#idk how to tag him. his name is just the doctor at this point
femur-bandit · 9 months
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Star Trek Voyager s2 e3: Projections
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runningfrom2am · 9 months
the death of a doctor // LTPF
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summary: with the snow heir on the way, your first son, your father wants to meet with you for the first time in years. your husband is not going to let that happen.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 1.4k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: capitol brat!reader, maybe slightly ooc coryo, idk i tried my best. use of poison with intent to kill, murder. also this takes place ten years after they returned to the capitol!
series masterlist // playlist
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Your father is led through the extensive halls of the Presidential Mansion and out to the back gardens, into the rose garden where he is set to meet with you. Finally.
He's not met with you, and he should have anticipated that. His daughter, pregnant with her first child- a little boy, who should one day be heir to the President's fortune, born into a life of success and indulgences beyond imagination. Instead, he only sees his son-in-law.
"Please, take a seat." Coriolanus offers to him, a welcoming smile on his face as he gestures to the small tea table in the middle of the space. It was a fake smile, of course. Your father has seen it on the television or at events hundreds of times, but Coriolanus Snow would always try to be a good host- regardless of how much he loathed the guest in question.
"Thank you." Your father matches his polite grin, nodding to him before taking a seat. His eyes scan the greenhouse, taking in the abundance of roses and the patches of raspberry bushes that line the walls.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Coryo says proudly, carefully plucking one of the white roses from its stem to place in the centre of the tea table. "My wife takes good care of this garden, it's in honour of my Grandmother. They both love roses." He explains, not giving your father any chance to answer.
"It's lovely." He nods in agreement, watching as his son-in-law places the blooming flower in a vase on the table, sitting down himself and looking at your father expectantly. "Where is she?" Your father decides to get right to the point- no use dancing around it anymore.
"She's out." Coriolanus answers. "She's with Tigris. They're picking out colours for the nursery today."
"I was told I would be able to speak to her."
"I am capable of passing on a message."
Your father sighs, looking down and shaking his head. "Coriolanus, I appreciate everything you have done for my daughter over the years, I do, but that girl needs her family. Her parents. Especially right now. We just want to be able to support her during such an exciting and scary time."
"She has a family." Coryo defends quickly. He had never thought the situation to be scary, before. It was all excitement and parties and baby clothes and being together and enjoying the moments in which she carried his child. Suddenly, he's seeing it differently. His mother. His sister who was never even given a name. You were not free from that fate. He clears his throat. "And I assure you, she is well taken care of here. We have the best medical care the country offers available at the snap of my fingers." He says it more to remind himself.
"No, she doesn't." Your father argues, a smug smile tugging on his lips. She doesn't have him. The most renowned and desired doctor in the Capitol, in the country.
"She does." Coryo insists. "I know what you are implying, and I promise you are mistaken."
"I just want to make things right, Coriolanus." Your father adds. "I want to apologize so my wife can be there for the birth of her grandchild, so I can take good care of my daughter and ensure she is safe."
"She is safe."
Your father clocks the tenseness in your husbands jaw very quickly. "I know about your mother." His tone drops to make space for a fake form of empathy. "I knew her. She was an amazing woman and a wonderful mother. It's such a shame, what happened..." He ticks his head. "So easily preventable."
"Then where were you?" Coriolanus allows himself to lean into something more personal with the bitter question.
"I wasn't called. I wish I had been." Your father answers honestly. "Both of us know your family was in no position to pay for a doctor at the time, even with your father away working himself to death in Twelve."
Coryo chews on the inside of his cheek, looking down at the untouched drinks in between them.
"Maybe things would have ended differently for all of us."
"You speak as if you are some kind of angel." Coryo scoffs. "You still would have gone home from saving my mother and sister and beat your own daughter for being up past her bedtime, but you didn't come because my mother's life was worth nothing to you if you weren't going to be paid to save it." He picks up the teacup in front of him, taking a sip before removing it from his lips and looking down at the liquid. "My apologies, this one is yours. I asked for milk in mine." He says casually, carefully switching the cups. He can see it in your father's eyes he wants to fight with him on this.
"The war made it impossible to do any unpaid work, and like I said, I wasn't made aware of your mother's state. Besides, Y/N is my child, and you know nothing of what goes into being a parent. It is hard. You'll have moments of poor judgement and do things you will regret. You will make mistakes. That is all it was to me." Your father explains. "But I know better now. All I want is to help her."
"You don't want to help her." Coryo shakes his head. "I am telling you she has all the help she needs, and you are not needed. Your wife and son will be allowed in the mansion during the birth. It is my wife's choice when and if they will be allowed to see the child." He knew you would allow it, you occasionally had lunch with your mother and your brother found himself at the mansion quite often to use their library. They were welcome, he was not.
Your father takes a sip of his tea while he processes the information. "Is that her decision, or yours?"
"Like I said, I can pass on a message to her." Your husband replies, ignoring his question and popping one of the raspberries from the plate into his mouth and sitting back, hands placed patiently on his lap while he ignores the pain starting to bloom in his chest.
"Tell her..." Your father sighs. "That we love her, and we miss her dearly. And if she needs anything or feels unsafe, she can always come home."
"Unsafe?" Coryo asks, tilting his head with a slight, humourless laugh. "I know you don't care for me, sir, but I am the last person on this planet who would do anything to harm her. It seems you're not understanding that."
"I just want her to survive." Your father spits. "If you love her the way you say you do, don't you want her to be the one to successfully produce your heir? You would hate to have to find someone else, I know you would. Especially if the love of your life died in the same way as your mother, this time taking your child with her."
Coriolanus stands up abruptly, anger coursing through his veins alongside the poison as the chair slides back behind him. "You've never believed in her. Ever. Even now you assume that at the most natural struggle she will die. This is not about my doctors, it is about your ego and how little you respect your own child because of how you raised her. She has more fight in her than any woman I have ever met. You don't even know the extent of it."
"It's because I know her, Coriolanus. I..." Your father's voice trails off and he looks down at his shaking hands. He knows what Coriolanus has done, but there's nothing he can do to save himself now.
"You don't know her. You never have." Coryo argues. "You have never once reached out except to try and leach off of her success and my name. You couldn't care less if she lives or dies- you just want to be the one to deliver a royal baby. If you knew her, you would know that the last thing in the world she wants is to ever see you again."
He watches as your father's face goes ashen, the sentience behind his eyes disappearing. It brings a smile to his face. "You are a monster." He adds, and it's the last thing your father hears before he dies right there in your garden.
Coriolanus smiles in satisfaction, raising his hand and snapping for his security and his nurse to enter. Quickly, she reaches for his arm as he already rolled up his sleeve and she can inject the antidote.
"Dispose of him." He urges the security team, quickly pulling his red coat sleeve back over the injection site in his arm. "My wife will be home soon, this would be distressing for her. I need her as calm and comfortable as possible."
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taglist: @totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @klplynn , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @gloryekaterina , @andrewgarfieldsbitch , @queenofspades6 , @pepperonipastas , @ladybug0095 , @lunamothwrites , @sbrewer21 , @mus-tbe-a-weasley , @splxtscreen , @unclecrunkle , @karmaswitch , @coconut-dreamz , @nekee-lilac02 , @ooooglymoooogly , @riddlerloveb0t , @lovedbalances , @notyourwildestdream , @snowlandson-top , @too-lit-for-fanfic , @utopiakys , @deafeningballoonnacho , @roosterschanelslut , @chmpgneprblem , @cosmoetik , , @urvampgfsworld , @carolanns-world@nan-nie , @shakespearseclipse , @iovemoonyy , @notyoursweetheart-honey ,  @xyzstar , @eatpizzasass, @slytherinholland , @queenofshinigamis , @elodiebeau , @soulessjourney
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
𝓛𝓪𝓬𝓻𝔂𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓪 𝓞𝓵𝓸𝓻 [Final]
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It's time.
Tags/Warnings: Alien!Jungkook, Human!Reader, Size difference, sci-fi, Romance, strangers to lovers, fluff, suggestive, smut, unprotected because this is alien fantasy, kinda creampie idk
Length: 5.5k words
There is no taglist for this fic.
-> Masterlist
A/N: I hate how it turned out but you all always beg me to finish my shit so here you go.
Jungkook watches fondly from the large windows of his main office at the castle how you feed the still unsteady animal out in the large gardens where it's home is placed, while Hoseok, one of his closest guards and advisors, watches you from close by. 
The man has been tasked to basically watch over you when the king himself can't, and he takes his job very seriously, visibly- much to Jungkook’s approval. 
"I heard that she was crying last night." Namjoon says, walking up behind the king who nods. 
"Bitterly so." He admits, remembering the incident from hours prior when you'd sat close to the being as it passed, Jungkook offering you silent comfort. He wasn't sure why you were so upset- and why you even demanded to stay even though the situation had caused you so much distress. "She cared a lot for a being she used to be afraid of." He says. 
Last night, Ikkan rebirthed. You had given the Is'oi a name after asking Namjoon for help to choose an appropriate one- settling for one that means 'deep blue' in native language. You had just gone out to 'say goodnight' to the being you'd played around with the entire day, just to call out Jungkook's name in clear distress, causing the King to instantly rush to you, fearing something might've happened. But instead, he found you, on your knees in front of the being you used to be so wary of- it's body clearly stiffening now in it's laying position, head barely moving anymore as it's eyes watched you with fondness. The glow had dimmed significantly, as the first scales fell from it's body, rotting like a flower that wilts away as it reached it's end. 
He'd told you, reminded you that the being will be reborn tonight as well- but you still did not stop crying as you ran your hand over their head, offering comfort for what usually is left to the quiet of night. But Jungkook could not bring himself to tell you to leave, couldn't take that moment from you- going against his own culture to instead stay that night, watching the whole process for the first time as well. 
And he could've sworn, he heard the large being purr, leaning against you as they rested their head in your lap, falling asleep one last time before Ikkan's chest no longer moved. And then, with no life left, they began to wilt away, body falling apart as they dissipated into nothing but ashes it looked like. 
Until something moved. 
Your eyes were wide as you watched the small, still somewhat blind being cry out into the night- but this time, their cries were being answered by a kind hand reaching out, softly brushing away the remnants of their last life. And Jungkook had felt a certain sense of pain in his heart he could not describe as you showed just how nurturing you are to things not even remotely resembling your own kind. 
How would you be as a mother? 
"She's a kind one." Namjoon agrees, pulling him out of his thoughts and memories. "Maybe a bit too kind." The advisor and doctor worries a bit. 
"That won't be an issue." Jungkook shakes his head. "She's got me at her side." He exclaims, gaze softening quite a bit as you hold the bottle of nutrient feed up for the young rebirthed being to drink from. He's almost a bit jealous- you're spending a lot of time outside now, far away from him. He'll walk down to you soon though, wondering how you can not be cold with just your regular gowns on your body. 
You're fragile. You get sick so easily. 
"And yet there is no true claim on her yet." His friend teases, making Jungkook turn his head to glare at him. "You cannot be mad at me for pointing it out. It's painfully obvious to everyone- in fact, there's rumours already spreading." He says, and that catches Jungkook's full attention now. He doesn't like people talking negatively about you. You don't deserve to be spoken down to, especially not as a future queen, once he brings you officially into that job. 
"And what, pray tell, are those rumours about?" He asks, eyes sharpening. 
"That she is incapable of.. providing you." Namjoon teases, and Jungkook sighs, shaking his head as he crosses his arms, watching you in the gardens again instead. "How come? You had been very quick to connect with Hana." He asks, and Jungkook's gaze hardens. 
"Because she practically demanded it." He growls. "It was necessary for her.. happiness, or at least that's what I believed, back then." He lowly says. 
"And she does not want it?" Namjoon wonders. "Curious. Even though humans are such intimate creatures." he hums, standing next to Jungkook again. 
"Oh she does. It's very clear in her behaviour." Jungkook almost smirks. "Her body is calling out to me almost every night." He admits. 
"So?" His friend asks. "Why not take her then?" He questions, before he notices the deep thought in Jungkook's face. "You're worried." 
"I am." The king admits. 
"About what?" Namjoon wonders. 
"I believe it is clear what I could possibly worry about, Namjoon." He says, looking at his friend. "You as a man with medical knowledge should know that more than anyone. Or are you not familiar with human anatomy compared to ours?" He almost teases, making Namjoon laugh. 
"Oh I am aware!" He laughs. "Which is why I can tell you, that she will be just fine." He reassures. 
"I was too much for even Hana." He reminds his friend. "Which is most likely why she searched for.. satisfaction somewhere else." He mumbles lowly to himself, averting his gaze. 
"So you'll give up before even trying?" Namjoon clicks his tongue. "Ah well. I may be able to ask Jimin if he's up for the job then. Considering how humans connect love with intercourse-" He starts, making Jungkook instantly move to grab his arm, twisting it around as he backs Namjoon into a wall. 
"You will not even think about such a thing." He growls. 
"Then what?" Namjoon challenges. "You'll just leaver her lonely? Put your new love on the line just because you're a coward?" He asks, making Jungkook clench his jaw, eyes glowing for a second while his veins darken underneath his skin. 
But he behaves himself, forces control, and lets go of Namjoon. 
"You're right." He settles himself. "I should not.. think of her so lowly." He sighs, swallowing down his bubbling rage. 
"Talk to her." Namjoon says gently. "I'm sure she'll understand where you're coming from if you just explain it to her." 
"Breathtaking." Jungkook comments, as you turn your heads while the maids bow at him, who leans against the doorframe, watching them help you dress and connect the chains over your body with decorative pliers. The chains hold jewels that sound like a windchime almost, a sound you've come to enjoy a lot. 
As soon as the maids are done, they walk out, looking very much caught off guard and even quite shy at the soft 'thank you' Jungkook offers them as they pass him, something that's not common in his culture. As soon as the door closes, he walks towards you with a gentle smile, his own clothes looking expensive, and official. "You look just like the queen you are." He muses, and you laugh. 
"About to be." You correct him, leaning into the hand on your cheek. "I'm a bit nervous." You admit, and he smirks. 
"You are very nervous, my dear. Not just 'a bit'." He corrects as well, and your shoulders slump down as you admit defeat. "Do not worry. I'm there, and the people are already very fond of you and the changes you brought." He admits. 
"Changes?" You wonder. "But I've done nothing." You ask him, confused. 
"You did." He nods. "You changed me. And with that, you changed the way I rule this kingdom." He explains, as he adjusts your dress for you, fingers tracing the delicate jewelry decorating your body. 
"What if they think you're weak now?" You worry instantly, and he shakes his head, smile never leaving his lips. 
"They do not." He shakes his head. "A King is strongest with his people's trust placed in him. You'll see what I mean later." He offers, before he makes sure to adjust the soft pelt around your shoulders now to keep you warm. 
As you both make your way through the halls, you wonder. You've never actually been in the town surrounding the castle grounds, only ever saw some of the outskirts and farmlands from afar. But today, you'll make your way into town- to show yourself to the people, your first official 'showing', as Jungkook had explained. It's a first- even with Hana, he's never shown her publicly like this. But with you, he wants to make that step. 
He's serious about you, and your future. He's proving that today. 
And the first glimpses of the town makes you realize what Jungkook had been talking about- because as soon as he's visibly to the people, they smile, wave, children run to him with opened palms as if to wait to receive something. And Jungkook does give something- his own hand brushing over their palms, a gesture that makes them smile and laugh in excitement. "It's a blessing." Hoseok mumbles from your other side, the man keeping his hand on his sword at his belt. "So that their work will always be fruitful." He explains, and you listen to it at full attention, when Jungkook laughs next to you, making you look at him- his eyes looking down at something. 
Two children, young boys looking at you with dark red eyes and cat-like pupils similar to Jungkook's, hands opened towards you. You're a bit lost now, unsure what to do- so the king next to you takes your hand in his, and offers you guidance in how to do it- your fingers running over the warm palms of the two kids, who grin and laugh happily, before running back to their parents in the crowd gathered on the sides. 
You repeat this action time after time, growing more comfortable and mostly confident in yourself the more you walk around in town, letting Jungkook explain to you where he grew up, showing you taverns and other places he remembers visiting often. It makes you remember that at some point, Jungkook was not considered royalty at all- just a regular young man, a boy, a child at some point, nothing out of the ordinary. And now, he's done what he said he would- he challenged the king, took the throne, and changed the ways that used to be the norm. Not just by taking you as his partner- but also in other ways. 
