#i forgot her life is the most interesting and important thing in the universe
fresh-orange-whispers · 2 months
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Reposted because I want to add this drawing - yeah I forgot to add it yesterday 😌
After an awesome discussion with one of my friends here, I finally set how my OC and Plo Koon would be.
Although Plo is a Jedi and cannot have attachments strictly according to Jedi teaching, the brotherhood between him and his troopers and the father-daughter relationship with Ahsoka are all evidence of attachment, and he has done nothing detrimental to them or to the overall situation because of these attachments. He only offers positive emotions, unlike those that are destructive and self-consuming.
So here we go.
Choosing between an army doctor and a medical droid researcher/technician is hard and I went with the latter. In the SW universe, most medical tasks are performed by droids. Technicians and researchers seem to contribute much more than real doctors.
So, during a rescue mission, she met Plo Koon and kept in touch with him. The two discussed and shared various issues/opinions related to life, technology, law and humanities. She wasn't force sensitive.
One day, she was invited to Dorin for a seminar. Dorin was a planet that placed great importance on technological development and the rule of law, and her talents were highly valued. Behind all this, it was Plo Koon who recommended her. On Dorin, she saw Plo without his mask for the first time, meditating with the Sages. He took her around the planet and told her all sorts of strange and interesting things there.
During that unforgettable journey, she learnt that Plo was a Jedi - not only a Jedi, but also a member of the Jedi Council, deeply loved and respected. But soon, her worst fear came true: she was won over by his charm and gentle character, so that she fell more and more in love with him. When she asked him how he felt about her, he had to tell her everything about being a Jedi, their mission, what they protected and how their relationship would evolve. He gave her enough patience and time to think about it and let her make the best decision. They chose not to see each other for the time being until she figured out how to handle this matter, and he would accept any decision she made, and no decision would change his feelings for her. During this time, she was not happy for a single day. She eventually came back to him and told him that after much thought, she still wanted to be with him, even if they had to keep their relationship a secret.
Love wasn't supposed to be selfish, she understood that very well since she worked in the medical field, long hours and with dedication, much like the Jedi did. She wouldn't worry about his missions and his absence, nor would he be jealous of her sacrifice to her work, droids and patients. It turned out that it was much easier for two responsible adults to maintain good communication and balance everything in their lives. Plo also started to strengthen his power, knowledge and ability thanks to the positive aspects brought by such precious attachment.
Their secret marriage was later held on Dorin.
Eventually, the CW broke out and Plo Koon left her as a Jedi General for the battlefield. She temporarily gave up her job in the production, repair, and research of medical droids and handed it over to someone she trusted. She resolutely chose to follow the army, first so she could see him, and second so she could provide aid to the wounded on a voluntary basis - her love for life and clones was no less than his. They were supposed to keep their meetings a secret during their free time in the army, but in fact, the 104th Battalion knew of her existence - Wolffe and the others even saw Plo as their father and she, their mother. They just laughed at this idea.
As the war drew to a close, Plo Koon was thinking of retiring and starting a future with her. The day before he left for Cato Neimoidia, he had given himself over to love, to intimacy, to sex - he had given himself over to that with her before, but not to this extent. Days later, Plo crashed and died under fire from his own soldiers during Order 66 massacre. After learning his death and who shot him down, she was heartbroken by the betrayal and left the army.
She later gave birth to the posthumous child of Plo, a force sensitive human-Kel Dor hybrid daughter with the same hair as hers, Kel dorian sensory organs, human facial features, Kel dorian skin color and pattern. As the child grew older, she was ready to tell her of her father's deeds, but the daughter told her: A blue man appeared in my room yesterday and said he was my father. Is this true?
Of course Plo became a force spirit, always guarding her and their daughter. In the end, her daughter became a Jedi and joined the Rebel Alliance.
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IG this might be the wrong blog to ask (do you have a main?) but what are some things you hate about the show/fandom that don’t relate to Zutara? Is “The Great Divide” really that bad? The comics? The Legend of Korra?
Okay, let's split these in categories
What I dislike about the original show
How we never really see much about the cultures of the Air Nomads and Water Tribes, and that the planned episode about Aang's parents was scrapped.
How Ty Lee basically has no arc and just went from "Hates being part of a matched set" to "Happily part of a matched set."
How Toph didn't really get any resolution with her parents, be it a reconciliation or a decision to cut contact like Zuko did with Ozai.
How the Lion Turtle wasnot introduced much earlier and instead used a Deux Ex Machina. We all know Aang won't kill Ozai, guys, you don't have to pretent, just let us know there's something Aang can to do avoid it and go revealing stuff about energybending little by little, then give us the final piece of the puzzle in the finale.
How the White Lotus was clearly a retcon that stopped making any sense after season two and that they're actually pretty fucking useless when you think about it.
How the show basically forgot that Iroh was very much a villain in season one, and for most of his life, therefore he has no right to call Azula crazy and dismiss her as a lost cause.
How Iroh says it wouldn't be right for him to kill Ozai, even if he could, because history would just see it as just a brother killing another brother for power, then IMMEDIATELY sending his 16-year-old nephew to a battle to the death with his 14-year-old niece - all while the White Lotus FINALLY decides to do SOMETHING and frees Ba Sing Se...
...Which looks horrible for Iroh when we think "Oh shit, last time he tried to capture it because he thought it was his destiny, his son died, and now he sent his nephew to a battle in which nearly dies and gets another scar while he's off trying to free that same city because of destiny again." (Seriously, when it comes to Ba Sing Se, don't let Iroh do ANYTHING other run a tea-shop in it. Somehow it always shows the ugly side of his personality).
How "Sokka's Master" is really an episode that did not need to exist at all because while Sokka had always wanted to be a warrior, he never really expressed any insecurity about being a non-bender and was only ever teased about it once. It just felt like an obligatory "The dude with no powers is important too!" episode and not a natural stepping stone of the narrative.
As for "The Great Divide" it is a pretty boring episode... but it's not as bad as people say. I don't think the original Avatar had any episodes in which nothing is important or at least creative and/or cool. I like the music in it, the world-building is kind of neat, the theme of helping refugees is pretty coherent with a show about war, and the animation changes when we are told the versions of the story on what these people hate each other was pretty cool.
What I dislike about the novelizations of the show
While some of the attempts of exploring how characters felt in some scenes really works and provides some interesting interpretations, others just fall completely flat and feel a bit OOC.
What I dislike about The Lost Adventures comics
That ridiculous story with Katara being way too pushy with Aang's training for no reason and refusing to communicate with him when he wants to talk about the kiss on the day of the invasion. She would never treat him like this.
What I dislike about the Azula In The Spirit Temple comic
The bits that remind me "Oh yeah, that's supposed to be set in the same universe of the Yang comics." Other than that, it is a pretty good stand-alone story and it allowed Azula to be turned into a deeply offensive stereotype about the mentally ill.
What I dislike about (most of) the comics and Korra
Nearly everything. Seriously, I don't know how the reception to these were mostly mixed instead of on the same level of hatred the fandom has to the Shyaman movie. The character assassination and lack of understanding of what made the original story good is EXACTLY the same, yet because it had Bryke's approval/involvement people expect me to take it as canon and it's NOT gonna happen.
What I dislike about the Netflix version
It exists. I'm sick of all the bullshit, souless remakes/reboots that are clearly just crash-grabs for companies that completely forgot they can make money AND art at the same time. I especially hate the trend of beautiful 2D animation being replaced with cheap cosplays, ugly CGI and poor lighting to pretend it is the "dark, mature version of the story"
What I dislike about the fandom itself
To make a really, really, REALLY long list very short and not really rank them 'cause it'd take forever:
1 - The blatant ableism towards Toph and Azula.
2 - The constant delusion about Avatar being "just like Game Of Thrones" and "not a kid's show."
3 - The people still insisting that the Netflix version, Korra, and the comics are good or "not that bad."
4 - The weird way some people act like Zuko was the first character to ever get a redemption arc and that everyone who does it now is taking inspiration from it.
5 - The refusal to accept that uncle Iroh was never perfect, both due to oversight of the writers AND deliberate narrative choices.
6 - The people that act like the show was trash just because of a few bad choices.
7 - The people that act like the show is perfect.
8 - The people that act like Bryke's interpretations are the only ones that matter.
9 - The inability to not harrass others for not agreeing with them.
10 - The weird, stupid people that act like Sozin and Azulon were not that bad and not just as power-hungry, racist and cruel as Ozai.
11 - The people that don't understand how Aang killing Ozai would be character assassination AND a deep betrayal of the themes and morals of the story.
12 - The people that keep losing their shit if you want a character like Azula to have a redemption arc because it'd "make Zuko's less especial" (it wouldn't, and I know that because HE WASN'T THE ONLY CHARACTER TO GET REDEEMED IN THE STORY, hell, he wasn't even the first).
