#ideal factory otome games
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lemonandomurice · 8 months ago
pawn of justice
—Collar x Malice fanfiction; Saeki Yuzuru & Hoshino Ichika —Written in Bahasa Indonesia —Might be OOC and some lore inaccuracy —Set in the pre-game era (there might be some inaccurate lore tho) —Collar x Malice © Idea Factory & Otomate. Fanfiksi ini ditulis hanya demi memuaskan dahaga terhadap kapal pribadi, saya tidak bermaksud mengambil keuntungan materiil apapun.
Terkadang Hoshino Ichika bertanya-tanya; apa definisi keadilan sesungguhnya?
Nalarnya selalu menerawang, memproses berbagai kemungkinan kecil yang sekiranya bisa ia pahami. Ichika mencari validasi eksternal melalui satu-satunya orang yang bisa ia percayai—sayangnya Hoshino Kazuki tidak bisa diajak kompromi. Menelusuri mesin pencaharian web membuat otaknya kelelahan menyetor banyaknya informasi-informasi objektif yang berakar sama. Kepalanya terasa berat setiap kali ia tidak menemukan kesimpulan akhir satu pertanyaan simpel namun rumit itu—ditambah dengan serangkaian kasus X-Day yang tidak mampu ia tangani karena pangkatnya yang rendah.
Intinya, keadilan itu apa? Memperlakukan semua orang dengan sama rata? Kebenaran dari suatu ideal? Perlakuan seimbang antara hak dan kewajiban? Melindungi orang yang lebih lemah? Ichika rasa tidak begitu.
Lagi-lagi, malam ini, Ichika kembali termenung di kantornya. Otaknya sibuk memikirkan satu kata dengan beribu makna itu. Hanya ada ia seorang, duduk menghadap layar komputer dengan pandangan kosong—rekan-rekannya sudah pulang dan melakukan kegiatannya masing-masing. Mungkin saja ia harus beberes dan pulang ke rumah—hitung-hitung Kazuki akan mengomel jika saja ia pulang telat seperti hari-hari sebelumnya.
“Oh, Hoshino!”
Terkejut, kepala Ichika menoleh. Rupanya malam ini ia tidak sendiri. Ia menemukan Saeki Yuzuru tersenyum cerah sembari menatapnya jahil.
“Ada apa, Saeki-kun? Kok belum pulang?”
“Habis ngurus sesuatu nih.”
Ichika terkekeh pelan. Ia hampir lupa sahabat terbaiknya itu sama-sama hobi lembur. Jika saja mereka pulang lebih awal, Yuzuru akan mengajaknya minum-minum, seperti biasanya.
Seperti biasanya… jika saja Shinjuku tidak dikarantina sebulan yang lalu berkat grup teroris yang menyebut diri mereka sebagai Adonis.
“Hoshino kok belum pulang?”
Ichika menghela napas. Ia meregangkan tubuhnya, berusaha menyamankan persendian dan ototnya. Tubuhnya pegal sehabis duduk seharian, menjawab keluhan-keluhan warga setempat sedari pagi hingga sore hari, dilanjutkan dengan mengurus laporan kriminal malam harinya.
“Belum. Aku hanya perlu mengurus beberapa laporan ini. Sebentar lagi selesai kok, Saeki-kun.”
“Kau sedang memikirkan sesuatu ya?”
—entah Ichika harus merasa bersyukur atau tidak akan kemampuan membaca pikiran milik Saeki Yuzuru.
Alis Yuzuru berkedut tidak yakin. Ichika bukanlah pembohong yang baik—dan Yuzuru sangat mengenal dirinya luar dalam dibanding adiknya sendiri. Apa yang tidak diketahui oleh Yuzuru tentangnya? Ichika rasa tidak ada. Walau begitu, Ichika sendiri tidak bisa menebak isi pikiran sahabatnya—yang ia tahu, ia percaya sembilan puluh sembilan persen kepada Yuzuru.
“Ah, aku hanya sedang memikirkan sesuatu akhir-akhir ini. Mungkin bisa dibilang tidak ada gunanya dan tidak relevan.”
“Hoshino bisa menceritakannya padaku, kok.”
Yuzuru mendudukkan diri di kursi kosong samping meja kerjanya. Gadis berprofesi sebagai polisi junior itu hanya menghela napas pasrah. Ia tidak bisa kabur dari sahabat baiknya itu, huh?
“Tapi jangan mengolokku ya, Saeki-kun!”
“Janji, janji!”
“Tuh kan Saeki-kun udah ketawa duluan!”
“Iya, iya!”
Tawa Yuzuru mereda. Ichika menarik napas dalam-dalam. Ia menatap Yuzuru lekat-lekat.
“Menurut Saeki-kun, keadilan itu apa?”
“Keadilan yang sejati itu seperti apa?”
Namun, Yuzuru sama sekali tidak menjawabnya. Tatapannya melembut. Ia menopang dagunya santai dan menyunggingkan senyum kecil.
“Menurut Hoshino sendiri, keadilan itu apa?”
“Keadilan menurutku sendiri…?”
Yuzuru mengangguk, “Iya. Kalau tidak, prinsipmu sendiri. Kurasa prinsip yang kamu anut bisa menjadi definisi dari keadilan sejati-mu.”
Ichika memandang langit-langit atap. Terangnya lampu gantung tidak membuat matanya perih. Saat ini isi pikirannya didominasi oleh pertanyaan absurd Yuzuru.
Prinsip…? Keadilan…? Memangnya ada hubungannya? Ichika menggeleng.
“Hoshino bingung ya dengan penuturanku? Begini saja, kamu pikirkan apa tujuanmu sekarang. Apa yang kamu inginkan. Kenapa kamu memilih untuk bekerja di departemen kepolisian?”
“Kurasa karena aku ingin membantu orang-orang yang kesusahan?”
“Nah, itu sudah bisa menjadi pondasi untuk meneguhkan keadilan sejati-mu.”
“Saeki-kun benar. Kurasa aku terlalu terfokus pada sumber dari internet. Tentu saja keadilan bersikap subjektif. Setiap individu memiliki idealismenya masing-masing. Moral diukur dalam pribadi masing-masing,” Ichika menyentuh bagian dadanya. Wajah lesu itu mendadak pudar. Ekspresi penuh tekad dan harapan menghiasi wajah cantiknya. Ia menatap Yuzuru mantap, “Kurasa aku ingin berguna bagi masyarakat. Aku ingin membantu orang-orang di Shinjuku dan mengurangi sedikit kegelisahan mereka terkait bencana X-Day. Aku tahu korban dari kasus X-Day merupakan para kriminal dengan tingkat kejahatan yang tidak bisa dimaafkan. Tetapi, bagiku, sejahat apapun mereka, mereka tidak pantas untuk dibunuh secara brutal. Aku ingin menyelidiki kasus X-Day sewaktu-waktu. Aku ingin menjaga Kazuki dan orang-orang yang kusayangi. Aku ingin melindungi kota ini bagaimanapun caranya!”
