cabby-writes · 4 years
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Some facts ‘bout the betas because nobody is stopping me
Drii used to hate Kab with a passion
Sal was going to die in chapter 3 instead of Kemerou
The way that Kab & Yorudan’s planned murder was set up is so that Yorudan could pin the blame on Cookie, who has voiced her detest for Kab many times, but this changed in the current version when Cookie died in chapter 4.
Ningyou was originally one of the blackened.
Charity’s sister was going to be in the story.
Bluru was in the game. She was the first blackened.
Kab and Charity didn’t like each other at all, compared to their current relationship.
Ningyou didn’t have a sister.
Yorudan had a little sister, which was later changed to her having a big brother.
Kab was in a relationship with Ningyou until Ningyou died in the 2nd chapter.
Adding on, Kab was the one who ratted Ningyou out after people started pointing fingers at Yorudan.
Kitty originally had a crush on Boxu. 
a lot of the guys were girls in the original au, but it had to be changed in the danganronpa au so that the genders could be balanced.
Charity was originally an unlockable character. 
Yorudan enjoyed acting.
Samu had a crush on Ningyou.
The two plans before the current both had Charity planned to die at the end, one where she was executed and one where she died protecting the others during an escape attempt.
Rei was a survivor.
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cabby-writes · 4 years
what would be like,, yuor ocs' fav,,,,, hobbees
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would you like the hob or the bees
Yorudan Yagi - Don’t make fun of her, she REALLY likes lego. She has a stash of it,, she builds robots with them,,,
Ningyou Shikura - I think we’ve established his hobby is gardening! But I think he’d also enjoy reading.
Kab - This one’s tough!! He’d probably just watch whatever Yorudan is doing, but he probably enjoys gardening with Ningyou!
Charity - She’s learning to play the guitar. More specifically, electric guitars. She likes rock music!!
Ansuya - Xe likes cooking!!
Cookie - She probably goes down to the shooting range.
Boxu Kuro - They play some instruments too!! Drums probably
Cherry Saki - Animals :] she takes care of them
Kemerou Daiju - Sewing!! Or knitting. 
P.O.K.E. - Probably doesn’t have any hobbies. Just powers down when she’s bored!
Kitty Kasahara - She goes to the pet store to look at animals. That’s a hobby, right?
Samu Yagami - Stealing things She’s a collector!
Rei Doi - shopping
Sher Chisaki - Sleeps a lot. Graveyard shift.
Himitsu Tabara - Writing!!
Tanoshi Tachi - Sleeping…!
Drii Doro - Reading
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cabby-writes · 5 years
p.o.k.e time pls. tell things about they
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it do be loving robot hours
-While P.O.K.E. is “in” the class, she is not actually a student at hopes peak. She doesn’t have an ultimate and only hangs around because Drii is there. This being said; since she doesn’t count as a student which allows for an “extra” person to be in the class.
-P.O.K.E. is one of the few of my OCS with a confirmed sexuality.  It can be found in her bio. 
-She is not waterproof yet, she really wants to go swimming. She is much to heavy to be allowed into actual ocean water because she would sink and rust, but if/when she gets waterproof upgrades she will be allowed in a kiddie pool.
-P.O.K.E. has a built-in microwave. 
-While Drii made P.O.K.E., Yorudan added the finishing touches
-She often asks Yorudan to take her with whenever Yorudan goes overseas, to which Yorudan usually accepts. 
-She has an “airplane mode”, much like a phone.
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cabby-writes · 5 years
uh uh fact about yorudan
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(icon by kuwatas-kin-help)
heck yeah love her 
Fun Fact About Yorudan:
Yorudan doesn’t like most opera music or music such as this or this because she doesn’t like the high pitchiness of it! She can listen to it if it’s very soft though. She’s not a big fan of Nightcore remixes and much prefers Daycore because of how low it is!
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cabby-writes · 5 years
Kab facts bc im gay 4 him
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tbh who isn’t
-Kab is the shortest boy in the class as a measly 152.4cm! (around 5 foot)
-Kab is the second strongest in the class! The first strongest is Charity!
-According to Yorudan, Kab has “No notable music taste” this either implies that he has trash music taste or just doesn’t really like music!
-When texting, Kab only uses upside-down exclamation points and question marks!
-Kab is incredibly flexible!
-In the Neighbourhood AU, Kab is much more open about his heterochromia! Although he was bullied for it as a kid, he doesn’t go to great lengths to hide it like OG Kab does.
-Kab has a sort of “sick time” that happens once a year. He doesn’t need to go bathroom or anything; his body dissolves everything and uses all of it, but if there is anything his body can’t use, it sweats it out during this time! He can’t move very much during it since he has to keep his energy. He also has no filter. At all. You could ask him anything and he’d give his 100% honest opinion! -This was one of the few things from Beta-Beta Kab that carried onto regular Kab.
-Kab is one of the few characters I have designed undergarments for
-I have been debating with myself whether or not to tell people who Kab was before he was an experiment, but I’m not entirely sure if I want to. If I do it won’t be for a long time because I haven’t got the story 100% straight.