13 - The downright offensive and disgusting need the fandom feels of sweeping Zuko's mistakes under the rug, no matter how bad they are, because they think he needs to be perfect otherwise he was not truly a victim of abuse.
14 - The way people just full on make shit up to support their headcanons, ships and theories.
15 - The blatant racism.
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not-that-n · 8 months
I read like all of Sleepless Domain yesterday and it was pretty good, its one of those stories that I know will really resonate with some people even though it didn't with me. Don't take that comment wrong, I think the comic is great and has some pretty amazing ideas, I love the world it presents and I love how the characters inside it act in relation to that.
I like all those things about magical girls being celebrities and how that's a purposeful way of making the concept feel more abstract and surreal to the average public so that girls don't hesitate to participate in such a life threatening job and how the general culture of the place sees magical girls and their organization, but I think the most compelling aspect of the comic was how different circumstances, mainly the presence of a support group, affect two people that went through the same tragedy.
If this sounds interesting to you, please go read it, it is a pretty good story that I know will resonate with some people incredibly deeply. That said, beware spoilers below
Tessa if my favorite part of the comic because of how that character reflects Undine's situation. While Undine still is hurting the loss of her three friends she takes action, while shy she still tries to better herself, to make new friends, to make new relations and get help, it is stated that she goes to therapy something that seems, well, logical considering what she goes through but outside of that she shows progress in trying to move on from this tragedy. She keeps hidden a lot because, well, of course she does, talking about such a traumatic event is incredibly hard specially if you think that opening up might put your friends in danger, but even though she is scared of this, she does open up, to Kokoro and then to her other, new friends. She is afraid but she works to Kokoro, she accepts her proposal to participate in the training club, she is afraid but she makes new friendships.
Its also important to mention Kokoro and just how much I like her as a character, originally I thought she was just too emotionally intelligent and that it made Undine's journey a bit more plain but that's kinda the point. Kokoro's character is about how a single person can change someone's life for the better through kind acts. She does struggle like everyone does, she is insecure and she went too through a great loss. She keeps somethings bottled up because she is afraid of making things about herself, of being annoying to the people she wants to help. But she still opens up to Undine, afraid of course but she does it. She makes the club a friend group and everyone ( except one character ) is better for it. Kokoro made the club a support network for everybody involved and that's incredibly cute and heartwarming, this one person made the world such a better place for most of her friends as a result of being so kind.
Then, as a parallel, you have Tessa's story. Instead of, like Undine, trying to get help and establish new relations and a support group, Tessa isolates herself, not letting herself move from that tragedy. She makes new friends, Rue (I won't talk about Rue much but she is amazing) and the whiteboy she likes (I forgot his name lmao) but never really opens to them, every time someone tries to get closer or make a friendship with her, she runs away and even with Rue, someone she actually used to hang out quite a lot and were friends if not really close, she still keeps at an arms length, never talking about her issues, never opening up. When Rue attempts to get closer, Tessa ends up hurting her, saying some (in universe) horrible things to say and breaking that friendship, she is constantly avoiding Undine, not answering and purposefully calling at a time she knows she won't be at home, and when they meet up again she is distant, not opening up, waiting until she goes away to showcase any feelings of discomfort as showcased by the comic panels only beginning to shatter when Tessa is alone.
And I find this such an interesting juxtaposition of characters because Undine tries to move on, she does feel horrible about it, saying that she feels like things are finally becoming normal when after such a tragedy things should never feel that way, she like Tessa feels like she shouldn't be moving from that moment of loss, that doing such isn't grieving correctly her friends. But unlike Tessa she doesn't let those feelings win mainly because when she doubts, Kokoro is in there to help her, to lift her up, to be the shoulder to cry on. While Tessa just goes to the cemetery every day, never opening up, lying to people about her situation and just further isolating herself.
When Rue, after all that happens, still tries to do the right thing, recognizing both that there's no excuse for Tessa treating her that way but that she is going through something incredibly hard, and asks her if she is ok, asks her, in a way, to open up about her feeling so she could help, Tessa again says no, she says that she is fine and only wanted to be alone in that moment, that she didn't mean what she said. Something that actually might not be completely bullshit, she probably never doubted Rue's magical girl ability and wanted to be alone, to isolate herself even more, and just said that so Rue couldn't get closer, and I find interesting that Tessa, in a way, said the truth to justify the pretty obvious lie that she is ok.
I just really love this, presenting two different, opposite outcomes of how people deal with tragedy makes both stories feel both more heartwarming and more tragic, when you read about Tessa you remember Undine's story and, knowing that Tessa could be going through that, it feels like adding salt to the wound because you know she can be in a better place, and while reading Undine's story you always have Tessa's on the back of your mind, feeling more heartwarming because you know how her friends helped her and what would happened if they didn't.
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fig and kristen are literally opposites omfg
Kristen was deeply traumatized by her religious cult upbringing and the expectations put on her as the Chosen of Helio.
Meanwhile Fig was able to fully embrace her fiendish blood and make it work for her.
Fig during her Junior year is unable to commit to anything for more than five minutes, jumping from Barbarian auditing, To trying and disliking Bard, to Loving Warlock classes, to being a Barbarian/Paladin thing? She's finally getting A's but she's abandoning her career as a Bard/Musician to pursue whatever current fleeting interest she has. She's supposed to be a Pit Fiend but she's really not like doing anything at all about that because she forgot about it. Everything in her life is made by her/somewhat innate to her and she doesn't really feel a sense of duty that truly compels her to any one thing. This girl feels that if she is not the adventurer who can do literally anything, then she is might as well be nothing. On another note, it kinda seems like nothing she does is genuine because she's not really able to commit to anything.
On the other hand, Kristen has other interests like the presidency getting fucking yolked. However, she is so traumatized by the burden of her duties as the chosen of Helio, that having to do anything for any one god (let alone like four deities?) is completely overwhelming to her. Kristen is terrified of commitment because what if it's the wrong choice? In Sophomore Year, we saw a Kristen who was willing to go back to Helio just to have a sense of certainty. Kristen made Cassandra into the godess of doubt, not because she's a doubtful person, but because she's convinced that only a god can give her the ability to be okay with uncertainty.
And It's pretty clear that Kristen desperately needs like a long term break from being an adventurer because you can tell she so badly just wants to NOT be the center of the universe for like five seconds. However, she knows that if she's not an adventurer she might lose the most important friends she's ever had.
Also I'm wondering if Kristen actually appreciates Fig's worship of Cassandra or not, because it seems like Kristen is in this really tough spot of "oh you're just gonna make me do more work? that i never asked to do? because you just need to satisfy another wacky impulse?"
And the worst part is Fig is impulsive but she's managed to control her impulses so that they either don't affect her friends and family, or so that they're directly beneficial. And so I'm wondering that if Kristen does resent Fig for imposing something on her, that Fig is similarly resentful of Kristen that she doesn't appreciate the work that she's trying to put into at least making her chaotic nature work for her friends.
GOD I am normal about characters.
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inbarfink · 1 year
My homie I have amazing news. In one of Finn's past lives he was a butterfly. Fionna is probably dreaming of one of her past lives. Like yeah I know dream analysis and stuff and the shwo is very deep. But maybe it's just a cute easter egg.
Okay, I was actually totally planning to add a lil thing in the tags of that post that I was like "hmmm or maybe it can also be related to Finn's past life as a butterfly" but then I, like, had a brainfart and forgot about it lol??? I literally don't know what happened there, honestly.
But also, there is a reason I only meant to leave this idea as a little-side-addendum in the tags - because I don't consider it very likely at all right now. First and foremost because, yeah, one of Finn's past life was a butterfly - but that doesn't necessarily mean anything about Fionna.
I mean, we know that the F&C verse sometimes flips around characters' species. For Glob's sake, literally the second-most important character in this universe is a cat whose Mainverse counterpart is a dog! As far as we know, Fionna's past life could've been a maggot or a Kiwi bird!
Also, an important thing to remember here is that Fionna isn't having this dream alone. Cake is ALSO dreaming with her
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While it's been kinda implied that Finn and Jake keep reincarnating as best bros throughout their lives and maybe you can extrapolate that would be true of Fionna and Cake as well. But there's nothing in this little visual that could be a 'companion' to the butterfly so I think it's worth asking.... why is Cake dreaming of Fionna's past life as well?
Also, I would buy the idea this was just "Fionna dreaming of her past lives" more if, like, the first episode's title sequence showed her dreaming of a shooting star or a pink slime or a genderswapped version of Shoko or anything else also related to Finn's past lives. But instead what we had was this:
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What seems to be a simplified version of the Hotel from her dream sequence at the start of the episode (note the little beach chair on top). I mean, if Finn has a comet I guess Fionna's past life could be a building but... yeah I'm pretty sure that's just the hotel from the dream. It seems like the emerging pattern is Fionna dreaming about a location from the episode at each Ending Title Sequence.