Perlahan-lahan Ichika mulai mengerti. Bola mata zamrud itu kembali memancarkan sinar dan harapan. Sesaat Yuzuru termenung menatap teman seperjuangannya itu. Tak lama kemudian pria itu ikut tersenyum simpul. Tangannya menepuk pelan pundak Ichika.
“Aku setuju dengan pemikiran Hoshino.”
Hanya setahun berlalu dan Ichika berkembang sepesat ini. Hoshino Ichika berbeda dengan teman-teman kepolisiannya. Gadis itu memiliki pendirian yang kuat. Tekadnya tidak mudah goyah. Yuzuru melihatnya sendiri; gadis itu selalu menolong warga-warga Shinjuku tanpa pamrih. Yuzuru tahu kalau Ichika rela mengorbankan dirinya sendiri tanpa pikir panjang. Yuzuru selalu tahu… ia selalu mengamati tingkah laku Ichika. Yuzuru mengetahui semua hal tentang Ichika.
Gadis cantik itu terlalu baik untuk tinggal di dataran busuk ini.
Yuzuru rasa, ia menemukan umpan yang tepat.
Saeki Yuzuru menemukan mangsanya. Ia akan bersenang-senang dengannya—sebelum ia menghancurkan gadis itu dengan rangkaian rencana kelahiran kembali dunia baru, meneror Shinjuku dengan X-Day Countdown. Ia akan menggunakan Hoshino Ichika sebagai umpan demi membentuk keadilan sejati.
Terkadang, untuk menciptakan dunia yang sempurna, kita harus mengotori tangan kita sendiri, bukan?
—termasuk mengikut-sertakan sosok gadis yang ia cintai?
Tanpa menyadari isi benak Yuzuru, bibir Ichika melengkung, membentuk sebuah senyuman lebar.
(Berkat Yuzuru, Ichika bisa melangkah maju.)
(Berkat Ichika, Yuzuru berhasil membangun rencana yang sempurna.)
“Terima kasih, Saeki-kun.”
“Tidak. Terima kasih kembali, Hoshino.”
—malam ini Hoshino Ichika bertekad. —ia akan melindungi Shinjuku. —prinsip itu tidak akan pernah lepas dari genggamannya. —tidak akan pernah, hingga maut menjelang.
—malam ini Saeki Yuzuru bertekad. —secepat mungkin, ia akan membawa Ichika bersamanya. —walau ia harus mengotori tangannya. —demi terciptanya dunia baru yang terbebas dari individu-individu busuk.
fin. (24 Oktober 2020)
0 notes
knight-queen · 4 years ago
Lunatic Parade Reiji Sakamaki– (Chapter 01)
Lunatic Parade Masterlist (Complete)
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Yui: (I must have to take my heart back no matter what…!)
Place: Inside Mountain / 山中
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Reiji: Bernstein Caste...Let’s see. I will not take that much time from here on.
Yui: Oh I see.
Reiji: Yeah, we are about to pass through the main street, and you will hear the hassle of the parade right there.
Yui: (Oh...That place will be lively for sure.)
(There may be so many booths full of sweet smells out there just like the carnival was.)
Reiji: ...I shall expose all of the thoughts you are having now.
Yui: Yes?
Reiji: You are thinking 一what kind of special sweets could be piled up in the parade, right?
Yui: H- how did you catch it?
Reiji: Such a simple deal, it’s entirely obvious if I see this dummy loosen face of yours.
Yui: I am sorry…
Reiji: No need to feel sorry. Since the parade is entertaining, we should join this  just like the carnival.
*Reiji gets closer + Screen vibrates*
Yui: Kyaa!
Reiji: Before going there, we need preparations.
We do not want to regret facing problematic things like we faced during carnival after all...alright then.
Yui: (Bottle…? It smells so lovely.)
Reiji: Front neck...and wrists. Nextly you can apply wherever you prefer.
Yui: Umm, what is this for…
Reiji: Nice smell, yes? It was a hard time for me to have the ingredients adjust the fragrance that way.
Yui: Ingredients you say?
Reiji: Right, I have purified the vampire phenomenon at an extremely high concentration.
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If you apply this then it will basically create no difference between you and vampires.
Yui: So…?
Reiji: Oh my goodness, your consideration is dull as always….In short, you will not be noticed by others that you are a human.
With this, vampires who get seduced by your blood-scent will not drag onto you.
Yui: Th- thank you very much…!
Reiji: Sure...you are welcome.
Yui: (Huh? I see he is wrinkling his eyebrows…)
Err, does anything happen?
Reiji: Perhaps you did not notice yet but I am smelling same as my spiece from you….to be honest, it is an odd feeling.
I never had gotten along with a vampire like this so….it is truly a displeasure.
Yui: (Oh I get it...I can’t possibly smell it simply having a floral frangrame on me.)
(But I’ve broken down a little for getting him to make such a face…)
Reiji: Well then, now that we have tidied up preparations, let us move on.
Yui: Sure….
Reiji: What is wrong? If there is something you want to say, say it please.
Yui: (Guess all of my thoughts are visible to Reiji san...let’s try to be honest about it.)
That is...I am so happy that you have made that fragrance for me.
But I was a little shocked to think that you will get displeased as I will be walking by your side all the way….
Reiji: ...Get it. Well it is very simplistic of you to take it this way.
However, the point is that you are typically concerned about me, so I do not mind.
It will mean I am having objections if I say you are a hopeless person granting that.
But一 一
*Reiji gets closer*
Reiji: I’m thinking about such a cute thing that you’ve put on the fragrance that I have prepared while thinking about you.
There is no way I am displeased for you.
Yui: Kh...that’s…
Reiji: Pay attention to my words till the very end.
It is bothersome to bring a human like you to the Demon World but,
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I am simply doing all of these because I love you who is a human….It is also very obvious to say it.
I want you to walk on being by my side all the way, you know?
Yui: Kh!
Reiji: What are you being embarrassed for? ...It was you to say it though? “ I Want to walk on by your side.”
Yui: I did not say “I want to”...I said “Since I will be walking.”
Reiji: Kukuh, these are the same thing...Yui, I will let you walk by my side all the way.
Like this...closely touching each other.
Yui: ...Yes.
(Uuh...it’s so embarrassing but I am rather happy that he said it.)
Reiji: Well, I shall be done with teasing you and let us get to the castle town.
*He backs off*
Reiji: Stay close to me in such a way that I can smell the fragrance alright….get it?
Place: Glimmer Main Street / グリンマーストリート表通り
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Yui: Wah…! This place is so crowded!
Reiji: Yeah, as you would expect in the parade. Anyway, how shall we get started?
Yui: Are not we going to Bernstein Castle?
Reiji: Oh my...do you think we will have any chance of accomplishment if we simply rush in being unarmed and clueless?
