#idk how hiking works in places where it rains all the time
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There are so many flowers right now and I can't go see them for the very reason there are so many flowers…
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ofallthingsnasty · 11 months
tags: noncon spanking, power imbalance (boss/employee), exhibitionism, f!reader, reader wears a skirt + is implied to be chubby, this is just about being disciplined by sir crocodile pffft sorry idk what got into me with this one mini disclaimer: I haven’t been up to date with one piece since 2015 + I just finished the alabasta arc during my current re-read. this is pre-canon but please forgive me if I’ve missed anything. pairing: sir crocodile/f!reader word count: 1.4k
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“Are you stupid?”
The clipboard in your hand shakes at the harsh words. You owlishly blink at the source of them - your boss, whose upturned eyebrows tell you just how  annoyed he is. Crocodile isn’t someone who you should try to talk back to, especially you - too soft compared to him and still fairly new to this job-
Yet you can’t help but bristle at his tone.
 “Excuse me, Sir?”
“I've excused you quite enough, haven't I?”
He clicks his tongue and his cigar dips with it, ignoring your indignant face.
“You don't listen, woman. I let it go yesterday but here you go again, staring off into space.”
Oh. So he noticed. 
It pains you to admit but you’re still starstruck over working for Sir Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea - and somewhat of a hero to your people. Helping him operate Rain Dinners might be weirdly mundane but being close to the man who has saved the people of Alabasta countless times is something you’re still not quite over. You know you’re too old to be that naive, that blue-eyed - but who can fault for wondering where he got that scar in his face from, or how he lost his hand? Working for someone like him would spice up anyone’s life in Rainbase. 
“Ah”, he sighs - heavy and exhausted as though you’re some kind of mutt, refusing to be properly trained -  and puts out his cigar. “It's no use.”
Okay, now you’re starting to sweat. Your eyes rush to the manager - who just blinks back at you, a cryptic expression on her stony face. 
“Over my knee.”
“Sir-”, you stammer out, glad that the words are even coming out despite the cold shower that is running down your spine. “This is entirely inappropriate- In front of other employees, no less-”
A wave of his hook interrupts you.
“A learning opportunity, then.”
This has to be some sort of nightmare - if it weren’t for the curious little head tilt of the other woman in the room, you’d try to pinch yourself awake. Your mouth opens and closes while you try to process this situation, try to make sense of it. You should leave, quit on the spot, tell him to fuck off-
You surprise yourself when you set down the clipboard with shaky hands. 
Maybe it’s because deep down, you don’t want to lose this job or because of the way his voice leaves no more room for discussion - but you lower yourself over his legs, feeling very much like a rotten child and not a fully grown woman. They dig into the fat of your stomach and press the waistband of your skirt uncomfortably against it but you don’t even dare to adjust yourself, you just grip the edge of the chair weakly and try to soothe the sting of humiliation by scrutinizing the texture of the floor beneath you.
You know what comes next - still you startle as your skirt is hiked up by his rough hand. He lifts up your midriff ever so slightly while he pulls the piece of clothing over your ass, the sturdy fabric holding almost all of your weight for a short second. Luckily, it stays intact - contrary to your tights. Thick fingers hook themselves underneath the band that helps them stay in place and you can only let out an indignant squeak as he digs into the thin fabric like it’s butter, ripping large holes into it. At least he leaves your panties where they belong.
“You’re going to count for me”, he says from somewhere above as though he’s telling you how he likes to take his whiskey and not about to spank his employee for a minor transgression.
You just nod with too much enthusiasm and a burning hot face.
You’re stock-still and tense over his knee - so acutely aware of the impending doom. He’s not going to be gentle with you, you have no pretense about that, you know that he’s going to make you feel his frustration, every bit of it.
He lifts his hand from your ass - you hear the fabric of his clothes shuffle, strain - and brace yourself.
It doesn’t hurt at first. You only register the smack of his palm meeting your flesh and feel the force that is behind it, that pushes you forward and shifts the content of your stomach uncomfortably over the bone of his thigh. A split second passes and then- it burns. 
You can’t suppress the shocked whimper that leaves you as you press out the count. “One.”
“One, what?”
You grit your teeth in utter shame but promptly rectify your mistake. 
"One, Sir. And thank you- Sir"
Your words are rewarded with his hand rubbing the skin beneath it - maybe it’s to alleviate the pain, maybe it’s to cop a feel - you cannot tell.
The next four hits come rather quickly. Your head is thrown down with each one and you can feel the snot building up in your nose, blood accumulating where branches of both the external and internal carotids meet, the skin hot and sticky. Still, you count each and every one of them, your voice getting wispier and wispier from the pain.
“Having trouble holding that thick head of yours up?”, he asks after the fifth one, thumb digging into now tender flesh. It’s an entirely rhetorical question.
“Let me help you. Don’t move.”
Not moving turns out to be rather difficult when his hook moves to your neck, that sharp, glinting tip too close to the soft organs of your throat. The cold metal settles right where your suprahyoid muscles connect to the bone, just above your larynx. 
It’s not enough to choke you - but the discomfort keeps your neck straining, instinctively trying to shield that small brace of bone that forms the hyoid.
Your eyes meet blue ones, just above the edge of Crocodile’s desk. You must look absolutely pathetic to her, you’re sure - but there is no judgment in her face, just a slender knuckle under her chin as her full attention is on you. Every further thought is swept away by another hit to your rear. It jerks you into his hook, crushing the fine cartilage of your voice box, forcing mucus into your mouth. Something pops among the muscles, like the jump of a tendon over bone and you balk at the noise, sure that he’ll break you before he even gets to the end of this.
 Yet you sputter out the number six, voice throaty with strain.
Seven, eight, nine and ten follow quickly - and aren’t less harsh. Every single cell of your body is focused on getting from one moment to the next, of just getting through this.
Whatever it is you do, it’s deemed to be adequate - eleven and twelve come and go - slower, but heavier - and he finally rests his hand on your prickling skin after you croak out fifteen, Sir, your throat tender and ass bruised so deeply that your left leg shakes with it. A few tense seconds pass - during which you’re not sure if he’s actually done or not, but a soft sigh confirms it. 
“Up with you.”
You’ve never moved faster in your life, beaten ass be damned. Trying to preserve the last shreds of your dignity, you tuck down your rumpled skirt with shaky fingers, fighting the urge to rub your sore neck. You can barely look at him, too scared you might find nothing but disdain in his eyes.
“Look at you now. What a nuisance.” He doesn’t sound disappointed - just tired. Like you’re a mess that needs to be cleaned up and he just came home from a long day at work. You shrink into yourself at his tone, relieved that it’s over but still tense, still afraid that there will be other consequences. “Go on. Get yourself fixed.”
You’re dismissed with a simple wave of the very hand you can still feel on your skin - that will make it hard for you to sit in the next few days. 
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Robin's eyes follow you as you hurry out of the door, pantyhose ripping even further because you try to clumsily adjust it while walking, your face betraying every single emotion you feel. Hurt, humiliation, even genuine anguish - but you’re still in one piece, even if your ego (and ass) are a little beat up. She tilts her head as she watches the very last traces of you disappear.
“Hm. You've gotten soft.”
He huffs in annoyance and reaches for the untouched newspaper in front of him, not even bothering to light a new cigar. She eyes Crocodile for a second as he pulls the pages taut. Something clicks.
"You like her", she says, thoroughly amused now.
The only answer she gets is a sharp tug at the newspaper.
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A/N: It's hard to decipher what non-Baroque Works employees of Rain Dinners call Robin -- but she is addressed as manager, so I stuck with that. I hope it didn't confuse you.
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tieronecrush · 1 year
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the lakes
joel miller x reader
rating: M
word count: 1.9k
take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die / i don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you / those windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry / i'm setting off, but not without my muse
warnings: nudity, skinny dipping, talk about grief, death, family tension, self-doubt, self-deprecation, idk man it’s just sad
a/n: my first song for the folklore anthology!! can’t wait to share others & read all the other great works from my pals <3
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The sounds of birds chirping surround you in echoes across the valley, mountainous hills convexing in front of you and dotted with evergreens. Underneath you is sun-warmed sand, interspersed with smoothed rocks from rushing water shaping them over hundreds or thousands of years. The fresh, gentle waves of the lake lick against your bare feet, knees bent up as you sit at the shore, eyes trained ahead on the glassy surface reflecting the late summer sky above. Joel is sitting next to you in the same position, his hands joined together in a circle and forearms resting on his kneecaps.
It’d been a quiet hike to the spot you discovered while on patrol. Lately, Joel has been his own worst enemy — closed off to you, stewing in his thoughts about his strained relationship with Ellie and continuing to adjust to life in Jackson, a world so slow and still that he can’t seem to find a place he fits in after moving for so long. His inertia hasn’t caught up to his lifestyle change; he is constantly picking up patrol shifts, and volunteering to oversee new construction and renovations across the town, but even through his go go go, he can’t find a place to land.
This place was the perfect spot to take him; to abate the anxious energy that vibrates throughout him every day with the halcyon elements of nature. Animals that live their lives with no concept of time, a lesson in living in the present, trees that have been around for hundreds of years, solid and strong like the man himself, and the lake. The lake that provides for everything growing around it, that reflects beauty in sunrises and sunsets, that finds itself full no matter any barriers built in its feeding river, replenished by other means from rain to groundwater.
The silence between the two of you breaks for the first time in hours.
“You know what I first thought of you when I met you?” you question him, eyes trained forward on the view. Joel offers a soft grunt in response, hinting for you to continue.
“I thought: Wow, this guy is an asshole,” he scoffs with the hint of a smirk, shaking his head while your own grin plays at your lips, “But then, I got to know you. Forced proximity really tells you a lot about a person. And I very quickly learned how much you care. This world should have jaded you, should have broken you to the bone with what you have been through, but yet, you still find means to nurture. You protect, and you provide. You love so deeply, so incredibly much. Every day I wake up next to you, I thank the lucky stars that I have Joel Miller in my corner. By my side. Watching my back.”
“I know you are feeling something, thinking about something in that head of yours all the time. And I want you to know that I love you as deeply, that I care as much for you as you do for everyone in your life. You can share with me, whatever you feel like sharing.”
Joel is quiet, squinting in the sun as he tosses a round pebble from the sand between his legs into the shallow waters. The ripple appears and dissipates before he speaks.
“That sounded like a eulogy, darlin’.”
You scoff now, that same type of soft smirk that he held minutes before pulling the corners of your mouth up.
“Is that all you took from all of what I said?”
“No, ‘course not. Just, I don’t know, felt like I was listening to what you would say about me after I’m gone.” At that you turn towards him, hand wrapping around his nearest forearm and squeezing with even, steady pressure that says ‘We are not talking about that, I can’t talk about that.’
“I do wanna share with you, I just—I don’t know how. I’ve kept all this inside, locked down in my chest. Anger, temper, violence, even, as armor to keep me alive. Don’t ever think I’ve been very nurturing since, well, since…” His throat chokes up, head drops to stare at the ground. Another squeeze to his arm, this time to say ‘It’s okay. I know. You don’t have to say if you don’t want to.’
Something that he said sticks out in your head, a means to attempt to combat his walls going up again now that they have crumbled slightly. You stand, glancing around out of habit before you pull your shirt over your head, your jeans following with your undergarments in their wake. Joel looks up, expression puzzled as he watches your naked form wade into the water. You hiss as the still-icy water engulfs you from the shoulders down, treading and turning back to your man on the shore. A gentle smile covers your face, beckoning him in with one nod of your head.
He follows suit with stripping down, clothes mixing in a pile with yours as they do on the floor of your bedroom. His own pained expression from the cold lake makes you giggle quietly, a scolding stare aimed your way. He paddles over to you smoothly, the water hitting his chest where he can continue to touch with his feet at the bottom. Your arms slither around his neck, wet fingers carding through the hair at the back of his head. The leverage against him is used to tug you closer, his large palms settling at your waist under the surface while the two of you bathe in the fresh Adam’s ale of these cliffside pools. Two pairs of eyes communicate without words, the soundtrack of the birds and rustling trees occupying the dead air until you speak again, hushed despite the fact that you are the only humans for miles.
“You can take your armor off around me.”
Joel’s eyes flutter closed, a long sigh exhaled as his hands grip your curves tighter. When his burnt chestnut and amber irises are revealed again, he speaks in the same reserved volume that you had.
“I don’t belong there. In Jackson.”
Silence gently urges him to carry on.
“What I’ve done, to strangers, to myself, to Tess, to you, to Tommy, to Ellie…I don’t deserve any chance at life. With what I have taken from others, I don’t deserve to be given anything. Kindness, respect, care, love. From anyone.”
“I’ve been selfish this whole twenty years. I almost left Tommy alone. I dragged us up north to Boston. I got Tess into smuggling. I kept Ellie at a distance for so long because I couldn’t bear to feel that kind of responsibility, that familial tie. And then I chose for her, in that hospital. I couldn’t lose another kid.”
“It—it feels like I should be over the past, over what I have done now that I have a chance at a fresh start, or as close to a fresh start as I could possibly have here in Jackson. I have a shot to build a life with you, to work for Ellie’s forgiveness, to be an uncle to Maria and Tommy’s baby. But what has been chasing me — what has been over — it feels like it’s burrowed under my skin. And all I can feel when I start to forget is these—these heartstopping waves of hurt.”
“And I don’t know how to move on. I don’t know how to forget when my body, my mind, my soul won’t let me.”
Across his cheeks, salty tears have carved rivers, the dampness still in his eyes shining in the midday sunlight. The water sounds as if it’s rushing in your ear, your pulse racing as you attempt to process his confession. His head has bowed in a prayer position, awaiting your means to reconciliation or absolution.
Hands settled on his broad shoulders, another communicative squeeze, this one to say ‘I don’t know either. But I know how to try.’
“You let your people heal you,” Joel’s eyes meet yours, drops cascading from the damp bits of hair hanging over his forehead, attention completely and utterly on you, “Time can’t fix everything. The past can hold us in its grip even with all the time in the world. But people can help you forget. They can help to lessen the pain in your body until it’s merely a pinch. Their love can pull you up when you fall. Their care can nurture your soul to grow resilient again. Their reassurance can teach your mind to hear those sordid thoughts you have but pay them no attention.”
“I want to do this for you, Joel. I want to help you. To care for you. To love you, completely. Your people want to do it for you. And if you can learn from experience, you can do it for Ellie…” Your hands move from his shoulder, skating across his glistening skin and wrapping around the sides of his neck, thumbs resting against his jaw.
“You made choices you had to. Including for Ellie. She was — she is a child. Your kid, if not by blood. She may not understand now, but I know she will find a means to forgive you, or at least understand you.”
“Maybe when she’s older, if she has a kid of her own, she’ll understand.”
Joel’s mouth quips to one side with a faint smile, tears drying on his cheeks as he thinks of the image.
“Reckon we’d be pretty fun, well, sorta grandparents.”
“I think so, too,” you speak with a grin stretched and thumbs brushing back and forth at his jaw, “I can’t wait to grow old with you. To sit on the porch and watch you still yell across the street to your brother for full conversations instead of the two getting off of your asses —”
“Watch it, darlin’,” he warns playfully.
“Hey, it’s true. I listen to it nearly every day. Now, back to what I was imagining, cowboy.”
He nods for you to continue, a full-blown smile on his face.
“We’ll have Ellie over weekly dinners, and whoever else makes up her family. You’ll play me guitar and sing whenever I ask ‘cause you love me so much. I’ll help to heal you, and we will be happy together. We will take our second chance. And you will enjoy your time with your family. And me, hopefully.”