Because the most important thing is that Fionna in the EP2 ending isn't just dreaming of a random butterfly....
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That Butterfly is sitting on the MASK WORN BY THE 'EVIL BEAR' FROM THAT SAME EPISODE.
So Fionna is dreaming explicitly of a butterfly flying around in the Heart of Ooo. So if THIS is her past life that actually has far more Lore Implications than if the dream is just symbolic of the series' themes.
And you know, I was just kinda spitballing with that "Zhuang Zhou Dreams of Being a Butterfly" thingy. I still think there's something there especially with Fionna dreaming of Ice King and Ice King dreaming of Fionna but... there's a lot of interesting thematic meanings you can take from the butterfly if you don't insist on refusing to engage with it for silly reasons.
The aforementioned 'Butterfly Effect' concept is one. But you can also look at more general symbolism associated with butterflies. Such as Freedom (which is, when you get down to it, what Fionna is dreaming about more than anything) or Change and Transformation. You know, kinda like how the ending of this episode signified an important Change in the status que of both of our main leads?
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And Transformation is a HUGE theme in this particular episode. You know, Simon's struggle of having being transformed into Ice King and now back to Simon again and how much it messed up his sense of identity? Or how his trauma Changed him? Or how he has a hard time coping with the Changes in his life and the world in general?
We'll probably need more than two episodes to really see what the pattern is with the ending titles and thus more reliably speculate on What Could It Mean. But with the information we have, I don't think it was just Fionna dreams of her past life. And even if it is, I think it's silly to totally discard all the thematic possibility of the butterfly. There's a reason why didn't just dream of being a Pink Slime, after all.
(edited to remove a factual error because I made a point about Fionna's surname not being related to Finn but forgot that was Minvera's name lol)
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umineko ep7 pt2
Slaps roof of character wow they get so many names and character designs and personalities/personas. We got ushiromiya lion and the red suit. Clair the white ghost witch who has the role of urban legend beatrice who also shows up as elder sister gold Beatrice in .. ep5? And then chick younger sister beatrice. Then we got the og italian beatrice, and her incest daughter kuwadorian beatrice2. Oh yeah and gaap is also a beatrice. Lion and beatrice have gold hair why does shannon have dark hair.
Natsuhi and battler are so right, go get rudolph's cheating two timing ass. Rudolph being all torn up about battler hating him and cheating, and kyrie is out there popping off champagne and dancing on asumu's grave. It says something that 12 year old battler was more emotionally mature than kyrie. Kyrie to some degree even resented battler and hated asumu enough she was resolved to kill her. Battler meanwhile doesn't hold rudolph's decisions against ange and even admires kyrie. 12 year old battler shouldn't have carelessly promised things he couldn't keep. forgetting about what he said is so 12 year old core. In a way you can think the ushiromiya family incident as rudolph's fault. It sounds like shanon was more infatuated with the idea of marriage than any one boy, like girl you agreed to marriage at 16. Also something insidious about george probably wanting marriage for children to continue the family line and what not and idk if shanon is even capable of pregnancy. In the long run 6 years is pretty short, it just so happens to be at a critical time in a kids life, Rudolph didn't get to see battler grow up. Shannon high off copium deluding herself that this is all a test of her love that the longer battler stays away the more devoted he is. vs. the reality that like most 12 year olds and he forgot and didn't think it was important.
Huh white beatrice took on shanon's love for battler. She just made kanon??? You can do that? Scary. Shanon so repressed she made an edgy emo boy alter. And then clair remade her form to be battler's exact type, which just so happens to look like og beatrice. Or did she rewrite og beatrice's appearance? white beatrice changing her hair color still doesn't explain why shanon and lion have different hair colors. Unless yasu's hair was originally gold but in making the shanon servant persona they changed the hair color from gold to black/brown. Beatrice 2 3 is also classic anime 1 drop of white blood makes your family white forever (see ann takamaki) where as in reality 1 european parent 1 east asian parent always (excluding rare mutations) ends up with dark haired children like you get a dark chocolate brown at lightest. So beatrice2 (F1) being blond is almost impossible. I'm not even going to think of why kinzo has white hair or the ushiromiyas in general have light hair i heard someone say this is just for audience interest where in universe everyone has black hair. So at best bea2 would also be dark haired with recessive alleles. And then incest backcrossing to the same dark haired alleles means it's still impossible for bea3 to have blond hair. Which brings it back to blond lion unless that is just visual design and not canon.
Ah the epitaph was to decide whether genji would reveal yasu or not.
The thing is battler doesn't know beatrice exists so even if he did come back he wouldn't love her. The one battler has a past and relationship with was shanon. In taking that love from shanon they doomed it. Also i get they're a hivemind thing but it's kinda disturbing that emotions can be cut and pasted from one person to another
Weird that the translation is using a mix of romanized and japanified names but very few of the actual taiwanese names which are mandarin chinese. Like the translation uses Tansui when it's actual name is Danshui which is an actual place. The eng translators probably don't know but replacing existing names with japanese ones is one of the main tactics of japanese imperialism and colonialism to forcefully assimilate the population, cultural genocide and all that.
Not genji dressing her up to be presented to kinzo, feels sooo bad. Ok i wasnt sure which version because this beatrice acts like shannon but is being narrated by clair. But kinzo's line about your face and voice resemble your mother part i want to throw up. Get away from them, i must protec. Yeah sure you carry beatrice's blood but you're also 3/4 kinzo. Every line out of kinzo's mouth just gets worse! Die right now. Hell is too good for kinzo. Making them cosplay as their dead mother is so messed up. Kinzo was a bastard until the end didn't natter that he was ruining someone else's life or dumping massive trauma on them or that they'd been a servant since 6 and so many labor laws broken like child labor little rest nor vacation verbal abuse with holding food, noo all the mattered was making himself feel better.
First order as head: i quit. I guess this vaguely makes the george shanon relationship better, even if it's beatrice side that became the master the one with love for battler, and not shanon. Although really now that bea/lion/shanon/yasu (i hate this series most confusing identities ever!) knows, why didn't you choose someone who isn't a cousin/nephew. Oh wait i just realized they are 19 i remember earlier they were talking about faking yasu's age. In some ways the george relationship makes more sense. Shanon/clair/beatrice is so passive about their life. She hands over the position of head because they don't want to decide anything, leave everything up to fate and go where fate takes her. George offers that kind of certainty were he decides things for shannon and she goes along with it.
I dont get whats going on are clair and will undoing the previous episodes and murders?
Yasu/shannon/beatrice/clair/etc. (am i missing any?) is soooo normal. Girl splits her persona when her preteen crush ghosts her that's not a healthy response. She is not coping well. Shannon chooses george to tell her how to live and what to feel (not dissing lifestyle subs or anything but girl what). She sets up a bomb to blow up the island with an elaborate serial murder plot. Girl is mentally unwell. Oh yeah and then kinzo trauma dumps and makes her spiral. Oh yeah and kanon. I cant tell if their character is meant to be coded with dissociative identity disorder like maria is autism coded or not. They need therapy, and feminism. Actually all the ushiromiyas need therapy and feminism.
Gun safety everyone. This is why you store guns and ammo separately, don't fight over a loaded gun, and don't put your finger on the trigger unless you plan to shoot. Wow hideyoshi "let's hide the murder and bodies". Something about that fascist gold fever making everyone go crazy and murderous (except erika who's already deranged, and battler who's battler). You don't even need the explosion plot you can always lie and say krauss and natsuhi got in an argument about hiding kinzo's death and the inheritance.
Damn kyrie killing everyone is cold blood. Forgot she's a yakuza heir. She really lets hate rule her life. Asumu's gone so she just transfers her hatred into battler. Kyrie and rudolph a match made in hell, they're both terrible people. I've honestly checked out of all the main romances (battler beatrice, george shannon, jessica kanon). the most interesting are eva hideyoshi which is girlboss + malewife but they're both deeply sexist. And kyrie and rudolph, they're such terrible people but they really do match each other and make good partners. I'm not sure rudolph and kyrie are on the same page. Oh that's how eva survives makes what happens with ange more painful given what she accuses eva of.
Eva is the luckiest person alive. The ange angst train continues. Wow kyrie might be an actual psychopath (the actual clinical definition not the pop psych twitter definition), utterly self centered and self serving, kinda impressive but wow. The truth huh, the inside of Schrodinger's catbox. I guess battler won in the end with the anti witch anti magic hypothesis. But battler isn't dead yet. And of course ange's fragment of miracles is one where kyrie and rudolph succeed in massacring everyone.
What does that red scene mean?? Beatrice is reluctant about kinzo's "feelings" ew this better not be incest round 2 with beatrice3. They hate their body because of a terrible injury which she describes as unable to love. Or is this beatrice2.