Yui: Ah...it is true.
Reiji: First of all, we should come up with specific future measures.
We can go around the prominent places in order to gather important information.
Since the fragrance is doing a great job just as I had expected.
Yui: True. All thanks to you!
Reiji: This result was very obvious from me….Well, for starters一
Yui: (Oh? He is looking behind me but for what reason…)
Reiji: Stay as you are now...You must not turn over.
Yui: Eh?
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Reiji: And also...try not to get away from my sight as much as possible.
Yui: But why is that?
*Reiji gets closer*
Reiji: ...I feel like someone is following us.
Yui: What?
Reiji: There will not be any problem if they do not abduct you away but...this situation is no good I think.
I do not know what is going on but...let me hold your hand.
Yui: Kh!
Reiji: We are going to be dismissed from here...as fast as we can.
Yui: (Either ways, I cannot let go of his hand by any means!)
Place: Glimmer Main Street, Front of Wagon
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Yui: (There is a huge crowd around here so we will be alright if we get puzzled to them….but who knows the outcome.)
(More than that...I’m about to be out of breath as he was walking way too fast.)
Reiji: Oof...guess it will be okay if we reduce our walking speed little by little.
However, this place is one of the territories of the Earl Walter so we must avoid being inattentive.
Yui: Yes...by the way, what kind of person is the Earl?
Reiji: Despite gathering so much information, I can say that he does not really show up his appearance.
Yui: Oh no…
Reiji: There is also one fact I had gathered from all the people.
They said “There is no way he will give stolen things back”...So he is not a  un-straightforward person who possesses unique aesthetics and philosophy.
...It is absolutely hilarious to hear all the people are having complaints about such awful facts.
Yui: It is...unforgivable.
But it surely sounds extremely difficult work to accomplish our goal. If we….
(Don’t get my heart back then perhaps I will die….what can I do?)
Reiji: ...No need to get worried about that.
Yui: Eh…?
Reiji: You will be good since I am with you. Or...you cannot have faith in me?
Yui: It is not like that! But…
Reiji: I understand your depression. But….
I will surely save you from these.
Yui: Reiji san…!
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Reiji: Good grief, do not show such a pathetic face. Or I will end up punishing you at this rate, right?
Yui: Fufuh...I am sorry.
Reiji: Haah, I get sick seeing you that you do not understand anything unless you are told….try always to put on a cheerful face.
Yui: ...Yes!
*They go away*
???: …………
Place: Tart • TatanーGlimmer Street Stores 
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Yui: (Phew...It’s good that we find seats right away. I was so exhausted from walking here and there.)
(I ordered some pastry cakes since he told me I can get whatever I like but, it’s like a bang on our wallet.)
(There are also inedible fruits put onto these but these have great tastes.)
Reiji: The tea of this shop is unbelievably outstanding for having an aromatic blend in it. What about your cake?
Yui: It is super yummy. Umm...what about having a bite for tasting?
Reiji: Oh goodness...do you not think it is vulgar if two of us stick our mouth on this cake in front of the public?
Yui: Uhh...I thought this cake was preferred to your taste so I asked you.
(Haah...right, I should just eat it alone.)
Reiji: ...Nevertheless, if you want me to eat it so bad and I shall give it a thought.
Yui: But, I do not want to force you…
Reiji: Just give me that cake at once. However there is only one fork so it is troublesome.
Yui: If you are good with it then you can use my one.
Reiji: Haah, whose fork could you expect from me to use instead of yours in this situation? ...I will borrow this.
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Mnm….I see. It is fastidious, very much suits my taste type.
Yui: Is that so? I am glad then…
Reiji: Yeah but...it is your cake so I am fine just by having a single bite.
Please enjoy eating this to your utmost.
Yui: Yeah.
Reiji: Now then I wanted to talk about how to get...back your heart.
Yui: Do you have any kind of precautions?
Reiji: I do….If we just ask him to give heart back like a stubborn then he will not listen to us.
We shall at least exchange something with him...something which is more valuable than your heart.
Yui: Eeh? But how…
(I wonder if it will work for our opponent who easily snatched my heart away in the first place?)
(If we do not do it smoothly then we are going to lose both of those…)
Reiji: Ofcourse there is a doubt that it will go everything as planned. We are not even in the mid-way of our progress.
What a grief...what you are thinking now is showing off in your face.
For showing up different facial expressions one after another...what an amusing person you are.
Yui: My sincere apologies….
(Uuh...what a shame on me.)
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Reiji: Well then, as the continuation of our strategies follows. We will approach proposing negotiations and then we will enter in the caste from it’s frontage.
We will manage to pass through an opportunity and then we will creep in the treasure house and sharply steal the heart. 
Yui: (For some reasons, I don’t feel like this plan is made by Reiji san.)
….Will we really be able to pass it following this strategy…?
Reiji: For someone like you who is thoughtless may find it a little timidity.
But the only thing we can do now is to lead that strategy to go well.
Plus fortunately, we have so many treasures which are worthy to catch Earl’s interest.
Yui: Eh?
Reiji: The pocket watch of demise...The Earl will also love to hang out with us if we show this.
Yui: (His father...Karl-heinz gave him this watch which can tell one the end of time.)
(It is very enormous but this watch is very precious as it is full of important concepts…!)
Reiji: All now left is to...seek through an opportunity and find out the place where your heart is kept off.
Yui: But you cannot use this watch...as a bargaining tool...no way you can!
Reiji: Oh seriously, you are unbelievable...face at me.
Yui: Yes?
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Reiji: Listen attentively...there is no other thing to me which is more important than your heart.
Yui: Kh!
Reiji: ...Will you still not believe my words even if I say it straightforwardly looking at your eyes?
Yui: No...you are actually misunderstanding...you words have made me so happy.
Reiji: Likewise, it is my privilege to have you consider it.
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It was worthwhile continuing to train forcibly a silly person like you.
Yui: Oh come on...it is a rude way of saying.
Reiji: Heh...well then, let us move onto the next step.
Place: Saint Nore Park / サントノレパーク通り
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Reiji: Umm...we are going to ride that one.
Yui: Eh? The ferris wheel?
Reiji: Why are you being so astonished?
Yui: Well…
(It makes me awfully surprised that he brings me to an amusement park to begin with….)
Reiji: What’s wrong? You are making an unconvinced face.
But...is it not very natural for me to want the two of us to spend time together?
Yui: (Kh...he said it while I was staring at him...so embarrassing...!)
Reiji: What are you thinking about...while flushing your cheeks? How awkward.
Fuh...I will deepen the red color of your face even more once two of us get inside that small-spaced closed room.
We shall get going….
Place: 観覧車 / Ferris Wheel
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Yui: (We get in but...I was already tired of getting teased by him while lining up.)
(Certainly I am happy to spend time with the two of us but….all Reiji san doing for a while is just comparing the scenery with some kind of paper.)
