#iasip: episode: the gang exploits a miracle
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shipcestuous · 1 year ago
There was a Dennis/Dee post I wanted to reblog but I couldn’t because I was blocked by the OP. But I had to make sure the info was on the blog somewhere.. So it’s below the cut. Please don’t reblog this post. If you want to reblog, reblog from OP here. Thanks!
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trouticide · 4 months ago
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drawing a frame from every episode of its always sunny season 2 episode 7: the gang exploits a miracle
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violetshades · 1 year ago
hi hello i am here to ask about your brainrot. i'm curious, what are some of your favorite episodes of iasip? do you have a favorite character or favorite character pairing? anything you're hoping to see in season 17?
thanks for asking <3 one of my fav episodes is the gang exploits a miracle (i know dennis and dee go on welfare is one of the most loved episodes bc it was a turning point but,,,)
apart from the typical macdennis-centric episodes i also enjoyed the gang squashes their beefs and charlie catches a leprechaun
when i started watching sunny my fav was charlie but now it's dennis, there's just something about him that is so appealing. one of my fav things about sunny is that the characters are terrible people rejected by society and they hate each other but if you pay attention there is softness and something ressembling love even if it's in a messy and wrong way.
i really really like macdennis and their dynamic is so special and it's so rare to see a middle-aged mlm pairing + in a show whose target audience are dudebros
and honestly i don't expect *anything* from next season, i'm sure that it will be a good season (not that I think they have bad seasons, imo they have been quite consistent even if there are episodes that are not so good)
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mosthatedsunny · 2 years ago
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acasternaut · 2 years ago
not to be weird in your ask… but that iasip episode where they get the water stain in the office and mac and charlie see who the better preacher is… (that’s it i just… really like that episode)
ANON I MISSED THIS BUT I ABSOLUTELY AGREE!!!! the gang exploits a miracle is definitely a favorite of mine and mac n charlie both look soo good i love my boys
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ricketycr1cks · 2 years ago
which scene from sunny makes you the most emotional?
God there’s so many mfhp, Dennis getting the rpg, like any scene that talks about/alludes to Macs childhood, Dennis leaving, and the end of the gang broke Dee all are pretty emotional to me in their own ways
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clodiuspulcher · 6 years ago
you can probably draw a straight line from ancient Roman comedy to any modern sitcom such that the latter can be shown to have much more in common with immediate predecessors than the ancient archetypes BUT It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is so interested in the interplay between tragedy and comedy and the extent to which comedy relies on the tropes and tools of tragedy and uses that interaction AS A SOURCE OF HUMOR that I HONESTLY see it as more like Plautus than Anything Else in its lineage
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buddygrouse · 5 years ago
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i have been trying to make more art just for myself recently so here is a picture of dennis passing out and falling off a chair from the IASIP episode “the gang exploits a miracle” :)
it was originally a gif but i think the composited version has a good energy to it
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easyhotdog · 8 years ago
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globrights · 6 years ago
iasip s2 rated by macdennis content
Charlie Gets: Mac and Dennis decide to pretend to be handicapped by going around the mall in wheelchairs, but after you see their stupid squabbles and fights over who gets to have polio and you see them brawl it out in the middle of a shopping mall, plus that scene where Mac just sighs and puts his head in his hand and his other hand on Dennis... you realize the whole thing is just a very elaborate Intricate Ritual. A very horrible one, for sure, but still. Dennis drunkenly whines to Mac about his dead stuffed elephant and it prompts Mac to want to go to a strip club despite previously being perfectly happy to get drunk with Dennis alone in the bar. Mac ordering Dennis to drive them to the strip club and Dennis talking about how he’s gonna buy both Mac and himself lap dances at the strip club is indicative of how Dennis has been sugar daddying Mac for years yet he’s also a little gay baby who does whatever Mac tells him to. At this point in their relationship. rcg please bring this back. 9/10
The Gang Goes Jihad: “You’re an idiot.” “You’re an idiot.” Mac and Dennis are both big stupid and they have no rights. 8/10
Dennis and Dee Go On Welfare: Mac gets mad at Dennis and Dee when they go on unemployment. At the end when Frank calls his kids crackheads, Mac gives Dennis a somewhat comforting tap on the shoulder. 5/10
Mac Bangs Dennis’ Mom: Mac has sex with Dennis’ mom. There are a lot of layers to this, but many suggest that Mac really just wants to bang Dennis. They get into a brawl on the grass. Lots of touching. 8.5/10
Hundred Dollar Baby: “Oh yeah, you’re like, the second toughest guy I know.” I refuse to discuss this episode. Mostly because I don’t know what the hell is going on. What was happening here? Mac and Dennis are trying to fuck Charlie, they’re trying to fuck each other, they’re wearing matching outfits, they’re going to street fights together? They seem to be very turned on by the prospect of inflicting pain on Charlie maybe? I don’t know. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. 9/10
The Gang Gives Back: Mac and Dennis are that couple that will fight like cats and dogs and then five seconds later say shit like this: “Great, Dennis and I will coach a team,” and then sweetly fist bump and then be so confused when they get split up... 8.5/10
The Gang Exploits a Miracle: Not much going on here :( But Mac does look mildly concerned when Dennis asks Cricket if his face looks fat, although at the end when Dennis passes out Mac is the one to suggest that Cricket teabag Dennis. 2/10
The Gang Runs For Office: Mac nominating Dennis to be their election candidate and complimenting Dennis’ “Kennedy Hair” which makes Dennis get this shy look as he touches his hair... wow... 8/10
Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody’s Asses: Wearing matching shirts? Rainbow necklaces? Leaning in so close to talk to each other? 9.5/10
Dennis and Dee Get a New Dad: Some scattered bickering and insults thrown around here and there. 3/10
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thisfuckinthing · 8 years ago
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okay but mac was such a look in this episode
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janitnoir · 6 years ago
what's ur fave iasip episode(s)?
