#idk i also might be over reacting but i do feel like things have changed a bit so idk
I think it's over girlies I KNOW 8TS OVER STILL I CLING!! no but genuinely feel like my dad is kinda like... pissed off im not at work I have no idea what he needed tbh and he didn't give me a serious answer by any means so I feel like when he gets home it's gonna be all up ngl
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wonton4rang · 2 months
Your new theme is so amazing!( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
Glad you finally made asks anonymous!! Didnt want to expose my main blog !シ
Could you please do BoNeDo legal line reacting to their s/o wearing something revealing to go out!! If you are comfortable with that!
hi hi!! Of course, no worries 😉 I’m so sorry if I didn’t have the anonymous requests below, I didn’t know 😭😭
pairing: bnd x reader.
warnings: none? jealously, maybe some toxic traits, idk.
summary: how would bnd react to you wearing something revealing to go out.
sungho; i feel like he wouldn’t mind tbh, at least not for the reasons you may think. he gives me this “conservative” vibe that would push him to say “are you going to wear that? just that?” in a confused/ concerned tone. he wouldn’t make you change or anything and will let you go out as you wanted but that bitter look in his face will make you understand he’s not the biggest fan of your outfit. but it also depends on what you are wearing, like shorts and crop tops is fine, but he doesn’t like when you show too much chest or the skirt/ short length is minimal and you have nothing underneath.
riwoo; like sungho i feel like he will lean into a more conservative stance but at the same time he is softer and will just raise his eyebrows with a smirk, laughing a little bit at your confused look before adding “you look really good” and giving you soft kiss. he would like to brag about you looking so cute and pretty to everyone, getting a little sulky when people stared at you on the streets but letting it slide cause in the end you were his and he was yours.
jaehyun; we all know jaehyun is a whiny little boy, so i totally see him being a bitch over how good you look and how you should only wear those things for him in private because he didn’t want to share his view :c it would get to the point where he would cancel plans because you didn’t want to change or at least take his jacket and cover a bit more. but don’t get him wrong, he is not yelling at you or anything, quite the opposite, he is begging you to change with kiss and giggles because he is a little bit insecure and doesn’t wanna loose you :( dumb asf because u ain’t leaving him but oh well.
taesan; i feel like he wouldn’t really care and he would actually help you choose some of the outfits because you look pretty and he is confident enough to go out with you like that. if anything, he knows how to fight. but he would have a limit tho, like shorts, skirts, tops, stockings, everything is fine to him until it gets too short or too revealing and you don’t have anything underneath like a protection short or at least a jacket to cover your legs when sitting down. “baby, take my jacket when u sit down, your skirt is rolling up” and u would thank him because even though he did not agree with u to wear that today, he is still protecting your ass (quite literally)
leehan; he wouldn’t care. in fact, he would be the one helping you choose at to wear and how to wear it. he will of course have a limit but the line it’s very very blurry as he loves to see you wearing that kind of things. of course he will prefer you to wear them at home but he wouldn’t mind if you wanted to go out like that every once in a while.
woonhak; well, idk if it’s because he’s still young but you won’t go out with him if the clothes you’re wearing are too short. and he would HATE with all his soul, transparent clothes. he just feels like… why? might as well be naked. he would get too uncomfortable with that and will not be able to do anything with you if you ever went out like that, “where do you think we are going? that’s not it, yn?” and he would be pouting all day over the whole thing :(
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yandere-sins · 1 year
holy crap your previous könig and ghost yan are so good😭 i have this idea, and idk if anyone has incorporated it in any yan stories of them, but the idea of unmasking them and seeing their faces for the first time???? like this is pre-established relationship (with either men idk up to you to imagine which) where you haven’t seen their faces…yet. the most you know is the intimidation you feel every time you see them—or see them lurking around you but like, imagine a scenario where the reader is trying to get them to take off their mask + plus i’m pretty sure ghost and könig has yet to have canon appearances so i’d like to hear your interpretations of them!!!
I had this idea in a not yandere-sense and it was so wholesome and adorable and just intimate where they let you unmask them for the first time, kind of hesitant, but so adoringly... Maybe I should write the harmless version one day, but for now, this is still a yandere blog sorry hahaha! Thanks for requesting!!
Warnings: Yandere, Minor Sexual Content
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
♡ König is so flustered. Poor man doesn't even think he deserves you being so agreeable that night, sitting in his lap, allowing him to touch you (shallowly, but his fingers are on your body, and that's more than most nights). Yet, you also caress him back, not saying anything or giving him reasons why you're being so nice. You told him so many times you hate him, driving a dagger into his poor heart over and over. Yet, your fingertips are tracing his shoulders and collarbones gently, carefully. He can't stop swallowing hard with all the drool collecting in his mouth, his brain befuddled with intense adoration and need for you to do more. To touch him more, to make him feel your hands and body rougher than the fluttering touches you're bestowing onto him.
♡ That's the only reason he allows your hands to go further. He really likes his mask, but you driving your hands under it, touching the hot skin underneath, well... it raises more questions and also something else between his legs. But König is way too scared to ruin this moment. He's also afraid of you uncovering something you might not like. A face you might find ugly or scars that you will laugh about. He doesn't want you to think badly of him, even though he can't change his looks anymore. At the same time, he really doesn't want you to stop. Just one more inch of skin bared to you. One more touch of your fingertips and all these feelings he harbors for you might explode out of him. But when you get to the stubble on his chin, your thumb having pressed deliciously into his throat and giving him a kick of adrenaline, suddenly, König revolts. Picking you up and setting you down on the couch before getting up and leaving the room in a hurry, he pulls his shirt-mask down as much as he can. After all, it was a bit too much for him; maybe you'll have more luck next time.
♡ (Yes, he's in the bathroom and miserable that he stopped you. Yes, he needs to take a cold shower afterwards, and yes, he still jerks off despite the icy temperature, bemoaning the roughness of his hands compared to yours.)
♡ You know, Ghost really didn't plan to let you do it. It's his thing; he doesn't mind being always covered up and unreadable. It also helps with you and keeping you a bit fearful at all times. But when curiosity kills the cat, and you start playing with the seams of his mask, he just... lets you. Ghost wants to know how far you're willing to go, how bold you are—and how much he can take. He's not ashamed of his face, but the mask is his identity, so there might still come a moment when it's uncomfortable for him. But at the same time, this is like a game to him. One he knows he can stop at any given time, but which will yield a lot of prizes if he endures it.
♡ Because really, what's more adorable than you realizing he's not reacting? You thinking you're allowed to do what you want? You're testing the waters carefully, with only the tips of your nails slipping under the tight mask. Ghost watches you through his lashes as he pretends to still be dozing, unbothered and relaxed. In reality, he's controlling his instinctual flinches as everything screams at him to stop you. But you're not out to unmask and kill him, you're just curious. And you grow bolder, fast. He loves that look on your face, the concentration as you loosen the fabric so it might roll up his neck. You keep glancing at him, and though he knows you want to check if he's still asleep, it feels like you're asking his permission. And Ghost gives it to you. He's in control. So he even cranks his neck so you can push it up his chin, exposing his mouth, excitement about your achievement palpable. But when you adjust your position to continue, driving your hands under the mask and cupping his face, Ghost decides it's enough, pushing upwards to meet you in a kiss.
♡ He'll have you flipped over and complaining faster than you can react to, hands pinned above your heads, and your complaints turning into gasps and moans as he deepens the kiss, his hands exploring you until you arch your body into his touch and your mind is woozy from the loss of oxygen. Now that his mouth is out, he might as well use it to both of your pleasures and who knows, maybe he'll let you go a bit farther next time.
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zweiginator · 2 months
ooh maybe law student patrick has to go to some fancy event his dad is sponsoring or something & invites reader so he’s not stuck by himself while having to schmooze all night. plus it wasn’t too bad of a deal on your own end since you’d be able to meet a bunch of prominent business people who could help your own budding career.
but then patrick’s dad spots the two of you & immediately starts belittling the fuckkk out of him. telling you he’s never brought a girl to one of these things to meet his family. makes a comment about how the girls he usually hung around were ditzy and vain, that he’s shocked patrick was playing nice with someone so much smarter and more hardworking than him, especially a girl. an ambitious, pretty little thing like you would be great for his firm a few years down the line.
idk how reader would react, but pat would definitely storm out and drag you out with him. his dad might think you’re eloquent and impressive, but patrick can change that in a matter of minutes when he gets you bent over and reminds you why he’d invited you there in the first place.
((i did not mean to yap this much lmao im so sorry))
oh 100% because i think patrick's relationship with his father (and family in general) is so complicated. his father's love for him yo-yos all the time. when he got into law school his father was ecstatic. when his first semester grades came back he was ashamed to be associated with his son. he would never be a partner with B minuses and Cs. that just wouldn't do.
and i think he resents you for a million reasons. one, you are self-made. you didn't need your father's wealth and influence and connections to get you into yale. you did it all by himself and patrick is threatened by that, because he knows he wouldn't have even thought about law school without his father's pushing. so in that sense, he feels like a fraud and a sellout, just existing to appease his family legacy and not actually doing what he wants to. and often times, he wonders how it would have felt to stand up to his father and tell him he wanted to play tennis seriously. professionally. whenever he had brought it up in the past, his father would roll his eyes. make jokes. that wasn't a job, he said. that wouldn't find him a good wife or give him grandchildren. that certainly wouldn't suffice for the zweig name. his son being a so-so tennis player.
he also resents you with how you came into school with a clean slate. nobody knew who you were, who your family was. no reputation preceded you. you have so much resilience but patrick constantly feels like he is battling himself and his family, the expectations of him that are only mounting.
so when patrick's father invites him to a firm gathering, he tells patrick to be charming and respectable. don't come alone and bring someone who is also charming, respectable. his father knows that patrick sleeps around, that he can't keep a girlfriend to save his life. so he's adamant about that last part.
patrick brings you. it only makes sense. and everyone adores you. you're dressed in an impeccable gown with beautiful earrings you saved up for. your handshake is firm and your smile is infectious. you're a natural. you're charismatic. patrick has never seen his father so proud of something his son has done. but that something is you, not his own accomplishments.
patrick feigns a smile all night. tries to butt into conversations, but everyone is so focused on you, what you have to say, your story and upbringing. your perfect grades.
"if only patrick had this much natural motivation!" his father nudges you. patrick's jaw ticks. just another fucking dig at him.
and then the kicker. your father gives you his phone number, the contact information for his firm.
