#i've seen everything i need to see i know everything i need to know. solomon tozer was in love with that man
bunnygibson · 7 months
we're two slow dancers, last ones out
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obae-me · 1 year
Human Things that Confuse the Non-Humans
I've seen a lot of headcanons on my feed recently that are all about demonic traits and things that seem to scare or facinate MC, but what about the opposite? So I was wondering what sort of typical human things might either unsettle the non-humans, confuse them, or enchant them in some way.
Most of these are based off of personal heasdcanons I already have, so it's very self indulgent.
If ya'll have any other ideas, feel free to share, I'd love to hear them.
Also not proof read cuz I'm writing this at like 5 am due to sleep issues.
Circadian Rythem. I've always wanted to bring up how I headcanon that the Devildom doesn't even follow a 24 hour schedule, since the 24 hour thing is entirely based around the sun, and since they don't have a sun, it makes sense that days would follow some other set rule (I always think that Devildom days are much much longer, hence why MC is caught so many times in canon just taking naps wherever even when Belphie is not around), but that's a headcanon for another time. Anyways, I think the fact that Humans almost need to follow a certain sleeping schedule would totally confuse the demons. Demons only really sleep to stay at their strongest, it's not as vital to them. And the fact that humans can die if they don't get the proper sleep? Totally freaks them out. If MC ever pulls an all-nighter, they all think they're one foot in the grave. Having Solomon and MC getting naturally sleepy more often than the non-humans do might seem pretty adorable at times though.
The fact that human hair does indeed shed. I don't personally think demon or angelic hair would, I feel like hair is something they can change at will within reason (There is a chat with Mammon about him getting his haircut, but he said he was going to change it, so I like to think he made it grow back instantly and cut it like normal again). So I like to think that MC or Solomon leaving strands of hair behind is shocking, because the non-humans only ever associated that trait with animals, but they also find it weirdly cute in a way. The demons and angels do try to ask to comb or brush Solomon's and/or MC's hair from time to time. They feel like they're helping.
Being able to roll (curl? Fold?) your tongue. I think it would be hilarious if despite the millions of other things demons and angels can do, none of them can roll their tongues. And then they get confused too when they discover that not every human can do it either, just certain ones. Solomon can do it and treats it like a party trick.
Allergies. I don't know if it's said in Canon anywhere that demons and angels can have allergies...I hope not because (as much as it sucks) it would make sense for it to just be a human thing. Just the concept entirely would have the non-human's heads spin. What do you mean certain things can just have your body essentially attack itself? And it's different for every human? It can be quite literally anything? (The non-humans would absolutely have a heart attack if they knew about mine)
Human mimicry. I think we as humans just have a natural instinct to mimic or repeat certain things. It's a lot more noticeable with internet culture and memes and references and things, but I think a very human thing to do is repeat or mock things we come into contact with. For example, if we hear an animal noise, we try to repeat it like we're talking to it. If we see something in a weird position, we might try to pose like it, etc. We try to relate to things, which is why personification is so prominent in everything we do. (Like how some of us tell wobbily objects to stay or loud machines to shut up) The non-humans think this is very cute. They don't really do that. The closest thing they might relate to is a current trend, but those pass by rather quickly. Mammon probably thinks we're almost like a bunch of crows.
Emotional control/suppression. Hear me out. It's well known in canon that the brothers blow up easily. They'll fight someone over miniscule things. Even Lucifer, who says he prides himself on his control, loses his temper quite often. And Mammon, while seemingly the best at controlling anger, is very open about all his other emotions. The only two demons that clearly have the best control overall are Barbatos and Diavolo who are the two most powerful demons in the Devildom. It probably takes so much energy and power to keep themselves in check. We hardly ever see that dark aura around them if at all in the game, which seems to give the two this unspoken common respect. As for angels, it was already mentioned once that the angels do have magical methods forcibly controlling emotions, and despite that, I'm sure it takes ages of training and practice to get to the level of "patient perfection" they're supposed to exhibit. Now, humans aren't perfect, and of course, there's a lot of nuance to this like mental illness I won't get into, but generally speaking, we quickly learn how to regulate our emotions or how to supress them for society's sake. At the very least, when we get angry we dont suddenly get surrounded by a dark shadow or shift into a different form. And I like to think this terrifies the non-humans to a degree. They don't know when humans are angry or upset until it's blatantly obvious. They already are off-put by Solomon because they never really know what he's up to. And what if it's not even because he's doing "weird" things, what if it's just because he seems to be so calm all the time and no one knows how to read him? None of them know how to read human body language. There's no aura to see, no puffed up wings, no glowing eyes, no whipping tails. Humans can just...stand there, sometimes with a blank expression, sometimes just staring. It can give even the stronger willed beings the creeps. Bonus points if MC is great at masking too. You mean humans can just...take extreme emotions and tuck them away for later? I'm sure that's an absolutely wild concept. Most of the non-humans are just not capable of that kind of control. Albeit its not always the healthiest option, but just the fact that humans have the willpower to just sometimes choose or force themselves not to feel at all is Barbatos level intimidating.
