#idea how anakin would have/actually felt
lockandkeyhyena · 1 year
How does Hercules feel about Goliath, if he has any of his own opinions at all? Does he just go off Titan's word?
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Like father, like son.
I’ve talked a bit about Hercules’ complex relationship with his mother and confusing interpretation of his father a bit before but truly these two concepts are deeply intertwined and talking about one without at least referencing the other is only telling half the story.
Herc’s ‘relationship’ or rather lack thereof with his father (given his less than alive status) is… messy to say the least. Growing up he gained pretty much all of his knowledge of his father from his mother and the occasional past employee who both would have had it in their best interests to skew his image a tad.
When Hercules was very young, Titan often would get drunk on expensive wine and dump many of her own complicated, messy and contradictory feelings towards Goliath on him, leading to a lot of Hercules’ own feelings on his father. As he got older, he began to research more on the man himself rather than relying on biased retellings from his mother and instead read up on newspaper articles, biopics and personal notes, all of which of course have no reason to skew the truth.
Overall, Hercules has raging parental issues but his emotions specifically towards his father are along the lines of;
Hating him. Thinking he was a genius. Thinking he was a fool and an imbecile. Wanting nothing more than to be him. Resenting him for what he was. Idolising him for what he could’ve been. Etc. You get the picture.
I’ve mentioned it before, but Goliath isn’t a person in the story present, but rather a collection of ideas people had about him and a legacy he never got to tell himself. It’s all about the holes people leave behind and how you construct an image of someone who never existed to fill them.
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thesassypadawan · 4 months
Ask Nicely (Master Anakin x FemPadawanReader)
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Summary: Somedays you think your new master hates you and others… Well, let’s just say, you find out soon enough…when he expresses his disdain for you asking Obi-Wan nicely to take care of your needs.
Warnings: 18+ (minors dni), because of all the lovely smut. Jealous Skyguy, rough fingering/kisses…and Ani’s thick digits. Padawan Reader is of age, 5 years younger than him.
“What’s the big deal? All I did was train with Master Kenobi,” you huffed. Rolling your eyes so hard that you wondered if they’d get stuck like that.
Anakin had been lecturing you nonstop for the last half hour. Starting from the minute he had practically dragged you out of the dojo…through the temple halls…back to your shared quarters. His strong hand wrapped firmly around your arm the whole way.
“For the fourth time this week,” he growled. Arms crossed as he leaned in the doorway, a frown on his face. “As your master, it’s my responsibility-”
“And you’re doing such a great job…” Having shed the last of your sweat soaked clothes, you began rummaging through your drawers. Back turned to him, not caring that you were standing there in only your undergarments. “…of neglecting those duties.”
You weren’t in the wrong, not in the very least. The two of you never had the greatest of relationships or, for that matter, one really at all. Constantly arguing and fighting, butting heads over anything and everything. Which grew worse when you abruptly became his padawan learner; to the point where you were verily certain that he hated you.
Or there was always something else that led you, made you want to believe…
Capturing your elbow, he easily whirled your around. “Listen here, it’s not my fault-”
“No, it is!” You snapped; jabbing your finger into his chest, refusing to stepdown. “You’re the whole reason why I have to go ask Obi-Wan nicely to help take care of my needs!”
Clearly striking a nerve, you watched as Ani’s jaw clenched tighter. Eyes narrowing at you, something dark flickering inside them. “Careful now; you don’t know-”
“Actually, I think I do,” you boldly interrupted once more. Mouth curling up into a sly grin, because you knew what you said next would anger him enough to either silence or… “You’re jealous! You can’t stand the idea of another man…let alone your old master…touching my body! Guiding me, teaching me how to move in ways that you aren’t able to!”
“Little one,” he snarled in warning. Shoving you back against the dresser, pinning you in place. Towering over your smaller frame menacingly.
You should have been terrified, horrified. Despite this though, you kept goading Anakin. “And his big hands felt so good resting on my hips… His fat cock pressing into my ass…”
Before you could continue, you were cut off by a quick, invisible squeeze to your neck. One that left you briefly stunned, speechless. “Yeah, yeah. We’ll see what you have to say about Obi-Wan after I’m done teaching you.”
Not even a second later and his mouth was slotted against yours in a fiery kiss. Biting sharply at your bottom lip, demanding entrance. All the while his mechno hand found its way to your breast, tearing the bindings off like they were nothing.
The moment the cold air hit your exposed nipples, you let out a small whimper. Allowing Ani to slip his tongue in, wrestling with and pinning yours down. Showing you who was in control, attempting to force you into submission.
You tried to pull away, but he held you fast to him. Organic hand gripping the back of your head, long fingers tangling and tugging your hair roughly. The other delivering a solid slap to each tit before he finally decided it was time to break apart.
Gasping, coughing for air. A desperate whine escaped you as he trailed his lips down your jaw, your throat; leaving an array of lovely marks in their wake. Until they wrapped themselves around a pebbled bud; sucking hungrily, biting lightly when your back arched in response. “M-Mast-ter.”
While he lavished your chest with hot kisses, Anakin’s hand followed the curves of your body. Brushing your clothed mound, chuckling once he felt how drenched you were. “Would you look at that; already so wet for me. Bet the old bastard can’t get you like this…”
Nipping a sensitive nub one last time, he had risen back up. Hand grasping your chin tightly, lips crashing against your in another searing kiss. Making you mewl softly, body trembling in anticipation.
“…or sound like that,” he growled low. Suddenly yanking your panties to the side, plunging two leather clad fingers into your cunt.
Squealing, you clenched hard around him. Walls fluttering from the foreign sensation, from being stuffed so full. Hips rocking back and forth in time with his painfully slow pumps. A squelching sound filling the air.
Wanting and craving more. All that pent up frustration had you already so embarrassingly close to crashing over the edge. That you were reduced to a mere babbling mess when Ani abandoned your mouth and pressed his lips to your neck again. Kissing the junction of it and your shoulder, tongue lapping at the tender flesh. A pleasant shiver running down your spine. “P-please…please…”
His pace picked up, thick digits thrusting deep with you. Bullying and bruising your cervix, muttering. “Oh, are you close? You want to cum?”
Panting, you nodded frantically. The heat inside of you overwhelming while you lost touch with reality more and more from each drive.
“Words,” he demanded. Adding the remaining two, slamming them brutally into your packed pussy. “Use them.”
“Yes, s-so close!” You squeaked, the coil in your stomach threatening to snap at any moment. “L-let me c-cum, master!”
At your words, he sunk his teeth in. Breaking the skin, hissing a ‘no’ as he abruptly withdrew his fingers. Pulling away, your fresh blood tinting his lips red.
A wild cry flew from your mouth. Sobbing at the denial, body sagging against the dresser. Hips bucking shamelessly in the air, trying to regain the pleasurable feelings that had been coursing through you.
Grabbing your ass, Anakin squeezed…smacked it hard. Smearing your slick across your freshly soiled panties. “Only good padawans get to do that…you haven’t been. Now, why don’t you try asking me nicely and maybe…I’ll help take care of your needs.”
Tag List: @espinathena-17, @myheartwillgoon2022, @cacti5539, @wifeofasith, @princessswifie, @kenobiskywalker16, @loverforoldermen
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david-talks-sw · 2 months
The OTHER type of Star Wars fan
We've already covered (through this longer post and this addendum) that research shows George wasn't that involved or interested in the derivative material of the Star Wars franchise, also known as the Expanded Universe (EU). Aside from approving a few points, he let Howard Roffman and Lucasfilm Licensing handle it.
He is the first to say that he ain't as knowledgeable about Star Wars lore as we fans are.
Thing is... he's also not as passionate as we are.
Recently, I was watching some Q&A videos of George R.R. Martin, the author of Game of Thrones... and it occurred to me:
Martin is what most Star Wars fans wish Lucas was.
Think about it.
He's a talented writer who likes to focus on morally "gray" characters and complex political plotlines,
who created a series of novels for a mature audience in which his narrative merely asks questions and lets the reader draw their own conclusions,
knows and engages in the lore behind his creation and will often respond to those lore-heavy questions, and has gone on record stating that canon is the glue that holds a story together and keeps it coherent.
Contrast that with George "continuity is for wimps" Lucas, who:
Wrote a movie franchise which is also, partially, political... but he makes it for kids, and he's explicit about how this is thematically a clear-cut story about how the conflict of "good vs evil" is really about "compassion vs greed",
with flat dialogue, boring cinematography,
and whose approach to lore and canon can be summed up in his answer to how Anakin got his scar:
"I don't know. Ask Howard [Roffman]. That’s one of those things that happens in the novels between the movies. I just put it there. He has to explain how it got there. I think Anakin got it slipping in the bathtub, but of course, he's not going to tell anybody that." - Pablo Hidalgo’s set diary, August 2003
And as a Star Wars fan, I will admit that some of his casual retcons felt disrespectful, growing up.
"Boba Fett is NOT Mandalorian?!"
I had the same reaction when I saw an interview of Kathleen Kennedy stating she was a fan of Star Wars... from a filmmaking perspective. That seemed like such a finagling cop-out for me, at the time.
"Just say you're not a real fan, God!"
And it's easy to divide it in two camps, like that. You have 1) the fans, who will delve into deep lore, and you have 2) the average moviegoer.
But looking back on it... holy shit, that is actually a completely valid way of being a Star Wars fan.
Yes, Star Wars is a transmedia franchise, it's books, it's video-games, it's deep lore, it's lightsabers and Jedi and Sith and bounty hunters and Ewoks and Jabba and High Republics and Tython and Revan etc.
But before it was that, Star Wars was a filmmaking revolution. A juggernaut of innovation for the silver screen that inspired most of today's filmmakers.
So, sure, George Lucas isn't an avid lore-loving Star Wars fan like you and me. But he is a movie fan.
"I'm not that passionate about this story. I like it, it's fun and I enjoy doing it. But it's definitely not my life. I'm a bigger movie fan than I am Star Wars fan. I like making movies. At the end of nine years of making Star Wars, I was not ready to continue it. I was completely burned out on it. I was more passionate about raising my kids than making movies and especially making Star Wars. So I made other kinds of movies and TV shows and advanced the technology I needed. It's not a matter of passion. My passion is for filmmaking. I'll go and do filmmaking that is easier to do, where you can realise your ideas better. And nine years is a big part of your life, and to commit to another nine years, I didn't wanna do that right away." - EMPIRE, 1999
And you can tell this, when you watch the Star Wars films.
There are honestly so many homages and interesting filmmaking techniques, peppered throughout the six films, which only a nerd for cinema history like George would know how to implement.
C3-PO being based on the droid from Metropolis (1927) is a perfect example of this.
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And that's interesting.
Because there's essentially this entire other dimension to the films, where it's not just the story unfolding, but to filmmakers it's also a series of techniques that make them go "I wonder how they did that!" or homages that make them go "OH! I know where that's from!" like we do when an comics characters appears in live-action.
Here's other examples:
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All of Star Wars is absolutely littered with homages to cinema history.
I mean, you may already know this, but Flash Gordon is what George originally wanted to shoot, but the copyright holders said they only wanted Fellini to direct it (ironically, George wasn't artsy-fart enough for them). So he decided to write Star Wars instead.
As such, the inspiration from Flash Gordon is also present visually and spiritually throughout the two trilogies.
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"It was like a Republic serial, a 1930s-style matinee adventure. The idea was that you came in, saw Episode IV, had missed the first three episodes, and wouldn't get to see the rest of it." - Starlog Magazine #300, 2002
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The dialogue that a lot of people refer to as "campy" and "flat" is actually a mix of George being an experimental filmmaker who doesn't give much of a fuck about dialogue (and is by his own admission, not the best at it)...
"I'd be the first person to say I can't write dialogue. My dialogue is very utilitarian and is designed to move things forward. I'm not Shakespeare. It's not designed to be poetic. It's not designed to have a clever turn of phrase. [...] I just wanted to get from point A to point B. This film doesn't lend itself to that sort of thing because it's not about snappy one-liners.  I think that Lethal Weapon-style dialogue is overused, it's a necessary aspect of high action films where you have to have the smart retort. You have to say "I'll be back baby" and stuff. It's not my style. It takes away from the integrity of the movie. [...] I'm aware that dialogue isn't my strength. I use it as a device. I don't particularly like dialogue which is part of the problem." - EMPIRE, 1999
... which is convenient, because it helped him simulate the dialogue of 1930s matinee serials, such as Flash Gordon.
"Let’s face it, their dialogue in that scene is pretty corny. It is presented very honestly, it isn’t tongue in cheek at all, and it’s played to the hilt. But it is consistent, not only with the rest of the movie, but with the overall Star Wars style. Most people don’t understand the style of Star Wars. They don’t get that there is an underlying motif that is very much like a 1930s Western or Saturday matinee serial. It’s in the more romantic period of making movies and adventure films. And this film is even more of a melodrama than the others." - Mythmaking: Behind the Scenes of Attack of the Clones, 2002
But beyond that, literally it's everywhere.
The scene where Palpatine ascends to being Emperor as Anakin slaughters his political rivals parallels the final scene in The Godfather, where Michael becomes the Don while his goons do the same thing.
This video compiles all the tributes beautifully. Check it out.
Even The Clone Wars has whole episodes that are direct homages to cult classics. The Zillo Beast episode is a clear reference to Godzilla, the episode The Wrong Jedi is inspired by The Wrong Man, etc.
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I've already written a whole post (one of my favourites) showing how his fascination with cinéma vérité documentaries is reflected in the cinematography of all six Star Wars films, and it's part of what makes the entire franchise feel so immersive.
You can check it out here:
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We've gone over how he's a big fan of Akira Kurosawa, and how big an influence Hidden Fortress was on both the Star Wars trilogies...
... but so is the mise-en-scène and the way George approaches production design. The reason Star Wars feels so "lived in" is also a lesson George learned from Kurosawa, which is that by making everything just a bit off-kilter, a bit dirtied-up and imperfect...
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... and yet keeping it all consistent, in a way, you manage to make the film feel grounded and immersive, no matter how alien it is.
"[It] may sound odd in a movie like this, but credibility and realism, even in the most unrealistic situation… to sorta create that sense of realism is very important to making the story work and making you feel like you’re actually in the environment that transports you and gives you the suspension of disbelief that you need in order to enjoy a movie. [...] Kurosawa used to call it “immaculate realism” which is to make it slightly off-kilter, slightly eccentric, like things are in real life. Even if it’s a very predictable situation, give it that little funny edge that takes it away from that and makes it realistic. And I had to struggle very hard, in the Star Wars films, to make them appear to be realistic, even though they’re totally fantasy." - The Phantom Menace, Commentary Track #2, 1999
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Another one of the more impressive aspects of the first Star Wars was the dogfights and the trench raid of the Death Star. The camera pans with the spaceship, the dynamism of the cuts. The space battles is what made George creat ILM in the first place.
He was determined to do the opposite of what 2001: A Space Odyssey had done with that opening scene where the space ship moves into frame slooooowly...
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... so he gave the team a collection of WWII dogfight footage to give them ideas.
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(note: this was the same approach he would take years later with Dave Filoni, when teaching the latter how to edit and craft dogfights in The Clone Wars)
The attempt to film the trench run eventually led to the creation of the first motion control camera dolly.
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Best analogy I can think of, when describing George's approach to Star Wars, is the following:
An avant-garde esoteric contemporary artist - y'know, the type who puts a blue dot on a white canvas and calls it art - creates a comic.
Why? Because he wants to make this one art installment for a gallery exhibition. After that, he intends to move on to other things.
But the comic is really good! And like, its audience quickly expands beyond just gallery visitors, no, everyone likes it.
Suddenly, the comic develops a cult following, and the entirety of comic book geek culture has zeroed-in on the artist and they're all asking him to make more art! And he makes more! And more!
