#i. have not even watched past s2 but his character intrigued me so < in love already
diosxide · 1 year
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my babygirl <3
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xtraordinaryfangrl · 1 month
S3 Allison Hargreeves is NOT Canon!
I finally bit the bullet and watched Episode 5 of TUA S3 - the episode where Allison borderline SA’s Luther and I have no idea what the writers were thinking when they wrote that into the script.
Actually, no, that’s the problem! They weren’t thinking!
Up until that point, I was genuinely enjoying this season. The Sparrows were annoying but intriguing characters. The Diego and Stanley dynamic was everything and seeing him as a legit father in the final season will break my heart. I loved Viktor (or V, as I affectionately call them) and his transition as well as everybody’s reaction. Especially Allison’s, and her comradery with him in those first few episodes made me feel things. BITTERSWEET THINGS. Their relationship has always been so interesting to watch and I’ve grown fond of them as a duo despite the tension and angst they’ve displayed throughout the show.
I felt the desperation Allison had to get her daughter back, the way it boiled and bubbled up to rage. I understood her motive and empathized with her pain, even agreed with her and the rest of the Hargreeves pack on the Harlan situation. I could see her delving deeper into her “Wandavison Era” and I was ready to side with her on everything, then THAT scene happened.
Her relationship with Luther always creeped me out because of their romantic history. They were raised together before they got together and called the same man father - which is just another weird layer to the incest trope. She forces him to kiss her when she could have just… threatened to rumor him? Or at the very least show she could still control one thing at that moment by making him stand still?? That would have driven her point across just fine, WITHOUT Jedi mind-tricking a non-consensual sexcapade???
What’s worse about Allison’s character assassination is that she most likely doesn’t see anything wrong with what she did, and neither does Luther because like the doe-eyed himbo he is - he immediately skips off to see Sloan as if he’s the male lead in some early 2000s rom-com! They didn’t see an issue with what happened because the writers didn’t see an issue, and that’s MY issue with this.
Nowadays, no matter how a story is told, everything is up to the audience’s interpretation. But sexual manipulation, depression, and other important topics that real people experience should not be treated as an ambiguous “oh it can be taken multiple ways” plot point.
If St*ve Bl*ckman or whoever mapped out Allison’s S3 journey was a competent screenwriter, they would have refocused her contempt on The Sparrows. And if they REALLY wanted to make her past with Luther a central point, they could have put her “you’re blowing me off for some knockoff you’ve known for five minutes?” line to good use by making Sloan her target instead of Harlan.
I don’t know. This was a whole rant and maybe none of it makes sense. But aside from the few good things to come from S3 (such as V coming out as trans and Diego/Lila pre-parenthood shenanigans), nothing else happens. Any “canon storyline” after S2 is an acid-laced fever dream as far I’m concerned.
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laurapalmerz · 2 months
rbing that post about james has got me thinking about just how much they butchered his character. he's an interesting case as the writing for and acting has been particularly bad since the beginning of the show. since many characters i adore eventually fell apart toward the end of s1 into s2 (josie is the biggest example, but you can also apply donna, cooper, audrey, nadine, the vast majority of the women of twin peaks in general, etc. to that list as well) it's not unusual to see a degradation of care toward plot lines and growth. however, it's just sadder in this instance since james never had a chance right from the jump. he's the biggest meme and most hated character that isn't a villain in the fandom by a long shot. hell, even when i first started watching the show i didn't like him for how he treated donna. reflecting on it now after my rewatch, yes i still hate how he treats her, but i can also see WHY he would be that way. because of the quality of his character portrayal, not a lot of people understand or care that his coping mechanism for trauma is running away. he stays with his uncle while his mom is out on benders so he doesn't have to sit in the silence of the home that his father ran out of and his mother drinks herself to death in, so it's only natural that he runs away from twin peaks to get away from the memory of laura that's been haunting him since her death. does that mean it's a good coping mechanism? absolutely not. it's just an explanation. should he have communicated that better to donna so they would work something out? absolutely! you can blame that on them being teenagers but can also point toward bad writing choices that purposefully wanted to push them away so that god awful grooming subplot could happen (i'm forever shaking my fist at whoever it was that made that decision in the writing room and approved that for filming). had he been written consistently and was given to an actor who could embody that personality, i truly believe we could've been given a more empathetic figure in james hurley; a boyfriend who loved laura with every fiber of his being and genuinely wanted to help her out of the hole she was in. who loved donna but couldn't give her what she wants because there's a wall standing between them that can't be torn down until the past is put to rest. a boy who runs away because he can't face thoughts that pervade his life, that he never learned to cope with. multifaceted and intriguing, one that could still be memed but appreciated still. we can't change the past, so we're stuck with the version we have now. one that will never get his flowers because we got pouting face instead.
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helluvapurf · 1 year
forgot i was still doing this ask meme for a sec my bad lol
13. worst blorboficiation
Do you mean in terms of canon portrayals, or fandom-wise? Hmmm... if we're just talking canon here, then... weeeeell- >>
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-Now before anyone freaks out, no I don't "hate" Stolas... at most I'm honestly just kinda... "neutral"-feeling whenever he pops up on screen these days 🤷‍♀️
Concept-wise, I do like the idea of Stolas being this seemingly aged, powerful figure among the Ars Goetia... struggling to balance his twisted desires with his family/royalty responsibilities. Often getting lost in his own head to focus on anyone but his personal joy/fantasies-
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...but at the same time, not too far gone that he can't reel it back in-time to eventually realize his mistakes, and try to do whatever he can to fix it (no matter how successful or not those attempts be-):
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It was unique, compelling and overall made Stolas an entertaining character from the initial HB pilot to the end of S1. Making me super intrigued of how this crooked, broken bird could eventually grow and learn from all that happened into S2...
...aaaaand then "The Circus" & onwards just... idk, decided to do away with all that to make Stolas more like an innocent, pure-natured soul all along... who never meant to come off like a selfish jerk 'cause he's just soooo lonely & sad, having the sweetest of intentions all along~ 🥺🥺
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and its like... usually I don't mind giving sympathetic/tragic backstories to explain why they behave the way they do in the present-day... but with how S2's been framing things with Stolas atm, any and all mistakes he's pulled in the past has become the fault of other people's doing?
Stolas & Stella having a cold, loveless marriage that ended in him getting caught cheating (+Stella hiring a hit on him because of said cheating)? ...Well then clearly thats all Stella's fault for being a raging harpy from birth, so bitch got what she deserved when he dumped her ass, haha~
Stolas having a demeaning, belittling view on Imps (even around Blitz a few times in S1)? ...Well then that clearly was just the fault of his eeeevil dad Paimon, pushing the idea in his son's head from his kid years (who was so pure at heart enough that he wanted to bow to Blitz, when they met, awww~).
Stolas not being the most attentive father to Octavia, ignoring her feelings over & over? ...Well then clearly thats all on Via for not being grateful for the big, noble sacrifices Stolas put into loving her (esp as she apparently only exists to be a “precautionary heir” from his toxic marriage), and the fact that he's trying should be enough to forgive all his faults as the best dad ever~
Stolas being a pushy creep towards Blitz during their S1 dynamic, stepping over boundaries despite Blitz's clear discomfort? ...Well then that's clearly all on Blitz for being the one who put the moves on Stolas first, who was just a flustered bean from the start wanting to reconnect with his old buddy & gained true feelings overtime... why can't Blitz see how much Stolas loooooves him~? :ccc
...Aaaaand yeah, idk about yall but ehhhhh- I just couldn't really get into that angle the more I watched S2 :/. Not to say that Stolas’ last couple appearances were bad, per-say ('cause I did find his sassiness to Striker while kidnapped + his reading-enthusiasm with Ozzie's contract pretty funny)... buuut to make a long story short:
Shady, morally gray Stolas who needs to work on himself >>>>> Sad baby boi Stolas who did nothing wrong ever
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eliza1911o1 · 1 year
The possibilities that have just opened up from Din being captured has me REELING
On one hand, and by unpopular chance as it should be, we might even Din rescued this season. We might have to wait for whatever machinations Favreau and Filoni are getting up to, maybe drawing out interactions with Boba and Fennec or them not being able to find or get to Din (similar to how Din rescuing Grogu in s2 took a few episodes). It’s unlikely, but the thought is unsettling enough that I have to give it credit
On a different level, the parallels this draws between him and Grogu is so emotional. We really haven’t gotten a lot of father-son interactions this season and it was a smart move to give us their chaos earlier in the episode because it made their separation all the more painful. These two characters have been taken from each other in an assortment of ways over the past two seasons and yet have come together no matter the forced pulling them apart. But the forces are stilling pulling apart and all I can say is they just deserve a break. Din was so upset and vengeful when Grogu was taken before (alsoby Moff Gideon, no less) and him having to watch the same of Din is heartbreaking. And interesting. Because Grogu has been given a lot of independence this season, even from episode where he gets Bo to save Din, so him finally saving his father with his own —excuse me, IG-12’s — hands is kinda beautiful. No, it does not mean the trauma is worth is, especially when they already showed us how tragic Grogu’s backstory was and how so many people have been killed and taken right in front of him, but Grogu being able to finally save someone feels like it could be a really empowering and poetic choice
There’s also the option of Din going absolute badass and busts his way out like one of our favorite episodes The Prisoner from s1. As much as I love clumsy Din, I personally feel there hasn’t been enough action from him, especially scenes where he shows his impressive combat and problem-solving skills. Din is smart, Din is talented, this isn’t just my mantra it’s been proven by the show and some of the coolest scenes have been him absolutely throwing down in his clever way in fights. I think the way he has to focus more on outwitting others to make up for lack of grace (as opposed to Bo, though she is also smart) is part of what makes his fight scenes intriguing, too. That’s why, for the mess it as, I still liked ep 6; it showed the way Din utilizes his knowledge (when he talks to the Ugnaughts) and himbo-ness (when he straight up just starts kicking droids). While I believe Grogu and maybe Boba/Fennec and Bo will end up saving himC Din busting his way out would be so fun to watch and I’d be willing to condone the narrative choice is they gave him a semi-logical way of escaping. They’ve really just had him falling and beaten down so much with this season with very rare moments of action spotlight (not supporting moves), so a chance to see the slick bounty hunter we saw s1 and s2 would be appreciated
And last is the most dreaded possibility, most soul-crushing choice the writers would make: Din’s helmet is forcibly removed. Even writing this, there are so many implications from this scenario that it’s going to have to be its own post. It’s cinema.