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zephyrchama · 6 days
Hello!!! I love your writing and hcs its so fun and silly!!!! I hope I'm not bothering you and if it's ok do you do headcanon lists? I want to hear more of your hcs if its ok
Hi! You're not a bother at all, I have so many asks I want to respond to but they're never a bother and I seriously think about every single one!
(I overthink asks way too much and then get worried that too much time has passed but I still want to answer them hhh. I also hoard praise like a dragon. I will get to my ask backlog, I've already written a bunch of stuff for them.)
I've seen that list style before, I don't think I've ever tried it? Have I? 🤔 Let's give it a shot with some headcanons. (hold on how do I make a bulleted list on this site) (I need to google it)
He probably greatly enjoys when Asmo does his nails, because that means he can't pick up a pen and is forced to rest for a bit.
I like to think he gets his gloves from the same shop as Barbatos.
I have these gray/transparent hairs in my bangs that are currently not too noticeable (my hair is naturally dark), but they sparkle in the sunlight kind of like hair tinsel. I like to think Lucifer (and maybe Mammon and Belphegor?) have hair like this sprinkled throughout their heads, and that it sparkles like starlight in the HoL's candlelight.
He'd probably iron his money. I don't know if the Devildom has bills in their currency or if it's purely coin-based, but if there are bills I feel like Mammon would take the crumpled up ones and iron them crisp again.
I bet he tried to take a bath full of coins just to see what it was like one time and got in trouble for scratching up the sides of the tub.
He goes gambling so often, he's probably good at telling when someone's bluffing. He calls lesser demons out all the time for bluffing to his face and it's incredibly intimidating.
Being one of the Seven Rulers, he's probably just as famous as his brothers and is recognized in public way more than he realizes, but he isn't approached often because he's so famous and powerful. I like the idea of a gap in how he perceives himself (an unconfident shut-in loser) vs how the public perceives him (a strong and mysterious demon within the prince's inner circle).
His tail is long. I made it irl, in-game it's gotta be over 10 feet. I imagine when he's relaxed at home it just splays out however, but anywhere else he keeps it coiled close to his body. Hitting people with the tail would be unbearably awkwardly, he doesn't want to take up a lot of space, and it's probably comforting to keep it close. He could subtly rub his own back with it when he's feeling anxious?
He knows a guy for everything. He's got a crop rotation guy. He's got an ear piercing guy. He's got ten cursed book guys. If you need something, Satan always knows a guy. Though, he prefers to be self-sufficient. I think of him as a very charismatic person who's great with other people, yet a big introvert.
He's so good at curses that I feel like he sometimes might accidentally put a low level curse on someone, without really intending to. It just happens on rare occasion, especially when he's mad. Someone looks at him funny and is cursed to spend the next three days sneezing every ten minutes.
Similarly, he's the one who uses magic most casually. His room appears the most 'magical' of the brothers, he probably has a very efficient way of incorporating his magic into daily life. (Nowhere near Solomon's extent, but moreso than the other brothers.)
He probably sings a lot, just for fun, because Ayme-san is such a good singer. You'd often hear Asmo's voice humming or singing when he's home and in a good mood (or bored). He has an easier time memorizing school subjects when he puts it to music.
I bet students at RAD search his seat after school for stray hairs, and then sell those hairs to witches for love potions. It really upsets him but after getting them to stop for a few weeks, someone will inevitably start doing it again.
