#idk i figured this shot would be good to draw these two in
tailsgetstrolledmp3 · 2 months
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♪ Don't give up, 'cause you have friends ♪
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alexxness · 9 days
A thread on how I'd portray Gravity Falls x The Last of Us (Part 1) [I was bored last night]
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This post is based on @eerizon recent Gravity Falls x TLOU drawing :P
First of all, the artist above totally saw my (and everyone else's) vision, bc I also thought about this idea, but I wanted to wait for someone else to draw it
So now, I'm just gonna write down who would be who in this universe just for fun (feel free to drop your own ideas too)
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Starting off with: Stan as Joel
It's logical and makes total sense!!
Two father figures who lost someone in their lives get attached to some who didn't have good impressions at first, and protects them with their lives
I'm still trying to figure who'd be Sarah though..
Dipper and Mabel as Ellie
I'd like to highlight Mabel the most, bc it also makes sense that Stan gets more attached to her, and later saves her from her death at the hospital (which means she'd be the one immune to the infection)
As for Dipper, he'd be most important for Part 2
Dipper could be the one figuring out that Stan broke the siblings' trust/promise, when he discovers that he lied about Mabel being useless to the cure of the infection
He'd also get revenge for Stan's death as well
For obvious reasons, Ford would be Tommy
Their relationship with their brothers is very similar, and I'm pretty darn sure that Ford would do the exact same thing that Tommy did when Joel died
They're extremely good shots, and ✨ survivors ✨
Eda (from The Owl House) as Tess is an interesting idea, and I love it
The fact that Eda gets infected, is a pretty good replacement for her curse, and I just love that concept rahhhh
I ain't 100% sure, but I think Wendy as Bill could be an interesting idea
She's a survivalist, and she would absolutely rule making traps like Bill's
Frank could be one of her exes or something, idk haven't thought enough about it yet 😭
This is another one I haven't thought through at 100%, but once again, Fiddleford as Maria could also be a cool concept
Sure, who wouldn't want a partner telling all the probabilities of things that could happen if this and that occurred, right?
Took me a while to figure this one out... This wouldn't be a sibling situation, but a partner one--
I think Blubs as Henry and Durland as Sam is sad, but also an interesting idea
It's a dark turn to take for these two sillies, and I'm sorry for this :(
[Human]Bill would be David for sure (but he wouldn't be a PDFFile omgoshh)
The simple logic is bc he tricks both Dipper and Mabel, and tries to kill them to feed his gang
(which he technically does this during Weirdmageddon [he offers Dipper as a snack to 8-Ball and Teeth])
Blind Ivan would be the perfect fit for Marlene
This basically makes the Society of the Blind Eye, the new Fireflies, which is actually pretty cool
Pacifica would probably take Riley's role
She's besties with the twins, and wants to be free from her parents (as usual)
Who's gonna kiss her later at the abandoned mall?? Dipper or Mabel? You decide!!
Unfortunately yeah, she gets infected-- And she's never seen again :'D
And for last but not least... Bud as Jerry
Seems like a logical reason, right?? Kinda makes sense...
Hmm... I wonder who's going after Stan after this...
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And that's it for my Part 1 ideas!!
I can drop your opinions/ideas, I'll be happy to read them and discuss with all of you!!
I might make a post about Part 2 eventually, so stay tuned if you're interested
Have a good day/night, everyone!!
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whumping-valentine · 2 months
🦌 Fawn and Hunter - Part 14 🦌
"The Apocalypse"
Content: ??? Idk this is kinda tame. Nothing whumpy happens. I suppose Stockholm syndrome and captivity, mayhaps. Oh also people die but that's whatever lolll.
3,200 words
Hey y'all, it's time for part 14! I meant to get this out like over a week ago now but I got distracted by drawing because I'm trying a new art style and am absolutely obsessed with it.
Since I've gotten lots of followers since the last part's release, here's the Masterlist if you wanna read it!
As always, I apologize for my writing quality 😓
Enjoy! 🛸
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     Severin's adaptation to werewolf life in a cult was difficult and surreal, to say the least. Not to mention scary. No one had yet realized he wasn't actually a part of the pack, though some have commented on his unfamiliar smell. The trio assured them he'd been here for a while now. Agnes and Anthony's rank was enough to keep them from prying any further.
     The good news was none of this speculation had gotten back to Ethel. If she heard of the suspicions and wanted to check it out for herself, Severin would be a goner. Surely she'd also figure out her two top dogs were behind it, too. That wouldn't be good for anyone.
     They've made it by for a week now, and news was starting to circulate around Severin's spacecraft…
     “I'm here at the sight of the crash in the small town of Woodmar. An apparent UFO has wrecked in the middle of the woods. Authentic, or hoax? Let's find out.” A news reporter spoke. She and the cameraman inspected the wreckage while commentating.
     By now, it had run out of power, so none of the technology worked. While the craft might have been able to be explained away as an art project, the destruction it left in its wake didn't have the same level of excusability. As soon as this story got out, it was sure to gain traction all over the internet. It was the most definitive proof of extraterrestrial life the world had ever seen, and it was right here, up close and personal.
    Both the reporter and cameraman got noticeably more excited and scared as they inspected. It got harder and harder to pass off as anything other than the truth of what it was: a UFO. The two of them talked about how they wished it was a live broadcast instead of a pre-recording, they wanted the world to see this immediately!
     In the middle of the reporter's sentence, the microphone's signal was unexpectedly cut off, and the camera stopped working completely. The two inspected their devices, unaware of the creatures who stalked them from behind the trees.
     In an instant, both the reporter and the cameraman were shot dead.
     A pair of aliens emerged from behind the bushes, guns in hand as they approached the human corpses. They looked down on them in scorn before inspecting the ship.
     “Oh, of course." One of the aliens groaned, "You know who's ship this is? It's Severin's!”
     “I always knew he wasn't cut out for this." The other shook their head, "Should we tell The Council?”
     “No, of course not. We cannot let them know someone has already fumbled the mission, they will think poorly of us all. It's not good that the humans are already suspicious of our plans. We need them to be oblivious, at least for a little while longer.”
     “What do you suggest we do?”
     “There is not anything that we need to do. It wasn't a live broadcast. All we need to do is destroy the camera, and the evidence is gone. By the time the news station realizes the reporters they sent are missing, it'll be too late. We won't need to hide anymore.”
     “We’re already here, aren’t we? We’re already infiltrating. It’ll only take a few days now before we have control over this pathetic planet. By the time The Council arrives to survey, the human race will already be enslaved and ready to serve the Empire.”
     “I sure hope so.” they said, "So long as the fuck up doesn't fuck it up anymore than they already have..."
     Hunter let out a sigh as they awoke, groaning as they stretched their arms, bones cracking.
     “You sure slept in.” Fawn mumbled, already wide awake, sitting with their hands cupping their head, “Though maybe it’s 8 am and I’m the one up early. Who knows.”
     “Mm. You sound depressed.” Hunter mumbled, “It's day 40, you know? Hooray, give it up for day 40!” They cheered sarcastically.
     Fawn sighed and rubbed their face, “Oh, human life is so short. I can't believe I'm wasting away my precious days trapped here doing nothing! My precious, sweet young days! Why couldn't it have been when I'm older, at least then my glory days would've been behind me!”
     Hunter chuckled, though it was more sad, “Glory days are a myth. Don't worry about your youth. Some people peak early, others late, and some not at all. Some people die before their good days. Some never had a chance in the first place.”
     “Yeah, because people like you took it away from them.”
     “I know.” Hunter said, though it wasn't remorseful nor regretful. It was simply an admission, or acknowledgement. “I won't pretend to be a good person. I'm not. Though… I do wish I could've done things differently.”
     “What, you expect me to feel sympathy for you, or something?”
      “No, of course not. I'm not looking for pity, I don't want pity. I'm just stating how I feel. How you feel about that in return is up to you, I don't fucking care.”
     “Really? Because it sure sounds like you do.”
     Hunter sighed, “Look… this isn't easy for me to say, but I'll finally tell the truth for once. I like you, Fawn. Well, not romantically or anything like that, but I… I enjoy your company.”
     Fawn wasn't sure how to respond to that.
     “Jesus, I say something sentimental for once in my life and you look at me like I'm insane.”
     “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m already insane.”
     “You’re a murderer.”
     “I know.”
     Neither spoke another word. 
     One of the members walked into view with two plates of food.
     “Oh, day 41, even better!” Hunter said. The member placed the plates on the floor, before introducing themself sheepishly.
     “Um… hi. My name is Severin. I'm… from space?” He said, awkwardly pointing upwards.
