ngatwa · 8 months
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It's Valentine's Day in my time zone, so I wanna send some love and support to the awesome people I follow. I love you, people! You make my life a little better, and the internet more fun. Thanks for all the amazing stuff you create! Part 2.
@badasseryandriversong, @jadestormcloud, @ncutii-gatwa, @thepunkpanther, @alexshenry, @iceinherheart-kissonherlips, @ameliapondmd, @julieafan, @muldery, @labyrinth, @renrapp, @rivertwelves, @ndcgalitzine, @repmet, @crowleybrekkers, @amberheardnet, @rbysunday, @orlandoooooooo, @gingaaaaa, @henrysfox, @puppetsoftomorrow, @hyzenthlay-rose, @hanniaduchannes, @twosomeofcuteness, @maxbegone, @jakeperalta, @nipuni, @darwinsfinchesx.
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majoris · 10 months
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tagged by @kakinou (🖤) to post nine of my favourite first watches of 2023
which was a mission impossible (yes this is a pun, a MI pun 🫡) since it looks like I've only seen 39 new (not necessarily new new) films this year ??!! And I really don't like the word favourite and I don't do those (if you've been here long enough you're well aware) AND the films I've seen were 🌚 meh, mostly but here we are, an eclectic selection maybe but even if not my favourite, all of those movies did leave some kind of imprint on me in one way or another.
tagging 9, for fun and movie recs: @iceinherheart-kissonherlips, @colorfulmetaphors, @emotionalsupportwarcriminal, @sothischickshe, @fatalgift, @nynazenik, @lonely-night, @ressariot, @sdktrs12 (as always, tagging 'cause I think it's nice, but there's no pressure ever to do anything, feel free to ignore me)
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ettadunham · 1 year
5 Songs I Actually Listen to…
🎶✨when you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
I was tagged by @thegunlady and @antoine-triplett, thank you guys! <3 (It's as if you know how much I love inflicting my music on people ❤)
As a result, I will share my top 10 most played songs on spotify rn, hehe
Zeit by Rammstein
Holding Out For a Hero by Nothing But Thieves
Papercut by Linkin Park
Howl by Florence + The Machine
My Hallelujah by Autoheart
The Deep by PHILDEL
Willow Tree by Twin Wild
When You Break by Bear's Den
Don't Stay by Linkin Park
Nature Girl by Cryoshell
I'm tagging @yennciri, @sugarbabywenkexing, @cresmix, @isagrimorie, @iceinherheart-kissonherlips, @dadralt, @arthurwilde, @car0l-avenger-danvers, @vexederolo, @gothdaisyjohnson if they feel like it (or anyone else for that matter, tell me about your music please!!!)
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nobleriver · 2 years
tag 9 people you wanna get to know better!
tagged by: @spacewives-in-spacetime in this post (who already knows I'm wordy as crap so all of this is your fault)
three ships: OTP: Doctorriver (from Doctor Who, all incarnations), BatCat (Batman/Catwoman), SasuSaku (Sasuke/Sakura from Naruto/Boruto)
I am a huge romantic. Romance, to some capacity, is required in almost every story I read or watch. As a result, I have a lot of couples I like. But shipping is another level of interest. So I decided to go with these three because I spent the most money on them lol. I've bought comics, audio dramas, books, and boxsets. And for those wondering why I didn't put Klaus/Caroline from TVD...they broke my heart that's why. :(
last song: Over the Love by Florence and the Machine
last movie: Avatar 2
currently reading: *takes a deep breath*
Ariadne: The Novel. Literally just finished this morning, so my frustration is still fresh. I absolutely adore the story of Ariadne and Bacchus. I almost wrote a novel based on them when I was 19 but I decided not to continue. But because I am so familiar and fascinated by them, I should not have bought this book. The book itself is fine. It was just a mismatch of expectations.
