#id be embarrassed if i went in and they said it was normal
horseonthemoon · 2 years
my incision site is irritated and i am dizzy 💜
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immortalratking · 3 months
had a dream I tried to fuck a friend
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widevibratobitch · 11 months
well shit. infodumped too close to the sun o7
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starry-hughes · 4 months
blurring the lines
matt rempe x reader
summary: after meeting matt in a bar and hooking up, the one night stand turns into something much more.
warnings: heavy allusions to sex, underage drinking, drinking, hangover, slight angst (it lasts like two seconds), mentions throwing up once, matt is a cocky bitch for a little, creepy guy mention
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The vodka redbull in your hand wasn’t strong enough. Maybe it was because the bartender secretly knew your ID was fake. Or maybe it was your friend, Wendy, hanging off the neck of a random guy in the bar like always. You were always happy to support her in the search of a nightly hook up but sometimes you wish you were her, the one chosen by the guys in the bar.
“You look like you’re having fun.”
Matt Rempe filled the space next to you at the bar. He wasn’t twenty one yet but his status in New York City with the Rangers was all he needed for the bartender to hand him a beer. “Tons of fun,” you mumbled taking another sip of your drink.
“I’m Matt.”
You almost scoffed. You were a longtime resident of NYC. You knew who he was the second you saw him and his fading black eye. “Matt Rempe. Yeah, I know. 6’7 right?” Your roommates loved the Rangers games so you had been subjected to watch the whole season. Matt smirked. “Usually the height alone gets people flaunting.”
An audible scoff left your mouth that time. “Oh am I not living up to what your ego needs?” Matt’s jaw locked. He was falling for you more each second. “Lovely meeting you Matt,” you finished your drink, “have a good night.”
The guy Wendy was hanging off of followed the two of you to the next bar. Typically, that meant the guy would go home with her. Another drink in and the buzz was good enough for you, you tried staying pretty sober when Wendy was drinking and flirting with unfamiliar guys. “I’m going to the bathroom,” you told her. She nodded before going back to kissing her new companion.
The line for the bathroom was long. The typical line of drunk girls, vape smoke filling the air, guys trying to shoot their shots when girls were just trying to pee. When you finally got out of the line, your hands felt sticky from the cheap soap and you went to make your way back to the bar.
It was crowded. You were bumping into multiple bodies, fighting your way up to the bar. You lost sight of Wendy, probably still in the darkened corner of the bar with the guy she was dragging along. “You here alone?” The guy’s voice made the hair on your neck stand. Slurring his words and trying to reach out to get a hand on you. “You better back off,” you started, getting defensive, ready to throw a punch. “Calm down Rocky,” a voice mumbled from behind you, Matt Rempe’s tall body was soon separating you and the random dude. “You should leave her alone dude,” Matt said over his shoulder to the guy.
“Are you following me?” you accused. “We’re both at the most crowded bar on this street, I was not following you. Are you okay?” Matt asked. Your eyes softened for a second. “Oh, yeah, nothing out of the normal I guess.” He frowned. “I hate that for you.” Matt was growing on you by the second.
You hated admitting that you didn’t want the night to end. “I don’t need you to protect me anymore,” you teased Matt. He leaned on the bar, looking at you, face inches away, “Then tell me to walk away.” Your eyes flickered down to his lips.
It felt exciting but scary as you dragged Matt behind you by the hand. Once you found Wendy, you quickly told her you were leaving for the night and wanted to make sure she got home. The Uber ride was weird, Wendy and the guy she was bringing home making out while Matt and you softly bumped knees the whole drive.
“Sorry it’s a mess,” he was a little red in the face from embarrassment. It was typical for him, it wasn’t even that messy. “It’s okay,” you swallowed. The nerves were setting in. “We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to,” he stuttered. “Shut up and kiss me Matt.”
You were shivering. You didn’t know if it was from the fact that Matt kept his room freezing cold or because he just had you shaking beneath him. The sound of his headboard hitting the wall was still echoing in your ears. “Do you want to take a shower?” Matt asked, kissing your bare shoulder. “I don’t have any clothes.” “Just borrow mine?”
The shower was hot and warm. Matt had given you a pair of boxers for a shirt and a sweater. You were drowning in his clothes. “Hope the boxers are okay,” he said nervously after you exited the bathroom. The sweater he gave you was pretty big on you, the boxers had to be rolled up a couple of times. He was wearing sweats that hung off his hips a little. “It’s good.” “I can sleep on the couch if you want me to,” he said. “No, I’m okay with sharing the bed.” Within minutes, the two of you were knocked out and asleep.
In the morning, you forgot where you were for a second. Your eyes fluttering open. This definitely was not your bedroom. Then you saw Matt and the memories came flooding back. His alarm was going off. He woke up, scrambling for his phone. “Sorry,” he mumbled into his pillow, “got practice in two hours.”
Silently, you got dressed in the clothes from the night before. Matt watched from his pillow as you got dressed, he just wanted to remember every curve of your body. “Hey Matt,” you cleared your throat, “this is really out of the ordinary for me. I don’t normally just have one night stands.” His face showed relief. “I don’t either. To be honest, this was my first one.” The two of you laughed at the situation. “I would love to see you again. Don’t be a stranger,” he kissed you softly as he walked you to the door and placed you into an uber. Your phone felt a little heavier with his number in it.
The one night stand turned into multiple nights. Most of them ending in the two of you talking and getting to know each other as Matt performed after care. It was weird, but a good weird. Friends with benefits. “Why don’t we ever go to your place?” Matt hummed. “My roommates.”
The next night you brought Matt to your place. Your roommates had told you they’d be gone for the night. You didn’t bother holding back noises and Matt didn’t either. By the morning, your roommates were awake and leaned over cups of coffee in the kitchen, all tired from hearing the noises from your room for hours after they arrived home. “Bye Matt,” you squeaked as you walked him to the door and he awkwardly avoided eye contact with your roommates. “I’m sorry. Was that Matt Rempe?” The jaw of your roommate fell open.
The friends with benefits relationship took a turn when Matt invited you over for dinner. “I don’t really know how to cook?” he admitted. “You invited me for dinner and don’t know how to cook?” “I didn’t think I’d get this far!” His laugh filled the kitchen and your heart skipped a beat. His head leaned down, “I think I really like you.” His lips met yours and you didn’t hesitate to kiss back.
It was a routine. Waking up in bed with Matt, his alarm going off for practice, having what you were 99.9% sure were dates. When he was traveling, you would use your spare key to his place to water his plants. Plus the sex was good. “I need a date,” you caught his lips with yours. He hummed, “I’m going to Toronto in a couple of days.” You already knew that. You had memorized his schedule. “My friend is having a dinner party tonight.”
“I have a game,” he whined. “I would love to come but I can’t.” You frowned. You knew he had a game but for some reason, you were hopeful he would still be able to make it. It was almost like this was the moment of clarity. Matt wasn’t your boyfriend. This wasn’t a real relationship. There weren’t labels on this. You two weren’t exclusive. He had no reason or obligation to show up to your events just because you asked. “I should get going,” you swallowed hard. His blanket was wrapped around your body as you sat up. “(Y/N). Don’t be like that.”
“I have to go Matt.” You gathered your clothes from the night before, getting dressed as Matt searched for his own sweatpants. “Let me walk you down.” You shook your head. “I think I want to walk out alone.”
It was a slap in the face. Realizing that you and Matt weren’t really together. This started as a hook up. You were attached now. You fell in love with waking up next to him, smiling at the tv when your roommates forced you to watch his games, having half dates which were mainly eating dinner before he took you to bed.
The Rangers game drowned on in the background of the dinner party. It wasn’t a formal dinner party, more of a potluck with cheap food and booze. “Thought you were bringing someone,” your friend slid in beside you as you made yourself another drink. “Yeah,” you swallowed, eyes falling on the tv, “he’s busy tonight.” The Rangers lost.
Matt was pissed by the end of the night. His texts weren’t being responded to. You weren’t answering. By the time the game ended and he was out of Madison Square Garden, your heavy hand had poured way too much into each of your drinks. It was crowded in your apartment. The food was picked over and theoretically the party should have been winding down but it wasn’t. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, Matt was calling. “I should take this,” you hiccuped, accidentally standing too fast and toppling over the Drunk Jenga your friends were playing.
“Hello?” Your words were slurring together. “Are you drunk?” Matt immediately questioned. Another hiccup. “Why do you care if I am? You’re not my boyfriend.”
The words stung him. He really did like you. He wanted to be your boyfriend. It was just that every time he wanted to ask you, he chickened out. “Are you at your apartment?” he inquired. “Yeah.” Your voice was annoyed, he was pissing you off. Matt’s long legs helped with the power walk to your apartment. He snuck into the building behind some people who were leaving. He knew his way around.
The apartment door was unlocked but he didn’t want to just walk in. Knocking, he prayed someone would hear him. “Hello,” your roommate sang as she opened the door. “Oh,” she was taken aback. “Um, (Y/N)!” she shouted. Within seconds, a commotion was heard, laughter as you stumbled to the door. Your mouth ran dry. “Matt.”
“Can we talk?” his voice boomed in your ears. He didn’t wait for a response, he pulled you along to your bedroom, ignoring the looks from your roommates and friends watching. “Why are you here?” He sat you on the bed, looking for your typical water bottle you kept in there. “I like you. A lot. You got really cold this morning. I know I’m not your boyfriend but I really want to be. But you’re drunk right now and it’s not right for me to ask you now.”
You stared at him in disbelief. “You like me?” He sighed and nodded, “I like you. A lot.”
When the sun poured into the bedroom, you were in your bed, in pajamas now, head pounding and feeling the urge to throw up. Matt was next to you. He felt miles away though. He was still asleep when you stumbled out of bed and went to throw up from the amount of alcohol you had consumed.
You were surprised you even remembered Matt’s confession. But you remembered how much you begged him to stay last night. When you returned to your room, he was awake. “Matt?” your voice was soft. “I like you too. A lot.”
“Kinda gathered that from the way you begged me to stay last night.” Your face heated up. “C’mere.” You embarrassingly made your way to your own bed quickly, sitting there. Matt dragged you into his arms and lap. “Tell me you like me again,” he asked.