     “You're an alien?” Fawn questioned.
     “Shh, not so loud! I'm… not supposed to be here. I'm planning on leaving soon... with… two of my friends. They told me they wanted you to come with us.”
      “What, the two people who took us here in the first place? And now they’re making you do the risky job of getting us out? Yeah, friends that I’d definitely trust.”
     “You don’t understand- ugh- look, do you want out or not?”
     “Of course I do! Are you kidding me?”
     Severin unlocked the door, “Then follow me and stay quiet.”
     Fawn's eyes widened. Oh, this was happening fast. They quickly, yet cautiously with suspicion, stepped out of the cell. Hunter hopped to their feet to follow.
     “Can we leave this one here?” Fawn whispered. Hunter folded their arms, and Severin shook his head before hurriedly rushing both of them out.
     He snuck them up the stairs where Anthony and Agnes were waiting to help keep cover. The three acted like a shield, even though there wasn't anyone else around. Agnes and Anthony had managed to get them to leave the area due to their height on the hierarchy. They'd said Ethel wanted them for something. Once that was figured out a lie, it'd be over for them.
     Ethel will surely find out about all of this and won't be pleased in the slightest, but the twins made their decision to leave no matter the cost. Once a nice distance away, Agnes and Anthony took off their masks, heaving a sigh of relief.
     Agnes had long dark brown hair that looked choppy and uneven. Freckles lined her face, her eyes were tired and grey.
     Anthony had short light brown hair, that was a slight bit lengthy and very, very messy. Just like Agnes he too had freckles.
     “Oh, wow. You guys look… normal.” Fawn said.
     “Huh? Why?” Agnes questioned, “What did you think we looked like?”
     “I dunno, like werewolves, I guess.”
     “What do you mean ‘like werewolves’?”
     “I don’t know, like all hairy, or something.”
     “Is that racist?” Anthony asked.
     “I don’t know, you’re the werewolf, you tell me!”
     “Listen,” Agnes said, changing the subject, “We may be out, but we aren't safe, and we never will be. Anthony and I were Ethel's top members, when she realizes we're gone, she's gonna come and find us. Especially once she and the rest of the pack also notice the humans are missing, and we gave them false directions, and then the rest of the whole Apocalypse stuff…”
     “So… what do we do now?” Fawn asked.
     Anthony shrugged, “I dunno. Try to survive, I guess.”
     “We need some kind of plan.” Agnes said, “Ethel will find us, and she'll be angry.”
     “And the other invaders have to know I've messed up badly by now…” said Severin.
     Fawn clasped their hands together, “Welp, it sure sucks to be you guys. See ya!”
     Agnes scoffed and folded her arms, “Do you really think you're safe? You and your friend here are more screwed than we are.”
     “W- okay, first of all, they're not my friend, and secondly… I'm still leaving.” they said, and turned to leave, walking away.
     I didn't call it the Great Human Extinction for nothing.” Anthony yelled out to them.
     Fawn stopped and turned, “And why did you call it that?”
     "Why do you think?”
     “Well… considering I’ve seen werewolves, vampires, and now aliens, I’m gonna guess an overthrow of Earth?”
     “Pretty much, yeah.” Agnes confirmed, “Worst case scenario is you die. Best case scenario is you’ll no longer be human by the end of this. Or both. Both is highly likely.”
     “Well that’s great to hear.”
     “If you don’t end up dead or a non-human, you’ll be enslaved by my people.” Severin said.
     “You guys are the best at delivering good news.”
     “See? You're screwed, too. We're in this together.” Agnes said.
     “I didn't ask to be in this in the first place!”
     “Do you think anyone asked to be in this? No, we didn't. Our chances are stronger together, so you can either go and fend this off alone, or bare the storm with us.”
     “Ugh.” Fawn groaned, “Fine.” They said, folding their arms. Everyone looked to Hunter.
     “What about you?” Agnes asked.
     Hunter responded, “Bold of you to assume I have anything better going on in my life.”
     “Well then, we have a group at least.” Anthony said, “that's a start, right?”
      “Barely.” Agnes said, “Let's get out of these woods, first and foremost. We'll go from there.”
     And so, the group of five made their way through the forest. Anthony was anxiously trying to rip apart his mask, Agnes distracted herself by gazing up at the trees, and Severin jumped at every cracking branch. Hunter looked unbothered, and Fawn felt like they were running a marathon from how fast their heart was beating.
     As they walked, they could see a building up ahead through the trees. They could feel their heart flutter as they picked up their speed. Once their feet hit the concrete and they knew where they were, they took off without a second thought.
     They ran down the street as fast as their legs could carry them, running all the way up to an average, inconspicuous house. It was small and feeble, but by God, it was home.
     Fawn nearly burst the door down as they unlocked it with a hidden key. The first thing they did was collapse onto their couch, and began sobbing. They weren’t sure if it was out of relief, fear, sadness, or all of the above. Probably all of the above.
     Agnes, Anthony, and Severin followed them inside, while Hunter stood in the doorway. They rubbed their arm awkwardly as Fawn cried, feeling… strange. Guilty? Did they feel guilty? They felt intrusive just being in the doorway, so they turned around and sat in their front yard.
     After a minute, Fawn’s cries slowly dwindled until they were left sniffling. They felt like they could fall asleep right there as they were. They were exhausted in every sense of the word, and now for the first time in months, they felt they could truly, finally relax. They were home. On their couch. It felt like everything could be okay again…
     If it weren’t for the whole apocalypse thing.
     Fawn took in a deep breath, exhaling it in a mix of a sigh and a groan. They pushed themself up, sitting criss-crossed on the couch. They rubbed their eyes under their glasses, then just sat. Sat and stared at the dirty carpet of their living room floor.
     Nothing would ever be the same again, nor would it ever be how they’d hoped. All of their plans, their dreams, their entire life, it was gone. It didn’t matter if they were still trapped with Hunter at the cabin, or by the werewolves, or even if they were right here back home on their couch. It would all end up the same. Nothing mattered anymore. They wondered if it ever did.
     They stood up from the couch after what felt like hours, and walked up the creaky wooden stairs to their bedroom. Their heart skipped a beat as they turned the old knob. Everything was just as they left it before going out on their walk.
     They grabbed a spare pair of glasses they had, and they weren't prepared for how amazing it was to see without cracks. They sat on their bed and stared down at the old pair, running their thumb over the cracks. Their hands began to shake, and they tossed them away to the floor, landing in a pile of clothes. They reached for their medication on the bedside table and stared down at it.
     It would be so nice to not feel like they're dying all the time, but… They’ve already been forced to stop taking them all at once, and considering the whole apocalypse thing, they doubted they’d be able to refill their prescription. This bottle was all they had left, and it would be for the best to just deal with the anxiety- as awful as it may be. At least they weren’t someone who needed drugs in order to live…
     Their favorite old jacket was thrown over a wooden chair. They put it on, and it felt like the most comforting thing to exist. So warm and secure. They picked up a handheld mirror that laid on their desk and took a look at their reflection. They knew their hair had grown over the last few months, but seeing their actual face really put it in perspective. Their hair was down past their shoulders. They couldn’t recall the last time it was that long.
     Before going back downstairs, they grabbed a wooden baseball bat they had lying underneath their bed. Agnes and Anthony were being nosy as they innocently looked through Fawn’s things, but Fawn didn’t care. Severin looked fascinated by the alien-to-him objects, typing stuff down on his half-working tablet.
     Fawn left their house where they saw Hunter sitting criss-crossed in the grass, picking at the clovers and dandelions. They cautiously approached them, sitting down next to them with a bit of distance. Hunter glazed over to them with a side eye, keeping their attention on the ground.
     Fawn twiddled with their thumbs, and fidgeted with the loose threads of their jacket, unable to think of something to say. It was strange, what they had. They were a captive and a captor, a victim and a murderer, a fawn and a hunter. Yet now, they could almost feel like… friends. Fawn scrunched their face at the thought.
     Hunter was the one to break the silence, “Why are you still here?”
     “What do you mean? This is my yard.”
     “Oh. Yeah. That is true… I guess the better question is, why am I here, huh?”
     “Yeah, Hunter, why are you here?” Fawn said, “That’s not even your real name, either, is it?”
     “No, it’s not. Does it matter?”
     “If you wanna sit in my yard and rip up my grass then yes, it does. Tell me your real name or get out.”
     Hunter shrugged and got up.
     "Wait, you’re actually leaving?”
     “Hey, you gave me an either or and I took it. Have fun with your group of four, I'll finally fuck off.” They said, and began walking away down the street.