As you sit in one of the bigger taverns, you can't help but watch with a constant smile how the people celebrate Jungkook almost, dancing around and drinking, though the King seems to stay away from the alcohol, for a reason you're not sure of. "Can she drink?" A young man asks, setting down another pitcher with water onto your table you sit at. "I apologize, I don't know much about humans." He apologizes. 
"She can, but she shall not tonight." Jungkook answers for you. "I'd hate for her to too intoxicated to survive the way home." He chuckles, making everyone laugh, including you. You already know that you can't handle any of the liquor on this planet- something you realized way before you even met Jungkook in the first place. 
"Oh, then I won't offer any!" The man says, bowing politely before he leaves you be. Jungkook keeps his arm around you, always makes sure that you're comfortable, noticing how the trip is taking a toll on you. For him, this isn't stressful at all- but you have a lot less energy than him to spend. So he's not surprised when he notices you trying to hide your yawns multiple times as soon as it gets dark outside, eyes growing heavy as you listen to the music played. 
"You are so bewitching, you know that?" Jungkook teases, causing you to force yourself more awake again, looking at him in question. "I can sense the... nature of the gazes on you." He offers, a hand moving some of your hair out of your face. 
"How fortunate for you that I'm not going home with any of them, then." You say, making him laugh openly. 
"You're very right on that." He agrees. "And I believe we should head back now." Jungkook says, making you shake your head though. 
"No, just a little longer." You complain, causing the king to chuckle. 
"You are literally on the very edge of sleep, darling." He teases. "And I do not feel comfortable with having you in such a vulnerable state outside the castle walls, in front of people who should not see you that way." He gently says, nodding towards Hoseok to gather all the guards and knights to prepare for the journey back home. And god, does the way home drag. 
You're barely able to somewhat make it back into the entrance hall of the large castle structure when Jungkook finally offers his help, carrying you up the stairs to the bedroom he shares with you. "You are so very fragile, my love." He teases you with a smile, helping you out of your jewelry and dress while you're almost falling asleep. "Did you enjoy it?" 
"I did." You smile. "It was.. really fun. Even though I didn't really know what to do most of the time.." You mumble while Jungkook unravels your dress to help you out of it. 
"You did great nonetheless." He reassures you, placing a kiss to your cheek. "You deserve to rest now." 
And rest you do- falling asleep before he can even come to bed himself. 
The next day when you wake up and stretch your limbs, it's already way past the morning hours. A window is opened, letting in fresh air, familiar sharp crow sounds of the large predatory birds outside by now no longer a cause of fear for you. It's as if they've become familiar with you now- no longer trying to feast on you, instead only sometimes curiously poking their heads inside the room to observe you. 
"You slept for ages." Jungkook chuckles next to you, making you turn in surprise. Usually, the king is gone before you wake up- it's unusual to have him beside you like this, eyes still wary from his own rest. 
"It was a pretty eventful day yesterday." You defend yourself, and he nods, moving forward to kiss your lips. It's a gentle gesture, oddly slow, as if he's putting a lot of thought into it. "How come you're still in bed?" You ask, and he watches you for a moment, before he answers. 
"I've been thinking." He admits, head leaning on his palm, elbow pushed into the bed below. His upper body is bare as usual in bed- but it's still a rather rare sight for you considering you typically don't spend moments like these together often. "About us. And our.. differences." He hums, while your eyes notice the scars he has- one of them right on top of his shoulder. 
"Oh." You nod, unsure what he means. 
"These past few days.. even longer than that.. there's been tension, hasn't it?" He asks, reaching out to move some hair from your face. "Sexual in nature, that is." He explains further, and you nod, eyes no longer able to stand his gaze now as you become a bit shy. Of course he’s able to speak about it a lot more open and boldly than you ever would be able to. 
"I uhm.. yeah." You nod, remembering that moment you almost went that far- but he's never done anything further than playing around with you. "Is there.. a problem?" You ask, and he waits for a moment to answer. 
"I'm not sure." He admits. "I have spoken to Namjoon about our obvious differences. And if we could make it work." He tells you. "But I'm worried nonetheless. I don't want to hurt you- but I am also aware of your growing frustration with me." He offers. 
"I- its not like that!" You defend yourself immediately. "If you don't want to, you know, have sex with me, that's fine. I don't need it to be happy with you." You reassure him, and he smiles kindly. 
"I know." He nods. "But do trust me that my lust for you is very real, and unbearable these days." He admits. "Even right now." 
At that, you move, boldly so, seemingly catching even him off guard as he holds your waist, while you sit on his thighs. His gaze is heated, red in his eyes clearly telling you how much his control is challenged in this moment, as you place your hands on his abdomen. "Then what if you just trust me instead?" You wonder, while he watches you. "Give up control for once?" You ask. 
"And you believe you can control a king?" He asks, challenges almost, as he very obviously stirs to live inside his underwear. "Very bold words." He smiles, though his worry does not leave his eyes at all as it returns full force, face becoming serious again. 
"What's the problem?" You ask, feeling his hands run over your skin to your legs. "What are you so scared of?" You press, and he sighs. 
"Hurting you." He reveals. "Losing you." 
"Why would you lose me?" You ask, unsure. 
"Because humans connect love with physical intimacy." He says. "And so does my kind. It's an important part of a partnership, and if I fail at providing you with the appropriate attention you deserve, I fear that I'm not valuable enough as a lover to you." He admits. 
"Even if we can't have sex, I'll still stay with you." You shake your head, moving to sit next to him now, hand reaching out to hold his. "Love is more than just that to me. And I love you." You argue. "No matter your strength, or your status, or your worth. You've got worth to me no matter what." You confess. 
And at that confession, he breaks. 
The moment he sits up to lean closer to you to be able to kiss you with a hand on your cheek, you know that he won't stop this time. "You're so dangerous." He growls, hands uncaring of the fabric covering you as he pulls the gown over your head, revealing your almost entirely bare body to him.  
It's time, and he knows it. 
You've become much more to him than just a partner- you've become a lifeline, a reason to think over his challenges and dangers he faces in the choices he makes, just so he can stay alive and at your side. He would burn down the world for you, if it meant that it would keep you safe from all harm. 
His kisses are heated, desperate, quite literally stealing your breath as he moves to mouth and bite at the skin of your neck and shoulder. He's noticeably not a gentle lover- he wants to make sure that his love is visible on your skin, needs to see the remnants of his lust for days to come. And with his control finally snapping, he will not hold back- he will test your strength for a final time, and devour you whole. 
He wants to watch you bloom- wants to see your petals open to reveal the most beautiful flower created by simple chance on a planet so far away from his own. And yet, this flower was meant for him- to be kept forever, to have it plant it's roots into his heart so it can feed off his love until he dies and cannot provide any longer. 
Only then he will set you free again. Only then will he accept defeat. 
Your back arches into him as his hands adjust your position, laying you down once more beneath him, pulling off your underwear to reveal everything, soiled fabric thrown carelessly away. He's played around with you before, that's how far you've come at this point- but never quite past that. Something always kept him from giving you what you were yearning for- but this time, he's granting you your wish. 
When he met you, truly face to face, it had been nothing but pure curiosity. He wanted to see what's so special about the human kind that others have such drastically varying opinions on them. Why one seems to fear them, while the other hates them. 
He does neither. 
You're not a being he has to fear, neither physically nor emotionally.  
When you say you love him you mean it. When you're close to him you simply crave his company. When you ask him how he feels you're genuinely interested in his emotions. You've always been nothing but open and honest with him, had nothing to lose, and everything to gain. And yet even when given full freedom to do as you please and leave him if you wanted to, you stayed. Because you wanted to. 
No words are exchanged as he sheds his clothes as well, leaving both of you bare beneath the silk covers of the bed you two share. "Are you cold, darling?" He asks, whispers almost with how close he is, in a way that gives away his amusement over your squirming body underneath his hands. You shake your head. He grins. "No?" He asks for you to confirm, and you do. "And yet your body is trembling. I wonder why.." He hums over your skin. 
"Because you're torturing me!" You whine in complaint, turning to the side- something he does not approve of, as he grabs your hips to instead turn you over entirely, a strange tenderness in his rather rough manner of handling you into a new position. Like a predator warning, growling down your neck, but never slipping in his control, never actually making the kill. "You know, usually, this is how I'd take you.." He explains, and you push back into him at that, impatient, or maybe even quietly begging. You really don't care how he does it. Just that he does it. "..but I cannot. Not with you." He tells you, kissing the line of your spine from your neck down, before he lets you turn over once move to face him. 
"Why not?" You ask, and he simply smiles, hands running down your sides until they meet your hips. 
"Because I cannot see your face." He simply answers, before he leans over you to kiss you again. By now, it's evident that without even touching you, you're more than ready to take him on, body inviting him in every way it can- and this time, he can't hold back even if he wanted to. 
You've waited long enough. 
"And I want to savour this experience, and all that you'll offer me." He hums against your skin. "...as I claim you as mine for now and forever."
You're not used to.. sex being this big of a deal. But it's obvious to you that Jungkook sees this as more than just an act of simple lust and satisfaction, if the way he kisses down your chest to your belly button is anything to go by. He didn't lie when he said he'd savour it- he's going terribly slow.  
"Jungkook please... I want you.. " you beg, and he smirks like the predator he is, faking innocence.  
"Oh but you have me right here, my love?" He says, leaning his head on the bare skin of your hip for a second. "I'm not going anywhere." He teases.  
Well- that's the problem. 
"I want you to focus just on yourself." He suddenly says rather seriously. "No matter what." He adds, and you nod, unsure what he means by this. Satisfied by your answer however he moves back up, hovering over you while his hand feels you up between your legs. You're more than ready by now, inner thighs slick with your arousal, and it makes his already leaking length move a little at the feel of it all. Could you handle him if he really was to let go and chase his own pleasure?  
Will you handle him in any way at all?  
You're not her, and he reminds himself of that as he pushes himself inside your body, core warm and welcoming towards him despite the obvious stretch you have to go through to accommodate him. He's worried you might not be able to transform enough- but you surprise him, as you always do.  
Inch by inch he slowly claims your body, waiting for the sign to stop- but you seem rather eager to take him in, never showing signs of discomfort at all. In fact, you look rather pleased- eyes closed, head laid back into the soft pillows below, hands holding his. He can see the slight bulge forming on your lower stomach, showing faintly where he is, and it makes him lust for you in ways that make him worry he might be going feral.  
He's pressing himself against you now, wet sound escaping your cunt as he realizes there's nothing left of him to give you, your eyes hooded just like his as he slowly retracts himself, just to enter you again much faster than before.  
The gasp that leaves him can't be controlled. Neither do you hide your own reaction, mouth opening silently in pleasure as you arch your back.  
He wants to see it again, so he moves his hips once more, once more, steady pace, causing your body to rock along, chest swaying as if to hypnotize the king. There's no need for foul play like that however- he's already under your spell, no need for any kind of assistance.  
"Your body was truly made for me.." he whispers into your neck as he continues his pace, holding himself back from snapping, keeping your well-being in mind.  
"Please-" you whine breathlessly, and he eagerly leans in to kiss your neck, bite at it, mark you up for days to come.  
"What is it you want?" He asks just as faintly, never losing track of his pace.  
"Don't hold back." You say, eyes meeting his own. "Take me, my King."
"I'm yours."  
He can't help the way his patience snaps, thrusts now deeper than ever as he pushes himself as far as he can with every move of his hips, kisses heated, burning, forever imprinting his love on you as he presses his hands into the bed below you, pace quickening. "I'll make the entire kingdom know." He growls against your lips as his hips snap against yours I'm a ruthless manner. "I'll have them all hear you come undone under my hand, just so they know-" He presses out between clenched teeth. "That you're mine, and that I'm yours."  
Your legs move to wrap around his body as best as you can manage, your hands on his back as they accidentally scratch his skin faintly, his own hands grabbing roughly at your flesh to keep you still as he ruts into you, for the first time actually chasing his own release.  
He need to fill you up, have his seed forever mark you up with his scent until it spills out of you. He's desperate at the prospect of finally gaining fulfillment in a way he's not managed to achieve before- a kind of high currently blurring up his thoughts as he feels himself getting lost in the scent and taste and feeling of your body.  
You're a drug, and he's happily willingly getting addicted.  
Your legs suddenly quiver as you find your own peak way sooner than he does, and he doesn't mind one bit seeing you come undone beneath him like this. A goddess in his eyes, gracing him with a heavenly touch, as he slows down, and slips out to see your core gaping from the stretch, clenching around nothing.  
But you're not done with him, as he gets a taste of what you're capable of in the eyes of lust.  
Your hands pull his face back towards you, your kiss a siren song clouding his mind once more as he falls into your spell, chasing his own high like a man starving.  
And he is. He has been for way too long.  
The moment he actually reaches his end you move your hand between the both of you to help yourself to another high as well, clenching core making him groan out in pure pleasure as he spills his seed into you, much of it already leaking out your core as you lazily move to milk him for all he's got.  
His eyes have never looked so vibrant in color as he looks at you, visibly stunned.  
And as you smile, no trace of any sort of doubt or anything other than pure and passionate love, he realizes you've finally bloomed.  
Your bond falling into place, silently, as he kisses you once more.  
"Come here, love." Jungkook says one day, as you walk into the throne room, nodding politely to Min Yoongi- who you know by now from the scar over his eye and rather withdrawn attitude. You're not sure why he's here- but if the King feels comfortable with his presence, you trust that he is no threat to you or him at all in this situation. Jungkook has got his back turned towards you for a good while, before he turns, something held in his arms covered by cloth and golden jewels. "It is a gift from him to you." He says, as you move the delicate cloth of whatever he's holding in his arms, satin with finely woven golden patterns.  
The small being opens its eyes slowly, before it raises its head- dog like creature visibly studying your face as Min Yoongi speaks.  
"It is a gift sent with the most well wishes from my betrothed." He clarifies, as the white dog like being moves his head to inspect your hand held out to him, it’s fur so short that it feels more like velvet than anything else.  You’re mesmerized by the puppy, before Yoongi looks almost annoyed. "...and it has also been.. Sent from me as well." he mumbles, as if he's forced to admit that part. "His name shall be for you to choose." 
Jungkook laughs to himself as he sets the small being down, the white and lanky body shaking before it sniffs at your legs, tail wagging wildly. The young puppy is obviously still rather unsteady on his long legs, but he appears to figure out quickly that you're his main person from now on.  
"Thank you." You tell the rather grumpy looking King with a smile, and you could swear he even returns it-  
"He'll grow into a proper guard if well trained." Yoongi explains with his gaze set on Jungkook, who nods. "...That is not just a statement." He mumbles, and Jungkook rolls his eyes.  
"I am aware." He bites back, and you can't help but smile at their brotherly bantering, long having gotten used to their more rough way of speaking to one another. Just like you've grown used to a lot of things on this planet-  
after all, you consider this home by now.  
"Etka!" You call, as the dog like being runs on fast legs towards you, broad collar decorated with gems as he finds his place next to you, eagerly accepting your praise and affection.  
He's grown a lot these past few months- almost to full height, according to Jungkook. The haatra has his place in front of your shared quarters where he sleeps every night, guarding you both at your most vulnerable states.  
"Min Yoongi has invited us to the showing ceremony of his to-be queen." Jungkook says as you enter the bedroom after saying goodnight to your newest guardian outside the bedroom door.  
"I'm happy for him." You say, joining him to sit on his lap at the table near the window. "He sounded very happy last time we spoke."  
"He did not sound any different than usual to me, love." He shakes his head a little, before he leans in to kiss you. "But enough about him.. I have a different thing I'd like to indulge in than chatter about my brother." He offers you, who teasingly leans away from him, eyes falling to his lips.  
"Oh? I wonder what that might be.." you mumble, as he adjusts your position a bit, hands shamelessly traveling beneath your gown to feel the warmth of your skin. 
"Something that has no need for talking at all.." he hums against your lips, eyes hungry as he lusts for you with clear intentions.  
"And yet you surely won't be quiet." 
