#ichikawa zanakurou
I've been planning on trying to make a sort of fanmade sequel of Inazuma Eleven Go Galaxy where the Soul mechanic gets linked to Astronomy and Astrology, so I've decided to give the Soul users of Earth Eleven Zodiac signs and also birthdays since Go characters don't have official birthdays (also, the reason why Shinsuke isn't here is bc he wasn't a Soul user in the anime ofc)
🚨REMEMBER: these are all FANMADE and are just my personal headcanon that I came up for this fanfic sequel I have in mind, so don't take them as canon 😅🚨
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♈Munemasa Ibuki (April 1st)
♉Shin Tetsukado (May 5th)
♊Kazuto Minaho (June 3rd)
♋Takuto Shindou (July 9th)
♌Zanakurou Ichikawa (August 18th)
♍Jinichirou Manabe (September 4th)
♎Tenma Matsukaze (October 8th)
♏Konoha Morimura (November 2nd)
♐Kyousuke Tsurugi (December 10th)
♑Sakura Nozaki (January 7th)
♒Hayato Matatagi (February 11th)
♓Ryuuji Kusaka (March 6th)
You have probably noticed by now the pattern used for the dates of their birthdays 👀
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skylardoesthings · 4 months
Target audience reached.
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He plays the orange bean, and hes the only one who can be orange. His bean has the detective hat and post Ratoniik, his bean character has a pet UFO following around.
As a crewmate, he never does his tasks, he always follow everyone around and watches them really closely and by the second round, he usually can tell who one of the impostors is, everyone has to yell at him to do his tasks. like. Matatagi has to call an emergency meeting "DO YOUR FUCKING TASKS MINAHO!" so he does his tasks.
As the impostor, he always pretends to do his tasks and follows people in the beginning, his favourites to do are stack kills like during card swipes. His favourite area to kill is Electrical and everyone knows not to go there when Minaho is in it, no matter if he's a crewmate or impostor. He casually gaslights people when he's an impostor btw.
His favourite role is the Scientist
2. Sakura
Look, she's having the time of her life, ok? She's average at the game and having fun. Usually, she's the first impostor out. EXCEPT when she's with Matatagi as Impostor's, they fucking kill it and its kinda scary how well they do,
also her bean chacrater is pink with a little flower :D
3. Matatagi
he DOES NOT want to be there. But, hey he's lying if he says he's having a bad time, cause its the complete opposite.
He's the first one who gets his tasks done, then after that he just looks at admin and would follow random people to creep them out a little,
As Imposor meanwhile, he's an absolute menace, 2nd best probably. He's scarily good at lying and pretending, but Minaho somehow always sniffs him out and gets him ejected, he hates it, that's why he always targets Minaho first. God forbid the both of them are impostors,
His favourite role is Shapehifter and his bean is the black one and is plain, by that, I mean he has no custamization.
4. Konoha
She's just having the time of her life, she didn't really want to play, but then caved. She's never killed as crewmate and is usually to nervous too kill anyone as Impostor, but when she gets paired up with any of the girls/Kusaka when she is one, she kills it.
She loves the chacrater customization too! She's the dark green bean
5. Kusaka
He's a murder hobo as an impostor ngl. Pretty average in general, ALWAYS sticks with Konoha no matter what his role is, he's just there to have fun and support everyone
he's the light green bean!!
6. Tetsukado
"Yeah I killed him," - Tetsukado after he was accused of killing someone,
He's ALSO a murder hobo, he just loves being a menace in general ngl. Sometime's he's feeling like doing tasks, sometimes he doesn't, etc. Depends on what he wants to do,
Red bean!!
7. Zanakurou
He's really good at the game, to absolutely no one's surprise, he sometimes like to play detective with Minaho,
As Impostor, he's probably 3rd best. He's good at acting like a crewmate, but sometimes, he just forgets to kill people lol. He's the cyan bean
8. Manabe
He. sucks at this game. He plays it out of spite and also because he wants to win as impostor/live as crewmate once and he can die happy.
He dies first as crewmate and gets ejected first as impostor, and its not because he can't lie, no, its because Minaho is able to convince literally everyone to do it. He hates it.
His favourite role is the scientist, hes the yellow bean
9. Ibuki
He's 50/50 at this game. Sometimes hes good at it, sometimes he's bad at it. Like Manabe, he's playing out of Spite, its what drives him.
Whenever he's impostor, he immediately follows Shindou and no matter where they are or whoever is with them, he just kill him. It's really funny overall, everyone gets a good laugh out of it,
He's the dark green bean
10. Shinsuke
He's a little shit ngl. Sometimes, he just accuses random people for the hell of it, he acts like an innocent little guy when he's not.
11. Shindou
He didn't want to play at first, but then after watching Tenma play game he immediately joined in, got impostor, killed Ibuki and left the game.