I could probably think of more but this post is pretty long
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cabby-writes · 5 years
what were the betas like ?
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The betas,,, they were,,, very very rough,,,, i had to go back to my original fanganronpa draft for this,,
Keep reading
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cabby-writes · 5 years
Some facts about Charity?
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yeeeesssssssssssssssssssssss angel wife
Charity was added much much much later in the development of my fanganronpa !! she was supposed to be a secret character but I decided to scratch that.
Charity and Kab were originally not friends like !! at all. Mostly because Beta Kab wasn’t friends with like………..anyone. 
-Current Charity and Kab are very close friends and I like to think of them as having a sibling relationship! She is very curious about him and the experimentation and in the fanganronpa, she would be seen hanging around him a lot (although he didn’t say outright that he was an experiment in the fanganronpa, she was still very curious about some of his physical attributes!)
She is also very fond of Rei! For him to be ‘claiming’ to be the Ultimate “Vampire” has her interested in whether or not he really is a vampire or not!
As it it is said on her short bio on the oc list, she is non-binary! She is feminine presenting and uses she/her pronouns.
Charity is implied to be bisexual but I’m leaning towards her being asexual! Nothing final yet, though.
Beta Charity had a lisp! I am 100% wanting Charity’s final to have a lisp as well.
Charity is the shortest in the class.
Charity, at least; Beta Charity, often spoke to Ningyou about numerous issues and he confided in her about his abandonment issues.
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cabby-writes · 5 years
Updated the masterlist
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cabby-writes · 5 years
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cabby-writes · 5 years
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cabby-writes · 5 years
Title/Short Desc.: Yorudan POV of the previous story.
Warnings/Tags:death mention, Gender Neutral Reader, murder mention, details about murders, ANGST
Characters/Ships included: Kab, Yorudan Yagi, Yorudan Yagi/Reader
"Don't worry, Yorudan-San! We'll get through this. I can tell. This will all be over soon. Just trust me."
Their voice echoed through my skull as they smiled at me. I smiled back, looking down at the table in front of me.
There are just some things (Y/N) can't know. If they knew they'd try and stop me. But I can't go back now.
I fiddled with my sleeve, trying to keep my mind off tonight. It was happening tonight.
"Yorudan-San, please." They sat down next to me. "Don't worry. I'm here for you."
I couldn't look at them. If I did I might just spill. I looked over at the door, silently praying that the night announcement would play so I could get out of here. Away from the tension.
I looked back down at the table. My mask was cracking, wasn't it? I tried to put on my happy face, but with what's going to happen I'm not sure I can anymore.
The night announcement played loudly, jolting me out of my thoughts.
"Goodnight, Yorudan-San. Stay strong, okay? I'll see you in the morning. I love you."
I looked at them. This was it. Just have to muster up energy to give them a smile. I smiled my most convincing smiles.
I'd have to say it back before it was too late, right? Before I... Do something bad.
"I love you too." I mean it, I really do. "Never forget, okay?"
They nodded, but looked a bit puzzled... Oh well..
I went to my room, looking around and taking it all in. This was it.
After about an hour, I started to leave my room.
I jumped slightly.
"Oh, Kab, its you.."
Kab nodded, starting to walk away.
I caught up to him, following him to where we were going.
"You ready?" he said, walking into the theatre room.
I nodded, swallowing hard.
He went through a box backstage and pulled out a bow and arrow from the props box.
Kab passed them to me, walking a few metres away before nodding.
I drew back the bow, my hands shaking.
"I-I... I can't."
Kab released a breath.
"Then I will."
I nodded. Either way, one of us were going to die.
I walked onto the stage, but didn't turn around to face him. It would be easier that way.
I quickly took off my jacket, throwing it to him.
"Put it in my room. "
Kab nodded.
"Ready?" He asked softly.
".... Yes."
It felt like time had slowed down. What was I doing? Walking into death? Leaving (Y/n) behind? But I promised them. I promised them.
But I never was good at keeping promises.
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cabby-writes · 5 years
Title/Short Desc.: The Reader and Yorudan have gone through the killing game together. You're close to the end, and you all know it. Yorudan promised you that you'd make it all out together. But... Things don't go to plan.
Warnings/Tags: death mention, Gender Neutral Reader, murder mention, details about murders, ANGST
Characters/Ships included: Yorudan's class, Yorudan Yagi, Yorudan Yagi/Reader
"Don't worry, Yorudan-San! We'll get through this. I can tell. This will be over soon. Just trust me." You smiled at Yorudan confidently.
It wasn't entirely a lie, you had all made a plan to get out of the hotel, you just needed to put it into action. Not that there wasn't any risks, there were plenty, but you were confident that you and your beloved Yorudan would make it out alive.
Yorudan gave a weak smile before looking down at the table, playing with the sleeve of her oversized jacket.
"Yorudan-San, please," You pulled out the chair next to her, "Don't worry. I'm here for you."
