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Happy Birthday, Alexandra Elizabeth Kingston (March 11th, 1963)
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Welshman took Retcon after his girlfriend was brutally murdered by his now ex-teammates.  Follow skillsforgot to see what happens next!  This AU Ianto Jones is written and loved to death by Hayley who’s been writing Ianto in general since the summer of 2014.  You might’ve known ‘em under a different username?  Iclearupyourshit ringing any bells?  Yep, that asshole’s back!  She looks forward to writing with you!
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sometimes i feel like such an old lady on here. like, how do you make things so pretty??
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I think my writing laptop is really shitting the bed now. Any rec’s for a new one would be greatly appreciated.
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somethin’ ‘bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman
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Oh they are flirting. Do I have to watch this?
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I’m back! I’ve been up for 13 hours and probably not going to sleep for another 7 but I’m home (almost) and safe.
In a little over 24 hours, ya girl will be on her way to Ireland. I’ll be stateside again on the 6th. Message me on discord if ya need me! 💚
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katrinalaw: ZOOM MEETINGS
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In a little over 24 hours, ya girl will be on her way to Ireland. I’ll be stateside again on the 6th. Message me on discord if ya need me! 💚
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funny thing is, this means you’ve always known how i was going to die. all the time we’ve been together you knew i was coming here. the last time i saw you—the real you, the future you, i mean—you turned up on my doorstep with a new haircut and a suit. you took me to derillium. to see the singing towers. oh, what a night that was. the towers sang, and you cried. you wouldn’t tell me why but i suppose you knew it was time. my time. time to come to the library. you even gave me your screwdriver. that should have been a clue. there’s nothing you can do.
river song; doctor who
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i really want a plot where the couple actually tries for a baby. like it’s not the cliche oops im knocked up now we’re together kinda plot. maybe they’re married, maybe there are kids already in the picture. i want the trying and the happiness and the sadness of when the tests are negative. i just want family growth.
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@hisbespokenpsychopath​ continued from x
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she wasn’t supposed to leave the tardis, that’s what her parents had told her. stay there, stay safe. but that wasn’t fun. she could help… or get herself captured and nearly killed like she had actually done. the bleeding from her side had slowed considerably but she’d never seen that amount before, certainly not of of her own blood. “ everything hurts. ” alya whined softly. “ i’m sorry. i just wanted to help. i thought i could help you. ”
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she wasn’t going to die today, not on river’s watch. alya was in a bit of shock but talking was good; as long as she didn’t pass out, everything would be alright for the short term. river double checked that the makeshift bandage she had applied was secure enough before wrapping her arms around her daughter, ignoring the messy state they were both in and the rapid beating in her chest. “i know you meant well. you’re safe now.”
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oops, time baby headcanons are abundant right now
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@hisbespokenpsychopath​ continued from x
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“ alright, alright, you don’t have to brag. ” she slowly lowered her head to rest on her wife’s shoulder. staring out into the sky she watched as the blues slowly turned to yellows and reds. taking a deep breath, the doctor closed her eyes, content to sit in the moment with her wife. this body seemed at ease sitting still longer than her previous forms; though still not for too long.
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the satisfied smirk that played on her features was river’s only comment. the kaleidoscope of colors held her attention. with the lives they led, sometimes you forgot to take a moment and just enjoy the marvelousness of nature. her body relaxed, leaning closer into her wife’s touch. a quiet content hum as the first hints of purple appeared at the edge of the horizon.
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*me lying to men* oh wow that’s so interesting
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