"my business card." he hands it to you. "i'm not sure if you've secured a summer position yet, but we have a great retention rate with interns becoming attorneys at the firm and eventually partners. i think you'd be a perfect fit."
you shake his hand firmly and thank him. this opportunity is huge. and regardless of what you've heard about the zweig family--patrick's father really is smart and hardworking and charismatic. you see where patrick gets it from.
but patrick is just staring ahead of him, his lips pursed. he had been attempting to bring up the possibility of being a summer intern for his father, which he had vehemently refused speaking about for months. and now you come along with vanilla perfume and cherry red lipstick and you have the position secured.
and patrick knows you're smart and capable and deserving. but he really fucking hates you right now. he wants to make you feel dumb. and maybe he should feel bad when he says he feels sick and asks you to come to the bathroom with him.
he pulls your dress up around your waist and fucks you like a whore. hand splayed on your lower back and one yanking your hair. you can't think coherently, you can't say a word. you just hang on and listen to the lewd slaps of skin against skin. of patrick's taunts. this isn't what a respectable girl does. a respectable career woman doesn't fuck her boss's son in the bathroom like a fucking slut.
maybe it makes him feel better to know he can hold this above your head.
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callofdudes · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about how how TF141 + König would react to the reader having a period accident..
Idk it might be weird but some peoples reactions have my heart, like when they're nice about it and help you instead of being disgusted by you😭
That's not weird at all. Got instant inspiration for this one. It's also spawned some little headcanons in my head so I might post those separately as well. Here ya go, let me know if it's ok 😊
141 + König helping you after a period accident.
141+König x Female!reader
König 🐙
You and König were walking around the mall when you got the feeling in your gut. That feeling that kicked you right in the pelvis and almost made you stop walking. Shit... Not here.
König was currently looking at some new movies when you felt it again, clutching your pelvis to try and help it.
"König..." You whispered to him, tapping his hip.
He hummed, looking back at you and the awkward expression on your face. "What's wrong Schätzchen?"
"I think we need to wrap it up early. I'm not feeling good suddenly."
König was worried now. "Are you alright? Are you sick? Do you need medical treatment in this moment?"
You shake your head, walking slower and stiffer, hoping to get home before it was too late. König could see there was something going wrong but he followed.
He kept a close eye on you as you both made it back to the car, by that time König was helping you in the car and noticed. "Y/n... I think you are bleeding."
You groaned, immediately feeling more embarrassed about it. "Yeah..." You just wanted to rush home and change. And get your clothes in the wash before they stained.
König however, grabbed the car keys and rushed back inside. He had no idea what he was doing but he rushed to the drug store at the entrance of the mall and decided to ask a worker.
"Hey uh.. my um.. my friend, she is hurting and I want to help her. C-could I get some help with the feminine products..." He was a sweating mess asking about it. But he wanted to help you.
The clerk was also super nice and pointed him where he needed to go and gave him a quick suggestion on what to get. So without a second thought he purchased them and ran back to the car where you were still holding yourself.
"Here y/n... I-I got those for you. And you can do it in the car if you want- I don't mind, and I won't look!"
He immediately shut the door and turned around. He waited nervously outside. He hoped that was right, that he'd gotten everything. He did want to help even if he wasn't the most knowledgeable about this sort of thing.
You felt happy that he went through all the trouble. It would... Work for now.
So you put it on and got out, giving him a thumbs up while he nervously fiddled with his fingers. After, König got in the driver's seat and looked at you. "Are you doing better?"
"it'll work until we get home. Thank you König."
"Yeah.. yeah! Of course! Now let's get you home."
Price 🥃
The two of you were at a barbecue with 141 and some other soldiers, you hadn't even noticed or felt anything, probably too busy eating and talking. You'd felt weird and had cramps that morning, but after an hour and no actual blood, you'd assumed it was early cramping.
Price was sitting in a chair, talking to Ghost about one thing or another when he happened to look up and over to you, in your white pants, clear as day...
"Excuse me Ghost." Ghost nodded, letting Price leave for a moment. He came up behind you and set his hands on your shoulders. "Y/n..." He whispered. "You've got a stain on your pants."
You look up at at him. "I what- I do??" Your face turned red as you soon realized what it would be. Oh you were stupid to wear these pants...
Price gently pats your arm, you were so lucky you were over at Laswell's house. "Come on, come sit inside until we can help ok?"
You nod, following him closely as he opens the screen door and brings you inside. He could see the embarrassment on your face. "That's alright y/n, we'll help you out. Let me go find Laswell alright?"
You nod, staying behind and waiting as Price went to talk to Laswell about the situation.
"John, everything ok?" Laswell asked. While she'd let them use her expansive yard for the barbecue she wouldn't be in charge of supervision. So she was in her at home office room.
"Hey Kate. Y/n is having a little... Feminine emergency. She got her period and I was wondering if you would have anything to help?"
She nods, coming back down the stairs to see you still sitting there awkwardly. "We'll help you out kiddo." Price assured as Laswell brought back down a box of sanitary pads for you. "I might even have a spare pair of pants for you to wear?" She offers.
"If not, I can let you borrow my jacket." Price finishes.
"Thank you guys." You head to the bathroom and start to figure things out. While you were doing that Price went down to his car and got his big thick jacket.
Once you'd come out Price handed it to you and let you wrap it around your waist. "Thank you Price."
He nodded and patted your shoulder. "All good. We'll get you set up properly when we are home, alright?"
You nod, unable to help hugging him tightly. Price chuckled softly and hugged you back. "Alright, would you like to stay in here or go back out with everyone else?"
"I think I'll be ok to go back outside."
"Alright, you let me know if you need anything ok? And we'll get you all set up when we get home."
Soap 🧼
"Yes captain." You smile softly.
Price gave you the next two days of leave to let the cramps settle down and you were very, very grateful.
Growing up with all girls in his house he still didn't know everything about periods, but they didn't disgust him. So much that avoiding his sisters when they were acting like soulless floor crawlers was habit.
But when he noticed you in need, his brotherly instincts for you came into action.
You were in line for food, just standing there when you suddenly looked very troubled. "Soap... I think we should go home." You whispered.
"You want to go home y/n? But we just got here."
You nod a little, stance a little stiffer. He frowned, and you could tell he knew something was up. "What's wrong? Are you not feeling good?"
You shake your head softly, rolling your hand over your pelvis. "I think I just got my period..." You whispered, barely that. But John caught it.
He nods, ushering you from the line up. "Alright, we'll go home then. Do you want to pick up some pads at the drugstore while we're here or should we head back to base?"
"I think I'm almost out on base..."
John nods, that settles it then. "Alright, we'll stop at the drugstore and we'll get you what you need."
"You don't mind? I know we went out for food... No a sanitary trip..." You felt embarrassed. You really didn't want anything like this to happen with one of the guys. You just didn't think they'd understand.
You felt like maybe Soap of all people would make fun of you. But he brought you back to the car and drove you to the drugstore.
"Do you want to walk in or stay here??"
"Can I stay..?"
"Yep, no problem. Just tell me what you usually get yourself and I'll be right back." He smiled softly.
You were embarrassed. Telling him quietly before he shut the door and walked off with confidence. He wandered the aisle for a while, looking for the brand before spotting it and... Oh just grab one of everything you never know. So he came back with a bag full of product to last you a very long while.
"Alright, here ya go. I can wait outside if you want to put one on now?"
"You don't mind?"
"Nope, not at all. Go for it." He stands back faced to the window of the passenger seat. Guarding it while you did your thing. And you eventually you tapped on the window and he got back in the car.
"Alright, let's get you home and set you up."
You nodded. "Thanks Soap."
"No worries, I get it. Sometimes accidents like these happen."
He got you home and set you up, settling you down for a movie and got you your blankets and heating pad. And yes, he did go back and get that food so you both could enjoy it.
Ghost 💀
Man's panics. He knows a lot about periods surprisingly, but they are not in his wheelhouse. He does not have the expertise.
But he is definitely reliant and always a good person to go to for some help.
The two of you were at a very, very high end event. Like the higher ups of your higher ups were there. The both of you dressed up in suits with all your fancy pins on them and the little hats.
It was a big deal and you were nervous. You'd assumed the cramping you'd briefly felt earlier was just from the little amount of food you'd eaten before rushing out the door that morning and your anxiety.
Ghost was off in the corner, watching everything. He noticed somewhere along in the night you'd grown uncomfortable and oddly stiff. Almost as if you were self conscious of something.
He assumed it to be nothing until you walked over to him stiffly, blushing from embarrassment.
"What do you need sergeant?"
"Ghost..." You whispered, making him lean in a little more. "I think I just got my period..."
He's totally cool on the outside but inside he is panicking. He nods. "Do you have... A bag or something?"
You shake your head. "No... I left it all at home..."
Ghost sighed and nodded. "Alright, I'll head back home and get your stuff."
You nodded awkwardly. "Thank you."
He patted your arm. "Just sit tight, shouldn't be long."
And with that Ghost excused himself from the venue and got back in the car, driving all the way back home. He searched your bathroom, grabbing one... Two... Ok three if you need it. He can't be too careful. And a spare change of pants and underwear if you needed it.
He came back with the bag and pulled you to the side. "Everything you need should be in there. Bathroom is down the hall, call me if you need anything."
"Thank you so much Ghost. Thank you." You took the bag and rushed off, delighted to find a spare change of pants as well.
Once you'd changed you came back out and gave Ghost a thumbs up, to which he nodded in approval and the event continued without a hitch.
Gaz 🧢
I just know this man is the kind of guy to hook up the bubble bath and say F You to the world for a while. So afterwards you get full spa treatment from him.
Will do anything to help you.
You were training with some of the other soldiers. A slightly chilly day though you enjoyed it and hadn't worn a sweater. You already felt warm enough.
You'd already been out there for two hours and any burn or cramp was just played off as what would normally happen. You weren't really thinking into it much.
You'd taken a break to relax and you felt another cramp right in your pelvis, making you groan as you bent over a little to hold yourself.
Some of the sergeants noticed the stain forming in your grey jogging pants. "y/n, are your pants dirty or something?"
This caught Gaz's attention who looked over, noticing your discomfort. You looked embarrassed as you started to connect the dots between your horrible cramps and your accident.
He gently pushed past the sergeants and got himself between you and them. "Yeah, I think that last load of laundry didn't come out right. I noticed it on my clothes as well."
You looked up at Gaz with relief as he gently tugged off his sweater and wrapped it around your waist.
"Come on, let's go get you to your room."
You followed, your cramps bothering you the whole way. Gaz got you to your room and grabbed out a fresh pair of pants and let you change and such.
Once you were done he came back in and helped you into bed. "Thanks Gaz." You whispered.
He leaned down and plugged in your heating pad and wrapped you in all your blankets. "No problem y/n, it happens. I get it."
"Do you need any more supply? I have to head out for a bit later and I could pick up what you need?"
"You wouldn't mind?"
"Not at all. Just helping you out. I can even pick you up a snack or two. Does chocolate entice your palette?" You both chuckle softly.
"I'd like that, thank you." You smile, already feeling much better. Gaz made sure you didn't need anything else before leaving you to rest.
And yes, he came back with everything you needed and a giant bucket of ice cream all your own.
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #27
The Battle of Big Wand
Part 2 of reacting to this episode (spoiler-free)!
