jonquildove · 2 days
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He smiles that tiny Ianto Jones smile at her statement. She wasn’t that far off, not with this part of the building at least. Below this very office lies the base for Torchwood Three; headquarters for a group of people hired to fight off any aliens threatening the innocent lives of those in Cardiff, the world. It was a renegade outpost, he having come from another base which burnt down with the cybermen taking over, he rescuing Lisa ( whom had been partly turned cyber ). Ianto busies himself with the papers waiting for him on the desk. He neatens them, though they’re already neat, and set the stack aside for Jack to look over later on. Not wanting to convince the young girl that she’s wrong which she, technically, isn’t, he picks up one of the office’s fliers and hands it to her. Days into working here Tosh had pulled him aside to assist Ianto in designing that, among others, very pamphlet. Torchwood is nothing if not prepared. The less the public knows about what’s really going on the better. “Tourist office,” he explains, expression gone blank.
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She takes the flyer slowly from the man, apprehensively wondering what it was going to be about. “—A tourist office?” She glances down upon the flyer, the man did indeed speak the truth. It clearly advertised an office arranged for all one’s tourism needs, in bright eye-catching colours. “I see. Well, I was wondering if you could advise me on some tourist places to go. I’m rather new to Cardiff.”
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devoutpriest · 4 months
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“I certainly hope there’s a REASON you’ve been following me the past two hours.” ianto had very good instincts, as he walks the streets. he lives in the hub, yet was out on the field right now. he is wearing a dark black suit with a white shirt and black tie.
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“There is, yes. This ALIEN kind of creature tried to attack me a short while ago, and I was wondering if you may have an explanation for it.” it looked scary, not human, with its frightening face. he had pepper spray, which he sprayed onto the creature's snarling jaws, and sprinted away.
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potentialgot · 24 days
Independent & canon divergent Ianto Jones of BBC Three's Torchwood, set within the Doctor Who universe. Loved to death by Hayley since 2014. He's one of the characters that always worms his way back into my head and I need to accept that and move on. She/they. EST time zone. 27+. Used to be iclearupyourshit. Affiliated with: @we1sh, @techiko, @drtwat, @earthdcfended, @tttype103
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days like this ; i wish the sun wouldn’t set. i’ll stay right here ; love is an ocean wide.
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this is a completed vault cottage of my amy pond elementals (past canon era).
{i can type specific tags on desktop/mobile : username, rp partner | username, character name ic ;; umbrella tag may/may not randomise comm. usernames with dash would typically be put together in username tag ( ex. the-man-who-regenerates is themanwhoregenerates}
o amy pond -- the sparks hope in the greatest painter who ever lived and saves a whale from outer space.
rp post.
most would be /tagged/username although some would be /tagged/rp partner | username and username | character name.
then ( umbrella tag one ) + then ( umbrella tag two )
usernames in full ( then ) :
dctah, kateiisms, tardis fixing drabble open, greaterdesign, tumblrbot, pinkandyellowwolf, pinkxandxyellow, impossoufflegirl, nineandrunning, rosetotherescue, open to everyone starter one drabble, coloursofrose, xnotpossible, adventureismyname, iamnothedoctor, lostchildofgallifrey, apondatheart, claraosiwald, rosetylerthevaliantchild, the-man-who-regenerates / themanwhoregenerates, inspirationfromalittlegirl, xtelepathx, checkyour-recordsagain / checkyourrecordsagain / knownconsortofthedoctor, neverbloodsoaked, nxtalady, kenzisms, darlingmoore, doctorsrunawaydaughter, rorxnicus, myturninthetardis, thegamesafootmydeardoctor, cafe leadworth centre open, justxamelia, cxmpetent, theraggedymadman, bouchaxrd, xxthegirlonfirexx / ancient-timelord / ancienttimelord. about amy stat post, nxtalady, bouchxrd, xxthegirlonfirexx / xx-the-girl-on-fire-xx, ancient-timelord / ancienttimelord, nineandrunning, claraosiwald, rosetotherescue, pinstripespaceman, adventureismyname, xnotpossible, impossoufflegirl, takemexback, thetimelordking / ofgxblins, kxngofokay, impossiblexsouffles, xelsaa, iamnothedoctor, the-man-who-regenerates / themanowhoregenerates, checkyourrecordsagain, nevercruelorcowardly, dxodecim / graysanguinity, xproperlyclara, dapperbowtie / elevenxremembers / jinglebows / hauntedbowties, iclearupyourshit, impossibleclxra, actualproperclara / becomesongs, fishxcustard, jorjayna-stark, dark and conflicted amy drabble, vastatorsx / sasspreme, maleficentmalicious, selectcliientele, talktoten, littlelightoflove, aroseintime.
posts : ic., rp post. verses. 
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lemondyed · 4 years
@iclearupyourshit / 📱
[ text: unsent ] i rly like u [ text: unsent ] thats prob a bad thing  [ text: unsent ] every1 i like leaves [ text: unsent ] i dont want u to leave [ text: unsent ] please dont leave [ text ] movie marathon 2nite?? 
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constablegoo · 4 years
@iclearupyourshit​ | new mutuals sc .
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     “ Are you alright? ”  A voice, to Ianto’s left. The changeling is there, gently rousing him to consciousness. Odo says something else but it is lost. He disappears. He returns a moment later, fumbling with a medical kit.  “ ...Don’t know if it’ll help, ”  he seems to be saying,  “ But there’s got to be something of use in here-- ah. Yes. ”
He must have found an antiseptic -- likely for a scrape, nothing so serious. But Odo still has his concerns.