Umm, what on the Earth you are watching?
Reiji: This is a sketch of the Bernstein Castle.
Yui: Eh? When did you get it?
Reiji: I had obtained it with an absolute secret route. First of all, in order to have a conversation with him, we have to gather information.
Yui: (Incredible...as you would expect from him.)
Reiji: So, that looks like this castle. For getting a better lookー
Yui: (He’s taking out something from his chest-pocket again. But what could it be this time?)
Reiji: Yeah, here it is. For looking far away, you will need a telescope of better quality.
Yui: (W- wow...I was freaked seeing anything coming out from his pocket.)
Reiji: Oh...there is not even a single sign of people surrounding the castle. I wonder if it is covered by any barriers.
...Aah, it has ascended to a perfect height. I wanted to view it from this angle.
By the way, this castle is built up with refined details….
Yui: (It looks a very splendid castle even if I see it with my bare eyes. I also want to have a good look.)
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I want you to show me later / あとで見せてほしい 
I want you to show me now / 今すぐ見せてほしい (+correct)
Yui: Umm...would you mind showing me too?
Reiji: Fine. But is it not okay if I show you later?
Yui: I thought...we can discover more if two of us observe instead of only one of us…
Reiji: ...Oh seriously. Your self-consciousness is very high. Alright then.
If you request that far, then I shall have you give me some valuable information for me instead of just staring at that.
Yui: Eeeh!?
Reiji: Kukuh...okay then, come here.
*Reiji gets closer*
Yui: (Wha...I was just wrapped around by arms...will I have to watch like this?)
Reiji: I shall fix you so that you will not mess up with finding the proper place. You can start to have a good view now.
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Yui: Y- yes...excuse me.
(Uuh...I am feeling thumping inside but I must concentrate to find out something…!)
(Let’s see…)
ーAh! The one who is bringing the tea-set to his terrace...he is the butler san, isn’t he?
Reiji: Butler? Let me see it too….move your head to the sideway very carefully so that the telescope will not move from its current position.
Yui: S- sure!
(The more I try to not move this telescope... the less distance it becomes between Reiji san and I….how embarrassing.)
Reiji: Umm...so that person is the butler of that castle huh.
Reiji: Yui, you really figured out a great thing. It will give us a huge hint.
Yui: I am glad…!
*Sound as the ferris wheel vibrates*
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Yui: Kyaaa!? Wh- what…?
*Reiji backs off*
Reiji: Hm? The ferris wheel stops moving. Is it an accident?
Yui: I- I guess so….
(What, we are stopped being hanged having pretty much a high distance from the ground...huh?)
R- Reiji san!! There is a ch-child stucked into the frame overthere!!
Reiji: Child? ...Oh, you are right. Well, there are times when some vampires start doing reckless things.
Yui: But if he falls...that boy will be able to fly up, right?
Reiji: It is impossible. Because vampires around that age and yet to be able to float in the air.
Yui: Eeeh!? Then we must help him!
Reiji: His parents will of course be out there. Someone like you who is rather a human does not have to over-worry for that.
Yui: But...ah!
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(He did not fall...for getting unbalanced this time but, I can’t see that child like this!)
*Opens the door*
Reiji: Wha- wait, do not tell me you are up to help him….did you listen to what I just said?
Yui: I did...if that child cannot fly properly then I must have to save him…!
(If it’s from here, then by ignoring looking down, I may get caught up with where that child is by following this frame….)
Reiji: Good grief, I want to refrain that child...from behaving reckless this time!
*Reiji gets closer*
Yui: Eh?
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Reiji: Listen, you stay here. Once I will fly out from here, you must close the door immediately. Got it?
Kh…! *Flies*
Yui: (Ah! He just flies to save that child…!)
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As soon as he reached the kid, Reiji san embraced the child and flew again.
And they safely alighted to the ground.
As Reiji san told me, I hurried up and closed the door of the ferris wheel.
Thereupon, the ferris wheel started to move. Perhaps it had stopped because that child was stuck into the framework.
Anyways, I must gotta thank Reiji san right after I get off here.
END of Monologue
Place: Saint Nore Park / サントノレパーク通り
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Yui: (...Ah, Reiji san!)
Reiji: Therefore, it is very idiotic to think you will be able to fly since your parents can do it! Be ashamed of yourself!!
And must not bother other people as well….Get it?
Vampire Child A: Yes….I am so sorry….
Reiji: Good grief...If you have learned from this experience then make sure not to make the same mistake again. Understood?
Vampire Child A: Gotcha...thanks a lot, uncle. Bye bye!
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Reiji: Wha-! U- uncle…!?
Yui: (...Looks like Reiji san has strictly disciplined the child but, as I thought children are really liberized.)
Reiji san.
Reiji: Oh it’s you.
Yui: Thank you so much. Back then...sorry for doing absurd things by any chance.
Reiji: Haa...not to mention it is not the first time that you are showing your nice-soul to me. I am already getting used to your these apologies.
I want to be aware that you are being kept endured long for having this kleinod inside you.
Yui: Ah…
Reiji: Since we are having an usual situation, therefore I want you to refrain stepping forward into dangerous things.
Yui: Yes...I am sorry.
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Reiji: It is good if you have regrets for this…anyways, our investigation for the castle is complete.
Yui: Eh? We are done?
Reiji: We have collected enough information from the outside of the ferris wheel….what shall we do now?
Yui: Well…
Reiji: If you would want to then let us enjoy the parade...or return back to the hotel at once.
Yui: I- I want to go to the parade!!!
Reiji: Heh...I can hear you even if you do not say so desperately...let us move on then.
Yui: Yes!
(It made me so happy that Reiji san has offered me…!)
Place: Saint Nore Park / サントノレパーク通り
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Reiji: Every single visitor is festiving out here….if you become so slow then then you are going to stray away from me.
Yui: Yes, I will be careful.
Reiji: Good grief. I cannot simply be relieved just by hearing these words...Let me hold your hand.
*Reiji gets closer*
Yui: Th- thank you very much….
Reiji: Nope...well if good to do this once in a while.
Yui: (Somehow it looks like a dream to walk so close to him in such a thrilling place.)
Reiji: ...We cannot get fussed over this crowded place. Let us move onto a preferable place.
Yui: Sure, then what about going to the game center right there?
Reiji: I would never go there unless they are really offering a great opportunity but...if you want to then I will go.
Place: Game Center / ゲームセンター
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Yui: (I thought it won’t be that enthusiastic but…)
Reiji: Ha! ...Haah!
Yui: (Unbelievably he is enjoying here, that’s good. Plus I am also happy to see his unusual sides….)
Ah! Look, only one point then it’s my victory!
Reiji: What you just say…?
Oh well, it is a game of hitting the bats. I do not quite understand the reason for playing such a barbaric game.
Let us do a match of one kind of brain game...I just found something perfect out here.