Yes, in the Greco-Roman myths, there is a running theme that some individuals are heroes to men but dogs to women. And there are few variations to Ariadne's story, so one never knows which direction the author will go. But there is more to Ariadne than being a perpetual victim to all the men in her life. At least, to me, there is. This is why, if I have doubts, I usually check the middle of a book before I buy it. I checked this time too, and I thought I was safe, but it was actually the last pages that ruined it for me.
I wanted to read the liberation and empowerment of Ariadne, her conversion from the naive, discarded princess to the triumphant Libera, the ascendant goddess whose name literally means free; the woman who latched hold of a once in a lifetime opportunity and carved a place for herself in the halls of Olympia after her lover, Theseus, abandoned her to starve to death on the shores of Naxos; the Libera who watched, enthroned, as her would-be killer suffered a series of mishaps and fell from grace in the eyes of gods and man.
And were all those mishaps accidents? Or curses? And if so, by whom? Her? Bacchus? Another deity? Is Ariadne foolish or cunning, haughty or generous, vengeful or forgiving? There are so many routes her story can go. However, this book does not take the route of the empowered Libera. It has a negative character arc, which - again - is fine, just not for me. Unless it's about the protagonist turning into the villain in which case it's 100% for me.
Other books I'm currently reading because I do not read one book at a time: Francine Rivers's The Lady's Mine; Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None; Tom Baker's Scratchman; James Patterson and Emily Raymond's The Girl in the Castle; and Jacqueline Rayner's Legends of Camelot.
And don't get me started on the endless list of ongoing manga/manhua I read monthly.
currently watching: Nothing really. I've been meaning to watch the latest season of You. And I've rewatched a couple Doctor Who eps for research (fanfic) purposes. But I don't really watch tv anymore, at least I don't regularly follow any tv shows like I used to.
currently consuming: electrolyte water as prescribed
currently craving: Food. I'm hungry but I don't want to cook. But guess who promised to cook today? Me.
@iceinherheart-kissonherlips @livingdeadblondequeen @expelliarmus @wibblyowzah @whogirl42 @benoitblanc @nostalgia-tblr @watson-emma @clarabosswald
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Ten songs + ten people
put your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs that come up, then tag ten other people
Thanks for the tag @hopeamarsu
On the Radio- Regina Spektor
My Boy Builds Coffins- Florence + The Machine
Alanis' Interlude- Halsey & Alanis Morissette
Kill Bill- Sza
Lovely Day-Bill Withers
Heroes- David Bowie
The Killing Moon- cover by Nouvelle Vague
Just a Girl- cover by Florence+The Machine
Ten Duel Commandments- Hamilton soundtrack
Voldemort Under My Headscarf- LADYPARTS
@dollsome-does-tumblr @djgrannyglasses @village-skeptic @imreallyloveleee @lavenderursa @betsforsythetrash @hanitje @i-know-you-can @iceinherheart-kissonherlips @loudfederationscreeching
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she got married in May, in the middle of the freaking pandemic & we've been having home office since March, but we have to be in the office like once a week/two weeks. so after her wedding in May she was in the office in the middle of June, and was appalled that one of the bosses passed her on the corridor and didn't congratulate her. it's that kind of a person lol. so you see, your response is just too... empathetic lol.
Ah yes, I forgot just what kind of self-obsessed nutcase we’re dealing with here. There’s no reasoning with unreasonable people. 
From now on whenever you bring up this girl I think I’m just going to picture this:
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Also she’ll have a gender reveal party if a coworker throws one for her???  how exactly does she think that would work? never mind. I don’t want to know. I bet she was also one of those people who told wedding guests that gifts must be above a certain dollar amount. (Euro amount? Idk what y’all use but you know what I mean.). 
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queenhawke · 7 years
iceinherheart-kissonherlips replied to your photo “merry christmas ya nerds ”
it's not christmas until you die and regenerate into Jodie Whittaker.
dying and turning into jodie whittaker is in fact my christmas wish
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worried about me
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gif credit: @iceinherheart-kissonherlips
a/n: i got this idea just as i was about to go to sleep and because i have absolutely no self control i wrote this instead of sleeping early like i'm supposed to. mostly unedited, so i'm sorry if this is a Mess™. this is fluff, honestly. nothing but fluff enjoy!
word count: 1,379
The Doctor was on the floor.
