#id say im shocked but cmon now
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lookksllikeemme · 11 months ago
Some of the reactions to Baby Reindeer....it's getting strange 🤢🤏👃
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iconsumedmygoldfish · 5 months ago
i do not trust whit young.
spoilers for drdt. like, all of it so far. as of ch2 ep16.
whit as a character just isn't adding up for me. his reactions to things have been wrong up until now, or at least not as prominent as other characters. not necessarily saying he's a mastermind, or evil, or a david-chiem-type character, but i don't think he's who we think he id
whit has been shown to struggle to hold in his laughter in the middle of a class trial about the murder of one of his classmates, which is definitely an inappropriate reaction, but the fact that he's holding back a laugh at an unintentional joke shows that he isn't forcing amusement in the complete wrong situation. charles seems used to it by now to be honest, but uhhh idk
he's also become a fan favourite, being paired alongside charles as a good ship dynamic. understandably, whit has become a lovable character, serving (slaying) as some form of comic relief. but his reactions seriously give me a weird feeling. even if he's masking his emotions, to do it to this level, in this situation, feels wrong to me. it might just be a personal feeling about him, i do think he's funny and i like whit, but cmon man that is THE MOST SUSPICIOUS MAN IVE EVER SEEN
for example:
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whit appears nonchalant after the gruelling, emotional class trial that him and his classmates have sat through for hours? hours game time and real time, i believe. whit is so casual here, and it bothers me - he doesn't look tired at all, worn out, he doesn't even seem to CARE.
more of whit's apathy:
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this is the most concern i remember whit showing until this point, and it's directed towards charles. and not their classmate who has just been shot and is, like, violently bleeding out.. it's a bit inappropriate? he doesn't express shock about levi's sacrifice, he just seems to be anxious for charles.
this makes me wonder if whit is maybe more detached than other characters? sure he acts as a comedic character, but is he doing this deliberately? it's not making the mood better, no matter how much he tries, he should've figured that out by now. how is he capable of just keeping a mostly straight face (or, well, happy face) throughout two whole class trials? and an execution (one one so far)
then, there's the first instance of something extreme from whit:
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im not sure what to interpret this emotion as. i initially took it as whit being utterly shocked, taken aback, maybe he has claustrophobia? looking into it more i still don't know what to think. he might be hateful, or having some sort of flashback or whatever, but whatever it is it looks dangerous.
this is more emotion than he shows towards xander's death, min's execution, arei's death, levi's sacrifice. and it's towards a locked door. that's why he could have claustrophobia, maybe some that's trauma-related. this could be explored further in the upcoming chapters if we're lucky. :)
sorry if im going into too much detail!!! he's just sus to me at the moment!!! and i miss levi and i miss ace and i am a very very very sad person and i want them BACK!!!!!!!! anyway hope this was fun to read i guess idk maybe perhaps
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narwhalandchill · 2 years ago
anyway tho like. now that ive played the 1.2 story and sat on it a bit id say my overall thoughts are def mixed. i enjoyed a lot of it but theres some things that sorta just stick out or dont work and the pacing definitely worked against the story
(just a long rant/ramble upcoming its not coherent at all lol)
one thing that rly rubbed me the wrong way was like. while overall this story rly sold fu xuan as a character to me (i was a huge fan of her presence overall) the dan shu thing just felt? wrong? and like to be clear it wasnt just fu xuan the scenes writing was off in general but her role in being the one countering dan shus points just made her p central to the problem.
but like my issue is that dan shu is previously established as having very understandable reasons behind her resentment of lan that made her compelling as twist villain imo. Yet that resolve was nowhere in the scene in her rebuttal of the xianzhous ways?? when i think that shouldve been The moment of her calling out the xianzhou and actually challenging fu xuan properly. it wouldve been an even better opportunity to expand upon how fu xuan responds to being confronted with the xianzhous flaws and hypocrisy and problems. but somehow yassified dan shu really just. had a generic villain speech and thats it. the callback to their heritage as former followers of abundance was... fine? but like it wasnt that impactful. and fu xuan essentially calling her nothing but a power hungry villain when thats very much Not what dan shus motivation boils down to sucks and now players who didnt read her diary or play/pay attention to her side quest will think of her as just a generic bad guy and not a very tragic complex figure of her own
then the like. underutilization of blade was just like. ok what was the point. it IS funny to reference the tuxedo mask meme and how he skewers his ex yet immediately gangs up with him against yanqing and all but honestly he shouldve gotten to be more feral and present than he did like its just meh. ig its kafka keeping him from messing up elios script but cmon. i want more of him. yanqing also got done so dirty in that scene like. he shouldve gotten some more screentime and focus even if his job was p much to just get bodied. kid just watched jing yuan make deals with criminals no way he isnt affected by it
in general i was p shocked how inexistent the high cloud quintet was from the story. but ig w how rushed the pacing was for dan hengs backstory reveals at times already ig its better left for later (hopefully). i just rly hope this means that the topic get its time to shine properly in the future. esp since im p sure they never even named any of dan fengs crimes outright which is a curious choice.
jing yuan got a rly solid characterization and i definitely enjoyed it!!! even if im a little miffed at how they didnt give dan heng enough breathing room to come to terms with the emotional impact of facing his past and memories thanks to the plot moving forward so fast and he was kinda the one leading that. but he was still great - i liked the scheming side to him and the arguably pretty ruthless way he leveraged dan hengs exile status to force his hand to cooperate a lot. his reasoning makes sense obvi but its still a very brutal and utilitarian approach and i like that energy for his character. his duty is to the luofu above all else even if thats far from all he is about. overall his and dan hengs interactions including dan heng very much emphasizing his desire to be seen as separate from dan feng were a highlight for sure. and jing yuans final showdown moment against phantylia slapped obviously
and then w dan heng im torn between like. really loving all the good stuff we got with the insane cutscenes and the vidyadhara echoes and then wishing that he got just that little bit more for his own realizations and inner conflict. and the part about not properly featuring blade also hurt his story too imo bc the anticlimactic nature of the scene where blade confronts him and forces the transformation and how he n kafka just... leave rly kinda flattens the impact of the reveal moment esp since thats when jing yuan just all but openly says ok time for the plot. but they still did a great job selling DHIL and i think im overall a fan of how they seem to have handled the dan feng vs dan heng thing (and its roughly what i was expecting). dan feng is dead but its never just that simple either. i hope theyll be exploring the exact nature of dan fengs sins and the sedition in the future
im so mad i spoiled myself the tingyun thing bc jfc the neck snap wouldve hit So hard if the reveal itself was also a complete surprise. and its sth that was genuinely well built up like i remember thinking her 1.0 dialogue was kinda sus but wouldve never imagined the actual truth. dont do leaks folks sometimes this happens and it sucks :/ but i have to say phantylia herself was kinda? underwhelming. i liked when she picked up jing yuan like a little bug she wanted to squish and the boss fight was cool but to be fair. this was like 50% bc of how bad the sound mixing was for all of her dialogue that overlapped w in game battle. she rly lacks the necessary menace and imposing energy when u can barely even make out what shes saying 😭 her voice shouldve been as loud and large as her..... Presence. jing yuan carried the boss fight and the final cutscene but man the fade to black rly didnt do the abrupt ending any favors like we just teleport to exalted sanctum and thats it???? maybe jing yuan dies maybe not!!!
overall my prime issue is p much just how like. it feels like they shoved 3-4 mini arcs worth of stuff into one speedrun when all of them deserved more focus and exploration and the pacing rly got rough at times. it wasnt like inazuma level bad but it does get me wondering if hoyos just bad at doing these big conclusions to prior build up and holding the story threads tightly together until the end.
this comes off as super negative helpp but like. by no means did i hate all of it so dont take it the wrong way lmao. its more that there was good stuff there but also wasted potential. for the most part i was having a blast but to be fair that was 40% just playing blade ridiculously underleveled through it all. i only got him to lvl 80 for the boss fight
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midnightmisadventures · 1 year ago
Okay lets play fair and give edward some points
Cause we all know who Bella ends up with
Okay so i need to bring you up to speed on 2 dreams ig
Dream 1:
I was doing my usually dreaming at high school bs and at the end of the day trying to find my bus. It was foggy and rainy and dream dark so I go to the bus I think is mine, and i dont realllyyy recognize the bus or driver but i also hadnt been in a long time and wasnt confident what i remembered. Basically i asked the guy what number it was and he dream mumbled and said "seats 11, blank and blank) are available vibes.
So im still not sure, but i start walking down the isle to the empty seat and then i get to it, and sitting in the one across is Liam. And as i approach we just look at eachother like...uhhh somethings wrong cause we do not share a bus.
He was wearing the famous blue hoodie and it was scrunched around his face. And i said "well, if youre here im definitely on the wrong bus" and he was like "yeaaaaa.....your prob on the wrong bus" but not in a mean way.
So i quick decide, im gonna leave while i still can. Seeing liam is a funny gag but i just want to get home so id rather be on the right bus.
So i turn around to get off and Liam starts going "wait wait wait, arielle" its now that i see he's sitting in his seat with another girl.
The girl is ...... hawkins....like the chocolate. But regardless i turn back around and he's motioning me to come back. And i go like "what?"
And he says "hey, if the bus driver hasn't said anything i wouldn't leave" basically saying "if you havent gotten caught why leave?" which isnt what i was worried about btw. I just wanted to be on the correct bus home. But liam was phrasing it as, like "aww cmon stay, itll be fun, no ones making you leave"
So fine.
I sit down in the seat next to him. And he seems to be happy about it. So we're riding and i think we're doing small talk. But he's also actively bantering with hawkins and im like.....why did i impulsively stay on this bus to be near him if hes with another bitch. Like i didnt notice who she was till too late?
So theyre like playfully bickering. Like not even flirting bc they were already together.... And i hear her be like "uh you cant do that, i LIVE with you, thats so inappropriate, your girlfriend lives with you you cant do that"
I have no idea WHAT he couldnt do, or what they were talking about. But they were joking around and now i knew that they were not only together but hawkins livesss with him.
But then Liam sort of comes over to my seat and starts talking to me again, sort of making jokes. And im trying to not be weird bc he clearly has a girlfriend so even if i did want to be close to him i felt like i couldnt.
But now he's like super close to me, i cant ignore him, he's being sweet and playful and cute. He evenutally, puts his bag on my lap and sprawls out laying on me. Like lays on my lap like he's gonna take a nap.
And i was like he's so cute, but is this crossing a line? Like i can't caress him or play with his hair or feed into this right? His gf is RIGHT there.
So after a little i feel like he could tell i wasnt reciprocating like, he was expecting me to hug on him and play with his hair but i wasnt. But also it mattered that i wasnt like "get offfa me" when he layed on me. Like i was fine with him laying on me and smiled and giggled but i thought it be to far to cuddle him.
And he noticed i wasnt biting so he sat up.
Around then i noticed hmmm, omg is that joel and chris and jake and brighton?? type beat. Like is that christian c**v**t.
So im realizing omg wait is this bus 99? Which isnt technically my current bus but i do know this route i should be able to figure out when to get off. Even if i get off a chip i can uber home.
But honestly im shocked, it wasnt even just bus people it was just highschool people and.....yea most of them were guys.
But i was confused because why was LIAM here. He was never "on my bus"
But suddenly im more comfortable, like wait i know A LOT of these people. I have to know more than him? Like this is actually my territory not his. He doesnt have homecourt advantage....he just has a girl.
And he wasnt.....rubbing hawkins in my face. But cmon im human he's living with his girl and theyre giggling like an old married couple like i WAS jealous.
So i turn around and see christian/donald h****n and im like "hey i thought i was on some random bus, and now i see all of you guys thats wild is this my same bus from before"
like explaining omg i used to be on here i think? or at least i know a lot of these guys used to be on my bus so i know what neighborhoods we're going to.
So im like trying to catch up with Donald and figure out whats going on here. I also wasnt flirting but it felt good to know like...at least i have friends i can talk to and pretend to look cool. Im not isolated and liam wont think im a loser.
But Donald says.....i dont even know how to describe it lol. Donalds like "yea but...i don't even think we utilized our time together, like we didn't kiss, did we?
And...your guess is as good as mine. He was also being so cheeky about it, like "wait we didnt right?....*blushes* i dont even remember us kissing once >.<"
As if thats the bare minimum, how could we not have even done that? we really wasted our time together
But....i've never- , like it was Donald H****n!!!
So immediately im like "no no, thats not what i meant" kinda blushing kinda giggling uncomfortbly lol. Cause like im flattered really but no we never kissed and its not like i asked you if we ever made love lmaoooo like im not talking about that
I also remember being concious that Liam was in earshot and was like oooh i wonder what he's thinking, he must think im a popular hottie. But i dont have confirmation that he heard
Lots of symbolism i know....
Anyway, there isnt much else.
At one point we stopped somewhere and Liam said like "arielle, do this this and this here and theyll help you get home" and it was actually really sweet of him. I remember being grateful that he went out of his way to help me navigate cause he didnt have to....and i was confused where his head was at with me and......karmic. Lol it is not even worth it to call hawkins karmic. SHe didnt even earn that title.
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klausysworld · 2 years ago
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this is gonna be a Klaus Mikaelson smut story, i’ve written a fee on wattpad over the years and i’ve read loads on tumblr so i figured couldn’t hurt to write one here.
for warnings i think i’d say
biting (cuz like hybrid so kinda expected)
possessive(marks her + uses possessive terms “mine” “my”)
but all round this is more of a soft!klaus smut
hope it’s alright and id love for some suggestions or whatever u guys think/like/dislike
his lovely girl ;)
i was in the my room finishing my artist research homework for school at my desk when a wave of warmth surrounded me. Two arms caged me and a nose brushed along the side of my head
"you know i could tell you everything you need to know, right love? I'm much better than reading things off of a silly screen hm? plus you get to listen to my voice for hours" klaus's accented voice spoke cockily into my ear sending shivers, that i tried and failed to hide, down my back.
"i think it's best i stick to the sites assigned to learn from" i whispered
"but im much more accurate" he murmured back planting soft kisses behind my ear lightly licking my lobe
"i thought i said you could call me nik? you're far too special my lovely" heat rose rapidly to my cheeks and my eyes remained stuck to the table. Soft lips pressed into my neck as his hands planted on-top of mine entwining our fingers and playing with them gently
"it's wrong to think of you like that" i merely uttered to myself, breathing out deeply through my nose when i realised he could hear me
"like what hm? what do you think of sweetheart?" his grip tightened then relaxed on my hands and i could feel his body closer pressed against the back of my chair. my mouth gaped slightly as i searched for any words to form
"when do you think of me? morning? or... night? tell me sweet girl what do you think of?" his tongue trailed my neck and light sucking could be felt sending shocks through my blood and a soft whimper escaped muffled as i pressed my teeth into my lower lip
"cmon love you must give me something" i was surely a deep pink if not red by now and my breathing had accelerated
"night" my voice was weak, nervous
his hands held onto mine as he moved them to my lap where he left mine resting before letting go and bringing one of his to the other side of my neck
"do you ever... help satisfy these nighttime thoughts my lovely?" i could hear my heart in my ears as embarrassment crashed over me
"don't get self-conscious on me now lovely. i can assure you that i have the same thoughts and i certainly aid such feelings in ways i seem fit" he turned my head and pecked my lips faintly
my body was grasping at the tingling sensation i barely got to experience
"more" i huffed quietly and he hummed knowingly as he pressed his full ruby lips against my own moving them lovingly as though expressing how much he cared in this action.
his fingers brushed through my hair and his body moved round my chair so he was at my side and he bend down onto his knees tenderly pushing my head to his as he deepened the kiss, our tongues danced and the traces of mint, rich chocolate and coffee threaded together allowing me to savour his taste and bring my hands up to cup them against his face, my thumbs brushing over his stubble.
we both pulled away due to lack of air, i panted lightly as he pressed his forehead to mine
"i want to see" he stated in a hushed tone
my brows pulled together in confusion
"see what?"
