septemberrie · 2 years
antidote || ftws
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Pairing: Saul Silva/Farah Dowling
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5.8k
A/N: Summary withheld for the sake of surprise, but please enjoy @icecream-junkie​! It’s been such a fun ride having you as my giftee, I thank you for being so engaging when I know you have a lot of RL stuff keeping you busy. 💕 Happy holidays, I really hope you like it!
1/1/2023 Update: It’s fuck or die, alright. I wrote the Silrah fuck or die and I’m PROUD. Enjoy!
Read on ao3 here!
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mumblelard · 1 year
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happy new zine day imaginary constructsor this one is creepier than i expected (in a good way)
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Me waiting for one of my favorite chapter rewritten artists to post something again (It's arleady March 10 where the fuck did she go, JUNKIE PLEASE COME BACK 💔💔💔)
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winxsource · 2 years
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Thank you for everyone that participated in the Holiday Exchange 2022!
In case you missed any work posted during this week, here’s the recap list. Make sure to like/kudo/comment/reblog and support these amazing creators!
@skloomdumpster made this fluffy skloom fic for @annxxwin
@annxxwin made this fluffy christmas skloom fic for @faithfire 
@faithfire made this domestic fluff Saul & Ben fic for @iamdexter123
@iamdexter123 made this domestic fluff saundreas fic for @emylilas
@emylilas made this fun skyriv video for @xlightwcds
@xlightwcds made this bittersweet skloom gifset for @sklooms
@sklooms made this rivusa edit and this bonus sambea one for @loveisthemoment
@loveisthemoment made this medieval silrah fic for @theyhaveacavetroll
@theyhaveacavetroll made this whumpy silrah fic for @astrid-v
@astrid-v made this cute Riven, Beatrix and Sky fanart for @claracivry
@claracivry made this sky centered medieval fic for @friendlyneighborhoodcapricorn
@friendlyneighborhoodcapricorn made this fluffy stellatrix fic for @kara-night-light
@theperfectrose made this bookstore au stellatrix fic for @somenamewithepineapple
@somenamewithepineapple made this new year themed stellatrix fic for @widadsadki 
@widadsadki made this angsty greysha video for @rivusa
@rivusa made this Riven gifset, this Musa gifset and this rivusa gifset for @medusanova
@medusanova made this rivusa holiday fic for @sammie026
@sammie026 made this fluffy rivusa fic for @theperfectrose
@easilydistractedbyfanfic made this angst, fluff and smut rivusa fic for @fitztragedy
@fitztragedy made this fluffy skloom fic fic for @blablaadje
@blablaadje made this domestic fluff silrah fic for @cissasevans
@cissasevans made this doomed love silrah and stellatrix gifset for @forestelfo
@forestelfo made this painful silrah fic for @veritaserum07
@veritaserum07 made this Saul Silva gifset for @septemberrie
@septemberrie made this smutty silrah fic for @icecream-junkie
@icecream-junkie made this jealousy silrah fic for @faytalepsy
@faytalepsy made this haunting filrah fanart for @loulis-fate
@loulis-fate made this fix-it silrah and stellatrix fic for @infp-obsessing-over-everything
@infp-obsessing-over-everything made this hurt/comfort rivusa fic and this rivusa gifset for @gossipqueen2000
@gossipqueen2000 made this historical au rivusa fic for @easilydistractedbyfanfic
@junkshop-disco made this fluffy saundreas and this hurt/comfort saundreas fics for @penflicks
@penflicks made this fluffy lunrah fic for @agenraldinosaur
@agenraldinosaur made this hurt/comfort faralind fic for @lizzabet 
@lizzabet made this bittersweet silrah gifset for @unreliablenarratorink
@unreliablenarratorink made this fluffy silrah fic for @junkshop-disco
@skloomdumpster made this angsty skloom fic for @amchara
@amchara made this hurt/comfort skyriv fic for @leadingrebel
@leadingrebel made this stellatrix fanart for @kira-7
@kira-7 made this hurt/comfort rivusa fic for @golden-peachy
@golden-peachy made this fluffy rivusa, sambea and katerra fic for @partiallypearl
@partiallypearl made this fluffy skloom and rivusa fic for @hibiscusia
@hibiscusia made this Bloom, Musa and Riven gifset for @skloomdumpster
If you wanna check out all fics posted for this and last year’s HEX, here’s the collection link!
