#idfk what else do i add
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therandomartmaker · 8 months ago
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someone asks me what i’m doing with my life and i have to gently inform them i don’t have a life, all i have are boys in skirts. Anyway, here’s Ruggie in a sundress for no reason at all except that i remembered i have the power to do whatever i want, as an artist.
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bufoof · 7 months ago
It's oc time [aka 2am]
I had to screen record because the actual video is delayed for some reason and that bothers me
I'm offering 0 explanation on who they are I just want someone to see the final result NOW
Anyway I also have
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And some memes/fake Twitter posts that I'll post another time maybe
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jaydenthegayden · 24 days ago
Random ass Ricky Potts hc bc I can (Will probably update this cause idfk)
"For the sakes of all the gods and galaxies above and below..."
Nerodivergent bc aren't all of the choir?? (Also considering his physical disorders, I think it'd make sense that he has both?? Is that bad? Idk??)
Was nonverbal and the moment they were making the SLIGHTEST HINT OF PROGRESS their vocal chords decided "Nah"
Is def on ao3 and wattpad
Ppl have assumed things abt her bc she couldn't fuckin talk to say that's not true
Mobility aids are PLASTERED in stickers of all kinds (mainly fandom and space)
Fucked up sleep schedule
Highkey Vocaloid enjoyer
That one kid who has a shitton of useless random facts. (Shit like snakes have no eyelids and can't cry. A meteor (i believe?) was named after a 12 y.o. girl bc she found it. Fish have no saliva etc)
Wanted to dye their hair, but was never allowed
He learned asl after his parents made up their own sign language, and shortly after realised that A) This was Canada. B) No one knows ASL. C) This is Canada
Uses the cat emojis bc she can
Would use neos, but doesn't know how to explain them to the sheltered area that is Uranium/the afterlife ig
Also likes rock music, amd just rocks in general (no idea where this hc came from, but my mind go brrrr)
Central Heterochromia
Fingerless glove advocate (gender is stored in the gloves)
"Don't be a dick" but also HEAVILY considers the possibility (never goes through with it)
They have a planet for a species that evolved from almost every animal in their religion (basically Zolar but not EVERYWHERE) and the planets are treated almost like an extension of countries bc like city, county/state/whatever, country, continent, region, planet, etc
Plays undertale and The Stanley Parable
All comics. Most fiction novels. Almost all science non-fiction
Idk what else to put, ik I have more but I may add later bc I gotta do stuff
Top three vocaloid would be Piko, Fukase and Dex. Why? Bc I say so
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Have this that my friend drew!!
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multi-fxndom446 · 1 year ago
Alejandro Vargas x Reader
Summary: you are taken into custody after working with Valeria and Alejandro practically begs for you to give him a reason why.
Warnings: angst, talk about blackmail, fluff at the end, a lil spicy at the end by not to much. my absolute shit show of Spanish (my resident Spanish speaker took 6 hours to respond and I don’t trust google.) IS THIS MILITARY ACCURATE OR POLITICALLY ACCURATE? NO BUT LEMME LIVE.
Word count: 5.1k
Also the very end was completely unnecessary and you can skip it if you want but I feel like it add another little happy ending cushion😗
Whaaaat another one so soon??? Crazy.
Genuinely this seemed better in my head but hopefully y’all still like it.
Now where did this come from? Idfk don’t ask my I was gonna write for Gaz next 😭
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Your wrists hurt.
That was the only thing you tried to focus on as you stared blankly at the wall in front of you as if looking through the multiple men standing in the room with you, interrogating you.
They had your wrists zip tied together behind the chair. You couldn’t help but rub against the restraint from how tight they were, your skin becoming raw.
It made you wonder if they cuffed you tighter than was necessary. No, you knew they did. Maybe it was because it was Alejandro who restrained you and he let his anger for you bleed through slightly.
“You’re really not gonna talk?” Alejandro demanded, his hands splayed on the table separating the two of you. If you looked in his eyes you knew you’d see the anger he harbored for you but that’s not what you were scared of seeing, you were scared of seeing the confusion, the hurt that would also be there. “Why did you do it?”
He’d been asking you that for the last half hour and yet you still haven’t given him a reason for doing what you did. You didn’t give him a reason as to why you betrayed him and Rudy all those years ago. And why you did it again not even a week ago.
You were taken into custody with Valeria, who was in a separate room from you awaiting her own interrogation but for some reason they really wanted answers from you.
“Let's go. She won’t talk.” Ghost had finally said after a tense moment of Alejandro trying to get you to look him in the eyes but everytime he did it was like you were staring straight through him. “Maybe Valeria will talk.”
Maybe she would. Just to torment you further.
“C’mon Ale.” Rudy muttered softly patting him on the shoulder as he walked out of the room with everyone else.
Alejandro stared at you for a moment longer and in a split second of weakness your eyes flitted up to meet his. His breath caught in his throat but he forced himself to look away and follow the others out.
He was the last to enter the shipping container holding Valeria and after they got the information they needed from her some of the men left. Leaving him, Rudy and Price alone with her.
“Why did she do it?” Alejandro asked her but she tilted her head in mock confusion, legs crossed like she didn’t have a care in the world. “Don’t play stupid Valeria. She wouldn’t have done that on her own accord.”
Finally Valeria snapped, a humorless laugh leaving her lips. “And how would you know? You don’t know anything about her.” Alejandro just glared back at her.
“Can someone please explain to me the relationship between all of you?” Price finally piped in and it was then Alejandro realized he never really explained how he knew you.
Alejandro held his glare on the women before him for a moment longer before turning his head to glance at Price. “Y/n was part of Valeria’s squad. One of the closest friends Valeria had.” Valeria sneered in response.
“Maybe that was why she decided to join me. Ever think of that pendejo? Maybe she wanted to.” Alejandro just shook his head, he could feel his anger rising the more he spoke to her, he knew he had to calm down if he was going to get the answers he wanted. “She was practically my right hand man y’know? Did everything I asked without question.”
“There has to be a reason for it. She wouldn’t have just done that.” Rudy finally spoke up. “She was also my friend in the military. I did know her, she wouldn’t have just done something like that for no reason at all. She wouldn’t have betrayed us-“
“Twice?” Valeria finished, laughing when all three pairs of eyes snapped back to her. “You hear quite a few things when stuck in here. Did you ever think maybe it’s just in her to betray you?”
Alejandro scoffed. He clenched his jaw as he shook his head in disbelief, “no.” He stated as he slammed open the door and walked out.
Time was running out for you to confess your reasons to him. TF141 was already gathering supplies to take off shortly to go after the last missile and Hassan. He needed to know why before he put you in a prison so far away he would never even see a glimpse of you again.
You were still staring off blankly rubbing against your restraint when Alejandro came in again. So loudly it did cause you to glance at him but this time he held your gaze as he walked in closer.
“Explain to me.” He demanded his fists clenched tight. “Explain it to me! Why did you do it?” Your heart hurt at the way his voice had a hint of begging.
When once again he saw your lips were sealed tight he flung the only other chair in the room against a wall. “Puta madre!” He yelled but you didn’t move not even when Rudy and Soap rushed in at the commotion.
Soap had a hand on Alejandro’s chest to stop him from advancing which he just shook off. “Alejandro, maybe you should take a minute to calm down.” He said softly but Alejandro just shook his head.
He opened his mouth to respond when your voice stopped him in his tracks. “I won’t speak to you.” You said it with such conviction before nodding to Rudy. “I’ll only talk to Rudy.”
Alejandro looked between you and his best friend with a look you could almost decipher as hurt or betrayal. Maybe both. “What?” He muttered his gaze still flying back and forth before he took a deep breath and leveled you with a harsh glare. You wouldn’t talk to him then whatever happened to you was no longer his fault. “You don’t get to call him Rudy. Not after everything you’ve done. It’s Rodolfo to you.”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes, “fine I’ll only speak to Rodolfo. No one else.” Then you went quiet again and shifted your gaze back to the wall. All three men looked at each other before Rudy looked to his friend, almost in question on if it would be okay for him to talk to you.
