Sorry I Lost My Train Of Thought
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cutestbow · 3 months ago
I know thats right!!! ⭐️
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cutestbow · 3 months ago
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car@njd | 27.12.24
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cutestbow · 3 months ago
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Notes: I’m finally back (again) and writing for the au!!
: also very unedited!!!
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June 9th 2019
Penelope watched as the trees passed and the salty smell of the ocean instantly replaced the smell of sweaty boys.
The Hughes had invited her on their beach trip as a birthday gift, she obviously accepted. But now she was starting to regret accepting.
The reason being she could feel her ribs about to pop due to how tight they had been stuffed in the car. She had been on the verge of tears the whole ride, the only thing keeping her even close to sane being Jack’s stupid jokes here and there.
Luke had noticed Penny’s squirming and discomfort twenty minutes ago, since then he’s been trying to think of ways to help her.
Penelope looked over for a second watching Luke whisper something to Quinn. She watched as he moved over slightly and the sqeezing pain she felt before reduced just the slightest.
She sighed in relief at the sudden feeling, leaning her head back and closing her eyes.
“better?” Luke whispered in her ear.
She nodded whispering a soft “thank you”
Luke nodded going back to scroll on his phone before catching the bitchy grin from his brother sitting on the other side of Penelope.
“What?” He mouthed
Jack shook his head, still smirking. “Nothing”
Luke rolled his eyes at his brother antics, immediately going back to whatever he had been doing on his phone.
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The second they arrived at the beach Ellen had to verbally scold the boys before they left the car and ran anywhere that they had to help set up their spot on the beach.
It took them about 30 minutes to set up before the boys were moving slow, jim eventually gave up and told them to just go.
Since then Penelope had been walking around the board walk. She couldn’t find anything in the stores she liked specifically so she just decided to save her money for today.
She looked over the railing and out towards the beach, spotting a familiar curly headed boy swimming in the water alone.
She frowned to her self feeling bad for a moment, she thought for a moment before deciding to join him.
“I’m joining you, because you look sad” she rambled, shivering while entering the cold water.
“Sad?” He questioned raising his eyebrow as she swam to meet in front of him.
The water stopped just at his chest, that wasn’t the case for Penelope. The water stopping right at the base of her neck.
“Mhm” she replied, holding herself in her arms.
“Whys that?” He asked tilting his head
“I dunno” she shrugged smiling slightly.
“You’re shivering” he pointed out.
“I’m fine” she waved off, not wanting him to worry about her in the moment.
“You know what I heard” he spoke, his hands sliding to each side of her waist.
“What’s that?” She answered quietly, her heart rate increasing at the sudden touch.
“If you dunk someone who’s cold underwater it’ll make them warm” he grinned as her face dropped.
“Luke no” she panicked as his grip became tighter.
Luke laughed as she tried to swim away from his grip
“Luke stop” she laughed as he fully wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her out of the water.
“1..2..3!” He shouted before slamming them both underwater.
Penelope gasped once resurfacing, watching as Luke laughed when she splashed him with water.
The whole evening was spent with Luke and Penelope splashing and laughing in the water, both of them completely loosing track of time.
“There they are.” Quinn grumbled in an annoyed tone as luke made his way back to the truck with Penelope on his back.
Their laughter slowly died down as they noticed the annoyed and angry faces on the rest of the family.
“Where have you guys, been we’ve been looking for you two everywhere, Luke I called you ten times!” Ellen exclaimed.
“Oh, I didn’t have my phone on me” he replied as Penelope slid off his back, going to stand next to him like two toddlers who just got in trouble for making a mess.
“We probably lost track of time, we were in the water the whole day” Penelope spoke for the both of them, not wanting to throw Luke under the bus.
“Ya think?” Jack replied getting into the car after Quinn.
“Sorry Ellen we won’t do it again.” Penelope apologized.
Ellen sighed, “it’s fine get in the car” she replied in a forgiving tone.
Penelope looked over at Luke smiling at his playful grin before also getting into the car.
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cutestbow · 5 months ago
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Summary: y/n has to tell Jack the truth, (based off of the song futile devices)
Notes: I’m finally back!!, also very unedited so please excuse any mistakes!!
