kolajmag · 5 months
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Place, Memory & Distance: BYOC (Bring Your Own Collage)
20 April, 1-6PM & 11 May Atelier 818 8 East 18th Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia V5V 1C9 Canada
Atelier 8.18 is putting out a call for mail art that explores ideas and senses around the theme of: Place, Memory and Distance. How do we remember spaces and places? How does distance impact or change relationships with communities and locations? As we move and exist around the world in different locations and cultures, how does that transform us? All types of media will be considered. Work must fit in 5 x 5 square and must be able to be mailed. All collage art must arrive by April 26th. Mailing the artwork to Atelier 8.18 you are knowingly releasing the work to be sold on World Collage Day on May 11th for the purpose of fundraising for the operation costs of Atelier 8.18 and will be displayed at the closing of the exhibition: “Place, Memory and Distance” This show will be connected to the current exhibition which features work by: Alison Keenan, Ideet Sharon, Simon Fleming, and on May 11th showcase works with visiting artist in residence Viviana Maidanik. On April 20th, BYOC (Bring Your Own Collage) will be a collage-making event where you can make a 5 x 5 collage for the Little White Square Postcard Project. Read More
Kolaj Magazine, a full color, print magazine, exists to show how the world of collage is rich, layered, and thick with complexity. By remixing history and culture, collage artists forge new thinking. To understand collage is to reshape one's thinking of art history and redefine the canon of visual culture that informs the present.
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bbqbastard · 6 years
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Een klein teasertje om de zondag avond mee in te zetten! Dit waren de restjes van gisteren verwerkt tot sandwich voor vanavond! Iemand een ideet wat er tussen ligt? En nu rustig klaar maken voor @demol.be Kindjes sebiet in bed en nestelen in de zetel met een goed biertje! Wie doet mee? #sandwich #sundayfood #grilled #restjes #zerowaste #foodporn #dinnertime #lunch #foodie #instafood #lazysunday #toast #greekfood #freshfood #lovethis (bij Bbq Bastard's Pit Zone) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu1ieWBhOce/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pfdc1ycd64oe
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Paranormul iznt reel lol ideet
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Beat this
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meeskonnanimi · 5 years
17 - 21 veebruar [4 nädal]
Õppisime anda tagasisidet
Õppisime, kuidas oma ideed avalikkusele esitada
Analüüsida turgu ja teha kindlaks probleemid, mida saab lahendada
Et hinda idee potentsiaali
Õppisime vastama idee küsimustele ja oma ideed selgelt selgitama
Tundsime, et tuleb turgu paremini analüüsida
Saime aru, et meie idee on paljudele mitte arusaadav ja tuleb paremini turu analüüsida ja leida kellele meie lahendus paremini sobib. Õppisime küsimustele vastada ja oma ideet kaitsta. Ehk õppisime teiste meeskonna ideet analüüsida ja anda tagasiside nende ideede kohta. 
Koostada äriidee kohta esitlus
Anda tagasiside teiste äriidee kohta
Täita õppepäevik
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jimmynames · 6 years
So here we find ourselves again 
1 year later, still in London and still at Ruin Studio. The past years been quite a head fuck.. 
Firstly I believe in the true nature of streaming my consciousness whilst I should probably divide this into two blogs one for dev etc one for self I’m going to just carry on typing regardless because I believe the two - self and dev - are intertwined into a larger picture which is of course, me. fuck. So without further a due lol I find myself sat on the floor, straight back typing away eating a pop tart and drinking a protein shake alone whilst Romi is out partying with her co workers. I’ve placed a mirror in front of me and meditated with my eyes open, peering into my self but also all sorts. It was a beautiful experience which led me wanting to call home and speak to my Mother but she didn’t answer - I hope she’s out or having fun right now. 