See you all next year!
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mortallyfamousyaya · 2 years
nicky: what's your type, andrew?
andrew: what's my type? how miserable can you be to ask me such a thing while I'm having this fucking icecream?
[neil enters the room]
andrew: you fucking junkie get out of my room before i kill your fast runner ass
[neil leaves the room backwards]
[andrew puts his head down and keeps eating his icecream]
nicky: so a fucking fast runner ass junkie, could have said before
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killermanatee · 1 year
Guess who just opened up her folder of unfinished fics for the first time in over 2 years!
I love when my motivation to write saunters back into my life.
And when I'm reminded of all the sexy reasons I write in the first place.
I mean....
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Also, I came across this picture again today and felt damn near embarrassed by how long it's been since I've stared at it. @wians let's get back to those approximately 2000 wips. ;)
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And I mean... what's not to be absolutely motivating about this image? I mean I know the belt is right there!
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And then I came across this blessed gif and it rekindled all my love for the J/C fandom. @klugtiger when are you free to make more gifs?
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There is also this reason to write:
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Hey @icecream-junkie we once found a way to have AOS and SNW Pike doing each other. Let's get back to that. ;)
As you guys see, lots of motivation. Let's do this!
I'll happily brainstorm and see what prompts you all have to offer. I mean, I have a week of vacation about to start. I better put it to good use!
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simplytheevebest · 2 years
Tagged by @faytalepsy 💖
Rules: Write the latest line from your wip and tag whoever you want. Make a new post, don't reblog.
“Her nails,” Vanessa murmurs, turns the woman’s palms over so Mike can see what she does. “I think she tried to dig herself out."
Tagging: @icecream-junkie @belligerent-butterfly @ghostsunderstoodmysoul
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fearcrowz · 1 year
What would be the main characters favorite food?
Elise likes pastaaaaa and casseroles. Any kind, really.
Charice likes soups and sandwiches.
Maggie likes icecream and has to be reminded sugar is not before dinner. Ichabod breaks the rules for her though cuz he's a stinker.
Laurie likes junky foods but she's trying to cut back. French Fries are her favorite.
Wren likes sweet fruits.
WH's MC likes.... I dunna yet. She's pretty carnivorous (story reasons) so anything meat.
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WIP Tag Game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
thanks for tagging me @leadingrebel (sorry for taking so long) and @blue-aconite and some other people probably
Every other month I change where I save stuff so I can't find half my WIPs but here are the current ones. I'm also great at giving my WIPs the worst titles - it's all for the creative process
the proposal
10 minutes a day
that one fic i saved somewhere but can't remember where
Halloween Special sequel
Highschool AU enemies to lovers babey
no pressure tagging @awordwasthebeginning, @septemberrie, @i-rely-on-you, @widadsadki (i know you make videos but you may have some idea spreadsheets?), @icecream-junkie, @loulislife and @v-mikaelson
only if you want of course
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junkshop-disco · 2 years
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
Tagged by @icecream-junkie 💛
1. Snow fic 
2. Hollywood Ending
3. the sum of the in-between things 
4. Modern AU (they were wedding planners)
5. Dating AU of Doom 
6. Daisy Chain
7. Teenage Riot Get Me Into Bed
There’s also one called Aftermath, which is a fantastic title, but on skimming the first few paragraphs I think I rewrote it from another POV, changed the title to something worse, and posted it. So I’m not sure that counts. 
Tagging anyone who wants at it 💛
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faytalepsy · 2 years
WIP tag game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
I got tagged by @awordwasthebeginning thank you! I got far too many WIPs so I will only list the ones I have actually worked on within the last few weeks.
not in alphabetical order because I'm too lazy to sort.