Cosmo talking about the Big Wand going down: Better check with I.T. Hazel: Just I.T.? No fancy fairy name?
why is this so funny to me
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Y'know... I've have a post in my drafts for ages that mocks Anti-Cosmo's castle entrance for not being wheelchair-friendly (because the road is covered in spikes). If he took over and then put spikes on this new road, I'm gonna lose it.
OH, I NAILED my "After thinking about it, this is my final answer" prediction. Dev is in the house! oh, good gravy.
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This is the second time he's tried to be a king, and I think it's funny he hasn't tried to be a company president or anything. Not fantasy enough for him.
It's stupid funny to me that Dev just turned 10 and he's got impressive muscles when he flexes. what is this child doing- bench pressing solid gold??
We've been robbed of Dev wishing himself into one of the puzzle games he likes and getting buried under, like... Tetris blocks and having to claw his way out.
That might make a good 'fic; I feel like "wishing to be inside an app" is very correct for him.
??? whaaat does he have? He's got portable wishes of some kind? Is it a shooting star? oh, goodness. Let me think, let me think...
!! Crocker has these in the finale of Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 1. He throws them at the ground near fairy guards to poof them into animals. They're grenades. lmao, Dev got into the Fairy Armory.
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Canonically, the Fairy Armory is the only place in Fairy World that still has power during outages, so... epic magic fight with weapons?? Ooooh, I hope so!
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Irep is back, I knew it!! Part of me suspected he wouldn't be here because he's not really known for being a team player, but I'm glad he is :) Let's go Anti-Fairies!!
I'm delighted Anti-Cosmo isn't taking lead. Also, for some reason it's hilarious to me that Irep is focused on Hazel and not interested in addressing Cosmo or Wanda. He used to greet them as Auntie and Uncle, and now he's like "I don't need their approval or love."
Uh-oh... Has he sorted out his needy issues? If he's too old for naps and we can't bribe him with hugs, how will we defeat him??
I wanted to see if he uses their honoraries in "Fairly Odd Fairy Tales" (since he does it when he's being polite and I knew he was offering food). He doesn't, but I like how Wanda straight-up fed her nephew an apple that puts him to sleep until his true love kisses him, then looks dead at the viewer and says "And then we all lived happily ever after." Is the implication that no one will ever love him, so he's unconscious forever?? omg. Wanda's very black and white view of things is so incredibly funny to me, especially since she grew up in a mob family.
I'm excited to see Dev and the Anti-Fairies. Who would win: the species that invented papercuts, or a little boy who longs for lemonade?
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Are you telling me Cosmo and Anti-Cosmo are BOTH intimidated by Irep now? Either this is about to be super funny, or they've switched.
Did Anti-Cosmo finally step up his parenting? Not out of the question; in Season 10, Foop was in time-out for putting spiders in his spaghetti.
(How ironic, considering Foop liked eating spiders).
I rewound and Cosmo jumps when the magic hits, before he sees Irep, so he's not necessarily afraid of him. Also, keeping my fingers crossed for anti-family interactions. I'm really looking forward to a face-off between Irep and Peri; their banter is my favorite and we didn't get much in "Best of Luck."
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I'm so glad that despite changing his name, Irep presents himself with the same flair he always did. He is the same person...
omg, his little cufflinks. He's adorable.
For some reason, I've called him "posh British boy" in two previous posts, but... idk why, because he's literally never been posh and I know that. I'm glad he looks like his aesthetic is "bad boy with the tiniest detail of fancy."
I hope he's still friends with Sammy Sweetsparkle :) Maybe they're in a gang. I know there's 0 chance of Sammy being in this episode, but can you just imagine if Foop took out his wallet and there's a picture of Sammy in it.
Actually... if he's got a little metal circle there, I think that implies his jacket is closer to denim than leather. Lemme check......
OH, interesting... Yeah, he and Sammy don't match.
I don't say it enough, but it's really freakin' funny to me that Foop spends a distressing amount of "Certifiable Super Sitter" following Sammy or spying on Sammy and/or reacting to everything Sammy says. He's just Like That... Like, I enjoy the implication that of all the places Foop could go when his parents canonically left him unsupervised for the week, he likely chose to hit up the Turner place in spite of his hatred for Poof because Sammy is there. Silly.
Dev: Yeah, yeah, yeah... and Irep. Joint conquerors of Fairy World.
OMFG, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Was I RIGHT that Anti-Cosmo isn't even at the takeover!? Local introvert hates leaving his house and never wanted Fairy World anyway; more at 11. I'll be there!!
Plot twist, Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda don't actually show up in this episode because they're busy flirting while Irep's away.
I clocked the design aesthetic of the taken-over Fairy World as "This is Irep and Dev as partners; Anti-Cosmo wouldn't do this" so hard. crying. how did I do that. it's not getting better than this.
"Let's get DEV-ious!!"
dlkfgm, once again losing it at Dev using his first name rather than the "Dimm" part of his surname when he makes puns. He's a Dimmadome, but... he's kind of his own twig on the tree.
It is unreasonably funny to me that Irep's wand is so heavy considering he had massive muscles as a child after his Abracatraz imprisonment ("Spellementary School" & "Timmy's Secret Wish").
Also, I am FASCINATED by the decision to give Irep one little zipper tab that hangs off his jacket. Impeccable.
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I love this team already. These are two people who are both known for:
- Coming from upper class families - Having parent-related abandonment issues - Not showing a lot of restraint - Only showing restraint when they've REALLY gone too far
Hmm... Oh boy, let me think. We know Dev's [previous] line was that he didn't like his dad shocking people's brains for money, with Dev having strained feelings even when he was trying to convince himself the shocks could be good ("You can help kids!") And he did feel bad about fighting with Hazel, though he's definitely Going Through the Wringer right now.
And Irep's line in the OG series is that he was totally down for:
- Tormenting his parents - Annihilating Crocker for not inviting him to his house party (whom he hilariously calls Denzel when he's mad at him) - Pointing his school's playground slide into the void - Sending Cosmo and Wanda on a dinner date to a black hole - Poof dying (despite the fact their lives were tied together)
- but he wouldn't allow anyone to harm Chloe, who finally introduced him to hugs.
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He made it very clear he wasn't willing to face Vicky to save his own life, even on the verge of death, but he'd do it for her or for chicken cordon bleu. And she's not here, and we're all out of chicken cordon bleu. Uh-oh…
- Would Irep rate Hazel hugs 10/10? Inquiring minds need to know. - Is Dev bribing Irep with hugs? Or is Irep just here for the chaos and assurances that Dev's having more fun with him than Peri? - Is Irep bribing Dev with hugs? Are they pumping each other up with positive affirmations?? Go king; continue the healing cycle!
If Irep's parents show up, I hope he's on good terms with his mom, who used to pack chicken nuggets and anti-venom in his lunch box :)
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Dev's faith in his ability to not fall off his O-pairs makes me nervous every time he's ever been onscreen.
His dad might let him down, but the O-pairs never have.
[ cnt'd - #Long post ]
All I've been thinking about for ages is an AU where Dev and Mikey Munroe (Bunsen Is a Beast) switch drones for a day, so Mikey's parents freak out that they can't monitor their son 24/7 and meanwhile, Dev just... can't get his dad's attention despite the two-way microphone and camera screen. Also, Mikey spends most of his time making noises into the O-pairs' fans. It's always been my headcanon that Mikey's parents installed the Buxaplenty's and Leadly's security systems (hence the buttons releasing different dogs & the lethal lightning bolts) since I think "ooh, rich people want us" helps justify why his parents are gone for months or years at a time when we know their job is designing home security, so basically... all the cool rich people use them. I actually have a WIP of Mikey and Remy playing near the Buxaplenty train tracks when they were little, but I never found a plot point strong enough to carry it to the end. Anyway, I've been waiting to see what the Dimmadomes have in terms of security, but it's... nothing yet. Plot twist, Dale has trust issues even with the people installing security?? ... I think he'd be friends with Mikey's parents. Maybe. Actually, I might need a 'fic about Dale having a meltdown when he goes home for the first time in 7 years and doesn't trust that Vicky won't sneak in to get him. He needs the world's best security team. It's two terrible parents afraid of literally everything. Yes, they ditched their kid for this. Don't worry about it. y'know... It's really messed up that Mikey's parents are terrified of everything, but they leave their 12-year-old home alone with the pets for months or years at a time, "but it's fine because they're spying on him 24/7 and sometimes give him gifts (like medicated wipes)." His dad is implied to have a fear of germs and I've always wondered if that plays into them not being anywhere near Mikey... Plot twist- We pull a "My Gym Partner's a Monkey" (where the reason we don't see Adam Lyon's parents is because they're severely allergic to animal hair and Adam has to thoroughly wash when he's home and they can't go to school events), but it's Mikey's parents fleeing Muckledunk because they're either allergic or afraid of Beasts. They left their son... Okay, I just checked my notes and I have a line here that says "Mikey's obsession with soft things like animals, beards, and blankets is probably because his parents never touch him." help??
Anyway, I think an AU where Dale hovers over Dev 24/7 and is still a terrible dad would be funny. Instead of neglect, it's obsession... Especially at this age since Dev's as old as Dale was when his trauma started.
... Is Dale putting distance between himself and Dev on purpose because Dev looks exactly like him and is now the age when Dale's life came crashing down? idk if Dale had access to mirrors back then, but that's gotta be weird.
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crying at Irep waiting for his cue to pull Dev's flashbacks down from the top of the screen. They rehearsed this. Painfully in-character (In "Secret Wish," Foop claims he waited 10 minutes outside so he could burst in at a dramatic moment).
The way Irep twists his legs gives me Anti-Cosmo vibes.
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Rare "Winn without cap" spotted in the wild.
Dev has the room oriented the wrong direction and in doing so, he forgot to include the door. Emotionally, he's stuck in this room. lmao.
Maybe it's a class that's not Guzman's since we know from "Multiverse of Jenkins" that these kids do attend other classes. But... Dev, what's goin' on, buddy?
INCREDIBLY funny to me that Bev sits directly in front of Dev? I gotta go back and fact-check that sometime. Has he been harboring his crush on her because she's right there? That's great!
??? If she DOESN'T sit there then I have to assume Dev is just so Bev-centric that he WANTS her to be there, and that's very funny. Go chase your sporty crush, rich boy. I support you.
Okay, I went back, and it seems his canon seat is between Bev and Kev (with Kev behind Hazel), but Kev vaporizes when we need to center Hazel and Dev onscreen at the same time (such as Dev faking sick and Hazel glaring at him). Oh my glob, he's another witch... Dev, embrace your ancestral witch-hunting for me, plz and ty. It would be funny... /checks my witch notes as a joke and screeches to a halt. Oh my goodness, I could finally get a Soil Tribe child in my roster... I have their magic down as "causes host to fade unnoticed into the background," and it would be very funny to do something magical with the child model. ??? On my first watch of "28 Puddings Later," I don't think I saw that scene of Dev falling over and losing his shades when the pudding throne collapses. Must've missed it while taking notes. That's cute.
I like how Dev's memories are 2D like the photos we've seen throughout the series. Also, Hazel's so dang cute.
