#idias pov
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bambies-art · 5 months ago
Day 11: colors
Cw suggestive
Everything makes me think about her now.
Chocolate. I can’t eat a chocolate bar without her eyes popping into my head. Those warm chocolate brown eyes that look at me like I’m something special. That crinkle so cutely at the corners when I make her laugh. That shine so warmly when the sun hits them just right, turning them a golden shade of brown I wish I could see more often. And her hair….when I see it swaying in the hallway I can always tell its her. The dark brown hair that I know is so soft from the few times I’ve worked up the courage to touch it. How it looks framing her face, berating myself internally for being too much of a coward to push that strand out of her eyes, her own hands coming up to run through it herself.
I can’t even escape into my games to get my mind off of her. Any dating sim I play now just makes me think of her. When I raise the pink affection bar and the characters start to blush I can’t help but roll my eyes and think how much better it looks on her. The soft pink tint that comes up on her cheeks when she gets shy about something or is excitedly yapping to me about it. But staring at her face raises the danger levels of looking at her lips. When she licks them they deepen into a darker pink, wet and enticing and entirely off limits.
I wasn’t even safe from her when I closed my eyes, trying to block out the feelings she kept stirring inside of me. The black still reminded me of her. Of those fishnets she wore all the time. The black lacing in intricate, pretty patterns over her thighs. The black corset she wears that accentuates her figure. Pushing up all her...assets and making it almost impossible not to let your eyes wander to them at some point during a conversation. I let out a groan as my head bangs down onto my desk
“Oh its so over for me”
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sleepypandazzz09 · 7 months ago
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Isn’t this pretty much what happened in Jade’s dream?
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the-fab-fox · 5 months ago
Could you possibly do a Drabble with Idia x Reader with the cute pocky game you had going on?
@ Anonymous,
Thank you for the request. Literally no one has been requesting any so I was super excited to get yours. And it's Idia which tickles me. Lol.
I hope you enjoy and sorry about the wait. A lot of stuff came up. (I have gotten a lot more requests since the initial drafting of this. Also, I'll be making a collection of these on AO3 so if you'd like me to gift the fic to you, please drop your AO3 in the notes.)
Original Post
Without further ado—
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Idia x f!Reader
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[ One-Shot under the cut. ]
Idia was legit not surprised with how the game the Ramshackle Prefect introduced to them all had spread like wildfire throughout the campus.
They were teenagers, after all. Meat suits with raging hormones and maybe a couple handfuls of brain cells shared between the whole of the student body. And several of those brain cells were held in vice-like grips by specific singular students, making the overall pool of available brain cells even smaller for the rest of them.
The Ignihyde Housewarden was just glad that no one with half a brain would ever consider inviting him to play.
As if I'd want to? A game designed for normies who just want an excuse to suck face? No thanks! I'm good. He rolled his eyes. Tch, it's so cringe it hurts.
At least, that's what he continued to tell himself. If he didn't really buy his own words... well, that was his business and no one else's.
The problem wasn't the game itself, he supposed… if he really stopped to think about it. But he didn't want to think about it.
Ugh. Hope some new cringe fad comes out ASAP! This really triggers my rage.
He sighed as he watched his game load bar slowly inch toward completion. Because, of freaking course, the server would be hella saturated today of all days.
Groaning, he CTRL + ALT + DEL’ed out of the game rather than wait for it to load before exiting out.
This thing’s got me not even wanting to play my games. FML! This is the WORST!
He got up and jerkily opened his deskside food cabinet. Pulling out a random noodle cup, he slammed it onto his desk. Luckily, it wasn't hard enough to crush it. Much.
It was still functional, in any case, so whatever.
Smoothing out the cup as well as he could, he opened it and added some hot water from his electric kettle. Setting the lid over it once more, he idly played with the little ingredient packet as he grabbed a spoon from the little plastic drawer set on his desk.
Why can't these idiots think about anything, but making out and shit?
In reality, Idia knew why.
He was one of the idiots, after all. Not that he was going to admit that to anyone. In fact, he tried his very best to ignore it completely.
Admitting that he wanted to make out with someone would mean he'd have to think about the very person he wanted to make out with.
That person?
The one who had set this whole mess into motion.
“Meh,” he muttered, glancing at the little digital numbers at the bottom left hand side of his desktop screen. Meh, meh, meh.
After a few more minutes, Idia couldn't wait any longer. He pulled the top off the noodle cup and tossed it aside, giving it no mind to where it drifted. Ripping open the packet, he poured the ingredients in and used the spoon to stir them. Some of the broth spilled with how aggressively he stirred, which only further fueled his ire.
Damn it. Damn it all to Tartarus.
He began to eat, ignoring the slight crunch to the noodles as well as he could. He had just finished up his impromptu meal, downing both a small energy drink as well as half a bottle of water, when a sound rose in the air that he hadn't expected.
Glaring at his door, he was about to yell at whoever was on the other side to just leave him alone to his misery when he realized that there were only two people who would knock on his door.
The other Ignihyde students would never. If they needed to get ahold of him for any reason, they knew well they would need to contact him via technological means. Ortho-chan would just come right in. None of his peers outside the dorm would come to see him. He had no friends after all. Not really.
Well… maybe…
No. Especially not her. Like yeah, okay. She was like really sweet, and nice, and actually seemed interested in what he had to say when he went full fanboy and otaku mode, but that was just her being nice. Nothing more.
And yet, she was one of the two people who would be on the other side of that door.
The other was Crowley, but considering the fact that he was Crowley, the man would more likely just summon him to his office rather than pay a visit to his dorm.
Which meant it could only be the Ramshackle Prefect.
As if proving him right, another knock came upon the door, followed by the annoyingly cute sound of his crush’s voice.
“Idia? I know you're in there. Can I come in?”
What kind of event did I trigger? Idia sighed heavily. He hated this.
Somewhere along the line, Idia had come to realize that when it came to the otherworlder, he had a very hard—if not impossible—time denying her anything.
He brought his hands up to his face, letting out as quiet and muffled a groan as possible before pulling his hands away once more. Taking a shaky breath, he stood and crossed the space between his desk and the door.
The third year wondered if he should just ignore her. After all, if he didn't answer, she would have to leave at some point right?
“Idia Shroud!”
“I'm not leaving until you let me in, mister!”
Idia tried and failed not to smile.
He could just picture her. Standing on the other side of the door, hands on her hips, glaring cutely at the door like some romance anime heroine.
For the love of STYX, why was she so freaking cute?
And why was she so determined to see him?
It made no sense.
Except that she likes and cares about you, another voice said. His mind, and the rest of him, silenced the thought as quickly as it came.
His face became a grimace and he decided that now was the time to get this visit over with, so that he could get back to his raging pity party.
Whatever she wanted couldn't take that long, right?
Just rip the bandaid and be done with it.
Spite forced his hand in the end. He unlocked and pulled the door open, his face still a deep scathing frown. The moment his eyes met those deep, warm brown eyes—however—he felt his demeanor and posture go shy.
“Ah, h-hey…” he said by way of greeting, with the smallest smile on his face. Then he remembered he was supposed to be annoyed, and tried to force the grimace once more. He wasn't sure if he managed, but the moment he took in the rest of her, he had to keep himself from laughing.
If he had to hazard a guess, he imagined he looked a lot more like the nauseous emoji rather than a scathing one.