“Definitely with you. My beautiful girl,” his own hand leaves the water, wetting your hair as he brushes it out of your face with tender eyes, “You’re like—like a red rose that’s grown out of my ice-frozen ground. I am so lucky to have you. That you chose me, and continue to choose me every damn day. My grief sometimes feels insurmountable; like I am going to be stuck here forever with no way out of that feeling. But if I get stuck here, with you in my arms and all my people around me, I’d be fine if I simply grow old and wither away back into the earth.”
“I love you, darlin’. So much it might just end in tragedy, that my heart might just explode from lookin’ at you one day. But I do love you.”
A gentle kiss is shared between the two of you, the bitter water combined with your torrid love stirring up a tornado of tingling nerves.
You pull away, only enough to get the words out that you have told him, Joel, your man, every day and will continue to tell him every day you have him, “I love you.”
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taglist: @wannab-urs @atinylittlepain @bearsbeetsbeskar @serenaxpedro @casa-boiardi @rav3n-pascal22 @dinsdjrn @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @johnwatsn @amanitacowboy @leeeesahhh @isitmelookin4u @javiscigarette @mrsyixingunicorn10 @sugarspiceanthrax @orphanbird95 @space-cowboy-like-me @tuquoquebrute @rsquared31 @morning-star-joy @canseethebrushstrokes @atremises @sstarboy777 @undrthelights @butiknewyoudlinger @dayrdreaming @disassociation-daydreams @joelsversion @ginger-swag-rapunzel @mydailyhyperfixations @diamndx @mingiast @kdogreads @blxsphemy7 @marchai @littlevenicebitch69 @ghostofbrock @iwrotethissky @ladynightingale @jksprincess10 @swiftispunk @pr0ximamidnight @beskarandblasters
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doberbutts · 2 years
Do you think 2-3 hours of physical exercise mixed with some mental stimulation is enough for working dogs like malinois? Like for example playing a fetch and making the dog do commands before throwing the ball. Ik that asking about physical exercise is usually a sign that a person is not well suited to a breed, but at the same time idk how I can find out how much exercise these dogs need(there are people saying 4-5 hours and others saying 1 hour, so ig it’s a matter of drive??)
I'll be honest, when it comes to high energy/high drive dogs, I don't really count hours.
A dog like that needs a physical stimulation outlet, absolutely. With puppies I do a lot of socialization walks and also hikes where they're encouraged to explore rather than just march beside me. There's physical exercise going on, but there's also mental exercise going on. I've been scoping out places to take my maybe-future-puppy so we can do the socialization walks, places I can take her so she can learn yes how to walk on leash but also that cars and trucks and banging doors and construction vehicles and other dogs and humans etc aren't scary. I take puppies into dog-friendly stores (provided vaccination has happened!) and we walk around that way. Hikes are for puppies to use all of their muscles and learn how to move their body in a natural world.
As puppies age, if the dog wants more vigerous exercise I do give it- but like I said I don't count hours I count 'is the dog tired'. Creed as a teenager I would play fetch, engage in high arousal obedience, track, go for a 5 mile walk, play some flirt pole, and let him run around with his dog friends a bit before expecting him to be able to settle in the house. That was simply what he needed. How many hours was it? Probably about 3 or 4. But he was a young dog and needed the ability to work.
I stopped exercising him like that when he was finished with his service dog training, because while it wasn't high-arousal he was walking at my side or pulling me along for 8 hours a day. On days off, I'd still take him for hikes or play some chuck-it or take him to club etc to get him tired... but he didn't need as much anymore because he was satisfied every other day of the week.
There IS a minimum requirement to physically and mentally working your dog, don't get me wrong. I think a lot of people gloss over that part. But I think it's equally important to teach a dog house rules and boundaries and to teach them how to settle in the house as well. No, you cannot be a twat all day long just because you're bored- you can play with one of your toys or I can make an enrichment thing for you but you're not allowed to be annoying or destructive just because I'm not paying constant attention to you. So many people only focus on one or the other- they focus on satisfying the dog but never teach how to settle so they just end up with an athletic problem-solving jerk or they focus on teaching the dog to settle but don't give the dog the tools to do so by ensuring that they're satisfied in other ways so the dog "settles" but never actually relaxes and is explosive in other ways. A balance needs to be present for this, I think.
And, sometimes, you're not going to get as much 🤷‍♂️ today it's raining and I work late so I won't be taking the chihuahuas for a walk. Oh well! They're just gunna have to deal with it. So I teach my dogs that while I'd like to give them what they need... they're not always going to get it every day because circumstances will arise and they're just going to have to be okay with that.
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thistle-and-thorn · 2 years
London, Paris, Florence, Venice 🥸
london: when you visit a city, do you take in the tourist points or the more unknown places?
Oh interesting! I don't really have a method? I mean...I think people get really sort of...over-the-top pretentious about not going to touristy places and having an "authentic" travel experience which is just...not going to happen for you, my darlings, and is related to the protective elitism of travel becoming more accessible. And also like--if I'm in Paris, I'm seeing the Eiffel Tower. I'm not above that? It's about using tourist infrastructure to your advantage? Sometimes bus tours are the only easy way to get to things or to get a lay of the land before you strike out on your own...i guess, I'm more worried about...is this going to a local company? is this exploiting the population, etc?
When I travel I try to follow what I'm interested in, rather than what's the Done Thing, I guess? Like...I travelled in Ireland with my friend during college and I love monasteries and monastics so...we did a lot of stuff related to that. And sometimes that led to doing really popular things like seeing the Book of Kells or some really off-the-beaten path things like seeing a small monastery in the middle of nowhere. I went to Peru with another (brazilian!!) friend who was obsessed with textiles so we spent a lot of time in markets and visiting alpaca wool manufacturers and talking to people making dye and yarn and wool because that's what she liked and she really wanted to perfect her textile-specific spanish. ...but we also hiked to macchu picchu because...like we don't have macchu picchu in the us!!! WHAT ABOUT YOU?
paris: where did you last fall in love?
I am once again asking if this means a place or a person. PERSON: kitchen and looking out the open window and being like, "oh jesus FUCK"; PLACE: apparently I decided to move over the weekend and my home decided to pop off in revenge by looking fucking idyllic and like heaven on earth the past week which is annoying. It's like an ex looking super hot at a party. *lies out in the rain* alexa, play attention by charlie puth
florence: how did you discover your favourite artist’s work?
I've become a true Klimt fan since college and I genuinely think it was because of that movie "Woman in Gold" ???? Who is your favorite? Do I know this?
venice: why did you last fall in love?
Oh...god i don't know. why do we ever?!? i *hate* falling in love. i think probably i genuinely thought that they were lovely and funny and smart and all the normal things...right, that thing when you meet someone who speaks your language and you're like WOW this person speaks my language!?!? and it always feels like the first time when you meet a new person like that or realize that about someone else and it's all very heady. but there was also probably a good dose of some very specific things i was going through that made it all come together. idk i'm BAD at falling in love. i'm like a cat being doused in water about the whole process truly.
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yuyupowers · 3 years
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aristocrat!seonghwa x fem!reader
genre: fluff
trigger warning(s): patriarchal society mostly. let me know if there’s anything else!
author’s note: none of the pictures are mine!!
for reference, i’m using british peerage (hierarchy). there are five ranks: baron, viscount, earl (count), marquess, and duke - the highest being duke, and the lowest, baron.
second son of a duke
i imagine seonghwa to be someone who values tradition
unlike hongjoong who finds who finds the numerous aristocratic mannerisms pointless, hwa believes upholding these (rather stringent) rules is a sign of respect
perfect gentleman pt.1
excellent in swordsmanship, horse-back riding, and hunting
well versed in poetry, literature, art, and finance
(can maintain a conversation about politics but honestly it kinda goes over his head)
a bit on the shyer side, but a decent conversationalist
good at keeping the flow and mediating in case anyone becomes a little too heated about their opinions
definitely cares about his and his family’s image
naturally caring and tends to dote on those close to him
(translates into excellent manners)
holds the door open, offers his hand when stepping out of carriages, makes sure to walk on the side closest to traffic, diverts conversation when things are too “distressing,” wouldn’t be caught dead alone with a woman that wasn’t related to him or his fiancée/wife
and surprise, surprise !!
this is where you come in
you’re the second oldest daughter, fourth child out of six; born to an earl
hwa’s family had the highest title bestowed upon aristocracy
whereas your family accumulated more wealth and land than the park family
and since both you and hwa were prime marrying age™, your parents decided upon a mutually beneficial marriage
the first time you met seonghwa was under the watchful eye of both your parents, when the park’s invited your family for dinner
tbh, you were pretty relieved when you met him
“prime marrying age” was different for men, so you were just glad he wasn’t some old geezer
and he seemed like a decent person !!
a well put together gentleman, and his image was only consolidated throughout dinner
all in all, you didn’t have much to complain about from the initial impression
though it was kinda annoying when your little sister would not shut up about how he was the handsome man she’s ever met
even if you agreed
and didn’t she say that when she met woo?
after the first meeting with the park’s, both your parents set up multiple occasions for you two to meet
whether that be evening walks, picnics in the park, etc,,,
you learned a great deal about seonghwa 
how his favourite is black, how he loved the stars and that his favourite planet was mars
how he loved kids and doted on your youngest siblings (much to your sister’s glee)
how he enjoyed spending a quiet afternoon with you reading dickens, discussing afterwards the contrast between carton and darnay
how he was always considerate of your feelings and opinions
you liked to think you were a decent judge of character and thought overall that seonghwa was a kind and caring person
but you also noticed a few characteristics that-
you wouldn’t say it was off-putting or anything but,,,
it might bother you in the future
see, you were pretty good friends with hongjoong
and while you weren’t as extreme,
(you didn’t sneak out weekly to hang out with a bar maiden that you definitely did not have a crush on)
you certainly agreed with him on certain points
like hwa, you thought that abiding by certain mannerisms = display of respect
but unlike him, you didn’t care all that much about your image
okay, that was a lie.
you couldn’t say you didn’t care about your image
(social ostracization isn’t exactly fun ya feel)
but you thought it was,,,exhausting
it’s one thing to be respectful, but it’s another thing to say things you don’t mean
to fake humility
to undermine people that are supposed to be your “friends” or “one of you”
to be perfect, when “perfect” was such a subjective term anyways
it just felt so fake and that left a bitter taste in your mouth
even now, you could see all the efforts seonghwa made to constantly keep his image of a “perfect gentleman”
with perfect mannerisms and perfect answers and perfect-
yeah, it kinda frustrated you
not to mention how obedient he was?
of course you didn’t fault him for being a dutiful and filial son, but his loyalty blinded him
and it wasn’t like his parents were bad people !!
no, you’d say they were much kinder than the average noble family
especially considering their status
but when they made important decisions for their son without consulting him,
(because they were more experienced, because they knew better, etc,,,)
and he accepted whatever decision they handed to him?
nevertheless, despite being his fiancée, you, by this point, had realistically had known seonghwa for a couple months
and you didn’t feel like it was your place 
(at least not yet)
to point this out
so the two of you continued your cordial but emotionally distant meetings
that is until “the incident” (as hwa fondly likes to call it)
okay, so-
one day you paid hwa a visit and the two of you decided to take a walk in his family’s garden
chattering about this and that
a lovely time !!
it was a bit overcast, but it didn’t look too threatening
so the two of you ignored the clouds looming in the horizon and wandered deep into the garden
big mistake
the weather took a turn for the worst, and soon it was pouring
by this point seonghwa was a little panicked
he knew that for women, getting ready could be excessively long and tenuous task
(courtesy of his little sister’s complaints)
and now !! you were getting rained on !! because he didn’t bring an umbrella !! just in case !!
he turns to you, ready to shield you with his jacket and lead you back to the manor
but he’s at a loss by what he sees
he had expected you to be upset, to huddle closer to him, to,,,idk, maybe reprimand him for this thoughtlessness??
but instead, he finds you staring up at the dark sky, eyes shimmering with barely contained glee with the biggest smile he’s ever seen from you adorning your lips
he likes your smile
and if he was already confused (he was), he was about to become even more so
because the next thing he knows, you’re hiking your dress in one hand and grabbing his in the other, running through puddles of water and mud and everything in between, laughter falling from you like the rain
up until this point, you had been acting like the perfect (you hate that word) lady
polite, demure, charming-
in public settings, you only spoke when spoken to, with a voice that was purposely soft and soothing
you chatted with his mother and sisters about traditionally feminine things over tea with impeccable manners
whenever you two met, you were always prim and proper; never a strand of hair out of place
but here you were, getting not only yours but his clothes soggy and muddy, laughing without a care about how pleasant it sounded or how loud it was
seonghwa liked to think he wasn’t a judgemental person-
he wasn’t repulsed or anything by your sudden change in demeanor
really confused
and when you looked back, you could tell,if his expression was anything to go by
but your grin only grew wider, because you could work with this
he wasn’t enjoying himself per say; a bit too confused and bit too stiff to do so
but he wasn’t horrified or disgusted
okay maybe he was a little grossed out; he liked to be clean thank you very much
you could work with this.
and so over the next few months, you showed him things he never dreamed of doing
some of which he liked, some of which he didn’t
some he was willing to try, some, less
like sneaking into the restricted section of the library (he’s never been so scandalized in his life)
or visiting the kitchen in the middle of the night so you could teach him how to make some basic recipes (which he surprisingly enjoyed)
or meeting hongjoong
(“of COURSE it matters if they got the colour wrong?! lord help me you’re the most insufferable person i’ve ever met-”)
and the more the two of you explored, the more he,,,real he became.
and vice versa.
gradually, the mask of perfection he worked so on hard to maintain was slipping before you
don’t get me wrong, he’s still kind and caring and a gentleman
but sometimes he would whine and complain when you encouraged him to do something he was less than enthusiastic about (usually something that involved getting him messy)
or he made The Face™ (the disgusted one) to you and when he didn’t like something or someone
or he would be stupidly stubborn about some random fact that you KNEW was wrong but he just WOULDN’T admit if even when you showed him proof
(“seonghwa for the last time toads don’t give you war-” “LALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU” “eye-”)
once, he even playfully stole the strawberry from your cake
(big mistake. he’s never doing that again. he never knew a woman could move so fast or be so scary.)
it made you so, so happy because the two of you were finally getting to know each other
actually know each other
then one day, while the two of you were reading underneath a tree at the park
“,,,hey love?” (hwa)
“why are we doing this?” 
“what do you mean, dear?”
“i mean,,,i’m not complaining, but i guess,,,why did you decide to show me this part of you? the part that runs around in the rain?” hwa
you don’t reply right away
instead, you shut your book and idly stared at the willow swaying over the pond, wind running its fingers through its drooping leaves
after a few moments of silence
“,,,i wanted to know you and what you believed in. actually believed in.”
seonghwa tilts his head slightly to the side
“love, i hardly think my convictions have changed”
“but do you know what your convictions are?”
and you know when you hear something that resonates with you?
something that strikes deep in your core and makes you rethink everything you’ve know?
yeah,,,this is one of those moments
now it was seonghwa’s turn to set his book aside, falling deep in thought
after an unnaturally long stretch of silence, you began to panic a little
because ?? maybe you misread the situation and got a little too comfortable-
cause i mean you were questioning his core values, which is something he takes very seriously
o god you messed up didn’t you o crap you need to apolog-
“will you help me figure it out?”