Enemies to Lovers
Venice mask ball
Tagging @simplytheevebest @somenamewithepineapple @septemberrie @i-rely-on-you @frogbeansss @medusanova @icecream-junkie
only if you want of course!
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septemberrie · 1 year
WIP Game
I was tagged approximately the reign of Edward VIII ago but I only just now found myself mentally in a position to acknowledge said WIPs so thank you @faytalepsy @somenamewithepineapple and @blue-aconite!! 
Rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips!
Most of them aren’t so much WIPs as “flights of fancy that barely even have titles” but here you go:
Blood Transfusion
Riven’s Father
S2 Rewrite
I tag @whenshesayshush and @icecream-junkie and @forestelfo bc I miss her writing 
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rametarin · 1 year
I'd never be able to live the life of a junkie
I drink a full caffeinated dunkin donuts coffee and wind up feeling like I'm in the, "wasted on drugs and alcohol" part of the Behind the Music special, where they dramatize the musician shirtless and hungover, trying to detox.
"Ram was up to two shots of cream and one caramel swirl, per drink- once a quarter and then once a month.. We were like, 'Nooo! We love you! Don't do this!' And he was like, 'You don't understand how hard it is! To br! Awesoooooome!' "
I really really really ain't about that life, man. You catch me in one of those Behind the [stuff] videos, closest thing to ODing you'll see me do is eat a whole Thanksgiving turkey and roll over asleep, all hopped up on tryptophan. Unless they figure out a way to hypodermically inject the laughter of small children that are easily amused by bad puns and wordplay into my veins, or turn actual sunshine and rainy days into something you can snort off a toilet seat.
Losing porn would be unpleasant but I guess in the way losing Sprite would be unpleasant. Flavor, but not really anything holding me to it. I mean, for computers it's like the option for cherries and sprinkles on an icecream. If it's there, why not? But you don't need it to enjoy the icecream. But if it's there, why not. Still, nobody is going to be caught freebasing 2 minute clips from some hentai and have fever dreams about magical girl pastiches climbing walls and then pouncing them when jonesing, or something.
this post has no point outside I'm not fond of caffeine but heck I can tolerate it but I'd prefer not to. But I didn't want to fuss with the poor employee's job.
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chosemypain · 7 years
whoops, my fingers slipped
“Lost my mind and found my soul”
Gabriel Lorca/Katrina Cornwell (past/background)
What if Lorca and Cornwell had a daughter?
Word count: 1980
Rating: T
For @sour-blue-milk and @icecream-junkie
lost my mind and found my soul
The night they saw the Perseids meteor shower hadn’t been the first time it happened, Kat and Gabe, fresh out of the Academy with the whole universe in the palms of their hands, drunkenly fumbling on the tray of his truck while the sky lit up above them. They were celebrating; the ceremony had been earlier that afternoon, their first assignments sent out later that evening. The Class of 2232. Just the thought of it made Gabriel grin. An empty bottle of single malt whiskey – a graduation gift from his father – lay beside them, forgotten as they burrowed closer together, sweaty and lightly panting.
             It wasn’t love, he’d tell himself later, but in that moment, it sure as hell felt like it.
—- Julia was born eight and a half months later to a father light years away and a mother who’d been forced to give up on her dreams – neither parent really ready for what was to come. She was a wild child, obstinate and tenacious, with a strong moral compass to match, but adored by both parents. She filled a hole in Gabriel’s heart that he never knew was there, and from the moment she wrapped her little fingers around his bigger ones a month after her birth, he’d been hers completely.
             “Daddy, why can’t mommy and I come with you to see the stars?” Her voice was light and sweet, like the lullabies he used to sing her when she was a baby, and the thought made his heart clench. She was growing up so fast, and he was missing so much of it.
“Your mom’s busy with the clinic, Julia. You know how much she loves her work.”
             “But I miss you when you’re gone!”
“I miss you too, baby.“
                                                                    “— Julia, time for dinner!”
“I’ll comm you again tomorrow. Give mom a big kiss from me.”
