rebekah, dude, you’re a wonder. Your muses??? So diverse, and your voices for them? Super on the nose and amazing. I love your Helene and how human she is, and I really gotta toss more of my kids at you (Super excited for Duke!!). You’re real chill to meme with and I love talking/writing with you!!
@heartlosttravelers / Tor!! I love that you stan Raoul de Chagny So Hard ( the pure cinnamon roll boy deserves it honestly) and you’re super cool and great to talk to! All your muses are a m a z i n g and I always love the read when you pop up on my dash! 
@damerusse / Marie!! You’re hella chill. Your memes???? 10000000% actually legendary. Meming with you cracks me The Heck Up. Lily is forever the puppy dealer, that is all, thank you, gnight. Ok for real though - your Lily is pretty Legendary too and you really got all that Spark and Fire right down. You’re amazing, and I love stalking your threads on my dash!  
@lionhvrted / Fortune, my buddy my pal, we really be Out Here making Jane Austen plots even m o r e rom-com. Like. How did we manage that??? We might be literally magical lmao. We don’t have a ton of stuff going on at the moment but I love our dumb pining kids and I love the justice and humanity you give to your Caroline, and Fitzy loves his (future) wife.
@guvernantka / P R U E I already love our Exasperated Big Sis / Annoying Lil Sis / LITERALLY WHO EVEN ARE YOU YOU SMELLY DUMBASS LIL BRO IN LAW dynamic. You have the Best Sense of Humor (tm) and I’m always catching you when it’s like 12 in the morning here so I’m always cracking up silently in bed trying not to wake my roommies up. 
@anastcsie / I LOVE OUR ANGRY SMOL AND DIRTY TOL YOUNG-BUT-OLD MARRIED COUPLE AND THEIR OLDEST DAUGHTER NAMED MARIA ALREADY.  I love your Anya and how feisty and fiery she is (Dima, needless to say, loves his wife) and I love how chill (and hilarious!!) you are as a person. We do have a tendency to turn into angst monsters 24/7 but honestly that’s half the fun!! 
@asundrop / Polly!!!! ok so I know we haven’t really done anything w/ Raps (yet muahaha) BUT b o y was I hella excited when I found someone willing to yell about CDrama with me??? Thank you for being the Eternally Stoic/Always Annoyed Ancient God to my Tiny Dumb Fox Princess?? I love them and I love you (you’re hella cool) so there! 
@moretreasurewithin / KAAAATE goodness it’s only been a couple of days but I’m So Comfortable talking to you already? You’re just honestly really amazingly kind and I love screaming about Anastasia with you. We gotta get more going but I love your Dima and Maria Already (tm) and I love your sense of humor (here’s to torturing Dima with ties!!) and I can’t wait to get to know you better!
@annastrxng / AAAA somehow I managed to chat with you and then?? We never got anything going and it’s definitely mostly my fault cause of that High Anxiety (and also the fact that I got Immediately Busy) but you are literally So Nice and The Most Understanding and super great to talk to!! I hope we get something going in the future!! 
@soulcrossed / ROSE we have the same name I keep forgetting this lmao BUT ANYWAY. All your muses?? Amazing. You gotta throw more of them at me. Your Sophie?? Are you Actually Diana Wynn Jones in disguise?? I love our crazy au/headcanon sessions and I love/hate that you’re The Worst Enabler and I’m inevitably going to end up with the other two Hatter sisters on this blog lmao. 
@alonecour / @steeledstark / @professor-of-predators / @sclskinn / @dulcettc / @volaticoux / @frxncaise / @argelfrasterr / @i-wrote-myway / @zharptiitsa / @villainsfall / @anyaromanovarp / @agoodandloyalrussian / @aliquisinter 
AND EVERY ONE OF Y’ALL AMAZING PEOPLE OUT THERE I’M ADMIRING SILENTLY FROM AFAR EVEN NOW BECAUSE I CHICKENED OUT OF TAGGING YOU LAST MINUTE CAUSE WHAT IF YOU’RE LIKE “LMAO WHO IS THIS WEIRDO TAGGING ME??” (p.s. this is 100000% permission to slide into my IMs/like a plotting call/etc. I honestly think y’all are hella cool and probably love you already)
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thewritingstar · 5 years
B E T. yall really thought i wasn’t gonna answer all of them? Also I just selected random one for specific ones. 