Then he stops for two decades, moves on to other art projects, raises his kids. Years later, he discovers new ways of drawing, and he's like "I'm making a Prequel to the comic, y'all wanna see it?"
Everyone cries out gleefully: "Oh God, yes! Finally! Show us!"
But this motherfucker makes a manga.
Why? Because he feels like it.
And of course he does, he's just creating art, right? He discovered the graphic tablet, so he's having fun with it, because he's always innovating and pushing the envelope with his art.
And the movies are fine, by manga standards. But by comic book standards, they obviously suck! The comic book audience is mad. They wanted another comic book, not a manga. Why is it in black and white? Why is read right-to-left? This comic sucks!
(And arguably, they have a point... as a savvy businessman, he's made a whole lot of money off this comic, he built a media empire out of it, and instead of giving them what they want, he made something else)
But again... this guy isn't a comic book illustrator, and has been very explicit about saying this.
He's an artist who - for a very specific project - drew a comic.
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Many things can be true at once:
the fact that these creative decisions didn't always hit their mark for the average moviegoer, or fans of "Star Wars, the space fantasy movies and expanded universe" (usually the lore-loving geeks like myself)...
... and the fact that they were meticulously and carefully crafted in a way that fans of "Star Wars, the revolutionary film" (aka fans of cinema and filmmaking) can appreciate.
There's a spectrum of the fandom, and there is a spectrum in the way we can appreciate Star Wars. Which kinda reminds me of that scene in Chef (2014) where Carl goes on a rant explaining the intricacies of making his chocolate lava cake to a food critic.
It's not just undercooked chocolate.
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It's molten.
Conversely, it's not just flat, campy dialogue. It's an homage to the 1930s matinee serials à la Flash Gordon.
It's not just boring cinematography. It's a reproduction of cinéma vérité documentary-style camera work which effectively grounds the film.
Having considered all this, when I hear that Tony Gilroy or Kathleen Kennedy were more in the latter camp, I go "fair enough".
First of all, because like it or not, so was George. He clearly didn't give a single crap about the comics and books, besides signing off on minor plot points. He's not a "sci-fi movie director", he's an experimental filmmaker who makes movies set in space.
But secondly, because - aside from children - it's clear the audience he was targeting was these cinema-savvy folks who'd get his references and would be inspired by the filmmaking techniques.
Not the fans or the critics.
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malusmagpie · 1 year
As You Wish
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Jedi Reader
Summary: Anakin recently started feeling a little different about you, he doesn’t wanna be around you. You attempt to speak to him and he comes clean.
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Warnings: SMUT GO AWAY MINORS 🫶🏼 Improper use of the force, cunnilingus, p in v sex, kissing, uhhhh yeah just normal smut.
A/N: Hi guys, I’ve been MIA but i really did want to write something so I ACTUALLY wrote something short and simple for the time being. I had this idea a week or so ago. I promise i’ll be back soon with some longer ones!! Thank you guys for everything again 🫶🏼 the smut is just simple. What i would imagine if he was in too much of a rush to put on a performance cuz he’s desperate. Thanks for reading!!!!!
Word Count: 2.7K
Anakin was tired. He had not slept in what felt like weeks. The air around him was heavy and he couldn’t even keep up a friendly conversation. You could feel it. You knew but you didn’t know how to help. You had known him for years and never had a day where he didn’t crack a cocky joke or flash a pretty smile at somebody. Mostly you. You would tell him to be cordial and he would tell you there’s no room for that in his feelings.
Secretly, you loved it. But now, something was wrong and you couldn’t ask what it was due to his avoidance of you. You wanted to know what you’d done to go from the center of his attention everyday to the presence that would cause him to leave a room.
You were walking with a few fellow Padawans, they were talking about how the training droids needed to be updated. You were barely listening. All you could think of was how to talk to Anakin. As you walked toward the courtyard outside the temple, you saw him sitting down and staring at his lightsaber between his hands.
You excused yourself from the group and walked toward him. They all rolled their eyes as you left without a second to spare. You jogged over to him and his eyes didn’t even do as much as twitch to look at you as you stood in front of him. “Ani-“
“Anakin.” He responded, his head lifted to look at you and your lips parted in mild shock before closing again. He never had a problem with you calling him that before. “I’m a bit busy, Y/N.” He stood up and clicked his lightsaber hilt to his hip. You shook your head.
“No. You’re not. You’ve been avoiding me and I need to know why.” You stood up straight in front of him and crossed your arms. Although your attempt to look big in front of him was never to any avail. He looked down at you.
“I don’t have time for this. I really don’t.” His words were short. He began to walk past you and you grabbed his arm. A shock went through your body like an electric current when you saw an image flash in his mind as your hand went to grab his wrist. It was no surprise, you were stronger with the Force than most your own age. He spun around immediately to face you and you dropped your hand.
The image wasn’t there long but it was the clearest one you’d ever seen. In his mind, your touch created an image of you under him while his face nuzzled into your neck. The image was of glistening bodies and heavy breaths. He stared at you knowing exactly what had just happened.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered and Anakin was silent. He didn’t say anything. You looked around the courtyard to avoid his eye contact as his intense glare bored into your head.
“The first time that happened, Obi-Wan was right next to me. It was two weeks ago. Your hand grazed against mine and I saw things I would never have been able to explain if somebody picked up on it. I can’t be around you. This is why I can’t be around you, Y/N.” He spoke and your eyes glued themselves to your feet. That’s why he hadn’t spoken to you. He would leave a room at the drop of a hat if you came in and that was why. Your cheeks flushed and you stuttered out another apology.
“I don’t want to hear an apology. I want.. I want something I can’t have. In light of that, I need you to stay away from me. Don’t touch me. Don’t call me Ani. Don’t even talk to me.” He spoke and your head raised to meet his stare.
“I don’t wanna do that..” You whispered. “You’re my friend. I care about you.” Anakin laughed at your words and his head shook in disbelief.
“If you cared about me you’d do one of two things. Leave me alone or let me have you in the way I want.” His voice was hushed as he neared you, there was people around and he didn’t want to cause a scene. You gulped and looked at him. It was no question, Anakin was handsome. There was a reason you had an affinity for being his friend. Your hand brushed against his and he sucked a breath in through his teeth as you both saw a new image pop into his head. “Stop it.” He said, his jaw was clenched as if he was in agony.
“I’ll do as you wish.” You whispered. His eyes softened and his features dropped their harsh position.
“Which option are you referring to, Y/N?” He whispered back, his brows furrowed and his tongue darted out to dampen his lips. You simply smiled at him and raised your shoulders in a small shrug. He raised an eyebrow and took you by the hand. He didn’t let go and you saw a glimpse of what he was thinking of. You nodded as confirmation and he wasted no time to stand next to you and place his hand on your lower back, guiding you toward the entrance of the palace.
Your heart began to race as he speed walked the both of you toward the corridors of the boy’s dormitories. It felt like you were out of breath and when he would see people were walking by he would drop his hand from its spot on your back, very secretly grabbing your sleeve instead. You were practically being dragged behind him when you both walked further to find the dormitories were empty. Your shorter stature made you almost have to jog to keep up with him.
When you got to his room he opened and door and allowed you in before following behind you. He shut the door and locked it promptly. Your eyes watched his hands, they were big and his fingers were long. You’d never noticed it before and the notion made your stomach turn in a way you couldn’t get enough of. “I need to clarify exactly what it is you meant when you said-“ He began and you shook your head, pressing your hands against his chest before leaning up and kissing him. His hands immediately found their place on the sides of your face, his fingers tangled into your hair.
“I wanted this. I wanted you. When you began to avoid me it broke my heart, I found myself thinking the worst. I thought you hated me.” You whispered as you pulled away and his lips chased yours as you tried to speak.
“I don’t hate you. I hate how you make me feel. I had a dream about you after the first day those ideas popped into my head at your touch. I couldn’t look at you without thinking the most filthy things. I couldn’t risk letting that be exposed to the council.” He pulled you in again and your breath caught in your throat. Your bodies were sharing heat now, his hands gripped the sides of your face like he didn’t want you to go anywhere ever again. Your lips clashed against each other in a way that oozed desperation and it caused a small moan to leave your mouth. He winced and you pulled away.
“What’s wrong?” You whispered, concern laced your voice. Your eyes followed his gaze down and you noticed the tent he created with his pants. Your cheeks flushed and before you could get another word out Anakin grabbed you by your clothes and began to pull them off at what you would classify as a record speed.
“You drive me insane.” He groaned as he dropped to his knees and pulled your pants down around your ankles. You stepped back and out of them and he gripped at your hips to pull you back to him. “Your skin is just as soft as I thought it would be.” His words were laced with a groan. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked up at you and watched as your chest heaved. Your stomach flinched when his hot breath hit it. “You smell even better.” He whispered as he placed wet kisses on your stomach and hip bones. Your knees almost buckled at the feeling and you leaned onto the wall next to you for support causing your hips to angle further up toward him.
A growl left his mouth when you unknowingly granted him access to you. He trailed his kisses down and you gasped softly at the understanding of what he was about to do. He watched your reactions, wincing again at the painful feeling between his legs. He liked it. Your eyes darted toward his bed which was right next to you and his followed. A simple movement was all it took and your legs were hooked around his shoulders, his hands holding your lower back close so you didn’t fall. With a quickness that shocked you he stood up and walked you to the bed, his kisses still scattering themselves over your lower stomach. He laid you both down, him on his chest and you on your back, his head right where you wanted it.
He didn’t waste a single moment once you were comfortable. He pushed your knees up so your legs were bent and pushed at your thighs to give himself some space. His tongue pressed flash against you and you let out a whine at the sudden feeling. “Oh, fuck.” You said breathlessly and he chuckled against you, knowing he hadn’t even started.
You felt his tongue stiffen and lick a stripe up you, gathering what juices you had made on his mouth and letting a hum escape his lips. The vibration made you jitter and his grip on your thighs tightened. He began slow, licking and sucking gently. You grinded your hips into his face and he smiled into it. Anakin was quick to move himself so that he was laying down next to you. His hands reached over to pull you on top of him and he scooted you up so that you were sitting right on his face. His nose poked at your clit and your eyes rolled back. Your hands reached up to grab the wall behind his head as he sucked away, almost taking your soul with him. Every movement of his tongue made your hips buck around and it intensified the feelings when you’d brush up against his nose or hit your clit on his tongue.
Anakin stopped briefly and left his tongue out, unmoving. You whined, your hips began to sway back and fourth against him for some kind of friction. He smiled under you and you looked at him as you rode his tongue, feeling yourself begin to tighten at the stomach. A sly hand reached up as you grinded down on him and two soft fingers slid in. You gasped and your eyes squeezed shut as you felt him began to slide in and out of you with his long fingers. “Good girl.” He mumbled as your movements got faster. “Cum on my face, love.” That was the only thing you needed. The tight feeling in your stomach turned to heat and spread through your body as you felt yourself begin to unfold. Your back arched as you rode his face and his fingers curled in a way that made you want to scream, you bit down on your lip to stifle yourself and your legs began to shake. It wasn’t long before you were running away from his tongue, pulling your hips back as the feeling of him touching your sensitive clit was too much to handle and he chuckled.
“My turn.” He whispered before flipping the two of you over and pulling his own clothes off. The look of his muscles under his skin as he moved quickly to rid himself of the painful constraints around his hips made goosebumps erupt all over your body. His mouth connected with your collarbone and you moaned, he moved up slowly until his lips reached yours. He pressed his lips against yours and you tasted what you could only imagine to be your own cum on his lips. You whimpered into his mouth and sucked on his lower lip, causing his hips to buck toward you. “Fucks sake..” He moaned as he lined himself up with your perfectly eager hole. He slipped in with no issue and your hands gripped at his shoulders, a gasp left his mouth when he didn’t stop until he was completely inside of you. He stayed there a moment until you wiggled under him, desperate for him to move, even a little. A smirk pulled at his lips as he started to thrust into you far quicker than you’d have imagined. You pressed your mouth against his shoulder as his hip bones hit your body with every thrust. Your soft sounds were muffled by his skin and his gloved hand reached up to pull your head back. “I wanna hear you.” He groaned and you finally let the sounds out with no hesitation.
His movements made the bed creak and neither of you thought of the fact that somebody might hear you, nor did you care. Your hand raised up from his shoulder to grab the bed frame to keep it from moving too much but it didn’t work all that well. You felt him pushing up against your cervix and it hurt in a good way, causing you to yelp. “Too deep?” He whispered with a teasing smile on his face and you shook your head.
“Not deep enough..” You moaned and Anakin chuckled. He lifted your legs so that they were laying against his chest, parallel to his body and angled his hips so they would thrust up toward you. Your eyes rolled back as you felt a familiar feeling in your stomach. He held your hips to him with a firm grasp as he ravaged your cunt. Your eyes snapped open and you saw him, forehead shining with sweat, eyebrows furrowed. He looked focused and you felt it. You felt a pulsating feeling against your clit. His hands were holding your thighs so you knew exactly how he was doing it. Your jaw slacked in pleasure as the feeling and you threw your head against the pillow as he used the Force to pull another orgasm out of you. It didn’t take long, you started to clench around him as your body began to shake in his grip. You reached up behind you to grab the headboard again, this time to tether yourself. You began to see small dots in your vision as you got closer and closer. Your pussy clenching around him made him throb and you felt his movements get faster and faster before you both began to convulse with moans flying out of your mouths. You felt the Force vibrations end abruptly as you he thrusted into you slowly, as the orgasms lingered away from both of you. He let your legs drop on either side of you and he dropped his body onto yours. Your arms instantly wrapped around him and you both caught your breath for a moment.
“You had class ten minutes ago, you know?” He whispered against your skin and your eyes snapped open.
“Shit.” You said as you jumped out of his bed with urgency. “Why didn’t you say something before?!” You yelled as you pulled your clothes into your arms and ran to his bathroom.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Anakin raised an eyebrow as he watched you, a laugh escaped him as you scrambled around to look half decent. You scowled at him and he approached you after pulling his own pants on, you were looking in his mirror and tying your hair up into a pony tail. His lips pressed a small kiss to the back of your neck and you immediately calmed down. You turned to face him and he brushed a loose hair behind your ear.
“We’ll talk about this later.” You said and he smiled. He knew you’d say that. A kiss was placed on your head and he opened his door for you.
“I know.” He said curtly as you speed walked past him to run to the training areas. You were trying to think of a lie to tell your master but all you could think of was him so when you arrived, you didn’t even try to explain yourself. You simply got to work with your master. All you heard for the rest of the day was that you needed to correct your focus and you didn't say anything, you knew just who to blame for that.
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aliciaasky · 5 months
It was love
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Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Reader
Warnings: Anakin is a senator here, not a Jedi. fluff turning to angst, wrong choices (that’s basically it.)
Summary: Anakin Skywalker, the senator of Tatooine, has to marry. Unfortunately, it happens to be the senator of Aldeeran, not of Naboo. He can never grow to love you, can he?
A/n: this is literally my first post ever and I would appreciate feedback + English isn’t my first language so spread love <3
Anakin was fucking pissed. An arranged marriage? He was the senator of Tatooine not the fucking prince that he needed to be married right now. But his parents thought it was a good idea for him to be married to another senator. The wedding was yesterday, and he had to admit, you were beautiful, breathtakingly so. But he was in love with Padmé, and that since he was 9 years old and saw her for the first time. He instantly knew it was love.
Now he had been married to the senator of Aldeeran for two days, and you were actually pleasant to be around, you were nice and friendly and just over all a ray of sunshine. You tried your best to make the marriage work and he could see that, but his heart yearned for Padmé, it always had. He couldn’t possibly start liking someone else, it would be betrayal, even if the pretty senator of Naboo didn’t even feel the same. His feelings were very much real.