     “Ugh- wait.” Fawn said, getting up to follow them. Hunter didn't stop walking.
     “What, grow attached to me now?”
     “Fuck you.”
     “uh huh. I see."
     "Fuck you." Fawn said again, "The woods were my only escape, and now it’s the fucking apocalypse. No one has anywhere to go. This is it… why… why did you even take me in the first place?"
     "I... I was sadistic."
     "What would you know? You're not me."
      "That's not the reason. At least not the main one."
     “Earlier today, you told me you liked me. You… kept me because you were lonely.”
     “You say that with a lot of confidence.”
     “Well I’m right, ain’t I? You decided you liked me, so instead of killing me, you kept me. That’s what you did.”
     “Is it?”
     “Yes! You literally told me!”
     “Did I?”
     “Yes! Today!”
     “I don’t think I said that.”
     “UAGH!” Fawn groaned, “You’re fucking impossible! You’re infuriating!” They plopped down onto a curb, putting their head in their hands. Hunter leaned against a street sign.
     Fawn sighed, "... Back... when I was sick and you were taking- taking care of me. That was- it was the first time I've ever been cared for like that. Not even my own mother showed me that kind of kindness. I- I just can't deal with it.”
     For a moment Hunter’s face softened. Just a moment. “What, so I remind you of your shitty mom?”
     "No, you're like my shitty mother if my shitty mother was also a fucking creep who gave even just a single fuck about me."
     The two sat on the curb in silence as they stared out at the sunset over the skyline. The air was warm with a gentle cool breeze.
     "Ooohhh, I see. So I'm not like your mother, I'm like your mommy." Hunter teased, and Fawn turned an embarrassed shade of red, making Hunter chuckle. They sat down next to them.
     Fawn finally spoke, "Fuck. I think I have Stockholm syndrome."
     "Hey, at least you're self-aware. Spending 41 days trapped with me as an equal fucked ya up, didn't it?” They teased, nudging Fawn with their elbow.
     “You're not funny, or cute, or quirky.”
     “I ain't sayin’ I am. I'm an asshole who likes to torment people. I think you need to care a little less."
     "Does it even fucking matter anymore? It's the end of the world, Hunter!"
     “Yeah, so what better time is there to stop caring?”
     “We’re all going to die. You heard what Severin said. The aliens want to enslave us, the werewolves want to use us as some kind of godly sacrifice, and the vampires… what do they want? Our blood, and- oh, god, is Anaira okay?!”
     “Okay, look. Sure, maybe the world as we know it is ending. Sure, maybe we're all doomed by the narrative. But that doesn't mean we can't fight to the end, does it? I mean, you said it yourself, nothing matters anymore. So let's forget about trivial problems and fuck shit up. There are no more consequences.”
     “If there are no more consequences, then I should be able to strangle you right here, right now. Beat you with this bat."
     “I mean… yeah. You could try. You think once this whole thing really gets going that the police are gonna care? Or rather that they'll still exist at all. It's a time for anarchy, it's time to actually eat the rich. It's time to fuck around and find out. What's there left to lose? So, yeah, you can try to strangle me. The only person who'd be stopping you is me.”
Fawn stood up, and began walking away.
     “Where are you going?”
     “Well, it's the Apocalypse, ain't it? So let's get prepared.”
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Taglist: @parasitebunny @whumpy-wyrms @fruitypinapple00 @otterfrost
Lmk in the comments if you want added or removed !
Thanks for reading !! 💕🦌
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soul-of-the-sanada · 2 years
obey me brothers and picking up a new hobby
a/n: I can't sleep so have this
starting a new hobby because you're bored with the regular day to day, or someone's feeling inspired? who knows why anyone does anything.
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lucifer would want to do something classy. maybe he'd offer to learn an instrument with you, or teach you something he knows. 
i think he'd enjoy some kinda craft where he can use his hands. maybe throwing clay, sitting there shaping it in his hands gives him a good sense of control and that's important to him. downside is he'd throw out anything with the slightest imperfection. 
whatever you want to do, mammon is with you every step of the way. and vice versa which makes picking out a new hobby for the two of you just plain exhausting.
i bet you could get this guy into hardcore couponing. he'd be the type to whip out that huge binder. everything is color coded by store/purpose/intended recipient/etc. 
he'd be really interested in antiquing. who knows what kind of treasure he might find, that would undoubtedly make him a quick grimm on the auction sites. 
pls just let him go back to his room and play games
but not really. he's willing to go out, he just doesn't want to do anything physical. 
i think he'd like to take up something arty. he already does his own sewing and designing so maybe some kind of drawing class where he can design his own manga. you could easily sweet talk simeon into letting him do a special edition graphic novel of tsl. 
idk I just get birdwatching vibes from him. he'd love tracking migration patterns and learning about native species. Satan would also learn birdcalls so he and belphie can signal each other for anti-lucifer club shenanigans. probably tries to set dangerous birds lose in the house because it makes lucifer a little crazy. he quickly stops when someone mentions that mc might get hurt. 
asmo would be all over designing and building miniatures. you want a tiny house, decorated in the best styles? they've got you. a tiny little hol, built to scale, where asmo pretends their brothers care about their fashion and design advice. there's little minis of the entire family and when someone misbehaves (mammon), their little figure gets put in time out in the crypt. 
beekeeping. it's a pretty chill hobby, and he's generally a pretty chill person. he's a bit in tune, thanks to his demon form being insectoid. it's also good for him in the way of the bees making him honey. they love him so much, he gets so much honey. everything is sticky. send help.
photography. another pretty relaxed hobby. his biggest problem is getting sleepy if he has to wait for a while to get his shot. he would prefer to stick to nature sources because less people to deal with. his favorite shot is one he got of mc and beel silhouetted against a setting sun on their way home from RAD. he'd also learn how to develop his own film. 
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etherfall · 7 months
I've only thought about this for two seconds but in the au we'd still want N to have a prominent role in the story yea? Assuming that this is from the protag's prospective at least.
I say that when we go into Chargestone Cave we still meet N, after all Chargestone Cave is literally his fav place besides Ferris Wheels. Though the cave still gets overrun with Plasma grunts (prob tryna scope out N and Protag who knows) and you going through the cave with N, double battling the grunts like you did in BW2 with Bianca in that one mountain.
Idk again I only thought about this for two seconds but I think it'd be a good idea story wise to get acquainted with him slowly instead of him having a single appearance in the castle y'know? Feels less like his character is suddenly thrusted onto you in the climax of the story.
Personally I've been looking at the story from N's perspective this whole time and am focusing more on his interactions/growth with Alder. I haven't really thought about the protagonist side of things since it's not a priority for me.
This AU originally came off of a one-shot drawing but the story for it has expanded so fast I'm not caught up on all the details yet, so I'm sorta figuring it out as I go!
Maybe I'll touch up on the protag side eventually but I guess I'll leave that up to personal interpretation for now :)
Edit: If you want an answer I did mention in an earlier post that he would have a role similiar to that of Alder's, appearing at random moments to greet the Protag and talk, maybe appearing with Alder at some points such as before Twist mountain.
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djsadbean · 9 months
u ever have an idea to make a fic about professor steven Boxleitner and Amazo guy I love them so freaking much or did you already make 1 and if so where can I read it
wah thank u!!! so happy to hear!!! <3
i wrote this one :D theres also the two chapters of the return of miss power fic (one of which is still a draft lol) but yeah :3
btw i think i might make the next chapter shorter on that one... hmm.... i've started to not like the idea of a "canon" fanon timeline that i always have to stick to. i like general plot points like "they meet bc steven is in danger", "they get into trouble together and take turns saving each other", and "adam is pulled away from earth for what ends up being a long time and steven looses himself too along the way" bc i like to think of many ways of things xD i want to give them everything !!! all of the stories <3
idk i like the idea that i can do whatavar.... it might help me write more one shot kind of things! long fics are just so hard to keep track of lol. i cant even explain all the adam and steven life episodes that exist in my head that i make up before going to sleep LOL i would love to write those down or maybe even draw them :3
sorry for hijacking this ask anon! xD figured it would be a good place to talk about it
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herofics · 11 months
Heyy idk if u do requests but can u do a pt 3 to big bro Dabi? Maybe how him and teen! Reader met? Tyy
A/N: The previous two "big bro Dabi" posts can be found here and here in no particular order, because it doesn't matter. I wanted to write a scenario for this, since the previous two are also scenarios and I wanted to keep that going. This is platonic, obviously… and I didn’t know how to end it so I just took the lazy way
Dabi was wandering the streets once again. Shigaraki had pissed him off and he had left the hideout, disguised as to not draw attention to himself. His appearance tended to attract people’s attention and he definitely didn’t need that right now. There probably wasn’t a person in Mustafa who didn’t know his face. It was exactly the kind of notoriety he had been looking for, but right now, it was a pain in the ass.