"how you satisfy yourself"
i gulped and my face was warm
"i um i don't think i want to…" i could barely say anything and i began to panic
"sh sh okay, can i show you what i think you do instead hm? only if you're comfortable yes?" i sighed in relief
"that sounds better... thank you"
he smiled in return and kissed me quickly but firmly before moving his hands under my thighs and and lifting me up effortlessly. My body was brought to his and my legs automatically wrapped round his hips pressing us against each-other as he carried me over to my bed.
i was placed onto the mattress on my back carefully and i brought my arms up to rest around his neck
"tell me to stop if it's too much okay my love?" his hands worked my shirt and bra off of my upper body and my skirt was lifted above my hips.
his hands cupped my breasts gently and the pads of his thumbs skimmed my nipples. his hips slowly grinded against mine, brushing over my covered clit each time causing ushered moans and whimpers to fall from my mouth. his head dipped and his tongue stroked my nipples enough to peak them. heat flooded me at the feel of his body on mine, his hands caressing me, his mouth loving me.
his index and thumbs began toying with my peaked buds and his head came back towards mine
"i bet you feel your breasts like this don't you? love to imagine how it would feel if it were me?how do you feel sweetheart? do you feel tingly my sweet, sweet girl"
a relatively loud whine escaped me and my head nodded
"can never get myself to feel good enough, need more nik"
klaus sucked softly along my throat, his hands moved and slowly pulled my underwear off my legs and then my skirt leaving me completely bare yet he had not lost a single item of clothing
the overwhelming vulnerability was shining through and i knew he could see it.
it was comforting when he pulled his own shirt and trousers off so he was too almost nude. a kiss to was stomach was awarded and two hands parted my thighs gently.
my breathing was rapid and i clamped my legs closed instantly
"i would never hurt you, especially like this, never like this. you say if you don't like something okay? it'll be alright love, breath" i caught my breath and relaxed my body, my eyes closed shut and my legs fell apart for him. the cool air hitting my glistening core and causing a whine to slip past me
two of his fingertips delicately traced my wetness, my hands gripping the sheets in anticipation and my eyes welded shut
"so bloody lovely, just perfect" he told me while beginning to circle my little clit to stimulate it
"gosh she's sensitive isn't she sweetheart?" he whispered before planting an open mouthed kiss to my lower lips
my gasp sounded through the room and the new feeling
"kl..klaus you don't have t-    oh, oh god nik" without realising i found myself gripping his soft golden locks and pulling his heavenly mouth closer as my hips moved at their own accord as he made out with my most precious area.
moans tumble out of me relentlessly, my back arched and my legs now over his shoulders bringing him somehow closer
a long, ring clad finger brushed my entrance for a few seconds before pushing inside me and starting up a pace to slide in and out of
"christ i can feel you nice and tight around just one finger love, gonna stretch you so good i promise" he muttered and looked down at my swollen clit
"all nice and puffy for me hm? want me to touch her again love?" my nails scratched into his scalp and i forced word's through my sounds of pleasure
"need you to,... please more"
"of course little one, of course" his tongue flicked and played with my extremely sensitive ball of nerves, he slowly added another finger inside me
they gently curled inside me testing my reactions
"more! i need more" my moans were demanding and desperate
"tell me you touch yourself like this hm? do you put your tiny little fingers inside yourself wishing i would fill you up my love?" my walls fluttered around him tightly, a rising overpowering wave of ecstasy waiting for me to give in
"i do nik, i do"
"what do you do?" his thumb rubbed mercilessly at my clit and his fingers became three while moving at an inhuman pace
"t..touch myself" i gasped trying to fight off the sensation built up "touch inside myself an..and wish its you" he groaned resting his head on my stomach unknowingly adding to the pressure and an embarrassingly loud moan sounded through the room
"what would you like lovely?" he asked kissing my lower stomach suggestively
"wan..want your mouth"
"want my mouth? you have my mouth" i could barely get any words formed, my head spinning in pleasure
"on clit need on me now please" just like magic he was instantly replacing his thumb sucking harshly and flicking mercilessly
i clamped around his fingers and my mouth fell agape, eyebrows furrowed together as my high finally washed over me
once completely finished i felt him slowly remove his fingers, knowing how sensitive i am. his tongue lapped at my thighs cleaning me until it was as though it had never happened
"such a good girl aren't you love?" he moved up towards me kissing my forehead and pulling me onto his lap so i was facing him
"yes nik" i mumbled looking up at him through my lashes seeing his eyes go impossibly dark
"such an innocent little thing aren't you? god the things i want to do to your wet little cunt" i mewled in response resting my head onto his chest
"are you too tired love?" he whispered brushing through my hair with his hands.
"wanna have you inside please" i mumbled feeling his hard, covered cock twitch against my bare heat
"alright my love," he lifted my body up to allow himself to free his lower self, it stood tall and proud, thick and hard. beads of cum already gathered at his tip and my eyes watched in curiosity of the taste
"he's all yours love" he whispered still petting my hair
i moved back off of him and in between his legs. my face felt hot and my core ached to have him within me. i slowly and gently wrapped my hand around the middle of his cock, my fingers didn't quite meet around his thickness as i rubbed him steadily. i danced my tongue up one side feeling the veins pressing against me. a low moan left his gorgeous lips and his other hand fell to his side, holding onto the sheets beneath him
"good girl just a little more now okay? can you put the tip in your mouth for me?" i did as i was told and relaxed my lips around his lower head.
"suck a little love, play with your tongue okay" my hand moved to hold his that was clenched around the sheet as i lightly sucked his tip, the little juices giving me a taste of what was to continue. i flicked my tongue over and around him enjoying the moans he would express in gratitude.
"that's it, that's it. can..can you take some more into your mouth sweetheart?" my eyes locked onto his making him groan and squeeze my hand. my gaze still on his, i pushed my head down his length, almost halfway before pulling back up, again two thirds down and back up, his hand in my hair was tangled, gripping aimlessly while his other squeezed mine intime with his moans of pleasure
"christ your such a good girl, such a sweet girl, my lovely girl." in response i forced my head all the way down ignoring how my throat tried to forced him back out as i gagged around him. i attempted to relax my throat and i swallowed around him, this earned a whimper and a light push to my head. i rose back to his tip before creating a rhythm to take him all and toy with his tip, his hand helped guide me and the sinful sounds he released only spurred me on
"love love love, im gonna finish down your throat if you don't let go" i caught his eye again and swallowed around him once,twice,three times before he came in my mouth moaning my name as he did so, our fingers were interlocked and his eyes fell closed. his hips abruptly bucked up a few times riding out his high as i continued to swallow his length.
he carefully lifted my head off of him and checked my face and felt my throat gently with his hand
"anywhere hurt? i won't be mad, let me see if you bruised your throat love" he spoke undeniably soft while smoothing over my face and dotting kisses on my cheeks. i opened my mouth for him and he peaked inside
"love... god you must hurt love im so sorry, i shouldn't have made you do that im sorry" he whispered over and over kissing my lips apologetically and holding me in his strong arms
"you didn't make me nik, i wanted to...i promise... i liked it and it doesn't hurt that much" i rubbed his back soothingly as he buried his head in the crook of my neck
"i knew you'd never done this before, i told you what to do and got you to keep going, i knew it would be too much but i couldn't help myself" he pulled me back into his lap again and held onto me tenderly
"klaus... i kept going because i wanted to and because i liked how it made you feel and me feel... made me tingly nik" my voice lowered towards the end and i grabbed ahold of one of his hands
i guided it down to my upper thighs and let the finger tips dip into the sweet nectar gathered in a pool between them. i could feel his breathing thicken against my skin as i moved myself against his hand
"i need you nik... please don't be sad" he kissed my neck before his head rose to look down at me. his hand tugged up making me let go of his wrist watching as he placed his covered fingers into his mouth, eyes fluttering shut as he sighed through his nose
"i love you y/n, once we do this i will be yours do you understand?" his eyes remained closed and he rested his head against mine
"and i will be yours?" i whisper
"always... is that.. something you might like?" i pressed my lips to his and pulled him closer than possible
"would love to be yours" i mumbled against him.
"im gonna be gentle okay? promise my love" i nodded and calmed myself as i felt his once again hardened cock press against my core. he rubbed it along my wetness a few times purposely knocking my most sensitive part before pushing his way inside me. i was slowly stretched around his unbelievable size and lowered onto him completely. the feeling was foreign and slightly uncomfortable but overall really full, complete.
his hands ran over my backside and across my thighs
"oh you're doing so well my lovely, so well" i wrapped my arms around his neck and hid my face in his shoulder as i shifted a little, testing how the movement felt. when a small spark went off inside me i grinded my hips further. i gasped at the sensation and dug my nails into klaus's back as i moaned out
"good god you feel tight, best little pussy i'll ever have" his hand pet my back, rubbing up and down calmingly.
"need more please! deeper need you deeper!" i cried out and threw my head back as his hips began thrusting up into me hitting places inside me i had no clue existed. pleasure coursed through me and loud moans echoed against the walls of my room along with the heavy pants and niks mewls.
"feel so full klaus... feels so good"
one arm wrapped securely under my arms while the other went into my thighs lifting me, his hips rocked into me at a steady pace, the pure bliss running through me making me shake in ecstasy and yell his name.
"gonna cum for me love? can you squeeze me nice and tight sweet girl?" i nodded rapidly and my body clenched around his, my moans never quit as i released around him. his hips didn't falter once as he continued to hump into me. i whimperer at the sensitivity i felt when his fingers gathered the warmth between us and rubbed at my clit
"my sensitive little pearl hm?" he whispered into my ear sucking on my earlobe and then kissing along my neck.
my third orgasm of the night approached far too quickly, overwhelming me
"cant nik, t..too much" i whined gripping onto his hair and clamping my velvety walls around him
"fuck i know love, it's gonna feel so good in a minute yea? just a minute..." he sighed breathing in our mixed scents. i felt him twitching inside me and his movements became more rapid and harsher, his eyes bleeding into gold and his grip on me slightly bruising
"doin so good gonna fill you up so good, all mine now love.. mine" i moaned out and screamed almost silently as i felt him release inside me, i followed his orgasm quickly panting heavily.
i barely noticed his canines pierce into my neck and release his venom. i cried in half pleasure/half pain as i tried to pry his teeth away
"klaus stop it hurts" i mumbled pushing at his chest. he left my neck and kissed me deeply
"im sorry it stings love, had to mark you up yea? make sure you're mine okay... look so fucking perfect with my mark" i moved my hand to feel the mark, tears stung my eyes at the overwhelming feeling of safety it offered me
"y/n? love? hey no tears... it wasn't meant to hurt that much just a pinch i swear, im sorry love i'll fix it okay?" his hands cupped my face and neck as he brought his head back down to suck the venom out before it settled
"no! i want it, i want it" he paused and kisses it instead before carefully removing himself from inside me and wiping us both down with a warm cloth
"you did so well today my love, so well. such a good little girl aren't you? gonna give you some of my blood to take away any aches or bruises okay?" his bleeding hand was brought up to mine to drink from and i did so willingly.
"love you too nik... always n forever" he smiled brightly and  laid us down on top each-other, he clung to me tightly but gently, keeping me safe and at ease. i loved him. i love him. i will always love him.
please please please let me know what u think
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danepopfrippery · 2 years ago
I cant get over a reply to my take that Stede’s sweetness to Ed isnt patronizing, its meant to be besties sharing soft things with each other. The person said Stede treated Ed and his crew as an asshole colonizer specifically teaching Ed fine dining. Like brah if thats your take block me now cuz I cant even.
I can disagree w ppl on silly shit (steddyhands say) but when you weaponize a whole major set of plot points as whypipo when thats clearly not what it is, just go back to twitter. I think almost every script had at least one poc contributing to it. They never seem to know that. (And yes holy fuck would a colonizer be common irl and irl stede bonnet was an asshole and slave owner no argument).
As for the fine dining lessons: Ed ASKED for uppercrust lessons! Ed, mr ‘skin him with the snail fork’ sat there and genuinely wanted to learn. Ppl who think about skinning w snail forks dont generally stand for patronizing shit.
In fact Ed wanted to go to the French party cuz fine things and it was a chance to work on what Stede had taught him (and remember it wasnt one sided, Ed was teaching him shit too) and Stede didnt want to go!!! But he went! Cuz Ed wanted to! And when they insulted Ed be burned them to the ground.
As for the crew on face value id agree he was patronizing. But thats as lazy as the yummy soap take. It has been said by Rhys and others Stede saw this as a chance to play w friends he basically paid to spend time w him. They were all free to go.
And what stands out to me is several times we are shown Stede thinks of them as equals. When Lucius says only the two of them can read hes shocked by that. Never dawned on him most of them would be illiterate. Yes hes dumb (illiteracy was extremely common back then) but that says to me he never thought of these ppl are lower class than me.
He pays them, he feeds them, he added a bunch of rooms just to spoil them (u cant tell me the jam room was for his kids when the harpsichord is in his cabin). He plans little activities to keep them happy and doesnt MAKE them do anything (or punish them if they dont). He tried to talk Black Pete into sewing but never forced him. Instead of picking a fav flag he hung all of them cuz he cares about them (who else would do that cmon?!)
They only decide not to kill him cuz he can do the voices in the stories right. They love bedtime stories! Again its not forced or punished if not. Same for pickleball etc.
But the biggest one to me is what ppl grab onto just on the surface. We know racism, slavery and homophobia do all exist in this universe and we whiff it right away in ep 1. Yes the poc staff is relegated to playing servants but we werent shown who decided that (id bet frenchie cuz he knows rich assholes and u dont want to piss off the british navy).
Stede only went for that ship to make his crew like him, and only brought Badminton and co onboard to save everyone from the british navy. He immediately takes everyone into his room and dishes out outfits and fake names/backstories. This includes everyone poc and white.
How the fuck do u reckon that man had an outfit that fit not only Oluwande but Wee John?! Perfectly might i add. Its never shown what happens after only Olu still being in costume after they send the lone survivor back. Im making a leap ill agree but me thinks he had that shit custom made for his crew esp cuz a few of them had complimentary pieces. And there is no good reason that man would have something for someone as tall and large as Wee John.
The Brits dont start being shitty tip after Stede and the captain leave. At which point Jim, Black Pete and several others attack. They have no time for that shit and Stede never argues about it later. In fact he had a plan to send the beheaded bodies and lone survivor back.
And then theres the fact later Stede has a matching set of tailored suits for him, Lucius and his fuckin prisoner!!! I mean it was his idea to do that, and he had the clothes. When he meets Ed properly he doesnt even hesitate to show him his pretty clothes or share them. They stay in each others clothes all night.
In fact i looked this up and ur average wealthy man had 4 sets of clothes in this time period. Stede is obviously obsessed w clothing. Your average person was lucky to have two sets if even. Those outfits had to cost an insane amount of money even for a wealthy man.
If u were truly a classist, colonist asshole u wouldnt be doling out thousand dollar outfits like candy.
I could go on but i think what makes fake Stede endearing as a character is he is genuinely happy to make friends. And he never seems to view them lesser whether it be race or class. I just cant agree.