A: How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
- Liquid Locket. I came up with this one by trying to mimic the spell Ice Shell, so i thought what is something that has to do with water and something that is like a shell or lock and them bam! Liquid Locket. 
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
-No because I am incapable of being loved. Maybe the Kiribau fic: Dance Dance revolution since my mall did have an arcade and a dragon on a carousel. 
C: What character do you identify with most?
-Probably Juvia because I have delt with depression and I have had people who have helped me through it. 
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?
- Can you feel the love tonight- Gruvia fic and Cant help falling in love with you- Nalu fic are both inspired by the said songs. 
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
- Not sure which fics would even have a squeal. 
F: Care to share a favorite hurt/comfort fic?
-My fav ones Ive written are probably this Nalu one and this Gruvia one. 
G: Care to share a favorite crack fic?
-Hmmm I don’t think I have a crack ship for any show I watch. Usually I just stick to main ones. Im def open to them but I haven’t found one that Im really into.
H: How would you describe your style?
-Oh gosh. I don’t really know, causal maybe? Its hard because I don’t think writing has a set style like other mediums do, like acrylic painting or water color, i don’t know if there are styles. I guess angst and heartbreak but also fluff? How would you say my style?. 
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
-I mean we all love a good smut right ;) Maybe soft burns and super fluff. 
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic].
-hmm not sure what fic i would do. Oh but i am planning to rewrite a gruvia day fic cause i wasn’t happy with the ending. 
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
-Maybe my Assassin Code Kiribaku fic? Maybe even an og stroy about gods of life and death that results in an angst love story.
L: What’s the weirdest AU you’ve ever come up with?
-The lush bath bomb au fic. 
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
-I have a few fics and wip chapters planned. Plus a secret event fic coming up! Maybe I’ll start writing some og stories too. 
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
-Prob my nalu ones. Out of all the couples that i write reguarly, nalu is a struggle for me idk why. 
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
-Since I write fan fiction, the plot is my only concern cause I already know the characters to use. 
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
-Usually I’ll start to written and then it come to me. If its a wip then I might plan but for the most part, it all blooms along the way.
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
- I have a ton. 
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
-Yes!!!!! I have made a few posts about people who inspire me but i’ll name a few. (if i read your fics, you inspire me trust me, so im sorry if i forgot to tag) 
@caandleworks @lovelyluce @rougescribe @flowerboyorchid @thewritingorchid @kaycha1989 @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate @be-dazzled @bearpluscat @millennial-star-gazer @doyouevenshipbr0 @bakugou-loving-hours @moeruhoshi 
like i said, there are a ton of others too!!
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
-ooo love me some tropes. I love soulmate au and anything fantasy. Modern aus are my fav too. 
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
-Haven’t found any tropes i don’t like. Haven’t read any vampire ones so maybe i should check some out. 
U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven’t tried yet.
-Haven’t written for Tododeku or barely any Jerza. Maybe some DjWifi too
V: A secondary (or underrated) character you want to see more of in fic?
-hmmm maybe more of 
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
-all prompts are good! 
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
-Gray and Juvia. Really any character because heartbreak is fun to write! *evil laugh 
Y: A character you want to protect.
-Gray and Juvia lol. Kirishima too.
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
-I don’t read to many death fics but im down for them. I don’t have someone i cant tolerate. 
Hope ypu enjoyed anon! Asks and request always open!!
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ladyfl4me · 5 years
A,E,F,G,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z ;o
Okay *cracks knuckles* let’s go! F, M, and S have already been taken from this list, so feel free to send in... B, C, D, or H, I guess. Yeehaw. This is really fucking long.
A: How did you come up with the title to [TMWCIFTC]? -- It started, as many things do, as a bad pun. The novel The Spy who Came In from the Cold was a cold-war spy thriller, about a British spy who goes over to East Germany as an apparent defect, except he’s actually there to spread misinformation and fuck shit up. He falls in love, becomes disillusioned with his superiors, and is shot dead over the corpse of his lover after climbing over to the east side of the wall. Needless to say, this is nowhere close to what happens in TMWCIFTC. I chose it early on because of the literal meaning: there’s a moth(man), he’s coming in from the cold WV weather, boom shaka laka, we have a title. Over time, though, it’s evolved into another meaning. Indrid himself is coming in from an isolated, lonely existence: he’s rejoining the family that cut ties with him, he’s in love, he’s warm and safe. The moth sure did come in from the cold, and hopefully he stays that way.