Next time they play, he played seriously and for fun, he tries to figure things out and usually sticks with everyone from Raimon, he's pretty average, but when he's impostor, he immediately targets ibuki,
12. Tenma
He plays a lot like Konoha, so... not really gonna elaborate,
13. Tsurugi
The small time he was there before he got kidnapped, he was genuinely having fun, playing among us. shares 2nd best impostor with Matatagi, casually manipulating and gaslighting people,
14. Aoi
She's surprisingly really good at the game. She loves playing as an engineer and in general being support, she usually sticks with Minori when playing as crewmate,
15. Minori, not potomuri.
She's a lot like Tetsukado, she's aggressive, she's loud, she makes her voice heard, and usually sticks with Aoi and/or Minaho. She's a menace as an Impostor, but she always gets caught by someone, unfortunately,
anyways if you've read this far, hi, thanks, and have my first posted Inazuma Eleven art on Tumblr
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yurinazuma11 · 3 months
zanakuro x tetsukado butch4butch lesbianism
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soccerpunching · 1 year
⚡️ for Zanark (Shorry this is getting much but I like ur takes heh)
You know, one thing that fascinates me about how Zanakurou is supposedly his predecessor is that WHY did Zanakurou hallucinated Zanark who was 200 years in the future?!?! That's so crazy.
If we're going by reincarnation logic (if it even has one), is that it's chronological so there was no reason for Zanakurou to have any memory of someone who would be in the future. That's why I have like two theories for that:
1. Zanark's time in the infinity prison (and everybody who was imprisoned there) will entangle themselves to all of their versions in the multiverse and the other versions of them would get a sort of memory from them.
2. Maybe MAYBE that thing that made Zanakurou "hallucinate" his future self recognizes the Soul and what their best versions could be across time and space. (I can't really explain this one but just something about the Souls existing beyond time and space thing)
I've ran out of ways to explain my point but I just want to point out that that part was either a plot hole for the sake of a callback or just weirder than the usual inazuma universe supernatural.
Send me a lighning bolt emoji and a character and I'll send something interesting back
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y3lise · 3 years
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Hi Inazuma Eleven's fandom, I drew characters from GO Galaxy :)
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princesslocket · 4 years
Imagine how chaotic it would be if the Earth Eleven tried playing Amoung Us
Everyone would calling each other out left and right. ((Nozaki, Matatagi, Tsurugi, and Tetsukado are the loudest ones - each person accusing the other of crimes they didn't commit both inside & outside of the game)).
Zanakurou & Ibuki would be the first two kicked out of the game because Minaho & Manabe convinced everyone to do it.
Shindou, Shinsuke, and Kusaka are just running around in the background trying to be the peace keepers.
Meanwhile Tenma and Morimura are silently taking every out one by one 😋
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itsfloppydisx · 5 years
Our Darkness feat. Matatagi Hayato & me
I have been watching episode 25 of IEGo Galaxy and i was... reflecting my self while watching every Hayato's part. I know i don't have a lot followers but i still want to confess my feelings here (i have bad english so correct me immediately).
I still not finishing the orginal series yet. The reason i jump straight to Galaxy series (i even not watching GO series yet, except Fubuki's debut) because i want to see Fubuki in Galaxy series (yeaaaaa honestly i watch this anime just for seeing Fubuki XD i loove this boi) but until now i'm not see him yet.
I don't know how good GO series's story was so i just comparing between the original and the Galaxy here.
Rather than the original series, i think Galaxy series has more insteresting plotline, character develops, designs, backstories, and specially their uniforms X3 but it was too much about playing football with aliens and travelling space with train, but the staff really do a great job building the backstory about it. And that is the reason why the series titled Galaxy and beside all of that, i still love this series more than the original one.
I was get bored at first, but i kinda like Ibuki Munemasa at first episode so i continue to watch this series XD AND UNTIL NOW I STILL LOOOVVVEE HIIM (i'm sorry Fubuki :" ). And i like Matatagi Hayato too when his first problem debut. I was thought his story ended up here, but there is another..
In Galaxy series, there is lot of characters that relateable to real person in our lives. There is Ibuki's cocky personality, Nozaki pushing herself to be number 1, Hayato's behaviour, Konoha and her past, and more. Comparing the original series, the character's backstories like Fubuki's or Kidou's is less relateable and make me hard to feel symphaty for them. So when i watch Galaxy series, this is one of my reason to keep watching it because i can feel their feels, and i want to be happy with them too when their problem solved by playing football in Inazuma Japan / Earth Eleven, or just talking to Tenma or Shindo for some advice. But i wan't to talk about Matatagi Hayato because i think he is me in real life here.