          “— She’s eleven, Gabriel. She’s a big girl. What were you expecting me to do, put my life on hold until she’s 21?”
Gabriel crossed an arm tightly across his chest, the other pinching his nose as he sighed. “I thought you were happy at the clinic, that’s all. If you really wanna do the graduate program at the Academy, I’m not gonna stop you, Kat, you know that. Doesn’t change the fact that I’m worried about my daughter.”
The first thing recently promoted Commander Gabriel Lorca did when he arrived home from Tarsus IV was pull his daughter into his arms and bury his face in her hair. More than 4000 lives had been lost in only a few short months, murdered by the governor of the colony. The images of the dead had haunted his dreams since the massacre, all wearing his daughters blue eyes and Kat’s smile.
He told Kat about the nightmares after Julia went to bed and she held him close as he sobbed into her hair. It was a moment of weakness, he’d tell himself the next day, as he kissed her goodbye before leaving for spacedock. One that he wouldn’t let himself repeat.
                               After all, there’s no room for tears in the Captain’s chair.
“Congratulations, Captain Lorca.”
“I could say the same to you, Captain Cornwell.”
Who would’ve thought it. Their teenage selves would be ecstatic – Kat and Gabe, high school sweethearts, both receiving command of their own ship within the same week. For Gabriel, the Buran after the resignation of his former commanding officer. For Katrina, the constellation class USS Exeter.
All in all, 2251 was quite a success year for the Cornwell-Lorcas, with Julia being admitted to Starfleet Academy in the fall, eager to follow in the footsteps of her parents and finally make it to the stars.
Her daughter’s graduation was one of the proudest moments of Rear Admiral Katrina Cornwell’s life. They had a family dinner to celebrate that evening, with Gabriel even managing to take leave for a week to celebrate his daughter’s achievement (thanks to a few strings pulled by a certain member of the Admiralty).
             “A toast! To one of the finest the Academy’s ever seen. Congratulations, baby. You should be proud.” Gabriel raised his glass of single malt, shooting a crooked smirk at his partner. (Not wife. Never wife. He’d asked, once or twice, but marriage to ones insubordinates could put both of their careers at risk, and that was a step neither was willing to take.) They had grown apart since Julia had left for the Academy, both having little excuse to see each other outside of a work context now that their little girl was all grown up, but the respect and care they felt for each other was still there – and would likely always be.
“Should I tell you where you’ve been assigned, or would your future Captain like the honor?”
           “Welcome to the crew of the Buran, Ensign Lorca.”
                     Julia’s beaming smile that night was one Kat never wanted to forget.
                   —– The Klingon ship had come out of nowhere.
It was meant to be a routine supply run, far behind the front lines, with the Buran dropping much needed rations to an Andorian mining colony which had been targeted by the Klingons. Less than a month into the war and the Federation had already suffered so many losses. It made Ensign Julia Cornwell-Lorca’s heart hurt.
She’d always told herself that she was brave, that she could handle anything space would throw at her — but less than a year in to her professional career, Julia was starting to doubt it.
They had been doomed from the start; one Cardenas-class Starship equipped with minimal weapons against a Klingon Bird of Prey – a ship designed to win battles and crush its enemies? The Buran didn’t have a chance, and her colleagues knew it.
                                          At least she’d die alongside her father.
Phaser blasts and photon torpedoes rocked the ship, Engineers were running around frantically, trying to patch up whatever they could in a desperate last attempt to keep the ship together, but something was preying on the young officer.
So far, all of the blasts had been targeted at their weapons, secondary propulsion and navigation systems. From her father’s tactical analyses of Klingon methods of combat, the avoidance of the main power grid and warp core could only mean one thing.
          The Klingons weren’t going to destroy the Buran.
                           They were going to board it.
The motions to the ship stopped abruptly, followed by the familiar feeling of a tractor beam latching itself onto the hull of the ship. Panicking, Julia dropped her hyperspanner and fled Engineering, sprinting up the corridors towards the Bridge. Her Dad would have a plan. Of course he would. He was Gabriel Lorca, tactical genius. They’d be fine. They’d all be fine. The more she thought it, the less she was starting to believe it.