Yui: Concentration game…?
Reiji: Yeah. Although this graded game is very insufficient for me, you can challenge it.
Yui: Y- yes! I will do my best!
(Alright, let’s show my best to Reiji san!)
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Words he says一
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Alright then, we can start the game.
Oh my goodness.
That was amazing.
The game ends here. I am now curious about your score.
*If you win*
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Yui: Oh yeesss! Reiji san, you saw it?
Reiji: I didn. You really did well.
Yui: (Glad that I did it well! ...Hm? Something comes out…?)
Reiji: Guess you get...a prize. These are bathing tickets for the Spa in the Onyx Tower.
Yui: Waah! I am so happy. Would you mind going there together, Reiji san?
Reiji: Of course I will go.
...Fuh, you are being in high-spirit just for merely a game, are you not?
Yui: But, I am so happy that...I did itttt!
Reiji: Honestly, you are looking like a child as you are raising your hand up for being overjoyed. However….
*Fades to CG*
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*High five*
Yui: Eh?
(No way right...Reiji san just did it)
Reiji: I ended up doing this seeing you so overjoyed...it was not appropriate to do this though.
Yui: N- no! You made me happy!
Reiji: ...Well, it is not bad if it is with you.
*CG fades*
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Reiji: If we get this opportunity next time and then I will do this again. *blushing*
Yui: ...Yup!
Reiji: Ooh, I feel so hot. Guess the air-conditioner is damaged?
Yui: (Fufu, it feels good to see his rare sides.)
Reiji: So, shall we go to the spa?
Yui: Okay!
Reiji: I got sweaty for unnecessary reasons. I shall wash out everything and relax out there.
Place: スパ / Spa
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Yui: (We were supposed to meet here once we’re done changing clothes.)
Reiji: Yui
Yui: Reiji san! Sorry, did I make you wait?
Reiji: No, you are good. More importantly hurry up and get into the hot water.
Yui: A- alright….
Reiji: No matter how slim your body is, I will not want to show it to other people.
Yui: What!?
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Reiji: ...Nothing really. *Flushed*
*gets into the water*
Yui: (Phew. This warming feeling is so good. I feel luxurious as it is a large bath, unusual from everyday life.)
Reiji: Kukuh...Do not make such a lifeless face which seemed to be invited to heaven.
Yui: Uuh, but it felt so good that…
Reiji: It is okay though. Plus bathing while viewing the starry sky is not bad.
Yui: Yes. It is very charming.
(But, I wonder if it is really okay to be so carefree like this…?)
Reiji: 一It is okay.
Yui: Yes?
(Have I mistakenly spelled those words from my mouth?)
Reiji: Fuh...I can watch through everything you are imagining in your head.
Yui: Oh...you are right.
Reiji: It is okay to be carefreely relaxed down like this but...we also need to do some thrills in a while.
*He gets closer*
Reiji: Certainly this situation feels extraordinary but I cannot solve it even if it gets problematic.
Therefore, please think everything like nothing wrong is going on...muwah
Yui: Hhh!?
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(I didn’t imagine he would ki- kiss me in...this place…!)
Reiji: Could it be you are already starting to feel dizzy? In that case, we must get out right away…
Yui: I- I wasn’t feeling dizzy, it’s because you have just….
Reiji: Kukuh...is that so? Then let us stay like this for a while then.
Yui: (Uhh...I am just being teased. But Is it really okay to stay here like this.)
...We must get back my heart right? But if we fail…
Reiji: Rest assured. No matter what happens, I am by your side after all.
I will definitely take your heart back safely.
Yui: ...Yes.
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(That’s right. Reiji san will be with me so I will of course be alright.)
(That’s why...I will believe these words.)
Reiji: ...It is great to believe in me but I do not mind if you speak that out to me, you know?
Yui: Ah, y- you are right…
(But it is very embarrassing to say it facing toward him being in this state.)
Reiji: But it will be okay now. That will be a great problem if I really get you half-conscious.
After we get back to the hotel, I shall make you speak up your imagining words one by one.
You are not allowed to disappoint me there, okay?
Yui: Kh, I- I will do my best…!
(We had a lot of fun today...feel like I’m about sleepy.)
(And also he will be by my side all the time.)
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ーThe END of Chapter O1
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eleiyaumei · 2 years ago
KW Routes of the 6 new love interests
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(Art from the EB Deluxe Pack on Steam)
Older or better informed members of the Hakuōki fandom, I have a question for you:
Why are the KW routes of the older three Love Interests (Sannan, Nagakura and Yamazaki) so drastically different from those of the newest three (Iba, Sōma and Sakamoto)?
I guess the older three were given their mini-routes in older games in a fashion similar to that in Sweet School Life and then for Kyoto Winds, Idea Factory just added a few more scenes to the already existing routes... Of course, for the newest three they could not use the same strategy.
But re-writing several scenes to include the newest three and use their Shinsengumi-outsider status as an excuse reason to ramble on and on about explain in detail the Shinsengumi, Furies, politics and historical facts? How dare this game call itself an otome?!
I’m almost finished replaying KW for my Love Interest Scenes Compilation and I’m bored out of my brains since the “explaining scenes” that I cut out before because they had nothing to do with the Love Interest/romance NOW are exclusive to each of the three remaining Love Interests’ routes but at the same time, these scenes barely have any influence on the Love Interests or their relationship with Chizuru!
(And Chizuru is usually just sitting/standing there, contributing nothing (or just a few sentences) to the scenes. Even if she has a new scene with the Love Interest, she mostly does nothing until the LI comes to save her (e.g. when she follows Takeda or is accosted by Miki). Poor girl, ignored by Idea Factory as always again...)
What bothers me the most, though, is when/that these exclusive “explaining scenes” repeat information Chizuru/the player already knows. These are just there for the player to see the newer three’s reactions but contribute nothing to plot and story! Maybe - maybe! - somewhere in the scene, Chizuru/the player learns something new or specific about the LI but in these cases, the repeated info should still have been cut out.
Sōma’s route is the worst offender since it mostly consists of Sōma learning more about the Shinsengumi and its ideals, history and secrets. This route is barely about Sōma and least about his relationship with Chizuru. Like I said when I first played the game: The love story in his route is mainly about his love story with the Shinsengumi. And it serves the purpose of manipulating the player’s opinion on the Shinsengumi more thoroughly than any other route. Thanks, I hate it.
As a result of these exclusive “explaining scenes”, Iba’s scene compilation is 4 hours long whereas Yamazaki’s is only 1 1/2 hours long.
Who at Idea Factory thought these strategies with the new LIs were good ideas? The older three’s scenes are way too simple and too short (around 5mins each or less) while the newer three’s are too long (10-20mins) each. This is wayyy too unbalanced for the game, imo.
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satoshi-mochida · 3 years ago
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Otome visual novel Cupid Parasite will launch for Switch on November 2 in North America and November 5 in Europe for $49.99, publisher Idea Factory International announced.
