#idk how i feel about the last gif or the quality cause i had to change them last minute
carlsangel · 5 months
carl grimes x reader
(you notice carls hands.)
tags: slighttt suggestiveness methinks MAYBE IDK
masterlist here!
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Carl was beautiful, there was no denying that. It seemed all his features were absolutely perfect, although you admired him for all his other qualities obviously. You also couldn’t deny you had an infatuation with his hands. Yeah, that’s right, his fucking hands. You can’t say his hands aren’t something to marvel at.
You didn’t really realize how someone’s hands could be attractive but there was one day that caused you to notice. You were at his house in Alexandria and you were sitting at the table with him. He was teaching you how to clean your gun because weirdly that was a hobby of his he would indulge in when he was bored.
He instructed you and showed you how to do certain steps, how to take things apart and put them back together. While watching, you couldn’t help but notice how fucking pretty his hands were. They were relatively large but looked soft and comforting. You’d held his hand many times before, especially since you guys are dating but this realization opened your eyes in a new way.
“Are you okay?” he asked, looking at you weirdly. You realized you zoned out and have been staring at his hands for who knows how long. “Oh- yeah sorry. I guess I just zoned out or something.” You smile a little awkwardly before continuing to take apart your gun. You try to focus your attention on his instruction but considering you were handling a weapon you tried your hardest to focus on the task at hand. Which didn’t work out, he had to put it back together for you.
When both of you were done, you walked over to the kitchen to wash your hands of all the oil and whatever it is you used to clean your guns. Again, you couldn’t pry your eyes away from his hands. Seriously you feel insane, how have you not realized this before? Now you wonder what it’ll truly be like the next time he touches you. If we’re honest, a part of you really wants to taste-
“Hello? What is up with you?” Your thoughts are cut off by him once again. You try to muster up some sort of answer. “Just tired I guess.” You reply shortly. He looks at you a little longer, trying his best to decipher what is going on in that brain of yours. “If you need to talk about something you can talk to me, you know that right?” He looks at you intently and you’re completely frozen. You’re gonna have to say something at some point.
“It’s um…” You shut your eyes, building up the courage to actually say it out loud. “It’s your hands, Carl.” His eyebrows furrow and he looks down at his hands, expecting to see something wrong. “What?” He flips them over, looking at his palms and that honestly did it for you. “It’s stupid I don’t know how to explain it but-” The door to the house opens and you feel like you’ve been caught, you finish your sentence and go back to washing your hands as Carl greets whoever just walked into the door.
You feel so embarrassed, how are you meant to explain yourself? From then on, you helped prepare dinner and didn’t exactly have time to be alone with Carl. During dinner you felt ashamed but you didn’t let that stop you from staring at his hands. He might’ve noticed though, which was the only issue. You’d deal with it later.
Back in his room, you settled on the edge of his bed while you waited for Carl to finish getting ready for bed. You sat with your arms back, propping yourself up. When he was done, he walked over to you, standing between your knees and looking down at you. You sit up properly and look up at him. His gaze drops to your lips and he smiles. You continue to look up at him through your lashes which only pushes him the last inch he needed to lean down to meet your lips with a gentle kiss.
Oh my god your insides are burning from the inside out. (mine are tf) Carl prolongs the kiss by lifting his hand to hold your neck as he kisses you deeper. That was it, the touch you’d been waiting for since you noticed his hands.
He pulls away and he lets his hand linger on your neck as he smiles down at you. His hand glides up to hold the side of your face. “You’re so sweet.” He tells you, his thumb instinctively swiping over your lips. He keeps his thumb over your lips, wondering how far he could take it. His head tilts a little as he looks down at you and he slowly presses his thumb into your mouth. His head lifts slightly in awe at the fact you’re taking his thumb in your mouth. Now he knows.
“This is what you wanted?” He asks as you swirl your tongue around his thumb, sucking it gently. You nod as you look at him with his fucking thumb in your mouth, his breath faltering at the sight of your cheeks caving in. He could drop dead right then. You thought this was hot, sure. But he thinks it’s even hotter. He breathes in heavily.
“Jesus.” He murmurs. “You drive me nuts.” He slides his thumb out of your mouth and holds your chin so you’re staring at him.
“I’m well aware.”
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a/n: i’m feral for him and he’s not even real -_- whatever anyway i hope u guys enjoyedddd it’s kinda short so i’m sorryyy :( anon i hope u liked it thank u for requesting :P guys I WANT HIM! it’s so funny bc i was like going insane about this with mac abt his hands and like how he’d touch like a bit before i got this request so thank u
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
Evan Buckley & female reader - a fic where instead of the firetruck crushing buck’s leg, it crushes the reader’s leg instead and the reader is in the firetruck when it explodes and Buck & reader have been engaged for 2 years. Buck is worried and scared and panics when he sees the reader underneath the truck. He helps her through the physical therapy of getting back her leg strength and helps her through how she is told she may not be able to be a firefighter again.
lots of angst, heartbreak, sadness, anger, fluff too 💙
love ur 911 fics so much ❤️‍🩹
are you with me - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
a/n: i’m so happy you guys like my fics, i have plenty coming your way soon 🩶 btw this started off pretty strong and idk what happened toward the end w the quality
it’s never realized how much calamity one person can cause in such a large city. people get in their cars to go to work, they order a package, they stop at the store, and the last thing they expect is an explosion right at their feet.
over three million people in los angeles, and one forced 30 tons of weight onto y/n’s leg. it was just work. something she does every single day. of course, nothing in life ever remains the same, but this is really something you can never expect. you watch it in movies, or you hear about it in the news, only until it happens to you.
she knew the bones in her leg were crushed upon the impact, the engine thrown on its side. buck watched from a distance, being held back by the police. he would do anything for her. he wanted to tear this kid to shreds. he saw y/n’s broken leg under the truck and her head weakly lifting up. he could almost hear the pained gasps and whimpers from her lips. y/n, on the other hand, felt like she was in the center of the ring, the joke of this kid.
all the bystanders watched the scene unfold, the boy trying to summon the captain of the 118. it felt unreal. the noise and the truck shaking the ground they walked on.
buck thought he hallucinated the sparkling ring on y/n’s hand, somehow managing to remind him of the fight he was about to do. he vividly remembers the day he got down on his knee, bargaining the rest of his life to her and crying when she said yes. the whole team had been there, watching from a distance as her hand covered her mouth and lifted him from the floor. their wedding was being planned, every last detail needing to be perfect for the couple.
most people’s instinct would be to run away, but buck wanted to run toward the chaos. if y/n was there, so was he. his life mission has been to keep her safe, and knowing someone went out of his way to hurt her makes him go crazy. the exact moment that freddie was taken down with his overcomplicated vest, buck found himself running to her. he instantly fell onto his knees, seeing the ash and tears on her face close up.
she wished she couldn’t feel it, but she felt every part of it. she didn’t know anything. was her leg even connected to her anymore? buck moved himself closer to her so she could hear him over the murmuring of watchers.
“hey! hey, y/n,” he starts.
“it h-hurts so bad,” she whines, making him grimace himself.
“son of a bitch, ok. we’re gonna get you out of there, yeah?”
“please,” she begs, almost inaudible. buck stands up, calling for anyone he can to lift the truck off her, which was almost impossible with a few people around. hen was on the ground, connecting machines to y/n’s harmed figure.
“hang in there, y/n/n,” she says softly. “we’ve got you.”
despite his entire body weight being used to lift the ladder engine, it didn’t budge once. the only thing it did was echo the raw screams from y/n, poisoning bucks ears making his heart speed up. the adrenaline pumping through his system was making him think he could do it.
“do you have anything on the truck we can use for leverage?” eddie asks to a panicked bobby, trying to save one of his workers and best friends.
“it’s too heavy, it wouldn’t work,” bobby says as a light goes off in bucks head.
“more people,” he mumbles. “we need more people! hey! all of you, get over here and lift this!” he shouts at the mob of people observing the accident. not hesitating, the civilians sprint over and grab onto any part of the truck that they can.
y/n was in grievous pain, dreading the agony that would come when they finally lifted it. she was right, it was tormenting, releasing shrieks she didn’t know she had. before she could rethink everything, she was tugged from under and flipped onto her back. buck couldn’t peel his gaze away from the blood that has completely stained her pant leg and the parts of her leg that should be inside of it. complete shock and fear took over his body, but not enough to stand there with her the whole time. he watched chimney and hen bandage up her leg and move her into the ambulance, where buck sat next to her. hen was in the back with him, chim being the designated driver. unfortunately, y/n had been awake for the entire experience. from the second the engine flipped, to the second she was lifted into the ambulance. as much buck was grateful that she was awake, he almost wanted her to pass out. she wouldn’t have to endure this much pain, despite the morphine kicking in.
y/n’s hand twitched in bucks, “buck?” she grumbles out.
“y/n,” he makes note of her panicked state. “i’m here, you’re ok. i’m not going anywhere, honey.”
“someone should tell the city that we need a n-new truck,” buck laughs at her mind and how it works before running a hand through her hair.
“you don’t have to worry about that,” says buck. “you have no idea how relieved i am that you’re ok.”
“we’re getting married soon,” she realizes. “shit, we were supposed to get married soon-“
“shh, it’s all gonna work out, ok?” buck reassures. “i’d marry you no matter what, broken leg or not.”
“i promise.”
the hours sitting in the waiting room were grueling. maddie had left to be with buck, watching the entire scene go down on the news. even her heart ached, watching someone she already considers family have to face something like this. the whole team was anxiously waiting for the surgeon to come out and say she’d be ok. she held them together like a true family, being the most stable relationship they had. she was the part of the station that made their bond unbreakable. watching her vulnerable condition under that truck was almost intolerable. the time that she wasn’t in work felt like a missing puzzle piece.
weeks had passed since the bombings of LA, and buck had been there every single day. in sickness and in health, he hasn’t said the words out loud, but he swore to that since the day he met her. he knows that she would do the same exact thing for him, and he would spend every single day helping her.
y/n felt completely isolated in their small apartment, barely being able to leave the first floor. she craved work, she desperately awaited the day that she could return, but the injury in her leg hadn’t resolved. no matter how many times she tried to convince herself, she didn’t know if she’d ever be a firefighter again. at some point, she almost envied her fiancé for being able to go to work. he felt so bad for her, just wanting to give her her life back. the weekly doctors appointments were draining her of almost everything she had, every single one proving nothing. nothing that meant anything. the situation was completely out of anyone’s control, and she had consumed so much anger about it. anger at the doctors, the therapists, the kid, the 118, everyone around her.
buck was forced to sit back and watch, to act as a shoulder to cry on. he was the third crutch, the person she leaned on when she couldn’t stand on her own. there was no way in hell she could’ve done it alone. buck was the one to drive her to every appointment and helped carry some of the burden.
at the end of the day, there were two things that scared y/n the most. losing buck and losing her job. the two things that got her out of bed and the two things that gave her a true meaning. as time passed and every request to be back at work was denied, she swore her heart hurt more than her leg.
“y/n?” buck called out after arriving back home. she had been on the couch, watching another drama series about firefighters. “hi, how are you doing?” he asked when spotting her in the living room. she didn’t respond, just looked at the television with the volume low. he went and sat next to her.
“what’s wrong? did something happen?”
her eyes had already been bothered from tears of anger and frustration, and he could clearly see that with his own. “they called again.”
“wasn’t the answer you wanted?”
“i have been pushing myself every day for approval, and i have not gotten anything for it,” she says, dryly. “i have been killing myself to go back to what i love and why am i not getting anything?” her voice cracks.
“listen,” he tries to distract her from her own negativity and forces her to look at him. “i know you’ve heard this a million times, but you have to let yourself take the time to heal. if you go back too soon, you’re going to make it worse.”
her nose scrunches at bucks words, causing her to sniffle as he continues. “i know, it sucks, and i am so, so sorry. it’s just that none of us want to see you do more harm than good. we need you back as a firefighter, but i need you back to normal first. you’re worth so much more than this, and this injury is not going to take you out, we all know it.”
y/n opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out besides the small beginning of a word. she knows he’s right, but having to come to terms with that is the hardest part of it all. she begins to cry lightly again, her face in her hands as she leans forward. buck slides over, wrapping his arms around his distressed fiancé.
y/n took bucks advice, and now, she stands in the entrance of the firehouse. she walks in to see her uniform waiting for her in her cabinet, her gear untouched, and it feels like she was here yesterday. she feels at home here. buck follows her in, grabbing her hand and they restart the rest of their lives.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
hmmm... Whatabout modern!chubby!aegon learning that the reader has issues with eating? I feel like that could be an interesting little story. Like nothing all that serious, just that the reader often skips meals to get to work earlier, or they cook Aegon dinner but don't leave much for themselves, because they want to make sure our precious babyboi is well-fed but don't care too much about themselves.
Aegon would notice this after a while, and lemme tell you he is NOT having it. Aegon grew up very spoiled, he's never been pressed for time when it comes to eating, nor has he ever dealt with food insecurity in terms of wealth (i.e. he's always had enough money to have 3 meals a day).
So Aegon decides he's gonna learn how to cook, so that he can wake up earlier than you and make you breakfast n things like that :)) you notice, and 1. It's the sweetest goddamn thing ever and you just wanna squish his chubby cheeks and give him kisses for it (cuteness aggression is a real thing, people), and 2. Seeing him in the kitchen with his stupid little apron, puttering around like a housewife kind of drives you CRAZY.
Maybe the reader literally pins him onto the kitchen counter and takes him like that, apron and all, while he's covered with sugar IDK
Aegon also becomes a bit of a hobby-chef because of this, which I think suits him so well. Little babyboi making a bunch of different dishes, asking the reader to try them out with a worried look on his face (he really values your opinion! 🥺). You always tell him his food is amazing though. You might hate seafood beyond belief, but when this boy makes you salmon the reader will eat the whole damn thing and tell him its michelin-star quality.
I can imagine he also puts on a bit more weight because of this. He's always been fluffy, but he maybe starts becoming a little insecure of himself? Like he doesn't quite know if you mind him being a little chubbier. That worry doesn't last long, cuz within 5 seconds, you're back home and squishing his cheeks and belly and laying your head on his soft thighs, and he realizes he really doesn't have to worry about it (with maybe some sweet reassurance from the reader?? Idk I love that shit istg 👀👀)
sorry this was so long! I just love hobby-chef chubby!aegon so I figured I'd spread the idea like a virus lmao 💚
GRRRRR bestie this is everything, some fluff for our fluffy boy <3 the detail in this was everything, I hope I give you justice!!!!
Seconds, Please?
PAIRING: Modern!chubby!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 3,357.
WARNINGS: mentions of eating disorder, mentions of self-inflicted fatphobia, swearing, dry humping, smut, size difference kink, hint of food play.
A/N - I need this domestic chubby man in my life so bad, please. apologies if I changed or added a few things, it all just came to me in the moment AHAHA <3
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Domestic bliss was true, and much to your cause, you were reaping the perks that naturally came with it. Aegon was a loyal, committed partner, a considerate soul, that although many underestimated his capability in a relationship, had proven otherwise...
"Babe, you barely ate your dinner last night, and now you're off to work without having eaten a proper breakfast-" He'd worriedly confessed, remaining seated at the small, circular dining table, his mouth partially full of syrup soaked waffles, as he obediently devoured the last gulp of his breakfast.
"Aeg, baby, I only just managed to whip up something for you. Couldn't leave my big boy to starve now, could I?" You tease, as you hastily gather your belongings in your tote, cutting his soft "but" as you bid him farewell, planting a fast, hard peck on the top of his short, platinum hair.
Aegon, much to his guilt, had only just recently begun to notice how little you ate, in comparison to him. The more it played with his mind, the more sinister the thoughts would become.
Had you developed an eating disorder, that he was so blissfully ignorant to all the signs? Allowing for you to endure such a thing...
Or was it, that you had grown ashamed of his overgrown size, that you felt the need to starve yourself?
Mayhaps, the stress of work and having to care for Aegon on top, your appetite had grown weary and lesser? All because he was selfishly indulgent with the affection and attention you spoiled him with...