Yet a few months into their marriage, Anakin felt himself starting to warm up a little. You always waited for him at home after he had a long day and he was immediately greeted by a comforted hug and a few kisses on his face
“Oh Ani, long day?“ you had asked, cradling his face lovingly ”it’s okay, I made you lasagna, that’s your favorite right?“ Truthfully, you fell for him, fast and hard. He was already your husband so there was no shame in loving him, right? You had thought he was starting to fall in love too, he always reciprocated your kisses and always stroked your hair when going to sleep.
“Ani?“ you asked gently when laying in bed. „Hm?“ he quietly hummed back, “do you love me?“ you asked with the slightest fear in your voice. There were a few moments of silence
“Of course.“
A few more months later, surprisingly, Padmé, after seeing him getting married, started falling for him too. She wasn’t even trying to hide it. Anakin had yearned for her love for so long, he didn’t even hesitate when she kissed him, and asked him to divorce you. She was a senator after all, so his parents would approve.
He felt bad, truly. But he just couldn’t bring himself to love you, no matter how much and how long he tried. You weren’t the problem, there was nothing wrong with you, it just.. wasn’t there. The feeling he had when he had first seen Padmé on Tatooine all those years ago, it wasn’t there when he was with you. Sure he felt loved and sure he felt warmth, but it just wasn’t the same.
He dreaded the talk with you, you were truly a sweetheart and despite not being in love with you, he still loved you. You were always so attentive, so loving and just so so pure.
“We need to talk.“ Anakin started, looking deep into your eyes. “Ani!“ you beamed, immediately running into his arms, ”how was your day?“
Anakin swallowed hard, looking into her eyes. So full of love. “Look, I love you-“ Anakin started “I love you too!“ you immediately beamed as you interrupted him. “But I’m not in love with you, I’m in love with someone else.“ he finished with a heavy heart. He knew you loved him, but hearing you say that in this right exact moment, made his heart drop.
Your face immediately fell, „what do you mean? Ani, don’t make jokes like that.“ you swallowed, trying to laugh and brush it off like it was just a joke. It was a joke, it had to be a joke, you were so happy together.
“it isn’t you.. it‘s me. I never loved you the way I love her. I tried-“ he swallowed “I really did.“
And you didn’t even have to ask who he was talking about.
You swallowed „so it is me, you can’t love me.“ she sniffles “how could this happen? We were.. we were fine! You can’t joke about something like that!“ you said desperate, your pretty face already filled with tears. Anakin just gently shakes his head, looking at you with pure pity.
”She makes me feel things I’ve never felt before.. I’ve loved her since I was a young boy, she was the whole reason I started being interested in politics. She’s my soulmate I just know it. Please understand.“ Anakin begs you and you just sniffle as you trie to stifle your sobs. You didn’t want him to feel bad, it wasn’t his fault after all.
“I want you to be happy, ani. Even if it’s not with me.“ you sniffle and Anakin tears up. You were so sweet and you deserved so so so much better than him. You hug him tightly and whisper reassurances into his ear. He knew you were heartbroken, but you still tried to make sure he wasn’t feeling too guilty.
And boy were you heartbroken. Your parents were proud of you, for once in your whole entire life. They were pleased that you seemed to hold the marriage, they were proud of you for making it work. What would they say now, especially if they hear the reason?
Especially if they see Anakin’s wedding to Padmé and they will know he divorced you for another woman. But you loved him, and you wanted his happiness.
Seeing him so heartbroken made you want to stay strong for him, made you want to comfort him. Even though you were the one who needed comfort, you were the one being divorced for someone else. Someone who was “just an old friend, baby. Don’t think to much into it.“
You had packed all your stuff with Anakin helping you gently. “I‘m just.. I‘m sorry, I wish it was different. I wish-“ the last words hanging in the air, unspoken.
But you knew what he meant. He wished he could’ve loved you. “Me too.“ your face lighting up at the thought.
He sighed, knowing you‘re dreaming of the "what if" right now, in an alternate universe where things were different.
But things weren't different here, and that was painful. That was reality.
You didn't deserve the pain he was causing you, you deserved to go find someone who would actually love you.
When you finished packing, you stood up “i’ll be going back to Aldeeran.“ you said softly “I have to talk to my parents and figure everything out.“
He gave her a weak smile, he hated the thought of her leaving. But it was for the best. "Okay," he agreed softly, giving you a last look. He didn’t know it, but anyone else could’ve seen it, would’ve seen it. The look of longing in his eyes.
You gently take his hands and place your wedding ring into his hands, then she closes them tightly together and give his hands a light kiss “I won’t ever forget you ani.“ you stroked his cheek, your tears running freely now.
He looked down at your gesture for a moment before meeting your eyes, ”i will never forget you either.“ and he meant it, he didn’t know it yet, but he had meant it.
You gently made your way to the door, looking around, desperately trying to burn every detail of your once shared apartment into your head before leaving.
The sight of you, the one he had married, staring at the apartment, trying to remember every single detail in case you never saw it again, was heartbreaking for him.
He almost regretted it, almost wanted to take it all back...But he couldn't, he'd made his choice. And he couldn’t go back, his love for Padmé overthrowing it all.
When you had reached the door, being completely sure that every detail of your home was etched into your mind, you turned around and opened the door “i love you, i pray you never forget that.“ and with that you close the door behind you, leaving everything behind, including your now ex husband.
He should be celebrating, he had gotten what he wanted, he was free to marry the girl he had always wanted, and he wouldn’t even disappoint his parents! So why did he feel so empty?
A few days later Anakin and Padmé married. It was a grand ceremony, Anakin had previously planned it this huge to show his love for her. To show the appreciation for finally giving him a chance after all this time.
But right now, right in this moment, he can’t feel anything. He heard the preachers words, he knows his words about love were true. But why wasn’t he thinking about Padmé, the one standing in the white wedding dress, right in front of him?
“Love is friendship, Love is warmth and a feeling of comfort. Love is acceptance and understanding. Love is knowing that you will be comfortable with this person for the rest of your life-“ the preacher spoke
He knew it was his turn soon, his turn to say yes to the woman he has dreamt of for years.
„i do!“ Padmé replied whole heartedly
Anakin‘s mind drifted towards you, the woman he had left behind. And now, right now, on his wedding day, when he felt his heavy heart over your departure, when he felt the tears stinging at his eyes over the thought of marrying someone else, when he yearned to run away and take the next ship to Aldeeran,
he knew it.
It was love, and it had been all along.
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bloatedandalone04 · 5 months
Wrapped Around Your Finger - Part 1.4
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Series Masterlist | Original Fic
➪in which anakin feels completely isolated from you for the first time in five years, and he doesn’t know if he will ever be given the chance to fix his mistake.
PSA: strongly suggested to read the warnings before proceeding.
WC; 4k | Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡
Anakin gave his guitar to Theo as he sprinted off stage and towards the very dressing room he broke your heart in.
You never came back after walking away at the beginning of the show, and that had him completely on edge. He looked around the backstage area and when he couldn’t find you anywhere, he checked the dressing room. But you weren’t in there either. 
Maybe you went back to the bus? God, he hoped so. He just got you back, he couldn’t handle losing you again so soon, and for a completely different reason this time. 
His nerves were completely shot as he practically sprinted to the bus, the only thought on his mind being to get back to you and further explain things to you. If he needed to drop to his knees and beg for you, he was more than willing to do so, because you were it. His one and only, and you always would be. 
The show tonight was one of the longer ones, so in the two hours he was on stage you could have literally gone anywhere. His heart was in his throat as he pulled open the bus door and looked around, and he could feel it quicken its pace as he realized that you weren’t here either. 
Where the fuck did you go? You told him you’d be here after the show, yet he couldn’t find any trace of you. 
Actually, he couldn’t find any sign of you at all. Your bag was gone, your jacket was picked up from off the couch, and your laptop wasn’t on the table anymore. “No,” he rasped. “Fuck. No.”
His hands were shaking as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and called you, but he was sent straight to voicemail. 
You were ignoring him.
“Fuck,” he nearly yelled as he called you again, only to be met with the same result. “Fuck!”
After the third call he was forced to leave you a message, and he felt as pathetic as he sounded. “Baby, please. Please….call me back. I’m so sorry,” he rambled as he pulled at his sweaty hair. “We need to talk about this more, we have to work this out, I….fuck, Y/n, you said you’d be here after the show.”
He was crying now and was choking on his words as he said them, and he hoped you would be able to understand him, but he also hoped you couldn’t. He hated the fact that he was the one crying after he fucked things up, possibly beyond repair, when he really had no right to. 
“Please, just…tell me where you are and that you’re okay and safe, please,” he begged and dropped onto the couch. “I love you.” 
His phone fell to the floor after that and his hands came up to cover his face. 
He had no idea what to do. He was shaking and his eyes were sore as he couldn’t seem to stop the tears from leaving them.
What the fuck is he going to do? How is he going to fix this? 
He can’t lose you. He can’t, he wouldn’t be able to function without you. The thought of not having you around him after this was enough to send him into a panic attack, and he knew he needed to get a hold of himself, but he didn’t know how. 
You weren’t here, weren’t at the venue, and your stuff was gone. Where did you go? You wouldn’t have left without telling him, right? You wouldn’t have gone back to London and not tell him, right? 
He didn’t know anymore. 
His phone went off from its place on the floor, and he scrambled off the couch to grab it, and when he saw that it was you who texted him, he nearly cried of joy. But your message wasn’t what he wanted to read, and it left him feeling even worse.
Princess: I’m safe. I just need some time to think. Please, at least give me that. 
You slept on a chair in the airport last night, your duffle bag being your pillow and your jacket being your blanket. 
Your eyes were bloodshot and sore beyond words from all the crying you’ve done since Anakin told you that he cheated on you. Did that count as him cheating on you? Not exactly, but his lips touched someone else’s, so what did that make it? Accidentally cheating? You didn’t know and you were too upset to care about what to call it. 
After he went on stage and began the show, you couldn’t stand it anymore and left. You went back to the bus and was originally going to stay there and sleep on the couch, but the more you got into your head, the more you wanted to get the fuck out of there completely. 
Running away from your problems never helped anybody, but you were too stubborn to think rationally at this point. 
So you bought a ticket for the earliest flight back to London and grabbed your things before fleeing from the bus and sending him a text after listening to his voicemail. 
You felt bad about leaving like that, but you were so upset and hurt. Your heart felt like it had been physically ripped from your body and been left back with Anakin in Paris; the place you wanted to visit for so long now with the love of your life. And the two days you were there with him were amazing, and you were prepared for so much more, but every hope and dream you had for that city had been crushed and destroyed. You weren’t sure you ever wanted to go back, Eiffel Tower be damned. 
There were other towers you could see, right?
The whole flight back to London you wrote down the last few chapters for your short story in your notebook, needing the distraction to help keep you sane enough to be able to get back to your room in one piece. 
You looked like a mess once you got back onto campus, and you avoided everyone like the plague as you made a beeline towards your dorm and had a forty five minute shower. It helped a little bit, but you were still left feeling empty as you sat down on your bed with wet hair and opened up your laptop to type out what you wrote down on the plane. 
After you added some final touches, you printed it out and got changed into a pair of jeans and a grey shirt, leaving your hair still damp as you made your way to Kenneth’s classroom. 
It was empty when you entered it, and he looked up at you in surprise when you closed the door behind you and walked over to him. “Miss Y/l/n,” he greeted and closed the book he was reading. “I wasn’t expecting to see you again so soon. I thought you’d still be with that boyfriend of yours.”
The mention of Anakin had a sharp pain shoot straight through your heart, and you flinched slightly as you cleared your throat. “Yeah, something happened with that,” you whisper and he gives you a look of concern as he notices the way your eyes glaze over with tears. “I’m okay. Promise.”
He gives you a smile that nearly had you sobbing right then and there, because how the fuck did things get to this? How did you end up back in London, crying in front of your instructor with wet hair that dampened your shirt as the seconds went on? 
“Alright,” he said quietly and braced his elbows on his desk. “What’s going on?”
His voice was so comforting and caring, you allowed your walls to come down a bit as you held up the stack of papers in your hand and wiped your eyes with your other. “I wrote my short story,” you announce. “I didn’t get around to editing it, so it’s probably full of errors, but I just wanted to give it to you because..”
You stopped your sentence short, but Kenneth gave you a look that told you he knew exactly what you were saying. “Because you’re not coming back to class,” he finished for you. “Are you?”
He stated it instead of asking it, and you bite down on your bottom lip as you nodded. Glancing down at the papers in your hands, he gestures for you to give them to him, and you do so with a sad smile. “You don’t have to read it,” your voice broke as you felt yourself beginning to cry again. “I just wanted to show that I really did love every second of these classes. I know I can do so much more, but it’s just not a good time for me right now.”
Kenneth flipped through the pages and looked up at you. “I’ll read it,” he promised, his gaze the softest you had ever seen it, and you realized just how much you would miss being able to talk to him like this and not feel embarrassed about it. “You’re an amazing writer, Y/n. It was a privilege to have you in my class, and I hate to see you go so soon, but I also want you to start putting yourself first. You’re always worried about everyone else around you, don’t forget to take care of yourself, too. Whatever happened before this, don’t let it take over. Use it, if it helps.”
You nod and wipe at your eyes with both hands now, sniffling quietly as you look at the man you respect deeply. 
“You’re going to go on and do great things. You’re young, you’ve got your whole life ahead of you,” he lightened the mood by laughing and it made you laugh, too. “Just don’t forget to put yourself first. I remember when my teacher told me that, and it stuck with me for most of my life. I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear it until he said it.”
And you didn’t either. 
It was true, you put everyone above yourself and it often made you forget to take care of yourself. But not anymore. 
You were going back home, and you were dropping out of the program, but you weren’t quitting. You just needed to figure some things out and keep yourself grounded until you decided what was going to happen next. 
“Thank you,” you whisper. “For everything.”
Kenneth nodded and set your story down onto his desk. “Good luck, Y/n,” he said and it was the second time he used your first name since you walked in here, and it somehow made everything seem so much more real. You weren’t his student anymore. “I’ll reach out to you once I’ve finished reading this.”
“Okay,” you nod and turn around, giving the classroom one last look before heading towards the administrative office to officially drop out of the school. 
You cried more as you packed up your room, and then Bailey came in and let you cry onto her shoulder as she held you and told you to keep in touch. After that you met Evan’s eyes from across campus, and the three bags you were carrying told him all he needed to know. 
He brought you into his arms, too, and these were the people you were going to miss most about this chapter in your life. “Call me whenever you need to, okay? Or whenever you want to,” he begged and you nod against his chest. “Fuck, this sucks. I’m going to miss you.”
You laugh sadly, “I’m going to miss you, too,” then you step away and get a ride back to the airport, your heart feeling the heaviest its felt in all the twenty two years you’ve been alive. 
Anakin didn’t sleep at all, but that was no surprise. 
He got a good two nights of sleep with you while you were here, but now that you were gone, his sleep schedule was already back to being fucked. 
His whole body felt weak as he paced around backstage, holding his phone up to his ear as he called you for the first time today. He told himself that he’d give you some time, but fuck that. He missed you and needed to see where things were with you at the moment. 
“Hi,” you answered, making Anakin instantly stop pacing. 
“Hi,” he said back quickly. “How are you? Where are you?” He had no idea where you were since you only told him that you were safe, and he wasn’t one of those boyfriends that needed their girlfriends location on all the time. 
“In the car,” you answered and he felt his heart drop. “On the way to the airport.”
“The…airport?” He stuttered, his eyes burning as he let your words sink in. “You’re going back to London?”
“No,” you say quietly, and he could hear in your voice the way you were holding back tears. “I’m already in London. I’m going back home, Anakin.”