Pre-orders for the limited edition will open on October 4 (United States, Europe, Canada) for $94.99. It includes:
A copy of the game (with reversible cover sleeve)
Steel game case
“The Parasite’s Guide to Los York” hardcover art book
Keychain set
Collector’s box
Radio Los York Presents: Pillow Talk (two-disc audio drama plus opening and ending themes)
Exclusive trading card
In Japan, Cupid Parasite first launched for Switch in August 2020.
Here is an overview of the game, via Idea Factory International:
Welcome to Cupid Corporation! Located in the glitzy and trendsetting metropolis of Los York, Cupid Corporation is a daring marriage agency known for its style and success rate.
Our heroine, Lynette Mirror, is Cupid Corporation’s top bridal advisor, whose job is to consult in-vogue singles to make their wildest romantic dreams come true! BUT she has one huge secret up her sleeve—she is none other than Celestia’s Goddess of Love, Cupid!
Sent to the Human Realm on her heavenly mission of “matchmaking”, Lynette meets her biggest challenge yet: the infamous Parasite 5. In order to help these five hopeless men find true love, Lynette and her team concoct the perfect matchmaking plan… REALITY TV.
Will Lynette be able to live up to her name as top bridal advisor and Cupid, or will her dreams get cancelled?
Key Features
From Boys to Men – Help the Parasite 5 find true love through “practice dates” to prepare them for their future partners. Maybe you’ll find your true love along the way?
Are U That Somebody? – Find your ideal love type through the dating questionnaire! Each Parasite 5 member has a different love type, which means the partner you end up with will depend on the results of the questionnaire. Want to explore the different love types? New Game+ allows players to manually select your character route, and may even unlock more love connections…
First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage – The answers you choose during story choices can increase your Love Level with a character. If a character likes your answer, you’ll experience a Love Surge. You can take the difficulty up a notch by turning off the Love Surge animations in the menu. A specific Love Level is needed to get a route’s true ending!
Go With The Flow – A Flow Chart is available to keep track of story progression. Hop to and from already experienced scenes to revisit your story choices. Use the Flow Chart to re-do routes and/or relive any memorable scenes!
View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
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recentanimenews · 4 years ago
Manga the Week of 3/10/21
SEAN: Has anyone else run out of time to read things? You’d think I’d be reading MORE in a pandemic, but…
MICHELLE: I have run out of brain to read things.
ANNA: My non-work reading and writing have suffered.
ASH: It’s strange but true.
MELINDA: What is time?
SEAN: Airship has the print debut of Failure Frame: I Became the Strongest and Annihilated Everything With Low-Level Spells. Also in print is the second ROLL OVER AND DIE: I Will Fight for an Ordinary Life with My Love and Cursed Sword!, and digital-first gives us the 2nd Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs.
Dark Horse has a 7th Deluxe Hardcover edition of Berserk.
ASH: It’s probably no surprise that I’ll be picking that up.
SEAN: Drawn & Quarterly has a biggie: the late Shigeru Mizuki’s adaptation of Tono Monogatari, a famous collection of folklore. It ran in Shogakukan’s Big Comic.
ASH: My recent brief doesn’t truly do it justice, but I love this book.
MELINDA: Ash is persuasive!
SEAN: No debuts for J-Novel Club, but a lot of new volumes of beloved series. We see Ascendance of a Bookworm 11, Bibliophile Princess 5, the 2nd manga volume of The Engagement of Marielle Clarac, Girls Kingdom 2, Infinite Dendrogram 14, the 5th manga volume of The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar, and Slayers 6.
ASH: Yay, Bookworm!
SEAN: Kaiten Books has a debut with Welcome to the Outcast’s Restaurant, a manga version of the light novel we’ve seen released here by Tentai Books. A strong adventurer, banished by his party, starts a restaurant, and has to deal with his customers’ varied issues.
ASH: There seems to be a surprising number of these types of restaurants.
SEAN: Kodansha has some print. There’s Grand Blue Dreaming 12, Rent-a-Girlfriend 5, Saint Young Men 5 (in hardcover omnibus), and the 14th and final Waiting for Spring.
MICHELLE: I’ve been waiting for Waiting for Spring‘s finale for ages!
ANNA: I have the first volume and I still haven’t read it!
ASH: I’ve liked what I’ve read of Waiting for Spring so far, but Saint Young Men has most of my attention from this batch.
MELINDA: Same here!
SEAN: For digital, the debut is Shaman King: Marcos, which runs in Shonen Magazine Edge, and is MORE SHAMAN KING.
Also digital: A Couple of Cuckoos 3, Ace of the Diamond 31, Peach Boy Riverside 5, Saint Young Men 10, Seven Shakespeares 15, and We Must Never Fall in Love 7.
MICHELLE: A baseball binge is in store for me!
SEAN: Seven Seas has two debuts. The first had an anime recently, and it’s called Super HxEros (Dokyuu Hentai HxEros). Despite the Japanese title, this isn’t quite porn, but it does run on fanservice. Aliens are sapping the world’s lust, and only superheroes who can use their own lust to power up can stop them. This runs in Jump Square, home of Blue Exorcist, believe it or not, and is 11+ volumes in Japan.
The other debut is Wonder Cat Kyuu-chan (Fushigi Neko no Kyuu-chan), a 4-koma about an office worker who finds an abandoned cat that proves to be… a wonder cat! This looks very cute.
ANNA: That does sound cute.
ASH: It does.
SEAN: Also from Seven Seas: Akashic Records of Bastard Magical Instructor 11, Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest 6 (manga), Arpeggio of Blue Steel 17, Peter Grill and the Philosopher’s Time 4, The Ideal Sponger Life 8 (manga), The Saint’s Magic Power Is Omnipotent 2 (manga), and We Swore to Meet in the Next Life and That’s When Things Got Weird! 2.
SuBLime gives us Caste Heaven 5 and the 2nd and final volume of Toritan – Birds of a Feather.
MICHELLE: I need to check out Toritan. Caste Heaven was not for me.
ASH: I haven’t tried Caste Heaven yet, but I really liked the first volume of Toritan. I didn’t realize it was only two volumes long.
SEAN: Tokyopop has Katakoi Lamp, a BL title from Rutile. A young man working at a coffee shop falls for a customer, but can he work up the courage to confess?
They also have the 2nd volume of Ossan Idol!.
Vertical has a 9th volume of Flying Witch and a 3rd With a Dog AND a Cat, Every Day is Fun.
Viz has Tokyo Fashion: A Comic Book, an illustrated guide to building your wardrobe and looking good.
ASH: Oh, that could be interesting!
SEAN: We also have Fly Me to the Moon 4, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 8, RIN-NE 38, and Splatoon: Squid Kids Comedy Show 3.
