#idk but cohen manages it
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vulgrados-best · 2 months ago
i think its a little concerning you equate love and literal murder. like idk itsgross and upsetting and weird.
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Stigmata: Escaping the Texts, Love of the Wolf (trans. Keith Cohen), by Hélène Cixous, pg. 78
"I beg you, eat me up. Want me down to the marrow. And yet manage it so as to keep me alive."
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yanderes-galore · 2 years ago
Yay! Requests are open! Hope I formatted these right!
Fandom: BioShock
Character: Sander Cohen!
Pairing: idk how to describe it other than Romantic and platonic. Cohen would see darling as his most amazing Muse and want to be with them but darling ain't all into Cohen. Does that make sense?
Type of Fic: Concepts/Headcanons are fine.
What I mean here is maybe do some concepts for Sander Cohen having "romantic" (he feels like the darling is their muse) feelings while Darling doesn't reciprocate.
Of course! Here your mentally deranged artist! Sorry if this is too short. I'm a little bit sick (very minor head cold) but I'm going to take a small rest to see how things go after this ^^
Yandere! Sander Cohen with Muse! Darling
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Violence, Threats, Dubious but forced relationship, Mentioned kidnapping, Very brief nudity mention, Murder mention, Stalking mention.
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Sander Cohen, be it before the fall of Rapture or after, is completely insane.
I highly doubt there was a time he ever was sane.
Despite this he's been praised as a highly skilled artist in Rapture.
He runs/ran many art galleries and is a big supporter of Andrew Ryan.
Being the source of this man's obsession is going to result in a lot of pain and torment for you.
He'd most likely see his obsession as some sort of muse, yes.
When he sees you he decides you're a great source of inspiration to him.
The origin of his feelings doesn't really matter.
Platonic, romantic, either way he treats it the same.
You just have to be his muse.
A muse can be a lover, a friend, or a complete stranger to an artist.
He may even stalk you and take pictures to get inspiration before deciding to pursue you.
I have a feeling Cohen would be relentless with trying to convince his darling they should be his muse.
You're given many invitations to events he's hosting.
He wants you both to get to know each other.
I am not really sure if I should say he has charisma?
Everyone with the right sense of mind knows he's crazy and he doesn't really have a way with words like Atlas for example.
Cohen would make his darling feel pressured into becoming his muse.
Out of fear for what happens if you disobey him.
You see... Cohen is apathetic to the idea of harming/killing others for "inspiration".
You have to play your cards right in order to survive.
Refusing to be his muse will most likely get you hurt or even possibly dead.
Cohen is a dangerous man.
Cohen would use his muse for all sorts of pieces.
He's an artist of many forms.
He'll paint you, sculpt you, he'll capture your beauty in many ways.
You can be clothed, or perhaps even nude if he can manage it.
He wants to depict you in states of pleasure and pain.
Your emotions are pure in his eyes.
Cohen likes to study every twitch, every feature of your form.
As his muse he has countless paintings and sculptures of you.
He's never had so much inspiration over one person.
I wouldn't put kidnapping past Cohen and murder is just canon.
He's coated live people in plaster.
You've seen the sculptures.
His insanity is what keeps you at bay.
You fear him.
If you tried to leave Cohen would hunt you down.
He'll kidnap you, maybe even punish you and use your pain as more inspiration.
He's a sick man, completely unfeeling towards the pain he causes others.
He doesn't do much to comfort you.
He may even yell/get frustrated at your refusal to cooperate.
But if he cares for you any amount... he'll try to make something of it and comfort you.
To him, his "love" for you is just more inspiration.
Cohen is a man dedicated to his craft, even if it hurts his darling muse.
When it comes to Cohen, your fate even as his muse is uncertain.
You may even end up dead by his hands for the sake of art... don't worry, he'll preserve you as his best muse.
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roughentumble · 7 months ago
Realizing I've got a terrible habit of getting celebrity memoirs and then never reading them lol
Just got Elliot Page and Paris Hilton's memoirs and I'm like. Oh still haven't read the Leonard Cohen one or the Mel Brooks one or the Anjelica Huston one
memoirs are sooooo hard to read. idk why. im partway into pageboy and its GOOD but i just never managed to get all that far into it. nonfiction will be the death of me
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freetobeafcknriot · 7 months ago
keeping up a list of plausible (in my mind) alternative faceclaims because i may not read much two-body fics but i like AUs, soooo...! this is gonna be a constant work in progress :)
aidan turner (as of above)
emma d'arcy (hear me out!)
freddy carter (my fellow soc fans will understand)
iwase yoji (tentatively adding him 'cause i'm keeping up with tnv and he's soooo)
manny jacinto (idk man it's just the vibe)
mackenyu (see the vision pls)
it's just something about the gaze! that royal vibe and quietly piercing and intense je-ne-sais-quoi both matt cohen and jabel managed to instill into how michael "looks" / carries himself. i can't explain it!
okay but what if—
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hypothetically and for the aesthetics—
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i mean.
i’m wondering.