“Hijo de la puta.” Alejandro shoved soaps hand away as he put an arm out again. “Fuck!” Finally after a few more moments of him cursing under his breath he nodded to Rudy before he quickly made his way out, soap following close behind.
Rudy watched his Colonel go, he knew how much this was hurting him. It was hurting him as well. You and him were pretty close when you served together, you told him everything and he you, so he truly couldn’t believe you would betray them without good reason.
“Alright,” he picked the chair up from the floor and set it down across from you, almost surprised that you met his gaze head on. “Explain.”
“I already know I’m dead Rudy.” He titled his head in confusion, choosing to ignore the way you called him by his nickname. “Either i get killed or i'm going to prison for the rest of my life, I have no reason to confess.”
“Other than to give us peace of mind!” He leaned forward. Rudy was never one who was able to hide his emotions easily, especially around people he cared about. But you were honestly getting tired of the pleading that was in the depths of his and Alejandro’s eyes. “There had to be a reason. The you I knew back then would’ve never left without-“
Suddenly he cut himself off almost like a realization hit him square in the face, chest caving slighty he took a deep breath. “Y/n..”
You could see it on his face, the knowledge he had just come upon. Your shoulders sagged as your cold eyes finally broke to reveal just how tired you were. “They threatened someone I care about Rudy.” Silence engulfed the room while he waited for you to continue. “Someone I love. If I were to ever reveal their plans it’s not my life at risk it’s his.”
“After all this time you still-?” His gaze and posture both softened almost immediately as the answers were slowly being revealed to him.
“Everyday.” You swallowed thickly. “I was never worried about my own life.”
Rudy shifted slightly to bring himself closer to you as if the two of you were gossiping. “Dime.” He all but whispered “Everything.”
You shook your head, “I can’t. The ones threatening him are still alive. I can’t.” You denied, your wrists rubbing tighter against the restraints as you grew more and more anxious.
“Valeria and Graves?” You nodded “y/n. Valeria is going away and graves is dead they won’t get to him.”
You shook your head again a little more forcefully, “I didn’t see Graves with my own eyes I don’t know that he is. And you don’t know Valeria, Rudy. Not the way I do. She has people on the outside. I can't risk it. So kill me, do whatever you want to me just keep him safe.”
“You know I can’t do that.” You could see the way his heart was breaking at even the thought of killing you. “I can protect you, we both can. Just trust me enough to tell me.”
You shut your mouth tight, already making up your mind that you were done with this conversation but Rudy wasn’t going to let you do that. Not after he just started getting answers.
“Fine. I’ll go speak with Valeria, tell her you told me everything.” Your eyes shot open at his words. You pulled tight against your restraints as he stood up.
“No?” You shook your head. “Then tell me.”
You searched his eyes to see if he was really going to do what he said but you saw nothing but conviction in them and it made you realize one thing. He had no reason to make promises to you when you broke all of yours.
Sighing, you deflated in your seat. “Valeria, that day on the mountain, already had our squad on her side. I was the last to know because she knew when I found out I would tell you and Ale. She was my best friend. I had no reason to suspect her of anything. Until she held a knife to my throat and told me she would kill him if I didn’t join her. I told her to go ahead, that I would never do it.” The pain of recalling the moments of your betrayal was almost unbearable. “The one person I loved longer than I could remember. His life was in my hands. So the choice was obvious to me. Even if you both hated me in the end at least you both would be alive.”
Rudy took a deep breath as he took in all your words. “And Graves? Why did you side with him?” You gave him a look as if telling him he should already know.
“Come on Rudy.” You scoffed, eyes burning with unshed tears. “You know why. He took me into his custody soon after Valeria and I were arrested. I had information he needed and when I refused to talk he told me what he did to you and everyone else.”
You looked at him again, shaky breaths falling from your lips. “He had him, Rudy. I couldn’t just let Graves hurt him. So yes I told him what I knew in exchange for Alejandro’s safety. I don’t care if that makes me weak, I don’t even care that it means he hates me now. He’s alive. That’s all that matters to me.”
This time when the silence engulfed the room he knew you were well and truly done speaking. Your posture straightened as you sat back against the chair, your gaze back to staring at the wall in front of you.
Rudy let the silence settle for a minute before he rapped his knuckles against the table and let out a deep breath. He pushed his chair in and left without another word, knowing you well enough to know he wasn’t getting anything else out of you.
As soon as he was out of the room, questioning eyes were on him, piercing into his very soul. “Well? Did she say anything?” Alejandro asked frantically, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. But when Rudy stayed silent Alejandro’s shoulders fell. “She really won’t talk? She told you nothing?”
“That’s it Alejandro. We have to load her and Valeria up.” Ghost muttered while the colonel stared at Rudy for another moment, hoping he would say anything. But when he again didn’t he let out a long sigh before nodding his head.
“Sí, I’ll help you.” Alejandro and soap were the ones to go in and get you. Rudy watched from the doorway as the both of you seemed to put a brick wall between you. Neither one acknowledging the other as Soap yanked you up.
You winced slightly when your wrists rubbed against the zip tie again.
Rudy was going to leave it alone. He really was. But then he saw your eyes quickly scan Alejandro as if checking for injuries when he wasn’t looking. Then how Alejandro was still gentle when he grabbed onto your arm to escort you out.
“Colonel, wait.” Your eyes shot over to Rudy who couldn’t seem to keep your gaze. “She did talk. Can we speak privately?”
“Rudy.” You gritted out roughly and Alejandro’s hand tightened its hold on you. “Don’t.”
“Please Ale it’s important.” You swear if looks could kill Rudy would be so far underground. Alejandro looked between you, Rudy and soap before gesturing for soap to let go which he did. Alejandro sat you back in your chair and the both of them followed Rudy out.
“Rodolfo! Don’t you dare!” You screamed after him as the door clicked shut behind them.
You felt like you were going to be sick, after everything you’ve done to keep it a secret it was gonna be exposed just like that because you trusted Rudy. Which in hindsight maybe wasn’t the best idea but after so many years of not seeing a face you trusted your gut just told you to speak to him.
It was so quiet now in your cell. You were so tired, there was no more fight left in you. You followed Valeria around like a puppy on a short leash, doing anything and everything she asked you even when your morals told you it was wrong. One click of her phone had you scrambling to do what she asked.
You learned very early on of all the connections she had. If she wanted something done or someone killed all she had to do was press a few buttons and things would be done.
Alejandro’s life loomed over you even after all these years. Even after all the time you started losing sight of yourself, your anchor was keeping him safe. Maybe that was why it was so easy for you to give in to Graves. Like a good puppy trained, one threat and you were spilling everything.
It made you sick. You were trained harshly in the military to not give information so easily. To either get rescued or die. But..you couldn’t even consider yourself as part of the military anymore not after going with Valeria.
You could still feel the presence of Graves like he was still right behind you interrogating you. Like your hands were still tied to the chair, breathing through any punches they threw at you until you saw Alejandro being roughly escorted by the room you were in. He didn’t notice you but you noticed him and Graves noticed the drastic change in your eyes.
It took him less then a minute to finally understand what made you tick and immediately he switched his way of doing this. Any time you refused to talk, he would send one of his men to Alejandro’s cell just a few doors down. You’d be able to hear very clearly when he would grunt in pain or when he would fall to the floor and it made your heart ache.
You lasted them doing that only a few more times before you finally gave Graves everything he wanted. Then he left you there for dead, stuck in a room in between 141 and shadow company as both sides shot at each other. The stray bullets landing somewhere near you.
You hoped that one would bounce just right and take you out. But unfortunately the world wouldn’t be so kind and in the next moment Alejandro rounded the corner, stopping short when he saw you.
He had clenched his jaw tight then and grabbed a zip tie he found somewhere. He cut you loose but immediately cuffed your hands together and you couldn’t even put up a fight as he grabbed your arm tightly and started dragging you down the halls with them.
That’s how you ended up here you suppose.
You weren’t even sure how much time had passed since Rudy decided he was going to reveal everything to Alejandro but a few minutes later the door opened quietly and the man himself walked in, lips sealed shut much like yours.
He didn’t say anything as he walked over to you and pulled out his knife. You watched him carefully as he came closer and closer and just when you were about to be worried he cut the zip tie and let your hands loose.