        ‘Julia! Julia, where are you?’ Her communicator chirped on her belt, her father’s desperate voice ringing through the speaker. She stopped running and fumbled to flip open the device.
“Dad? I’m on C deck, near the turbolift. What are you doing?”
       ‘Stay right there. I’m on my way.’
Less than a minute later, Julia felt herself being pulled tightly against her father’s chest, just the way he had when he’d returned from Tarsus IV. The hug lasted only a few seconds, but there was a startling finality about it which made her wary.
      “I need to get you off this ship.”
Before she knew it, one of his hands was tightly gripping her forearm, almost dragging her towards the escape pods. Lorca wouldn’t let go, despite all her protests, cries that he shouldn’t be doing this, that he was the captain of this ship and should be up on the Bridge, trying to find a way to save his crew.  He stopped and let her go when they reached the emergency airlock, fingers sliding down to loosely grasp her smaller ones.
     “We have no weapons. Our shields and propulsion systems are down. We’re about to be boarded. Jules, you’ve seen the reports. You know what the Klingons do to their prisoners. It’s not a fate I’d wish on my worst enemy.”
“So why are you letting it happen to your crew? Dad, I don’t understand…”
       “I’m not.” He steeled himself, taking a deep breath and settling his hands on her shoulders, deep blue eyes so similar to her own filled with sadness. “The ship is set to self destruct in less than four minutes. And when she blows, you’re gonna be in an escape pod, safe and sound. That’s an order.”
He took her hand once more. Julia’s mind was rushing as Gabriel led her up to the small platform outside the ships sole remaining escape pod, the rest having been damaged in the attack. She watched his free hand lift to the control panel, hovering over the button which would open the pod and set the automatic launch sequence.
“Dad, don’t do this. You don’t have to do this.”
        “I am so proud of you, sweetheart. Tell Katrina— that I’m sorry. I love you.”
It was all so fast from there. The doors slid open, just as she broke free from the light grip he held on her hand, using both hands to shove him into the escape pod, palm rising to SLAM down on the button before he had realised what was happening. Slamming his fists against the door, kicking it, trying emergency override controls to stop the launch. All in vain. The pod had already been decoupled. There was no going back.
Raising her hand against the safety glass of the airlock door, she smiled at her father for the last time as the pod launched, a soft “I love you, too“ falling from her lips as the tritanium hull began to pull and creak around her, the ship lurching as the warp core breaches—-
                                 —– a bright flash of light, and then there was nothing.
A bright flash of light, and she was gone. They’re all gone. His crew, the Klingons, his daughter… It was BLINDING, and with a cry of pain, Gabriel Lorca collapses, the world going black.
Katrina Cornwell’s heart stopped when she heard about the ambush, thinking the two people she loved most in the world had both died at the hands of the Klingons.
It was later that she had heard the truth, when hours after the initial attack, a Vulcan ship found Gabriel’s body in the lone escape pod. At first, it gave her hope. If there had been one pod launched, surely there would have been more – or so she had thought, until the searches were called off a week later at the word of a quickly recovering Captain Gabriel Lorca at the shocking revelation that he had blown up the ship to save his crew from a slow, painful death.
After what he’d seen on Tarsus IV, she almost wasn’t surprised.
An official memorial service wouldn’t be held until after the war, but as soon as Gabriel had been discharged, he approached Kat at HQ, a bottle of single malt whiskey in one hand, a holo of Julia as a little girl in the other.
They drove out to Iowa that night, and as they watched the sky dance with the Perseids meteor shower above them, empty bottle of whiskey lying beside them, forgotten, Gabriel told her what had really happened on the Buran.
“She had my eyes, Kat.” He murmured. “They’re a part of her that I’ll have with me ‘till the day I die, to— help me remember.”
Katrina nodded in understanding. She didn’t forgive him, not yet. Christ, she wasn’t sure she ever would, but she understood, and for Gabriel, that was enough.