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Anything Like Me
Fandom: American Actor, RPF
Pairing: Austin Butler x Pregnant Female Reader
Characters: Austin Butler, Female Reader, Original Female Character, Lori Butler, David Butler
Word Count: 1756 // Rating: Teen & Up
Summary:  It's safe to say that I'm gonna get my pay back if he's anything like me
Tags/ Warnings: My Writing, Halloween Challenge, Writing Challenge, Songfics, Pregnant Reader, Dad Austin, Idk Austins Dad Please dont come for me, Parental Loss, Grief, Death of a Parent, Pregnancy, Love, Angst, Fluff, Established Relationship, Childhood, Worry, Divorce, Self Doubt, Insecurities, Child of Divorce, Anything Like Me // Brad Paisley
Notes:  This is part of my writing Challenge for Halloween 2022. All fics are based off of songs I love. The aim is to write one fic a day for 15 days straight. I’m doing a similar thing for Christmas but they will all be headcanons [requests welcome for that] Enjoy x  
Updated 8/23
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‘So,’ the doctor said as she placed cold gel on my stomach, ‘halfway there now. Are you excited?’ ‘Definitely,’ Austin answered from beside me. He was sitting on a stool, his hand interlaced with mine as I lay on the examination table ready for my twenty-week ultrasound. I looked at him, watching as his eyes lit up as he looked at the doctor, already a proud father. ‘And what about mom?’ she said as she started fiddling around with the ultrasound machine.  ‘Yeah,’ I said, ‘though my backs already hurting so I’m not looking forward to being any bigger.’ ‘I’ve told her she needs to take it easy,’ Austin said, rolling his eyes. ‘I am!’ I protested. ‘Yeah, which is why I found you painting the baby’s room at 3 am,’ he chuckled. ‘I couldn’t sleep,’ I defended,  looking at the doctor as I explained, ‘heartburn.’ ‘A mother’s curse,’ the doctor chuckled, ‘I can prescribe you some antacids that should help. But he’s right, you should be taking it easy.’ ‘Okay, okay,’ I said, ‘I didn’t know it was gang up on the pregnant lady day.’ ‘Well how about we stop all that and have a look at the baby,’ the doctor said. She swivelled the screen around so we could see.
The sonograph came on the screen and I took in every inch of it. The baby looked different from our last scan. Our last one had been very early in my pregnancy and due to Austin’s work schedule, we hadn’t managed to get back here. The baby had been a tiny thing with a big head, little arms and a hint of a tail. Now it looked like a baby, albeit tiny. A lump formed in my throat as I watched it moving on the screen and when I looked at Austin there were tears in his eyes.
‘And here's the baby's heartbeat,’ she said, clicking a button so a fluttering thump echoed around the room.  ‘Woah,’ Austin said softly as he held my hand underneath his chin.  ‘So,’ the doctor said, knocking the sound off. Austin pulled back but kept hold of my hand, ‘baby seems happy and healthy. Mom's blood work and measurements seem on target. Would you like to know the sex?’ ‘Yes,’ I said. ‘No,’ Austin said simultaneously. We looked at each other in shock.  ‘You don’t want to find out?’ I said quietly, we hadn’t spoken about it beforehand. We’d shared our ideas on names but hadn’t landed on anything so I just figured that we’d find out at this scan and then decide from there. ‘No,’ he said, ‘I wanted it to be a surprise.’ ‘Babe this whole pregnancy was a surprise,’ I giggled. ‘I know, I guess I just like the wonder of not knowing,’ he said. My eyes searched his pensive face. There was something more to it I could tell but I didn’t exactly want to get into whatever it was in front of my OBGYN. ‘If you want I can write it down and you can take it away. That way you can look at it anytime you want,’ she said. ‘No,’ Austin replied quietly, ‘it’s okay. Hit us with it.’
The doctor turned back to the screen and hit a few buttons so the image remained still. Then with a dainty finger, she pointed at a little bump. I squinted trying to determine what it was but she said, ‘you see that thing right there?’ ‘Yeah,’ we nodded. ‘That means you’re having a boy,’ she said. The lump in my throat returned. A boy. A little Austin. I could picture him now in my mind. A cheeky little thing with blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. 
I was already in love but as I looked at Austin he didn’t seem to be in the same headspace. He caught my gaze and smiled weakly. I squoze his hand and he kissed my fingers but said nothing. My mind whirred at whatever was the matter with him but I decided it would have to wait.
Austin was quiet on the way home from the hospital and I had decided to let him have some space. To let him think. But that was hours ago. Since then I had done two loads of laundry, ordered a ton of baby stuff and just finished putting dinner in the oven. As I placed the oven mitts on the side I wandered around downstairs and discovered Austin was nowhere to be found. 
So I trudged upstairs and found him sitting on our bed with a box of keepsakes in front of him, the contents of which were spread out around him. I lingered by the door frame watching him for a moment before he noticed me. He looked up at me with a small smile.
‘Hey,’ I said as I padded into the room. I put my hand on his cheek and he kissed it scooching over so I could sit next to him on the bed. ‘Hi,’ he mumbled.  ‘You okay?’ I asked. ‘Fine,’ he said. I looked at him and quirked an eyebrow.  ‘Are you sure?’ I said, ‘cos you’ve been awfully quiet.’ Austin sighed and leaned back against the headboard pulling me with him. I fell against him and tucked myself into his grasp as he moved my hair off my face. ‘I guess I’ve just been a little bothered,’ he said quietly. ‘About the baby?’ I asked, feeling him nod against me, ‘what is it?’ ‘I don’t know,’ he murmured, ‘I guess I never really thought about having a boy.’ I pulled back from him, my eyes searching his face as my brows knitted together, ‘what?‘ ‘I know, I know,’ he said, ‘it’s stupid.’ ‘No, it’s just you gotta have realised it was fifty/fifty shot,’ I giggled leaning back into him. He smirked and nodded as I traced my fingers over the back of his hand which was gripping my waist.  ‘I did,’ he said quietly, ‘I guess it just worries me.’ ‘What does?’ ‘Having a boy.’ ‘A baby’s a baby,’ I said. ‘I know I know,’ he sighed, moving so he could look at me, ‘I guess I just thought that with a girl at least you’d know what to do. I guess with a boy I feel like I should know what to do. How to lead, you know.’ ‘That’s silly,’ I said, ‘boy or girl we’re not going to be prepared.’ ‘I guess,’ he said, ‘it’s just…’ ‘Just?’  ‘I guess I’m worried he’s gonna be exactly like me,’ he said.
I pulled up a little and peered up at his face, my mouth agape. The idea of him being a mini Austin had been a wonderful one to me. 
‘Aus, you’re the best man I know,’ I baulked. He rolled his eyes, ‘yeah but I was a handful.’  ‘I’m sure you were,’ I giggled.  ‘I don’t think there was a summer where I didn't have something in a cast,’ he said. He fumbled around on the bed, producing a photo of him proudly showing off his casted arm. ‘Kids break their arms Aus,’ I said. ‘It’s not just that. When my parents split up I was a nightmare. I got into fights, I pretended to be ill to get out of school,’ he said. ‘That’s all normal kid stuff,’ I said but he shook his head. ‘I guess. It just worries me…because I was so close to my mom…but not my dad. I guess I don’t know what to do because I’ve never had that sort of relationship you know?’ he said. I nodded as he continued, ‘when they split up I was so angry. I refused to play football like my dad wanted me to even though I knew it wasn’t his fault. But I was so mad at him. And I put on my mom a lot but she seemed to know what to do. My dad had no idea where to start. And that made me angrier. I was his son and he just ignored me hoping the problem would sort itself out. Then I just acted out more. Staying out too late, dropping out of school against his wishes for acting. I put my mom through the wringer because he didn’t get me.’ ‘Just because your dad was like that doesn’t mean you will be. It doesn’t mean that you won’t know what to do. What you didn’t have you can give our baby. And you’re not expected to do it on your own. I’m here. We’re doing this together,’ I said, placing his hand on my belly as I looked at him. His face fell and he dropped his gaze from mine causing a pit to form in my stomach.
‘What if it’s not?’ he whispered, ‘what if we split up? What if I lose you?’ ‘Aus-‘ ‘Don’t say it won’t happen. I never thought I’d lose my mom but I did,’ he whispered. I sighed as I felt tears in my eyes. I tucked myself into him so I could hide my face from his gaze, allowing him to cuddle me tightly, his lips on my forehead. He kissed it gently.  ‘I can’t promise that. No one can,’ I said quietly after a moment, ‘but your mom didn’t want to leave you. They didn’t want to get divorced. No one does. But we don’t have control over everything. But we can choose to react differently. Better. We can support our kid just like your mom supported you. Be the parents we needed when we were younger. Okay?’ ‘Okay,’ he mumbled, kissing me again. ‘Even if he puts us through hell. If we have countless sleepless nights. We’re going to keep going. Because one day he’ll be grown up, sitting on his bed looking through memories and pictures worrying about if he’s gonna be a good dad,’ I said. ‘I bet you’re right,’ he said. ‘I always am,’ I chuckled. ‘I’ll remember that,’ he smirked into my hair. ‘You should. And I for one am ecstatic to have another little you running about,’ I chuckled. ‘Yeah?’ he said. ‘Oh definitely,’ I said, ‘blonde hair, blue-eyed and a cheeky smile.’ ‘That's what you think about me as a kid?’ he chuckled. ‘Am I wrong?’ ‘No,’ he said, ‘but I’m sure you were just as cheeky.’ ‘Oh honey,’ I whispered, ‘if you were worried about having a boy let me tell you. A girl like me is no walk in the park.’
‘Don't I know it,’ he chuckled.
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Liked by buzzfeed, tomhanks, and 73,020 others
@yourinstagramname my invite to this party must’ve got lost in the mail 🤔
view all 282 comments
austinfan67 they’re so cute 🥰
austinbutler @yourinstagamname boys club no girls allowed sorry
yourinstagramname @austinbutler mamas boys club*
elvispresarchive I love this!
zara23 I’m dead 🥺🥺🥺
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milgramprojectfan · 9 months
While I’m waiting for Kotoko’s MV to drop so I can continue my overview passion project, here’s Milgram, but Danganronpa? Comment if you have any better ideas for their Ultimates
(Someone’s probs done this before, but idc. Im not going anywhere with this so if someone wants to use my ideas just tag me in your post lol)
Jackalope obvi as Monokuma
Es as the protagonist, and Ultimate Warden
Haruka as something like the Ultimate lucky student maybe? Maybe Ultimate Taxidermist or smth he doesn’t have a lot going for him
Yuno as the Ultimate Companion, but she’s secretly the ultimate Sugar-baby? Weird ultimate but it fits her story lol. Ultimate Model or Pop Idol would fit her too but idk
Fuuta as the Ultimate Competitive Gamer? Graffiti artist? Online Harrasser? Social Justice Warrior? There’s a lot he could be tbh
Muu the Ultimate Affluent Prodigy or some nothing talent she just paid for cuz she’s rich (or is she?). She’d definitely be a big antagonist.
Shidou as the Ultimate Doctor
Mahiru as the Ultimate Influencer or maybe Matchmaker. Maybe Model?
Kazui as the Ultimate Salaryman idk I can’t think of anything else
Amane as the Little Ultimate Animal Caretaker
Mikoto would probably forget his Ultimate, but I don’t want a Toko/Jill situation so he’d die first like Rantaro 😭
Kotoko as the Ultimate Vigilante, like if Maki was super upfront about her talent. I also see her being the main antagonist
Ok so I think 11 people isn’t nearly enough to make an interesting story… so… I’m adding some more (plus pictures to show what they look like). I think some of them would be like plus ones, so there’d be a talent vs no talent dynamic
Haruka’s mom as like an Ultimate Caregiver (but she sucks at her job), maybe Haruka could be her plus one?
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Yuno’s sugar daddy as the Ultimate CEO (also this is legit the only picture I could find 😭)
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Fuuta’s victim as the Ultimate Student or smth idk we don’t really know her. Maybe some sort of gaming or internet ultimate would fit
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Rei as the ultimate Amateur Investigator
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Shidou’s wife as the Ultimate Florist? That or Ultimate Housewife which… isn’t really a good ultimate. Could be Shidou’s plus one
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Mahiru’s Boyfriend has no personality so he would just be a plus one to Mahiru
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Kazui’s wife as the ultimate salary woman? Honestly no clue, maybe another plus one situation
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Amane’s mom as the Ultimate religious zealot
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We don’t know much about the other two’s victims, so I’m just gonna add those two main bully girls of Muu, (Aa and Sayu are their names apparently). Since they were friends at one point, I could see Muu bringing one as a plus one and just paying for one of them being the ultimate lucky student.
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For the plot I’d say everyone would come to the prison under different pretenses (like Muu’s gang would think it’s a super prestigious academy, Muu and her bf think it’s a couple’s retreat, Shidou and his wife think it’s a place to get treatment for her, etc.) Then Jackalope reveals the real purpose and traps them in the prison. I’d say a minimum of like three people would have to die per trial for there to be an acceptable amount of survivors.
Some plot things I think would happen, Mikoto probs would die first (just cuz he’s messy). Then after learning the rules Kotoko would murder one or two people she deems evil (maybe Yuno’s Sugar daddy and Amane’s mom or smth), cuz only the first death matters. Then I think she’d do that a couple trials, before someone fakes their death (probably Muu) and gets Kotoko executed. Also I think it’d be interesting if pretty early on Es would be revealed as the Mastermind, and the perspective would switch to Rei. I think for the third trial, like how in the og games there’s a double kill, there’d be a HUGE blood bath that like cuts down all of the just extra space characters.
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actualbird · 1 year
so true about aaron giving the best hugs but who did he learn those hugs from? HIS WIFE. i fully bet his wife gives the best hugs, gives you way too much food like a sweet old grandma and makes sure you’re taking care of yourself. i imagine whenever luke goes over to aaron’s house his wife is scolding him for being reckless on missions and telling him he needs to enjoy good food and treat himself better. mrs yishimir is mother
irt my tags on this post
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i wish we knew more abt mrs yishmir, but at the same time i Like that shes free real estate because then it's headcanon central. i headcanon that aaron and his wife actually met each other during an nsb operation and she quickly figured out aaron was No Ordinary Doctor very quickly. i also hc that, much the same way aaron basically adopted luke as pseudo-son at first sight, mrs yishmir will also be unable to resist the sheer "this young man needs all the pseudo-parental figures he can get" energy wafting off of nsb-era!luke.
aaron brings luke over his home one day for dinner and mrs yishmir (who i gave a headcanon first name of Angie in my fic "excuse me, sir, i am this agent's emotional support babysitter", idk why she just strikes me as an Angie) just sees this on-the-cusp-of-18 sullen miserable looking boy mumbling an apology for crashing dinnertime even if angie was the one who told aaron to bring him over (shes heard a Lot about luke from aaron and she wanted to get to know the kid!!) and she just yknow
//points son-ification ray luke
i also think that aaron and angie's daughter would super get along with luke. their daughter subsequently points the older-brother-ification ray at luke while angie keeps piling more food onto his plate because "what does the nsb even feed you people, you should eat more!!" and shes trapped luke in a Politeness Trap where he cant refuse because thats rude so he has to accept the hospitality like the good boy he seems to be agonized over Needing To Be
aaron: how are you so good at this, you made him listen Immediately! he doesnt even listen to me all that often!
angie: sweetheart, this is not my first time making an NSB agent follow my orders
aaron, remembering how she had him WHIPPED back in the day and even up til now: oh right...
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thehighpriestess1 · 2 years
Ok I know Im a little late I was actually sick when you post the new chapter of August it was fantastic reading while bedridden so here's some thoughts of mine
Idk how but the moment gojo decided to call shoko I lost my mind I know for a fact both her and geto are tired of gojo fucking life about reader I know for a fact the moment geto heard gojo was asking those questions on the phone on shoko my man was re thinking his whole life it's gonna be all over again FR my man deserve an Oscar for being with gojo BS
Oh GOD SOMEONE CLEAN THOSE DISGUSTING SHEETS AND BLANKET SANITIZE THE WHOLE ROOM YOU KNOW WHAT SCREW THAT BURN THE BED AND EVERYTHING IN THAT ROOM AND GET A NEW ONE WITH EVERYTHING 🙂 I will not stand any reader touching yuna girl has touched that includes gojo man need to deep clean his body who knows what those girls hand touch (idk if just me being a clean freak when I read those reader sleeping in the same bed and sheet where that girl lay )
Miss gurl really thought she ate reader bitch you don't know anything ok reader my girl on her ARC and you can do anything stop it how you gonna call it a fight when we already have a winner in the first place You mad because reader clothes probably much more than yours it's tagged gojo x reader not nobody x gojo Sis my queen didn't even remember her name correctly as she should because she nobody we stand QUEEN MILF if was her I would be embarrassed the doors been long open sis just leave someone hold me back before I go through the screen on my phone just to drag this girl In her hair I just got my nails done and I'm ready to sacrifice them for my GIRL HONOR 😤😤
Promps for gojo trying to make the baby sleep just to have reader good rest now that's father behavior he's Soo adorable reading and watching all those stuff about taking care of baby I really hope gojo get a magical doctor to cure my girl illness Now big question is there a possibility of smut in next chapter if that's sooo LETS ALL WELCOME BABY NUMBER TWO can't wait next chapter of them just shopping and gushing about clothes looks good with their kids 😍
I hope you're all fine and healthy now 😊
Shoko and Geto are shocked. Geto deserves the best friend of the year award. That man has done more for gojo and y/n's relationship than god has lol. Shoko at this point is emotionally immune to Gojo but she is keeping an eye on y/n given her health.