Given kyrie's love for ange turned out to be a lie i wonder about her relationship with rudolph. Maybe it was pragmatism afterall it can be pointless to love someone who's dead and kyrie sees thing that way but I've never met anyone with that degree of control over their emotions. Most of the time when people can control emotions it usually is just repression ignoring and stuffing down emotions rather than changing them. Less often people are talking about indirectly affecting their emotions like rewarding yourself with a cookie to bring your mood up or leaving an environment that is making you angry I've never met anyone who can turn love on and off like a light switch. Kyrie admits to testing rudolph so i do think it possible she would have killed him too if he'd been unable yo murder george and battler. Which makes me wonder if she did love rudolph in her own way as much as she was capable of. The two certainly got along well, had good chemistry, and seemed well matched in dispositions being able to keep up with and push each other, similar hobbies, etc. or was rudolph an achievement, a possession, a trophy husband for her. Kyrie did devote 18 years to getting him but it almost to me seemed more about destroying asumu for daring to get in the way of what kyrie wanted. The other thing is why does kyrie twice now monologue about her motives. Flipping the chessboard bern shows it to torment ange. But what about kyrie to vent? To distress her opponent?
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grimalkinmessor · 1 year
Hello! I am very intrigued by your headcanons towards Death Note characters since I read your post about your Light's ones. So I wanted to ask what are your headcanons about L and Ryuk??
Ooo I haven't thought much about those two in terms of headcanons.
I'll start with Ryuk because I have a few more on hand for him, just because they tie into my Shinigami lore hcs :3
☠️ -Ryuk used to be human once! All Shinigami save for Nu and the King used to be human. Now my personal headcanon for that is that you have to kill a certain amount of people before you can become a Shinigami, and the Shinigami realm is rotten and dying because they just don't make killers like they used to :/ Ryuk is the youngest of them, and he made the cut because he was an arsonist! :D As a human Ryuk was a punk, a highly insane anarchist with a taste for gunpowder and blood. He blew up so many buildings with people inside that he made the cut for Shinigami-dom.
☠️ -An add-on to the above and a slight spoiler for Cosmic Entities, Ryuk the Human was killer on the guitar. His riffs were fucking amazing, and he rocked with a lot of underground artists before he overdosed and died. Of course when he became a Shinigami he forgot about all of that, but if he ever, say, regained a human body, he might remember a bit of it :3
☠️ -Ryuk's highly addictive personality is half a leave over from his human life, and half because of how young of a Shinigami he is. The older a Shinigami is the more apathetic they get—which is why I headcanon Kinddara as fairly young too, because she has a LOT of bloodlust rattling around in her. A lot. Gelus and Rem aren't young, persay, but they're definitely not as old as they others given that they both fell for Misa. Whiiich brings me to my next headcanon!
☠️ - Ryuk is asexual! :D And aromantic. He was ace when he was human too, but they didn't really have a name for it back when he was alive so he never labelled it. And as a Shinigami, he just assumed that other Shinigami ALSO didn't feel those urges because, you know, they're Shinigami. Ryuk still gets attached to people even as a Shinigami (I headcanon his relationship with Light as queerplatonic in every universe and you will pry that from my cold dead hands) and he's not really sex-repulsed, he would just honestly rather have an apple.
☠️ -Case in point: Ryuk gets depressed after Light dies. He gets the reputation as a storyteller because...well, that's kind of all he does after that whole Kira mess ends. (That Shinigami from the relight is NOT Light I will fight you on that—) He reminisces about it like a war veteran and tells anyone that asks anything they want to know about the various Kiras and Light. Especially Light. He's very proud of Light. Ryuk doesn't seem to even be interested in the human world afterward, nor in playing or gambling with his fellow Shinigami. He seems more resigned to his boredom than before. Almost like he's grieving someone. Huh...
🍰 -L'S TURN: I have multiple contradictory headcanons for how L ended up with Watari, but my most realistic one is that his mother died directly after giving birth, but she was a bit of Jane Doe. The only thing she had with her was a messenger bag with a worn French book and a map of the area in it. Since she died before she could name her child, the hospital staff looked through her stuff and found the initials L.L. written on the inside of the book, so one of the nurses just wrote that down on the birth certificate, along with the first word she found on one of the pages. It was in the woman's bag, so it was obviously important to her, right? Maybe she'd like her child named after her favorite novel. Buuut half of the first name smudged and left the kid with a singular letter L instead of actual initials. Oops. The matrons at the orphanage don't have time to worry about shit like that so the singular letter stuck. Congrats kid, that L no longer stands for anything, you're a part of the alphabet now 🫡
🍰 -L definitely pulled a Tom Riddle in his first orphanage and stole literally everything he could get his hands on. If a kid argued with him or tried to tell on him he would beat them up. He was that quiet kid in the corner of the room, eating everyone's candy from that generous man that passed by the day before because they didn't defend it or hide it well enough. And L was definitely a biter as a kid, so get to close to his little thief corner and you'll walk away with teeth marks in your fucking arm or leg or face. Around the matrons, however, L was—well, not normal, but he definitely didn't bully the other kids around them because they'd grab him and drag him around and crack his hands with a ruler, and even at a young age he knew that he couldn't win in a fight with someone that much bigger than him.
🍰 -L also knows plenty of foraging hacks from his time as an orphan. His original orphanage was on the outskirts of the city, so he got very good at learning which plants were edible by watching the forest animals and identifying them on his own. So when winter came along and food got scarce, L had little pouches and cups of dried flowers and berries and roots hidden in his room to eat. Like hell this little glutton is going to stick to his assigned rations—are you nuts? It's survival of the fittest out there 😤
🍰 -As a consequence of the above, L grew to really like rabbits. He watched them a lot to learn which plants he could eat and eventually got really hyperfixated on the idea of the idea of trying to catch one. He'd go out and hide and wait for the rabbits to show up, and then chase them. He had to get more creative when they proved to be faster than him, and eventually he set up a trap and caught one. L managed to keep it as a pet for about a week before the caretakers found out and made him get rid of it. Which was honestly just as well; L was nearing his limit with his rabbit fixation and eventually he would've started to neglect it.
🍰 -The book L's mother brought into the hospital was one of his only non-stolen possessions growing up, but because it was written in French, L had to learn French in order to read it. And he did. By the time L was seven years old he was pretty much bilingual—one of the reasons he caught Quillish's attention as a little prodigy. L learns languages quickly, but only when he's interested, so he might learn five languages in rapid succession or he might procrastinate learning another language for two years. By the time he hits sixteen he's fluent in nine different languages. He stalls at around thirteen when he's twenty and doesn't really see the need to pick up anymore.
🍰 -At one point, Quillish attempted to force L into healthier eating habits by only giving him healthy foods, but this backfired spectacularly because L threw a fit and refused to eat any of it. Quillish didn't want to back down though, so he told L that if he didn't want to eat what was in front of him then he could go hungry. And because is L is a petty bastard and runs on quick fuel sugar, it didn't take him long to pass the fuck out after a day of refusing to eat the bullshit Quillish locked him in with. Quillish tries this three more times before giving up and just sneaking vegetables into his sweets. When L is older, they have a long conversation (argument) about it and eventually L begrudgingly agrees to replace at least a quarter of his sweets with fruit—sweet enough for him to tolerate but healthy enough to appease Quillish. Hence the banana scene that everyone loves :)
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harrowscore · 4 months
Ship game you said? Eh eh. Let's go: ere//mika (or the ultimate meta on way you have so many problem with the pairing) and,to compensate the bitter with the sweeter:riva/mika. I'm particularly curious about this one because since there was the "levi ackermann" reveal almost nobody talk about their dynamic because "yikes,they could be cousin!11!1"
OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY i left this ask to rot in my box and then forgot all about it I'M SO SORRY fellow salernitana i hope you can forgive me 😭😭😭😭😭
so... starting with why i don't ship e.remika (a serious understatement): it's a horrid potpourri of the tropes i most loathe in the world and that unfortunately seem prevalent in the shonen genre for. some reason i guess. my dislike of ~Girl Obsesses Over Boy (who doesn't care and/or seem to notice her feelings i may add) Until Boy *gasps* Loves Her Back (with no build-up whatsoever. it's all telling and not showing)~ knows no bound. (see also i.chihime from bleach) it's especially annoying to me if the girl has. no fucking goals or aspirations (and sometimes even IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIPS) that don't revolve around the boy, which is mikasa's case. to sum it all up... this dependency is okay (in fiction, i mean!) only if it comes from both sides. think of cathy & heathcliff (e.remika is like. the fucking discount badly written version of WH): both can't function without the other in an exquisitely destructive portrayal of obsession and codependency that borders on narcissism. so that's not healthy at all, like mikasa's love for eren, which is something that i'm not saying as a hater but that gets explicitly acknowledged in-universe with the intentional parallels with ymir the progenitor's '''love''' for king fritz (tho they make a pairing like, idk, joker/harley look like cutesy vanilla relationship goals, and em as straight up austenian romance lmao).