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cvhens · 5 years ago
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COHEN GARCIA —- TASK 02. playlist
follow the source link for playlist. click under read more for song deep dive
two good things , modern baseball   /   blue monday , health   /   con altura , rosalia ft. j balvin   /   yer killin’ me , remo drive   /   diamond veins , french 79 ft sarah rebecca   /   yo perreo sola , bad bunny   /   mediocre at best , sorority noise   /   tkn , roalia ft travis scott   /   roses(remix) , saint jhn   /   chasing pavements , adele   /   twin sized mattress , the front bottoms
Cohen’s music taste tends to range. Primarily, his taste can be split up between contemporary pop-punk, and electronic dance music. Growing listening to music like American Football, it transferred into a love for contemporary and alternative pop punk. Sure, Green Day or All Time Low was fine but he liked stuff a bit more scrappy than that. 
Otherwise, Cohen needs stuff he can move to. If it’s not eliciting that trash can feeling, then he wants to be able to get out energy. Typically he listens to music around the house or working out, so he needs a good beat and rhythm. While he likes a lot of electronic music, he also likes dance pop, or really, anything with a good beat. 
While he does seek out Latinx music, he just also happens to be in love with Rosalia and has been his current musical fixation. But it’s music that he always trusts to get himself moving and hyped, regardless of it coming from the residential queen Rosalia or another Latinx artist.
Which ends with Adele. His all-time favorite artist is one he doesn’t often talk about. While Cohen doesn’t mind using aspects as the butt of the joke, Adele’s an artist he holds close to himself, so while he personally doesn’t find it all that funny how much he likes her, he knows that it still might be the butt of a joke. But Adele’s first album came out not long after he had left Mystic to go to LA. For a guy who’s spent most of his life looking down on the singer-songwriter genre, he gave the album a listen, and there was something so raw and personal and honest about it, which was not at all anything that Cohen had in his life. He recognizes it’s kind of corny, but that album did a lot for him then, and 21 only fucked him up further. It’s definitely a private type of listen, but he’ll die on the sword of Adele.
two good things  -   trying hard not to look like I'm trying that hard, failing miserably at everything including that. Making plans in my head right before I go to sleep, trying to think of who could make a better me than me. Maybe I'll  shoot him an email, maybe he'll give it a go, then I'll be free to just evaporate, disperse or implode.
blue monday  -  dance track.
con altura  -   Esto es pa' que quede, lo que yo hago dura. Demasiadas noches de travesura. Vivo rápido y no tengo cura. Iré joven pa' la sepultura.  //  This one is so it sticks, I go hard. Too many nights of mischief. I live fast and I don’t have a cure. I'll go to my grave young.
yer killin’ me   -   You make me want to start rolling fat ass blunts 'til I start choking. Anything that's bad for me. Yer killing me.
diamond veins  -  dance track
yo perreo sola  -  dance track
mediocre at best  -   Nobody likes me, that's what I tell myself. I live alone in my own hell. I want to be the person you want me to be, that I know that I'll never be.
tkn  -  dance track
roses  -  dance track
chasing pavements  -   Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements? Even if it leads nowhere.
twin sized mattress  -   She hopes I'm cursed forever to sleep on a twin-sized mattress, in somebody's attic or basement my whole life, never graduating up in size to add another.
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katyobsesses · 3 years ago
I think one of my fave glee AUs that i have floating around my head is a Quinntina one where they were best friends as kids, before Lucy became Quinn (i like to call them Luna <3)
Like everything happens exactly the same as Canon, basically - Tina doesn't recognise Quinn as Quinn, Quinn doesn't recognised Tina in her Punk get up (it's been a few years! or Possibly in this AU Tina is adopted by the Cohen-Changs after Lucy becomes Quinn, or maybe before and that's why Lucy become Quinn (idk haven't planned that far yet in my head) so Quinn doesn't recognise her surname either?) - but when the whole Prom Queen thing happens where Lauren reveals Quinn's true nature, Tina, obviously, recognises that Quinn, recognises Lucy.