“I like you,” you repeated. He kissed you, “I like you too.”
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laiahernandeeezzz · 22 days
[Part 1]
Pairing: Yelena Belova x fem!reader
Words: 2.1K
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It was late at night when Y/n got up and headed to the kitchen, thirsty for a glass of water. In the silence of the house, any sound coming from outside could be heard, and normally the house was completely silent, but that night soft whimpers were disturbing the midnight peace. 
Y/n knew about the sisters’ nightmares, more than once, she had been woken up by screams or heavy footsteps in the early hours of the morning. She went first to Natasha’s, placing her ear next to the door, nothing coming from the inside of the room, so she headed to Yelena’s.
Soft whimpers were coming from the Russian’s room, and Y/n rushed inside, worried about her friend if she was having a nightmare. As soon as she entered the bedroom though, she regretted it. Yelena wasn’t having a nightmare, she was having a good time, if you could say so. Y/n stood frozen at the door, as the blonde was confused by the sound of the door opening, soon the emotion changed to being utterly embarrassed. 
“What are you doing?” She whispered-shouted, covering her body with the bedsheets, a crimson colour tainting her cheeks. 
“I… I don’t know! I heard whimpering, and I was worried you were having a nightmare” Y/n answered back, also deeply flustered.
“Well I’m not! I’m fine, you can leave now” With rushed and uncontrolled movements, Y/n left her bedroom, she closed the door behind her. That night her dreams were plagued with hot and steamy visions of her blonde roommate. 
The next morning was as uncomfortable as the one, when the shower accident happened. Both girls were heavily avoiding each other, much to Natasha’s amusement. “Can you explain to me what is going on, again?” 
“Nothing happened” Y/n fought her brain, trying to not let any memory or image place in her mind. She failed miserably, her cheeks returning to the common colour they had those last weeks. 
“Y/n just doesn’t know how to knock on a door, that’s all” In contrary to Y/n’s shame, Yelena decided that it was a good idea to make her want to be 20 metres underground. 
“I see, well in that case, you could lock the door if you are dealing with your dirty thoughts sestra” Y/n gave a high five to the red head, while Yelena glared at them. 
Y/n was watching a movie, when someone called her. She checked her phone, Yelena’s ID appearing on the screen. The blonde girl and her sister left a few hours ago to go out with some of their friends.
“Y/n… We need, look at that cat!... Hi, Y/n” To say Y/n was confused was an understatement. Yelena was clearly drunk, her sentences not making any sense. 
“Yelena? Are you alright? Is Natasha with you?”
“Natasha… She is sitting on the stairs of the club, but she is more drunk than I am, because I am not drunk… Anyway, could you come pick us up? I wasn’t supposed to drink, because I drove, but I did, and now I can’t drive… Hehe, no, that wouldn’t be smart.”
“Yelena, Yelena, hey, stop” Y/n was panicking to say the least. She didn’t know where the sisters were exactly, and that did not help. “You did good by not taking the car… Send me your location, I’ll be there asap”
After Yelena agreed with some drunk muttering, and she received the location, she ran to the car, and drove at the limits of what was safe. Fifteen minutes later, she had parked the car, and got to where both women were. 
She let out a relieved breath, locking eyes with her blonde crush. Yelena’s eyes lighted up when she saw Y/n, throwing herself onto her. “Y/n! Hi! What are you doing here?”
“You… You called me, remember? About twenty minutes ago?” The blonde girl mumbled something in return, but Y/n decided to ignore it, and took Yelena to the car. "You wait here, I’ll go pick up Natasha, and we’ll go home".
The younger sister was right when she said that the red head was more hammered than her. Natasha was spread out on the stairs of the club, looking strangely comfortable sleeping there. She picked her up, and threw one of Nat’s arms around to her shoulders and practically dragged her to the car. Once they got home, Y/n helped the sisters to put their pyjamas on, and placed a glass of water and some pills and let them rest. 
The next morning, Y/n was making herself breakfast, when she heard footsteps. From the corridor, a destroyed Yelena appeared, greeting Y/n with her raspy voice. “Good morning… Fuck, they say Russians can handle alcohol, but I think I might die from this hangover. My head is going to explode”
Y/n didn’t know why, but she found herself being angry at Yelena. “Well, that wouldn’t have happened, if you actually had been responsible”
“Excuse me?” The blonde, who was on her way to take a cup, stopped in her tracks to look at Y/n. 
“You heard me… You knew you had to drive, why the fuck did you drink?” Y/n knew deep down she was being, perhaps, irrational, anyone could have a slip like that, but something about being specifically Yelena, made her angry, 
“Whoa, I don’t know where this is coming from, but let’s calm down a bit”
“Don’t tell me to calm down. You had me worrying sick! Can you imagine if you hadn’t called me?” So that was it. Y/n realised, or accepted to herself, that the thought of something happening to Yelena made her worry at crazy levels.
“Except I did call you! Don’t need to be this dramatic!” Yelena truly couldn’t understand where this was coming from. Yes, she had had a slip, and knew she hadn’t been responsible, but, even that, Y/n was being unreasonable.
“Really? Dramatic? Sorry for caring and worrying about your wellbeing! Don’t worry, though, I won’t care any more, no need to call your dramatic roommate if you have a problem”
“Y/n… I did not mean…” The blonde suddenly felt bad for shouting at her friend. Thinking to herself, she would have reacted similarly if it had been the other way around, but the fight had already blown up a bit too much for such a small situation. 
“Forget it… I just made me breakfast, you’ll need to cook yours, don’t call me if you burn something”.
Yelena watched as Y/n headed back to her room. Whispering Y/n’s name, she sighted and ran her hands through her face, guilty taking place in her gut. 
A scream woke Y/n up. Her phone clock marked 3 am. She jumped from her bed, and quickly went to check on her roommates. Natasha was still asleep, you would think that her being a spy would mean she was alert at all times, but not any more, apparently. Y/n then went to check on Yelena. However, having learned her lesson, she knocked and waited for some type of invite to enter. 
The door opened, a sleepy Yelena on the other side. Her hair was completely messy, strands of it flying out what was supposed to be a bun. She was wearing a shirt three sizes bigger than her. What Y/n noticed, however, were her puffy eyes, green resulting against the reddish eyes from crying. She took Yelena by the hand, and brought her back to her bed, so they were sitting down facing each other.  
“I dreamt you left for good after our fight… I’m really sorry for the other day” Y/n didn’t have to ask what had happened to her. Yelena directly telling her, her voice quiet and her head low. They hadn’t been on speaking terms since a week ago, they talked but the strictly necessary and with a weird tension between them. 
“Yelena… Have you had more nightmares like this since then?” She felt guilty, she knew she had been a bit stubborn and that she probably should’ve apologised before, but she was also a bit too proud. 
“A few… Please, tell me you won’t leave me” Y/n’s heart clenched at how little Yelena sounded or looked. She saw how the blonde played with her fingers, so she reached and held one of them, while she used the other one to take Yelena’s chin to make their eyes meet. 
In the darkness of the room, only lit by a lamp on the side table of the bed, Y/n realised how much she liked the girl in front of her, and she almost confidently could say that Yelena looked at her the same way around. So there, in the quiet of the room, she took a deep breath and braved up.
“I promise you… Yelena, I, I won’t leave you because I like you, really, really like you. I think I have since you stepped into this flat”
“You do?” Yelena couldn’t help the smile that formed on her lips, hope illuminating those green and gorgeous eyes. 
“How could I not? You are funny, kind, you care… And maybe the fact that you are also gorgeous and hot, helps a bit”
“I really like you too… I’m not sure how to deal with these feelings though, I have never had the opportunity to feel like this” Yelena’s eyes travelled around the other girl’s face, taking in every single detail of it. She only stopped to stare at Y/n’s lips, the tension building up.
“Then let me show you” Y/n, then, moved both of her hands to cup Yelena’s face, and stroked her thumbs on her cheeks, feeling her smooth skin under. She then approached her, pressing their lips together. They both sighted at the feeling, both their lips moulded perfectly against each other. It was a soft and simple kiss. Once breath was needed, they separated, keeping their foreheads connected.  
“Y/n… Can we not tell Nat yet?” 
“I’m pretty sure she’ll notice, but yeah, whatever you want”
“Can you stay?”
After confessing their feelings for each other, it seemed like Natasha didn’t want to leave the flat at all, so when the red head finally went out on a Saturday, the girlfriends took the opportunity to have a bit of fun. 
They enjoyed themselves the whole afternoon, they had sushi for dinner on the sofa while watching a movie, or at least trying to. As soon as the food was finished, they were once again on top of each other. 
Y/n was having too much fun kissing Yelena’s neck, while running her hands under her t-shirt, the blonde moaning when her hands found their way up to her boobs, that they didn’t hear nor notice when Natasha came in through the door. 
“Oh. My. God!” The girls stopped at the sight of the red head covering her eyes. They sat up and separated themselves, tried to make their hair look composed, and straightened her clothes. 
“Are you visible now?” Yelena muttered a shy “yes”, while trying to calm her heart down. “So, I might need some explaining here”
“I don’t think it’s needed, we were doing friendly activities or at least trying to, but you interrupted us” Yelena hit Y/n on the arm, while scolding her with her eyes. 
“Nat, I’m sorry I… We didn’t tell you before, but I just wanted to be sure, not that I’m not sure about our relationship, I just don’t know” Yelena tried to explain it, taking Y/n's hand to find some support. Natasha approached and kneeled in front of her sister.
“I’m a bit disappointed for you not telling me, but I knew this was going to happen the second I saw Y/n drooling over you when you arrived”
“Hey! I wasn’t drooling” Y/n scoffed, falsely offended at the attack, but smiling knowing that the red head wasn’t mad at them. 
“You were a bit shocked though, detka”
“That might be true… You’re just so hot, what can I do?” Y/n whispered, as she leaned to kiss Yelena, not caring about Natasha at this point. 
“Mmm… you too”
“Ugh, this is how it will be from now on? Get a room, you two!” Natasha rushed away, grossness written on her face.
“Excuse us, you were the one supposed to be out until tomorrow”
“I’ll stay here, you can do whatever you want in your room… I’ll get earplugs”
The girlfriend stood up from the couch, Yelena kissed her sister on the cheek, and ran back to Y/n, who picked her up, and took them to her room. Once inside, Y/n threw Yelena on the bed and straddled her.