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isagrimorie · 1 year
A little bit of a soft pushback on this post. re: curatorial fandom etc on Star Trek Picard season 3– I don’t think it's pure nostalgia and fan service.
Because I don’t think the characters we revisited stayed in one place, they weren’t who they were before. Some of them were rougher than others and some have had it done well.
I know most people were happy about Picard having almost nothing to do with the elements of TNG, and I do agree some of it was refreshing but for me, Trek is a starship and a crew -- even DS9 falls on this despite being a station, and it was always a little sad Sir Patrick Stewart was reluctant to include his friends in Picard.
He might have been a big part of the draw in TNG with Brent Spiner's Data as the other big draw but Picard wasn't the only reason why people watched TNG.
I also wanted an update on Beverly, Geordi, and on Worf.
And I know it's unpopular but as a show, Picard felt incomplete without his friends. (Also, knowing Sir Patrick Stewart was riding off the high of Logan for the reasoning behind Picard it made sense now. Logan was an excellent movie!)
But Picard not keeping in touch with the people he served with and considered family, it felt disappointing. Especially since I specifically went into the show expecting Picard to have kept in touch.
Ultimately, after returning to season 1, I did enjoy aspects of Picard s1 with a lot of niggles in between because season 1 had a LOT of big ideas and 10 episodes didn't serve the story well.
There were so many good ideas there that just didn't fly and most of season 1 was spent talking with not a lot of forward momentum on both plot and character.
I think in an ideal world there should have been 16 to 20 episodes per season to round things out. Season 1 had intriguing concepts that went nowhere and the Borg were just— there. They introduced the concept of ex-Borgs and did nothing with them.
Also, it was mentioned how S1 of Picard is very close to the plot of Mass Effect -- which is okay, good sci-fi shows share similar ideas and plots all the time! It's just funny, is all but again goes to how the show should have, at least 16 episodes.
Going on to season 3:
1. I really liked Nepenthe but I was also okay with Will and Deanna professing dislike for the planet where Thad lived and died— because sometimes the place where you spent grieving and healing isn’t and shouldn’t be the same place you should be if you’re going to move on from grief. And I doubly agree that Kestra should have been discussed or shown more. This actually reminds me of a Chibnall quote where RTD taught him: It shouldn’t just be “Don’t show, tell” but it should be “Show and Tell”.
But also, Matalas should have really included a line or a scene showing Kestra was safe in the Academy. I don't care how clunky it would have sounded or the scene would've been!
2. Geordi. I love that we see Geordi with Data, Geordi was someone I missed seeing in season 1 of Picard especially in regards to Data's death because as much as Nemesis and Picard s1 & s2 would like to show it— Geordi and Data were the two best friends in TNG. And for the majority of TNG Picard held Data with a certain distance. I didn’t even realize what a missing ingredient Geordi was in Picard until I saw Geordi with Data. LeVar Burton sold Geordi's grief of losing his best friend and the possibility of getting Data back.
Also, I like that Geordi, who was a little, uh, problematic with women (he had a romantic attraction for) grow up and then learn to become a good dad to two daughters. I love that LeVar Burton specifically requested this because he was also not fond of how Geordi was written with women.
3. Beverly. I love Action Beverly and I love Gates McFadden got that, I love that she basically worked in Doctors without Borders under the Mariposa. The medical emergency organization Teresa and Rios set up in the past. But also finally addressing all the ways losing Wesley fucked her up, losing Wesley the way she did was the straw that broke the camel’s back for her. In TNG, losing Wesley was something that was never brought up again but Wesley was a big part of Beverly’s life. (To be clear, Wesley is alive but by the Time Lord-like rules set by the Traveller, Wesley and Beverly can never meet again or communicate). I love that despite not being in Starfleet Beverly still can’t help but want to help people, especially out in the border worlds outside of the Federation. It’s no wonder Seven has heard of Beverly!
I love that she figured out what was happening in the 'nebula' and how her knowledge helped save them, leading to one of the more wonderous scenes in season 3.
4. Ro Laren. But most of all I love that Ro Laren returned— and it’s such a big thing to get Michelle Forbes back, she has famously demurred a lot of attempts to get her to become a show regular. I love the button to Picard and Laren’s relationship which festered on both sides for almost 30 years. The episode where she appeared is possibly my favorite episode of all Picard.
If only money and time weren’t an issue Picard and Laren’s relationship would have been a great foil to Janeway and Seven’s. Or even Laren and Seven interacting would have been so good.
Also, Janeway is the phantom that haunts Season 3 because it feels like Janeway should have been in Season 3. Again, money and time. But man a lot of the plot stuff in season 3 would have smoothed out with Janeway in the show.
5. WORF!
This brings me to Worf, who I adored in season 3 and I am so glad we see how he is doing after DS9. I mourn the loss of Jadzia, and even though she wasn’t named, I can’t help but feel her presence was felt, even Ezri. I feel like the comment about how Worf shouldn’t be passive-aggressive, felt like a very Ezri thing to say.
But as I’ve said before, Jadzia would adore zen, white-haired Worf. She would be with him through this shenanigans. She would enjoy Worf’s mentorship of Raffi! And she wouldn’t even be fazed with Worf waxing poetic about Deanna’s advice. Jadzia would know what Worf meant.
Worf seeing himself in Raffi and truly enjoying Raffi’s company was also such a boon. I love that he passed the torch on being a Klingon badass to Raffi— a non-Klingon.
But also this heads on to one of the things I disliked -- how Raffi's story went in the first episode. I wasn't into how alone Raffi was in scenes. I wish they could have gotten Elnor as a hologram or even Seven-- just so she could bounce off someone else, and maybe even hit on why they broke up.
I do love Worf burning Raffi’s cover. Raffi hated deep-cover work, and it only made her miserable. This way, Starfleet Intelligence won’t be compelled to use her expertise this way again. He’s seen what it's done to Miles O’Brien. But also, it's the Klingon high-handedness at work and I hope Ezri verbally head-slapped him for it.
I loved the idea of a true Borg collective and community, where one becomes Borg by choice in season 2 but its been so divorced from Seven, who could have interacted more with the idea, and the Borg Queen— who had spent, in another life, a large amount of resources to get Seven back and even indulged Seven on occasion.
Season 3 isn’t exempt from this, while I adored Season 3– I do know it wasn't a perfect season and there are things it could improve on.
One of them is that Seven should be more connected to the main bad guy plot than she was. This is where Janeway should have been in the show more because the Hirogen story? Should have been Janeway's story if we are honest, the final blow to the Borg Queen? should have been Janeway's. In a way, Picard was shafted on his own show because those were all Janeway's achievements and not Picard's.
Also, I know that people are burned by the Borg being ever present but I will be sad if they never bring up the Borg in the form of the Jurati Faction of the Borg, the xBs, and some Delta Quadrant Borgs as both allies and threats in Seven's (possible, please god) show.
The Borg is a big part of Seven’s life more than it was Picard’s. I am always a little side eye when the show tries to tell me Picard has more expertise on the Borg than Seven.
So yeah, I hope Seven gets to tackle the tricksy complicated idea of xBs and Jurati Borg.
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egipci · 1 year
Happy WW Em! There has been endless discussion about Dean’s close relationship with John. But... If John lived, do you think Sam could ever have a similarly close relationship with him? Or do you think the Stanford incident and Sam’s childhood has left too big of a stain on their past? If John and Sam had their own closeness, would Dean ever get jealous? Or would he see it as the final stage of his fucked up family healing itself?
Happy we......ek, friend! What a great question--- I think I tend to be much more optimistic than most people when it comes to Sam and John's (non-incestuous) relationship possibilities, but also I'm pretty committed to 1. the idea that John must die, sooner or later, for the show to become the Sam and Dean show (tm) and for Dean specifically to become his own guy and not just a dad-extension, and more controversially that 2. Sam's hate/frustration towards his dad is pretty much resolved before we even see John in s1, if not entirely before the pilot, 3. that John would die to save Sam just as he had for Dean, and 4. that we see significant character development on both their parts in s1 (or at least a significant improvement in their mutual understanding) such that their relationship couldn't really be as bad as it had been when Sam was growing up--- so with these basic assumption in mind, say John's lifespan is extended by like, a year or so. The short answer is: yes, they can grow closer, but not as close as the Dean-John relationship, not because of the trauma of the Stanford fight but because of the nature of the Dean-John relationship itself. There's about two decades of emotional incest there that I don't think Sam or anyone else can really fit into.
The long answer is-- I think the degree to which Sam and John grow closer depends entirely on how much canon changes to allow John to survive. Let's consider some possibilities:
Azazel is happy in 2x1 to stop the reaper from taking Dean solely in exchange for the gun. So, they get Dean back, but they're down the only weapon that take Azazel out. Obviously Sam can't blame his dad for giving up the gun, and he's recommitted to the fight after they've come face-to-face with Azazel, and insofar that he's happy to defer to his dad on hunts they're in a much better place than 1x20, for example. I can see John's "we wouldn't be here if you had taken the shot" blame persisting, if to a much lesser degree, but much more significantly, John's anxieties about Sam breaking bad persist, and there's a lot of very intriguing tension to be located here. John tells Dean, because of course he must tell his lieutenant, and Dean is torn up about it, watches Dad watching Sam, tries and eventually fails to keep it to himself, etc. etc. Sam is used to being outside the Dad-Dean unit, and it probably is better than when he was a kid, but also there's something going on that feels different, because he was right there when Azazel talked about his plans, and he asked John in 2x1 if he knew anything, so eventually he learns he's at-risk of some freaky shit. Does he know that Dad said to Dean they might have to kill him? And if he does, is his reaction similar to his reaction in canon s2, which is --- okay, whatever Dad says, but if someone has to kill me, please Dean it has to be you? Of course in this scenario we get to 2x22 and John makes a deal for Sam's life.