But she doesn't bring it up, maybe brings it up to Mike but not to Quinn. They're not close, in canon, Tina is on the outskirts, Quinn is popular, Quinn wasn't the nicest to Tina S1/S2, etc. But then Tina does her whole Mod/60s makeover, and Quinn goes all Skank!Quinn and maybe that could be when Quinn recognises Tina as her old friend Tina, or maybe Tina is the one to go to Quinn instead of Rachel and she called her Lucy, reveals herself as Quinn's childhood friend Tina, manages to get her to rejoin glee maybe, or at least rekindles their friendship in some way (i'm thinking no Shelby stuff in this AU, she's still in NY or whatever, and keeping Skank!Quinn because Tina encourages her to 'find herself' or whatever)
Obviously Tina was the first girl Lucy had a crush on, and vice versa. Tina's Bi, Quinn probably a lesbian (or bi, my headcanon on that always flip flops depending on if i'm in a Quick mood or not lol). They were each other's first kiss, all those good Childhood friends to lovers stuff!
But yeah, that's kinda all i have?? I just love the idea of the both of them being the bookworm kids in the class, the outcasts, and being friends and then moving away, the obliviousness of their identities, the best friends to enemies to friends to lovers type of deal!
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synesindri · 3 years ago
was going to send these before reblogging mb 4, 14, 24, 34, 43, 44
this is an excellent series of _4 questions + 43, idk if that was on purpose but i dig it
4. which cryptyd being do you believe in?
i don't think there's any in particular...i do think it's likely that there are types of Thing out there that nobody has managed to document but that have been seen and mythologized, but idk which of the various cryptids are most likely to be real/real-ish. i do think whatever it is probably is pretty different from the version of it that people talk about, though
14. do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
i love the smell of everything after it rains! yes <3
24. if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
i might be misremembering something you've mentioned about a skillset you have but even if i am i think it would be fun to do facepaint on each other on a rooftop...i hope there would be some amount of roasting based on zodiac stuff (you are so right about my sun/moon/rising being a disaster but i want to know more kjhghj)...there is a theoretical conversation that interweaves throughout all of this that i'm imagining that i can only characterize as "loosely tied to reality but mostly not" but idk if that is actually a helpful description lol
34. is there a song you know every word to by heart?
many, but if you asked me to sing something off the top of my head rn it would be leonard cohen's hallelujah
43. what’s your take on spicy foods?
44. you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
realistically i'd think about this and do research for like months before actually using it to get the most out of it but my kneejerk answers are 1) elon musk who i have to hear about every goddamn day due to culture and my job, or 2) someone who shall remain unnamed, for affectionate reasons
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agam-shel-barvadim · 9 months ago
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okay so I'm going to try my best to be accurate here (since I tend to remember history as stories and not as records) and hopefully not get English variations of names wrong (which I very much might) and in general manage English properly (and also try my best to sound coherent enough lol)
SO, during the second half of the time of Bayit Sheni, the Pharisees (Prushim) were a social class that consisted mainly of common people. They believed in the oral Torah (which is a set of rules that wasn't written but is believed to be necessary in order to understand the written Torah and Jewish practices in general). They opposed upper-class corruption (in terms of money), specifically among the Cohanim (Jewish "priests", in some sense, as referred in that table, although i find the usage of that term somewhat musleading but English is not my first language so idk)
The Saduccees (Tzdukim) were more of an upper-class group, consisting of Cohanim, and arguably opposed the oral Torah (some argue they mainly just opposed the Pharisees politically, and inheritably opposed their interpretation of the oral Torah because of that). The Saduccees benefitted from the social system as it was, and for that reason wanted to keep things the way they were (monarchy, social classes, etc.) so in general, an upper-class group.
NOW, the Essenes (Isiyim) were a cult. they believed in minimalism, left their cities in favour of villages. They opposed Jonathan Apphus, which was the Hashmoean ruler at the time (and in a sense, was the first Hashmonean ruler that made the Hashmonean kingdom "an actual kingdom" - in the sense of political recognition). Jonathan was also the first Hashmonean ruler to conquer areas putside of Judeah. He was not only the ruler but also the Cohen Gadol (highest priest), and the Essenses believed that his highest priesthood was illegitimate, because he had recieved that rank by Alexander Balas, who was not Jewish but rather a Sleucid (Helenist) emperor, and je received that rank for political reasons. Keep in mind that the Helenists were the empire that the Macabees fought off for establishing the Hashmonean kingdom in the first place, so you can see where they were comming from.
As a little bonus, here's a fun fact about the Essenses: people associate the dead sea scrolls with them, which are scrolls that were found in different caves in Judeah desert. some of which, were bought from local Bedouins by Jewish historians. When the Bedouins realised that these scrolls were valuable to those people, they went "hmm. so I can get a whole bunch of money for these scrolls because they've got important words on them? how about I split this one in half. Now there are TWO scrolls with important words on them. Now what if I do it AGAIN"
and so many such scrolls were torn into smaller pieces
idk how much of this you might've already known but I saw the Hashmoneans mentioned and just had to infodump
As a non-Jew, ignorant of Jewish history (I was only on https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/pharisees-sadducees-and-essenes to fact-check something I was saying in another post), I find this absolutely hilarious:
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Sadducees: We have theological concerns about who should serve as priests.