Anakin felt his whole body tense up, and it felt almost painful to move. So he stayed still as he tried to process your words. “You’re in London? How? When?”
“Last night. I bought a ticket and left. Maybe I shouldn’t have, but I just don’t know what to do anymore, Anakin,” you cried and the remaining pieces of his heart shattered to bits. “I dropped out of the writing program and now I’m on my way back home. I need to feel normal right now or I might just go crazy.”
“Baby,” he shakily said as he met Vinny’s eyes from across the room. His friend gave him a concerned look, but Anakin just turned around and headed for the dressing room. “Baby, please.”
“Please, what? I don’t know what you want me to say. I don’t know what to say,” you sobbed and he let the door close loudly behind him once he reached the dressing room. 
“Say that we’re going to be okay,” he begged, beginning to pace around the small room as he tugged at his hair. “Say that you and I will be fine, that we’ll talk this through and that we’re going to be okay.”
You were quiet for a few seconds, leaving him to listen to your uneven breathing. “You’re in Paris, Anakin,” he hated the way you hadn’t called him Ani even once since the start of this call. “I’ll be in LA tomorrow. Maybe this time away from each other will be good.”
“We’ve been away from each other,” he said as his heart twisted in agony. “I don’t want more time apart.”
“You’re on tour, Anakin-”
“I’ll come home,” he cut you off. “I’ll talk to Helena, we’ll stop the tour for a few weeks or something. Please.”
You sniff quietly. “The tour is too important,”
“You’re more important. We’re more important,” he thought maybe he was getting through to you, but then you destroyed that small ounce of hope with a single sentence. 
“I can’t do this,” you whispered. “I need time. Have fun on the rest of the tour, Anakin. I really mean that.”
Then you hung up before he could say another word, leaving him to call you back three times before you turned your phone off. 
“Fuck!” Anakin yells out and throws his phone onto the couch before sitting down next to it, his hands coming up to cover his face as he tries to hold back his tears. 
This was all his fault. He fucked things up between you beyond repair, and he was the one to blame. 
You flew back to London, for fucks sake, and the whole time he thought you were still here. And now you’re going back to LA, back to the apartment you and he shared, and possibly packing up there as well. 
What was he supposed to do? He needed to be on stage in less than twenty minutes, and he was on the verge of a panic attack. 
Anakin looked around the room wildly, as if anything he would help him even a little bit. His eyes landed on the various alcohol bottles placed on a table in the corner, and he knew he shouldn’t. The last time he drank was at the club with Liz, then she kissed him and he threw up twice and swore he’d never drink again.
But it was different this time. 
He needed to feel nothing right now, to get him through the show, then he’d figure out how to fix things. 
Without giving it a second thought, Anakin grabbed the first bottle he could reach and spent the next ten minutes drinking it. He set the now empty bottle down and left his phone on the couch, swinging the door open and stumbling his way backstage. 
The first person he saw was Liz. Of course it was Liz. 
Anakin’s eyes glazed over and he made it to her in less than four strides. She turned to face him with that fucking smirk of hers, and he narrowed his eyes on the bruise that had formed on the bridge of her nose, and for a split second he was proud that his girlfriend did that to her, then he remembered that you might not be his girlfriend anymore. “There you are,” she cooed. “We were starting to get worried.”
“Shut up,” he muttered, getting into her personal space. This was another situation where he could use his size to his advantage, even if he hated to do it, but he didn’t care right now. “This is all your fault. Y/n left because of what you did, because of what we did. Are you happy? Are you fucking proud of yourself?”
Vinny, who was standing nearby quickly made his way over, as did Helena, who had been talking with Theo a few feet away. “Anakin,” Vinny murmured, pulling on his arm. “Hey, don’t do this, man. She’s not worth it.”
Helena guided Liz away and towards the side of the stage, and Anakin could see how angry his manager was as she talked to the photographer. 
Anakin turned to Vinny, his eyes burning and his head spinning. “She left,” he rasped. “She left, Vin. Y/n left to go back home.”
Vinny stepped back in surprise but kept his hand on Anakin’s arm. “Back home? Like, back to London?”
“No, back to LA. She already went back to London and dropped out of the program and now she’s going back home,” he nearly cried. “She’s going to leave me, Vinny. I lost her.”
The drummer looked alarmed, and he pulled Anakin into his arms within seconds. “It’s okay,” he tried to comfort him, but they both knew it would never work. “It’s okay.”
Anakin felt pathetic. This is the second time Vinny had to comfort him in less than two weeks, and while he knew Vinny would never mind doing so, Anakin still felt terrible. It shouldn’t be this way. He should be better than this. 
“We’ll talk after the show,” Vinny promised, pulling away and reaching up to smooth out Anakin’s hair. “You and I will figure everything out, okay? It’s going to be okay.”
Anakin felt like a shell of himself as he nodded and allowed Vinny to lead him out onto stage, his mind a mess of thoughts and doubts and worries, and all of them were about you. 
The lights were blinding and Anakin’s vision blurred from the flashes. His head was pounding and his throat was dry as he tried to get out the last song of the night as quickly as he could, but he felt sick. The bourbon he had downed earlier didn’t help, either. 
He felt bile rise up his throat but he held it back and tore his eyes away from the crowd so he could look over at Theo. The bass player gave him a concerned look as he began to sing the song as well, no doubt sensing something was wrong and deciding to help the poor guy out.
Anakin was thankful for that as he didn’t have to raise his voice anymore since Theo is singing alongside him now, so his throat was given somewhat of a break. While his friend didn’t have a strong enough voice to be the lead singer, Theo still had a pretty good singing voice, and Anakin knew he should probably start having him sing in more songs in the future.
He felt his heartbeat quicken as even more sweat began to settle on his skin. The flannel he had adorned at the start of the show had long since been tossed aside and had left him in just his graphic tee, but he was still so fucking hot, and the lights weren’t helping at all. 
He made the mistake of looking over to his right, where he saw Liz and Helena standing backstage. While his manager had a frown on her lips, Liz had a lustful look in her eyes, and somehow that made Anakin feel even more sick. 
His fingers fumbled on the strings as he messed up the tempo of the song, which is something he had never done while he was out on stage before. Embarrassment floods through him and he quickly falls back into the right rhythm with Vinny and Theo backing him up as best as they could. 
All these cameras on him were not helping, even though he was used to being filmed at this point. He felt like was three seconds away from having a full on panic attack, and he would probably die of humiliation if he woke up tomorrow morning to see thousands of videos online of him breaking down on stage. 
The headline ‘Anakin Skywalker Has Epic Meltdown During Last Song Of Show’ was one he refused to read the following day. Fuck, he hated those stupid tabloids. They were written by money hungry, self-obsessed assholes who wouldn’t know what privacy is if it slapped them in the face. 
You hated them, too, and your distaste for them was more than valid. 
He missed you. God, did he ever. 
Anakin wasn’t used to missing you. He never needed to. Ever since his third year of high school he’s had you by his side. You were never more than a few feet away from him back then, and even now you were always usually backstage and quietly cheering him on. You should be where Liz is currently standing now. 
Or maybe he should be with you. 
Since the second you became his girlfriend you were always his top priority.
He hated that he had somehow managed to forget that fact the minute a pretty girl started paying more attention to him than you were. Could you be blamed? You were thousands of miles away and chasing your own dream while he was living out his. You couldn’t give him every second of your time like he was used to receiving, and he really fucking hated how he had actually managed to turn into one of those pricks who forgets about how good he has it as soon as things don’t end up going his way. 
Anakin wanted to stop singing the song and call out to you, but you weren’t in the crowd. You weren’t backstage. You weren’t here. You weren’t with him. You wouldn’t answer him, because you’re so fucking far away while he is here acting like everything is just fine. All he wanted to do was to run off stage, find you, and wrap you up in his arms, but he wasn’t sure if he had that right anymore.
He’s insecure and has never been away from you for this long. It was like he didn’t know how to properly function without you by his side. 
All the excuses in the world would never make up for just how poorly he’s treated you and for how little effort he’s been putting into your relationship. 
He didn’t blame you for wanting to end it.
But he needed you. He had just gotten you back, just gotten that sense of normalcy back, but you were gone again. 
Possibly for good this time, and he only had himself to blame.
One more part after this x
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 year
Fundemental Cultural Misunderstanding
Can I just say that there is so much humor potential in Star as far as cultural misunderstandings go. 
Try this AU on for size. 
-Note:Though it is not necessary for this idea, it is important to me for you to know that in this world Anakin did not slaughter the Tuskens. He reached Shimi in time to save her and his focus was getting her to safety. Thus his relationship with Padme is much healthier.-
Anakin on a fundamental, and somewhat deliberate, level misunderstands some parts of Jedi culture. He believes that Jedi cannot get married.  In this world, this is not true.  
Marriage in this Jedi culture includes a marriage bond between all parties that, if not set up correctly, can do a fair amount of damage (and even when set up correctly doesn’t provide more than a sense of the other person's physical condition and emotions; rarely bonded might be compatible enough that that they can track each other through the bond). This is particularly true if one of the parties is not Force sensitive, or one of the parties is particularly Force Sensitive. So there is a lot of pomp and ceremony around getting married in the Jedi tradition to make sure the bond is correctly set up. Also consent is such a large portion of Jedi culture, so extra pains are taken to make sure non force sensitives understand what such a bond might mean…to the point where it freaks out most non force sensitives.  This all culminates in, by the time of the prequels, most Jedi just don’t get married.
-It should also be noted that marriage as a legal institution and marriage as a cultural institution are actually two very different things, though they are often conflated. Marriage as a legal institution means absolutely nothing to Jedi, and in fact many cultures, because the rights granted by the legal institution of marriage either don’t apply to Jedi or are covered by other Jedi related laws.-
This is also misunderstood by the Galaxy at large.  Also, because of this misunderstanding most cultures do not discuss their marriage customs with Jedi, sure it might come up organically but no one thinks that this is a cultural norm that the Jedi need to know. Which means as much as the Galaxy misunderstands the Jedi’s marriage customs, the Jedi misunderstand most other cultures' marriage customs as well.  In fact the Jedi, through generations of a benign misunderstanding, believe that most cultures will not discuss their marriage customs with Jedi, so all they can go on is their own observations. 
Picture if you will, little padawans vibrating their way into the Archives, up to the nearest archivist, who drops everything because the little Padawan wants to report that they ATTENDED A WEDDING. 
This leads to the archives being chock full of conflicting information about the various marriage customs throughout the galaxy, because anything that happens at a wedding now becomes a TRADITION of that planet, even things might be just a preference of the people marrying, or even a happenstance. The Jedi have all collectively agreed that they are just gonna roll with it, no matter how strange the custom or if it contradicts anything else (It is not like they can get information directly from the source after all).
Now when Anakin got married to Padme, he thought that Jedi cannot marry.  He thinks that his elopement would have to be a secret. He does not realize that he broadcasted his joy at marrying Padme to every Force Sensitive in the galaxy (no seriously, there are Force Sensitives on planets that don’t even have space flight yet, on the other side of the galaxy that felt an abrupt and incomprehensible wave of utter joy-some of those were physiologically incapable of feeling joy like near humans and had to lay down for a while). Also, not that he realized it, the part of his Force Signature (which Jedi are taught in the creche how to read) that deals with identity flashed with the equivalent neon lighted dashboard in Times Square that he was ‘Mr. Padme Naberrie’ from that point forward. 
So when Anakin leaves on a mission, unmarried, and comes back very married, but clearly hiding it, it is quickly noticed. But no one thinks that it is Anakin who does not trust them. Of course not, he is family. They decide that this must be some heretofore unknown Naboo marriage TRADITION, elopement followed by hiding the marriage. 
No one, not a single jedi in 10,000, thought to ask Anakin directly. 
Several Archivists promptly write some very well written papers on this tradition, and how it fits into their other knowledge, basically filling in the gaps to create a tradition out of whole cloth (even though they are acting in earnest). 
The war still starts, with all that entrails. But every Jedi knows about Anakin’s ‘secret’ marriage. The little ones all giggle about it. Most are eagerly waiting for the tradition of hiding to be complete, because surely ‘The Man Without Fear’ and his wife would also want to marry in the Jedi tradition.  There was so little to be excited about these days that everyone bought into this notion, even those that had long decided they would not go through the process of the Jedi Marriage. 
The children in the creche insist on making decorations for the eventual Jedi Wedding.  In fact there were multiple sets of decorations, depending on where the happy couple wanted the ceremony performed. Just rooms and rooms of decorations and drawings and artwork of all kinds. 
The High Council, including Obi wan, started researching to make sure they knew all the steps and traditions for the Wedding backwards and forwards whenever they had the chance. The last time a Jedi Wedding had been performed was 200 years earlier and enough had happened since that even those who were alive during that time were a bit fuzzy on the details.  They wanted to be ready to support Anakin and Padme in any way possible.  Padme’s biometrics are quietly added to the Temple’s banks; ready to be activated as soon as the couple is ready. A plan is put together so that Padme can be quickly evacuated if there was an active threat against Anakin specifically, or Jedi adjacent beings in general. 
And the Archivists are practically having duels to see who would get to speak to the happy couple once the period of hiding is done. There is hope throughout the archives that maybe, if they ask really nicely, Padme would be willing to answer a few questions on Naboo marriage traditions (All the Archivists want to learn so badly, all they want to do is be able to learn. Can they please learn).
Perhaps if it had gone on much longer someone would have cottoned on to how stressed this secret was making Anakin. Maybe not.  Perhaps this world still could have ended in unimaginable tragedy. 
Perhaps in another world like this. In this world, we look to humor instead of horror. 
A little over a year into the war several of the youngling clans, ages ranging from about 4-6, got to go on a tour of the Senate.  One of the younglings (Age 4, species was Sabetue and was genderless) got separated and couldn’t find a clone guard or anyone they recognized. They were wandering and scared, but somehow made it up to the level where Padme’s office is. And the Youngling recognized Padme’s Force signature as Master Skywalker’s wife, so they knew they would be safe with her.  
So now Padme has a small Jedi child in her office. Thankfully she was not in a meeting. She manages to get a hold of the Guard, who send up two of creche masters, who had been beside themselves with worry.  While in her office the child said things that made it clear that the child knew about Padme’s marriage to Anakin and how they couldn’t wait to see how pretty she would be in the Jedi Wedding.  One of the Crechemasters very gently reminded the child that Anakin and Padme might decide not to get married in the Jedi Tradition, that it had to be their choice and followed up with:
“And if we forced them…”
The child piped back with a solemn “we would be meanies”
One of the creche masters brought the child back down to the group while the other remained behind. First to thank Padme for finding their lost child. Then also to apologize for the child breaking the Hiding Tradition, expressing a hope that this would not have any negative impact on Padme’s marriage. 
The Crechmaster seemed so proud at saying ‘Hiding Tradition’ that Padme did not have the heart to tell them that she had no idea what they were talking about (they are very proud of remembering what the Archivists were calling this tradition).  They continue to have a brief conversation where Padme learned a number of things:
The Jedi, every single one of them, knew about Padme’s marriage.
They are all, every single one of them, actively supportive instead of the at best disapproving she thought they would be.
The Jedi somehow believe that Padme and Anakin are hiding their marriage over a Naboo Tradition
There are rooms full of crafts created specifically to decorate for her wedding in the Jedi Tradition created by hordes of earnest younglings. 
The Jedi are very into consent. 
Anakin is not due back on Coruscant for another week, and during that week Padme made discrete inquiries (oddly enough these are actually discrete) that told her nothing important about what was going on and driving her to distraction. So Anakin comes back to Padme nearly screaming at him ‘Why do the Jedi think we are hiding our marriage over a Naboo tradition?’
Anakin very much does not know but suggests that they ask the Chancellor (Anakin has very much been conditioned by the Chancellor to turn to him first in any instance of confusion).
