winxsource · 2 years
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Thank you for everyone that participated in the Holiday Exchange 2022!
In case you missed any work posted during this week, here’s the recap list. Make sure to like/kudo/comment/reblog and support these amazing creators!
@skloomdumpster made this fluffy skloom fic for @annxxwin
@annxxwin made this fluffy christmas skloom fic for @faithfire 
@faithfire made this domestic fluff Saul & Ben fic for @iamdexter123
@iamdexter123 made this domestic fluff saundreas fic for @emylilas
@emylilas made this fun skyriv video for @xlightwcds
@xlightwcds made this bittersweet skloom gifset for @sklooms
@sklooms made this rivusa edit and this bonus sambea one for @loveisthemoment
@loveisthemoment made this medieval silrah fic for @theyhaveacavetroll
@theyhaveacavetroll made this whumpy silrah fic for @astrid-v
@astrid-v made this cute Riven, Beatrix and Sky fanart for @claracivry
@claracivry made this sky centered medieval fic for @friendlyneighborhoodcapricorn
@friendlyneighborhoodcapricorn made this fluffy stellatrix fic for @kara-night-light
@theperfectrose made this bookstore au stellatrix fic for @somenamewithepineapple
@somenamewithepineapple made this new year themed stellatrix fic for @widadsadki 
@widadsadki made this angsty greysha video for @rivusa
@rivusa made this Riven gifset, this Musa gifset and this rivusa gifset for @medusanova
@medusanova made this rivusa holiday fic for @sammie026
@sammie026 made this fluffy rivusa fic for @theperfectrose
@easilydistractedbyfanfic made this angst, fluff and smut rivusa fic for @fitztragedy
@fitztragedy made this fluffy skloom fic fic for @blablaadje
@blablaadje made this domestic fluff silrah fic for @cissasevans
@cissasevans made this doomed love silrah and stellatrix gifset for @forestelfo
@forestelfo made this painful silrah fic for @veritaserum07
@veritaserum07 made this Saul Silva gifset for @septemberrie
@septemberrie made this smutty silrah fic for @icecream-junkie
@icecream-junkie made this jealousy silrah fic for @faytalepsy
@faytalepsy made this haunting filrah fanart for @loulis-fate
@loulis-fate made this fix-it silrah and stellatrix fic for @infp-obsessing-over-everything
@infp-obsessing-over-everything made this hurt/comfort rivusa fic and this rivusa gifset for @gossipqueen2000
@gossipqueen2000 made this historical au rivusa fic for @easilydistractedbyfanfic
@junkshop-disco made this fluffy saundreas and this hurt/comfort saundreas fics for @penflicks
@penflicks made this fluffy lunrah fic for @agenraldinosaur
@agenraldinosaur made this hurt/comfort faralind fic for @lizzabet 
@lizzabet made this bittersweet silrah gifset for @unreliablenarratorink
@unreliablenarratorink made this fluffy silrah fic for @junkshop-disco
@skloomdumpster made this angsty skloom fic for @amchara
@amchara made this hurt/comfort skyriv fic for @leadingrebel
@leadingrebel made this stellatrix fanart for @kira-7
@kira-7 made this hurt/comfort rivusa fic for @golden-peachy
@golden-peachy made this fluffy rivusa, sambea and katerra fic for @partiallypearl
@partiallypearl made this fluffy skloom and rivusa fic for @hibiscusia
@hibiscusia made this Bloom, Musa and Riven gifset for @skloomdumpster
If you wanna check out all fics posted for this and last year’s HEX, here’s the collection link!
See you all next year!
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skloomdumpster · 1 year
HAVE I ASKED FARALIND YET if yes then ignore me but if not FARALIND
Let me be very clear, do I think they hooked up? No, not really. Do I think young Farah held a candle the size of a mountain for Rosalind, her mentor, abuser, mother figure? HELL YEAH.
Do I think Rosalind was aware of it and took pleasure in it? Abused this fact even? YES.
Faralind is canon to me. Was canon when they were young, was canon in season 1 when Rosalind is patting that bench and smiling coyly at Farah and basically making fun of the childish crush that once existed there and was replaced with hatred. *CANON*
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inlovewithfairies · 2 years
Why does fate have the tendency of ending its seasons with 1/2 of the wlw queerbait dead?
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
In The Heat Of The Night - Farah Dowling/Rosalind
A/N: Day 26 of @fluffbruary​ continues.
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Rosalind knew Farah hated the night, that was why she had snuck slowly into her rooms that evening, watching her prepare for the night. They would lie together as always, Rosalind enjoying the peace of the night even as she comforts Farah, her Farah, who still trembles at the thought of being left alone all night. Neither of them want her to be alone, neither of them want to suffer. Still night is the only time they dare stop pretending, night is the only time they can be real with each other and share their love.  It will work, for them it always has, but they know they will never be allowed to be anything more than this.
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septemberrie · 1 year
That faralind scene raised SO many questions and headcanons from me (none of them pleasant but still fascinating) and then s2 did the same with andylind and had me wondering how the farah-rosalind-andreas dynamics worked... the potential of it all 🤧 and now they are all dead 😭 I NEED TO KNOW
tell me ALL of your headcanons, anon!!! I am 100% here for toxic Faralind backstory. the little tiny facial expressions between Eve & Lesley are just too much to chomp on!!!
then you throw in the Lovable (? to me) Rogue Andreas to that dynamic and now??? ouch ouch ouch
Did Andreas & Farah compete with each other to be Roz's favorite? Did she hold Farah's performance over Andreas' head to get him to do her bidding, and vice versa? Why was Andreas' debt to Rosalind enough to make him commit a teensy bit of genocide but not Farah?