Don't worry Jerry cleaned the entire room! The only thing Gojo wants right now is to hold y/n. He loves the baby but he misses his girl too much.
Yuri really being bitter because she got put into her place and this is just the start 😉
Gojo is a good father. That man is trying and is going to try so hard to be a good father so y/n would accept him.
Yes there is smut 💖
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n8-shaw · 2 years
{ JACOB ELORDI, 22, CISGENDER MALE, HE/HIM } Is that NATHANIEL SHAW? A JUNIOR originally from SAG HARBOR, NY, they decided to come to Ogden College to study UNDECIDED on an ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP. They’re THE BRUISER WITH A SOFT CENTER on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
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Nathaniel Shaw hates rich people. Raised in a poor family, by an on-and-off single mother thanks to his absentee father, he had to work for every single cent he’s ever had. He dealt with this with bitterness and resentment, choosing to take it out by punching whoever pissed him off, getting into fights and trouble more often than not as he was growing up. With his athletic talents, it was enough to get him a scholarship to Ogden, but not enough that he’d ever get the chip off his shoulder about being the poor kid around the unbelievably wealthy. He’s over-sensitive, withdrawn, and tactless, but if you get on his good side, he may just allow you to share his weed and show that underneath that, he does have a pisces stellium, and does in fact have feelings beyond just letting them get hurt so he can start hitting people.
pinterest - muse tag
ryan atwood  (the oc) - billy dunne (daisy jones and the six) - nate macauley (one of us is lying) - marcus baker (ginny and georgia)-  jj maybank (obx) - william magnusson (skam) - tim riggins (fnl) - jess (gilmore girls) - johnny castle (dirty dancing) - the ninth doctor (doctor who) - roy kent (ted lasso) - patrick verona (10 things i hate about you) - diego hargreeves (the umbrella academy) - john bender (the breakfast club) - alex karev (grey’s anatomy) - conrad fisher (tsitp)
BRUISER WITH A SOFT CENTER - dark and troubled past - the stoner - byronic hero - abusive parents - disappeared dad - fish out of water - scholarship student - the casanova - jerk jock - delinquents - book dumb - tall dark and snarky - sour outside sad inside - hidden depths 
Undecided - some classes he has been taking, beyond gen-eds are: ceramics/wheel-throwing, photography, literature classes, and avoiding anything to do with music thus far xoxo
Swimming, Crew, Boxing Club
FULL NAME: Nathaniel Shaw
NICKNAME(S): Nate, Natey (only from his younger sister, if anyone else calls him that, they’re consenting to be punched in the face)
DATE OF BIRTH: march 23rd, 2001
AGE: twenty-one
ZODIAC SIGN: aries sun, pisces moon, aries rising, pisces mercury, pisces venus (in retrograde), aries mars. have fun!
OCCUPATION: ????????????? part time pool boy, illegal street fighter. idk was this man does beyond that
HOMETOWN: sag harbor, ny/melbourne, australia
NATIONALITY: american and australian dual citizen
ETHNICITY: a white man?! no!.gif
LANGUAGE(S): english (barely)
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: straight, to make him worse. but also it's sorta "straight"
RELIGION: definitely an atheist
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: i don’t think he has political opinions other than eat the rich
FACE CLAIM: Jacob Elordi
HEIGHT: 6′5″ 
HAIR COLOUR + STYLE: dark brown, worn like this (yes, the mullet, sorry).
ACCENT + INTENSITY: Australian - it comes and goes with how strong it is. He lived in Melbourne from age 3-15, so it’s definitely there, but it also is faded at this point, especially on certain words. it can come out stronger as well, and he definitely do be emphasizing it sometimes
TATTOO(S): a thin line around his left forearm, with a wave above it on the inside of his arm (going almost up into his elbow), coordinates of sag harbor and melbourne on the back of his left arm above his elbow, rowing oar along the outer bone of his right forearm, initial tattoo on the inside of his right forearm (gotten with all four siblings when his younger sister turned 18)
SCAR(S): probably a lot
PIERCING(S): one in each ear lobe - usually wears either a plain gold hoop in them
GLASSES: yes, but he doesn’t wear them 99% of the time. is this man just wandering around blind? very possibly
CLOTHING STYLE: honestly i imagine a lot like Jacob Elordi’s more lowkey style - something like this, this or this. Josh Heuston's style is very fitting too, like this, this, this or this. He also wears all the jewlery/rings/necklaces and often has his nails painted. and this pic is the ultimate nate style for me.
POSITIVE TRAITS: passionate, loyal, independent, honest, brave
NEGATIVE TRAITS: all of them. over-sensitive, short-tempered, aggressive, pessimistic, cynical, crass, withdrawn, resentful, impatient, reckless, (overly) competitive, attention seeking, tactless, brash, intense, aloof
GOALS/DESIRES: (suicide tw) literally nate barely even wants to be alive, so no, he doesn’t have any goals
FEARS: turning into his father
HOBBIES: ….smoking weed, contemplating the misery of his existence, punching people in the face, fucking bitches and getting money (except the money part because he’s poor), playing the guitar/lowkey fucking around with music production
HABITS: his habits include smoking a joint daily, punching whoever pisses him off, scowling when people speak to him……there’s probs more but that’s what i got tbh
SMOKES? weed, constantly.
DRINKS? most definitely
DRUGS? has dabbled....and will get worse if the plots i want work out
Nate is the BRUISER WITH A SOFT CENTER because, at the end of the day, he is far more sensitive than he will ever let on. Everything hurts this Pisces moon, even as he glowers and glares, and yes, punches his way through them. He’s quick to react with anger - which often translates into violence - all while hiding how things are constantly hurting him. It’s easier to ignore it, because there’s nothing he can do. It’s just the hand he was dealt. And if he’s good at anything (which he still thinks may be debatable), it’s throwing a punch.
Most of Nate’s personality is negative. Even what could be a positive trait (such as competitiveness, honesty, sensitivity, intensity….) he tends to turn it up to 1000 until it’s damaging. But honestly, most of it just negative to start with. He’s very withdrawn and broody, spends most of his time and interactions just glowering at people, and yet has an extremely short fuse, so will go from no reaction to swinging in the blink of an eye. he basically throws tantrums like a toddler, albeit a very large, 6′5″ toddler who actually knows how to fight.
However, he is extremely loyal if he decides someone is worth it - spoiler alert, most people aren’t - he will be there for them in the best way Nate knows how. Still tactless, but like, he tries his best. Basically his way of showing emotional support is being like so, uh, you wanna smoke a joint? Because at the end of the day, Nate is not very smart. Emotionally, or in a book smart sense. He can come off a bit of a himbo, just with his attempts to be charming and flirt with women (when he wants to). Plus he’s hot. And he knows it. And isn’t afraid to use it.
Speaking of women (ladies, please run), Nate likes to be pursued. He hates having to make the first move - probably due to of feeling like he isn’t worth it, more on that below - and he will flirt, charm, seduce, but when it actually comes down to it, he wants the other person to make that final leap. Some sort of validation or something. He likes when girls pay attention to him, and tries to coax it out of them. However, he also has a lot of resentment towards his mother for chasing after his father and bending over backwards to try to make things work, so he also loses interest as soon as a girl is too interested. And when he loses interest, he won’t say anything, he’ll just ghost or cheat. The only kind of confrontation Natey boi is good at is one that involves his fists.
His default way of connecting with people is…well, sex. Nate has no examples of a healthy emotional relationship, and he isn’t good at making friends, so typically, when a girl wants to get close to him, he fakes intimacy with his head between their legs, making them feel like they have him because he’s sleeping with them. Like he’s open and connected to them just because they boned. In reality, it’s just his way of avoiding the emotional intimacy he’s petrified of, because he knows it’ll come back to hurt him. The only downside to all that is the rare times he does want to emotionally connect with someone, he has no idea how to. All he knows how to offer is his body, really. 
Nate’s very dry, prone to swearing (he did grow up in Australia), and his sense of humor is very deadpan. If you actually talk to him, you realize there’s a lot of sarcasm in his cynicism, put the issue is that he’s extremely withdrawn from most people, and honestly doesn’t even see the point in having conversations with them. He also uses this to hide a lot of his fundamental insecurities - he genuinely feels like he’s not going to amount to much, mostly because he’s been made to feel that way. He acts brash and confident, but he really does struggle with feeling like he’s worth anything. It’s part of why he gets so over-competitive, because he wants to prove he’s good at something.
some wanted dynamics -
a childhood friend from australia (one day i will submit this wc to the main)
i still really would like nate to get into music, so someone to help encourage him along that path would be....amazing. he really loves music, but his father was a deadbeat musician, and since nate HATES him sm...he's gotta come to terms with that side of himself
in general, someone(s) who encourages his artsy soft boi side to come out
hamptons enemies - people who summared in the hamptons, dynamic would be dependant on muse. maybe people whose families he worked for (outside of the Morrison's?)?? Bonus points if they had a hot mom he could've banged !!
fight club - nate street fights for money, so ppl who participate or aware of that would be funsies
hook-ups/fwbs/ons's to help him get over the girls in his past since they are all no longer options rip
flirtationships - bc nate rarely makes the first move
the other man - nate has no morals, so if u need someone for ur muse to cheat on their significant other with...here he is
and as always - down to brainstorm and put nate into anything that would fit !!
When the Shaw family moved back to Sag Harbor from Australia, where Nate’s mother grew up, they instantly realized they were not on the same class playing feel as everyone else. They had never been wealthy. Four children and barely steady incomes from their parents - when they were even together - guaranteed that. The kids all realized pretty quickly they were going to have to get jobs, especially now that their father was completely out of the picture. Nate ended up working for a few families who ‘summered’ (god, he hated that word) nearby, working as a pool boy. One of those families…yeah, you guessed it, was the Morrison’s. Greer took interest in the pretty Australian pool boy who was her age, inviting him along to join some of the parties she and her friends had, despite him being her family’s staff. No way was that going to end badly.
Also, they may have hooked up a time or two their senior year of high school. But that’s irrelevant.
SOCIAL CLASS: lower class
FATHER: Luke Shaw
MOTHER: Ella Shaw, née Quentin
SIBLING(S)? 3 - older brother; Liam Shaw , older sister; Melanie Shaw, and a younger sister; Quentin "Quinnie" Shaw.
CHILDREN? do not let this man reproduce no matter what you do (also having children is also his worst nightmare, since the last thing he wants is to his father)
nate is the third out of four kids in five years to two highly incompatible people
his mom followed his dad back to australia when he was 3, only to call it all off 12 years later, and move back to sag harbor when nate was 15
nate took the move v hard in general, got into a lot of fights, briefly ended up in juvie after being charged with assault
couldn't pay for a lawyer, but the kid he was defending became his best friend (xoxo keys) and his father was a public defender and got the charges dropped, so he doesn't TECHNICALLY have it on his record
shortly after he got invited to an illicit fighting ring, which had money being given to winners and tossed around in bets by the rich kids who vacationed in the summer
that's how nate ended up hanging out with them and partying with them despite being poorTM
early in the fall his senior year, there was a back to school party where the house they were in ended up burning down - since nate was the only one who didn't have rich parents, who do you think took the fall? (hint: nate)
stanford stopped recruiting him & he broke up with his girlfriend at the time (actually, he just ghosted her, but that counts)
did he end up getting a scholarship at ogden in return for keeping his mouth shut? maybe (yes)
when he came to ogden as a freshman in college, he came in as an engineering major (why? no idea - think someone told him too and he was like, well, i have no hopes or dreams of my own, so y not), failed a bunch of classes, and then ended up switching to an undecided major for his junior year…so is he going to graduate on time? absolutely not. he is very much behind in his schooling.
yes, nate has jacob's australian accent
he is basically ryan atwood and i regret nothing
he worked as a pool boy and mowed lawns and shit during the summer once he moved back to the Hamptons as a teen to make some extra cash, so rubbed shoulders with a lot of rich kids, which just made him more bitter about all of it
he did in fact sleep with several milf housewives while he was doing above jobs
plays the guitar and piano and likes to fuck around with music production in his free time - his father is a musician so his lack of acknowledging this/sharing this/actually allowing himself to enjoy it is due to his ~ daddy issues ~
deep down he is an artsy soft boi, and he just refuses to acknowledge that he loves music because of his father, and the fear that exploring that side of himself will just turn him into his dad. it's definitely something he needs to come to terms to still
he started taking more art classes this semester now that he is undecided and he signed up for a wheel-throwing class so he QUICKLY became one of those slutty shirtless wheel-throwing tik tok boys. his first successful pot he made he gave to rhia so she could plant things in it.
jesse threw nate under the bus, nate threw jesse under the bus, they kissed fought, the cops were looking at nate real sussy
so yeah from the very first sit down with the cops, nate was not making a good impression
he did get dragged outta the pool during a swim practice to be questioned
after their second interview, he is in their list of suspects :)
overall, nate is trying very hard to not be involved with greer or her disappearance at ALL because he does not want to be held responsible
he did overhear (with pippa) penny saying that she knew why greer left
oh also, he hooked monty and ollie up with a half built house to use as a drug base, thanks to his connects in the construction industry near ogden
he has those connects bc the summer between his freshman and sophomore years, he worked for nat's dad while they were dating. and nat's dad hates him. so nate said fuck u i'ma have my friends deal drugs outta ur house
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jencsi · 3 months
Writer Interview Tagged by @frostysfrenzy
About me
When did you start writing? - my earliest memories of writing are back in elementary school, making up stories about animals and writing from the point of view of dogs and eventually graduating into fanfiction for CSI when I was 13. 
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?- genres or themes don’t really matter to me, I’m more character invested. If someone writes a CSI fic, I will read it. 
Is there an author you want to emulate or are compared to often?- I don’t think I have ever been compared to anyone else as a writer but I used to have mad respect for JK Rowling before shit hit the fan with her. I modeled a lot of my early formats after her, style, dialogue, shock, ending chapters a certain way, etc. I do love Taylor Swift and even though she writes songs, she has a good prose and I wish I could write like her. 
Can you tell me a little about your writing space?- when I was a teenager, I wrote under my school work during class, all through high school and college, I used to write in the basement of my home and the kitchen, I could never write in my room because the vibe always felt off, plus my CSI posters were on the wall for years and writing the characters while the posters watched me felt unnerving even though they are not real! I’m insane I know. 
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?- watching CSI, maladaptive daydreaming, discussing the show and characters with others. Hearing a song that reminds me of the show or the characters. 
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write?- lol no. Quite the opposite, I wanted to escape my hometown (still waiting) and writing about Vegas and Seattle and places I’ve never been sort of helped that but now it just bothers me that I still haven’t traveled to any of these places. 
Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you?- death, romance, angst, and Julie Finlay coming back to life after a coma. None of them surprise me at all, maybe the romance side of it since I’ve never had love so idk how I write it for fake couples. 
About My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favourite character?- Well shes not mine but JULIE FINLAY is my love, life, everything. 10/10 would go to war for her. 
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?- Julie Finlay, Sara Sidle, basically anyone from CSI. (not my characters but I wish) 
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?- I don’t write much about the early seasons of CSI and Ray Langston wasn’t my favorite so I don’t think I would like him in real life if he existed. Laurance Fishburn is cool though, just got dealt a shitty character. 
Tell me about the process of coming up with characters.- I struggle to make OC’s. I only piggy back off what the show has done. Finn’s mother was giving the name Karen so I just made up a mother character for her based off just that name. I also made a father and aunt for her and a child she fosters then later adopts in some of my fics. 
Do you notice any recurring traits/themes in your characters?- not really. If its a CSI character, I try to keep them as true to the show as possible. If it’s an OC, I make them different than most people I know in real life or true to the way they were raised (Finn’s mother is strict and rigid and very 1950’s housewife vibes while also being a progressive feminist in her work as a school teacher, working during the 60s-70s which wasn’t that common for women back then, and in the way she deals with raising Finn) while her father is a highly intelligent doctor who is often a peace keeper for his wife and daughter who butt heads often, an unbothered but stressed man who harbors a secret about his sister and came from an abusive family but broke the cycle, adores his family, would never hurt them, saves lives daily) 
How do you picture your characters?- Once I get a single image the first go around, it usually doesn’t change. Most of them probably look like customers I see at work or people I have seen on TV. 