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lodessa · 7 years
Hi, I’m not sure if you are still taking prompts for that Dialogue Prompts thing you posted a few weeks ago, but if you do and if you have not done this one already, could you please write some Lorca/Cornwell for “I wish it hurt less.” “Let me help you then. I’ll take the pain away.”?
Gabriel still has the keycode for her door. She hasn’t changed it.  She lets him search her quarters for her, can hear him trip over something in the minimal illumination. He’ll figure it out sooner or later.  
She doesn’t care that she’s dressed only in her undertank and underwear, hair limp, swollen dark circles under her eyes.  She’s been standing here judging herself inside and out for ages, but she doesn’t fear his judgement.  They have seen too much of one another to worry about maintaining illusions now.
Eventually he appears behind her in the mirror’s image.
“I heard about Lieutenant Parsons.”
He stands there in the doorway between her bedroom and bathroom. They watch each other’s reflections.
“I keep asking myself if I should have done something differently.”
“You sound like the captain,” he tells her. “You can’t blame yourself.   Lyle was not well when you started working with him.”
“It’s my job to help my patients get better, Gabriel.  I failed him.”
She knows what she would tell anyone else making that claim: that it is unhealthy to take responsibility for someone else’s well being.  She still feels like such a failure.
“Kat...” He walks closer, wrapping his arms around her from behind.
“I am aware I’m being irrational,” she reassures him.
“I didn’t say that.”
“I didn’t cause him to put that phaser to his head.  I know that.  It still hurts feeling so powerless.  Nothing I did or said in the last six months was able to prevent this.”
“It always hurts to lose someone.  I recall someone telling me that after that away mission on Pyron VIII when I lost my first team member while in change.”
She wants to argue that this was different, that losing a patient to mental illness vs. a crew member to a hostile planet were not the same thing.  At the same time, she doesn’t really want to argue.
“I wish it hurt less,” she admits instead, letting Gabriel guide her to turn away from the mirror to face him.
“Let me help you then. I’ll take the pain away,” he promises, pulling her more tightly against him.
“You can’t fix this just like that,” she argues.
“No,” he agrees. “I can make you forget about it though, for at least a little while.”
“I’m not really in the-”  The word mood dies on her lips as Gabriel sweeps her hair away from one side of her neck, a targeted attack of his mouth on a succession of pulse points, first licking his way down and then sucking on the way back up, reminding her just how capable he is of changing her mood rapidly.
“You always do this for me, Kat,” he murmurs into her ear, lightly nipping at the lobe, “Let me return the favor.
“Okay,” she nods, “Give it your best shot.”
“That sounds like a challenge.”
“I know you always thrive under pressure.”
He doesn’t go straight for her lips, choosing instead to kiss along her jaw and against her temple.   His hands go from spread across her back to encircling her waist.  His eyes meet hers.
“You know you saved, Collins, after she lost the baby,” he tells her, punctuating each word with another press of his lips somewhere.  Her collarbone, her shoulders.  
“And Takata down in Engineering…” His hands move up her ribcage, baring her stomach as he sinks down in front of her.
This isn’t usually how this goes.  More often than not she’s the one talking him through something, and he won’t listen until after.  Even when he’s cheering her up, it’s usually more distraction and less reassurance...
Read the (NSFW) Rest Here
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simplytheevebest · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @faytalepsy !
Ten characters, ten fandoms, ten tags
Let's see if I can choose ones that aren't Eve Best. This was so much harder than I thought it would be.
Fate: The Winx Saga - Farah Dowling
Pirates of the Caribbean - Elizabeth Swann
House of the Dragon - Rhaenys Targaryen Velaryon
Maximum Ride - Maximum Ride
Once Upon a Time - Rumpelstiltskin
Marvel - Peggy Carter
Harry Potter - Fred Weasley
Lord of the Rings - Elrond
Ted Lasso - Trent Crimm
Downton Abbey - Thomas Barrow
I tag @eves-da-best @belligerent-butterfly @backjustforberena @icecream-junkie
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