“Now, where were we?”
(thank you for the patience, I was really block)
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can you do an Aaron hotchner x teen!daughter reader where the reader is about 16 or so and she gets her period at school and has nothing and she’s anxious to call Aaron (this is a few years after Hayley’s death so reader has no mom) but being the great dad he is he helps her out and pampers her for the rest of the day.
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Aaron Hotchner x Teen Daughter Reader
can you do an Aaron hotchner x teen!daughter reader where the reader is about 14 or so and she gets her period at school and has nothing and she’s anxious to call Aaron (this is a few years after Hayley’s death so reader has no mom) but being the great dad he is he helps her out and pampers her for the rest of the day.
Third person pov...
It was just like any other day at school for 14-year-old Y/N Hotchner. She sat in her math class, trying her best to pay attention to the lesson, but her mind kept wandering off.
She couldn't shake off the sudden discomfort she was feeling in her lower abdomen. It was a new feeling for her and she was starting to feel anxious.
Then she rememberd this morning, Y/N Hotchner woke up feeling shitty, the 14 year old jsut wanted to lay in bed all day and not move, but eventually her Dad forced her to go to school.
The teenager knew exactly what was going on - she was getting her period. She had been dreading this day for a while now, knowing that she would have to face it alone without her mother.
It had been a few years since her mother, Hayley, had passed away, and Y/N still missed her terribly. She wished her mother was here to guide her through this new experience.
As the class finally ended, Y/N made a quick escape to the bathroom, hoping to find some relief. She rummaged through her backpack, hoping to find a pad or tampon.
But to her horror, she realized she had nothing. No pads, no tampons, not even a spare piece of paper.
Panic set in as Y/N mind raced with thoughts of how she was going to make it through the rest of the day.
She couldn't focus on her classes, and she was afraid to ask a teacher or a friend for help. She felt completely alone and helpless.
She couldn't believe she had forgotten to pack them in her bag. She didn't know who to turn to. She couldn't call her father, Aaron, at work and she didn't have any close friends at school.
Feeling embarrassed and alone, Y/N decided to call her father anyway. She took a deep breath and dialed his number. As the phone rang, her heart raced, and she prayed that he would answer.
"Hey, N/N" Aaron's voice came through, the young girl forced herself not to cry as she spoke, she knew he could sense the concern in his tone.
"Dad, it's me" the H/C teen said, trying to keep her voice steady.
"Is everything okay?" Aaron asked, sensing the worry in his daughter's voice.
It was just a normal morning once his children left home he was at work, The team was busy working on their latest case and wrting uo whay happend
Aaron was absorbed in reviewing the evidence, when his phone suddenly rang. He glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was his daughter.
Who he had complete custody of after his wife her mother, Haley, had passed away a few years ago.
Aaron's heart skipped a beat, as he immediately answered the call, worried that something had happened to his daughter.
'Hey, sweetheart, is everything alright?' he asked, his voice filled with concern.
'Dad, I- I have a problem,' his daughter, who was now 14, said nervously.
Aaron's mind immediately went into overdrive, thinking of the worst possible scenarios. 'What is it? Are you hurt? Do I need to come pick you up?'
'I got my period at school, and I don't have anything with me. Can you please pick me up" his daughter explained, her voice shaking with embarrassment.
Aaron was momentarily taken aback by his daughter's confession. He had never expected to be having this conversation with her at such a young age, but he knew he had to be there for her.
"Okay swetie, dont worry im on my way, see you soon" He quickly reassured her and told her that he would be there to pick her up from school.
Aaron let out a sigh of relief, knowing that it was just a natural and normal part of growing up.
'Thank you, Dad,' his daughter said, the relief evident in her voice.
Aaron quickly wrapped things up at work and rushed to his daughter's school.
When he arrived at the school, his daughter was waiting for him at the entrance. She was relieved to see her father's familiar face, and she could feel the tension dissipating.
As soon as she saw him walking into the school, Y/N couldn't hold back her tears. She ran into his arms, feeling safe and loved. Aaron held her close, soothing her with his familiar embrace.
"Dad, I'm so sorry. I didn't know who else to turn to" Y/N apologized as they walked to the car.
"Don't apologize, sweetheart. I am always here for you, no matter what" Aaron said, placing a comforting arm around his daughter.
As they drove back home, Aaron could sense how uncomfortable Y/N was feeling.
He tried to lighten the mood by joking about awkward first period stories from his own teenage years, thought Y/N still felt awkward.
Once they got home Aaron handed his daughter a plastic bag filled with products for her, Thanking him she ran upstairs to change and finally be comfortable.
When she came back down she found her dad sitting in the sofa. "Thanks dad" she tells the man crawling into the sofa next to him.
Aaron smiles at his daughter and hugs her tightly. "It was no problem Sweetie ill always be there if you need me" he tells the teen making her smile.
The awkwardness of the situation finally over. Aaron made his daughter a cup of hot chocolate and let her relax in the living room. He could see how tired and drained she was from the day's events, and he wanted to make sure she felt pampered and taken care of.
He brought her a warm blanket and put on her favorite movie, letting her lay on the couch and rest. Throughout the day, he made sure to check on her and bring her anything she needed. He even surprised her with her favorite takeout for dinner, knowing that she probably didn't feel like cooking.
Despite the embarrassment and discomfort, Aaron's daughter felt grateful for her dad's presence and care. She knew that she could count on him no matter what, and that made all the difference in the world.
As she lay in bed that night, she smiled to herself, feeling lucky to have a dad who not only supported her but also knew exactly how to take care of her. From that day on, she knew that she could always count on him, no matter what life threw her way.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot! 4th one today wow I'm on a roll, sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count: 1200
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damnedbeauty77 · 5 months
leon kennedy x fem!reader
cw: smut, p in v, reader a little traumatised, vanilla and protected, swearing. idk how to do this
summary: reader meets leon, her possible future boss, in a bar with jill and chris.
notes: this is my first time writing smut, did proofread and edit before publishing, if u have any ideas for improvement just dm me x
words: 2.1k
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i sit at the bar, leaning over to ask the bartender for a pink gin. what can i say, it looks pretty. my friend went home with some girl already, leaving me with myself at 10.30 at night.
it's fine. it's whatever. i could meet someone. i could have fun.
"hi there."
a guys takes the stool next to me.
i smile. he's cute. he has light, silver-y hair, parted to the side in a messy style. very much, my type.
"hi there." i respond lightly. i might be little drunk.
"i'm leon. what's your name?" he asks, putting an elbow on the bar to tap his fingers on his wood. i have to stop myself from giggling.
"y/n... are you going to buy me a drink?" i twirl my my hair lazily and leon almost copies my movements, brushing his hair back with his left hand. i wonder if he has a bald spot.
"of course. what are you having?"
"well, i'm actually looking to try something new. ive been drinking gin since i was 16. what would you recommend?"
"well, for a pretty girl like you, id have to say a cocktail. vodka, maybe... sex on the beach?"
"you work in the bsaa? i literally applied there yesterday!" i laugh. "yeah, well, kind of. i work with them in the dso."
my mouth drops a little in shock. "no way, you're leon kennedy? one of the—"
"founders, yes." leon sighs, laughing. "i really didn't expect all of this to come up when i decided to come talk to you."
i stop and blink a little. i forgot what he was really here for, at least for a moment. "well, shit. sorry. i mean like.. we can still go somewhere, if you want." his eyes widen a little. "no, no i'm sorry. i like talking to you. i was going to ask for your number- my friends are still here." he signals to a table in the corner of the bar. a man and a woman laugh together as they drink.
i smile. "oh, i've been keeping you from them."
"not at all, they told me to talk to you - encouraged me."
"well i hope you don't have a bet going, because i was starting to like you."
leon laughs. "really?"
"don't be smug. do you still want my number?" it feels so normal. "yes."
i wrote it out on a napkin and gave it to him.
"can i meet your friends? that guy is pretty hot." i tease him, making him bit his lower lip. a tinge of jealously emanates off of him. "i thought the girl would be more your type." he replies. i nod. "she is."
i follow leon to the table. he introduces me.
"this is y/n." he says to them. "hi. it's nice to meet you." i reply. "that's chris redfield, and that's jill valentine."
"hi." the girl says to me. oh my god, she is actually really gorgeous. "sit with us." she says, opening the seat next to her as leon takes a seat next to chris. i look at chris. he makes eye contact for a second, then looks away as he drinks his beer.
"i love your jacket." i tell jill. she's wearing black leather, i'm assuming faux based on her haircut.
"thank you, i got it from a thrift store, i think..." she replies. knew it. "i love your top. it's really sexy." she says. i look down. i'm wearing a black mesh top with a black bra underneath. "oh shit. i really forget whenever i wear this shirt.. then wonder why everyone is staring at my tits." i take a drink. i notice jill looking at my tits for a second before clearing her throat. "totally. i see the appeal." she says. then she puts a hand to her head in embarrassment. i laugh. "you're very brave."
"chris, y/n said she was applying to the bsaa." leon changes the subject, turning to me. "he works there right now."
i straighten up my posture, "oh well, i hope you forget everything i do tonight and put in a good word for me."
chris nods. "I'll ask about you." he replies. i feel a bit shouldered. is he emotionally unavailable? is that why i'm so attracted to him?
"what do you do, now?" jill asks me. "i was in the airforce, for just about 4 years." i say. "i've been kind of working a bunch of different jobs, i was in the nypd, until last month."
"airforce. you hear that chris?" jill laughs a little, looking at me. "i was in the airforce as well, when i was younger." chris elaborates. "what base were you?"
"active duty. but honestly, they kind of kept me behind the scenes. i can fly a jet, but i guess i'm just better on a computer."
"see, us girls gotta stay together." jill pushes my shoulder. jesus christ, how many drinks has she had?
"yeah, of course. girl." i smile. "what do you guys do?" leon spluffs. "oh, you know. just bsaa stuff. bioterrorism, security..." he trails off. "what are the two a's again?" he asks chris. he laughs a bit, letting out a little sigh.
by around 12am, i start to feel exhausted. we've been talking and drinking for hours, and i just want to... i don't know. go home? but i want to stay with them at the same time...
i check my watch. "it's getting pretty late. i think i might go home." i look at chris for a reaction. he does give me a look of respect, i know when to stop.