Azazel takes the gun and gives John one year. Or I guess, he takes the gun and John has to make an independent deal for Dean and gets a one year freebie. This compounds the above scenario in an interesting way: I can see John initially telling Sam about his deal and Dean about the Sam situation, and everything eventually comes to light because Dean knows his dad better than anyone (maybe he connects the dots somehow in 2x8) and Sam figures out that something might happen to him etc. etc. --- so now the stakes are doubled for Sam; they have to get Azazel before Azazel gets him, and maybe if they get Azazel before Dad's year is up they can maybe stop the deal (similar to the s3 Lilith hunt, you can even include some version of Ruby here), and of course he's totally onboard with Dad's contingency kill-Sam-before-he-breaks-bad plan. So like, the Sam-John front is probably the best it has ever been, and outside of his obsession with getting Azazel he's really mellowed out with Sam, not in denial about the inevitability of his death. Dean is absolutely inconsolable in all of this, trying to get his dad to stop worrying about Azazel and redirect to trying to stop the deal, he's worried about saving Sam, he's suicidal (as always). We get to 2x22 and John extremely hypocritically tries to stop Dean from making a deal, which he himself has made and would do again for Sam given the chance. (Also imagine John hilariously micro-managing Sam and Dean to prevent the revelation of his very important secrets--- extremely entertaining, as long as he manages it).
John has a year left and doesn't tell anyone. Of course he's motivated to finish the Azazel job before his time runs out, Sam is on board, and sooner or later learns that Azazel has a son crush on him, etc. etc. see above. But we can also imagine how that attempt at reconciliation in 2x1 ("I don't know why we're fighting" etc.) would underlie John's final year, a real palpable softness towards both Sam and Dean that's nice but obviously weird and unusual. There is also tension before Dean learns about the Sam situation and even more after he does, why would his dad place this on him etc. etc. Until suddenly Dad dies (or acts as bait for Azazel in 2x22, knowing he's not coming out of it).
Would Dean feel jealous in any of these? No. I mean, I don't really know why he would. I would need some canon support for this potential jealousy. Much more plausibly he would feel overwhelmed, or put-upon, or whatever, if there were a unified obsessed-with-hunting Dad-Sam front, but I don't really see jealousy within this dynamic (but of course I can be persuaded).
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henswilsons · 2 years
omg it’s the young royals anon here and i just that you finished season 2, what did you think!!
omg lovely anon i was just thinking of u!!! i have literally been thinking of nothing BUT young royals for like a week because one of my friends is doing a first time watch rn so this could not have come at a better time
i’ll also put this under a read-more bc my thoughts got very long sadgfhdsfh
well i mean i absolutely loved it!!!!!!!!!!! i forgot how much i missed everyone until i saw them all again and was like :’’’’)))) WILLE!! FELICE!!!!! SIMON!!! MADDIE!! I love you i love you i love you. (+ felice’s 2 gay bffs whose names i admittedly can’t remember but who stole every scene they were in and had the best hair and clothes.) (which btw that storyline in particular mwah mwah mwah). sara was already on the rocks from how she ended last season but she did kinda get on my nerves this season because of how she was lying to everyone. It was so sad too because i was rooting so hard for her!!! like she and felice (+the girls) would have these lovely moments together and i was like i love them :’) and then i’d remember that sara was willingly still hooking up with august (puke) despite KNOWING what he did to her own BROTHER and i was like oh yeah no. so i did also know the felice/sara reveal was going to happen but it still made me sad bc felice deserves better and also actually so does sara!!!!!! get away from august !! this isn’t you queen!!!!
speaking of august (vomit) – he was SUCH an intriguing character this season. For a second i thought they were trying to give him a redemption arc and i wasn’t sure how i felt about it, because i disliked him so deeply in s1 and i was kinda annoyed that the redemption arc was sorta working. but then he was a lil bitch again so i felt much better. He ended the season the mud where he belongs <3
(though the 1 thing i Am nervous about is whoever that guy who is now Prefect or whatever—like they set him up to be so cartoonishly awful im afraid august is going to have his redemption arc in s3 where he returns as prefect and everyone’s like oh august you’re so much better than this current prefect who’s basically gone mad with power!!! And this is entirely a personal opinion bc i Do Not like august even if i can begrudgingly admit he is in a position where a redemption arc wouldn’t be unfathomable but i do not want that. let him get exposed and rot thank u x)
wille/simon ofc wrecked me. i love love loved them this season, tho forever salty their first s2 kiss was with wille in that hideous wig (like im sorry but that was acc the worst costume party ever, like if my school tried to put me in a powdered wig i’d be like absolutely not). i think their back-n-forth throughout the season was so sad and so lovely and also so realistic (like both actors ate this season but wille’s actor in particular, like hello mr edvin ryding!!!) though selfishly i do wish it had been resolved a little sooner, i think things kinda went around in circles for a lil bit. Also while i absolutely adored wille in his bad bitch era i think in a way that was what is keeping s1 a little higher than s2 if that makes any sense? like s1 was so tender and quiet and so grounded and s2 was the same but it felt a little more….. dramatic (which duh yeah it’s a teen drama) but i didn’t obsess over that as much. having said that wille vs august would be the only youtuber boxing event i’d pay to see and wille threatening to abdicate bc his bf was doing karaoke with another dude is still the funniest thing ever.
although actually on the point of Marcus – what was his point!!! i both felt kinda bad for him and wanted to shake him. like yeah sorry you have Other Love Interest In A Teen Drama Syndrome but also simon told you multiple times he didn’t want a relationship/made it pretty clear he wasn’t over his past relationship and Marcus was like no baby true love can conquer all <3 and then got mad when it didn’t. like don’t get me wrong i do think simon didn’t treat Marcus the best but honestly that’s marcus’s fault, like simon told you and u did not listen. Sorry not sorry king
(also wille x felice bestiesm FOR LIFE. i did say audibly ‘oh no’ when they kissed in his room but i love the way they resolved it and i actually love that felice stood up for herself. like i was thinking to myself it’s kinda annoying felice is kinda just wille’s Ear for simon problems who is totally okay with everything but i love that she was like that was a shit thing you did and it’s worse for me. like go off queen)
Anyway basically end thoughts: i think i do prefer s1 but i still did adore s2, i binged it all in one sitting while eating pizza and i CANT WAIT FOR S3 like that cliffhanger!!!!!!! PLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wille really said fuck the royal family that WAS my bare ass all over the internet and im so so excited to see the fallout.
