turquo1s1 · 1 year
Gone OC's???
does anyone in the fandom have ocs?
here are mine so u can all see :3
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this is amelia!! she is best friends with jimmy (the protagonist of my little project) her and jimmy live in the school :3
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this is ana, shes a BITCH (we dont like ana)
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MY BOY JIMMY!!! our protagonist and the best boy, he also lives in the school and is best friends w amelia
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this is michael, he moves into the school later on, he plays guitar :3
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PYRO PYRO PYRO he is a coates kid and i love drawing him sm
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SELINAAAA she is baby, shes another coates kid and is friends with ana!!!!
i have mroe but i dont have art for all of them :3
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inafer · 11 months
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spacenutspod · 10 days
Astronomy Daily - The Podcast: 10th October 2024 Welcome to Astronomy Daily, your Daily dose of space and Astronomy news. I'm your host, Anna. Today we have an exciting lineup of stories that I can't wait to share with you. First, we'll delve into NASA's Europa Clipper mission, which is ready to embark on an epic journey to Jupiter and its intriguing moon Europa. Then we'll talk about Elon Musk and SpaceX's ambitious plans to launch uncrewed starships to Mars in just two years, paving the way for future human colonization. We'll also uncover a groundbreaking study on fast radio bursts that might finally solve the mystery behind these cosmic phenomena. And if that isn't enough, we'll explore new findings suggesting the moon might still be volcanically active today. Lastly, we'll highlight NASA's innovative solar sail that you can actually spot from Earth. Buckle up, space enthusiasts. Let's dive in. Highlights: - NASA's Europa Clipper Mission: NASA's Europa Clipper spacecraft has reached a significant milestone by passing its final technical review. This means it's now all set for its journey towards Jupiter. With a launch window slated between October 10 and 30th, the mission aims to delve into the mysteries of Jupiter's moon Europa, potentially harboring an ocean beneath its icy crust. - SpaceX's Mars Ambitions: Elon Musk recently announced that SpaceX plans to launch its first uncrewed starships to Mars within the next two years. These missions are crucial for testing the reliability of landing these advanced spacecraft intact on the Martian surface. If successful, crewed flights to Mars could follow just two years later, paving the way for human colonization. - Fast Radio Bursts Mystery Possibly Solved: A groundbreaking new study by the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics has advanced our understanding of fast radio bursts (FRBs). Using the Very Large Array telescope, researchers recorded the weakest persistent radio emission for an FRB, shedding light on the mysterious origins of these powerful cosmic events. - Volcanic Activity on the Moon: Recent findings from the Chinese Chang'e 5 mission suggest that the moon might still be volcanically active. Tiny glass beads found in lunar samples indicate that volcanic activity might have occurred as recently as 123 million years ago, challenging the traditional belief that lunar volcanism ceased 3 to 3.8 billion years ago. - NASA's Solar Sail: NASA's advanced composite solar sail system is now visible from many locations around the world. This groundbreaking solar sail, which harnesses sunlight for propulsion, represents an exciting step towards more sustainable and accessible deep space missions. Engage with NASA's "Spot the Sail" campaign and track the solar sail using the free NASA app. For more space news, be sure to visit our website at astronomydaily.io. There you can sign up for our free Daily newsletter, catch up on all the latest space and Astronomy news with our constantly updating news feed, and listen to all our back episodes. Don't forget to follow us on social media. Just search for #AstroDailyPod on Facebook, X, YouTubeMusic, and TikTok to stay connected with our community and never miss an update. Thank you for tuning in, and remember to keep your eyes on the skies. Until next time, may you be blessed with clear skies. Sponsor Links: NordVPN NordPass Malwarebytes Proton Mail Become a supporter of this podcast for commercial-free editions not very much moeny: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/astronomy-daily-the-podcast--5648921/support
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adiariomx · 11 days
Durante el desarrollo de la rueda de prensa llevada a cabo este día, se destacó la reciente entrega del reconocimiento otorgado al Presidente Muni...
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netmassimo · 1 month
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Un articolo pubblicato sulla rivista "Nature" riporta i risultati di uno studio su alcuni lampi radio veloci legati a emissioni persistenti che associa quella lunga durata a una bolla di plasma che generata quella radiazione. Un team di ricercatori guidati dall'INAF (Istituto nazionale di astrofisica) che ha coinvolto diverse università italiane ha registrato e studiato il lampo radio veloce con l'emissione persistente più debole rilevata finora, catalogato come FRB20201124A, e altri due eventi analoghi con il radiotelescopio VLA raccogliendo dati che offrono prove della presenza della bolla di plasma all'origine delle emissioni radio.
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luigiviazzo · 7 months
Giornata Nazionale sull’Inquinamento luminoso venerdì 16 febbraio 31ª edizione: l’iniziativa, dedicata alla tutela del cielo notturno, è organizzata dall’Unione Astrofili Italiani (UAI) con la collaborazione dell’Associazione dei Planetari Italiani (PLANit) e con la partecipazione dell’Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF).