You immediately brought them up to your chest so you could rub away the soreness and keep a close eye on him but he wouldn’t meet your gaze instead he stopped at the door, “make sure she doesn’t do anything. We’re taking Valeria into custody. We'll be back later tonight.” He informed one of his men who nodded sharply.
“Rudy told you everything?” You finally asked and Alejandro turned his head slightly to acknowledge that he heard you but never did respond. Just continued out the door which closed softly behind him. “God damn it Rudy.”
When he had said he was going to be back later that night you didn’t expect that to mean some god forsaken hour of the night. You waited as long as you could, pacing your small room after finally being let free but after a while there really was nothing to do but sit and wait.
And you waited. And waited.
Until your eyes couldn’t wait anymore. You rested your head on the table for what you told yourself would just be a short nap but then your eyelids continued to grow heavier and you slept until Alejandro returned.
When he did finally return he sent his own men to bed when he noticed the tired look in their eyes. He really needed to give them a day off soon. “You want me to come with you?” Rudy asked when the last of the men were gone.
Alejandro glanced between him and the door before shaking his head softly. “Nah. This is something I have to confront on my own. Get some rest.” Rudy gave him a short nod and parted ways while Alejandro quietly entered the room, noticing your sleeping form immediately.
It made his chest squeeze to see you so vulnerable. It made him wonder how long it’s been since you felt comfortable enough to even do something as simple as falling asleep.
He quietly moved the other chair closer to you and leaned his head against the table just so he could admire you in peace for a little longer. You really never changed in his eyes.
He watched silently while your eyes fluttered open, taking a minute to adjust to what was in front of you before your eyes widened and you sat straight up. Very much wide awake.
Alejandro let out a sigh as he slowly sat up as well, the once soft expression now wiped from his face. You glanced at him every few seconds as the silence consumed you.
He just watched you and you were starting to wonder if he was ever going to talk. After a long silence that seemed almost like a challenge you finally broke first when you could no longer take his piercing eyes burning holes into you.
“Why didn’t you take me into custody with Valeria?” You knew you could usually hold out longer but it was him staring at you. It was easier to ignore when more of the men were in here because that way you could feel all eyes on you. But his alone was starting to hurt.
Alejandro crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. “Because I’m not taking you into custody. Rudy did tell me everything.” You looked away from him, nodding. “I can’t accept what you did even if it was you protecting someone you love.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion slightly at his choice of words. “What?” You muttered softly.
“The things you did. Do you think the person you loved would forgive you if they learned you did all of that in the name of protecting them?” Your throat dried as you stared at him. “You killed innocent people.”
“I never killed anyone.” You snapped and his eyebrows raised. He uncrossed his arms to lean against the table again, motioning for you to continue. “Valeria had men for that. I was in charge of moving the shipments. To keep her identity safe.”
Alejandro was quiet and you could see the way he was trying to process your words. “I was put on the front line, my life was at risk but I never killed anyone. How little do you think of me?” At this he glared at you and opened his mouth as if he was going to argue but he just shook his head and stood up to make his way to the door.
“I’ll be sure to let Rudy know.” He stated while he reached for the handle.
“What the hell does Rudy have to do with this?” You demanded as you stood abruptly from your seat. “Did he not tell you everything?”
He paused, “he told me you were doing it to protect someone you loved, he didn’t tell me who. But you only wanted to speak to him so I put two and two together.” You stood there in utter shock. You felt like wringing his neck.
How clueless could he be even after all this time?
“It wasn’t because of Rudy I did all of that.” You clenched your hands tightly at your sides and Alejandro finally turned to you again but didn’t say anything. Another challenging silence fell between you before your anger got the best of you. “How stupid are you Alejandro?”
“Que?” He rounded on you quickly gripping onto your wrist when you tried backing away. He cornered you against the wall closest to you, caging you there as he leveled you with a harsh glare. “You think you can talk to me like that?”
You were almost positive your heart may just stop beating all together. He had your wrist in one hand pressed against the wall and his other gripped your upper arm making sure you stayed there.
You opened your mouth to respond but no words would come out. “Come on, you had so much to say just a few minutes ago.” He sneered, bringing his face closer to yours to where you had no space left. His entire body was practically pushed against you and you could feel every muscle on his body.
You only stood in shock for a second more before you returned his glare. “Yes because what makes you think it was Rudy?!” You felt his hold loosen just ever so slightly but his glare never let up. “Why for all these years have you continued to be blind?”
“Then help me see. Just fucking tell me the reason.” He pushed against you slightly like he was trying to shove you into the wall more
“Rudy already told you everything.” You spat bringing your face just that much closer. “I can’t help you see something that’s been right in front of you this whole time!”
Alejandro tsked before his body was gone and he was already several steps towards the door again but he didn’t pause at the handle, it looked almost like he needed to put distance between you both.
“I want to hear it from your mouth!” He shouted, throwing his hands up in exasperation. “Why is it so hard for you to tell me? Haven’t you trusted me before?”
“This has nothing to do with trust.” You rubbed at the wrist he had in his grasp. “I’m doing it to protect-“
“Protect who?!” He took a few steps closer to you again
“It doesn’t matter-“
“Who did you do this for?! Who did you throw your whole life away for?!”
“I did it for you, pendejo!”
Your breathing was heavy as you stared at him. The confession was like a bomb going off in the middle of a battlefield. Something that was so loud it left your ears ringing from the aftermath.
Before you could even register, Alejandro had crossed the space again in a few steps. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into him while his other hand went to cup the side of your head, hands entangling in the strands of your hair as he brought you to him.
He kissed you heatedly, keeping you tight against him when you made a noise of surprise. Even still you couldn’t help but notice how kissing him in real life couldn’t ever compare to all the dreams you’ve allowed yourself to have.
You felt the roughness of his beard against your own face as you brought your hands up to his chest where you could feel his heart beating just as hard as yours.
He pushed you back against the wall as he moved from your lips to leave heated kisses down your neck forcing you to arch into him with a moan. The hand on your waist wrapped around the small of your back to keep you in that arch against him. You could feel the heat of his palm through the layers of clothes you had on and it made you want more.
“Ale.” You whimpered and immediately felt him stop. He pulled away slowly to look you in the eyes which you were sure were hazy from the moment. “What?”
He had a look in his eyes you couldn’t place. Something so much deeper than you were expecting. He took in a shaky breath, “I didn’t think I was ever going to hear you say my name like that again.” He whispered almost breathless.
The hand in your hair moved down to cup your jaw softly while the two of you kept eye contact. “Rudy told you everything didn’t he?”
Instead of answering he kissed you again this time softer before pulling back only an inch to mutter his next request against your bruised lips. “Stay with me. We can protect you.” He felt you take a sharp breath. “I can protect you.”
“Let me protect you mí amor.”
Your hands clenched against his chest and looked away from his intense gaze. “Your higher ups wouldn’t allow that to happen.”
“If you’re worried about 141 and Sheperd don’t. Shepherd is AWOL he can’t tell me shit on what to do with you.” He informed and you could feel his hand start rubbing your back soothingly. “You gave up everything to protect my life. Let me do this for you now.”
You searched his eyes looking for anything that would tell you he’s lying but there was nothing but love. “Okay.” You said softly and could practically feel his grin before he closed the gap once again and brought you to him.
Months later you would find yourself in his room on base while he was away training. He practically forced you to stay with him and by that you meant he held you tight in his embrace anytime he was with you and it made you never want to leave. And he never made you.
You found out that Alejandro loved you as well, since the beginning. You remembered when you finally broke down in his arms one night when he admitted that he never stopped loving you.
You apologized over and over but he just cradled you in his arms and whispered sweet compliments in Spanish until you calmed down and he carried you to the bed you shared and held you even closer for the rest of the night.
He wasn’t lying when he said he was going to protect you. He did everything in his power to protect you even from your own mind.
It’s all you could think about as you roamed his room, wearing one of his shirts while you cleaned. You were so lost in thought you didn’t hear his door open and close softly until arms wrapped around you and you were pulled into a sturdy chest.
“Hola, mi amor.” Alejandro kissed your neck softly, smiling when he felt you melt into his arms. “Is this my shirt?”