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I'm glad Dale's pants look the same in both the New Wish and old 2D style despite no FOP character ever wearing anything with that many dots.
I like that Dev's hair is much shinier than his dad's, implying Dale still has the dullness that comes with being soft instead of slick.
- I'm assuming this means either Dev's hair is gelled or he gets that from the maternal side of his family? - idk man, this is very in line with my "Dev's mom is a Leadly" headcanon... At this point, I can't NOT torment him with two very rich and extremely messed-up sides of his family... They both have extreme branding and weird fixations and funky buildings and run big businesses that have brought in incredible amounts of money and they like tech and call people the wrong names... do you see what I see...
I'm DELIGHTED Dale's hair curls up in the back. I've been so sad that he lost his tuft when he grew up. This is clever.
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!!! oh yeah, Dale has his dad's stripe! Technically he and Dev both have the stripe, but I love the subtle differences in their hair. While collecting screenshots for an earlier post, I noticed the hair above their ears is combed in different directions, like this:
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- with Dale showing the stripe much more clearly than Dev does. I like the implication that Dev's stripe is gold. That's really cute.
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I checked, and the gold streak does seem to be in the place he has the Dimmadome family stripes in his 2D form (Eyebrow level). Neat!!
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Aw, Irep's a big boy! And his hair grew out blue!! Parents' genes came out kickin'. I did wonder. I think it's funny his mustache and goatee are still black.
Despite losing the black hair, he's not yet immune from "Irep, are you sure one of your parents wasn't actually pixie?" allegations. This is stupid funny to me... In my Cloudlands AU, the Anti-Fairies are always dunking on him for having black hair like Anti-Cosmo's ex-wife, but no one can say anything because unlike Anti-Cosmo's first heir (Talon), Foop was born with the iris virus (colored eyes), so he's "been accepted by the nature spirits" and is heir apparent.
... Seeing this many colored eyes is giving me incredible amounts of anxiety, but it would not be appropriate to clarify why out of context. I like the guy with hair over his eyes and a big hat.
Is Irep leading the charge these days? Do the Anti-Fairies take orders from him?
Did Anti-Cosmo step down!? Because considering how much he hates conflict, I wouldn't be slightly surprised, omg...
I think it's funny that if Dev uncovers any official documents or watches memory clips that flashback to Irep's past crimes, he'd probably be like "Why is there no paper trail for this Irep guy? who tf is Foop?"
WAS that his experience of browsing the anti-web? I have to assume it was- I can't imagine Anti-Fairy World would cross his path without Foop's name coming up.
?? Considering that in my previous post, I said I couldn't think of any reason for Anti-Cosmo to desire taking over Fairy World unless he managed to score the earth and/or godkids out of it...
I'm so glad Dev just dropped "They have to take over Fairy World so they can rule Earth." slkdfj?? okay...
Irep: Now we can rule BOTH! Anti-Cosmo: That just sounds like scoring godkids with extra work.
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THEM!! I am once again so intrigued by the lore that A.J. went into parascience and is following in Crocker's footsteps?? You've no idea how much I need to know what the A.J.-Crocker relationship is.
crying at Irep making a peace sign when he gets in front of the camera with Dev. Doesn't he do that in his profile pic on Dark Laser's phone? He's literally the same person he's always been. I missed him so much.
PLEASE do not tell me Dev's full name is Development "Devin" Dimmadome. The quote marks Dale puts around "Devin" are making me lose it.
Dale's partner: Honey, can you stop thinking about business for 5 minutes so we can pick a name for our son? Dale, who comes from a family that usually just slaps their name on things: I got this.
?? I'd LOVE to know what's going on with Dev's mom. Did she die in childbirth and had no say in naming her son, and Dale took over from there? Is she alive, but divorced from and/or passive around him?
Like... I have to assume she had the most exquisite prenatal care through a rich family like this, especially if we assume she also came from a wealthy family cough- Leadlys.
Holy flipping plot twist, does Dev not have a mom at all? He looks exactly like his extraordinarily wealthy dad. Was he just cloned so Dale could pass the business on someday? Did Dale just kinda buy him and wait for the surrogate to hand him over, and he never formed any attachment to him as a baby because he had the O-Pairs / au pairs raise him? lmao!!!
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Traumatized beyond belief for 7 years by a girl his age so he trusts absolutely no one and never learned what a healthy relationship was like even with a partner, let alone his son. smh.
Actually, it's very funny to think of him and Vicky splitting up. Like, it was extremely toxic and not romantic in the slightest, but she straight-up identified him when she saw his face in "Operation: Birthday Takeback" even though logically, that would have been 70 years since she was last close to him. She probably knew him pretty well, especially since his hair has changed.
Timmy can't have frozen the timestream any earlier than Channel Chasers in Season 4 when he learns he'll lose Cosmo, Wanda, and his memories when he grows up, which is the reason he cites for freezing time in "Timmy's Secret Wish," and that was 50+ years. It's been 20 more on top of that for Dale to grow up and his son to turn 10. We know Vicky and Doug Dimmadome very, very occasionally crossed paths in later seasons (Vicky tries to sell him the Stryker Z in Season 3's "Engine Blocked").
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If anyone cares, this (Season 3) is presumably where Dale grew up unless Doug took him to Dimmadelphia.
Like?? Something about the fact that Vicky and Dale are the same age is funny as heck to me. New Wish canon heavily implies Vicky's been taking advantage of Dale since they were 9, and they might've been friends once upon a time (despite the fact that in both New Wish and the OG series, she can never remember who the Dimmadomes are, lol).
There's no way Doug did a good job of looking for him, or Vicky would've turned him in for reward money. I wonder if Dale had a history of sneaking off to play with Vicky and just never came home one day.
Do you think that after her bossing him around for 7 years, Dale was really messed up and didn't know how to make choices for himself?
Oh, that's awful!! Who would write a 'fic about him running away to look for Vicky and beg her to take him back because he doesn't know how to be a person anymore and needs schedules and instruction? Who would do that?? I'm fascinated by their dark, twisted, and incredibly under-explained vibe. Haha, I'm in danger...
oh no, and Dev even told us his father relies on algorithms over his own thoughts, and we KNOW Dale was upset his publicity team said he should talk to people face to face instead of sending the O-Pairs or hiding behind holograms... A snarky Dev told us he thinks "talking to people isn't [Dale's] thing..." I'm connecting the dots...
hey wtf. does Dale have issues with scraping by in the dirt and dark with limited food and water and nothing to his name for 7 years and that's why he freaks out when he loses money? He can't handle the thought of not having a house??
Holy flip, I wish he'd communicate his trauma to his son, but I'm yelling that we keep seeing hints that he's withholding things from Dev. Like ?? Dale explains his thoughts all the time (in monologue fashion), but he's clearly keeping some things under wraps since Dev didn't have any concept for who Vicky was or why she knew his dad.
I genuinely think Dale doesn't want Dev to know the details. Dev didn't even seem to have a good grasp of why he isn't allowed lemonade, or at least that was my read considering how grumpy he was about it.
omg, this is horrible. who would write a 'fic about Dale taking his son camping and then slipping off to have a total meltdown where Dev won't see. who would do that.
Like, I think at this point they're so rich, you'd have to assume they're not at risk of losing everything if Dale took time off work, but we KNOW he's stuck on that schedule Vicky raised him with (working on Saturdays, which we see him do multiple times), and we KNOW he's always trying to claw his way up despite having the money to buy literally anything he could ever want.
And we KNOW Dale's big thing is that he loses his entire flippin' mind when the money slows down ("You still making sales?" / "Yes, but they're dropping, Dev!") and he's willing to stalk and hurt people to keep it coming in.
Y'know, this is continuing my theory that Doug Dimmadome is probably dead. I legit think Dale lost his support system (possibly around Dev's birthday considering how clingy he is about boots and says they came into his life on that day, plus the golden boots with the "In honor" plaque he has in his house). Daddy's not bailing him out of this one...
Lovely that Dale's first words to Dev after finding out he's taken over Fairy World are "My son." Oh, NOW he wants to talk...
I also find out my son is working with the fey and immediately drop his full legal name.
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Why is Dale both the worst person alive and the only dad ever? I need to flatten him with a cruise liner (carnally).
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Happy boy... (Dev, don't trust him.)
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omfg, Irep's not buying this for a second.
?? I feel like it makes things WORSE that Dale seems at least a little aware of how upset Dev is about the boots? "I'm so proud of my son; it almost makes me want to throw away my boots." - There's no way he doesn't know he's been screwing with Dev's head for the last 5 months. omg.
- Hey, does Dale treat Dev this way because Doug made Dale feel like he was playing second fiddle to his giant hats?? I can't help but notice this whole city has a hat theme, yet Dale doesn't seem to care for hats at all... which is interesting, because we know Dimmadelphia existed way before Doug got here. Doug in my theory: /died 10 years ago Dale: If I touch Dad's hats or add boot statues around the city, he'll totally kill me. - ?? I guess the alt theory is that Dale put all the hat stuff up as memorials to his dad, which doesn't sound far-fetched since again... he keeps THIS in his house:
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... Huh. I guess it could be a trophy for Dale instead of a memorial. That's another relevant time to use "In honor." What does it say about me that "omg his dad is dead and he bronzed his boots as a keepsake" was my first thought when I saw this in "Operation: Birthday Takeback" and not "Dale is successful of his own merit"? Obsessed with the implication that Dev's brand image is his sunglasses... Three Dimmadomes go down in history: The Hat, The Boots, and The Shades.
I still think Dale should have a gun. Not to be helpful; just to keep things spicy...
Please go to the Fairy Armory: the one place in Fairy World that canonically keeps power during blackouts. I am begging. I feel like his Southern daddy would want this for him. Doug had a flamethrower.
Is Dev still holding those magic grenades, and what would happen if someone tackled him in a hug?
SDLJKFSDKLFJSDF I'm on the floor. Did I call it? No way... But is Anti-Cosmo only going to show up now that Dev's giving godkids to Anti-Fairies??
Irep: Yo, I'm going to take over Fairy World; anyone want anything? Anti-Cosmo: The same thing I always want: a new child. Irep: wtf
Oh, all that time I spent speculating instead of actually watching the episode the night I started was so worth it. I was really nervous people would grump at me for how I see Anti-Cosmo, but now I feel like I was set up for a slam dunk.
Also, I like how Dev's taken over Jorgen's office. I didn't notice at first, but that's clever.
Dale is so proud despite the fact Dev taped his mouth shut and tossed him aside. That's so funny...
omg, this pit looks dark.
Will Dev torment his dad with lemonade? Is Dale going into the dark torture pit that swings open from the top like a trapdoor, which parallels his underground trauma to a T, or is that going too far?? Is Dev going to dump on his dad about Vicky? Will Dale freak out when he realizes he accidentally hired his abuser of 7 years to babysit his son? Will Dale be joining Club Redheads Who Didn't Get Mindwiped? (I hope not, because Vicky's in it). Will Dev bully his father while he has all this power and then wipe his mind?? So many questions. Find out next time...