E: If you wrote a sequel to [TMWCIFTC], what would it be about? -- Hm. Considering my entire TAZ fic career is a tangled hairball of sequels and prequels, I kind of have this base covered. At the moment, TCOS - aka The Children of Sylvain, the sequel to TMWCIFTC - is about three things: a Pine Guard road trip race against time and the feds, the Spanish Sylvan Inquisition That Nobody Expected (least of all Jake and Hollis, who have to set aside their differences and past conflicts to save Kepler - and who knows, maybe they’ll fall in love along the way), and Alexandra the Interpreter getting woke to Sylvan politics and doing what she can from the inside to change them. In other words, it’s going to be a massive sequel that is the finale of the Amnesty alternate universe I’ve created. It’s this series’ Endgame. (That reminds me, I need an actual title for this collection of stories I’m writing. The “Tin Cinematic Universe” doesn’t quite have the ring to it that I’d like.)
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order? -- eh, it kind of depends. It’s like a buffering bar on Youtube videos. I outline what I can until I run out of ideas, then start writing, then add outlines to the end, until the outline is complete and I just have to keep writing.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)? -- I don’t have one for reading, but for writing, I fucking love structuring chapters around songs. Classical or otherwise, I love music. All my stories play in my head like a movie screen, and I just do my best to describe what I’m seeing in my head with an accompanying score. It’s not so much a guilty pleasure as it is a writing process. Frankly, I don’t think I actually have a guilty pleasure; the act of writing itself is all the happiness I need.
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic]. -- An alternate ending for The Devil Went Down To Georgia would be... interesting. It ended with Boyd-as-Jersey-Devil scaring the pants off some poor broke college kid, who stole his worthless fiddle; then he changed back, and he and Ned went on their merry way to go break into Aubrey’s house and send everything down the drain. If there was one thing that I could change in there, it would be how fast Ned ran. If he ran a little faster, he would have seen the alley; he would have witnessed Boyd turning into the Jersey Devil, or at least turning back into himself; and he’d get a very rude awakening as to what Sylvans are and that his partner (in crime, and everything that mattered) was a fucking cryptid. God, that’d be a fun AU to write. Who knows, I might go do that someday.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with? -- At the moment, the only angsty idea that I’m actually conceptualizing is a Hollis/Jake angsty breakup for TSG. (Spoilers, I guess.) I once wrote a very grimdark ending to TMWCIFTC where everyone fell through the ice and drowned. It wasn’t fun. I’ve also mentally killed off each Amnesty protagonist and NPC in various ways, but I never felt comfortable writing them down. I only write angst with a happy ending because those are the kinds of stories I need to hear.
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting? -- 9 times out of 10, I just throw it into the void. I write as much as I can in big chunks, and then kind of hope for the best. TMWCIFTC, for example, is a completely unedited, unbetaed vomit draft. I usually do a quick reread of my oneshots to catch grammar and spelling errors, but other than that I just trust myself that it’s fine.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you? -- Can I get some kind of resolution for To the Edge of Night? Can I please get some kind of resolution for To the Edge of Night??? I was 14 chapters into that bastard before I a) became a more casual MCU fan and b) discovered TAZ. It was such a niche fic with such a niche structure - LOTR as galactic Asgardian propaganda to cover up Odin’s mistakes - that at some point I lost interest in it. I just saw Endgame though, so now I might get some inspiration for stuff to bastardize.
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters? -- Characters. When coming up with character backstories, I can usually find ways to slot their lives together that necessitate a plot. I love character-driven stories, where their actions actually do shit and their words actually mean something, in favor of getting dragged along behind the plot like tin cans behind a car.