"no way, you've drank way too much. i'll call you a cab." leon protests.
"no, no, i only live like a mile from here."
"then i'll walk you home." he insists. i smile. "really? you'd do that?" jill and chris talk in the background. leon smiles in return. "yeah. of course."
i nod.
he walks me out the bar, at one point placing a hand on the small of my waist at one point, making me let go of consciousness.
"you know, i'm staying just down that way." he points with two fingers to a lane next to us. "if you want, you can stay at my place for the night."
my face totally flushes. "um, i wouldn't mind that." not the first time ive fucked someone i met the first night after meeting them. leon's nice though. i think he would call me.
"okay.. good." he says. he turns to me for moment, looking into my eyes. then, kisses me softly. i feel blood rush to my brain in satisfaction and arousal.
"thanks for coming to talk to me tonight. i probably would have left if you didn't." i tell him, putting my arms around his neck as he lets go of my ass... when did he managed to slip his hands there??
he leads me down the streets, his hand around my waist as he flirts shamelessly. then as he's about to open the door to go inside, he stops and looks at me.
"this isn't.. going too fast, or anything, right?"
"i'm fine with it as long as you are. we don't have to do anything you don't want to."
"no, no- i want to. i want to." he almost whines. his tone makes me smile. "good." i repeat him, kissing him again as he fumbles to get the door open.
he tastes like liquor.
i clear my throat, leaning into him. "can i go freshen up?"
he stammers a bit, face red. "yeah, the bathroom is down the hall to the left." he says. i nod, kissing him again before going. i wash under my eyes a bit for makeup, do my business, wash my hands again, then go back out.
leon is on the couch, tv on. he's put on closer. one of my favourites that i mentioned in the bar!
"oh my god, this movie is so sexy." i say, sitting down next to him. "well, i wanted to see what the fuss was about." he says, leaning back and taking a smoke.
"natalie portman, is the fuss." i say, placing my head next to his shoulder on the couch. "wow. you're right. they are all hot." leon laughs a bit, putting a rough hand on my thigh. he draws circles with his thumb over my skin. i look up at him, biting my lip.
i start unbuckling his jeans quickly, kissing him again, this time it looks sloppier, messier. "fuck, y/n." he groans as i palm him through his black calvin kleins. "these are hot.." i comment. "did you know you'd come home with someone to fuck tonight?" i ask innocently. he denies it. "wanted you as soon as i saw you."
i take off the mesh top jill complimented earlier. leon runs his hands all over my hips, waist and plays with the straps on my bra. i take off his shirt before he can do anything with my bra, then strip down my skirt as he pulls down his trousers. he lies sideways on the couch as i crawl over him, kissing his neck, trying to find the spot that makes him moan the most. "do you.. do you have a condom?" leon breathes out.
"yeah, hold on." i say, turning to the side of the couch with my bag leaning on it, opening it rapidly to take out the condom.
i rip it apart, seeing as he's already hard, i put it over his dick without even thinking. it's pretty big. like 7 inches at least. leon fingers me from underneath me, pushing my thong to the side. i moan and kiss his chest, licking a strip from above his dick to before the little line of blond hair at his bellybutton. he loves that, gripping my hair and pulling it up a little. "should i give you head or something, before?" he asks quietly. i shake my head. "i'll be fine. thank you, though." i smile through kisses down his chest, his fingers brushing over my clit. i line myself up as leon takes out his fingers, sinking down on him as i grab onto him shoulders. he sits up a bit, taking my waist with two hands to guide me back and forth on his dick. i roll my hips, kissing him roughly as i run my hands through his hair, combing it through my fingers. his neighbours had to have been hearing us.
leon rubs my clit with one finger as i start lifting myself up and down on him, legs wrapped around him at this point for the best angle. "please, please say my name." he asks quietly. i smile. "what? i can't hear you, baby." i tease him, kissing his ear. he leans his neck back, kissing my lips. "say my name, y/n." he asks again, a bit more commanding this time. and perfectly, he hits my g-spot with a thrust. "leon.. ughh, leon." i moan softly, and he replies by digging his nails into my back. "can i go on top.." he asks a little shy. i nod, letting him push me into my back, landing my head flawlessly onto a loose pillow. he pushes into me again, going significantly faster as he holds up the back of my knees beside his hips.
i see his eyes close for moment, and i feel his dick twitch a little in me. is he about to cum? i can barely read his face.
"fuck, you feel so fucking good." he says. i lean my head back a little, encouraging him to drive as far into me as possible. "oh my god, leon.." i groan, grabbing onto the sofa, scratching the fabric. i moan loud as i cum.
leon quickly follows with a low guttural groan to pair with his stalled thrusts.
i give him a kiss as he pulls out, almost immediately passing out on the couch. he throws the condom in a trash can, collapsing next to me, still naked.
"that was good. you're really good at that." leon says, wiping his forehead a little. i smile, thanking him. "it wasn't your first time, right?" i joke. he laughs, shrugging. "first time having sex with someone i met the same night. also, first time having sex pretty drunk." he confesses, making me laugh a bit. "my apologies if i have trouble remembering this. if i get the job, i mean."
"fuck, i totally forget that you might be working for me in a week... don't mention it to HR, right?" he slides on his boxers again. "so, you're my dirty secret now?" i ask. "if it helps to think of that way, then absolutely." he puts his shirt back on. "you want something else to wear? can't imagine that's comfortable." he points to my tight lace bra and panties.
"if you got a big shirt, i'll take it. want to finish the movie?"
"sure, but you'll have to catch me up." leon smiles coyly.
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reysdriver · 1 year
Driver's License | Keys
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You decide to tease your friend after seeing his real name on his ID — coworker!keys x reader fluff
warnings: alcohol consumption since the oneshot takes place at a bar
words: 0.8k
a/n: this is my first keys fic and I know this is niche as hell but i've been obsessed with him lately so expect more lol
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The bar was one of the more popular ones—which means there’s sometimes a line outside in the cold—but it was the one you always went to because it was walking distance from work. You, Keys, and Mouser stood in line shivering and wondering what was taking so damn long. 
“Should we just go somewhere else?” You asked the guys. 
“No, it’s fine.” Keys answered. “We’re almost at the front anyways.”
Mouser looked like he was about to say otherwise, but then dropped his protests. “Keys, can you like, stand on your toes and see what’s going on?”
He obliged and stood up as tall as he could, looking for the front of the line. After a few seconds of the most perfect posture you’d ever seen on your friend, he slumped back down to his normal height. 
“It’s not the regular bouncer. This one’s checking, like, everyone’s IDs for five minutes each.” Keys explained, pulling out his wallet already.
You held back a laugh at the obvious hyperbole and thanked him for the update on what was taking this line so long to move. 
Keys was right; you were actually close to the front of the line. It was still unbearably cold and it wasn’t even winter yet. Keys saw your discomfort and wrapped an arm around you. Maybe that was more than a coworker slash friend should do, but hey, you work at a video game company: nothing was really like other workplaces. 
Once you were finally at the doors, the new bouncer asked for IDs from all three of you—which you thought was ridiculous because none of you looked like you were minors—and thoroughly scanned each one of them. 
Yours was first, and maybe the quickest. Mouser showed his ID next, and then it was Keys’ turn. The worker looked at his driver’s license for longer than he had yours and Mouser’s, then passed it back to Keys with the card in between his index and middle finger. 
Keys seemed to be in a rush to put it back into his wallet, and when you caught a glimpse of it as he shut the leather flaps, you understood why. 
Your friend had never told you his real name before. Come to think of it, you weren’t sure he’s told anyone. What was perhaps his biggest secret was now in your hands, and there were infinite possibilities on what to do with it. 
You kept quiet while the group picked a booth to sit at, then went up to order a round of kamikaze shots to start the night off with a bang. After you’d all taken one shot together, Mouser went off to use the washroom, leaving just you and Keys together. 
Impatient as always, you had decided now was the time to do something with your newly acquired information. Biting back a smile, you tried to act as inconspicuous as possible. 
“You know what?” You started. “I know we still have a round of shots, but I’m gonna head up to the bar and get something with as many maraschino cherries as they’ll let me have. Do you want anything?”
He shook his head, smiling at your drink request. “No, I’m alright. I’ll stay here.”
You stood up, bringing a dollar bill from your purse to tip the bartender. “Okay, I’ll be back, Walter.”
He didn’t even notice your use of his name at first. But when your words played back over in his head—as most things you say to him do—his eyes widened and he shot up from the seat. 
“How did you— I don’t tell people my real name.” Keys said softly but urgently. 
You smiled at him. “I know. I saw it on your driver’s license outside. I just wanted to tease you a bit since I’m now one of the only people in the world who knows it.”
“You are.” He confirmed. “Just, please don’t use it at work or anything. I just think it’s embarrassing.”
“More embarrassing than ‘Keys’?” You giggled. You started walking towards the bar, and he followed closely behind. “You don’t need to worry, though. I like being the keeper of your secret.”
Relief washed over his face. “Thank you.”
You waved over one of your favourite bartenders, then brought your attention back to Keys. “Just for the record, I actually like your real name. It’s like a cute old man you live next to and bring in the newspaper for.” 
He bit the inside of his cheek and stood up from the barstool. “You know, just for that, I do want a drink. You’re buying it for me.”
You rubbed his upper arm to confirm there was nothing bad between you. “I’ll surprise you, Walt.” You told him as he walked back to your booth. 
Unsurprisingly, you were met with his turned back and a middle finger flipped at you. 
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sunshineluverr · 2 years
• Touch Starved • Hk •
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Pairing : Huening Kai x reader
Words : 2.5k
Genre : highschool au, fluff
Warnings : kissing, angst if you squint
Synopsis : your adoring relationship with Huening Kai lacks a very important factor.
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The main thing that anyone would expect with a romantic relationship, is the closeness. Not of just of the hearts but the bodies too, close proximity, warm touches and comfortable embrace with the person you love so much.
But it was odd why that wasn't the case with you and your boyfriend.
You look up at your bedroom ceiling, snuggling a Molang plushie, the plushie that was a gift by the person you wanted to hold so bad instead of it. But it does the job for now.