but, back to WH... it's SO well-written. mikasa instead is sadly dependent on eren to the point her entire character arc is about getting over him and moving on with her grief. that's insane, considering he - as the (male!) protagonist - obviously loves her, but he's got so much else to do, has actual goals which are the basis for the whole plot, and interesting, complex relationships with so many other characters. [yes, i said that he loves mikasa, tho i don't buy that he wanted to live with her in la Casetta In Canadà and forget the world because that's SO not eren; that's mikasa's dream, and it's shown as illusory wishful thinking for a reason. but while i think his romantic feelings were portrayed so badly it's kinda laughable ngl, it's always been obvious that he deeply cares for her. she and armin are the most important persons in his life, and idw to imply differently.] mikasa comes VERY close to have her own arc, independently from eren, but her character development seems to round in circles again. and again. and again. letting eren go - which is something that stems from the trauma-imprinting she had on him; she never elaborated her parents' death, and losing him too would mean losing them, feeling that pain, all over again - is something she's shown to do in the early episodes of s1, before eren even turns into a titan. but then we see her choose him over all else again, and then realizes that there are other important things and persons too (that time levi injured himself to save her because she was too focused on getting to her boy, remember?). and then the cycle repeats all over again to peak in the (admittedly tragic but extremely predictable) finale, where he's destroying the fucking world, almost killing her and all their friends, and she still hesitates over taking a fucking stand. she fights against the founder titan, yes, but she never openly condemns eren's actions, she never stands up to him like armin does. mikasa is shown as a strong, sometimes even defiant person to everyone else but eren (see how she gets with levi; especially in the manga, she contradicts him A Lot and doesn't give a shit about his scary reputation - her own is nearly as fearsome after all); she's very passive with him in a way that doesn't suit her. of course she loves eren, but armin loves him too and he fights back and doesn't take any of eren's shit when he insults them both, while mikasa just... stands there crying prettily, i guess. which brings me to the elephant in the room: it's armin who's actually the biggest influence on eren (the latter himself says it was armin showing him the book about the outside world that made him realise he wasn't free, just to list one example); it's to save him who eren sacrifices himself for, which then prompts his first transformation into the attack titan. they're narrative foils (tho the same could be said about him and reiner and to a lesser extent gabi), complementary opposites. he's so physically affectionate towards armin, especially if contrasted with his colder behaviour towards poor mikasa - okay, he's a bit of a tsundere, but one thing is saying that he represses his feelings actually, and another is showing it!
i know all about characters repressing and outright denying they feel something for their LI, believe me; i love emotionally stunted idiots who can't emote for shit (maybe because i am so emotional and feel things too deeply, i'm drawn to my opposite). but @ yams....... please...... have mercy on me, because that's Now How You Do It, and whoever says otherwise is delusional. if a female character from anything but a shonen/bordering on seinen anime got this kind of characterization there would be so much discourse, so many polarizing opinions, so much hate for the author. i'm not saying western media don't have a sexism problem - quite the contrary!! - but mikasa is. an especially bad case? i haven't seen one so bad in a long ass while, maybe because i'm used to consume media with (generally speaking) well-written female characters. like, c'mon. imagine if mikasa had been the female protagonist of a fantasy book series, or a tv show... oh god. and no, sorry but having her kick ass right and left doesn't make her a Strong Female Character actually. Feminism 101 is founded on women having a life outside their relationship with men, and. mikasa doesn't? not really? at least compared to other female characters in the series. yams made a half-decent job with them (tho giving that backstory to ymir the progenitor was. certainly A Choice, as it was sidelining historia and annie for so many chapters), which makes mikasa's static, repetitive, stale character arc really, really sad, because my girl had so much potential. i mean, even em as a pairing had so much potential! childhood friends turned to enemies, like, hello?? imagine if mikasa had got armin's complexity and relevance and a fucking life outside of eren, for god's sake. imagine if she loved him, really, but she repressed her feelings and wasn't so heavily dependent on him (or they both were. from the beginning), and still stood up to him and called him out on his bullshit without erasing her hidden vulnerability and fragility. imagine if their relationship was between equals and-- ah, imagine her getting a character development a la casca (without all the horrifying shit she endures and the 200 chapters long catatonia and sexualisation, tho, tyvm!!!), since isayama himself said she was the blueprint for mikasa - in general he was heavily inspired by berserk - and it shows because they're basically twins separate at birth *insert spiderman meme*. i mean, yams even said that the scene where eren saves mikasa from the slave traders was based on griffith rescuing casca and her imprinting on him instantly, and god does it show.
........... but then em would just be het e.remin, so. whatever. there's also mikasa's need to grow the fuck up, and for that she needs to see that her wishful thinking, her beliefs about ~Eren Loves Me So Much, He Can't Live Without Me!! even when he gives her the cold shoulder so many times, are wrong. that's how you write a character growing into adulthood: you challenge them, you show that the world is founded on a very different basis than what they believed. (see lucy from fallout - she's an adult but she's in a metaphorical infancy before getting out of her vault and a coming-of-age arc throughout much of the series.) if you reinforce mikasa's beliefs... she just remains static. which brings me to...
r.ivamika: oh, i adore them. they had so much potential in many different ways... unfortunately it's very, very obvious how much yams doesn't give a shit about the ackermans. first thing first: it's not incest. they're not cousins. it's explicitly stated that they're only very distantly related, and well, it's glaring how much they don't consider each other "family" or whatever. they're descendants of the same ancient clan, that's all. (actually, mikasa is eren's foster sister and she says he's her family more than once. but that's something em shippers generally seem to gloss over. not that i think em is incest either, it's not. maybe a very lite version of pseudo-incest like the abovementioned WH, but nothing more.) tbh i always thought of them being "related" a la darkling and mal from the greggrisha trilogy. technically they are but (stealing my brother's words of wisdom about the whole rm insane discourse) "it isn't gross" because it's been too fucking long for a relationship between them to be incestous. i mean, guys... words have meaning. you can dislike it but after many generations (500 years for the darkling and mal) they're really not more than nominally related at best. after six gens the shared blood is 0.01%, let alone... whatever the fuck levi and mikasa are. i mean, this obsession the fandom has with them as ~cousins is ridiculous - okay for a headcanon, obviously, but they're very much not framed like that in-universe. like, they have a professional relationship between a soldier and her superior, between comrades in arms. she loathes him until she doesn't; she thinks he's (and i quote) a "sadistic freak" until she doesn't, and she starts to feel respect for him and even *gasp* CARE FOR HIS WELL-BEING lmao???? but nope, she doesn't think of him as a family member. yams could have easily gone that way with them, but he didn't. it's nice to think about mikasa finally finding a belonging, especially with all her grief and family-issues (see, again, her obsession with eren, as stated above)... but that's exactly the reason why i like levi as a romantic option for her.
i'll explain why: they have this Pride&Prejudice vibes+mentor/protégée+veteran/talented newcomer+recognition through the other (derogatory) thing going on that i find very interesting. someone once said levi is basically a more evolved and mature version of mikasa, and i agree. but they're also very different, in a way that would both complement the other and challenge them. levi has an almost opposite way of dealing with grief compared to mikasa: she fiercely clings to few close people and does everything in her power to stop them from fading away from her; he has a long history with losing people too, and that's what makes him keep everyone at a distance (and fail spectacularly at it but that's another matter). he's already resigned to letting them go (see how he deals with erwin and hange's deaths, for example) and making hard choices in a merciless, impossible situation. you can't suffer if you don't grow attached to people in a world and a profession where death is an everyday occurrence, right...? right?????? except that he cares and mourns too, of course. he just represses it all, and he's very efficient at it. now, since mikasa's main issue is that she can't let go (especially of eren)... you can see how they both can teach something to each other and grow together. they're very similar personality-wise: both stoic, strong, loyal, excellent fighters, with a cold façade and a (more or less hidden) heart of gold beyond all that ice. they're both the strongest in the world; she's the only one who can keep up with him on the battlefield, the only one who can challenge him (and vice versa). he respects her almost from the very start; she despises him so hard that it blinds her in some occasions, but grows from hating his guts for kicking the shit out of eren to asking his help to kill eren. obviously they're the only ones with their special powers, being the last ackermans and all that. they could really understand each other on a deep level... if only isayama had made them interact!!!!! which he didn't. I MEAN. searching for their clan's roots, bonding over how unique and, for this very same reason, lonely they are? ["there are no others like us, and there never will be" *cough cough*] nope. let's make them never address the elephant in the room!! tbh they could have been descendants of different clans with similar powers and biology, and nothing about their relationship would have changed lmao. like, this girl has serious family-related issues; that's one of the reasons she fixates on eren. why doesn't she go to levi and, idk, ask him about something, anything? that's such a glaring flaw - not a plot hole but a... characterization hole, if you will - i seriously can't even fathom it. all this Carramba Che Sorpresa shit, all this fucking insanity over the poor harmless rm shippers... for that? (with that being: nothing. the void. nietzsche's abyss, maybe.) 😭😭😭😭😭😭 also, there's this persistent headcanon in the fandom that levi would inquire about the ackerlore, but... this only shows how shallow some fans' reading of the characters is. levi WOULD NEVER. levi is afraid of committing himself to someone, to feel so deeply he can't recover from a loss, to have distractions from his long-time goal, and this includes family business. (isayama actually explicitly said it in an interview!) it's mikasa who's so hungry for belonging... and making her curious about their shared heritage, having some kind of bond with levi (even a strictly platonic one), would have helped her step out of eren's shadow. like, a lot. and of course that didn't happen... whatever. 
tl;dr: i love them and i've written about them more than any other pairing so far, which is ridiculous (2 long fics, one of which is sadly unfinished, and a shorter one). I'm not fixated on aot anymore these days - the toxicity in the fandom and my displeasure with some of the manga's storylines were curbing my enthusiasm - but they'll always have a special place in my heart. gotta love a semi-rareship with such a potentially juicy, complex dynamic. 