Pharisees: We have political concerns about who should rule the people.
Essenes: Fuck that Jonathan guy.
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angelhummel · 4 years ago
Top 5 most attractive glee characters uwu
ugh this is the hardest question a person could ever be asked but i'll do my best. And this is based on the characters and not the actors, there's a difference lol. and actually... i'm gonna cheat and do top 5 guys and gals. so i can gush about twice as many pretty people
Tina Cohen Chang. No one is surprised. I like her s1-2 style best but she's never not drop dead gorgeous. She's incredibly beautiful, perfect body, every single shot of her is #HairPorn. She runs the gamut from unbearably adorable to devastatingly sexy like nobody's business. I think I openly thirst for her the most lol
Santana Lopez. Gorgeous, sexy, stunning, and beautiful. Looks amazing in any outfit or costume. Gets bonus points for actually being allowed to be sexy. But even when she's being silly, she still radiates beauty and light and it's impossible not to be attracted to her
Mercedes Jones. Sadly doesn't get as many chances to show off but is still an undeniable beauty. Looks very sexy when dancing and performing. Love seeing her being confident and feeling herself. She's so beautiful that she makes everyone else more beautiful just by standing near them
Rachel Berry. Always a cutie, especially in the early seasons. Love seeing her grow in her confidence and have the courage to experiment with new styles. If she can make a reindeer sweater work, she can make anything work. And she does, and she looks amazing in every new style and every outfit she tries
Kitty Wilde. Same with the other Cheerios, I like her best when her hair is down and she's out of the uniform. I just think Kitty is such a unique beauty. And it doesn't matter if she's dressed like a sexy cat or the literal Virgin Mary, she's going to look absolutely amazing no matter what
Kurt Hummel. He was never unattractive. His early s1 baby face was so fucking cute. But the way he transformed over the course of the show?? It literally boggles my mind. He's cute, he's beautiful, he's sexy, he's handsome. He's literally everything. And I probably thirst over him second most lol
Blaine Anderson. He's just so naturally handsome no matter what. I love him from head to toe. His curls, his puppy dog eyes, his fucking arms. How he packs so much muscle into such a tiny frame is beyond me. Cute and compact indeed. Even with the gel, the polos, the tummy, he's still amazing to look at
Sam Evans. I especially love his shaggy summerboy blonde hair but, he's always so pretty. He manages to be incredibly handsome but still approachable and friendly. The body doesn't hurt either lol. And who doesn't want to kiss those lips?? I mean come on
Jake Puckerman. Considering he's supposed to be the "bad boy", it stands out more what an actual little cutie he is, never mind what a great smile he has. Plus what's sexier than a guy that can dance? And Jake in the Nasty/Rhythm Nation fantasy sequence is >>>>
Mason McCarthy. He's just so nice to look at. His face shape is interesting, idk how to explain it. He's such a pretty boy. I love his dark swoopy hair, his eyes, his lips. He's so sexy during performances, especially his Queen number. And who doesn't love a boy in a Cheerios uniform?
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chaoticowlpost · 5 years ago
Hello nice person behind the screen. You want some prompts huh? Hmmm, what about a professor au where the student trolls Draco and he blames it on Harry without thinking twice idk :>> have a nice dayyyh
“My deepest regrets, but as you don’t have breasts,
I find that you’re actually quite fit.
And your arse in those pants makes me want to dance.
Your brilliance is most evident in your wit.”
And as the note exploded, the sound of his students laughing began flooding his ears. Yet, despite the sudden awareness of his surroundings, he still stared wide-eyed at where the note had exploded on itself, leaving a small pile of petals on his classroom floor.
If his shock at the sudden arrival of the note during his class wasn’t enough, the contents were just... no. Absolutely not.
“Silence,” he snapped, just loud enough to be heard over the loud peals of laughter. His expression was grim, he knew, and the students immediately began to shut up one by one.
Though he was often quite formal, and even strict, in his classes, he knew that his students still felt comfortable enough around him to be able to make jokes and not feel like someone was always breathing down their necks during class.
“Stay here and read pages 395 to 420 quietly,” he said evenly, trying to control the tone of his voice. “I will be back shortly.”
‘But Professor, I-”
“Mr. Cohen, if you do open your book in the next 10 seconds, I will be deducting house points,” he threatened, still gathering his bearings. Then, without wasting another second, he stormed out of the room, his robe billowing behind him.
He walked down the familiar halls, mind set on his final destination. There was only one other person who despised him just enough to humiliate him in front of all his students. He was an educator, for Merlin’s sake. They both were, and they knew damn well that it was hard to lose the respect of their students.
“Potter!” He snapped once the man in question came into view.