You get up, sighing to look at the shoujo manga that was flipped over. You took a pause from your night reading time, getting caught up in your own thoughts.
"Gosh why am I reading this when I have a boyfriend of my own!" You screamed in frustration tossing the poor book on the carpetted floor. You blush, embarrassed at your own little tantrum and burry your face into the soft white plush.
You look up in determination, deciding to end your lonely suffering, you grab your phone which was sitting on the bedside table.
And immediately you went to call the specific contact ID of..
"Hyuka♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⊂)"
A few seconds of ringing later, he picks up. You gasp, slightly surprised because it wasn't really the best timing for a phonecall.
It's a mere normal response, but his voice making you already feel giddy by just that. JUST THAT!
"Hey Kai... you're not asleep yet?"
"Hmm I was going to, but you called so.... Did you need anything?"
"No I don't need anything I just..." Your heart races and you bit your lip, unable to confess how much you missed him, to the point you were driving insane.
"Hey? You there?"
"Yes! Actually...I do need something"
"Oh? What is it?"
He was silent for a full 30 seconds or so, you could only hear his breathing, making you lose patience.
"Well, I miss you too" and he chuckled, making your cheeks heat up, and a smile pulled at your lips.
"You do? Really?"
"Yeah of course... I'm always thinking about you"
"Gosh you...so you don't mind if we talk for a while?"
"Not at all! I would really love to"
"Alright then...huening, can you move to the window?"
"Okay" you hear rustling and you also, get up on your knees and lean towards your bedside window, resting your elbows on the window sill.
"The stars are so pretty during this time of the year" you smile wider, looking up at the magnificent distribution of glittery dots across the dark night sky.
"I see it, it is indeed very beautiful" he said as he does the same in his own room, staring up at the starry sky. you hum to him in response.
"Not as beautiful as you though.." he suddenly said, making you blink twice, face immediately flushing with heat.
"I- wha- me- uh- um- but- huh?!" You could only blabber as a complete natural response.
He laughs "Aw, I wish I could see the look on your face right now! I bet it's super pink and adorable"
You take in deep breaths, trying to compose yourself from all his sweet compliments that let your mind run haywire.
"Hueningie...I want to see your face too..."
"Oh? Should we switch to video call?"
"Ah...no no, we'll see each other tomorrow at school anyways. Meaning we should probably sleep now." You reject the tempting offer.
"Alright then, good night, my uh honey?" He said, feeling a bit shy about using that nickname. 
"Bye, Sweet dreams honey.." you use the same to show that you liked it. After that it was a whole minute of silence because the both of you hesitated to hang up.
You flop on your bed, now screaming into your pillow, kicking your feet on the mattress out of frustration.
Frustration of how loving Huening kai would be the death of you.
The next morning was all normal, you got ready for school and everything was going fine until, it was even better when you saw your boyfriend, of course heading in the same direction as you.
"Hyuka! Good morning!" You wave to him cheerily and he reciprocates the same energy.
"Good morning! Shall we walk to school together?"
You laugh "Is that even a question?"
You both walk side by side with your shoulders occasionly bumping into each other. It was peaceful, rather it should be, but you could not get one thought out of your mind.
"Why doesn't he just hold my hand?! We're dating for god's sake!"
Although you were also very much responsible for the absolute lack of skinship in your two week relationship with Huening Kai as much as he is, but shouldn't the guy in the relationship be all bold and cool and lift his girl off of the ground in a swift move, making her flustered?!
And just by that idea you were already flustered. You get so shy and panicky, which was to you, reason enough to not make a move on Huening kai.
Your gushing thoughts were interrupted by feeling a light brush of Hueningkai's fingers on yours. Your heart immediately jumping out at the slightest bit of contact. You turn your head to look at him.
He had his lips pursed and eyes fully concentrated down on the spot where both of your hands hung next to each other as you walk.
Your eyes lit up, realising that Kai had the same thought as you! This gave you the much needed boldness and encouragement to grasp his awaiting hand and intertwine your fingers with his, holding it tightly.
Kai stiffened for only a second, surprised at your action but also delighted which immediately brings a smile to his blushing face.
You're overjoyed at the feeling too. His hand is much bigger and warmer than yours which made it so comfortable to hold it. You never ever wanted to let go of this new and wonderful feeling.
But eventually when you reached the school entrance and stopped by the lockers, you had to. Very unfortunately.
The school day went on, average and boring as usual. Fourth period was a free one. Which gave your classmates some ideas.
Everyone gathered around one desk to play Spin the Bottle. Now generally you aren't the most participative in such type of games or activities but since you were bored and didn't want to feel left out, you joined the circle. Your friends and Huening kai were playing anyways too so you thought, why not?
The game began, loud and full of energy, making you laugh a couple of times at your classmates' antics. Countless of teasing and noises on every round.
Shy teens made cheek kisses, and bold ones full on started to make out, leaving the crowd well impressed.
As the game went on, and on about the 6th round, you felt anxiety course through your spine when you noticed the one end of the bottle, pointing to you. Nervously you lift your eyes to look at the other end, the other person the bottle stopped on.
You felt relief wash over you, when you realise it stopped on Huening Kai. He's your boyfriend so it should be easy to kiss him.
You looked at his face, expression is so shocked you're starting to feel offended. His eyes are practically popping out of his skull. You watch his reaction as he swallows down a lump in his throat, cheeks turning pink.
"Oooohh! The class couple! Put on a show!"
"Booo! That's too easy! Re-spin! re-spin!"
"Aw shiiippp!"
"Make out! make out!"
Your yelling classmates started to deafen on your ear because all you could focus on Hueningkai. You're going crazy to know, what's going behind that confused pretty head of his?
"Come here Kai. Give me a kiss" You say rather boldly and cheers and whoops burst between the crowd.
Everyone reacted in a positive way at your proposition, of course everyone except Hueningkai.
He looked away, averting his gaze. "I can't..." He mumbled.
And all you could react to that was a scoff to hide the fact that you were on the verge of bursting out in tears.
Still, you couldn't take it anymore so you rushed out the classroom, leaving behind more dissapointed noises and a "wait!" from a very sad and guilty boyfriend.
You run, unsure of where to go, you run out the school,  finally making a stop to catch your breath in front of some of the cherry blossom trees that surrounded the building.
You can hear loud footsteps approach you. You make an obvious assumption as to who they might belong to, so you refuse to turn around. And prepare to make a run for it, again.
But he won't let you get away, so he grabs your wrist and pulls you around by your shoulder to forcibly turn you around to face him.
You only realise you're crying when Huening Kai brings a finger to your face, to brush off a teardrop from your cheek. You look up at him, as he's breathless but his eyes show determination and yet they're scared too.
You blink away more tears, pushing his hand off you.
"I'm so sorry. Listen to me, I can explain-"
"What's there to explain Kai? Actually I really don't get it. What did you want when you confessed your feelings for me? What do you expect in a relationship? That we just send hearts at the end of every text message and that's it? Because that is not what I want. I want to touch you Huening Kai. I want to hold hands all the time, I want to hug, I want to cuddle, I want to kiss you all over your face and especially on your lips. Because I'm so attracted to you! But are you even attracted to me?! I don't understand it at all Kai! I just want to be able to touch the boy I love if I want to! But if that's not something you want then- hmmpf-!"
Your endless rambling was interrupted by a soft pair of lips crashing into yours. Your eyes widen so big, and your heart beat rapidly increasing.
It lasted only for a moment, before he pulled away with the slightest smirk pulling at his lips.
"I... what?" You were dazed, unable to compute what just happened.
"I'm sorry. I really am, but it isn't true what you're thinking of me. I love you so much and I'm so attracted to you, to the point that I don't think I'll be able to control myself whenever I'm around you. You're so cute, I just want to squeeze the life out of you. But I tried my best to always resist such feelings because I was nervous, I was stupidly scared that you didn't actually like me, that you just accepted my feelings out of pity and that's why I didn't dare do anything because I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable ever. But that's not true at all and instead I ended up hurting you even more, I'm really sorry for that. Back there in the classroom, I'm sorry for rejecting you I would never reject the girl I love so much. it was only because, I didn't want our first kiss to be part of a silly game, I want it to be special because that's what you deserve. I don't know how you'll forgive me for my dumb mistakes but I want you to know how much I deeply love and treasure you and I really do find you the most beautiful person alive."
He responded to your ramble, with a ramble of his own. But his words were so genuine and so real, you felt butterflies fluttering in your belly and your heart ached as you felt your love for him grow stronger in this moment itself. His reasoning made sense, almost making you feel embarrassed for having such conflicting feelings when you should be happy for being so lucky to find a boyfriend like Huening Kai.
"Kai... you're so- ugh! I'm sorry I just-" He immediately hugs you, taking all of your body in his arms and burrying your face in his chest. You sigh into that warm feeling you've desired so much.
"Don't you dare apologise! Please just let me know if everything is okay now right? that you believe me?"
You look up at him with a smile "Yes, it's okay, never been better, I believe you Kai and I love you"
His smile was so wide he was practically beaming. "Then I hope it's okay...if I do this.." Huening kai took your chin in his fingers, slightly tilting his head and leaning down to meet your lips again.
You sigh into the kiss, at the wonderful contact, this time the kiss being slow and deep, lips brushing against each other perfectly and you felt sparks fly. His lips were so soft and sweet, it was almost unreal. Your bodies pull in closer to one another, his hand firmly at your waist and your hand moving up slowly to tangle your fingers in his soft hair.
You pulled apart for merely a second, feeling so giddy so you placed more kisses leaving smacking sounds on his lips and the entirety of his face. His lips and cheeks were unbelievably red and so were yours.
Your heart was so full, you ended up giggling because of all the overwhelming emotions bubbling up inside of you.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that!"
"Me too" He said and placed another peck at your lips.
Suddenly loud claps and hooting sounds could be heard from a distance. The two of you pull apart from each other, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you both turn around together to look up at the source of the sound.
And it was your entire class watching and applauding from the first floor of your classroom window. Everyone was crowding, sticking their heads out to apparently watch the very intimate scene between you and your boyfriend that was very entertaining to them, judging from their wide grins and cheers that you can spot from the given distance.