Secondly, and importantly, in light of my last reflection it feels apt to acknowledge my most recent discovery of grief which is one of a life time sentence. Unfortunately and sadly, this awareness that no matter how far we, my family and I, move from the death date that was that horrible fucking night and no matter how much I grow you’re not going to come back. It’s haunting and I hate it but it’s a `const` now in my life.js and I guess whilst I’m still coming to terms with your passing when you inspect the unminified memories of our shared past it’s so beautiful that I do feel blessed. Ying and Yang. Black and White. These ideas have never rang mroe true in my sense of self than before and I guess I just must of picked the hardest difficulty when starting this simulation. ideet. So still dealign with grief, still missing my father but not coming home and crying most nights instead actually I find myself presently the healthiest I’ve ever been in my life. In the pursuit of a healthy mind and reasons to live I found my body. A beautiful vehicle to which I find great enjoyment currently in stretching, pushing and pulling apart. I’m going to the gym with Tim , who deseveres his own write up if I’m honest, cycling and playing squahs with Laz another great man in my life atm. Which both intertwine equally within this loose tapersty of a ‘tech’ blog post in that both are my colleagues. The borders between work and life and professionalism and being are so `background:linear-gradient(black,white,black,.666);` it’s unreal as I find myself genuinely and generally becoming bros/friends/ganged up with the poeple around me who I work with. 
So code - something clicked in me and my code increased. I’m loving and taking great pride in writing beautifully archietured and structered codebases with compotetional methodology both in the skeletons of the comps as well as the styling what with a recent lvoe of BEM. My Javascript is improving, I’m not Thill yet but I can feel and sense it’s growth in who I’m engagign with browser,s tasks and challenges. I built a site for a band and a portofilo for Sean my brother both using gatsby.js and react - super super fun and I took great pride in their codebases and build. Using netfliy is a dream andwould recommend. Wathcing the build tasks run will forever been a dreamy experience. I also revamped my portoflio getting evrr closer to my final idea of two website sin one. Oh Dad I wish you could see it. I applied for a job at NTS radio and got into the final 3 candidates which was really exciting but I my technical interview was to blase and i stupidly uploaded my repo with node_modules in the git cache d’oh and git history ppppppeak.. since then my commit messages have deff grown up and recently even my console.log’s as well. I guess I’m maturing in many ways as a Developer with a greater conceptual understanding of servers and dev ops I do feel more tehcnical in my self but still feel a disconnect with the lieks of Tim and other Dev’s such as YOLO gang for they just seem to be developer built idk.. I’m facing imposter syndrome with great confidence as a result of what I believe is just increased testororone since lifting metal around tbh.. would deff recommend.. 
Since deciding not to go to Scotland with my beautiful omg what the fuck are you doing girl Romi I have decided to dedicate the next 6 months/1 year entierly to my self with focus on learning, growing and health. I wasn’t ready nor felt equipped to travel freely and explore the world. I’m still young. I’m old as well. I feel it. but yeh in my hearts of hearts when you reflect and consider you’re life I’ve only been in London - “livign away from home” for a year and a half, dealing with so much fucking pain it hurts, trying to manage those around me who are alive god bless my mother and i wish her suffering would end as well fucking universe you absolute piece of shit stealing the greatest man from us all fuckinng hell. SORRY. anyway. I do believe in the next year I’ll grow far beyond what I see infront of me and even tho i am proud of the boy/man i gaze upon in my own reflection I do see potential. This potential and in the pursuit of it wil hopefully take me inherently on quite a introverted journey but eventually a more global one later down the line.. I do hope Romi hasn’t been snagged as I’d hate to lose such a love to my own insceurities but like my mother _always_ says, if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be..
I recently smashed a project or two at work and I’ve really gotten my head around how React works as a framework. Recognising that as I’m learning native, more app based things and higher (to me) prolly basic but still Javascirpt I need to acknowledge how i felt when I couldn’t even code and here I am doing things naturally that I couldn’t even imagine or would get so frustrated at. God Dad I wish you could see some of my work since, it’s actually so beautiful.. So to not give myself such a hard time, im no computer sci grad and I’m trying to learn potentially advanced shit so it’s ok.. 
Acutally I got the mutha fuckign title of Web Developer this year as well!!!!! so like yeh 3 years did it. legit goal achieved and I’m still running with it.. Might take me a bit left which I’d like tbf but still going upwards
So yeh, this year’s been immensly intense but beauituflly beautifull. My goals are as follows
- learn to dive
- get back into swimming 
- gym
- react native project
- redux 
- javascript
- treehouse boy again 
- continue to cook and eat healthy 
- sober for autumn 2018
- ux study
-design some websites
- sketch
- write short story
tl;dr idgaf about typos spelling etc this is as much scribbling in a notebook as it can get excet i can read this i cant read my handwriting 
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