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marauder-exe · 4 years ago
Minecraft Bed- Wilbur Soot x reader
Word count: 1.3k
A/n: hhh im in love with this man. Requests are open for mcyts! also if anyone has any writing tips, hit up my inbox
"Can I put my Minecraft bed next to yours?" Wilbur asked, shift-clicking in the middle of the room. You were quiet for a moment. "No" You responded, hitting him until his screen lit up red. He let out a groan. "All my stuffffff" You let out a huge laugh as you fell back on his bed, clutching your stomach. He turned around in his chair and gave you a deadpanned look. This causes you to laugh even harder, eyes watering. He turned back to his screen and hit the respawn button. He quickly rushed over to you while you were occupied with laughing your arse off, and whacked you until your screen lit red. He immediately heard your laughing stop, turning around, he already anticipated the death glare you were giving him. He was right. It was his turn to burst out into laughter. You pulled a pouty face and marched over to Will's desk, face close to the microphone. "Wilbur Soot is a big fat snake" You spoke to the suspiciously quiet discord call. Everyone burst into laughter as you marched back over to your bed, still pouting.
Will stretched his arms and legs in his chair and let out a sigh. You recognised the all too familiar feeling of body stiffness from playing games too much. He got up from his chair, alerting the call that he was getting a drink and going to the bathroom before muting his mic. You decided to use this time and mute your mic and stretch your aching limbs properly. "You want anything, Pouty arse?" he questioned just before he left the room. You smiled warmly and asked for a cup of Tea. Of course, he accepted "Anything for you", with that he left the room. You returned to your original position, resuming whatever you were doing on Minecraft. About 5 minutes of idle chatter passed before Tommy spoke up. "Y/N?" The young man asked. Your ears perked up as you looked towards Tommy in the game. "Wheres your boyfriend? We need him for a quest" He asked shamelessly. Your heart rate quickened at the thought of Wilbur being your boyfriend. She searched her mind for some kind of response. "1. He's not my boyfriend. 2. I think he's still making my tea" You responded, quickly sprinting away from his character and going silent. " Have you told him that?" He questioned slyly. You turned your head, confused at his words. "What do you mean?" You asked genuinely, but as if right on cue, Wilbur walked in holding your tea, some snacks, a blanket and his own bottle of water. You had offhandedly mentioned you were cold or hungry at some point during the game. As if it were a movie, all the puzzle pieces clicked in your head. You gawked at Wilbur as he gave you a confused look, holding out your cup of tea for you to take. It took you a good few seconds to wipe the disbelief off your face. Wilbur liked you, that's what Tommy was hinting at. You took the tea from his hand and tried to make your best 'i am not freaking out right now' face, although you weren't sure how well it was working. Wilbur returned awkwardly to  Minecraft. You looked over to ensure he was still playing and quickly switched into the discord call. Tommy was looking at you expectantly, your hands full of the tea, snacks, and blanket Will had brought you. You pulled an overexaggerated shocked face, although you weren't actually being dramatic, you really were shocked. Tommy let out a laugh at your face. You gave a glare to shut him up and signaled to your phone. He nodded, understanding you needed to call him. You and Tommy had been friends for a while so this wasn't out of the ordinary. You hopped from the bed and slowly walked to Wilbur's desk. "Hey" You said softly. "Just going to the bathroom." He smiled warmly, his insides feeling all goey at your soft voice. "Be fast love we have cats to tame!" He said loudly as you laughed. You exited his bedroom and ran to the bathroom just as Tommy's caller ID lit up the screen. "Since when?" You answered, getting straight to the point. "Since always Y/N, you've just always been too blind to see it, that's why I had to do my civil duty and point it out to you. let's be real, this constant pining for each other with no result, it's getting kind of old." You scoffed as you rolled your eyes. "I do not pine for Wilbur Soot" You said adamantly. "Cmon Y/N, you're not fooling anyone, you've had those big love-struck puppy dog eyes for him since you met a year ago. You just haven't realised that he's got 'em too." You sighed as you plonked down on top of the toilet seat. You let out a long groan. "Ughhhhhh, what am I gonna do?" You pleaded into the phone. "Tell. Him." Tommy insisted. You sighed, you knew it had to be done, now or never. You thanked Tommy for helping you realise and ended the call. You sat for a minute, stuck in your own head. Wilbur liked you, he actually liked you. All those sleepless lovesick nights, they were all worth it. You let out a squeal of excitement before you collected your thoughts, and flushed the toilet. You exhaled and walked back to Wilburs room. You had a plan.
"Will! When I was in the bathroom I was wondering if we could make some progress on our server" You said softly, grabbing onto the sleeve of his jumper. He practically melted in his chair at your sweet voice, and he knew he couldn't say no. "Uh, hey guys, Y/N and I are gonna go make some progress on our world before our next video" They all said their goodbyes as you smiled at Wilbur. That smile he had loved for the last year. You skipped over to the bed and loaded up your shared world. You both left the VC as your phone screen dinged with a text from Tommy. Big T: Good luck ;) x You read it and playfully sighed, a smile lighting up your face. Will actually liked you. it was like a dream come true. About 5 minutes into the game, you put your plan into action. "Hey Wilbur, will you come put your Minecraft bed next to mine pleaseee" You whined. Whenever he put them together in a game, it would send butterflies rampant in his stomach. He giggled and responded with a 'sure'. As he was crafting a bed, you crafted a sign and ran upstairs to your Minecraft bed. Next to it, you placed a sign that simply read: 'I like you too <3' You nervously waited to see his character come upstairs. once he did, he saw you sitting on the bed, with a sign where his bed should be. He walked over and read it slowly. As he did, it felt like every bad thing he ever felt had gone away, his insides were practically melting and his heart rate quickened. He swiftly turned around in his chair, disbelief painted on his face, to see you already looking at him. There was a beat of silence. Then another. And another. you started to believe neither of you would say anything. That was up until Will dashed from his chair, quickly walking over to you. You barely had time to stand up before his hand was on your waist and his lips were on yours. You fit together like puzzle pieces, lips moving in sync. Everything you'd ever wanted for the last year, was right here. Wilbur was finally yours, and you were his.
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ssamie · 4 years ago
thirteen. “til death do us part”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentions of suicide, jumping off a bridge ;-; (nobody dies tho)
masterlist.           suicide freak!
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"well what happened afterwards??" kuroo asked kenma 
the boys were in kenma's room chilling and playing games while kenma tells kuroo about his confession "uh.. nothing really" kenma said with a sigh 
"she didn't respond but she didn't really reject me either" he said "she had a call from her agency saying they needed her for something and she had to leave" 
kuroo was visibly disappointed at the result, patting his friend's back as he let out a sigh "well, like you said, she technically didn't reject you" he said "plus, she's been fawning over you for a long time. im pretty sure she likes you back" 
kenma furrowed his brows and shrugs. "sure i guess.." the pudding head muttered 
"cmon, kenma! don't get all sulky on me now!" kuroo exclaimed. the boy laid back on the bed and pulled out kenma's phone, placing it between them and began counting
"ten.. nine.. eight..seven.. six.." 
"what the hell are you doing?" kenma deadpanned "im counting down the seconds it takes before y/n tells you to meet up or something" kuroo explained 
".. five.. four.. three.." 
"im pretty sure it doesn't work like that-" he was cut off by the loud ringing of the phone. the caller id was shown, revealing it to be y/n herself. kuroo jumps up and cheers, yelling and howling in happiness as he ruffles kenma's hair 
"kenma, i told you!!" kuroo exclaimed excitedly "dude, i should be a fucking psychic" 
"no, you shouldn't" 
kenma picks up the phone with shaky hands. he sends kuroo a wary glance, who simply gave him a thumbs up in return. his trembling fingers answered the call, and then pressed the phone to his ear 
"h-hello? y/n?" 
"kenma! how's my favourite pudding-head doing? ow-" she asked 
kenma furrowed his brows as he heard her wincing from the other line, undoubtedly from pain. "um.. are you okay?" he asks worriedly 
"oh yes, of course i am" she answered way too quickly for it to not be suspicious "but i do need your help for something.. come to the same bridge from last night" she said in a serious tone 
kenma gulped as he made various frantic gestures to kuroo, silently asking for his help. though kuroo was no help since all he did was smile blankly while holding up two thumbs up 
"um, okay! do i go there now or..?" 
"yup! bye-bye ~" 
kenma then let himself drop to the ground as soon as the call ended. he felt like turning into a puddle and drying up from the nervousness flowing through his whole body at the moment
"k-kuroo.." he mumbled "dude, you okay?" kuroo asked with a chuckle "like i said, y/n is definitely responding to the confession!" 
"yeah okay-" kenma grumbled 
"but please help me up. 80% of my nervousness is now in my knees. i can't stand." 
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kenma nuzzled his nose into his hoodie, covering half of his face as he nervously approached the riverbank. like he said beforehand, his nervousness has traveled down to his knees and it seems that it still hasn't left. 
"hey hey hey ~ over here, kenma!" she yelled 
kenma looked up to see her waving her arm around like a madman. though, one of her arms were in a sling, and she just looked quite roughed out more than usual 
he jogged over to her with a frown while eyeing her obvious injuries "hey, what what happened to you?" kenma asked her 
"oh this? this is nothing" she said with a laugh "i somehow broke it during a mission last night, but not to worry, the ever so lovely yosano-san cured me" she laughed nervously 
"ah yes.. yosano-san.." she shuddered 
it left kenma thinking of what could have possibly been so bad about getting cured. though he left it be and paid no mind. 
"so why did you call me?" he asked her. he was feeling quite anxious at the moment and he was feeling very thankful that she wasn't acting indifferent towards him 
"well, i called you over for multiple things" she said 
kenma gulped as she paused dramatically, leaving him to anticipate whatever it is that she has to say 
"i need you to play this game for me so i can pretend to be better than chuuya." she stated with a straight face. she then handed him her phone, which had the game's chat open and had chuuya laughing and teasing her 
chuuya's messages consisted of 'you're such a fucking loser' and 'you suck balls' among others. 
"what?" kenma sweat dropped 
"please! that munchkin will get too happy if he wins one more time!" she pleaded 
kenma sighed but did as he was told. he was playing the game while she watched him with sparkling eyes "kenma! you're a lifesaver!" she exclaimed once she had won the game 
"could you imagine me losing to chuuya?!" she scoffed out with a grin "gosh! my ego wouldn't be able to handle such torture!" 
"now, secondly.." she paused once again "eat this ramen with me!" 
kenma sweat dropped as she had randomly pulled out two cup ramens, which for some reason are both hot and in well condition 
"where did you even get that?" kenma asked her with a soft laugh 
"that's a secret! but did you know-" she mused "the reason i got this for us is because ranpo-san told me about it. apparently, its a 'deathly spicy ramen' and he wanted to refer it to me" 
kenma blinked at her but smiled anyways "wow. so then im assuming you're expecting us to die from this?" 
"its worth a shot!" she cheered. she handed him chopsticks and sent him a cocky grin "i'll let you know i can handle spicy food quite well" 
"so if all else fails, i packed a ghost pepper just in case-" 
"please put the pepper away <3"
kenma sighed as he reluctantly ate the ramen, slurping on the noodles and soup as tears brimmed his eyes "im not very good with spicy food.." he muttered as he fanned his mouth 
"finish it!!" she exclaimed, though tears has also brimmed her eyes 
"you're in the brink of tears too!" he groaned in agitation 
"these are tears of happiness! i can almost taste the death looming over us!" she exclaimed with a grin 
after finishing the very spicy ramen, she had unfortunately concluded that it was, in fact, not deadly. in the end, the pair had to run to a nearby food stall to buy some drinks
and as they were drinking, y/n had once again perched herself onto the flat surface of the metal railings, letting her feet dangle as they watched the sunset in peace 
"y/n.. about last night.." kenma muttered out nervously 
"ah yes, your confession?" she chuckled "no need to worry about that. i already know what im gonna say.." 
kenma blinked in shock, frantically averting his eyes from her and to the ground as he felt his anxiety rocketing 
"which brings me to my third reason of calling you over.." she said "kenma, there's something i need to tell you" she said 
her expression had gone aloof and the playful smile on her lips has now faltered "what is it?" he gulped 
she took two steps back as she looked him in the eyes. her (e/c) orbs not seeming to give any hints as she peered at him 
"y/n.. if you're gonna reject me then-" he was, of course, cut off once again as she suddenly pulled her 'injured' arm out of her sling and popped it out to wave at him
"boo!" she cooed out with a dumb smile 
"what the hell." kenma replied as he blankly stared at her
she laughed and slipped the sling off, folding it neatly before casually throwing it down the bridge "did i have you fooled?" she chuckled "anyways.. about that statement you didn't get to finish.." she hummed 
"what makes you think i would reject you?" she asked him 
her bandaged hand patted the spot next to her, indicating that she wanted him to sit. following her wishes, kenma hesitantly sat next to her. 
he was fiddling with his fingers as a huge and overbearing wave of silence washed upon them. fortunately for him, she wasn't looking so she couldn't see his trembling body, and the nervous look on his face 
"well, i kind of assumed you don't like me since.. you kinda left me hanging last night.." kenma muttered 
"hm, i did do that.." she hummed back quietly "what would you do if i said i liked you back?" she asked him 
kenma couldn't see it, but it seemed he could basically feel her cheeky smile appearing "um.." he stammered 
what would he do? he didn't really know. he didn't plan that far ahead. and kuroo was nowhere to give him some awful but doable advice. 
"i-i don't know.." he stuttered out. kenma could feel himself heating up. its like his cheeks was on fire as he felt bursts of embarrassment and butterflies banging on his stomach. 
"would you kiss me?" she mused 
kenma froze up. he looked up at her, face beet red and eyes as wide as saucers, as he mumbled incoherent words 
"well- no? i don't really know how to do that-" he stammered "or yeah- if you want- or um- i love you." 
she chuckled and slowly faced him with a gentle smile "i love you too, then" she laughed 
kenma has officially blown a fuse. 
his face exploded into a bright red as he felt all the weight of the pressure and anxiety leave his body 
"so, do i get my kiss now?" she asked teasingly 
"uh well-" kenma muttered with a sheepish smile "i dunno how-" 
he was cut off by a hand grabbing a tuft of his hair from his nape. her fingers tugged on his faux blonde locks as she pulled his face closer to his 
"itadakimasu~" she cooed out 
kenma.exe has stopped working. 
once her lips had pressed onto his, his whole body tensed up. though a total contrast to his reaction, she was quite calm. obviously calm enough to shove her tongue down his throat. 
their kiss was short but sensual. he took notice of how deliciously addicting her tongue danced against his. he definitely needed to ask where she got all those kissing skills from later on. 
he may not like the answer since it was from chuuya, but let's not get into that..
she pulled away after a minute, her grip on his hair loosening as she pressed one last peck on his parted lips. she backed away and licked her lips to tease him. 
"oh my" she cooed at him "if i would've known you taste this good, then i would've kissed you much sooner" 
"u-umm.." kenma muttered bashfully 
he was blinking sluggishly as his fingers lightly graze his lips, reminiscing in the feeling of hers against it. 
"y/n.. will you be my girlfriend?... please?" he asked in a quiet and flustered tone. all the nonexistent confidence he had before has now fully evaporated away. 
"of course." she mused 
"wait-really??" kenma asked her with a look of disbelief and sheer happiness
he bit back a smile as he looked up to look at the setting sun, then back at her. her features were illuminated by the soft golden rays, making her look simply ethereal, atleast to him. 
kenma was then brought back into reality as he felt the soft skin of her hand and the textured bandages touch his. 
she intertwined their hands and brought it up to her lips, pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles. she chuckled at him as he turned his head to the side, trying to hide his blush from her. 
"til death do us part." she grinned 
"okay, that was very sweet.. but when it comes from you, it kinda seems like you're about to kill us both-" 
without uttering another word, she pushed herself off from the railings she was sat on, and tugged him along with her. 