“ I don’t know how much you remember, but several explosions just went off. Mr. Jones? Mr. Jones, can you hear me? ”
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@iclearupyourshit​ / continued
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    “ I need an excuse to pop in? Missing all of your faces isn’t enough? ”  River chuckled and rose from the lounging position she had taken on the sofa. It wasn’t a lie entirely. She did like the Torchwood Three team.  “ There’s been rumours of a pterodactyl on the intergalactic markets and I was wondering if yours could use a friend. ” 
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bardbattleda · 4 years
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❝ hey -- you’re not supposed to be in here. we’re closed. ❞   it’s a good thing she heard the noise before she locked up for the night, or the stranger might’ve been stuck inside the music school until they opened up the next morning. she thinks she might’ve heard another sound, some kind of scrambling on the floor of another room, but when she peeked in all she saw was what might have been a chair that had just been brushed... it could just be tired eyes, an anxious brain. probably nothing.    /  @iclearupyourshit​.
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angerbuilt · 4 years
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text starters !
@iclearupyourshit​ said: [text] dinner tonight? my treat.
[ sms ] i’d love that [ sms ] dinner sounds perfect x
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resurrecticn-a · 4 years
@iclearupyourshit      /     CONTINUED.
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Well, it looked like Ianto could add ‘Jenny leaping into his arms’ to the list of things he wasn’t expecting to happen today.  He side-eyed the woman for a second but didn’t– and this was pretty interesting– put her down.  Interesting because he would have done that with anyone else.  “—- Did you need something, Jenny?”  Both eyebrows were raised as high as they could go.
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Honestly she hadn’t been one hundred percent sure that he would catch her, but she definitely didn’t expect him to just keep holding onto her. Her arms are wrapped around his neck to keep herself from falling, and she plants a very quick kiss on his cheek.  “ You have very fast reflexes, did ya know that? ”  It wasn’t like she had announced she was going to leap into his arms beforehand.  “ —— Yes! I have a very important question for you. ”  Is she going to wait until he asks what the question is? Of course she is.
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jonquildove · 2 days
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By the time 10:00 rolled around Tosh, Owen, Gwen, Jack and Ianto all knew it was going to be another all nighter. Ianto didn’t mind much, having spent so many years working a few extra hours after the rest of them went home to stay caught up on paperwork, but if he had to sit through another one of Owen’s rants he was surely going to do something he’d regret. He thought the doctor rather cynical, yet he was good at his job. Almost regret he should say. Seemed to be having a lot lately, the lot of them having to spend the night at the Hub. He chalked it up to various creatures, like the Oods, thinking they were off the hook due to the month and sighed, making his way back up to the tourist office. Having caught sight of the girl through use of the CCTV he decided on using the back way which would mean he’d have to walk through the beads. Might give her a bit of a jump at first but, he hoped, it would prevent her from asking random questions. “Sorry for keepin’ you waitin’. Was elbow deep with paperwork back there. What can I do for you this evenin’?” Ianto asked, using that quiet voice of his, as he made his way into the office and over to the desk.
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She jumps a little at hearing a rattle of beads, and eyes dart over to where a older man well dressed in a suit, came from the back of the room. It seemed that were something that looked like lockers lined up back there or something, from what she could see from the gaps between the beads, when he’d brushed through them. How odd. His quiet voice was a bit of a contrast to the loud rattle of beads, but Sansa could start to make out his voice just fine. It wasn’t like there was anyone else here in the room. “—Sorry. I thought this was a public place." Was there a secret business run here?
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starsdivine · 4 years
@iclearupyourshit & starter call ❤
❝looks like someone missed out on some beauty sleep last night, eh?❞  owen quips from the downstairs area of the hub, already donned in his doctors coat and gloves - ready to take apart the newest find of theirs, to dissect and figure out the what’s and why’s. and he knows why ianto didn’t sleep last night, it’s the same reason that owen is on his third cup of coffee this morning and he’s only been at work for an hour and a half. yikes. 
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heartleeches · 4 years
@iclearupyourshit​ answered: 
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"If you get me his mobile, I might reconsider."
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    “really? because that could be arranged.” 
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wasme-a · 4 years
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starter  for  @iclearupyourshit​ .   ( still accepting ! )
head  pops  out  from  behind  the  tardis’  doors,    smile  dancing  across  features.   yet,   as  soon  as  eyes  are  cast  across  the  room,   small  pout  starts  to  form  over  lips.    hazel-green  hues  fall  upon  a  face,   and  that  seems  to  confuse  him  even  further.   “ sorry   -   i  was  looking  for  torchwood which    -    actually,    considering  it’s  painted  on  the  wall  over  there,   i  would  assume  this  is  it. ”    a  slight  pause,    deep  breath  brought  in  through  his  nose.   “ where’s  jack? ”
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the27percent · 4 years
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   “I mean, I don’t tolerate fools lightly. And if he was going to keep aggravating people in the immediate surroundings, I’d rather put an end to it sooner rather than later.“ They clearly have no regrets about the action either. Atieno tends to try and give people a lot of leeway. Once it runs out though, what happens after that remains to be unknown.
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deathxproof-archive · 4 years
@iclearupyourshit​​ liked for | a susan starter uwu
Susan was starting to get the inkling that maybe- maybe- in her age she was getting worse with timing. She was avoiding eye contact as crept into the room, very interested in a pen on the table beside her.
“ So-- How long was I? A week? A couple of weeks? ”
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It was longer for her-- several years, she’d wager. And then she looked up. And really, she was soft, and it was so good to see him again.
“ Hi. I missed you. ”
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