Padme stares at him for a moment, tells him that is a stupid idea and to call Obi Wan.
Anakin does not want to call Obi Wan. He does not want to tell Obi Wan about their marriage and get in trouble. 
Padme stares at him with the dead eyes of someone dealing with too much ridiculous information at once, then says ‘Call Kenobi’.
Anakin obeys. 
Obi Wan comes over, they all sit down and Padme very calmly tells Obi Wan that she and Anakin are married. Obi Wan immediately begins radiating blinding excitement.  He congratulates them and starts to ask about having a Jedi wedding before deflating again and asking if not pretending he was surprised would ruin anything. He offers to go out and they can do it again, he can pretend to be shocked. 
Padme reassures him. Anakin starts to express his surprised (in a way that would have made it really clear about why he was hiding his marriage) but Padme quickly interrupts him, asking about Jedi Wedding traditions and lets Obi Wan ramble really happily about the research that the High Council had been doing to make sure they can recreate those traditions if Padme and Anakin want.
Obi Wan leaves with a promise that Padme and Anakin would come to speak with the High Council to make sure all the legalities (making sure everything is set up so that Padme can come and go as she pleases at the temple, and have a login to access the Archives, and would it be possible for her to come in for a baseline check up so that medical their records are up to date) are taken care of. As soon he is gone Padme grabs Anakin by the collar and goes ‘we can never tell them’
Anakin goes ‘what?’ 
‘We can never tell the Jedi why we were hiding our marriage. I’ll contact my parents as soon as it is morning on Naboo. They can back us up. We can say it is an old family tradition to hide the marriage for the first year. It isn’t used much, but after being in the public eye and with the War I was feeling superstitious, ok?’
Anakin goes ‘What, Why?’
Padme shakes at the arm in her hand, ‘telling the other Jedi that you didn’t trust them with your marriage would break their hearts. Do you want to be the reason small children are crying?’
Anakin looked far too considering for Padme's piece of mind, and what little sanity she had left. 
‘Let me put it this way, do you want to be what finally break’s Obi wan’s heart? That man was vibrating with excitement to celebrate our wedding so hard I could feel in the Force.’
Anakin deflated, ‘Oh. No.’
Padme’s parents laugh their ass off that she needs to create a long held family tradition because she doesn’t want to admit to the Jedi that she had thought they would react badly to her marriage.  They agree to do it. 
<Somehow this does derail Palpatine’s plans. Personally I want it to be in a way that leaves people unaware that he is a Sith, so for the rest of his life he needs to maintain the kindly old grandpa look and suffer for it- maybe something that means he has to actually live a clean life; no more crime or torturing for him.>
Twenty four years later Obi Wan helps Leia Naberrie meet up with Han Solo in order to Elope in the long held family tradition (Bringing with them only R2 to follow the actual tradition closer than they realize). Obi Wan very carefully leaves before Han arrives, so that he can truthfully say he does not know that they eloped. 
Leia’s twin Luke does not need to elope, as he followed his Uncle Obi Wan into the Jedi (an unrelated note he also followed Obi Wan into the mindset of ‘Why Monogamy when Harems naturally occur’-From that day the war ends Obi Wan has no less than three clones with him at all times; he also appears to have a lover, a friend, or an antagonist that he has weirdly sexual dialogue with on every planet he visits. Or Hondo Ohnaka, who has a category all his own. The years that Boba Fett comes to the holiday meals as one of Luke’s plus 6’s-He couldn't choose just one and no one would think of making him- are among the most awkward of most of their lives.)
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ghostofskywalker · 3 months
Could I please request something with padmé???
Maybe the reader is a Jedi that is frequently sent to watch over her so they are good friends and one day padmé tells the reader about her secret relationship with Anakin only to be told later that the reader is also in a secret relationship???? (Idk who maybe rex or obi wan (but you can decide who if you think someone else is better)
Thank you ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧
this is such a cute prompt omg!! i went with rex, and i hope you enjoy :)
words: 693
summary: both anakin and padme have tried to set you up on dates, but you don't actually need their help.
clone troopers masterlist
“I think Rex is seeing someone,” Anakin said as he and Padmé laid in bed together one evening. The sky outside was just beginning to grow dark, and Padmé could feel fatigue taking over, but she didn’t want to fall asleep just yet. Anakin had just returned from a lengthy tour on the font lines of the war, and the feeling of being in his arms was something she didn’t want to give up too quickly. 
“Really?” she murmured, fighting back the tiredness. “Good for him.” 
“I always thought I should set him up with someone,” Anakin said. “But apparently I don’t need to anymore.” 
“Maybe you can focus on setting Y/N up with someone then,” Padmé said. “I keep trying to, but she won’t listen to me. Maybe the idea coming from another Jedi would be different.”
“Yeah, she’s always been a real rule follower,” Anakin said. “Even if more of the Order are in relationships now than not, it’s basically an open secret.” 
You and Padmé were close, as you didn’t really spend much time on the front lines. Instead, your service to the Republic was mostly through the Senate, where you worked with different politicians as both a secure presence and as an extra ear for some of their plans. It just so happened that you spent most of that time with Padmé, and you had developed quite a close friendship. 
The couch in her Coruscanti apartment was lovely, the cushions made of the softest silks and it felt like you were sitting on a cloud. Waiting for Padmé to get ready, your mind wandered and the daydreams began to take shape, even if soon you realized that you had apparently missed about three sentences of Padmé speaking to you. She stepped into the room all dressed and ready, and she looked at you with an expectant smile on her face. 
“What?” you asked, eyebrows raised
“Come on, you have to let me set you up with someone,” she responded, and instantly you knew what this was about. But what she didn’t know was that you were in no need of her services, and the reason wasn’t because you were a Jedi. 
“Come on, if Anakin and I can be married than I don’t see why you can’t go on a date or two.” 
Your eyes widened as she spoke. “What?” 
She stopped, clearly just now realizing what she said. “Okay, maybe I didn’t want to tell you like that, but the point stands.” 
Amused by the absurdity of it all, you started laughing. “I guess if you came clean about it, I should too,” you said. “I’m perfectly happy in the relationship I currently have, and I really don’t need anyone to set me up.” 
Now it was Padmé’s turn to look shocked. “Wait, with who?” she said, the smile on her face growing more each second. 
“You’ve met Captain Rex, right?” you said quietly, still a little nervous to be telling anyone your biggest secret. 
What looked like five emotions at once crossed Padmé’s expression, but she spoke with grace, likely because she could sense how nervous you were. “I think the two of you make a lovely couple,” she said sincerely, and you could feel a smile begin to break across your face at that. 
“Thanks,” you said. “I think so too.” 
“Does Anakin know?” she asked. “That one of his friends is dating the officer he works with most often?”
“I don’t think so,” you said, shaking your head. “Maybe I should tell him, he’ll probably stop trying to play matchmaker with me.” 
Padmé laughed, and a quiet giggle left your mouth as well. “I think that would be a good idea,” she said. “And I think he’d be overjoyed to know that two of his favorite people are seeing each other.” 
The steadily growing feeling of comfort and warmth in your heart began to swell, and you could feel any remaining worry about what Padmé would think melt away. And hey, now the four of you could go on double dates (under the guise of Official Senate, Jedi, and GAR Business of course).
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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Summary: General Skywalker manhandles you as he tries to teach you how to use a new weapon.
Warnings: None but I might write a p2...
Word Count: 1,430
“Oh hey, be careful with that.” General Skywalker broke through your concentration and rushed to your side, stopping you from picking up one of the blaster guns off the wall. 
You had gone towards it because it was so unfamiliar to you. Naturally, you didn’t use these weapons very often, preferring your lightsaber above everything else. But war had made you a bit more uncivilised and often required lower forms of combat.
It was larger than a hand gun, and a strange almost round shape- possibly indicating quite a lot of power in the blast. You were only curious to try it out. It could come in handy.
Before you could grasp it, Anakin's hands swiftly closed around yours, taking the blaster from your grip. "These are new issue," he explained, his tone protective and possessive, though tinged with amusement.
You raised an eyebrow, trying to mask the involuntary flutter in your chest at his touch. "I can tell. I just wanted to familiarize myself with it.”
His blue eyes darted around the hangar, calculating the situation. You weren’t technically due to leave for another hour. "I can show you how it works, but this enclosed area isn't the safest place for it."
“Then by all means General, lead the way.” He nods at you and gestures behind him in the direction of the lower training rooms.
"I didn't know you were interested in expanding your combat skills," Anakin remarked as the two of you descended into the training area. "I took you for a more traditional fighter."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes. “In the current climate I don’t find that view overly convincing. I will do what I must. Even if that means using weapons of a… less elegant variety”
Anakin chuckled, the low, resonant sound sending a shiver down your spine, "Of course, staying ahead of the game is essential. You never know when you might need to handle one of these."
As you entered into the training room, Anakin pulled out the blaster gun he had taken from you earlier and handed it back. "Now, let me show you the basics. It's not too different from using a standard—but it is very powerful. First just shoot how you normally would and we can work out the specifics later.”
You took the blaster gun from him, feeling the weight of it in your hand it was markedly different from your lightsaber, from what you were used to, but you were eager to learn. You got into your normal stance, feet should-width apart, arms straight, one eye closed. 
“Alright, actually-” Anakin had other ideas. With sudden swiftness, he closed the distance between you, standing directly behind you and placing his hand over yours, guiding your grip on the blaster's trigger.  “It’s a little more complicated than all that.”
For some reason you couldn’t breathe. He was so close you you, his tall hulking frame encompassing your body, pressed up right against you back, you felt his every exhale on your neck. He must have asked you a question or given you a direction but you didn’t hear him at first. 
So when his foot went between your legs and nudged your boots apart on the floor to give you a wider stance, you started. 
“Y/N pay attention, this is a dangerous weapon, the backfire is absolutely brutal. Someone with your… small frame… You’ll be blown right back."
You nod, trying to regain your composure. “Yes General.” Your voice was unsteady but you did as he indicated, you spread your legs a bit more, you let him pull your shoulders back, and rearrange your fingers on the hilt. 
He stood beside you, his presence reassuring and distracting all at once as he guided you through the process. “You have to make sure your stance is stable. You want a firm grip on the blaster, but don't tense up too much. Keep your breathing steady. And when you're ready to fire, just squeeze the trigger gently."
You aimed at a target across the training room and squeezed the trigger, sending a blaster bolt flying. It missed the target by a wide margin, hitting the wall instead.
Anakin grinned, clearly amused. "Not bad for a first attempt. Remember, it takes practice. Let me show you again." He took the blaster from your hand and effortlessly hit the target dead center.
You raised an eyebrow, determined not to be outdone. "I can do better than that.”
“Prove it.” He said simply.
As you continued practicing, Anakin watched you, his eyes tracing over your form and taking in every movement. It made you feel self-conscious, but the thrill of his attention was undeniable.
The two of you spent the next half-hour in the training room, with Anakin patiently teaching you the intricacies of using the blaster. He was a skilled instructor, even if he was a little touchy. 
He continued to provide guidance, his proximity sending shivers down your spine. Your aim improved drastically, and you managed to hit the target dead center multiple times in a row. Anakin couldn't help but grin at your success. "See, I told you it just takes practice," he said, admiringly. “Now,  you should only use this weapon when you are in a guarded position, I don’t think you should use it on the battlefield, it is too bulky and requires too much stability which I don’t think you’re going to get a lot of.”
“Of course.” You couldn't help but focus on the sensation of his chest against your back, vibrating with his words. The firm grip of his hands on yours, and the intimate way he had adjusted your stance. Your heart raced, and you hoped he wouldn't notice 
Anakin stepped back, finally breaking the physical contact between you. "Remember, it's all about control and precision. You've got the potential for both."
You took a deep breath, determined to regain your focus. As you caught yourself, you tried to put some distance between the two of you. You didn’t want to give him the wrong impression, but you also didn’t want to ruin the moment. “Thank you, General. I appreciate your help.”
Anakin looked at you, his eyes softening, and his lips curving into a small smile. “You’re welcome. Anytime.”
You could sense something between you two- a tension that was hard to deny. You wondered if it was just you or if he felt it too. It was an unspoken attraction that neither of you wanted to address. Anakin stepped closer as he reclaimed the weapon from you hand, his gaze locking onto yours. There was something inexplicable in his eyes. ”You're a quick learner. Maybe you'll even surpass my skills one day."
You chuckled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "We'll see about that, General Skywalker.”
Anakin nodded, his hand brushing against yours as he took the blaster from your grip. “I guess we will, but if you ever need a refresher you know where to find me.”
You nodded, your mind racing with the possibilities of what he meant by that. Did he mean that you could always come to him for training or was there something else there? The possibility of something more than just training sessions with Anakin made your heart race.
Your question was soon answered. With a slow, deliberate motion, Anakin leaned in, his lips inches from yours. The anticipation was electric, and it felt as though the entire galaxy held its breath.
Just as your lips were about to meet, the loud clang of a nearby training droid startled you both, breaking the spell. Anakin pulled back abruptly, a mixture of frustration and longing in his eyes.
“Duty calls,” he said, his voice hoarse. “I’ll see you later, Y/N.”
You nodded, trying to catch your breath. “Later, General.”
As Anakin left the training room, you couldn't help but feel a sense of deep disappointment. You had been so close to finally kissing him, but duty always seemed to get in the way of your desires.
But as you took a moment to catch your breath, you realised that Anakin's presence had left a lasting impression on you. You couldn't deny the attraction you felt towards him, but you also knew that the Jedi Code prohibited relationships between Jedi. And you weren’t even sure the two of you would survive this war. 
But you couldn’t get him out of your head. You would continue to train with Anakin, improving your combat skills and enjoying the moments of intimacy that came. If he tried to kiss you again you would let him.
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'I had a mother who loved me'
(aka, the Jedi Order is NOT Anakin's family)
This is a topic that I've seen discussed elsewhere and I felt compelled to add my own thoughts. I've seen some takes I vehemently disagree with, especially regarding Shmi and Little Ani in TPM, and Anakin's 'decision' to leave with Qui-Gon. It's crazy how some people will blame little Ani for 'wanting' to be a Jedi, yet apparently Luke in ANH is allowed to want this, even though Luke likewise barely knows anything about what being a Jedi entails, and even though it's much more risky (and, frankly, far more unrealistic) to dream of becoming a Jedi in the Dark Times era?? As if a nine-year-old slave-boy wanting to take part in his new-found freedom by learning to be something he associates with heroism means he somehow 'should have known' he wasn’t going to be a ‘good fit’ for the Order. My argument is that there was nothing wrong with Anakin, and there was in fact no legitimate reason for him or ANYONE ELSE to believe he'd not be good at using the Force to help others (which is what the Jedi are supposed to do), especially when he had literally just done so in the pod-race. The whole reason Qui-Gon noticed Anakin was because of how strong in the Force he already was, even untrained. Qui-Gon has faith in him, it's just the Jedi Council that doubts him. Because, unlike Qui-Gon who perceives Anakin's positive qualities and potential, Yoda and the Jedi Council are afraid of him. Because Anakin is basically an 'unknown' (read: uncontrollable) entity suddenly in their midst.
While the Prequels film-canon stands on its own in this regard, we can also look to the novelizations for even more emphasis on this topic. In the TPM novelization, several things are noteable: first of all, even before Qui-Gon arrives, Anakin has had prophetic dreams about becoming a Jedi. And since Shmi is aware that Ani's dreams and visions do often come to pass, when Qui-Gon appears and offers to take him away to be trained, why wouldn't she think that maybe this was somehow Force (or Fate) ordained? And that therefore it was the right thing to do to let him go? And the second thing, is while it's also clear that Little Ani (like Luke!) has a romanticised view of what being a Jedi might be like, his actual motivation for becoming a Jedi is not simply because he 'selfishly' wants to embark on some fun adventure without his mom. On the contrary, every. single. time. little Ani thinks about the possibility of becoming a Jedi or leaving Tatooine, it's directly in relation to eventually returning to FREE his mother and the rest of the slaves:
He was several things in the course of his dreams. Once he was a Jedi Knight, fighting against things so dark and insubstantial he could not identify them. Once he was a pilot of a star cruiser, taking the ship into hyperspace, spanning whole star systems on his voyage. Once he was a great and feared commander of an army, and he came back to Tatooine with ships and troops at his command to free the planet’s slaves. His mother was waiting for him, smiling, arms outstretched.