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thehare1234 · 2 months
Alright time to talk TV from the past couple weeks
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QL SHows
🥘What did you eat yesterday? (S2, Ep 11-12)(end): im lowkey sad to say this is the end of this show for me/franchise….this show could go on forever and I’d watch. The journey that both these characters have taken is amazing and just so much about it was so good!!! I don’t know what I can say that I haven’t already said but I’m ready for season 3😭
🦜Takara no vidro (Ep 4-6):Nice episode and a look at idol/stan culture and really how you can’t date someone you Stan…which I enjoyed! And Takara is lowkey into Taishin (in my opinionnnn) and it seems next week we’ll get more of his backstory which will be good…him taking Taishin to the gym was also great like a lot of funny moments in this show as well. I also like Taishin trying to realize his feelings but not quite having the words....not him going to the sparklers because Taishin will be thereeee. Im very intrigued who was calling Takara (his mom?) and learning more about him in the next few episodes…yeah it was his mom and you know what what a slay episode again like Takara being so into Taishin but wanting to give him space and not be like his mom ahhh
🍜Perfect Propose (Ep 1-6)(end): Okkkk I’m trying to make my way through JBL that came out this year and started with this one randomly lol…so far really good like they have set up Hirokunis workplace and just general burnour really well and also explored Kais character well like the fact that hes been hurt so many times that he doesn't have any expectations from anyone…and wowoww it's over now, but what an amazing ending, it really used its short run time effectively and honestly just a great story not only about romance but getting out of a toxic situation and the effects that your work can have on you! A short but enjoyable watch (9.25/10)
🩲Old Man Underpants (Ep 5): ooof I knew some shit was gonna go down at the BBQ, they were hyping Matoko wayyyyy too much during this episode. In the end he messes up but it is a genuine mistake, but that doesnt mean he didnt hurt people ugh this show is great. I also love seeing more of Daichi getting sad or frustrated because I feel like in Matokos POV hes sort of like this peefect patient person but obviously hes a full person…the scene where he comes out to his classmates was really good too because its just all so real! i hope Kakeru finds his passion becoming everyones skincare/makeup advice person lol
🪨Century Of Love (Ep 5-8): alright alright nowwww we are in it…the romance between these two is genuinely so cute and I just feel like the show is keeping up enough of the mystery/suspense with the romance and is really fun to watch. I also just love the family dynamics like Juuu my bestie ❤️ I also just think Sans feelings realization, him choosing to be with Vee was really well done…I was wrong about the grandma so now I’m not sure…I’m leaning more towards Vee actually IS Vad but San still needs to choose him....ok so the Vee is Vad theory still remains to be seen, but wow what an emotional episode you can really see all the strong emotions running through Vee, but the Vad lookalike is giving schemer....she issss giving schemer of course and San choosing Vee was great! We will see what the last two episodes are because I’m not sure where the story will go
☀️I Hear The Sunspot (Ep 5-6): my boysssss please…I like that the miscommunication was resolved. Also I like that we got the kiss/confession but even though Taichi is unsure, he didn’t run away or we have to have many angst episodes about it. And Kohei crying like I felt for him…anyways still so good…ok soooo Taichi is so sweet I can't handle it the way he was so excited about Kohei going camping and his slow feelings realization is just really nice. This is just a great story of two people getting to know each other and developing a strong bond
🏡Knock Knock Boys (Ep 10-11): Wowwww slay…Almonds mom is an icon legend and like she’s just a little overbearing but hears what he’s saying! Latte and almond continue to be cute and peak and Thanwa can’t get their shit together…Jane is back my love! It’s all continuing really wellll i think. I’m ready for the crashing the wedding shenanigans…welp ep 11 was so emotional and Peak my guy I feel for you, and I love the supportive community he has now…I really love this show
🤫The Secret of Us (Ep 5-6): I have to admit…this show is lowkey annoying me like Earn is pissing me off because like I get it! But also….i don’t understand her actions…at the same time…the chemistry they have is really good and I’m having fun watching this like the dramatic ass scene where Lada destroys the puzzle I was honestly glued to the screen…interested to see where this goes lol…this show is truly giving soap opera but I’m here for it, like did they really deal with their problems enough to get back together? No but that’s ok lol
🫛This Love Doesn’t Have Long Beans (Ep 4-5): we’re in it now! They finally hooked up so who knows what will happen next! Also I’m laughing that half the people in this competition are just not people who could actually buy the restaurant 😭 it’s silly it’s fun I’m having fun! Also Methas and JJ have the chemistry! That was very much a charged physio session lollll and I’m interested to see where that goes…this show is giving no thoughts head empty romcom and that’s fine with me, Wan lying is a lot like sir pls! JJ and methas are my faves what can I say I love their dynamic
🕓4 Minutes (Ep 1): I’m obsessed with the visuals I’m so intrigued by the story! I can’t wait to see where this goes!! It’s definitely not afraid to do a lot of things and this one has got me intrigued for sure
✂️Ayaka Is In Love With Hiroko (Ep 4-5): eeeeeeeeee i love it so muchhhh…Risa having a crush on Ayaka like damn I hope she gets a romance and once again Hirokos actress is so funny like her facial expressions and movements kill me! I love it so much I’m having so much fun…omg why is Hiroko getting her buisness told by everyone!!! And I get Ayaka is naive but could she really not see why Hiroko wouldn’t want to be out at work? Or she’s just more upset she’s lying to her? Idk
🌊Love Sea (Ep 8-9): yall, not the evil dad, when will there be a good a parent in QL??? But all that to say I love how Mut is becoming Rak's safe space but it's heartbreaking at the same time....honestly the romance between Vi and Mook is still a little frustrating but it's moving at least?? I kinda love Mook lol she's grown on me, but seeing her cry was not the vibe like I get who she must be feeling :(…okkk okkk the dad got beat up which was nice…I lowkey feel like the dad plot line has taken up so much time and I haven’t even really? Understood his motivations like so many of the other storylines have taken a backseat so idkkk
🎬The Trainee (Ep 5-6): this was a bit of a slower episode more dedicated to developing the romances I think which I didn’t mind honestly especially since this show doesn’t have that many episodes! I’m still having a good time and I’m really intrigued to see how both Jane and Judy deal with feelings for interns since they’re both seen as very capable and professional…the tension, the crushes, I loveeee, I love the intern bond, everything is iconic
🍲Cooking Crush (Ep 8-9): this show just leaves me feeling warm and cuddly like I just like how much these two communicate or like how the angst and miscommunication they had was not dragged on…and just how much it feels like they like each other is just really cute…also poor Ten like dang…he deserves everything! Also I love Dynamite like he has really grown on me and him and Fire are also cute like I’m having fun!!!! Side note but the little “yesss” that Ten let out when Prem told him they passed his audition was so cute and felt so much like him/his character I don’t know how to explain…episode 9 relationship era was cute and I get why Samsee would be mad tho like, I’m excited for the competition to start!!
Other Shows
✍️I May Destroy You (Ep 5-8): another great one…the juxtaposition of Arabella sort of getting her call put moment against Zain and the support that she is getting (while obviously still dealing with trauma and compared to Gio who blamed her for her assault) vs. Jeane who had such a negative experience at the police station because he’s a gay man…just really well done and even the next episode highlighting Theas story and it’s just all so good as much as it is devastating….also fuck Biagio for real he only gets worse, also Terri’s guilt at the situation learning what she did thag night is another interesting layer
🏫Degrassi (Ep 98-100): we finished season 5!!! And what a ride it was! I can’t believe people are graduating now 😭😭😭 also yes Darcy please break up with Spinner that man needs to sort himself out 😭 also I love when a character comes back to the show with just the most ridiculous hat (Ashley I'm looking at you)...
💋I Kissed A Girl (Ep 1): yes I finally started watching the sapphic love island and it looks like it will be a mess but I’m having fun
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nicascurls · 4 months
hey im new to your blog. sorry if these are repetitive questions!!!
first off i love your username. i am intrigued on your thoughts about niffany as i personally hate them with all my being. like genuinely it makes me sick people actually ship them .
second off id love to hear all your thoughts on GG theyre my beloved and their relationship with nica is so precious to me
third off i dont have any friends to discuss chucky with except one but she doesn’t really like the show so im rambling but ive wondered if its just me whos noticed the weird sexual scenes with the kids like in s2 when lexy is making out with that guy like isnt she 15?? and in s3 when jevon get intimate and all their making out scenes are so uncomfortable like tf is going on????
anyways i hope this isnt annoying and you have a nice day
Hi! 👋
There is no need to apologise. This ask has made me so happy! So, to answer your questions:
1. I do not like the idea of Niffany as a ship at all. Nica has been put through WAY too much and deserves a break and the ability to form some healthy relationships of any form, certainly not a romantic one with one of her abusers. (I adore Fiona and Jennifer, and their chemistry is great, but the characters being together or even just getting along is a big old no for me) That’s not even mentioning the creepy and tragic parallel of Tiffany being obsessed with Nica, the same way that Chucky was obsessed with Sarah. If others like it, that's their business, but personally, I certainly don't think it should be canon ever.
2. I love GG they are the sweetest, and I am so glad that they still have a relationship with Nica. I honestly think that right now, in the series, Nica's close bond and daily contact with GG is the only thing that is keeping her somewhat grounded. Although, I would have also preferred for the twins to stay in their human form (maybe in a way that GG the doll could still be alive but their own person if that makes sense)
3. You are absolutely not the only one, I definitely find it weird how much all 3 of the trio are sexualized. I mean, even in season 1, it was implied that Lexy was wanting to have sex and some of her dialogue felt way too sexual. Especially considering that Alyvia would have only been 13 when they started filming season one! And then, yeah, she had that scene at the start of season 2 and then the whole thing about making 'thirst trap' tiktoks in season 3 and Jake describing her as a 'sex pot'. Once again, Alyvia would have only been 15 when filming that scene. It just feels so unnecessary. (Don't even get me started on how Alyvia was 15/16 whilst Jackson who plays Grant was 21/22, I'm not blaming the actors but the creators being okay with that feels icky to me).
Then we have the very obvious increased sexualisation of Jake in season 3 that seems to be purely because of Zach having been working out more. He is still a minor, and the constant scenes of him shirtless or in tight shirts once again feels unnecessary considering that.
And yes, the Jevon sex scene and cringey dialogue also feels unnecessary. I know teens have sex and that's normal, but that doesn't mean it needs to be shown on national TV. If I'm honest, I feel uncomfortable enough watching scenes like that when the actors are adults but playing characters who are minors. But when the actors themselves are minors too, Zach would have been 16/17 when filming, and Bjorgvin would have been 17 or literally just turned 18 within the past week or so.
It's not so much what is shown or implied that I have the biggest problem with, more the context that it is grown adults who are thinking of and writing the scenes for minors and directing minors to do that in front of a camera.
Anyway, thank you so much for your ask, anon, you're not annoying me at all, and I'm glad you like my username. Have a nice day! 😊
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herotheshiro · 1 year
alrighty it's been a few days since i finished weak hero class 1, i wanted to write down my thoughts about it asap before my perception gets molded even more by time, online posts, and fancontent.
for anyone interested in reading this HELLA long post, just note that i'm p much a drama-only person. i did read up to ch 39 of the webtoon though, and i still plan to make comments about the adapation aspect & where s2 can take the story from here based on the drama/webtoon but just note that's where all my base knowledge is coming from. this post will have spoilers about the full drama
the show & story as a whole
i feel like i generally share the same opinions as mainstream about the drama... it was a good story - the pacing was excellent imo, i don't feel like anything lingered too long or was waaay too underdeveloped. i was honestly shocked when i saw we were at like ep 5-6 when bumseok finally turned, i thought he would've turned at the halfway point (ep 4) but again based on all the developments and what was to come, it was a good time when he did.
i went in p much having some idea of future scenes, and then later knowing roughly the plot of the season. i had no knowledge of the webtoon, like i think i learned it was based off of a webtoon when i 1st looked it up to watch but i had never heard of it before despite it being popular (?). i watched 2 eps, learned that the entirety of s1 covered the backstory of sieun that was simply just 1 part of the webtoon, read the webtoon to read the original writing of the backstory up to ch 39, and then finished the rest of the drama. did not continue past ch 39 bc tbh the webtoon does not interest me, the plot of HS boys warring really does not intrigue me lol.