"y-y/n?! y/n!" kenma shrieked as he felt himself free falling in the air. his grip on her hand tightened as he nervously recoiled into a ball. the cold air hit his skin in the most nerve wracking way, leaving his skin with goosebumps and shivers tingling down his spine. 
"so this is what it's like.." she mumbled 
kenma looked over to her, the panic in his eyes gradually fading as he was met with her warm and love-filled orbs. she held the most tranquil and peaceful smile as she looked at him with a sense of joy and plenitude. 
"y/n.." his lips quivered as he gripped her closer 
she simply smiled at him as both of their hair flew erraticly due to the wind. the sound of the flowing water got louder and louder 
until finally, they hit the surface with a huge splash. 
she faintly heard loud and ragged breaths coming from kenma as he swims back up for air, hastily paddling against the strong current to drag himself and, her as well, back to land. 
"I KNEW IT! ARE YOU CRAZY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" he exclaimed once he catched his breath 
she laid down on the grassy ground beneath them and closed her eyes. she had a faint smile on her lips as she mumbled under her breath 
"double suicide.. im definitely not dying unless it feels like that.." she whispered 
kenma's demeanour softened at her words. he laid down beside her with a huff, tucking his wet hair behind his ears and doing the same for her. 
"if we're gonna kill each other, atleast tell me first." he sighed "also, drowning is definitely scratched off your list" 
"well, you look like you can't swim so.." she chuckled playfully "that's not a valid excuse" kenma sighed, though a fond smile etched itself on his lips
they probably looked quite strange to other's perspectives, if anything, they looked like dead bodies that had washed up to shore. 
but they didn't really care. 
"also, that was a very weird assumption. do i really look that lanky to you?"
"yes <3"
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kissing scenes are so weird to write, or at least for me  ;-;
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sanchoyo · 4 years ago
danny phantom, season 3 episodes 3-6 thoughts!
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-johnny was actually pretty civil with danny and left when he asked! thats nice. also, SKULKER?? HAD A FRAMED PICTURE OF EMBER?? oooo fuck wait had they established they were a Thing Before?? I dont think so. thats weird. its like that country boy/goth girl meme lmfao. I think i am going to choose to ignore this new info and pretend I didnt hear it. 100% unrelated to the jazz/ember fanart I already drew and posted....😳
-LADIES NIGHT EPISODE THIS IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. wish it didnt really center around the guys or them being pissed at them, but. willing to bet this was written by men lol
-THEY ERASED ALL THE MEN??? meanwhile, jack and danny are fishing at. silent hill or something. im glad jack is trying to read a parenting book and making an Attempt. (theyre at lake erie, but, they made it actually eerie...thats fun)
-the girls alt outfits...cute. EMBER MADE A NEW SONG TOO!!! kinda. jazz being one of the backup singers and being AWFUL. NOOOO
-'how are we going to get kitty to blow a kiss?' 'she'll have to think there are still some males in town!' ...i dont know how to break it to you, but I dont know that a 100% het girl would wish for all men to Begone. I think. I mean im not a het or a girl so I dont really know for sure. she Is probably Bi tho. esp having the other ladies in town chanting NO MEN!!! excitedly............(then again, the kiss is to get Rid of men, so, she probably would have blown it at the ladies only if they were actively trying to attack/stop them, so...I MEAN. THE DRESSING LIKE DANNY BIT WAS SO EXTRA)
-I feel like an all female cast ep couldve been way way way way cooler than that was. like. why was it still somehow all about Men. ...anyway. (where was valerie...)
-next ep opens with the observants, and, way way more of them than I expected...existed? I mean I guess them being a council/jury of some kind is what I expected from their first appearance (bc at that time they were basically TELLING clockwork to kill danny, not asking,, so I figured they had SOME kind of authority) but. there were so many. anyway, here goes vlad! letting his own hubris go brrrr. releasing a weather ghost for political gain! #justvladthings
-okay say what you will about him (he IS an asshole) but having an umbrella with his own face on it and more prepared to share is SUPER FUNNY. and him being fanned by huge wads of money by his bodyguards. SO ineffective but so Dramatic. He UNDERSTANDS that if youre rich you need to be. you know. obnoxious and kinda eccentric about it! fuckign hate when rich people are boring about it. I would trust vlad with nothing except to not be a boring rich asshole who wears...fucking khaki or some shit. man knows his Presentation Skills. and that 'V' chair in his mayoral office. is that fucking embroidered?
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-maddie get your MAN PLEEEEASSSE. IM SO EMBARRASSED FOR HER. the way jack stays simping for this man. in FRONT OF HIS WIFE!!!! ...my god its like a love triangle. jack clearly loves vlad, who loves maddie, who loves jack. jack fenton is at the very least bi, right................. this is an OBSESSION . 'THE V MAN COMETH'???? i...my god. (also, on a serious note, to have a friend THIS SUPPORTIVE...and still be SUCH A DICK TO HIM (TRYING TO KILL HIM AND STEAL HIS WIFE??) NOT COOL VLAD. JACK IS YOUR 1 AND /ONLY/ HYPE MAN. if someone loved and supported me THIS HARD...LIKE. CMON DUDE.
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-STOMP the fucking GAS, JACK
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-this would make a great shirt design, looks like a metal band design! we love The Maelstrom
-oh, so vlad did in fact get a mansion in amity park. and its purple! good color choice! not as flashy as a CASTLE or MURDER CABIN, but still pretty eccentric, which I appreciate.
-...vlad knows the difference between picasso and da vinci? in the ep last post where we were watching him fail at conquering every historical time ever he didnt seem to know history well enough to like. be effective...was vlad taking art history at college?? (was he an art MAJOR??? we never DID KNOW WHAT HE WENT TO SCHOOL FOR. I kinda assumed business because in the masters of time ep he was still rich without ghost powers so he had to have..known something about business or something, right...but also, art and or theater FITS HIS PERSONALITY. possibly also something science-y, I guess, but I always felt like he got roped into that, esp how pessimistic he was about the ghost portal in the flashbacks to college, like, i felt like he was just there for maddie and was uninterested/un-invested at the time...)
-the way this random man with a camera sees the mayor laying in an alley covered in TRASH AND DECIDES TO TAKE A PICTURE HAHAH
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*snap* this ones going in my cringe compilation!
-vlad 'if we're going to defeat vortex, we're going to have to do it together!' *immediately dips after dropping danny off in front of vortex* JKASDFHKJHJKN
-DANNY CAN DUPLICATE!!! ...he couldnt even attack with it, but he DID IT!!! INTO (4) OF HIMSELF!!! SO PROUD!!!!!!!!!!
-'THE ROLLER COASTER EMOTIONS OF A TEENAGER THREATEN MY PLANS!' ...0 self awareness of his own dramatic moodiness. incredible, how dumb this man is. its very close to circling around to endearing, if he was less of an asshole. at least its very very funny to see danny shooting him with tiny lightning bolts anytime he's even slightly irritated! vlad you should be nice to danny anyway. this is what you GET
-...making sandwiches and ice cream and playing video games with your nephew is a totally normal thing. WHY is vlad acting like this is the end of the world. if you were a GOOD UNCLE YOU WOULD ALREADY BE DOING THESE THINGS!!! bitch I make my nephew food all the time and dont forget what he does and doesnt like. if u didnt know danny didnt want tomatoes, thats on u. if u, a grown adult, are gonna piss of the 14 yr old by not letting him win, u deserve to have to pay for the arcade machines he ruins because he now has uncontrollable storm powers because YOU THREW HIM INTO A FIGHT WITH THE STORM GHOST. fuck u vlad. paypal me $400,000 while ur at it tho. (also, gamer vlad confirmed)
-VLAD CAN COOK THOUGH???! I assumed he had...people working for him that did that. I mean. billionaires usually dont do that. then again, we've only seen those vultures working for him (and I guess the dairy king was AT his old mansion, but it was never really clarified if he worked there...I think he probably just Hung Out and they Enjoyed Cheeses Together. thats what I think, I dont think a KING would be working for anyone and also the dairy king was nice <3) but then again he would be a private person and we cant have anyone accidentally finding Ghostly Things, so...still, that's hilarious. pour one out for that really cute banana split that got ruined 2 seconds later
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-danny seeing those animal commercials and feeling sad is the biggest 2000s throwback so far. i legitimately had to change the channel or walk out of the room when those came on bc id CRY AND BE SAD ABOUT THEM FOR DAYS AFTER. fuck those commercials and fuck that IN THE ARMMMS OF AN ANGELLLL song 😭
-'vlads ego almost got the town destroyed!' yes danny thats the entire episode. the entire series anytime vlad shows up honestly. this episode was just him being really embarrassing the entire time, and, me laughing about it. 10/10 would laugh at him again
-NEXT EP WE HAVE A SHAPESHIFTING GHOST?? I've said it before but shapeshifting is the power I would want when asked those 'what superpower do you want' questions...its the Best power! this guy looks like a homestuck character. ive never read homestuck but thats the vibe
-I love every time we see tuckers family, they are by far the most functional family. and dash has a lil chihuahua!!! named pookie!!! i am crying (I've had 3 chihuahuas, so I am very biased, but...) AND HE WATCHES THE ROMANCE CHANNEL WITH POOKIE. POOKIE I WILL DIE FOR YOU YOU SWEET LITTLE BABY.
-danny can lift a bus! I shouldn't be surprised, but i am proud of my son. hes got lil kid fans. i am going to cry about this
-JAZZ KEEPS A SCRAPBOOK WITH DANNY'S LIL HEROICS AND NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS!!! we've actually seen it on her floor before, but I didnt realize it was a scrapbook!! thats sooo cute.
-...and danny has to stand there listening to his parents saying danny phantom sucks and is a 'filthy ghost' and calling him egotistical...i am once again stealing their kids!
-yes, maddie, the one with red eyes is For Sure Actually Your Son. ignore the, red eyes... (CLEARLY she hasnt watched the other 2 eps where danny has been evil, she doesnt know red eyes= evil!!!)
-'billy fenton'.......................
-danny being stuck as phantom in his own house, no way out is a fucking NIGHTMARE. his parents pointing giant weapons against him and SHOOTING AT HIM. THIS IS A HORROR MOVIE.
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-this is the most screenshot of all time
-amorpho turning into mr. lancer because hes 'someone no one will want to be around' BUT HES WRONG, I WOULD BEFRIEND AND HANG OUT WITH MR LANCER SO FAST.
-tucker dressing as danny, now I have the full Tucker set of him being sam and also being danny. also saying 'the ghost...uh...RIPPED MY FACE OFF.' and then running. SMOOTH. NOT AT ALL CONCERNING TO ANY PARENTS.
-sam accepts the toast from jack. and then 2 seconds later is like 'why am i eating this.' THIS SHOWS HUMOR IS SO UNEXPECTED SOMETIMES ITS REALLY GOOD. and then the scene after, mr lancer running into his ghost doppelganger and being like 'YOURE GORGOUS' THEN FAINTING. I AM CRYING. AND DASH FAINTING TOO.
-sam disguising herself as danny again to help tucker run from the fentons. but leaving him shirtless in the streets. incredible. 'plEASE DOnt NOTice MY FACELessNESS I MUST LIVE IN EXILE' this episode is destroying me the humor in this show is exactly my brand of corny and cheesy
-the impromtu story made up by danny and amorpho to explain stuff to the fentons. my god they are both such bad liars. but amorpho is a good egg. wish danny wouldnt have said he didnt wanna see him in town again!! I want him to be reoccurring. not that thats gonna matter since I'm almost done with the series, but the idea of this being the Only Time We See him is :(
-NEXT EP SAYS STARRING MARK HAMILL??????!!! hello ! mr . joker....mr. star wars.... I feel like I should be. idk. taking off a hat im not wearing in respect. I shouldnt be surprised tho bc hes in a lot of cartoons as a very good voice actor, and dp has already had a lot of talented ones so I've been looking out for ones I might know, but....mr. hamill....
-sam has her own greenhouse, names all the plants, and says thank you to them (in the languages from where the plants are from) whenever she harvests from them. thats SO cute. and her lil gothy lunch box...
-and danny's lil red fuzzy lined jacket!!! ive said it before but every time the characters get alt outfits im like :D
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-danny's lil 'holy hibiscus!' first off the 50s batman swearing is hilarious. 2nd. my username is from the flower sanchoyo hibiscus, so, shoutout to ME this ep. hi :)
-EURGH UNDERGROWTH MAKING EVERYONE PLANT ZOMBIES. HIVEMIND PLOTS SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME. and this dude made the city SO overtaken so quickly like how long was danny asleep?? oh god
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-evil fucked up sam! now the whole trio has gone evil at some point! the voice actress did a really, really good job with making her sound like a zombie...
-frostbite's paws are so so so big compared to danny. oh my god. i want to hug the snow dog...
-the far frozen has an advanced medical stuff!!! very cool. very smart snow dogs
-im so glad danny has a friendly ghost snow dad to explain this new power and teach him!!! this is so sweet. DANNY'S GHOST SENSE WAS A PART OF HIS ICE POWER?? OOOH. COOL. we love a training montage!!!
-danny saying if he cant defeat overgrowth, that he'd want to stay with frostbite...oh my god...do you think this is the first real supportive adult figure in his life (I am NOT counting his parents because they threaten him on the daily even if they dont realize it.) I mean mr lancer is a Teacher, but he was also nice but this is different, but this is a GHOST WHO IS WILLING TO HELP HIM with his powers and also will help him when hes injured and is so so nice and comparatively so much more mature than 90% of the adults in this show!!!! god. dad frostbite is my everything.
-the framing and lighting this episode, and all the angles...they went all OUT and it looks really really good. this is my nightmare scenario, tho. like, FUCK zombies and dead city zones and hivemind shit. and using the humans as 'nutrients for the children' i am going to THROW UP.
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-MALEFICENT VIBES WITH THE HORNS AND GREEN EYES! this costume kicks so much ass. sam is now mark hamills daughter, I guess.
-danny's ice powers making his eyes blue!!! thats neat. and him going for the roots underground was SO SMART. i will not stand for danny ever thinking hes stupid, hes SO smart.
almost done with the show... :"( thats a sad thought!!!
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violetnotez · 5 years ago
Shopping Trip HC- Kirishima x Reader
@fxndxmxnxce​!:Hi! i just saw your blog but you already look so good😍 could i get a request where kirishima and his s/o go out to get groceries for cook dinner for their classmates? they goof off; riding around in carts, taking random samples of food, and even recite vines while they look for ingredients🥺 just a lot of tooth rotting fluff because why not :D bonus todoroki gives them endeavor’s card (in which he stole) to let them pay for the stuff tonight LMAOO thanks i love you🥰🥰🥰
ACK MY FIRST REQUEST THANK UUU! I love getting requests ngl :) I made this into a HC hope you dont mind!
Kirishima x reader
Genre: OVER LOAD of Fluff
Word Count:
Warnings: Choatic Energy throughout
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It was the week before exams and everyone was beginning to cram big time
Everyone was in the common room, every surface covered in textbooks and notes from the semester
Izuku, Ochaco, Iida, Froppy, Ojiro, and Toru  were on the training grounds practicing for the practical exams- Todoroki was studying on the couch
Momo was giving all of Bakusquad (including you) a huge study session that made all of your heads hurt (minus Bakugo- he wouldnt be caught dead studying with a bunch of ‘idiots’)
All of you were exhausted- you had been going at this since 9 in the morning at it was already close to dinner time
Kirishima had his head resting in your lap, you playing with his fire red hair as Momo rambled about Geometry, while Kaminari and Sero tried desperately to take notes as fast as Momo talked 
Mina had given up an hour ago and was now standing in front of the fridge
“Ughhhhh”, she whined, “we have no fooooooood.” 