“Malfoy!” Potter responded brightly, as he would considering he probably knew that his note had already been received. If only he knew what was coming for him. “Don’t you have a cla-”
“What in Salazar’s name do you think you’re doing, sending a bloody note like that during class hours,” Draco demanded, getting up in his face.
“What no-”
“‘Do not ‘what note?’ me, Potter,” Draco spat. “I saw it, and all those 5th years saw it.”
“But I never-”
“I will have you fired,” Draco threatened. “I mean, I tolerated you at first because I don’t have the authority to get rid of you, but I will. Salazar help me, I will get rid of you, one way or another.”
“Now, there’s no need to resort to murder, but-”
“I don’t care,” he interrupted, uncaring as to how childlike that might have come out. “There was no need to send that bloody letter either!”
“If you could just-”
“Potter!” Draco said, cutting him off once again. He didn’t need excuses. “Why? Just why do you always make it your goal to be my living hell whenever we’re present in the same room?”
“I really don’t-” Merlin, did he not know when to quit. Hadn’t he realized that Draco wasn’t going to let him have the last laugh.
“I’m reporting you to the Headmistress.” In all honesty, he felt like a child saying that, but that wasn’t the point. He did respect due process, after all. “And if you even try to pull-”
“Malfoy!” Potter said loudly, eyes wide in distress as he finally managed to stop Draco’s rambling. “What letter are you talking about?”
“The heinous, most pathetic attempt of a love poem I’ve seen since that time in second year with Weasley,” Draco spat. “Is that what this is? Your petty revenge for your girlfriend?”
“Of course no-”
“That was so long ago!” Draco said, throwing his arms in the air. “And even you have to admit that it was pretty awfu-”
“Malfoy!” Potter was almost shouting at this point. “Will you stop that?”
“No, Potter,” Draco scoffed. “The real question here is ‘will you stop harassing me?’”
“I didn’t send you any letter!” Potter claimed, looking just as frustrated as Draco felt. 
“Of course you did,” Draco scoffed. Nobody would be so bold, except for the physical embodiment of Gryffindor itself. 
“Okay, but I really didn’t,” Potter said, rolling his eyes. “Now if you could just explain to me what really happened, maybe we could figure it out.”
Draco ignored the last bit of his statement. “You didn’t send it?” he asked instead, feeling his mind go blank.
“Yes, I didn’t send it!” Potter said exasperatedly. “I know you have a class right now, and frankly I hate writing poems.”
“Yes, well, it would explain why the poem was so awful.”
“Except, you know, I didn’t write it,” Potter reiterated for the nth time that day. Frankly, Draco was getting tired of hearing it already.
“Fine, let’s say you didn’t write it-”
“I didn’t!”
“-then who do you think did?” Draco asked, ignoring the interruption. He resisted the urge to grin triumphantly when Potter rolled his eyes before responding.
“Have you maybe, I don’t know, considered that it was a student?” Potter asked, raising an eyebrow at him. 
“Why would a student send me that?” Draco retorted, not seeing where Potter was going with this accusation.
“They’re kids,” he said in response. “They pull pranks all the time. I’ve gotten my fair share as well this year.”
“What?” Draco asked dumbly. He’s never been pranked by a student like that before, that was for sure. Maybe the occasional attempt to see what they could get past him, but never anything so drastic.
“I mean, I know they generally avoid getting on your bad side, but maybe someone decided to be braver this year,” Potter shrugged. “Have you tried asking them if they knew who sent it?”
“Er...” Draco trailed off, suddenly feeling guilty. “No?”
“Then why did you immediately assume that I sent it?” Potter asked, a small frown marring his face. It made Draco feel guiltier. 
“Because,” he said, unsure, looking away. “You’ve been acting weird all year with your compliments and things. When I suddenly get a note about my arse, of all things, why wouldn’t I assume it was you?”
“What?” Potter asked, genuinely confused. Draco resisted the urge to groan, because really, he didn’t want to explain this to him in such plain words.
“I mean, obviously you were trying to embarrass me,” Draco scoffed.
“Malfoy,” Potter said softly, eyes kind after a small moment of realization. It made him want to shrink on the spot. “You think I was just messing with you all year?”
“Of course,” Draco confirmed, still not meeting his eyes. ��Why else would you do it?”
“Have you considered that maybe, oh, I don’t know, I like you?”
“What?” Draco’s head suddenly snapped up, his heart threatening to lurch from his throat, because Potter what.
“Yeah,” Potter shrugged awkwardly, giving him a toothy grin. “Generally, you do tend to notice things about people you like. And I like you.”
“Oh,” he said, for the lack of a better response. 
“Yes, oh,” Potter repeated, chuckling a bit. “And I didn’t send you that letter. I wouldn’t try to embarrass you like that.”