“will you help me figure out my convictions?” he asked
and you swear, you’ve never seen such a smile from seonghwa
one that conveyed a plethora of emotions, ranging from honesty and vulnerability, to confusion and loss, to lightness and warmth
it filled you with an unnameable feeling
like something sliding into place, fitting perfectly; like it was always meant to be there, filling you with comfort
shyly intertwining your hands for the first time, you looked up to meet his gaze with a pattering heart and a smile matching his own
“,,,of course.”
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kunimikat · 4 years
When they find out you don’t love them anymore
(Heyyy, so there might be a few grammar errors, but this one is pretty long so hold on) Also do you want the good endings to these? Idk just asking
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It started when you didn’t hang out as much with him
You’d make up excuses, ignore, or even give small lies
But he didn’t really take it in any way other than it was you having a hard time with school and stress
So he let you distance yourself
But when you started getting further, and started purposely giving out of the box reasons to not be around him
His gut started to churn
So each day he’d tried to get some way to get your attention
“Hey dumbass, let’s cook breakfast for the rest of the idiots today, just you and me.”
But when he went to get you up you just turned the other way. He rolled his eyes, a small smile making its way onto his face. The ash-blonde propped a knee up onto the edge of your bed, his hands caging you between them. Yet you barely reacted and instead you mumbled “Go away Bakugo, aren’t you supposed to cook with someone else today?” A hurt expression washed over his face in an instant, though he just thought it was just you being groggy. He started tickling you, a devilish smirk on his features, but you suddenly push his face back forcefully.
“I said get the hell out Bakugo! If it was you you’d be fuming when I try to wake you up so just go!”
You pulled the cover back up, and that was it. It hurt Bakugo even more when you didn’t even look back. But he just snarled and pent it up.
Breakfast didn’t taste as good as usual.
You were laughing with Todoroki when Bakugo entered the classroom. And he already didn’t like it as soon as he saw your hand on his shoulder, your leg brushed up against him. He immediately went over and snatched you back into his chest. You scoff “Bakugo- The hell?” You smack his hand off of you. You glare at him before nodding to Todoroki, not sparing Bakugo a glance as you walked back to your seat, starting conversation with Jirou as if that didn’t just happen. Bakugo stared wide eyed at your back then to a smirking Todoroki. He stood frozen. “Just lay off my s/o half n’ half.” He mumbleds as he went to his seat. ‘Was I....was I the wrong one?’ Bakugo jerked his head to the side to get rid of the thought. ‘Like hell I’m wrong.’
But he felt a pit in his stomach remembering your hand on Todoroki’s shoulder.
Bakugo wanted to take you hiking with him since you guys had been doing what you’ve wanted to do for the past few months.
But he didn’t expect you to be so upset.
“Really Bakugo? We always have to do some lame shit when you want to go somewhere, do you really like hiking anyway?”
He furrowed his eyebrows in annoyed confusion because you even asked that question.
“No shit, I’ve told you how many times I go hiking, do you not fucking listen? Last time I checked you ain’t deaf, so I thought you’d know by now.”
You quirked your brow up and rolled your eyes, walking off. Bakugo grabs your arm dragging you back, your faces so close your noses are touching.
“The fuck is your problem today? For the past few days you been bitching off, the hell is up with-“
“You, you’re my problem.”
And you pushed him back, opening your phone as you started to text someone and turn the corner in the hall.
Bakugo didn’t want to acknowledge the tears that streamed down his face as he walked to his dorm.
Bakugo won the challenge in today’s lesson overall, yet he couldn’t help but look over and see your eyes on Todoroki the whole time. Even when he pushed himself, blew the biggest explosions, even won the damn thing. He couldn’t even get an ounce of his own s/o’s attention.
Bakugou huffs as he stormed to where and Todoroki were. He wrapped a arm around your waist. But he didn’t pay attention on the unimpressed expression on your face. But he did hear when you called back to Todoroki, “You did your best out there! See you tomorrow!”
And just like that you got of his arms and walked back to the locker rooms. But he grabbed your hand pulling you back almost instantaneously. “The fuck? You’re not gonna say anything to me? Is this a fucking joke?” A perplexed and pained expression on his face. But he was tempted to really do something when you sighed and started to walk off. “Yeah good job Bakugo, not like you need a boost in your ego though.”
For some reason hanging out with Kirishima at the arcade was the most amount of happiness Bakugo has had all week.
But as soon as he got back to the dorms the same depressing feeling washed over him.
“But why? Why don’t you love me anymore damn it!”
It was raining hard, the droplets kept mixing with the harsh rain as you both stood over the now soiled picnic food. He tried, he tried everything to get you to listen to him. But now you both just stood silently in the rain.
“I’m sorry Bakugo...it’s just I’m not really interested anymore. It not like I hate you or anything-“
Bakugo was seething, rain starting to evaporate on his hands as they flared up.
“This past week...no,fuck, MONTH! You just cast me to the side like I’m a piece of fucking scum! I try...I try so fucking hard, and I’ve never even been in a damn relationship before! So I know I’m not perfect, I FUCKING KNOW. I KNOW I’m not like a prince like fucking half n half, but damn don’t you see I’m trying to work it out? I haven’t felt this much for anyone before Y/N! WHY... WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH? WHAT DID I DO SO WRONG? FUCK Y/N I’LL EVEN CHANGE! JUST.. Bakugo went quiet as a sob wracked his body, leaving him speechless for a moment. His voice cracks, “..don’t leave me alone Y/N, I don’t want to feel alone again after all this time.”
Yet even after Bakugo crouched to the ground, head in hands. He hears a disappointed sigh, his head almost gets whiplash from how fast he shot his head up. You looked at him with cold eyes and looked down at him with no interest.
“Listen Bakugo, I tried being nice about it but, I don’t love you anymore. I thought you were stronger than this, I guess not. What a shame. You brought me out here to say all of that? I’m cold, and I’m heading back to the dorms, but I did clean up the picnic during your tantrum. Sorry, Bakugo.”
Yet the apology was so cold it just felt like blurred lines of sentences came from your mouth to him. The rain drowning out any emotions other than the hurt and pain his heart felt. Bakugo sat in the muddy grass, his eyes blown as he reached pitifully at your form trudging farther and farther through the mud.
He just wasn’t the same.
Bakugo was even more aggressive but most times he’d take it out on the people that got too close to him.
But when he’s not angry, he’s just silent
Dozing off the all of a sudden at random times in class you’d look over to see his desk charred and he doesn’t even realize it
He’d had constant stress from the piling work on his desk as he sat in bed and stared at it with no motivation
Even though he got back on track, and a bit better, it still gnawed at the back of his head everyday of what he should’ve done instead what he did
During Hero Training when he’d hear you cheer for Todoroki, he knew he was never going to get a sincere apology
He knew he was never going to hear you cheer like you cheered Todoroki on
He knew he was never going to get the attention he wanted when he saw your arms linked with your group of friends during graduation as you walked off.
He knew he was going to never fill the void he thought he long forgot even after how many years of highschool he graduated, and how many years of hero work
Nothing and no one could make him feel the way you used to.
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He noticed when you leaned out of his touch
Or the small unimpressed looks you’d have when you guys would kiss
And when he would ask you’d wave it off like it was nothing
Even when you surprisingly pushed him off of you as the class was doing movie nights, sitting with space in between
Midoriya noticed every single little thing
Yet when he confronted you about it you waved it off again and left before he could even ask you anything more
So, he decided to do a few things for you just in case he did something wrong and wanted to make it up
He placed a small gift on your desk. It was a small cat-version of all might in a box. At first you smiled, but then checked the signed name tag, he nearly screamed when you scoffed at it and just tossed it into your bag. He felt his heart clench but payed it no mind. He planned the right time to come in and walked right over to you.
“H-Hey Y/N! Did you like the little gift I bought?”
He could see the clearly fake smile on your face when you nod you head, but quickly dismiss him as you see Kirishima enter the room and walking over to him. Excitedly greeting him. Like he just gave you the gift instead.
Midoriya whimpered and gripped his bag straps. Ignoring how his stomach felt like it flipped.
Midoriya’s almost broke down when he went in to hug you in front of Kirishima and instead you went over and gave the redhead a ‘friendly’ hug.
“Hey Y/N! Are you and Midoryia busy or something?”You shook your head and went on in conversation, blatantly ignoring Midoryia, making him kind of want to throw up lunch. He frowned because, didn’t you guys plan something? Why did you lie?
The only person who actually paid attention was Bakugo, and even he felt a little bad. So he grabbed Kirishima’s collar and pulled Kirishima with him, locking eyes with Midoryia with an unknown expression. Then rolling his eyes and looking off. But Midoryia knew for sure he owed him a favor. He tried grabbing your hand but you pulled away.
“Sorry Izu, I uh...I have to go out for a bit.”
“But weren’t we going to go to the cafe today?”
“I know Izuku but...my friend texted me and there was a change in plans. I’ll see you later though!”
Yet he didn’t see you for the entire evening. He wrote down your conversation in a notebook. Analyzing what he could’ve said wrong. He didn’t even realize frustrated tears smearing the words.
People started to notice the nervous tics Midoryia did when you’d start talking to Kirishima.
“Are you okay Midoryia? Your hand is bleeding. Do you need to head to the nurse?”
“Ah! I-it’s okay Todoroki! It’s nothing, really!”
He didn’t want to leave the room right now, especially with the weird feeiling in his gut when he saw you lean in a little too close to Kirishima made his hand feel numb.
Midoriya noticed your small lingering touches and stares on Kirishima during training. He even noticed you were quieter when cheering for him than you were Kirishima.
He noticed you smiled more at his jokes than his
He noted you suddenly liked the things you said you always hated when Kirishima said was into it.
And he kept in mind that evening you barely looked his way. He frowned at the thought and decided to walk over to you. But instead he wanted bawl his eyes out when you made eye contact, and instead of greeting him you started walking forward with Kirishima.
“I can’t find a single note on what I did so wrong to make you hate me so much.”
You couldn’t even realize the boy in front of you. Blind rage all over his face, fists clenched, and shaking body. All because of you.
You honestly wanted to cry because you were so used to the loving looks he’d always give you to the cold and angry one he had on now. But you knew you didn’t deserve to feel this way. You knew what you did was wrong yet, you can’t get rid of the guilt washing over yourself as you finally locked eyes with him.
“I...I give you so much time and attention. Love...appreciation, patience. So much fucking patientce Y/N. Yet, yet you just throw it away.”
The dead grass crunched under his weight as his knees slightly buckled. The snot and tears now covering a majority of his face as he cried. His sobs sounding louder and louder in the silent evening. He bit his lip as he clenched the part of his shirt over his heart.
“It..it hurts so much, why, why don’t you love me like I love you?”
He clenched his teeth before repeatly beating the same spot on his chest. You looked in horror, then rushed over to get him to stop. He grabs you hand just as you were about to stop him.
He looks at you with such a broken gaze. Puffy eyes, and tears still streaming down his face as his scarred hand holds onto yours. Quivering lip and clenched fist.
“Was I just never enough?”
Your eyes started to fill with tears as you covered your mouth. Shaking your head repeatedly, as words couldn’t leave your mouth.
“I’ve written so many lines of the possibilities of what I could’ve said wrong. Or what I gave you. How I kissed you, how I touched you, Y/N, I-...”
“It’s not that you did anything Izuku! It’s just...I fell in love with someone else and I didn’t know how to end it.”
You looked down in guilt.
“Haha...my prediction was right. I was just never lived up to what you wanted.”
“Izuku I-“
“It’s getting late L/N, let’s go.”
It was a quiet walk back to the dorms.
He just kind of went airplane mode
He wasn’t the same mumble-awkward teen he usually was
But instead he’d mostly stare out the window
Or endlessly write notes
He became engrossed in his studies
Rarely going out, barely talking to anyone, and even not eating cause he felt like it would interrupt his studying
When out on his patrols he’ll try to save anyone and everyone he can by himself.
And when he fails it sends him into a complete spiral
It makes him feel the same way he did that day when you two separated
Like he didn’t do enough so it was all his fault that it ended in this way
Regular panic/anxiety attacks
Bakugo actually leaving him alone and instead checking up on him and making sure he eats (forcibly)
Todoroki, Uraraka, and Iida routinely make sure he was actually going to sleep on time, or getting any at all
It did take him a while to actually get over it
And it totally affected how he looked at future relationships
When he does get with someone everytime he just suffocates them with attention, gifts, and anything he feels he isn’t doing right he’ll do it 110%
So a majority of his early adulthood he spent single- or in short-term relationships
Eventually he stayed single for awhile since he’d always compare them to you
Though he does have days where wish it was different
Wishes it was you next to him when he woke up
Wishes that you would hold his hand when he has a bad day at work
But when he has the bad days where the anxiety, hero work, and pressure gets to him.
He just thinks of the way you used to smile at him.
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Eyyy so it was originally gonna be 3 but I realized I made it a little too long. I basically had really shit wifi so that was a part of the small hiatus. But also I was originally gonna be MHA boyos x Twitch Streamer Reader. Buuut Tumblr was cracked and deleted it so. 🧍Also do you want a part 2? Cause if not I’ll make my first fluff HCS for Valentine’s. Requests are open! So go wild
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awkwardspontaneity · 3 years
I'm so excited to see another Zelda blog here!! Could I get a Botw matchup please?
🔮 18 yo Bisexual Demigirl (She/They Nonbinary)
🔮 Chronically Ill and Autistic, with a lot of chronic pain and fatigue. Naps are very common for me
🔮 I’m not that athletic, but I do enjoy working out with my punching bag and taking walks. I LOVE adventures, but I sometimes worry about going on them because of my health.
🔮 Very short, 4’ 11” tall, with an androgynous build and style. I’m not very curvy at all.
🔮 Messy mane of brown hair that I usually wear in a low bun, glasses and lots of moles
🔮 I practice Witchcraft and Folk magic, and am a Published Author
🔮 Also a big science nerd, especially for Biology
🔮 I suffer from anxiety and intrusive thoughts, so I can be isolated and pretty melancholic
🔮 I think very deeply about things, and am simultaneously very smart and incredibly stupid. High wisdom / Low intelligence, I suppose, since I’m “wise beyond my years” but can lack common sense
🔮 I’m very excitable, open, polite and friendly, if not a bit aloof, flustered and socially awkward
🔮 I just wanna have a good time and enjoy myself, and I fluctuate between a good amount of confidence and feeling insecure
🔮 My entire personality is that I’m the sweetest soul to everyone, but I will go for the throat when genuinely wronged. Do no harm, take no shit
🔮 My love language is Physical Touch, though I also love making and giving gifts to people
🔮 I love the Arts, from Dance to Craftsmanship
🔮 Interests include Dungeons & Dragons, Lord of the Rings, Moomins, Fantasy, Cottagecore, Mythology, Animation, Witchcraft, Nintendo games and Food
🔮 I love going outside, I can’t stand being cooped up inside for days, it absolutely drives me insane
Heyyy!! I'm super happy to join the Zelda blogdom, thank you for the welcome!! Thank you so much for the request I hope you like it!! You sound like a wonderful person!! Remember to eat, rest, and stay hydrated💕
I match you with Mipha 🐟
🔮Do I hear Witchy Cottagecore Waifus???
🔮You and Mipha would be a great pair because you both love the outdoors. I mean she lives in the water and she would know the best hiking spots near waterfalls and rivers.
🔮Mipha gets a little nervous when you go poking things that could be dangerous so she's always close by. She loves your curious nature, she doesn't love when you try to look at a fish or glowing coral and fall into the river
🔮 All you have to do is ask and she'll take you up a waterfall with her. Shes a little nervous because of your illness, but she's a magic healer so those worries go away pretty fast.