The reason for his sudden urge to laugh was that the Ramshackle Prefect was, no cap, standing with a wide, determined stance with her closed fists on her hips as she looked up at him.
That made him feel off-kilter for a moment. He kept forgetting how short she was compared to him. She could still no doubt kick his ass TKO style, because who couldn't, if he was honest—but she was just so… fun sized and cute.
He longed to hug and cuddle her. He wanted to hold hands with her. Wanted to whisper soft couple things into her hair as he embraced her from behind. He wanted to keep her safe, since she didn't have any magic of her own. And to support her in whatever she wanted to do because, damn, this was a young lady who was going places. He wanted to beg her not to leave if a way was ever found, because who would he talk to then? (Other than Muscle Red, of course. But even then, this was different.)
“There! That's better isn't it? We can definitely talk better this way.”
Idia felt himself start to nod and smile along with her, before shaking his head and frowning.
“What do you want?”
Her brows rose and slowly she began to frown. Then her brows knit together and her stance became even more stern than before.
“You won't talk to me like that, Idia! No, sir. We're friends, remember? Besides, I brought you a gift. Doncha wanna know what it is?”
Idia felt his conviction slip.
A gift? For him? Had he really triggered some kind of event?
He frowned.
If it had been anyone else, he would have thought it was a trap. The problem was, it wasn't anybody else.
It was the girl of his dreams.
“Why?” He heard himself ask. He frowned, but he wasn't sure if it was at the situation itself or himself. “Why would you get me a gift?”
The Prefect sighed, now crossing her arms. Idia called himself several kinds of idiot.
That stance is never a good one in anime and manga.
Now he'd likely ruined everything, and she was going to leave, and he'd be in an even worse funk than before.
“I already told you, Idia. We're friends. Sometimes friends give each other gifts. And I care about you. Gift giving is a great way to support the people you care about.” She then grinned. “Or just chock it up to the fact that I wanna. Okay? Now—” She fell silent and only continued when Idia looked up, into her unfairly gentle and pretty eyes. “Can I please come in?”
Idia said nothing. He just scoffed under his breath and moved aside, ignoring the rush of affection he felt as she quickly moved into his room. That quickly turned to dread as he suddenly realized how much of a pig sty his room truly was.
Shit, shit, shit.
She didn't seem to notice, however. In fact, she didn't even seem to look around. She just turned back to him and the moment he closed the door, she moved in closer and closer.
Was she about to go plot twist villain on him? Well, he supposed there were worse ways to go than being murdered by a ridiculously beautiful girl in a school girl uniform.
“W-What are you—”
She stopped in front of him and rummaged in her book bag before pulling out a rectangular, shiny yellow box. He frowned.
He was a little ashamed to admit it, but he already knew what it was from the sight glimpse.
A box of Pocky.
A box of banana-flavored Pocky.
His favorite.
“What are you—”
She said nothing, only smirking as she opened the box, then the unopened package inside. Pulling one out, she held it up as she held his gaze.
“I'm guessing you've heard about the game?” She asked, though it wasn't really a question. She knew he knew it well. “Wanna play it with me, Idia?”
There was something new there. A sort of hint of something. A variation.
He would never vocalize his guess, but if he wasn't mistaken, it sounded a lot like flirting.
She groaned and threw up both hands, the Pocky rising with the one that held it.
“You're not as dumb as you like to think, Idia—about people, I mean.”
She held his gaze firmly. He just continued to stare dumbly at the shorter girl. Slowly, it dawned on her that he had absolutely no clue what she was talking about.
“Okaaay… so you don't get it.” She sighed. “Fine. I'll tell you. In a way that even you won't be able to find a single way to deny it.”
Idia just blinked.
“I like you, Idia. A lot. And I want to be more than friends. But you're also really skittish. I only introduced the game in the hopes that I'd be able to play it with you, and the kiss would tell you the rest.”
Idia just stared. And stared some more.
She sighed, moved in closer, and held up the Pocky.
He took it without thinking.
“If me being your girlfriend is something you are on board with, play the game with me…”
Idia didn't think he had ever put anything into his mouth as fast as he did the Pocky.
There it was, just the tip of the flavored part of the cookie stick held between his lips. It was worth it, though. The Prefect smiled so brightly, a light tinge of pink coloring her cheeks.
“So you do like me!”
He sighed. Here it came.
Time for the ridicule to commence in 3, 2, 1—
“I'm glad.”
That's what I thought you'd say, because duh—wait what?
“You're… glad? Why?” It wasn’t easy to talk with a piece of pocky being held by his lips, but through luck or maybe he had a high enough stat, he managed.
She sighed. This time, however, it sounded fond.
“If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you.” She then beamed and Idia felt himself mirroring her without his consent. “But I'll give you a hint.”
She then closed the remaining space between them, took the other end of the Pocky in her mouth, and quickly nibbled through it until she'd reached his end.
Idia was pretty sure he short circuited for a moment. He blinked rapidly until he was finally able to register what was happening.
The Ramshackle Prefect had kissed him. Was kissing him.
Their lips were still touching.
He swallowed the bit of banana Pocky in his mouth and closed his eyes tight. He'd never kissed anyone before, except his mom and his figurines and—though he would take it to his grave—a couple of his character and idol body pillows when he was feeling particularly needy.
Still, he let instinct take over and did his best to match her actions.
Pulling away, he opened his eyes to meet her gaze.
“I knew you liked me back. Thank you for finally telling me.”
Idia blushed. He felt his throat trying to work, but all that came out was something like squealing—but less cute and more strangled.
Apparently, the Ramshackle Prefect had no trouble finding it endearing, if the fond smile on her face was any indication. Then a conspiratorial grin slipped onto her face.
“So what do you think about the game from my world?”
Idia had liked it. He was pretty sure she knew it too. She just wanted to hear him say it.
Unfortunately, he couldn't bring himself to do that just yet. Instead, he let some of his hair fall forward to obscure his face as he brought his index fingers together, tapping them against each other a few times.
“I don't… um… not really sure.” He cleared his throat, trying to speak up, but mumbling worse instead. “Maybe we should try it again… a few times… just to get a good sample size…”
The smile that radiated off her face in that moment took Idia to a whole other realm. His room no longer felt so gloomy and depressing. It looked brighter somehow.
His attention was immediately snapped back to the short Prefect, who still stood very close. He blushed as he realized how close, before reminding himself that they'd just kissed, which had been a hell of a lot closer. That only caused him to blush more deeply as the realization sunk in.
She had kissed him.
And he had, technically, kissed back.
His face felt like it was radiating heat.
She giggled and pulled out another Pocky stick, putting the cookie tip in her mouth. She then raised her brows and grinned.
A clear invitation.
It was one of the only invitations Idia had gotten for anything (outside of gaming) that he immediately RSVP’d on.
As they kissed, Idia felt his muscles loosen and his body warm. At some point, long after the cookie was gone, petite arms wrapped around his neck as his hands awkwardly settled upon her waist. He had successfully passed the surprise event and achieved the Best Ending.
Maybe I can convince her we'll need to go through the whole box, just to be absolutely sure I like the game.
He smiled into the kiss at the thought.
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toreii · 2 years ago
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Idia: “Hm? Something is ringing.”
Malleus: “Ah…it’s this fellow.”
Malleus: “Apparently, it’s hungry. Now then, what kind of food should I give it today…”
Malleus: “Oh, you know of this?”