“Oh.” He was getting tired of saying that.
And then, unsure, Potter took a step closer towards him, almost completely closing their distance. He cupped his face gently, the warmth of his hands heating Draco’s cheeks.
“Do you think that I could take you out some time?” Potter asked, his breath ghosting Draco’s lips.
“I- yeah,” Draco breathed, feeling the air knocked out of his lungs when Potter smiled gently at him. It was such an affectionate gaze that made Draco want to both drink it in and look away. 
“Thank you,” he said before inching his face forward. Draco was half-expecting him to lean in for a kiss but, instead, Potter had tilted his head to the side, placing a chaste, but sweet, kiss on his cheek.
“I- er, I should get back to class,” Draco said awkwardly, looking down. He knew his face was starting to turn red.
“Right,” Harry chuckled, brushing his hair away from his face. “And maybe you could find who sent that letter while you’re at it.”
“Right,” Draco nodded, feeling rather off-balance. “I’ll... I’ll do that.”
“Professor?” A small, hesitant voice spoke from somewhere behind him in the hallway. Immediately, but with no rush, Harry stepped away from him, letting go of his face.
“Mr. Cohen, I believe I instructed that you finish reading the assigned chapter until I get back,” Draco said, exhaling through his nostrils.
“Yes! But I, uh-”
“Get on with it, Mr. Cohen.”
“Right! I wantedtoapologizeforthenoteisent.”
His words were all strung together, but Draco was still able to catch what he said.
“You what.”
“It was a joke!” the student said defensively, clearly regretful.
“Twenty points from your house,” Draco said, looking up to the sky for some divine intervention. “Now get back to class.”
Quick footsteps sounded through the halls as he ran away.
“Don’t be too hard on them,” Potter said, placing a hand on the lower part of his back. “But I think you ought to head back. They’ll probably gossip about you if you don’t.”
“Us,” Draco corrected absentmindedly. “And they’ll gossip either way.”
“Yes, but they won’t read if they’re gossiping,” Potter pointed out. He, unfortunately, had a point.
“I suppose,” Draco sighed. “Then I think I’ll be heading back now.”
“Of course,” Potter smiled warmly at him. 
“Goodbye,” he said awkwardly unsure of what else to say in that moment. Potter, of course, seemed to sense this, because he smiled before getting back in Draco’s personal space.
“Good luck with the kids.”
“Right, the kids,” Draco repeated, nodding. Potter seemed to find it amusing, however. At least, amusing enough to want to press another kiss on Draco’s cheek.
“And don’t forget our date, Draco.”
Maybe he was slightly pink, even as he re-entered his classroom. The students were clearly exchanging glances, having had the time to gossip with one another, but Draco didn’t care.
He had a date to prepare for.
And, hey, maybe that stupid note wasn’t too bad.————————————————-
Send a Prompt
I want you all to know that it killed me to write that verse DFJSHFB Thank you for reading <3
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the-road-from-calvary · 3 years ago
I.7, III.7, V.7
Which Disciplines do they possess, and which do they favor using?
So, she just has the standard Ventrue disciplines. Presence, Dominate, and Fortitude. By choice, she'd prefer to rely on presence. That said, because of her background, I felt it made more sense that fortitude and dominate were more heavily invested in as a matter of necessity. Despite the fact that it's what she'd prefer to be using, it's actually her weakest 😔
Have they Embraced anyone? Ghouled anyone?
No embraces. She has ghouled people - difficult, really, to operate as a Ventrue without them. Right now she has five - three that operate sort of as? idk I guess secretaries is the best word. Each night, one is working at the university library, one is at her private library, and the third has the night off. If someone needs to make contact with her but doesn't know the location of her library-haven, they can go to the university library and the one working there is able to make contact. These three are Carol, Chloe, and Jeremy - Carol is the oldest, and came with Antonia from San Diego. Jeremy is the youngest, and was only ghouled in April of 2021, after his predecessor, Jordan, was killed in New York.
The remaining two are Sandra Cohen, a registrar at the university, and Victor Gaylord, who is involved with policy-making and administration of the university. Sandra is well-placed to manipulate records to suit Antonia's needs, and Victor is able to direct policy to suit Antonia's purposes. He also manages her money, because she has three dots in resources and none in finance 😌
…Clan Ministry (Followers of Set)?
Fun little discrepancy! So, I try really hard to pay attention to what she would actually know. I, as a human person with access to the internet, have the ability to know way more about the world of VtM than a character could dream of knowing, especially given how carefully secrets and knowledge are kept in VtM. So, last year when she was asked about the Setites, I said that she hadn't met any, since they're supposed to be a less-common clan and my ST had established that (to Antonia's knowledge) they are not present in OKC.