🔮 Any time your illness does happen to pick up or get particularly bothersome she'll be ready to spend a day in with you. She'll bring you food, hold you close, and use that healing to massage the magic into your aches and pains
🔮I headcannon Mipha to have skin like a shark, so a but rough but also smooth(idk how to explain it) so cuddling with her would actually be nice. She gives off a heat that keeps you warm in the cool Zora temperatures and she'll read to you as you lay on her chest.
🔮She's also not opposed to being the little spoon so you would get to hold her whenever you wanted. Sometimes after long days with the other Champions or having to heal many others she'll come to you and nuzzle against your side. It's like a puppy asking for attention, she's just too shy to use words.
🔮One of Miphas favorite things is walking around and finding you napping. It could be the most random spot and you would be curled up, glasses slipping off your face. She thinks it's adorable. She'll always pick you up carefully and bring you back to your bed.
🔮 Mipha loves to read your books and you can often find her rereading one or, if you allow it, glancing over pages you're working on. She loves your writing and supporting you any way she can. 20/10 supportive gf
🔮 Mipha would never say it, but she gets very nervous around you when you practice punching. She might die if anyone read in her diary that your strength and your dedication is very attractive. She gets this moony eyed look and once you grinned at her in between sets. She has never tripped over herself so much in her life
🔮She does worry you'll end up with split knuckles from punching and, no matter how much she loves how strong you are, she'll be right there with a light scolding and her magic touch.
🔮Speaking of magic, you both have so many conversations about magic. You could go on for hours comparing the styles of magic and what helps you get in touch with that part of you.
🔮You both learned how to make charms so you could pass them along to eachother, some even having secret meanings only the two of you understand.
🔮You both also have dates where you go out to collect ingredients for you magical mixtures
🔮Your love of mythology would be fed by the Zora Domain seeing as they're fish people and all. You could wander around the Domain hand in hand asking questions about the history and what kind of sea creatures live within the depths of the waters.
🔮Mipha loves to answer your questions and you always answer hers about your art, you taught her to dance once and now she'll drag you to glowing arches in the rain so you can dance as the lights glitter off each raindrop
🔮Your ability to stand your ground would be great for Mipha because she's not the type to snap at people. You like to come with her when she goes places because you get to adventure and if someone even thinks of being rude to her, you're right there to put them in their place.
🔮 Mipha can stand up to people when she has to. A member of the Yiga clan once attacked you both and the moment they got the tiniest scratch on you was the angriest you had ever seen Mipha. You were pretty sure the Yiga clan was actually scared of the Zora now after the beating they got.
🔮When you suffer from intrusive thoughts and anxiety Mipha will sit beside you as long as you need. She will hold you close and let you talk things through if you need to
🔮If your thoughts are scaring you she will hear them out and give you reasons that she would never let anything bad happen to you. She never tells you it's silly or that it's impossible, she'll simply help you find an answer to the thoughts that can dispell your worries
🔮 She's your biggest cheerleader and the two of you never run out of things to talk about it do together. Whether it's quiet time napping and cuddling, or going out on adventures, the two of you are always together having a good time
🔮overall 10/10 cute couple who makes you feel their love just by being around them
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muertawrites · 4 years
Two Halves - Chapter Eight (Zuko x Reader)
Part Seven
Word Count: 3,000
Warning: This chapter gets violent - there are mentions of death and assault. I'll include a recap at the beginning of next week's chapter for those who choose not to read for the sake of their mental wellbeing. No harm done in not reading; I appreciate you taking care of yourself ♥
Author’s Note: .......... yeah idk what happened either. oops there’s actually a plot here lmao
~ Muerta
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Your tour of the city the following day is rained out by mid-morning, leaving you cozily stranded at the Jasmine Dragon until the weather decides to clear. Iroh gives you a private room to relax in while you wait, coming by every hour or so with a new menu item for you to sample. Since the weather is quite chilly, he’s converted the table in the room into a kotatsu, which you’re curled up under with Toph leaned comfortably against your shoulder. From where you sit, you have a perfect view of not only the street from the room’s window, but the rest of the tea shop, your gaze shifting between watching passerby avoiding the downpour outside and customers milling about inside, smiling to yourself each time you catch a glimpse of Zuko darting between tables; He insisted on working the rush that day, all of you changing out of your ceremonial robes and into something more low key so as not to attract attention.
Regular customers are happy to see Zuko, greeting him excitedly and asking how his “travels” have been; he nods over to you a few times while speaking, multiple people coming up to meet and congratulate you. Toph smirks at you, teasingly nudging your arm.
“I think you’re more popular as Lee from the tea shop’s wife than you are as Firelady,” she observes. “Not one person who’s come over here has said anything about the royalty sitting next to us.”
Kuei looks up from his reading, shrugging his shoulders as Bosco - whose head rests lazily in the king’s lap - lets out a grumbling yawn.
“I’m not meant to be noticed,” he states. “Besides, I come here all the time; regulars are used to seeing me here.”
“Are they also used to your guards taking up every table within twenty feet of you?” you joke. You’re only half kidding - plainclothes guards are stationed at three tables beside the room’s open door, all tensing up and ready to pounce every time anyone who isn’t Iroh or Zuko approaches.
Kuei grins sheepishly at you, offering another shrug.
“Not all of us are warriors,” he excuses.
“We need to teach you to fight,” Toph comments. “Having a scrawny Earth King is embarrassing.”
Before Kuei can retort, Zuko appears at the threshold, sliding the door shut behind him with urgency. Kuei stands immediately, instantly alert.
“The Dai Li were just spotted in the refugee district,” Zuko announces. “A customer told me they're staging some kind of protest.”
“Does it really count as a protest if they're facists?” Toph mutters. “Seems like the kind of thing they'd be opposed to.”
“A protest against what?” Kuei asks. “They don't typically operate so boldly.”
“I don't know,” Zuko answers, “but we should go there and stop it. They're too powerful for the regular guard to subdue.”
He turns to you, eyeing you sternly.
“Stay here,” he orders. “Toph and I will handle this.”
“Oh, the hell you will,” you quip, standing so abruptly that Toph tumbles over. “I've already told enough imperialist assholes that I don't answer to you - you shouldn't have to be one of them.”
Zuko shakes his head, ignoring your harsh comment.
“Darling, please, I'm not trying to boss you around,” he explains. “The Dai Li are dangerous and I want to keep you safe.”
“I'm not even safe in my own home, Zuko,” you counter. “We’re a team - we face danger together.”
You cross your arms, challenging Zuko with a determined, defiant glare. He sighs frustratedly, furrowing his brow but eventually giving in.
“Alright fine,” he caves. “We don't have time to argue. Let's go.”
You leave the Jasmine Dragon through a hidden panel in one of the private room’s walls, installed for just such occasions when Kuei needs to make a hasty exit; his guards are already assembled on the street, perched on ostrich horses with two steeds empty for the Firelord and king.
As Kuei mounts, you help Toph onto the back of his saddle, where she takes hold of your forearm and pulls you close so she can whisper in your ear.
“Did Sparky call you ‘darling' just now?” she marvels.
You blush, realizing that yes, he most definitely did.
“I think so,” you mumble in response.
Zuko calls for you and you part from her, noting the smirk that spreads across her features. You climb into the saddle behind him, wrapping your arms tightly around his waist as he digs a heel into the ostrich horse’s side, sending you speeding through the streets of Ba Sing Se; you hardly feel the rain biting at your cheeks and hands against the firmness of his back.
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The refugee district scatters in chaos, people scampering like ants separated from their colony as they attempt to flee the terror the Dai Li have inflicted.
Agents prowl up and down the streets, raiding homes and businesses seemingly at random and interrogating their owners, many of them beaten or bound in stone cuffs. You ride past an agent looming over a man and his young children, his hand raised to strike; as you pass, you pull Zuko’s sheathed katana from its slot in the saddle, holding it out so it hits the agent in the throat and topples him, incapacitated; the man wails, tears streaming down his face as he lifts his children and carries them away from the scene.
You arrive at the source of the bedlam, where the heads of the Dai Li have gathered in a market square and bark out commands, taking prisoners and making displays of their battered, comatose bodies. Zuko reins the ostrich horse to a halt, leaping off before fully coming to a stop and removing his dual swords from the horse’s pack, strapping them onto his back. He hands you the reins, roughly taking your hands in his and leaning in close to you, shouting over the din.
“Can you ride?”
You nod as you settle yourself into the center of the saddle, squeezing his hands tightly.
“Go with Kuei and take out as many Dai Li as you can for the guard to arrest,” he tells you. “Toph and I will go for their leaders.”
He places both of his palms on either side of your face, bringing your head down so he can press his lips firmly against your forehead.
“Be careful,” he says in parting.
You kick into the ostrich horse’s side, turning back the direction you came and following Kuei through the streets, Zuko’s katana strapped at your hip.
Despite Toph’s teasing, Kuei is actually a skilled rider; though weaponless, he maneuvers his steed with ease, steering headlong into members of the Dai Li and trampling them, the beast lashing its long, razorlike talons until they fall unconscious. You ride close behind, sweeping the surrounding area whenever he overtakes a target and stunning anyone who tries to interfere, driving the edge of Zuko’s katana into their stomach or back; the only time you unsheath the blade is when you come upon an agent with a young girl pinned beneath him, her dress hiked above her hips and his body far too close to hers for your liking.
The image sends rage coursing like fire through your veins, and you remove the katana from its casing, riding up swiftly behind the man and drawing the blade across his neck, slitting his throat before he has a chance to react; his blood splatters across your legs and the face of the girl he attacked, causing her to shriek and crumple into tears. You reach down and lift her into the saddle behind you, riding her to the nearest area of relative safety you can find before returning to Kuei’s side.
“Is there anyone else?” you ask, looking around. Things seem to have calmed, the guard already arriving to take their prisoners and the citizens of the district starting to collect themselves, those not harrowed by shock either coming to the aid of their neighbors or starting to tidy the buildings that were raided.
Kuei shakes his head, panting heavily as he attempts to catch his breath.
“I passed the head of the guard a moment ago,” he tells you. “She said they have most of the situation under control - they're having trouble getting the leaders to surrender.”
“Let's go back,” you suggest. “We might be able to help.”
Kuei nods, trailing beside you as you gallop back to the market square, stumbling into a standoff between the Dai Li and the guard, Zuko and Toph in the middle of the fray - they have the leaders cornered, Toph having bent the earth around a few of them and Zuko with a flame ready in hand, one of his swords in the other. The scene is still but tense, and you sit with Zuko’s katana drawn.
“It’s your choice,” Zuko booms, approaching one of the captured Dai Li with predatory grace. “Either you come peacefully, or your entire troop will be killed.”
The bound man gives Zuko a wicked smirk, rolling his head to the side.
“Wouldn’t your father be proud,” he drones deeply. “His disgraced son, meddling where he doesn’t belong and threatening death when he can’t get his way - just like daddy. Even after you defeated him, you’re still seeking his approval, aren’t you Firelord Zuko?”
The man grunts as Toph’s fist closes, the rock around him compressing his chest.
“Watch it,” she snaps. “Zuko might be above squashing a slimy little roach like you, but I’m not - and he’s not the one who has you in a vice right now.”
“The Firelord is merely following Earth Kingdom law,” Kuei interjects. He rides into the center of the circle the guards and seized Dai Li have formed. “Dai Li have been considered highly dangerous by my guard since a child was found murdered in the catacombs under Lake Laogai preceding the end of the war; any members who resist arrest are sentenced to death once taken into custody. It’s your choice - be found responsible for the death of your men, or let them face fair trial.”
You don’t hear the man answer. One of the apprehended Dai Li nearby takes hold of the knife from the belt strap of the guard who holds him, stabbing her in the stomach to free himself; he makes a beeline for you, shoving his shoulder into your ostrich horse’s side and knocking you out of the saddle, sending you to the ground at his feet.
The Dai Li grips you by the hair, hoisting you up by the scalp and pressing his arm forcefully into your chest - the knife, still wet with blood, digs into your neck, so rigidly you feel a sting as its blade slices through the top layer of your skin. Zuko, who’d rushed forward the instant the man lashed out, pauses, his stature braced and eyes wide with terror. The Dai Li chuckles evilly, running a blood-soaked hand through your hair.
“Not so high and mighty now, are you Zuzu?” he mocks. “Let’s see if your no-killing rule applies when your pretty little plaything is up for grabs.”
“Don’t hurt her,” Zuko snarls. “You already face a death sentence just for touching her.”
“Then I might as well go out with a bang,” the Dai Li hisses.
You feel your skin start to split as the knife cuts deeper, and you squeeze your eyes shut, preparing for your lungs to fill with blood.
Before the worst can come, a metallic snap cuts through the strained silence, the arm flattened to your chest going slack as the man it belongs to slumps into a heap beside you.
You fall to your knees, limbs quivering as a quiet, heaving sob escapes your chest. Zuko sprints to your side, scooping you into his arms and immediately taking you away, carrying you into the back of one of the guard’s wagons and ordering to return to the palace.
“Kill them all,” you hear Kuei gravely command as the cart rolls away. “None of them can be trusted in trial.”
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You don’t realize it until you arrive at the infirmary, but you’re soaked. Healers strip you of your wet clothes and assess you for injuries, finding only a small laceration on your neck from where the Dai Li threatened you. They clean the wound thoroughly, draping you in a large blanket and serving you sweet, calming tea, keeping you there for a few hours before allowing you to return to your suite.
Rain streaks down the sitting room window in sheets as you ghost through the threshold, thanking the healer who escorted you in a whisper as she assuringly touches your shoulder, then shuts the door behind you.
Zuko stands from his place by the pane when he hears your voice, swallowing heavily as he watches you enter.
“What happened?” you rasp, blinking drearily.
Zuko approaches you slowly, gingerly lowering you into the nearest chair.
“Toph snapped the knife and shot the tip through the Dai Li’s forehead,” Zuko recounts. His voice is dark, roughened with gravel. “They’re all dead. There are more still out there, but their numbers are significantly less after today.”
You nod, your gaze directed away from him, eyes unfocused as you stare into nothing.
“The guard who was stabbed is okay,” Zuko continues, taking one of your hands and clasping it between his own. “She apologizes for letting her duties slip.”
You shake your head, pressing your eyes tightly closed as you try to force the image of the day’s events from your mind.
“She has no need to apologize,” you murmur. “I’m okay; she’s the one who got hurt.”
Zuko sighs softly, reaching up to rest his hand on your cheek.
“This is why I wanted you to stay with Iroh,” he chides. “You’re not trained to defend yourself. It’s too dangerous for you to go everywhere with me.”
You pull your face away from him. From the corner of your eye, you shoot him a glare.
“Don’t scold me,” you mutter. “I defended myself well enough.”
Zuko retracts his hand, leaning away as if you struck him. He lets out a frustrated huff.
“Seriously?” he quips. “That’s all you have to say for yourself? You could’ve gotten yourself killed.”
“And so you could you,” you retort. “I’ve had a price on my head ever since I came to the Fire Nation; I don’t think I have to remind you that a man was murdered for the sake of making a threat towards us. Everyone’s after both of us, so we might as well stick together.”
“No,” Zuko snaps. “I won’t allow that. You’re my responsibility and I have to keep you safe.”
You jump to your feet, glowering down at him. He stands in return, taking a step back as your eyes meet his in a heated stare.
“You won’t allow that?” you challenge him. “What the fuck happened to treating me like an equal? You said in your damned wedding vows that you wanted to give me freedom. Did that only mean when it was convenient for you? You only want me as an ally when it looks good? Need I remind you that you were perfectly willing to let me ride out into battle when I was doing so under your command? You know that I’m capable of standing up for myself - I don’t need you playing savior whenever you think I can’t.”