Ok, so this list is stupidly long, and is basically the whole ass show, so I figured I’d just bold my tops, whilst still listing the others. 
Underage Drinking: A National Concern - s01 e03Gun Fever - s01 e05Charlie Gets Molested - s01 e07
Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare - s02 e03Mac Bangs Dennis' Mom - s02 e04Hundred Dollar Baby - s02 e05The Gang Exploits a Miracle - s02 e07Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody's Ass - s02 e09The Gang Gets Held Hostage - s03 e04Frank Sets Sweet Dee on Fire - s03 e08Mac is a Serial Killer - s03 e10The Gang Dances Their Asses Off - s03 e13( honestly s04 is chef kiss ) Mac and Dennis: Manhunters - s04 e01Mac's Banging the Waitress - s04 e04Mac and Charlie Die Part 1 - s04 e05Mac and Charlie Die Part 2 - s04 e06Who Pooped the Bed? - s04 e07Sweet Dee Has a Heart Attack - s04 e10The Gang Gets Extreme: Home Makeover Edition - s04 e12The Nightman Cometh - s04 e13The Gang Exploits the Mortgage Crisis - s05 e01The Gang Hits the Road - s05 e02The Waitress Is Getting Married - s05 e05Mac and Dennis Break Up - s05 e09Mac and Charlie Write a Movie - s05 e11( Okay, so I LOVE all of s06, esp since it’s charmac heavy, so I’m just gonna list my tops...)Mac's Big Break - s06 e04Mac and Charlie: White Trash - s06 e05Mac's Mom Burns Her House Down - s06 e06Charlie Kelly: King of the Rats - s06 e10The Gang Gets Stranded in the Woods  - s06 e11A Very Sunny Christmas - s06 e12Frank's Pretty Woman - s07 e01The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore - s07 e02Sweet Dee Gets Audited - s07 e04Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games - s07 e07The Gang Gets Trapped - s07 e09How Mac Got Fat - s07 e10The High School Reunion - s07 e12The High School Reunion Part 2: The Gang's Revenge - s07 e13The Gang Recycles Their Trash  - s08 e02The Maureen Ponderosa Wedding Massacre - s08 e03Charlie and Dee Find Love - s08 e04The Gang Gets Analyzed - s08 e05Charlie's Mom Has Cancer - s08 e06Frank's Back in Business - s08 e07Charlie Rules the World - s08 e08The Gang Dines Out - s08 e09Reynolds vs. Reynolds: The Cereal Defense - s08 e10The Gang Broke Dee - s09 e01Gun Fever Too: Still Hot - s09 e02Mac Day - s09 e05The Gang Gets Quarantined - s09 e07Flowers for Charlie - s09 e08The Gang Squashes Their Beefs - s09 e10The Gang Beats Boggs - s10 e01The Gang Group Dates - s10 e02Psycho Pete Returns - s10 e03Charlie Work - s10 e04Mac Kills His Dad - s10 e07The Gang Goes on Family Fight - s10 e08Ass Kickers United: Mac and Charlie Join a Cult - s10 e10Chardee MacDennis 2: Electric Boogaloo - s11 e01Mac & Dennis Move to the Suburbs - s11 e05McPoyle vs. Ponderosa: The Trial of the Century s11 e07Charlie Catches a Leprechaun - s11 e08The Gang Goes to Hell - s11 e09The Gang Goes to Hell: Part Two- s11 e10The Gang Goes to a Water Park - s12 e02Wolf Cola: A Public Relations Nightmare - s12 e04Making Dennis Reynolds a Murderer - s12 e05Hero or Hate Crime? - s05 e06PTSDee - s12 e07The Gang Tends Bar - s12 e08The Gang Escapes - s13 e02The Gang Beats Boggs: Ladies Reboot - s13 e03The Gang Gets New Wheels - s13 e05The Gang Solves the Bathroom Problem - s13 e06Charlie's Home Alone - s13 e08Mac Finds His Pride - s13 e10
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ramajmedia · 6 years ago
10 Funniest Schemes The Gang Took Too Far In Always Sunny, Ranked
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is, hands down, the funniest TV show that FX has to offer. Its 14th season is set to premiere this year. The show follows a group of morally ambiguous bar owners who are constantly trying to find shortcuts to the luxury life, and it always comes back to bite them in hilarious ways.