“Cmon Mina we got like a hour to dinner you can wait!” Kaminari said while writing like his life depended on it (which it kinda did- he was borderline passing his classes as it was- if he failed these exams he was screwed)
“Oh be quiet Kaminari your the one who eats all the food half the time!” Mina yelled frustrated
When Mina’s hangry- she is HANGRY
“Dont blame this on me- my quirk isnt the one that depends on eating to work!”
“If your trying to imply Im the one who ate all the food then you are completely wrong!” Momo spat out at Kaminari, kinda looking hurt
“Can you all keep it down-Im trying to read,” Todoroki interjected calmly, not even looking up from his book
To be honest, all of you forgot Todorki was even in the room, so it kind of threw you all off
“Hey-why dont me and y/n just go pick up some food! The market’s not too far away” Kirishima sat up, his hair in odd angles from you combing it with your fingers
You knew what he was doing- he had zoned out too, and he just wanted a way to leave the study session, but he was too polite to actually leave it (for Momo’s sake- she got way too excited over study sessions)
You yawned, stretching from sitting for so long- “thatd be nice, Id like to stretch my legs a little.”
Kaminari shrugged, “Sure why not- not like were going anywhere, mind as well get some snacks-”
You started making a list of everything everybody wanted and it was long- Kaminari and Sero were shouting out everything fattening, from Takis to Twinkies to 2 liter sodas, Mina yelled she wanted a bunch of sweets like Pocky, Momo was a little healthier but she wanted more expensive things like sushi, and Kirishima wasnt helping since he wanted to buy everything for everybody
You two started adding up stuff in your head and you knew for sure there was no way you could pay for all this, even if everyone chipped in
You gave Kirishima a look, letting him know that this wasn't going to work- somebody had to help you two out or ask for a little less
He knew you hated to let your friends down, so he smiled, letting you know he had it under control
“Uh, guys, we cant get so much food- this is way too much and we cant buy all this- can we maybe take something off the list?” kirishima asked as Kaminari and Mina began to whine
To your surprise, Todoroki walked over and handed you something. You looked down at it seeing it was a credit card.
You gasped slightly- “No Todoroki we cant take this this is yours-”
“I dont care what you do with it or how much you charge on it,” he said calmly, “as long as it makes you all quiet.”
“Of course- thanks man, we owe you one!” Kirishima smiled, grabbing your hand, pulling you up and shuffling you out the door
“Well you were desperate to leave, huh Kiri?” you kidded as you cuddled closer to him as you both walked to the store
“Anything to spend some alone time with you princess,” he smiled, kissing the top of your head, “Also.... I think my head was starting to hurt from listening to Momo- what even is a Pythagorean theoreom?!”
Oh Kiri you poor baby
You both get to the supermarket and the cute lovey dovey Kirishima disappears
He instantly gets super excited because FOOD
And carts
“Cmon y/n they have kiddie carts!”
“Kirishima no those are for kids!” you laugh, taking the cart from him gently
“Ahhh cmon babe please!!!”
You kiss him on the cheeck- “No Kiri sorry!” (he pouts tho)
You get one of the normal carts and he instantly stands on the back and holds on to the wired basket, forcing you to push him around
You shake your head, smiling, because he looks so cute just standing there having the time of his life as you push him around
“A Thousand Miles” comes over the speakers and you both look at each other with the most shocked but happy faces ever
-30 seconds later-
Your now on the back, Kirishima is pushing your around like a maniac, has knocked you into 3 stands of food already, but you dont care because your both laughing trying to sing the lyrics
“IF I COULD FALL INTO THE SKY” Kirishima practically shouts, holding a can of whip cream like a microphone
“BECAUSE I WOULD WALK A THOUSAND MILES JUST TO SEE YOU!” you both shout out, getting some dirty looks from a pair of old ladies at the meat section (which you could care less about)
You both look at each other and just start busting up, Kirishima taking you to the next aisle
You get to the candy section, where Kirishima is still laughing over the old ladies’ glares at you two
You kinda calmed down, going back to the task at hand, picking out all the candies Mina had asked you to get her
He then sees a bag of Life Savers
“Hey y/n-” he taps your shoulder, giggles barely being contained from him
You turn around, a grinning Kiri holding a bag of Life Savers
“Le-fes Sa-ve-airs”
You roll your eyes, giggling, “Oh my gosh Please Kiri no more vines!”
“Oh calm on vines are so awesome!” he exclaims, putting the bag of candy back in its original space
“Yes but I think we’ve annoyed enough people with our vine references”
“Only two old ladies!”
“Two old ladies that will probably get us kicked out” you laughed, giving him a kiss
“Lets just get the food so we can go back to the dorms- Im getting kind of hungry seeing all this food…”
“Wait, youre hungry?!?” he asks super concerned
“Just a little,” you shrug off, “its no big deal-”
“WAIT HERE” Kirishima practically yells, seemingly not hearing what you said and runs off
You shake your head, knowing your boyfriend too well- he could get impulsive sometimes
You got all the food and was waiting in the checkout line when you spotted Kirishima trying to balance a bunch of small, clear cups in his hands
“Are those--- samples?!” you asked, shocked that he went around the WHOLE store getting all those samples
“Yep!” he says super proud, happy he was helping his girlfriend
“Oh my gosh Kiri I love you, you know that, right?” you exclaim happily, your stomach growling as you began to eat out of one of the cups
If he knew food would get you so happy he would have brought you WAY more food A LOOOOOOONG time ago
You got to the check out and the price- was- ALOT
You gulped, hoping the rumors of Todoroki being extremely rich were true
And thank the gods they were because you were able to pay for the food no problem
Then you realized- you had 10 bags full of food you had to lug back to the dorms
And it was close to a 15 minute walk
You started picking up bags, already feeling the weight of them after 3
“I got them, don't worry babe!” Kirishima gingerly took the bags from your hands and began to strap them across his arm
‘Wait Kiri no theres alot you can't hold all-”
Kirishima put a kiss on your cheek, instantly making your cheeks warm
“Its okay I can carry them!” He smiled, making your insides all fuzzy
How did you get such a cute boyfriend?
“At least let me hold 2!”
You literally had to claw two bags away from him because he refused to let you hold any because it wasnt “manly” for his girlfriend to have to hold a bunch of heavy bags by herself
The walk back was a breeze, Kirishima seemingly unbothered by the weight and you two both  enjoyed the sunset coming down against the mountains
When you finally got back, all your classmates were there, everyone in their pajamas and on the floor
All the notes and books had been replaced by pillows and blankets and everyone was in their lounge or sleep wear
“Oh hey ya two love birds, you got the food!” Kaminari yelled out happily, wearing pajamas with lightning bolts on them
“Hey Pikachu,” you laughed, “and yes, we got your food,” throwing him a bag of chips (which he devoured instantly like an animal)
“Why is everyone in their pajamas?” Kirishima asked, putting the bags on the kitchen counter
Mina came over and hugged you, so happy you got her snacks as Uraraka made a pillow float in the air
“We all decided were going to hang out and build a huge pillow fort and have a sleepover!” Uraraka exclaimed excitedly, Froppy and Momo helping her place the pillows inside the fort
“Awesome!” Kirishima shouted excitedly, “Cmon, y/n, lets go get changed!” 
He grabbed your hand, Kaminari and Sero making whistle sounds at you two as Kirishima pulled you up stairs
You shook your head, a blush coming on your cheeks
“When did they get so interested in us?” you asked, your face turning red from those dumb whistles
“Dont worry about them babe,” Kirishima said soflty, “their just jealous that i have somebody as amazing as you.”
“So,” Ochaco asked, snacking on a cookie, “how were able to pay for all this food?!”
“Yeah, you guys must have spent a fortune,” Tsuyu added
“It was Todoroki,” you explained, “he was nice enough to let us pay for it on his credit card- again Todoroki, thank you for letting us pay for all this!”
Kirishima agreed, his hand wrapped around your waist, “We totally owe you a favor- if you ever need anything, come to us!”
Todoroki nodded in thanks
“Your all welcome”, he replied calmly, “but that credit card wasnt mine-”
“It was my father’s.”
You instantly choke on the soda you were sipping on, Kirishima patting your back to keep you from choking
“WHY WOULD EVEN GIVE US THAT CARD IF IT WASN'T EVEN YOURS MAN?!” Kirishima shouts, fear evident in his voice
To say the least, the night just got 10 times more stressful as you and Kirishima were terrified that the #1 Hero was going to come and rip you to shreds for using his money to buy snacks
Requests open!!!!
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ughitsnic · 5 years ago
Do you belive in fate?
Tom Holland x Reader , Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Chapter 4
You arrive at Harrison's house, a bottle of vodka and a bottle of coke in your hands
“I'm so glad you came” Harrison breathes a smile fixed to his face as he quickly pulls you into a tight hug.
“I brought these” you show him, pulling away already missing the contact.
“You didn't have to” he tells. “But this is my favorite” he smirks at you before leading you into the house, it was packed and almost immediately you spotted him, and your eyes lock. It is almost like out of one of those movies, at least 40 people packed into the house and the first thing you see is each other... except it was incredibly awkward.
“I'll introduce you to everyone” and of course Tom was the first person Harrison brought you over to.
“This is Tom, y/n- what?” Harrison shouts, looking over his shoulder and quickly getting distracted by someone calling him over. With a small apology Harrison leaves the both of you ‘alone’ together.
“Nice to see you again” Tom gives you a tight smile “I see you and Harrison are close” his tone was sharp, he looks away while taking a drink.
“Yeah kinda” you trail off, feeling awkward about the whole encounter, wanting it to end as fast as possible, you look back for Harrison and he was gone.
“Yes please”
“Well they're over there” Tom scoffs
“Excuse me?” you snap, you were shocked to say the least.
“The drinks are over there, help yourself” he says louder, but just as annoyed as before.
Wow. You should have known it was too good to be true, of course he was a dickhead. You had had a few drinks and were talking to some girl called Lucy, she seemed nice but then again you thought Tom was. So maybe you aren't that good of a judge of character.
“I love your dress, seriously where did you get it from?” she asks as sways her hips to the music.
“I don't know, pretty little thing I think. I actually got it a while back” you explain.
“Well it looks gorgeous on you” she compliments, you were both sharing compliments, and exchanging social media.
“Oh my god, whose dog is that?” you question as it runs by.
“Toms I think, she called Tessa” you nod excitedly, watching the dog pick up a little stuffed frog to play with.
“Hey baby” you feel 2 large hands snake round your waist, pulling you against a muscular chest. Harrison!
“Baby?” you question, a blush creeping on your cheeks and a goofy smile fixed to your face.
“You don't like that?” 
“No I do, a lot” you smile. As the night progressed you got more and more drunk, maybe too drunk so by 1 am you decide to take a break from dancing on the coffee table with Lucy and go outside to get some fresh air to try sober up a little.
“What are you doing out here?” Tom was on the steps giving the dog a fuss.
“Your dog is really cute” you gush completely ignoring his question and sitting on the floor to give her a fuss, stumbling as you did, and she happily walks over to you wagging her tail.
“If you're staying the night keep it down” he demands before walking back inside. You stay out for a little longer, just enjoying petting the dog and cool breeze.
“There you are, are you coming to bed?” you simply nod and follow Harrison to your room.
“Why doesn't Tom like me?” you question, biting your lip. It had been nagging at you all night.
“What do you mean, he's the one who said you should come” Harrison recalls.
“You… you didn't want me to come?” you felt your heart drop, were you wrong about yours and Harrison relationship? If you could even call it that, was it a lot more casual than you thought?
“No, I didn't mean it like that baby” he sighs, sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling off his shirt.
“Then what did you mean?” you rebuke
“I- I well...” he trails off.
“I'm going home” you announce putting your shoes back on, annoyed. Maybe it was the alcohol that was making you so irritable all of a sudden. So you quickly decide to leave his room as fast as you could on your very unsteady legs before you caused an argument or said something you would regret.
“You’re not staying?” Tom questions, watching you storm across the living room towards the door.
“Uh no, I have to water my cacti in the morning” you shrug, really? That's the first thing you could come up with, cmon y/n. You watch him pick up all the empty bottles. “Do you want a hand?” you offer
“No, I'm perfectly capable” he assures you.
“Why are you being a dick to me? You're the one who invited me” your voice shakes as you struggle to hold back your tears, great now you were on the verge of tears. Mental note don’t drink vodka again, you think to yourself
“Why do you think?”
“Because of Harrison?” you question
“Yes because you're with him” he takes a deep breath “I guess I got my answer”
“What are you talking about?” you were now beyond confused. “Answer to what?” he drops the bag, letting out yet another long sigh rubbing his face.
“I physically cannot stop thinking about you, I don’t even know you and you’re fucking my best mate!” he kept his voice low. “But I can't get you out of my head” he whispers, taking a step closer to you. Oh?
ok i really wasnt happy with it last night so ive mad some little changes and i dont hate it as much. when i originally decided to write this i did it to improve my writing skills, but dont get me wrong i am actually having so much fun writing it. im just struggling with dialog i guess, but you have to practice to get better.
id love some feed back and if you wanna be added to the taglist lemme know
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kazashiiii · 5 years ago
What’s that ?