“I’m not trying so suppress you,” Zuko counters. “I’m trying to make sure that the people who want us dead don’t actually achieve it. I could never forgive myself if anything happened to you because you were following me. You need protection.”
“Zuko, I killed a man today.”
You make the statement plainly, in a deadpan, looking him directly in the eye. He pales, his face going completely ashen.
“I killed someone today,” you repeat in a hiss. “Before today I’d never even held a weapon, let alone used one on another person; that didn’t stop me cutting a Dai Li’s neck open because he tried to rape a teenage girl in the street. I feel like a monster, Zuko, but don’t you dare tell me I need protection - what I need is your help. I don’t need a knight in shining armor. I need my husband.”
Zuko’s expression falls, your brows still arched together as you realize you’ve been shouting. You take a deep, shaky breath, crossing your arms and clutching the sleeves of your robe.
Zuko crosses the room to you, resting one of his hands behind your head; his other arm curls around your waist, pulling you in and pressing you flush against his chest.
You didn’t notice before, but your whole body is trembling, tears starting to pour down the sides of your face. You wrap your arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.
“I’m sorry,” Zuko breathes. “You’re right. We need to stick together. I just… I hate the idea of losing you. I… care… I care so much about you…”
You bury your face in his shoulder, your fingers knitting themselves into the fabric of his robe; the shock of the day finally hits you, and you feel as if you’ll crumble in his arms.
“I know,” you whimper. “I care about you, too.”
Zuko lifts you into his arms, cradling you like a child as he carries you into the bedroom. He lays down beside you, and for a while that could be minutes as much as it could be hours, he holds you, rocking you gently and rubbing your back as your body heaves with sobs, tears soaking your face the way the rain beats against the walls of your room. When you’re finally calm, he leaves only as long as it takes you to change into your night clothes, returning once you’re dressed and taking you into his arms again, comforting you as the sound of thunder trembles somewhere in the distance.
You fall asleep with your head on his chest, clutching him tightly through the night. You dream of nothing, and for that, you’re thankful.
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monaownsmyass · 4 years
Hmm I’m pretty bad with being creative so idk if this would make a good fic or not but here’s a suggestion haha. It’s the day that all of that craziness with Benji happened and as soon as you told Zoey she stopped everything that she was doing to be with you. **Basically that diamond scene we got but more fluff, cuteness, kisses, and possible revealing of feelings**
Here you go! Lmk how I did :)
Falling For You
Book: Queen B, Chapter 10 Pairing: Zoey Wade x MC (Bea Hughes) Genre : Fluff, like A LOT of fluff Rating: Nothing explicit, maybe suggestive Word Count: 2,115 A/N: This takes place directly after the whole Benji situation. Zoey's updated diamond scene if I were to write it I guess. No 'horny butterflies' though, sorry lol
I heard the front door open as Zoey rushed in. I stood up to greet her but before I could say a word, Zoey dropped her bag and enveloped me in a bone-crushing hug, knocking the wind out of me.
"Hey, Zo," I managed to whimper out.
"Ohmygod, Bea, I came as soon as I could," she said softly, her grip on me relaxing. "You have no idea how worried I was."
I wrapped my arms around her neck and rested my cheek against her shoulder. "I'm just glad you're here now."
Zoey pulled back slightly and gave me a kiss on my temple. Taking my hand in hers, she lead me to the couch to sit before pulling one hand away from mine to tuck some stray hair behind my ear. I lean into her soft caress and turn my head slightly to kiss the palm of her hand. My heart was racing faster than it ever had.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?" She pulled me into her, laying my head onto her shoulder. I filled her in on everything The T didn't cover while she played with my hair.
When I was done, she met my eyes with pure fury in hers. "He stole your bra? Seriously? Do I need to kill him for you?"
I let out a small giggle, "That's my Zo. Always ready to throw hands."
Her hardened face soften into a smile after my comment. "Well, maybe I'd hire someone. Wouldn't want to break a nail." She paused. "But for you, babe? It'd be worth it."
I placed my head back on her shoulder and sighed in contentment, relieved to have her here beside me. "What would I do without you to fight for me?"
"Apparently you'd do just fine for yourself," she let out a laugh that made my heart burst with joy, "Using your bra as a whip and to choke him? Girl, that's badass! Pretty hot too."
I smirked up at her, "Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"You know it, baby," her voice low and suggestive, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Butterflies ruptured in my stomach. I cleared my throat and decided to change the subject. "So, I believe I was promised some pasta and some wine?"
She let out another delightful laugh while scooching me over so she could stand up. I follow her her to the stove only for her to shake her head at me.
"You sit! Your task for today is just to sit still, look pretty and of course, drink this massive glass of wine," she ordered as she poured me a glass of Cabernet and guides me to the bar stool by the waist, gesturing me to sit down. She turned on the radio and moved to the stove to get to work.
"Yes, ma'am," I teased, "I like it when you boss me around."
Zoey looks back at me and our eyes lock, casting a rakish and downright gorgeous grin my way and ooh boy... I'd give up the world just for Zoey Wade to look at me like that for the rest of my life.
"Of course you do," she said as she rolled her eyes, still smiling.
Entranced by her smile I whispered, "How are you so perfect?"
"Well, coming from the most perfect woman I've ever laid my eyes on, that's saying something." Her voice was playful. "But go on."
"You've got to know how much you mean to me. You're amazing, Zo. You're an absolute babe with impeccable fashion sense, a badass that lets no one stand in her way and not to mention extremely talented and kind and caring..."
"Why, thank you! I am all of those things." She turned to face me. " But you forgot one thing." She sauntered towards me, wrapping one arm around my waist and her other hand grabbing my thigh from under. It felt like I've been struck by lightning.
She leaned in closer, foreheads almost touching. "I have incredible taste in women."
I closed my eyes in anticipation, only open them and find those soul-piercing eyes gazing at my lips.
"I want you to kiss me," she breath out. "Show me how much I mean to you."
She didn't have to tell me twice.
I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her into me, crashing our lips together in a hasten fashion. This kiss, this kiss was not like any of the others we've shared before. It was not like any others I've had before. It was slow, soft, passionate. The kind of kiss that makes you realise that every love story you've heard aren't lies. The kind of kiss that makes you wonder how you've ever lived without experiencing it. The kind that makes your heart skip a beat and soar and heat goes to your cheeks and you become light-headed and weak in the knees and... and... It's the kind of kiss that makes you realise you're falling for someone because wow, if I wasn't already falling for her I sure am now.
I am falling for Zoey Wade.
It felt timeless but it was over all too soon. Before breaking off the kiss, Zoey gently bit my bottom lip and gave it a light tug, making me groan. Not wanting to let her go, I tighten my arms around her.
"Darling," she grinned her charming, brilliant smile at me once again. "The pasta is gonna burn if we don't stopped."
At the mention of food, my stomach gave a grumble. We both giggled as I let her go.
"Alright, alright, but promise me we'll carry on later?" I gave her my best puppy-dog eyes and a pout for good measure.
Zoey smiles softly, softer than I've ever seen. She looks just as smitten as I felt and the thought alone was enough to make me giddy.
Once she was done, Zoey served us the pasta she's prepared. Dinner was an exercise, trying to focus on the food and not the ethereal being sitting opposite me. Everything she did was distracting. From the way she bit into the food to her hand gestures and to the way her eyes lit up when she laughed. She was intoxicating.
We worked our way through multiple servings of pasta and the rest of the bottle of the Cabernet. I helped Zoey put the dishes and glasses into the dishwasher as I thanked her.
"It seems like you're good at everything."
"Of course, babe! Don't you remember who you're talking to?" she said playfully.
I smiled endearingly at her. That's my Zo.
"Now c'mon! It's my job for tonight to take care of you so tell me, how can I help you relax?" She trailed a soft hand along my cheek, electricity sizzling where she touched me.
"Well, I'm pretty sure you promised me a make out sesh," I reminded her nonchalantly.
Wasting no time, she dragged me to my room and lightly shoved me onto the bed. I plopped clumsily on the bed as Zoey climbed over me, resting her body against mine. She lowered her lips to my ear and muttered, "Are you relaxed yet?"
"A little, I think you should kiss me just to be safe."
And kiss me she did. It was as thrilling as the previous kiss. She kissed me just as tenderly, savouring me as if I might disappear if she pulls away.
A hand that was on my cheek moved down to my breast and gave it a squeeze. I let out a small moan and felt her smile through the kiss. Her hand then made its way further down, caressing my stomach and thighs delicately.
In a swift motion, she grasped my thigh hard enough to leave a mark and hiked it up to her waist, pushing herself closer into me in the process.
"Oh, Zoey!" I was already feeling heady at this point.
Her lips left mine to kiss down my jaw to my neck, marking me as she made her descend. After a while, she kissed her way back up my jaw, trailing to my ear. She placed a hand on my chest, over my heart and mumbled, "Hmm, you definitely don't feel relaxed."
"Shut up," I grinned playfully and pulled her lips to meet mine once again.
It could've only been a few minutes or a couple hours but eventually, we stopped. Zoey laid her head on my chest and closed her eyes, trailing patterns on my skin with a perfectly manicured finger. I heard the light drizzle from outside turn into a heavy downpour as I held this breathtaking woman in my arms. I caught a whiff of her floral shampoo from her gorgeous dark curly hair as I tilted my head down to look at her. I let out a big sigh, feeling absolutely blissful.
I felt Zoey shift slightly. Afraid she might try to get up, I encircle her waist with my legs while my arms squeezed her as much as I could.
"Bea!" she shrieked and giggled, squirming in my embrace. "I'm gonna die!"
"I'm never letting you go!" I giggled with her.
She stopped struggling after a while and stretched her neck to look up at me. "Bea," she spoke my name in a slow, flirtatious manner. A prayer on her lips.
"Yeah?" In a moment of weakness, she jumped out of my embrace and ran out of my room.
"Come get me, slowpoke!" she called out while laughing.
I chased her all around the apartment while cursing her.
"Damn you and your long legs!"
She just laughed that radiant laugh of hers.
I don't know how or when it happened, but she was the one who was trying to catch me instead by the end of our little game of catch.
"I've caught you! No escaping now, beautiful," she bragged as she held me in a bear hug.
"Oh no, I'm in the arms of a very attractive woman, whatever shall I do?" I feigned distress.
"You think you're so funny, huh, babe?"
"I'm hilarious." I brought my arms around her waist and leaned up to give her a peck on the lips.
"If you say so," she replied while bending a little to kiss the tip of my nose.
We just stood there for a moment, holding onto each other while listening to the rain that was beginning to subside and to the music that was playing softly in the background from the radio. I've never felt more at home.
Following a moment of silence, Zoey spoke up, "Bea, I just want to say I'm sorry for pushing you onto Professor Kingsley so much especially since I know you don't even like her." She took a deep breath and exhaled. "I... at first I didn't even realise myself why I was so insistent about it. I kept telling myself it's cuz it was the only way to overthrow Poppy. I was in denial about my feelings. Then the whole Benji thing happened and I realised how worried I was and it's just... Flirting with you is second nature to me cuz I'm used to it but this is all so new to me and I didn't know how to process it. I guess what I'm trying to say... what I'm saying is..."
My heart was hammering out of my chest. I've never felt this way for anyone before either but I knew I had to tell her too. It felt right.
"IthinkImfallingforyou!" I blurted out before she could finish.
She held me back a little and looked at me, her captivating brown eyes peering into mine. "What?"
I took a deep breath.
"I think I'm falling for you, Zoey Wade," the words coming out quietly and cautiously.
Her face went from confusion to realisation to shock then to sheer excitement all in the span of a few seconds.
"I think I'm falling for you, too, Bea Hughes."
I let out a small laugh in relief.
I snuggled back into Zoey as she placed a loving kiss on the top of my head.
It was probably pretty late and we had classes the next day. But right then, the both of us sharing small laughs and kisses every now and then, enjoying each other's warm embrace while swaying to the tune of some random song in the dim lighting of our dinning area, I knew I would've rather spend another hour right there than a lifetime anywhere else.
All my worries and stress faded away as I looked up at her stunning face.
How could I've not fallen from Zoey Wade?
(More fics!)
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t-lostinworlds · 4 years
..... 11 and 82? With shawn? Fluff with a little steam? Ily bby
A/N: well, this took a lil while but it reached 1k words tho aha and there’s not really fluff but there’s a whole lotta steam alska hope you like it hun! and ily too 🥺❤️
P.S. this is the last Shawn blurb and idk when I’ll write him again aha but yeah, just a heads up.
"You can share my jacket with me, since you're shivering."
"Bite me."
"You're really getting into my nerves you know that?" you huffed, arms tightly wrapped around your now, soaked self.
"Well, I'm your only ride home so you'll have to deal with it," Shawn retorted with a roll of his eyes, holding the umbrella over the two of you, but more on your shuddering figure to not let you get anymore wet from the rain.
You've just been stood up from a date, again. And when you were waiting for a cab in an otherwise deserted street, the universe clearly doesn't like you when the sky rumbled and then pissed on you not long after. To make matters worse, the moment you looked up to curse at the rain – as if karma was quick to work – a car pulled up in front of you, then appeared the last man you ever wanted to see. That's when you knew that the universe does in fact hate your very being to the core.
He told you to stay where you are as he rolled down his window, drove into this empty back lot — due to the pouring rain — before coming out with an umbrella in hand. And when you two were walking back towards the car, he just decided to ask so many questions that's now worsen your mood.
Shawn opened the car door for you, only earning a small thank you as you slipped inside, one you uttered under your breath, didn't spare him even a second of a glance.
You just can't stand that smug face of his, walking around in those Chelsea boots all tall and buff like he owns the place. Not to mention the way he always acts so sweet, a mere façade because no one is ever always that nice, and don't even start with those eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes and that charming smile to match, a whole package with his handsome face it's just—
"You can share my jacket with me, since you're shivering."
You only scoffed with a roll of your eyes, turning your head away to look outside the window, distracting yourself with the droplets of rain running down it so you don't have to acknowledge the man in the car with you.
Shawn has no idea why you don't like him.
He's always been nice to you, despite when you're giving him attitude. All he knew was that this all started when Brian introduced you two. Well, he may have been a bit of a dick when that happened, but to Shawn's defense, he wasn't in his best mood. Plus, he apologized soon after, but still, that first impression seemed to last on you.
It was quite of a bummer on his part because the curly-headed boy was smitten with you. He sees pass the bitchy-attitude. Because to other people, you were the sweetest and kindest person, he's seen it firsthand. Now, it was just a matter of Shawn getting over this wall you solely built between you two.
While he does find it cute sometimes, one's patience can only last for so long.
"Quit being a brat Y/N."
Your head snapped back at him in surprise since that's the first time he's actually sounded angry. He's been annoyed of course, but never mad whenever you give him a hard time.
The low growl in his voice made you feel tingles in your belly, a small lump now forming in your throat at how undeniably hot that sounded. It only magnified even more once you met his eyes, intensely boring right into yours with a gloss coating over them. His jacket was now off, the hoodie he wore a bit tight on him, making you see more of his toned arms and bit of his torso, but oh do you want to see more.
But you only sat straighter, seeming unfazed, glare matching his as you crossed your arms over your chest. "Bite me." you hissed.
Shawn's jaw visibly clenched at that, nostrils flaring since you are making him very frustrated in more ways than one.
His mind was traveling through places as he slowly took you in, thin blouse now wet and clinging tightly against your body. The short skirt you wore hiking up, exposing even more skin when you decided to cross your legs, and with your lace bra very visible that it left so little to the imagination, Shawn lets out shaky breath.