Yen On has a debut, with The Executioner and Her Way of Life (Shokei Shoujo no Ikirumichi), about a woman whose job it is to STOP isekai protagonists – they keep bringing chaos whenever they arrive! Unfortunately, the girl she meets may be more than she can handle. Nice seeing more yuri light novels.
ASH: That is kind of a delightful and cathartic twist to the isekai deluge. And it’s yuri, too? I may have to check it out!
SEAN: Yen On also has Combatants Will Be Dispatched! 5.
Three debuts from Yen Press. I Cannot Reach You (Kimi ni wa Todokanai) is a BL series from Media Factory’s Gene Pixiv, and is a childhood friend romance sort of story. It looks sweet.
MICHELLE: I’m really looking forward to this one!
ASH: Me, too!
MELINDA: Okay, yes, THIS.
SEAN: SEAN: Play It Cool, Guys (Cool Doji Danshi) runs in Square Enix’s Gangan Pixiv, and features a bunch of cool guys who are secretly… awkward dorks! This seems more on the funny side.
ASH: Could be fun!
SEAN: Penguin Gentlemen (Penguin Shinshi) is a done-in-one hardcover about a group of penguins who run a bar. Sometimes they’re drawn as penguins… and sometimes they’re drawn as buff hot guys. This ran in Kadokawa’s Pixiv Essay.
ANNA: This sounds hilarious.
ASH: It really does, in the best sort of way.
MELINDA: This sounds amazing.
SEAN: Lastly, Yen has Happy Sugar Life 8, I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years 5 (manga), Kakegurui Twin 9, and Restaurant to Another World 4.
What series are you falling more and more behind on?
By: Sean Gaffney
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cannonette · 7 years ago
Otomate X Nintendo Switch
The President of Idea Factory, Sato Yoshiteru, has announced the Female oriented brand [ Otomate ] will be expanding their New Titles to the [ Nintendo Switch ], and presents 12 new lineups all at once.
[ Otomate ] is a rising brand that creates Games with themes that you can [ Experience Lovely Dreams ]. Henceforth, the focus of this will be the [ Nintendo Switch ]. So that Everyone, the Fans, could keep on smiling, and to be able to connect to the new IP creation, we’ve lined up with plenty of varieties.
[ The New Titles ] ※In no particular order
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Title Name: Hakuouki Shinkai Fuukaden for Nintendo Switch Genre: Female Oriented Romance Adventure Game Keyword: Producer: Fujisawa Tsunekiyo Character Design: Shiki Sakigumi Cast: Miki Shinichiro / Morikubo Showtaro / Toriumi Kosuke / Yoshino Hiroyuki / Yusa Koji / Tsuboi Tomohiro / Tobita Nobuhiko / Suzuki / Takayuki / Miyano Mamoru / Kaji Yuki / Ono Daisuke / Tsuda Kenjiro / Others Title Summary: The ported version [ Hakuouki Shinkai Fuukaden ] Release Date: 2018 September 6th Price: - Regular Edition: 6800 JPY (Without Tax), 7344 JPY (With Tax) - Limited Edition: 8800 JPY (Without Tax), 9504 JPY (With Tax) - Download Edition: 6800 JPY (Without Tax), 7344 JPY (With Tax) Official Site: http://www.otomate.jp/hakuoki/shinkai/switch/ Official Twitter: @HakuokiShinkai  Copyright: (C)2018 IDEA FACTORY/DESIGN FACTORY
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Title Name: Code : Realize ~Saikou no Hanataba~ for Nintendo Switch Genre: Female Oriented Romance Adventure Game Keyword: Director: Ninomae Joe, Character Design / Original Pictures: miko Cast: Maeno Tomoaki / Suwabe Junichi / Kakihara Tetsuya / Morikubo Showtaro / Hirakwa Daisuke / Kaji Yuki / Murakami Kazuya / Others Title Summary: The ported version of [ Code : Realize ~Saikou no Hanataba~ ] Release Date: 2018 September 13th Price: - Regular Edition: 6800 JPY (Without Tax), 7344 JPY (With Tax) - Limited Edition: 8800 JPY (Without Tax), 9504 JPY (With Tax) - Download Edition: 6800 JPY (Without Tax), 7344 JPY (With Tax) Official Site: http://www.otomate.jp/code-realize/switch/ Official Twitter: @CR_otomate Copyright: (C)2018 IDEA FACTORY/DESIGN FACTORY
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Title Name: Nil Admirari no Tenbin -Irodori Nadeshiko- Genre: Female Oriented Romance Adventure Game Keyword: Illustrator: Satoi, Scenario: Katagiri Yuma, Director: Watanabe Wataru Cast: Kaji Yuki / Okamoto Nobuhiko / Osaka Ryota / Kimura Ryohei / Suzumura Kenichi / Sakurai Takahiro / Others Title Summary: The ported version of [ Nil Admirari no Tenbin Teito Genwaku Kitan ] and [ Nil Admirari no Tenbin Kuroyuri Enyoutan ] with additional features Release Date: Scheduled for 2018 Release Price: - Regular Edition: 6800 JPY (Without Tax), 7344 JPY (With Tax) - Limited Edition: 8800 JPY (Without Tax), 9504 JPY (With Tax) - Download Edition: 6800 JPY (Without Tax), 7344 JPY (With Tax)  Official Site: http://www.otomate.jp/nil-admirari/switch/ Official Twitter: @nilad_otomate  Copyright: (C)2018 IDEA FACTORY
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Title Name: Cendrillon palikA Genre: Female Oriented Romance Adventure Game Keyword: Illustrator: Suzushiro Karin A Fantasy with the motif of the fairy tale [ Cinderella ] Cast: Hino Satoshi / Uchida Yuma / Hanae Natsuki / Namikawa Daisuke / Okitsu Kazuyuki / Toriumi Kosuke / Sugiyama Noriaki / Others Title Summary: New Original Title oriented for the Nintendo Switch Release Date: Scheduled for 2018 Release Price: - Regular Edition: 6300 JPY (Without Tax), 6804 JPY (With Tax) - Limited Edition: 8300 JPY (Without Tax), 8964 JPY (With Tax) - Download Edition: 6300 JPY (Without Tax), 6804 JPY (With Tax)  Official Site: http://www.otomate.jp/cendrillon_palika/ Official Twitter: @palikA_otomate Copyright: (C)2018 IDEA FACTORY
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Title Name: Private BeruBara Gakuen ~Rose of Versailles Re*imagination~ Keyword: Original Pictures: Ikeda Riyoko, Rose of Versailles X Otomate Title Summary: That Masterpiece--will now, raise its new curtains. The First collaboration piece of [ Rose of Versailles ] X Otomate. Copyright: (C)Ikeda Riyoko Productions (C)2017 IDEA FACTORY/POWER AMBITIOUS
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Title Name: NORN9 LOFN for Nintendo Switch Copyright: (C)IDEA FACTORY
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Title Name: AMNESIA for Nintendo Switch Copyright: (C)IDEA FACTORY/DESIGN FACTORY
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Title Name: Reine des fleurs for Nintendo Switch Copyright: (C)IDEA FACTORY/DESIGN FACTORY
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Title Name: Birushana Senki ~Genpei Den~ Keyword: Director: Itou Ai, Character Design: Haneda Kouji Copyright: (C)IDEA FACTORY / RED
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Title Name: Sengoku Night Blood Title Summary: Consumer Version of the Application Game [ Sengoku Night Blood ] (iOS / Android / PC) Official Site: http://portal.senbura.jp/  ※Sengoku Blood Knight’s Portal Site Official Twitter: @senbura_info Copyright: (C)Marvelous Inc. / KADOKAWA / IDEA FACTORY
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Title Name: New Work by Ninomae Joe Produce LoverPretend  Keyword: Love Game, Dreams, Decisions, Effort, Growth, Ideal, Reality, Actors, Frustrations, Friends