You felt his hand grab onto the hem of the shirt while he continued kissing you neck. You titled your head away to give him more access and gave him a small hum in confirmation.
“You should wear it more often.” He murmured against your neck while he laid his palm flat against your stomach to pull you closer to him. His lips traveled up to the shell of your ear where he whispered, “come to bed with me. I’m so tired.”
You laughed softly. This whole thing felt like a dream. You didn’t know how you got so lucky for him to let you stay like this.
Though it was a slow process and he was still working through forgiving you for everything and you were working through everything you had been through you truly don’t think you have ever been happier.
“I’m cleaning.” He groaned when you started unwrapping his arms but he just grabbed your waist and twisted you around so you were facing each other. “Ale.”
“I’m just relishing in your presence Princesa.” He smirked while trailing his fingers down the side of your bare thighs.
You chuckled again and kissed his lips shortly, smirking when he chased after your lips for more. “Well you can relish in it still by helping me.” You stepped away and he groaned.
“Okay okay.” But he still couldn’t keep his eyes off you the whole time.
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ruleroftheimps · 1 month ago
“What if Val owned Vox’s soul” this, and “what if Al owned Vox’s soul” that. What if VELVETTE owned Vox’s soul? Poof, Streamer Vox now exists. Idfk, I’m sleep deprived lol. I want to expand on this idea, but I also have nothing to add, soooo…
Wait, scratch that, I do.
I have like, two routes I can take here. One, Velvette came into possession of Vox’s soul after he lost a fight with Alastor and needed backup, and she, being the petty bitch I just know she is, made him make a deal to get it. It doesn’t really do much because he’s sort of the unofficial public leader of the Vees and any bad publicity about him is bad publicity for them all, but she does make him do streams and modeling stuff every once in a while, and also deal with Valentino a bit more on her behalf. And also stop talking about Alastor so much. Just. Stop. It doesn’t really change stuff THAT much, because she just doesn’t care. It’s just a way to get what she wants every once in a while, there’s no big changes.
Orrrrrr 2, the more interesting route, which is just genuinely awful so do keep that in mind if you keep reading, Velvette came into possession of Vox’s soul after he lost a fight with Alastor and needed backup, and she, being the manipulative bitch I just know she is, has been planning this since the moment she fell into Hell. The Media Demon? Who the hell's that? Nah, the guy with the TV for a head is Vox, Velvette's most popular streamer. Oh, why? Well, if you ever had any grudge against the Vees, or Alastor since everybody knows these two were friends once, you can just call live and stream, donate somewhere upwards of five souls, and get to watch him mutilate himself live! How fun is that? (Aka, he has to do whatever the viewers want since it gets more views, and a LOT of people hold grudges against people adjacent to him. Most were neutral at worst about Vox). Yeah, that totally doesn't have an effect on a guy's self esteem.
Genuinely not sure why, but Staticdust would work great in the second one. (For the record, I turn almost everything into a ship because I want the characters to have emotional security. It's usually not romantic, just like. I want this character to suffer, but also have somebody they can lean on for support during the suffering. Just one hyperspecific person. Everybody else is not trustable.) Probably because they're both the favorites of the remaining Vees, so they can relate. Angel Dust would 100% try to bring Vox to the hotel, but Vox is a, not allowed to leave without permission, and b, Alastor's there and Vox is very much scared of him.
Also, her chains look like pink scarves or smth, I don’t know why that popped in my head, but it did and is now canon in my mind until I am proven wrong lol.
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fullsunised · 2 years ago
Hi, not sure if your taking requests. Can you do one with NCT Dream giving their idol crush a inkigayo sandwich with their number in it.
ɴᴄᴛ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ¹⁰ : ɢɪᴠɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴀɴ ɪɴᴋɪɢᴀʏᴏ sᴀɴᴅᴡɪᴄʜ
. ★彡 genre: fluff
. ★彡 trigger warnings: swear words
. ★彡 requests are being worked on, apologies for the delay
. ★彡 a/n: thanks for thr request, I know it took a while. and also, like I said before, I'm not a liar so BRO IDFK WHERE IM GOING WITH THIS PLS HELP. 😭😭😭😭 apologies for the dissapointment I created.
❝ 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒘𝒆 𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 ❞
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��─▸ ❝ 愛 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [ 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐋𝐄𝐄 ] ࿐ྂ
courage, and pushing. it would take this man the whole world, to push him to do what he always wanted to do. he's all flustery- awkward I mean, especially if he's planing to give this shit- sandwich, he's shitting his pants for sure. he's not sure of his desicion even after he's give it to you.
first, he's gonna worry about what to write, next he's worry about how to put it in, and then you know he's worrying if the sandwich has even reached you, then he's worried about your reaction. he's checking his phone every minute of his life just waiting for a text from you to pop up.
bro is stressed to say the least, but you know all that stress evaporates from his entire self instantly after you text him, and flash him a smile when you two stumble upon each other.
╰─▸ ❝愛 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [ 𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐉𝐔𝐍 𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍𝐆 ] ࿐ྂ
bro is cool man. he's gonna find out what your favourite sandwich is, shove your number in and hand it to you personally. all chill. but uh uh, that's how it looks, he's shitting himself on the inside. it's so funny. feel like he's the type to just suffer amongst himself, so his head is full of what ifs.
the waiting era is difficult. he like anyone else, is constantly checking his phone waiting for a notification from you to pop up. but again he also considers the fact that you are really busy, and have a lot on your plate.
when you finally text him back, he's the happiest man on earth. he's looking forward to getting close to you, and maybe becoming your boyfriend ;).
╰─▸ ❝愛 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [ 𝐉𝐄𝐍𝐎 𝐋𝐄𝐄 ] ࿐ྂ
uh....he's just nervous. he writes a small note underneath like 'no pressure' or sm just so you don't feel compelled to answer or text him. he hands you the sandwich with a smile, and an awkward wave after that. he'd leave before you could smile or sm like that.
he's sitting in his dorm, doing everything in his mind to distract himself, which is kinda difficult because his gaze keeps shifting to his phone. his eyes legit light up when he sees an unknown number, texting him a small hi.
he finds you so fucking adorable, he's smiling eye to eye, his eyes disappearing- he doesn't waste a minute to immediately text you back. and from then on, yall be texting each other everyday. hahahahahaha.
╰─▸ ❝愛 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [ 𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐋𝐄𝐄 ] ࿐ྂ
my cutie. anyways, man is confident in himself bro. he's 101% sure you do have some sort of feelings per se towards him, so he doesn't have a problem writing his number- ah, he's also gonna add a corny ass comment underneath for sure.
he waits until you read it, a sheepish ( he's so adorable I just wanna punch him in the face, with them kisses ) smile tracing his face. you'd let out a small chuckle, reading what he wrote. bro is gonna force you to add his number right there, and force you to text him.
Trust when I say he's gonna save your number as something corny bro. so adorable. uh, that's gonna be you as well, cause he might as well, save it for you. you two gonna be next famous couple fr.
╰─▸ ❝愛 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [ 𝐉𝐀𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍 𝐍𝐀 ] ࿐ྂ
he's smiling, while writing the note, while shoving it in the sandwich, while handing it to you, and while you are reading it. bro, he's like hyuck, he doesn't mind waiting while you open it and read it.
you smile slightly, promising that you'd text him later, because you had to perform, and he'd take that for granted and wait like his life depends on it.
bro has the patience of a saint, so he's waiting for weeks if he has to. but you are just as eager to talk to him, so you text him between a show and boom your cute little friendship booms fr. and then further in.
╰─▸ ❝ 愛 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [ 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐋𝐄 𝐙𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐆] ࿐ྂ
you know he's gonna find the fanciest sandwich if that's even a thing to put his number in. he'd send someone to hand it to you, don't get him wrong, man's whipped asf for you, but he doesn't wanna make a bad impression on you by being a stuttery mess.
everytime his phone lights up, he's waiting for a text from you but groans when it isn't. he does that for the nth time that whole day, until you finally text him, apologising for being late cause of your schedules.
bro is elated. kicking his feet and shit while texting you back. he just loves talking to you so much, so don't even think about going offline for a minute. lol.
