#rp partner | icleanupyourshit
jonquildove · 3 months
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He smiles that tiny Ianto Jones smile at her statement. She wasn’t that far off, not with this part of the building at least. Below this very office lies the base for Torchwood Three; he walking the timber floor where the plumbing ran in the ceiling of headquarters for a group of people hired to fight off any aliens threatening the innocent lives of those in Cardiff, the world. It was a renegade outpost, he having come from another base which burnt down with the cybermen taking over, he rescuing Lisa ( whom had been partly turned cyber ). Lisa was hidden in a cupboard deep within the base, he ensuring she would not give indication of electrical signal as he wanted her to be safe from his evil colleagues. She deserved her own free will. Ianto busies himself with the papers waiting for him on the desk, he remembering sometimes there being men -- investigators to see supernatural disturbances in the building, which he took care of -- he the paperwork and coffee man. He neatens them, though they’re already neat, and set the stack aside for Jack to look over later on. Not wanting to convince the young girl that she’s wrong which she, technically, isn’t, he picks up one of the office’s fliers and hands it to her. Days into working here Tosh had pulled him aside to assist Ianto in designing that, among others, very pamphlet. Torchwood is nothing if not prepared. The less the public knows about what’s really going on the better. “Tourist office,” he explains, expression gone blank.
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She takes the flyer slowly from the man, apprehensively wondering what it was going to be about. “—A tourist office?” She glances down upon the flyer, the man did indeed speak the truth. It clearly advertised an office arranged for all one’s tourism needs, in bright eye-catching colours. “I see. Well, I was wondering if you could advise me on some tourist places to go. I’m rather new to Cardiff.”
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jonquildove · 3 months
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By the time 10:00 rolled around Tosh, Owen, Gwen, Jack and Ianto all knew it was going to be another all nighter. Ianto didn’t mind much, having spent so many years working a few extra hours after the rest of them went home to stay caught up on paperwork, but if he had to sit through another one of Owen’s rants he was surely going to do something he’d regret. He thought the doctor rather cynical, yet he was good at his job. The Weevils were scared of him now, they seeing the animal in him. Almost regret he should say. Seemed to be having a lot lately, the lot of them having to spend the night at the Hub. He chalked it up to various creatures, like the Oods, thinking they were off the hook due to the month and sighed, making his way back up to the tourist office. Having caught sight of the girl through use of the CCTV he decided on using the back way which would mean he’d have to walk through the black beads. He felt a bit of remorse having tapped into Gwen's computer, as she was typing her belief on her witnessing of Torchwood and seeing the glove bring someone back to life ( not to mention a Weevil biting and killing a man ), yet he was following Jack Harkness' orders. Might give her a bit of a jump at first but, he hoped, it would prevent her from asking random questions. “Sorry for keepin’ you waitin’. Was elbow deep with paperwork back there. What can I do for you this evenin’?” Ianto asked, using that quiet voice of his, as he made his way into the office and over to the desk.
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She jumps a little at hearing a rattle of beads, and eyes dart over to where a older man well dressed in a suit, came from the back of the room. It seemed that were something that looked like lockers lined up back there or something, from what she could see from the gaps between the beads, when he’d brushed through them. How odd. His quiet voice was a bit of a contrast to the loud rattle of beads, but Sansa could start to make out his voice just fine. It wasn’t like there was anyone else here in the room. “—Sorry. I thought this was a public place." Was there a secret business run here?
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jonquildove · 3 months
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Sansa’s performing arts class at the Red Keep boarding school were on a trip in Cardiff, England, quite a while away from their region of Westeros. They were here to explore and say hello to the many tourism places Cardiff had to offer yes, but also to get a broader experience of the plays that were going to be performed there, a band playing there called 'Random Access Memory'. She walks into one of the buildings, which she thought was one that was public, she stepping on a tile, and frowns. Blue eyes observed the place; it looked abandoned, for some odd reason, and there didn’t seem to be more than one room, on first glance. It looked like an office reception area.
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