RELATED: Big Bang Theory: The 10 Worst Things Amy Has Ever Done, Ranked
But with so many ways that the characters on this popular show have tried to make money, it’s hard to decide which one of their despicable schemes was the funniest. Luckily, we’ve compiled some of the top 10 schemes that went a bit too far.
10 Dennis And Dee Go On Welfare
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Never underestimate how low these siblings will stoop to make sure they get what they want. It’s why we love them. In this episode, we see Dennis and Dee try out unemployment, thinking that the free money would be a sweet deal. Frank reminds them that unemployment wouldn’t last forever, and they would eventually have to go on welfare.
RELATED: 10 Funniest It’s Always Sunny Memes We Can Relate To
After Dennis tries to act like a recovering drug addict, while trying to pass Dee off as mentally handicapped, they were turned down, leaving them to actually get addicted to crack cocaine. This happens at the same time Mac and Charlie find out about Frank’s secret account and decide to splurge.
9 The Gang Exploits A Miracle
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When Frank stumbles on a stain in his office that resembles the Bloody Mary, the man immediately saw dollar signs and phones the media about it. Frank advertises the stains and gets irritated when he doesn’t make enough money from the people who visit. A former classmate who is in the priesthood stops by and the gang remembers him as Rickety Cricket, a boy who had metal legs and a huge crush on Dee.
RELATED: IASIP: The 10 Worst Episodes Ever, According To IMDb
Frank convinces Dee to manipulate Cricket into blessing the stain, and her promises lead him to actually abandon the priesthood, where he slowly started a downward spiral from hard drugs.
8 The Gang Solves The Gas Crisis
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With gas prices in Philly reaching an all-time high, the gang quickly jumped on the chance to turn this problem into profit. Their idea? Sell gas at a competitive rate, right at the person’s door. How would they get it? By siphoning gas from a fuel tank they found after being rushed away from a gas station.
They were unable to sell it back to the gas station so they started selling it from a lemonade-stand like a booth. Charlie and Mac get the bright idea to shoot off fireballs to get people’s attention, leaving Mac to get his head burned.
7 The Gang Buys A Boat
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After selling their domain “dicktowel.com,” Mac and Dennis get their hands on $2,500. With the idea to buy a slick, P-diddy-ish type boat, and with Charlie and Frank's ambition to start shrimping, the gang ended up actually buying a boat. While buying supplies for the boat, Dennis reveals he has dark things planned for the boat in the future. With a hilariously sociopathic bombshell dropped, we could understand Mac’s uneasiness.
They returned back to a trashed boat, lose the keys to the boat, and get irritated with Charlie at the idea of having to rent scuba gear to get them. The boat is destroyed in the end, with Charlie criticizing the investment choice.
6 The Gang Beats Boggs
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Admiring Wade Boggs record of drinking 70 beers on a flight, the gang took it upon themselves to beat that. Each member wears a white t-shirt throughout the episode, with the number of beers consumed marked on them. The gang gets extremely drunk while Dennis and Frank see who can join the “Mile High Club” first.
RELATED: Dee Reynolds: 10 Funniest Quotes From Always Sunny’s Golden Goddess
This leads Frank to drug a college-student, and Dennis having to leave the group to get rid of the woman he took to the cargo hold. After 40 beers and some uppers, Dee immediately gets on the plane’s PA, getting the whole gang cut off.
5 The D.E.N.N.I.S. System
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This is hands down Dennis’ best episode. Dennis brags he has the perfect method of attracting any female he wants and takes the gang through his process step by step. The D.E.N.N.I.S. System is highly manipulative, and it’s a clear indication of how much of a predator Dennis has the potential to be if motivated properly.