Warnings: self hatred, guilt, basically leading someone on. And that should be it if not let me know!!!
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It’s been a long long time since I’ve memorized your face.
Laughter echoed throughout the dimly lit apartment i had been in for the last 4 hours, i had told myself id go home twenty minutes ago but that never ends well when im with my friends
“So y/n? hows jack going?” my friend asked, the question gaining attention from the others as if they had been wondering also.
“Oh it’s going well, he’s a really good guy.” I shrugged smiling at the thought of the brown haired boy.
“Thats it? You’re not going to give us any special details about him?” She groaned to my vague response.
“Yeah, like he doesn’t have a beauty mark on his left cheek-“ another one had chimed in
“No, his upper right lip!” I blurted out embarrassingly fast.
All chatter had stopped in that moment, the only noise being the tv that had been faintly playing in the background.
My face burned red from my sudden comment, if my friend no cited she hadn’t said anything about, she just smirked and took a drink from the glass that had been sitting in front of her.
“Well at least Christian’s out of the picture.” She stated once more before diving into conversation with one of the girls sat at the table.
I nodded but it didn’t feel right almost as if it weren’t genuine.
It’s been four hours now since I’ve wandered through your place.
Jack had left his apartment hours ago but i still remained after hours of him begging i stay and just watch the game from his house, so that’s where i had been left at now
Walking through the halls of his somewhat clean apartment, for someone who lives by themselves he really did try to keep some type of theme going.
I laughed at a photo he had kept near his bed of him and his brother when they were younger, it was a photo of when they lived in Canada the setting being somewhere snowy and the three brothers looking confused and unready for the photo.
I sat the photo back down and looked over at the clock that had also been on the side of his bed, i sighed walking out of the room and back to the couch to watch the puck drop.
And when i sleep on your couch i feel very safe, and when you bring the blankets, I cover up my face.
It was normal for me and jack to have our annual movie nights on friday, and work had kicked my butt the following week and I hadn’t planned on going this Friday but i knew jack had been looking forwards to it stating that he found a new movie that we might like so I couldn’t decline.
We had been laying on the couch, my head on his shoulder and eyes slowing opening and closing once and a while, i quickly snapped out of that stare once the arms that had once been wrapped around me were gone.
“Where are you going?” I asked as jack got up from his spot on the couch.
He didnt reply and disappeared into his bedroom, i had went to get up before he reappeared again, this time with a large comforter.
I sighed with embarrassment and guilt, “Jack im fine.” I said
“No you’re not, you’ve had a busy week. If you were tired, you could have stayed home.” He responded, eyebrows furrowed in worry.
He layed me back into the couch carefully wrapping the comforter around my tired body.
The droopy state from before slowly coming back
I shouldn’t be doing this.
I shouldn’t be doing this.
I let out one last sigh before I closed my eyes.
And i would say i love you but saying it out loud is hard. So I won’t say it at all.
It had been a beautiful day, and usually on days like these Jack would tend to drag me out of my apartment to go on a picnic.
I carefully set a blanket down over the patch of grass we thought would be perfect spot to settle, I watched as he set the basket down and very carefully pulled each container of fruit and crackers out.
Jack had always been easy to talk too I never had to filter myself around him, but I didn’t deserve a person like him.
I watched him as layed propped up on one shoulder talking about anything and everything, slowly biting into my cherry. I paused for a moment before rubbing the bitten cherry against his cheek leaving a pink stain.
I laughed at his reaction going to wipe it away before quickly getting pulled down and the previous cherry being rubbed on my face now
I laughed attempting to push him away but it was no use he was stronger.
“Now we’re even.” He spoke, smiling down at me.
we stared at each other for moments, three words I died to say lingered at the tip of my tongue but I just couldn’t. I couldn’t do that to him.
And I won’t stay very long,
Tears rolled down my face as I found myself in-front of a door I’ve been faced with for months now, my heart banging against my chest.
I waited for a moment before the door swung open to a half awake Jack, his eyebrows furrowed in worry at my distressed state.
