#strcngwomxn;; 14
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    She makes the dumbest facial expressions.  “ ..... I love you. ”
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womenfindaway · 4 years
tag twenty-one people you’d like to know better some questions may be ‘ ??? ’ instead of answered
01.    nickname: Bay, BayBay, Bayls, Blitz, Bayleaf,  02.    real name: Bayley 03.    zodiac: Scorpio 04.    height: 5′8 05.    what time is it:10:28PM 06.    favorite musicians/groups: Lorde, MARINA, Soundboard Fiction, Jonas Brothers, St. Vincent, SOPHIE 07.    favorite sports team: Florida Panthers 08.    other blogs: just a personal i haven’t been on in a while 09.    do i get asks?:  every now and then 10.    how many blogs do i follow?:  51 11.    any tumblr crushes: i love and cherish all of my moots 12.    lucky number: 7 13.    what am i wearing right now?: cutoff sweatpants and a torn up t-shirt 14.    dream vacation: i really just wanna go back to ireland tbh 15.    dream car:  midnight blue lifted f150 with a bed cover and black leather seats 16.    favorite food: i love a good reuben  17.    drink of choice: caramel iced coffee 18.    languages: English 19.    instruments: i can drum on my steering wheel pretty nicely  20.    celebrity crushes: Katie McGrath, Katrina Law, Juliana Harkavy 21.    random fact: I have brain damage so i forget some things very easily (i’ve realized a lot of people don’t know this obvi so here you go lmao)
tagged by: @xnonxnocerex tagging: @strcngwomxn, @forthewinn, @ofkaznia, @gothamsbadge, @damagedbyfate @thwipiism i don’t have 21 people to tag lmao anyone else who wants to
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thefacelcss · 6 years
1, 5, 8, 14
1) how many muses, do you think, have you had in total while on tumblr?
57, if my count is correct, which for the most part does not include muses/blogs i set up but did not get off the ground.  before counting, i estimated around fifty, so this number does not entirely surprise me to terribly much.
5) who is / was your favourite muse of all time to play?
in considering this question, i have found that unfortunately i do not have a favourite muse so much as i’ve had favourite ships or plots or interactions, and a vast majority of these are rooted in relationships built up not just between muses but also between munstl;dr: i do not have an overall favourite muse.
8) who is your latest muse? can be someone you’re only considering / not planning to play at all, but is tempting you.
rose is my most recent muse in terms of a character i have been writing here, but as far as muses i’ve been considering, ms. lint - yara’s character in the tick - is the most recent of those, although i doubt if i will actually end up writing her in the rpc.
14) if you see that a friend of yours has just made a blog for a muse you were planning to play, will you still make the blog?
typically not.  i understand how some members of the rpc feel about duplicates, and seeing a friend of mine writing a character i considered - i would like to respect them and not step on their toes by picking up the same muse - but also and perhaps more importantly, if a friend is writing a character, i want to see their interpretation of the character, and if i have not already begun to write them, their version of the character may become how i see the character - and if they are doing well, why would i continue wanting to write them?
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“I’d forgotten how nice it was to breathe fresh air.” (14)
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     River chuckled, head falling back to cast her gaze on the brilliant sunset around them. It had taken some convincing to get her wife out here but it was well worth it. "You can't spend all your time in the TARDIS, love." They both needed this break though, the Doctor from her tinkering and River from working on the next Melody Malone book. Just a bit of time together with peace and quiet.
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“I’ve always wanted to know what if felt like to be pregnant.” (14)
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A fleeting glimpse of surprise before she gently took her wife's hand with a soft smile. Her own pregnancy had been a wild ride but she wouldn't have traded anything for their daughter. " Are you sure? " Logistically, she was a tad confused but honestly anything was possible when the Doctor had her mind set on it. " I'm all for adding to the family if you are. "
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