Idia: “I know about it, but I played the generation that had color LCDs.”
Idia: “Wow, first generation model. There are still people playing those.”
Malleus: “…Yeah. It broke a few times, but I’ve had it repaired.”
Malleus: “I won’t neglect its maintenance……I will cherish it for a long, long time.”
Idia: “Aaah, if Dracon-kun is well cared for, it will be very happy.”
Malleus: “……Hehehe. I hope everyone feels the same.”
Idia: “Huh? Everyone…?”
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husbandograveyard · 1 year ago
Hello! For the event, could I please have V from the fluff alphabet for Idia Shroud? Thank you!
Another Idia! Thank you for asking. Hope you enjoy!
2nd person POV. GN reader. No warnings, just fluff
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V- Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
For Idia, it is quite a struggle to get into a relationship in the first place. His introverted nature, the curse that rests on his family, he is just not really looking for someone, and then you came along and everything changed. 
Because Idia struggles making deeper connections, whenever he does establish one, he cares about that person intensely. And the same goes for you. His relationship with you will be quite important to him, definitely being there somewhere at the top. 
That does not mean he will just abandon everything and everyone just for you. He will gladly skip out on work, housewarden duties and others for you, but you cannot possibly ask him to leave his gaming, anime or other fandom just for you. If anything, he will want you to join in on some of his hobbies, whether it’s cuddling up on bed as you watch a new release, or gaming together with him (if you’re not the gaming type, he will be more than eager to teach you the rope of some of his more simple and cozy favorites). 
The biggest proof of this is the way he will contact you throughout the day. Rest assured that he will provide you with the newest phone, sending you updates and texts throughout the day. He’ll even call -sometimes even video call- with you. Even if he’s not up to be out and social, he’ll still be with you in some type of way, that’s how much he cares.
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This is part of my AB(C)-Day event! Click here to join!
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thetacebellkit49 · 13 days ago
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Idia: um excuse me what the fuck are you doing in my house
Malleus: shroudd~~~ I beat night five, shroud~~~~
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teddiibear444 · 1 year ago
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the-shroud-brothers-blog · 2 months ago
HAHAHAHA I LOVE IDIA AND ORTHO SM, btw me and Ortho have the same b-day, August 14 bestiessss
We have the same birthday? That’s SOOOO cool
(Ooc: but like that’s actually so cool tho, my birthday is the closest to the Leech twins. 10/10 would hug ortho and okay video games/watch anime with Idia
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theoneofmanyofficial · 2 years ago
A different version of a scene I wrote in my fanfic (and yes, all the events did happen in the fanfic's timeline):
[Note: Everyone already graduated from NRC. They just hang out with each other once in a while.]
Jade, about how much food (with mushrooms) he made: I was so inspired that I made too much
Grim, suspicious: How much is too much? It's not another three months of mushrooms again, is it?
Ace: Three?! More like a year of mushrooms!
Deuce, still having nightmares about it: Mushrooms for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day for three months. Even asking Epel, Jack, and Ortho for backup wasn't enough to finish all of them
Idia, in the background: ...So that's why Ortho was insistent on making me eat mushrooms
Grim, upset: Sebek didn't even answer his phone once!
Sebek, angry: Because the last time I answered any of your guys' calls, Ortho almost blew me up when I arrived!
Ortho, scolding: That's why we told you to enter through the back door, Sebek!
Sebek: WHAT BACK DOOR?! You people were in the middle of the ocean!
Jack: Good thing Ruggie and those kids were happy to take all those mushrooms off our hands.
Ruggie, proud: And we ate real good that week!
Jade, sadly: Did I not make enough? I would have made more if Floyd didn't throw me out the window.
Floyd, glaring at Jade: And I'll do it again!
Jade: No, I definitely didn't make enough
Azul, barging into the room at max speed: I think you made quite enough, Jade!
Silver, knowing they had his number and could contact him for any reason:
Silver, realizing he never told any of them that he enjoys eating mushrooms: :')
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lotusssa · 9 months ago
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idia shroud thjng i wrong that i'm still proud of,,, fheres no confext pls dont ask
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poisoned-pearls · 1 year ago
wanting to write a fic set one year in the future of twst for azujami is tough bc neither of those motherfuckers have a ton of friends. What do I have? The twins? Ruggie? Riddle? That lowkey feels like all I’ve got. Maybe ace, for basketball, but still.
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potatotrash0 · 1 year ago
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this BITCH making me go to hard pity after already hitting it on malleus…in character but GOD
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kenniilovesthethicc · 2 years ago
I am never rendering fire textures again 😁👍
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husbandograveyard · 1 year ago
Hello and happy late birthday (its Nov 8 here now)! Can I get Idia from twisted wonderland and the fluff letter F? Thank you.
Thank you so much for the bday wishes! I am so happy to have written so much Idia for this event? This one turned out less fluffy than the others because of the subject matter, so heed the warnings!
2nd person. Gn reader. cw: fighting, yelling, silent treatment. Idia is a terrible communicator.
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 F - Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Idia is really not that confrontational in a relationship. He is not a great communicator, especially in the first stages of the relationship, and he doesn’t have super healthy coping mechanisms when it comes to conflict. It’s something that will take time and effort from your side, but he is definitely willing to work on it. He just needs some time. Idia bottles up his emotions like a pro, choosing to vent online to anonymous forums more than talking it out with you (he’ll get better at it, again- give him time). When either of you does snap, it escalates pretty fast, all those bottled up emotions coming out at once and exploding in your face.  Idia is the king of silent treatment, especially after a fight. It’s not that he wants to punish you or manipulate you, just that he really doesn’t know what to say or do to make it up to you. He was regretting it the minute the fight started, but too stubborn to back down, and now he is too anxious to confront you again. He is very easy to forgive (especially if he is the one that started the fight), but he is the worst about taking initiative about it. He’d rather just be silent for a bit, and then pick up where you left of without talking about it, even though he knows that that’s not the best option to go about it.
Generally, you’ll have to sit him down and have some serious conversations with him. Pick good moments and don’t push him too much. He will be listening and he is willing to learn, but he’s so used to being alone and only interacting online, that his immediate reactions will not be the ones that work well IRL.
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yuu-kantokusei · 30 days ago
Happy birthday, dear Prefect! 🎉✨️
POV: Twst characters (NRC, Grim, Rollo, Che'nya, Neige, Fellow/Ernesto, Skully, STAFF) wishing you a very wonderful "Happy birthday!"
PS: when it's your birthday, come here and let your favourite character to wish you fantastic wishes~
A/N: today is my birthday, so I decided to celebrate with my favourite boys because i love them so much and I wish them to be real
Riddle Rosehearts
“Happy birthday, Prefect. As per Rule #256 of the Heartslabyul Dorm, any individual celebrating a birthday must be properly honored with respect and festivity. I personally ensured today's preparations met the highest standards. I trust you'll enjoy the tea party we've arranged. Have a splendid day—you’ve earned it.”
Ace Trappola
“Heeey, Prefect! Happy birthday! Look, I didn’t even mess up the gift this time. Bet you’re surprised, huh? Anyway, let’s ditch the formal stuff and just have fun today. No weird rules or lectures from Riddle—just vibes!”
Deuce Spade
"Uh, Prefect! Happy birthday! I hope you like my gift. I wasn't sure what to get, so I asked Trey for help. Anyway, I promise to do my best to make today stress-free. You deserve it!”