"Would you rather want me to warm you up in a different way?" he said, tone very suggestive as he cocked an eyebrow at your direction.
You felt your heartbeat quickened at that, but you tried to stay unaffected, voice steady as you tilted your head at him to the side. "What do you suggest then?"
Shawn turned the car off swiftly, parking lot turning dim. The only sources of light were the moon up above and the lamp post in the far corner. The sound of the rain hitting the roof was more prominent than before. Then, Shawn reached down the corner of his seat, pulling the lever and pushing it backwards to give more space, making it easier now to climb over with ease.
You bit your bottom lip at that. You're not naive, you know where this was going, and you couldn't stop the heat and excitement course through the whole of your body at the thought. And when his brown orbs met yours, they were already a few shades darker than seconds ago.
"Come here and let's find out."
Maybe it was the way he sai—commanded it, or maybe it was the pent up frustration you've had on him for the past months, because Shawn annoys you yes, but you're not going to deny that you've thought about many other ways on letting out your frustrations on him.
And without any hesitation, you climb over the console and onto his lap, straddling him as comfortably as you could, a low groan coming out of him when you crashed your lips against his.
Kiss rushed, hot, needy, Shawn's hands gripped your waist under your damp shirt, pads of his fingers feeling your skin leisurely as he pulls you closer to his body. You gave his bottom lip a light nip, a soft moan coming out of him as he parted his lips to let your tongues meet.
Shawn hands made their way down until it rested atop your bum, giving it a firm squeeze that made you lurch forward, both your breaths hitching at the sudden friction below.
Your hands found its way to tugged at his hoodie, Shawn pulling away from you so he can take it off himself, including his shirt with it so now he was left in nothing but his grey sweats. Eyes locking, his fingers played with your own shirt, and when you gave him a quick nod, he removed the sticky fabric off your body swiftly, discarding it in the backseat.
His eyes only took you in briefly as his lips were quick to connect on your now exposed skin, sucking at your neck, trailing up your jaw and leaving marks as he did so.
Shawn captured your lips again not long after, one hand on the nape of your neck while the other took home on the small of your back, running it up and down your spine that's made goosebumps erupt on its wake.
"Guess you don't hate me now don't you," he chuckled lowly against your lips, a guttural growl following suit when you bounced on him just once, clothed heat pressing on his bulge hard and quick.
"Don't test me Mendes," you challenged, pulling away slightly to shoot him a teasing glare. Shawn bit his bottom lip as he looked up at you hungrily, both his hands going to grip your hips firmly before he started pushing it to move, back and forth, encouraging you to grind on him.
And that's exactly what you did, a deep hiss coming out of the both of you at the blissful feeling. Shawn groaned deeply when you moved a little faster, throwing his head back and exposing his neck fully. You took this opportunity to litter it with not-so-gentle kisses, marking up his body as he did with yours.
Shawn gasped when you sucked on his sweet spot, his grip on you tightening as you continued to swirl your hips on him, all teasing, taunting, his length now straining in his sweats.
As you lifted your head back up to meet his eyes, you saw nothing but a smug, cocky smirk plastered on his swollen pink lips, and with his voice deep, he said,
"Looks like your nerves aren't the only thing I'm getting into tonight."
prompt requests are closed. until next time <3
Overall/Everything Taglist: @theunwantedomega @vinylmendes @fallinfortom
Shawn M. Taglist: @2018shawn @vlogsquadfan101 @turtoix @badreputationlove @sunkisseddreamer @enchantingbrowneyedgirl
99 notes · View notes
Hi ! May I request Reader x Shane Walsh. Reader comes back to the farm soaking wet, exhausted and freezing (what they were doing is up to you) They end up falling asleep standing up and Shane places his hand on their back, so them to lean on him However, he realizes that they're freezing and drenched. He panics and brings them inside. They are so tired, they don't wake up until hours later in the middle of the night. They don't remember going to bed Fluffy please! (Sorry if it's too specific) ❤️
Requested by: @theichabbieclub,
Hello darling! I’m sorry it took a while to post. I may have changed it up just a little bit, but hopefully you like it. Thank you so much for requesting! Request are still open! Please enjoy! ❤️🖤❤️
⚠️ Warnings: hunting, killing a walker, cussing, talk of cleaning a deer, idk what else, Shane being fluffy!
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Y/n was out in the woods looking for their next meal. Y/n grew up in the woods of Georgia. She knew the woods like the back of her hand. She knew most of the paths the deer would go to roost. She knew where to find the spring turkeys when the time was right. She knew how to hunt, and she knew how to track.
She was walking through the woods quietly. She was walking to her favorite hunting spot. That just so happens to be about one or two miles from the farm.
All she had brought with her was her rifle, her hand gun, her large hunting knife and a back pack with a first aid kit a water bottle full of water, and a supplies in case she needed it.
Crossing over the little creek in the woods she noticed a big buck with two little doe. She quietly looked around seeing if anything was around them. Making sure if she shoot the deer, it wouldn’t hurt anyone behind what she could see. Also she was trying to make sure she wasn’t attracting too many walkers.
Aiming her Winchester rifle she took a deep breath. Holding her breathe as she shot.
The deer fell down onto the wood forest floor.
She thanked God as she walked over to the buck. The two doe that were beside him long gone running. She noticed the buck was heavier then what she intended and she had a mile hike back to the camp.
She ignored the burn in her legs as she dragged the most likely 200 pound buck by a rope tied tightly through its ankles. Just as she started going up a hill it started pouring.
It was already an unusually cooler day, but the rain wasn’t helping. She huffed looking up at the sky to see the dark rain clouds. Thunder tumbled as the storm grew closer to where she was heading.
She was half way to the farm when a walker decided he was going to join her on her walk. She was not having it. Taking out her hunting knife from it’s leather holster on her hip. She grabbed the ugly bitch by its long dirty hair. The rotten face peeling away some as she held it away from her and stabbed it in its temple.
She sighed as it went numb. Pulling the knife from its head and letting it fall to the ground. Wiping the blood on the dead walkers ripped clothes. She put it back into its holster on her hip, grabbing the rope once again and continued pulling the buck to the farm.
By time she got to the farm she was soaked and cold. She still had to clean the deer.
It was about dark by the time she finished cleaning the deer and putting the meat in bags to give to rick and then to fix for supper. She was rubbing her eye with the back of her bloody hand. If anyone came up to her, they wouldn’t be able to see if it was her blood or the deer blood.
She sighed as she stretched her arms above her head. Feeling her tight muscles somewhat relax after she stretched.
She was aching. Her body hurt from dragging the deer a mile and a half through the woods in the rain. She was about the drag the remains of the deer back through the woods to keep any predators from coming onto the farm.
When she heard quickly footsteps coming up from behind her she quickly grabbed her .45 pistol from the holder holding it out towards the sound.
“Hey hey it’s me.” She sighed as she quickly put the gun down.
“Are you okay?” He asked as he noticed the blood all over her.
She looked at him an nodded. She could see the worry in his brown eyes. She looked down at her bloody hands and understood where he was coming from.
“I’m fine, I just finished clean the buck. Meats in those bags.” She pointed to a couple of zip block bags.
“Make sure they don’t spoil.” She spoke while going to grab the deer to pull it away from the camp.
“How ‘bout I help you?” He asked while he grabbed her hand pulling her to face him.
“I’ll pull the truck over here and we’ll drive it away from the farm. That way noting will follow us back here.” He explained giving her a smile. She nodded grateful for his help.
He pulled the pick up truck right beside her. She grabbed one side of the deer and he grabbed the other hauling it into the bed of the truck.
After they got the deer in the back of the truck as jumped in the back. Shane got in the drivers seat. Looking at her to see if she was ready she nodded signaling it was good to go.
He drove a mile or two away from the farm. Not wanting any animals or undead folks finding their way to the farm.
By time they had got back from hauling the deer off it was dark out. The rain had stopped a bit. A few stray drizzles every once in a while. But not as much as it had been.
She had gotten out of the truck. Thanking God for the rain washing the blood away. Shane and Y/n a walked over to the group who were all in the house getting ready to leave.
“Hey, where have you two been?” Rick asks the two as they walk in. Y/n took the book bag off her back. Unzipping it and pulling out the deer meat.
“I brought supper for a couple days.” She spoke with a smile.
“Don’t worry, Mr. Greene. I made sure no blood was around when I cleaned. We even took the deer off a couple miles down the road.” Y/n assured the older man.
“Thank you, Y/n.” He thanked her with a smile.
They all stood around the kitchen. They ate supper and we’re slowly leaving the house to go to their tents to sleep. Y/n stayed up while she was listening to the conversation Rick was having with Hershel.
She slowly started dozing off while standing. Shane noticed and put his arm around her. She leaned against him and sighed.
“You should get to bed. You’ve worked hard today.” Shane whispered against her (y/h/c).
She didn’t deny she was tired. Instead she nodded as she stood straight.
“Thank you for supper. We’re gonna head out to bed. Goodnight.” Y/n told the Greene family and Rick.
They all said goodnight and let Y/n and Shane leave.
Y/n was so tired the next morning she didn’t remember how she had gotten into her tent. She didn’t even remember changing into a pair of clean clothes.
The sun wasn’t up yet. So She turned over cuddling into her boyfriend warm chest. Letting sleep take over like the darkness of night.
67 notes · View notes
sarah-blue-eyes · 4 years
2020 In Review
Hoo boy, here we go.
[Ok just before I begin. I had this queued to post in the first month of January but it doesn’t seem like that ever happened haha. Better late than never I suppose!]
So I am a nostalgic bitch, and since 2011, have loved to make memory boxes for each year, where I put trinkets and memories into a shoebox. This year I have continued that tradition, but I have also kept track of my happy memories throughout 2020 in my planner. This was done with the intention for me to upload a year-in-review sort of thing in hopes that maybe like, 3 people max on this god-forsaken site will read it. This sort of reminiscence was inspired by my friend @a-lbeit​, who has done these for a few years now and me, as a slut for nostalgia, was encouraged to do the same back in January (I think? What even is my memory at this point?)
2020, as it has been for many, was a very shit year, and I am no different. I would safely say that this year has undeniably been the worst I have lived through. But I am here. I am present. And I have made it through some of the darkest times to face 2021 with a new sense of hopefulness. Keeping track of my happier memories has been something that has truly got me through this clusterfuck of a year, so I am glad that I can finally go through them all again and share them with you.
Read it, or don’t, I don’t give a shit what you do with your time, but if you do, I hope that you aren’t bored to tears. And I hope to keep myself accountable to continue to do this for years to come.
Buckle up, grab a hot drink and a snack and get comfy, because this is a JOURNEY.
· Kicked the new year off with hosting a 1920’s themed party with some of my closest friends at my family home at the beach. Had fun with drunk SingStar, playing What Do You Meme, creating a playlist with everyone’s top 3 songs of the decade (it was a bangin’ playlist I must say), and just overall drinking too much and having a riotous time
· I remember going to the beach New Year’s Day (as is tradition in Australia) and playing ultimate frisbee in the shallows and completing a crossword puzzle on the sand (I am a 75-year-old woman, it is just a fact of life)
· I also had my friend Kirsten from South Australia stay with me for the New Year’s period and it was lovely to have a guest over! I haven’t spoken to her much this year, she sort of fell off the face of the planet, but I hope she is doing ok.
· Went town to Torquay (a beach town in Victoria) for the 6th time for Beach Mission, which is essentially a holiday program for kids in preschool-year 9 where we run activities for them. It’s a Christian-based program but the aim isn’t to convert the kids or anything like that, it’s more to show God’s love to them through our actions and how we as Christians live our lives. It’s also a convenient way for parents to dish their kids off for a few hours too haha. This was my final year of being a part of this program, and I am so pleased to have made so many memories and (hopefully) impacted many children’s lives during my time there
· I remember going on a late-night beach walk with my boyfriend Josh, talking about what the year had in store for us. We were just sitting on the beach, as you do, and I saw a shooting star. I can’t remember what I wished for (if anything) but in that moment, life was a dream.
· The week after beach mission I started at my new internship! It was for a place called KidsCo, who run school holiday programs at workplaces, so parents don’t need to take time off work to look after them. I helped with client relations and a lot of behind-the scenes stuff. I really loved it there
· On the very first day of my internship I remember there was torrential rain, and the train home was delayed by like, an hour or so lol
· One of the best parts about interning at KidsCo was that they were the official child-minding service for the Australian Open. I make an effort to go each year, but I was lucky enough to get free ground-entry for me and a guest for the duration of the event. I went quite a few times and got to take my mum and Josh along as well.
· Saw my only concert of the year, The Veronicas, at the Australian Open. When I say the moment the violin riff at the start of Untouched absolutely went the fuck off is an understatement. Grade 5 me would have cried (and 23 year old me did a little bit too tbh.) Yet another of one of my “all-time-favourite-songs” that I’ve had the pleasure of hearing live. (I also went through the year feeling sad that this was the first time in 11 years I hadn’t gone to a concert, but this one certainly fell through the cracks)
· Started planning my trip to the UK to see my twin sister, and best friend, Jess
· Went away to Rye for the Australia Day weekend #changethedate. An excellent time with excellent mates, and went to the beach pretty much every day and got mindlessly sloshed every night
· Listened to the Triple J Hottest 100. I think 4 of my picks made it in, which was pretty good
· Continued my job as the office manager/events coordinator at my church
Basketball started back after the summer break for my two different teams, The Vikings and The Wildcats (honestly such a highlight of this year with how the rest of it ended up going)
As a team-bonding activity at KidsCo we hired a boat for a few hours and I got more drunk that I had been for a while. It was a very fun time jetting down the Yarra, waving drunkedly at the people jogging by
For Valentine’s day Josh and I had an indoor picnic with our favourite food! The weather was shit for Feb, hence the indoor nature of the picnic
Saw Shrek the Musical with two of my closest pals, Bec and Katie (I honestly forgot that this happened in 2020 hahaha) but it was ICONIC
Had a Jackbox night with The Boys
Had my cousin Amy from England over for dinner! I hadn’t seen her in 5 or 6 years, so it was so lovely to connect again like no time had passed at all
Went to Healesville Sanctuary, a lovely conservation park which focuses on preserving and educating its visitors about Australian animals, with Amy
 Went to mini-golf for a friend’s birthday on the leap day. He technically celebrated his 6th birthday which was excellent
Saw Cody Ko and Noel Miller live with Bec and Katie
Finished working at the church office to make room for the potential job opportunity at KidsCo
Ahhh March, you shitstorm of a month. This is where everything started going downhill.
The first thing of note that happened this month was me injuring my ankle at basketball, which had me out of action for a few weeks. It was especially bad because I was nearing the end of my internship and was hoping to do my best work so that I would be chosen to stay on as an employee, but had to take a week or so off to rest my ankle. My ankle would continue to be tender and sore for most of the rest of the year
Went away for the Labour Day long weekend with the family
Finished up my internship at KidsCo. Honestly was lead to believe that I would be staying on as an employee and felt sort of betrayed after all the work I did for them, but whatever
 Had a party at Bec’s house to listen to Triple J’s Hottest 100 of the Decade. One of my favourite songs was number 1 which was a pleasant surprise
Went down to the holiday house for a few days just to have so me time and sort myself out
Animal Crossing New Horizons came out haha. Honestly was one of the highlights of this year though. I stayed up until midnight so I could download it as soon as it was available because that’s the sort of person I am  
Mum’s birthday dinner with Dani, one of my best friends, and her girlfriend Amy
Went for a hike at Sugarloaf Reservoir with Josh and got spooked by a mob of kangaroos
My mental health started really taking a downward spiral this month for multiple reasons which I won’t get into here, but this is more a note to my past self to say that it will all be ok I guess? Idk I just felt like this needed to be here
Did my ankle badly again on Good Friday
Watched the Overwatch League live with my friends and just memed in the livechat lmao
WARNING - this is a bit TMI but I am going to share anyway since it was a big part of this year, and if you are reading this you are either a stranger or a good friend so I really don’t care lmao: This month I also started to get bad pains in my uterus, like, not period pains but deep, stabbing pains. This continued on for the next few weeks without me doing anything about it, except for increasingly getting stressed about it, although I will talk a bit more about this later.