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asocialangel · 1 year
I love your writing!! I was wondering if maybe I could request headcanons dating kunigami before the wildcard. I hope you’re having a good day :)
Thanks a lot ! And of course, here you go~ I just finished watching the anime (i’m a manga girlie) so my memory of pre-WildCard kunigami is v fresh😎, lucky you~ I added other characters too <3 I can do a part two if characters get requested (comments or inbox)
How is Dating the BLLK boys like ?
HeadCanons about dating these cuties
Rensuke Kunigami, Niko Ikki, Ranze Kurona
Kunigami (before the wildcard)
Okay so, he might have that gentleman aura, he might be very rather daring, but in the end, it feels like it’s first time really loving someone.
Even if it weren’t his first love or first relationship, it still feels like it
He can be so awkward, not really knowing what to say, what to do… It’s new to him
Good news is, he improves very fast! 
And improving is his goal anyways: he wants to be the best version possible for you. 
Quickly, he’ll learn to read your expressions, to remember your taste and to pick up on what you like or not.
(I hope you put in as much effort to love him ;) ! ) 
And dare I say, after this adjusting phase, he becomes a rather good lover.
Like the typa lover that reads your mind. 
Seriously, he always knows which restaurant you’re in the mood for, he guesses what color roses you’d prefer, he remembers that you like weak coffee over a strong one…
When it comes to boring choices it’s like the two of you don’t need to converse, you just know for one another.
But apart from that, I feel like he’s on the talkative side.
He’s always quick to ask you how you’re doing when you meet up
Even through text, he loves checking up on you, sending you posts he likes and reacting to yours. 
He’s not the type to hesitate saying ‘i love you’
I mean, he’s proud of loving you, he’s confident in his feelings for you, he wants you to know them… Pragmatic
But he was still shy to tell his friends the two of you were dating. Why so ? Idk, maybe he felt like it was such an intimate subject to bring up.
But now that the cat’s out of the box, he’s very chill about it.
Therefore he doesn’t mind PDA, although he lets you initiate it
Apart from that, he loves to smother you with kisses.
Morning ? kisses. Cooking ? kisses. Bellyache ? kisses. Any excuse is good.
So to resume, I feel like dating kunigami is like finding support, a friend that always understands you and cares for you.
I feel like the love between you two grew over time
You used to be friends until one of you felt like it might be more
Probably him
Nothing changed tho, but you soon realized you felt the same 
Your relationship switching from platonic to romantic was never officialized tho
It just, happened. Like at some point you were too close for anyone, you two included, to keep calling each other friends. 
It was so natural you don't even remember when the first time the word ‘couple’ was employed, nor why. 
Anyway. You two are pretty alike, introverted, quiet, resolved.
You both don’t mind being silent together
If anything you love it
Good thing, cause it happens a lot
Sometimes, at the most random times, Niko tells you the most eye-opening, life-changing, sickening lore about himself. Like out of the blue. 
Then you stand in social settings, with informations that no one else have, having to pretend you know the same Niko as they do
There’s so many things you didn't expect from him, whether it’s small habits, small quirks about him or thoughts he has.
Like one thing you discovered after becoming his lover is that he’s not very resourceful sometimes ? 
Like baby boy had never thought of toasting his bread in something other than a toaster, like an oven or a pan ??  
He also notices a lot of tiny details. That’s adorable and you didn't expect it.
He for example knows that you eat farfalle over spaghetti when you’re feeling down.
Or he really seems to like watching the wind blowing through tree’s leaves. He only said it once, but now you always notice him standing under them. 
When it comes to PDA, he is a rather reserved boy.
Maybe not shy, but modest. Like he likes to keep things private
But he can’t resist holding your hand.
HandS*. He loves to take them both and play with you, especially when he’s bored.
And behind closed doors, he’s very cuddly, in a soft way. 
And for more… Let's say you’re usually the one to make the first move. He never refuses tho.
Loving him is learning that love is something that grows, not necessarily a striking intense feeling that fades over time.
First of all i really feel like you had a crush on him first
Like he’s so focused on his own world that he’s oblivious to love and stuff like that.
But the second you forced your way into his universe (no pun intended ;o), he didn't last long
Like he fell head over heels FAST. 
You kinda had to force him to notice you and consider you tho
And when he understood you liked him and not just liked him, he got super shy. 
Your persistence (in a cute not stalker way >:() got the best of him
He likes how casual and confident you are with your feelings
But at first he didn't want to fall in love, like what if it distracted him from football ?
Anyway, you two getting together kinda shocked everyone.
You form such an unusual couple
Bold yet quiet you, nonchalant yet considerate him
Even so, you guys are two peas in a pod. You do everything together
Often in silence, but together. Like brushing your teeth, revising, show each-other funny videos
But… Kurona has a secret: he’s talkative ! 
That genuinely surprised you when you got the honor of getting close to him, and being considered as a person he could trust. 
He rambled on about things. Like sometimes he goes on and on about his fav’s new song that just released, or how giving ducks bread is actually dangerous
A while after getting together with you, Kurona admitted that he hesitated doing so because it would bring so much attention to him, since you’re outspoken and good-looking…  Is that supposed to be a compliment orr ?
He can get so shy and awkward, but Kurona really loves you. He always thinks of you when seeing random things, and is the type of boy that buys you a single flower at least once a week (he can't afford a whole bouquet).
In your relationship, you’re often the one to take initiatives, even when it comes to holding hands. 
But now that he feels more at ease, he often goes for it first. 
He doesn't mind PDA at all cause he tends not to notice other people's gaze, he’s in his own world. 
But kisses in public make him blush cause it draws too much attention ;)
It took you a while to get to his heart, but it was most definitely worth it. Now you’re engraved in it forever. 
A\N: lol, as someone who’s never dated before, this almost feels ironic for me to write these TT.
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scarefox · 7 months
idk maybe we wait till the drama is over before we do the big judging?
Because so far the drama always played with social expectations vs reality AND we constantly get evaluations and realizations from Nont summing his opinions or change of opinions up in monologues (he is one of the characters kind of representing the popular opinions at first just to learn the other side!)
You have to look at the whole drama and characters developments. not just moments because they all go through good and bad (example) phases.
Let's see where the last 2 episodes go before swinging the hammer?
Reminder: Playboyy is NOT about how the ideal world would look like but it is about how it is right NOW (in Thailand especially). Of course our characters get punished for certain sexual behaviors because that IS how society reacts. Part of the characters even represent some of those stances now and then as example. And us audience feeling bad about it is the goal. Also I think it is very well established that Captain is an ass with the worst morals sometimes. Of course we are not supposed to take his opinions and actions as valid life lessons or message even. We are supposed to dislike him (literally the cast says he is annoying and hate-able).
PLUS very important, a misunderstanding I feel happens with some dramas interpretation: sex positivity does not mean to ignore issues that come with sex and pretend as if there were none... But is especially also about talking OPENLY about those things as well as sexual freedom. There are certain possible dangers of working in the sex industry or if you constantly sleep with different people you don't even know who they are.
(bear with me a lot of rambling ahead about topics I have seen here and there the past weeks)
Playboyy is literally about what Nont says in the fist minutes of episode 1
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(* "can create problems" might be a better wording here in the context. basically "sex is more than just some nasty business" and "sex causes problems sometimes" are two things that coexist)
A lot of the plot is Nonts POV which so far had the theme of Nonts discovery of the variety of sex, human feelings and relationships. GOOD and BAD. As well as the dark side of the sex industry (+ drug and mafia connections). He knew nothing about this world and was / still is very judgy of certain things... like the whole doggo video was about him thinking it's murder when it was actually kink play at the end, which he never considered (that's what I mean with expectation vs reality). The treatment of sex worker (btw intentional of the drama that we see both sides here! Please DON'T ignore that in your judgement of what the drama is telling!), the harsh way he judges Nants drug addiction.
aaand all that combined with these 6 categories for each pairing they introduced via one of Nonts monologues as well:
"Mutualism, Protocooperation, Commensalism, Parasitism, Competition, Predation" (btw not set in stone, they can grow out of these)
Do you guys remember that "Y-Destiny" (same director) was based on the week days characteristics and superstition in Thailand? I feel like Playboyy is a bit similar to Y-Destiny just with these relationship categories.
Here just some of the things I remember characters said in response to the happenings in the drama or despite the things happening in the drama (which are mainly based on real life issues I remind you)
on the society AND some characters judging virginity:
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(Nants downward spiral only happened because he got coerced into losing his virginity to strangers in an industry you shouldn't go in naive. Meaning he wasn't ready for it and stumbled into things just to prove it to his judgy friends)
ignorance in the LGBTq community (is a thing obviously, see trans & queer exclusionists as worst example)
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(this statement was about their physical appearance and age. But is by the only 2 characters who wear support trans and 'fuck gender norms' message shirts)
sex as a taboo topic in society:
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the whole sex tape issue:
We have Puen calling Captain out on his bs. We see everyone suffering the consequences of leaked sex tapes. As well as the victims of it but also Captain himself (boy just has no self reflection abilities). But also the question on WHY leaked sex tapes are such a big deal (sex as taboo topic) that someone loses their whole career over simply just bein caught having sex. Making sex tapes such a good blackmail tool as well...
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the "sex worker get treated like trash" issue:
again, yes that's the point of showing something like this as real life issues. You can't take Captain, First or even Nonts statements as "this is the shows statement" when they are all portrayed as morally grey till morally twisted even. AND we still have this whole big plot point of Aob and Puen AND Phob constantly showing and talking about the issues they have to deal with as sex workers. (+ the Soong, Teena, Jump at the beginning saying it wouldn't be that bad of a job under better circumstances, if their boss wasn't so horrible. again not just a black and white image here). THIS TOO is part of the show and it's message, which weights way more than Nont calling Puen "that sex worker" or whatever (maybe he doesn't even know his name). Nont is pissy and biased of that whole topic and specifically about Playboyy employees because of his brothers death.
And First being a selfish sadistic prick to said sex workers, when they gave him basic consent is a similar issue he had with Soong in the beginning (him not realizing when Soong is not into it or too tired). He knows that he messed up here, he even admitted it to Soong. My guess is that First and Captain just don't want to admit to the others? That just because they got hurt, they can not hurt others (oh that's a recurring theme in the drama btw). And idk I got the feeling First & Captain being hurt wasn't about Zouey accused them of but them both having some issues which makes them act that way?
Because the following is such a weird thing to say in that context??? (is that their "every episode we remind you this may or may not be a fictional story" thing)
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"You think of us as clowns or people who make yourself look like a better person." Spoken like someone who doesn't want to admit he may be not a good guy 🤷‍♂️ aka "Oh you think you are better than me just because I am worse. Everyone hates me because I am an ass" uhm yea.