Huening and you just look at each other, bursting out in laughter at the funny situation. It was a little embarrassing but it couldn't beat your happiness of the moment.
After that incident you did not know what you had in store for the Kai Kamal Huening boyfriend experience.
Aka, clingiest boyfriend in the whole world.
Huening kai does not just hold your hand when you walk together, no. He's joint to you by the hip wrapping you around in his arm everytime you walk next to him.
He's constantly surprising you with back hugs or by covering your eyes from behind, to the point it's not even a surprise anymore but you will never question it because of how much you enjoy it.
If none of your parents are home, he'll immediately pop up at your house and vice versa which was one of your favourite times together. You'd make plans to study or play games together but all that is thrown out the window once you're in his arms, resulting in fluffy cuddles on the bed or couch.
Kisses are endless, the two you would make any and every excuse to kiss each other, whether it be on the hand, cheeks, forehead and lips. But you still get super flustered when he sometimes places them on your neck.
Even your mostly supportive classmates were now fed up with the over-bearing amount of PDA. They gave you two the title of "cheesier than cheese itself"
But you couldn't be happier to have and love this wonderful, soft, clingy and cuddly boyfriend of yours!
A/n : Thank you so much for reading so far! I hope you enjoyed this short fic! I'm fairly new at this so comments, critisism and feedback are highly appreciated! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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badgrrlscoven · 1 year
hi!!! i was wondering if you could do a emira x short reader! (for specifics uhhh id like reader to be im bard track so yea!!) type of fic can be whatever works best!!! thanks a lot!!!
Little Secrets - emira blight x reader
summary: you and emira have been friends for a while, but when feelings get in the way how will you both take it?
word count: 1909
warning(s): slight blood mentioning, small wound, witch duel, some sadness and tears but all quickly gets resolved! nothing too heinous
a/n: your wish is my command anon!
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Today was going to be the day. You were going to tell Emira everything that went on inside your head anytime she was around or the way she made butterflies come alive inside of your stomach with just her words. You kept reassuring yourself that everything was going to be okay, everything would work out this time. Because you had been boosting your confidence for weeks but every time you tried to make plans with Emira she always either canceled last minute or said she was busy doing Titan only knows.
You were worried she may have been distancing yourself and the confidence you had been building would be for nothing because what’s the point in telling a witch you love her if she doesn’t even love you back?
Sighing, you stepped into Hexside. The red illuminating you being in the bard track, which you have been quite proud of actually. You had always worked very hard for what you wanted and now because you had worked, you were at the top of your class and won almost every witch’s duel you’d been challenged to.
Walking down the halls, you watched as Emira was standing next to her locker with a somewhat distressed Edric. You walked over to them, but the closer you got the slower your feet seemed to move because being near the mischievous had your heart in a completely melted puddle. Luckily for you though, Emira noticed you walking towards her and smiled upon seeing you. She motioned you over and that was what quickened your step. The encouragement that she still wanted you around.
The minute you got close enough for Emira to put her arms around you, she did. She leaned her elbows on your shoulders and did what she did every morning.
“Mornin’ shortstack,” she giggled and winked at you. Your cheeks reddened at the nickname because it didn’t matter how many times Emira had called you that, you still reacted the same. You eventually asked about what happened with Edric and Em looked at you before bursting out laughing.
“He sent a love poem to their mom!” You looked at the disgruntled boy and covered your mouth with your hands to silence the laughter emitting from your mouth. You rubbed his shoulder in silent comfort and he smiled at you before deflating against his locker once more.
“Don’t worry Ed, I’m sure the love note was worth it and it was amazing. Maybe next time just read who you’re sending it to,” You whispered. The boy sighed but eventually got up from the ground and bounded off to who knows where: a look of plastered determination on his face. Oh no.
“I’m sure he’ll be fine, but you and I should get heading to our respective classes, bean.” Emira took your hand in hers and trailed down the halls with you dragging behind her. You gulped down any form of embarrassment in your throat and just stared at her holding your hand. Today seemed different like it would actually go your way for once. Emira seemed closer today, actually keeping up with her normal wants for physical touch and her teasing jokes you loved to listen to. She even seemed a bit reluctant to let you go to class, but eventually, she let go of your fingers and let you get to class on time so you could avoid going to the detention pit.
You took your normal seat at the front of the classroom and watched as the teacher started the lesson on different chords for string instruments, even how to utilize them more in battle. Eventually, you blanked out until the teacher assigned some partner work. You were now working with another bard student to perfect your bow strokes against the violin you used (yeah ik, raine whispers who?). The teacher was coming around all of the pairs as they had finally started to duel. She had complimented your technique and stance, but the moment of distraction had caused the student you were dueling to take their chance to get a strike on you. They blew into their recorder and a strike went against your cheek. You grimaced upon feeling the blood bloom on your cheek, but looked at the student, anger bubbling in you.
You played the strings on your violin, a light illuminating the whole room and causing objects in the room to flow with the music you were playing. A sudden note had the student who struck you lifted into the air and before they knew it they had landed on their own desk, groaning and mumbling to themselves about ‘choosing the wrong track’ and whatnot.
The day had been passing by slowly yet quickly, your excitement was getting the better of you and all you had been fantasizing about all day was what you were going to say to Emira when you saw her next.
“Hey, bean!” You looked up at the green haired who was leaning against your shoulder and peering down at you. A smirk was etched on her face from the way you jumped upon suddenly seeing her. But you snapped yourself out of it, this was the moment you needed to speak to her and you weren’t letting yourself take any more of the excuses. You needed to do this, for yourself and for her.
“Em, I really need to talk to you-” Before you could finish your sentence she was dragging you off once again.
“We need to go to the library and help Edric find a book so he can impress his date tonight!” Your heart ached the minute she said date because that was all you had wanted to do was ask her on a proper date. Not some hang-out where her mother interrupted or she had one of her siblings around or where you had too much homework to listen but something where you could just tell her how you felt and she would be listening all the way.
“But Em-” She turned around to face you.
“No, Y/n, this is really important and Edric is counting on us!” You stared at her, your eyes were wide with disbelief. All of the weeks of being told to wait and being told later and now being told that something was more important? She didn’t realize what she had said hurt you, yes, but it did and you wouldn’t deny yourself feeling the emotions. You let your hand fall out of hurts and looked at the ground.
“I’m sorry Em, but I don’t think I have time tonight to help you, good luck though,” You mumbled, your tone sullen and you walked away from a wide-eyed Emira.
Laying in your bed, you couldn’t help when you started to swipe at your cheeks. Scowling from time to time at the random pain from the open wound you were trying to tend to. But you wouldn’t stop crying long enough for you to get a proper band-aid on and it not fall. You sighed and eventually just gave up. Walking away from the healing kit your dad gave you, you opened your window and looked at the sun which was now setting.
Obviously, today had not been the day. And maybe it never would be. Maybe fate had other plans that did not entail Emira. The thought of Emira not being in your life though made tears prick the corner of your eyes. As much as you were hurt by it all, you still loved the girl and you knew you just needed some time to breathe and come back.
You heard a tapping on your window and upon opening it, saw Batticus with a note in his mouth. When you took the note from him, he flew off.
Library, URGENT!! -em
Sighing, you called over your staff and made your way to the library in Bonebourough. As much as you didn’t want to be here, you knew that when Emira needed you, you would always be there. Opening the large doors to the building, you noticed how devoid of light it all seemed to be. Maybe they were in here without permission?
Walking through the building in search of a light, you eventually tripped over something and landed face-first into the ground. Above you, you heard shuffling and drew your staff out into a defensive position. You never knew what kind of tricks the twins played sometimes, but you weren’t in the mood and you weren’t going to let yourself be caught in one of their traps.
The lights eventually turned on, and that was when you saw it all.
The flowers. The banners. Everyone working and mainly topping it all off, Emira in the middle of the flourish.
Emira stood in the middle of the book aisles, a banner hung over her with your favorite kind of flowers holding up the banner. Little illusions of lights swarmed around you and they brought you forward to where Emira was standing. She was all dressed up, her face looked nervous, and a bashful smile on her face.
“Emira…what is all of this?” Emira took in a deep breath and let it out before looking at you. She smiled gently at you before taking your hand in hers.
“Okay bean, I know this isn’t what you’re used to from me, but I just need to start this off by saying I’m sorry. I’ve been ditching you for weeks without any explanation and I didn’t realize how bad I was hurting you til now.” She squeezed your hand before continuing. “I’m not trying to give myself an excuse, but the reason I have been leaving you behind for so long is so I could get this all around.” Emira motioned around to all of the directions and that was when you finally noticed the words taking shape on the banner. The lights illuminating it from behind.
You were awestruckby it all. Never in your right mind would you have thought this was what she had been doing for weeks, and she had been doing it all for you. You looked back at her and noticed the worry etched in her eyes, but she continued to speak before you could get can answer out. You probably weren’t going to give a coherent one just yet, your insides were twisting and leaping for joy.
“I really like you bean, you’re always there for me when I need you. Your smarts outdo practically everyone’s in our year and everything you do somehow manages to make me feel queasy because of how much I like you. I know I’m not saying the most romantic things, I’m not exactly a poet but if I could write the world for you, I would.” You felt a sheen start to cover your eyes, but it never fell as a huge grin overtook your whole face. You grabbed Emira’s face in your own hands and placed a gentle kiss on her lips before taking your lips off of hers.
“Emira, I like you too. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you for weeks now,” You said in between small laughs. Emira’s red face turned into one of shock at your words.
“Of course I will go to Grom with you.” Emira’s smile grew bigger and she took your hands and pulled you forward so that your lips met hers once more.
Maybe your timing had finally been right.