“y/n, what’s wrong?” He asked softly pulling me into his apartment, I pulled away slowly.
“I’m sorry jack” I cried lowering my head
“You’re so good to me, but I just can’t seem to-“ I sobbed uncontrollably, unsure if he could even understand me.
“I know.” He responded softly. My head shot up realization and guilt washing over me.
He knew the entire time, but why?, the question repeating over and over in my head.
“I’m so sorry jack” I cried, the sobs becoming more violent as he pulled me into an embrace.
“It’s not your fault,” he shook his head
“I just can’t see how I’m supposed to love if I can’t love myself.” I spoke once my cries softened.
“I want to love you,” I said pulling away, watching as tears threatened to spill from his eyes
“But I just can’t” I finished, attempting to wipe the spilling tears away.
He nodded in agreement giving me an understanding smile
“It’s ok” he reassured me as if I wasn’t breaking his heart.
“I understand if you’re mad or annoyed with me I don’t know why I’m like this” I spoke lowly, the lump in my throat making my words shaky.
Jack embraced me once more, this time hushing me
“If you knew why did you stay, why did waste your time if you knew you’d get hurt in the end.” i questioned
He sighed, “because the thought of not having you at all hurt to much.”
But you are the life I needed all along.
I smiled as me and a group of my friends stumbled into a bar we had been dying to go to for the past month.
the smell of alcohol and burnt out cigarettes washing over me in a second.
I watched as a few of the members separated going there own ways, leaving me a one ther girl.
We had decided to settle at the little bar ordering two beers for night.
I grabbed the cup swiftly taking a sip before setting it back down onto the table. I skimmed over the bar watching as people danced and played pool.
My heart immediately skipped a beat once I was met with a familiar pair of blue eyes that had been staring at me from across the bar.
I hadn’t seen or spoken to Jack in a year. Or really since that one night in his apartment. I would say we ended on good terms.
My face burned red as he waved at me with a soft smile.
I waved back, nervously smiling. I watched as he began to mouth something.
“You look beautiful.” he mouthed slowly
“I feel beautiful.” I excitedly mouthed back.
He laughed at my response from across the bar.
“Good.” he nodded.
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cutestbow · 5 months ago
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Crying rn 🥹
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cutestbow · 6 months ago
Hello… so I know we can all agree I’ve been gone for a while, and i apologize I’ve just been really stressed lately and I’ve been having a lot of work too do. But this month I will get back on track with my Luke and Penny au as well as publishing this Jack fic I’ve been working on for some time now. Thank you to everyone who’s been following the au and just being overall supportive💗💗💗💗
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cutestbow · 7 months ago
Penny definitely said happy birthday to Luke today
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cutestbow · 7 months ago
Hey… ok so I know I’ve been gone for quite a while. Well not necessarily I just haven’t posted a fic or a blurb for a while.
I’m am so happy to be back and writing and have a lot of blurbs and fics coming, especially my au.
I’m also making a Jack fic right now and I have been for a while now so it’s worth the wait!!!!
And lastly thank you for all of the likes and follows!!!
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cutestbow · 7 months ago
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notes: this blurb is apart of an au
:I’m so excited to start this au!!
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They both had been young when they met eachother, it was an early fall morning and Celeste was stuck at preschool, she ended up meeting a boy named Quinn and ever since they’ve been best friends.
May 9th 2005
“Quinny can you hand me those crayons” celeste asked the boy sitting across from her who had been doing the same thing she’d been doing for the past hour
“mhm” he responded grabbing the box and handing it to her
She smiled tapping on him to get his attention, “look Quinny” she said holding her picture up
“It’s you!” She smiled
Quinn laughed showing his teeth, Celeste examined it noticing he was missing a tooth
She gasped pointing to the blank spot where his tooth once was, “when did you loose the other one?” She frowned
Quinn closed his mouth quickly, “you weren’t supposed to see that, I’m sorry” Quinn spoke quietly
“It’s fine” she said grabbing another paper
“It’s not I know you wanted to loose ours at the same time” he said shaking his head
“it’s fine Quinny, that was silly anyway” she said waving him off
“let’s do something else?, i wanna play on the swings” she said getting up walking towards her back door where the playground was
“Ok” Quinn said following right behind her
That day they had played outside all day, Quinn remembered that day very vividly as the day he promised himself they’d be together forever.