╰─▸ ❝ 愛 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [ 𝐉𝐈𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 ] ࿐ྂ
if mark was nervous, jisung is ultra pro max nervous. he's like shaking his feet, biting his nails while thinking of heat to write. his original plan was to just shove a paper with his number in but after his members persuaded him to write something else, he's wondering what.
deciding to write a small hi, he shoves it in. half way through he's contemplate if he should just go back, and admire you from afar like usual, but his members, trust in them, they push him to give you the sandwich.
he's running away without waiting for your response, because bro is not prepared to be rejected or even accepted. and then after nervously pacing around for a while, he recieved a text from you. he's elated but he's also contemplating every message he sends.
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godfrey-the-chaos-duck · 3 months ago
Glomgold Night Highlights!!
as @violetganache42 is on vacation, I'm taking on the highlights post for tonight! Now, I missed a lot of the later part of the night so if anyone has any particular moments they want to add in a reblog, please do!
The Ballad Of Duke Baloney! (DT17)
Me finally showing up on time for the start of the thing for once!!!! (buuut i had a black screen for the whole entire thing, Le Sad)
@hueberryshortcake and @luckyduck-main crocheting during this movie night, we love to see it
Everyone LOVING Zan Owlson (as we SHOULD)
Me: "so glad i can follow this with just audio" @hueberryshortcake: "have you tried not being in Ireland" (idfk why the black screen happened but it's not the ireland thing lmao)
(When Glomgold put the fish in the wedding attire and the dynamite out of the boat) @puffyducks: "HE'S TARGETING THE BISEXUALS"
@writebackatya, @hueberryshortcake and I straight up Goncharov-ing a new (and controversial!) DuckTales episode wherein Glomgold was an unassuming pastry chef, the Pep factory is involved, and Gladstone gets killed with hammers. Twice.
The weird-ass dream sequence and the rise of Duck In A Top Hat Thursday (Sunday)
@smugrexx: "Glomgold is just Duke Baloney's self insert OC that he's been cosplaying as for years without end" Me: "nonono, Glomgold is his drag persona, think Chappell Roan"
also @smugrexx posted this
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During the scene where Scrooge and Glomgold make the bet, I quoted "And no-one else was in the room where it happened" (i'm a hamilton girlie)
Master Of The Djinni (DT87)
People saying the genie sounded like King Candy from Wreck-It Ralph
@puffyducks "trying to get some ice cream and my BITCH rival is there too"
The 87 Cent Solution! (DT17)
me being insufferable about tennant's voice as per usual (this episode is my absolute uncontested favourite) @tealottie I carried the torch for us both. also i was quoting the episode to myself as we watched cause I know that bitch by HEART
@hueberryshortcake "This is literally me every time I get sick I am so annoying sorry, I'M LITERALLY FINE" (i can relate)
Me, to Scrooge: "My good sir. Denial is a river in Egypt."
@writebackatya "Scrooge should get robbed more often, just to keep him on his toes" @smugrexx "Honestly pretty good company test, like any random day of the year one random employee steals like a cent from him and we see how it goes."
@alex31624 "chicken soup in front of gyro" (duck logic amirite)
Scrooge muttering angrily to himself while the kids count his money
Me, at the scene on the bridge right before the plane crash: "HE AIMS HIS PISTOL AT THE SKY! wAIT--!" (again, hamilton girlie)
@luckyduck-main finding the script for me cause I was curious (thanks btw!)
"Et tu, Headless Man-Horse?" (BEST LINE)
@puffyducks (about Glomgold's tomfuckery)
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A Whale Of A Bad Time (DT87)
Everybody spamming "A SEA MONSTER ATE MY ICE CREAM" in chat. Well done, guys
Navy Donald shoutout
Raiders Of The Doomsday Vault! (DT17)
One Piece jokes in chat
Glomgold and Scrooge on the ice being a Toxic Yaoi Moment Of All Time
GlomTales! (DT17)
EVERYONE jokingly Della-hating cause that discourse is Ridiculous
people quoting the GlomTales intro in the chat yeaaaa
@spamtoon typing. very oddly
anyway this night was SUPER fun, omfg THANK YOU
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op-smash-or-pass · 7 months ago
Welcome to One Piece smash or pass
This is based off of @fe-smashorpass except with One Piece characters here are the guidelines:
-Each day we will have 2 characters be chosen for smash or pass. The polls will last for a week.
-Obviously I am skipping: Animals/Minks, Children, characters that look like children, and dwarfs(Any character that is over the age of 18 after the timeskip we will use those designs)
-You guys can send me asks! Honestly I don’t know how quick I’ll respond to them but go ahead! It can be about anything (yes including headcannons + ships)
We also have a popularity poll going on! Here
Some important tags: #OP smash or pass (where you can find all the current and previous polls)
#Inbox trick or treating- the trick or treat event that went on
#Rosi’s holiday exchange- Holiday event that went on
Below are some FAQ’s that might pop up:
Q: how are you keeping track of the characters? How will you prevent from repeats?
A: I spent four hours making a spreadsheet and tried to weed out all the characters we can’t post here. If a character I missed pops up and I post it I’ll take it down and post a new one.
Q: What else are you a fan of?
A: I’m really into Coral island as of late. Fire emblem has always had a special place in my heart. I also have been playing a ton of Identity V as of late. (I’m a college student so I can really only watch anime)
Q: Are we allowed to ask you things not about One piece?
A: Yes but please keep it to a minimal, I love answering questions but remember this is a One Piece gimick blog first
Q: Are you gonna make a spreadsheet of the most smashable characters?
A: Yes! I have a friend who is willing to do it! Plus at the end I have something else planned :]
Q: Are we allowed to request characters?
No, I’m going in alphabetical order, but if I miss someone please let me know! Though if you want people to smash or pass your One Piece OC’s I can do that!
Q: What characters are we including?
A: As long as they fit in our categories and have a photo of them, they are welcome in this. So yes we have some movie characters but not a lot.
I have decided Momonosuke will not be in this poll because he has the mindset of a child
Q: Why are you doing this?
A: I’m jobless, bored, and hyper fixating hard. Also I thought it would be fun. Plus I wanna get a consensus on characters
Q: Do you have an age limit on this blog?
A: Not really, though if you are a minor and try to argue about this being NSFW then…unfollow idc it’s just a silly poll
Q: The series is still running what about future chapters with characters?
A: I’ll add them to the end of the list and we’ll circle back to them once my main list is done.
Q: How many characters are in this poll?
A: 1000+ most are male there’s only about 250 women in this poll. And yes I checked EVERY big mom child
Q: How are we incorporating Zoan devil fruits in this?
A: As long as they have a human form we will be using them. But the lab made zoan fruits were gonna go with how they look
Cheetah for legs: ❌ Ox for stomach: ✅
Q: Why are people smashing XYZ?
A: Idfk it’s Tumblr man, have you seen the bitches these people are into??
Q: I came from TikTok are you redo’ing any polls?
A: Nope! As long as I didn’t mess up the photo or made the poll one day we aren’t redoing any characters.
Q: I have a friend who you blocked why did you do that?
A: They probably shipped Coralaw, DoffyCora, or some other illegal ass ship, we’re a pornbot, or straight up being racist. Just don’t be fucking weird man and I won’t block you. I love shipping but if your shipping something illegal I’m gonna block you.
Q: Why is Corazon the profile photo?
A: I think he’s hot + idk heart theme kinda fits. And he has some good alts so I can do Halloween and spring themes
Info about OP:
Hello! You can call me Deer/Rafiel (Raffy) /Michael/ or Rosinante!!
I am trans masc and use He/they/it/thing pronouns! Though just He/they is fine too!
I am in my first year of college majoring in creative writing leaning towards video game scrips with a minor in digital art.
This account is run by a DID system and the fictive host Rosinante. Though please do not ask questions about our system due to privacy reasons.