He stopped midway to lifting the fork into his mouth to devour the final piece, closely gazing at the slice of the delectable waffle on his fork, that you'd so thoughtfully cooked for him, before throwing it back down on the plate shamefully. The intense guilt he felt brewing in the pit of his stomach, made it feel sinful to finish it. How could he, whilst you went about your day hungry? Connecting the dots, like a pieces to a puzzle, he'd noticed how recently fatigued you were, always desperate for a nap or an early night, often having finished work late from the law firm. These past few weeks, you'd been worked to the bone. The more he dwelled on your frail appearance, he'd come to realise just how weary and thinner you'd grown [not losing an abundant amount, although enough to see how loose your clothes had grown], along with the difference in size between yourself and him, was quite noticeable.
What would others think? That he was the culprit for his girlfriend's malnourishment? Him a 'greedy hog', binging and consuming everything and anything edible on sight, of course, there'd be none left for you to eat. Many of your excuses ranged from not feeling hungry at all [your mind too preoccupied with endless amounts of deadlines], or that you were too tiresome. And in the moments that you'd spared to eat, your appetite was shortcoming, and often you'd plea for Aegon to finish off your leftovers. Now he felt even more woeful, unlike before, the guilt would devour him inside out.
In conclusion... You were too good for him, he did not deserve you. Something needed to change, he did.
"No more fucking around, Aegon, fuck-" He brutally thought to himself, as he arduously heaved himself up: belly sated and full, a pudgy, sticky hand instinctively patted over his belly, as the other grabbed the dishes, placing it in the sink. He was intent on changing his outdated habits.
He could not do much to change his appearance overnight let alone in a few hours, nor was he keen to, if he was being frank. He knew you were quite fond of his new-found softness, having not complained thus far, he was not overly big. Your affections towards him would prove just how desirous you felt, on your behalf: the way his plush body would smother and pin against you when either of you felt a little frisky. And during the cold, winter nights, the way his extra padding and natural body heat would radiate, acting like insulation, as he held you tightly in his thick arms. You felt so incredibly secure. It was a feeling unlike any other, and he refused to take that away from you.
It was time he took charge...
"Aeg, I'm home!" You tiresomely call out, breathless as you walk in with your brimful bag and more paper work clutched desperately in your hands, more than what you had initially left home with.
Yet, no response in return.
You slowly linger through the hallway, as you remove your heels, adjusting the papers in your hand, before walking down.
"Aegon-" You worringly repeat once more.
Aegon was often at home most days of the week, for his family owned a wealthy, accounting business. Growing up rich and dependent, it seemed that Aegon grew accustomed to this comfortable lifestyle, and you truly couldn't blame him, he had no part. Although, his parents financially supported him even till now, and provided maids to attend to his needs during his youth, his parents remained absent: often he'd express his discontent with them, and rightfully so. However, he'd just messed up a huge investment opportunity, and was temporarily suspended, thus, he was at home for most of the time. Sitting around, finding solace in snacking to get by the long, lonesome hours, as he eagerly awaited for your return from work. Nonetheless, you had a soft spot for him, and tried to go above and beyond for him, to prove he did not need them anymore...
"In the kitchen-" He loudly yelled, followed by thunderous clangs of metal pots/plates. Your nerves began to set in, was the meals you often prepared for lunch and left in the fridge, not enough? Perhaps, this time they were not tasteful enough for him?
"Hey, baby-" He warmly coos, as he walks over towards you, planting a soft kiss on your flustered cheek.
"Sorry, I've made a bit of a mess, not used to where everything is. I promise, I'll clean it up once I'm done-" He pleas, as he walks back towards the oven where, what appears to be a freshly made pizza is brewing.
In silence, you gradually examine the surrounding and Aegon, himself. Although the kitchen was a rightful mess, used plates, sauce, chopped vegetables, pepperoni slices, and shredded mozzarella strands spread all over the counter, like some deconstructed art piece. And Aegon, donned in a white apron that was now completely soiled, with a smidge of what seemed to be flour across his cheek, your heart was full. Placing your bag just before the entrance to the kitchen, and the papers on a clear, clean spot of the dining table, you walk towards Aegon slowly, still focused on the sight before you.
"Aeg, W-What's the meaning of all this? Did you get hungry again? Was the lunch I made not enough?"
"No, no, Y/N. You've done plenty... In fact, more than enough, it's just-" Having wiped his hands clean with a dishcloth, his hands had reached over securely gripping you by the sides. Guiding you over towards a seat by the dining table, you sit down, as he plops himself on the seat beside you, as he pulls your chair closer towards him with ease.
"Y/N, I've noticed how little you've been eating these past few days. And if I'm being honest, it's worrying me, my love-" His soft, fleshy hands reach over to grip yours, firmly holding your small hands in his, as his thumb strokes your skin.
"I-Is there something I should be concerned about, because you know you can tell me anything, right? I-I just want to help you." His low voice breaks, stuttering with concern, as his troubled eyes remain fixated on you.
You can't help although smile, as you now return the gesture, giving a reassuring squeeze of Aegon's soft hand.
"Aeg, please, I am fine, truly. You have nothing to stress about. It-It's just work, I feel like I have no time to waste doing anything really. And I guess, I've been more focused on making sure you've been fed and tended to, than myself before work takes a hold of me... I just didn't want you to think I'd neglected you. Forgive me."
"Fuck, Y/N, what are you to be sorry for? I should be the one apologising... I've been such a hog, so blind to everything you've done-"
"Aeg, please-"
"Seriously, baby... You are just-[sighs], you're just a little too good to me, but I'm willing to change. That's why I did this, trynna' learn to cook for us, princess, so I can be the one taking care of you for a change..."
Nonetheless, Aegon remained true to his word. The home-made pizza he'd so lovingly yet chaotically made that night was a complete success.You teased whether he'd cunningly ordered out and acted as though he'd actually made it.
"Aeg, this- this is seriously so good. It's fucking delicious-" You excitedly exclaim in between each mouthful, as he anxiously awaits for your response by your side. At first, he was in denial, exclaiming that it was just out of niceties, or his beginner's luck in the kitchen. Although, pleading your case, like the competent solicitor that you are, your compliments earn an immediate, genuine smile from Aegon. Beaming across his plump face, his cheeks blushing a subtle tinge of pink, as this was a first for him, and rightfully so, it was an ultimate success.
In the months coming, Aegon had grown a hearty passion for cooking, especially because it meant he could provide for you. In his spare time, he'd been searching for various popular recipes/dishes he'd heard of. Other times, he'd ask for your preferences, finding out your favourite childhood meals, eager to reminisce your youth over dinner.
Eventually, he grew more confident with his skills and even began taking risks. Daring to cook meals with ingredients, he knew you were not typically a fan favourite of, and would avoid at all costs. He often always joked about how your eating habits resembled to that of a toddler.
As he was grown spoilt and with a cultured taste, he was acquired to most things, having dined in various, fancy restaurants and fed a range of diverse cuisines. Whereas, yourself, you were not so indulgent with different delicacies and palates. He was eager to change your mind, for he was not a picky eater at all.
You'd awake to your alarm that you'd set for your daily morning walks, blaring at your ear-side from the wooden bedside table, only to stretch and be met with a cold, empty bedside and Aegon missing. Although, the faint ruckus that followed, opening the bedroom door, to a distant bright, yellow light beaming from down the hallway from the kitchen, you'd follow, only to find Aegon hard at work in the kitchen.
"Sorry, princess, did I wake you up? I just was about to cook you something for breakfast and lunch on the go. I was just thinking to make you some salmon tonight for dinner, baby. I know, I know! It's not your favourite but I found this recipe, I'm really eager to try, and I thought you'd might like to... You know, helped to expand your horizons a little."
Although it took you much convincing, Aegon noticed the disdain look on your face, unpleased by his plans, you still caved in. Those puppy eyes with those cheeks, were irresistible, you could never deny him. And yet, Aegon's cooking never ceased to disappoint you thus far, so why turn away now? As much as you had been dreading the dinner, feeling your appetite growing weaker throughout the gruelling day at work, Aegon's salmon dish was shockingly delectable. The richness and zest of the salmon infused with the spices, combined so tastefully and the texture was just right, you could've sworn you'd moan, a visceral reaction from how good it was.
"Aeg, baby, what sorcery is this? How am I enjoying this, you know how much I hate seafood...And yet, this could so be worthy of a Michelin Star!" The bewilderment set in stone in your voice, as you politely cover your mouth with your hand. Aegon always made a habit of waiting for you to eat first, before tucking in himself. He was always anxious for your approval, only to be met with countless compliments, you felt like a broken record.
"Really, baby? You mean that?" He persists, as he picks up his own cutlery, keen to unveil the taste.
"Trust me, Aeg... If I didn't like it, you'd know for sure!"
Eventually, Aegon took the reins of cooking, which much to your relief, meant one less thing to worry about, even if it took you a while to get accustomed to. Aegon insisted that you should continue to focus on work than having to feed him regularly.
"I'm not a little child anymore, Y/N, let me show you how well I can take care of the both of us now."
Although granted on your days off, after you'd have a decent, well-earned sleep in, you enjoyed helping him around the kitchen... It was a hard habit to break of Aegon's when it came to the cleaning aspect, he was a tad lazy and slow, so often, if given the chance, you'd help around washing, drying and packing away dishes and ingredients. Cleaning up his mess along the way, as you closely watched him from the sidelines, a true professional in their mastery.
It was only in these intimate moments, that you'd notice Aegon had grown a little rounder, more softer around his edges. The subtle double chin beneath his jaw was more prominent, and his jaw line now fading with mounted with flesh, his cheeks looked slightly more plump [the urge to kiss and nibble at them became exponential], and the apron he'd worn so often, how tightly snugged, barely able to tie from behind, as his stomach had protruded even more beneath. His figure could not be hidden, and yet, it made you fall for him even harder.
Aegon immediately noticed you openly eyeing him out, too deeply distracted by his figure, as your eyes fluttered over every inch of him.
"Y/N, what's wrong? What is it?"
Hastily snapping back out of your lustful thoughts, you felt flustered, being put on the spot like so. You hadn't even realised that Aegon had caught you, perhaps as you fell into silence, observing him strongly kneading the dough, preparing to trial out his attempt of focaccia.
"N-Nothing, Aeg, I-I just noticed, maybe you need a new apron... That one looks a little worn-out, and slightly uncomfortable."
Your meek attempt at subtleness was poor and Aegon knew exactly what you'd meant. He knew he had grown, putting on a few extra pounds since exercising his new found hobby, although he was foolish to think you would not notice. You should be disgusted by him, even in his efforts to tend to you, he was selfishly gorging himself. Had he no self-control?
"I get what you're saying, Y/N. I feel ashamed too, for the way I've become, I-I'll try to get out s'more and maybe I can go on those morning walks with you?" He bashfully looks back down at the dough he'd stopped kneading, trying to talk firmly with you.
"Aeg, please! That's not what I meant at all!" You urge, as you hastily leap off the chair, bounding towards Aegon as you instinctively wrap your arms around his thick waist, your small arms just barely interlinking.
"Don't you ever, ever think I could be ashamed of you, Aeg! Do you think that low of me? I love you, and if I'm being quite honest, I think I've actually fallen for you harder..."
You playfully look up at him, your head resting just below his broad shoulder, as you perk your eyebrows up and down teasingly, gesturing for something more.
"And what exactly, do you mean by that?" He questioned, as he finally covered the kneaded dough in bowel, waiting for it to rise, before turning to face you.
"Well, I mean your as soft as that dough, your cheeks, I could just squeeze, and those lips- Gods, your lips, Aeg-"
You tug him by the apron, gesturing him to lean down, as you plant a soft, long kiss, your tongues entwined as your share a passionate moment. Just as you'd expected, his lips felt so soft and moist, you had the sudden urge to gently bite down at his lower lip, and helplessly you did, tugging at it. Earning a cocky smile streaming across his face, you let go, aimlessly gazing up at one another with desire.
"Hmm, tell me more, princess."
"And this belly-" You grab a firm hold of his flesh, slightly jiggling against your rapid motions, as you eye his physique below and back up towards him, his attention following you.
"It's just calling for me to straddle you, I can't help but imagine how good it would feel to ride the fuck out of you, and these thighs- You've been so busy in the kitchen, stuffing your roasts and gorging yourself, you've forgotten about little, old me. You don't miss filling me up, big boy?"
Immediately, in such a swift motion, Aegon turns to steadily pin you against the counter instead. His full undivided attention, solely on you, licking his lips as though you were some type of dessert he'd just feasted his lilac eyes upon, as he presses his solid mass against you, feeling yourself helplessly squirm beneath his tender pressure. Adjusting himself in the right position, it didn't take a genius to realise, someone had grown a little excited by the realness of your words, and in sync, you felt a throbbing, familiar ache coursing from deep within your inner thighs.
"Look at what you're doing to me. Do you think that low of me, that I would forget my little princess, hmm? Your needs come first, always."
He plunges his soft face deep within the crook of your neck as he sucks on your floral fragranced skin, with each kiss he felt eager to devour you, you were certain by his harshness that he'd left a trail of fresh marks. His hands snaked down your waist, below to your ass, sensually massaging at your cheeks, as he pushed your body deeper into his, specifically your lower abdomen region, where you felt his bulge poking through his seems, desperate to be inside of you.
You felt your body slowly pacing up and down against Aegon's stocky frame, one of his thighs, found their way in between your legs, parting your entrance. You began to mimic the movements as you would if straddling him from atop, as he kept you supported, rocking yourself backwards and forwards against his clothed, chunky thigh. The friction beneath and Aegon's groans so close against your ear, was unnerving. You could sense the trickles of wetness beginning to ooze out of your eager cunt, soaking your sheer panties beneath.
"Aeg-Bedroom-" Moans in between your breathless words, you felt too feeble to form coherent words, as you felt his swollen gut, pressing deep against your breasts, flashing them upwards. One of your hands remained firmly tugging and pulling at his short, platinum locks, whilst the other dug nails deep into his meaty flesh, leaving a trail of marks behind.
Without hesitation or thought, Aegon picked you up with such ease, carrying you over his thick shoulder, you felt puny against his strength. Earning a small, light giggle from you, he felt invincible. Oblivious for what was to come, it seemed Aegon was keen to show you...
Just before he'd rush to make a beeline for the bedroom, he stopped by the fridge, opening the freezer door, and instantly grabbing the frozen tub of his favourite chocolate ice-cream.
"Better not waste this, we can definitely put it to some good use."
GENERAL TAGLIST - @evenstaris @chompchompluke
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Waiting on the red string of fate
Alt Route Ending 1 [Ending 3b]
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Tanya Denali x fem!reader
Chapter 3b: found you, fights, and figuring this out
Summary: She's found you. Important talks are needed, but the hanahaki hits. What will she do about it when she's just found you?
A/N: Back again for another serving of fanfiction? Welcome to the first alt ending, Ending 3b, This ending is not so bad, I think, I did write some of it at 3am, though, so if quality ain't so great, then....idk
not confident in writing dialogue, but I tried :P
It won't hurt as much as ending 3a though!
So uh....Bon Appétit!
Happy readings!
Consider reading the other parts if you haven't
Part 1
Part 2a
First ending: Part 3a (very sad)
Warnings:hanahaki as its own has its own set of warnings( choking on flowers, blood, vomiting) angst? I guess ish idk never sure what's angsty enough anymore. There is character death, not gonna be specific or go into detail bout it, read to find out
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You had just returned home from your latest travels due to the hanahaki getting really bad in your eyes, stopping your grand travel, you had already gone to see some major landmarks and places you were curious about. From going to the uk to see Big Ben and the London eye. To Japan to see the streets of Harajuku fashions and the view of Mt Fuji. To many landmarks and touristy spots in America and many more that you could list off.
When the flowers started coming up in bulbs, you thought it wise to take a break and go home, and you'd rather not pass on somewhere far from home.
So off on the first flight back and now in the comfort of your own home you lay.
Your body was growing weaker as you had a trash bin next to you in case the flowers came up again.
You could feel how slowly the hanahaki was taking everything from you. You were so tired. It was like you were constantly drained since your arrival home. Sometimes, you were able to eat something light, but other times, the flowers would come up alongside bits of food from your last meal. It was definitely getting worse.
Looking over to the letters you had written to her, you had recently wrote a final goodbye to her, unsure now what to do with the relatively large amount of envelopes you had written over the years to the person who didn't return your feelings. You were half tempted to send it to the nightclub you first saw her at. Maybe she went there a lot? If she did, the manager of the place would probably know her and give them to her for you.