Anyways Zouey is right about criticizing them for hurting others (not the part where he called them perverted. Look not even Zouey is perfect). And I bet everyone watching it agrees with him on that. It does suck that they made him apologize. But again, First and Captain are both not characters you get your life lessons from, especially not Captain. Also the way the whole apology went was weird with these word plays?? Pretty unserious and deliberate confusing:
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Like wtf does that even say? Also we know he only apologizes to get them back to work with them on the case.
AND regarding BDSM representation: guys, we don't just have Soong x First on that topic! We have:
Prom x Nont / Nant as GOOD example: contract, consent, aftercare, negotiation, communication (regarding sex! not the case)
Jump x Porsche as BAD example: questionable consent, literal abuse cycle and they basically just vent on each other until they realize how shitty that is. While they do have a contract apparently... they don't really follow it. It's just really sad the creators didn't spend more on screen time with developing their change properly... (bruh they literally cut one scene of Porsche kissing sleeping Jump one morning after, it's in a BTS, they should have kept that to show that they do develop feelings for eo...)
Soong x First is a mix, they both have good traits with each other, but also have/had bad traits (Soong consent issue with Nant) and First DOES have a sex addiction since episode 1. That is one of the main issues Soong has in their relationship. And it then happened that First fell down the bad mental path after some people (+ society) treated him already like a monster (treating someone like something evil they will eventually believe it themselves) and then his support system (Soong) left him. He stopped caring since nobody seemed to care about him. The thing with his dad is that the show mislead us here once again (they love to do that but sometimes it's not well done tbh). His dad is not homophobic. But was just worried about the amount of sex and BDSM / kinks his son participates in (based on prejudice tho). Unfortunately he contributed into that self-fulfilling prophecy that way.
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VALID and NOT kink shaming!! Having sessions all the time is big effort and can be overwhelming and exhausting if you have that constantly (especially if Soong does the most work in a role that's maybe not his preference)
The key in those BDSM relationships here is to display that bad communication and bad treatment leads to bad outcome (breaking up, causing eo harm) while good treatment and communication leads to them getting together. Them having a bit less violent sex in between (there are more kinks than just rough sex, fam) doesn't mean they turned vanilla. Like Soong x First in ep12 had some food play again 🤷‍♂️ and idk if Jump x Porsche have sex at all atm and considering their circumstances it makes sense if they don't continue the rough path for now (they didn't even had rough sex all the time prior either. It was just that Porsche used power over Jump + one time switch, now they are probably equal). Even as weirdly uncanny it might feel seeing Prom all sappy and softy when he actually tries to get Nont into a relationship outside of their sex sessions. That's not unrealistic either. Most BDSM folks have more personality and interests than just being into BDSM.
While First had his little downfall we have this statement from Prom as well:
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Aaaand I will end it here for now. I am at my picture limit for this post and have a migraine ✌
Bottom line is: wait till the finale is over AND view the whole drama together with all characters paths and statements.
I agree on that some parts are rushed, came too short, some bits appear a bit tone deaf (but that can also just be judged at the end since they still have a chance to come around). 14 main characters at once + all the topics they try to address + the different vibes for each pair + connecting all of that in a murder case somehow is definitely a whole ass mammoth project. It's really difficult to manage the storytelling of that and then also consider the limited time frame.
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I saw someone reblog a post about me talking about my struggle with trigeminal neuralgia. And it started to get me thinking, would anyone be interested in sharing more chronic pain tips? Or meds we like to share?
Or talk about facial nerve issues like trigeminal neuralgia and anesthesia dolorosa. And either just share experiences, vent,.. Idk. Since it's a pretty unknown thing.
Since it's an illness not very common but one that should be spoken about more often. It's called the suicide disease for a reason and I think we should speak more about it instead of making it taboo. I also think just putting it out there exactly how heavy this pain is and what it does to a human, feels a comforting to the people who go through it, to realise they aren't over reacting and they aren't alone in this feeling of powerlessness.
Many people might think oh that sounds bad must hurt alot.
But it's actually been described as one of the most excruciating pain to humanity.
Yet plenty people don't know what it is, and others who do and who have it feel very lonely in it.
And I'd like to change that.
If you have it, or know someone, or idk, and want to talk about it, feel free to send me an ask and vent or ask questions.
Also about other health problems ofcourse, if I know things about it, I will definitely try and maybe give tips or just listen. Or ask if other followers maybe know more.
I would like my blog to, besides an lgbtq+ safe zone, to also become a safe zone for people with chronic pains/chronic illnesses.
So yeah, if you are interested, feel like you need to rant, feel to just tell me how you're doing, ask for tips or anything else. Send me an ask, anonymous or not, I don't care, all are welcome
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ghostatas · 1 year
Can I just start this off by saying how good Quackity is at portraying a character and a storyline? We've seen it since dsmp, then qsmp now opq. He is just so good at it like, props to him.
Now into the juicy stuff. When we are first introduces to benito, he is kinda unlikeable. He is arrogant and cynical, thinks of himself as simply better than others. He says he will choose a soldier over a kid to save himself, and scolded the others for not being honest when they hadn't even answered yet (he was so wrong about himself). He held himself up to a standard and in very high regard.
He is constantly butting heads with Jeffrey, calling him pizza boy like he's demoting him in a way, comparing their statuses as he likes to point out he is a doctor all the time. He divides them. He is above them. Jeffrey is the lowest of the low, and he will never lower himself to that position. Yet at the end of the first episode, he doesn't want Jeffrey to die. He, despite what he says and how he justifies it and calls it research, wanted Amy (Emmi? I'll stick with Amy for now) to live. It was obvious the vials were a cure of some sort, and the papers described how it worked. He didn't need to experiment, but he wanted to save her regardless. He just didn't want to acknowledge it.
He starts to rely on the people around him. Its probably the first time he's done that. He most likely grew up in an unstable, dangerous position, which caused him to grow up into an ambitious, selfish person who didn't hesitate to step on others; or he would be the one stepped on. But now he is in a dangerous position again, however the people around him are actively trying to help eachother and supporting eachother. Benito is not used to this, and doesn't really know how to react, hence all the name calling and acting like his typical arrogant self.  He will, however, eventually think about saving their group, not just himself. He still very much distrusts others (Mikhail, Carla, though those two DEFINATLEY fukin deserved it, I'm totally still not mad about them), but he trusts the people in their circle. His people.
Enter episode 2. Benito wants mikhail DEAD, he will not trust a liar twice. But he's their only source of info, so he goes along reluctantly. Lucie dies.
Lucie dies trying to save Amy. He DESPISES Carla for trying to sabotage Amy. Not only because she tried to kill a kid, but that in turn also gave Lucie a harder time escaping. Benito says he helps Amy after that out of spite. I think it might be a part of it- a few hours won't change his entire personality- but only a part. He cares about Amy. Maybe it's because she's being forced to grow up in a world that wants to kill her all of a sudden. Maybe because she looks pitiful calling our for her dad even though she knows he's dead. Maybe it's because she reminds him of himself, ina way; just a massive ball of spite and anger and determination, all muddled up together. Who knows? What's definite though is that Lucie gave her life to protect this dumb, idiotic child, and letting the kid die would tarnish her legacy. (And isn't that a funny word, one we know Quackity likes).
Amy is Benitos priority. Whenever they're in danger, he's the first to remember her and immediately says "I'm taking her with me". Lets be real, i think we all agree that Carla was an ass for trying to kill her (we got attached to Amy too quickly it happens ik) and Benito was having none of her shit. Benito was trying to save all of them, in his own way. Because he cared, in his own fucked up spiteful way. He wants them safe, because he knows in this unknown world that suddenly got a lot more dangerous and scary, he has people that will care for and protect him and eachother.
When they all escape, benito feels like he has a purpose now. He wants to help people, or at least his family (cuz that's what they are now). He wants to properly learn medicine so he can better help those he cares about (and he cares so, so much). Maybe if he knew how to treat people better, Lucies leg would've been more healed and she couldvr run faster. Maybe they had an easier time escaping. But it's all in the past now, there's no changing that. He can only look to the future, no thinking of what ifs.
For Lucie. For Amy. For himself. For his family. (He'll continue to deny it though, cuz he's an ass. We love him for it.)
If other people want to share stuff or deny shit I say I'm all for it I just need these thoughts OUT, no matter how incoherent they are. Might do some art later too if I can be bothered :D
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g0dwat3rwritings · 7 months
Please take your time!!
Can I have headcanons of the 7 princes + databables(Raphael, solomon, thirteen etc) reacting when MC expresses their filipino culture? (Like telling stories about the events, cooking their favorite sultural dish, etc)
Feel free to delete it, and please take your time!!
Hello! I am not Filipino myself, so I didn't go much into detail. Forgive me for that!
I sadly couldn't think of anything for the dateables (idk why, my mind just drew a blank)
The only dateable I could truly think of a scenario with was Barbatos, but for some reason I couldn't figure out how to write it.
This takes place in the original timeline
Warnings ;; None
Relationship ;; I wrote this in a romantic sense, but can be interpreted however!
Type ;; Headcanons
Lucifer is very much intrigued. He would love to learn more, but he would never outright ask you.
Lucifer is far too prideful to come out and say it, so you'd have to look at his body language.
The very slight twinkle in his eye when you explain, the small but noticable genuine smile that crosses his lips.
He very much enjoys your cooking, and will compliment you subtly.
He's particularly fond of the times you'll come into his private study and sit by the fireplace while you tell him all sorts of stories.
Oh, Mammon is all for it. He's asking you for recipes, stories, and recommending you sell both throughout the Devildom.
He's listening intently, and getting excited anytime you bring something about your culture up during conversation.
Although, if you bring it up, his face will immediately turn beet-red and he'll say something along the lines of:
"O-Of course it ain't i-interestin'! But I'm ya first man, ain't I? I g-gotta let my human yap ev'ry now 'nd again!'
He is so hopelessly in love with you, it's not even funny.
I actually cannot see Leviathan being too concerned with it at first. He'd probably be more concerned with watching anime with you, reading manga with you, or playing games with you to really care about your ethnicity.
He'd more than likely start to point out characters in separate animes or games that share the same ethnicity as you.
If you were to make different Filipino meals for him, he would be absolutely over the moon. If you bring him the food, make sure you bring tissues with you.
He'd listen to your stories, occasionally making references to TSL, Ruri-Chan, or others, if possible.
All in all, He wouldn't really care at first, but he would become more interested the more time passed.
Knowing Satan, he'd probably already know a lot. And he'd hold it over Lucifer's head that he knows more about your ethnicity than he does
Besides that, he's perfectly willing to listen to your stories, even if he knows them already.
He's particularly fond of your cooking, and he will tell you that. He might point out subtle things that he'd change, but he doesn't really care if you take his advice or not. After all, he's not a chef.
If he finds any sorts of books that have to do with your ethnicity, he'd bring them to you and let you read them, after he reads them first though.
He would also love to sit down and read them with you, or to you, if you asked.
Asmo just thinks it's so cute! Especially when you're cooking, or telling him stories.
