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gabyoficial3 · 5 months ago
Also,this is also valid?
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Inspirade in that post
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louissatturi · 1 year ago
Duo some reactions from streamers about neo/neutral pronoums
Here a wonderful felps clip!
[Felps]:"neutral pronoums*" Alright it talked about neutral pronouns and how is a sociatal invention and i don't understand, i don't understand because like, Yes it is a sociatal invention, just like everything (else), what the fuck is up? Everything is a sociatal invention, so it exists! From the moment that a group of people said "yes" so alright and i don't know the fear, the fear of those people, the fear of this people i know what it is, "this is a sociatal invention, they want to force on everbody to say something that we did't said before, this is just the start, from the moment they start to say it more and more and more they will have total control of society and then everybody will be a bunch of slaves" that is the fear, that is the fear, you get that it's the fear, of the people that say "they want to force us to do X thing"? That's exactly their fear, that is the start of a opening of people starting to want more and more stuff and getting everything, its the fear of the inviseble enemie, it's the fear of the plane earth beliver that says that nasa is saying that is a globe and has control of the population and thinks that is a wolf, you get that is a inviseble thing? The fear of them, it's the fear of them, you are scared of them doing (stuff) of them having more control and this dosen't make any sanse, " neutral pronouns enterd in my house and beat my family up" it's that what they think, That's exactly what they think, they enter the house, beat everybody up and everything you will say has to have a fuck ton of neutral pronouns and everything is fucked but no bro
* the portuguese languege dosen't have they/them, is a very gendered languege so we say "neutral pronouns" to everything that ins't ele/ela (he/she) the most famous neutral pronouns are elu/delu and ile/dile
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rise-my-angel · 6 months ago
wait did u had ideas or have ideas on how you would have wrote house of the dragon ( based on that prologue post u mentioned how got did a good job versus hotd telling really nothing)?? i sometimes think about it and someone once mentioned about writing it in the pov of the great houses and i just kept thinking bc i personally would have liked seeing something like; showing the targaryens just from afar, keeping them detached from everyone, really into that above all men, keeping the mystique and just showing them unreachable. it doesn’t make sense in a writing way, especially george’s world and the game of thrones world because even the villains were shown their complex sides. but idk it would have been lowkey interesting seeing them just like afar and the pov being the great houses. or even the smallfolk. i know that people joke all the time about hugh or ulf and that we don’t need their backstories but maybe even from a pov of them who in the future become dragonriders would have been a cool story. idk. something new and interesting and different but not too different. i mean writing about the privileged characters who are monarchy and trying to show the complex sides of even them it’s something that i like personally, but like it’s a hopeless story?! ofc seeing dragons and the politics are things that got people excited so idk how much would these ideas really make people watch but as i said it’s a hopeless story?! and not to be cliche but we do need the good guys or the “heroes” to root for or something good and real to root for.. even jace and sara could have been a good story?!?! but yeah hotd is disappointing
The thing is, they chose a very complicated story to tell. They had a lot to live up to, because the Dance of Dragons is one of the most pivitol wars in the history of the Targaryean dynasty and due to the nature of the book being framed as an in universe historical recounting, there is a lot of detail to consider.
They started off roughly, the narration flashback kills most of that interesting history. The details of the Great Council of 101 AC is very detailed, there was a lot going on and there is a lot of nuance to why they made the choices they made that go beyond "Viserys was a man". Yes that was part of why they overpassed Rhaenys, but they also passed on Laenor because he was a male heir through a female bloodline. So it isn't just women bad, men good. It's a very specifically structured system that is so dense it required near a thousand Lords to gather to discern how to handle Jaehaerys succession.
In truth, they had enough characters in the main show whom were there, that they needed to give the answers slowly. When Otto suggests Rhaenyra for heir to replace Daemon, that was the perfect opportunity to start exploring the history there. Say more then just that the Lords wont accept a female heir, explain why.
I think another issue is simply, they were bad at knowing when to hold back and when to cut things. I think they needed to focus in way more on the politics on the story then the details of the Targaryeans and their legacy or purpose. They needed to go in on the details about the politcs and why characters are doing what they are doing, instead of showing off the life around that.