About My Writing
What's your reason for writing?- at first, it was to keep me alive, I expected to make a career out of it, I expected to write for CSI specifically, naive to think the show would last that long, now I use it just as a hobby as it has sort of ruined my life because I spent too much time during my formative years hiding away with it instead of making friends like I should have been doing. Balancing priorities was not my forte at 16. 
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating?- I always enjoy when people pick up on parallels or uses of callbacks to the show that I throw into my work that others might miss, like a detail or reference that is said without saying it and someone gets it. Love that hype. 
How do want to be thought about by your readers?- as someone who is not as insane as I seem lol tall order to fill. 
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?- giving life to a character that does not have much representation in the fandom (Finn) if I could get the rights to own her, I would. 
Have you been told your greatest strength as a writer by others?- not specifically but in comments people have said they like how I convey emotions of the characters and how I don’t need to describe much for them to know what they are feeling or experiencing in a moment. 
How do you feel about your own writing?- I’d say a solid 8/10. I could always be better, I wish I could be getting paid to do this, but I also know it has affected my life in a negative way (no friends, no long term relationships because I skipped out on fun stuff to write alone) its a love hate relationship. 
If you were the last person on earth, would you still write?- probably, what else would there be to do? When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?- oh man so in the beginning I had no reservations whatsoever. Now? I think I let others' vibes get to my head and it has caused me to change some formatting and some of my style over the past 2 years or so. It's not a bad thing because it’s making me better but I do spend too much time wondering, will so and so like this if it's written this way or should I do it differently?
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alovesongshewrote · 2 years
Fight Club | Genshin Characters x Reader HCs
Plot:  your beloved watches you fight
Characters: Zhongli, Beidou, Kaeya, Diluc, Itto, Thoma, and Childe
Word count:  2,439
Warnings:  none tbh, let me know if there’s anything
A/N: ... these are gonna get long, aren’t they?
Tags: @prismarts​ @mxcheese​ @pavo-ocell-me​  @lady-of-a-castle​
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Tbh, he’s got a slight sense of pride
He’s confident in your abilities 
He knows that you’re capable 
You can take care of yourself in a fight, and he’s proud of u
That said
He is also mildly concerned?
He doesn’t enjoy seeing you get hurt on the rare occasion when it happens
He also doesn’t verbalize this
Or express it at all, really
After all, it isn’t too much of a concern for him
So he watches your back from the sidelines 
Just in case
And of course
He will fight at your side 
He may also lecture you on fighting techniques of old
While you’re fighting
Which would be annoying if it was anyone else
But he’s got the voice to make it work
And he’s cute, so
He gets away with it
He also points out that specific things that you do while fighting have a historical precedence 
Which is always neat
Maybe not so neat while you’re fighting, but oh well
Zhongli will also tell you fun facts about your weapon
Anyway, once you’re done fighting he’s like
A little bit playful 
Tells you you did a good job
You fight good lmao
He’ll also check you over for injuries 
And he’s so subtle about it that you don’t even notice 
It’s like he can see through you, it’s wild
You kinda love it
Especially because when he’s done, he’ll offer you his arm and take you out for food 
(say thank you to childe and/or hu tao, bc you know zhongli isn’t actually paying lmao)
She’s so into it
She loves watching you fight!  She loves seeing how strong you are
Every hit you make, every strike, every movement 
It all makes her more excited 
She’s basically bouncing up and down, it’s adorable 
She’ll absolutely cheer you on 
She’ll absolutely fight beside you
She loves fighting with you
She loves that you have each other’s backs
If you’re in a fight, she will 100% jump in with you, she isn’t afraid to do so, she’s your fuckin partner in romance and on the battle field
And she will kiss you mid-fight if you let her
It’s fantastic, it’s cute, we stan
She’s not kidding with that voice line about trading tactics 
She’s always ready to teach you things, and/or to learn from you 
She’s almost always ready and willing to spar with you
To keep your skills sharp!
There’s no other reason
It’s definitely not because she gets a kick out of pinning you to the ground and watching you blush while she teases you, nooooooooooooooooooooooo
She may also want you to step on her?  Idk, more research needs to be done
This one is a bit unrelated, but 
She also loves to take you drinking after you fight 
It’s a celebration of your mutual badassery! 
Also it’s just
She likes drinking with you, even when it isn’t after a fight
And speaking of post-fight activities 
Your girl will quickly check you over for injuries before you go anywhere 
She’s got a keen eye, too, so don’t bother trying to hide your dramatic side injury, she’ll see it
And she’ll whisk you off to the nearest doctor, picking you up with her pirate lady strength 
You don’t have a choice, you’re seeing a doctor 
And then you can have your alcohol of choice
It’s sweet though, she’ll hold your hand, we love to see it
Watches you.
With great interest.
See, he’s trying to keep up his whole 
Funky mystery man appearance on the outside
But on the inside?  
He’s lying on his stomach, on his bed, kicking his legs back and forward, doodling his first name with your last name in glitter gel pen
You’re kind of his poor little meow meow
Badass and murder-y, but he’s into it
So yeah
Whenever you fight 
He just watches you with full heart eyes
You are the best thing he’s ever seen 
But he won’t tell you that
Idk what it is, he’s just secretive about it
He’ll also back you up in a fight if you need it
Which you rarely do, so he rarely does
But that’s another thing he’s watching for
For any time you need his help
After you’re done with your fight, he never fails to come over and say somethin kinda snarky 
It’s a compliment, don’t get me wrong 
He’s just a little shit about it
“Wow, (Y/N), you really can take care of yourself”
“Not bad, not bad at all,” but in a slightly surprised tone, because he likes irritating you for fun
Anyway, while kaeya is being a dick
He also checks to make sure you’re okay
He tries to be subtle about it because he has a reputation to maintain
But he’s
At all
In the slightest 
It’s almost funny tbh
And it is very cute
He just circles you like a damn vulture, checking you over for injuries
To anyone else, it looks like he’s judging you
But you know it’s something else
And even if you didn’t, he would make sure you knew by checking you over properly once the two of you get home
He’s so concerned for your safety holy shit
He knows you can take care of yourself
He knows you’re competent, capable
He knows you have the skills necessary to win most fights 
But accidents can happen
More than accidents, anything can happen
You could come across an opponent that’s stronger than you
You could slip in the rain
You could fall onto a sword (yours or someone else's, it doesn’t matter)
You could run into a gang of 50 abyss mages and get your shit wrecked 
Anything and everything could go wrong and he Doesn’t. Like. It. 
And i mean
He has his reasons 
Y’know who else was competent and could take care of themselves?
So pls forgive him for being concerned about you
That said
He has no control over whether or not you fight
He isn’t your parent, he isn’t your legal guardian, he isn’t your boss, he has no control over you
He’ll try to prevent it
But, i mean, you live in teyvat 
It’s kind of inevitable
And there’s only so much he can do to keep you safe, anyway
Especially if you’re the type who enjoys fighting 
When you do fight
Which you do
He’s always ready to back you up
Just say the word, and he’s at your side, helping you kick ass and take names
He also makes sure you’re okay after
And, unlike kaeya, he doesn’t even try to be subtle 
He’s all over you, checking for injuries 
Asking if you’re okay
He takes your face in his hands and presses F to examine 
It’s almost funny how meticulous he is
And it’s most definitely sweet 
He just wants you to be okay gdi
Holy FUCK he’s so into it
He loves watching you fight
So much
Whereas kaeya actively tries to hide heart eyes, itto
Doesn’t give a shit
He’ll adore and admire you loudly and no one can stop him
Watching you fight just sparks a sense of pride in him
Look at you!!  
You’re his partner!!
And you’re a fucking badass!!
Whenever you fight he becomes the embodiment of those “that’s my wife/husband/spouse!!!” memes
He’s so proud, it’s not even funny
Unlike some others on this list
He will tell you that he’s proud of you
Both during the fight, and after
He wants you to know that you did a good job, and that he loves you
Even if you lose, he’s still proud
It’s very comforting to know, honestly, that even if you fail, he’ll always be proud
Fun fact about itto: He will, 100%, cheer you on
He doesn’t care if you’re fighting a hilichurl or kujou sara herself, he will cheer you on, and he will be cute about it
Fucker will make you laugh in the middle of a battle while you’re trying not to get hit and you can’t even get mad at him
He’s too pretty for that
Another fun fact: watching you fight kinda gets his competitive side going 
And it’s not that he wants to fight you!
He doesn’t want to fight you!
He’s on your team
And what he wants 
Is for your team
To kick the other team’s ass
It’s delightful
And it adds on to the cheering 
If you let Itto fight with you?
This mf will show off so much
He’ll go all out if it’s for you
Honestly, he might just end up carrying you through the fight?  Either way, it’s a good time
(and i mean, kinda does it because he wants you to be proud of him, so there you go)
And if the situation is more serious and calls for less showboating, itto can still help you take care of things, he’s just a bit more serious about it
He still makes puns and jokes tho
When it comes to the end of a fight
Itto is,,, less careful when it comes to checking you over 
He kinda just gives you a once over, and if nothing appears seriously wrong, he’ll just keep talking to you
So if you get a dramatic injury in an easy to conceal place, please tell him
It’s not that he doesn’t care, he just
Trusts you to tell him lmao
Ok, listen 
He isn’t as concerned as diluc, but he is concerned 
He knows you can take care of yourself, and he trusts you to do so 
But he knows accidents happen, and he wants you to be careful
And honestly?
Whenever/if ever he asks you to be careful 
He’s so nice about it that you actually start to be more careful 
You just feel bad putting yourself in danger 
Damn it, thoma, now who’s gonna make the heroic sacrifice? 
Not you, that’s for sure
Since thoma is more chill about you fighting 
He will encourage you!
Like itto and beidou, he’ll cheer you on!
He knows you can win whatever fight you’re in, and he wants to make sure you know that, too!
He’s so soft for you, it’s adorable 
Even though he has faith in your abilities 
There are times when you need him to back you up
When you need him to watch your back
And he is always down for that
He’ll make little jokes with you while you’re in the middle of a battle
Is it the right time?  Not really, but you don’t mind, because you love thoma and his jokes
And he loves you right back!
So much so that he might get distracted by watching you fight
Because, y’know
It’s hot
He might try to be subtle about it, but he can’t really hide the awe on his face
Nor can he tear his eyes from your figure as you cut down your opponents 
Please watch his back while he’s watching your back
He’ll get so distracted by you that he might get hit, and no one wants that
The Kamisato estate would grind to a halt without him :(
After a fight, he’ll definitely check you over for injuries 
He doesn’t try to be subtle
He just checks you over, gently
Looking over your limbs
His hands run gently up and down your arms
And his fingers interlocking with yours
If you are injured, he’ll get help
And if it’s something he can help with, he absolutely will
He’s very soft with you, and he might even crack a joke about how you need to be more careful
And then 
When he’s done
He takes your face in his hands
And just
Squints at you for a second
And when you ask what’s up he just
Pokes you
Says “boop”
And laughs
Jk, it’s cute
And maybe you get a kiss as an apology, you don’t know
We all know exactly what i’m about to say
If beidou, kaeya, and itto are into you fighting
Then childe is
He’s more than into it
He sees you in a fight and he just gets ecstatic 
He’ll cheer you on, he’ll call out strategies 
And he’ll watch you with fierce intensity 
This boy is biting his lip watching the way your body moves as you fight off the enemy 
There is little hotter to him than you covered in someone else’s blood, victorious after a fight
He’s so into it, it’s not even funny 
There are no jokes i can make
He’s just into it
And he isn’t really concerned for your safety 
Of course he doesn’t want you to get hurt, but y’know
He trusts your skills
And he trusts that if something bad happened, you’d tell him
And the matter would be dealt with swiftly 
Besides, if/whenever you’re in danger, he’ll usually hop in the fight with you
He likes watching you fight, but he likes fighting at your side even more
Honestly, it’s part of how he flirts
It’s almost like a dance, really
The way the two of you move together on the battlefield 
You know each other well enough to stay coordinated 
You can basically predict what the other person will do next and plan accordingly 
It’s a beautiful sight 
And a scary one
The two of you together are a terrifying team, and he knows this
And he loves it
He’ll also cheer you on during the fight
He’ll tell you you’re doing an amazing job
He’ll tell you you look hot
Cute shit like that
Once the fight is over, he checks you over for injuries
And he’s usually pretty casual about it unless the fight was more intense 
But generally
He just spins you in a little circle 
Or like
Spins a circle around you
And makes sure you’re unharmed 
And once he’s sure
He kisses you (passionately) and compliments the way you kick ass
He kinda wants you to kick his ass
Speaking of which
Like beidou 
Childe will absolutely spar with you
Honestly, he’ll do it more than beidou
It’s another way that he flirts
He just likes the feeling of his blood pumping through his veins, rushing as he goes to counter your attack 
And no matter who wins 
No matter who comes out on top (literally) 
It’s always a victory for him
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videogamelover99 · 2 years
Just wanted to say, I just saw your post about Chuuya's loyalty again, and when I read the tag on it mentionning your theory about Mori's involvement in Chuuya's past... I was confused for a minute and then I scrambled for my notes to know when did Yosano join the War when did Mori write his theory on abilities' as weapons
You sent me in a spiral with that one comment I'm still reeling. Is that where you were going with it???
Tbh I need to reread the manga because I totally forgot about Mori's theory on weponizing abilities until you reminded me but it sure as hell is adding fuel to my theory, huh?
Basically I read a post about how real life Nakahara Chuuya had ties to Mori Ougai through his family, to the point where the poet spread rumors that he was named "Chuuya" because of Mori (he wasn't). Here's the post if you're interested.
But basically it points out that "N" could be referring to "Nakamura", instead of "Nakahara" like N claimed in Stormbringer. N lied about Chuuya being a copy instead of the original, so why would he not lie about this, too?
Real life Nakamura and Chuuya's father served in the military under RL Mori Ougai's command. In the Light Novel, it's mentioned that Chuuya's father had a high military rank, and not only that, he was also a doctor.
My theory is this.
In the world of BSD, N, Mori, and the man we learn to be Chuuya's father all served together during the War(tm) and became close. Both N and Mori were interested in harnessing abilities for military warfare. They learn about Nakaraha's son, a kid who just so happens to have an ability that could be manipulated into a singularity and conspire to take him away (the video and N's speech in the LN implies Chuuya's original ability might have been? Amplifying other abilities?? Which is super interesting, considering, y'know, Dazai's nullification ability).
N implies that the original ability user died in the creation of the singularity, but we know that's not the case. Also, here's an interesting tidbit from N's monologue: "The Arahabaki Project was, more or less, a highly classified state secret after all. Only one person was granted insight authorization."
He couldn't be referring to himself, he was one of the researchers. So why is this an important tidbit to mention?
What if Mori is the person who was offered insight authorization. This makes sense timeline-wise, considering that by the end of the project Mori would have still been in the military and Yosano would have still been under his command.
Mori knew the whole time who Chuuya was. He also knew Chuuya was human the entire time, hence why he so easily pointed out the graphite scar at the end, how he knew who Chuuya's parents were. And at some point in the future, this is gonna be revealed, and Chuuya is gonna find out.
Aaand that's my theory. I could go on about how this might tie in to that "storm on the horizon" sequel the novel was hinting at, but- idk. I might be completely off to be honest XD.
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annesthaeticc · 2 years
Sweet November | Dr Strange x Fem!Reader
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Sweet November : Chapter One-October 30
| Series Summary: "One month." Stephen said, his gaze intense. He raised his hand, offered it for you to shake. "One month." you agreed, and shook his hand. The sign of a closed deal. Then he smiled at you, and from that instant, you realized, you just broke rule number one; no falling in love.
| Chapter Warning: fluff (i guess? idk HAHA)
| Word Count: 1451 words (keeping it short these days or else i'll run out of creative juices T^T)
| A/N: heya! hope you like this! there'll be more to come don't worry! chapter 2 is already in the works! if u wanna be tagged, please join my taglist (link below) or send me a message! comments, hearts, REBLOGS will help me write <3
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How could four little harmless words cause you excitement and despair at the same time? You'll never know. You weren't one for online dating, you thought it was ridiculous to meet someone through that way. Just exactly what had happened to the traditional way of courting and romance? Strolls in the park? Secret and lingering gazes from across the room? Ballroom dancing? That sort of stuff? Guess it faded along with the era, or maybe you need to stop watching period films and getting your standards way up because— 
"1 New Message" your phone beeped. You quickly swipe to open the dating app to view your match's text. 