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moon7jay · 7 months
Okay okay bdhsjdjjs i have some tea to spill
So there's this guy in my class(let's name him Luke) who sits like right in front of me during exams cause he's like roll no. 34 and I'm 35 and like we have a total of 4 exams in 12th grade. And like exam no. 1 was the first time I'd noticed him- only bc he was right in front of me(i normally didn't really pay attention to the people in my class like i had absolutely no idea who was who) and i saw his face and for a millisec I'm like OOO but then i went back to panic mode cause it was the ✨math✨exam. Sooo like all thru the course of the exam we helped each other out with the answers, and like the man used to go out of his way to show me hua answer sheet if i was ever stuck and he NEVER complained if i told him to yk shift his sheet a bit so i could see. I carried loose stationary to the exam Hall cause we were only allowed to bring transparent pencil cases or none at all and i was too lazy to buy a transparent pencil case. So bc of this my pens would often slip off the table and e used to always ALWAYS pick them up even if he knew i could bend down and pick them up myself😭 and like if i ever called out to the invigilator to ask for an extra writing sheet and they didn't hear me he would always save me the embarrassment and call out to the invigilator himself and be like "maam/sir she's calling out to you" And point towards me. IF THIS ISN'T GREEN FLAG BEHAVIOR WHAT IS. and during normal days of school I'd notice that he didn't talk to a lot of people like he was the quiet one in his group. This one day i sat beside him cause there were no other seats left and the guy infront of me kept bugging me and at some point he stole my necklace and pulled my shoe off my foot and Luke(beside me) told him to cut it out and took my shoe away from the bully and gave it back to me😭 and id notice him stealing glances and like shift his seat to get closer to where I'm sitting and all of this continued on. Soo i never had a CRUSH crush on him but it was something along the lines of "i like the way he talks to people and i wanna talk to him, get to know him because he's so nice it makes me dnjejske" Like let's be serious how many men like him are really left in this world soo one day before the start of exam no. 4(the last one) i sent him a message and mind you i only sent it because i knew i was never gonna see him again after the end of exam no. 4 cause we're in grade 12 . I wouldn't have sent it otherwise because as i said these aren't FEEELINGS i have for him it's just a tiny crush. Above all i wanted him to know that he's such a great person cause why not. This is how the message went-"So, i just wanted you to know that you're such a good person, and the way you talk to people is so...polite and it's very endearing to see that someone as respectful as you exists. I don't know you, i dont know anything about you, but strangely, i have come to kind of like you, just a little bit. Even though I'm not at all sure about my feelings, i chose to tell you about it because I'll never ever see you again now, and I just wanted to give myself the closure. Again, my feelings are not serious; it's something i can't explain, but i just like talking to you somehow, even though i haven't really talked to you before. Now i know you don't like me back, so I'm so sorry if this made you uncomfortable. If you want to be friends, I respect that, and if you don't want to talk to me, then so be it. Again, thank you for being such a good human being ^_^"
Aaaaaand he left it on seen. What happened after that was basically nuts. The very next day he pretended like i didn't exist. And the days after that he's been acting completely normal- asking me for help during the exam, picking up my pens, calling out to the invigilator yada yada and I also still notice him stealing glances at me every so often.
I have a theory tho- he has a friend who is friends with a friend group i used to be in. That friend group has shit talked me(complete lies about me) to my current friend group about me. So like Luke isn't friends with my past friend group but his friend is. Maybe they told him something about me that isn't true and he told that to Luke...? I HAVE NO IDEA
But like there's this very good friend of mine whos also an xy chromosome and he offered to talk to Luke because he's also an xy chromosome. I'll update you when he does talk to him THANKS FOR READINF THIS LMFAO LOVE YOU
That's a whole lot of tea omg hshsh but I loved reading it so much like that's a whole fanfic plot right there hello???
LUKE NEEDS TO GET HIS SHIT STRAIGHT BECAUSE WHAT, personally I liked him a lot until you described how he left you on read and basically ghosted you for a day like that's 🤨, he should be able to form his own opinions by getting to know you and not by listening to what others have to say about you. like your message was so cute and he had the audacity??(I'm sorry I just hate men like that in general, not just luke😞)
BUT, I'm praying for you babes, I'm hoping he realises you're a catch and somebody smacks him upside the head to bring him back to his senses fr fr. Keep me updated tho🤓
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c-c-v · 8 months
Here's that lil bit I said I write about last post, hope ye ninjago/ most time twin peeps are ready for the silly with yer once local hybrid bean >:3
Dis bit takes place during a younger Era, where Venobrai is much of a young hatchling, and Krux had a gorgeous head of black hair, mainly featuring as his fake ID; Dr. Sanders, Saunders.
It was any lil old day at the some what not to recent built museum of the early Ninjago, the kind Dr. Saunders explaining what was ever asked, and needed answered while touring, the young Venobrai as a backpack, included.
But the day took a lovely turn, for Saunders specifically as he was need in the back, as a lovely reoccurring, guest of a explorer and historian was waiting.
Misako had comed to pay a visit in need of some answers with a recently discovered piece. "Ah, Dr. Saunders it's good to see you again."
"Ah-ha! Misako, ah- a pleasure to see you again! But please, call me Sanders." Saunders greeted Misako with his usual bubbly smile, and even the slightest hue of red on his cheeks.
The young green and blue scaled serpent coiled and perched on his shoulders looked over to the new lady, Venobrai was new to this Misako.
"Mhn. I'll be sure to keep that in mind then, Sanders. But, who is this one now? A Serpentine here with you?" Misako more than took notice to the shy, or skiddish Venobrai.
"Ah... Believe me, it is rather a interesting, but heartwarming story, but long story short... You could say I have taken it upon myself to take this little one in. Venobrai here is especially unique from the current known Serpents, and she's quite a lively, and friendly girl." Dr. Saunders briefly explained as he glanced to the serpent who only smiled and nudged into his cheek like a cat.
"That is very heartwarming, and most interesting to here. Ah, but we can discuss more of that later, we're getting off topic. And, I would like to know if you may know of anything that may relate with this piece..." Misako started to go one, and Saunders was no doubt just listening away with a smile and eyes that nearly twinkled as he listened to her going on while pointing or bringing up any possible answers.
The young Venobrai has however tuned most of it out, as she mostly couldn't help but focuse on he father figure, and this new lady. She could sense Krux seemed to like this... Misako, lady, and she seeming fairly nice as well. They seemed to get along a good bit. As this only brought a little, seeing innocent question to Vena.
"Papa? Do you and Misss-ako like each other?" The sweet young bean asked almost too innocently, as both Saunders and Misako's faces went to a shade of red, and wide eyes. Saunders specifically as he seemed more taken back, while Misako was much calmer about it.
"Eh-haheh, n-no Vena dear, that's- No that is, absolutely not the case at my little noddle- Not at all." Saunders most awkwardly told the young Serpentine. But fortunately for the embarrassed director, Misako had all the answers that they could have on the piece.
"Ah-hehn... Well, I'll say this much, she is a cute one for a Serpent... I see you take care of her to a great degree Sanders, and I am happy we were able to discuss this piece. Now I feel closer to a bigger puzzle piece... You're more than happy to store or display the piece. I wish you, and you're... Little noodle well." Misako said as she took a few noted and nodded before departing with Saunders waving goodbye, the red just not fading.
By the time she was well gone, Krux covered his face most embarrassed. "Venobrai my dear, kindly make sure I don't hear those words when she is in the same room as I again..." Krux muttered with his normal tone.
"Okay... But... Do you really like her though?" The curious snake couldn't help but ask, only making the two life director, and Master of Time grumble and proceed to carry on for the rest of the day.
(There ye goeess not gonna bother putting a bar shouldn't be THAT long even with mah storytelling writing-)
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cubedmango · 7 months
hi!! i just wanted to let you know that i started reading cherry magic in july last year after seeing the anime announced on toyota-sensei's twitter! i couldn't even rlly translate the announcement myself without the help of google translate LMAO but her illustration of them looked so sweet i had to snoop around. more than half a year later. i am no longer normal and my brain is fully rotted over and i think of those two nearly every waking moment!! your art, along with so many others feeds me and your translations are So Appreciated thank you for doing gods work. i usually don't get super involved in fandom or w/e other than consuming fanart or fics so the fact i find myself actually drawing them is so new to me...idk cherry magic really is so refreshing and it's just nice as an adult to see a mature relationship between two working adults. there are callbacks to childhood or childlike behaviors or interests sprinkled throughout the manga's dialogue and i always appreciated how they weren't seen as embarrassing or immature to embrace or learn from as an adult, but encouraged or seen as a valuable part of balancing work, life, and love. idk it's def one of the more subtle and less expanded upon parts of it but i love how adachi's and kurosawa's love of manga, though seen as a children's activity (from how kurosawa thought people saw it) was actually one of their first mutual hobbies. it's also interesting to see how many things about kurosawa's psyche are remnants of ideas probably for a lack of better wording, were taught to him from an early age. his self-image, how he tries to uphold certain societal standards, etc etc. im glad he found refuge in adachi that way. im sorry for rambling for so long but i've just been thinking about these two so much ldks
anon pls u never have to apologize for rambling abt my fav guys of all time, u should actually talk w me about them more i want to hear ur thoughts !! the eng speaking fandom isnt that big (or at least i dont get to interact w a lot of ppl personally) but its fun making art and doing the translations for my blorbos so im happy other ppl enjoy it too 🥺
and yess everything u said abt the childlike/immature stuff krdc enjoy like the fact that their interest in manga and stuff is never made fun of or anything (which would be ironic anyway since theyre In a manga themselves fdkjskf) but actually one of the things that gets them closer is So good augh?? (also spoilers for the radio drama if u havent seen it yet, but to me one of the best changes they made was changing the port scenes setting to an anime con instead like Yeah!! theyre little nerd guys of course theyd attend a con!!!! that plus how they both like watching animated movies and playing games too like its a very specific thing to Me but that relatability w stuff i do myself makes them both feel a lot more human? if that makes sense)
also w kurosawas whole deal its Definitely a longterm thing hes had for a while, and in canon its mostly been his friendships/relationships that affected him (probs the most clear in ch45 my beloved) but from the way the meeting w his parents went theres for sure a lot of parental/family pressure involved too?? this is going into hc territory but i have like a whole Thing brewing in my head about kurosawas and maris relations w their parents and how that affected their self image and all growing up too and i rlly wanna make stuff for it someday (idk if anyone would be interested but id probably do it regardless so fkdjksjfk)
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sanderchu · 2 years
PLSSS DO A SAPNAP FLUFF ALPHABET ID DI!E (but like in a good way yk??)
Fluff alphabet
Sapnap edition!