(e naturalmente se vuoi Passare Al Lato Oscuro e see what all the fuss is about posso linkarti un paio di fic scritte molto bene, oppure umilmente farti leggere le mie, che sono in italiano)
thank you so much for the ask and, again, SORRY for not replying for so. fucking. long ughhhhhhh ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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I’m coming at this with like good faith, but what makes Jily interesting to you? Like regulus wasn’t really a character but we have lots of headcannons and stuff about him, and I kinda feel like that’s jily for y’all? Like jk rolling told us that Lily didn’t like James, but James had a thing for her, and then they got together, and married and had a baby really young, and then died, but like jily is more a plot device rather then an actual ship, so what did y’all build? As in like what makes them interesting to you. I’m a jegulus shipper.
can’t believe i have to do this but sure. people on here run wayyy to much with headcanons and forgot all about the real thing so.
1.jegulus is literally a mirror of jily. the storyline people created is jily minus the death eater part. the enemies to lovers and all. what you made jegulus into is what jily is.
2.their story is deeply tragic, and they have a literal prophecy about their love. the romeo and juliette trope. they die young, trying to save evach other and harry.
3.the character development of both of them. james being a spoiled privileged asshole that ends up devoting his life to the righteous cause is CENTRAL. his pure love for lily is a contrast of his teenage self, lily detaching from severus, is sooo important for her as well.
4. most hp ships mirror jily ; ginny and harry, draco and harry, ron and hermione
5. the universe of harry potter does not exist without them
6. the whole james loved her she didn’t is not true… their have matching patronuses and prophetic love; its soulmates shit. it’s said she didn’t truly hate him.
i could go on and on but this seems like it should do the trick since jegulus is very much jily with a racist boy in it…
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bklynmusicnerd · 9 months
Catch Up Part One:
- Honestly the "bon voyage" party was nice in theory but the execution was terrible. That being the setting where Trina finds out the full truth of the decision Spencer made was strange and anticlimactic choice. It doesn't make sense for Spencer to trickle truth something like sociopathic mooch getting her memory back when Trina has always been vocal about not trusting her, even with amnesia.
DR giving Joss the majority of the dialogue in terms of reacting to Spencer's decision was also pretty stupid. Cause in the grand scheme of things, this is building up to a tragic story for Trina and Spencer, so Trina's pov is what's necessary here. The most we got was Trina's rightful frustration that Spencer didn't tell her sooner and then some weird plan to have Joss "watch" Esme which we know is not going to amount to anything. So all in all, very poor execution of an important beat in the story.
- These writers definitely forgot the pandora's box evidence as a plot point and that's pretty yikes since they made such a big deal about it. Makes zero sense for Spencer, Trina and Joss to not at least discuss using it again.
- Curtis "bragging" about Trina and Trina basically saying thanks for the party and hugging him really highlights what a mistake it was to disappear Taggert and rush this idea of Curtis as Trina's father. These two don't have a real history to draw from and you can see it in how stilted and short the dialogue between them is.
The bond wasn't earned, it was rushed and so it lacks the warmth of her goodbye with Ava or even, Portia in her messiness. Taggert should be here and his absence will continue to cloud over any attempts to play Curtis like a father.
- The way Portia talks about Trina will always be bizarre to me. She kept talking about Trina being a "local" girl like the Greenland fiasco never happened. She tells Trina that she's in "awe" of her and her "wisdom" but then she speaks about her like she's a naive fool to pretty much anyone who will listen. There's a disconnect there and I'm never sure how intentional it is.
- Trina trying to rescue Spencer from Stella and Marshall's grilling was cute. The little moments where we're reminded that Trina is actually very protective of Spencer are always my favorite. There is no universe where Trina was going to spend a single second in that dorm once Spencer's apartment came through but I understand telling Portia & co. whatever they need to hear.
- The surrogacy story is the worst thing to happen to the Davis girls and it's made their dialogue incredibly boring. Kristina and Molly almost put me to sleep and I never thought I'd say that about Kristina.
- The Ava and Trina goodbye was probably the best moment of the party. Trina crediting Ava for her getting into The Sorbonne and Ava doing her genuine "aw schucks" face she does whenever Trina thanks her was so sweet. Ava definitely lied to Trina when she told her the Parisians won't mind speaking English to her, but I love that she already had Trina set up with a list of galleries to visit.
Again, Ava is weirdly the purest adult Trina has in her life because she's the only one genuinely in her corner with no caveats or talking behind her back. She believes in her in a way her actual mother sadly does not. I actually think it would have made more sense for Ava to throw the "bon voyage" party at the gallery but I digress.
- Heather Webber officially makes more sense than Laura. What a travesty. Heather was trying to put Laura on game about what a danger sociopathic mooch was to herself and others, and Laura spent the majority of the time trying to smugly act like she knew sociopathic mooch better than her actual mother. Clearly Lulu needs to wake up out of that coma soon because Laura is humiliating herself. The positioning of Heather in the leadup to the inevitable calamity is interesting.
I did not expect her to actually be aware enough to recognize that sociopathic mooch is lowkey a danger not just to herself but to demon spawn as well and is better off in jail with her. She also tried to warn Laura that sociopathic mooch was coming for Spencer and Trina.
She actually did more to try to stop what is about to happen than the good guys. If all of this does end up marking the end for her useless daughter like we suspect, this weirdly makes Heather something of a tragic figure herself. Desperately trying to stop her daughter from the violent end she keeps actively choosing.
- Laura doesn't even piss me off anymore. She just makes me cringe. The secondhand embarrassment is overwhelming. The only consolation in all of this is that she's definitely going to regret not listening to Spencer most and always assuming the worst of him.
- I found Kevin and Esme's last interaction sort of lackluster. Her attacking him wasn't surprising, and I wish they had spent less time doing the tired "woe is me" script with her and more time of Kevin and her going back and forth on Ryan.
It could have been interesting to see Kevin try to contrast her with Ryan and tell her how different she is from him, just for her to get pissed at him disrespecting her father's memory and hit him over the head. The obsession with trying to play her like a mother scorned when she doesn't actually give a shit about that demon spawn is why her pov during this latest spiral is kind of a flop.
The main reason she didn't believe Kevin when he said they cared about her outside of demon spawn is because her only understanding of bonds is transactional. She didn't care about any of them beyond what they could do/give her, so why wouldn't she expect the same of them? Her embracing being a sociopath didn't have to be played so pathetically, but that's their (weird) creative decision in this rushed endgame.
- Spencer sort of pulling Trina to the side to tell her privately how excited he was for "[their] future" was sweet. Those are actually the moments that matter the most in the build-up to a tragedy, and it's kind of embarrassing that there isn't more of a consensus in the writers' room about that. Spencer and Trina being excited for a future together that we, the audience, know is destined to be derailed is the entire emotional crux of the story. So it's a strange choice to dedicate less than a minute to that.