No way did you have what it took to go find her and potentially break up a relationship or homewreck a situation. She deserved her joy.
The coughing had disrupted your sleep, and the occasional throwing up of food with your flowers had left you in a much weakened state. You just wanted to sleep right now.
Closing your eyes for a bit, hoping to grab some amount of rest, almost lulled into a sense of peace, you hear a knock at the door. Peaking an eye open, you contemplate if you should get up and see who it is, probably no one as you shut your eyes again,
But then the knocking came again, and you knew you could just ignore it, but something in you told you not to. You should answer it, you thought, so slowly you shuffle to the doorway, leaning against the wall for support. Finally, the trek from the couch to the door is made,
Choosing not to look through the peephole, you open the door, wanting to point the wandering lost traveler on their way, and then you regret doing so cause there stood her...
The cause of your pain.
She looks into your eyes with a surprised expression at the suddenness of the door opening, and then as if realizing here you were! her eyes widen a bit. Tanya couldn't help but feel something in her pull her towards the person in front of her. She just felt.....right, and this sensation surprised her that she was momentarily shocked and couldn't stop staring.
You stare into amber eyes that feel warm and right but are brought back to reality to remember she doesn't want you. The universe was cruel like that.
She keeps looking at you, unblinking as if frozen in time, all you could feel was discomfort in your throat as your eyes break contact and you cough into your elbow a wet congested sound. As if to break out of whatever trance she's in, she makes a move to look at her hand and peers her head to see how your strings attached, she takes a moment, unknown to you to school her features, then as if winning a prize she sends a dazzling smile your way.
All you can feel is discomfort, it clearly showing on your face before you swallow what little saliva in your mouth you had. "What do you want?" Your tone sounded flat, uncaring. You remind yourself you can't fall for her. Her smiles falters at your tone, "Hello, I'm Tanya, and I believe we're soulmates," she says in a more chipper tone. You look down and away from the eyes you wish you could spend an eternity with, "we are....." Perhaps that sounded a tad too defeated, but you couldn't find it in yourself to care as much to hide the discomfort and pain of the situation. Why was she here?
You don't notice due to looking away, but Tanya is even more confused at this development, 'why are you not over the moon to finally meet?' she can't help but think.
The silence that hangs between you slowly grows awkward. All you want to do is rest, but all Tanya wants to do is really meet you. You're not sure what to do as suddenly Tanya asks if she can come in. You open the door wider and try to get back to the couch. The fact that you lean against the wall for support does not go unnoticed by her. "Are you alright?" She asks concern evident. You can only mumble back a weak, "I'm fine," before getting back to the couch. You can't help but think that you feel the flowers are growing upwards and another fit will happen soon.
Tanya can't help but look around your place as she enters, a little dusty from the looks of it but the place also has little touches of personality she can't help but wonder more of who you are.
Tanya smells the floral scent first before realizing and then picks up on the notes of blood. Her mind racks for an explanation. There were no flowers around your place. She knows this scent, she's encountered it before. She can't help but look around hoping it isn't so, but as she approaches where you sit in exhaustion on the sofa, she sees the dark circles in you eyes, the slightly gaunt face from the inability to eat, the floral scent that slowly wafts from your mouth followed by a tinge of copper.
Seeing the garbage can by your feet, she peers into it, having her worst fears come true, you have hanahaki.
With eyes full of concern, she turns to you,
"You have hanahaki," the question tumbles from her mouth
Your head is resting on the back of the couch as you open one eye with a grimace.
"Yeah? What about it"
"Who caused this?" Is all she can ask,
Who did you fall for? who denied your affections and caused this cursed disease onto you is all she can wonder.
"Who?" You laugh a bitter laugh,
"Who do you think?"
She doesn't understand as confusion takes her face, trying to solve this puzzle. There were no images of anyone else in your life, and she had only just met you now.
"I saw you before, you know, almost a year ago"
You say, breaking the silence that she brought in the state of confusion
"I had decided to take a gap year to come look for you, and I did. I was so....naieve and hopeful then, and then I found you in a nightclub kissing some guy." You say the end part bitterly reminiscing the memories of that night
Realization dawns on her face
You look up at her, the brokenness in your eyes displayed all too clearly.
"I hope you're happy with him," you say through a smile, though the smile is clearly pained.
She? Was the cause of your hanahaki? Tanya didn't want to believe it. She was the cause of your pain...
You have to understand she loves you
And she's not saying that just because she knows hanahaki goes away with reciprocated love.
Her face shows hurt to think you could think that. She moves to declare that she does, in fact, love you
But all you can do is laugh at that, "You love me? You love me?" A chuckle escapes
"So what about the guy you were with? What about him?"
"He meant nothing to me. He means nothing to me even now," she tries to say
you try to scream, it came out more hoarse than you intended. Part of you just wanted all of this to go away, the other part could feel the waves of sorrow and sensations of betrayal flaring up from the memory of the first time you saw her, your head was spinning as your emotions took over, some parts irrational jealousy some parts despair.
"So what was he? If he meant nothing, does that mean I'll mean nothing to you, too? Am I just a rebound to you? Are you just getting to know me and then trying to break me even more?
The pain in your voice is evident as your voice starts to get worse, your breathing starts to get labored, strained you start to cough,
And cough
And cough...
The stress of having to have this conversation to the pain of the feelings resurfacing from seeing her in person to actually meeting her made your connection grow, but this one moment started to make your hanahaki worse.
All the variables of the situation caused a reaction and spike in stress and emotions, you know a little more about your soulmate but that makes it worse as the agigtation of the events caused the hanahaki to grow exponentially, the flowers are in bloom and there's nothing you can do.
Tanya sees this and starts to panic
"No no no, you have to believe me, I love you! Please no," as she rushes forward to your side.
Those words fall on deaf ears as you begin to cough
You don't hear a word past no as you're focused more on trying to breathe.
As the coughing fit grew 10 fold you felt this was the worst it's been as the flowers you tried to grasp, wet bloody flowers that came from your mouth and slipped from your grip came unending, they never stopped coming out no matter how hard you try to get rid of them, as you gasp for air. Perhaps this was it is all you can think, partially losing the fight you start to give up.
Tanya watches on as she sees you try to pull out flowers, tossing them to the ground in wet puddles of blood and spit.
She turns your head and tries to help you get the flowers blocking your airway out of you but they wouldn't stop, the hanahaki was in its final stage she realizes and she was going to lose you...
You slowly stop the fight, and that sends a wave of fear to her.
She can't lose you as she suddenly throws caution to the wind, all her hope into this one shot. Fearful that the flowers might claim your life before she even got to know it. She held you close to her in a hug and whispered an apology before biting down on your neck.
You don't see or hear anything at that point, but you do feel the sensation of being held as you start to black out from lack of air. All is starting to slow...
But then, as if being thrown into a freezing lake by someone to wake you up, you suddenly jolt as fire then starts burning you. The pain is unbearable. Were you being burned? You thought you were finally going to find peace, but now all you feel is excruciating pain as you try to scream, but the flowers in your throat partially stop that. Is this a punishment for trying to push away your soulmate? Were the fates mad at you? As thoughts started to go as you gave into the pain.
The scene in this moment would look like a tragic painting in the eyes of an onlooker with no knowledge, a lady holding in her arms her love who's dying of hanahaki, petals, both stained with blood and not surround them on the ground as she whispers apologies and begs her lover to come back to her.
Tanya holds you and whispers her apologies, hoping that it isn't too late for the vampire venom to take effect.
This was a gamble, as she's heard of vampires before suffering the unfortunate circumstance of getting hanahaki. But usually, they'd have already been vampires for a while at that point, there's not been any known cases of a person being turned at the final stage of hanahaki...could it be that they don't make it? No, she's got to hope, you'll make it through this you have to...
She doesn't know what'd she'd do if you don't...
With the hanahaki muffling your screams she quickly goes around your place grabbing what you might need and finding your box of letters to her, grabbing that along she picks you up bridal style and carries you off to her car, she's going to take you home, being near humans would be too dangerous as a newborn.
A day passes, and she can't help but worry she stays by your side and waits, hoping that the venom can counter the hanahaki.
When she had gotten home, everyone came out to see her carrying you, the concern evident, and the realization that you were her mate also held some impact.
A day goes by and your heart beat stops your mouth still has flowers but the growth of them has slowed, some around the edges seemed to have wilted which she takes as a good sign, she tries to help take out the flowers hoping it'll help you.
There's not too much on hanahaki with vampires at such a late stage, usually if it's a normal vampire who's been around for a while they have ways around it, but if they don't fight it they get weakened, and it causes issues with life. But you were hopefully on your way to becoming a newborn, and she hasn't heard of any cases as such. So all she can do is stay by your side and wait, pleading to the fates that it works.
Whilst in this time though she does take to reading the letters you addressed to her, her heart warms at the oldest looking letter in the box, faded and worn down in an aged envelope with childish scrawl, she gets to know you through the years from the letters, and to say it's endearing is to say the least. It gives her hope that maybe you guys can make it through this.
The letter of you seeing her that night, though, hurts to read, she can feel the pain in the writing, and the next letters after a sense of you accepting your fate whilst traveling has her sad. Silently swearing to herself, she promises to show you that she does love you, that you are loved, and now that she's found you, she won't let you go.
On the third day, you awaken, your eyes open, red as blood.
Your instincts takes over screaming that you crave something to sate the inferno in your throat, as you move to sit up your eyes look around, landing on her, the instincts in you tell you that she's important to you. You move forward,
As Tanya calls for someone to bring her some blood, she has prepared for your awakening. Glad to see you had awakened, relieved she has more time with you, you look ever the part of a newborn besides the flowers cascading like a waterfall out of your mouth, overtime some had died and she had pulled some out but the core of the flowers was still there, she didnt want to risk it whilst you were still human. Now that you were immortal, she hoped it would hurt you a little less if she ripped the flowers out of your throat.
You try to move to her, but as she was handed an animal, she tackles you to the ground, keeping you down.
Apologizing saying it's gonna hurt as she rips the stems and flowers from your mouth with force, you gag as you feel stems and roots start to come up. Gasping and taking in a breath, there were still more stems deeper down your mouth, but this will have to do for now as she cracks open the squirrel and trickles the blood into your mouth, it tastes off but you drink regardless as it quenches the fire in your throat, you're able to swallow down the blood as you move to grab the squirrel draining it dry, she rushes off and drags in another animal, a doe, already taken down you move quickly and start to drain this one dry as well, despite the slight difficulty of the hanahaki slowly trying to regrow in your throat, you fight on still drinking.
As you drink, Tanya slowly runs her hands through your hair, praising you
"You're doing so good." Some part of you can't help but preen at the praise.
Eventually, after another animal or two, this ends as the thirst in your throat is quenched enough. Your mind clears for a moment to see her, really see her as you gain some semblance of control again, the bond of a mate is much more prominent whilst you're a newborn, and you almost forget about everything and give in to her
A flash of the memory that hurt you about a year ago flashes through your mind, and in your emotional newborn state, you couldn't help but flinch. Part of your instinct screams to go to her, yet the part of you that's hurt and jealous fights back as you're torn.
Tanya sees this and can't help but feel pain at the conflict going on, she could see that you were torn between the intensity of the instincts for the bond to shine through versus the pain you had felt. It hurt to see you so conflicted. You didn't even realize you were a vampire yet, and that was a different bridge she would have to cross soon.
Not wanting to see your internal war anymore, she goes towards you, your eyes are shut as if you have a headache and are in agony. You don't feel it until she does it, but she's hugging you. Your mind tries to fight her, but your instincts wants you to melt into her. It hurts, the irrational side in you makes you want to cry, slowly, slowly, you start to break down as you stop fighting her hold.
She brings your head to the crook of her neck, cradling it in such a way, trying to comfort you.
It works as you stop fighting her.
You've calmed enough that she thinks she can speak and have you listen to her, so she starts.
"I know you believe I don't return your affections, but I do." You try to wiggle away at her words, but she uses all her strength to hold you there.
"You may not believe it, but I've lived a millenia before I could meet you", you stop squirming at that, confusion evident at the fact she said she's over 1000 years old.
"I had lost hope after a long time cause before I realized you were around, I had stopped looking at my string after all that time..."
"My string before you was dull and was short and lead nowhere.....I thought long ago that you were gone back then before I knew who you were, before I got to meet you"
"You have to know I never meant to hurt you when you saw me that night...I didnt know you were there and even though I didn't know, it's no excuse but even if I did know, you have to understand it was not my intention to hurt you...i would never hurt you intentionally...ever, you mean so much to me..."
Your mind brought the memory up and all you could feel was the desire to cry
"I've lived for a long time, and I once lost someone"
The jealousy rears it's green head around at who it could have been until her next words
"In a sense, she was basically my mother"
You stop and couldn't help but feel bad at the stupid feeling of jealousy. She had lost someone...
"This was long ago but our family at the time was really close, and the loss hurt...
You weren't around yet, and I didn't know how long you would take to be around, and the grief was all consuming...
It led me to turn to others, to just feel something..."
At this point, you were a mix of conflicted emotions...
"The man you mentioned that night meant nothing to me, my love. You say you saw me kiss him, and you might assume more, but I did nothing... I swear it"
"Something in me felt wrong after a bit, so I left, I can only assume the wrongness was the feelings through our bond..."
"I didn't realize it until my sister Irina, you may meet her later, pointed out to me that my string actually led somewhere, I decided to come looking for you after that"
"It may be hard to believe, but I am a vampire"
Yeah, that was definitely hard to believe you thought
"But when I found you and when...when the hanahaki almost took you I couldn't let that happen, I had only just found you and I didn't want to have to say goodbye, not before I could know you..."
"I'm sorry for bringing you pain, but I'm not sorry for changing you... you have to know how much you mean to me....I love you..."
You didn't know how to feel, a part of you felt her sincerity through her words and got a sense that she was being truthful....but the part of you that was still uncertain didn't know what to do...
"You don't have to believe me if you don't want to...but I will make it known for as long as I have to that I love you and I will always love you" she squeezes you a little tighter at those words
And for a second you let go of the denial for a bit that she doesn't actually love you, that what she says is false....and you can breathe a little easier, the hanahaki isn't entirely gone, there's that uncertainty to everything, but for now you let go of some of the feeling that's been hurting you, and this allows the hanahaki to weaken allowing you the breath that you no longer need.
You feel her turn and kiss your head, and some part of you warms at the gesture.
Your arms raise, and hug her back.
You know this won't be easy but you have to make it known.
"I forgive you... kind of...though part of me is still weary at all this.
Part of me feels like it can't trust you right away...another part of me despite this still holds love for you even after all of this. I'm confused, and I...I just don't know, I want there to be an us, but part of me feels that maybe that won't work..."
Tanya's unbeating heart hurts at the idea of the uncertainty in you, but she knows she would do whatever and tells you that she will try her best to mend the heart she accidentally broke even if it takes forever.
Her words soothe your pain a bit and the flowers relax a little more.
You know it won't be an easy road, but you and her will try to work to a point where you could be together...
You were both done waiting on the red string. It's finally brought you together. Now you have the road ahead to walk together in your eternity to figure this out.
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obrienolivia · 3 years
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My life is a messy, scattered, genreless saga... and so is my album. I’d like to invite you into the episodes of my life. A world of comedy, reality, drama, horror, fantasy, and love awaits.
Episodes: Season One by Olivia O’Brien (out 06.11.21)
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gubler-me-up · 3 years
The Thought of You
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Request: Hi there! Could you do an imagine on Spencer masturbating while thinking of reader and how beautiful she is? I just think it seems so sweet
A/N: Thanks for the request, anon! I know you were very excited for your request to be published, so sorry it took a while for me to get around to it but here it is!! I hope it was worth the wait! Also originally I was going to write this in third person but I thought having a second person ~vibe~ would be more intimate. Even tho the reader isn’t in most of it, I still thought it was nice idk im not a writer 
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!reader
Category: Smut??? One-sided smut?? 
Content warning: Male Masturbation, ejaculation 
Word count: 1.2k
Spencer pulled up his covers to snuggle himself between them to get some well-deserved sleep. He was going to have to sleep alone since you were working an overnight shift. He wished you two spent more time at night together. Between his job causing him to travel often and you working overnight shifts at the hospital, it was hard to have quality time at night.