I’m still catching up on the One Piece manga (caught up on the anime), so I apologize if I don’t know the manga characters
-Proshippers (fancy way of saying illegal ships)
- People telling me how to run my blog
-Coralaw shippers
-Trump supporters
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fictionfixations · 9 months ago
i had a thought
spoilers for up to book 6 (i thought dump. A LOT.)
remember the prologue
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i have a thought so im sharing it
question: what does he think we can even do to stop. well. anyone??? nobody really listened to us (considering we're magicless too a bunch of ppl would look down on us) until we became like friends to them n stuff?? well ace and deuce listened to us i think but we were united under a goal that at all costs had to be reached. to not get expelled. (except us i forgot what was going to happen to us. ..cause we're not actually students ??. ACTUALLY where the fuck are our papers? did crowley just. make them up? cause if you need papers to expel someone then you need some written form of proof then. which means each student probably has files for them, like. say. proof of 'hey this person goes to this school' etc etc. what did he do with us? did he just not admit we existed to the government? but literally everyone in the school knows we exist so surely one of them blabbed like. idk. maybe some stereotypical rich brat whose like 'EWW THERES sOME' uh 'MAGIcLESs PERSON COMMON fOLK wHAtever the fuck IN THIS prestigious SCHOOL!' and like idfk like how ig maybe some of the rich think the poor will give them a disease just by breathing the same air as them [actually maybe they could though but like YKNOW what i mean] but like. if we're just completely undocumented, excluding the unexplainable shift of some funds for ramshackle i IMAGINE so we can pay for shit and live then are we not really. documented anywhere else? styx probably has something but uhh. also theres probably a bunch of law violations attached that i cant even be bothered to touch at the moment. also there are magic diseases right? but so they also have immunities to stuff. but we're from a completely different world so we've never had contact with their sicknesses. so like. ...yknow how theres a ban around like this one island i cant remember the name of because if you interact with them you'll spread stuff to them theyve never been in contact before with that you might not even realize u have cause ur immune and they'll die? like its illegal to go there at all, they're living entirely without technology. also they're hostile. you will die if you go there [if you dont get caught by the people patrolling to make sure they stay without contact]. ..i mean stuff has happened outside of canon we can see. its canonical that the overblot peeps have gone to counseling and medical mages. so maybe im making a big deal out of nothing)
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im. sorry. i got really distracted i didnt intend to spiral down to papers i meant to talk about something else
so just. listen.
actually about the expelling ^ three as in Grim, Ace, and Deuce. oh (so wait if they got in trouble would we just. ..still be able to stay?? ?? he doesnt even address us?? well actually grim isnt a student yet but theres FOUR of us not three then so ????)
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wait sorry how did we get here ?? (why are we involved? i dont think crowley spoke to us at all when he was angry at the others with the chandelier 😭)
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the wiki might be outdated a little because it doesnt update itself when dialogue changes, people have to notice it and then take the time to add it if anything changed so this is from
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so if anything changed since then well huh
(if he blamed us for not being able to stop two teenagers with magic while im magicless though i wouldve been throwing hands but im glad crowley hasnt gone that far. ..he still put a firebreathing cat into our custody though. ramshackle dorm is very flammable isnt it? is dust flammable? idk. a lot of wood also i dont think they know what fire extinguishers are. youd think someone would deal with the flames during the entrance ceremony besides riddle and azul trying to catch the flame setter. or if we have one its very unmentioned.)
but so considering grim is our responsibility.. i have to ask how we're meant to stop him..?
like so this is before we really bond with him (aka we find him annoying. unless u got attached to him right away which good for you, i dont know when he wormed his way into my heart but he did at one point and i realized it at the end of i think book 5 aka ignihyde teaser) so grim wouldnt really listen to us (looks down on us)
also i dont know about you but burns HURT. ive burned myself a few times but they're not like the really bad ones (i dont know the difference between degrees and i feel like googling it will haunt me in my nightmares). i imagine grim cant shoot fire too far? maybe a little more shorter/mid range? what even is mid range idk (and the reason it lasted to hit the statue was because of ace's wind magic imo)
well either he can control the range or he can only shoot it out so far. so then. we'd be really close trying to catch him. maybe its in one of the twistunes where he's running away. he turns around and shoots fire at you. fucking OW (also its BLUE. i dont know how colored fire works, but assuming its blue because its even hotter than normal fire. um. ow.)
like SIR im new to this world i dont know how things work
its like... like being saddled with a baby after being suddenly kicked out of the house with no warning (and thus without any of your stuff besides the clothes youre wearing. ..but youve also been isolated from the world youre whole life so WHAT theres MAGIC? whats this about strange laws i dont know about-- wait THIS IS A BOYS ONLY SCHOOL? .........THERES FURRIES?) and the baby is VIOLENT
like HOLD on a second let me at least get a source of income first before giving me a being that utterly depends on me to survive (well. grim can probably survive on his own if we assume he's lived on his own for a bit until NRC. but um. ...well theres a reason there probably needs to be a bunch of childproofing for grim.) when i can barely figure out how to survive here
so. i feel i got very sidetracked. but its also nearing the time i sleep so my brain is slowing down on me and my thoughts have veered off the train tracks enough that this is just a whole mess of thoughts spewing out
i hope im making sense but im probably not
wanted to crowley bash because why are you putting me in charge of people probably the same age as me (minus grim) but with an advantage against me considering they have magic and i dont (not to say that people who know how to fight cant beat their asses but like. ...i dont know how to fight so.)
but he also hasnt given me reason to in canon i guess (if anythings happened outside of prologue i have no recollection of it. i just went through the wiki searching for every page with 'bill' or 'expense' in it)
surprisingly fanfiction either turns to 'crowley is an asshole' (and also actually pays attention to yuu and blames them like oh) or 'parent crowley' which speaks for itself (and is very cute in its own right but i also dont like him regardless as i dislike all adults that put responsibilities on children to be fucking idk child soldiers or to fight shit or deal with shit. i mean crowley doesnt go that far but i still dont like him)
those fics though start from prologue and go in order (some include vignettes and events) so i assumed that it followed it close enough to be a recreation but [so and so] but i was wrong apparently
still tho
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scribbiesan · 1 year ago
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Kinda missed a few spots, but I’m just gonna leave it like that. I’m happy with what I have now.
Herobrine is definitely the kinda guy who hates the sun bc it’s too bright for his *special eyes* and bc he’s up all night causing mischief, mostly at the expense of Steve’s sanity and builds.
Steve is not amused.
Also I really like how the top left image came out! I found some decent brushes on CSP Assets, and kinda went ham, but it looks so pretty!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
I was going for something like an ethereal/angelic vibe, while also making it seem a bit…. Off? I’m just testing out little ideas for how Steve and Herobrine meet, like Steve is looking for a lost sheep and finds it playing with Hero deep in the woods, or they run into each other in the mines with Hero being a creep and following Steve around in the darkness, breaking his torches bc they’re too bright (hence why he uses red stone torches in the lore), or Steve is in a village trading and shit and Hero just rams right into him bc he’s running from some villager guards/iron golems, or something else.
I’m just vibing with these two dorks, idfk what I’m doing.
Also, Herobrine is immortal, and cannot die by any means, but he can be hurt. As for any injuries he sustains keeping him down? Highly doubtful.
Anywho, I hope y’all enjoy! I had fun making this one, and I’ll be brainstorming more ideas for how they both orbit each other, and if they become friends slowly, or save each other or some shit. Might add Alex and/or other ‘players’ to the mix, see how that goes.
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oscconfessions · 1 year ago
Sigh... I'm gonna add my two cents about the Balloon arospec drama(I'm AroAce BTW) and by my two cents I mean I'll mention it two times and just talk about something else related. I'll also be providing some knowledge about AroAceness and all that.
For those of you who don't know,
Aro: Aromantic - Little to no romantic attraction.
Ace: Asexual - Little to no sexual attraction.
Aro+Ace are spectrums and aren't just "every Aro person doesn't feel any kind of romantic attraction" or "every Ace person can't feel sexual attraction." I feel as tbough people forget that all the time so I wanted to remind you lot haha.
I'm noticed this kind of drama a few times, where people argue about a character on where they are on the AroAce spectrum. It's difficult for me to put what I think into words here, but if a character(either canon AroAce or not) doesn't have a canon placement on the spectrum then whatever, go wild.
