#id pro
storm-of-feathers · 25 days
yeah yeah rainbow capitalism is bad and whatever but like. when I was a child, being pro gay was not the popular or lucrative choice. I'm happy that times have changed.
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remindertoclick · 1 month
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Reminder to Click for Palestine today!
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spaceistheplaceart · 1 month
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can't feel it.
(during HL2VRAI, in which the AIs now know that Gordon is the player... but still dislike seeing him hurt)
A grayscale HLVRAI comic. Gordon is crouched down next to Tommy at some point in time, Tommy is holding a medkit and is worried. Gordon has a cut on his knee. Gordon says: "I'm fine! I can't feel anything that happens in the game. Remember?" with a smile. Some time later, Gordon is firing at combine, stalkers, and manhacks in City 17. Bullets fly by him as he yells behind him: "Don't worry about me, I can't feel it! Just run!" Gordon is a little scuffed on his face. Some time later again, Gordon is bruised and bloodied with bullet marks on his HEV suit. He has a black eye and on the opposite cheek there is blood coming from a cut. His hair is messy. He waves his hand dismissively, smiling and saying: "D-don't worry, I can't feel it. Ah-haha!..." Bubby is behind him and looks slightly concerned. Suddenly Dr. Coomer hugs Gordon. Gordon frowns, lip trembling, as he sinks down to his knees while Dr. Coomer holds him. We then see the player in his real life gaming room, on his knees, holding nothing. He says: "I can't feel it..." he's shaking.
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flying-ham · 2 months
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sansa and lady in the godswood at winterfell
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gayvampyr · 2 years
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nagitachang50 · 2 years
Trik Bermain Slot Game Online
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ID PRO JACKPOT - Slot online membuka peluang baru bagi pemain untuk mendapatkan rupiah dengan denominasi fenomenal dan penghasilan harian yang stabil yang membuat banyak pemain bergantung pada permainan seumur hidup.
Hadiah kecil yang diberikan oleh beberapa developer game slot online cukup menarik bagi sebagian pemain, apalagi jika melihat hadiah besar (JACKPOT) pandangan negatif anda terhadap judi online akan berubah.
Tentu saja untuk mendapatkan hadiah utama atau pada umumnya orang sering mengatakan bahwa JACKPOT tidak semudah yang Anda kira.
Jadi bagaimana Anda mendapatkan jackpot? Anda hanya perlu hati-hati membaca artikel yang saya tulis. SAYA AKAN MEMBERI ANDA TAHU RAHASIA SLOT.
Setelah lama bekerja di departemen IT salah satu pengembang mesin slot terbesar di Asia, saya memutuskan untuk meninggalkan pengembang itu dan memulai pekerjaan baru yang tidak berhubungan dengan perjudian.
Dan disini saya akan memberikan beberapa trik untuk memenangkan hadiah JACKPOT dengan mudah di SEMUA mesin slot online yang disiapkan oleh semua developer. Cek saja poin-poin berikut:
Exact Metrics Mekanisme Satu mekanisme yang PASTI dipakai semua mesin slot untuk menganalisis data kemenangan dan kekalahan beberapa betor, jika betor telah alami banyak kekalahan akan menaikan persentase kemenangan mereka, rate persentase bergantung dari developernya. Persentase pada agen lama tempat saya bekerja memberi 15% kemenangan tambahan untuk beberapa betor yang telah alami kekalahan 100rb keatas.
Nah untuk menipu mekanisme ini triknya tidak susah kok, kalian perlu menempatkan bet yang tinggi pada suatu mesin slot, lalu tahan tombol ‘SPIN’ tidak boleh dilepaskan, kalkulasi sampai detik ke 20, dengan demikian mekanisme akan membaca jika anda banyak alami kekalahannya dengan 20x spin, seterusnya anda tinggal menyelesaikan saja dengan memencet tombol spin satu kali lagi.
Uncategorized Browser Upss kembali dan kembali kekurangan semua mekanisme mesin slot tentunya akan sama, mekanisme tidak mengetahui keseluruhan kemenangan dan kekalahan jika kalian memakai browser yang tidak berkategorikan selaku browser biasa.