He tucked himself in-between his cover and laid down. Even though he was exhausted from the day, he found himself looking at the ceiling. The day was left behind him and all he had on his mind was you. He had seen you in the morning before he headed out to work. He felt lucky enough to have kissed you that morning. The memory was the only thing he had with him that night.
The last time you two had cuddled was a few days ago. He had been laying in bed one night and you had walked out of the washroom. He remembered how you were just in nothing but your underwear and sports bra.
The way your sports bra held your breasts made him jealous he wasn’t the one holding them so securely. As you walked towards him, he remembered the sway of your hips and lazily swung your arms back and forth. He looked back up at your gorgeous face smirking at him.
He found himself caressing his hand down to his crotch at the thought. He gently started to massage it while he thought about how you walked to your side of the bed. He stared at you as you pulled up the sheets to get under the covers.
His eyes were glued to how you lifted your knee up to crawl into bed. They almost seemed unreal to him since he believed you had the most perfect legs he had ever seen. He looked back up at you as you got settled into your spot.
He watched as you tied your hair up for bed. The way you leaned your head back to catch every strand in your delicate hands, exposing your neck to him. It was quite a scene for him to witness. Seeing you in your natural, calm state before bed always brought an immense yearning for you in his mind.
He gently pushed the covers off his torso and then off his hips to expose the top of his pyjama pants. He looked over at the time and saw it was 11 p.m. He had a few minutes to relieve himself of what the thought of you was doing to him.
He dragged down his pants and underwear to expose himself enough to wrap his hand around his dick. He relaxed and closed his eyes to see you again. Even in his memory fragments he had of you were beautiful.
When you were done putting up your hair, he knew immediately he wanted to cuddle you. He wanted to run his hand down your side to feel his hand on the exposed parts of your skin. He wanted to feel the motion of your body under his fingertips.
The more he remembered the feeling of you under his fingertips, the quicker he stroked himself. You always felt so amazing to his touch. Especially after you took a shower and felt extra angelic from your lotion. He snuggled up against you to breathe you in, to get the scent of you deep into his memory.
You looked back at him with a grin on your face to show him how much you enjoyed his touch. He smiled at you as he wrapped his arm around your torso. He brought you up against him and gave your face multiple kisses to show you his undying affection.
He thought you looked like the most perfect person he had ever seen in his life. Your giggle was the purest sound he had ever heard. The way you’d look at him as you bit your lip, trying your best not to kiss him and failing to do so.
When you two kissed, it felt as if fireworks were going on around him. The feeling of your lips on his could always make him shut up immediately. He would kiss you for an eternity if he was able to.
He moaned as he rapidly stroked himself at the thought of you. Your face. Your smile. Your scent. The way you felt.
When you had broken away from his cuddle to straddle him, he couldn’t help look up at you in amazement. When you leaned your head back and stretched over him, it was just like a movie in his mind. The best part of his life just playing in front of him.
You looked back down at him with a smirk as you ran your hands up and down his chest. You broke into a small giggle as he watched you with no break in his awestruck expression. You leaned down and kissed him before you looked into his eyes.
“I love you, baby.”
He let out a final moan as his whole body felt as if an electric shock was running through it. He stroked himself a few more times until he ejaculated all over his hand. His eyes were still closed as he let his cum run down his hands. He didn’t want to open his eyes to lose the image of you.
The sound of your voice was the icing on the cake for him. He didn’t believe in angels but every time you spoke, he started to believe you were the only one. He could hear your voice all day and never get tired of it. He even craved it in that moment alone in his room.
He immediately shot open his eyes and sat up. He saw you standing at the doorframe in your work clothes, confused but intrigued at the sight in front of you. He looked down at his messy hand before he looked back up at you.
He opened his mouth to explain himself but you just chuckled as you put your bag on the floor. You walked up to him and grabbed his face to pull him in for a gentle kiss. Then you looked into his eyes with a mischievous smirk on your face.
“Guess I was let go for my shift early for a reason. Looks as if you need some help cleaning up,” you chuckled.
He let out a sheepish chuckle as he nodded his head. He reached for some tissues out of the tissue box on his nightstand to clean off his hands.
“Guess so. I think your employers must have known how much I missed having nights with you,” he said.
You sat on the edge of the bed and leaned your head against his. He leaned in and kissed you again on your lips. You bit your bottom lip as you caressed his cheek.
“Aw, I missed having nights with you too. I guess this means your night will be filled with more than masturbation with me around,” you giggled.
He chuckled. “Yeah but honestly I just want to hold you close to me again for the night.”
“I can do that for you, baby. I love you so much.”
“I love you even more.”
Tagged: @shadyladyperfection @slutforthegubes @pinkdiamond1016 @spencerreidsthings @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @slutforsr @bxtchboy69 @fallinallinmendes @haihappen5 @mgg-theprettiestboy @siltuz-png @ptrs-prkrs @agentadhd @fanofalltheficsx @alexmarie29 @closetedreidstan @mac99martin @dinsprettygirl @multixfandomwriter @reidbuck @corishirogane3 @thegoddamncrazycatlady @pastelbabygirl19 @shadybagelsludgecolor @bootycrackraisinjuice @vintagebeauty1496 @laneybobeczko-g @littlewierdalien @cynbx @calm-and-doctor @muffin-cup @jessalyn-jpeg @princesssmooshie @solitarypeachh @spensual​ @gubler-me-swallow-me
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serenheist · 3 years
What Taehyung is like in a relationship/ Taehyung as a boyfriend Tarot reading
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How long does it take him to get into a relationship? & Does he prefer long or short term relationships 8 of cups, queen of swords, 10 of pentacles 9 of pentacles reversed, 4 of cups
Ffs the queen of swords always pops up. Anyway yeah I don’t see him getting into anything quickly. He could’ve in the past but I think past relationships left him drained af and feeling alienated. I think he has a shit ton of walls up and is a lot more no nonsense now. It’s probably intimidating and more blunt to others because he wants to get to the heart of why someone is trying to get with him since so many people try to pull the same shit and fuck around with him like he’s dumb. He does not settle for anything other than what he wants. If he can’t find “the one” then he legit just rather be alone. It looks like he’s now more focused on building a Legacy though and something serious and long term so he has no desire to just jump into something with anyone. He basically would wait it out and get to know them long before deciding he trusts them enough and feels comfortable enough to show his emotions and not be so aloof.
I feel like he’d be the type to not show much interest at first because he really needs to scope the person out. So the person probably wouldn’t even know he actually likes them. Actually he could be a little too jaded and bored to the point of turning away everyone even though he does want a relationship. But in his mind there’s too many people being carbon copies and trying to swindle him for his money bruh for real all of bts are having this problem like damn it keeps reoccurring. Idk why it seems like there’s people also trying to use money to get with him like they’re rich and they think he’ll just want someone loaded. Like dude he’s already rich so that doesn’t work and to him them having a ton of money means Jack shit when they have the personality of a damn rock.
Past & present love life 10 of swords, 2 of pentacles present: the hermit, 5 of wands
Past love life: welp. Do I really need to explain the 10 of swords. I think actually that he had all this past trauma and shit from relationships and even other shit he still hasn’t dealt with but there was no time to even process that because he had to get back to work and act like he was fine. I think he’s the type of person that buries himself in his career when he experiences traumatic stuff that he doesn’t want to deal with. And of course it’s easier when you’re busy 24/7 anyway. This relationship betrayed him in every way tbh but maybe it was a catalyst for better things to come though he still might not see this right now. Present: I don’t see him in a relationship now currently cause the hermit but also being a major arcana it’s like he’s really in a life stage right now where he just wants to be alone because there’s so much conflict going on and he’s feeling anxious and having all these negative pessimistic thoughts that he just needs time to himself. I don’t think he very optimistic about his love life right now he’s lost a lot of hope. Things are too chaotic elsewhere to focus on romance.
What is he like in a relationship? the chariot, ace of cup, Unicorn, fae 61, solus 13, vanth, the sun reversed, anger and chains 29, justice, 2 of swords reversed, 3 of cups reversed, avenoir 1, princess of pentacles,ta’om the poet 29, ace of swords, Thanatos
What is he like in a relationship? When he’s in a relationship he really puts all his focus on that person and will go above and beyond for them. There’s a kind of masculine and feminine balance in him in the sense that he’s ready to be the go getter and take charge but there’s also a vulnerable energy and overflowing emotions. He works hard to take care of his person and make the relationship work . The only downside is he could possibly be too smothering to his partner or come on too strongly because of past shit and maybe too clingy for some people since in a relationship he really shows his softer side and he’s not as aloof as he is to others. He loves to have little house parties with his partner and have friends and family over with a ton of food and music.
For date ideas he’s down for anything but especially something “magical” maybe literally some place like Disneyland or pagan festival like beltane? That’s specific af but there’s a medieval type of energy and nature spirits and shit, he wants to do stuff he hasn’t done before and that might even be outside his comfort zone since G. Hobyah card is all about imaginary fears and getting past them. The best qualities he has in a relationship is the ability to help his partner stand on their own 2 feet but also recognizes that you can’t do everything on your own so he’s the type of person who would go above and beyond and connect you to the right people or situations. He’s always there when his partner really needs them and will make sure to put time aside.
His worst quality is that I don’t think he knows how to express his anger in a healthy way. I think with the sun reversed next to anger and chains it’s more like he doesn’t know how to fully show it it’s kinda repressed but his emotions under the exterior are a hot mess and there’s a big need for stability. It’s like being too stubborn to admit when you mess up and petty shit cause it hurts his ego. But I don’t think it’s super bad considering the justice card I used to represent his communication style. I feel that even if he gets mad af he gets over things really quickly and one minute he’s be angry and 10 minutes later he’ll be asking you what you want for dinner like wtf.
When he likes someone he’s not going to jump in and immediately go approach them. I see him instead watching them intently from afar lol he’s very cautious and like gathering everything he can on that person. Dude’s a 1st class stalker. Jk But the thing is the person wont even know he is interested in them because he keeps a serious face as a kind of mask but on the inside he’s like a giddy kid. Ta’om is known for looking serious and thoughtful but is actually very playful and slightly mischievous. I think Taehyung is definitely one to start off as friends and slowly get to know someone rather than just start dating because he really wants to know that person well to see how real they are and if they’re just putting up a front.
He’s not attracted to new shiny things that are perfect he’s able to see the beauty in all things even in difficulty. After he’s been friends with them for awhile and knows if that person like him back, that’s when he’d actually make a move. He finds a lot of satisfaction in doing services for others until they’re completed so it makes me think his love language (giving) is acts of service but with the ace of swords is pretty obvious his Receiving love language is words of affirmation but moreso he appreciates when someone is blunt and honest and not just saying stuff to make him feel better cause then it’s just insincere.
What is his ideal type? the ageless, the star, the singer of healing 10, el shaddai, protection 26, ram, the maestro, fae 41, the sage 19, king of cups reversed, himself 17, danu, death reversed, obsession
His type: this person seems to have had some messed up stuff happen to them in their past. Even when others were horrible to them they still kept their dignity and chose to still give to others instead of give in to bitterness and despair. It’s like the Phoenix where no matter how many times they metaphorically die, they can still rise up even better than before. I think they’re able to help heal others because they’ve been through the trauma themselves but they know how to be honest and blunt without being overly mean about it. They have a kid of tough exterior though I think from years of negativity from people that’s made them strong but also a little distant from people and they need a lot of time to themselves to recharge and get away from peoples bs. Honestly this seems a lot like Taehyung too lol I think he wants someone who’s been through similar traumas.
The ram keeps calling out to me that I think this persons way of showing love is a little aggressive but that’s what Taehyung likes in someone tbh. It’s not like actually showing love it’s hard to explain. It’s more so you know when someone tries to act like sarcastic and shit to hide the fact that they like someone? Idk why it reminds me of toph from avatar the last airbender where she just punches people to show affection it’s kinda like that. Cause they’re not good at being really vulnerable. They put on this brave face and are pretty good at it to the point where you won’t notice that they’re jealous seeing you hang out with someone else. But this person is really independent like I’m not joking lmao and a go getter they don’t rely on anyone really. And don’t give a fuck who you are.
There’s 2 healing cards and honestly why is this person so similar to Taehyung lol this person is great at helping or healing others but again has to realize it’s okay to also get help for yourself. They think maybe that they’re fine on their own and they don’t like relying on others for help because people disappoint you and it’s easier to just do it yourself. But they’re really good at giving advice and are lot nicer than their exterior let’s on. Bruh the star card makes my mind keep playing that I’m gonna be a star song by twice lmao stop. I think this person actually is a star or is working up to it cause they have huge plans. This isn’t someone just wanting a mundane job I think they’re gonna go big.
Especially paired with the ram talking about they go for big dreams and huge successes. This person won’t stop until they accomplish their dreams they really don’t care what others say and will go to the extremes to get there. I see they have a lot of talents anyway but some people were like saying negative shit that their dreams are impossible but they’re learning to set boundaries with other people and it’s more of a just move in silence energy. Also usually I don’t say zodiac signs but since it’s a major arcana it might play some significance but Aquarius might be prominent in their chart (nvm I just remembered Taehyung has venus in Aquarius so duh you dumbass it wouldn’t be that out there to think he’d be drawn to Aquarius qualities).
I wonder if this person is into astrology though given all the glyphs. I think this is someone Taehyung has been trying to manifest and call in too like wishing on a star for a looooong time and maybe thought it wouldn’t come but boy does the universe have a surprise for you. They really are future oriented thinkers and know a lot about spirituality I think that a big part of who they are I really don’t think they’d be completely atheist or not care about spiritual topics. They give a lot without much thought in return and can talk about anything with openness and honesty. With Taehyung they’d teach him everything under the sun. He likes when he can share all this knowledge especially about weirder topics with someone who isn’t going to dismiss him. I see them really encouraging him to try new things and show him things he never knew were possible. They treat him like he finally belongs somewhere in the world.
This shit is kinda spooky because both the maestro guy and illbe the retriever are holding orbs/a little white ball close to them and they speak of the same thing. This person really protects Taehyungs hopes and dreams. Also they themselves obviously represent a dream that Taehyung thought was long gone and impossible. I think it can be taken literally too lol to mean that when Taehyung is being forgetful af. This person is that type of person who has your keys already when you think you lost them. They’re really the more responsible one in the relationship lmao helping him to be more organized and get his life together. The next set of cards I used to represent what his biggest turn ons are. This isn’t in a sexual way though lmao I meant the qualities he likes the most in his ideal type. Already I noticed how all the cards are facing straight ahead and looking right at you so it makes me think this person has some intense ass eye contact and looks intimidating and they got a rbf.
With the king of cups reversed I don’t think they’re actually these heartless cold bitches and that Taehyung is turned on by that because the sage card is upright and talks about the same shit but this is a person definitely who looks colder but is actually kind on the inside. He kinda likes people who look cold like that but are actually sweethearts. This person is not one of those super lovey-dovey people or uses pet names and babytalk like “my sweet baby Taehyung” whatever I think they find it very cringe. They have some trauma from when they were kids where they felt as if they aren’t allowed to act very emotional because people will think they’re weak and take advantage of them (this is just their beliefs about themselves) they instead act very macho or tough again lol like Toph from ATLA idk why I keep thinking of her but there’s like a kinda tomboy energy but they’re really not heartless they just need the right person to feel comfortable around and need to work on opening up emotionally.
There’s so much masculine and yang energy but then at the end you see this motherhood figure so it again really makes me think it’s a front and this person is so nurturing and that’s what really draw Taehyung to them. He loves the most that this person knows so much about the most random things and esoteric topics. They value tradition and stability but they also understand the need for growth and change they’re the perfect balance. Communication is really a big thing for Taehyung it’s a reoccurring theme in this. Someone who is very good at communicating and are action oriented. They say what they mean and mean what they say. It’s very important that they are their own unique individual self and have their own goals and skills and hobbies.
This person is probably a powerful manifester too and sets their intentions and goes after them. They have so much power and confidence also with the himself card they could be a dancer or love dance since he’s a dancer faerie they’re very much into creative shit. They seem very natural and not the type who got work done or wears too much makeup idk there’s like a wild energy lol like this bitch is from the damn forest. If someone attacked Taehyung this person would literally drop kick someone even if the person was bigger than them. Danu card is always protective and nurturing but ferocious if you mess with their person. Like “idc what you do to me but if you touch my guy I’ll end you”.