(also... when stories that are not romance-based have female characters/representation i'm not happy with... that also turns me off to the story. i can make excuses for romance-based stories having weak characterization for the losers lol but to my knowledge weak hero is not a romance story - even if i am really suspecting the author low-key wanted to write BL but didn't go through w it. some of the stuff i'm seeing from later ch of the webtoon... why was gray lightly blushing when he was like i could have been friends w donald? sure technically there's nothing inherently romantic but that but also...)
i kind of wish i had gone w a completely or almost completely clean slate, i think there were a couple scenes where i didn't get the full emotional hit of bc i had seen gifs of it before (like the scene where sieun smiles for the 1st time when suho is poking at him in the hospital). i started knowing bumseok was gonna pull some shit, but i didn't know the full aspect until i read the webtoon. so i think if i had a do-over, i wish i could have looked at less stuff before finishing the full series... but i think knowing the webtoon story definitely made me like less sad about & better understand the developments overall.
honing in on some aspects
i feel like this hinges on a hot take but perhaps not surprising given my comments just now, but i honestly think the drama's writing is much better than the webtoon's - and this may be bc the drama had the benefit of retrospect, of having a solidified trajectory of sieun's story after this. (note: from now on, korean names refer to the drama character, anglicized names refer to the webtoon version) i was really surprised to see how different suho and stephen are as characters, but i do prefer suho over stephen... like the character morals are still present in the drama, and both characters are ppl who you really feel for when they're suffering through the injustice, but honestly... stephen is kind of not as likeable.
like his shtick of donating all his awards and stuff to the class & being like "oh i really enjoy helping others :)" just feels kind of fictional (derogatory) to me... while suho is more relatable with his initial resistance to help someone he barely knows, and his morals of doing the right thing shown through smaller actions (stopping his hit when he realizes someone is down fr - also his fight w the baseball team is so good bc it is a really good intro to suho's character without words; demanding the bullies get back in line when they cut) rather than a grandiose kind of thing. maybe it's bc i'm cynical and irl low-key suspicious of ppl who are extremely altruistic, and stephen being the way he is makes what happens to him in the end even more unfair which is the point - but yeah. also i prefer suho in the drama over stephen's "i would wipe the floor w all of your asses academically if i applied myself but i just won't ;)" even if technically the sentiment is still there w suho's ability to beatdown. but yeah, the rewrite of suho was really good (perhaps even needed) imo.
also them rewriting suho as someone who knows how to fight while stephen just got his ass beat... again, makes his fate more excruciating w how he let himself get whaled on & bullied to protect gray, and makes the bullies even more cruel but... i'm sorry i prefer suho fighting back. tbh i wonder why they didn't keep the story aspect of being put into a coma via falling from the roof but i guess it gives bumseok/bryce more direct involvement and reason for sieun to go off like he does (he's let this slide for the entire time but this time he can't given the direct action against his best friend)
i've seen posts being like suho seems to have aspects of sieun's future eunjung friends (me when i saw gerard sleeping on the desks: is this an ahn suho reference???), which i think will actually make s2 better bc it gives more incentive as to why sieun will even consider befriending the boys - rather than in the webtoon, which iirc/imo feels more like the boys just hang around sieun enough times for him to be like "fine, i guess we can be friends". bc remember, he has just lost his 2 only friends in extremely painful ways... he will need to be drawn to positive aspects (e.g., things he liked or remembers distinctly about suho) in order to open his heart again.
also... i have to bring this up bc i distinctly had thoughts about this when i saw it but them having a shower scene to match the same scene in the webtoon... literally groaned bc enough sexualization of younger characters but also of all the things to be faithful on... i get why they included it to show how suho is p much living at school and doesn't live the same life as his classmates but why... i saw an interview (supposedly, it was someone writing it up on twt) where choi hyunwook was like "it's hard to watch that shower scene bc it was my 1st ever exposure scene but i tried my best" and i'm like dude... i feel you as a viewer
other than suho/stephen, bumseok is the biggest and most obvious example of adaption change - like sure, characters should be allowed to just be assholes with no sob story to "explain" their actions, but i enjoyed them expanding bryce's character to be a bigger part of the friendship trio and give more reason as to why suho and sieun let his assholery slide until it's too late. bumseok's inferiority complex is honestly pretty relatable, and the scene where they reveal for the first time how badly his dad abuses him made me cover my mouth, but obviously it doesn't excuse the shit he ends up doing... but all together, it's understandable why he breaks down the way he does.
also, i really enjoyed how the violence at the end of the season took on more of a tone of "you can beat up whoever you want but it won't necessarily satisfy you how you like or bring back what's lost". bumseok had multiple times of beating ppl up and when he finally got his kicks in on the guy who really set off his inferiority complex, he realizes this wasn't what he wanted. in the webtoon, gray's beatdown of suho's bullies was presented kind of triumphantly, and there was definitely a sense of "hell yea" when sieun was going apeshit on them - but by the time we get to the last guys, that scene w bumseok where he can't bring himself to hit his ex-friend despite literally watching bumseok kick the shit out of suho... not only does it show sieun's warm-heartedness, but it adds to sense of defeat he has at the end with his outburst in the hallway and visiting suho after the adrenaline of fighting wears off. i think part of it was the show not wanting to support senseless violence in schools, but i think it was a nice change from the webtoon. also matched the story better since bumseok had more of a sympathetic backstory, had regret over what he did to suho, and also already got his ass beat physically & emotionally by his dad over suho anyway. no need for him to keep getting whaled on for the point to sink in
i'm also pleased they didn't super push a romance with youngyi, the initial interactions bw her and sieun were refreshing but i was still scared and thankfully p much the rest of their interactions in the season can easily be interpreted platonically. i still wonder a little if her character was really necessary given bumseok was already a 3rd wheel (like it was pretty obvious he wasn't exactly on the same standing like sieun and suho are to each other, mostly bc they didn't know much abt him really), but it is bc her headstrong nature kind of forces bumseok into the 4th wheel category and worsens everything since we all know bumseok embraced his inferiority complex rather than the discomfort of putting himself out there for his burgeoning friends.
i kind of wish though she didn't have so much dialogue of her being like "do you have a crush on me? ;P", like the times it happened were p much in a row repeatedly within 2 eps and i was like ok let's chill we know she's mainly here as a love interest but... i would've preferred less focus on her relation to male units and more about her as a character. on the other hand, her constantly checking her romantic value could kind of imply she has issues with self-confidence and is just putting up a front (also noting that she loves to post to social media of her having friends p much)... to her, it's like her involvement w ppl she considers her friends ends up hurting them in the end (seokdae getting beat up and arrested, sieun losing suho). which would add to why she was so affected by bumseok's accusation at the end, that maybe she wasn't that confident in them liking her as a person and that sieun, p much her only friend at the end of all this, may actually hate her bc she inadvertently contributed to suho's coma.
i personally think it's pretty likely youngyi will return in s2, i was surprised when they kinda wrote her off real quick at the end but no way she (and seokdae) are gonna be 1 season characters... i'm really betting she will return in s2 and (cringe) become sieun's love interest fr. i'm not necessarily against them being a thing, but i don't think there's enough development bw them yet at this point to be for it / not a huge fan of their dynamic in a romantic sense... honestly if anything, i would be for suho/youngyi, but sieun has the main character rizz i guess lol. anyway that one scene in the hospital where they handwave a love "triangle" bw sieun, suho, and youngyi... ngl the 1st time i watched it i really felt like it was less suho & sieun -> youngyi and more suho & youngyi -> sieun (and i'm not even talking about the scene afterwards where suho calls sieun warm-hearted which i think a lot of ppl tend to interpret romantically. also i feel like the term "warm-hearted" is such a good, succinct descriptor of sieun's character - to me, it doesn't necessarily mean kind per se but that he cares).
the gilsoo story (hopefully i'm spelling that right, i feel like i saw su before but idk the hangeul being used. but apparently u and oo are both used?? all my korean lang knowledge is from duolingo so forgive me)... i was wondering how relevant this addition is to the overall story (idr it being in the webtoon, i know gilsoo as a character wasn't in the stephen story for sure but idr if there was a gambling thing going on), but i was thinking on it while writing this and i realize it could actually be a good lead-in to s2 developments... it could be that gilsoo was part of donald na's network of dealings and sieun taking him down is partially why donald goes after sieun... and then seokdae could come back and help sieun take down donald based on his knowledge of how gilsu worked and who he worked with... i am aware that eugene supposedly plays a role in taking down donald by impacting his networks (this was based on a reddit post i read, i literally don't know) so if you remove that (sorry man, but for the record i also don't enjoy eugene as a character based on what i've read so far so. not sorry) this could be a good way to have a continuity bw the 2 seasons. if they don't do something like this, then that's unfortunately mediocre writing, or i'm missing info of what exactly gilsoo is adapting from the webtoon.
where do we go from here
and now another extremely hot take... i actually think the ending of s1 is a satisfying conclusion to suho's story. this is mainly due to that last scene bw suho and sieun in the hospital (which is also actually my favorite scene out of the entire show, with the surrounding context. i had actually seen gifs of that scene beforehand, but i was so happy afterwards that i never got spoiled to the surrounding context bc i was able to get at least a good chunk of the emotional effect... genuinely felt that crushing feeling in my chest every time i thought of that scene the day after finishing the show. i'm really affected by ppl mourning/yearning for things they no longer can have) - their soft apologies to each other for hurting the other, albeit if it's technically one-sided, i think is a good wrap-up of sorts since suho will be in the coma indefinitely (webtoon knowledge lol). it does provide a sense of finality of their friendship to sieun, not only the imagined apologies but the realization that they both made their choices and sieun (and tech suho) is left to deal with the aftermath.