Fast forward a year, and I decide to run a mini-chronicle for some folks new to VtM set during the Anarch Revolt in San Diego. One of the players creates a character that logically would have dealt with Setites, and another's character concept made a natural Setite. Well, that's fine! It's not like Antonia knew every kindred in San Diego-
By the end of the chronicle, the Setite had gained power in an area that Antonia absolutely would have had to interface with 🙃. I'm still deciding how and if I want to retcon the conflicting information.
Anyway, Florence the Setite almost certainly wasn't someone Antonia particularly admired, and she has an abstract but still pronounced dislike of a certain Parisian Setite elder, so by and large she doesn't think much of the clan as a whole, despite limited experience.
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robustcornhusk · 1 year ago
When guests have asked Cohen [of the restaurant Dirt Candy] about protein, she's asked them what they ate for lunch that day, reminding folks that there is protein in every plant-based food and that it's not the only reason to eat (also, most people in the US get too much protein as it is).
okay it's super annoying when people make a huge deal out eating a low-protein meal, and simultaneously this is a shitty answer.
many omnivorous americans could probably eat, spitballing, 30% less protein and feel about the same (assuming they replaced the protein with an equivalent amount of i-know-it-when-i-see-it reasonable food. idk, broccoli and rice, not potato chips. i would feel bad if i swapped it for potato chips). many vegan and vegetarian americans would probably feel the same or slightly better if they managed to eat 20-30% more protein. i have absolutely made up these numbers.
yes, every plant-based food has protein in it. no, not every plant-based food has a meaningful and relevant amount of protein in it. i can eat broccoli til my stomach bursts but i like exercise! it's not going to help me get buff!
( their most recent menu sounds really, really good, if low in protein. i would eat there for a meal and love it. if i ate there for many meals i'd feel kinda drained over time.)
okay, fine, i'm reading No Meat Required.
What is compelling about making the default decision? Nothing, at least not to me. [...]
i worry that the blurb is going to be accurate to the spirit of the book but at least it's short!
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eriecanal · 4 years ago
tagged by @highway51 thank you shaine :)
nickname(s): my name (jude) is short already so not really, i’ve sometimes gone by j alone though
zodiac: cap sun taurus moon scorpio rising which is so cap sun taurus moon scorpio rising of me
height: 5’3 if we’re generous unfortunately
last movie: the high lonesome sound by john cohen
last thing i googled: “nabisco strike what to boycott” last thing before that was “gay slang 70s”
fave musician(s): paul simon/s&g, sleater-kinney
song stuck in my head: long black veil
other blogs: 2020sreporter
blogs following: about 90
amount of sleep: 6-8 hours usually, more if my brain manages not to wake me up
lucky number: 9 :)
what i’m wearing: jean shorts + grey t shirt with a bicycle
dream job: writing of some kind for sure! i am currently trying to get a job at the record store though which is my more immediate dream job so wish me luck there
dream trip: ive always wanted to do more road trip type things… oh and i miss boston and would like to visit my friends/family there again
fave foods: idk
play an instrument: i’m very bad at (acoustic) guitar but i’m trying to learn and i play violin
languages: i’m learning spanish but im not any good at it yet
fave songs: the only living boy in new york
random fact: i like biking?
describe yourself by aesthetic things: old folk guitars, the color green, earth tones in general, the sound of the train, cowboys, cloudy windy days, this doesn’t describe me very well but i’m running out of ideas
tagging: @brutefury @boppinbobby @times-like-these sorry if you’ve already done it
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ashtraythief · 4 years ago
Hello! I've been reading your underneath verse for years and I'm still fascinated by the story! As for prompts, this idea has been in my head since I first read the original story. I'm really curious to see what would happen if Jensen and Jared were out in public somewhere and someone who knew Jensen Ackles (from uni, the FBI, etc.) saw him and approached him. I want to know how Jensen would handle potentially being exposed! Idk if it fits in your verse, but i had to mention it! Thanks xx
Dear nonnie,
thank you so much for your lovely ask and much apologies for getting to it so late. This is another one of those that I started working on and then got stalled. I’ve always known that Jensen would be able to lie his way out of a situation like this, and that running into someone who knows him from before is not the way Jared learns who Jensen really is. Here’s a little snippet I started way back when, but I don’t think I’ll get back to this one, sorry :/
Everybody had the one who got away. A colleague they never dared to approach. A fellow commuter who always smiled at them on the metro. That one meet-cute at a conference. A shared cab. The distant cousin of the bride at a high school friend’s wedding.
For Matt Cohen, it was Jensen Ackles. He’d sat behind him for a semester in Western Civ and had ogled his shoulders for about six weeks before he managed to talk to him. Creatively, he’d asked about the midterm. They ended up on a study date. And then a regular date. And then they hooked up. And then Matt realized that Jensen had plans to spend the summer in Europe and had no interest in keeping in touch while he was tramping through Europe’s capitals.