Beel probably has one of the fastest reflexes out of anybody. They all have fast reflexes, but I like to think he'd be at least a few milliseconds faster than some of his brothers when physically reacting to things.
I don't think he likes being alone with his thoughts, which is why he's always eating or working out or spending time with his brothers. He might start overthinking things and getting lost in a maze of dark thoughts, so he works hard to keep those thoughts at bay. He has a lot going through his head but is a guy of few words.
I bet he knows so much gossip. RAD students probably have loose lips around him thinking he's asleep, but even if he is sleeping, he hears them and picks up on rumors. He doesn't care at all. He won't go around spreading things more. But it could become intel stored in the back of his mind.
He probably doesn't like to brush his hair - he prefers to have it brushed by someone else - but I don't think he'd allow Asmo to do it often. Asmodeus might get carried away and start giving Belphie high-maintenance hairstyles that are a pain to keep up, so he refuses hair help from Asmo on most occasions.
I was going to write the other characters but this is getting long and I realized it's not quite bullet point-y so it might not be what you wanted. ;u; Hope that's ok, thanks for the ask!
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he-calls-me-kitten · 2 years
Jealousy, Jealousy (Part 1)
Solomon x F! MC
Long Slowburn, Angst to comfort, Rough language and behaviour
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"I'm resigning as your apprentice, Solomon." The conviction in your voice was clear. You had clearly contemplated it for some time.
"You're... you're not even close to ready for higher level magic MC-" Solomon was clearly caught off-guard. More shocked than displeased.
"I don't need it. I don't need anything to do with magic or being a sorceror. I just- I'm done. So thank you for everything so far, but you won't need to waste your time with me anymore." You barely met his eyes before you walked out.
This was two days ago. You were careful to tell him on a Friday, so you could avoid him for the weekend.
Mammon and Asmo both asked you whether you'd like to go out with them, but you refused. You didn't want to run into him on the streets either.
A part of you felt guilty for doing that to him. He did deserve an explanation atleast. But what could you possibly tell him?
I can't be around you anymore because I'm desperately in love with you but you already seem to have someone else.
No. It makes no sense. It sounds so juvenile and conceited, you shake your head and bite the inside of your cheek. You cringe at how strange and tense your next interaction with him might be.
But that wasn't a good enough reason for Lucifer to let you stay home. So you took a deep breath and left for RAD.
To your relief, you had no classes in common in the first half. At lunch you sat alone, in a place where you'd usually never sit. Further lowering the chance to see him. So you ended up with a friendly bunch of Succubi from your classes.
They were complaining about how the assignments were too long to complete in one week and you wholeheartedly agreed. While one of them was mimicking the professor's stern voice, another one screamed.
She was holding up her phone and squealing in excitement. You peered at it. Asmo posted a new Devilgram story.
Of course.
You feigned interest to match the energy of these excited fangirls. But honestly you'd lost your appetite, listening to the conversation.
"Oh look, isn't that Solomon in the back? Oh he looks extra smoldering today. I wonder where he's staring so intently?"
"Yes yes that's definitely him. They're always together aren't they? Like an old married couple haha!"
"Solomon stays in Asmo's room when he stays at HOL, doesn't he? Oooh I wonder what sort of kinky things they get up to in there?!"
Asmo is incapable of loving him. He has known him for centuries and yet doesn't know anything about him. Even simple things like his favourite work of fiction or his music tastes. He has never taken interest in what Solomon's works or passions.
"Oh but I've heard Lucifer is more Solomon's type. Did you know he's been trying to get a pact with him since the last century?"
"Oh yeah I've definitely seen them around too. There's even fanart of them in the RAD fansites now ahaha!"
"They are totally like rivals to lovers. Did you see the magical duel they got into once? They are so equally matched!"
Lucifer cannot stand the sight of him, let alone trust him. He always told me how dubious and shady Solomon was, literally asking me to shut him up and keep him away once I became a sorceror.
You couldn't sit and stew in this conversation anymore, painfully close to puking out all the contents of your stomach. But they caught you trying to leave.
"What about you, MC? As his apprentice who do you think suits romantically Solomon?"
You wanted to scream it. But you didn't. How selfish and conceited of you. Who the hell were you decide? And it's not like people were not allowed to have their opinions on it. You couldn't in your right mind, judge them for simply making the most logical assumptions.