but also narrative-wise it makes sense for sieun and suho to never interact again - it's what drives sieun's protectiveness of his friends, the fact that his 1st/recent close friendships were shattered and are no longer accessible to him. him regaining suho's friendship via suho waking up in s2 (if it's not at the very end after everything w the association) just weakens that point imo, he needs to develop his relationships w the eunjang bros separately. i've heard stephen does get mentioned/"show up" via memories but i'm under the impression he p much disappears after his flashback arc (outside of the impact on gray's character) - honestly i wonder why the author left him in a coma instead of straight up killing him since that "good bye stephen" seemed to have a lot of finality to it... but i mean the emotional hit to gray would've def been way worse if he had died straight up. anyway low-key suspect the author might have him wake up in a post-story side story but that's just wishful thinking. i personally suspect suho will get "written off" p early in s2 since they didn't already in s1 - like sieun will go back to seoul to visit suho and the hospital will be like "oh sorry he got transferred and we can't tell you where due to confidentiality" and i guess the grandma died or got put in a nursing home to remove that possibility bc no way the grandma wouldn't tell suho's friend about where he went. and sieun will be in despair for a few moments until his eunjung friends are like "hey you good?" (via text message or maybe they came w him) and he decides to move on idk lol. all in all, i don't think suho is gonna feature a ton in s2 and i think that's for the better.
tbh, given the ending of s1/sieun's backstory with suho, i think people should actually go into the drama either having read the backstory itself via webtoon, or have the knowledge that suho's story is literally only 10-15 ch out of a 200+ ongoing webtoon. i think that's definitely what made me accept suho's coma more easily - i've read a few fix-the-ending fics where suho wakes up and while those are sweet & i get why they're wanted, i think it is unrealistic given the knowledge of where the webtoon goes from here. but tbh, i'm really surprised they chose to focus the ENTIRE s1 on the stephen backstory... like how tf are you gonna adequately cover the rest of the gd story in the next season? i'm saying that bc i heard the original plan for the weak hero drama was to have 2 seasons, but bro you need 3 seasons even if you remove a bunch of the fights and reduce the length of time spent on flashbacks... again, i have very little knowledge of the rest of the webtoon after ch 39 (arguably nonexistent) but idk. also the reference to donald na and the association at the very end... it is really super random given the story of s1 and how they did not mention ANYTHING about HS gangs/wars until now. again, given that the webtoon's literal MAIN STORY is about this gang wars stuff, i'm surprised they spent so much time on sieun's backstory nor did they have ANY mention of HS wars (btw was none of that happening in seoul? or is everything happening in the neighborhood that eunjang is in)... like tbh i feel like they could have provided enough meaning if they had just dedicated 3 eps to suho. to my knowledge, there's not TOO many events they pulled from the main story to write the s1 story, so there's a ton left to get into. plus there's like maybe at least 10 significant relevant characters to introduce in s2... how are they gonna develop all of those units well? s1 did p good w its current number, but idk how good self-contained stories can be when there's like billions of units involved. i personally think they'll remove a good number of units to the chagrin of webtoon fans, but man it is necessary fr.
anyway all that p much implies i am interested in watching s2 when it releases (i'm saying it will but i guess it's not really set in stone yet?). i actually wasn't really planning on it when i was in the middle of s1, given that i'm not interested in weak hero's webtoon & therefore its actual story, but man park jihoon. he really drew me in and i want to see where his character goes in s2. honestly still can't get over the fact that he used to be a relatively well-known kpop idol with a cute image and all his prev acting roles are cutesy characters... really explained why he seemed super comfortable in interviews & variety show esque stuff. as everyone else has been saying, the acting was good in this drama - i feel like i really realized what subtle acting was from this, but also for the record weak hero class 1 is the 1st tv series i have finished in maybe years, i don't watch much stuff out of depressive laziness lol. park jihoon's expressions were subtle but definitely enough to key you in on sieun's various emotions despite being relatively emotion-less - i read he purposely spent a lot of time developing that, and his hard work obviously paid off. his "crazy eyes" at the very end when he's in eunjung... ugh so good to show how much sieun has changed from that 1st instance he was bullied by youngbin.
hold on! what do i hear...
one last thing before i finish up - the soundtrack. omg. i was listening to hero and homesick on repeat for like 2 days... the music & lyrics match the show really well. homesick and again's lyrics... genuinely was struck by them when i read them for the 1st time. homesick is also very nostalgic-sounding to me bc it reminds me of music i listened to during a recent period in my life, so there's that too. hero is really good as well, and also them playing that acoustic version during the ep 7 credits... ough...
personally, i associate the songs this way, maybe this is common thought but i was like eureka when i came to these realizations:
hero - general
brass knuckle - general
homesick - sieun's pov
self - suho's pov
again - honestly... bumseok's pov. originally i thought of it as sieun, and it does match sieun imo, but i read the lyrics again thinking about how this plays when bumseok realizes what he's done to suho and i was like wait...
in summary
weak hero class 1 was a good drama/season. the writing of the season's story was solid, and the actors do a good job of showing not telling through their expressions/body language. the cinematography/editing is pretty, really liked the constant use of blue. the choreography/editing of the fights is also good (again, suho's fight w the baseball team... chef's KISS), even if there are definitely shots where you can pretty clearly see the gap of space bw the hit and the person being hit (complete tangent, but i always think of this video essay every time i think about fighting choreography so i kind of judge all fighting choreo off of that lol. yes i know it's just 1 person's opinion but whatever they're right). my very 1st opinion upon finishing it was "this was an interesting adaption of the webtoon (positive)" and that p much summarizes it. i don't know if i'd ever rewatch it (kind of the case w p much everything for me though, i'm p lazy and don't enjoy re-doing things), but i'm glad i watched it in the 1st place. also i definitely do not have a network of ppl who consume korean media bc i had never heard of this show before i saw it in passing on IG but it came out literally a year ago lol... based on that, i wouldn't even be surprised if i ended up missing s2 when it 1st comes out
also real quick now that i mentioned it... the IG vid i saw was an edit/cut of sieun and suho's 1st meeting with the music "sweet little bumblebee". cannot get over how much that song does not fit them yet that was my 1st experience w this show/series
an aside
alright i waited until the very end to bring this up bc i know this is not everyone's cup of tea but. i have to mention it given the nature of my other posts on this blog. i did touch on this kind of topic earlier though so y'all should see this coming
the ship of suho and sieun :) y'all know me, i think it's cute bc i love genki-adjacent units x reserved units. but overall i think what is most engaging about this drama is the complicated relationships bw sieun, suho, and bumseok (not shipping) and how other folks play into that storm. also i have read fics and seen fanart and honestly i'm not a huge fan of the popular depiction of the ship... like babygirl sieun, suave or super excited suho... no offense, but that's not how i would characterize them... idk how to really explain bc i don't have much plans on producing a significant number of fancontent (if any), but i feel like they would be a very reserved kind of couple. like suho would barely change how he treats sieun bw friends and dating, maybe just a bit more flirtatious language just to get a rise out of sieun. maybe sieun would warm up to suho but he would still be very reserved, half the time he would still push suho off if he tried to kiss him or get handsy but in an annoyed way rather than embarrassed (if you don't let me study by god i will not be responsible for what happens next). idk, this one is less clear in my mind bc i feel like i'm getting affected by the fan stuff i'm seeing and the amt of time since finishing the show is making me lose my memories lol. btw still on the fence about some of the suggestive dialogue in the drama, maybe it was meant to just show suho was a playful character but also stfu about being a married couple in a past life... (sarcasm. but also the "stop playing hard to get" line during the pool scene got to me more since i hadn't seen it online anywhere before, really wish i understood korean so i could tell if that was an accurate translation or not)
talking about suho/sieun... honestly i was surprised when the webtoon author explicitly covered ppl seeing gray and stephen as gay... pleased there was no homophobia bw the 2 which i was honestly expecting, just them brushing it off & being like "damn ppl just don't understand our bond". but also it isn't entirely out of left field to say gray may have had some romantic feelings toward stephen, w the way he reacted to the idea of them dating, which is apparently a reaction he has never had again in the webtoon... not looking that deep into it though, same-gender-friend-crushes happen. again, i don't read the webtoon so idk where they go from there. just adds more to gray's sadness when he reflects on the past if anything
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hi i decided i want to come into your ask box
idk what to ask though
oooh you've watched heartstopper now, right? how did you feel about isaac's arc? because i think it was done really well, if a little sped run (but that's fine, this is a series, everything is a little sped run) especially compared to loveless (obviously not the same thing just the same type of rep from the same person and i doubt georgia's story will be adaptated so i like the wonder about the similarities and the differences between the two characters) but loveless was a bit of a trainwreck. well her coming to terms with what's going on with her. but like, fair and also it's probably one of the best things about the book. denial is very relatable lol
i miss loveless :c one of my (ex-?) friends borrowed it but i don't think she wants to read it anymore but i don't want to meet up with her that much anymore but i want the book back but i am too much of a coward to ask about it (i will i swear i just need to ready myself i guess)
have you read radio-silence? i bought it like a week ago but i haven't started (because i also bought the new version of i fell in love with hope and i was fangirling about that).
anyway how are you doing? any stargazing that happened in the past two weeks?
hi hi hellooo bestie I'm doing fine all things considered thank you for asking! Sadly I haven't done any stargazing, without friends to joke around with there's a not insignificant chance of me just straight up falling asleep out on the fields which. Not exactly optimal 😂
so uh funny story I haven't actually watched heartstopper s2 yet (don't even ask how I managed to let it get this far) but if all goes according to plan I'm gonna fix that problem today! I'm really looking forward to that Isaac arc tho & will return with opinions afterwards (you cannot escape me hehe)
I actually read all (I think?) Oseman books so yes, Radio Silence too! It's been a hot minute since then tho so ngl I don't remember much of it, I really gotta reread it and all the others as well heh. I do remember it was overall a good read, definitely would recommend! (Also I just skimmed I Fell in Love with Hope's summary and man color me intrigued 👀)
anyway what about you, how you doin' these fine kinda rainy summer days? found some interesting new constellations recently?