Josh and I celebrated our 6th year together which was ~wholesome~
Called my friend Ashley from the US and just caught up. It was nice to see her face again. She is a good egg. I haven’t talked to her since but I really hope she’s ok.
Watched Star Wars with Josh and his family for “May the 4th”
Started a volunteer job at Kivuli, a non-for-prophet that is based in Kenya, and started helping out with their website and social media stuff
Zoom movie time with my friends, we watched How To Train Your Dragon I think? Athough everyone was talking over the movie so I didn’t really get anything out of it
Played Scattergories (one of my favourite games) with Bec and Jess on zoom and just wrote really stupid and funny answers and I remember this being just what I needed
Went for a long walk with mum and one of her friends and her daughter on a track we don’t usually go on, which was a nice change of scenery
Went down to the holiday house for the first time in forever since restrictions were eased, at least for a little while lol, with the fam
Went to Portsea for a walk along the beach with Bec and her husband Trevor
Did an online trivia night that night with a big bunch of friends
Had a doctor’s appointment to see what was goin’ on down there. Honestly freaked that it could be something REALLY bad. Got booked in to have an ultrasound the next week, so at least I’d be finding out what was wrong soon.
The day after I got my results was the 21st of May, the day my mum and I were meant to be flying out to the UK to see my sister and her boyfriend. It was already hard enough a month or so before when I had to cancel my flight, but this day was so SO difficult. I can’t remember the last time I cried so hard. I am so blessed to have a boyfriend like Josh though. He was by my side the whole day, and held me as I cried. Oh man I am crying as I write this now, it was such a hard time but I know I will see my sister again.
And then the day after THAT whole ordeal was my birthday, which was meant to be spent in London with Jess but it turned out to be the first birthday we’ve had apart. This day was also hard, but made better by being with loved ones and having dinner at my grandma and grandpa’s house. Grandma’s roast potatoes make everything better.
Went to Geelong to see the other side of my family, it was so good to see my nan again. I love her very much.
Went to the Briars with Bec and went on a lovely nature walk and saw a lot of little wallabies and even an emu
Had an ultrasound and my pain turned out to be a 10cm wide cyst!!! So fun!!!!! Thank the heavens it wasn’t a child. I was so relieved. It is still in my body so that’s cute tho.
Applied for a bunch of jobs, and even got a few interviews! Still no job.
The absolute highlight of this month, and maybe even the whole year, was going away to Lake’s Entrance and Yarram with mum, dad and Josh. It was so good to go to the country, I love country towns so much and the wildlife and nature is so beautiful in the eastern part of Victoria. If you ever get the opportunity I recommend going there!
We ate so much nice food and just relaxed. It wasn’t a perfect replacement for not going to Europe, but it was something at least.
Did more work for Kivuli which kept me busy
Went to Bec’s house to bake a cake. She came out to me as bi this day too, and the cake was coloured like the bisexual flag!
Started a short course through the university I went to in Facebook for Business. It was a great way to build up my skills.
Played Animal Crossing with Dani’s little sister, Tami, a very wholesome time
Looked after Josh’s dog Jed while his family went away for the weekend (also went into the start of July) and was honestly the greatest time
Halfway through the year. Thank fuck.
Had another job interview
Went on lots of walks
Was just generally cold
Did a lot of cleaning
Painted the downstairs rooms at church, which took a few days and a lot of back pain, but it’s cool to think that I was able to contribute my energy and time to something while I was not feeling good at all
The restrictions were tightened again, meaning that I couldn’t go further than 5kms away from my house, except to see Josh, so this was a really lonely time for me.
Really got into Masterchef with mum this season. They had all returning contestants from other seasons so that was really fun to watch.
Got and assembled a new couch upstairs that I can say I actually own myself. I absolutely love it.
More walks, despite the cold
This was a very uneventful month, but that’s ok!
Had a call with the hospital I’ll be having my cyst surgery with. It was good to know that things would be started. I had to have a blood test and a second ultrasound then put on the waiting list for surgery. Still no sign on when that will be happening though 6 months later. Just so lucky to live in Australia where all of these appointments are free.
Went for a really nice long walk with Josh. Got shat on by a bird.
Did lots of stuff around the house, just tidying and watering the plants and sorting through my wardrobe to purge all the clothes I grew out of
Had an online Switch games night with some friends which was fun. We played Smash Bros. and Mario Kart and just had a great time!
Ok this sounds super lame but my favourite podcast, The Jenna & Julien Podcast, finished forever which came as a surprise and was just really sad. I really hope it comes back one day.
Did my tax return lmao
Baked rice puff/marshmallow bar things
Made an ASOS order to fill my happiness with material things. Did get some cute clothes and lingerie tho 😉
More games with Bec and Jess, we played Golf With Your Friends this time
Had a cocktail night with Josh, where we just made a bunch of fun cocktails and got drunk. I can’t wait to live with him so we can do this all the time.
Lots of Kivuli work, as we are planning for our 10th anniversary fundraising event
Baked cookies, which was something I did a lot at the start of lockdown but sort of drifted away from. I absolutely love to bake.
Started working for Media-Wize, a small PR company that was started by someone I know at church.
Started playing Among Us at the start of the month
So many Among Us nights omg, just call me queen impostor please
Did my induction for Media-Wize
Got  n e r v o u s  because I kept getting things wrong in my new job. I always seem to fuck up the good things and opportunities that I get
Did a livestream reading of The Great Gatsby on my friend’s Twitch stream. It was really fun and something I had never done before. I voiced Tom Buchannan, which was interesting but cool to sort of get into the character. I hope to do something like this soon.
I burnt my hair while cooking dinner and had to give myself a haircut lmao. It was the first time since 2018 that I had cut it so it was a long time coming anyway.
So much Media-Wize work. It felt good to finally be getting paid to do a job
Got locked out of my bathroom so I had to climb up the laundry chute to unlock it from the inside, all because a fly outsmarted me (it’s a long story… and honestly best told by speaking it)
Had the Kivuli 10th anniversary livestream. Lots of work went into it and it was so much fun! It’s incredible that a non-for-profit that has benefitted so many children and families is still going strong. Such a blessing to see.
Dad’s birthday, and we had a picnic with grandma and grandpa and saw them for the first time since lockdown was somewhat lifted
Walked to Beasley’s nursery with Josh and got a coffee. This was the first proper, not McCafe coffee I had had in months and it was SO good
Played Animal Crossing with Dani
More Among Us, a theme for the last few months of 2020
Watched the AFL Grand Final. Wasn’t super exciting this year tbh, especially since we couldn’t have a BBQ or party or anything, but hopefully next year will be different
Nearly moved out of home with a friend of a friend, but since I didn’t have a job, didn’t think it would be a wise decision. Would’ve been nice though
Did some more Media-Wize work. I haven’t been given anything to do since this time though, so I don’t know what’s going on with that? They really be ghosting me tho.
Applied for JobSeeker so I would at least be getting a little income
New Jackbox came out, and had a games night with The Boys playing all the new games
Voted in the local election
Went to Westerfold’s Park with Josh for a lovely long walk
Played lots of The Sims 4 (but tbh I have been doing this all year)
This month things sort of started to turn around, as Covid wasn’t hitting my state hardly at all, so I was actually able to see family and friends again!
Went to my old primary school with Dani and played basketball and just shot around and talked. She also came over for dinner. It was so nice, and she is a true friend.
Had a picnic at the park at the top of the street with my dad’s side of the family, all together at last
Melbourne Cup Day, not that I really care but it’s nice to get a day off. Went on a day trip to the Dandenong mountain range. It was so, so nice and bought some lovely little things from local shops, went for a bushwalk and had a bakery lunch
Went to the park to throw the frisbee and kick the footy around with Josh and his friends, although they are my friends too tbh
Had a picnic with a group of friends that I hadn’t seen since January, so it was so, so good to catch up with them and have a delicious BBQ dinner
My favourite online comedy group, Aunty Donna’s Netflix series came out! Had a virtual watch party with a few friends and binge watched it all in one go
Had lunch with grandma. This used to be a weekly occurrence but for obvious reasons was put off for this year. I absolutely adore her and every lunch we spend together is so precious to me
Went to Kyneton with some of the family as another day trip
Christmas shopping time again. So weird to be at the shops and feel sort of normal? I went 4 different times in the span of a week and a half haha
Josh’s birthday! We went to this maze place with has a bunch of big mazes and other fun activities. It was such a perfect day. Then we had dinner with his family.
Got a letter from the IRS saying that I needed to provide them with proof of identity, so that was fun trying to sort that out. We love the outdated US tax system <3
Went to a bridal shower for my friend Katie
Went for another hike with Josh to the mountains
Drove down to Geelong for a friend’s wedding and stayed at my nan’s house
Had a pub dinner and Jackbox night while down in Geelong with The Boys
A good friend of mine was leaving to live in Japan for two years, so I went to her house one last time to say goodbye and chill in her pool and just hang out
God why is it so hard to get a job?
Omg we have made it to December. It truly is a miracle with how this year went tbh. And if you have read this far, thank you but also, how little of a life do you have?
Went to my friend Katie’s wedding. Sort of surreal to go to a wedding during a pandemic but it was fun and I got to see a lot of friends I hadn’t seen in a while
Enjoyed the hot weather and went to the beach a number of times with a variety of friends
Went Christmas shopping, and just shopping in general since it was safe to and shops had finally opened again
Got a job at a talent agency where you get gigs as a paid extra in TV shows and movies, which was pretty cool! I even had a professional photoshoot to get headshots done, something that I had never done before. Glad that I could get some pictures to use on LinkedIn though haha. Still haven’t been cast in anything but here’s hoping.
Had dinner and drinks with Josh, Bec and Trev in the city for the first time since it reopened. God I love Melbourne so much. It is just so magical on balmy summer nights. This was such a special evening, and was so good just to be in the city again
Had a lovely day with Dani, starting with breakfast and then going on a hike before the weather got too hot. We went to Sherbrooke Forest, a place I hadn’t been before, and it was incredibly beautiful
Had a number of job interviews this month too, none of which got back to me which was annoying :/
Now it was heading into the time where every weekend is packed with Christmas do’s so I’ll just collate them in this point. Lots of drinks were consumed and many delicious roast dinners
Had our annual Christmas Carol’s service at church. It was a blessing to be back in the building for the first time since March, and to be able to do something I love (singing) with some of my best friends was the best
Christmas eve I went to my grandma and grandpa’s house (on dad’s side) to help them set up for Christmas lunch. Spending time together just the three of us is so special, and I am so glad I was able to come over and just chat and be in their loving presence. Then that night I went to our 11pm church service to bring in Christmas day. It was a great service and was great to see our kick-ass minister give a sermon face-to-face.
Ok here we go, Christmas was a doozy, let’s go. So Christmas lunch was, as I said, with my dad’s side of the family, which is always a great time. Cracking open crackers and fighting over who’ll get the bottle opener or nail clippers is always a highlight haha. But we had the fucking best roast potatoes I swear. I need to know what my grandma puts into them because I could genuinely eat 20 of them and still have space. Then the rest of the afternoon was spent in a food coma until I went to Josh’s house to spend dinner with his family. Another delicious meal and great banter was what I needed, although I can safely say that I put on at least 5 additional kilos after that day.
The next day the fam and I headed to Geelong to see my mum’s side of the family. Was a great drive down and I listened to all of The Avalanches new album which had just released. Easily the greatest album of the yeah hands-down. So we spent lunch there and absolutely stuffed ourselves with more food. Three Christmas meals really took a toll on me, but I am just blessed as it is to have a loving family and food on the table.
The next day dad, Josh and I headed to the beach to spend that weird time between Christmas and New Year’s. To get there we took the ferry that goes from Queenscliff to Portsea, which is always a fun time, since we don’t often go from one side of the bay to the other (if you don’t know the geography of Victoria I apologise lmao). Mum didn’t come with us as she had some symptoms of Covid, so went home to isolate and get tested. Thankfully she tested negative and she joined us the next day.
Once I got back home I had to prepare the house for my friend Jono who was visiting for new years from SA. Many last-minute chores and cleaning was done haha.
New Years Eve! Went to pick up Jono and my other friend Sarah from the airport and dropped Sarah off at her accommodation and ended up staying there with Jono for a while as this was where the New Year’s party was going to be. Although, in true Victorian fashion, our premier announced that there was going to be a limit of 15 visitors at any house from 5pm that night. Excellent. We love a last-minute change of plans. So we had lunch and spent the afternoon at my friend’s house before heading to a local park to chuck the frisbee and kick the footy around. We also had our second annual NYE trivia competition, which my team lost by 1 point!! Dang I get so competitive, but we will win next year, I can feel it. The new year came through uneventfully, we were in the middle of a game of Scattergories or something like that when someone changed the channel on the TV to see the Sydney fireworks across the screen and like, 4 second left of the countdown. I gave Josh a bog ol’ smooch and gave my friends a big hug. We had done it. 2020 was defeated.
Conclusion (damn this really be an essay tho)
This year was undeniably the hardest year I had ever been through. Going through unemployment for the majority of the year and having no sense of purpose hit me hard but I am entering 2021 with the hope and willingness to get on track with my career. And I think I will be successful. A lot of truly awful things happened around the world this year as well, with the devastating bushfires at the start of the year, the powerful BLM protests, Coronavirus absolutely destroying lives and many, many other global events but through it all, here we are. I hope you all keep well this year and that your 2021 is infinitely better than your 2020.
Song of the Year: Tangerine – Glass Animals
Album of the Year: We Will Always Love You – The Avalanches (I CANNOT stress this enough, but you absolutely must listen to this album!)
TV Show of the Year: The Mandalorian - Season 2
Movie of the Year: Bombshell (the only movie I saw at the cinemas so didn’t have much to go with)
Memory of the Year: Going away with my family and just enjoying time away with each other
Thank you for reading this, if you’ve made it this far, you’re a real one <3
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alemanriq · 4 years
about the headcanon prompt If its not too much the vets or MikeNana please. 😍😍😍
How about I do Mikenana and Moblit bc I know you love him. Moblit What they smell like: sweat bc anxiety I think he smells like a mix of old books and working tools....and food, like when moms smell like it, lol. How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc): Wherever and whatever he drops himself like, most of times barely reaches his own bed. What music they enjoy: I think maybe 60′s pop/psychedelic/folk rock or just anything that brings a calming vibe. How much time they spend getting ready every morning: Not too much but looks like he makes sure he looks as presentable as possible, even if he’s had a bad night. Their favorite thing to collect: probably drawings of things haha, or any detail hanji gives to him in return for his hard work. Left or right-handed: Left handed would be interesting Religion (if any): I won’t answer this one for any bc Idk enough about religions Favorite sport: hmm...he maybe has nice reflexes so any sport where you need that, also cycling or hiking, boy might have good resistance. Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc): sightseeing and any place where he can take pretty/interesting pics. Favorite kind of weather: moderate climate in general. But he also likes winter bc everything is closed and he can stay warm and comfy. A weird/obscure fear they have: that Hanji dies o_o The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail: air hockey and ddr lmao. O SHIT also whack-a-mole he’d rock at that. 