part 2
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previously on ‘ what’s that ? ‘
“ tell me where is Mark right now ? ” Tzuyu asked
“ i-i dont know , probably working " Sana replied
Tzuyu tired to calm herself down after knowing what Mark did to Sana
it’s currently 12:50AM
“ Sana , cmon lets go to bed ” Tzuyu said while dragging Sana
- time skipped -
Morning 9:45AM
Sana woke up aggressively knowing that Tzuyu wasnt beside her she was worried and she quickly ran down the stairs to check if Tzuyu was there but her presence wasnt there
Tzuyu’s POV
chaeyoung and i are currently at some random cafe , im ranting stuffs to chaeyoung cause i didnt have anyone else to rant to
“ so what happend ? “ chaeyoung asked in concern
“ s-she was raped “ i said while breaking down
“ WHAT ?! " chaeyoung said loudly
“ she was raped , by Mark “ i cried even more
“ W-WHAT ?! MARK ?! “ Chaeyoung was shocked knowing that it was Mark who did that to Sana
Sana’s POV
" should i call her ? ” i mumbled to myself
“ but what if she’s busy with work ? wait it’s saturday tho ”
suddenly my phone rang , i quickly picked it up without checking the caller ID
“ hello ?? Tzuyu-ah~ "
“ Tzuyu ? nahh babe don’t u miss me ? " the person on the other line said
“ w-who are you ?? where is Tzuyu ?? ” i asked in concern
“ shushh bbygirl , how can u forget me ? we did so much that night u even enjoyed it ”
“ m-mark ?! ” i said shockingly
“ thats right babygirl ” Mark said
“ h-how did y- ” Sana was about to finish her sentence when Mark interfered
“ not important babygirl , i miss you . i miss touching you and inse- " before Mark could finish i quickly end the call
“ oh my jissos , how the fuck he have my number ?! ”
No one’s POV
“ Chae , i think i better go off first im scared Sana is worried abt me ” Tzuyu told Chaeyoung
“ you didnt tell her where u were going ? ” Chae asked
“ nah she was sleeping ” Tzuyu answered
“ alrightt2 take care let’s settle Mark tonite i’ll drop by ur place ” Chae said
“ do you know where is Mark’s hangout place ? ” Tzuyu asked
“ hmm probably Canvas Club ” Chae said
Tzuyu then waved Chaeyoung goodbye and drove back to her house
Sana is currently nagging at herself , when Tzuyu appeared at the door Sana quickly run up to Tzuyu and hugged her
Tzuyu hugged back
“ sorry i didn’t inform u where i was ” Tzuyu apologised
“ where did u go ? ” Sana asked curiously
“ meet up with Chaeyoung , she has a problem with Minari ” Tzuyu lied
suddenly Sana’s turned into a worried face as if a mom had lost their kids
“ heyy , what’s wrongg ?? ” Tzuyu asked in concern
“ n-nothingg ” Sana replied
“ are you sure ? cmon tell me what’s wrong “ Tzuyu said while caressing Sana’s back
“ w-well , M-mark called me just now ” Sana said
“ WHAT ?! ” Tzuyu said loudly
“ h-he called me and- ” Sana was cut off by Tzuyu
“ Sana listen to me im gonna kill that asshole alright , im gonna make sure he doesn’t bother you anymore okay " Tzuyu said while caressing Sana’s cheeks
“ T-tzuyu please don’t get yourself in trouble , lets just hand him over to the police ” Sana said
“ shh , let’s eat breakfast i bought u some breakfast ” Tzuyu said
“ komawo~ ” Sana said while clinging onto Tzuyu’s arms
-time skipped -
“ Sana-ah ? ”
“ yess chewyy~ "
“ do you mind going to bed first ? cause Chaeyoung wanna rant to me about Mina ”
“ o-ouhh , right now ? ”
“ yea “
“ but its late tho “
“ she really need someone go rant to right now she got into a big fight with Minari "
“ ahh okay , ill be waiting for you “
“ you should sleep first “
Sana didn’t say anything , before Tzuyu take her leave she kissed Sana’s forehead and walked out the door & entered Chaeyoung’s car
Sana’s POV
“ Minari and Chaeyoung got into a fight ? but they looked like they’re in good terms " Sana thought
meanwhile Tzuyu & Chaeyoung are now heading to Canvas Club to whack that asshole
suddenly Sana’s phone rang
“ h-hello ? ” Sana said
“ Sanake , its me Minari ”
“ phew i thought it was someone else ”
“ i wonder who u were expecting "
“ yahh why did you called me ? ”
“ have you seen Chaeyoung ? ”
“ she’s with Tzuyu "
“ ahh i see , she didn’t told me where she was going tho ”
“ im also not sure , Tzuyu told me that you both had a huge fight ”
“ fight ?? we’re in good terms tho ”
“ huhh ? Tzuyu told me yall had a huhe fight tho “
“ no we didn’t “
“ ohh , ill call u back “
meanwhile , Chae & Tzu have arrived the club Tzuyu was so ready to beat that asshole until Mark noticed them
“ well , well , well look what we got here “ Mark said
“ YOU ! ” Tzuyu said while pointing at Mark
“ yes ? ohh wait u’re Tzuyu right ? and you are ? ” Mark looked towards Chaeyoung
“ none of you business ! ”
“ ohh wow , Tzuyu your girlfriend is Sana am i right ? damn just let go of her i can give her more satisfaction “
“ you raped Sana didn’t you ! ”
“ woah2 i didn’t rape her , she wants it so you know i just gotta go cause why nott “
“ she didn’t wants it you idiot ! ” Tzuyu’s blood boils , her fists was clenching tight
“ tell you what , i really did have a great time with her it was fun and i wish i could do it again ”
“ dont you dare . ”
“ why not ? she likes it too , i bet she’s begging for it more though right now “
“ enough “
Tzuyu then threw a punch on Mark’s cheeks which cause his lips to bleed
“ woah someone is angry , wanna know something i fuck her better then you ! ”
Tzuyu wanted to punch Mark’s cheekbone but eventually Mark managed to block and he hits Tzuyu’s stomach very hard and cause Tzuyu to fall to the ground .
Chaeyoung quickly ran towards Tzuyu wanting to help Tzuyu get up but Mark managed to kick Chaeyoung on the stomach
“ Tzuyu , tzuyu tzuyu . enough just let her go she can have more fun with me i have a dick unlike u ure using ure useless fingers to fuck her “
and with that Tzuyu got really mad and she tooked the wine bottle and hit Mark’s head
but for some reason Mark’s head is made of metal he still managed to punch Tzuyu on the stomach
Tzuyu quickly got up and punched Mark’s face as hard as she could which caused Mark to fell to the ground
Chaeyoung got up slowly and held Tzuyu up walking back towards Chae’s car , they’re going back to Tzuyu’s house
Tzuyu checked her phone and 15 missed calls & 35 texts from ‘ Sana Bibi 💘 ‘
“ shit2 ” Tzuyu said in pain
“ w-whyy ? ” chae asked
“ S-sana ”
-time skipped-
Tzuyu’s house
*cough* Tzuyu coughs due to pain on her stomach
“ T-tzuyu ?! what happend ??! ” Sana asked in concern
“ nothing , why are u sleeping at the couch ? ”
“ i was waiting for you , Tzuyu why are there bruises ?? what happend ?! ”
suddenly Tzuyu faints .
omg , i feel like i did a really bad job here so sorry hope y’all enjoy this quick update will probably update when im free .
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parkersvibes · 6 years ago
finding out peter is spiderman
read part one here
a/n: omg guys. i got so much feedback from you all on part one so i decided to make a part 2. and yeahh i really hope you guys enjoy. if you do lmk and i’ll do a part 3 (:
(i also apologize if the read more doesnt work )))): )
warnings: fluff, a smidge on angst
pt 2. peter parker x stark!reader
• figuring out he was spiderman
• alright you’re a stark
• but no one knows that
• but you’re really intuitive
• so there were little things you started to notice
• after uncle ben died there was some weird shit (if you want a part ab comforting peter ab uncle ben lemme know. he deserves his own part)
• like how he stopped wearing his adorable glasses
•and i guess started almost bulking up????
• he got WAY taller
• and usually you’re used to seeing him shirtless but this one time you walked in on him
• holy mother of god
• freshman peter also got winded walking up the stairs
• must be nice
• but then things got more sus
• all of a sudden he was skipping class more
• leaving early
• cancelling study sessions and skipping movie nights with ned
• and you and ned were clueless
• you and ned started hanging out more
• he was like this little ball of happiness
• you found out his real name is Edward
• ngl pete got a bit jealous
• one night,,, when pete cancelled YET AGAIN
• ned asked you, “hey y/n?”
• “hm”
• “why don’t we ever hang out at your place”
• “i told you ned, my family is just a lot yanno. plus your family and may are really cool”
• “okay but how come you don’t have any social media under your name?”
• “wdym?”
• “like you go by ‘y/n Smith’ but everything that pops up on the internet isn’t YOU”
• “pfff i told you,,, i dont believe in that stuff”
• “y/n, you know you can tell me anything”
• you wanted to be honest. this was one of your best friends. and you’ve been lying to them about your family for over a year now
• “ned i just. it’s complicated”
• “like peter’s family?”
• “nonono, i’m lucky to have both of my parents- well i have a step mom. my real mom wanted nothing to do with me. so she left me on the steps of my dads house. never came back”
• “oh shit bro, i’m sorry”
• “nah don’t worry. my dad is really cool and my step mom... she’s awesome.”
• “what’re their names”
• “well- uh- my step moms name is,,, um. well her real name is Virginia”
• “and my- my dads name is ehm... st, steve???”
• natasha was gonna have your ass
• “y/n,,,”
• “yeah”
• “you’re a horrible liar”
• “dude you left your spiderman fan tumblr open on my laptop that one night,,, and i MAY have done some snooping”
• okay you mightve had a slight obsession with the webslinger. HE WAS COOL. and what better way to keep track of him without alerting your family,,, good ol tumblr
• oh god ned, HOW MUCH SNOOPING”
• “enough to know that you have a weird obsession with that spider guy and that your last name isnt smith”
• so you told him the truth. you were a stark
• and well,,, he reacted with
• “okay cmon,,, don’t lie”
• so you showed him your late night dance parties with Nat when she was feeling goofy
• and your random snaps of steve when he was trying to figure out how to work technology
• videos of you reacting to vines with bucky
(if yall wanna see domestic life with the avengers just lmk)
• which usually results with THE WINTER SOLDIER ALMOST PEEING HIS PANTS. and trying to reenact it with sam or the other avengers
• “heyheyehy y/n guess what?”
• “what bucky?” *is in the middle of doing hw*
• “FRESHOVACADO” *bolts out of the room before you throw something at him*
• only the two of you getting vine and meme references
• (meaning getting in trouble during meetings bc you’ll make eye contact and start laughing)
• OH HIS FAVORITE IS THE “country boiiii, i love you,,, 😛”
• anywaayyy
• ned was SHOOK
• “nowayohmygodyoureanavenger”
• “no ned,,, only when they need me to be”
• *led to him asking 100000 questions*
• “does Mr. America smell like old man”
• “what language does Ms. Widow think in”
• “how many shirts does Mr. Hulk own”
• “so do they wear normal clothes or are they always PREPARED”
• “does your dad have to walk a weird way when hes in his suit”
• “do they ever chafe in their suits”
• “yes ned. we’re stocked up on baby powder”
• which you didnt mind bc it felt nice telling the truth
• “ned no, i don’t want him to think of me differently”
• he understood. but still defended peter and said that hed still treat you the same
• anyway,,, peter started showing up with bruises and stuff which had you v concerned
• “pete what’s up? you’ve been avoiding ned and i and you have skipped out on every movie night since sophomore year started”
• “t’s nothing. dont worry ab it”
• “peter cmon, it’s just me”
• you figured maybe it had to do with ben??? but you gave him his space. you just wanted to be there for him yanno. you didnt want him to shut you out
• “Y/N I SAID ITS NOTHING. FOR FUCKS SAKE CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE???” he snapped (and not in the good way)
• and this was on your way to class so the whole hallway heard
• ouch
• so you left him alone. probably more than he meant. but it hurt
• i mean he was your first friend here, and now he yelled at you to leave you alone
• ned felt awful at first. trying to comfort you and tell you it wasnt your fault
• but then he started acting weird. whenever you brought up peter hed be super antsy about it
• you- “i think he got into another fight or something”
• ned- “pFFT PETER? FIGHTING? no way,,, i got-i gotta go”
• so you figured that whatever peter was hiding, ned knew about,, which also hurt your feelings
• so you closed off
• and wow could the super family tell something was wrong
• wanda- “little stark, i can feel your sadness all the way to my room”
• sam/bucky/rhodes- “okay what’s the deal, we’ve played 5 rounds of fortnite and you havent once rage quit even though you’re doing terrible”
• tony- “kid, what’s wrong? everyone here can tell you’re not feeling great”
• nat- “cmon. ive given you 3 opportunities to kick my ass and you havent once complained about me going easy?”
• thor- “lady y/n what is causing you distress? not once have you smiled, i even wore my hair in pigtails,,, and that seems to always do the trick”
• and you gave the same response every time “‘m just tired” “lots of homework”
• they noticed you werent going out on weekends anymore
• so tony figured that your friend group and you were having some Stuff
• pep gave him an idea of meeting his new prodigy
• now tony knew it’d be kinda sus because peter went to midtown but he figured that if the kid kept his mask on it’d be fine
• “dad i don’t wanna see another one of your weird maid robots”
• “wha- no i want you to meet someone”
• “dad college isn’t for another 2 years. if it’s your friend from MIT-“
• then right before your eyes was the insect boy that youve been admiring through the internet
• needless to say
• your jaw dripped
• “y/n meet spiderling, spiderling meet my daughter y/n stark”
• *seconds pass*
• “i uh- oH- um- sp-spidERman, h-hi. biG fan of you- your work”
• *silence*
• you- “oH dad diD you hear th-that? moM is calling mE”
• tony- “what?? pep wouldve called on the interco-“
• spiderman- “y/n”
• you- “p-peter???”
• tony- *shocked pikachu face* “you know each other???”
• you- “so-something like that yeah”
• peter takes off his mask
• “ohmygodpeterisspiderman”
• “ohmygodyourlastnameisntsmith”
• tony- “im gonna let you guys figure this out” *walks backward slowly*
*insert silence*
• you- “so this is what you were hiding, huh?” with a cold tone
• *yelling at each other for another minute. even though you couldnt hear what the other is saying*
• peter- “you really thought id do that?” (heartbreaking voice)
• you- “i- once i got to know you, i knew you wouldnt but i was scared. i didn’t know how to tell you. for once in my life i had found someone my age who liked ME for ME. not for my name or money or my dad. and i didn’t want to change that. i’m sorry i didn’t tell you sooner”
• peter- “... i get what you mean. after ben died everyone gave me that look. except you and ned.”
• you- “why didn’t you tell me”
• peter- “everyone i love or ever cared about dies. my parents and then my uncle ben. so once i got my abilities i knew that the risk was even higher and i didn’t want to put you in that position. i wanted to keep you safe. but it seems like you know how to handle yourself” (referring to the fact that you grew up with THE EARTHS MIGHTIEST HEROS)
• y/n- “so how come ned found out?”
• peter *scratches back of neck* “well- he- i- May let him in my room and i happen to be crawling on the ceiling in my suit and he dropped the death star” *head hangs in shame*
• you had to giggle at that i mean CMON
• you stepped closer to him
• “pete you’re my best friend. you can tell me anything okay?”
• “no more secrets?”
• “no more secrets”
• and you both pinky promise and your thumbs “kiss” bc IF THEY ITS THE ULTIMATE UNBREAKABLE VOW DONT @ ME
• but you wrapped your arms around his neck and enjoyed the moment
• wow he is really cozy
• * the avengers are watching from the cameras in awe*
• led to MANY questions at dinner
• and so everything went back to “normal”
• it wasn’t until you went to bed that night that you realized peter said the L word
• so much for no secrets
taglist: @silver-winter-wolf @emmmmszy @everythingaboutnothingsstuff @rexorangecouny @wishiwasanavenger @marjoherbo @nologinisoksothatsit @mindset-jupiter @hpnjrph @soup238
some favs/mutrals: @h-osterfield @starksparker @stuckonspidey @sunshinehollandd @keepingupwiththeparkers @hey-marlie @spyder-bites
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askanxioussquip · 5 years ago
~Thursday Evening~
Marina was nervous. In about an hour she would be going over to Jean and Meredith’s house for dinner, but she couldn't decide what to wear or how to act or what to say. She hadn't been over to someone’s home in a very long time. Meredith seemed like a pretty chill girl, one she would be able to feel comfortable in casual wear around. Jean on the other hand, he seemed more formal. “Dear god, I cant keep staring at these outfits till its time to leave! Cmon.. oh, screw it. Casual it is. Not like i have anything good enough to be considered formal..” She sighed and put on something simple, getting her things ready early. Before she knew it, it was time to leave. Only having an old hoverboard made travel very hard, and she knew she’d need to get a bike or something soon. She would even settle for a manual bike.
Soon she had left her part of town and entered the more technology-focused areas, still in awe of the skyscrapers and sculptures. The whole city was bathed in a neon light that could compete with the sun. Marina always took the time to appreciate her surroundings, and just enjoy being alive. It helped calm her nerves most of the time. The ride had been slow and long but eventually, she made her way to their house, now heading up to the path to the door. She had to admit, she expected the house to be much bigger than it was. Though, it was still decently sized. Two stories and what looked like a large backyard. Probably had a living room and a family room. Maybe a nice basement. Leaves fell at her feet as she passed under a large maple tree. Oh yeah, it was definitely autumn. Out here in the more rural areas, autumn was much more enjoyable. As she reached the house, the door opened to reveal an excited looking Meredith before she even stepped up onto the front porch.
“Jean, Marina is here!!” Meredith grabbed her hand and pulled her inside, a big smile on her face. “Welcome! Oh boy, I'm so happy to spend some time with you. This is so exciting!”