"I'm on my way." 
Thank fuck for that. You've been waiting for almost forty-five minutes for him now and you were already having second thoughts about meeting him. But you decided against it and waited. He was a doctor after all, something must've come up. 
All you know about your date is that his name is Stephen V. Whatever 'V' means, you'll never know. His profile flashed a picture of him wearing a classic black suit, and tie. You immediately swiped right the moment you saw his picture, you're a sucker for men wearing suits. He was in his early thirties. And he has an MD, and a PhD. Hotshot doctor, big extra points for your high standards. 
The faint tinkling chime of the restaurant's door made you glance and turn around. And there he was. You watched as he looked around him and down on his phone. Should you wave and catch his attention? Or should you meet him and introduce yourself to save him the trouble of looking for you? You opted to stay back in your seat and compose yourself. 
Eventually he found you. He stood by your table and you immediately shot up from your seat to offer your hand. 
"Hi. I'm Diana." you said, smiling.  Quickly, he pocketed his phone and shook your hand with his free hand. He was holding his lab jacket and case with his other hand. 
"Stephen. Nice to meet you Diana." he returned the sentiment with a pleasant enough smile. 
He took a seat across from you and you passed him the menu. He scanned it quietly and settled it back down. 
"Are you ready to order?" he asked you. 
"Yes, thank you," you replied. He called the waitress and he let you say your order first, saving him for last. 
When the waitress awkwardly walked away with blushing cheeks, you stifled your giggle. You looked at him and found him smirking. 
"Yeah," he cleared his throat. Obviously finding the whole date ordeal a bit out of his specialty. 
"Tinder, huh?" you chuckled, and he did the same. Then he quizzes you on how you came upon registering into the dating app. 
"It's ridiculous, really. I always loathed the idea of meeting someone online. But I was feeling particularly lonely one night and decided, 'heck, maybe I should try it'" you said. Then you asked him the same question. 
"Well uh, can I be honest with you?" he said with a smirk playing on his lips. 
"Of course." 
"I was hoping to meet someone, a fake girlfriend perhaps, for me to take to some medical galas that I'm attending this month," he replied and you gaped at him. 
The conversation took an interesting turn, and your iced teas haven't even arrived at your table yet. 
"Couldn't you just, I don't know, date someone and ask them to be your girlfriend?" you said, hope laced your voice. 
"I don't do that," he chuckled. 
"Don't do what exactly?" 
"Relationships. The boyfriend and girlfriend thing," he spat out the words ‘boyfriend and girlfriend’ like it was disgusting. 
"So you'd rather have a fake one?" 
"Yeah. That way I'm not committing myself to something serious," he replied. He gave you a tight smile and instantly you felt yourself become a bit irritated. 
He looks so stupidly handsome and he has committment issues. You instantly regret logging into Tinder in the first place. You look away and sigh. 
"What?" you heard him ask you. 
"Oh it's uh," you distractedly muttered under your breath. Without thinking, you started to gather your jacket and your bag. 
"I'm sorry, I can't do this." you said, gave him a tight-lipped smile and moved away. 
You were halfway through the restaurant floor when you heard him follow you, "Diana! Wait!" You glanced at him then turned to the exit. 
"Don't you want to hear all about the deal?" he asked as he stood beside you. You ignored him and continued to look for a taxi. 
"Deal? No, I'm not interested," 
"Please? Look I'm really desperate and I—" 
"Really? Well sadly, I'm not signing up for your fake relationship thingy because—" 
"You believe in true love, is that it? Diana, you'll never meet him in a dating site," 
"Guess you're right." you started to walk down the street, in hopes of avoiding him. Seems that he really is desperate. 
"Why don't you try? Just hear me out," he came up next to you and caught up with your pace. 
"Okay, I'm listening but that doesn't mean I'll agree to it," you gave in. 
"I'm fully booked this whole month, charity dinners, award ceremonies, galas, all that stuff. I need someone to take to the events. Look, I'll buy the dresses, the shoes, everything you need on the night of the event. Just come with me, hang on my arm for a few hours, eat some fine dinner and wine, then I'll take you home." he ended his speech. 
You gave him a sideway glance and continued to walk down the pavement. He was still walking beside you, as if he's waiting for your answer. But then the first drops of rain started to fall, you halted and started to rummage in your bag for your umbrella. And of all the days you forgot your umbrella, it was today. You quietly groaned and you heard him chuckle. 
"Let me at least drive you home." he said, a smirk teased his lips. You glared at him in annoyance, attempting to keep yourself feeling that way. 
But his eyes, bright blue, shone underneath the lights of the city. You figured, at that moment, you were going to give in. You sighed, rolled your eyes, then acquiesced. 
"Where's your car?" you asked, eyebrows raised. 
"Parked down there." he pointed at the entrance of an hospital's underground parking. 
You looked to your side and realized you both stopped at the very front of New York's Metro General Hospital. It was an easy enough guess that that's where he's working. 
Eventually, you found yourself fastening the seat belt across your body. You sank back into the smooth leather seat as he eased the car into drive. The silence in the car was filled by the stereo turned into the right volume. Quite obviously he's a fan of Pink Floyd. 
"Say I was to agree to your plan," you cleared your throat as the bass of Another Brick On The Wall quietly vibrated in your ears. He pressed a button on the wheel, turning the volume lower. 
"How is it going to work?" you continued. 
"Well, I've drawn up a detailed schedule, a calendar marked and we'll have to discuss it of course. I'll only need you on the night of events," 
"Come over to my office tomorrow, we can talk about it, I'll have my assistant book you 1 in the afternoon."
"I haven't even agreed to anything yet you're already bossing me around, is this how it’s going to work?" you joked. He cocked his head to the side to give you a look. You bit your lip and looked away. 
When the car arrived at your street, it slowed, then you quietly asked him to pull up. He maneuvered the car to park and you clicked the seatbelt off. You looked at him to say thanks, but he beat you to it. 
"Thanks for meeting me. It's fine if you don't agree. I'll just uh, think of another way to solve my little problem." he said. Then he smiled. 
"Thanks for the ride, Stephen." you said with a smile. This time a genuine one. You grasped the handle and clicked it open. 
You climbed out, but before you closed it, before you let the chance escape you, you bent down a bit, and said, "You can tell your assistant to book me an appointment with you tomorrow, 1 in the afternoon." 
This time your true smile was met by his own genuine and beautiful smile. Or at least you felt that it was.
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TAGLIST: @migurin @damiensoda @inas-thing @peachywoong @ruevz @sammiisnotonfire @srapalestina @winchestersgirl222 @taramaria @alexag-barnes @sleutherclaw @willowfairy @vexedvalerie @lovecleastrange @evelynrosestuff @dragonqueen89 @sobeautifullyobsessed @geeky-politics-46 @azu21 @getlostsquidward @bubu890 @strangefilms @ice-ksk @my-beel @doctorswitch @josiestark @lizzy-g9 @tuitiononlivings @winchaser1990 @swds @andrewgarfieldsloml @princessnnylzays @jocktears @xoxabs88xox @sherlockstrangewolf @softmullet @andysnewgroove @the-royal-petals @lostfleurs @cumberbitch @whosgwyneth @strangeobsessed @slvtforstr4nge @just--a--magpie @lucimorningst4r @gracecaldwellx @jyessaminereads @dancerpanda04 @starryeddie @cemak @valoaes @paola-carter @siredlust @stupidthoughtsinwriting @frostandflamesfanfic
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fanfics4all · 3 years
Request: Yes / No  roan x reader (smut preferably) where you get banished from skaikru about a month in after landing on earth and you meet roan. since he’s wounded and you’re a healer you patch him up and end up travelling together and become rlly close?? idk i read your trick or treat fic and it was my favourite roan fic i’ve read (and i’ve read them all...no shame)😭 @szhead31​
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Roan x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 1735
Warnings: SMUT!
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
Subscribe to my OF! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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“What do you mean I’m kicked out?” I asked Clarke and Bellamy. 
“Y/N, you’ve been a danger to the camp.” Bellamy said with his arms crossed. 
“A danger? I’m a damn healer!” I shouted. 
“And half of the people in our infirmary are because of you!” He shouted back at me. 
“Enough!” Clarke shouted, stopping anything before it started. 
“Y/N, Bellamy’s right. You’ve been fighting everyone in camp and with the Grounders wanting to kill us, we need to think of the bigger picture.” She said and I scoffed. 
“Ya know what? I don’t even care anymore. Screw all of you and I hope the Grounders kick your ass!” I shouted and stormed out of the dropship. I went to my tent and grabbed my shit then left without another word. Those assholes can kiss my damn ass. 
*One Month Later*
I was out hunting in the snow. I don’t entirely remember how I got here, but I was alive so that’s all that matters. I had the perfect angle on the deer I was hunting when all of a sudden a scream scared it away. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I groaned. I decided that I should run and see who was screaming. Maybe someone from camp got lost and I could fix them up, it was the damn doctor in me… If I heal them maybe they’ll see I’m not as bad as everyone says I am! I pushed myself to run faster and found a man leaning against a tree with a serious wound in his stomach. I’m honestly surprised his guts weren’t falling out. I kneeled down by his side and quickly pulled out my supplies. 
“Who are you?” He asked with a groan. 
“I’m here to help, who are you? What happened?” I asked as I started to work on his stomach. 
“I am Roan, Prince of Azgeda.” He answered then hissed in pain. 
“Don’t move, I need to disinfect it before I stitch you up. Here, bite on this.” I said and pushed a cloth into his mouth. He bit down on it and continued my work. It took about a half hour to patch him up enough to get him somewhere safe. 
“Where did you learn to do that?” He asked as we were walking through the forest. 
“My Father was a doctor, he taught me everything I know.” I answered with a small smile. 
“Your Father taught you well.” He said, returning my smile. 
“Up ahead, there’s a small cabin I found, I’ve been staying there.” I said and pointed at the building ahead. He nodded and the two of us quickly but carefully made our way into the cabin. I laid him on the bed and checked his wound again. 
“If you’re a Prince, what are you doing out here alone? Shouldn’t you have guards with you?” I asked. 
“I was banished so my people could join with the Commander.” He said sadly. 
“Your parents banished you?” I asked shocked and he nodded sadly. 
“Why are you out here on your own?” He asked and I bit my lip. 
“Same reason you are. I was banished because my people thought I was more dangerous than the Grounders.” I answered and his eyes widened slightly. 
“Why?” He asked. 
“I was a healer to my people, there weren’t many, but the two people that basically put themselves in charge kicked me out because I kept fighting people. Those people talked a lot of shit about me and I was just making sure they knew not to mess with me, turns out that putting your own people in the infirmary while at ‘war’ isn’t a great idea.” I half laughed. 
“How long have you been out here?” He asked. 
“About a month, maybe a little more.” I shrugged. 
“You’re strong.” He smiled and his eyes slowly started to close. 
“Get some rest, I’ll check on you in the morning.” I said and walked off to make myself food. 
*Another Month Later* 
Roan had healed well. He was strong and wanted to get better. He was actually a very good patient and did everything I asked of him. The two of us got to know each other while he was healing and he was amazing. At first he was pretty reserved and hesitant to let me into his life, but eventually he opened up to me. He was sweet with a very strong sense of loyalty. When he was finally better I thought he would just leave, which broke my heart at the thought, but he stayed. He explained to me how he was a bounty hunter and asked me to join him on his adventures. I had agreed, but we always ended up coming back to the cabin we now claimed as ours. The two of us knew we had developed feelings for one another, but we never fully confessed. Sure we acted like a couple, but it was never solidified. That was until we got snowed in our cabin with no way of leaving. 
“I suppose it’s good that we got extra food yesterday when we were out.” I said and Roan smiled. 
“I suppose you’re right.” He said and joined me in the bed. Roan pulled me towards him and I rested my head on his chest. We sat in silence, revelling in the warmth that our bodies gave to each other. After a few minutes Roan pulled my face up to look at him and he did something unexpected. He held my chin with two of his fingers and gently kissed me. I was breathless when he broke away, his eyes shining as he admired me. 
“What was that for?” I whispered. 
“I just finally got the courage to confess how I feel.” He said and I smiled with a slight blush dusting my cheeks. 
“I feel the same way.” I said and kissed him again. The kiss started off as sweet and loving, but it quickly turned hotter. The two of us were feeling each other’s bodies and enjoying the feelings. When Roan dipped into my pants I pulled away. 
“Wait, I’ve… I’ve never done this before.” I said, blushing deeply and looked away. Roan grabbed my face and made me look at him. 
“Let me teach you. We’ll be nice and warm after.” He said with a small smirk. There was something about Roan that made me trust him with all of my heart. 
“Okay…” I whispered. Roan pulled my shirt off and then my pants were quick to follow. My arms immediately went to cover my chest. 
“What about you?” I asked. He smirked and rid himself of his clothing, naked. Roan gently pried my arms from my chest and smiled. 
“Beautiful.” He hummed and kissed me, making my cheeks turn pink. 
“No need to be shy, Y/N.” He promised. He gently pushed me to lay on the bed and his lips went to my chest. 
“Roan…” I breathed, lacing my fingers into his brown hair. He pulled my underwear from me and looked up at me for consent. I gave him a small nod and he moved to my entrance. The sensation was overwhelming as his cock entered my pussy for the very first time. Delightful flashes of tingles coursed through my body. It felt amazing, until he broke through the one thing that indicated I was indeed a virgin. I grunted at the sharp burst of pain in my pussy. He held still, deep within me. 
“Are you alright? Did I hurt you?” He whispered in my ear. My breathing was fast and shallow as I felt my walls absorbing his shaft. The sharp pain dulled to an ache, but was slowly overcome by a heavenly feeling of fullness. The tingles from him pressing against my clit increasing as his body moved subtly with each of his deep breaths. 
“It’s okay… I’m fine.” I finally whispered. Roan’s hips pulled back slowly, his gaze still concentrated on my face, probably looking for any signs of pain. He stopped with the head of his cock placed just in the entrance on my pussy. He teased me for only a moment, making me moan and grip the sheets. 
“Please don’t tease.” I begged. 
“Sorry love.” He said and pushed back inside me. One of his hands found my clit and I arched my back as he played with it. My muscles eased, allowing the pain to dissipate. Roan’s thrusts began to build pressure in my stomach and stars in my eyes. The soft pleasure washed over me with ease. My breaths were coming out in shallow stutters as I tried to hold back my orgasm. I was throbbing around Roan and he could feel every second of my building pleasure. 
“Roan, fuck!” I choked out as I withered on the bed. 
“Harder, harder please!” I begged, squeezing my eyes shut. Roan leaned down, capturing my lips in a messy but loving kiss as he did what I wanted. The ache in my every muscle released all at once. A shudder ran through my body as my orgasm took over me. 
“You look so beautiful when you cum like that.” Roan praised, and it only made it better. Roan pulled my legs over his shoulders and hit a deeper spot inside me. 
“Oh my God!” I shrieked. My back arched off the bed as Roan slid into me with the deep, angled thrusts. My moans were loud, escaping my lips with every other thrust he made. His hips rolled against mine with his hand still trying to pull another orgasm from me. I gripped the sheets tighter as I jolted upward from his powerful force. 
“Oh fuck! Roan!” I screamed, pleasure bursting through my veins. I was cumming for a second time tonight.
“Oh Y/N!” He moaned as he came inside me. I whined when he pulled out of me. He gave a small chuckle and pulled me into him under the blanket. 
“Warmer?” He asked and I nodded. 
“That was amazing.” I sighed happily. 
“We can do that as often as you want.” He smiled and I captured his lips in a kiss. 
“I think I want to do that all the time.” I said and he laughed. 
“Whatever you want, my Princess.” He said and I smiled. This was what earth was all about. This was my new start.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs-blog1​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches28​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @rachelxwayne​ @emo-godess-loves-you​ @now-imagine​ @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @vanessa-kom-skaikru​
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larrydaleydaily · 2 years
Not with You pt.2
Pairing: Michael Morbius x Reader
Summary: Michael makes good on his promise to take you home after a long day at work, but only after completely changing the way that you look at your own studies.
Wordcount: 4.2k-ish? idk I got carried away (Tolkien-style writers, UNITE!)