"Haha I honestly couldn't tell. We never really talked about things like these." You laughed awkwardly before excusing yourself. The bell rang just in time. You headed straight to class.
You were clutching your books to your chest. How did things turn out like this? You were sure to be as fast as possible. How did all the seats get filled up? And why was the only empty seat next to Solomon?
"MC, please come in and sit down. We need to get the class started." The professor said, impatiently. You nodded in apology and headed in the direction of your doom.
You could feel his eyes on focused on you, sending chills down your spine. But you didn't dare glance more than once. It didn't help that this was a double period.
And anytime your hands or elbows accidentally touched, you flinched, muttering soft apologies and tried to move your seat away. But somehow your seat was being pulled back into place again.
"The next assignment is to be done in pairs. So everyone partner up with person you're sitting next to and finish it by next class. Class dismissed."
Oh, just my fucking luck.
"I'll come by the House of Lamentation at 7:30 tonight." His voice was icy as he got up from his seat, moving back so you get out of class first. On your way home, all you could hear was the sound of your heart pounding wildly.
You were suprised that the house was still empty at 7. You texted the brothers asking if something happened.
Satan texted back about how there had been a sudden increase influx of student requests and the student council has too many of them to review.
Beel texted you to eat without them cause they might have to stay in school overnight. You felt your anxiety rise. The thought of being all alone in the house with Solomon...
The doorbell rung exactly at 7:30. You opened the door and welcomed him in. The coldness never left his eyes. His footsteps were deliberately slower and more weighted as he followed you to your room.
"I've set up the initial requirements of the experiment, so if you have the magical items and extracts, we can just get started right away-"
The door shut and locked loudly behind him. You thought you could get away with pretending everything was fine but clearly he had different intentions.
"I believe you owe me some explanations, MC." He walked over to the bed, grabbing your wrist along. You could feel the repressed anger in his grip. It scared and excited you all at once.
You found yourself cornered against the wall behind the bed, your ankles binded together by his glowing ropes. Struggling was useless. He leaned forward until you could feel his hot breath on your lips.
"Sorry about the extreme measure MC, but you have a rather unpleasant habit of running away from conversations."
To be continued....
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
so i was just thinking. solomon's like super in love with mc right? so that would mean he'd have a soft spot for them and would be nicer to some extent towards the mc. but like, how much contrast? i've seen instances where he's straight up sarcastic, snarky or "lmao idc" to some extent with other characters, and do you think if the same instance took place w mc as the subject he'd act the same way? most probably not right? as an ardent solomon lover, i just find the thought funny that it would be a running joke (it more or less is a thing with all characters and mc anyway but im just imagining it w solomon) amongst everyone about how nice solomon is with mc but is whatever w everyone. to what extent do u think is the contrast in character? how nice do u think he is in general, because i see many posts about how lovely he is to mc but is it the same with everyone? and how much sweeter do u think he is to us?? i just love thinking abt this because like...im so specialz yay pls love me solomon :')
Oh yeah. Solomon is notoriously down bad for MC. (At least, this is my opinion and I know others feel the same way.)
And I think this translates most in that he does things or acts a certain way with MC that he doesn't do with the others.
He has a general respect for most of the other characters and I think he keeps things civil. Some of them he likes more than others. But in a general sense, Solomon is a smart and powerful guy who is likely always aware of the fact that he's a human among demons and angels. I think he tends to hold everybody else at arm's length out of a sense of self preservation. He eventually opens up more as the story progresses and he becomes more friendly with everyone.
But he doesn't let anyone get as close to him as MC.
I don't know if I'd say he's nicer to MC, necessarily. I would say that he has more trust for MC. He tells MC things he would never tell anyone else. He's also very protective of MC. He's unlikely to go out of his way to protect the others or to defend them to people. But with MC? He shows up when they need him. He stands up for them even when they aren't around.
And I'd say that Solomon would do anything for MC. The others might ask him for help and he's often willing to give it, but he has no problem saying no to any of them (except perhaps Asmo, but even then I think he would if it was a big deal). But for MC, Solomon would lay down his life. Nobody can convince me that a man who would travel back in time just to help bring MC back wouldn't also take a bullet for them if it came down to that.