Mikenana What they smell like: I imagine Mike not having a particular scent, kinda like Grenouille in Perfume haha because I like the irony of it. As for Nana I like to think she smells fruity in general lol. How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc): They’re cuddly, go to sleep early and wake up early. Sometimes Nana probs wakes up a bit earlier and then has to wake Mike up with breakfast smell.  What music they enjoy: I think they’d be into country music. I can see Nana also enjoying upbeat happy music. How much time they spend getting ready every morning: They both don’t spend too much time but take the most at hair-styling and shaving. Also Nana helps Mike pick his outfit for the day so that might take a few more mins too. Their favorite thing to collect: I think Nana would keep little things with nice designs like bottle caps or tickets. Also I can see her keeping and drying some good smelling flowers that mike spotted; turning this into some collab-collection. Mike doesn’t seem the collector type to me so nothing comes to my mind, he collects smells already xD. Left or right-handed: Mike right handed and Nana left handed Religion (if any): I won’t answer this one for any bc Idk enough about religions Favorite sport: I imagine both being very sporty. Maybe soccer for Nana and Basketball for mike. Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc): going to exotic restaurants and all the souvenir stores they can, also all the spots where they can take silly couple pics together. Favorite kind of weather: I think they both like sunny weather (like, to go to the beach and such) but also a bit windy so they can give each other warmth uwu. Nana doesn’t like rain because doesn’t like what it does to her hair. A weird/obscure fear they have: I can imagine Nana having a fear of being alone. And Mike? maybe something unusual like clowns lol. The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail: I think Nanaba would be very lucky with chance games, she always picks up a lucky slot that has a decent prize. Mike would be p good at throwing games, and at the claw game. thanks!!
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nostalgiaispeace · 3 years
What’s your name?
Where do you live? kentucky
When’s your birthday? december 24th
What’s your astrological sign? capricorn
Do you actually believe in that stuff? no. it’s fun tho
How old are you? 30
Do you have a high school diploma or the equivalent? yeah
Do you have an undergraduate degree? If so, in what? never finished
What is your favorite…
i don’t have one
Color? orange
Song? i dont have one
Band/singer? lana del rey
Book? harry potter
Author? jk rowling
School subject? -
Science (chemistry, biology, physics, etc.)? -
Math (algebra, geometry, calculus, etc.)? -
Language? french
Operating system? apple
Instrument? piano
Letter? I don’t have one
Number? 3
Car? 1967 chevy impala
Pattern (polka spots, stripes, plaid, etc.)? plaid
Word? -
Animal? Kitties!
Country? europe
Drink (alcoholic or otherwise)? coffee
Food? pizza
Restaurant? mexican
Website? tumblr
Sport? gymnastics
Flower? lilies
Ice cream flavor? chocolate chip cookie dough
Television show? supernatural
Shirt? i don’t have one
Shape? star
Eye color? brown
Hair color? blonde
Movie? titanic
Gum flavor? peppermint
Random Stuff About You
Do you have your drivers’ license?
Have you ever been swimming in an ocean? yeah
What’s the last song you listened to? -
Do you prefer coloring pencils, crayons, or markers? coloring pencils
Can you make any origami figures? If so, what? no
Do you still sleep with a stuffed animal? yeah
Do you get cold easily? no
Have you ever been to a chiropractor? no
Do you have great eyesight, or do you wear glasses or contacts? glasses
Do you know how to play chess? no
Do you know how to play checkers? no
Do you like Sudoku puzzles? no
Do you like word searches? no
Do you like crossword puzzles? yeah
Do you like logic puzzles? no
Can you play any card games? no
Do you play board games? yeah
Do you do jigsaw puzzles? no
Do you listen to the same song on repeat for a long time, even occasionally? i do
Do you take any prescription medications on a regular basis? yes
Would you prefer to be too hot or too cold? neither
Do you like to swim? no
Have you ever been to a farm? yeah
Do you like instrumental music? yeah
Do you drink diet soda? yes
Do you drink soda? yes
Have you ever put Mentos into soda? no
Have you ever combined baking soda and vinegar? yes
Did you ever make Oobleck in science class when you were a kid? no
Do you know any HTML? not anymore
Have you ever read any of Shakespeare’s work? many
Do you write poetry? sometimes
Do you read? yes
Can you throw a frisbee? not well
Do you watch a lot of television? not really
Do you think that you have a good sense of humor? yeah
Are you a mean person? i can be
Do you have any bruises? If so, how did you get them? no
Does the thought of public speaking make you nervous? no
Are you afraid of heights? yeah
So, what ARE you afraid of? fish
Are you listening to music? No
Has anyone ever called you ‘disturbed’? i dont’ think so
Have you ever been kicked out of a place? If so, where? And why? no
Do you take a lot of these surveys? yeah
When was the last time you fingerpainted? idk
When was the last time you sent an e-mail? idk
A text message? today
Called someone on the phone? today
Tripped over something? today im’ sure
Do you like chocolate? yeah
How many pillows are on your bed? 6
Do you have any pets? yeah
Have you ever been on a horse? yeah
Have you ever climbed a tree? yah
Do you like art? yeah
Do you use any sort of social networking site? yeah
What time is it? 8:47pm
Have you ever been in a car accident? yeah
When was the last time you felt embarrassed? today
Did it rain today? yeah
Have you ever had a poison ivy rash? no
When was the last time you felt immensely happy? today
Do you take a multivitamin or any other supplement? yes. prenatals and iron
What household chore do you absolutely hate? all of them
Tell me something random about yourself. i’m pregnant
Can you cook? yeah
Do you like to be silly? yeha
What kinds of things have you wanted to be 'when you grow up’? singer. actress.
Have you ever been on a boat? yeah
Do/did you like school? i liked college
Do you have a camera? on my phone
Have you ever been bitten by a tick? No
Have you ever seen a wild snake? no
Have you ever gone hiking in the woods? yeah
Do you have a lot of friends? no
Do you keep a diary/journal/blog? not really
What color are your eyes? brown
Do you like snow? yeah
Would you prefer to sing or dance in front of other people? sing
Would you prefer to sing or dance when you’re by yourself? both
Can you spell really well? no
Do you mind poor grammar? i do
What’s your favorite texting/IM abbreviation? omg and lol
Do you wear a watch? no
Do you shop at thrift stores? no
What is your dream job? to be a stay at home mom
What is one thing that really freaks you out? fish
Do you like bananas? Yes
Do you eat meat? yes
Do you drink coffee? not since i’ve been pregnant
Do you clean your computer screen often? no. i should tho lol
Have you ever sneezed onto your computer screen? yeah
Let’s talk about numbers.
How many people live with you?
How many digits of pi do you have memorized? 3.14159
Can you count using binary numbers? no
How many states have you visited? a lot
How many countries? none
How many browser windows/tabs do you have open? a lot
How many times have you blinked in the past minute? idk
How many seconds are in a minute? 60
Are you afraid of mathematics? no
What’s the square root of 121? 11
Sorry, sorry, the nightmare is over :) How about some more random questions to let you relax?
Have you ever read the webcomic xkcd?
Can you play an instrument? no
Can you read sheet music? yes
What’s your favorite kind of sandwich? italian sub
Do you have a bedtime? no
Have you ever gone sledding? no
Have you ever carved a pumpkin? If so, what kind of face did you make? yeah. a normal one
Do you ever make funny faces at yourself in the mirror? yeah
Have you ever played the classic shaving-cream-in-the-hand prank on someone? no
Do you think that’s a mean thing to do? yeah
Do you like cake? yeah
Do you like pie? yes
Do you like popsicles? love
Do you use the television or computer more? Computer
Do you have a favorite chair to sit in? yeah
Are you getting tired of this survey? yeah
Do you like to wear hats? no
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Yes
Do your shoes provide lots of arch support? no
Do you like to go to yard sales? no
Have you ever had a yard sale at your house? yeah
Do you like apples? allergic
Do you like peanut butter? yes
Do you like licorice? nooo
Do you like lima beans? ew no
Do you like limes? yeah
What color are your bedroom walls? off white
Guess how many questions you’ve done. I don’t know either, so just guess. no
What’s your favorite color to wear? black
Do you tell secrets when people confide in you? depends
Do you listen to your music with the volume up really high? depends
Do you like to try new foods? no
How many different programs are you currently using? just firefox
How many different operating systems have you used? i’m old so alot
What time is it now? 8:53pm
Are you wearing socks? no
Are you comfortable with yourself? no
Do you lose small things (like your car keys) often? no
Is your mind in the gutter? No
Have you ever broken a bone? no
Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert
Do you read the dictionary for fun? no
Tater tots or fries? fries
Do you like to wear flip flops? no
Are you more of an optimist or pessimist? pessimist
Do you like animals? yeah
Do you like little kids? yes
Are you a 'people person’? no
Have you ever seen a rainbow? yeah
How was your day? chill
What do you plan to do tomorrow? work
When was the last time you did laundry? today
Have you ever played Snake? yes
Have you ever played Scrabble? yes
Are there any television commercials that really get on your nerves? all of them
Do you like scary movies? yes
Are you itchy anywhere on your body? yes
What’s the title of the last book you read? a pregnancy book
Do you read more fiction or nonfiction books? a good mix
Are you a member of any clubs or organizations? Nope
What color is your favorite pair of socks? i don’t have any
Do you own a lava lamp? No
Do you have anything else to say? no                            
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kebinwooo · 4 years
quarantine time!!
tagged by @theyoungflexer as you all know! LOL thank you again chelle ^^
rules: answer these questions and tag 5 mutuals
1. Flowers or chocolates? chocolates! i like food LOL 
2. Between day and night I prefer: night (i accidentally became a night owl like two years ago and now... well...)
3. My favorite drink: boba hehehehe but i really like tea in general too! 
4. Between sunrise and sunset I prefer: sunsets
5. Between dogs and cats I prefer: oooooof hard question but imma go with cats. a cat lived in my flat last year at school and i miss him deeply T___T 
6. The vegetable i hate the most: idk brussel sprouts? i had a friend keep trying to convince me they’re good and each time just 🤮🤮
7. My favorite sound: uhhhhhhhh i’m blanking LMAO i kinda like how it sounds when it’s raining? but like only when i’m inside AHAHA 
8. The first thing I notice about people: their smile? idk LOL 
9. Would you prefer horror or fantasy? fantasy. i read too much ya fantasy for my own good (i say as if i actually read much anymore) also i’m a scaredy cat and cannot handle horror for my LIFE
10. I’d want to be stuck in a lift with: oh uh idk shownu? he’s such a generally calm person that it would (hopefully) balance out me panicking like crazy. plus it seems like he’ll actually figure out a way to get us out LOL 
11. What city or town you’d like to live in? i want to live in seoul one day (that sounds so kboo of me oh my god) but like not permanently i dont think. it just seems like it’d be a pretty fun experience. i would also love to live in oxford! i was studying there for a summer and it was just SO beautiful and i loved the town so much and AGH definitely want to go back
12. What I value most in life: love, peace and happiness? LMAO THAT SOUNDS SO CHEESY but i just want a peaceful, secure life surrounded with love and what makes me happy and i also want that for my loved ones too. basically i just want there to be good in the world 
13. If I could learn any skill, it’d be: cooking.... i literally can’t cook and that’s something i definitely need to learn at some point
14. Between the beach and the mountains, I prefer: beach but mostly bc i’m afraid of heights and have no stamina to hike LOL aesthetically tho? mountain!  i lived in near perfect view of mt. rainier back at college and i MISS HER SO MUCH
15. I’d love to get married in: i’d like to get married period LOL. but no specific place i have in mind tho? 
16. My hidden talent: ......i have no idea if i even have one?? nothing’s coming to mind so....
17. If I could bring anyone back to life, I’d bring back: jonghyun ;;
18. Why? i just... miss him ;; i want to be able to tell him he did really well and that many people love and miss him. i’m sure he’s in a better place now but i also just want to show him the amount of love he still has even tho he’s gone
19. Rainy or sunny day? SUNNY PLEASE. i have had enough rainy days living in washington to last my lifetime
20. Who’s the real model of your life? i’m assuming this means role model. in which case, honestly speaking, jun of ukiss. he’s super talented (QUADRUPLE THREAT) and capable and works super hard but is such a down-to-earth, humble guy who easily makes friends and loves deeply (nobody is a bigger ukiss fanboy than jun ;;) and i just admire the amount of dedication and passion he has
21. How I relax after a hard day: melting into the couch and staring into space LMAO i’m only half kidding. i also like to watch stupid youtube videos that makes me laugh and like not think
22. I like the way I look: ehhhhhhh.... i’m not exactly confident but i also don’t hate myself either
23. My most favorite facial features of myself is: ............... :) i don’t have an answer to that
24. My most favorite part of my body is: i have nice fingers hehe they’re long and pretty and i’ve gotten quite the few compliments on them so yeah 
25. If I could change anything about my body: MY OILY FACE
27. If I could change something from my past: i can’t tell? i mean as much as i regret some decisions in the past, i’m fine with where i am now, so i don’t think i would change anything drastic. superficially tho, i wish i could’ve gone to a bap or the rose concert at least once bc i MISS THEM AND I HAD MULTIPLE OPPORTUNITIES TO GO SEE THEM AND I DIDN’T TAKE THEM!!! WHICH WAS DUMB WHY DID I DO THAT
28. How many piercings I have: none LOL
29. I like makeup? no
30. I wear make up everyday: definitely no
31.My skin type is: def oily (see #25)
32. My skin tone: idk how to describe? i do know i got REALLY pale after i started going to college bc i got barely any sun exposure LMAO
33. My hair color: black and leftover red/auburn(?) from my dye job back in january
34. My height: 5′4″
36. My birthday: august 21 :) 
37. My best friend: if you’re reading this melissa, it’s definitely not you >:( i’m kidding LOL i have several best friends and now that i’m listing it out in my head i’m like oh i have at least five if not a few more... idk what that says about me. i’m a loving person alright?
38. I have a pet or more: not anymore :(( warrior fish i miss you T_T
39. If I don’t, I’d like to adopt: no. imma be honest i suck at taking care of pets and i cannot handle the responsibility of another living being so even if i want a pet, i really know i shouldn’t get one
40. Video games or social media: social media 
41. I’ve visited outside my country: yep. i have a major case of wanderlust 
42. I’ve an innocent/dirty mind: depends? i have a dirtier mind than some of my friends but also sometimes dirty things just fly over my head and i’m left blinking innocently at the situation like wut o-o
43. Someone proposed me or asked me out?  LMAO NO. i’ve been single since birth. i got asked to formal once but like.... it was the world’s lamest/dumbest asking and i didn’t end up going bc it was super last minute lmao
44. If yes, then I liked it and accepted or the opposite: read above
45. Do you follow some celebrities’ fashion: no? i have bought like a thing or two bc i thought a celebrity wearing it was cool but i never deliberately followed somebody’s fashion
46. What do you think about your fashion sense: plain, comfy, really generic LOL
47. You found someone copying your fashion: lmao my fashion sense is too generic for anybody to copy/want to follow so nice try
48. Can you do your makeup properly: uhhhhhhhhhh like the very very very basics: foundation, concealer, blush, eyeshadow. that’s about it
49. You go or used to go with makeup to school: still a no
50. What color suits you best? i wear a lot of gray, black, blue, green, turquoise/teal and purple LOL also a lot of stripes. but i think army green suits me best
51. Finally, how is quarantine going? ehhhhhhh about as good as it can go. 
not tagging anyone again but feel free to do this if you want!
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