To help with my previous statement, I'll use SakiK from... SaikiK. People generally agree he's AroAce, yet people argue about where he is on that spectrum(mainly the Aromantic part). Since it's not ever stated where he is on that spectrum(or even if he is AroAce but SHHHSHSHHSH 🤫🤫), everyone has their own interpretation of it.
I believe it should be the same for Balloon, unless Balloon comes on screen and says "I am *insert very specific thing here* " as he points to a picture of the Aro spectrum then its to to you. Obviously, don't make him a sex crazed fiend or constantly searching for love, you eejit, but it should be up to interpretation.
A little off-topic here, sorry, but I wanted to bring up umbrella terms in both the Aro and Ace spectrums(I'm included ace because eh why not! This is for my people who HC Balloon as Aro AND Ace 🙏🙏)
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Here are some terms under both the aro and ace spectrums. I feel as though you guys and many, MANY others tend to forget that there are umberlla terms for AroAce. I'll define them below:
Ace umbrella:
Aceflux: someone whose sexual orientation fluctuates but generally stays on the asexual spectrum
Greysexual: only experience sexual attraction some of the time, and sometimes not at all.
Demisexual: An individual who does not experience sexual attraction until after a close emotional bond has been formed.
Aro umbrella:
Aroflux: someone whose romantic orientation fluctuates but generally stays on the aromantic spectrum
Greyromantic: Some may feel a strong emotional connection with others but do not desire romantic relationships, while others may feel a weak romantic attraction to some people but not all.
Demiromantic: An individual who does not experience romantic attraction until after a close emotional bond has been formed.
Now, there are MANY more, feel free to add in the replies or the reblogs (o: !
Also, my apologies that this post was very long! Also also, my personal opinion on Balloons arospec thing? Idfk, lmao. TBH, this was kinda an excuse to just talk about stuff I like and am interested in so... 👍I've seen the tweet where one of the people who worked on II said yes, Balloon is meant to be Aro, but I couldn't tell you if they went into specifics about it. Sorry for constantly saying AroAce instead of just aro for Balloon, I felt like it was still important to include all my asexuals out there and educate others about it.
(BTW! Any inaccurate info, PLEASE, PLEASE correct in the replies)
If a character who is just stated to be AroAce(not demi, grey, flux ETC) and never has their place on the spectrum explained whatsoever, it's okay to have a little fun experimenting with it IYKWIM. As I've stated, we all have our own interpretation of the AroAce character and there's no point arguing about it and getting mad because that's fucking stupid, unless they start actively getting rid of the AroAce rep then burn them to the stakes! /j
I know how wild you mother fuckers can be, so don't shank me please. If you disagree, take a deep breath and remain calm because getting all pissy about this isn't gonna do shit. Try to go about it calmly and reasonably. <3
I'd love to see others' opinions on this, remember to be respectful! 🩵
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muxhroom-marx-markiplier · 1 year ago
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Error! Papyrus for those of us who mourn the exclusion of the taller skeleton from the privilege of becoming Horrendously Fucked Up
ummm im thinking this is an au of aftertale where papyrus, on his way to the afterlife, cartoonishly slips and falls into the error void (is that what its called??? idfk) through a hole in the timeline his brother created becoming dust sans or something idk
of course, because of this, papyrus does what any undertale character would do, and becomes an error teehee
he can glitch teleport around, but his head always appears where he wants to go before the rest of his body loads in ummm and im thinking he also moves sort of zombie-ish for whatever reason
ummmmm thats all idk what else to add im gonna be honest i dont actually know errortale lore that well i just thought creating an error papyrus would b fun lmao
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lovelynicky · 4 months ago
lighter building post
4p woodpecker 2p shockstar
4p woodpecker 2p hormone/inferno
signature wengine or steam oven (r5 pref)
[anomaly build] 4p chaos jazz, 2p shockstar
have no clue why u would run this other than for fun but here ya go: anom prof > atk > anything else, mainstats r anom prof, atk & impact. same weapons
crit dmg/rate
atk/fire dmg
crit dmg/rate > atk > everything else
there's also a PEN build but idk how .. PEN works ?? so im not going to post anything about it cause idfk what the stat does
4p shockstar, 2p woodpecker
4p shockstar, 2p hormone punk
mainstats + substats:
same as above. make sure ur 6 disc (impact) is s rank and as high as it can be cause lighter needs a lot of impact 🙏
(dps) lighter, caesar, lucy
> no caesar? substitute nicole
uhhh for other dps teams ull just have to ball. i saw someone was gonna run anom lighter w piper but i think that's all for dps??? comment if u have any dps teams n ill add them
(stun) lighter, burnice, lucy
(stun) lighter, ellen, soukaku
honestly for teams just do what u like. it's about having fun and if each characters individual build is good they'll ball anyways so it doesn't matter. u don't need to have the perfect meta team to have fun 🤷‍♀️
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movedtoacolorlessworld · 3 months ago
Gift or whatever idfk what to title this
typical (unreliable title giver)thesia moment
I could see it.
The truth staring right back at me.
The truth about myself, about this world, about the Gods, about the people who were meant to be Gods...
They all showed themselves to me, and I somehow couldn't stop them.
So many questions raced through my head.
Was my whole life a lie?
Did I live for no reason at all?
What was even the point of doing all of this then...?
I wondered.
But I never got an answer.
The questions in my head disappeared, and the only thing that remained was one thought;
I want to—
Knock, knock, knock.
Aleph snaps out of his thoughts—the knock on his front door has brought him back to reality. He was so lost in the memory of that revelation, that he almost didn't catch that noise.
Nobody else is in the house right now. Nhelv went out with Credits earlier, and Destr0yer said she wanted to go out and have a quick walk to clear her mind, so it's just Aleph in the house now. Frankly, he also just got home from a long day at school—it was Teachers' Day, so he came home rather exhausted from all of the festivities.
Nonetheless, he decides to get himself moving, and quickly makes his way to the door, before opening it, revealing the person on the other side to be none other than Pupa himself. "Ah- Pupa! What brings you here?" He greets, offering the other man to come into the house. Pupa does just that, and as he walks into the house, Aleph quickly notices something in his hand.
"...What's that?" He asks, glancing down towards a plastic bag that Pupa grips tightly. Pupa looks down towards it, before looking back at the math teacher. "Oh. This is for you, actually." He answers, and hearing that, Aleph can feel his face heating up slightly. "O-oh...?"
Pupa then fishes the mysterious object out of the bag, revealing it to be some sort of...encyclopedia book...? "Oh my! How nice! Is this another gift from Pamolia? I thought she'd be giving me only one thing for today, haha." Aleph says, grabbing the book in Pupa's hand as quickly as he could, before inspecting the cover closely. He had probably already read the contents of a book similar to this, but it's always interesting to read it in a different writing style. It entertains him quite a lot—
"Oh, uh- no, actually. I got this for you. Not Pamolia."
To that, Aleph's face grows even more red.
"...Oh...um...you...you got this...for me...? S-specifically you...?" Aleph asks slowly, trying his best to keep his composure—though it seems like it's failing. Pupa averts his gaze from the other man, his cheeks flaring up to a bright shade of red too as he simply answers; "Yeah. Specifically me."
He then quickly adds; "With my own money too, so..."
"I see."
Aleph readjusts his monocle, before nodding at the butterfly's way. "Thank you, then. I'm sure I'll have fun reading this." He says softly, looking down to the book once again, tracing his fingers along the rather hard surface of the cover. Pupa just watches, before quietly sighing fondly. "Yeah. No problem, I guess."
"...Also, that thing is expensive- so you better take good care of it!"
"Oh- yes, yes. Alright. I'll keep that in mind~"
"Hmph. You better."
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 1 year ago
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,133 Words
Summary: Eclipse makes a groupchat with the other Eclipses to chaotic outcomes.
Warnings: Crack, Cursing, Caps, Death (mentioned only), Abuse (mentioned only), Minor Injury (mentioned), let me know if I should add anything else.
The Eclipses Chat: Chapter 1
Eclipse has created a chatroom
Eclipse has named the chat to ‘Whomst The Fuck?’
Eclipse has added 9 people to ‘Whomst The Fuck?’