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cutestbow · 7 months ago
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Do you guys wanna know what I think.
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cutestbow · 7 months ago
Johnny Gaudreau: A Tribute
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Johnny Gaudreau was born in Salem, New Jersey.
He was drafted 104th overall in the 4th round of the 2011 NHL Entry Draft. He played hockey for Boston College for 3 seasons, from 2011-2014. He won the National Chapionship title in 2011, and the Hobey Baker Memorial Award as college hockey's best player in 2014.
Johnny spent 9 seasons with the Calgary Flames and 2 with the Columbus Blue Jackets. During his first full season with Calgary, he was selected to go to the 2015 All Star Game and was a Calder Memorial Trophy, and won the Lady Byng Memorial Trophy as the NHL's most gentlemanly player in 2017. He was a 7-time NHL All Star through his career. Johnny was known as "Johnny Hockey" and had incredible skill and success on the ice, despite his size. He played for the Columbus Blue Jackets for the past two seasons and quickly became a favourite.
This is a tribute to our beloved player, may Johnny and Matthew forever rest in peace.
For Johnny...
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from me
I am forever going to be sad over losing Johnny, but I am also angry. Two amazing people would still be here if that driver simply decided not to get behind the wheel yesterday night. I wasn't a hockey fan when he was still playing for the Flames, but he was one of four players I knew. He always made me smile when he was shown on camera, and his memory will live on forever in Calgary. His positivity and kindness, his electric game. Johnny was so much more than a hockey player. He was a husband, a father. A son, a brother, a friend, a teammate. My heart and prayers go to his wife and children, parents, sisters, and family. And please, please, take time to grieve. Take time to remember Johnny and what he meant to you, and to the game. Rest in peace, Johnny Hockey, fly high.
I believe that it is a testament to a person's character that when tragedy strikes, there are hundreds or thousands of people mourning for them, regardless of whether they knew each other or not. That is what Johnny has done for the hockey community. His infections excitement and passion has moved people in ways he probably never imagined. We may never hear Johnny Hockey echo through an arena in celebration of a goal, but we will hear it in celebration of his life, of his game. We will keep his legacy alive. Forever.
Here's to #13
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from @chukys-mouthguard
Johnny was never mentioned on my blog prior to this news. And while I know I don’t need to explain or justify my sudden sadness, I’d just like to reiterate this point above. We don’t have to post about someone or obsess over them online to love them. Johnny was never a player I would’ve written fanfiction about or shared unhinged thoughts. I’d loved him and admired him from my time playing hockey, and he was unlike anyone else. I frequently explained that compared to all the other players I love or “obsess” over, Johnny is in a league of his own. The sheer love and admiration I had for what an amazing hockey player, but an even more amazing person he was is something I can’t put into words. Rarely do athletes or celebrities have an impact on me, but Johnny did. The idea that I won’t get to see him take the ice again in Nationwide Arena, I don’t get to hear commentators call him Johnny Hockey anymore, and most importantly the fact that this heartbreaking tragedy is undoubtedly sending shockwaves through a family that was looking forward to a weekend of celebration of love and togetherness at their sister’s wedding. It all hurts. And there are no words right now. I want to blink my eyes and have someone tell me I’m dreaming. My own mother called me on my way to work to tell me the news because she didn’t want me to find out through social media, that’s the impact this man had on me and I’m sure so many fans across the hockey community. My sister even reached out to make sure I was okay. So yeah, people can say “they are just an athlete” or “why are you so upset over someone you don’t know?” And I respect people having those opinions, but when players truly make a mark on the sport and the fans, it resonates with you. Because you feel like you know them, like they invite you into their world and give you a chance to look at them in new ways. My thoughts are with the entire hockey community that knew johnny, and most importantly his family as they endure this terrible loss of Johnny and Matthew 💔
johnny gaudreau has been my favorite nhl player since his college days, and I have no words right now. I have multiple jerseys of his, signed memorabilia, but I sadly never got to meet him and tell him how much i loved him as a person and a player. My love for him, if you know me offline, s was unmatched compared to any other player I obsess over online. This world is so cruel and I’m heartbroken. I’m so thankful to have seen him play on multiple occasions, but blue jackets games will not be the same without his #13 on the ice 💔😞
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from @wehaveagathering
When I first got into hockey I heard about a guy named "johnny hockey" and I thought that this was like, a legend — someone like Gretzky or Lemieux, who had been so good that he'd had the game incorporated into his name forever. Imagine my surprise when I learned that this dude was just Johnny Gaudreau, not just a legend but an active one too, one still playing. I thought that was really cool. I figured he must have done something really special to earn that nickname. Turns out it wasn't just what he did — it was who he was. Rest easy, Johnny Hockey. You built a legacy that will live for a long time.
