#and deliver them
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FNAF Vanny and Michael if they met as teens
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mythalism · 1 month
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do you ever read through the solas and vivienne banter and lose your mind over what is some of the most interesting and telling solas characterization in the entire game
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hinamie · 2 months
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god, i wish i knew you back when i was a kid / but when you stare into me now, it feels like i did
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eggpriest · 2 years
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unfinished high(er) quality collection of my stick figure drawings i think you can tell how much raw emotion i felt drawing every single one 
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choccy-milky · 5 months
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insatiable clora and (barely) resisting seb from my latest chap🌡️💕
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ghafahey · 2 years
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I want to stand with you in front of all the Daturma Ox things to come.
JESPER FAHEY and WYLAN HENDRICKS in Shadow and Bone ( 2021- )
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xtraordinarygrls · 2 months
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KATSEYE Touch, 2024
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aquacomet · 1 month
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Week 15 @daycarefriendpickup magma art! ☀️🍲🌙💤
Soup Delivery! With a pitter patter and a jingle of bells, the Soup and Sleep team are ready to make another successful delivery! (Maybe cause a few silly hijinks on the way but it's all in good fun for them!)
Bonus mini Moon in a box doodle!
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musicalmoritz · 12 days
Interview with the Vampire or, as I like to call it, the “my ex wife still misses me, but her aim is getting better” show
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khaopybara · 9 days
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❝Since when did you start liking me?❞
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lloydskywalkers · 2 months
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idiot siblings 🙏
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metalotaku-da · 11 months
Dick and wally were sitting at the wayne family dinner table with their joint families announcing their engagement. Just before desert their was a knock on the front door. Alfred went to tend to it. Nobody thought anything of it till Alfred came back to dinning room with a large meta with him and two scruffed young kids hanging from his hands.
"I believe you have a guest master dick, master wally." Alfred said looking at the red head with a bit of judgment.
"You." The large meta with a goatee and flaming seemingly flaming hair. Motioned to wally with one of the kids who protested. "Well shit you are all here." He looked around the table. "Good I only need to do this once then hopefully. Quit fucking with the time stream." He ignored the throat clearing of the butler and the half raised from the seat posture of most of the dinners guests. "I'm tired of cleaning up all these timeline collapses you speedsters cause. So here is the deal." He sat the protesting kids down in to wally's lap. By phasing through the table. "I'm going to pull all your kids who would cease to exist from the now failed timelines and drop them all in your laps. And I don't care how many it ends up being. You want to cause me problems. You're getting all of yours 10 fold." As he backed out of the table. He pointed an accusing finger at the speedsters. "Do not try me! Oh and By the way. Congratulations on your engagement." He gave a rough pat to alfreds back. "Thanks old man." And then he vanished from sight.
The bats stared at the speedsters. "Care to explain that?"
"Who was that guy?"
"OH my god I'm a dad!" Wally said in shock looking down at his two kids. Ignoring Barry arguing with half the bat clan.
"What are your names?" Dick said all smiles at the two little kids sitting in wallys lap.
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demigods-posts · 3 months
i was sitting in my room thinking of how convenient it is that the books in the pjo series takes places before or after the school year. then i remembered that ttc happened during winter break. and that percy and annabeth likely returned for their second semester after that quest. what a tragedy.
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demaparbat-hp · 1 month
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Oh, Lala...
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nelkcats · 2 years
Crow services
After Danny died he noticed that some animals had become more attached to him while others had moved away. Aggressive or death related animals seemed to react positively to his presence, although friendlier animals such as birds tended to fly away.
Of course, none of this prepared him for the number of crows that landed on his window daily. At first he was scared that they would consider him a corpse and try to eat him but after the third time they brought him a shiny object he assumed they just liked him.
Those crows became very fond of him, they let him pet them, they would perch on his head or shoulders, always present and sometimes even watching over him (A particularly intelligent crow he named Poe would drive his parents away with distractions).
So when he moved to Gotham to complete his studies he prepared for a farewell to his feathered friends; said friends simply ignored him and followed him around the city. Danny assumed he wasn't going to be able to fight them, so he let them be.
This is how the phenomenon called "The Invasion of Crows" began in Gotham, the animals were not aggressive but mostly indifferent, some of them agreed to carry letters as homing pigeons (After Danny asked them for the favor) starting "Crow services"
As long as you had the money or something shiny to pay them the birds would carry messages from one place to another, ironically they would give that payment to Danny, who only sighed and let them pass to his apartment, giving them: some food, shelter and a place to sleep, although he was worried the moment his neighbor would complain about the noise.
At first he let them stay on the streets because they were supposed to be free, but after the sixth time he caught Damian Wayne trying to adopt one he just rolled his eyes and now the little ones were living with him.
So yes, when Jason finally decided to visit his neighbor he didn't expect the red eyed crowd staring at him and judging his actions, one in particular lunged at him and he swore he was about to gouge his eyes out before a voice yelled "Poe, wait! "
Said crow looked at him for a few more seconds before perch on the head of the prettiest boy he had ever seen, who approached to offer him a hand "I'm sorry, they're very overprotective" he muttered worried.
Jason almost fell over laughing when he noticed that this was B's "weird case" about the rise in crows alongside the supposed "new rogue" in town, when all he saw was a college boy with a murder of crows living in his house, maybe creating a new messaging system.
He was going to have so much fun with this, maybe he'd even manage to go on a date with his eyes intact, who knows.
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b1mbodoll · 3 months
gettinf high with perv jake .. or perv hoon …. or both… theyre both trying to convince you to keep taking hits <333 even holding the joint up to ur lips to get u to do it 🙂‍↕️ wld probably shotgun w u too 😖 parting your lips with a finger before exhaling into your mouth 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 theyd pull you onto their lap, maybe even getting a bit rough bcs theyre Possessive n both of them want you in their lap 😓 takin advantage of how dumb n ditzy u get <3 tugging at your top n pawing at your tits, maybe even rubbin ur cunt over your panties until theyre drenched <333 idk just them bein gross n icky
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