He gazed skyward, his mother's hand resting lightly on his arm, and thought about what it would be like to be out there, flying battle cruisers and fighters, traveling to far worlds and strange places. He didn't care what Wald said, he wouldn't be a slave all his life. Just as he wouldn't always be a boy. He would find a way to leave Tatooine. He would find a way to take his mother with him. His dreams whirled through his head as he watched the stars, a kaleidoscope of bright images. He imagined how it would be. He saw it clearly in his mind, and it made him smile.
Anakin wants to escape slavery and train as a Jedi so he can come back and continue helping his friends and family on Tatooine. So he can return to free the slaves. Little does he know that he won't be allowed to do that... :'(
It's important to note as well that at this point, Anakin *also* has no idea that, as a Jedi, he won't be allowed to get married and have a family. Even though he is already naively imagining himself someday marrying Padme. So he doesn't know that not only will he not be permitted to return for his mother as he'd always hoped, but he will also technically not be allowed to even have a family of his own even when he's old enough to do so.
And what of Shmi's thoughts on Anakin becoming a Jedi? At the start of the AotC novelization, she is trying to be happy with the thought of it, but ONLY because she believes he must be living his best life as a Jedi. She has no idea that he had to go through rejection first before being accepted into the Order. The AotC novelization shows that as Shmi is being held captive and tortured by the Tusken Raiders, she tries to comfort herself by holding onto her imagination of what Anakin's time as Jedi is like:
All those times staring up at the night sky, she had thought of him, had imagined him soaring across the galaxy, rescuing the downtrodden, saving planets from ravaging monsters and evil tyrants. But she had always expected to see [Ani] again, had always expected him to walk onto the moisture farm one day, that impish smile of his, the one that could light up a room, greeting her as if they had never been apart.
Heartbreakingly, as Shmi is being brutalised to death, she clings to the hope that her beloved Ani's life is now better than it was before, and that it was worth saying farewell to him all those years ago, even while simultaneously desperately longing to see him again.
As an aside, it aggravates me to no end that *cough* certain parts of this fandom perpetuate the idea that Shmi is just some blank, wholly selfless entity with no wants or desires of her own. That she's the ‘perfect’ example of a Jedi with no 'attachments' (aka an Old Order Jedi), and that somehow Anakin is a just a 'failure' compared to her. Yes, it could be argued that Shmi is shown to be a better or truer 'Jedi' than most of the other Jedi in the story (aside from Luke in RotJ), but guess what that would mean in that case? (Hint: it has to do with love and family.) Because first and foremost, Shmi is a MOTHER who is trying to do the best for her son, even though a piece of her heart is always missing while he is gone. The AotC novelization shows repeatedly that she tries to assure herself that she did the right thing by letting Ani go, but the human mother side of herself also cries out for him and misses him desperately. She might have let him go in TPM, but in AoTC she wants to see him again. In fact, she believes strongly that she will see him again (because she loves him and he’s her hero because she’s his mom and she trusts he will eventually come back to find her), which is the only thing keeping her holding on until he arrives. How can Shmi be a perfect example of an Old Order Jedi when the motivating factor for even her most selfless actions is her personal FAMILIAL attachment to and unconditional LOVE for Anakin?? Also, how insulting is it to claim that Anakin is a 'failure' in comparison to his 'wonderful, perfect mother', and then proceed to place all the blame on him for being said 'failure'....when he was shown on-screen to be doing just fine in taking after his mother prior to his time in the Jedi Order????
As another poster noted elsewhere, Shmi Skywalker is the only person responsible for the truly good person Anakin Skywalker was.
This is the heart of the entire saga. Anakin's True Self is good because of his mother. Because of how she raised him (to be selfless and to want to help others) and because of the unconditional LOVE she had for him. It was the Jedi Order that failed to provide that for Anakin, and Sidious who manipulated the situation to his advantage.
(And if Shmi was the only person who truly solidified Anakin's inner goodness, then Qui-Gon was the only Jedi who was presented as being equipped to bring out the best in Anakin when Shmi wasn't around. The only one who was prepared to act as an openly warm and compassionate parental figure to Anakin, the only one who could have properly mentored Anakin and helped him navigate both his Force powers as well as the Jedi Code, and the only one who was shown to be willing to stand up to the Council on Anakin's behalf. The tragedy is not that Qui-Gon found Anakin or even that he offered to take him to train in the Force. Rather, the tragedy is that Qui-Gon is slain in the Duel of the Fates, which leaves Anakin without a true protector and advocate in the Order, and allows Sidious an 'in'.)
So the idea that the Jedi Order is Anakin's ‘replacement family' is simply not true—certainly not in the way the story actually pans out. It's telling that, in the original Prequels-era EU, Anakin ran away from the Jedi Temple multiple times. That is NOT the behaviour of a happy child. (It is, however, typical behaviour for children who are struggling in institutionalised care.)
And indeed, the very first paragraph of the AotC novelization opens with Anakin dreaming that he is part of a warm, loving family:
His mind absorbed the scene before him, so quiet and calm and...normal. It was the life he had always wanted, a gathering of family and friends—he knew that they were just that, though the only one he recognized was his dear mother. This was the way it was supposed to be. The warmth and the love, the laughter and the quiet times. This was how he had always dreamed it would be, how he had always prayed it would be. The warm, inviting smiles. The pleasant conversation. The gentle pats on the shoulders. But most of all there was the smile of his beloved mother, so happy now, no more a slave. When she looked at him, he saw all of that and more, saw how proud she was him, how joyful her life had become.
Why would Anakin be dreaming longingly of being part of an openly loving, happy family if he already had that at the Jedi Temple? (Tellingly, he notes that this seems like something normal, as if he's aware that it ought to be commonplace despite the fact that it's currently missing from his own life.)
And later on, when he's visiting Padme's parents' house for dinner, he sees this exact type of scene he's been longing for play out right in front of him, and he wishes that his mother could be there to enjoy it, too:
Anakin took a good helping of several different dishes. The food was all unfamiliar, but the smells told him that he wouldn’t be disappointed. He sat quietly as he ate, listening with half an ear to the chatter all about him. He was thinking of his mom again, of how he wished he could bring her here, a free woman, to live the life she so deserved.
Note that Anakin is thinking about his mother, and putting her first in his mind. He can barely enjoy the meal while he believes his mother could be out there, suffering.
Later on as he and Padme are heading to Tatooine to search for Shmi, they bond over the fact that both their mothers told them the same nursery rhyme ('home again to rest'). It means a lot to Anakin that he can bond with Padme over this similar childhood memory. (No doubt something he would not have had in common with his peers in the Temple, since their only childhood memories would have been within the Jedi Order, rather than in a true home. And certainly not with a mother.)
Finally, we get to the RotS novelization. Yes, THAT one. The one in which we see that Anakin was perfectly willing to walk away from the Order the minute he returned from the war and discovered Padme was pregnant. Willing to walk away to start their FAMILY together. But then his nightmares began, and he reluctantly stayed just a little longer, thinking the Jedi (whom he originally joined with the express intent of wanting to help his loved ones) could offer him some solution to the horror his nightmares were showing him:
If not for his dreams, he’d withdraw from the Order today. Now. ...Let the scandal come; it wouldn’t destroy their lives. Not their real lives. It would destroy only the lives they’d had before each other: those separate years that now meant nothing at all.
To drive the point home, we also have the pivotal scene where Obi-Wan—speaking on the Council's behalf—tries to convince Anakin to spy on the Chancellor. Their exchange says it all:
"He's my friend, Obi-Wan." "I know." "If he asked me to spy on you, do you think I would do it? You know how kind he's been to me. You now how he's looked after me, how he's done everything he could to help me. He's like family." "The Jedi are your family." "No. No, the Jedi are your family. The only one you've ever known. I had a mother who loved me."
Anakin's story breaks my heart because all he wants—all he has ever wanted—is a family. Not to just to 'have' one in a vague sense, but to be PART OF ONE. He wants this, because even when he was slave living an unfree life, at least he had his mother. At least he could feel his mother's love, and could openly demonstrate his love to her in return. For Anakin Skywalker, being a Jedi was never the goal in and of itself. In his mind, it was always primarily a means to save those he loved. To save his family. This is simultaneously the most tragic and the most beautiful thing about his character. It is both his fall AND his redemption.
And those who insist on ignoring Anakin’s deep-seated longing for a family and want to act as though he should just be content with the Jedi Order instead are willfully missing the entire point of his story.
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antianakin · 11 months
Hot take: Ahsoka never would have made it far as Obi-Wan’s Padawan. Not because Obi-Wan is a horrible teacher (the complete opposite) but because Darth Second Rate would have ruined their apprenticeship due to jealousy. I can’t see him accepting anyone “taking his place” as Obi-Wan’s student
I actually think it might've been fine. I generally tend to see Anakin's relationship with Obi-Wan as one of his healthier ones in terms of the jealousy and attachment, especially if you look primarily at the high canon stuff. Like look at the moment in Landing at Point Rain where Obi-Wan's ship crashes and they don't know if Obi-Wan is injured or dead and Ahsoka freaks out about it, but Anakin actually stays calm and refuses to leave his men in order to run to get to Obi-Wan and makes sure to explain all of this to Ahsoka herself. Or look at the way he handles the relationship with Satine and the lack of jealousy towards Obi-Wan having strong feelings towards someone else. He also seems perfectly aware that Obi-Wan already REQUESTED a student when Ahsoka shows up and never has any obvious issue with the idea and tries to pass Ahsoka off onto Obi-Wan as an initial reaction. The only time he really starts to lose it regarding Obi-Wan is when Obi-Wan dies and that's not a jealousy issue really.
I've actually felt like having Ahsoka be OBI-WAN'S Padawan would've arguably been far better because it still would've allowed her to be a main character in the story and interacting with the Anakin/Obi-Wan duo and to have enough of a close relationship with Anakin to help explain why he matures. You could even have him be a little brusque with Ahsoka at first and then learn to accept her new place in Obi-Wan's life as part of his development.
Also even if Anakin DIDN'T care for Ahsoka much, we know he and Obi-Wan aren't actually ALWAYS together and being with Obi-Wan would allow Ahsoka to get far better training as a Jedi that didn't encourage her worst vices instead of what she got from Anakin. By the time we get to the Wrong Jedi arc, Ahsoka wouldn't totally mistrust the Council and would be smart enough not to go on the run and make herself look extra guilty, she'd never see a suspicious keycard and think Obi-Wan was trying to illegally break her out, etc. so she actually might end up exonerated a lot earlier and likely never actually get expelled from the Order which means she probably wouldn't leave it. And then she stays and maybe goes with Obi-Wan to Utapau and the two escape together somehow and maybe both end up on Tatooine together where Ahsoka actually gets to finish her training in a way no other Padawan would.
So I dunno, I feel like the odds are fairly good for Ahsoka to make it as a Jedi as Obi-Wan's Padawan, regardless of how Anakin feels about it, because the benefits of gaining Obi-Wan's training rather than Anakin's FAR outweigh whatever negativity she may get from Anakin.
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hanasnx · 2 years
i just woke up and i don't know who to tell, but i dreamed about anakin. he was sleeping but i need him. so in his sleepy state, he still took care of me😫😫 i whined and he was like "ssshhh.. it's okay" then he kissed me and slipped his fingers inside me ((with his metal hand)) askdjskslsk. it was so hot i think i came right there and then. well shit this is nasty but damn i'd give everything to experience it.
early mornings
MINORS DNI 18+ NOTES: believe it or not i actually wrote a drabble about basically this exact thing, enjoy WARNINGS: squirting | vaginal fingering
it was early. so early. dim light spilled into the room through the curtained windows. somehow, each other’s groggy and half-asleep adjusting, woke the other up simultaneously. ANAKIN SKYWALKER lazily spooned you. relaxing and cozying into the warm covers and the other’s embrace, causing your ass to brush up against anakin’s morning wood.
disguising it— clumsily— he started grinding, his hips moving as little as possible. neither of you said a word. his large hand slid from your bare abdomen to your tit, squeezing and moving on to the other one. more and more.
he added fervor to his rocking, desperate for the friction he craved. carelessly, he spread your asscheeks, so he could sandwich his dick in between. his arms enveloped you, pressing you to him hard so his nose buried in your hair. you were so sensitive this early in the morning that little sounds escaped you from such minuscule sexual acts. oh, but you could feel how big and hard his cock was. practically sense how it pulsed and ached for you.
since he was having all the fun, he wanted to reward you. prying open your legs, he stuck his thigh in. you didn’t get a chance to grind long before he started pretending to fuck. his hand gripping onto your asscheek like a handle, moving you up and down while bouncing leg and slapping your pussy with his thigh. jolts of pleasure shooting through you. your noises grew in volume.
this wordless exchange trailed off, only able to stave off of sleep for so long. it drew the two of you back in, movements slowing.
you realized you were still wet and horny and awake when he turned over, his back to you as he attempted to get into a comfortable position. it would be better for you to get some more rest before you had to start your day, but you couldn’t let it go how your pussy throbbed for your lover. it was his fault you were like this, he should take care of you… you knew he’d want to.
you followed him, wrapping your arm around his middle to stamp your body up against his. no sooner had you settled, when his hand guided yours to palm his cock. it had remained at attention, waiting for you as you predicted. so you played with him, massaging him. it only dampened your arousal, hopelessly pushing your pussy against his backside in search for any sense of relief.
you felt his warm skin against your face, and you gently bit down onto his back muscle, tugging it to release. “i want you.” you murmured, breath washing over him.
“yeah, baby? yeah?” a tone of excitement in his response despite how sleepy he must be. it thrilled you, sending your body into a frenzy knowing what was to come. his arm rounded behind him, sliding his palm from grabbing your ass to your stomach, chest, and in between your bodies to brush your clit. touching all he could, leaving a trail of fire in his wake.
intent on toying with him, you lay on your stomach, folding your arms underneath the pillow, as if you were trying to go back to sleep. when he rolled over to face you, he was undeterred. he ignored the urge to smack your ass when his metal palm smoothed the curve of your spine and down to your backside. instead, he gave it a hearty squeeze, to let you know your defiance was unappreciated after offering yourself to him so readily. he wasn’t pleased with the idea he had to work for it. nonetheless, his fingers dip into the crevice of your thighs, the material cold brushing past your folds. you jolt in surprise from the sensitivity, but that didn’t stop you from feeling grateful. his thick metal fingers were your favorite, knuckling your wetness and bullying himself inside. you were always so tight right after waking up.
his boner pressed against your side, indenting into your skin with how forceful he ground into you for some relief. you were focused on something else entirely, how stretched you were. “are you using just one finger?” you asked in surprise, gasping as he increased his pace with it. his wrist nestling against the bottom of your ass with each thrust.
“mhm,” he hummed, moistening his lips as he watched his metal hand glisten with your dampness. in order to loosen you up for more, your poor cunt struggling with just one digit, he’d need a better position. “turn around.”
“no i like it like this.”