Marina couldn't help but smile back. Meredith was starting to feel like the little sister she never knew she had. “Well, I'm very happy to be here. It’s good to see you again!” “Cmon, cmon!” She pulled on her hand again and lead her down the hallway into the dining room. Some food was already set out on the table, and Jean was bringing in the rest from the kitchen. “Oh, Welcome! Sorry I wasn't at the door, I was finishing up in the kitchen.” The warm smile he gave her immediately made her feel at home. How could these two make her feel so welcome and wanted with one visit? She couldn't understand it. “That's alright. Wow, this looks so good.. I don't think I've had anything like this in a long time.” “I do hope you enjoy it, then. I know the situation you and Meredith met in wasn't exactly the best, so I hope tonight can make up for that. Please, sit. I'll be right back.” He disappeared into the kitchen, and Meredith lead her over to the table to sit. It took her a moment to realize why Mer didn't have a plate in front of her.
“Oh, you don't eat, do you. I honestly forgot you were an android for a second there.” Meredith shrugged. “Sometimes Jean does too. And he made me this body! I make for a convincing human, huh? I feel like one.” “Yeah. Im glad we met, Meredith.” “Me too!” Jean came back with a few rolls after a moment, setting them on the table. “There we go. Help yourself!”
He sat down, and their dinner had officially begun. The gentle crackling of the fireplace made for a wonderful environment, one that made Marina feel even more at home. Everything about the house was warm and inviting and so much better than her tiny apartment. Everything about Jean was warm and inviting. She found herself enjoying their company more than she thought she would.
As the evening went on and they had finished eating, the conversation shifted to money. “So, Marina. Meredith told me about your situation.” “Right..” She began to feel nervous. Did he think she just wanted money? Did he think she was selfish?? Would he kick her out??? Would he-
“If you'd let me, i'd love to help. At least get you into a better living space until you find a job. Now that we know each other, I don't think id be okay with letting you continue to live like you have been when im able to help. And, I do have an idea for a job. If you’d like. Im looking for an assistant, and you seem very good at handling robotics and coding.” Marina almost looked shocked. “I- Oh, that would be- That would be wonderful! I- Are you sure? I mean, you’re not worried or anything? You trust me?”
“You helped Meredith, and she trusts you.” Meredith nodded, looking up at her. “I know you don't mean any harm. You’re… well, you’re family.” Marina looked between the two, her eyes beginning to prick with tears. She quickly excused herself and disappeared down the hall to find the bathroom. Meredith and Jean looked at each other, concerned. “Should...Should I go after her?” Meredith got out of her chair but Jean held a hand up. “No, no. Give her a minute. This is probably a lot to take in.” She sat back down. “Yeah… do you think it's because i said she was family? Maybe that's a touchy subject... I didn't mean to upset her..” “Hey. you’re doing great, Meredith. You’re doing so well.” He held her hand from across the table. She gave a shy smile. “Thank you.. I'm just worried about her. I want her to be happy.” Marina had to admit, she was a bit overwhelmed. Suddenly she had two new people in her life that considered her family, wanted to help her, maybe even be closer to her... It was a lot. But that wasn't why she was blinking away tears in the middle of their bathroom. No, it was because she had never met anyone who cared about her so much so quickly before. She felt loved, and it was so new and exciting and almost nostalgic all at the same time. She hadn't felt this happy since she was a child.
It was certainly embarrassing to walk back to the table, but she was welcomed back with just as much warmth as before, and it was like she’d never even left. The evening went on with stories and some little games Meredith came up with, comfortable silence by the fire, and watching the leaves fall from the porch before she had to leave. To be honest, no one wanted Marina to leave. Not even Marina! But it was beginning to grow dark, and she needed to make her way home before it was truly night.
So, with a reluctant goodbye, Marina headed home with a full stomach and a seed of love to sow with her newfound family.
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leggomyeggobiatch · 5 years ago
marlon x reader- when will the trouble end
So i made a mix in which you and the characters in season 4 get captured by carver from season 2. So lets see who takes the blame for the walkie talkie. Cuz it sure as hell ant kenny. And i miss him.
You walk through the gates, handcuffed to your friends creating a large line. You huff moving your way to marlon so you could speak.
"Are you ok?" You ask, moving closer. He looks at you, sorrow in his eyes.
"Y/n i should be asking you that. You have been through this before and now again. Im sorry." He says guilt eating away at him, its true he was the reason you were in this again, but he was only trying to be nice. You look at him syudying his features. The way his eyes darken when hes sad, the way he smiles. Everyting about him was....perfect.
"Move it" somone says, disturbing your gaze. You turn your head only to see bonnie, she was once a nice woman, but for all you know carver had changed her.
She looked at you, taking off your handcuffs finally releasing you from the pain of them ripling away at your skin. You give her a intense glare, walking outside into the sleeping quarter's.
"I would get warm if i were you. Its gonna be an intense day tomorrow, so id get ready for the night" carver says stepping out. You look st him with rage.
"Id say i dont care", he looks at you smirking, letting the gate close leaving you with your family. Or atleast the family who loved you.
"What are we going to do?" Marlon says walking back and forth. You look up at him grabbing his hand, leading it away from his temple where he had placed it.
"Were going to escape, we just gotta find a way to get out of here, a ways to leave these walls.". Everyone looks at you seeing as if you had a plan, and trust me you had one.
" i have an idea" willy says stepping forward. You look at him nodding.
"If your thinkin what im thinkin we can do it." You say looking at him. He nods stepping next to you, "this is the plan. I will escape through that ladder, jumping from this roof to the skylight where the walkie talkies are. Mitch on the other hand is hiding out in one of the rooms by the gates, we give him the walkie talkie and he will tell us the plans they have for sealing the gates. Deal". Everyone looks at you agreeing somewhat.
Marlon on the other hand looked at you, eyebrows furrowing. "What about you. I know you can do it, but i dont want you out there alone". You look at him, giving him a glance of trust.
"Dont worry". You look past him pushing him, gaining strength to run up to the ladder, grabbing it by its step. You pull yourself up, steping onto of the rooftop.
you look seeing that one guard had a shotgun. He turns to you scoping out the area. "Whoes there" he said, pointing a flashlight that he had stored in his pocket.
"Shit" you whisper crouching down near the corners of the roof top lights. you turn your head, letting it pop up to see if he had moved. but to your surprise he had moved. you turn back around, leaping from your spot to the skylight, opening the door slightly jumping down the stacked boxes successfully grabbing 2 walkie talkies.
“I cant believe carver brought them back” one of the soldier’s say. you look back before walking twards the boxes again. you then see carver walk to his microphone system at the top of the tower, hoping he wouldent see you.
“hmph”. you jump up to a box, climbing them successfully reaching the rooftop and getting back to the sleeping quarter’s.
you jump down the ladder seeing everyones head turn, you could see their faces turn from sad to happy knowing they could escape.
 “y/n you made it back I was so worried” marlon says coming up to you. he gives you a tight hug, letting go after a few minutes. you blush uncontrollably after he lets go, having the warmth from him disappear, made you shiver.
you walk forward twards the fire where everyone was cheering you on. you look at willy, noticing that he was speechless. “ok so now tomorrow I will bring one to mitch while you guys hide it” you say seeing everyone nod in agreement. 
you hear the gates open, troy had walked in. he looks at everyone glaring. “get all of your wimpy asses to bed, your gonna need strength for tomorrow” he says closing the gates, spitting on the floor.
you roll your eyes and turn to everyone. “I suggest we all go to bed, I know how they are if we don't”. everyone gets in their spots, you turn seeing Marlon looking at you. you smile at him, getting ready to turn but he pats the floor beside him. you smirk moving next to him cuddling as the night sky takes you.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------you wake up being kicked in the side by troy. you look up at him and grab his shoe, stopping him. he glares. “get yer filthy hand off ma boots”. you get up brushing yourself off, seeing everyone lined up looking at you.
 you walk to them while sticking the middle finger at troy. 
he walked you to carvers facility, leading you all in as a group
“ok everyone, today you are gonna work hard, don't mess up” carver says. you can see willy talking with tenn. “willy stop talking” you whisper to willy warning him. he looks at you scared.
“hey y/n you got to teach your kids some manners” carver says. you glare at him “say sorry willy” you say looking at him. he steps closer to you, “I don't want an apology....slap him” carver says interrupting him, you look at him glareing. everyone looks shocked, mitch was pissed.
“like the fuck I am, if you lay a fucking hand on him your dead” you say getting up in his face, he walks twards willy setting his hand up.
willy puts his hands up. but when he least expects it, you catch carvers hand, protecting willy.
“you bitch”. carver lifts his other hand and slaps you across the face, knocking you to the floor, he had hurt your jaw. “asshole” louis screams helping you up. every one starts helping you.
“who the fuck do you think you are” marlon screams, you turn around seeing marlon being held back by mitch, violet, louis, and ruby.
you walk up to him, calming him down. “ill deal with him” you say giving him a peck on the lips. 
 you walk to carver, getting In his face again. “carver..you may think your fucking strong but trust me if I were you I wouldent make that mistake again.” he looks at you as you push past him hard leaving him speechless.
you grab willys hand once inside, checking if he had hurt him. willy touches your cheek seeing that a bruse had formed. you look at him seeing the guilt in his eyes, grabbing his hand that was on your face.
you pull him into a hug, “thank you y/n, I love you” he says, you smile “I love you too kiddo”. you stand up getting to the work space, where  bonnie was.
“h-hey y/n” bonnie says looking up at you, she seemed scared.
You glare at her. "Bonnie" you say quite harshly loading the guns. She looks down, sorrow filling her.
"Im sorry...im sorry for putting you through this"she says making you look at her. You scoff, "sorry?! You're sorry! Look bonnie sorry doesnt cut it. He almost slapped willy". She looks at you in disbelief.
she stands up grabbing a bucket," follow the yellow line and bring these to the guys" bonnie says handing you a bucket. You gladly take it walking out of there. you can hear the walkers banging up against the walls.
you crouch, sneaking into the comic book store. “mitch, mitch are you in here” you whisper. you turn around hearing footsteps. it was troy. he grabs you by you’re wrist, dragging you into the sleeping quarters. “ you think you’re so sneaky don't you” he says throwing you into the gate.
“y/n, its great to have you here” carver says, you growl at him. everyone looks at you, worried for you. “ you all have 3 seconds, to give me the walkie talkie. if I don't have it, say goodbye to mitch”
you looked at him shocked “give me my brother” (also forgot to remind you mitch is your brother) you say seeing mitch restrand on the floor. he laughs shakeing his head, “not until I get my walkie talkies”. he glares at you. you move to stand next to willie. willy grabs the walkie out of your hand.
“I found I-” he says, but gets interrupted by you grabbing it from him. “I found it, here’s your presious walkie talkie” you say handing it to carver, everyone looks at you scared to know what he will do.
you put it into his palm. “you know what im gonna do don't you” he says smirking “3″. he hits you in the head with the walkie talkie. mitch and Marlon were fuming  but being held back by the others. “ get your hands off my sister!” mitch yells, he was fuming. 
carver hits you again having blood spew from your head. “y/n! get away from her” Marlon screams getting held back by violet Aasim and ruby. willy starts running to you, scared, scared to know if he lost you, but gets knocked out by troy’s gun.
bonnie then runs in stopping carver, “that's enough! get away from her”. you were now knocked out for good, Marlon and mitch standing over you, everyone was scared, terrified, they diddent want to lose you. 
“y/n cmon get up please! cmon sis get up, im not losing you” mitch says holding you while ruby checks you out. marlon looks at carver walking twards him in anger, but louis stops him, calming him down.
he looks at everyone making their heads turn. “no supper for you tonight, mabey an Empy stomach will teach you a lesson” carver says walking out the gate, before Marlon can reach him.
ruby looks at marlon telling him to pick you up and set you on the bed. he was angry, not at you, not at mitch, he was angry, at carver.
you woke up hours later, the night sky looming over you. you sat up, pain hitting you immediately making you fall back down on the bed in pain. “shit” you whisper, it felt like a brick. you see louis’s head turn, he looked relieved but also worried.
“y/n stay down, you need to rest are you ok” louis says coming near you. you shake your head pushing him away, standing up. ignoring his words. louis tried to put you back but you walked over to everyone.
“Y/n!” mitch says, pulling you into a hug. “you should be sleeping”. you shake your head, “we cant sleep now, we cant stay here”. marlon looks at you standing up.
“you aren't getting hurt again, not now” he says coming to you, bringing you into his embrace. you shake your head. “id do it again if I have to. I don't give a care if he hurts me, we need to leave” you say, everyone comes to you letting you sit. 
you turn hearing the gates open, you see bonnie walking in, she looks at you with a hint of guilt. you look behind her to see carver. you growl giving him the death glare.
“y/n you’re awake. how do you feel” he asks snickering, you look at him shakeing your head. “ oh I feel happy, unicorns and rainbows” you say with a hint of sarcasm. he glares coming closer to you. “ I suggest you cut it out, or you wont have an eye” he says pulling out a knife.
“try me” you say almost inches away from his nose. “what do you want” willy says. you put your arm around him, protecting him from carver if was to try something.
“bonnies going to tell you your chores, and I came to see how y/n was” he explains touching your chin. you push his hand off, letting him walk out, leaving you with bonnie.
 she pulls you into the group making them huddle around her. she looks at you looking at your bruise. “ im sorry he did this to yo-” she gets interrupted, “oh don't worry it diddent hurt” you say cutting her off. she looks down, “im going to help you escape, we are leaving tonight”.
ok so im gonna create it into 2 parts so this is the 1st part of them escapeing, ill problibly get part 2 done by the next 2 weeks. hope you all enjoy. 
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vintageneptune92 · 6 years ago
Nothing Breaks Like A Heart: Chapter 2 part 1
So I had to split this into 2 chapters because it’s really long. I’m not big on regurgitating content but it was a good way to set the story up further. Going forward there will be more original content with some cannon thrown in. P.S. IDGAF about Cannon if it doesn’t work well for my story.
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Nora smiled to herself as she approached Bruce Banner, Natasha and Steve. She was ecstatic to meet Bruce Banner. She hadn’t seen Natasha in a while and well Steve was another story altogether.
“Is that the only word on me?” Bruce questioned Steve looking incredibly apprehensive.
“Only word I care about.” Such a Steve Rogers thing to say. She watches as Banner seemed to relax, if only slightly.
“Well he won’t be doing it alone.” Nora beamed at the 3 of them. “Besides myself I’m quite positive that my Uncle will show his face after getting through Coulson’s information bomb he gave us last night. No way is he missing out on this.”
“Nora Stark.” The red headed assassin smiled back at Nora.
“Good to see you Rusty. It’s been too long.”
“Well Tony isn’t my biggest fan. So I’ve steered clear.” Natasha shrugged.
“Well stop it. No one cares what he thinks.” Natasha shook her head at Nora. The attitude was 110% Tony Stark.
“Hello Nora.” Steve finally spoke after observing her.
“Hello Captain. Good to see you again.” She watched as the heat rose to his face and turned to Bruce Banner before she reacted and stuck her hand out.
“Well apparently my friends here forgot their manners. Dr. Banner, I’m Nora Stark. I’m a huge fan of your work. I’m really looking forward to working with you.” Bruce tentatively shook her hand.
“You’re not scared to be around me?” Bruce looked at her small stature and assumed she’d be terrified. She shrugged.
“Why would I be?” She smiled. Her kind eyes put him at ease. She linked her arms through Bruce’s. “C’mon Dr. Banner. Let’s go do what we nerds do so the super heroes can get to work” Nora gave Steve a wink only he could see and led them towards the Helicarrier.
“Okay Bruce, apparently Loki is in Germany. I highly doubt the Tesseract is with him.” Nora sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“I agree.” Bruce didn’t look up from the computer screen.