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Title Name: Hakuouki New Work Title Summary: Brand New Work of [ Hakuouki ]
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waste-time-play-otome · 7 years ago
Otomate will begin putting their games on the Nintendo Switch
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Google Translate Translation (take with a grain of salt):
Works of the idea factory group's women's brand "Otomate" are released one after another at Nintendo Switch. It was also revealed that three titles of "Code: Realize ~ Bouquet of Azalea ~", "Cendrillon palik A" and "Balance of Nir · Admiraly" will be released following the "Hakuoki Shinko Fudoku Koden" . "Code: Realize ~ Bouquet of Ai rain ~" will be released on September 13, the price is 6,800 yen for the regular version / 8,800 yen for the limited edition. "Cendrillon palik A" and "Balance of Nir · Admirari Balance Dorikiko" are both planned to be released in 2018, and both prices are 6,800 yen for the regular version and 8,800 yen for the limited edition
We announced that the Nintendo Switch version "Hakuoki Shinko Funka Kaiden" will be released on September 6, but it became clear that a complete new work of "Hakuoki" series is also being prepared. In addition, it is also possible to use one of Joe D's new work "LoverPretend" (keyword: love affair, selection, effort, ideal, growth, actor, reality, dream, setback, companion) and " We are also preparing works such as "Translation" (Character Design: Mr. Koji Haneda), "Cartoon" Rose of Versailles "as an Academy Item," Private Belle Barra School "(Imaging at the same time)," War Night Blood ". Furthermore, "Amnesia" "Norn + net" "Lendfleur" is also planned to be transplanted.
I don’t think that it means they will abandon the PS Vita, it is still a popular console in Japan and Otomate has seen many sales of their western localizations of the games on the Vita, I think they just want to broaden their potential audience, just like how they had iPhone versions of Amnesia and Hakuouki.
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loadingwrite246 · 4 years ago
Ouran Highschool Host Club Ds Game English Rom
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Ouran High School Host Club Ds Game English Rom Cheats
Ouran High School Host Club Ds Game English Rom Online
Ouran Highschool Host Club Ds Gameplay also known as Ouran Koukou Host-Bu, Subscribe for Part 2 and for more ouran and ds gameplays!! ^^ Feel free to post. Ouran Highschool Host Club Ds Game English Rom Download. Download SpongeBob SquarePants Employee of the Month pc games latest full version setup.exe file direct. Jan 25, 2018 Video games based on anime and manga tend to be hit or miss affairs. Idea Factory’s Ouran Koukou Host-Bu DS, known to American fans as Ouran High School Host Club DS, is one of those hits. The game perfectly captures the humor and atmosphere of the series, and the full voice acting and simple controls make it an ideal otome visual novel for novices. Ouran High School Host Club is a romantic comedy series surrounding Haruhi Fujioka, a scholarship student at Ouran. Ouran High School Host Club DS - The Open Translation Project So, about three years ago I came across this forum for the first time and got inspirated to set up a translation project as well. Unfortunately I couldn't do much myself. Luckily enough there were a few nice and talented users who made it all possible.
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satoshi-mochida · 4 years ago
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Idea Factory International will release otome visual novel Cupid Parasite for Switch this fall in the west, the publisher announced.
Pre-orders are available now at IFI’s Online Store. The standard edition costs $49.99, while the limited edition costs $94.99.
In Japan, Cupid Parasite first launched for Switch in August 2020.
Here is an overview of the game, via Idea Factory International:
Welcome to Cupid Corporation! Located in the glitzy and trendsetting metropolis of Los York, Cupid Corporation is a daring marriage agency known for its style and success rate.
Our heroine, Lynette Mirror, is Cupid Corporation’s top bridal advisor, whose job is to consult in-vogue singles to make their wildest romantic dreams come true! BUT she has one huge secret up her sleeve—she is none other than Celestia’s Goddess of Love, Cupid!
Sent to the Human Realm on her heavenly mission of “matchmaking”, Lynette meets her biggest challenge yet: the infamous Parasite 5. In order to help these five hopeless men find true love, Lynette and her team concoct the perfect matchmaking plan… REALITY TV.
Will Lynette be able to live up to her name as top bridal advisor and Cupid, or will her dreams get cancelled?
Key Features
From Boys to Men – Help the Parasite 5 find true love through “practice dates” to prepare them for their future partners. Maybe you’ll find your true love along the way?
Are U That Somebody? – Find your ideal love type through the dating questionnaire! Each Parasite 5 member has a different love type, which means the partner you end up with will depend on the results of the questionnaire. Want to explore the different love types? New Game+ allows players to manually select your character route, and may even unlock more love connections…
First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage – The answers you choose during story choices can increase your Love Level with a character. If a character likes your answer, you’ll experience a Love Surge. You can take the difficulty up a notch by turning off the Love Surge animations in the menu. A specific Love Level is needed to get a route’s true ending!
Go With The Flow – A Flow Chart is available to keep track of story progression. Hop to and from already experienced scenes to revisit your story choices. Use the Flow Chart to re-do routes and/or relive any memorable scenes!
Visit the official website here.
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satoshi-mochida · 7 years ago
[From May 9th]
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Following earlier confirmation of Hakuoki Shinkai: Fuukaden, Code: Realize ~Bouquet of Rainbows~, Cendrillon palikA, and Nil Admirari no Tenbin: Irodori Nadeshiko for Switch, the latest issue of Dengeki Girl’s Style reveals reveals a completely new Hakuoki title and several other Idea Factory otome titles are in the works for Switch.
The other titles include:
LoverPretend – The latest game from director Ichijoo. Keywords include pretend love, choice, effort, ideals, growth, actors, reality, dreams, setbacks, and friends.
Birushanah Senki: Genpeiden – A collaboration title with Red Entertainment, featuring character designs by Kouji Haneda.
Shiritsu Versailles Gakuen – A The Rose of Versailles school life story.
Sengoku Night Blood
Norne + Nonette
Reine des Fleurs
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