He had just been in the middle of prancing around the console, his hands flying over buttons and levers. Just a few seconds ago, he had been laughing and smiling - excitedly telling you about taking you to a planet that specialized in theaters and adding that they also specialized in immersive plays.
"You can step in and interfere at any injustice any time you want!" he'd said, and you had chuckled, because that sounded a lot like him. "The actor's will have to improvise, but you will too, and that's part of the fun. Life's a stage, and all that. So?"
"Sounds good." You had smiled at him, and he smiled back. "I always wanted to test my improv."
"Did I ever tell you I used to be an actor? Small production, but - oh. That's not good."
The Doctor had paused, suddenly going very still. He'd looked up at you, looking very helpless, leaning heavily against the side of the console, and said weakly, "Oh no, not now..."
And then he crumpled to the floor.
"Doctor!" you gasped, dashing to his side. You patted his shoulder once, twice, nothing. "Doctor, wake up!"
To say you panicked was an understatement.
He looked peaceful, all of the lines on his face smoothed, his lips slightly parted as he breathed in and out slowly. You reached out and rested your palm against his forehead, and his cheek. There wasn't any heat, so he wasn't sick - did Time Lord's even get sick the same way humans did?
You leaned down and pressed your ear to his chest. You could hear the steady beat of his hearts, and you were also trying to ignore that you were laying your head on his chest. In any other situation, it would have been intimate. It still was, in a way, but you told your stupid romantic self to shut up.
Your gaze dragged over his features. You wanted to brush the hair away from his very pretty face - wait a second, no, you didn't want to do that! Your face burned, your mouth twisting into a frown. Not now, you chided yourself. You can drool over him later.
You frowned again. Don't do that.
You had to get him to a bed somewhere. The med bay was a good idea, but it could be hard to navigate the TARDIS, and if you were going to be lugging a whole man, you needed a place that you could rely on -
You could go to your room. Was your face still burning? He was going to be laying in your bed, where you spent a lot of time thinking, usually about... well...
You shook your head quickly, trying to shake those thoughts out of your head. You scooped the Doctor's arm up, letting it rest over your shoulders - with a strained groan, you rose to your feet, the Doctor leaning bonelessly against you.
"Okay," you breathed out, "you can do this."
You weren't sure you believed yourself.
You didn't know how you did it, but you managed. You'd managed to place the Doctor's gangly body onto your bed. He practically sank into the sheets as you smoothed your blanket over him, disappearing into a sea of fabric.
You heaved a sigh of relief, your whole body burning with the effort of carrying a nearly six foot alien man across a whole hallway. "Next time, you carry me," you grunted. The Doctor didn't respond, because of course he didn't, and you sighed again.
You grabbed a random chair, dragged it to the side of the bed, and plopped down onto it. You rested your chin on your hand, your chest tight and your heart heavy. What was that feeling again? Ah. It was worry.
You closed your eyes, sucking in a breath through your teeth. The Doctor would be alright, he always ended alright in the end. Stop worrying. The Doctor didn't like it when you worried -
"Ah!" The Doctor jolted awake with a gasp, his hands flying to his chest. He heaved, his eyes wide and frightened, and you jumped off of your chair.
"Doctor, it's fine! It's me!" You met the Doctor's eyes. You found his hands and caught them within yours, holding them tightly. "You're in my room. You're okay."
The Doctor's shoulders dropped, and you nodded encouragingly as his breaths began to slow.
"That's it," you said. "You scared the living hell out of me, passing out like that. What happened?"
"Well, Gallifreyans - if we're injured or tired, our bodies can just shut down," he explained, relaxing slightly. You hadn't let go of his hands yet, and he wasn't complaining. "Without our permission, I might add. Very annoying."
"Tired," you echoed. You stared at the Doctor and squinted, trying to find any sign of that on his face. "Have you been sleeping?"