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?) -- I’m definitely an architect, but in a really messy way. My friends can attest that I do an insane amount of planning for each story - often in their DMs, sorry about that, Fae, Cro, Indy and Aline 😬 - and all that usually ends up in a stream-of-consciousness rant outline on Google Drive. Knowing where the story is going helps me a lot, but the planning I do is definitely just building flower beds in which to sow seeds. Or building a greenhouse. I plan the bare bones of a story, and things get really wild within it, but it does follow a logical plot structure.
Q: How do you feel about collaborations? -- I have a lot of respect for the people who can successfully pull it off, but idk if i’d ever want to do one myself. I get really possessive of my stories and ideas and like to be the one in charge of their execution. That being said, some collabs have produced amazing stories. I don’t mind reading collab fics, but actually being in a collab grates on me more than it should.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence? -- I’m definitely influenced heavily by Neil Gaiman. I read American Gods and Good Omens a lot while I was trying to write TMWCIFTC; not only was it a good brain break, but I was able to pick up a lot of tips on scene pacing, concise yet expressive language, and character interactions. My creative wriitng professors have always told us to read so we know what to steal - not in terms of content, but in execution. 
On the fanfic side, @miamaroo is a huge inspiration for me. I’ve been reading Northern Migration a lot recently, and I love how its canon divergence is so worldshaking and so complex, but is still familiar in nostalgic yet terrifying ways. I read it back in October, went, “Huh, I wanna do something that wild. And if miamaroo can do it then I sure as fuck can too,” and I started planning TMWCIFTC during that one month dead zone the McElroys took last year. Northern Migration is one of the best, most coherent, most stunning, and most incredibly written TAZ Balance AUs I’ve ever read, and if I hadn’t read it, I wouldn’t have been inspired to take the fuckall huge plunge into TMWCIFTC.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist? -- Bed sharing and cuddling, hand kissing, wrist kissing, whump, sympathetic villains. Canon divergent AUs are my absolute favorite things to both read and write. Anything that would turn me into Charlie Kelly slamming his finger on a bulletin board screaming, “CAROL,” is a fic I would give my life for. 
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand? -- Not a fan of a) woobification and b) flat villain characterization, to the point where the story is riding on villain tropes instead of an actual person or plot. Character nuance is always something I look for when I read. I don’t usually get bitter about tropes, though; some stuff, when subverted, works really well. I fully subscribe to don’t like, don’t read, don’t write, which is why I don’t write anything that warrants AO3 content warning tags or an Explicit rating, in favor of focusing on plot. Every author has a reason for what they write and how - be it their level of experience, personal preference, or simply the joy of writing something and getting it out there - and I respect that. Within reason, of course.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much. -- 
@miamaroo, for reasons I’ve already discussed. My favorite TAZ Balance author hands down. Read Northern Migration and give it the love it deserves, or I’m replacing all the faucets in your house with silly straws.
@transagentstern. Fae has a bunch of absolutely incredible fics and an amazing grasp on characterization. We come from the same place with AUs, in that canon is but the bare planks on which we put the drywall of our plot an characterization. They structure AUs and character backstories from the ground up in believable and emotionally raw ways. Also they have great music taste. I especially like their interpretation of Indrid in Moth to the Flame; he, like all the other characters in the story, is far from perfect, and his character arc is explored in relatable ways that I love to read. 
@keplersheetz. Aline - theneonpineapple on AO3 - researches like a motherfucker and has a wealth of knowledge/experience/viewpoints to draw on, making author-author interactions with her an absolute delight. She’s also doing the lord’s work with rarepairs. Spin a wheel, find a ship, and she’s probably written for it or at least conceptualized it. Reading her character studies and stories of the old Pine Guard - aka Mama’s original crew, before the current PCs joined - is always a delight. I’ve also hashed out a lot of details for The Children of Sylvain, especially for Mr. Boyd Mosche, guilt-wracked Jersey Devil extraordinaire, with her help. 
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose? -- Not gonna lie, I’m fine with a lot of stuff that’s out there right now. It’s been a hot few months since I’ve actually stopped to read fic, but from what I recall, most of the fics I’ve read have done a good job of keeping things intact.