He might watch himself around your food, given his public appearance, but that doesn't mean he dislikes it!
He's truly fond of your cooking, he is. He's just weary of other people's opinions.
He loves listening to your stories while he does your makeup, or his own.
Even during his 26-step skincare routine, he's probably having you come to his room so he can listen to your stories.
Marry him. On the spot. Beel absolutely loves Human-World food, and the fact that you're willing to make it for him? Oh, he's in love.
You may have to shove him out of the kitchen because otherwise, he'll eat all of the ingredients before you can even put them together.
If he manages to stay put and not eat any of the ingredients, he's watching you cook albeit while drooling.
He literally looks like an excited puppy when you give him the food.
He chows it down quickly, and asks you for more. Make a shitton, it'll go quickly.
Belphie probably couldn't care less about your culture. If his twin is happy, he's happy.
The only time he'd more than likely be interested, is if he just so happens to fall asleep to one of your stories.
He'd start to ask to you come back, and eventually he wouldn't be able to fall asleep without your stories.
Obviously, he would, but with some struggle. It's Belphie, the Avatar of Sloth we're talking about here.
He's probably pretty fond of your food, although he much prefers your stories.
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fiera-writes · 6 months
Alright, so. I finally rewatched Megamind after meaning to for like two weeks or so, basically ever since the sequel movie came out. And for several reasons, nooot a fan of how the sequel was handled honestly. So, I thought with the original movie fresh in my mind, I could try to brainstorm a couple things I might have done with a sequel.
To start with, the Doom Syndicate. The original movie makes no reference to Megamind knowing any other villains, let alone ever working with them in the past. So, if they were to be included I feel it should be more in a "Oh I've heard of them, they're from that one town a couple states over" way. Acquaintances at best.
But then again, the original movie also seems to imply that if there are any other superheroes or villains, they're pretty dang rare. This isn't The Incredibles where some people are just born with super powers. I mean, no one from out of town came to try and stop Megamind after he "killed" Metro Man. With Titan/Tighten it all happened within a day so less time for outsiders to react, but Megamind had control of the city for a good while there.
So, if we want to keep the Doom Syndicate... it would need to be handled differently. Also get rid of that brain "Mentor" character. I don't really have any ideas for how, except...
Perhaps they're originally fictional in-universe, from a Saturday morning cartoon or a video game or something. One way or another, they're made real and now Megamind has to stop them and probably make them fictional again. Could also be achieved with a different set of villains.
Another way to do a new villain could be Dimensional travel. Say there's some sort of a Bizarro universe, where Metro Man was evil and Megamind was good to start with. Or both were evil and teamed up to do evil. In any case, Alternate Universe Evil Metro Man gets transported to the main universe, causes mayhem. Might even force the Metro Man we know out of retirement temporarily, or not. If he does show up in public, would probably make an excuse of how he's also from some other universe specifically summoned to help out, thus explaining why he's gone again afterwards. Dude just wants to make music.
To add, the dimensional traveling villain doesn't even need to be a version of Metro Man, they could also be anyone else. Some other alien, a dude who fell into acid and got powers from it, idk man.
Hear me out, an Evil Spider-Man of sorts. That is, someone who starts out as a normal human being, perhaps an outcast, and by some twist of fate receives powers, which they proceed to use for evil. Might be re-treading Hal's deal a little but idk what I'm doing anymore.
Evil Bruce Wayne? A rich guy with weird gadgets and the skill to use them, for evil. Would probably be harder to pull off since Megamind's whole deal is how smart he is.
A Mad Scientist type. Megamind is an Evil Scientist, but not a "mad" one, he just builds a death ray powered by the sun because he's that smart. Put him against someone whose ideas make no sense to him but somehow still work.
Misguided hero? Not really a villain but would be an antagonist for the story, someone who's convinced that Megamind's redemption is all an act maybe? Would probably need powers of some sort to be an actual threat.
Alright then, let's move onto something else for a change: MegaRox. My shipper heart needs them either clearly together or clearly working on that. But the original movie does seem to imply they're already together by the time the new museum has opened. I mean, the way she jumped into his arms and then kissed him? Sure it was on the cheek but that wasn't a platonic thing. It's about the context!
No further notes on that, so I present to you... Prequel!
Takes place before Metro Man fakes his death so he can retire, and therefore Megamind is still Evil.
MegaRox wouldn't be an established relationship but did y'all see them at the start of the original? That was practically flirting anyway and that dynamic should be present.
Maybe it could even be early into his villain career? Show how he really got started as a Super Villain, the first kidnappings of Rocanne Ritchi, gaining notoriety, and how Roxanne learned that she's honestly in more danger of getting hit by stray debris from Metro Man's dramatic entrances than from anything Megamind aims at her.
I doubt I'll ever develop any of these ideas into a coherent story but if anyone wants to yoink a thought, go wild. I'm also down for discussing any of these.
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flowervolcano · 4 days
Oh man… I just read Deadpool (2024) #6 and I GOT MUCH TO SAY. But I’m gonna keep this Taskpool centric, I might do an overall review on the full series later but there’s a few talking points specifically about Taskpool I’ve gotta say before I forget ‘em.
spoilers beyond the cut so DO NOT READ IF YA DON’T WANNA GET SPOILED!!!
At least I hope this works. It’s been a while since I’ve done this, I don’t usually even do review type thingys but I’m really hyped ^^
Let’s begin….
Really loved the way Tasky looked here. But also find this pretty funny considering back in Despicable Deadpool he threw a guy/his wheelchair at Taskmaster.
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Interestingly enough, Wade called him Taskmaster more times in this comic than the previous ones. But he’s on business mode rn so he’s definitely keeping it professional!
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Because not too much later he then calls him Task-Daddy— WHY DID HE DO THAT???? Tasky, you aren’t getting out of this anymore, I’m sorry… I had to full stop and process this. We kept making jokes… we did it for months now and Wade finally said what we all been saying 😭💀
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This just interested me a lot. Both of them are talking about new territory, but it’s not the same kind. I think it’s really important for Tasky because he’s never actually been a father-like figure to anyone (not even his own daughter…) but maybe I was reading too much into this—
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I know this is very much in character for Tony to wanna brand more since he’s broke, likes good business, etc, but I can’t help but feel like this equals him being a dad to Ellie, why? he’s never had to brand anybody before, but he obviously saw promise in her and even if Wade may have thrusted this mentorship onto them both, he didn’t HAVE to do it like this, that he is explaining the reasoning just felt like an excuse/deflection, it was like he WANTED to have a piece of himself in her outfit but he’s just gotta act cool about it.
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I won’t lie when I say this “No Killing Rule” has piqued my interest the most, because to me, rules are made to be broken. And I am intrigued to see where this leads in the future and what will unfold. It is sort of a big deal for Wade to put onto Taskmaster, and I can think about how he may react if Ellie crosses that line— I mean it is his responsibility… I’m wondering if I’m thinking too much on this!
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At first I just wanted to add this in and say isn’t he just gorgeous here? But then I realized the dialogue is something to poke at. He’s somewhat pulling her leg here, but I also think it could be interpreted in a few different ways; he’s never gonna admit that he’s protective of her, but he is. It’s not just hit reputation that he’s concerned about okay?
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I also think it may be how he’s worked with Wade for a very long time, but with her, it’s a whole new world. It could go a lot of ways, but I’d like to think there’s a part of Taskmaster that is going to miss working alongside Wade and he doesn’t wanna confess. But being around Ellie is just gonna be a reminder.
Being around Ellie might remind him of his own daughter that he knows nothing about. And maybe he feels regretful about this. Idk maybe he doesn’t even remember her at all… depends on the writer.
Loving the dynamic he’s got with her so far. They’re goofy and silly and I love to see him being the funny guy in the situation while Ellie is more serious. Nice change from Wade & Tasky. Really appreciate Ellie is her own person and not just a Deadpool 2.0, I think Tony likes that about her too.
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Finally. Love seeing these two interact. A lot. This is something I will REALLY miss now that… well you know… now that stuff happened…. And at this very moment NEITHER TASKY OR ELLIE KNOW THAT WADE IS DEAD OH I AM SICK!!! (Also why did Wade look extra cute here… there was zero reason for it. Thank you Artist!!!)
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Uh yeah and these were my little thoughts and such. I might of jumped over things and I’ve never really done posts like these. But this issue really itched my brain and so I wanted to discuss stuff a little haha. Hope y’all enjoy and ofc enjoyed the new issue!!!
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abitohoney · 2 years
Does her werewolf form have a tail? Does it wag when she's happy or excited? DOES SHE LIKE RECEIVING BELLY RUBS???
I'd be the idiot who would get a squeaky tennis ball to torment her with, and she'd eviscerate me for it, and it's be so worth it XD
This is fun and silly and I love it! Also, gonna paste a screenshot of your other ask here because a) it's related and b) I already started technically answering part of your second ask before you even asked it!
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Side note: this is my first... HCs? Imagines? IDK WTF this is even called. Let's just say here's my chaotic dumpster fire of unorganized thoughts on this. Enjoy! (No refunds)
Also, probably won't have the next chapter of my werewolf!Sevika fic out tonight so y'all get this instead. 😭
Should probs throw in a warning too. Some NSFW at the very end. MDNI, 18+
Hell yes werewolf Sevika with her mech arm!
I mean, how could she not have it?!
It's cool as hell and would make her unique and give her an advantage over the other werewolves
It's not organic so it wouldn't make sense for it to change with the rest of her body
How much would that suck if the nerves and tethers to the flesh were separated each time she transformed? Poor woman would have to reattach the damn thing everytime. Sounds far more painful than just the transformation alone! I could not do that to our babygirl. 😭
She could play fetch with herself so much easier!
She could still choke us in her werewolf form
OFC she has a tail!
How cute would that be? Now Sevika is a stubborn, prideful and grumpy lady and that applies to her werewolf form as well. She won't admit to enjoying anything other than killing, and she's going to try her damnedest not to wag that tail or let you even do anything that might trigger that response. But she is a woman, er... werewolf, with urges and instincts. Will power and stubbornness can only go so far before it's overpowered by the more natural responses. So if you know some of her secret weaknesses, and you can get close enough to exploit those, you better believe you're gonna see that tail do a little dance.
Belly rubs? Oh she LOVES those!
Again, you're gonna have to be sneaky to get close to that fuzzy belly. She's got sharp canines and is not against giving you a warning bite if you get too close to her soft spots.
You're best bet is to catch her while she's napping in her gigantic doggy bed at the foot of your shared bed. (You've forbade her from sleeping on your bed while in her werewolf form. She sheds profusely and has an annoying tendency to kick you with her hind legs when she dreams about chasing prey, which is probably you considering all the annoying things you do to her. Not to mention the one time you were rudely awaken to the mortifying realization that she was humping the back of your leg like a bitch in heat. Not that you have any right to complain when you take into account how much you like to grind on her thigh when she's in her human form.)