Cut everything about the prophecy, it makes no sense and bogs down the pacing. Either make the plotline of Daemon fighting the Crab Feeder more relevant to the plot then just "this is what Daemons doing btw", or cut it entierly. It felt too disconnected from the politics of the story because they didn't really connect us to why that matters to this story. It felt like a side story for the wrong show.
They also made a very bad choice in framing. Fire and Blood presents as a historical texts, but with testimonies of different perspectives to explain that there is no affinitive prognosis on what is the full truth. The show made a bad choice by choosing what side was right, when in reality, it needed a mix. Show aspects of both sides, and for more, go in the middle. More often then not, when you have two vastly different descriptions of one incident, the actual truth is somewhere in the middle. The show needed to be that middle.
Also, a lot more focus needed to be on building up to Lucerys death. His death becomes the cataclyst for so much of the war, and they really needed to lean into the tension between the families before that. We needed to truly feel like these are two toxic sides of the same family, and peace was never going to be possible. By the time Viserys dies, we needed to feel that "oh shit". That moment of, he's done and nothing is in these families ways from starting their own ends.
I think the Green Council was their best episode, showing the time sensitive nature of crowning Aegon and all the details that went into that process. Now I think they should've stuck closer to the books events because it's simply the more ineteresting version, but thats personal opinion.
But the Black Queen, thus needed to be the true final nail in the coffin. They needed to the tension leading to his death, we know something bad is going to kick off this war, but we don't know what. Because when Lucerys sees Aemond at Storms End, it feels like things got tense out of nowhere when in reality, we needed that to be the climax of the episodes tension.
Season 2 though, is a mess. Fixing season 2 would require an episode by episode playthrough because I cannot elaborate here alone on why season 2s structure was so bad. It didn't need to be the book, but it still needed to be good, and it wasn't even on it's own merit.
Basically, I have ineterest in exploring how I'd fix hotd, but I'd really need to go in episode by episode because I think they had enough time to tell this story and they completely wasted it.
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atrociousmagpie · 9 months ago
Fuck it, in honor of pride month I'm gonna tell my friends my 'full' pronouns
[He/They/It/Star/She btw!! ^^ I know I could just say any buttt I specially like starsself and fuck anyone who says I'm weird I don't care]
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ecto-stone · 1 year ago
You know sometime you just didn't realize how similar Vlad and Danny are. Until you tries to write them as friend. but they keep graviting toward each other evolving into something more. Like this is like my 17 re write now and it still resulted in Vlad sacifiescing himself so Danny could live caused Danny importance and impact on his life is way more importance to him then his own well being. And don't get me started with the Groundhog Day where Vlad leaving caused they have a bad fall out essentially caused the worst timeline.
Danny even copy Vlad pun as a coping mechanism and Vlad adopting Danny old stoic behavior.
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localgardenweed · 11 months ago
Im like staring at the ceiling at 12:30 AM wanting some more hetalia friends cause like im lonely and bored and i need to rant about hetalia cause i never get to anymore these days and its no fun when im just talking to myself i already did alot of that in my youth and now i need someone on the other side and just JXNNDNXNC I DONT KNOW ANYMORE IM LIKE HICCUPING AND CRYING INSIDE MY HEART RN I HAVE SO MANY PEOPLE I WANNA APPROACH AND BE FRIENDS WITH BUT IM TOO MUCH OF A PUSSY TO SAY ANYTHING AND EVEN THE PEOPLE IM JUTALS WITH NOW SORRY I NEVER TALK TO YALL IM SCARED AND I FREEZE UP WHEN WE DO TALK CAUSE IM LIKE “i need to be normal first before i can be weird” like im luring you in. At this point i nee to start becoming a alcoholic and hope i drunkenly text someone to be my friend and listen to me talk about my aus and exchange art of our favorites
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yalibat · 1 year ago
I thought for a good bit your name was yailbait-
I need some glasses I swear-
ah, silly silly! a honest mistake (╯▽╰ )
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canid-carnival · 4 days ago
I’m so embarrassed of myself for literally Everything. Stupid shit under cut (nothing bad or inappropriate. I’m just cringe)
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I don’t know if I AM catnap (or perhaps just a version of him), if I LOOK LIKE catnap, or if I just like the IDEA of either of these. And at this point I’m too scared to ask!!