This episode shows him threatening the woman he likes over the phone with a voice modulator before rushing to her side to comfort her and become intimate with her before “Separating Entirely.”
4 Mac and Dennis Move To The Suburbs
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After failing to find a suitable place in Philly in their price range, Mac and Dennis decide it would be best to move to the suburbs. Frank tells them that “city scum” like them could never make it in that life, and he bets them that if they fail, they would have to sleep with an old man in their bed for a year.
RELATED: IASIP: 10 Dennis Quotes That Show He’s A Sociopath
They accepted that bet, adding that if they did make it past their first month, Frank would have to pay their rent for a year. Things start off fine at first, but the pair quickly lose their sanity. Mac feeds Dennis their dog, and the pair eventually quit, forcing them to hold up their side of the bet.
3 Mac and Dennis: Manhunters
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When Charlie and Dee steal some of Frank's meat and fall in love with it, he tells them they have eaten human meat, and that they were now addicted. When Mac and Dennis overhear this, they decide to hunt the ultimate game: man. This leads them to put out traps in Philly to capture someone, specifically, Rickety Cricket.
They actually succeed by telling him that Dee wants to see him at Paddy’s Pub. Dee and Charlie’s craving for meat ends with them putting spices on a young kid’s arms. The entire episode is a downward spiral in terms of morals.
2 Dee Reynolds: Shaping America’s Youth
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With a teacher being out of commission for one of Philly’s schools and Charlie getting a new job as a janitor, Dee tries to influence other students to pursue acting. The student’s don’t care, and she’s sad to see the teacher who gave her the inspiration not care either. With failed play attempts, and the students still losing interest in her, Charlie starts to become more and more popular amongst the school students.
Charlie even is called “The Professor” by them. She eventually leads the group of kids into Paddy’s Pub to see the gang’s rendition of Lethal Weapon 5.
1 Mac Day
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Every member of the gang gets a set day of the month where the rest of the members have to do whatever they want, for a full 24hrs. This was Mac’s day, and in Mac fashion, it had to be over the top and completely nonsensical. He starts off by jumping off a bridge to prove how badass he is with his cousin Country Mac, whom the gang falls in love with.
He forces the gang to oil up bodybuilders, only strengthening their arguments that he should just come out of the closet as it would be better for him. The day ends with a massive brawl at a karate tournament due to an angered Mac.
NEXT: IASIP: 10 Best Charlie Quotes
source https://screenrant.com/funniest-schemes-gang-took-far-always-sunny-philidelphia-ranked-tv-show/
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ramajmedia · 6 years ago
10 Funniest Schemes The Gang Took Too Far In Always Sunny, Ranked
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is, hands down, the funniest TV show that FX has to offer. Its 14th season is set to premiere this year. The show follows a group of morally ambiguous bar owners who are constantly trying to find shortcuts to the luxury life, and it always comes back to bite them in hilarious ways.
RELATED: Big Bang Theory: The 10 Worst Things Amy Has Ever Done, Ranked
But with so many ways that the characters on this popular show have tried to make money, it’s hard to decide which one of their despicable schemes was the funniest. Luckily, we’ve compiled some of the top 10 schemes that went a bit too far.
10 Dennis And Dee Go On Welfare
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Never underestimate how low these siblings will stoop to make sure they get what they want. It’s why we love them. In this episode, we see Dennis and Dee try out unemployment, thinking that the free money would be a sweet deal. Frank reminds them that unemployment wouldn’t last forever, and they would eventually have to go on welfare.
RELATED: 10 Funniest It’s Always Sunny Memes We Can Relate To
After Dennis tries to act like a recovering drug addict, while trying to pass Dee off as mentally handicapped, they were turned down, leaving them to actually get addicted to crack cocaine. This happens at the same time Mac and Charlie find out about Frank’s secret account and decide to splurge.
9 The Gang Exploits A Miracle
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When Frank stumbles on a stain in his office that resembles the Bloody Mary, the man immediately saw dollar signs and phones the media about it. Frank advertises the stains and gets irritated when he doesn’t make enough money from the people who visit. A former classmate who is in the priesthood stops by and the gang remembers him as Rickety Cricket, a boy who had metal legs and a huge crush on Dee.
RELATED: IASIP: The 10 Worst Episodes Ever, According To IMDb
Frank convinces Dee to manipulate Cricket into blessing the stain, and her promises lead him to actually abandon the priesthood, where he slowly started a downward spiral from hard drugs.