You needed money. Your mother had broken your headphones and you needed to buy new ones. The problem was, since your parents didn’t let you work, you didn’t have any money. So for a couple of months now, you had been pickpocketing. You’d gotten pretty damn good at it too. You targeted people in big crowds, since it was easier to disappear into the sea of people, and no one really thought twice about being bumped into in a crowd. You picked the pocket of some guy who was dressed completely in black clothes. You slipped into a nearby alleyway, completely oblivious to the fact that you hadn’t gotten away with it and that you were being followed.
Dabi was pissed, so he was looking for an excuse to make someone suffer. Someone picking his pocket was the perfect excuse to spread some hurt. He followed you at a distance, almost losing you in the crowd in the process, but he caught up to you as you slipped into an alley.
He followed you deeper into the alley away from prying eyes.
You could hear the footsteps getting closer and when you looked back, you noticed the person whose wallet you were going through. You started running, but were stopped by a flash of blue flames that shot past you. Was it actually him? Was it that villain who had been burning people alive recently? Dabi? Why was your luck so shit?
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry” you exclaimed, bowing repeatedly and offering his wallet back to him.
Maybe you could get out of this with minimal injuries if you just didn’t antagonize him.
“Give me my cash” Dabi hissed as he looked through his wallet.
In your panic, you had totally forgotten about the cash you had stuffed into your hoodie pocket. You started pulling it out, but your hands were trembling so badly you dropped most of it.
“So-sorry, I’ll pick it up” you stammered, kneeling down to gather the cash.
“You kids these days have no common sense. Why would you just pick anyone’s pocket? You gotta pick your targets better” Dabi muttered, not actually expecting you to answer.
“I need new headphones because my mom broke mine” you explained, wondering why he would ask you something like that.
“You do realize I wasn’t actually lookin for an answer, right?”
“Yeah, I don’t really know why I answered” you muttered as you stood up and handed him his cash.
There was just something so pathetic about you, maybe you reminded him of himself back in the day. Lost, broken and with no place to belong to. It’s not like he was going to give you his money, but he wasn’t going to hurt you like he had originally planned. Perhaps you could be of use.
“What kind of quirk you got?” Dabi asked.
“I can speed up people’s healing while I’m touching them. Why?” you answered cautiously, figuring it was probably best to be honest.
“I’m givin you a choice, you can come with me and do somethin with your life or just go on with your shitty existence until you pick the wrong person’s pocket and end up dead in a ditch somewhere”
You were pretty damn curious about why a villain like Dabi would want to help someone like you. Although you weren’t sure if he actually thought of it as helping, or as just furthering his own agenda, you were quite sure it was the latter. Your curiosity got to be too much, so you decided to go with him. How much worse could it really be than your current situation?
That’s how you ended up with the League. By picking the pocket of one of the worst villains alive.
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inekepp · 8 months
Okay, so. Pharmacy AU basically comes down to Alex working as a pharm tech in a 24/7 pharmacy (another reason why his sleeping schedule is shot to all hell, bc, yknow, eves, nights, the lot), and Henry is coming in to pick up meds for Arthur, who still suffers from cancer in this fic and all that. Henry keeps on getting Alex as the one who helps him (either bc coincedence, or luck, or timing, or however you want to call it, though i think i put a reference or two in that he did hit other coworkers of alex too, as to make it a tad more realistic). Alex, being quite experienced at this point, immediately clocks as to what Arthur is suffering from (in broad lines, anyway. beyond 'cancer' he ain't getting much further) and in the beginning he holds out hope, but that diminishes as soon as he sees that it's been quite a bit since Arthur got meds for chemo, and what Henry is coming to pick up (which, basically, is painkillers).
eventually, which is what i've yet to write, henry is going to come in to pick up meds like morphine and midazolam bc of palliative care (which, as the midazolam suggests, means hallucinating/possible aggression and the likes bc delirium), and then has to come back because the midazolam isn't doing the trick.
i was also v much planning on henry coming in at some point where alex is on the phone w his boss who tried to contact a coworker but failed (dunno if said coworker is hunter but yknow might as well be haha. but like, failing could happen bc travel or whatnot i dont think it matters much). so here alex is, saying to his boss that hed pass on the message when coworker gets in, but just says 'he' instead of coworker, cue henry panicking bc he thinks it mightve been fam trying to contact him about arthur, and, well.. yeah.
im not being nice to henry here, im sorry.
anyway, alex is v much crushing, but like, cant do much about it aside from helping henry as fast as he can and make it as pleasant as such a visit could be, bc p r o f e s s i o n a l i s m, (which he prob v well throws out the window w panic attack bc, well, he cant henry suffer alone can he?).
and in the last chapter, which is gon be x time after alex saw henry at the hospital last, is basically going to be them running into one another somewhere (idk, coffeeshop? library? somewhere. havent figured that out yet) and get to talking and maybe possibly set up a date (also bc henryd be thanking him in person for all hes done, and henry being henry had send a massive mail to the boss at some point complimenting alex for all his help and care and bc he deserved to get the praise. alex v much would want to thank him for that bc boss (zahra prob) having been like dunno what youve done but good work, and just, getting praise, esp in healthcare, be rare as fuck, so yknow. its something big.
im also hella drawing on my own experiences as a pharm tech, and i do have a load of quiet eve shifts, so, lie, its not unheard of, and while i do not state in which country they are bc i cant be arsed to look up laws and practises and shit like insurance shit bc its irritating and complex enough where im from and im the person who deals w insurances in the first place, i guess its all universal enough (and i did google if midazolam and all that were still like used the same in other countries, bc availability in meds and whas used can differ from country to country).
does that answer it? if not, feel free to clarify!
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releasemefromthevoid · 7 months
EP3 - EP5
Oh boy do I have things to say about this one.
Firstly, the way they wrapped things up from last episode was good enough, I guess. I think they might have tried to push too much into these two episodes this time, so hopefully they don’t bite off more than they can chew in the back half of the season. There’s something to be said about how early some plot lines seemed to get resolved and new ones were introduced, one even being more or less forgotten until the final few minutes of the episode, to make way for other story threads that just didn’t hold up to me. 
Next, I have problems with Bumi. I think with Aang’s new character arc, the themes with Bumi makes sense, and I understand its inclusion as a whole, but Bumi was NOT the vehicle to present that with. The correct mannerisms are there, but I’m just not buying him as Bumi. 
Lastly, there’s something that was partly introduced in this episode that has me concerned, which I will make clearer under the cut for spoilers, along with something that decidedly Wasn’t introduced. 
Overall, there’s some sense of disappointment around this episode for me, here’s to hoping it gets better.
Live reaction and spoilers under the cut
shit i lowkey forgot they arrested aang? too busy writing the last review ig
this dungeon visually kinda has ba sing se lake laogai vibes. could be cool to draw parallels in later season(s)
cell mate iroh lets goooo
i’m not entirely sure i like the inclusion of the mechanist at omashu. i feel like his motives for helping the fire nation are a lot less believable to me in this location, since omashu is a stronghold and bumi is No Pushover. then again, we don’t know that yet, bc bumi has Just been introduced. considering we cut to iroh talking about how omashu is so impressive. idk
Other than “it is I who owe him” about zuko, idk if iroh is really hitting for me. this is the first time this season where i’ve been like “yeah that’s iroh”. he’s just sort of uncanny iroh most of the time
bros asleep hahaha
bumi: “tea?” aang: “okay,,” the inflection on that was great. great delivery dfksjdh
oh we’re skipping the whole trials thing. i’m not angry about that, but Where is flopsy???
okay bumi is good. we love live action bumi in this house. 
jet jumpscare
hell yeah katara get his ass
so this choice for zuko to make is def a parallel to the winter solstice episode where iroh was captured, right? 
is bumi. angry at aang? that doesn’t feel right. i revise my earlier statement. his mannerisms are perfect, but blaming aang is Not bumi. this does Not vibe
SECRET TUNNEL GUYS?????? the guys are here what??? i wasn’t expecting them
that zolly shot though
please just stop talking and sing secret tunnel i need it so bad. i don’t even care that it’s a season early
omg i was right with the whole zuko winter solstice episode conflict. almost a one-to-one in visuals
bumi aang does not need this right now. i appreciate the rock candy growing crystals, but god. bumi is being so mean
i have to say, i like sokka being the one to figure out the cave of two lovers path. they seem to be highlighting his intelligence more overtly in a way the original show didn’t do until later in book one.