Yorudan didn't meet your gaze, glancing over at the door before nodding half heartedly.
This was admittedly strange behaviour for Yorudan. Usually she'd be all smiles, even with this game going on. She seemed distracted lately.
The night time announcement played loudly, making you and Yorudan jump slightly.
"Goodnight, Yorudan-San. Stay strong, okay? I'll see you in the morning. I love you."
Yorudan smiled, but it wasn't one of her pretend smiles. "I love you too. Never forget, okay?"
You nodded. It felt like a weird thing for her to say but you brushed it off.
You made your way to your room, sitting down on your bed and staring at the wall. Something wasn't right. But none of this was right, you were all trapped in a killing game.
You shook your head and lay down, wanting to just go to sleep and stop worrying already.
The morning announcement played loudly, jolting you out of your slumber. You rubbed your eyes, wishing for just a bit more sleep.
As you closed your eyes again, the body discovery announcement played.
Your blood ran cold and it felt like your heart had stopped for a moment.
You fell out of bed, quickly running to the door and down the hallways.
Who was it? Who could it be? There wasn't many of you left.
Your heart dropped as you entered the theatre room.
Right there, on the stage, pink blood staining the wood... Lay Yorudan's body.
You felt your knees buckle a little. This couldn't be happening. Not to Yorudan. Who would kill her?
She was always so on guard, how could someone sneak behind her?
As you got closer you tried to hold back tears.
There were two arrows sticking out of her back, her face pressed against the floor. Her hair was sprawled out, some of it stained with blood.
But.. Her jacket. Where's her jacket. She never goes anywhere without her jacket...
Boxu came up to you, shaking your shoulder lightly, taking you out of your thoughts.
"We went through her stuff, here," He passed you Yorudan's jacket. "We... Well... I thought she'd want you to have this."
You held it in your hands, running your fingers along the soft fabric, up to the fluff of her hood.
Your tears were leaving water droplets on the jacket. You brought it up to your face, wanting to bury yourself in it, wanting to run away from reality. Be with Yorudan again. The jacket had her scent all over it. It's almost like she was still there.
Your grip tightened. You were going to find out who killed her and you were going to get out of this game. And you'd never forget that she loves you.
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cabby-writes · 5 years
Title: Yorudan, Ningyou & Drii running away from home
Word Count: 508
Warnings/Tags: Implied abuse
Characters Included: Yorudan Yagi, Ningyou Shikura, Drii Doro
Ningyou quickly shoved the last of his items into his bag, slinging it onto his shoulder before quietly making his way out of his room, careful not to wake up his little sister.
His mother had gone out for the night. Luckily, his friends' family was out as well. They had been planning to run away from their current lives for what seems like forever, just waiting for an opportunity.
He quickly and quietly exited the apartment, making his way down the stairway, not risking using the elevator.
He pulled out the keys to his friend's,  Yorudan's, apartment.
"Hey, 'Rudan, are you ready?" Ningyou whispered into the darkness. He heard some scrambling before he saw Yorudan open the door to her room.
"I'm ready, I've got my stuff.." 
Her 'stuff' consisted of a small bag and a small bunny plushie that she gripped tightly onto.
"Alright. Let's go." Ningyou grabbed her jacket sleeve, pulling her along and closing the door behind her.
They shuffled down the hallway and found Drii leaving her apartment.
"Are you two ready? Got the car?" Drii asked in a hushed tone.
"Yes, it's outside, it should last us until the airport." Ningyou replied, turning around and leading the way.
Yorudan shuffled closely behind him, with Drii silently closing any doors behind them.
Ningyou unlocked the car, opening the door for Yorudan and Drii.
"Hey, Ningyou... Where's your sister? Aren't you going to bring her with?"
Ningyou tensed up. He stood there, staring for a moment, before hesitantly turning around.
"Drii, start the car, I'll be back shortly." He said, walking back into the apartment building.
He had to be quick. He didn't know when his mother would return.
He quickly made his way up the stairs, tripping over a few times, not being as careful as when he was with the others.
Ningyou silently walked into his sister's room, gazing down at her sleeping soundly.
He felt a lump in his throat as he realised this may be the last time he saw her, and he couldn't even say goodbye properly.
He remembered back when they were younger. He'd promised that he would always be there for her. Was he about to break that promise?
He stood up, quickly leaving the room. He'd come to far to stop now.
Ningyou hesitantly left the apartment again, locking it behind him.
As he entered the car Yorudan looked at him curiously. Ningyou shook his head, answering a question that was never asked.
Yorudan looked away, a somewhat disappointed and confused look on her face.
"I know you were fond of her, but we simply couldn't take care of her properly, you must understand that." Ningyou said softly, starting the car.
"I understand. I'm just worried." Yorudan said, looking back at Drii who was sitting in the back seat.
"We're off, then? Let's go." Drii said, getting a bit anxious about their parents returning.
Ningyou nodded, starting to drive, his hands shaking slightly. He didn't want to leave his sister. But he didn't have a choice.
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