from @traiteursroe
I want to take a moment to talk about Johnny and Matty Gaudreau today. Absolute icons. “Johnny Hockey” has been a name that has been recognizable in sport since 2014. He was a gentleman and a fast fucking skater. His brother Matty was smart and talented.
from @crow-the-unknown
just saw the news about johnny gaudreau and his brother's death and i'm honestly at a loss for words. my heart aches for his family and all the friends he's made throughout his career. i can't even put into words how horrible and devastating this is for everyone in the hockey community. sending my prayers their way. i'm fucking wrecked about this. if i could say more i would but. i don't even know. it doesn't even feel real.
from @callsign-denmark
Rest in Peace Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau. This was a horrible and tragic loss to the hockey community but more importantly a tragedy to your families. My prayers go out to them all. The hockey community has woken up today to the tragic knew of the passing of Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau who were killed last night while riding their bikes in their hometown by a drunk driver who was speeding while trying to pass other vehicles who were going slow to pass the brothers safely. Both brothers were hit from behind, and died due to their injuries. They were in their home town for their sister Katie's wedding which was set to take place today. Johnny and Matthew were not just hockey players, but brothers, sons, husbands, fathers, uncles and friends to many people who are now without their loved ones on a day that was supposed to be filled with joy and love. Please let all of us in the hockey community, as fans, to take a moment of silence no matter what team you cheer for, and send out a silent prayer to the family who will no longer get to hold Johnny and Matthew in their arms, who will no longer get to watch them grow old playing the game they loved, and to the children growing up without a father and uncle to guide them throughout life and love them. While we feel sorrow and sadness over this lose, it's nothing compared to their families who will have to live this life without them.
from @19mercer
all of the insta story posts from many hockey players, teams, and other sport leagues for johnny and matthew gaudreau make me cry. all of the support for their families is genuinely so sweet. i wish nothing but the best for their families during this hard time. i will forever be grateful that i was able to watch him play in the nationwide arena. i am forever grateful for johnny and his time as a blue jacket. and his time with us. thank you for everything 13. rest easy johnny and matthew.
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from @bibliomoth
I adored Johnny because he was a such a small streak of lightning in a game full of huge dudes who were regularly a whole foot taller than him. His skills were just fucking phenomenal and he was so exciting to watch. I screamed with joy and cheered him on so loudly I lost my voice on many occasions. He represented his country for International Competitions and is the highest US point scorer. I could get technical and talk about my favourite goals of his, his stickhandling, dangles, on ice spatial awareness etc but it is all on film for anyone to see, just too much to choose from. Nobody moved like Johnny Hockey. As a person he was a sweet, kind guy who was universally liked in the sport and beyond. I do not follow celebrities on social media, but on hockey forums there are endless stories of his voracious love of mac and cheese (so much so Kraft put him in a TV ad) and skittles candies that he had a hockey stick covered in them and auctioned for charity. In interviews he always talked hockey and his family. Whenever asked about new contracts and paycheques he would just shrug and say ‘yeah I bought my dad a boat so we can go fishing’ or ‘I just got a cool new wheelchair lift installed in my holiday home so my cousin can come and spend time with me’, or change the subject and talk about his dog, his wife and kids or The Birds. He was a real gem of a gentleman, modest and always ready to give credit to his team and dad (legendary NJ coach Guy Gaudreau) who motivated Johnny to skate as a toddler by placing skittles candies on the ice for him to fetch. I’m am so sad for him, his family. This is just a blurb of feels about someone I counted down the days for until I could see them make magic on ice. I wish I could write a good tribute, dammit. Thank you Johnny Hockey.