I don't think a situation like that would ever actually happen. And I also think that Solomon would try to find other ways of fixing things - like I said, this man is smart.
Still I think perhaps the most obvious evidence of him treating MC differently comes down to how much he's been willing to tell them about himself. He's told MC about his childhood, his loneliness, the way MC reminds him of his humanity, how he's jealous of the brothers. He's said these things to MC directly. He's honest and forthright with them.
Not that he lies to everybody else - in fact, I think he's a pretty terrible liar. But he keeps his secrets. He just doesn't tell them to anyone else.
Sure, he still has some secrets from MC. But I think he's keeping them because doing so is keeping MC safe. And I think in the end, he'll tell MC everything.
And THAT is the biggest difference. Solomon loves MC, but Solomon also trusts MC with the deepest truths of himself.
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cerberus-new-owner · 17 days
it'sssssssss tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime
Barbie Doll and Diablo
(as my friend likes to call them lol)
it took me a good few days of day dreming about barbs and scrolling through the barbatos tags (and the simeon and solomon tags) to acctually get the motivation for this soooooo here it issss
Part 1 - The Brothers Part 2 - The Angels + Solomon Part 3 - Diavolo + Barbatos
WEE WOO WEE WOO Content Warningggggsss: Darbatos and Diavolo are implied to be dating mc but it CAN be taken as platonic, GN!mc, maybe like a teensy tiny bit suggestive idk i do these before i write the hcs, could be ooc (i've never written for either of them, i dont think so atleast), mention of mamms and asmo but only tiny after thought type stuff i think
the energy is pumpinggggggg and the headcannon drabble things are a flowin'
w/ out mc - does not sleep, will only sleep if diavolo orders him to and if any of you have seen my take on the brothers sleeping he is the same as luci, but instead of the brothers having to be kept in line its the demon prince who does his best to sneak out when he thinks the butlers guard has been lowered enough to do so, other than that i do belive barbatos if tired enough will fall asleep standing continuing to do what ever job he was doing around the castle occsionally finishing all of his tasks whilst alseep (dia and the little d's take bets to see how far through his list barbatos can go before waking up again so far little d no. 2 and diavolo have the most wins) i also think barbatos will sleep walk into diavolos office on ocassion and just stand there like he would if diavolo was having a meeting with lucifer or mephi (i dont know how to spell his name someone help please) also no fan or ac or anything in his room im fairly sure his tail has / would have some form of protective slime kind stuff on it and that drying out would require a few weeks worth (and a couple thousands invested) of lotion applied every few like hours (it'd be like lipbalm or gloss on crusty dry craked up lips)
w/ mc - now with mc and diavolo trying to get him to sleep more often its a much bigger challenge for barbatos to deny going to sleep therefore he goes to sleep more often, with mc around the little d's and diavolo can't make as many bets on barbs work sleep habits so the bets have changed to how long will it take for mc to notice that barbs fell asleep again / how many chores can barbs get through before mc guides him back to his room and takes over barbs creepy standing in dia's office has stopped and been replced with a slight restlessness in his sleep (beware mc for he may kick), and mc better beware of the tail it's 100% getting wrapped around them as they sleep it will be cold it will be slimy it will be slightly gross and it will soak any and all sleep clothes (can't tell me barbs doesn't find enjoyment in feeling how mc jumps as they wake up suddenly due to how cold and wet his tail is 'whats wrong little lamb? did i accidently wake you during your slumber') still no fan or anything by the way not unless you want to be the one applying lotion to his tail every hour (bonus sleepy cuddly barbs like early sunday morning look like shiz and gotta get up but partner is still sleep and gooooodddd they look cute sleeping and don't wanna disturb the peace and then the overgrown toddler with daddy issues barges in asking for breakfast because he was a second late to waking him up saying theres pancakes if he does all his paperwork in which barbs does not remember saying at all (it was all a dream that dia thought was real) and waking mc up, gosh dang it now i gots ideas for another fic from these things)
w/ out mc - another sea creature guess what it isssss, thats right! its a starfishhhhhh, mans has a massive bed cant tell me he doesn't starfish accross it wings out and everything, thinking of wings.... wings can be blankie, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand like beel he. is. a. heater. no need for blankets when have wings and are heater, he snores and sleep talks majority of his sleep talking is telling dream barbs that dream him wasn't trying to escape his duties or saying those really creepy things that alot of people who sleep talk say in their sleep something like idk 'doont go in the closet' and it'd be like right as mammons trying to find secret treasure in the castle and somehow ended up in dias room and is about to open the closet