Matatagi Hayato--2 faces boy with strong mind. I can feel his desperate, loneliness, and his only way to keep through life everyday. It's freaking hard to make lot of faces, holding angriness, faking smile, sweet tone while cursing, just to pretend to be a good boy. I know you all can feel the same way as me and Matatagi Hayato do.
My problem and Matatagi Hayato's problem is different but we are in the same page. About friends, about how we trust them, about how we trust ourselves, about how we think our friends are, about how we need to do about it. That feels when we doesn't want to be there, that feels when we think our friends will like us someday, that feels when we still left behind, that feels when regreting to trust ourselves that they will like us to be a friend, that feels when we can't be who we are. 2 faces is a thing that hard to do. Being another person is a thing that stressful to do.
Matatagi Hayato's problem is in his environment, while mine is myself that become the problem. We have the same past problem, and we have the same way think to do all the sh*t.
The loneliness that Matatagi Hayato felt is not normal. He is lonely. It's just like my mind that keep saying that i'm not lonely and everything is normal when i wake up in the morning and sleep in the night everyday.
I know i need to fix myself to become the real good person. I wish my tiredness to struggling this will ended up. My point is, keep being a real good person. We don't know how their fight every single breathe to keep alive. When i write this, i'm not yet watch the next episode so i'm hoping for Matatagi Hayato's best.
And that is all of my confessions. I think i was too much feelings here ~-~ i will finish the Galaxy series first then continue watching the original. I miss Fubuki so much ;-;
Have a good night for you that kindly reading all of this. I love you ♡
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When i draw this, i imagining that i hold his hand (the pinkish hand one at the top right) while he keep staring the sky alone upon the cold shining white grass.
Feeling relax but still drowning in his struggle--
Matatagi Hayato's darkness.
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segataryuuichirou · 5 years
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On Twitter they have a 4 favorite drawings of 2019 so I decided to post mine, since I dont have much to offer!!!
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i11goscreencaps · 7 years
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safitheartist · 5 years
Galaxy games: Zanakurou has extreme nightmares about some sort of prison facility and makes pained noices at night.
Tenma who found out about this and probably nearly lost his god damn mind:
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Meanwhile me:
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deskmanic · 8 years
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BOOOO, Bring back Zanark Avalonic!
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tokyob0ys · 3 years
Rating: Mature
Category: M/M
Fandom: Inazuma Eleven GO
Relationships: Ibuki Munemasa/Shindou Takuto, Endou Mamoru/Gouenji Shuuya/Kidou Yuuto, past Endou Mamoru/Kudou Fuyuka, Fudou Akio/Kazemaru Ichirouta
Characters: Ichikawa Zanakurou, Matatagi Hayato, Tsurugi Kyousuke, Hibiki Seigou, Kudou Michiya
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Pirate, merman shindou, Imprinting, (because they're soulmates in every universe), interspecies sexual encounter, (sorry not sorry), ina11fantasyweek, (for reference but i'm really late), no beta we die like banda
ibuki is a pirate who likes to write poetry. shindou is a merman who uses his magical powers to sing and play heavenly. it's a fortunate match during unfortunate times.
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skylardoesthings · 4 months
Okay im bored and uh who wanta to hear my IE Go Galaxy cast playing among us headcanons/ideas?
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inazuma-hpau · 6 years
Is there any Ravenclaw character so far?
Yes there are! Unfortunately not as many as the other houses but at the moment: 
Ichinose Kazuya, Megane Kakeru, Otonashi Haruna are the key main characters who fit primarily in Ravenclaw. 
Kidou, Aphrodi, Kiyama Hiroto, Yagami Reina and potentially Suzuno Fuusuke, Sakuma Jirou and Raimon Natsumi could all be in Ravenclaw, but are more fitted to other houses. 
For other Ravenclaw housemates, Sugimori Takeshi, Shimozuru Arata and most of Mikage Sennou as well as Noberu Raito, Manga Moe and most of Shuuyou Meito 
Shindou, Kirino, Manabe Jinichirou (and a lot of Eito), Minaho Kazuto, Kurosaki Makoto, Ichikawa Zanakurou
Current status for Ares at the moment: I’m also putting Nosaka Yuuma and Nishikage Seiya into Ravenclaw (with potentially most of Outei Tsukinomiya). 
Okuiri Hiro from Inakuni Raimon is also a Ravenclaw.
 Mizukamiya Seiryuu from Seishou Gakuen can also be Ravenclaw, but also fitted to Slytherin too. 
I would check out the full list that I’m currently still working on over [here]
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segataryuuichirou · 5 years
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I’m late on inavember because I got sick but here’s my contributions!
Day 5 Stars/Zodiac! I drew Ichihoshi!
Day 6 Animals! Since I don’t like to draw animals I did a drawing based off the lion dance again. Also because i love Zanakurou!!
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i11goscreencaps · 7 years
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