Nih sedikit ada panduan untuk kalian, selalu bermain memakai browser yang tidak umum seperti salah satunya misalnya UC Browser (Ini dilaksanakan sesudah anda memperoleh kemenangan yang besar)
Saya jamin anda akan bermain selaku betor baru yang baru tergabung (tidak peduli kalian telah tergabung berapakah lama), sebab betor yang baru tergabung dengan satu developer akan mempunyai winrate semakin tinggi daripada betor lama.
Third Number Jackpot Di dalam sistem TNJ ini sesungguhnya hanya bocoran mengenai persentase jackpot yang akan bertambah jika tiga digit angka paling akhir pada nominal jackpot bertukar secara cepat, sinyal itu yang perlu kalian gunakan untuk memenangi jackpot dengan gampang.
Untuk langkah ini sesungguhnya anda perlu menemuka saat yang pas untuk bermain, dan saat yang pas buat anda bermain ialah jam (22.00–01.00) malam, sebab pada dijam-jam malam itu, banyak betor yang bergabung untuk mainkan mesin slot.
Pada titik ini, kesempatan untuk mendapatkan jackpot yang sangat berharga setiap hari tepat untuk Anda, karena berapa persentase jackpot Anda jika TNJ terus meningkat hingga 20%?
Saya jamin bahwa semakin sering Anda memainkan mesin slot, semakin besar tingkat kemenangan Anda di mesin slot itu.
Saya harap semua trik curang yang saya berikan di atas tidak akan digunakan secara berlebihan karena mekanisme akan mengetahui bahwa Anda curang dan akan memblokir akun Anda. Datang saja ke sini tatap muka. Semoga trik di atas bisa membawa keberuntungan untuk Anda.
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theallegedbird · 5 months
i’m so sick of people saying shit like “oh but gaza is homophobic” or “well if you went there they’d kill you” to justify a literal genocide
the west, usa and uk especially loves to weaponise queer rights in order to portray middle eastern and/or islamic countries as "savage"
israel does the same, they've literally been trying to brand themselves as desirable to the west by doing events such as pride festivals and whatnot, but it's all bullshit and part of their propaganda to appeal to the west so people ignore what they're doing (research “brand israel” it’s fucking insane)
example: this bloody tweet
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slaughtering people supposedly in the name of queer rights is fucking disgusting and even then it is not at all what israel is doing. they're committing an ethnic cleansing and no funnily enough it's not because they love the gays
not to mention the absolute hypocrisy in the fact the usa and uk are absolute shit when it comes to queer rights and just keep getting fucking worse, it's all just a blatant excuse to justify israel's genocide of palestinians
no one can possibly try to say "oh but they're homophobic" while they're burying queer palestinians under rubble. even if that was true does that seriously fucking justify way over 25,000 murders, over 10,000 being children
fun fact! dead people can't have rights.
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gingerthesnap · 5 months
the fucking isolation sally jackson must've felt when she was trying to pry her demigod child who physically cannot drown from the edge of a pool bc he's afraid to learn to swim. it is such a comedically stupid situation but she cant complain about it to a single mortal soul.
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not-another-robin · 1 year
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I had a vision
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bang-bang-gang · 1 year
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here's a very condensed and short guide on how to watch professional wrestling for newbies and how to pirate it! works for AEW, WWE, NJPW and most other promotions! personal recommendations:
to follow a guy (gn): BETTER THAN YOU - Complete CM Punk vs MJF Feud on youtube (47:21 mins)
to follow a company: AEW's most recent episode at time of you reading this (1 hour for Rampage, 2 hours for Dynamite)
big events: NJPW's wrestle kingdom 2023 day 1 (6 hours+) (as of writing, the links on this page work) OR AEW Revolution 2023 (4 hours)
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hunnyy-bunnyyy · 1 month
The way a lot of people in this fandom romanticize and sexualize Feyre getting -- very publicly -- drugged and SA'd by Rhysand under the mountain is disgusting.
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pro-royalty · 8 months
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PinkPantheress for i-D Magazine
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remindertoclick · 12 days
Reminder to Click for Palestine today!
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silvers-starrway · 2 months
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Whats that? More MDAU you say? Well alright then have a colored Sonic and S :]
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✨️ couples th1n$p0 ✨️
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these honest to god have me in a chokehold omfg
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bbluxart · 6 months
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Well i didn't make it in time for his bday but i can offer you this wip instead.
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