Also I'm sorry but Eve & Ken are just too attractive for me not to want some hatefucking thrown in to ease up on that sexual tension. Blame @skloomdumpster for her Between the Lines fic that I still think about every night.
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lesbianologist · 3 years
idc who you ship in the ftws fandom, so long as they’re both consenting adults and you aren’t sending it to the actors/actresses. just don’t be a dick about it. you ship silrah? spectacular. you ship faralind? fantastic. you ship faruna? fkn A+. you ship farah with a character that may be introduced later? wonderful. irdc. we all collectively love farah, and ftws, and we should not be bashing other people for their ships. i understand that people probably don’t ship faralind because of the abuse that likely happened but that doesn’t give you an excuse to be rude to other humans on this app. you can be critical of other people’s ships on your own blog without bringing them down. i’ve also seen posts that border on homophobia re: faralind, and their abusive relationship (whatever type it was) is no excuse for you to shame wlw on this app who see themselves reflected in farah and in the relationship she has with rosalind. lastly, you can also recognize that no matter what, farah deserves to be with someone who treats her kindly and makes her happy.
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pananapotterhead · 3 years
New link for our discord server,
Dowling Army Supremacy
It's a community I'm very proud to be a part of 💖
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sayresse17 · 4 years
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New edit 🥰🥰 (the drawing is not mine but from @qba016 on Instagram)
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just-phee · 3 years
Yes I know I usually talk Silrah on here but if anyone made a Farah x Rosalind edit to Harry Styles’ She I wouldn’t exactly be mad 👀
P-pretty please?
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inlovewithfairies · 2 years
One day I'll write a faralind fanfic about Rosalind using Farahs crush on her just to boost her ego and feel good with herself, teasing young Farah just for the sake of it because she was the only one that paid attention to her and didn't think of her as a bitch
Because I've just realized that was my teacher did to me when I was in high school and I want to scream into a pillow because of me being so stupid
Also please understand this is one of the reasons why i don't write student x teacher relationships.
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skloomdumpster · 3 years
I have to confess that I've also been thinking about Rosalind/Andreas toxic ship lately plz I'm tired and hopeless Faralind shipper with no explanations
There's nothing that misery loves more than company!!!
Do you ship Faralind in the molds of toxic gross Andylind or in an actual cute way?
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septemberrie · 1 year
It's funny because faralind and saundreas are two ships that i don't ship myself but i can totally see being canon/almost canon in the past (not so much in their future even if andreas, farah and rosalind hadn't died) and i would have liked to delve in their history even though some things about them make me a bit uncomfortable lol i don't think faralind could've ever been anything but toxic and saundreas might've started well but then... things happened 😂 i was hoping farah would be back in s2 and we'd get to see more of these two relationships (and some silrah of course) but halfway through i realised it wasn't going to happen so i was like, well let's see where they go with andreas/rosalind then. But they went and KILLED THEM BOTH 🤣 i've never felt more like a clown in my entire life. Thank god for fanfic writers 💖
yes!!! you just hit the nail on the head on the joys of shipping. I do wish there was a word between "I want these two characters to be endgame" and "I want to see more of these characters' dynamic" bc I want both!!! I want to write both and I want to read both and I want to roll around like a pig in the mud of both.
honestly I like s2 up until they killed off andreas and then it really lost its way. he was a great secondary villain/rogue by which he forced the other characters to act/react. then Roz's death was just ??? why set up a huge conflict between her way of reasoning and Sebastian's way of reasoning and then just *fwoosh*
this isn't super coherent as it's Friday night and you know what that means but I love your thoughts anon!! I hear you entirely. And I love that you're interested in reading ships that on their face make you uncomfy bc that is one of the many joys of fiction and indeed art itself.
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lesbianologist · 3 years
fate: the winx saga [MASTERLIST] this page is continually updated.
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reader insert farah dowling / reader [1 unfinished wip] luna of solaria / reader ships farah dowling / rosalind [#faralind] farah dowling / luna of solaria [#lunrah]
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sayresse17 · 3 years
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Chapter 5 of « Enfermée » is posted on Wattpad and Ao3 🥰
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inlovewithfairies · 2 years
How's the college life?
Are you majoring as a writer? because I've your works and they're really good
What Farah related projects are you working on? If any.
College life is great! I'm tired and my eyes and neck hurt but my heart is SO HAPPPPPPY!!!!!!@! <3
I would love to go to a sort of USA college tho, like u can sleep there and stuff, but I'm from Latin America and grateful enough that I can access to free education so I'll just write about cool boarding schools and that sort of stuff
Still is fun, I have cool mates and am making friends, so that's good. My teachers are super cool and really smart and I crave learning from them. Also one of my classmates is like 30 and he is my friend, and he has this tiny lovely daughter (she is baby terras inspo for most stories) and he said I'm her honorific aunt so that's been really nice
I'm majoring on urban environmental management, so climate change, social justice, global south things, - (Geography, history, sociology, biology, ecology, maths, project management, etc) you know. Not writing tho, sorry. But I'm writing a series on environmental stuff and LGBT and poc (I'm not poc but representation of the people that's always surrounded me sort of thing) urban fantasy stuff that I'll one day publish online atleast
I'm working on a silrah project, I crave writing a faralind one, and just really want to read a cute faralind story that wasn't written by me so if u have any recommendations please send them. But I'm actively writing a jealous Silrah one, and I have a silrah x Andreas fic that I'm looking like, you are next
I'm falling down the hole of Vera Stone x wlw!oc again tho, but I'll never publish that, and it's taking some time away. So jm sorry
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