Cater Diamond
"Prefect~! Smile for the Magicam! Gotta capture this special day, right? Happy birthday! Don't worry, I'll make sure today is totally picture-perfect. I even curated a playlist just for you!"
Trey Clover
“Happy birthday, Prefect. I baked a cake—your favorite flavor, I hope. If not, we can always make another one. Birthdays are meant for indulgence, after all.”
Leona Kingscholar
“Tch, birthdays are such a hassle... But since it’s your day, I guess I’ll play along. Don’t expect me to sing or anything, though. Anyway, happy birthday, herbivore. Do whatever makes you happy.”
Ruggie Bucchi
“Heeey, Prefect! Happy birthday! You better eat up—no wasting food, okay? Oh, and if you need a hand carrying all your presents, I gotcha. For a small fee, of course!”
Jack Howl
“Happy birthday, Prefect. I don’t usually get involved in celebrations, but today’s special for you, so I’m in. If anyone messes with your day, just say the word—I’ll handle it.”
Azul Ashengrotto
“Ah, Prefect, our esteemed guest of honor. Happy birthday. Consider today an exception—no contracts, no negotiations. Just a day for you to enjoy yourself, courtesy of Mostro Lounge. Don't forget to savor the special limited-edition menu I curated for your celebration.”
Jade Leech
“Happy birthday, Prefect. What a delightful occasion. I trust today will be filled with pleasant surprises—some orchestrated by me, of course. Enjoy every moment.”
Floyd Leech
“Shrimpy-chaaan! Happy birthday! Let’s ditch all the boring stuff and do something fun! Oh, oh—what do you say to a wrestling match? I’ll go easy on ya since it’s your big day.”
Kalim Al-Asim
“Prefect! Happy birthday, my best friend! I’ve got a huge party planned—there’s music, dancing, and tons of food! I hope it’s the best birthday you’ve ever had. Come on, let’s go celebrate!”
Jamil Viper
“Happy birthday, Yuu. Don’t worry—I made sure Kalim didn’t go too overboard this time. I personally cooked the dishes for today, so I hope you enjoy them. Relax and have a good time.”
Vil Schoenheit
“Ah, Prefect. How fortunate you are to celebrate your birthday in the presence of true beauty. I trust you’ll take extra care to look your best today—after all, every moment should be picture-worthy. Happy birthday.”
Rook Hunt
“Bonne fête, mon cher Trickster! Such radiance, such elegance on this special day! Ah, how splendid it is to witness your growth. I shall ensure every moment of today is worthy of poetry.”
Epel Felmier
“Hey, happy birthday, Prefect! Let’s make today wild, okay? None of that fancy frou-frou stuff Vil’s always talking about. Just good ol' fun!”
Idia Shroud
“Ugh, social events... But, uh, since it’s your birthday, I guess I can make an exception. Happy birthday, Prefect. I even logged off my game for this—you're welcome.”
Ortho Shroud
“Happy birthday, Prefect! I calculated exactly 112 different activities to make today perfect. Let’s start with your favourite treats and work our way up to the surprise!”
Malleus Draconia
“Ah, Child of man, it is your birthday today? How wonderful. A most sacred occasion indeed. I have brought you a gift—something rare and precious from Briar Valley. May this day be as unforgettable as your presence in my life.”
Lilia Vanrouge
“Happy birthday, Prefect! I’m so excited to celebrate with you. I’ve prepared a special meal—don’t be shy, have a bite! Hmm? Why do you look so hesitant?”
Sebek Zigvolt
“HUMAN! I—er, Happy Birthday! The young master himself has taken time to acknowledge your day, so you must be grateful! …But, truly, I hope it’s a fantastic day for you.”
“Happy birthday, Prefect. I hope your day is peaceful and filled with joy... Though I may fall asleep halfway through the celebration. Still, I wish you the best.”
“Nyahahaha! Prefect, aren’t ya glad I’m the first one to say it? Happy birthday, minion! Let’s celebrate by eating lots of tuna and cake—and by cake, I mean MY share too!”
Rollo Flamme
“Though I normally detest such frivolities, I suppose it would be rude not to extend my regards... Happy birthday, Prefect. May this year bring you wisdom—and better taste in associates.”
“Heehee~ Happy birthday, Prefect! You look extra cute today! Or maybe it’s just me? Hmm, guess we’ll never know! Let’s see if I can pop by your celebration later... or disappear midway, who knows?”
Neige LeBlanche
“Oh my goodness, Prefect! Happy birthday! I hope today is filled with joy, laughter, and love! You deserve to be treated like royalty—just like a fairytale ending.”
Skully J. Graves
"Happy birthday, lovely Prefect. Life’s a journey, full of twists and turns, but you’ve got the guts to handle it. Keep walking your path with that steady resolve of yours and if you ever need a hand or some guidance, I’m around. Have a good one, yeah?”
Fellow Honest
“Heh, well now, sugarcube, happy birthday! I reckon you’ve been through a lot, so how ‘bout a deal to sweeten up the day? Only good surprises, I promise... this time.”
Dire Crowley
“Ah, my precious and most beloved magicless student! Happy birthday! As your humble headmaster, I insist that you accept this fabulous celebration I orchestrated personally—well, mostly! All for you!”
Divus Crewel
“Happy birthday, pup. I expect you to carry yourself with even more flair and refinement as you age. And don’t you dare let those unruly brats ruin your look today.”
Mozus Trein
“Ah, Prefect. Happy birthday. Remember, age brings wisdom—but only to those who study diligently. Now, do enjoy yourself.”
Ashton Vargas
“Happy birthday! Strength and stamina are key to a fulfilling life—so drop and give me twenty! Just kidding. Enjoy your special day, champ!”
“Hey, hey~ Happy birthday, my little imp! I’ve got just the thing for your special day—come by the shop later for a surprise on the house!”
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cursedcola · 16 days ago
Pov. : Valentines! Who doesn’t like a lil’ gift huhu Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Characters: Epel Felmeir, Idia Shroud, Azul Ashengrotto, Kalim Al Asim, Ruggie Bucchi, Deuce Spade, Leona KingScholar, Sebek Zigvolt, Liia Vanrouge, Ace Trappola, Grimmiepoo, and Malleus Draconia. Masterlist: LinkedUP A/N: I’ve always wanted to draw something with an imagine set ^^. Some are longer than others, my bad. Happy Smoocharoo day, everyone. Writings for each square are below the cut.
Pov. A Valentines Surprise :0
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Mans was not expecting a present. At all. This is his first year beyond Harveston, where the most romance going on is between the squirelles in the trees. Since Valentines day is a ‘our-earth’ holiday…well, Epel definitely is a bit dense. You might mention it in passing but he won’t think much. Especially since the topic isn't re-occurring. It's definetly there in the back of his mind, but he forgets until the day of.
On the opposite spectrum - Rook clung to the idea like bees to a fresh bloom. He gave out flowers to anyone who crossed his path - all in the pursuit of spreading joy. Vil gets a giant bouquet of roses, but Epel’s happy with his little bushel of lavender sprigs.
It's kinda nice to get a gift just because - y'know? He isn't going to prepare anything since he doesn't want to lose his 'macho bravado'. Yet Pomefiore gets in the spirit hardcore, so he can't escape it.