also liking the conflict between sokka and katara making a return. i knew that ended too fast during the jet arc.
so this is a scene where it’s nice to have the perspective of some random earth soldier from ba sing se, but iroh shouldn’t need this conversation. it might have been better to be given this explanation a different way? or i guess. it’s to give exposition about lu ten?? is that needed right now?  
loving the white mourning clothes. loving that not everyone is wearing them, too. it would have been really interesting if one of those people who wasn’t wearing white was ozai. a little visual conflict for those who happen to know the significance of the color. weird that we’re getting iroh backstory before zuko though
ohhhh leaves from the vine instrumental. good, good inclusion there. for people who know from the cartoon, that really elevates that moment, and for people who haven’t seen the cartoon, it might elevate a certain moment from tales of ba sing se later since the association is already there
okay so the crystals literally don’t matter, fuck me AND sokka i guess
i need bumi to stop actually
goddam, zuko, just yank that knife out why don’t you. no concern for blood loss then
WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT’S NOT ABOUT THE CRYSTALS. they sense feelings??? what do you mean 😭😭😭 what happened to earth sense
literally shut up bumi
this is not the wise old bumi that we know
thank you cabbage man, you really rounded out the episode
okay, i’m starting to see iroh. thank you.
also the leaves from the vine backing is still nice. it has the connotation of iroh claiming zuko as a son this scene in my mind
likes: environment design, visuals, the mechanist, leaves from the vine placement
worried about: the lack of introduction to the war balloons, the slight retconning of earth sense (what will this mean for toph in a potential season 2??), overlooking a perfect setup for a white lotus introduction
dislikes: bumi >:( (and he was most of the episode), changing the glowing crystals in the tunnel to be useless??
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bvannn · 9 months
Weekly Update January 5, 2024
I’m still recovering slowly. I never mentioned this because I want to be as vague as I can about my big congenital medical issue, but the surgery last week removed some tissue that affects my endocrine system, and now that it’s gone I’m having some problems with my mood. I have a medicine that corrects it, but I need to wait another week and a half to get my dosage adjusted, so all next week I’m going to be volatile which sucks. Stomach has seemingly gotten better though so hopefully that pain was just caused by those cysts and nothing else was wrong. Sorry if I ramble on a bit too much tonight, I am loopy because of the endocrine stuff so I might go on too long. Anyway artstuffs.
I got a music project done. It was for Mav, and it was pretty small but I stayed up all night working on it. Working on it I discovered a big set of plugins that I got somewhere that look to be automatically doing some of that balancing I was worried about. I still need to double check what exactly it can do, since I’d like a widener plugin, but I don’t want to stack my brain over it if I already have one. I have a few ideas floating around for the next song thing, I’m a bit hesitant on continuing that vocal one I haven’t finished because I watched a bunch of videos today in the bad lyrics of the Wish soundtrack, and the lady kept bringing up cadence and pentameter which are concepts I know about but can’t hear. Like, pentameter is supposed to be the natural inflection a syllable has, but like whenever I hear it, I just hear the inflection of the vocalist. I think I’m overthinking it, since she used a writing scheme to explain it and I think the vocaloid software uses that same writing scheme so maybe I can learn through practice? Or I can just write lyrics that match the melody and call it good as long as the flow sounds natural because of subconscious understanding, like how I figured out how to do harmonies. Whatever. Music theory is hard but my stupid will and brute force is harder.
Other instrumental things I’ve been kinda thinking about include a little Zelda medley that I already recorded the melodies and stuff for, instrumental themes for my OCs because of course. And then I kinda want to just do a big fat medley that goes on for like an hour-ish because I love those kinds of medleys they’re great for car rides and stuff. And the final two I’m thinking about would be for animation memes: either an arcade beat-em-up style boss fight sounding theme, or a cover of a 90s pop-punk-rock (idk what genre) song. I think that one would be cool because I could use it as promotional stuff for a comic.
Oh yeah that O’Malley comic! I actually did good thumbnail work on that this week! I was going to do more today but mood and sleep schedule were wonky, plus I had a meeting this morning, so good chance I’ll put it off until tomorrow. But either way, chipping away at it, trying to watch more movies so I can get better at understanding shot comp, watched Kill Bill part 1 last night and wasn’t expecting it to be like, the best fucking movie ever? Like why does everyone talk about it like ‘eh it’s pretty good’ like no that shit was *Phenomenal*! Hoping part 2 lives up to the first, planning to watch it maybe tomorrow night? Definitely before I go back to uni. Anyway pitch comic is coming along nice, after it’s drawn I can either work on the rest of that story or a pitch for the secondary story I’ve been working on, depending on demand. Right now leaning towards series, since I have general synopsies for a couple more general ‘episodes’.
Also only done like one general drawing for comsheet practice hehehe it’s fine I can try others as time comes and is appropriate. Also did epithet stuff but not as much as I’d like. My original plan tonight was to work on TTRPG stuff but maybe I’ll do writing or thumbnailing instead. Or maybe both.
TRGA: got shot 1-4 done enough. Also got Jon tweened for 1-5. I need to clean him up and do his face and stuff. Tonight maybe if I’m having trouble focusing on the other stuff I’ll clean him up, I think I want to go back to that ‘one significant development a day’ schedule I was on for a bit, but pushed a bit further since I have better strategies now. I’ve also started the ‘every time I sit down and open clip studio I’m going to draw one (1) prop’ strategy so hopefully props won’t be as bad in the future either (even the ones I can’t just recycle). Tomorrow if I’m doing better I’ll try to get 1-5 Jon’s face done (and clean him up too if I don’t tonight) and maybe do another drawing. Maybe more epithet TTRPG stuff maybe not.
I’m trying to get my priorities back in order. 1) TRGA 2) Comic work 3) fix your commissions 4) other projects. Inspiration is fickle though so I’m really all over the place. My mood being volatilized is also not helping but I’ll keep going until my brain explodes. For now I’m able to plan out enough with time for sleep and stuff. I don’t know what’s exactly going to happen when classes start but I am taking *fewer* credits than normal so theoretically that means more time.
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Wait ok so like I was just thinking… idk if you take one shots or anything. But imagine how scary star tugs could be when they HUNGRY. Like imagine being a worker trying to get out of port and you gotta figure out how avoid ALL the tugs 😨
Sure thing! This was a blast writing this! Tw for violence and some blood. One-shot under the cut.
You're making you way out of the port, trying to find your way by weaving through the maze of buildings late at night with nothing but your flashlight. The night air is cold, and harsh. It's wintertime here, and the tugs are showing signs of restlessness. They're getting hungry and desperate. They might not have eaten enough to last through the winter, so they're likely desperate for anything they can snatch. Even the Star Tugs seem to be becoming more aggressive. Not a good sign. That means you'll have to avoid not just the Zed-Stacks, but the Star Tugs as well.
You know you have to get close to the water to find your way out of the port. That's where most of the lights are. Lights had been put in place after the curse was cast to keep the Zed-Stacks at bay, but it seems the lights won't help much considering how desperate they seem to be. With luck, they might be far away from you when you're close to the water. You take your chances, and cautiously make your way towards the ocean waters.
You whip around as you hear something disturbing the water behind you, only to see nothing. You may not be alone here. You whip around again as you hear a deep guttural growl at the other side of you. Maybe your luck has ran out tonight. You immediately take off running as your pursuers give chase. You hear a feral snarl as you hear the wooden docks crunch from the sheer power from something much bigger than you. You then know just who was pursuing you, two tugs.
You weave between the buildings, causing one of the tugs to curse at losing you. You recognized that voice from anywhere. Ten Cents was one of your pursuers. You hide behind a building and wait to see who else is pursuing you. You spot the smallest Star Switcher, Sunshine searching for you. His forked tongue slithers from his lips and flicks, as if he's tasting the air, seeing if he can detect you. You're a bit close to him, within reach of him. You don't want to wander farther from home and possibly put yourself in more danger. You'd rather be close to the Star Docks than to be near the Zero Docks. Now that would have been a death sentence.
You take your chances and dart out from your hiding place. Sunshine whips and hisses. He tries to snatch you, only for him to barely miss you. You can feel the wind from his claws just barely missing you. You shake it off and keep running, not daring to look behind you to see if they're still chasing you. It was a few minutes before the port once again grew quiet. You stop and rest for a few moments. You know you can't run all the way home.