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for those who havent been here all that time and have no idea who taira is:
in short, taira is the name I use for a novel I first drafted November of 2022 (such a time ago!) which was originally based on Narnia and started out life as a Narnia fanfic ("A Rabbit's Trust", on AO3 and FFNET, you can probably find it, my username is where I got the cat bit of this name from). I developed it from that into the most joyful story I've ever written, featuring a centuries-old war that has shaped the entirety of that world, characters who are so in earnest it almost hurts, and explorations of where precisely morality falls in difficult circumstances. it's fantasy, the main character is a rabbit, and Paddy protection squad go brrrrr. Paddy is a fox and an oddball and a DARLING. I don't know what else to say about taira's story (or Taira, the white rabbit, herself) except that it owns my whole entire heart and I've only not been working on it because depression and I needed to be in a better headspace to work on it. It was really the last thoroughly joyful thing I worked on before depression got its claws into me, the last thing I wrote consistently high quantities of, and represents my life before severe depression (I was already depressed by then, but not to the extent that it made me almost unable to write as it has since).
so anyway that's taira. expect her to pop up a bit more now that I'm into editing her story.
main characters:
Taira - white rabbit, full of faith and hope. fairly clueless due to her upbringing. anxious
Nadia - black rabbit, Taira's sister, informs Taira and conveniently the audience of all the important things
Paddy - red fox, a bit full of himself, a dear hearted menace, too earnest. madcap. goals
Lilac - black fox, Paddy's love interest, her vibes are like 'will ye no come back again'. accidentally develops an ED while in mourning
Sheba - Canadian lynx, hard, ruthless, general of the tairen army (note: Taira is named after the same word, the meaning of which I forget in universe but the good guys), really pushes for doing anything to stop the alyen (bad guys)
Minna - Canadian lynx, Sheba's second-in-command, a moderating influence
edit: forgot SPRY - murder duck - amazing guy
there are probably more but I forget who and those are the mainest of them
also shoutout to the next gen bunch - Namesake, Andrey and the rest whose names I forget
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mochibuni · 10 months
Watching the Cosmos films, my thoughts under the cut.
It's a lot of all caps. And lack of grammar because I gave up at some point.
some important things: wedding scene is after the end credits, so don't miss it!
the cgi is a little egregious in a distracting way
i'm only seven minutes in and i can't handle how cute their every day lives are someone help me
i like the little pink gradient they added to usagi's eyes
I prefer Usagi's original engagement ring. These new sailor crystals look great though.
and chibs is just gone bye
OMG MOUSE UHM that was fast. poor girl i wanted to see her do a little bit more, she really is just the cutest
"why haven't you sent me any letters? i'm going to be angry!" YEAH MAMORU, WHY HAVE YOU LET DEATH STOP YOU.
interesting that they used "sailor soldiers" instead of "sailor guardians."
...mina is so great with children looooooooooooooooooool
"it's my business or not if i have ugly handwriting"
michiru is truly a blessing in this high school setting
i really love everything about this galaxia, her voice is really great. also i just love the aesthetic naoko gave her, in general i love the aesthetic in the manga but oh my god is it so hard to draw.
bahahah rei mad about mina talking about getting a boyfriend JUST DATE ALREADY
oh my god that mid scream cut off of mina and rei was so good and awful
"i only trust girls" yup
seeing hotaru get into her little bubble to go to her moms and i know she isn't going to make it choked me up a bit
so far the stars arc works pretty well for a film, not at the half point yet though
"trash can't become a star" I LOVE HER
outer castle bus tour
chibs has a really cute new transformation I'M NOT BITTER HOTARU'S STILL SUCKS
i really felt a big pang when the starlights died, i'm not sure if that's nostalgia talking or not
it was so nice seeing chibs and the quartet in action
FUCKING PUT THE CATS BACK i swear to god if they stay dead in crystal
"i can tell she's not my daughter, she has too much bullshit power like my mom"
oh they were cowards about kakyuu's death GIVE US THE ACTUAL STAB THROUGH THE BACK
getting to the evil sailors part and i think this really solidifies how much this art style doesn't suit the aesthetic of this arc at all. it was pretty apparent with a lot of the shadow galactica villains, but zero sagitarius is such an elegant and foreboding place and this anime shoujo style doesn't translate it well at all. i know i've complained about the art change in crystal a lot, and i do think the movies are miles above the 3rd season and sometimes cosmos looks really fantastic, but yeah i'll stop here before i get way too negative
part of galaxia's backstory here reminds me of the rose bride witch, at least visually with the sword piercings.
"neither of us can keep fighting, all the sailor guardians have disappeared" GEE I WONDER WHY THEY DID, GALAXIA.
just knowing it's keiko's voice teared me up a little
usagi flying with all the sailor crystals begging for help really spoke to me, it's really so perfect
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aftout · 2 years
Sorry for SU posting on main I’m aware that it’s, like, a show and a half when it comes to thinking critically about media but with its recent resurgence on certain platforms I’ve been pondering like a bitch over one topic specifically and it’s just??
I love, love Rose Quartz’s character. It’s a hot take I know but I truly love what the series did with her, as rushed as it was at times. Rose is so important to me because she is what Steven Universe is all about: growth, forgiveness, and change.
There’s the obvious: she went from presenting herself as a diamond to presenting herself as a quartz. She changed her name. She moved from homeworld to Earth. She went from surrounding herself with the other diamonds and their colonies to surrounding herself with humans and the crystal gems. But even outside of all the things that are presented to you surface level, her entire existence and personality revolves around changing.
The earliest stage of her that we see in the show is, iirc, the dream sequence where Stevonnie is in her position (on that abandoned command center) with Connie’s mom replicating Yellow Diamond. Rose was, at that point, a literal child. Though not in consecutive order, we see how Rose goes from a spoiled, overly emotional, and even abused kid to this levelheaded, grown woman. And that is literally what the show is all about. I keep saying this over and over again but she is so integral to SU’s overarching theme. She’s imperfect, both as a gem and also as a person, but like? She persists and moves forward. She’s so human.
Even in context of design, her quartz form looks substantially more humane than most of the other gems do. She mingles with humanity constantly and even goes as far as to give birth to a (mostly) human son. She is messy. The rubble of it all means a lot to me because I feel like SU did a good job at portraying just how ugly trauma can be. We really see this in Future, where Steven has an onscreen meltdown and finally cracks under several seasons’ and a movie’s worth of trials and tribulations. It’s really interesting to me because I feel like, in that story arc, we really see that he is his mother’s son.
I don’t think it’s outlandish to say that SU does touch on themes about generational trauma. Rose has her baggage from her days as a diamond, and clearly though she tried her best to grow and break the cycle, there were a few bumps and bruises that got passed down onto Steven. He then goes on his own journey to heal and break the cycle himself. Hell, both of their stories even end with them leaving Greg and the Crystal Gems behind; and though Steven doesn’t sacrifice himself in the way that Rose did, there is still that feeling of moving on and accepting the next stage of life: whether it be finally allowing oneself to grow up or, well, die.
These themes of growing up are found in the Spinel debacle, as well. Rebecca Sugar themself said that a lot of Spinel’s character was based off of this situation they found themself in where they left a toy rabbit they had in the garden, forgot about it, and then found it again six months later. They described it as “wondering how they could be so careless over something they thought they loved so much.” It’s rough because, unlike Sugar’s stuffed rabbit, Spinel is sentient. But even then, throughout the movie she is described as Pink’s toy. Symbolically she captures what it’s like to grow out of toys you once loved as a child. And then, at the end, she is taken in by the other diamonds to reminisce over who Pink once was; much like how parents may keep old stuffed animals their kids owned as a memory.
Idk. At this point I’m fully rambling (I had better points when I was talking to myself about this and making myself cry), but I just. Yeah. Rose is such a wonderful character to me. Her humanity and imperfection means a lot. I think it’s cool to have such a nuanced character be shown in children’s media, and seeing her development is genuinely fascinating. I think she really shows that beauty isn’t necessarily found in one’s pain, but in the strength they withhold to power through it. Does that make any sense? Idk.
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
this isn't just a witcher problem it's also a problem i've seen in a lot of fantasy works. a lot of writers don't seem to recognize biracial characters. they either exist for the angst or they identify wholly as part of one culture, and not another at the same time. it's so weird.
yeah 😅😅 the little representation of biraciality in media also seems to trickle down to the understanding of it irl, or maybe it’s a reflection of it…
and like i said in the reply i just put on the post too, there’s such a diversity of cultural and familial experiences and also what biracial/multiracial people can look like that i don’t think many people are equipped to understand that — which happens all the time in the perception of race, ethnicity, nationality, and culture — any group that one does not belong to is just perceived to be a monolith with no diversity of experiences.
for me, what’s also significant is that my identity, how i identify and how others identify me, has changed throughout my life depending on where i went to school, which family members i spent more time with, and basically who and which cultures i was around. because that changes throughout time, and has changed me throughout time. for me it’s really impacted by both my family’s american assimilation (an internal struggle) and by others peoples’ perceptions of me (an external struggle). during elementary school (where most people were chinese) my classmates literally told me it’s not possible for me to be chinese because i don’t ‘look chinese’… but then when i went to university (where most people were white), many people asked me ‘what kind of asian’ i was or if i had an asian parent. and in high school and university, when academically discussing the topic of race as a social concept being defined by social perceptions rather than biology, i was like “yeah, no shit” because it’s always felt like like my race changes depending on which room i step into 😅. x group sees me as y group, and y group sees me as x group. it’s about the differences they can identify between myself and themselves, which isn’t inherently a bad thing, sometimes that’s just how people identify others — it’s just a phenomenon i’ve observed.