Now onto what Taehyung’s biggest turn offs in general are: death reversed and obsessed card lol oh god bro I am fucking done. His biggest turn off is when someone makes him the center of their universe. I mean this in the extreme way like “omg you’re my one and only we’re meant to be I think about you 5000 times a day and have an entire closet with all your pictures and I document your entire life” 👀 and he’s like uhh can you get a damn hobby? (That doesn’t involve me) Cause imagine someone’s entire life revolves around you. It’s sweet at first I guess? Lmaoo then it’s just creepy and like they have no life or personality without you. Death reversed is like something is plaguing you and following you around, pestering and annoying you. He must’ve experienced this shit irl lmao if it’s this strong with a major arcana to come up as a turn off. Cause major arcana are big ass life lessons. Like they thought he wouldn’t know they were secretly obsessed with his ass and used other people like his friends to get closer to him but I’m telling you Taehyungs intuition is something else and he always knows when people are some obsessed crazies. This is exactly why he’s so cautious now because of bs like that he can’t trust anyone. Like please stop acting like Jodi Arias and have some self respect.
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beomglocks · 4 years
[10:19pm] with soobin
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warnings & other: gamer bf!soobin, some touching, kissing, just something while i get done with requests, some play fighting?, some curses, suggestive or smut idk if this counts as smut probably not bc nothing really happens
you exhale dramatically to catch your boyfriend's attention but to no avail.
the sounds of his friend's screams and hollers mixed with his own exclaims completely drown out any of your attempts to get his ear.
"ITS NOT ME I SWEAR! ASK KAI I WAS WITH HIM IN MED BAY," soobin shouts into his headset. a moment of deliberation between his four other friends goes by before he speaks up once again. "KAI WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO GET EVERYONE TO VOTE ME I WAS RIGHT NEXT TO YOU!"
he groans out in frustration at how unwilling his friends are to any kind of reason as to why he's not the imposter. it's been like this for approximately two hours, and counting, frankly it was getting old to you now. it was cute at first, how he would whine and pout when he was being voted out despite being a crewmate. how he would grin evilly when the screen indicating that he was the imposter would appear in front of him.
however, that was hours ago. now it was just him trying to find new ways to deceive his friends and yelling his way out of being voted out.
"soobin," you call out. he was sitting on the floor of your room since he had invited himself over for quality time with you but instead found your laptop and started playing. he was dressed in his staple piece grey sweats with a matching grey hoodie over his head of messy black hair. he looked super cuddly, too bad he was paying you no mind.
"soobin," you try again, a bit louder. you stand by the door frame of your room looking at him from across the room. he perks up at the sound of your voice. everyone must be on mute since he was finally able to hear you.
he turns around to you, this being the first time in 2 hours he's paid you any mind. "hey baby," he motions for you to come over to him and you do willingly. you situate yourself on his lap facing the screen too. you watch silently as his mini character runs across the screen and does tasks.
"you said we'd do something fun," you pout, still watching his character. you see it stop and realize soobin is looking down at you. "i asked if you wanted to play and you said no," he mimics your pout but changes his expression when you narrow your eyes at him. you lean back into his shoulder and continue to watch him play.
around 2 minutes later you hear him gasp quietly over finding a body. he reports it and clears his throat, getting ready to state his case. "i-" "ITS SOOBIN HYUNG!" hueningkai's voice rings through soobin's mic. you smile over how competitive they can get with each other.
"wait im the one that reported it!" soobin sits up straighter causing you to lean forward a bit. you get back in your position with a silent huff. soobin was warm and you weren't about to give up this spot. they deliberate a little bit more before they all come to census once again.
four little characters pop up one by one under soobin's display name and you hear him groan. "you're all stupid," he announces before muting himself to watch the rest of the gameplay. you laugh to yourself but now that soobin is dead there's no reason to watch the game anymore.
you get up from your spot to get ready for bed but soobin grabs you arm. "hey where you going?" he has a frown on his face and his eyebrows are furrowed. you look around before locking your eyes with his, "to bed." you answer simply.
"the game isn't over, don't be like that," he pleads. he looks a bit serious and you wonder if you're pissing him off. "im tired and you're ignoring me, i wanna go to bed binnie," you yank your arm from his hold with a smile but he grabs it again. with a little bit more force than you anticipated, he brings you back onto his lap. "stay," he says. you fall in him with your front on his lap with an oof.
"soobin," you try to wiggle away from his hold but he has you over his lap so you're not going anywhere. "soobin!" you shout, trying to smack his leg to get his attention. he smacks your thigh to shut you up. "ah stop yelling," he whines. "st-stop yelling?!" you gape. he was NOT telling you to stop yelling when he has spent the last 2 hours raging at a computer screen.
he suddenly grabs you by your waist, using all his strength to flip you onto the ground. he hovers above you, watching you struggle to get out of his hold. you feel his fingers rub your waist gently but his fault was leaving your hands free. you use one of your hands to push his face back by his jaw. "ack! what the fuck!" he grabs the hand that's pushing his face back and pins it to the ground, doing the same to your other free hand.
"what the hell y/n!" he frowns, looking absolutely done with you. you look away from him, not really sure what to say. once he feels you've calmed down he moves his hand from your wrists back to your waist. he leans closer to you, kissing your lips, then your cheek, then down to your neck.
"why are you acting like a brat?" he whispers when he gets close to your ear. before you can answer you feel his cold hands crawl under your shirt. you shiver, "we were supposed to do something fun." he chuckles, kissing you again on your neck. "ok. we can have fun then," he teases.
he runs his hand down your body slowly until he gets to the hem of your jeans. he smirks at you when he sees the desperate look on your face. "s-"
"wE cAn HaVe FuN ThEn," comes beomgyu's voice from soobin's headphones. soobin pauses his actions to look at the screen. its on the meeting screen and the mic symbol on your laptop is not crossed out. "oh shit the mics been on this whole time," soobin laughs nonchalantly. "duh," you hear yeonjun say.
you pout when soobin gets off of you to go back to the game. "don't pout," he says when he makes sure the mic is off. "whatever, im going to bed," you get up from the ground to walk to your bed.
this time he doesn't stop you, instead, you hear him tell the boys he'll be right back.
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get-shiggy-with-it · 3 years
#1 Victory Royale
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✧ pairing: college student!spinner x student!afab!reader
✧ word count: 4.4k
✧ warnings: college au/no quirks, light angst, mostly soft/fluff, smut, could be hate fucking if you squint, afab reader but no pronouns, this is pretty tame, by like my standards, I wrote this at work, not really a warning, but it felt like you needed to know that
✧ summary: relationships suck and Spinner is starting to think maybe he does too
✧ ao3 mirror
✧ a/n: Hey y'all, welcome back to more college au bs from me. This is set in the same universe once again as all my other college pieces. A very sweet anon asked if we'd ever get to see more of Spinner, so here he is! Also with another cameo from shiggy's bitch (endearing) cause I can't help myself.
Spinner’s groaning echoed through the tiny apartment, the heavy sound of creaking couch cushions under his weight following.
“What?” his long-suffering roommate shouted out their bedroom door, rapidly shoving clothing and a toothbrush into an overnight bag.
He let out with another, louder dying animal wail. He’d been like this since they woke up—wallowing in some strange concoction of self pity and Red Bull on the kitchen floor when they walked in for water two hours ago.
“Motherfucker,” they mumbled, tossing their bag to the floor and marching, more than a little disgruntled, into the hall. “What do you want?”
Spinner was sitting upside down on the couch now, feet up against the wall tapestry and cotton candy hair splayed out on the floor. He stared blankly as his friend came into view—arms crossed, frowning at him from the end of the hall—and opened his mouth once more, letting out another garbled grunt that had one of the neighbors pounding twice on the wall to shut his dramatic ass up.
“Dude seriously, are you gonna tell me who pissed in your cereal or are you just gonna scream until the guys next door kick a hole through our wall?”
They almost felt bad as he looked away, sniffing and letting himself slump farther off the sofa until he was sprawled completely on the hardwood and staring, glassy eyed, up at the ceiling.
When he finally spoke a full sentence, his gaze was locked on the water stain above him from a year ago when the upstairs neighbors flooded their apartment trying to make jungle juice in the bathtub.
“I don’t know, I’m just in my feels as the kids say,” he sounded so dejected—strange for someone who was perpetually energized to a frustrating degree—that their shoulders immediately slumped from a hardass square to a softer, more sympathetic angle
They padded over to join him on the floor.
“Care to elaborate, oh roomie of mine?”
There was a pause and Spinner tapped his nails against the hardwood idly before responding.
“I guess I’m just feeling, like, fucking I don’t know,” he sighed, knocking his head against the dusty boards, “left out I guess? That’s not quite right, but it’s just Magne mentioned last time she came to The League meeting that Jin was seeing somebody and it just got me all introspective and weird…”
“Hm,” his roommate hummed thoughtfully and studied the way the textured white ceiling gave way to the rings of brown water damage, like a dead and dying flower, “I thought you and Jin weren’t ever that serious?”
“We weren’t,” Spinner groaned again and rubbed his eyes. “We went on like, one date a year ago and I haven’t thought about it really at all since then. I’m not sure why hearing he’s got someone else now made me so fucking...jealous I guess.”
“I mean, maybe you just never really gave yourself the time to process it?” they asked and received only an annoyed huff and accompanying groan. “Sorry, should have asked if you were looking for advice or just wanting to rant. My bad.”
“No, it’s fine. I think it’s just…”
Spinner trailed off and they shifted as the hard floor bit at their back and made it ache. The muscles were sore already as it was, and Tomura blowing their fucking back a few times a week wasn’t really helping. They’d created some kind of perpetually horny monster, but something told them cracking a joke about it wasn’t really going to help the situation much. Thankfully, Spinner found his way to filling the silence a minute later.
“I don’t think it has anything specifically to do with Jin. Yeah I liked him, we’re still really good friends and I don’t feel like I need him to be more than that. It’s just that—and this is gonna make me sound like a massive asshole—but with you and your new fucking boyfie and now even Jin finding someone to date I just keep seeing reminders everywhere of how motherfucking isolated I am.”
“Oh,” they felt their face burn a bit, guilt frothing as they were forced to acknowledge the fact that in all the time they’ve spent holed up with Tomura, Spinner had been discarded like an old Steam game, bought impulsively on sale and never played again. “I’m sorry I haven’t been prioritizing you—”
“No, no, no shut the fuck with that,” he waved his hand to cut them off and pushed himself up on his palms. “I know I’m not being fair about it, and I really am happy for you guys, but idk man….I just feel like I’m never gonna find that you know?”
Beside him, his roommate remained sprawled out on the floor like a homicide tape outline and was just as deadly quiet.
“I just,” he continued, running an angry hand through his hair, “I know I could be such a good partner. Like I’m funny and I’m not a fucking creep, which is actually a plus to most people.”
He shot a side glance down and they rolled their eyes, sitting up and knocking his shoulder roughly till he toppled back to the dirty floor and they stood above him.
“Fuck off,” they chuckled.
His roommate watched as the laughter seemed to infect him like a bad cold, creeping down the back of his throat and shaking in his chest.
“No I’m serious, I would be such a fucking great boyfriend. I give goddamn top quality cuddles and I actually know how to do laundry, what more does one need truly?”
“Damn bro, you’ve known how to fold your own clothes this whole time?”
The giggling spread into the quiet space, rocking through both their shoulders and leaving the air feeling light—fresh like the first nights of Spring. When it finally petered out into friendly silence, they were both far lighter.
“I just like the way you fold my t-shirts, the sleeves don’t get those weird creases when you do it,” he muttered and stood, doing his best to fix the wild pink locks that stood on end from his fidgeting.
“Yeah I’m sure,” his roommate rolled their eyes and turned back down the hall.
When they left for the night to stay over with their boyfriend, Spinner tried not to acknowledge the way he subconsciously glared at their back as they walked out the door, skipping yet another League meeting to swap spit with that guy from their English class.
He tried even harder not to think of how their bed would be warm and their legs would have legs to tangle with, their chest have a chest to lay against, while he heated up instant noodles in the microwave and fell asleep alone on their living room couch.
Not to mention that tonight was the big tournament with that new group on campus. He was really banking on his bff (best fucking friend as they were always sure to clarify) and him teaming up to crush those assholes from The Commission or whatever they called themselves.
Fucking lame as shit name in his opinion.
In any case, he’d have to settle for Magne again, and she was such a loose cannon they were sure to get their asses handed to them. She was a great fucking tank, he’d be the first to admit, but strategy was not a strong point of hers and they desperately needed that tonight.
He could feel the sinking weight of failure rolling in the pit of his stomach already even as he dragged himself into his room to tug on an old pair of jeans.
It bothered him way more than it should, the idea of losing some gaming tournament that, by all means held little to no actual significance.
Spinner knew the stock he’d started placing in games was growing to an unhealthy degree.
He knew that.
But self awareness rarely did anything to alleviate the irrational fear of failing at one of the only remaining consistencies in his life.
It stung worse when the tournament kicked off and by the third round, Spinner was the only remaining League member in the brackets.
“Fucking shit…” he muttered to himself, the small basement room alight with the blue glow of the monitor and the sound of frantically smashing controllers.
Behind him on the couch—stolen long ago from the theater building—Magne held him by the shoulders as he grit his teeth and leaned into the movement of his avatar on screen.
“You got this babe,” she shouted, cheek pressed up to his ear. “Make ‘em eat shit for me!”
“I would if you stopped distracting me,” Spinner hissed back.
Really it wasn’t Magne’s aggressive and somewhat bloodthirsty style of encouragement that shook his focus so badly.
It was his opponent.
The fucking president of The Commission sat, thighs spread and pressed to his, resting your weight on your elbows and snarling beside him in the couch.
Your face was split in this heart stopping grin as you quite deftly dodged all his attempts to get a hit in and managed to land a few of your own in the process.
And you looked really hot doing it.
Which was definitely just a side effect of the punch he (didn’t) drink and the body heat fueled temperature of the room—sweaty skin against sweaty skin making his mind wander against his will.
The shifting in his seat was absolutely just to illogically make him move faster and had nothing to do with how tight his pants now seemed.
So much for not being a fucking creep.
Your teammates were gathered in a circle behind you, enraptured and exuding the kind of smug confidence that said quite clearly The League was fucked from the second they walked in.
Not even two minutes later your hands were thrown up, punching the air and your team piling over the back of the couch to drown you in a sea of celebratory limbs.
Spinner felt himself deflating even as he was toppled off the couch by your screaming members and The League collectively cursed in the background.
Truthfully he’d known the chances of winning were slim.
Ever since his roommate started getting busy with classes and clubs that ‘looked good on their resume,’ The League had gone downhill rapidly. It was a problem since long before that Shigaraki guy swooped in and stole them away, but Spinner couldn’t stop himself from lowkey holding that against him.
The League had consumed so much of his life in college, functioning as a haven where he was finally respected and belonged to an extent he’d never experienced before.
The stink of failure and loss, not of the game but the only space he’d ever really occupied without complaint, burned his face and made the room feel more suffocating than usual.
Magne looked as though she wanted to give him one of her signature—and admittedly very comforting—hugs, but the deadly look of disappointment on Spinner’s face must have made her think twice.
The rest of his team seemed to read this sudden downward shift in the room as they began to filter out, climbing the steps onto street level and away from the suddenly stuffy, uncomfortable meeting spot. Normally everyone would stay and finish off the drinks snuck past the janitorial staff, eating Doritos until well past midnight. This time they couldn’t wait to be rid of him.
He couldn’t really blame them.
The multimedia building was a strange place after hours. Once Spinner might have called it something rare and liminal, now it felt more like a prison.
He stood, packing up the consoles a bit more roughly than necessary when someone cleared their throat behind him.
He turned to see you, standing alone with hands on your hips and scowling like you were the one who just got their gaming reputation ruined.
“Dude what the fuck was that?”
Spinner bristled at the knife sharp point of your tone.
“Really?” he asked incredulously. “You seriously waited around to rub your win in my face?”