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones? -- The vaguer, the better. With really specific prompts, it usually feels as if the story’s been written for me already; with vague, general prompts, I have more agency to explore my own ideas. Some accompanying detail is usually nice, though. For example, the coffee shop/college/flower shop AUs that @transagentstern​ wrote are my ideal prompt for drabbles: premise, a little bit of open-ended detail, clear explanation of what’s going to happen while leaving the rest up to the imagination. Good stuff. If it’s for a long-form piece, though, I prefer full agency, or even just some time to lie facedown in the dirt and wait for an idea to strike me.
X: A character you enjoy making suffer. -- Yes.
Y: A character you want to protect. -- Tim.
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate? -- I do read lots of major character death, yeah, though not always for TAZ. There’s something cathartic about seeing a character die, but sometimes it sits wrong with me in ways that I don’t like. As for writing, I’d rather kill a character for a reason rather than for shock value/for the Feels, though said Feels can accompany the reason. 
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julla · 6 years
Alphabet Soup~
i was tagged by @aflaxtonjaegerbomb ~ thank u for this and everything else and its so cute that u still have an edit of mine as ur icon btw. loveit :)) cute :))
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post then tag 10 people you would like to get to know better~
A: Age, 25
B: Birthplace, estonia
C: Current Time, 8am
D: Drink you last had, water
E: Easiest person to talk to, umm.. i wish i could say my family but lmao. i’ll say @xxxtiaxxx who is my nr 1 bestie lol and @tabi-ears is... a great person to talk to too. supportive and real and.. idk.. thank u to both of u :) w the bb hiatus i have lost many friends lol its weird but this blog IS forreal my happyplace and when its empty then my life is empty too. and since i live away from home again its hard...
F: Favorite song, so.. i went to see twenty one pilots last week right. and i’ve always been a super casual fan like oh ye 21p i love them :) now tho... i mean... i just took a bit of a deeper look into their songs and fandom and... fuck. i always liked their music. like its hard for me to find arstists that i really can listen to full albums. (like bigbang) ... but rn im absolutely obsessed w their trench album. havent listened to anything else for like.. 2-3 weeks lol. my favorites are jumpsuit and chlorine and my blood and (lmao i could go on).. its good to listen to sth that actually makes me feel something. like i cant listen to jumpsuit without crying apparently. woke up and the first song i listened to is jumpsuit so ye im crying rn too lol.. sigh..
G: Grossest memory, bit of a TMI i suppose but my grossest memories all circle around molestation and assault. i guess i wont get into detail so i wouldnt gross u guys out but like.. things like... when i woke up and my cousin’s hand was in my panties and when i opened my eyes he smiled at me. freak. and like.. one thing that will probably haunt me til i die.. when i was r*ped and the guy told me to open my mouth. triggered 
H: Hogworts House, dunno tbh. ive taken the test a few times over the years and the answer hasnt been the same so.. idk
I: In love? no
J, Jealous of people? no
K, Killed people? no
L: Love at first sight, or should I walk by again? ye it takes time so keep walking
M: Middle name, dont have one
N: Number of siblings? 3
O: One wish, i wanna get pregnant but its hard for me to find someone to start a family with. like.. im hooking up w this guy rn but theres no way we’ll start a family ya feel lmao
P: Person you last called, i dont call.. plus i live abroad so... ye.. im not calling anyone rn
Q: Question you are always asked? how tall are u :))))))))))))))))))))))))))
R: Reason to smile, music.. jiyong and seunghyun.. cats and animals in general.. good kisses.. travelling.. good food.. good memories..  
S: Song you last sang, jumpsuit lol
T: Time you woke up? 6:10am
U: Underwear colour, black
V: Vacation destination, always wanna go back to jeju and seoul too.. but anywhere, i suppose.. i wanna travel a lot. but.. first i kinda wanna go back to turkey and iran. so we’ll see how it goes. and by it i mean money
W: Worst habit, social smoking
X: X-rays, had my chest xrayed for work a few times now
Y: Your favourite food, korean food 100%.. id kill for some good ass bibimbap rn. sigh..............
Z: Zodiac sign, cancer
tagging: @simplyshady @cosmicskyc @mottemottemotte @solution-the-problem @lu2lubelle @empatsepuluh @nicoleveno14 @tazman4714 @tabi-ears @jiandtabi
thanks and have a nice day
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drummerqueenrmt · 6 years
Alphabet Tag Game!