A/N: Holy crow, thank you for all of the love on pt.1!! I kept screaming every time I got a new notification, I'm so glad you all like it. Once again, shoutout to my beta reader- @cynicalsquib I swear to Anakin that I know what floor-to-ceiling is, and that it is not the same as floor-length. BTW, every name I mention in this fic is a real comic character, go look 'em up!!
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Jurgen Muntz was the brilliant mind behind the engineering marvel “Apogee 1”, the central low-orbit extraterrestrial information node for Horizon Labs that magnifies the shared bandwidth of every researcher in the building. Otherwise known as the company’s satellite hub, the station was a point of pride in Horizon, so you all had to be sure to refer to it with its full title anytime you needed to mention it. Muntz was not a world-renowned mechanical engineer, and likely felt like he was constantly in competition with the Nobel, MacArthur, and Booker prize-winning employees that littered the lab floors. Which is how you felt, at least sometimes. In order to keep up with the rest of the geniuses in your respective proximities, both of you had to compensate for your lack of trophies and awards somehow, and you settled on two similar approaches; You allowed yourself to be pulled in every direction at once by your coworkers, while Muntz was forever tagging along with the techs and adding his actually quite valuable input to their projects, even (and especially) when he was not asked to. So, when Michael had thrown around the idea of a vehicle that he could drive with just his hands instead of pushing pedals with his feet, which often wouldn’t respond the way he wanted them to, Jurgen lept immediately into action. Filling more than five dry-erase boards, two of which were not his to use, with theoretical schematics, carbon printing special parts and fitting them into a shell car for testing, and spending over two years developing the correct balancing for the system of pulleys that would accelerate or slow the car, Muntz was insatiable. Bordering on crazy, a condition apparently necessary for working at Horizon, he worked incessantly to build this masterpiece of accessible machinery. All of this was according to the good doctor himself, though, so this may be a little dramaticized for your benefit. 
“He truly didn’t work on anything else the whole time. He’s a very dedicated man, incredibly skilled, too.” Michael was bordering on preaching by the time he finished explaining how he came to possess a car that he could drive himself with. He had begun this minor sermon while the two of you walked to his office to collect his laptop so that you could go home. After shoving his things into a small leather cross-body satchel, he went to throw it over his shoulder before being met with resistance, which was actually you grabbing the strap of the bag to prevent his movement. You stared at each other for a second, he at you out of confusion, and you at him as a sort of challenge. After letting a strange silence consume the pair of you, you tugged the bag from his hands, broke eye contact with him, and slipped it around your neck, settling it against your hip. Readjusting your own bag to compensate for the new weight, you rolled your shoulders to test the new bag’s effect on your balance and looked back over at Michael. He looked downright perplexed at your action, which you guess was fair. You had never really been overly familiar and presumptuous with Michael like this, staying in the very neutral zone of ‘more-than-coworkers’ and ‘not-quite-friends-enough-to-hang-out-away-from-work’, where the guidelines of interaction with him were clearly defined and you were comfortable. But, you figured, if he offered to drive you home, something that he never did for anyone, you could be a little forward. 
His eyebrows were knit together, pairing with a slightly befuddled frown to give him the visage of a man who was carefully evaluating the correct response to what had just happened. You gave him a small encouraging, if a tad embarrassed, smile, rocking a little on your heels as you awaited his response. Something seemed to pull him from his thoughts as he slowly blinked a few times, each one easing the confused expression from his face. He seemed to accept your action, gifting you a small, pleased grin in return, and twisted to collect his crutches from where he rested them when he had sat to gather his things. Straining a bit, he eased himself back onto his feet and swung himself to face the door of his lab. He fixed you with a strange look that made you feel like one of the specimens you studied diagrams of, vulnerable and entirely dependent on his next words.
“Lab One!” The lights went out.
“Wait, now we can’t see,” you deadpanned.
“Yes, that’s the state of being we tend to call ‘darkness’,” he quipped at you, mirth lacing his voice to create the addicting sound you adored hearing.
“Well, can you turn them back on? I don’t know your lab as well as you do.” There was silence for a moment, not long enough to put you on edge, but just enough for you to feel the pause in the conversation and wonder if you had said something wrong. Oh god, had you?
“Lab One!” Lights on. Good. He was looking at you with a suppressed smirk, eyes trained on your face. You would not give him the satisfaction of knowing that you had been starting to question yourself in the face of his silence. “Sorry, I forgot that you don’t spend much time in here with me. You’re always bothering my patients so much that I keep thinking that you’re constantly around.”
Now that had you questioning everything you had ever done in his presence. Did you really not spend enough time with him? What could you do to remedy that? Should you abandon every other researcher in the building? You very easily could, and just hang around Floor Six with Michael and Martine, spend every day playing chess with Anna, help nurse Kristen with her rounds, Michael with his experiments….
“Hello? Earth to Doctor Bambi?” Michael was waving one of his large hands in your face, which your eyes focused on, though you don’t recall your vision blurring and unfocusing in the first place. “Welcome back. Where did you go just then?” he asked.
“I’m- I was just thinking about the projects I’m working on with everyone, what I’ve been doing for the last couple of months. I guess I didn’t realize how busy I’ve be- WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE! What did you just call me?” Your voice trailed off into a mortified whisper, praying that the next sentence out of his mouth wouldn’t damn you to humiliation. His eyes screwed shut as he let out a deep, rich, good-natured chuckle at your rapid flip through emotions. 
“I overheard Martine and Dr. Parker referring to you as Bambi while they were talking about his experiment with the Cryo Cube. I tried to ask her what the nickname meant, but she just kind of… very guiltily clammed up about it. It just fits you, I suppose,” he breathed out after a moment. You let out a relieved sigh despite yourself and grimaced at the thought of Martine spilling your secret. She would never, but the fear of Michael knowing still gripped the edges of your heart. The sudden change of your demeanor did not go unnoticed by the eerily observant doctor, but he said nothing. You eventually nodded, looking towards the door of the lab, suddenly wishing you could run from this situation to get a grip over your feelings again. Michael seemed to catch on to your need to go, wordlessly moving forward until he stood just inside the entrance of the lab, where he stopped and turned to you.
“Are you coming?”
Your body moved towards him before you could even comprehend his question, sliding past him out into the dimly lit hallway. You had the distinct feeling that he was watching your every move, but you refused to verify your hunch. 
“Lab One!” Lights off.
A far more comfortable silence settled over you two in the elevator ride down to Lab Floor Two, where your office sat, tucked away into a little corner of the building. Both of you stepped out of the elevator, and you began to move towards your room, expecting that he would just stay where he was to limit unnecessary movement on his part. Very few rooms separated the elevator and your office, so the trip was swift, an exceedingly helpful feature when you needed to quickly hide in your modest safe space. Taking your little key ring out of your pocket, you fumbled for a second to find the right key from the ones that open various other doors in the building. Locating the proper one, you opened your door and stepped inside. A simple room, with no technology other than your computers and a tiny projector, physical charts littering the floor, posters of an assortment of creatures papering the walls, dully lit by the ambient lights of the city filtering through your massive windows. A feeling of dissatisfaction bubbled low in your chest, reminders of your long-forgotten project fogging your mind with memories of your passion for the cause when you had first started at Horizon. 
“Is that a sketch of a Chinese dragon?” Michael’s voice suddenly called out from directly behind you, causing you to jump halfway to the ceiling with a start.
 How can a man on crutches sneak up on someone like that? 
You turned to look behind you. He was standing just there, taking in every piece of information that your office lent in its current state of chaos. The fact that your actual desk seemed to be covered in a thin layer of dust did not escape him. 
You felt like he was reading you again, exposed for his analysis. Your eyes trailed over his eyes, his lips, his hands… You coughed, turning back to your disappointing excuse for a research space to find the poster he was talking about. It was a quick, stupid sketch you had done in your first semester as a zoology undergraduate, part of a little inside joke between you and a classmate.
“Yeah. A friend of mine and I argued that dragons could have existed, and probably did, given how widespread they were in ancient cultures, despite the fact that they had little contact with each other. When you consider that Native South Americans and ancient Mesopotamians had freakishly similar pictograms of a creature that had a large serpent body and flew, it just doesn’t entirely add up that there was no common creature that they could have been based on. We even developed our final project on the plausibility of fire breathing in reptiles, how it could happen biologically, and what dragons of any size would do to our environment,” You had to physically hold your tongue to stop this embarrassing little deluge. You moved through the small room, gingerly stepping over your forsaken research to reach your coat where it hung on its hook. “It’s childish, but we drew that together for the final, and I haven’t wanted to get rid of it yet. It makes me feel more connected with the rest of the world while I’m pretty much isolated to this building…” You expected some sort of teasing remark from Michael, and when none came you tipped your head over to look at him. 
He was still standing just outside your door, expression soft as he looked around at your decorations. The light from the hallway outlined him in a gentle glow, his hair was falling from its loose bun, and his shoulders were relaxed as he glanced about.
He looked so beautiful. 
He hummed a little in thought, finishing his appraisal of your office by looking back at you, questions already forming behind his eyes as he looked at you very fondly.
“That’s not childish. I mean, it's not a good drawing, but it's endearing that you still have it. It doesn’t look like you come in here very often to appreciate it, though,” he murmured, statement ending in a questioning tone, not pushing you to answer but leaving it open if you wanted to. You bobbed your head in agreement with his assessment, looking anywhere except at him.
“I have no reason to. My work is… not as important as what the rest of you are doing. I’d rather assist than do this nonsense.”
“Nonsense? Nonsense,” he grinned at his own wordplay, “you wouldn’t be here if Max didn’t believe in your work. Which makes four people, at least, that trust your research.” His eyes were downright sparkling, the usual piercing blue warming with gentle affection. 
“Four?” “Max, Martine, Anna, and myself, of course.”
You couldn’t stop the blush that erupted from your cheeks and spread down your neck and chest. His praise put you on cloud nine, but you knew, deep down, that you didn’t really deserve it.
“That’s sweet, but you don’t even know what I’m working on,” You protested, “I haven’t told anyone except the Board of Funding, which you were banned from, if I remember correctly.”
He rolled his eyes.
“Well, then tell me what your project is,” he prompted, ignoring your bait to distract him away from his inquiry. You felt at a loss, looking around your office desperately for something to make a joke of to stop this line of conversation. Unfortunately, there was nothing that wouldn’t lead to more questions, and you could tell from the look on Michael’s face that he wouldn’t be deterred.
“It makes me a little uncomfortable sharing my proposition with anyone, especially when everyone else in this ant colony is a genius that is working to save lives, so please bear with me. A little while ago, a geologist colleague of mine came to me with some odd seismic activity radiating from the Arctic circle. When I say radiating, I’m using that word intentionally, because the waves of quakes were increasing in strength, coming from one specific location in the glaciers. She asked me if I had come across anything like that in my field research on tundra habitats, and I hadn’t. The only explanation we came up with was that an underground magma pit was getting closer to erupting into a volcano, which is ridiculous because we already know of all of the volcanic activity in the Arctic. We decided to take a trip out to the spot of origin to investigate, and when we got to the right location we thought we had gotten it wrong, that there was a mistake with our navigation, because we had stumbled onto a large, populated den. Polar bears, right? Nope. Both of us swear that this creature was an amalgamate of several animals, at least a strange combination of feline and canine, with some weird tentacles that looked like roots or vines rather than actual tentacles. It was blue, green, purple, red, every brilliant color of the fucking rainbow, and, thankfully for us, asleep. We didn’t even dare to get a picture of it for fear it would wake up, so we just left. We ran. Quietly. And quickly, because there is no way that it existed there alone and we really didn’t want to know what it was at the moment. Now, though, I need to know. We’re not crazy, we didn’t imagine it, but a creature like that has never existed on this planet. My research is trying to figure out what the hell it was… Is? I don’t even know if it’s still alive. But I have to know. The only problem is that I can’t focus on what I’m doing when the answer wouldn’t help sick people, wouldn’t stop climate change, or dictatorships, or help refugees. So, I help you guys, the ones who are making a difference.” You hadn’t realized that you had begun to hyperventilate during that rant, but you were suddenly very aware of your racing heartbeat and burning lungs as you met Michael’s gaze. He looked very concerned.
“Breathe,” his voice was filled with professional surety, “I’m not here to withdraw your funding, so please relax. Please, breathe.”
At his gentle behest, you closed your eyes and filled your lungs with one deep, slow breath, exhaling even slower in an attempt to calm your body. 
“I’m sorry,” you sighed as you regained yourself.
“Don’t be. It’s intriguing. You seem very passionate about it, and I hope you can get back to your research soon,” he paused for a moment, “Your work doesn't mean any less because it’s not directly saving lives. Who knows? Maybe that creature has antibodies that can cure cancer, or a sentience that can rival ours. No one will know until you keep at it.”
You could feel your throat tightening as Michael allayed your anxieties about your place in Horizon. It wasn’t enough to immediately push you back into your work, but maybe… It couldn’t hurt to come to your office for a few hours tomorrow morning. 
You sputtered out a quick thank you before your emotions could overcome you in front of him, slinging your coat over his bag at your side. Shuffling some papers, shutting the blinds, and powering off your computers, you prepared yourself to go home for the night. You approached the door, and Michael stepped to the side to let you out, once again studying your movements. You locked your door, and motioned towards the elevator with a hand. 
Finding yourself back inside the little metal box, you realized, again, how little you knew what was happening.
“Where is your car? What kind is it? Is it in a garage near here?”
He laughed.
“Handicap parking, Bambi. Right out front.”
Oh. Duh.
You pushed the button for floor one, the legal and financial floor, conveniently also where the entrance to the building was. 
Pushing your way through the turnstiles that lined the reception area, you took notice of how many people were still chatting away, even though it was getting kind of late to still be actively working. Michael had stopped for a second to talk to one of the other medical doctors, claiming that he needed their help with a possible experiment. While you waited, you let your eyes drift around the large room. It was really quite a beautiful space, vaulted ceilings, gold gilding, floor-to-ceiling windows. You were about to wonder if it violated your NDA to take a picture of the reception when someone tugged at your sleeve.
“Peter! What are you still doing here? Didn’t you work all night last night?” You questioned your friend who, indeed, looked like he really needed to sleep.
Wrapping an arm around your shoulders, Peter shook his head.
“I’m fine. Just really need to keep working so that I can finish my assignment. Plus, she won’t let me into the apartment until I admit that her leftovers are not mine to take,” he scowled. This “she” was Peter’s long-time friend, newly-declared girlfriend that he was absolutely head-over-heels in love with. 
“Well, forget the project, the cube isn’t going anywhere, first. Second, just apologize? And don’t eat her food without asking?”
“She made stir fry, how was I supposed to not eat it? And I HAVE apologized, but she keeps hanging up on me.” “Are you seriously telling me that you’re apologizing over the phone, Peter Parker?”
He looked sheepish at that.
“DUDE!” You may have said that a little too loudly, because a handful of nearby people, including your good doctor, turned to you to find the source of the sudden outburst. “Dude,” you dropped your voice. “Get your ass home and apologize in person.”
He had the good sense to look ashamed that he hadn’t considered that was the problem. Chewing the inside of his cheek, he nodded slowly.
“Yeah, okay. Yes, yes. I will go do that immediately now. Thank you, Bambi,” He squeezed your shoulders and brought you in for a quick hug before practically sprinting back through the turnstiles and up the stairs to his lab, presumably to gather his things to go home. 
“Hey, meet me in my office tomorrow morning! And I hate that that nickname spreading!” you called after him. I don’t even like that movie, it’s too sad. 
You watched your friend’s receding back, oblivious to the sour look that briefly decorated Michael’s face as the image of Peter’s arm around your shoulders burned itself into his brain. He rushed through the end of his conversation with his colleague, bidding them a good night, and quickly returned to your side.
“Are you ready to go?” He asked, searching your eyes for your response. 
You nodded, nervous excitement flooding your neurons at the prospect of being in a car with Michael. Alone. Where no one else had ever sat. 
Stop that. 
“Yes, please,” Good god, why did that sound so desperate. 
You held open the door for Michael as he passed through, which he normally hated, but he knew that you were doing that out of politeness, not pity. He pulled his phone from his pocket, and tapped a few times until one of the cars parked in front of the building beeped, lights flashing.
“Is your phone your key, essentially?” You had to ask, 
He nodded, a slightly prideful smile parting his lips. 
“Start, stop, locks, lights, heating or A/C, and a couple of other things, thanks to Jurgen’s work.”
You silently mouthed a ‘woah’ as you admired the car itself. You knew Michael wasn’t really into showing off his wealth, but his car was clearly a different story. It was a sleek, steal gray two-seater with suicide doors and no visible trunk space. This was a car for fun, not necessarily function.