(ps if you need some butt-kicking to get your book back, you know you can count on my (sadly only virtual) support <3 good luck facing your ex? friend regardless I know you got this <3 <3)
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cosmic-llin · 2 years
So I wandered off from my Bugs rewatch for a while but now I'm back to it so as to be fully refreshed in the extremely unlikely circumstance that someone vids it for me for Festivids, and I have so many thoughts!
So I'm now almost at the end of Season 3. S1 and S2 focus mainly on the OT3 trio of Ros, Ed and Beckett, and their personal lives are so absent from the narrative and they so often have to rescue each other dramatically etc that it is VERY easy to assume that when they're not doing high-octane cyber adventure shit, they're living as a happy triad together. Quite often the episode codas show them all hanging out together chilling, which reinforces this impression.
But then S3 introduces new characters and goes in a soapier direction and brings in new love interests for all of them, and apparently consensus at the time was that this was bad, but I feel like there are more pluses than minuses even though sadly we get canon confirmation that they don't all live in one big house together.
Like, I distinctly remember watching the original airings as a kid and being affronted at the introduction of Alex because ROS was supposed to be the ONLY GIRL and what if Alex took attention away from my beloved Ros? And I never really warmed to Alex as a result. But now I'm like... she's adorable and a badass and also it gives Ros this opportunity to mentor her and see her potential when Beckett underestimates her? And actually the relationship between them is really cool?
And similarly with the introduction of Jan, who barely registered with me first time around and now I'm like - but she's a woman in her 50s who runs an intelligence agency?! But I guess when I was 11 Ros was enough of an older woman for me? But now I'm so interested in how Ros ends up working for the Bureau in spite of her instincts, and that leads to a fraught relationship with Jan with a slowly building professional respect and trust over the course of S3, culminating in this incredible scene where they're at odds over how to deal with a potential world-ending threat and Jan has high-level government regulations she's sworn to follow and Ros has professional expertise and a highly personal stake in the situation and despite the silliness of the cyber-threat by today's standards these two very good actresses sell the hell out of the scene and it's amazing??
Also for people who like their ships lightly fucked up, Jan also has an intriguing relationship with Beckett, who worked for her in the past, and the vibe isn't NOT that they had an affair when he was a fresh-faced young spy and she was his boss.
And like I know I've got S4 next and there's going to be a different actor playing Ed and that it's generally considered that S4 was the worst and it did get cancelled after that, but I am having so much fun?
Also I'd love to know what kind of contract their pyrotechnics people had because I continue to get the impression it was mandatory for them to have at least one explosion per episode even (on the rare occasions) when the plot in no way called for it.
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wayward-pendragon · 4 years
Anime Recommendations!
Hi everyone, I hope y’all are safe and happy! With quarantine still in place (at least in my country), I’m gonna keep the random rec lists coming! I’ve been watching a lotttt of animes and rewatching favourites, so I thought I’d share some of my favourites of all time! A lot of them are pretty mainstream, but for my friends who aren’t really into anime, these will get you hooked! In no particular order, let’s get started!
1. Snow White with the Red Hair, 24 episodes 
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This is hands down my favourite anime of all time. This shoujo anime make me feel so happy and it’s so wholesome, honestly such a feel good anime. Without spoiling too much, it’s about a herbalist named Shirayuki who ends up having to flee her home country and ends up meeting Prince Zen and goes to live in his country. The cast of characters in the anime is so good, there’s not a character to dislike. The genuine build up of friendship and eventual romance is just so sweet please watch. 
2. Demon slayer (26 episodes) 
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One of the best anime I’ve watched this past year. This anime has amazing plot, awesome animation and a great cast of characters. This anime follows Tanjiro as he becomes a demon slayer after a demon killed his family. Tanjiro and his sister, Nezuko were the only survivors but Nezuko was turned in a demon and now Tanjiro is on a journey to change he back into a human. If you are into anime with amazing fight scenes, I highly recommend. 
3. Hunter x Hunter (148 episodes) 
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I am currently watching this anime and it honestly made it onto my lists of favourite anime super quickly. The series starts with Gon and his quest to become a pro hunter and find his dad and goes on from there. With so many episodes and arcs, you can’t stop watching. The characters immediately hooked me on this show, Killua and Gon’s friendship is one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen in anime, I literally want to adopt both of them. This anime is so heartwarming but also kinda dark and action packed. 
4. Haikyuu!! (73 episodes, on-going)
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My favourite sports anime my god. Haikyuu follows a high school volleyball team as they try to make it to nationals. This series made me so much more emotional than I thought it would, but you get so involved with the team and characters and want them to succeed. All of the characters from all of the teams are also fantastic and hilarious. If you need a fun but exciting anime, please please please watch Haikyuu!!
5. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (64 episodes)
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Where to even begin. I would say this is one of the most popular anime and for good freaking reason. Without giving too much away, this anime follows brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric as they go on a quest to get their bodies back. Honestly this is one of my fav animes, if you like awesome fight scenes and really intriguing plot, you will love this anime. 
6. Yona of the Dawn (24 episodes) 
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Another amazing anime but sadly, unfinished. I think this anime is best to watch w/o knowing very much. Just know that there is really good characters and character development and a very attractive love interest :))))
7. Soul eater (51 episodes) 
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One of the first animes I ever watched and as I remember it’s hella awesome, if you like halloween then the whole atmosphere of this anime will intrigue you. The fight scenes in this are really fun and so are the characters. If you need a fun medium length anime, I would recommend this one!
8. Inuyasha (193 episodes)
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This anime is worth all the hype in my opinion. The plot was great, the characters are fantastic and romance is so freaking cute I can’t. I’m also a sucker for asshole characters who are secretly really sweet. 
9. Fruits Basket (2019) (25 episodes (S1), S2 on-going)
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This is the cutest anime. The whole cast characters is amazing and you get so attached so fast. The protagonist is so sweet and optimistic and I really just wanna protect her. I went into this knowing next nothing and I think that’s the best way to do it. The 2001 version is good too but 2019 has better animation and is closer to managa (and has more episodes!). 
10. My Hero Academia (88 episodes, on-going)
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I love this anime with my whole heart. There is an adorable cast of characters and amazing fight scenes, I love this sm. It’s set in a world where like 95% of the population has ‘quirks’ which are basically super powers but not all of them are super powerful. Super heroes protect cities and the anime follows a high school where the students are training to become heroes. The main character is born without a quirk but through some crazy circumstances he ends up acquiring one. In my opinion this anime is worth the hype. 
11. Ouran Highschool Host Club (26 episodes)
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This one is wild. Ouran Highschool Host club is so iconic and it’s hilarious, I laughed out loud watching this one so much. Honestly I went into this knowing nothing and I think its funnier that way. 
12. Yuri!!! On Ice (13 episodes)
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THIS ANIME. The first sports anime w/ canon LGBTQ+ romance and its beautiful. I love the style, the skating, the music, the characters, just everything about it. This follows Yuri Katsuki, a professional figure skater from Japan and his skating career. After messing up a major championship, Yuri is lost and doesn’t know what to do w/ his career. After seeing a video of Yuri skate, his idol Victor, a skating legend, shows up to be his coach. Please watch this anime. 
13. Attack on Titan (62 episodes, on-going)
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If you are looking for a badass action anime this is the one for you. Humanity has fallen to the mercy of giant man-eating titans, and the people that survived live within a walled city to keep the titans out. This anime is a little disturbing and violent but it is so badass. Also Levi, the most badass character ever, makes this entire anime worth watching. 
14. Ao Haru Ride (12 episodes)
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Hands down my favourite romance anime. This anime is so freaking cute and it gave me so many fuzzy feelings. The animation is also super nice so that is always a plus. It follows Futaba and Kou who liked each other in middle school but were separated. They meet again in high school but they have both changed so much. If you want a romance anime I really recommend this one. 
15. Naruto (720 episodes)
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This is a freaking classic and really long. Almost everyone and their mother has heard of this anime or watched some of it before. Basically it’s about ninjas and follows mainly Naruto Uzumaki who want to eventually be the leader of his village but his ninja skills need a lot of work. I honestly didn’t think I would love this anime as much as I did but its just so good. It is a very big commitment to finish though so be prepared. 
16. Your Lie in April (22 episodes)
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Well this anime is literally beautiful. It is centered around 2 teens w/ major musical talent. It gets deep very fast but its also light hearted and wholesome. This anime made me cry like a baby so get your tissues ready. 
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jesternene · 2 years
Where does this leave Beverly and Jean-Luc?
I will start by saying this is all pure speculation and assumption at this point. Nothing I say is fact or spoilers when it comes to S3 of Picard.
I entered this crazy ship called P/C aka Picard and Crusher just 3 months ago. My husband, a huge TNG fan since his 4th birthday, received the entire collection for Christmas. He began re-watching the series and unintentionally got me involved. He mentioned Crusher and Picard and I eagerly wanted to know more. My past of shipping doomed romances should have been a clue when I fell in love with P/C so I should have already known that this was not going to end well. The last season of TNG gave me false hope and sense of security when the writers teased of a future P/C romance. All that was dashed, however, when I saw the movies. What really dashed my hopes was listening to Gates McFadden (aka Beverly Crusher) express her disappointment in multiple podcast interviews. Did that make me jump ship? absolutely not. Patrick and Gates natural chemistry is what keeps me loving them, even more so knowing nothing ever happened between P/C.