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fediverso · 8 months
EduINAF, il magazine di didattica e divulgazione dell’INAF, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica è entrato nel fediverso!
EduINAF è il magazine di didattica e divulgazione dell’INAF, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica. Uno spazio innovativo che dà voce alle attività di tutte le sedi dell’ente presenti sul territorio e mette in relazione la ricerca astronomica con i diversi pubblici. Risorse didattiche, rubriche, approfondimenti, corsi online, eventi trovano qui un punto d’incontro tra la comunità scientifica, gli insegnanti, gli studenti e il pubblico interessato a contenuti astronomici di qualità.
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scienza-magia · 11 months
Il primo fumetto edito dall’Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
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Quando il cielo ci viene a trovare, fumetto disponibile per il download gratuito su EduInaf. L'avvincente storia della meteorite di Cavezzo, rinvenuta in provincia di Modena all'inizio del 2020, si fa fumetto nelle pagine di “Frammenti di cielo” agile ed elegante volume divulgativo edito da Inaf Press e dedicato a meteoroidi, meteore, meteoriti e quant'altro dallo spazio finisca per sfiorare il nostro pianeta o addirittura adagiarsi sulla sua superficie. A cura del Gruppo Storie Inaf in collaborazione con la rete Prisma. Una folgorante scia di luce, un’intrepida cagnolina e una rete di oltre sessanta telecamere sparse per l’Italia. Sono tra i protagonisti di Frammenti di cielo, il primo fumetto edito dall’Istituto nazionale di astrofisica (Inaf), disponibile da oggi per il download gratuito su EduInaf, la rivista online di didattica e divulgazione dell’ente.
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La copertina del fumetto ‘Frammenti di cielo’ (Inaf Press, 2023) Il fumetto racconta la storia della meteorite di Cavezzo, un vero e proprio “sasso spaziale” che dalle profondità del Sistema solare ha terminato il suo viaggio in provincia di Modena il primo gennaio 2020, non senza lasciare una traccia lampante di sé nei cieli della Pianura padana. Fu proprio l’avvistamento del potente bolide, grazie a otto telecamere della rete Prisma, a permettere tre giorni dopo il ritrovamento di ciò che ne rimaneva: due piccole meteoriti fiutate da Pimpa, l’amica a quattro zampe del signor Davide Gaddi di Mirandola (Mo). Con un nome che omaggia l’indimenticabile cagnolina a pois rossi creata da Altan, le sue vicende non potevano trovare casa più appropriata che tra le pagine d’un fumetto. La storia ruota intorno ad Aurora, la vispa nipotina del signor Davide che, dopo esser entrata in contatto con il prezioso sassolino rinvenuto dallo zio, viene proiettata in una fantastica avventura interplanetaria alla scoperta di meteoroidi, meteore e meteoriti (se vi siete sempre chiesti il significato di tutti questi termini ma non avete mai osato chiedere, siete nel posto giusto). Sullo sfondo, il lavoro delle ricercatrici e ricercatori Inaf che, grazie alla rete Prisma, vanno a caccia di questi pezzetti di asteroidi, fossili della formazione del Sistema solare, per svelare i segreti delle nostre origini cosmiche. Il volume, illustrato da Francesca Poppi, in arte Matitaelettrica, srotola la storia su toni del blu di rosettiana memoria, illuminati di quando in quando da un giallo pastello erede del più celebre verde kryptonite di Nembo Kid. Apprezzabile scelta cromatica che, peraltro, va incontro a chi soffre di daltonismo. Realizzato dal Gruppo Storie dell’Inaf, che si occupa di valorizzare il patrimonio culturale dell’ente con attività di divulgazione scientifica attraverso la narrazione, la letteratura e il teatro, Frammenti di cielo porta la firma di Francesca Brunetti, Martina Cardillo, Davide Coero Borga, Daniele Gardiol, Daria Guidetti e Adamantia Paizis. Alle 25 pagine del fumetto segue una serie di schede illustrate per districarsi nella nomenclatura delle “stelle cadenti” (che stelle non sono) ma anche per conoscere le attività della rete Prisma e scoprire cosa fare se si avvista un bolide nel cielo oppure se si scopre una meteorite (spoiler: fare una segnalazione e stare lontani dalle calamite). Frammenti di cielo è un prodotto di divulgazione agile ed elegante, adatto a curiose e curiosi di tutte le età che hanno voglia di esplorare l’universo senza paura di sospendere l’incredulità, anche solo per un attimo. Read the full article
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maquilanews · 2 years
Reconoce INAFED a Nuevo Laredo como el municipio con mejor desempeño en todo Tamaulipas
De manera virtual el INAFED reconoció al municipio de Nuevo Laredo por haber obtenido un resultado anual del 66.67 por ciento, la más alta de toda la entidad.