You rolled your eyes and took a step closer around the couch. “I’m not talking about the fucking game dumbass. Why the hell are you pouting like I stole your fucking candy or some shit? You ruined the vibes man.”
“If anyone was ruining the vibes, it was you and your cocky ass team.”
Spinner felt himself stepping closer too, pulled in by the celestial weight that accompanied any kindling argument.
“Me?” you pointed to your chest and scoffed, “Wow, I was really hoping you’d actually possess a bit of emotional maturity, but if this is how you get after a loss I’m not shocked your fucking club is bleeding members.”
At some point the two of you had gravitated close enough that he felt the puff of your last breath on his cheeks. Two comets, ready and willing to collide.
“I’m not being the asshole in this situation, you know that right?” Spinner glared down his nose at you, heart pounding in his ears. “Maybe you shouldn’t make fucking unfounded assumptions about people you don’t know.”
“So then why are your panties in a twist over a fucking game?” you retorted.
He was peripherally aware that your eyes had taken on the same laser focused quality as they had during the last round. Determined and locked onto him without sparing a glance to anything else.
It was this same undivided attention that he’d envied in you as you played, and as Spinner felt it trained on him, his pants once again felt uncomfortably restrictive.
“It’s not about the fucking game okay!?” his voice came out hoarse and far more petulant than he’s been aiming for.
Though he quickly felt the embarrassment give rise to a secondary heat as you both breathed each other’s air and searched the face across from you.
“Then what is it about?”
That strange, unexplainable, inexplicable rush of potential filled the small gap that remained between your bodies—the kind of tension Spinner was beginning to think he’d never feel again.
He’d kissed plenty of people. Almost more than he’d like to admit, or that they’d like to admit more accurately.
But when his flickering eyes found your hard stare still and unwavering from his, it felt incredibly natural to lean in and press his lips against your fading frown.
It was slow going, the few centimeters that separated you seemed like miles as he moved slowly, never breaking eye contact until his mouth was finally slotted over yours and you weren’t pushing him away.
There was still a bit of lingering confusion, as this was decidedly not what either of you appeared to be expecting from the prior conversation. That coupled with the fact that Spinner wasn’t entirely sure he remembered your first name made the feeling of your tongue prodding at the seam of his lips all the more startling.
When he gasped, you slid your hands up his chest and licked into his mouth. Tongue tangling between breaths, Spinner felt himself getting lost in the familiar and coveted taste of another mouth, another body, another hand that grasped, that desired, that wanted him.
Your knees dug into the cushions on either side of Spinner’s thighs as you bounced in his lap. He fought to keep his eyes open against the pleasure of his cock sinking into you over and over again, so he could watch the way your head was thrown back and your chest heaved with the exertion.
He dug his hands into your hips and let his head hit the back of the couch, feet planted on the floor to help his hips thrust up into you, earning him some of the prettiest, stifled moans he’d ever heard.
Truthfully, he had not expected to fuck you. He figured you might be down to just make out for a bit until the cleaning staff came and booted you from the building, but both your pants had quite quickly and naturally found their way to the floor.
Neither of you spoke much, which he was thankful for. That would have been far too complicated of a conversation, especially considering you really didn’t know each other all that well.
Spinner usually liked to do a bit of ‘getting to know you’ type activities before he hooked up with people, which he did with surprising frequency for somebody so starved for a long term thing. Sex just fucking felt good and it was this eagerness that was his downfall. Most people he’d fucked around with seemed to read the urge to get into their pants as a diminished interest or emotional attraction and Spinner ended up with more friends with benefits than actual friends...or benefits.
Regardless, it was fine by him that the only form of communication passing between you for now were scattered groans of pleasure and the wet slap of your ass against his thighs.
He’d nearly forgotten how fucking amazing pussy felt.
For no particular reason, Spinner had always found himself fooling around with bodies more similar to his own. Not that he had any real preference, though the lack of experience often made him a bit nervous in the whole ‘pleasing your partner’ department, despite many helpful lessons from his roommate.
That was all to say that Spinner was incredibly thankful you reached down to guide his hand that had clumsily begun rubbing circles on your clit. That is until you simply knocked it away and went back to riding his dick like a fucking champ.
Then he did speak.
“Wanna make you cum,” he mumbled and really did sound like he was pouting this time.
You peered down at him, slowing your pace so you sat flush in his lap, grinding his cock deep against your walls. Spinner keened as you clenched around him, pussy so deliciously warm he felt himself near to drowning in the feel of you.
“Mm fuck,” you panted, leaning in to steal a few more messy kisses from him before lifting up and enveloping him in the slick heat all over again. “Don’t worry about it.”
“No,” he nipped at the column or your throat, careful not to leave any lasting marks just in case. “If I’m finishing, you’re fucking finishing.”
You pulled back and stared at him for a moment. He felt you purposefully tightening around him just so he would squirm under your curious gaze. After a moment you smirked and rolled your eyes again, taking his hand and guiding his fingers back to that little nub just above where his thick length was seated inside you.
Spinner was proud of his dick, it was hefty but not so long that it was a hassle to fit—just enough to reach all the important bits. He was sensitive as hell too most of the time, so just about any pressure felt amazing. But the best part of it was watching whoever he was fucking fall apart on his goddamn perfect cock.
So when you whispered, “Like this,” and showed him the rhythm and motion you liked, he pulled himself back from the brink to pay attention, speeding up until that look of cooled control slid right off your face.
“Ahh, yes fuck...” the words tumbled from you freely now. “Shit, yeah just like that—”
Spinner could get fucking drunk off the low groan that left you as he planted his feet more firmly and bucked his hips up. He must have hit something good by the way you choked and moaned boarding on too loud, though he had neither the heart nor self control to stop you.
“Feel good?” he grunted, picking up the pace and force he thrust into you, so that you had to loop your arms around his neck and hold tightly as he speared you on his cock.
“Fuck...yes..” you whimpered into his shoulder which did wonders for his ego.
Spinner kept up his rubbing frantic patterns on your clit and feeling the gradual constriction of your walls around him—the coil growing tight and ready to snap. He nudged your cheek with his until you pulled back a bit to face him.
“I want to see you,” he murmured, sucking your tongue into his mouth for a moment and tearing himself away so he could watch as you came undone around him.
You gave him a strange, soft look and pressed your forehead to his, eyes zoned in on only him.
The rest of the room, the whole fucking basement and campus melted away under that stare.
Your nipples peaked through your shirt, brushing against his as you were jostled into him by the movement of your hips. As you reached your peak, words devolved into increasingly breathy gasps. It took Spinner an incredible amount of concentration not to fucking paint your insides then and there.
Your pussy was so goddamn tight and warm and milking him just right, it was a fucking impressive feat to remain staunchly at the edge of his peak as your mouth fell open and your fingernails scratched at his back when you finally came—the telltale spasms around his cock and the near sobs coming from you more than enough indication.
He lost himself well and truly then.
Lost in the false sense of intimacy that came with being allowed to see you fall apart, this person he barely knew yet made him feel immensely important in that moment. Your breath and spit was in his mouth, the smell and feel of you soaking his length pushed him beyond the realm of conscious thought.
There was only a deep and burning need to be closer to you. So, so much closer.
His hands moved of their own accord, hooking under your thighs and flipping your bodies so your back hit the cushions and he hovered above you. The angle allowed him to slide deeper, pulling out and thrusting his hips in fast, hard strokes that hurtled him towards release.
Spinner couldn’t keep himself quite now either, panting and moaning and gasping unashamedly with his eyes screwed shut as you took his cock so unbelievably well.
It wasn’t until your hands, softer than he’d imagined, cupped his jaw and pulled him down to meet you that he was brought back down from whatever higher plane of existence his impending orgasm whisked him too.
Your lips weren’t nearly as frantic as the rocking of his thighs, the slap of his balls against your ass. The sweetness was an odd but welcome contrast.
“I’m gonna—fucking mm...” he tried so hard to get his tongue to form the words but he could feel himself slipping further as you started clamping around his length again.
“I know,” you breathed against his lips, faces pressed together and unmoving eyes steady on his own. “Ahh, inside if you want.”
He did want.
Oh fuck did he want nothing more in that moment to stay sunk in your warmth and pump you so full, but the last few remaining logical braincells reminded him that was not a great idea. Not without a more in-depth conversation neither of you was in a state to have.
“Shouldn’t...” he groaned and moved to pull out but your ankles locked around his ass and forced him back down.
“It’s okay,” you huffed and rocked into him, squeezing around the sensitive head of his dick just once, just right and that did him in.
It was something in the way you looked at him, so that he could feel nothing but secure—nothing but safe wrapped up in you. Something about the way you pressed him closer, in the movement of your thumb on his cheek.
It scratched some deep seated, lonely itch in Spinner.
Made it feel like this meant a hell of a lot more than it probably did.
In seconds he was blowing his fucking load right into you, milking himself in your heat until he was spent and overstimulated. You were kind enough to pull him to you, turning your bodies so you laid side by side on the coach, his softening cock slipping from you in a gush of release.
For a minute or so, neither of you spoke, just stared, long and comfortable at the stranger you’d just fucked on the gaming club couch.
Fucked wasn’t really the word he’d use at that point to describe what you’d just done, but anything more than that felt presumptuous.
You broke the silence as he nuzzled into your palm.
“You really needed that didn’t you?”
Spinner couldn’t help the familiar, infectious laugh that rattled in his chest. He liked the smile it earned him, far more genuine than any others you’d worn that night.
“Uh, yeah,” he said. “Yeah, I guess I did.”
You hummed, nodding in response. “Mm, me too.”
And somehow, for no real logical reason, Spinner knew you understood. That you felt the same isolation, the same starvation for love, for holding weight in someone else’s world.
That the games were just a placeholder, a way to fill the space, to get lost in other lives, in other stories where he did matter. Where his actions had foreseeable and measurable worth. That’s why it hurt to lose. Not for the glory, but for the destruction of the only remaining diversion from how empty his reality felt.
Even if it wasn’t really.
Even if there were friends and benefits and friends who offered both. His roommate could let him rest his head in their lap on movie nights or sleep in his bed on occasion when the heat went out and he got cold too quickly. But none of that quite filled the hole like you now, holding his face and knowing the struggle without him having to explain it.
Nothing like you pulling him in and kissing him too familiarly for someone he’d only known a day.
Magne used to say something about shit like this. Something like how people bond in train cars when there’s a rat eating a slice of pizza and you all watch it happen. Some weird camaraderie forged in the shared experience of life being a little fucking freaky a lot of the time.
That was how it felt when you slipped your leg between his and brushed your lips together again. Content to lay, half naked in the media building basement, making out with some guy you beat at Smash and fucked right after.
Reveling in the brief but meaningful feeling of mattering in some small, strange way to someone else.
Of holding weight.
Of being held.
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igonecrazy · 2 years
Juju hold me I’m in pain :’(
So like… Killing Eve ended yesterday alright. And I hate the ending I HATE HATE IT THEY FUCKING KILLED OFF VILLANELLE FOR SHOCK VALUE WTF 😭😭😭 and it was such a terrible death too it’s like… it’s like if in the Hannibal finale instead of falling off the cliff, Jack just randomly shows up when Will and Hannibal are hugging and kills Hannibal, and Will tried to catch him but just misses and Hannibal falls off the cliff and Will is just left there screaming at the edge of the cliff 😭😭😭 That’s literally how the ending went sksksksk the big bads were dead and Villaneve were happie and I thought everything would be fine and then in the last two minutes boom plot twist death 😭😭😭 I didn’t expect this from killing eve and I’m so fucking disappointed :(( they literally spn-ed the finale 😭😭😭
and I saw some snippets from an interview with the head writer and it’s like… she didn’t understand the characters at all??? And she didn’t even seem to understand what SHE wrote cause apparently Eve is happy about Villanelle dying cause she can start a new life and I’m like??? Wtf that’s not what happened???
I wish they just ended the show at season 3 smh :((
Sorry sjsjsjs I just needed to rant about this 😭 it’s been one day and I’m still not over it… I literally sobbed for five whole minutes after the last episode ended :’((( they deserved better
First..come here darling..🫂🫂
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Second......GOOD GAWD YOU DIDNT HAVE TO TYPE THAT BIT!! The "instead of falling off the cliff, .......at the edge of the cliff"!! I've been watching all the reactions on my dash..and i know what they did it sucky..and i WAS FEELING BAD YOU DIDNT HAVE TO PICK THAT SCENARIO AND PUT IT ON HANNIBAL 😭😭😭😭 THAT HURTS A LOT MORE!! Especially coz it's mommy that you threw off the cliff 😭😭😭😭
But YESSSSSS! THAT ABSOLUTELY SUCKS! It's like why do you have to ruin a perfectly good thing and why do you believe THAT IS GOING TO MAKE THE PEOPLE WHO WATCH YOUR STUPID FUCKING SHOW FOR EXACTLY THOSE CHARACTERS THEY LOVE BE LIKE "WHOA! SO GENIUS!" like wasn't the reaction after GOT and Endgame and Supernatural and every other thing enough!!! Who is telling them that YESS THIS IS SO NEW AND THIS IS THE WAY TO GO!!
Here..come here again..🫂🫂🫂
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I've not seen the show..but even I know Eve isn't happy about it!! GOOD GAWD!! THE PEOPLE THEY'RE GIVING REIGNS TO THESE DAYS! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Giving Loki to that Caldron guy don't correct his name..i know his name but it's not worthy writing who had no fucking idea about or love for the character.. Things are just absolutely better in quality and much more amazing when they're worked upon by people who actually love and care about those characters that they're playing with..🥺 why does this simple thing escape the entire fucking industry..idk 🤦🏻‍♀️
And..come here again!!
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It's okie to cry about it..it sure sucks..and they dooo deserve better 🥺🖤🖤 the lovely couple ..the finale moment was just a nightmare Eve saw..but then she wakes up and Villanelle is there sipping coffee by the window looking out the window to their future ☺️ living a life of murder and mayhem out there in cold Alaska..they adopt a doggo and a catto and they live there in a cute cozy self-sustaining cabin in a remote location and nobody ever finds them..other than one kid who they once find out in the cold and then they adopt it and they grow her to be the most ruthless but sweet fighter ever ☺️🖤🖤 that's where they are...🖤🖤🖤
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makebank · 4 years
save me
Summary: You stop caring about your life. JJ comes in at just the right time. 
Warnings: drug use, cussing, unwanted physical touch
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: i got a little carried away for a blurb, but had some time before work today. hope you enjoy!! idk how i feel about it but oh weeell. 
Request: would you be comfortable with writing a request where JJ has to save you from a situation gone wrong with barry and rafe?
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You were unsure of why you kept the company that you did. Maybe it was because you didn’t value yourself. Maybe it was because you didn’t think you deserved better. Or maybe it was just that you stopped caring. 
You were slumped into the back of an old dirty couch with your eyes glued to the table in front of. Rafe was smashed into your side, always near you. He was arguing with Barry about the white powder on the table in front of you. The house was filled with a bunch of other low lifes having nothing better to do than spend their time here. But hey you were there too.
“C’mon man let me and my girl get a little taste of the merchandise.” Rafe was always adamant about trying the product. Not because he cared about the quality but because he couldn’t pass up a line. You on the other hand didn’t care either way. You could go without it, but it was just always there. So why not? It’s not like your life was great anyway. The insufferable kook life surrounded you everywhere. Always pretending you were perfect. It was exhausting. Your parents loved Rafe, not even having a clue who he really was. Just that he, too, came from money. You had succumbed to the idea that this life was as good as it was going to get. So you decided you didn’t care to try for anything better. 
You rolled your eyes at their back and forth banter. You always hated coming to the cut with Rafe and dealing with his hostile drug dealers. “You say that every time Country Club. It’s fine. I always have the good stuff. Besides you still owe me money from last time” Barry tried to defend himself. Rafe just raised his eyebrow upset at not getting his way like always. “I will come through this time. I promise. I’ll charge the rich kids more this time.” Rafe was pleading like a child. Barry just huffed and started making a few lines. 
Rafe snorted the first then leaned back into the couch satisfied. He handed you the rolled-up bill and you followed suit. Every time it hit your system the rush was unexplainable. It made you feel good just for a moment. 