Tagged by the precious @natromanxoff 💛 I think I already did this one but I’m going to do it again anyway!
A - Age: 22
B - Birthplace: Spain
C - Current time: 09.47 AM
D - Drink you last had: Coffee with milk
E - Easiest person to talk to: My mum, some of my friends, the beautiful person who tagged me in this and some more people of this fandom (they know whether are)
F - Favourite song: It has always been Bohemian Rhapsody, I know it too obvious but it is what it is
G - Grossest memory: Opening a portable bathroom and seeing a couple doing their business 
 H - Horror yes or horror no: No
I - In love: Always (but in my head only)
J - Jealous of people: Sometimes
L - Love at first sight or should I walk again: I don’t usually believe in love at first sight by my personal experience but idk maybe some day it happens 
M - Middle name: I don’t have
N - Number of siblings: None
O - One wish: Immortality for the people I love
P - Person you last called: My mother
Q - Question you’re always asked: Are you really that age?? Is it hard to study medicine?? What speciality do you want to do next??
R - Reading anything right now: Sadly no...
S - Song you last sang: Atrevete te te - Calle 13
T - Time you woke up: 08.30 AM
U - Underwear colour: White and blue
W - When was the last time you really laughed: Yesterday at a conference (?)
X - X rays: I had a lot when younger bc I had a lot of problems with my ankle
Y - Your favourite food: My grandma’s macaroni
Z - Zodiac sign: Pisces
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janiedean · 6 years
Are there any fantasy series that you are as into as Game of Thrones?
sure! well, not as into as in fandoms but:
I’m actually more into stephen king’s dark tower than anything else in existence but I don’t discuss it often because a) the fandom doesn’t exist, b) the movie from hell they made from it was a travesty for a shitload of reasons but let’s say I had bad experiences with people who hadn’t read the books and it made me lose all force of will to engage with that tag, c) no one reads it, but it’s like my favorite fantasy series ever, half of my username is actually DT-related and while I hated the ending the rest was totally more than enough for me to recommend it ;)
other than that idk if it’s fantasy but I’m very much into wild cards (grrm’s shared universe with his writer friends from santa fe lol) which is basically deconstructed x-men and I
I’m really fucking into ian tregillis’s work - I found him out because he was one of the wild cards authors and then I got into his stuff and man he does alternate history like nothing else like alchemy wars is the masterpiece everyone should read but like he’s done two trilogies (that and the milkweed tryptich, which isn’t as good but it’s still pretty damn great) and a standalone novel, something more than night, which is delicious and he does genre mix up like nothing else like I
also I’m not into it like fannishly but terry pratchett’s discworld is also one of my faves, it was forty-one books of IN WHICH ORDER DO I READ THIS but it was 100% worth it
aaand MY NEW SHINY FAVORITE is the dinosaur lords which is BASICALLY GOT WITH DINOSAURS IS2G, I also found that out because the author, victor milàan, was in the wild cards group - the only downside is that it was a planned six books, three were published and then he died this year so unless he had the other three written already and in need of a publication contract we’ll never know how it was supposed to end but STILL what’s there of it was great imo, it had amazing worldbuilding and I loved all the characters except like two maybe lol, and IT HAD DINOSAURS and like... 70% of the people are canon bi and it’s based on like medieval europe but with actual ethnic correspondence like, there’s the usual french/brits/spanish but there’s also people obviously based on eastern-europeans/russians/greeks/italians WHO ACTUALLY STUDY LAW AND AREN’T CRIMINALS/germans/irish/romani and so on like it has some really amazing diverse worldbuilding and I love it ;___;
idk if it’s FANTASY but the johannes cabal books by jonathan l. howard are AN ABSOLUTE DELIGHT OF BLACK HUMOR and it’s five of them that are actually a finished arc so 
I don’t produce content for 90% of these mostly because I have zero time with all the stuff I have to prioritize but all those books are amazing and I’m 100% into them and actually if anyone ever wants to discuss any of them I’m down with it ;) (I’m not counting margaret atwood’s madaddam trilogy bc that’s downright dystopian and not FANTASY but man that’s also a series I love as I ranted about already XD)
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