"Time Lords don't need sleep," the Doctor replied, a little indignantly, shifting in his spot. "Besides, I think too much for that. Head's too full of... stuff."
You frowned at him. "But you can sleep, right?"
The Doctor lowered his gaze to his lap for a moment, suddenly very interested in your blanket. His eyes darted across the surface, as if he was counting every thread - but then he looked up again, and there was something shining in his eyes. "...You're worried about me."
You paused, the question taking you off guard. Letting go of his hands, you sat down at the edge of the bed, and swallowed. "Is that a bad thing?"
The Doctor was silent, his gaze still fixed on you. Slowly, like a sunrise creeping up the horizon, a smile spread across his face.
"No," he said slowly, "in fact, it's brilliant."
You raised an eyebrow at him. What do you mean, it's brilliant? But he just chuckled in response, still smiling like he'd just made a very important discovery. 
"You know, I suppose I could try to get some sleep," the Doctor said, patting the space beside him. He raised his eyebrows at you, and you caught the faintest hint of a blush on his cheeks. "Well?"
Say yes, idiot! "Uh - I, uh... sure!" you said quickly. "Sure why not, ha ha."
Yeah, good job, super eloquent. You climbed into the bed beside him, resting your head on your pillow and watching as the Doctor, somewhat awkwardly, settled in as well. As if on cue, the lights in your rooms dimmed, and not long after the room was bathed in darkness.
"Excuse me." The Doctor's voice drifted from beside you - he reached over and pulled your blanket over your shoulders, smoothing it out like you did with him. "There you go. Comfy?"
You hummed. "This is my room, you know."
"Yes, yes of course." The Doctor's voice was soft, barely above a whisper, but you could hear the smile in his words. In the dark, you let yourself smile too. "Goodnight?"
"You're supposed to be the one sleeping."
Time passed, and in the darkness the seconds dragged on. You could feel the Doctor drifting closer to you, and you didn't move - even when he was so close you could hear the slight hitches in his breath. You forced yourself to keep your breathing steady, to keep your heart under control, but knowing the Doctor he could probably hear you.
You felt something brush against your arm, and you leaned in. Something warm flickered in your heart, and you panicked. Not now!
But then you felt something wrap around your hand, and the warm feeling in your heart roared into a fire.
Oh, to hell with rational thinking, you thought - you felt your way around in the dark until you found what was probably the Doctor's chest, and you rolled over gently and rested your head against it.
You could hear the steady beat of his hearts, the gentle thump-thump, lulling you into Dreamland. You felt the Doctor move and wrap his arm around you, a satisfied noise rumbling in his throat as you snuggled into him.
It was intimate before and it was intimate now, and if the Doctor said something that sounded a lot like "I love you," you weren't awake to hear it.
I’m not gonna tag the people I tagged for Reset, but if you want to be tagged in all my other fics do let me know! I’m gonna sleep now.
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joaniewatson · 4 years
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I was tagged @bunchofwerewolves to post the last 4 albums I listened to and I am so sorry it took me so long but I promise these were the last 4 when I first saw your post! 
I am absolutely obsessed with tswift this year or these past few months so we probably also listened to 1989 at some point but I didn’t want to look like a complete lunatic! Anyways if you didn’t know folklore/evermore are PERFECT for road trips, it is only mildly distracting if the person travelling with you (in this case me) knows almost all the lyrics and insists on singing. Hozier’s album is absolutely AMAZING and this was actually the first time I listened to the entire After Hours by the Weeknd, I love the songs he has released so far and anyway it’s a cool album idek I really like his music *shrugs*
Gonna tag a few people, do it if you feel like it <3
@iceinherheart-kissonherlips @zoewashburne @slapmymind @kendallsroy
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larrahstylinson · 4 years
Dzięki, że wrzucasz te posty i zdjęcia <3
@iceinherheart-kissonherlips Nie ma za co, jesteśmy w tym wszyscy razem! 💕 nie damy się bandzie szaleńców! 🖕🏼 Polki już nie raz udowodniły, ze mamy wielkie jaja i tak będzie tym razem! Trzymaj się ciepło i uważaj na siebie! ❤️
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Firstly, never apologize for being on this specific bullshit. And secondly, I need to see your opinion on #18 and lets have #26 for reasons