UT’s campus was big enough that Matt didn’t run into Jensen again after the summer. But he never forgot. Jensen was just a hookup for a few weeks, and yet, sometimes something reminded him of Jensen and then he couldn’t stop himself from wondering what would happen if he ran into him again. He’d never quite managed to figure Jensen out and the mystery of it never left him. Their encounter always felt unfinished.
When Matt ran into Jensen again, in a random restaurant on a random Wednesday in Chicago of all places, and saw the guy Jensen was with, Matt knew that their story was definitely finished. Still, he couldn‘t help go over and say hi, even though he already know he’d get nothing but a world of hurt.
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beca-mitchell · 4 years ago
I just found out that Anna Kendrick has joined her agent Mick Sullivan to move to a new management company which is owned by Trump & GOP's donor that is Steve Cohen. Is she aware that she's indirectly complicit to fund GOP from her earnings? What happened to her? Just following the money? She could've opted out to join Mick like other Mick's former clients such as Anne Hathaway and Lily Collins. Any thoughts on this case? I'm honestly surprised and disappointed with this news.
lmao i mean, i don’t think she’s following her agent because of trump (obviously) but yeah idk what to tell u, she did what she did
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roslin · 5 years ago
i suck and theres a lot of these so im putting them all together
(tags at the end)
Instructions: tag 10 people you’d like to know better!
I was tagged by the lovely @veky1993 and @yousayperfect-isaystreep 💕
Name: vanessa
Starsign: virgo
Hogwarts House: ravenclaw
Height: 170 cm
Sexuality: bi (myself)
Favorite animal: whales
Average time of sleep: now that im in quarantine i get 8 hours of sleep every night. im a new person. turns out most of my personality was just sleep deprivation  
Current time: 9:30 pm
Dogs or Cats: both
Blankets you sleep with: a flower print one thats super ugly but whatever
When you made your blog: 2015. i checked
Followers: 4k
Why you made your blog: bc i had watched voyager and had a lot of things i needed to process
Reason for your url: saint laura of the roslin is my guide
rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you would like to get to know better
tagged by @gkellmans 💕
real name? vanessa
nickname? nessa
zodiac? virgo sun, virgo moon, gemini rising
favorite musicians or groups? leonard cohen. david bowie, cat stevens/yusuf islam
favorite sports teams? no thanks
other blogs? nope
do i get asks? yes and if i didn’t answer them is bc sometimes tumblr doesnt show them to me! i get the notification bubble but thats it
how many blogs do i follow? 1794 bc im a hoe
tumblr crushes? not in a while
lucky numbers? idk, 7
what am i wearing? red pajamas that say “you what?” in the back
dream vacation? i dont really care, as long as its somewhere new
dream car? dont care
favorite food? beans... just... yeh, beans
drink of choice? coffee
instruments? don’t play anything
languages? portuguese, english, spanish, and a little bit of french (i can understand everything but i get nervous if i have to speak)
celebrity crushes? thing is, i get crushes on characters and then i follow the actresses/actors on social media and then i can’t read fanfic anymore bc it gets weird and the crush is gone 
random facts? i have a neighbor that listens to leonard cohen and david bowie every day and i think i might have hallucinated them 
This or That
tagged by @adayinthelifeofablonde53 💕
coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
20 random FACTS about yourself that may surprise people.
tagged by @gkellmans thank you!
1. do you make your bed? never happened
2. what’s your favourite number? 7?
3. what’s your job? commercial manager (idk how to call it in english)
4. if you could, would you go back to school? im still in college, i keep coming up with excuses to learn more stuff
5. can you parallel park? girl i cant even drive
6. a job you had which would surprise people? i was a teacher at 18. even i was surprised
7. do you think aliens are real? yeah
8. can you drive a manual car? nope
9. what’s your guilty pleasure? im trying to think of something i feel guilty about but... not really. eating cereal at 5 am? weird netflix documentaries? too many hair masks? nah
10. tattoos? no
11. favourite colour? red
12. things people do that drive you crazy? people who take too long to say something very simple
13. any phobias? fucking clowns
14. favourite childhood sport? no thanks
15. do you talk to yourself? not out loud, unless im sing-saying it..... 
16. what movie do you adore? lotr, labyrinth, the princess and the goblin 
17. do you like doing puzzles? no
18. favourite kind of music? 80′s bops
19. tea or coffee? coffee
20. the first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? psychologist 
i tag: @novellaqueen, @imaginaryhat, @kidmannicole, @theuinendili, @captain-coffeebean, @strangerstarsandlands, @galsinspace, @margotgrissom do all of them, do a couple, do none im not ur real dad 😘
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