8 The Gang Solves The Gas Crisis
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With gas prices in Philly reaching an all-time high, the gang quickly jumped on the chance to turn this problem into profit. Their idea? Sell gas at a competitive rate, right at the person’s door. How would they get it? By siphoning gas from a fuel tank they found after being rushed away from a gas station.
They were unable to sell it back to the gas station so they started selling it from a lemonade-stand like a booth. Charlie and Mac get the bright idea to shoot off fireballs to get people’s attention, leaving Mac to get his head burned.
7 The Gang Buys A Boat
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After selling their domain “dicktowel.com,” Mac and Dennis get their hands on $2,500. With the idea to buy a slick, P-diddy-ish type boat, and with Charlie and Frank's ambition to start shrimping, the gang ended up actually buying a boat. While buying supplies for the boat, Dennis reveals he has dark things planned for the boat in the future. With a hilariously sociopathic bombshell dropped, we could understand Mac’s uneasiness.
They returned back to a trashed boat, lose the keys to the boat, and get irritated with Charlie at the idea of having to rent scuba gear to get them. The boat is destroyed in the end, with Charlie criticizing the investment choice.
6 The Gang Beats Boggs
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Admiring Wade Boggs record of drinking 70 beers on a flight, the gang took it upon themselves to beat that. Each member wears a white t-shirt throughout the episode, with the number of beers consumed marked on them. The gang gets extremely drunk while Dennis and Frank see who can join the “Mile High Club” first.
RELATED: Dee Reynolds: 10 Funniest Quotes From Always Sunny’s Golden Goddess
This leads Frank to drug a college-student, and Dennis having to leave the group to get rid of the woman he took to the cargo hold. After 40 beers and some uppers, Dee immediately gets on the plane’s PA, getting the whole gang cut off.
5 The D.E.N.N.I.S. System
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This is hands down Dennis’ best episode. Dennis brags he has the perfect method of attracting any female he wants and takes the gang through his process step by step. The D.E.N.N.I.S. System is highly manipulative, and it’s a clear indication of how much of a predator Dennis has the potential to be if motivated properly.
This episode shows him threatening the woman he likes over the phone with a voice modulator before rushing to her side to comfort her and become intimate with her before “Separating Entirely.”
4 Mac and Dennis Move To The Suburbs
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After failing to find a suitable place in Philly in their price range, Mac and Dennis decide it would be best to move to the suburbs. Frank tells them that “city scum” like them could never make it in that life, and he bets them that if they fail, they would have to sleep with an old man in their bed for a year.
RELATED: IASIP: 10 Dennis Quotes That Show He’s A Sociopath
They accepted that bet, adding that if they did make it past their first month, Frank would have to pay their rent for a year. Things start off fine at first, but the pair quickly lose their sanity. Mac feeds Dennis their dog, and the pair eventually quit, forcing them to hold up their side of the bet.
3 Mac and Dennis: Manhunters
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When Charlie and Dee steal some of Frank's meat and fall in love with it, he tells them they have eaten human meat, and that they were now addicted. When Mac and Dennis overhear this, they decide to hunt the ultimate game: man. This leads them to put out traps in Philly to capture someone, specifically, Rickety Cricket.
They actually succeed by telling him that Dee wants to see him at Paddy’s Pub. Dee and Charlie’s craving for meat ends with them putting spices on a young kid’s arms. The entire episode is a downward spiral in terms of morals.
2 Dee Reynolds: Shaping America’s Youth
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With a teacher being out of commission for one of Philly’s schools and Charlie getting a new job as a janitor, Dee tries to influence other students to pursue acting. The student’s don’t care, and she’s sad to see the teacher who gave her the inspiration not care either. With failed play attempts, and the students still losing interest in her, Charlie starts to become more and more popular amongst the school students.
Charlie even is called “The Professor” by them. She eventually leads the group of kids into Paddy’s Pub to see the gang’s rendition of Lethal Weapon 5.
1 Mac Day
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Every member of the gang gets a set day of the month where the rest of the members have to do whatever they want, for a full 24hrs. This was Mac’s day, and in Mac fashion, it had to be over the top and completely nonsensical. He starts off by jumping off a bridge to prove how badass he is with his cousin Country Mac, whom the gang falls in love with.
He forces the gang to oil up bodybuilders, only strengthening their arguments that he should just come out of the closet as it would be better for him. The day ends with a massive brawl at a karate tournament due to an angered Mac.
NEXT: IASIP: 10 Best Charlie Quotes
source https://screenrant.com/funniest-schemes-gang-took-far-always-sunny-philidelphia-ranked-tv-show/
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