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from the Columbus Blue Jackets
The Columbus Blue Jackets are shocked and devastated by this unimaginable tragedy. Johnny was not only a great hockey player, but more significantly a loving husband, father, son, brother and friend. We extend our heartfelt sympathies to his wife, Meredith, his children, Noa and Johnny, his parents, their family and friends on the sudden loss of Johnny and Matthew. Johnny played the game with great joy which was felt by everyone that saw him on the ice. He brought a genuine love for hockey with him everywhere he played from Boston College to the Calgary Flames to Team USA to the Blue Jackets. He thrilled fans in a way only Johnny Hockey could. The impact he had on our organization and our sport was profound, but pales in comparison to the indelible impression he made on everyone who knew him. Johnny embraced our community when he arrived two years ago, and Columbus welcomed him with open arms. We will miss him terribly and do everything that we can to support his family and each other through this tragedy. At this time, we ask for prayers for the Gaudreau family and that their privacy be respected as they grieve.
from the Calgary Flames
It is with great sadness, we mourn the tragic deaths of our friend Johnny Gaudreau and his brother Matthew Gaudreau. Our hearts are broken by this devastating loss. Johnny was and always will be a member of the Flames family and loved by all of Calgary. It was our privilege to call Johnny our teammate for nine amazing years in Calgary. He came to Calgary as a young man and grew up here, not only as a superstar on the ice, but also a beloved member of our community. The pain we feel for Johnny's wife Meridith, children No and Johnny, parents Jane and Guy, sisters Kristen and Katie, and the entire Gaudreau family is immense. Ownership, management, players, and staff of the Calgary Flames express our heartfelt spates during their time of sorrow. You are in our thoughts and prayers ❤️
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from @love-youu-softly
When I first got into hockey, I was feeling really lost. The flames were one of the first teams I became a fan of, and so many nights were spent alone in my room at 20 years old watching the flames and Johnny hockey. Will forever be important to me.
from @primakira
johnny gaudreau was the first player i ever learned about when i was trying to get into hockey. he was a spitfire on the ice and an even greater person off of it. i'll probably write something longer later since i can't even type this through my tears, but for now, thank you so much for everything, johnny. 💙 rest in peace to his brother matthew as well. such an unimaginable tragedy. my heart goes out to the entire gaudreau family and to everyone that loved them.
from @bedsyandco
so shocked and saddened by the news of johnny and matthew gaudreau’s passing. this is such horrible news and I can’t even fathom the grief and loss that everyone who knew them is feeling right now. I truly hope that their family and friends have the utmost support and love right now. sending love and prayers to everyone affected by this loss 🩷
from @soffsh
Truthfully what is there to say, I knew getting on here would be so utterly painful. Seeing all these black and white pictures of Johnny and Matthew doesn’t seem real. The world has lost an incredible hockey player, father, husband and person in Johnny Gaudreau. I was hoping and praying last night that we wouldn’t be making these posts today, but we weren’t that fortunate. My deepest and sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau. As well as the whole fan base of not only the Columbus Blue Jackets but the Calgary Flames who have lost a friend and a family member. Johnny and Matthew you will be missed so dearly amongst the hockey community, but not nearly as much as by your family. Rest in Peace, boys.
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cutestbow · 7 months ago
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cutestbow · 7 months ago
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I simply cannot —
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cutestbow · 7 months ago
(NHL 24 is boring to me now🙄)
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cutestbow · 7 months ago
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cutestbow · 7 months ago
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cutestbow · 7 months ago
I just realized I used a character from a whole different fic that I’m making by accident in my recent Luke and Penny blurb, I’m so sorry if I confused anyone!!😭😭 I just changed it.
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