“be a good girl and turn around.” there was no room for argument, he’d make sure you liked whatever he came up with more. with a cranky huff you obey him, and he smirked at your submission. his middle finger circling your clit as he stared at your expression twisting in pleasure, sucking in a breath when he sunk it into you. “so tight, angel, bet i’d cum if you tried to take me right now.” as if testing that theory in his mind’s eye, he looked between your swollen pink pussy and his leaking purple cock, heavy on your thigh.
he felt you widen from that comment and he snickered at you. so filthy. removing his finger from you, he interrupted your whine of protest by shoving two digits into your mouth. the metal mixed with your fluids had a particular taste, one that you enjoyed as you sucked them for him. you held his gaze as your tongue swirled around the tips of his fingers, you saw in his eyes how he lusted after you. impatient for a kiss, he leaned in, kissing you and licking his fingers with you.
the act sent you reeling, something so simple yet so dirty. he captured your lips fully, using his slobbered metal digits to plunge back into your pussy. you made a noise against him as he forced his tongue between your lips, saliva and pre cum mixing in your mouths. this time, his fingering was less than gentle, able to reach the angle in you he preferred. the one that made you squirm underneath him so he had no choice but to pin you. the one that made your sexy noises grow in volume as he increased his pace until you squirted all over him. his metal arm, abdomen, his pants… soaked.
in your haze, you reached for his hard cock in his pants, encircling his head. leisurely jacking him off. you felt your squirt all over the fabric. “i got you all wet,” you murmured and he pecked you for how endearing you were.
“you got it all over me.” he confirmed with his signature fake sympathy. you knew this was one of his favorite things. he mouthed your neck, licking and sucking and biting, curling his digits inside of you to coax another release out of you. “doing so good for me… my good girl.”
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queenie-official · 10 months
Chapter Thirteen: ‘One Thousand Apologies’ Bridgerton Au!Anakin
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part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
a/n: this chapter is a pretty short one solely because it leads directly into the next chapter and if i where to combine them it’d 100% would of been way to long😭😭 anyways hope you huns enjoy Xx<3💋
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apologizing to Anakin was one thing. it was easy especially after you’d both opened your hearts to one another, apologizing to Padme however was going to be a completely different thing. everything was going smooth thus far since Anakin’s confession that morning, but you were nervous. you knew Padme and you knew she’d forgive you but you had this overwhelming guilt. it was eating you alive as you waited for her to arrive for the day. you twist the ring on your finger becoming lost in your thoughts as you await her arrival. not even entirely sure of what you were going to say or how to start your apology.
as soon as she enters the tea room you’re on your feet. she freezes for a moment processing the fact that your actually acknowledging her existence before carefully continuing in, closing the doors behind her. there’s an awkward silence as you both stare at each other waiting for someone to make the first move. you almost wished you could just pretend as if everything was normal and although you knew if you did do that she’d go along with it, you also knew she deserved better.
she was your best friend and the distance you wedged between the two of you albeit one sided- needed to be addressed. you clear your throat and gesture to the chair beside you wordlessly asking her to take a seat, she takes the offer. silently walking over to you and sitting down, you pull another seat directly in front of her to join her. still you both remain silent for a moment as you struggle to find the words, reaching forward to take her hands into yours as she had done to you days ago when trying to offer you comfort.
“Padme…” you force yourself to keep eye contact as you start to speak, wanting to show your sincerity. “i am so sorry, what i did was wrong. i should not have ignored you the way i did, it was childish-” she cuts you off before you can finish your sentence “y/n, i am not mad at you” she looks at you with nothing but pure sympathy. “i know you aren’t mad but it doesn’t excuse my behavior” she shakes her head at you “you where hurting and reacted accordingly, yes it wasn’t the best way to go about it but i understood- i understand” she squeezes your hands reassuringly.
“please let me apologize, i know you understand but you must realize you did not have to do what you did- what you’ve done. you stick beside me even as i pushed you away, you didn’t give up on me even though i would of more than understood if you had.” she gives you a gentle smile, letting out a soft chuckle “y/n you forget our friendship is not one sided, nor is it fragile. i will always be here for you the same way i know you will be for me.” you feel your eyes begin to water and just as quickly you are pulled into her arms. “thank you for the apology i appreciate it” she adds not wanting to brush off what you where trying to do. you both indulge in the hug for a moment, staying in each others embrace before pulling away and smiling.
you both can’t help but laugh. it felt nice, therapeutic almost. “i think we may have more important matters to discuss now” she says with a smile, leaning back in her chair. “like what?” you snort, shifting in your own seat to get more comfortable. “well for starters who’s responsible for finally pulling you out of your own head, who should i be thanking for giving me my friend back?” she’s smiling as she asks, giving you a look that you could only assume meant she already knew.
to be fair it’s not like there where many options for people who’d speak out to you. “You and I both know you’ve already got an idea as to who it was” she laughs, turning her head to the side and gestures silently over to a few of the castle servants. they work quickly, moving the small table to where you both where sat. setting up a small tea party for you both, one of the servants pouring you both a cup of tea adding in milk and sugar to your likings. “of course i do but that doesn’t mean i don’t want to hear you say it” you can’t help but roll your eyes, bringing your cup of tea to your lips before taking a sip. she gives you a smug smile before mirroring your actions.
“what else did you want to discuss?” you ask curiously, she hums for a short moment as she thinks to herself. “we have to address the situation publicly…” you feel your heart sink, looking down into your tea cup to stare at the liquid in order to avoid eye contact. “you don’t have to do a announcement if that’s what your worried about- there are other ways we can go about this matter y/n” you take a deep breath, looking back up at her and placing your tea down. “i don’t have to do an announcement but if feels like i should, a murder and attempted one is not something that can just be so easily looked over”
“well there are ways you could do so indirectly” she quips perking your interest in an instant. “how so?” she places her own tea down now, sitting a bit straighter before she begins. “let’s start with the council members. forget an announcement, skip straight to punishing them and let the news come out in articles as it usually would. then simply replace them, business as usual. you’re the queen, the people already know what’s happened there so there’s no real need to address them in particular.” you nod carefully taking in her advice, tapping on the table beside you with one of your fingers as you think. “that leaves us with one thing”
“addressing your fathers murder and the attempted murder on Anakin” you nod letting out a sigh, leaning your head into your palm. “i don’t feel as if you have to address it head on. write a statement about what happened to your father and have it printed and released in the papers” you purse your lips in thought “but what about the attempt on Anakin’s life?” Padme goes silently, briefly contemplating what you could do to address it while also avoiding the spotlight. “maybe not a statement with words but a gesture, something to show you and him aren’t going anywhere nor are you scared. even though you are but they don’t need to know that.”
a gesture? what could you do to act as a gesture big enough to garner everyone’s attention whilst simultaneously showing there’s nothing to fear.
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Anakin sat directly beside you, Listening carefully as you and Padme explained what you’d been discussing. you’d called him in for more than just coming up with an idea- actually you’d already figured out what you wanted to do the problem was you didn’t know how to execute it without his help.
“so you need help coming up with a gesture then?” he asks curiously running a hand through his hair as he thinks. “Yes-” “No-” you and Padme both speak at the same time, her turning to you in confusion when she hears you say no. you keep your attention on Anakin however as you speak “do you remember when we discussed the things you liked about your kingdom?” he blinks a few times processing your words as he thinks back through your conversations, the gears turning in his head. you watch as he visibly lights up once he realizes what you’re hinting at “The Races?”
“Yes!” you exclaim happily now turning to Padme to see if she was beginning to see where you were going with this. she seems more curious than anything, which to be fair you didn’t have horse races in Alderaan so it made sense it hadn’t clicked for her yet. “It’s a big event that brings together a lot of people. pretty much anyone can participate as long as they have a horse to ride” Anakin begins to explain the details behind the Tatooine tradition, happily reciting the rules and regulations.
“it’s the perfect thing that could unite the people and us, a public event for the Ton to participate in and if Anakin raced as well then it’d also serve as a way for us to show we aren’t afraid. let them know we’re with them. we could add a Ball as well, so that we can socialize and maybe give a brief statement?” you suggest the idea to the both of them, Anakin grows more excited at the mention of him being able to participate. Padme seems completely onboard as well, perking up at all the new info.
“i think this to be a wonderful idea, and in all honesty you could probably use the excitement of the whole event to sweep this under the rug. at the end of the day its up to you of course” you nod at her comment. there was a lot to think of and a lot to take care of if you wanted this to happen and for it to be successful. you couldn’t help the excitement that bubbled over all of the fear and doubts. Anakin seemed to be even more excited than you, tapping his foot against the ground ready to jump up at any moment.
“well for this to work we’d better get started now, i believe we have a letter to write.” you say with a smile as you turn to Anakin.
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part 14
tag list: @luvvfromme @gatekeepingirlboss @bimbo-baggins86 @iluvanakinskywalker @bby-imasociopath @curlycarley @burnthecheshirewitch @misscaller06 @sweetcheesecakesblog
this chapter was a bit short but the next chapter is going to be very long ☝️ not to mention possibly a big milestone for reader and Anakin👀 it’s either going to happen in this next chapter or the one after 💪 but anyways love you all and i hope you love reader and Padmes friendship as much as me💋💋 oh and one more thing, i hope you guys haven’t forgotten about Barclay 🌝
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gffa · 2 years
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Padme is a character that’s difficult to talk about narrative intentions with, because she’s so underwritten in so many ways and written to serve Anakin’s narrative arc (she’s not alone in this, I would say it’s fair to point out that Obi-Wan gets this as well) that she’s there to be the person Anakin is filling himself up with after the loss of his mother.  She’s there to be the person he can’t let go of, the person he becomes attached to, because her presence soothes him. As much as I might disagree with it, I do think the narrative intention is that Anakin is still a good person at this point (or at least capable of being a good person), that Padme is there to show him compassion and help him step back away from the dark side.  These were his first steps into the dark side, he wants to become more powerful than any other Jedi to stop death from happening, and Padme is there to show that he is still capable of letting those things go, even if we know he ultimately won’t. For Padme, the way he lashes out shows a vulnerability that pulls on her heartstrings, like when he tries to provoke her by saying he killed the women and children as well, he’s crying at the same time, we the audience can see it as a red flag, but Padme’s heart is twisting itself around for him. There’s theorizing that goes around every so often of the, “Padme Amidala is a freak, okay, she wanted to dive face first into the hot mess that was Anakin Skywalker” type and I see a lot of truth in that, I think part of her absolutely thrilled at all that hot mess being beamed in her direction, that she loved the whirlwind romance of it, that she cherishes her duty to her people that she swore to help, but that she can’t help being swept up by the romantic idealism of Anakin, who blows right past all common sense and leads with his hurricane of emotions. This meta about Padme being super into the sweeping epic romance of it all is another part of her character:
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This scene ends with her giving in, with her leaning into the kiss, because she’s so moved by him setting his lightsaber in her hand, telling her that this is his life. Or there’s this banger meta by @gil-estel about how Padme is drawn to Anakin because, to her mind, wants Padme for her.  That he doesn’t want anything of her politics or her role as a former queen or senator, that he’s her chance to have this relationship that’s just hers.  I can see a lot of that in her character, too! Or this other banger meta by @antianakin that’s about her connecting with Anakin’s anger, that it’s when she sees all that anger in him that her last barriers against him are destroyed, because she felt that.  That, when she tells him, “To be angry is to be human.” is because she’s familiar with that kind of anger. And I think I can really see that. Even when that rage turns on her later in TCW and she no longer feels safe around him, she does go back to him, she does reject the idea that Anakin would kill Jedi younglings (crossing the line of what’s understandable, even if it’s wrong), she's even willing to overlook it once she can't deny it, and say she still wants to run away with him. It's not until he refuses to meet her even a little bit in the middle that she finally realizes who he's become, the destination all that rage was heading towards. It's something I can sympathize with for her, so many of us feel so much rage at the horrific things that happen in the world, it's not hard for me to imagine Padme falling for someone who grabs hold of that rage, that kind of rage she feels but has to keep setting aside because her duty demands it of her, because she knows that she wouldn't actually accomplish what she wants with that rage, and put it together with the Padme we see. Look at Padme in The Phantom Menace.
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It’s not hard to read helpless anger in her character, at being unable to help while her people are dying.  It’s not hard to read into her that some part of her would wish she could just take a blaster and shoot all the Trade Federation members dead for what they’re doing to her planet. They’re her people, she loves them and wants to protect them, of course she’s angry at what’s happened to them. Or when Onoconda Farr is murdered, Padme immediately leaps into investigating it because she doesn't like or trust the police, Tan Divo doesn't take her as seriously as she wants, she takes all that anger she has inside her and does something about it. She investigates who might want him dead, she grabs a gun and goes to the docks, despite that she's a senator, not a police officer.
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She is so angry about what happened to her friend that she doesn't care about the rule of law, she doesn't care that she could be jeopardizing the case, she doesn't care that she's stomping over people's rights--her friend was murdered and she's furious about it. Uncle Ono was her dear friend, she loved him, of course she’s so angry at what happened to him. It's not an anger that always rears its head, Padme has more self-control than that, but sometimes it explodes out of her, and I think that's part of what attracts her to Anakin, he's someone who has all the same anger that she does, he doesn't care about rules when he's furious about something, and even if that means stepping on some people or hurting people or killing people along the way, she understands that kind of feeling. This is the person who comforts Anakin on Tatooine with the words, “To be angry is to be human.”
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Someone who has compassion in her heart, but also intimately knows what it’s like to have that same anger that Anakin has. Padme doesn’t have to be consigned to just one reason for showing Anakin compassion on Tatooine.  It can be a multitude of things, that she’s underwritten and just there to further Anakin’s story, that she’s a kind-hearted person who sees the good and the pain in Anakin, that she doesn’t consider the Tuskens to be human-equivalent, that she’s falling for him because she’s a freak who’s into this hot mess, that she’s attracted to the epic romance of it all, that she viscerally understands what it’s like to be that fucking angry, that you want to murder someone for the people they killed. I like a combination of all of the above, because even if I can’t speak to what Lucas intended with her--if he even intended anything with her--I love Padme’s character and all the complex things that are going on with her.
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meridiansdominoes · 3 months
I am LOVING "Dominoes" so far! I can't wait for what's next! Also, I have two questions. What inspired you to write "Dominoes" in the first place and gave you the idea for the story? Secondly, out of all the Jedi that could've possibly confronted Krell to arrest him, what made you choose Unduli and Windu? I understand why Anakin wouldn't be a good choice because he would've straight up murdered that sleemo besalisk on the spot. Not that I would blame him. But I know Obi-Wan is a good negotiator and seeing him sass Krell could've been hilarious! And seeing Plo Koon confront him could've been interesting as well with their completely opposite views on clones. Also, Master Plo doesn't strike me as the type to loose his temper easily. I don't know as much about Aayla so I can't really guess for her. But if she loves Bly, seeing her whoop Krell big time could've been interesting as well. Did you choose Unduli and Windu because they're were the most likely to be able to keep their cool dealing with someone like Krell? Or was it something else? Thanks! Keep being amazing!
Hiya! Thanks for the ask! I got the original idea when I was reading clone wars fanfics a while ago and every time travel fic was mostly Jedi! Not that there's anything wrong with that, and also now there's a ton of clone-centric time travel too, but back in the day it was very difficult to find clone time travel that was well executed. Since the clones had always been my favorite characters, I really wanted something like that, and the more I thought about it the more I became interested in how non-force sensitives and people with very little galactic influence would handle a time-travel situation! I decided to write it myself, using Domino squad because that way I could bring back three of my favorite characters and expand on characters who didn't get any screentime!