After a few moments, you dare to peek around the corner, only to see nothing. It's quiet.. too quiet. You cautiously make your way out from your hiding spot, looking around as you get ready to run again. You hear the water being disturbed in the distance. You know the sound of you running will draw the tug or tugs closer to you. You have to go slow to prevent getting the tug's attention. You keep glancing out in the distance, the port is almost pitch black. You're on high alert, keeping your breathing as quiet as possible. You know the tugs have a sharp sense of hearing, and can easily track you down just by the sound of your breathing if you're not careful.
You hear the movement closer this time.. much closer this time. It's a much bigger tug by the sound of it. This one might be the reason Ten Cents and Sunshine stopped pursuing you so suddenly, meaning this one was not to be messed with, so it wasn't OJ or Hercules. You haven't seen Big Mac and Warrior at all. You listen closely, seeing if you can figure out exactly where the tug is. Without warning, an anchor-like claw slams down next to you as the tug emerges from the darkness. It was Big Mac no doubt. His eyes have a ravenous and blood-thirsty glint in them as he towers over you. He bares his fangs as venom oozes from them and corrodes the concrete beneath your feet. You immediately take off running when you hear another growl not too far from you, just on the other side of you.
Big Mac suddenly stops, glaring towards the darkness. You feel the air become tense as you see an anchor-like claw gently land beside you, as if block Big Mac from reaching you. You look up to see Warrior, who is glaring daggers at Big Mac. Big Mac looks at you, seemingly tempted, but not wanting to risk injury fighting against his brother. Big Mac's tow line lashes to and fro in agitation as Warrior snarls, baring his fangs as he flexes his other claw, as if to threaten to attack if Big Mac ever thought about trying to reach for you.
Big Mac glances between you and his brother a few times before he reluctantly backs down, retreating. You look up at Warrior in shock as he looks down at you in relief, relieved he didn't have to fight his brother. He carefully reaches for you and fear takes the wheel and you book it. You can't trust Warrior either. It could be a stunt to gain your trust.
You run as fast and far as you can. You have to slow to a stop or collapse after a while of running. You have to sit and rest after running so far and fast. You're breathing heavily and shaking from both exhaustion and fear. You freeze as you hear you a deep guttural growl from the darkness once more. Except this time, you can't pinpoint exactly where the sound is coming from. It sounds like it's all around you. You look around wildly as you try and figure out where the sound is coming from. You immediately spring up as another anchor-like claw reaches for you from the darkness. You take off running, slower this time. You hope the tug will decide you're not worth the energy.
Judging by the sound, which is surprisingly soft, you can tell who it is easily. OJ, or Old Jones as he's known to be. You know he's slower than some of the others, but that doesn't make him any less dangerous than the others. Seems he's figured out how to be silent when stalking prey. You're not a bit surprised honestly. He's always been one to find ways around different problems.
You can see the port start to open up as you get closer to home. You're almost in the clear. You push yourself for the last leg of your run. You can make it. Just a little bit further and you'll be home safe. Your hopes are quickly dashed as you feel the anchor-like claws of a tug wrap around your middle and lift you up high off the ground.
You scream and kick as an attempt to break free of the strong grip of the tug. The tug lifts you up to his eye level, and you squint to see exactly who it is. Top Hat looks you up and down, head raised as he growls softly deep in his chest like a cat. You look into his eyes as he bares his massive fangs. You're looking death right in the face. Top Hat opens his jaws as venom pours from him fangs, ready to give the killing bite.
Suddenly, within the blink of an eye another tug delivers a powerful blow to the side of Top Hat's face, the sharp claws creating deep wounds on his cheek. Top Hat screeches and immediately drops you. You scream as you plummet, landing on his deck with a thud. The impact knocks the wind out of you as you gasp for air. Top Hat whips around to face his attacker, none other than Warrior. Seems he's truly trying to help you get away from his fellow fleetmates.
To Hat snarls as he delivers a blow in return. Warrior roars in pain before snapping his powerful jaws at Top Hat's anchor-like claws, barely missing by mere centimeters. Top Hat winced a bit at the sound but he too lets out a roar, as if to challenge Warrior.
Warrior narrows his eyes and smoke billows from his smoke stack, as if to snort like a dragon. Warrior looks Top Hat up and down as if he's thinking of something. He doesn't want you to get hurt in the crossfire, but knows he Top Hat won't give you up so easily. Warrior back away a bit, seemingly retreating. Top Hat smiles a wolfish and triumphant grin. His fangs glisten in the moonlight. Seems he's won and your heart sinks. You give Warrior a pleading look. Little do you know what Warrior has planned.
Top Hat reaches for you and you brace, expecting the worst. Warrior then charges at full speed, ramming into Top Hat's side, making the railway tug hit the docks, hard, and pining him against the concrete. Top Hat's screech is cut short as the breath is knocked out of him. He gasps for breath and almost tries to reach you one more time, only for Warrior to snatch you instead. Warrior snarls as he snaps his jaws at the railway tug, making Top Hat flinch a little.
Warrior growls softly and carefully looks you over for wounds, chuffing softly. He looks at Top Hat before moves further away from him, deeper into the port. Warrior gently places you on his bow. He purrs softly as you immediately run and cling to him. You tremble as you take some time to regain your strength. You sigh in relief.
Warrior freezes as he hears something, and sniffs the air. He quickly grows pale. Hercules slinks from the darkness, a bit of a ways away, but still too close for comfort. Hercules sniffs the air. Seems he hasn't spotted you yet. Warrior is quick to gently pick you up with his anchor-like claws and place you under his hat to mask you scent. He makes a decision right then and there that he needs to keep you safe for the night.
Warrior slinks deep into the port, away from the other tugs before he stops and lifts his hat and gently grabs you with anchor-like claws. He lowers you to his eye level and gives a kind smile, careful to hide his fangs.
"I hope you don't mind me keeping you safe for the night. I don't think you'll be able to make it back home in one piece." Warrior keeps his voice at a low and gentle volume and tone. You think for a moment and nod. Sure you won't make it home tonight, but you'd rather be safe than to risk being snatched by another tug that doesn't have such friendly intentions.
Warrior holds you close for a moment before he gently places you under his hat. "Don't worry about breakfast either when you get up in the morning. I'll make sure you're fed and everything. Just relax, and get some sleep. I'll protect you, I promise.."
And with that, you slowly fall asleep to Warrior's soft purring, knowing you're perfectly safe and sound.. Perhaps you've even found a new friend too.
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bumblebeebean · 2 years
I cannot, for the LIFE of me, figure out the placement of Derek Hale's loft. Now, I'm not very good at perspective or object permanence, but I stg this damn set keeps changing everytime it's on camera, just like a lot of things in teen wolf
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Now take a look at this. This is the baseline of what Derek's loft looks like, or at least what I pictured it to look like. But when I looked at Google to get other angles of the room, it just keeps changing.
Let's break it down
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Here's the most common layout, the main objects being the couch and table set, the window in the wall, his bed, the table in front of the window, the stairway, the hole in the wall (which leads to some elevator or smth, idk I don't think they ever acknowledged it in the show), and the door to the loft; which is behind the camera in this photo.
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This is proven in this scene, in which Peter Hale enters the scene in his Overly Dramatic Peter Hale Entrance™.
But this layout seems to change every season or so.
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In these two scenes, the door is to the left of the window and next to the stairway. Now don't get me wrong, this could just be another big, metal sliding door in his loft. I'm willing to accept that. But I feel like that would be a little inconvenient and weird, but I'll accept it.
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But this very blurry picture is what fucks with me. I don't think I need to say anything, this speaks for itself.
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This one I'm willing to forgive since we don't really get a clear view of the stair-to-desk-to-window ratio length in the first photo, but it still makes me a little confused.
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Now listen, and I HOPE this is the case, but these could just be screen shots of unfinished or scrapped layouts of the loft. But I mean come ON. I found these with the rest of the loft photos in Google so I'm bringing them up anyway.
In conclusion, there could be a million ways to explain this. I could just be really bad at perspective and not be able to look at a room and remember where everything is. I'm willing to accept that. Or, maybe Derek or the directors just wanted to change the room every once in a while like normal people. Sure, that'll be fine by me. But Teen Wolf is also known to not be very persistent with certain aspects of the show. Trust me, I know. It just makes it a little hard to understand the layout in order to draw or something.
Or I'm being a huge bitch baby and making this into a big deal. I did practically just make an entire Ted Talk on Tumblr about something in a show that doesn't impact anything in the plot. I'm willing to accept that also.