this bullshit is where i LIVE
18. If River came back (post-Library), how would it happen?
Okay so I have a fic about this I’ve been meaning to write, and hopefully one day will get to, but basically: 
River busts herself out. She gets sick of waiting for her idiot spouse and finds a way out herself. She returns to uni, but she’s heartbroken and kinda pissed off so when she meets the Doctor again, she’s a bit cold and distant because she still thinks she tricked them into loving her, into staying with her on Darillium etc. and can’t bear the thought of it. 
The Doctor, meanwhile, is fucking ECSTATIC and is like HOW DID YOU GET OUT and River’s like <shrug> and the Doctor just doesn’t understand and River doesn’t understand how the Doctor doesn’t understand because it wasn’t that hard?? EXCEPT that when River busted herself out, her mind is fine but she was injured physically, pretty badly, and hides it from the Doctor with a perception filter. The Doctor knows something is up, and finally they have this big confrontation and it’s revealed that River is hurt and the Doctor is HORRIFIED and River is like ‘yeah well i didn’t see you come up with anything better” and the Doctor is just like I TRIED DAMNIT and she’s like “wut” and the Doctor’s like “oh ffs” and takes her to this room and shows her an entire room on the TARDIS devoted to plans and schemes and plots and efforts to free her from the Library, but every single one was dangerous and she could have been hurt or killed and the Doctor is like “I couldn’t risk it” and River is just like “you... were trying? all this time?” and the Doctor is like “YOU’RE A GREAT BIG IDIOT” and then they snog and live happily every after. 
I would also be A+ okay with River not coming back from the Library, but the Doctor uploading themselves to the mainframe to be with her forever and they go on adventures in books and nothing can really harm them and they just get to live happily ever after in the mainframe PER ACTUAL WORDS FROM STEVEN MOFFAT HIMSELF I AM N”OT OKA”Y
26. Favorite River gif or edit? 
so I love everything by @regalpotato and @riveralwaysknew, @brittanias, @iceinherheart-kissonherlips, @savedher and so many more people oh man. 
I love THIS ONE for the roasting; THIS ONE cause it’s fucking hysterical; THIS ONE cause it’s what happened and y’all can fight me; THIS ONE cause it makes me happy cry; and THIS ONE cause protective!Doctor is my kink 
There’s also one where it’s manipped to look like 13 and River are together and I LOVE that one but I couldn’t find it again. :/ 
[ send me river song asks! ] 
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alexkingstonflirt · 5 years
River Song - Badass Character
Alex is often asked why she thinks her fans resonate so much with River. Why is River so important? Why is all the love and fan-girling around River Song?
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She said in an interview the other day that;
“The wonderful thing is to see so many women, young girls attach themselves to her spirit. I find it quite difficult to understand because she is kind of badass.  So I am not sure if her morals are that great actually. She has heart and she has loyalty and love for this Gallifreyan and that never dies. She’s brave, she’s strong, she’s badass. She’s got complexities and she’s got flaws which, we all have as human beings. So I think that might be why people like her”
So this gave me an idea which might work, might not but I would like to give it a go. I will see Alex at the Nottingham Playhouse and I thought maybe I could collect some stories from you on why River is so important and I give it to her when we meet. We all have our stories, we all have our attachments and this character means so much to so many but I know that not everyone gets the chance to see her, and this could be an opportunity. You can share your story with her if you’d like and we can tell her why River is so loved!!!  
Soooo, long story short: 
If you would like me to get your story to Alex on why we attach ourselves to River’s spirit send it to me. I will collect all of them, and I’ll give it to Alex Kingston when I meet her. 