Whether it’s obligatory, or romantic - Epel’s grateful to get a gift from you. Flattered. Dare I say puffing up just a lil’ bit, because you ain’t giving this to anyone else, right? He’s getting a bit cocky on the inside, look out.
To get a gift on a day like this one, you have to think he's cool. At least better than the others. His competitive streak comes out a wee bit.
He’d have accepted your last cup noodle as a gift (taking great effort to smuggle it in to Pomefiore without being policed. All he wants is one. Just one. ) - but the fact you went out of your way to get macarons makes him feel all sweet inside. Like honey-crisp jam and clotted cream over warm biscuits. He tries to push that feeling down but it just takes over.
Especially when Ace tries to snag one for a taste. Epel should've known better than bringing it to lunch. He let it slide since Ace couldn't come to Fleur city with them, but you bet he was guarding that box like a bloodhound.
Out of all the trouble that came from Fleur city - you remembered his preference and that’s enough to make him accept the gift without a peep. Expect a freshly baked apple pie on White Day. He’s not much for words, but Epel will pull out the best apples for it. No bruises or soft spots.
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Idia.exe has crashed. Please reboot and try again.
Seriously. He opened the door expecting Ortho with his monthly snack restock - just to get ambushed! You can’t just pop into a guys safe space without warning!
Aka. Ortho indeed came back with his delivery + 1.
Knowing Idia and his tendency to self-sabotage….yeah, it’s best not to breathe a word about the holiday in advance. He’s not exactly prying for information on ‘our-earth’…well, aside from our tech and a bit on your personal lore. Everything else is on a need-to-know basis.
Considering Ortho brought back a signed card and a few extra bags of gummy worms than he ordered? Now is definitely part of the ‘need-to-know’. Sparing his crap attack by not dropping in personally just causes more anxiety - because is it obligatory? Is it romantic? Does he want it to be romantic?
Holy shit you got his favorite brand and - did he ever tell you that? Have you been watching him like he’s been -
Oh man. Oh man. This is way too much for something he can’t even research - and now he’s gotta get you something back, right? He knows exactly what you’d want but ew why would you want a Valentines gift from someone like him. He can get Ortho to grill you, right? Right. But it can’t be too obvious and he needs to say thank you but can he just send a text or is that lame?
Expect Ortho to drop off a gift-card for one of the systems Idia gave you back in CH.6…and a bag of candied pomegranates. Some sugar coated, some covered in dark chocolate. Definitely higher quality than anything you could afford.
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You mention the holiday when discussing the opportune market back in ‘our-world’. Azul does have a nasty habit of making everything about work - even if you’re just stopping by for a spot of tea. Unheard of by any other student.
Alas. Holidays are a great chance for promotions. You’ve seen festivals and the like in Twisted Wonderland - but there are some tips and tricks to contribute. Like how western culture has totally whipped consumerism in gear with a holiday tacking a price tag on love and affection
Whether you buy into Valentines Day or not - Azul does not forget, and tries to establish a bit of a promotion at the Lounge. Hard to do in a school with nearly 100% male population…but he does manage, there are many forms of love other than romantic. It’s also easy to prey on lonely shmucks feeling down on their luck -
Despite remembering the day and campaigning for it - Azul isn’t prepared to receive a present. Not one without strings attached. It’s nothing much. A singular piece of rich, creamy cheesecake, wrapped in a neat little box with his name scrawled on a gift tag. Just enough to indulge but not tempt him to gorge. The perfect sweetness for someone like him to kick back at his desk and enjoy a brief respite.
Has consistently inviting you over for tea finally worked? All those nights of meticulously planning, trying to gather notions and novels while not overbearing you…like fishing. Carefully reeling in and letting loose until you willingly came to him
…no. He mustn’t assume. He will not. This could be obligatory, friendship….familial? No. Certainly not yet.
For all his predatory behavior on those lovesick ‘shmucks’ - Azul enjoys that piece of cheesecake with a bit more gusto than he’d let on. On White Day, do accept a ‘traditional’ assortment of cookies and chocolates, alongside a private dinner reservation.
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Oh sweetheart, he’s already way ahead of you. This sunshine never forgets a single holiday. Any chance to celebrate is always taken. He was the first to ever inquire about what parties and events people in ‘our-world’ follow, or at least the ones you do.
Kalim likely picked out gifts in advance - some for his friends, his dorm-mates, a special thank you for Jamil…
And you, of course. The main focus of Valentines is romance, eh? You think he’s going to let that chance slip through his fingers? Especially if you’ve never gotten anything for Valentines before. You’ll be setting off to go track him down, just to find him carrying a teetering stack of boxes up to Ramshackle. Grim’s already drooling.
Part of him wanted to make something with his own two hands. Yet with limited experience in the kitchen, his options were small. He also didn’t want to frustrate Jamil by making a mess…but isn’t the point of this holiday to make one’s feelings clear?
Enlisting help also wouldn’t do. He had to do something on his own. Kalim can buy you the world, but some things need to be done with a man’s own two hands.
Inside the smallest box on the very top is a paper elephant that Kalim folded himself. It’s nothing extravagant, but he’s done crafts with his siblings before. Rather than toll away in the kitchen to come up with something near inedible, Kalim wanted to do something with his skills. Something fun and unique. You can fold it down too, so it can be stored away somewhere safe.
The sight’s a bit intimidating, especially with your small bouquet of yellow and roses, partnered with a few sprigs of baby’s breath. Yet Kalim looks so pleased to bring you his gifts, it’s hard to feel anything but happiness. Especially when he takes one look at the flowers and near bounces to the clouds.
Sure, you might’ve given little gifts to your friends but no one else has flowers. You thought of him first!
Does that mean he’s special? He sure hopes so. Part of him wishes he got you more gifts, but he had to stop somewhere. Otherwise you’d feel overwhelmed…
Guess you’ll both have to do something for each other on White Day though, huh? A banquet for two sounds perfect to his ears.
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Ruggie's easy to please. If it's free, he'll take it. You could have offered up the last soda in your fridge, and he would have took it without a second thought.
Problem is - nothing's 'free'. He knows you're not like that - the cunning type (like him) - at least when it comes to abusing others for personal gain. Socially, to be clear. Aka. You know the struggle of scraping coins together to get by, so he's 99.98% sure you're not one to toss a gift his way just 'cause you don't want it anymore. You're also not abundant in resources - so you wouldn't use money to butter him up like Leona does. Maybe a bit of pulling the heart-strings (which regrettably works, not that he'll ever admit it).
Which is why he's doing a lil' mental rodeo when presented with heart-shaped cream donuts. Not the cheap kind either. The good ones. Glazed with cholate, stuffed with vanilla custard, and a dollop of whipped cream on top with a cherry. He won't look a gift horse in the mouth, and takes the basket like you're handing over gold.
For something this good, you've gotta have a good reason. It's not his birthday. Not a holiday he knows about. He hasn't helped you out at all either - at least, nothing out of the ordinary. He'd be super suspicious if this was literally anyone else.
Let's just completely bypass the heart-shape and nervousness bleeding out as you hand the goods over. Ruggie knows better than to hope for a good thing.
He just chalks it up to you spending too much time picking up baking tricks with Trey - ya do hang around Heartslabyul a lot. Ruggie's admit to enjoying a good donut - maybe you were using him as a test dummy for a recipe? Yeah. That's it. He won't get ahead of himself. He'll totally be chowing down on these later, and stuffs the box away for safe keeps (Savanaclaw bros will eat anything).