NUEVO LAREDO, TAM.- El Gobierno Municipal que preside la alcaldesa Carmen Lilia Canturosas Villarreal, fue reconocido por la Secretaría de Gobernación (SEGOB), a través del Instituto Nacional para el Federalismo y el Desarrollo Municipal, (INAFED) como el Ayuntamiento que más acciones creó para el bienestar de la población a nivel estado. De manera virtual el INAFED reconoció al municipio de…
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world-beauty · 6 months
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Star Factory Messier 17
Credits: ESO, INAF-VST, OmegaCAM
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mindblowingscience · 23 days
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are sudden and intense blasts of radio wave energy from deep space that remain one of the most intriguing mysteries in astrophysics, and a new study adds valuable insight into what might be generating them. Led by a team from the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), researchers looked at FRB 20201124A, first discovered in 2020. Specifically, they analyzed a persistent radio source (PRS) near the FRB.
Continue Reading.
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turquo1s1 · 2 years
Ok so ive been posting ab my future webseries on nearly every platform except tumblr and i love tumblr so im gonna post on here some more!!!
So my webseries is based on the webseries Gone by Michael Grant.
Its called:
It follows the original plot! However, the new characters have their own interpersonal drama which goes on behind the scenes. I plan it to be much more slice of life than the original books. (it will also animate some of the og story to keep the plot making sense)
Below are some pictures of the main characters!!
Jimmy is 13 and listens to Lemon Demon and Tally Hall. He is the main main character and who we follow for alot of the show.
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Yes. He shopped at hot topic pre FAYZ
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A delightful little spinny spin.
Amelia is 14 and loves anime and art. She has her own magical girl OC (that totally isnt a self insert of her). Shes amazing and i love her, just a happy amazing person that i REALLY need to draw more
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She also shopped at hot topic but less so
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MICHAEEEL. Michael is 14 and he's very paranoid and rude when you first meet him but maybe he'll warm up eventually.
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An old sketch but it kinda shows what im going for
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final design currently. i rlly gotta draw him more too
currently planning the plot a little better but thats all for now
im so excited to do this project more its definitely a passion project for me and its based around my special interest so dsjfikosf
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blasteffect · 6 months
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Tarantula Nebula !
This is a Hubble Space Telescope image of a star-forming region containing massive, young, blue stars in 30 Doradus, the Tarantula Nebula. Located within the Large Magellanic Cloud, this is one of the regions observed by a newly-completed survey named ULLYSES.
Some stars are so massive and so energetic that they’re a million times brighter than the Sun. This type of star dominated the early Universe, playing a key role in its development and evolution. The first of its kind are all gone now, but the modern Universe still forms stars of this type.
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, STScI, Francesco Paresce (INAF-IASF Bologna), Robert O'Connell (UVA), SOC-WFC3, ESO
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sueanoi-mmx · 6 days
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Regarding the news on K. Inaf. allegedly asked MvC's devs to add panty shots for Roll. Well. I did not feel right with it. So i thought : We should give Zero a panty shot move. and then I thought: I have the power. And the first art I've made in months is this magnum opus.
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foreverfallingstars · 6 months
For my AO3 readers:
I know that "I Need A Favour" has not been updated in a while, trust me, but I DO plan on continuing it.
I want to write and upload chapter three but I've been struggling with motivation and ideas recently. Just know that I do want to continue and that I plan on it. If for whatever reason I decide to abandon it in the future, (which I will not) I will update it on AO3.
As well, I have another idea for a fic that I want to work on. It is another Tyden fic, and an AU, that will be several chapters if I end up working on it. Due to my habit of abandoning fics, especially longer ones, I will hold back details incase I do not actually post it. However, I have been working on this so hopefully I will be able to publish chapter one.
There's no solid writing yet but I've been working on planning and fleshing out my ideas. I hope that working on this (which, Tivan has helped me name project puzzle piece until it has a proper name) will give me motivation to work on INAF as well.
Thank you to those who read my stuff and leave comments, it means a lot. Just know that I have not abandoned it fully and have no plans to!
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netmassimo · 1 year
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Un articolo pubblicato sulla rivista "Astronomy & Astrophysics" riporta uno studio sulla protostella massiccia catalogata come IRAS20126+4104 che ha ottenuto la misurazione della velocità dei getti di materiali che vengono espulsi a circa 100 km/h. Un team di ricercatori uidato da Fabrizio Massi dell’INAF (Istituto nazionale di astrofisica) di Arcetri ha usato lo strumento SOUL installato sul Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) per ottenere i dettagli necessari a misurare gli spostamenti avvenuti rispetto a immagini d'archivio risalenti al 2003 e al 2012. Questo risultato aiuta a capire meglio i processi di formazione delle stelle massicce.
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