“This is the body Jurgen settled on for his ingenious invention? Not exactly covert, and definitely not your style, doctor,” you needle Michael a little for this flashy display. 
Another eye roll from him as he tapped a few other buttons on his phone to open the doors. 
“Yeah, yeah.”
“In you get, Bambi, let’s get you home.”
You took of your bag and his, sitting them on the floor of the passenger side, and then sat down before taking a look at the tinkered driving mechanism. It seemed as though there were two extra sort of lever-looking things mounted on the rear side of the steering wheel. 
“Are those your versions of gas and break? Like, you squeeze them while you steer to speed up or slow down?”
“Mhm. Exactly. It’s- it does the job, helps me feel less dependent on other people if I can transport myself around. Jurgen is working on a patent so this design can be mass-produced for other people with physical disabilities,” he answered after taking a few minutes to settle into his seat, turning to sit his crutches in the small space behind the seats.
He put on his seatbelt, and looked at you expectantly.
“Put it on.”
“You’re kidding me.”
“I’m not moving this car until you do, so no I am not.”
Scoffing, you reluctantly buckled up, feeling distinctly like a child under his watchful gaze. Upon hearing the little click of the mechanism, he appeared to be satisfied, and woke up the large dashboard screen in order to start the car. 
“I overheard you asking Dr. Parker to come to your office tomorrow morning,” he smirked, and you remembered that you had truly shouted that after Peter. “I take it that our little talk helped you a little? Reclaim that passion?”
You inhaled deeply, recalling Michael’s kind words of encouragement after your quite insane rambling. 
“Yeah, I’m going to ask for his help with putting together a team to survey that den. He works pretty closely with security, so I feel like he’ll have good input.”
He hummed in agreement as the car started up, a little bit of his previous confusion tainting his expression.
“I thought you didn’t like sharing your project with anyone?” “I- I don’t, but I need to get over that anxiety so that the people in this building know that I have my own work to be doing, that I’m not just some intern floating aimlessly around the departments.”
He nodded, putting the car into reverse to pull out of the spot. He began applying pressure to the winch on the right side of the wheel, and the car accelerated. You were just mesmerized. 
After a second of silence, he spoke again.
“Well, you shared your ideas with me, and you didn’t seem nervous about the idea itself, so at least you know you can do it.”
He seemed just as confident sitting behind the wheel here as he did when he was administering treatment to his patients, or speaking in front of crowds on behalf of medical research. You were watching his slender fingers flex around the modified wheel as he weaved through the insane lanes of Manhattan traffic, and totally lost any train of thought when he had to suddenly squeeze his left hand when some idiot cut him off, arm tensing, expression darkening in annoyance. 
You realized a second too late that he was waiting for a response. Tearing your eyes away from his hands to instead look at his face, you tried to remember what the hell he just said to you. 
“Oh, yeah, well. I just didn’t feel like I had to justify myself to you, you know? I don’t know, I didn’t feel as nervous this time. Not with you there. Not with you.”
Taglist (by specific request): @leyahwrites
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1kook · 4 years
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A COLLECTION  [ updated: 8 . 23 . 21 ]
— STATUS ONGOING — NO REPOSTS — ASKS under #ncouple ! — Copyright © 2021, 1kook on tumblr
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summary If you planned things right, you could rain down your raging displeasure on Jeon Jungkook right after the meal but before this proposed ‘Netflix and chilling,’ maybe dramatically throw your glass of wine at him, before storming out of his place and reporting him to the authorities (Namjoon) for his douchebag personality.  warnings smut in the forms of grinding, oral (f), cum eating, vanilla unprotected sex, dirty talk misc use of the oldest trick in the book (“your hands are sooo big”), shy oblivious AND gentleman jk? pick a struggle, brief ment of app developer kook, evil and conniving oc  word count 10.2k  posted june 12, 2020
summary But there’s more important matters to attend to than Jungkook’s Jersey Shore boner. warnings slight feelings of insecurity, smut in the forms of fingering, cunnilingus, cum eating, squirting, hand jobs, unprotected sex, riding, slight praise kink  misc if you’re not a Jersey shore fan honestly GET OUT, mentions of capitalism😡, more kind/understanding kook, basically a “what are we?” fic but silly, irresponsible emailing habits, its so dumb just read word count 6.3k posted july 4, 2020
summary The occasional dark horse candidate among Barbie movie binges— Jungkook gets weirdly horny and fucks you to the tune of a classic Barbie movie soundtrack. warnings smut in the form of blowjobs, tit play, praise kink, standing sex, unprotected sex, reverse cowgirl (? kinda), daddy kink that morphs into ily kink misc  jk is an avid history channel viewer, jk hates Barbie movies ik we took an L today girls 😔, jk goes thru like 4 personality changes (commanding > soft > mean > in love), honestly idk what to tag it’s a mess, he’s still cheesy and romantic but also 👀 just read word count 9.8k posted august 5, 2020
summary You get a glimpse of the KissAnime screen for a good two seconds before about seven ads pop up. Another tab to a raunchy hentai website opens, and Jungkook groans. warnings mentions of hentai, smut in the forms of cunnilingus, masturbation (f), oral (f), use of a sex toy, fingering, nipple play, face sitting/fucking/riding idk (f), praise kink, hints of dumbification, cum eating, jk is like passive aggressive in this one, 4 (f) orgasms, this is the kicker: sub kook at the end😳, like 2 sec of dom yn lol, & u get 0.002 sec of adams apple kink misc more dumb story lines, made up sex stores bc my creativity knows no bounds, Jungkook plays nice but is actually mean for the majority of it, once again doyeon plays a pivotal role in the furthering of women empowerment, internal love monologues about jk best boy<3 word count 8.2k posted september 1, 2020
summary There’s a pounding on your door a little past noon, so hard and rough, that you almost think it’s the police finally coming to catch you for all your years of illegally pirating Phineas and Ferb. It’s not. It’s just a really drunk boyfriend wailing for your forgiveness at the door.   warnings arguments, feelings of insecurity, bit of asshole jk, smut in the forms of humiliation, dumbification, choking, fingering, spit kink, self punishment (? idk lol), unprotected but [ passionate ] sex, jk losing his cool, the return of mean jk, desperate jk, he is actually an emotional mess in this one wtf misc angst, anniversaries, the L word😳, app developer kook, rip ‘pretty girl’ </3, we all become phineas and ferb stans word count 13k posted september 9, 2020
summary You would like to personally thank every loud-mouthed, ESPN commentator out there for saving you from Jungkook’s dangerous seduction skills.   warnings smut in the forms of brief femdom, handcuffs, nipple clamps, blindfolding, flogging/use of a riding crop, soft dom kook, cunnilingus, spitting, unprotected but passionate, degradation, as always it starts horny n then turns into I love u kink misc kook has a swollen ankle so idk how he did all this, jk abuses the fuck outta pet names part 7, revenge gone wrong tbh, this was honestly a beginner’s intro to vanilla bdsm word count 12.7k posted september 14, 2020
summary You can’t believe this is Jungkook’s preferred sick day treatment; YouTube, cuddles, and an ugly amount of lube. warnings smut in the forms of nipple play, handjobs, spit kink, face riding, unprotected, flavored warming lube, riding, praise kink, soft femdom, missionary bc his eyes are pretty, tit sucking, tit fucking, more jk has an impreg kink, oh and this is all subby kook misc domesticity baby!! fluff, soft scenes /.\, jk is sick:((, doyeon is A Doctor, yn sees an opportunity and she grabs it, surprise ending <3 word count 8.7k   posted september 30, 2020
summary Just like in those Viki dramas Jungkook likes, the world around you is enveloped in shades of pink and red, kisses and hearts, so many goddamn roses it makes you sneeze. It’s absolutely perfect— nothing could possibly go wrong when there’s so much love in the air.   warnings a little hurt + a lot of comfort, mentions of cheating!villain!jin, insecure!kook, emotional breakdowns, mentions of jk’s lonely past, jk cries :( smut in the forms of making out, eating out, fingering, clit play, hickeys, jk likes cum, double orgasm, squirting, tiny praise kink, blindfolding, rough + unprotected sex, doggy style, choking!!!, breeding/impreg kink, JEALOUS KOOK, mini hand kink, a lil bit of spanking, degradation, he gets progressively meaner lol oc cries, jk is a good boy n I want him to be happy   misc there’s a lot of fuckin plot omfg -_-, it’s Valentine’s Eve!, doyeon makes Some Points, mentions of park seojoon juicy ass, they go on a d8 😳, oc like rlly wants to marry him, oc commits double phone homicide word count 16.3k posted january 14, 2021
summary “I wanna watch Solange in Bring It On,” Jungkook smiles, and you have to wonder who exactly this blond man is and what he did with your teen-movie-hating boyfriend.   warnings smut in the forms of kissing, cunnilingus (eating out + fingering), light praise, a lil body worship, jk fat cawk, brief nipple play, playful jk, unprotected sex, riding and missionary, the jk hand kink, I love you kink, jk wants nudes, jk’s cheerleader fantasies mentioned, spit kink, light choking, jk has like a scent kink (?), mention of collars and pet play misc app developer jk becomes even MORE app developer-y, oc is anti-google, there's plot, a 2 year anniversary, Solange knowles appreciation, BLOND JK!!!, gets sappy for a sec, seahorse marriage mention, doyeon x joon side pairing, jk is disgustingly dreamy and oc is threatened by that fact word count 10.7k posted march 23, 2021
summary Never mind the fact you really like Sailor Moon, or that you really want to pay attention to every little detail; the moment becomes Jungkook and his big smile and his red cheeks and the tiny box he produces from within his pocket. warnings smut in the forms of making out, jk nipple play, some 69 action, cunnilingus, blowjobs, brief choking, jk trying his best to listen to oc but he doesn’t rlly :/, fingering, missionary bc his eyes are pretty, unprotected fuckin raw, its romantic but when is it not… misc fluffy and domestic <3, weekend getaway <3, the Big Question, shy jk, sailor moon supremacy, jk makes this big elaborate speech about the sun and moon, mentions of 240p YouTube quality word count 8.7k posted may 21, 2021
summary Never mind your upcoming wedding, this was perhaps the greatest moment of your life— the day Jungkook sought out an anime on his own. warnings kissing, smut in the forms of cunnilingus, cum eating, mentions of anal, doggy style, unprotected sex with the intention of pregnancy, spitting, hand holding<3 misc the wedding night, Doyeon strikes again, jjk watches  jjk, oh no not twins word count 9.1k posted july 31, 2021
coming soon
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summary Jungkook will watch a thousand cheesy Christmas movies if it meant making you happy. (And maybe having his dick sucked.) warnings smut in the form of blowjobs, face fucking, cum facials, fingering, overstim, double orgasm, r*mantic sex, riding, unprotected, cream pies, jk does this weird thing where he licks her face yeah idk, jk loves seeing his gf cry, jk has an obsession with jizz   misc jk pov !!, eggnog slander, jk hates xmas movies, oc dresses like a sexy mrs claus, Elf !!, jk is in loooove word count 7.1k posted december 23, 2020
summary your first pregnancy through the lens of your husband warnings smut in the forms of penetrative sex, sex while pregnant, unprotected sex, tit play, cunnilingus, mutual masturbation, sticking the tip in and jacking off/cockwarming?, creampies, nose kink (? like she grinds against his nose), infatuation with scent, frottage/grinding, lactation kink, titluvr jk [bass boosted] misc married ncouple <3, domesticity, jk pov, mood swings, pregnancy, GIRLDAD!JK, DILF!JK, pregnant!reader, jk’s kids are virgos its true  word count 10k posted august 23, 2021
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— one.
summary Maybe Jungkook wasn’t always as cool and composed as you initially believed. But that’s okay, because you love him all the same.  word count 1.3k posted September 10, 2020
summary Even after all these years, all these doubts, and all this solitude that was really no one’s fault but his own, he still finds himself hoping that maybe you’ll be the one. word count 1k posted september 11, 2020
summary But Jungkook loves the sun. word count 1.5k posted september 12th, 2020
summary For the last ten minutes or so his mind has been bothered by one thing and one thing only— the hair that hung in his face. word count 800 words posted september 22, 2020
summary Startled and inexperienced, he can’t do anything but rub his hands over your back. “It’s fine, it’s fine,” he murmurs, even though it’s not. word count 1.3k posted september 22, 2020
SUMMARY Jungkook enjoyed pushing you down, indulging you in all your little fantasies, but he too had some he wanted to live out. WC 1.8k POSTED september 25, 2020
summary And lastly, Jungkook will bring it full circle by indulging you two in some good old fashion spooky sex where he nuts inside you because the only thing scarier than a scary movie is a pregnancy scare. It’s a perfect plan. word count 2k posted october 30, 2020
summary You always do this— always ask for more. You take and you take until there’s nothing left for Jungkook to give. But Jungkook is the same.   word count 1.9k posted december 28, 2020
summary “I think that, like— me and you? We’re like, totally destined,” you ramble, “you should, like, take my number! And maybe we can, like— Netflix and chill one of these days?” word count 2.2k posted january 8 2021
summary See, there’s no one in this world who ignores his house rules more than you. Even worse, there’s no one on this planet who can make Jungkook ignore his own rules like you do. word count 1.4k posted february 14, 2021
summary You’re too bright, too… there. His shell is too small. word count 1.2k posted may 3, 2021
summary Anyway, if it was up to Jungkook, Kim Doyeon would not be a member of the Engagement Ring Committee. word count 1.4k posted may 8th, 2021
summary Because for as much shit as you let him get away with, Jungkook is certain you’ll draw the line today.   word count 1k posted june 13, 2021
summary Jungkook needs you to know that you can always count on him. word count 1.3k posted july 6, 2021
summary It’s Jungkook’s teenage fantasy— being pushed down by a cheerleader. word count 3.1k posted august 9, 2021
— sixteen.
summary Your skin is warm and smells like sunshine. Jungkook can’t really explain it. (And also like the sunscreen you had doused him in earlier, but that isn’t as romantic.) word count 1.9K posted august 11, 2021
summary She looks his way and suddenly Jungkook is nineteen again, in his dorm, listening to the first person he ever thought he loved telling him he’s too much to handle. word count 1.6k posted august 18, 2021
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beautiful banners made for series!
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cute and cozy gif by the lovely @ladyartemesia​ 
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case-electris · 3 years
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having this not in ask format is abit weird tbh but here we are, ok but idk what to do for this, not really very romantic or anything cuz idk what to do but here
(@vourstellungphan have a tag cuz this is your request)
Naib Subedar x M! reader (who looks older than he actually is)
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You were new to the manor, naturally you had to do your introductions to people. Stuff like name, age, profession stuff like that. Apparently there was currently a duo hunter match going on so you would have to be introduced to the others later. One of these people taking part in the duo hunter match was naib, the mercenary and god rescuer (according to mike).
He seemed interesting to say the least. The doctor, emily, started ranting to you about how she was not looking forward to treating the wounds of the injured survivors when they came back, mentioning naib and how no matter if the hunter had something called "detention" he would still go rescue.
~ lets do some fast forward magic ~
The "duo hunter" match (no one bothered to explain what that was) was finally done. Due to everyone's reaction to seeing a new person you wondered how long was it since a new person walked in.
Once everyone that was injured in the match were patched up it was time for dinner. Again, the people in the manor were being lazy and had not told you where your room was (kreacher offered to bring you your room but he was told off for asking due to an incident that happened the last time kreacher attempted to do that which involved a flare gun)
You had wanted a chance to talk to the mercenary all day but you had no reason to, this seemed to be a good excuse. From what you knew the man didn't have a track record of being real creepy to the point that someone pointed and shot him with a flare gun.
"Hey, your naib right? think you know where my room is, no one bothered to tell me" The other man looked at you then said "i think, want me to take you there?" you didn't expect for his voice to be so nice, well really you didn't know what to expect.
You started walking down a long corridor when naib broke the awkward silents asking "your the new person, so might as well introduce yourself to me" so you started introducing yourself to the man, the same way as you did to everyone else "i'm y/n, i work as (your profession), i'm 21 years old-" you suddenly got interrupted by a confused naib "sorry repeat that- your 21?! i thought you were around my age something like 26-27 years old but i was wrong clearly"
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Naib doesn't care much about how old you are, he was just abit surprised when you said you were 21
you look alot older than you are and naib just thinks that makes you really cool
naib is just inlove with you ok? don't question it
The 2 of you intimated most other survivors and hunters (idk whats intimidating about two gay men looking swag but ok)
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