When he's in the clear? Happily downing his spoils in the sanctity of his dorm, chilling by the waterfall in the lounge? Jack pops in,, spots the donuts, recognizes the wrapping, and comments that they're different from what everyone else got.
and thus - Ruggie learns about Valentines day...and recounts the encounter with a new perspective.
Ruggie acts nonchalant about it. He was already savoring the donuts, but now he's eating slower. Reallllly thinking it over....he's not dumb, y'know.
You might have slipped by him this time, and as a bit of payback he'll reign himself in. It'll be fun watching ya stumble here and there for a bit - knowing he's got the 'good thing' guaranteed.
For White Day? Expect the tables to turn with a pack of sugar cookies - what? They're quick, simple, and sweet. Oh, and they're shaped like hearts too. Familiar? Take that as ya will, shishishi~
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Well-informed about Valentines Day. Grim would not shut up about it for an entire week with all his whining and bemoaning about being surrounded by candy that he couldn't eat. Not if he wanted to keep living in Ramshackle.
Deuce thinks it's admirable that you prepare gifts for everyone. Group mentality, y'know? Making sure no one gets left out...even the people who don't deserve that kindness. It's no wonder you're a prefect, even if it was by default.
Yup. Somehow the holiday inspires him. Deuce is invested and supportive. He offers to keep Grim on lockdown at Heartslabyul if you really want to protect all the goodies. Just in case of sticky paws.
Also? Deuce will do anything to make you feel a bit more at home. Seeing you so excited to celebrate something from your world, especially after adhering to Wonderland's festivals (starsending, harveston sledathon, cloudcalling etc) - well, it would be shitty of him not to be supportive. Do you want help passing out gifts? You helped him collect wishes when he was a stargazer, it's only fair.
Imagine when the day comes and everyone's received their little baggie of treats - Deuce is left with one short. He made sure that everyone got their share first, and was happy to have helped despite being disappointed that he was one-short. He thinks you've miscounted and it was on accident. Not for a moment does Deuce think you would intentionally forget him.
Which is exactly why he doesn't say a word. Seeing you happy an being a part of your holiday is more than enough for Deuce. It's corny, but your smile is his present. He'd rather swipe some of Ace's and fib than make you feel bad for miscounting.
Except you didn't miscount. When Deuce heads back to his dorm for the night, he opens his bag to see a surprise slipped inside the outer pocket.
There's a small card, explaining that it felt unfair for everyone to get a surprise but him. Expressing gratitude for his support - both for helping celebrate Valentines and as a friend. Also that his gift was 'special,' and you wanted to spare him the awkwardness of receiving it in front of everyone.
He wonders what kind of 'special' you mean. Deuce pulls out a box of creme filled chocolate eggs. While the bags he passed out earlier were all exactly the same in quality and size - this gift was different.
Different. Special. Cute. Thoughtful. Romantic? If his gift was 'special' compared to everyone else's....
His roommates find Deuce passed out in an emotional sugar coma on the ground. No one moves him. Ace gives you crap for 'running juice-y ragged' the next day and gets pummeled for it.
Deuce tries time and time again to see if your gift meant more...but ultimately fails. His seniors can't watch him flounder anymore, and on White Day he steels his courage. Ready for battle, Deuce offers a bouquet of wild flowers and heartfelt sentiment.
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Impressing Leona is both the simplest and most daunting task. What can you give a man who can purchase anything he wants on his own?
Wholesome Sincerity.
Leona acts uninterested when discussing your world - and for the most part? It's not feigned. He grows curious when politics, sports, world progression (research, etc), and how function without magic works. Good examples could be American Football and Rugby - which play similar to Spelldrive and pique his tactical mind. Also diplomatic relations between our countries, the use of differing energy sources other than magic, etc. The stuff a prince who wants to improve his homeland would want information on.
He does not care about celebrity fads or a famous gorilla named Harmbe.
Using this logic, you'd assume he wouldn't want to hear about a commercialized holiday like Valentines Day...right?
Partially correct.
No, he does not care about capitalism preying on sweethearts and monetizing love. Waste of his brain space. What Leona does care about is your investment in the holiday. Just like how he'll have one ear tuned in during those rare moments you let information about your life before Night Raven slip out.
You don't breathe a word about celebrating the holiday to him, but Leona expects a gift. Cocky, sure. He just knows ya too well, sue him. Even though you don't mention giving presents out, you bring up the holiday one too many times when chatting with others in his vicinity. Unlike the fresh meat, he doesn't need to be told straight out when cogs are turning in your head.
So he's plays the quiet game all day. He won't seek you out, but he'll hang around spots you know to find him at. Ruggie pops in during lunch with a wrapped baggie of sweets in one hand and lo-behold, Leona was right. You were giving gifts out like the good herbivore he knew you were. A few look arounds while walking on campus show the same goody bag in roughly every 10th student walking around. All in freshman year, all you likely see in class. With the exception of more obvious relations such as the...eugh...Leech Twins. It's hard not to know Floyd got something with his loud mouth and taunts.
All the same. Obligatory, he notes.
Leona spends longer than usual lazing in his dorm's lounge that night, resting with his eyes closed and lazing on one of the open rocks. A singular perked ear gives him away though, and it twitches when familiar footsteps approach.
Just as planned, you're leaning over him with that sickeningly earnest grin. All to eager to hand over one of those little bags of chocolate he's seen -
Except you set a large, heavy box on his stomach, and he can't maintain his indifference when faced with something....well, definitely not obligatory. An idiot would think this is obligatory.
Ceramic Sunflowers. Exactly six of them in a small white vase. The paint job is shoddy and honestly Savanaclaw is not a place to keep fragile items. He kind of wants to, since the only place you could get a kiln for this is the Gargoyle Studies Club...the thought of that lizard showing you how to carve clay taints the gift just a tad.
Except it's entirely novel all the same, and the hidden meaning is blatantly obvious too. Sickeningly sweet, he might lose a fang. Giving a gift like this to someone like him...with that poorly hidden affection.
He prepared a return gift in expectation for your chocolates. He's a jerk but wouldn't put down your holiday...but before that, he'll ask straight out of this is romantic or platonic. No mercy.
If romantic? Well, he'll waste no time meeting your sweetness with a kiss, clasping a colorfully beaded necklace around your neck in the moment.
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Tradition is meant to be honored! Just because you are no longer in your world, does not mean you can shirk your civic responsibilities!
It takes some effort to explain that Valentines is an optional holiday. That it is not celebrated in every country in your world, and that most people do not partake at all. No holiday is mandatory, although some are more widely advertised than others. The meaning behind those days changes by the person.
You can try using Malleus' birthday as an example - it's a big day in Briar Valley after all. It won't work, since Sebek thinks it should be celebrated worldwide and anyone from Briar Valley not doing so should be considered treasonous.
Regardless if you enjoy Valentines or not - Sebek will remember the day (as well as others you mention, and any traditions that you may consider important). He wants you to celebrate, and already told his liege. Malleus was all too eager to hear a bit of your past and is going to send a card. Are you going to not return his good grace?! That's unthinkable - you will celebrate and that is that.