Just then you heard the front door slam open to a familiar blond pogue boy. JJ Maybank. You’ve heard numerous stories about him, but have only exchanged a few words every now and then. His eyes met yours for a moment in your blissed-out state, then he moved through the house shouting for what sounded like his dad. Rafe continued snorting lines, getting carried away like always. 
As you were just getting bored of watching him, Rafe left the room not even telling you where he was going. Barry, then saw this as his opportunity, he came over and sat next to you on the couch. You grimaced at the greasy man. He placed his slimy hand onto your thigh, and just as quickly you threw it off. He brought it back and gripped it even harder and started to slide up. “Stop!” You yelled hoping he’d get the hint or Rafe would hear and come back. But your eyes scanned the room and no sight of him anywhere. 
Barry leaned in, holding your body to the couch, and moved his lips to your neck. You felt queasy and violated. Tears started to fall down your cheek, as you came to realize you wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. Just like the rest of your life.
“What the fuck? Get the hell off her man!” you heard a different voice shout. Barry was ripped off the top of you and thrown to the ground. Punches were flying to his face, delivered by the feisty surfer. 
You finally caught up to what was happening and found your voice. “JJ please stop!” as much as you hated Barry you didn’t want to cause any more problems with him, knowing the consequences. JJ listened and got off of the bleeding and groaning man. He looked at your defeated posture and tear stained cheeks. He reached out his bloody hand for you to grab.
“You want to get out of here?” He offered. You were unsure why he cared to help you. But you were more unsure of why you wanted to go with him. Rafe wasn’t your boyfriend, but he parades you around like you were. You allowed it because it made your family satisfied. But looking into his blue eyes, your heart started to speed up. And not because of the drugs for the first time. He made you feel safe just for a moment and something about him was so inviting. 
You nodded your head and placed your hand into yours. He pulled you out of the house and you both started walking down the unpaved road. “Thank you… for that.” you mumbled.
“Barry is a creep. I hate that dude. Besides you didn’t look too happy before that.” Your eyes went to the ground feeling embarrassed that people could tell how miserable you were. You tried so hard for it not to show. “Yeah. Life just sucks sometimes, I guess. You didn’t look too happy there either. Did you find your dad?” you were curious even though it was sort of nosey. He quirked a brow at you for noticing him too. 
“You can say that.” he looked disgusted by the topic of his father. “Well, I should probably head home. Thanks again. I don’t know why you helped me, but I really appreciate it.” JJ frowned at your words. “I don’t know why you spend your time with them if you’re miserable. You don’t have to be unhappy. I see you all the time y/n and you look like you hate your life. Come hang out with me today. I’ll show you a good time.” He started smirking full of himself. 
You were confused why you were thrilled at the idea of spending the day with him. But here in front of you was a person making you feel anything but empty. You were in no position to pass it up. You smiled in return, “Fine. It can’t be worse than Barry” you giggled. You’d deal with Rafe and your parents later.
JJ’s smile took up his entire face and he brushed his loose blond hairs back. Once more he motioned for you to take his hand. He intertwined your fingers and whisked you away from all the pain and suffocation of your life. 
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spideycurls · 5 years
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requested via anon: peter parker accidentally rests his hand on your thigh at a school dance and doesn’t realize but it turns reader on and he still doesn’t realize but reader is kinda loving it and then SMUT AT SCHOOL and peter is so like innocent and confused but then he gets into it AH
warnings: uh smut but duh. idk language but also duh. also, in turn of me not responding to the request earlier, im turning this into a oneshot. i'll be doing this with a jake g request i got as well bc i feel really bad for not responding to these earlier.
word count: 1k+ i think
paring: peter parker x reader PETER IS AGED UP IN THIS! 18+ PETER!
god, how you even ended up here, you didn't know. it all started when peter decided it would be fun to basically feel up your thigh with his hand. the act was supposed to be innocent enough but it's not your fault that thigh grabbing is a huge fucking turn-on.
poor peter had no clue what he was doing to you. you were both sitting on the seats (bleachers ig) near the food table, watching your friends have the time of their lives. brad (cause he ain't a dick in this) and mj were dancing like a bunch of lunatics while ned and betty were just standing next to eachother, giggling and whispering into eachothers ears.
neither you, nor peter, were very big on dancing so you both opted on watching while have a conversation amongst yourselves. however, that conversation was long forgotten when you heard peter take in a sharp intake of air.
"are you, uh, a-are you w-wet?" he whispered out the last word like it was forbidden to ever say it. you simply stared at him shocked,
"enhanced senses, n/n."
you glanced down at your shoes shyly, a blush coating your cheeks, and murmured, "well, y-yeah, i guess"
"w-why." the way peter said it got you abnormally nervous. he made it sound like a bad thing but the way he was gripping your thigh slightly tighter contradicted his words.
"uhm, that for starters." you gestured down to his hand that had slipped under the hem of your dress and was subconsciously inching closer to the lace of your panties.
"oh, is it okay that im doing t-this?" his thumb rubbed a small circle your inner thighs, less than an inch away from where you needed him most. you let out a small whimper when his index finger ghosted over your panties,
"yeah, be-better than okay." and with that, peter moved your panties to the side, his index finger rubbing soft circles over your clit.
a sly smirk took its place on peters lips when he heard the whine that left yours. he increased the pressure on your clit, his thumb moving so he could tease your pussy. you were thanking your mother for the dress that she had chosen for you. it comfortably covered up to your knees but had a slit going up your right leg (thank god for that slit).
peter ducked his head down to subtly nip at your neck, his breathing slowly picking up as well. you huffed when he retracted his hand teasingly,
"nope, nah, we're not having this." you grabbed other hand, forcing the one in your dress to slip out, and pulled peter up with you. you guided him out of the gym and down the empty hallway, the soft patter of your footsteps being the only thing that could be heard.
"where're we going." peter asked when you guided him up the stares and took a sharp turn into the drama storage room.
"somewhere where we won't have a bunch of sweaty teenagers ruining our fun."
peters eyes looked like they were about to fall out of his head, funny considering he had just had his hand up your dress in a gym full of people. you locked the door behind you both and cornered peter up against the door.
the storage room was dimly lit, seeing as theres only one light in the middle of the room that looked as if it needed to be replaced soon. the whimper peter let out when you gently squeezed him through his nice jeans was almost porn quality (but better because it was peter and he's, well, peter). it's funny how quickly you can make him drop the cocky act when all you have to do is give him the slightest touch.
peters hands flew to your waist when you leant in to nip and suck at his neck, pulling every noise possible out of him.
"j-jeez, babe. you're so-- fuck!" he was cut off the you dipped you hand under his jeans and boxers and swiped your thumb over the head of his cock. a smirk fell on your lips when peters head fell back against the door and he thrusted his hips into your hand.
"please, babe. please, i-i need you."
"how do you need me pete?" you asked softly and you watched as he shivered from the feeling of your warm breath on his neck.
"your pussy. need your pussy. please."
"okay, baby. whatever you need."
peter was quick to curl his hand around your back and pull down the zipper of your dress. you swiftly unbuckled his belt and pulled his jeans and boxers. his cock was harder than ever at the sight of you in your nice, purple lace. your bra was nothing too special, a simple white cotton sports bra but to peter you were the stars that lit up his night sky.
his mouth dropped open when you slowly, in a teasing manner, pulled down your panties, leaving your wet cunt out for him to see perfectly. you looked around the room in search for a surface to fuck of (because even though he has his super strength, you don't want to risk an accidental drop and a broken hip). your eyes landed on a small table that held dozens of craft supplies and with quickly skipped over to it and in a swipe, everything was on the floor.
"well, do you wanna fuck me or not?" you asked, hopping onto the table, pulling peter in by the collar of his shirt. he dug through the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled out a condom, making you raise a brow.
"did you seriously bring that with you?"
peter smiled sheepishly, "i, uh, figured we were gonna so something either way when we got back to your place."
you were so busy laughing at the blush on your boyfriends cheeks that you didn't notice he had already slip on the condom, nudging you legs apart with his knee.
"you ready?"
"mhm." you were gripping his jacket tightly, face buried in his shoulder trying to muffle your noises as he slowly started to fuck into you after giving you time to adjust.
peter started to pick up the pace drawing beautiful whines and whimpers out of your mouth. peters hand slipped down from your waist to rub at your clit, adding to the amazing feeling of him fucking into you at a relentless pace.
"f-fuck, pete. you're so good. so good." a delicious moan left peters mouth at the praise
hmm, might have to explore that later.
"m' getting close, babe." he whimpered and you nodded, cupping his cheeks and smashing your mouths together in an utterly filthy kiss.
his pace picked up (faster than you thought possible) and you let out a filthy moan in peters mouth as your orgasm crashed into you unannounced. at the feeling of you clenching around him impossibly tight, peter threw his head back and gave you a few more sloppy thrusts before cumming in the condom.
your heavy breaths filled the air as you tried to catch your breath. peter rubbed at your hips soothingly as he gave you a couple soft kisses to your forehead.
"fuck, i love you."
"mm, i love you too." you whispered back, still trying to catch your breath. after a few moments of silence, peters breathy chuckle filled the air.
"now we have to figure out how to get rid of this without being caught." he motioned down to his cock and you had to blink a couple times to be able to see the condom.
"hmm? oh yeah, that's cool." you whispered and peter stocked your hair softly before pulling out of you, looking around for a bin.
"shit, n/n? wheres the closest bin?"
"uhm, near the gym i think."
455 notes · View notes
piracytheorist · 5 years
My Notes on Rewatching “Call Girl”
I amuse myself by thinking that watching this film is an important rite of passage for anyone who’s an all-in Colin fan, as in, one who’ll watch anything and everything he’s in, no matter the content, theme or quality.
I actually used to think that this was a pretty bad movie... but, as you might have seen from my last few posts, I recently realized this isn’t the case. Sure, it is not your average short film, but breaking it down you realize it’s doing most things right from a filmmaking point. I mean, you don’t have to love it, but it does a great job overall.
And I mean, it’s got Colin in it. How bad can it be? ;)
Beware of spoilers, if you haven’t seen the film. And if you do wanna see it, here it is :D
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I'm still surprised that... this is it. That's Colin freaking O'Donoghue right there. The pirate. The cowboy. The astronaut. The man the myth the legend.
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Ah, early 00's.
Wait. Ok let's make a breakdown of the decoration here. There's: 1) a heart anatomy poster 2) a frame with an undiscernible picture 3) IS THAT AN ASTRONAUT FIGURE? dun_dun_dun.mp3 4) a small penguin (?) plushie with a nautical (?) hat on it 5) are those... mantis figurines stuck on the sides of the screen????
Oooooh boy you sure have some very specific decorations on your desk.
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The music stops abruptly when Brendan's mother calls out to him to not close the door because she wants to see him studying. That's interesting. Also how old is Brennan supposed to be? Is he supposed to be in high school, or an adult in college? What was the age of consent in Ireland in 2003?
This vibe, though. White perfect shirt and dark vest...
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The look of "I'm gonna look at hot girls with my bedroom's door open while my parents argue across the hall" ALSO YES THAT'S A MANTIS
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This just makes me laugh so much. Can you imagine sweet innocent (mostly) virgin Brendan typing it and his heartbeat skyrocketing?
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Seriously though, that "Welcome back Brendan" thing. With one small addition you add a whole point in his backstory about him trying to deal with his urges.
Jesus I have forgotten so much. As soon as Brendan hears his mother coming, he immediately clicks "Dump her" on the "Virtual Babe" and it just... explodes. 
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With a full low-quality boom sound effect to boot. Like seriously if you were trying to hide why the f have your speakers on. You had one job, Brendan.
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A rare glimpse into Brendan's room, and I'm trying to understand what the pattern on his sheets are. Maybe I'm just confused by the astronaut figurine, but it looks... vaguely... about space? Like, if you squint, the circular thing on the top left looks like Saturn's rings. No?
Also, Brendan's mom being obsessed with disinfection. That was 2003.
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"I don't want filth getting into my house while I'm gone." And two hours later, her son has sex on her bed.
Oh wait, his father says "The only contact [Brendan] has with the outside world is through that bloody computer of his," in a... weird, tone? Like he's trying to placate the mother's fears of any rave party suddenly taking place in the house, but also with his tone (and maybe by using the word "bloody"? idk I'm no native speaker but it piques my interest) it doesn't seem like he's very... understanding and/or supportive of his probably very shy and/or socially awkward son.
Mom: That reminds me, block off the internet, will you? Dad: *scoffs* Why not lock him in a tower while you're at it?
He is sassy though!
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Lookit him though! So sad he won't be able to create and look at Virtual BabesTM while his parents are gone.
The parent's accents strike me more towards a British one and I got confused for a bit, but then I remembered that we see Brendan use euros later, lol.
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*hatching the plan to search in his father's briefcase for any cards for escort services*
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This is where I started feeling that this movie is better than I’d remembered. Like, it does the job of delivering Brendan's guilt over "tresspassing" into his parents room and disobeying his mother, as well as his fear of being discovered, even though he watched his parents drive away, so he'd hear the car if they came back, in a pretty well-done and clear way.
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I love how he immediately knows exactly where to look. His father's such an organized fella. Also those pills that he seems to not need immediately (thus leaving them behind for the weekend) are... something. They're put there for a reason and I wonder what that could have been.
There's not even a moment of hesitation, once he opens the briefcase. He doesn't put the card back in, he only looks briefly at his parents' photo but then he's like "Yeah. I'm doing it."
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That smile as he sees the card though, lol. 
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Casual reminder to have safe sex, lads.
And then the phone operator is like, full business mode. Brendan stutters for one (1) second and she's immediately like, "You want a girl?" She's like, I've had tons of people like you, lad, can't waste my time waiting until you find the courage to ask. You wanna hire or not?
OH MY GOD I JUST REALIZED The operator asks for the address, Brendan gives it, then asks how much does it cost. Then the operator says "Same as usual." BRUH she knew the address from how often his father used the service!
And then poor Brendan checks his savings and his "Uh..." says it all about how he wishes he could hire someone for longer than an hour. Bro, calm down. It's your first time.
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And then he's like, waiting all anxiously by the door. I've never hired an escort service but I feel ya dude.
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And of course Barbara the nosy neighbor, here to bring us to the edge of our seats, lol.
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Look at how organized their fridge is. Why is that chick suddenly so eager to cook something for him? There looks to be so much food already prepared in there.
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And dude. This movie has set-ups. Barbara tries to open a cupboard to like pick up ingredients to cook something, and Brendan, with a sudden "No!" rushes in and closes it. It only makes sense later, when we see that that's where he hid the money for the call girl.
Yikes she booped his nose as she left... what is he, ten? I mean even if he's supposed to be a teen here it's still... like... he's not a little boy to fucking boop his nose. No wonder her mother seems to trust her with taking care of him, with how both treat him like he's a child.
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Hi there! You're gonna die :D
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Shit I just noticed the portrait on the wall. Is that a... is that a fucking ruff collar his mother is wearing???? (btw I had to search to find that term with "shakespeare collar" XD)
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I mean... you can't help falling for it. At first you're like, she seems too... simple for a call girl. But then you're like, who else could it be who also knows his name?
I wonder what would've happened if she hadn't asked to use the bathroom, which prompted her to look at his parents' bedroom and him to... initiate contact. Would he have mustered the courage to actually ask her about it or would he have been so flustered until she'd say something? What would she say? "You know, your mother said you would [something]" and he would FREAK THE FUCK OUT because how does his mother know? Would they have stayed there in awkward silence long enough for his mother to call, him to pick up and find out what she was really there for?
I mean, look at that! I'm speculacting the "what-ifs"! Good fucking movie!
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That look, though. You suddenly go from "Aw you cute" to "WTF I know you're thirsty for it but that's... creepy"
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Look at that smile, though! She is pretty nosy!
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I just... I love everything about this. The way she's smiling at nosing in in her boss' bedroom. Him creeping behind her like the future killer that he is, actually scaring her. The way he says "This is my mother's room," so shy and collected. The fucking music, too. How it slowly builds up from the moment she spots the bedroom and it starts developing when Brendan kisses her.
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And that kiss. So chaste and shy and yet she's like, wow yeah let's have sex now.
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"You're not as shy as you look." LOL
For the pre-sex scene I just wanna link y'all to @killian-whump 's post about it, since it says it all.