Thank you, whoever may have read all of this, for listening and, if you want, I'd appreciate if someone could give any explanation about this to my dumbass, literally you can say anything. Ty Ty bestie 😘❤
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spamsandsuch · 2 years
as with any other of my questions, take all the time you need to reply! But i was wondering what's your spamt's different ways of stimming? i remember the handflapping pics with Sam but are there other things he does
Hi hi!! Sorry I didnt answer this one right away but I figure now would be a good time, I really appreciate your patience!! Yeah, handflapping is def one of Spam’s stims, I like to think it does it when he’s happy or excited—or sometimes Spamton bounces in those instances too. I also like to think they vocally stim a lot, like squealing or humming. Though, Spamton has a habit of masking his vocal stims a lot (mostly as a result of its big shot days, where Spam was told early on those traits were “unprofessional”—so Spamton has internalized it in a way unfortunately), but I imagine in afttp Spamton gradually begins to feel more comfortable w/ stimming as the months pass by, esp from encouragement by the addisons (sam especially, cuz he also stims a lot too).
I like to think Spamton also absentmindedly stims a lot too, like drumming its fingers or chewing on their own clothes. For the latter I did draw some self indulgent art of spam w/ a chew necklace a week or two ago cuz i was considering abt getting one for myself since I chew on things a lot (which I feel spamton probably does as well)
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As for other stims I feel like Spamton would pull on his hair or chew on its finger tips when stressed/anxious, or when they’re trying to mask he clenches and unclenches its fists under the same circumstances (which sometimes hurts as Spamton has sharp/pointy hands…claws? Idk)
When frustrated or angry i imagine Spamton pulls its own hair or tries punch something repeatedly, and when he’s having a meltdown I feel like spamton would have a habit of hitting itself on the head a lot :( (but these habits lesson overtime in afttp)
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But even though there’s some harmful stimming there are still others that Spamton enjoys like the ones i mentioned before.. for example you know that, like, rough carpet texture? Spam loves rubbing his hand against that, sometimes their face too (if no one’s looking). It enjoys rubbing similar textures to that as well
There’s def more probably but that’s all i could think of at the top of my head!
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pretendicanwrite · 2 years
Oh idk bro (gender neutral) how about some more supportive cubs? One of them, like Logan, going through a rough time and his boys trying to get him to talk and open up about it when he's ready so they can figure out how to best help him when he doesn't know how to help himself?
Wow that got oddly specific 😅 once the idea starts rolling it doesn't stop lol
Hi! I have been working on this for a little while, and I hope you like it, but it doesn't exactly follow the prompt. I'm sorry, but I hope you enjoy it!
Character credit to @lumosinlove
CW: Mental health discussion and symptoms, SH discussion
Logan sat on the couch just staring at the blank t.v. screen. The team had practiced earlier that morning, and Logan had opted out of the team lunch they were going to after. He hadn't showered at the rink, choosing to just put on his sweats rather than changing, but he had lost track of time sitting there.
He only focused back on the world around him when he noticed Finn squatting in front of him.
Finn's mouth was set into a hard frown, and his eyebrows were creased. Logan tried to focus in on what he was saying, but he could only gather bits of it, 'Goin on... You okay?'
"I don't want to talk about it." Logan could barely even register that he was talking to Finn. He noticed Leo walking back in from the kitchen with a bottle of water. "I'm also bored, but I don't know what to do to fix it."
Leo sat next to Logan, being careful not to touch him. "Have you eaten anything today?"
"Alright. I'm going to make lunch for you, and I'm not going to force you to eat, but if it would make it easier for you Finn and I can eat with you," Leo said, standing up from the couch.
Logan merely nodded, and laid down, going back to staring at the television. Finn sat on the floor below him, leaning against the edge of the couch where Logan's head was, and stared up at the ceiling.
"This might sound weird at first, but I want you to try something for me." Finn got up off the floor and walked to the desk he had situated in the corner of the living room. He grabbed a pen, a piece of paper off it, and a book. He brought it back over to the couch. "I want you to just scribble. Don't focus on it, but I want you to scribble as we talk. Don't look at the paper, don't try to draw anything, just go for it." he handed over the supplies, resting the piece of paper on the book.
"What are we talking about?"
"Anything really, Why don't we start by talking about practice? Talking hockey has always been easy for you. That new play we ran today worked really well. You got a shot past Leo today. It worked so well he barely even knew what hit him."
"You fed me a really good pass." Logan was staring at Finn as he scribbled on the paper. He started in the middle, just drawing crappy circles, but now he was just drawing one continuous line with no idea where his hand was taking it next.
"Yeah, but the play was brilliant. Anyway, Cap said we're having an extra optional practice next week as a bonding activity. He wants to do things like tag on skates, and play other games. He thinks we need it before we go to the playoffs. We're one of the closest teams, but Cap thinks we can elevate that. He wants the team to be able to play like we do together. So close we can almost read each other's minds. When we play, we always know where each other is. Cap thinks the rest of the team can achieve that through activities he plans to do."
"I don't think the team is going to get as close to each other as we are. Unless they plan on being in love with a person they think doesn't feel the same way for their entire adult life, confessing their love, then moving in together with their third boyfriend." The paper was about 35% covered at this point.
"No, but I do think it will help us get closer. It can't hurt to try."
Leo walked into the living room with three plates. "Lunch is served." Finn reached up to grab two of the plates and handed one to Logan. Leo made a sandwich for Logan and cut one in half for him and Finn to share. He had steamed broccoli on Logan's plate, with a salad.
"Thank you knutty. We were just talking about the bonding activities Cap has planned for Tuesday."
Leo nodded, taking a bite of his sandwich. "Did you tell Lo about Cap's plan for soccer on the ice? Kasey and I will be facing off against each other in goal, and Cap and Dumo are going to be team captains."
After swallowing the bite of food he had in his mouth, Logan put his plate down and continued his scribbling while he looked at Leo. "That sounds like it could be fun."
"Yeah. So, babe, Cap asked about you at the lunch today. We told him you just didn't feel well and didn't go into specifics, but he was very worried about you." Leo explained, "I think it would be a good idea to talk to him. You don't have to right now, or ever if you don't want to, but he looked ready to sprint his way over here."
"I think i should probably call him later."
Logan was still mindlessly scribbling on the paper. it was almost halfway covered, and Leo watched Logan's hand, noticing that it never stopped moving. Even as Logan was talking, his wrist was still moving in miniature circles.
The boys continued trying to hold a conversation with Logan, but he was eating and scribbling rather than talking. It seemed like he could barely keep his eyes open, so Leo suggested they all go to bed.
When Finn woke up the next morning, Logan was sitting on the edge of the bed. with a new sheet of paper on top of the book. he was watching something on the television they had resting on the dresser across from them.
"Hey baby," Finn rasped, "Having fun?"
"Not really. I'm bored, but I don't have the energy to do anything."
Finn just sat up and looked at the paper Logan was drawing on. It was pretty covered, meaning Logan had been up for a while. "Have you talked to anyone about these feelings?"
Logan's head snapped up and stared Finn down. "What?" Logan spoke so loud that Leo rolled over and groaned slightly, so he motioned for Finn to follow him to the living room.
"Why would I need to talk to someone? I'm fine."
"lo, baby, I know it may be hard, but I think it would be beneficial for you to try it. Lots of players talk to specialists, and there's nothing wrong with it."
Logan was getting defensive, and he set the book and paper down. He turned to fully face Finn on the couch and crossed his arms over his chest. "I know that there's nothing wrong with it. I never said that there was. I just don't think I need it."
"It's not about if you need it, baby. It's about if you want it. I talked to someone during my freshman year of college. The team had a therapist that I talked to once. She just gave me some tips to help me process my feelings, and she really helped me. I didn't want to go either, but the coach recommended it, and I never appreciated a recommendation more. Seeing a specialist is not a sign of weakness or anything like that, it's admitting that you're strong enough to seek help rather than let yourself feel like this, or God forbid hurt yourself."
Logan uncrossed his arms and tried to subtly wipe the tears from his eyes, but Finn noticed and opened his arms. Logan practically launched himself into them, placing his head into the crook between Finn's neck and his shoulder. "I need you to know that I would never do that. No matter how bad this gets, I would never do that to you guys, or to myself."
"I know, baby. I know."
Logan was still crying and was basically laying on top of Finn when Leo stumbled out into the living room. He was bleary-eyed, and his sweatpants were hanging low on his shirtless torso. As soon as he noticed his boys on the couch, his back straightened and he sat on the opposite side of the couch from his boys.
"Hey loves. What's going on?"