As for your second question, I actually chose Mace Windu to go after Krell because I decided that he had the highest chance of defeating Krell in a 1 on 1 lightsaber duel! I don't know how good of a fighter Krell actually is against other Jedi--we never get to see him fight another lightsaber user... maybe he's actually terrible and even Ahsoka could beat him, or maybe he's a monster. Regardless of reality, he's huge, and those dual double-bladed are super intimidating, so I decided he's probably pretty tough. With that in mind, I needed someone who was super competent at lightsaber dueling to take him on, so I chose Mace! It also made sense to me that the council would choose someone fairly important to go and arrest one of their own. I chose Luminara to back him up because, as you mentioned, she's good at staying calm under pressure, and I also felt like I had missed an opportunity to include her on Geonosis, so I wanted to make up for that! I also partially chose her because I'm a big fan of clone commander Gree, and I knew I eventually wanted to write a short about it from his perspective, which I did!
Plo Koon and Aayla both would have been interesting choices as well, you make really good points that their relationships with their clones could have really made them fierce opponents for Krell! As for Anakin... I didn't choose him for a very specific reason that you will find out in a few chapters hehe!
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bloatedandalone04 · 8 months
Wrapped Around Your Finger - Part 1.1
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Series Masterlist | Original Fic
➪in which you pack your bags for paris, still unsure of whether or not you’ll return to london for anything other than the rest of your belongings, and anakin is forced to reach out to liz after she crosses another line.
PSA: strongly suggested to read the warnings before proceeding.
WC; 3.2k | Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡
Guilt had followed Anakin all week.
He talked to you for a good hour over the phone on Wednesday, and not once did he mention the fact that Liz had kissed him. He knew the longer he kept it from you, the worse it’ll be for him, but he was terrified of your reaction. 
Anakin had been faithful for nearly five years straight, and the one time he’s away from you for more than a few days he lets another girl get close to him. Close enough for him to break that streak in a single night. 
He knew that as soon as he told you, it could very well be over, and he never wanted to lose you, let alone because of something so out of character for him. 
Still, it wasn’t fair for you to be kept out of the loop, and though he hated to do it, he’d rather tell you in person. He could only hope that you saw it from his perspective, and how hard he’s been trying to get rid of her. 
Anakin was sitting on the couch, the passing scenery doing wonders at keeping his mind busy. He wanted to call you, but you told him that you needed to sort some things out today, and he’d just have to wait until you were able to talk. 
He had headphones on with the track Vinny and Theo had recorded during all the time Anakin spent with Liz, and he felt like the worst excuse of a friend and band member ever. 
They were actually trying to get music out while he just went out and partied. But he wouldn’t be doing that anymore. 
If one good thing came out of that whole club situation and the wake up call, it was that Anakin was finally inspired to write. Theo had come up with the idea to create a slower song rather than the loud and intense songs they’ve been playing for the last year and a half. He was sure it was because the bass player was feeling down a lot lately and needed a way to vent, and Anakin and Vinny were more than willing to agree to it. 
He listened to the track on repeat as he thought about possible lyrics, and Anakin was happy that Vinny had decided to try his luck with a piano. He played it for about four years before he switched to drums, but he clearly still knew how to play the string instrument as it sounded amazing through his headphones. 
Before long, he had a whole page done and was starting his second when Vinny emerged from the back of the bus. His hair was a mess, signaling to Anakin that he had just woken up from a nap. 
Anakin could probably use a few more hours of sleep, too, but he knew it would never come. He’d just end up tossing and turning and wasting time, so he didn’t even bother. 
Vinny sat down next to him with a huff, taking the notebook out of Anakin’s hands as he did so. Anakin scoffed at him, taking off his headphones and setting them aside as he turned to face his friend. “Is this for a new song?” Vinny asked with a yawn as he read over the page.
“Yeah,” Anakin answered, grabbing his phone and sending you a quick text. 
Vinny set the notebook aside after reading it over. “Sounds good,” he mumbled. “Glad to see you got your inspiration back.”
“Yeah, but at what cost,” Anakin muttered.
“Anakin, Y/n will understand,” he tried to reassure him, but probably knew that it was pointless as Anakin would continue to feel like shit until he knew for sure that he wouldn’t lose you because of the mistake he made with Liz.
So when he didn’t respond, Vinny just shook his head and stood back up. He rummaged around in the mini fridge before grabbing two water bottles and heading back to Clara, leaving Anakin to finish up the song he had titled ‘Falling’.
“I feel like I’m wasting everyone’s time,” you confessed as you sat on the grass in the Quad. “I completely messed up that last assignment. I didn’t even try.” 
Evan gave you a pointed look as he sipped from the straw of his smoothie. “You’re not wasting everyone’s time, Y/n,” he stated, making you roll your eyes. “I’m serious. Kenneth would’ve sent you running on the first day if he thought you were wasting his time.”
You shrug and look at different flights on your phone. “Maybe, but I still accused him of favoring me when he was literally just trying to be nice,” 
“Y/n,” Evan called out to you, making you look up. “You’re a good writer. You’re one of the best in the class, don’t think that you’re not. One bad piece doesn’t make you a bad writer, you know that.”
You shrug again, sipping on your own smoothie. “Yeah, I guess,” 
Evan set down his drink and moved closer to you. “I mean it. You’re going places…if you decide to stay, that is. While it’ll certainly give me a better chance at getting published, it’ll still suck to lose you. But if you’re no longer happy here, then you deserve to do something that does make you happy.”
You give him a smile and lean over to hug him quickly. “Thanks, Ev,” 
He returned the hug before standing up. “Are you coming to class today?” 
You think about it for a few seconds then shake your head. “No, I have some thinking to do,”
He nods and gives you a reassuring smile. “Okay, I’ll just see you later then,”
You nod back and watch as he makes his way to the building the class is in before pulling out your phone. 
Ani: I hope you’re having a better day today, baby. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. I love you. 
The text brings a smile to your lips as you stand up and throw away your garbage as you reply to him.
So far so good. I can’t wait to see you, too, Ani. I love YOU.
You head in the opposite direction of your class, planning on going back to your room and packing your bag for Paris. Maybe you’d even start packing up to go back home. While Evan’s attempts at reassuring you were nice, you still didn’t feel confident in yourself anymore. 
Anakin had even tried to reassure you, but he also said that you didn’t have to force yourself to stay if it wasn’t what you wanted anymore, and to have that support from him had your head feeling clearer than it had in weeks. 
If all else failed, you still always had him, and that was enough for you to know that you’d be okay. 
You pack the essentials and set your bag down next to your desk before sitting down on your bed. Grabbing your phone, you begin to look through more flight options. There was one for three in the afternoon, meaning you’d be able to be in Paris by five thirty at the latest. You’d have to swing by class tomorrow to talk to Kenneth, and to possibly say goodbye to him. 
You really weren’t sure if you were going to come back for anything other than the rest of your belongings once Anakin and the guys leave France and you’d have to say goodbye again. Maybe you could just pack the rest of your things and meet him at the next location. You wouldn’t mind sharing that small bunk with him for the next two months, and you knew he wouldn’t mind either. 
Without another thought, you buy the ticket and set your phone down, pulling out your laptop and continuing to write the rough draft of your short story, despite your plans potentially dropping the class.
The rest of the day passed by in a blur, and before you knew it, it was the next morning and you were packing last minute things and making sure you had your ticket ready. You set everything on your bed, excitement pulsing through you at the fact that you’d be seeing Anakin in less than nine hours.
His text had you feeling the happiest you’ve been all week, and you had shamelessly read it more than once. 
Ani: I can’t wait to see you tonight. I’ve missed you so much, princess.
He was the sweetest, and you were shaking with nerves at the thought of feeling his arms around you again after four weeks of zero physical contact.
You leave your dorm and make your way to class, well aware that it had ended at nine and it was now nearing ten. With a quick inhale, you enter the classroom and meet Kenneth’s eyes from across the room. He was sitting at his desk, his brow furrowed as he looked back down at the papers he was reading. “Miss Y/l/n,” he greeted in a monotone voice. “Glad to see you could make it to class today, though you are an hour late and the class is already over.”
Giving him a forced and embarrassed smile, you step into the room. “Yeah,” you trail off, playing with your fingers as you stand by the door. “I’m sorry I missed the last two classes, it’s just….I don’t know if I’m cut out for this.”
Kenneth didn’t look up from the papers as he said, “Well, you’ve certainly done a great job at trying to prove that,” 
Your face heats up and you look at the floor. “Yeah…I’m really sorry, Kenneth,” you murmur, glancing down at the A on your wrist. You feel the smallest bit of comfort from just looking at it, and you lift your head with a newfound confidence. “I didn’t mean to waste your time. That was the last thing I wanted to do.” 
That had your instructor looking up at you. He studied your face for a few seconds before sitting up in his chair. “You didn’t waste my time, Miss Y/l/n,” he stated. “In fact, I quite enjoyed reading your previous pieces, so I don’t know why you think you wasted anyone’s time.”
You shrug at him and avoid eye contact. You just needed to get through this, then you could go to the airport and be with Anakin again after a month of not seeing him. 
“I assume you came here to tell me that you’re dropping out?” Kenneth asks and you look over at him.
“Do you think I should?” You ask.
“That’s not up to me,” he says. “It’s your choice.”
You huff, “Do you think I’m…..good enough?”
Kenneth raises his brows. “Do I think you’re good enough?” He repeated your question and leaned back. “I think you’re a great writer, Miss Y/l/n, and it would be  unfortunate to lose you before I got to really see what you can do. But, it’s your decision, and I can’t make it for you.”
You give him a small smile and nod. “Right. I guess that’s a good answer,” 
He returns the smile before asking, “Are you going somewhere?”
“Yeah, I’m….my boyfriend is performing at a few venues in Paris, so I’m going to meet him there,” you tell him. “I’m sorry, but I’ll be missing a few classes next week.”
Kenneth nods. “It might be best for you to take some time to figure out what you want to do,” he says. “If you decide to stay, there’s always a spot for you in my class, but if you want to go then I can’t stop you. But just know that one bad piece doesn’t make you a bad writer, and you shouldn’t let it have that much control over you.”
Your smile fades a bit at how similar his and Evan’s words are. Maybe they were right. “I’m trying,”
He shrugged, “That’s all you can do,” 
A few seconds pass before you nod. “Well, I should get going. I don’t want to be rushing to the airport,” 
“Before you go,” he called out to you just as you began to turn around. “I want you to know that, whatever you decide to do, I support you.”
That had a genuine smile forming on your lips. “Thank you, Kenneth, and I’m sorry for…everything,”
Then you were off. You headed back to your room to grab your bag, finding Evan leaning against the wall next to your door. Your look of surprise had him raising his brows, “What, you thought I was gonna let you leave without saying goodbye to me first? Especially since I might never see you again after this?”
You laugh and walk into his open arms. “I haven’t decided if I’m dropping the class or not, Ev,” you say and rest your head against his chest. “And I’d say goodbye to you before I left, anyway.” 
“How generous,” he teased and pulled away. His eyes flickered all over your face before he met your gaze. “Have fun, okay? Go spend time with your famous boyfriend, and don’t worry about anything else, alright? You deserve it.”
You smile and nod, “Okay,” you agree. “I’ll see you next week, Evan. Promise.”
He squinted his eyes at you. “You better,” he said back, giving you another smile before leaving. You grab your bag and look around your room one last time before setting down the note you had written to Bailey. She was still at her parents house since there was some family emergency, and you didn’t get the chance to say goodbye to her. 
You leave it on her bed before locking the door and ordering a ride to the airport, the stress of everything finally beginning to lift once you’re seated on the plane. 
Anakin could not stop pacing the length of the small hallway on the bus. 
He was shaking, he was so excited to see you. 
He couldn’t think about much else other than your sweet scent, your kind smile, your achingly pretty face, and the way your body fit perfectly against his own. He was craving your touch and the sound of your voice. He couldn’t believe he had gone a month without you.
Vinny was watching him with a tired expression, his arm draped over Clara’s shoulders as she slept next to him on the couch. “Dude,” he grunted after watching him pace a few more times. “What are you doing? Why are you pacing?”
Anakin flexed his fingers as he shrugged, passing by the brunet once again. “I can’t help it,” he answered. “I have to leave in less than half an hour to pick her up and bring her back here. Half an hour, Vin, then she’s here.”
Vinny let out a laugh of disbelief, glancing down at his sleeping girlfriend. “I hope she’s this excited to see me at some point in the future,” he muttered to himself as Anakin tried to calm himself down. 
“I missed her so much, Vin,”
“I know,”
“I can’t wait to see her,”
“I know, Anakin,”
“Please tell me that you and Clara are doing something tonight,” Anakin was powerless to stop the desperation from coming through in his voice.
Vinny smirked up at him, “Is that your way of asking if the bus will be empty tonight?”
“I need to be alone with her,” Anakin groaned. “I need it to be just the two of us, so we can talk. I need to clear a few things up with her.”
Vinny laughed. “I understand, man,” he said. “I’ll take Clara out for dinner or something and we’ll tour the Paris nightlife.”
Anakin gave him a grateful smile. “Thank you,” then he checked his phone and nearly dropped it when he saw Liz’s newest Instagram post. “Fuck.”
It was a close up picture of Anakin on stage a couple nights ago, his hair damp and his skin sweaty as he finished the last song of the set. He remembered feeling the high of that night, and he would’ve been happy to see that Liz had captured a photo of it, but right now all he felt was rage as he read the caption. 
elizaphotography: Thought you’d all enjoy a hot, up close and personal shot of the sexy lead singer of Screaming Whispers ;) 
She added a bunch of stupid hashtags and even tagged him, and Anakin wanted to throw his phone at the nearest wall. Vinny must’ve sensed the sudden change as he sat up a bit and asked, “What’s wrong?”
“She- I can’t fucking believe her,”
Vinny reached forward and grabbed his phone, his gaze hardening once he saw the post. “Wow, this bitch won’t quit,” he muttered, reading the caption over and over again. “She must think she’s invincible or some shit, because- what are you doing?”
Anakin had swiped his phone out of Vinny’s hand and clicked on Liz’s contact as he left the bus, hoping that the air would cool him off at least a little. It rang for a few seconds before the call connected, “Ah, I knew that would get your attention,”
“Back off, Liz,” Anakin rasped, leaning against the side of the bus as he felt his heartbeat quicken. “I mean it.”
“You’ve been avoiding me like the plague, Anakin,” she stated. “You’re acting like a prick. I thought we were friends.”
“You thought wrong,” he said and tried to take back control of his breathing. “Change that caption, or better yet, delete the entire fucking post.”
Liz hummed, “Thought I was allowed to post you? In fact, it’s on the contract that I get your image out there for the world to see,” she laughed. “Well, it says something like that, anyway.”
“I’m not joking, Liz,” he muttered under his breath, and her annoying voice had his body heating up in rage.
“I’m not joking either, Anakin,” she said back. “You led me on. I can claim that. Don’t piss me off, Anakin, or I’ll tell Y/n myself that you cheated on her.”
“I didn’t-”
“But you did,” she cut him off. “I’m living proof.”
“What do you want, Liz? Huh?” Anakin asked in frustration as he tugged on his hair. “Why do you insist on being such a-”
“A what, Anakin? What?” She pressed. “Call me anything other than my name, and I’ll message her right now.”
Anakin bit his tongue, holding back on calling her every bad name he could think of, because it really wouldn’t help much at all. “Keep her out of this,” he said as calmly as he could. He didn’t like her holding you over him like this when she had no fucking clue about anything involving yours and his relationship. She was just the fucking tour photographer, why did she think she had such an important role in his life? 
“Yeah,” she hummed. “Maybe I’ll do that.” 
Then she hung up and Anakin cursed under his breath as he opened the Instagram app. He deleted all the photos she took of him from his account, wanting nothing to do with her at all anymore. Sure, the photos were great and he actually liked them quite a lot, but he refused to be associated with her in any way. 
Before he got off the app, he clicked on Liz’s account and saw that she did actually change the caption, but it still didn’t settle the anger brewing within him. Without a second thought, he blocked her and pocketed his phone after calling a ride that would take him to the airport and to you.
They reunite soon :') (but is that a good thing?)
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