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 10 months ago
office-style mock-documentary but it's the death eater meetings
voldemort (finishing a monologue): and then- neither dumbledore or death himself will stop me!
regulus: *looks at the camera*
barty: *takes polyjuice potion like a shot to turn into snape*
lucius, completely unprompted: ive been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower. you have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader.
mulciber: *staring at his wand, encased in jello*
*camera pans to show evan at the death-eater-reception-desk bc of course they have a reception desk*
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mintaikk · 2 years ago
My sister, parents, and friends all think I'm a furry. IM NOT A FURRY! There's just a bunch of coincidences!
Like, everyone had a crush on Mr Wolf and Diane from The Bad Guys! They're just hot! They're the exception!
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And Vivziepop just makes a lot of animal based characters! It's not my fault some of them are hot! Like yeah, Husk is a cat. But he looked good in a suit, okay?
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And that goes with Alastor, Angeldust, and Vaggie! You can barely tell Angel and Vaggie are supposed to be a moth and a spider! It's a coincidence! And yeah, Stolas is an owl, and Loona is a wolf, so??? Stolas is very likable, and Loona's design is just really pretty!
And Striker may be a snake/rat looking demon, but he's also the exception!
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And yeah, in Hunter's (Golden Guard's) first introduction, his mask was a barn owl. BIG DEAL. It doesn't mean anything that he became my favorite character!
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And yeah, I made multiple animal based characters! But that's because they're fantasy stories, and making animal characters are super common! And animals are really fun to make characters out of!
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And maybe younger me loved to play Animal Jam, collected LPS, loved Disney animals, and looked at furry art online, and then made a fursona when I was 8. Big deal! I was 8! It means nothing! And maybe sometimes I still draw myself with possum ears or a raccoon tail. That doesn't make me a furry!
And maybe I still love drawing animals, and I love making bug characters or a lot of drawings I make have animalistic aspects to them. And I only have one sexualizwd drawing of an anthropomorphic spider I did! It was for anatomy, and drawing basic human anatomy is boring! And yeah, my friends constantly compare me to a possum and raccoon, my discord pfp is a raccoon, and I constantly use possums as a reaction image. These prove nothing! Everyone does these things, right?
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kdzhfuntime · 2 years ago
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Happy pride month! 🏳‍🌈✨
My headcanon is that Kevin is very suportive and protective with Kenny, specially with their gender identidy. Idk, I just like it
I love the McCormick siblings 🛐✨
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galaxy-stardust · 9 months ago
Jakes view
Part 1
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Alright, I contacted the group.
Thomas already contacted the number which was send to him.
I will give the number access to the chats now and will contact it afterwards.
I should make it short. A video call he smiles, knowing how impressive his skills can be.
Let's save the number first. Maybe I will know the name after saving it and I can take a look at the profile picture. I'm really curious who might be behind the number.
*typing in number*
Hmm... female a smile rushes his face
Beautiful name and.... what a beautiful women.
That's what you call a blessing in disguise.
He realizes that he is litarally staring at the picture and shakes his head.
Ok, the chat between Jessica and Dan is over. My turn.
How do I start. What about a simple *typing*
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She doesn't know what I mean, damn my bad he rolls his eyes and starts typing again
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She likes it. His heart makes a jump but in the same moment he forces hisself for not beeing this emotional.
Ok, time to cut it short.
He makes sure that his hoodie is hiding his face and starts the video call.
He ends the call with the words "trust me".
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Phew, ok let's see what she thinks about all of it.
She trusts me he thinks a bit surprised very good! I knew the video call was a good idea. She's interesting... his thoughts wander but no time for it yet.
I will introduce her what to do. She has access to the cloud already.
Ok, done. And now, just to make it clear because all of this is very important *typing*
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And.. offline.
He leans back. Happy with his work so far.
He takes another quick look at MC's profile picture  Beautiful girl he smiles while he is reading the chats between the group and MC and tries to find helping clues.
After a while a message from MC pops up.
He sits up straight.
Her first found in the cloud. That was quick but unfortunately not usefull. Nevertheless.
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She is quick-witted. I like that.
Good, she knows what to do. Let's go on.
Wait, what? She wants to talk to me? Why? She thinks I'm interesting. He feels that he's blushing.