"Logan and I were just discussing my suggestion of him speaking to a professional. I think it would be beneficial for his mental health, and there was a bit of a sidetrack, but I think we've recovered from it."
Leo just looked at his boys and nodded while he thought through the new information. "I think it would be good for you to talk to someone. I know that this probably isn't what you want to hear, and I don't want you to feel like Finn and I are ganging up on you, but I think we've both noticed that you're showing signs of depression. We may be very wrong, but I think it would be best to see someone. The lack of energy, the boredom, your loss of appetite. it doesn't have to mean anything, and the only thing it'll change is how you take care of yourself. We'll change our schedule to benefit you, and we'll get you into a cycle that will maximize your health. I promise anything that happens will not deter us, or change how we feel about you."
"I was never worried about that, I just didn't, and still don't want to admit that I have problems. I saw a therapist when I was in high school, and she said she wanted to get me to a specialist to diagnose me with depression, but I never went back after she told me that. I've known about it since I was 15, but I couldn't admit it to myself."
Logan sat up and faced the turned off television while he waited for his boy's responses.
he had feared his whole childhood what was wrong with him. He knew that it wasn't normal to feel this way, and every time a wave hit him, he thought, 'maybe this is it. Maybe this one will be the last one,' but every time he was wrong. Another one would come along, just like this one. He would lose his appetite, his energy, and his social battery.
"Okay. Well, will you at least consider talking to someone? you can choose if and when but I want you to know that nothing will change between us if you do or don't get a diagnosis. you are the love of our lives, and if you have a mental illness, or not, that's not going to change. We want what's best for you, and if that means having an intervention, you can damn well bet that Dumo, Sirius, Remus, Leo, and I are all going to be there. Right now, we are giving you your time, and letting you know that you have options, and the choice is yours, but if you start to get bad enough that we fear you're going to hurt yourself whether that be accidentally, or on purpose, I don't care if we have to tie you down, we will get you the help that you need." Finn didn't move from his spot in the corner of the couch, but even without body language, you could tell that he meant every single word he said.
Leo slid off the couch to kneel in front of his boyfriend, and slowly reached his hands out towards him, palms up. "I don't ever want you to feel like you can't trust us enough to talk to us or to admit that you need help. Everyone needs it now and then, and there is no shame in admitting that. We are always going to be here for you, for anything you need. We love you."
Finn followed Leo's motion, sliding to the ground, and also offered his hands.
Logan took one of each boy's hands, and let a few more tears slide. His boys were there for him, and they weren't pushing him. They were understanding, and he knew that no matter the outcome of the appointment he planned to make, that wouldn't change.
I hope you enjoyed this!
There was a bit of a problem in the formatting of this, so just let me know if something is wrong.
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neos127 · 2 years
hyunjin’s boyfriend habits !
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x gn!reader wc: idk oops genre: fluff lots of fluff warnings: none!!
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kisses all over
hyunjin loves kissing you, it’s like his lifeline. he really loves kissing your lips, claiming that he can’t get enough of your taste. if he wants to tease you he’ll nibble at your bottom lip or your neck. he loves watching how flustered you get just from his kisses. oftentimes when hyunjin greets you, he’ll slowly kiss your fingers then your forehead.
drawing you
hyunjin gets his some of his inspiration from romantic things, so it’s no surprise that you have become his muse. usually he does little sketches of you, quickly and cartoon like. although sometimes he likes to take his time, making a portrait to catch your beauty. hyunjin likes to say that he is never able to perfectly catch his stunning you are in only a painting.
spa nights
spa nights
hyunjin basically forces a face mask on you some nights if he wants to stay in. he loves to give you back massages and looks forward to his own since he claims you have to “repay him”. hyunjin ends up taking a lot of photos of you (most you would like to delete off his phone) and photos of each other to savor the memory. the two of you will sit in your bathrobes while watching a movie— sometimes you even braid hyunjin’s hair.
squeezing you to death in his sleep
hyunjin loves when you sleep over or vice versa, mostly so he can have someone to cuddle with. hyunjin is a very heavy sleeper, and a crazy one so typically the two of you wake up with either no blanket, at least one pillow on the floor or both. 99.9% of the time hyunjin latches onto you like a leech, wrapping his long legs around you and making an escape impossible. it’s nice when it’s cold outside, but not so nice when he accidentally elbows you in the face.
reading/singing you to sleep
hyunjin knows how much you love his voice as you’ve told him many times before. because of this, hyunjin occasionally sings to you or even reads to you before bed. he typically does it when you’re not feeling well or have had a bad day. hearing his voice sing a sweet tune or reading your favorite book always makes your sour mood disappear or distracts you from whatever pain you may be feeling.
being your hype-man
hyunjin always wants you to feel good about yourself, and he’ll make sure to do whatever he can to help with that. he loves taking photos of you, kneeling in extreme positions just to capture the best photos of your figure. and of course you can’t forget the multitude of compliments spewing from his lips as he snaps a bunch of shots.
being very kind and considerate of your feelings
i know this is the bare minimum but— hyunjin is truly the sweetest. he always wants to make sure that you’re comfortable with him, whatever it is. he never wants to cross any boundaries and he always wants you to tell him if there’s ever anything wrong. hyunjin values your trust and never wants to do anything to break it. if he notices that something is off, he never waits to address the issue, only wanting the best for you and your well-being.
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Babe! What about reader being friends with dustin (like she used to be his babysitter) and using him to be close to eddie because she's had a crus on him since he borrowed her a pink pencil in like 7th grade or something like that idk
A/n: ooh so cute!
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Eddie Munson, people said a lot of things about him, a lot of things that weren’t true. You heard the whispers of him being a Satan worshipper, that he drank the blood of innocent animals.
Honestly who came up with that kinda crap?
“Idiots that’s who! Eddie is fuckin awesome!” The voice of Dustin chimed in breaking you from your thoughts. You were driving him and his friends to their little club. Being Dustin’s former baby sister his mother trusted you to watch him. You did not mind of course, he was like a little brother to you besides hanging out with him meant that you could spend time with Eddie.
The boy you’ve had a crush on since 7th grade, ever since he borrowed your favorite pink pencil. Ever since he drew kickass demon dog on your arm, him even going as far as to give you a drawing of the dog when he found out you were being transferred to another school. You knew it was silly, to have a crush on someone you probably didn’t even remember you.
“You gonna join us today or you gonna lame and sit out again.” Mike asked, you knew he was teasing you of course. The teen having figured out your crush on Eddie.
“I think I’ll actually join you today.” It was not secret, you would always join Dustin and the others and soon you and it did not take long for you and Eddie to become friends.
And Keeping your promise you did join the game, while you did not know much you managed go at least keep your character alive. Though you stepped back letting the gang celebrate a win thanks to Erica.
Nearly jumping out of your skin you turned around to see Eddie giving you a nervous smile. “Hey Eddie.Surprised you remember my name.” You let out a forced laugh oh to stop when a pink pencil was thrusted on your face. It looked just like the one you let him borrow back in 7th grade, right down to the large puffball on the top.
“You think I would forget about the only girl who was nice to me?” Eddie glanced down for a moment, he was trying his best to work out his feelings for you with out messing this up. “What I’m try to say is that I like you y/n….like a lot…I’ve had a crush on you for years an-.”
“Eddie”Giving him a smile you stepped closer to him, your fingers wrapping around the pink pencil only to tug him close. The man stumbling forward his his hands found themselves wrapped around your waist,as he nervously glanced away. Your voice was so soft though he did not know how to react to the heat of it.
“I’ve feel the same way.” Standing on your toes you pressed a kiss to his lips. Eddie was about to depend it until the loud cheering snapped you both out of it.
“Ah y/n I feel a little hurt.” Dustin gave you a grin, you knew what he was up too. “I can’t believe you used me to get close to Eddie again.” He was teasing of course. He couldn’t be happier for you both, to the girl that would always stick up to him, the one that acted like a big sister when you didn’t have to and to Eddie, that made me feel welcomed.
“Alright…everyone leave! I want to talk to Eddie alone.”
Dustin’s eyes went wide for a moment “Is that code for se-.” Unable to finish his sentence, Mike shot you an apologetic smile as he and the others stepped out.
Making sure you two were alone, you quickly locked the door giving Eddie a grin. “Want to see my tattoo?”
“You have a tattoo?” Eddie did his best to look you over, trying to find it as you suddenly placed your hands on his chest pushing him down on the couch.
Straddling his lap, your lips brushed his jaw. “It’s in a spot where I have to get naked.”
“I’m very curious now….I..I would like to see it.”
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