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Fast forward 3 months and finally binge watching ST: Picard for the first time. I found the first season intriguing and It did not bother me so much of no mention of Beverly as usually the first season is about character development and entering backstory. I also know they didn’t want it to be TNG part 2 and I can totally get behind that. You do not want to revive a beloved show and/or character and make it to much like the first one (*cough* The Force Awakens *cough*). Watching S2 of Picard did bring on disappointment. Not only because of the crazy back and forth writing (that in some cases did not make sense) but because, by now, I would expect to hear any reference of his Enterprise-D/E past. The fact there wasn’t one made Jean-Luc into a character I no longer recognized; Unlike S1 where we did get at least one reunion and it was magical. I can get behind Picard’s lack of expression and open to love due to his traumatic past (barely) but what I can’t get behind is forcing a love story that only had a few minutes of screen time. Yes, he has known Laris for 16 years and yes, she had properly mourned her husband after a year and a half; however, the fans did not get to witness this relationship and so we did not get to see the development. Unlike we did with Beverly in TNG.
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I will break a few key moments that makes me wonder what exactly are the show-runners trying to make. Yes, the season ended with an open question. He asked her for a second chance but she did not answer, Laris only smiled. Is this just an opening for a possible relationship? Are they hinting that maybe a relationship did try and it did not work out due to her dying or something else? Again, only speculation but it does make your mind go crazy in wondering where this is headed; especially knowing Beverly Crusher will be in multiple episodes in S3. Maybe even a love triangle where Picard is finally open to a possible romance, only to be confused on who he really wants. Again, only speculation.
In TNG, the first season definitely speculated a history and a love. In classic Picard fashion, he closes himself off and retreats to a professional relationship with Beverly. She also keeps it professional, even though we saw in multiple instances how she truly felt and how it hurt her in some way. (IE: Arsenal of Freedom and We will always have Paris). Gates leaving in S2 didn’t help the relationship aspect, in fact, I think it held it back even after she returned and the new Show-runners and writers were not sure how to approach this. We did get great scenes in the following seasons but I felt it wasn’t until S6 where It started to make sense and Picard started to really let Beverly in. As much as Picard had his flings (Vash, Janice and whoever AF was), the only time he actually tried for a relationship was with Daren. It was almost like he was testing the waters to see if he could have a relationship with one of his officers. It clearly didn’t work and it made him close off yet again. As S7 approached and Attached came along, this was finally the moment for fans to see just where this relationship is headed. Again, Picard being himself, lies to Beverly, suggesting his feelings were no longer there. She clearly sensed he was holding back but didn’t push it. She did admit of hearing his dreams, which to this day, we do not know what those dreams were. Did it expose his true feelings? Did it expose why he never opened up? We just don’t know and right now, it isn’t that important. What is important is how the episode ended, with Beverly turning down Picard. If we look at this episode now with a fresh lens and know Picard’s past with his mom, this was his one moment he actual opened up and wanted to try with Beverly. With her telling him “We should be afraid” to explore those feelings they have, Picard closes himself off and this time for good. When All Good Things comes into play, Picard sees he had a future with Beverly, they share a sweet kiss in his Ready Room (which by his smile, he was happy) but then he saw in the future that they divorced. Even though Beverly has no memory of this and he did change the course of history, Picard does remember and I feel he uses that as an excuse that it just wouldn’t work out with Beverly, even though he loves her.
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Fast forward the movies/Picard and we do not get a P/C happily ever after. I guess some fans (and I am saying that very heavyhearted) might be okay with P/C not being endgame, as LONG as the story makes sense. What exactly is Terry and the gang of ST: Picard plan on? His tweets of him knowing Beverly and we are not ready for her makes me think he has a kick ass story for our feisty redhead. With Gates tweeting how the first 6 episodes are AWESOME, helps the blow a little bit, but the question of how does Laris fits in all of this still painfully lingers for us P/C shippers. I really hope the show-runners do not waste the 6 years of chemistry and sexual tension these two had. Hey, they may even say he did try and she turned him down again and that is why he was alone all these years and that is why he is asking Laris for a second chance instead of Beverly. We just do not know what they have in store for Beverly and how her relationship with Picard plays into that.
I will also express how much I do NOT hate Laris. I think Orla Brady did fantastic and it is not her fault how her character(s) were written in the show. However, her fate on the show is still up in the air due to the fact she has been uncomfortably silent since the Finale. Is this a sign that Laris is not involved and the Finale was just a red herring for things to come in S3? Is this their way of keeping the P/C secrets hush hush and let the fans believe Picard and Laris are a couple? It honestly can go either way and our roller-coaster will only get bumpier as time goes on and when it gets closer to S3.
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I guess the only two hints we can try and decipher are the two lines said in the teaser trailer of S3. Jean-Luc says “I am not a man who needs a legacy” and Beverly saying “Jean-Luc, when the galaxy comes calling, you love it”. What does his legacy have to do with his former shipmates? Why would Beverly say that to him? and what was he writing? Why is he on another adventure that he needed his old comrades help with? Also, who called for him on his communicator? These questions burn so bright that fans are losing their mind over it and honestly, for someone who only has been in this community for a short time, I can completely understand why the unknown is so scary. We have had wonderful stories (IE: Troi and Riker) and we have had not so wonderful stories (IE: Data; Picard/Crusher). Fans are nervous and as much as the anticipation of the reunion makes any fan excited, the anxiety of the unknown is what floods our minds. That being said, I *HOPE* that the show-runners will give a proper send off that the majority of fans would like to see. If his legacy is to be continued, and as the last season showed timelines can be changed, how hard would it be for them to fix what was lost and have Beverly and Picard together with a legacy of their own. Remember, her only legacy is across time and space and we do not know where that leaves her. Hopefully with Picard as they both have lost so much that finding their true path and happiness seems better if it were together.
PS. I will like to add that if Wil is in S3 of Picard, I would like to believe it was Wesley who turned on his communicator. I can see Wes bringing the gang back together again for one final mission that he knows only they can do. :D
(GIFs are NOT mine. They are the property of Google. I take no claim)
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themauvesoul · 3 years
Bestie,,, please explain about fixing season 8 with mpreg dean,,, I am Intrigued
Ok so. This will make a lot more sense if y’all have seen wynonna Earp but. Deans motive in s8 is to End It All, right? Like his logic is seal up hell -> mop up the rest of the demons on earth -> bada bing bada boom no more problems. Only like. That doesn’t really track? Necessarily? Like dean keeps repeating it’ll be over it’ll be over but like. What’s over. Their hunting careers? The leftovers of the apocalypse?? The endless cycle of grief and loss and misery Sam and dean find themselves trapped in????? Like the reason s8 is so weak for me is partially BECAUSE deans motives are so vague and undefined.
Now before I explain this next bit I need to explain a plot point from wynonna Earp s2. So like. Wynonna Earp is cursed. With the Earp Curse. Which I am not going to explain but basically it passes down through the blood. Wynonna inherited it from her dad when he failed to lift it before he died. That’s like. The premise of the show. And in s2, wynonna gets pregnant for reasons. And like. Before she got pregnant, wynonna didn’t really give that much of a shit about the curse. Like she was just sort of playing along. She never really got into BREAKING the curse because at first she didn’t really give a shit but then as the show progressed she’s like. Invested part of her identity in BEING cursed. She’s the fucking Earp heir!! Watch out bitches!!
Only now she’s pregnant. And she’s suddenly facing the distinct and very real possibility that if she DOESNT break the curse, she’s gonna pass it on to her baby. And like. She didn’t WANT a baby, not really, but she can’t do that. The curse is ending with her, one way or another. So like. In s2 after wynonna gets pregnant shit gets down to the WIRE. she gets desperate! She’s doing everything within her power to break the curse and save her baby!! She’s going up against insanely powerful monsters while NINE MONTHS PREGNANT because she’s THAT dedicated to giving her kid a better life than what she had!!!
So like. Take that knowledge and think abt s8 dean. Like. In a way the winchesters are cursed. They’re the main characters. The plot is ALWAYS happening to them. And honestly? Dean was mostly fine with it. Like sure, he’s miserable, but he’s long past the point where he’s started to define himself as the Righteous Man, Saver Of The World. Dean on his own would happily go on being a miserable victim of the plot for the rest of his life, because he derives meaning and identity from it.
But now he’s pregnant. And he’s suddenly facing the very real and distinct possibility of bringing a baby into a world where he’s got beef with every evil thing under the sun. His baby is gonna be the grand prize for every demon that manages to worm its way topside. And on top of that, deans bringing a baby into HIS life. Where dean is desperately unhappy and trapped in a constant cycle of death and loss and grief. Where dean just has terrible thing after terrible thing happen to him. And suddenly, he isn’t content to let himself be victimized by his own plot relevancy. The curse has to end. For the sake of his baby.
So NOW dean has a lil fire under the belly, so to speak. He’s gonna do anything and everything in his power to make the world a better place for his baby. He’s getting Out, he’s seriously kicking around the idea of retiring, and he ain’t about to leave his enemies to live another day and come back swinging when he’s vulnerable. And sure, monsters aren’t exactly friendly, but deans most dangerous enemies have always been demons. And so. He’s gonna close the gates of hell. Might even close the gates of heaven, while he’s at it. He’s gonna do anything and everything to make sure that this baby has it better than he ever did.
So like. Deans taking on monsters right up until his due date. He’s running himself ragged. He’s running everyone around him ragged. He ain’t stopping until hell is closed and heaven is locked up and he’s gonna do it fast, because he’s on a time limit. Aint no way in hell he’s waiting to finish this thing until after the baby comes. And so. The curse ends here. One way or another.
The other thing that happens at the end of s2 of wynonna Earp is she actually ends up sending her baby away. And I think dean would do the same thing. Like it would kill him on the inside, but he would think about all the people that want him dead, and he’d think about how it was growing up with John dragging him and Sam around, and he’d be like. I have to give my baby up. It’s the best thing I can possibly do for it. Anyways I’m literally begging u all to stream wynonna Earp just so u can see the scene right after wynonna gives birth and is holding her baby and she’s like. Full on sobbing while saying I don’t wanna do it. Please don’t make me do it. While her sister is like. Wynonna we have to get the baby out of here. Literal TEARS in my EYES. And thinking abt dean doing the exact same thing has me on the edge of a mental breakdown
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