My blog is not too big, so I will tag some more River/Alex blogs. If you please could reblog this, I will appreciate it so much! Also, please if you can, tag more blogs so more people can see this! :) Or if you think this is a horrible idea, then please just ignore my tag, and I’m sorry to bother you :) 
@iceinherheart-kissonherlips @superevilbeans @canyousonicme  @ambitious-witch @addictedtomelody @alexkingstonalamuse @doctors-melody @happyeverafterdoesntmeanforever @riveralwaysknew @riversongbadass-whovian-overload @riversong4life @riversongandsweetie @areyoumarriedriver @rlversong @beyondsmittenwithkingston  @melodyspond @melodypond-thewomanwhomarriedme @sonickedtrowel @brideoffunkenstein
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majoris · 6 months
thank you @vincatvangogh for tagging me in the tag thingy 🖤
last song: this gem currently watching: st:discovery (anyone wants to talk about T'Rina??), abbott elementary, ergo proxy (was recommended to me as a great show but idk I'm having troubles pushing through. Has anyone seen it?), dipped my toes into fallout (1st ep) and elsbeth (2eps and ma'am are u gonna have sexual chemistry with all the killers or? lol) sweet/savory/spicy: I'm a mixed bag kinda gal tbh relationship status: single current obsession: obsession is a big word tbh and I'm not sure I have any BUT I randomly for some reason unknown to me wanted to read ted lasso's Rebecca/Ted ship ? Guess I just wanted to see what's that about (and ofc I do see the soulmate & pain potential) and now I'm reading Rebecca/Ted fics 🌚 do I ship them ? idk, I don't think so, but who knows where all this reading will take me tbh (any Rebecca/Ted shippers following me?) Last thing I googled: football match dates
tagging (feel free to ignore🖤): @nynazenik, @ressariot, @sealochs, @iceinherheart-kissonherlips, @vampiresdean, @pangalactics
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ettadunham · 3 years
iceinherheart-kissonherlips replied to your post “so you’re telling me that ciri gets 4 episodes...”omg what lol I am glad I stopped watching xD
omg what lol I am glad I stopped watching xD
Looks like they’re pushing the main story of Yen teaching Ciri magic to the next season, but the way they were going around things here... was a choice.
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fictionalstemladies · 7 years
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recommended by: @iceinherheart-kissonherlips
In 2013, the New York Times published an obituary for Yvonne Brill. It began: “She made a mean beef stroganoff, followed her husband from job to job, and took eight years off from work to raise three children.” It wasn’t until the second paragraph that readers discovered why the Times had devoted several hundred words to her life: Brill was a brilliant rocket scientist who invented a propulsion system to keep communications satellites in orbit, and had recently been awarded the National Medal of Technology and Innovation. Among the questions the obituary—and consequent outcry—prompted were, Who are the role models for today’s female scientists, and where can we find the stories that cast them in their true light?     Headstrong delivers a powerful, global, and engaging response. Covering Nobel Prize winners and major innovators, as well as lesser-known but hugely significant scientists who influence our every day, Rachel Swaby’s vibrant profiles span centuries of courageous thinkers and illustrate how each one’s ideas developed, from their first moment of scientific engagement through the research and discovery for which they’re best known. This fascinating tour reveals these 52 women at their best—while encouraging and inspiring a new generation of girls to put on their lab coats.
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rhaenyraisqueen · 5 years
Rules: tag 9 people you'd like to know better
Tagged by @bedeliainwonderland, thanks so much 😊
Favourite colour: I don't have one? Idk probably blue.
Top 3 ships: Sherlock Holmes & Irene Adler, Brienne of Tarth & Jaime Lannister and The Doctor & River Song. (This was not easy).
Lipstick or Chapstick: I'm going to assume that chapstick is similar to lip balm so chapstick.
Last song: Honey and the Moon - Joseph Arthur 🖤
Last movie: Edge of Tomorrow. (I could watch it daily).
Currently reading: A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R Martin. (Finally picked up the first book).
Tagging: @queenkeeleyhawes, @winterromanov, @tillthenexttimedoctor, @iceinherheart-kissonherlips, @oathkeepersdaily, @daenerystargaryendaily, @jenniferlawurence, @kwonbomi, @colleenwing if you want too 😊
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