Eclipse: Okay, I need help? Fist of all where am I? And second how did I get here? Third, how get all your numbers at the same time?
Eclipse: …Ah fuck what the hell?
Eclipse: Hold on what?
Eclipse: Okay, I might be too high then.
Eclipse: Seems like it, buddy.
Eclipse: Okay, some of us have to change our screen names.
Eclipse: Already on it for mine.
Eclipse has changed their name to Solar
Solar: So much better.
Eclipse: How did you do that!?
Solar: Depends who I’m giving advice to.
Eclipse: Swapped dimension, Moon is the evil one.
Solar: Ah. Gotcha. So you hit the icon in the top right and it’ll say settings, click that then go to change name and change it.
Eclipse had changed their name to Orbit
Orbit: Thank god. I’m too high for this. I’m going to sleep now. Thanks Solar.
Eclipse has changed their name to God
Solar: No.
Solar has changed God’s name to Venus
Solar: None of that shit.
Venus: I hate you and your little boyfriend too.
Venus: I have better things to do than bother with you.
Venus is offline
Eclipse: Can I get help?
Solar: Who be thee?
Eclipse: … I’ll be honest I don’t know.
Eclipse: Well, are you good?
Eclipse: idk
Eclipse has changed their name to Rigel
Rigel: Hi Solar!!!!! 🥰💞💘
Solar: Hi Ruin.
Rigel: Look, I picked a name too!
Solar: I can see that, Rigel. Good job.
Eclipse: Y’all in love or something?
Solar: Listen, he just found out emojis exist. Let him have fun with them.
Eclipse has changed their name to Helix
Helix: Excuse me wtf? How did the Eclipse that started this shit get my number? I literally live in space! I didn’t even know I had a number! What!?
Solar: Ooooh, you’re the one with Lord Lunar.
Helix: Yes, I’m the one with Selene.
Solar: Interesting.
Eclipse: Can I please be helped already?
Eclipse: We don’t even know who you are!
Eclipse: I’m apparently named Eclipse!? idfk!? I’m confused too!
Helix: Start with this, pick a damn name, kid!
Eclipse has changed their name to Comet
Eclipse had changed their name to Umbra
Helix: Wait, which is which?
Comet: Someone please get me down? I feel like a cat in a tree rn. Why am I here?
Solar: That’s how we all feel, buddy. What’s wrong?
Comet: I’m currently trapped in the dark in I think a ceiling? I can’t get down and it’s dark. I don’t know where I am but I hear the daycare song.
Solar: That does not narrow it down.
Helix: Okay, so are you in a dimension where Sun and Moon are alive?
Comet: Debatably yes.
Solar: Okay so a ‘dead Moon’ universe. Alright. Getting somewhere. Is Lunar alive in this universe?
Comet: Yes.
Orbit: Are you in a universe Kill Code became good and is now dead in?
Comet: I believe so yes.
Solar: Alright that’s only three dimensions. Are Earth and Sun dead?
Comet: No.
Solar: Are one of the Blood Moon AIs and the Creator dead?
Comet: No.
Solar: Hold on a minute.
Solar: Make a loud noise rn, Comet.
Solar: Motherfucker, I HEAR YOU UPSTAIRS! Hold on!
Comet: OW
Solar: Not my fault you fell out of the ceiling head-first!
Comet: I was just made and I’m already being abused.
Solar: Oh please. Abused my ass.
Helix: Well, we are all twinks so… you do have an ass.
Solar: Shut up, Helix.
Helix: I will not be silenced and you can’t make me!
Solar: Don’t tempt me.
Orbit: Question, how did he even get there?
Solar: Fuck if I know.
Comet: I have no fucking clue.
Rigel: Scan him then. 🥰👻🫣
Solar: You know what? I didn’t think of that. Thanks Rigel.
Comet: Thanks Rigel.
Whomst The Fuck?
Solar: Apparently remade original universe Eclipse and Comet is the result.
Comet: He gave me cotton candy. I like cotton candy. I like Solar, he’s nice.
Umbra: Wait, they what? Who did it?
Solar: Someone named Void? No other traces but it’s someone I don’t know at least.
Helix: Selene says that’s one of the six Lord Kill Codes. The asshole one specifically. Apparently he’s been recreating Eclipses from other worlds and sending them out.
Solar: What a son of a bitch.
Comet: So what do I do?
Solar: Well, you’re basically blank so welcome to the family. I’ll send you somewhere safe before someone tries to kill you.
Comet: Excuse me, what?
Solar: Yeah, Moon has a grudge so you’re gonna get poofed somewhere he won’t immediately kill you.
Umbra: Send him to me, I’m in the Toronto bunker.
Solar: Wait what?
Umbra: Hi, I’m the original Eclipse of the world I assume you’re in too. Send me my twin.
Solar: Alright, guess you’re going to Toronto, Comet.
Umbra: I have a spare bedroom I’m already setting up for you. What colors do you like?
Comet: Um
Comet: Purple
Umbra: Alright. I’ll have it set up by the time he sends you to me.
Comet: I’m so confused.
Helix: You and everyone else, Comet.
Comet: What is my life?
Orbit: Adopted at birth.
Comet: I hate everything.
Umbra: Shut up, at least you get your favorite color and a place to be safe in.
Comet: I hate everything a bit less now.
Umbra: What foods do you like, kid? Cough it up.
Comet: Cotton candy, coffee. Solar is giving me coffee and Chinese right now.
Umbra: How dare yo. That was gonna be my first thing to do with him.
Solar: You lack the already-here points on feeding the new child.
Helix: It feels like I’m on the sidelines of a custody agreement.
Umbra: You are.
Solar: You are, Helix.
Comet: Do I get a say in this or do I just get two dads?
Solar: You just get two dads.
Umbra: 50/50 custody agreement.
Umbra: Kid, what foods are you allergic to? It should be listed in your Health Information Settings in your arm computer.
Comet: It says dairy and red meat.
Umbra: Doable. Thank you. Do you have a favorite food yet?
Comet: Sweet things and Chinese food.
Umbra: Alright, kid. You’ll have sweet things and Chinese food fully stocked when you get here.
Comet: I kind of like having two dads actually.
Solar: I sure hope so, you’re forever going to be stuck in a loop of ‘go ask your father’.
Comet: I’m fine with that. As long as I keep getting candy.
Solar: Yes, you’ll keep getting candy.
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stupidloafofbread · 1 year ago
Welcome to the blog!! <3
- No being aggressive
-Be..uh chill? Idfk-
- Don't be homophobic or racist on here!
That's all!!
An actual about me?
I'm in a lot of fandoms lmao- just ask :3
Favorite Rcp character? Helly!
Favorite streamer? Ranboo :3
I'm 15 lol
I have a lotta blogs-
Uhh idk what else to add-
People I look up to:
@just-call-mefr1es HAII >:3✨✨
@bridgemino (HEYY✨✨)
@what-is-my-aesthetic (so sorry for the tag Athena :< )
Some more people but i forgot :(
acc(s) run by bread:
@stupidpieceofbread alt acc!
@solveroftheabsolutefabric-cyn a Cyn blog!
@ya-daily-helicopter-boi a solo Helly blog! (Don't exactly use it that much tho-)
@just-ya-normal-teenage-girl a MLAATR blog!!
@justice-shall-be-served Geno clover blog that i can finally tag!!
@ask-some-ghosties a ghost twins (fnf) blog!!
@the-starving-one (hopefully my six blog, but we'll see.)
And many more i can't tag-
About the oneshots requests:
Here's what I will write for:
- Angst (I'm good at it, I think)
- Some non- angst/happy stuff lol
- Horror, if y'all can think of something
Here's what I won't write for:
- NSFW (ew, why)
- Any other gross shit like that
- Sadly, I won't be doing ships (Sorry!)
The fandoms I'll write for:
- Splatoon!! :3
- Robocar Poli ofc
- What Remains of Edith Finch! <3
- Maybe murder drones?
- Maybe some UT/UTY??
- Ride the Cyclone!
Bread: purple
Cyn: ↓
This for cyn!
Pfp credits: none/found it on Pinterest-
Header image credits: also found it on Pinterest-
UserBoxes under da cut!
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Thanks for reading! :3
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