“I’m going to head out to Fury. I need to see this. Let me know when you need me.” Bruce nodded again and Nora headed out of the lab and down to the main section of the Helicarrier.
As she made her way out to the main deck, she could hear AC/DC over the comms and then her Uncle’s voice. “Agent Romanoff, you miss me?”
“I see I made it just in time for the show.” She crossed over to where Fury was standing and he Gave her a smirk.
“Make a move Reindeer Games” Nora watched as Natasha landed the Quinjet to capture Loki.
“He doesn’t have the tesseract with him. And we haven’t located it yet. But the staff he carries, the one that turned one of your best parents into a puppet. I’m thinking that might help us.”
“I agree, Nora. Go let Dr. Banner know what’s going on and both of you join us back here once they’re back on this ship.” Nora nodded at the order and headed to retrieve Dr. Banner. She turned her comm on so she could listen in to their ride with Loki and was privy to the fight between the three men.
A little while after Loki was on the ship, Nora made her way back down to the main deck to discuss Loki. Dr. Banner would be joining them shortly. As she approached she heard her Uncle refer to someone as “Point Break”. She rolled her eyes and made herself known.
“Oh good. You’re all done playing swords. Did you find out who’s the biggest or did you just waste our time?”
“See that’s what makes you my favorite Stark. You’re infinitely more funny than Tony.” Natasha and Nora smiled at each other.
“What? No! Absolutely not! You’re not helping on this mission!” Tony wasn’t exactly surprised to see Nora but he wasn’t going to allow her to jump into the line of danger.
“You say that like you still have a say in the choices I make” Nora scoffed at her Uncle. “You need me. If you didn’t Pepper wouldn’t have asked me to come and Fury wouldn’t have agreed to it.”
“Nora I know you’re brilliant but we can do this without you.” Tony shot back. Steve watched on with interest.
“No you can’t. You need my memory and my professional abilities.” Nora was just as stubborn as her Uncle. This wasn’t going to end quickly.
“Your memory? What does that mean.” Nora looked over to the heavy accented voice that was sitting at the table.
“You must be Thor" He nodded. I have a photographic memory. I remember every detail of everything.”
“That sounds very useful and overwhelming.” His understanding and empathy took Nora by surprise. It was overwhelming and incredibly useful. There were some things she wished she could forget, yet instead they plagued her dreams. “And what are these professional abilities?” Thor was intrigued by this tiny human.
“I have some pretty stellar computer skills.” Before Thor could question Nora further Tony was interrupting.
“Uh hello??? I have some pretty decent computer skills myself.” Nora rolled her eyes at the exact same time Tony did and the resemblance between her and Tony couldn’t be ignored. It made Thor smile.
“Obviously you know your way around a computer. But you know full well that you can’t hack like I can.”
“She’s right Tony.” Fury finally spoke. “She hacked the Pentagon on a dare in High School.”
“You what?!” Steve was shocked and Nora stood there with a proud smile on her face. He wouldn’t have thought she would do something like that.
“Sorry Captain. Sometimes you just have to bend the rules. Especially when your sexist classmate thinks he’s superior because he has a teeny tiny appendage between his legs” Thor audibly laughed.
“Yeah that was pretty impressive. I’m still pretty proud you did that.” Tony finally conceded. “Fine. I’m not going to argue with you anymore but if you’re going to be on this mission you need something a little more protective than whatever this is that you’re wearing.” He pointed up and down her body. She was clad in a leather pencil skirt, a denim button down shirt and sky high leopard print heels. Her normally long curly hair was straightened and in a high ponytail with braids on the top of her head.
“Well I asked you to make me a suit.” Nora shot back. Thor watched on enjoying the verbal ping pong match. He liked the fire in Nora Stark.
“So you can put yourself in more danger? Yeah, not likely.” Nick Fury stood up to put an end to the bickering.
“Nora- I had some special Kevlar made for you. There’s a locker with your name on it. You can change when you're ready.”
“Thanks Uncle Nick.” Nora gave Tony a dirty look and went and sat down next to Thor. She was drawn to him for some reason. She couldn't explain it. "So tell me about Asgard and this brother of yours" Steve watched as Thor and Nora seemed to be in a bubble. He had her undivided attention. She laughed at the things he said that weren’t meant to be funny but were because of Thor’s lack of Earth knowledge. She would place her hand on his arm as they spoke. Neither of them seemed to pay much attention to the people around them. He had to force himself to pay attention to what Fury was saying. He was surprised at how jealous he felt. He barely knew her. And he didn’t ever expect to find anyone that stirred feelings in him. Not the way Peggy did. It wasn’t the same, Peggy was Peggy. But Nora somehow set off a spark inside him. The first real connection he made before coming out of the ice.
Nora sighed and sat down on the bench in the locker room. She wanted her own “Iron Man” suit. Tony refused. Nora had contemplated just hacking into his system for the plans, but she couldn’t break her Uncle’s trust like that. She didn’t want him doing this alone. Maybe now that Steve was out of the ice he wouldn’t have to. She was always afraid that when he left in that Iron Man suit he wouldn’t come back. She knew Pepper had the same fears. Nora and Tony both had lost so much. They had been betrayed by people they had loved too. He wasn’t her father. No one could ever take Grant Starks place in her heart, but the relationship she and Tony had was something beyond parent and child. They were connected by loss and pain. They were connected by their similarities. They had the same snark, the same attitude and the Stark swagger. The swagger that sometimes acted as a protective bubble. Tony was Nora’s protector. Even when he was missing he was still protecting her. He had always had a plan in place with Rhodey and Pepper to keep her safe and loved if something happened and he couldn’t. All Nora wanted to do was protect him as well.
She stood and opened up the locker with her name and smiled at what Nick had left her. It was an all black Kevlar suit that looked like leather. It had straps across her hips and boots that went over her knees. There were a number of holsters to hold weapons or technological items. She wasn’t sure where Nick had found it, but it was perfect. It held her body like a glove. She was curvy but strong. She has never been skinny. Her body wasn’t built to be that small. She had accepted her flaws a long time ago and learned how to use them to her advantage.
She headed out of the locker room with plans to head back to the lab. Her eyes caught the door that she knew Loki was behind and she just couldn’t help herself. Her credentials allowed her to enter the room. There he stood. The God of Mischief in a round glass cage.
“Hello Loki.” He snapped his head up and studied her.
“The Dróttning av Gimsteinn” Loki’s voice was almost breathless. He hadn’t been expecting to see her and the words had poured from his mouth before he could stop them.
“What did you just say?” Nora stopped in her tracks and stared him down. Loki’s eyes bore into Nora’s and he didn’t respond. “What does that mean?”
“You’ll find out soon enough I suppose” Loki acted as uninterested in her as he possibly could. I’m reality he was buzzing on the inside. He thought it would be more difficult to get eyes on her. Nora narrowed her eyes at him. She took a step towards him and stopped.
“I’m not going to let you goad me into a reaction. When you get bored of this and want to tell me where the tesseract is, let me know. If I find it before you tell me, I can’t help you.” Before Loki could respond, she was gone. Loki smiled to himself. She was feisty. She liked to spar. This was going to be more fun than he originally thought.
Nora was wracking her brain trying to figure out what Loki called her as she was heading back. She didn’t even know what language it was. She was about to pull her phone out and try to search for what she thought he had said when she stumbled upon Steve trying to pry a set of doors open. Captain America breaking and entering? This was surprising. She crossed her arms in front of her body and leaned against the wall.
“Need some help Captain?” She smiled with a suggestive voice as Steve jumped. He turned and faced Nora sheepishly with red cheeks. He had on hand on the back of his neck and looked impossibly adorable.
“I was…I uh…” He was embarrassed for getting caught but what really had him stuttering was Nora. No one should look that good in Kevlar. He silently chastised himself for behaving like a 13 year old. Nora shook her head and without a word pushed herself off of the wall and approached the door Steve was trying to bust open. She pressed her palm to the lock pad. It read her palm print and prompted for the 2nd security key. “Stark, Nora Margaret”. Steve froze. Was Peggy apart of her life? It couldn’t be a coincidence that she was related to Howard Stark and her middle name was Peggy. Howard and Peggy has founded Sheild together. He wondered if Peggy had any sort of relationship with Nora’s father. He wanted to ask her about it, but it wasn’t the right time. Nora motioned him inside.
“After you.” Nora followed him into the room and the door shut behind him. “Mind telling me what we’re doing in here? What are you looking for?”
“I’m honestly not sure. Your Uncle is trying to get all of Sheild’s files as we speak. He seems to think Fury is hiding something.”
“Oh what a jack ass. He’s trying to hack in on his own instead of asking me. He’s trying to prove he doesn’t need me. I could have had those files in 5 minutes, 10 tops. Plus I have access to a lot of shit around here. Sheild is my family birth right. My father would have taken Howard’s place.”
“Wait- so you agree with Tony? You think he’s hiding something?”
“Don’t be so naive Captain. Of course he’s hiding something. He’s a super spy. His secrets have secrets!” Steve laughed. “What’s funny?”
“Your Uncle literally said the same thing. Word for word.” Nora’s eyes shone with pride. “Are you going to help me look?”
She threw her arms up in a shrug. “Kind of hard to help when I have zero clue what to look for. And how do you know I’m not in on it?”
“Call it a gut instinct.” Nora liked to banter and Steve was feeling brave. He was still feeling a little green after seeing her with Thor. Now was his chance to see if she was as just flirty or interested in him. He was a God. A good looking one at that. And while he felt like an idiot worrying about it when they had more important things to focus on, he had to know. “So you’re done flirting with Thor? You two seemed to hit it off right away.” He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
“I wasn’t flirting! Why? Are you jealous?” Nora sauntered over to where Steve was leaning over a crate. She put her hand on his shoulder and leaned over so she could whisper in his ear. “Believe me Captain, if I’m flirting, you’ll know it.”
Nora’s breath was hot on his neck and it sent a chill down his spine. He was about to respond but his attention was pulled to the container in front of him. Steve opened a container. “I think I found what we’re looking for.” Steve watched as Nora pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Dammit.” The disappointment was radiating from her voice. “Sometimes, it’s really hard to separate the spy, the head of Shield, from the man that helped me become who I am today. The person my father revered. I just can’t.”
“I’m sorry Nora.” Steve put his hand on her shoulder.
“Why are you apologizing? You didn’t do this Steve.”
“No, but I know that feeling. And I’m sorry that you’re feeling it now.” Nora gave Steve a small smile.
“Thank you. God this is all so messed up. Let’s go to the lab. I’d like to talk to Nick and I need to ask Thor some questions about his brother.” Steve picked up the container and the two of them headed back to her Uncle and Dr. Banner.
Nora could heat heated voices as she and Steve approached the lab. So heated that they didn’t even notice the two of them enter in the middle of Bruce’s sentence.
“…When we get a hit, we’ll have the location within half a mile.” Nora could tell he was trying to control his temper. Tony picked up where Bruce left off. The two of them were a team already.
“And you’ll get your cube back, no muss, no fuss. What is Phase Two?” Tony wanted answers. Nora knew that look in his eye.
Nora jumped as Steve slammed the case down on the counter. “ Phase Two is SHIELD used the Cube to make weapons.” Steve answered for Fury and then directed himself towards Tony. “Sorry, computer was moving a little slow for me.”
Nora gave Tony a dirty look. “I literally could have gotten it within 10 minutes tops. Stop trying to prove that you don’t need me.”
“Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract. This does not mean that we’re-“ Before Fury could finish Tony flipped the screen to reveal a plan for a missile. Nora pit her face in her hands. This was only going to get worse.
“I’m sorry, Nick. What were you lying?” Nora clenched her jaw. She didn’t know what to say to calm the waters because she was just as angry as the rest of them. She pulled herself from her thoughts as Natasha and Thor came into the lab.
“You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, doctor?” Bruce laughed in Natasha’s face.
“I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed.” Nora ignored their verbal ping pong as she went over to the monitor to check on the Tesseract. She paused and eyed Loki’s staff curiously. When she focused back on the group Fury was explaining why Sheild wanted to create these weapons.
“Last year earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that leveled a small town. We learned that not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly- hilariously, out-gunned.” Nora was going to tell Nick he was right but that he should have been upfront but Thor interjected before she had the chance.
“My people want nothing but peace with your planet.”
“But you’re not the only people out there, are you? And, you’re not the only threat. The world’s filling up with people who can’t be matched, they can’t be controlled.” Fury shot back quickly. Nora couldn’t focus on what they were saying anymore. Her attention was drawn back to Loki’s staff like it was pulling her in. Bits and pieces of the argument would break through. She couldn’t focus on who was saying what as her head started to pound and the sceptor started to glow..
“Nuclear deterrent! ’Cause that always calms everything right down.”
“ I’m sure if he still made weapons, Stark would be neck deep-“
“How is this now about me?”
“I’m sorry, isn’t everything?”
“I thought humans were more evolved than this.”
“I swear to God, Stark, one more crack...”
Nora felt more dizzy and tried to focus on Steve’s voice, though she wished she hadn’t. “Yeah, big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?” Why was Steve attacking her Uncle? He didn’t know what he was talking about. Nora felt too woozy to feel any anger at that point.
“Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.”
“I know guys with none of that worth ten of you. I’ve seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You’re not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you.” He was wrong. He didn’t know what Tony Stark was about. He put on a front but he was a hero. He took the world on his shoulders. Nora remembered Tony destroying all of the weapons sold to our enemies. She wanted to scream at Rogers but her head hurt too badly to speak. Tony’s voice cut through the pain.
“A hero, like you? You’re a laboratory experiment, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle.”
“Put on the suit, let’s go a few rounds.”
“Steve, Tony- Stop” Nora begged. Her voice wasn’t loud enough for them to hear her. She was sure it was Loki’s scepter causing them to act like this. It was what messed with Barton’s head. Loki had wanted it to be here, to cause this dissension. Finally Bruce’s yelling caused everything to stop.
“IN CASE YOU NEEDED TO KILL ME. BUT YOU CAN’T, I KNOW, I TRIED!” He stopped and saw that everyone is staring at him and he continued. “I got low. I didn’t see an end so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out. So I moved on, I focused on helping other people. I was good until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk. You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?”
“Oh Bruce...” Nora could feel his pain and anger, how broken he felt. He was holding the scepter while Fury and Natasha hand their hands on their guns. Nora was white as a sheet.
“Please Bruce. That thing is making you all act like this. Please put it down. No one is going to cage you, I promise..”
“Nora?” Tony’s voice was full of worry. She looked sick. She had barely said a word during the argument. She normally would tell Tony if he was being an ass or defend him if he was right. Steve took a deep breath, sighed and looked at Bruce.
“Doctor Banner, put down the scepter.” Banner looked down, surprised to see the spear in his hand. Suddenly the monitor made a noise, signaling the Tesseract has been located. Bruce put the scepter back on the table and walked over to the screen on the other side of the room. Nora walked over to the table and lightly touched the scepter, knowing it was the source of her pain. She just didn’t know why. She yanked her hand back and turned towards her Uncle.
Suddenly Tony turned to leave but Steve put his arm out to stop him. “You’re not going alone Stark!” Tony smacked Steve’s hand away.
“You gonna stop me?” Nora groaned. Taking steps towards the two men.
“Put on the suit, let’s find out!
“ I’m not afraid to hit an old man.”
“Will the two of you stop acting like children?!” Nora was pleading with them. Then she heard Banner yelling and then an explosion. Nora flew into Steve, he grabbed her by the waist as he and Tony fell near the entry way. Steve turned her so she would fall on him instead of the floor protecting her head and neck. The next thing she knew Steve was pulling her along with Tony.
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