and re: my witcher ocs, i think it would be interesting to explore this in a human-elf context and the stereotypes humans and elves have of one another. also because sapkowski has spoken in interviews about assimilation amongst the dwarves, but less assimilation amongst the elves, and i’d like to look into what assimilation amongst the elves looks like — because there are indeed a few city elves, but it feels like they are purposefully forgotten by non-assimilating elves and humans alike. they also speak about this topic a little bit in baptism of fire ch. 3, as regis remarks about why it’s more difficult for elves to assimilate than it is for dwarves. also there are other elder races besides elves and dwarves that everyone always forgets about like halflings and gnomes but anyways… (and omg that reminds me another biracial character i forgot about (who isn’t a half-elf, but) is the hamadryad wife of the beekeeper from tower of the swallow ch. 3 😁 and i’ve always wondered about her and hamadryads, if dryads aren’t supposed to leave brokilon… ?? perhaps her family and ancestry can be traced back to the marshy landscape of of riverdell, when there were dryads in places outside of brokilon 😯)
i think it’s gotten better throughout the years, as there has been more visibility for the fact that biracial people can exist (or maybe just because elementary schoolers are mean lol) but what is important to me at this stage is looking at how biracial people themselves are affected by perceptions of race and culture…
because a lot of the media about the topic of biraciality always focuses on interacial unions — which is important in of itself and also really interesting to me personally, such as the topic of miscegenation laws — but sometimes, the topic of interracial unions are unfortunately “milked for drama” like focusing on a “romeo and juliet” type narrative, and rarely does it focus on the lives of the babies that came out of these unions, like myself 😅 — because the story doesn’t end with the couple.
also that the diversity in interracial relationships — a lot of relationships are presented to an audience as having a “they truly loved each other and had to disregard everyone’s judgements to be together and live happily ever after, even if they experienced discrimination and prejudice” feelgood narrative, which isn’t a bad thing on its own and i’m happy for couples that had a good happy ending to their stories, but interracial couples are subject to the same kinds of relationship troubles that uniracial couples are. like divorce and domestic abuse and all of that stuff. the story never ends, because people’s lives are not a narrative created for other people’s entertainment. it’s life, which just unfolds as it does…
which is why i like the witcher book series and its realistic viewpoints on the fantasy genre and think it’d be interesting to explore this topic in specifically this universe. which i’m planning to do with my OC, as i’d like them to be a part of angoulême’s hanza from the orphanage, who also experienced loss when cintra was razed by nilfgaard…
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shkspr · 2 years
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J'ai publié 3 669 fois en 2022
C'est 85 billets de plus qu'en 2021 !
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J'ai étiqueté 2 208 billets en 2022
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#rbs - 200 billets
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#magpod - 75 billets
#ok to rb - 73 billets
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#ik it goes by birth date so it would make ‘sense’ for it to fit my sun sign but my scorp moon is quaking in her stylish yet affordable boots
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
“what are you doing?” “quitting.” “why?” “because i’ve always wanted to. i just never realized it until i met you.” they are literally so much. from day ONE they are SO much
784 notes - publié le 24 février 2022
been thinking about this for the past two days
2 235 notes - publié le 17 novembre 2022
human beings love to be like 'heres a thing with a finite number of variations' & then sort it into categories. & theyre always wrong. everything is multitudinous & unfathomable & theres nothing you can do about it. but the human desire to make sense of the universe is also boundless & inexorable & theres nothing you can do about that either.
13 878 notes - publié le 20 mars 2022
i love watching life hack videos so i am going to share my favorite genres of life hacks:
buy a product and use it for its intended purpose
you can make anything a chair if you staple a cushion onto it and then sit on it
ideas that are actually innovative and original but the final product is so fuck ugly that it makes me feel murderous
avoid doing this thing the normal way by doing it in a way that is more difficult and more expensive and worse
this hack will solve a problem nobody has ever experienced
instead of buying furniture, you can make it using the carpentry skills and power tools that you definitely possess
someone forgot the word for recipe and they decided to call it a Kitchen Life Hack
diy home decor is as easy as putting paint on a thing and then displaying it. paint a banana. paint a leaf. paint a bottle of pop. interior design is my passion
this would be the most ballingest life hack youve ever seen. if it actually worked
making shapes out of hot glue is the poor mans 3d printing
i dont say this lightly: the fuckers at 5 minute crafts HAD to be high out of their gourds when they thought to do this.
29 760 notes - publié le 13 août 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
some of yall will be like “i dont care about your dreams, i dont care about your spotify wrapped, i dont want to hear about your interests, dont you dare talk to me about your trauma,” and its like. what do you even have friends for. bc it sounds to me like you dont give a shit about anything that makes them a person. what do you talk about.
important addendum: if you cant read and you leave a dumbass comment on my post im just going to block you 💛
35 592 notes - publié le 20 novembre 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
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ishhbowl · 2 years
tell me about your oc’s they sound cool :3
OKOKOK SO! i have many oc universes but the one i was talking abt is my (eventual. i will make it someday i promise) webcomic Into Orbit!! its about four teenagers in the year 2009 who’s town is getting invaded by aliens and wacky hijinks ensue :)
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^^^this is the only piece of (some of) the mcs i have on hand, there are more but im on my phone rn 😔
the one at the bottom is jaz phuong!! she/her bisexual grunge enthusiast who has dreams of owning a motorcycle, but unfortunately she is Fifteen Years Old and cannot drive one. truly a tragedy. however she makes due with wearing a motorcycle helmet roughly 60% of the time (has gotten into detention several times refusing to take it off.) she can come off as gruff and intimidating at first, however she just has autism and social anxiety and doesn’t know how to talk to people. she is the coolest one here by far tho. and also my favorite to draw. i love her <3
going clockwise, the next character is theo rivera!:3 he/him token cishet (however he is ace and gnc!! so still a win for the gays) and jaz’s reluctant friend/bestie/boyfriend depending on where you are in the story. hes a silly goofy mischievous little boy with a bad temper that he tries to keep under wraps. when he’s in a really bad mood, though, he sneaks out into the junkyard next to his house and smashes shit with his trademark Baseball Bat Never Once Used To Play Baseball (tm), which will absolutely not ever get him into trouble what are you talking about. he rides on the bike pegs he insisted jaz attach to her bike and they are so incredibly important to me do you understand
next up is shelley “shel” bloomberg, he/him worlds most cringest boy (its a feature not a bug). he’s grayromantic and gay, but he doesn’t know it yet so shhh!!!! hes a massive alien fan, local believer of every cryptid ever (he WILL show you "proof" if asked), avid xfiles watcher and scifi enjoyer. basically hes a huge nerd and we love him for it. usually he gets made fun of (*COUGH* SYLV *COUGH*) for his interests, but its lucky he knows his stuff, seeing as their town is about to get invaded by real-life actual aliens!! can most likely be found on call with his brother alex, playing his scuffed (absolutely NOT pirated he would never do such a thing stop lying) copy of the sims 2, or looking for extraterrestrial life using his handheld telescope. or just looking at space bc you know. space cool.
finally, we have sylvia mahji, she/her the most beloved of girls in the whole wide world. unlabeled sapphic who is POSSESSED BY AN ALIEN!! UH OH!!! well its really more of an unwilling symbiotic relationship but still UH OH!! dont worry her and her alien parasite become buddies (or more... hmmm.........) as time goes on. and she gets alien superpowers. hell yeah. she often ends up being mean to people in an effort to fit in, however all she really wants is friends :( her and theo used to be besties above all the resties but they started drifting apart at the beginning of the story, something to be discussed over the course of the plot. also she and shel are neighbors and have a rival relationship, like they hate each other so much for literally no reason. can you tell i like rivals to friends relationships. oH YEAH AND SHES FUCKING CRACKED AT BASKETBALL GIRL IS BALLING FR
other characters include: spacegirl!! the aforementioned alien parasite of sylv. she, although her name would make you think otherwise, is not a girl but an alien. i dont have a design settled on for her, but i do know that i want her to be humanoid, and she's got a green and pink color scheme :) when she takes control of sylv's body (because she can do that. forgot to say. eyah) sylv's eyes turn green and other eyes open up all over her body because cool :thumbsup: she came on the same spaceship the invaders coming to earth are from, but she just wants to see earth and have fun!! and maybe prevent her evil tyrant alien leader from taking over another world!! who knows!!
another important character is alex flores-bloomberg, shel's half brother, scene kid, and all around goofy guy :3 transmasc he/him, really just here to cause problems and get myspace followers. shel's father absolutely hates him and that fact is only partly because he stained his entire bathroom with hairdye. he's two years younger than the rest of the cast, a point that will be constantly used to make fun of him. i love him dearly. you get it.
uhh eyah thatsit :3 i could go on about them forever and everr so if anyone wants to know more about a specific character(s) or the plot or whatever pleasepleaseprettyplease ask!! ^_^
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