It's important to note that Sebek honed in on the familial and friendship aspects of Valentines. Aka he heard about a chance to revere the people he cares about and went with it. He did not ignore the romance part. In fact, it wavered him enough for his thoughts to roam a brief moment. Then he forcibly snapped himself out of it, and returned to lecturing you about upholding tradition....
He doesn't intrude upon your home - isn't it expected for the giver to prepare their gifts alone? That is what gives the present meaning.
On Valentines day, he presents Malleus and Lilia with presents. Silver too...begrudgingly. Also small candies for his 'friends' since Lilia said it would be against the day's law to forgo them for his ego. Malleus gets the most though, since he is whom Sebek admires above all. Fair warning.
He is pleased to see that you've given out presents to the others as well. Proud, even. It is important to remember your roots and he is pleased to have played a part.
Which is exactly why Sebek proudly boasts a gift for you. It's not the small candies the others received, nor the lavish sweets given to Malleus. As per tradition, Sebek presents you with a heart-shaped box of mixed truffles. He does it in front of everyone else too...very loudly...and despite his insistence that your gift is different since you're a close friend to Malleus? That bright red blush creeping out of Sebek's collar says otherwise.
Emotions and admiration are not something to be hidden. Repressed? Perhaps, but not hidden.
So you give him his gift in turn. Somehow his heart pounds just as hard for your box of chocolates as it did for Malleus' card. He takes it with the stiffest movements you've ever seen, jerking like a toy doll. As if anything beyond a curt 'thank you, human' will cause him to combust
That's because it will. Just saying.
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Ah. What a precious holiday. Truly.
Lilia is always looking for ways to spice up life. Compliance and predictability are good - but do you know what's better? Fun. Sometimes it’s best to just ‘go with the flow’ as people say.
Your flow always has something exciting in it's path - but so rare does it involve lighthearted joys such as as sweets and love. What a nice change of pace, and novel too! Lilia can't help but grow curious when you tell his about Valentines. A baby that flies through the air and shoots people with arrows? Clad in a diaper? Don’t give him ideas. Maybe TWST could use a bat Cupid…
He’s eager when you invite him and his boys to a party. Malleus is overjoyed to have an invitation to Ramshackle, Sebek goes whereever Malleus does, and Silver wouldn't make light of an invite from a friend. You must be excited to host as well, no? Can he help at all?
He almost refrains from pulling mischief. Almost. In Lilia's defense, his intentions were pure. You wanted to share a bit of love with the people you cared about, no? It would be negligent for him not to do the same!
So….he prepares a special batch of brownies to the potluck. Made with the eggshells included for a crunch! And what’s love without a little spice? He added extra hot sauce for a kick. He just knows it will be a hit!
It was a ‘hit’ alright….you hadn’t the heart to tell him no, and Silver had no time to swap out Lilia’s batch for a palatable option. His brownies sat mostly untouched on the table for the entire party. He tried to steer some unfortunate souls friends towards them, but somehow they never met their mark. Cater tripped and dropped his on the floor. Kalim was a bit quick to add that he needs his food tested, and Jamil was always preoccupied somewhere out of sight. Grim wolfed one down but disappeared before Lilia could ask how it tasted.
At some point half the platter did go missing….Silver said that it was so good, he was the one to eat them. Well, he’s still growing. Lilia doesn’t mind but he should have saved some for everyone! This is a day meant to spread joy and love after all.
Luckily Lilia prepared. To be safe, he’d made an extra batch. One he intended just for you. He made this one extra sweet with roughly chopped coffee beans inside. The strong kind that can keep a horse for three days straight! With the most “satisfying” texture! He knew soldiers that would crunch these bad boys whole during the war, and you do have much on your plate these days. He cut them into hearts as well. Someone name a better use for his blade skills? He’ll wait.
So he leaves the party early, intent to let his boys have their fun and return later on in the evening. That night a tiny bat carrying such a heavy package zips through the kitchen window, nearly scaring the plates out of your hands.
Now. On one hand, you’re happy he’s returned. He left so sudden and you wanted more time together.
On the other?….it’s doomsday once you see that tray of brownies. Lilia is proud when he describes all the ‘beneficial’ ingredients and why he chose them just for you. It would make your heart throb if not for the fear twisting knots in your gut.
Lilia wiggles the platter just by your face, his impish grin pressing his cheeks plump. Only to be rendered stupefied when you pull out a plate of chocolate strawberries from the fridge.
These weren’t on the menu earlier. He’d recall such a cute assortment. The berries are all dipped in fun toppings as well - akin to a sweet Russian roulette packed with unexpected combinations. It seems you were more than saddened that he left early…his invitation extended past the pretense of a friendly party. The blush on your cheeks says as much.
As does a brownie from his earlier tray. You seemed to snag one, not wanting to eat it during the party aka wanting to have it when your stomach could perish in peace
While Lilia hadn’t been amiss to these developments in both your heart and his….well, he hadn’t expected a personal present. Perhaps some joking flirtations, but you were a sweet thing. Much more than he could expect, and Fae never take on matters of the heart with mirth.
This was your holiday, no? Just because it dabbles in amour does not mean you would intend to pursue a cheeky thing like himself….alas, he’s too cute to resist and so are you. Give him a moment to process and expect the party to truly begin
What are you waiting for? Have a brownie <3
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Head of the ‘Gimmie Gimmie Brigade’. Ace isn’t invested, but he’s also not disinterested. Valentines seems like something people over at Royal Sword Academy would buy into. From the way you’re talking about it - a holiday meant to celebrate lovers and all the amorous things in life is way too goody-goody for Night Raven.
No one here’s happy enough to buy into that. Wait - no, scratch that. They’re all miserable but with a bit of tweaking it could have some merit. Thing is that people here are way too invested in themselves to ever pull a gift exchange or be open about their *gag* feelings
Of course, Ace only aims to shut you down when it comes to spreading the love with campus. You want to keep it within Heartslabyul? Better yet, just between the two of you? He’s all for it. We all know he’s just talking it down to look cool. This is his plan from the get-go.
Hey. Think you guys could get a holiday excuse from class? Is this a religious thing? No? Damn. Can you lie and say it is?
Ace knows you’ll go out of your way to make something for everyone - if ya do it at all. Which is likely since once an idea gets set into that skull of yours, Ace knows it’s better to just ride the coaster than try to hop off…
For a holiday meant for lovers, you’re sure dense. Has he told you that you’re a Dummy yet? Yeah? Well he’s going to say it about every other hour, because you’re completely missing his signals. It has to be on purpose. He is absolutely sure that you’re screwing with him, making candy for all these other dudes.
For all his complaining, Ace isn’t going to let anyone ruin your holiday spirit. His protective side comes out and Ace is right there doing the delivery route too. He’ll hand over the candy on your behalf to anyone that even looks like they’ll give a bit of lip. A bit more harsh than necessary too, with his little challenging squint. Again. He seriously thinks you should’ve kept this to Heartslabyul and maybe your close friends…other dorms don’t deserve it.
He also makes a point to enforce that it is obligatory chocolate, given as a gesture of good will as a new Ramshackle Holiday. So no one gets any funny ideas…chk. Dream logged bastards.
As part of the gimmie gimmie parade, he expects a gift of his own. Ace makes sure to snag one (or three) of the candy bags while you guys walk around….and for his leg work? He wants to sleep over. So you better give him the bed. He takes your easy compliance as a won victory, and sticks his tongue out to Deuce while packing his bag cause it’s ‘helpers only’ night.