Note: OK SO THE AMOUNT OF HCS I GOT OF THIS MAN AND HOW MANY TIMES I HELD BACK SO HERE I GO! Also I’m using a different fluff alphabet it deserves some love. I’ll probably merge both my fluff alphabets together at some point :)
A is for Affection (How do they like to show affection?)
He’s a very affectionate person but also nervous so you might have to make that first affectionate move
B is for Beauty (What do they admire about their s/o?
He loves those little detail like freckles, birthmarks, etc etc. he thinks the little things of you are the biggest most beautiful/handsome things about you
C is for Comfort (How do they comfort their s/o?)
He would definitely shower you in words of affirmation while hugging you. It can be anywhere and he will make it like you the only two in the world
D is for Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Dates are simple but cute. Mostly him showering you in gifts at the mall that you feel bad but hes always reassuring you that it’s fine and that if he didn’t want to do it he wouldn’t have but your worth every cent in his life
E is for Everything (They are my___?)
‘They are my world’ sapnap treats you like a god/goddess he thinks your stunning and can’t live without you. No matter how obvious it is he is there to be your worshiper
F is for Fiancé (How long into the relationship before they propose?)
2 years. I’m sorry but he’s a shy guy despite him acting so out there he would take that long because he wants it all to be perfect even down to the diamond
G is for Gentle (Are they gentle?)
Of course! He so slow with it making sure he fits your safe space and boundaries so he takes things slow from touching all the way to kissing
H is for Hand Holding (How do they like hand holding?)
The basic normal way because he likes to know your fingers are intertwined with his. Brings him some calmness
I is for I Love You (Who said “I love you” first?)
He would unexpectedly so not even he would expect it. You guys were at a fancy dinner for your first dating because he wanted to show a good impression and when he paid for you both it just came out.
J is Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
50/50 depends really on how comfortable(touchy, flirting, etc) the person is with you
K is for Kiss (What’s kissing them like?)
Think of a vanilla ice cream on a cold day. It’s smooth and gentle at all times and still sends shivers down your spine
L is for Love Language (What’s their love language?)
Words of affirmation. He thinks expressing through words helps make his point across
M is for Memories (Their favourite memory with their s/o?)
When you cheered for him at twitch con in the crowd at the gaming part(if non streamer)
When you both went against each other and having different teams at twitch (if streamer)
N is for Nicknames (Their favourite nicknames given and received?)
Babe, baby, basic names but loves when you call him sweetie or dear
O is for Orange (What colour reminds them of their s/o?)
The color yellow because yellow is vibrant and out standing and just a very happy out going color so he thinks of you
P is for PDA (Are they into PDA?)
He doesn’t mind. He encourages it especially in crowded places
Q is for Quirk (Do they have any cute quirks?)
He squishes your cheeks any time even if your across the room. He will physically come over and squish your cheeks then walk back or stay with you
R is for Romantic (How romantic are they?)
50/50 really depends on his date plans or how you are. He tries to fit his s/o’s personality the best he can
S is for Support (How do they support their s/o?)
Cheering and screaming. He is loud so will not be afraid to scream “THATS MY GIRL/BOY” he doesn’t get embarrassed but laughs if you do
T is for Talking (What do they like talking about?)
Gaming tbh that’s it.
U is for Unencumbered (What relaxes them?)
Hugs, it calms him like nothing else
V is for Vaunt (Do they like to show off?)
Oh yeah Especially when he’s gaming he just goes off script and does his best to show off
W is for Wild Card (A random fluff headcanon.)
He made a playlist of songs that remind him of you so he listens to it when your not around
X is for XOXO (Do they prefer to kiss or cuddle?)
Despite being a sucker for your lips. Cuddles because he’s a busy gaming man he always needs that long comfort after a heavy day
Y is for Yearning (How much do they miss their s/o when they’re gone?)
To much if that is even a thing. Always texting or calling whatever as long as he knows your ok he calms down a bit but still misses you more than anything
Z is for Zebra (What kind of pet would they want with their s/o?)
A puppy, like a dog that grows but just a bit. You both would combine the names you both think of and raise it like a baby
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elipheleh · 6 months
i watched mary & george today and was blown away by it. i don’t tend to go for historical/period dramas and i tend to struggle to concentrate solely on a tv show, but i spent probably 80% of the time not using my phone (because it was so captivating) which is ridiculous given my normal which is like 25% max not on my phone. it was really very good.
spoiler thoughts under the cut, still processing my emotions tbh but it got q long
i would have liked to see more of the relationship between george & the king, it was - by all accounts - a very close relationship & the show presented it less in depth. i was really hoping “christ had john and i have george” would make it in, as well as some of their letters, but i guess it was focused too much on mary & george to fill that in. the relationship also seemed… weird? why did the king bite him like that?? other than occasional moments it didn’t feel like i was maybe expecting it to. i wasn’t expecting blatant love and affection but i was expecting some. it seemed mostly focused on the arguments.
i was surprised they went with george physically killing the king - while it is speculated he poisoned him, it was done through medication rather than so abruptly/violently. it made him much more… villainous, i suppose, determined to do anything to protect his position including killing the one he claimed to love, but it just… i didn’t really like that.
i saw someone saying about how george’s death was rushed and inconsequential and just of no real value & that was demonstrating how little impact his death really had - they had to hold his funeral at night because people loathed him so - & thought that was really interesting.
when george slept with carr only to say he just wanted him to think of that as he died… chills. they were both using sex to get the other to do something for them, the parallel between characters is beautiful there
the king’s heart scene… that was really special.
i loved that they showed george as loving katherine. i don’t know if he did in real life, but it was really nice that they had such a bond in this. she was very pragmatic and i think they were a great pairing.
very sad about sandie’s death. i hadn’t connected that it was bacon who’d ordered it until he said and it was very frustrating. so much backstabbing.
the… decapitation scene had me hiding from the screen only to be fooled and i had started looking again & they showed the decapitated head arghhh. unhappy about that. the hangings were.. not great but slightly better.
wasn’t expecting the second scene to be someone hung from a tree either which was an incredible shock.
cringed a lot at the dancing lol. i was glad that the ‘may i perform for you’ was about the instrument and not a dance. much less embarrassing.
i felt really bad for charles with the spanish bit. that was really frustrating and annoying.
kit rescuing george was my favourite thing. gross way to do so but the ‘how is he going to get out of this’ to “oh kit!!” was wonderful. george’s “are you sure we weren’t followed” in hindsight being ‘did you see kit’ was so clever. i think id have to watch it again to catch more nuances like that.
mary telling the attendants to leave her attached to george a little longer was soooo telling of their attachment, on mary’s behalf anyway.
the scene where george decides to go and join the french pair was really well done, his hesitation and then return when he decided to give in was so good. the being torn between what is “right” and what he wants.
love that they went back to the guy who was saying george would never get w the king & that he saw he’d managed it. really nice link there.
lastly (because im gonna keep going indefinitely otherwise) i really liked the lighting. the night scenes were accurately lit - firelight and candlelight - but you could still see what you needed to see, and it wasn’t just dark and dreary.
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ipodtouchtouchtouch · 8 months
sleep paralysis and inviting negativity in
i experienced sleep paralysis for the first time. immediately after waking up from it i sent a voice message to my roommate and my girlfriend telling them what happened. i felt like id been attacked in the night, not like id woken up from a dream. dreaming is not so common for me since i smoke so much weed. but most of the dreams i do have are nightmares. i think those just stick out the most. a typical nightmare for me includes lots of teeth falling out anxiety. its stress in my life manifesting when ive not been addressing it properly in my waking life. theres honestly many things in my life i dont address properly. i should make a list of those things probably. but i will do that later. my sleep paralysis happened on a monday night. the week prior my roommate and i had an honestly traumatic experience together involving a show at our basement venue. it all centered around this lana del rave we hosted. but this subject i absolutely can not get in to. it did though bring a lot of negativity in to our lives. i honestly havent cried that much since deciding to drop out of college in january 2020. its almost certainly what brought on my sleep paralysis. or invited this demon in to my bedroom. or whatever it was. bad energy. my sleep started off all wrong. i fell asleep sitting up watching true detective season one sexy matthew ma con a hey idk how to spell it with my roommate. after that i decided it was time to put myself to bed. but i couldnt be bothered to wash my face or brush my teeth as these days ive been hopelessly depressed. went to bed in my dirty sheets with my dirty face and dirty teeth... in an effort to save myself from being a complete failure. i put on the crystal bowl sound bath chakra healing vibrations album on spotify and set it to repeat. i fell asleep to the crystal bowl vibrations really easily. at first i had normal type dreams. i was in my middle school cafeteria but for some reason it was a high school reunion. i was wearing a backpack and feeling embarrassed about it. my old classmates tried talking to me but i couldnt speak because i kept stress eating candy and then stress chewing on the wrappers and drooling everywhere. i think at one point i was trying to answer a facetime with my friend who lives in new york. then the scene changed. i walk in to a room that is bright and all white with a backdrop hanging, a camera, clothing racks. a man and a woman are standing in the middle of the room waiting to greet me. i looked right at them but i dont know what they look like. "congratulations" they said "you made the call back" i felt very sick suddenly. i told them that i didnt feel well and asked if they would pick my outfits for me. then i laid down under the clothing rack to rest. as they were pulling clothes out above me the man pulled a knit sweater off the rack. it honestly kind of looks like this sweater we sell at urban outfitters. as he pulled it out the yarn began to unravel. it tangled around my neck somehow and the more he pulled the tighter it got around my neck and it felt like a rug burn as it choked me. i tried to yell out "stop, stop, stop" over and over again but i couldnt really audibly yell. this happens to me a lot in my dreams. as im getting over the fear of being choked and start to realize that im dreaming i wake up. i open my eyes and im laying in my bed. but i am not actually awake. it is still a dream actually because i rolled over in bed to see that someone else was asleep on my right. i felt so scared honestly exactly how id feel if i experienced this in real life. i didnt remember falling asleep with anyone. did i black out drunk was a thought i had. i reached out to touch the person in my bed, they looked small i thought maybe it could be my friend em. when i touched their back this person or thing sat up abruptly and began to shriek. that is not em i knew immediately. it felt like it was screaming in fear like id startled it awake. as the high pitched shriek continued another figure that i had not noticed rose up from the end of my bed and began to shriek as well.
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