Also dude the voicemail is set up from that moment too, but we've yet to hear what it includes, aside from his mother being bossy about the smallest things. "I hope you haven't gone back to bed." IF ONLY YOU KNEW. Not only what bed he's gone to, but also what he's doing on said bed.
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"You don't waste much time, do you?" Lol if only you knew. And again his first response is to apologize if he did anything wrong.
And you know what? Plot twists are a hell of a lot of fun and well made when they make you go back and see things with the new perspective. Like, how chill and simple she was, why she said the last line I mentioned, the newly-known reasons why she said it was kinky to have sex in his mother's bedroom... *slams hand on table* That's a great way to do a plot twist! A fucking plus!
Like seriously, this convo: B: Have you met my father? M: No, but a lot of the other girls have though.
Pre-plot twist viewer: Wow whAT how do you say it like that Post-plot twist viewer: Yeah makes sense
M: I think he gets sympathy from them, like, you know, cause his wife's such an old witch... *realizes* Oh, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that! *more failed excuses and then THAT face*
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And like, that's a bit inappropriate in any case but pre-plot twist you're like WTAF. And then you're like eh makes sense for frustrated employees to pity their bitchy boss' seemingly calm husband...
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And there's that set-up from before. Job well done, film.
And then their argument about the money. Brendan being confused about the amount, Mandy saying she'll come back and speak to his mother about it...
Seriously though what if he'd found out the voicemail after he'd had sex and before the "confrontation"? Would he like, have sent her on her merry way with all the money and then had more sex with the actual call girl?
And then his instinct, to try and make sure his mother won't find out, is to fucking threaten the woman with a knife. Wow, a little too much, Brendan. And then his first instinct, when they're fighting, is to search and grab the knife and fucking stab her. Lbr though that's just baby Colin finding his call for playing messed-up characters.
Also how did she die so quickly. Guess I found one weakness in the plot XD
And now you're like Jesus he just murdered her but when Barbara comes a-knocking and he looks at her and exasperatedly calls her name, you're like... same, bro.
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And the stupid bastard didn't even wash the blood off his arm. Like seriously, Brendan, either do a murder correctly or don't do it at all. At least you can't say he wasn't dedicated, bro sliced his own arm open. *pats head* you'll learn, my little murderous bean, you'll learn.
Brendan: I was doing the dishes. Barbara: Did your parents leave them for you to do? They must have left in a rush this morning.
Yes, Barbara, he can do the dishes, he's in an undetermined age between late teens and-
Barbara: They didn't even make their bed.
Wtf you nosy bitch.
See what I'm saying? Full character development for a character with like, two minutes of screentime.
And then the voicemail drops like an anvil. My first thought when his mother said that Mandy is nothing but trouble I was like "Yo look who's talking" but then I thought that... yeah she did creep in her boss' bedroom, actually had sex with her son in it, then pretty much talked dirt to him about her... I mean she definitely didn't deserve to die, but maybe his mother was a good judge of character for one (1) moment.
And then Lorraine appears.
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And Brendan's like "Now I have money for like, three hours with her. Maybe I'll even convince her to help me hide the body too."
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In conlusion, yup, I’m pretty glad I spent a good hour and a bit watching, analyzing, writing this review and screencapping this film. 10/10 would rewatch and review again.
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aharris00britney · 5 years
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                                                                                                                                ASKS 14
Ok so 24 hours after I planned to do this but... last time I answered stuff was January(5 months ago). There is a lot under the cut ;n; sims, nonsims, other games, all kinds of stuff ya know
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Anonymous said: Hi! Wcif the shirt you used on your Belle hair post? (Btw, that hair is GORGEOUS.)
I have the cc I use in my previews linked on Patreon. Makeup/skin and all that will be on my resource page once I get around to updating it for my 2 new models (who will be up for download soon hopefully). Also ty <3
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Anonymous said: What make-up do you use for most of your posts?
The only eyeshadows I use are by @crypticsim or @catplnt. The makeup I use on Macie/Taylor are listed on my resource page. The other two models makeup will be added once I get them added on there but I know they both use similar stuff to Macie/Taylor.
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@thatsimmergirl91​ said: Just wanted to take a moment out and say how amazing you are ! I love all your stuff and your blog. Never forget how awesome you are 💗💗💗💗🙌🏻🙌🏻
Thank you so much. Like I know I am going to be typing a lot of thank yous in this post, but I truly mean them. Playing Sims/Making cc is something I did not think would be such a big thing in my life but god is it and I love doing it. Thank you again <3
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Anonymous said: You're incredible and I love all your hairs! In fact, you're my favorite cc hair creator. My question is are you planning on making any hairs with the Island Living meshes anytime soon?
Thank you! I am glad you enjoy my hairs <3 I am planning some stuff with the island living meshes. Probably just a conversion to toddlers if I am able and I might do something simple with the adult meshes to release outside of my Patreon stuff. We shall see though! Ty again
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@ayoshi​ said: When are you opening an Onlyfans?
idk babe when are you posting your birthmarks? ;)
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Anonymous said: Heya! Love your cc! You're real talented
thank you! <3 It isn’t so much talent, more or less just a lot of practice and time. I appreciate the compliment though
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Anonymous said: any tips to get high quality sims screenshots??
I have 2 methods I use. When I am taking CC previews I rotate my screen using Ctrl + Alt + the ◄ key. For my lookbooks/upcoming Sim downloads I use a method by foursims who deactivated?? This is the method/video <3
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@verdeclaroangels​ said: What skin do you use??💕PS i love u
I use @luumia​ newest vanilla default, alongside his Smooth Butts overlay, and my own fruitpunch overlay. All are linked over on my resource page <3
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@vhlori​ said: Austin queen of pop!
q king of edits! <3
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Anonymous said: i love your creations and i appreciate the time you put into your cc, i wish i could support you 💕
Thank you!! Sometimes the time crunches can be stressful but I put them on myself so I survive haha. Don’t feel the need to support me please <3 I make sure everything is public eventually so that people dont feel like they are missing out on anything by deciding not to pledge. Thank you for wanting to though, I appreciate that a ton.
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Anonymous said: Just a rant here. I'm annoyed that there are no rings in the glove category or some other category. The reason I want this is because I use eyelashes that are in the skin detail section and rings don't work and I don't want to use the accessory eyelashes because my sim wears glasses. It annoys me but that's all.
i... rant away luv i feel u
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Anonymous said: What do you do besides sims? That is all you post about and I was curious if that is all you play?
I play Roblox with @ayoshi sometimes, cause that is about all my computer can handle lmao. I have a switch so I play some Nintendo titles on there like Zelda, Splatoon 2, and other stuff. I also have been plying Fortnite recently with @imvikai @greenllamas and @pinealexple. That is about all I play right now lmao. I play Animal Crossing Pocket Camp and Pokemon Go on my phone.
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Anonymous said: Hi there ! Just wanted to say I've also been experiencing that problem with your 'downloads' page. I don't have a Tumblr account so I had to tell you this way. Perhaps it's a MacBook issue ? I'm not sure, but I'm using a MacBook Pro. Anyways, thank you for all the beautiful cc you provide us with, you're the best.
Yeah I got another ask about them using a Mac for it. That seems to be the problem. I am not a coder, nor do I know a single thing about coding. All I can suggest doing is going to http://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/tagged/s4cc and using that which sucks to page through I know :( I am sorry
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Anonymous said: This is really random, but I love your Sims! I normally don't like Sims with Clay hair, but GIRL, you make them work. Just want to say to keep it up, and if I had money I would support you <3
Thank you lmao <3 stan clay hairs
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Anonymous said: Literally im in this sims discord nd they were DRAGGING how you make the same sim in different skin colors and how you make such cookie cutter sims and honestly i felt bad
Meanwhile me in CAS:
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Anonymous said: This may be a strange request but what does that one alien toddler you've used on multiple occasions to model hair look like when he's older?
He uuh... idk where they are in my library tbh I can’t find them cause I was going to age him up and show ya but.. yeah idk what happened RIP alien toddler
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@amorimlulu said: Hi! I love your creations, they're incredible! I'm completely in love with two of your sims: the asian woman from the patreon 06-16 post and the woman from the ava hair post. Could you, pretty please, upload them on the gallery? I'm dying to play with them. Thank you ^^
I am planning to in the next month! I have the photos taken I just need to get the CC list together and plan it around Island Living posts, CC posts, all that jazzzzzz
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Anonymous said: Hello Austin! I really like the way your sims look, so I was wondering if you can tell me where to get the skins and lashes, please? I am new to the Sims 4 and searching for some cute looks :)
Hey! I have this stuff listed on my resource page, and I have over 100 WCIF’s I have answered along with my lookbooks for some clothes. My cc finds blog is @aharris00finds​ if you want to look there :D
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Anonymous said: can i just ask? how do you remove the shadows on hair with S4S? im a complete noob at s4s and i was wondering how you would do it?
You just need to click shadow, then make blank :) pic below
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Anonymous said: Hi, just a quick message to say THANK YOU for all those beautiful creations. You are so talented and I want you to know that. Thank you so much for making my sims look way more beautiful !
thank you so much <3 I have said it before and idk if anyone will be able to convince me, but I am not talented lmao it just is experience :)
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Anonymous said: hey, could u pls make a tutorial abt how u make ur mesh?? i love ur hair meshes so much
I have tried filming a tutorial before and I will just have to wait til I get a good mic lmao. My speed meshing videos are somewhat useful for learning but they are sped up and without instructions so take it with a grain of salt
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Anonymous said: would you ever try to recreate lydia martins hair in 3.04? sorry, but you're the only teen wolf fan thats a simblr that i know and i desperately need that lovely hair in my game. thanks!         
tbh I never finished Teen Wolf XD I stopped at the end of season 5 I think. Idk I just lost interest as I grew up :(  Also I have no idea what hair that is sdfgfvb and google isnt telling me either. If you can send a link to a picture or DM me a picture I can see if I can make it <3
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Anonymous said: Hi, could you please please upload this sim post/183989453251/e41 ! She's just too pretty
Anonymous said: please upload this sim from your post/183989453251/e41 for download? Thanks   
Idk if I still have her saved but if I do I might upload her. I will check and see later tonight lmao                    
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Anonymous said: Is there any way to put everything you make into a .zip file. I really like what you make and I wish there was a way to mass download it. It sounds dumb but really I enjoy your content
Tbh since I post hairs 3 times a month it would be hard for me to keep everything up to date. I might do something like all my CC from 2017 in one zip, and all my cc from 2018 in another? and then make one for 2019 at the end of the year. I’m not sure though.
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Anonymous said: Wheres the hair in yo profile pic? And will you upload that sim? AND can you make more clothes ur amazing at it!!! (Also, asking 4 my bff <3 r u boy or girl?)
the hair in my current profile pic is Maddie Hair, the sim is already for download, and I will have some clothes coming next month :) I am a boy :P
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Anonymous said: hello! is the model sim in your eve hair valentines special downloadable? I find her really pretty. I really enjoy all of your cc!! I love all of them soooo much.. :)
I will check if I saved her to my library, if so I will add it to the list of stuff I wanna try and do <3 also thank you
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Anonymous said: Hey! Love your hairs! Can I request a Riley hair without the hairclip?
the riley hair doesn’t have a clip so I am going to assume you mean the Peyton hair since it was released in the same month. It wouldn’t really be possible to do Peyton without the clip since it has a part of the hair going up into the clip. Without it there would be a hole and if the hole was filled in it would still look weird since the hair would be going up into nothing. I’m sorry <3
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@lacr1mation23​ said: Kinda not a question. But, i'm gonna fangirl all over you. You ROCK!!! I LOVE your CCs. BEST. HAIRS. EVAR.   Impressed like woah from Florida. 
thank you so much ;n; this made me smile lmao I appreciate stuff like this a ton
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Anonymous said: Hey I think there's something wrong w/ your Lydia hair.. could u fix it?
I’m not sure what the glitch is, so if you could send me a photo or an explanation of what it is then I could help.
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Anonymous said: I'm sorry you're having a bad day! I want to let you know your CC is lovely and I hope you have a better day tomorrow! Lots of love and if you like chocolate then I'm sending you plenty of virtual chocolate to help you feel better!
lmao idk what ‘bad day’ I was happening when this was sent but thank you!! I had a rough semester but I am doing a lot better now I think :)
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@simsloverlilian​ said: Hi lol I just think this is really funny, my friend asked me where do you get your cc? and I was like: "oh.. ahoob's WCIF place xDDDDDD" and we both died laughing.. at your place you can get amazing hairs, accs, shirts! (lol love your cc keep it up! ;))
thank you so much! I love that yall use my blog for finding cc :)
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@raha-plays-the-sims​ said: Okay... I actually want to take a screenshot of my Sim with your new Riley hair on to my hair dresser and tell her to cut my hair that way XD I love it so much! Thank you for continuing to make amazing content!
lmao i have wanted to do this before with a male hair i found for my game. I never went through with it though XD thank you for the compliment <3
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Anonymous said: Everyone!!! Stan LOONA for clear skin and good health...
stan red velvet and WJSN
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Anonymous said: I just want to say that "EVERYTHING" about your blog/cc/sims is absolutely immaculate. Your CC is like renaissance to Sims 4 modding(I ain't even kidding).Thank you for sharing/uploading them here on tumblr.  Would you be uploading any video on how you create your sims on youtube anytime soon? And what sliders do you usually use in creating sims if there are some?
thank you so much!!! I have tried recording my game before and the footage just comes out super lag. Hopefully later this year I will be able to get a computer and I could record something then. Also I don’t use any sliders or presets on my main Sims :)
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@lllac-lady786​ said: This isn’t a question, but your sims are just so pretty and you are so talented 🤩
thank you <3
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Anonymous said: Did something happen to your Lydia hair?
I don’t think so? It seems to be fine for me
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Anonymous said: How are you able to edit the new game pack when sims4studio hasn't been updated yet? I am itching to edit some stuff but I can't yet :(
I use CAS Tools! I might make a tutorial this week depending on how busy I am. Not sure though <3
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Anonymous said: How likely would you be to recommend the new pack to another simmer out of 10?
(this was sent during Strangerville) I would say 8/10 recommendation. But I love storylines and stuff in games so my opinion is very based on that.
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Anonymous said: Would you ever make male hair or recolour some of ea's so they work with your ombre accessory?
I am thinking of doing some ombre accessories for the new Island Living pack for the two ombre hairs. I am not sure if I will be able to or not but I will see :)
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@milugameplay​ said: Hello sweetheart, I just like to say that I love the hairs that you create. Thank you for sharing them with us.            
thank you <3 i appreciate the compliment
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Anonymous said:Hi! When you uploaded peach earrings, the blonde sim had a braided hairstyle. Was it cc or a maxis one?     
hey! It is from outdoor retreat GP :)     
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Anonymous said: Have nothing to ask. Just want to tell you that you are amazingly talented. ❤ I have been playing the sims since its original Sims 1 release, and have always been a heavy CC user. (Upwards of 50GB in sims 3). Never have I ever felt the need to download EVERYTHING a creator has ever made, until I found you.  So, in short, you are amazeballs. Keep it up.
this is so sweet lmao. Even I don’t have all my own CC in my game <3 I appreciate this so so much. Thank you for this
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Anonymous said: How did you learn to create custom content??Did you see any video tutorial? I'm trying to create a hair but I can not get it :(((( help me please
most of the stuff I have learned from trial and error, or help from S4S fourms and friends :) Feel free to message me with questions on tumblr or discord
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Anonymous said: I know Sims 5 is still so far away, but I still have a question! With the release of Sims 4 so many awesome creators for Sims 3 just stopped creating from one day to another. So my question is: Could you imagine yourself creating Custom Content for Sims 5? I'm asking because I seriously love every single piece you create for Sims 4, and I really wish the glory era of Ah00b won't end with the release of Sims 5. Ily! <3
it depends on the style that TS5 goes for tbh. I love Sims 4 style and I don’t know much of anything about creating alpha hairs so if TS5 goes that direction I doubt I would be able to create for it. also thank you for calling it the glory era of ah00b lmao
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Anonymous said: You have hairs named after all the girls in black pink except Rosé. Is there a reason for this?
Well I named a hair Rosanne thinking it was close enough to her name lmao. I might name a hair coming in July Rosie. We shall see when it gets to July XD
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