On one hand? Bro is happy the day is done with. It was good giving a bit back and seeing you so happy. Although he will once again say that you shouldn’t have given chocolate to so many guys - just to really grill it in there before bed
Speaking of the bed? It’s so nice. Much better than a stuffy dorm with three other guys…that is, until you rip the sheets out from under him and send Ace’s ass to the floor. He’s this close to doing the same. His hand’s reaching over the bedside with malicious intent, but your head pops over the ledge and points to the clock
11:58pm - the day’s almost done, and you’ve got a last surprise for him. Tadaaaa! Cherry cordial chocolates. Just for Ace. Did you really have to push him out of bed for it? No, but he was a whiney jerk all day so you felt it was right.
Ace is peeved. Not enough to yank you down anymore, but he takes the entire box of candy and starts to eat them all in one-go so you can’t have any. They’re his, yeah? Special jussssst for him? Maybe this isn’t a bad holiday after all…so long as you don’t do anything special for another guy.
For all your ‘good will’…he’ll be happy to drag you along to an ice-cream parlor on White Day. With a bit of wordplay, getting the day placed as mandatory activity is a breeze.
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The only way to catch Malleus by surprise is when he’s most vulnerable. Aka…morning hours. Surely he lets his guard down more when it is just you and him, but there’s still decorum. There is still calculation. There is still a working braincell in his head.
And oh do you wish to surprise him. Just once in this lifetime. He loves hearing stories about your world and sharing thoughts. You couldn’t spend the winter holiday together. Everyone left campus and so you partied with Grim and the ghosts….but now there is a chance to give Malleus a cultural experience!
Which means you will need to enlist help. Insert Vanrouge, who unceremoniously hints that the dear Ramshackle Prefect is freezing their tukus off in a dorm with only a hearth to heat the building.
Hook. Oh, woe is the prefect. Humans can get sick from the cold and even die from hypothermia.
Line. Despite the fire fairies working hard to maintain NRC’s temperature during the cold months, Ramshackle is still on the tail end of their list. Other dorms take precedent due to their population.
Sinker. The poor prefect, all alone in that large building. They toughed out the winter but there’s supposed to be an unexpected ice storm this weekend! Possibly the biggest that the Isle has seen in years! Hopefully they stocked up on firewood and safety gear.
And thus, an invitation was extended.
Malleus is hardly one to insist, then again he’s rarely denied. Yet your body is a temple and he would love to have you as a guest. Better yet, transfer to Diasomnia? No? Okay. Guest will do. You can even stay in the room next to his. It’s been empty since his enrollment, and he will personally see to your safety.
Little does he know that there will be no ice storm, you are as fit as a fiddle, and Lilia will do anything to give Malleus a fun surprise.
Truth be told - Malleus thought you were a bit quiet. Mayhaps secretive. At first he thought you felt intimidated by his dormitory, and it saddened him so. He did lay the invitation on thick but it was for your safety! You wouldn’t let anyone carry your bags, not even when he offered to teleport them to your quarters.
While you chat the first night away, sipping tea and enjoying each other’s company in the lounge…a rare evening for him indeed. He quite likes the sight of you in Diasomnia with him. Regardless, Malleus goes to bed with a disquieted heart. He hopes you like it here, and that he won’t feel off-put when it is time for you to go home. Malleus remembers how he felt when you disappeared to the Isle of Woe. It was unpleasant to say the least.
Unsuspecting and a bit miffed from missed sleep - Malleus wakes the next day with an unceremonious stretch and yawn. He’s about to get ready for the day when there’s a loud string of crashes and thuds from the next room. Needless to say, he forgoes to even put on his slippers before teleporting over.
Concern is definitely a word that describes one of the various emotions going on. Bewildered is another. Also something else - lacking definitim and unfamiliar. It teeters somewhere on the cusp between good and bad. A weird, twisted fondness that he’s only felt in your presence on occasion.
You stacked a chair on top of the dresser, trying to hang paper streamers of hearts and snowflakes across the ceiling. Grim was hissing curses while trying to lift said dresser off you, because the whole thing came crashing down in the process.
Along with the curtains. The rod barely clung to the window, with one end hanging in the air. A splatter of melted icecream cake streamed down the wall and onto the floor. It left stark streak of red against Diasomnia’s brick
Your expression - utterly horrified. He can ascertain that without any hints. Not with fear but just complete mortification. Malleus has no idea what’s going on, but it’s so ridiculous that he’s biting down laughter while levitating the dresser back to it’s normal state. His brain was lagging behind just -
What lets him loose is the little ‘surprise?’ you squeak once freed - which is is nothing but a grasp at straws as you try and fail to salvage the wall cake. By the time Lilia comes to check on your ‘progress,’ he finds Malleus laughing harder then ever.
All this just to surprise him? Oh. Please tell him the entire story from idea to execution. People go to extreme lengths for Malleus all the time, but this is just something so entirely….hm. That feeling isn’t going away. It seems all he needs to do is think about your clumsy efforts and it comes around again.
This is a gift in itself. He must know how to reciprocate appropriately, so what do you wish for this ‘White Day’? He hasn’t been this excited to gift something in quite some time.
Special Mention : Grim!!
This little shit.
This smug little shit.
Grim thinks he’s sooooooo smart. Doesn’t matter who you’re making treats for - he’s claiming tax on every bag. It’s a one for you, one for me scenario.
Every batch of chocolate prepared comes with that forsaken paw stretching up past the counter, the ‘gimmie’ motion is getting old. He needs new tricks or else you’ll swat him with the rolling pin next.
Valentines day? That’s another human holiday, huh? He ain’t heard of it….but if it’s important to you, then he’ll bite. It helps that he gets free food out of it.
And tuna. Lots of tuna. Grim doesn’t want to see you give ANYONE else a gift that’s bigger than his. They don’t deserve it. None of them do. Maybe Ace and Deuce….and Jack, but that’s it. Even if they get somethin’ big, Grim’s should be better
Which is exactly why by the time Valentines day comes, he’s on his ‘nth’ can of tuna and you physically have to take privilege away before your pockets go dry.
Why’s it like this? Because you’re his henchman. You shouldn’t love anyone else more than you love him. You’re a team.
He sees you give the ghosts chocolate and tries to swipe it. They can’t even eat the stuff! Why bother?
Thus, Grim gets his little but chased out of the kitchen…and the dorm…and all the other dorms since he’s tailing your delivery runs
Grim doesn’t care too much about the meaning behind Valentines day. Yet no one getting your candy better be ungrateful, or expect anythin’ more than obligatory gifts. He has claws and will use them. He ain’t known his ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ too well before NRC…but these guys better use it or they’re getting fried tooshie instead of sweet nothings.
And at the end of the day? He doesn’t have much to offer ya in return, but there’s a stack of ‘favor’ coupons smacked over your head right before bed. Isn’t a big stack, since Grim can only tame himself so much…but they’re exchangeable for good kitty behavior! There’s one for uninterrupted studying, one to have the bed to yourself for a night, one for a free delivery, and a few chore coupons. His handwriting is hard to read, but you assume Riddle helped with the arrangement from the nice stationary and perfect spelling.
Don’t go using them all at once either!…by the time he’s done bashfully giving you his ‘perfect’ gift, Grim’s already curled up next to you and passed out cold. It’s a food coma for the books.
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