What does she wants to know? I will not tell her a thing about me...it's too risky...not now. Ok...
She wants to know which program I use to hack? Clever. He smiles.
I have to make sure, that hiding my identidy has the highest priority.
Great, she understands.
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In the moment he sends the message he bites his bottom lip.
Damn, that sounded a bit hard. I didn't mean it like that.
Why she wants me to choose a topic now? My last smalltalk is definetely too long ago.
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Seriously Jake? You can't think of anything better? He shakes his head.
MC, I'm sorry that my words come out so hard and distanced. I really want to talk to you. You're so interesting as well and I already feel a connection between us but I can't open up to you. We don't have time for that.
So many thoughts crossing his mind but he has to protect his identidy. He must save the distance between them. It's too dangerous for him. And also for her.
Ok, second try.
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Well, not much better as the first question. But enough smalltalk for now. There's a lot of work to do. For both of us.
If I wonder who you are MC? Of course I do.
Alright, I will lock out. Otherwise I'll probably end up telling her my name or worse...
He leans back, streches.
Ok girl, good luck. He smiles and starts working.
Part 2
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jey-chan · 1 year ago
Im more sleppy than awake and bored in the job but... what if panthom planet happened when Danny is part of the Justice Leage? And they think he is an old ghost shaped like a kid.
I just imagine the leage seing the prety big bad asteroid that neiter sups can destroid.
And then Danny just goes sesrshing in his chest for someting, give Batman 2 pices of papers and goes:
"Here is my standars vitals, my gostly med and please dont wite cost. This is my sister info and my identidy will get compromised, so dont let mh parents come in if Martian dosent feel they could change views on ghosts. Oh ghe WIG is bad and please dont let val near me never... he is creppy"
Then he goes to superman and ask him to catch him.
And beflre anoye can ask or say someting the kid goes tl the sky, freze the metiorite and then ler out the most terrible and powerful sound base atackt that the earth had ever hear.
The laments of a kid that died, of a kid that had the fates of two worlds on his shoulders.
The cry of a dead child thar never was griven.
The metiorite goes upnon fine snow dust, and superman sudenly has a prety alive unconsius child phamtom.
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bingusbongusbaba · 10 months ago
All evidence points to trans people being valid! Dont undersell your validity and the evidence there is!!! ♡♡♡
It often bothers me to see people (cis or trans) reffer to being trans or the trans expirience as "WANTING to be another gender" or "CHOOSING to be another gender"
For any cis or trans person who needs to hear this: trans men/women ARE men/women, they dont "want" to be men/women, they arent "becoming" men/women, they dont "choose" to be men/women, they ARE men/women, and this applies to nonbinary too.
Do not tell yourself "well im not a REAL man-" you ARE a real man, you always have been, you just didnt have the words for it at the time, barely anyone did.
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anti-terf-posts · 4 months ago
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I am something gender-wise but I know this thing (aj wolf) is part of me (metephorically/identidy-wise) dunno what way. Regardless, this critter does not like TERFs. 🏳️‍⚧️🐺
[Image ID: a digital drawing of a blue wolf. The wolf has a think bubble, with an ellipsis in it. There's a text box next to the wolf that reads "When I say I got that dog in me this is what I mean". /end ID]
aw hell yea
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tykobrian · 4 months ago
"Paint the Town Blue" is also Caitlyn's Song (And the Jinx-Caitlyn parallel continues...)
After the dictator Caitlyn thingy storyline that dropped in ep 3, I am completely sure it's the case.
The first part of the song:
[Verse 1] Oh, you want a villain, lemme show you how I evil // Oh, you think I'm difficult, I'll show you I'm a devil // Sharpshooter lethal, top of food chain like an eagle // Whack-a-mole your weasels, I'm a machine, diesel // Gotta crush, gotta crush (Crush you all beneath me) // You bitches are my pups (You're droolin' for a squeaky) // I squash you like a bug, battle-fueled, greasy // Dig my nails into your peach, dead and deceased like.......
Sorry but that sounds suspiciously like Piltover raining terror on Zaun. And right now, General Lady Caitlyn is the sole representative of Piltover in charge of 'law enforcement'.
The later verses of the song is about Jinx though, and the people who decide to dress up like her to protect her identidy.
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