She's snoring deeply, belly fully exposed, as she sleeps in her plush doggy bed when you cautiously sneak closer. You sit cross-legged in front of her and ever so slowly reach a hand out. Your palm rests on her soft, warm belly and your eyes flit to hers. They're still closed, so you start making, slow sweeping circles. Her breathing shifts and a hind leg twitches. Before long, the bushy tail that hangs over the edge of her bed starts swaying. The moment you add some light scratching to the belly rubs her tail really starts wagging. You can't hide your adoring smile, even as her eyes suddenly shoot open, purple glowing orbs locking onto yours immediately. Her struggle to react in anger is apparent by how her upper lip twitches as if she's trying to snarl, but she just can't fight how fucking good the tummy rubs and scratches feel. Slip your other hand behind an ear to give it a nice scratch and she's good as yours, tail swinging so hard it's smacking your knee. You might even get a little kiss on your arm from a big ol slobbery tongue.
Fetch? She can't resist.
You're not the only fool who would buy their sexy werewolf GF a nice, loud, squeaky ball to play fetch with. We all would, cause that tail wags so damn hard her back end shakes with it. This, however, is the one she's least happy to admit to enjoying, but all it really takes is throwing the damn ball. Just know that you'll pay for it later (You'll be her pet, on all fours wearing a collar and leash, for at least a day. But don't worry, she'll feed you real well).
Flea collar, or any collar for that matter? Hard nope
Don't even bother trying. You'll be the one in the collar if you do. She doesn't do flea baths either, so you better just get used to your hundreds of new insect buddies.
Good girl? Hahahaha... Nope!
Whatever you do, do not, I repeat do NOT call her "good girl", or you'll be the one in the dog house!
"Hey, babygirl, c'mere!" Sevika calls from the bedroom while you're finishing drying off after showering and you freeze in terror. You know that tone. That condescending, slow sneer. You know you're in trouble. "Need to talk to you about something."
Maybe if you go out there naked, you can make her forget whatever you'd done wrong, which you admittedly have forgotten yourself. Swallowing the lump that formed in your throat, you cautiously step past the doorway and into the bedroom. Sevika, in her human form, sits on the edge of the bed, glowing purple eyes on you and sharp canines poking out from her wide, devious smirk.
"Yes?" You ask sweetly albeit shakily, with false innocence as you step further into the room so she can see your nude form. Your eyes drop to her lap where you find she's already packing her fav strap. Thick, ribbed and curved for your pleasure. Heat rises to your cheeks.
"Do you recall what you called me last night?"
Too distracted by the thought of what she has planned, you shake your head. A movement catches your eye and you realize she's swinging a pair of handcuffs from one thick finger. Heat drops between your thighs.
"When you were petting me in my werewolf form?" She reminds you, tone noticably sharper when she mentions that particular act which was also one of her no-go rules.
Oh. Oh fuck. That.
In the same moment you recall what you'd said, you see the spreader bar, collar and leash lying on the bed beside her. Your doe eyes flit to hers, realizing just what you were in for.
"Good girl?" You squeak out.
"Mhmm. And are you supposed to call me that?"
"No!" You answer quickly, shaking your head profusely. "I'm sorry Sev-"
"On the bed sweetheart. Head down, hands behind your back and on your knees. Oh, and spread them real wide for me. Let's see who's the good girl."
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daz4i · 1 year
please please please share dazai fear analysis 🤲
hehe well i'm not gonna get too in depth (mostly bc my brain isn't at 100% atm) but a short version bc i don't wanna leave you hanging,
i'm basing this on no longer human and yozo, like most of my dazai analysis hehe. in nlh he talks often about how painfully afraid he is of p much everything, because he doesn't understand people, and he doesn't want to get caught if he does anything wrong, too afraid to say no because he doesn't know how the other person will react, etc
i think. if you apply this reading to bsd dazai, a lot of his behavior makes sense, as well as adds depth to him and his more questionable actions
a p obvious example: the whole meursault arc, i think he is genuinely afraid to die, because he knows if he does then fyodor will come out on top and hurt his loved ones, destroy the whole world even. clearly, he is afraid of losing the people dear to him (but that's a very normal reaction lbr lol)
a general example: his constant acting like everything is fine to hide his real emotions - which, during his early mafia days, took form in looking blank and emotionless - can be a fear response of not knowing how other people will react to his true feelings, either due to past trauma where his emotions were dismissed or he got hurt for expressing them, or imo, more likely, due to a lack of understanding other people and not quite knowing what'll tick them off
(which might sound silly, bc he purposely ticks people off and looks to annoy people. but, this is a way to have control over the situation. that if the other person gets mad at him, he clearly knows why, he knows what he did to cause this, so this is like a precautionary measure to make sure he's not caught off guard. his fear isn't quite of their anger, or even getting hurt by their anger, but rather a lack of control or understanding of the situation)
a possibly controversial example: the way he acted with akutagawa during the dark era. i think, if you look at his actions as "basically a kid who is afraid to see this kid he found get hurt in combat, so he tries to make him stronger no matter what, and in the meantime is afraid to get attached in case the other kid does die so he tries to distance himself from him emotionally" it ofc doesn't excuse his actions, but imo, makes them. a bit more understandable, in a way. at least enough to somewhat empathize with him more
[this might be a slight side tangent but i have this hc i firmly believe in, that dazai caused ryuu's lung disease by injuring him somehow (given how he doesn't have it in the beast universe), and one of the reasons he's more gentle with atsushi is because he's afraid to hurt him too. not the main reason, but i do think it may add some depth here]
i do think he eased up after being in the ada for awhile - life became mostly predictable, nothing he couldn't handle - but. things changed, and now he's on edge again (turning you to story's lovely analysis that i keep referencing in a lot of my own dazai analysis bc it's so so good). fyodor coming back into his life certainly didn't help, either
now. since i can't not bring up his relationship with chuuya. i do think he has an easier time trusting chuuya because he knows he can handle himself. he doesn't feel the need to control him - always leaving him a choice in their plans - because he's not afraid of what could happen to him, he knows chuuya will be fine. also, their relationship started in such an awful way he doesn't need to hide his emotions around him :P this is why i think he has an easier time being with chuuya really, he's a momentary break from being in constant fear. this might also be why he's so obnoxious when chuuya's around lmao (idk how much of this is actual analysis rather than "if you read them this way it adds a nice depth" so feel free to take this part with a grain of salt, i will always be the first to admit i'm not the best at reading skk hehe)
and while i didn't finish sb yet he does seem to be. really afraid in a lot of the scenes he's in, from what i read so far askjdfg bc now chuuya is in real danger! in a way he can't predict! this hasn't happened yet! (but i could ofc bc very wrong abt that lol)
(also i gotta say. i think this is what odasaku was for him too - ofc in addition to other things - bc he knows odasaku wouldn't hurt him or react in a bad way even if he did anything outrageous. and that's in part what made his rejection in beast so devastating for him, bc it shakes up one of the only safe things in his life)
i'd say, dazai's fear isn't paralyzing, at least not for more than a second a time. it makes him active, makes him overthink, over-analyze, over-prepare. and at the same time, he does it mostly from behind the scenes, through nudging and subtle encouragements, because he may possibly fear that if he went at it with full force, the people he already got attached to will reject him (bc at his core, i think he doesn't want to be alone, but that's a topic for another time). but more importantly - that he will become like fyodor, or like mori, who see people as disposable if it helps them further their goals
^now this is more of his current self, at least. i'd argue mafia!dazai's fears were different, more of a direct fear from people and how they might hurt him, so it's best for him to go along with what they say. and, a fear of a lack of meaning. he does constantly look for a reason to live, and that may come from a fear that his existence is truly meaningless (and while for most people this fear may express itself as fearing death as well, in dazai's case it's his suicidal tendencies. kind of like proving his fear is real, the way a kid might look at the monster they think is scary to convince themselves it can't hurt them. he will die and prove his existence WAS meaningless, but that idea can't actually hurt him at the end of the day if he chooses it. idk if this analogy makes sense to anyone but me tho lmao sorry)
i. don't know how clear this is. i may have lost the plot there at some point. again let me clarify this is obviously not a "this is how dazai is and any other reading is wrong" but more like "if you apply this reading it changes the context of his characters and explains his behavior and how i personally see him". also a lot of projection 👍 ajsdfghj feel free to see it as just a thought experiment if it doesn't quite fit your perception of him :)!
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theflyindutchwoman · 1 year
You know what we don’t freak out about enough…
Our kids.
The way these two had only been dating for what like 3 months? When they watched Jordy and are already joking about their own kids.
Which on one hand, like isn’t surprising because Lucy did mention their grandkids on their first date. But also I feel like it is because they’ve both been so idk “uncommitted” in their previous relationships — minus Tim married but after that he was not as serious with Rachel and Ashely — like Lucy wouldn’t move in the Chris and never said ILY to him after being together for like probably well over 6 months. And Tim wouldn’t move for Rachel and wouldn’t retire for Ashley after being with them for long too. But here they are at the most 3 months together and are already so all in their talking about their own future kids. And neither is scared or nervous or wanting to run away and I feel like we don’t scream about this enough 😂
I think that also shows just how different this relationship is compared to all the others they’ve had. And it makes me so emo
Lucy said she wanted to take things slow and that lasted like 5 seconds 😂 they basically live together and their talking about OUR KIDS 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Not but wait… not only were they joking about their own kids after spending two minutes with Jordy (before they lost him), they were doing this in the middle of the station… Loud and clear for everyone to hear… The insanity!
I still don't know which part was better : Lucy admonishing Tim to take this more seriously if they ever lose their kids… Or Tim feeling insulted that she dared insinuate that their very own kids would even think of pulling a stunt like that… This wasn't the "our kids" that made him react, it was the implication that they would be this chaotic... Again, the insanity! Also, Tim saying they didn't lose the kid, they simply 'misplaced' him was so hilarious! That whole exchange was gold.
But seriously though… None of them batted an eye or freaked out after mentioning their kids. Lucy might have previously joked about their grandchildren but still… It felt more here, with the way they were so casual about it or how Lucy told Tim he will be a great dad. They're all-in and it's so freeing for the both of them. They're finally in the right relationship, with the right person and they're absolutely loving it. They know that they both want the same things… Lucy is getting the love story she always wanted and Tim is at peace now that he realises that he can have it all. It's so blissful that they can actually joke and tease each other about this And I love that they get to kid around the topic… That they're secure enough in their relationship that for them, it's a fact of life, but at the same time, they're not actively making plans either, you know? They're just enjoying this journey together.
Funny how being with the right person makes all the difference in the world. Like you said, Lucy was already having trouble naming her relationship or even simply using the word 'boyfriend', so forget about meeting the in-laws or buying a house. And Tim spent 6ish months with Ashley before finding out that marriage and children weren't in the cards (and that was only due to Lucy's meddling). And yet, here they are now… Ready to change jobs or stations for the other, joking about their future kids, coaching Little League together, making breakfast together, practically living together… And it's so wonderful to see! *insert 'I'm so used to giving and now I get to receive' gif*
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