w/ mc - still sprawled out but don't worry mc he left space for you (in his arms) still a heater be prepared to wear your summer sleep clothes in the middle of winter (or sleep au natural like asmo probably does) he still snores and sleep talks pretty much the same as before also refuses to get up in the morning (mans went to bed late let him sleep in and get his sleepy morning cuddles before barbs comes in and says theres pancakes if he does all his paperwork before 9am the drem stirkes again 'but barbatos i got all my paperwork done before nine and pancakes sound good and the dream felt way too real for it to be just a dream, come on love you had to of heard barbatos say something about breakfast being pancakes today surely' dont break his heart help him gaslight barabtos instead/hj)
That ws fuunnnnnnnnnnn
btw quick little tiny baby question would people perhaps be interested in perhaps me writing a little bit more for barbs and/or simeon maybeeeeeee (the inspiration hit and oh mah lordy loorrrrrd it is difficlt to not want to write more about themm) (btw dont really care how many of you answer yes or no im probably gonna do it anyways)
alsoooo i will gladly accept requests for more headcannon drabbley things for other stiuations if anyone has any ideas, (i don't really do full on fics btw)
other than that i hope you all have a great day, afternoon, night, morning, tea, door, pencil and thank you for reading (i hope it was as fun to read as it was to write) MasterList thingy-o
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I have no one irl I can discuss Miss Scarlet with (it usually doesn't stop me though, but I do try to limit it to a sane amount), but no matter how much I talk to my friends about it, they won't ever grasp the true extent of everything related to it, because they never watched and never will watch the show, and that's okay. So here I am speaking into the abyss. Hi!
You know, I've been thinking about Stuart's departure. And I'm really starting to think he was right in leaving. Don't get me wrong, I'll miss him immensely, he's a great actor and somewhat of a comfort in the show since we've known him, we know his motivations, we've grown to like him, etc. I like his and Eliza's banter and bickering, but I never did like their romance all that much.
Looking back, in my opinion, they acted more like older brother/younger sister than familial friends with romantic attraction. And I probably would have liked them even more if they never even had that romance aspect, but I'm not sure, since I'm thinking about this retroactively not way back when, when I first started watching the show.
I'll miss William coaching Fitzroy, but I'm also curious how Phelps will approach the subject, since they seem to be on better terms, and maybe more professional than what William and Fitzroy had.
Perhaps William's absence will also provide us with more opportunities to see our favourite side characters and Eliza interacting, eg. Fitzroy (Does he still have a crush on her? Has he moved on? If he still hasn't, will Phelps notice? How will he react?), Ivy and Mr Potts (Will they get married this season? Will Ivy move out? [I know lots of us have been pondering this specific question, as quite a few fanfics imagine this scenario.]), I'd love to see Moses return along with Solomon.
I've seen people mention that Eliza is in dire need of a female friend, and I have to agree. I'd love to see a past female character return, with a vengeance (not literally). My top candidates would be Clara Simms from season 1 or Arabella Acaster, which might be controversial. I'd love to see them make up and move on. Because, I might be wrong in thinking this, but aren't they the two sides of the same coin?
I realise I haven't mentioned Nash yet. I'm excited to see his trial and all the difficulties they will have to deal with it during and after. Once he's free and Eliza rejoins Nash & Sons (if she even will, who knows?), will he leave for Paris, or will he stay? Will Eliza go with him perhaps? So many opportunities. I love it.
I wanna see Patrick and Eliza get closer, whether in the form of friendship or perhaps more, I'd be happy with whichever.
I just want to see Eliza thrive with people surrounding her who love, cherish and support her. (Obviously realistically still and deservedly so, it would be boring if it were all sunshine and rainbows, ya know?)
I hope all the pitchfork action on the internet hasn't put too much of a damper on the Miss Scarlet team's excitement that the show's been renewed and they get to work together again.
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latoyalestrange · 1 year
s. sallow x f!reader
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summary: sebastian had gone to far. you didn't have it in you to turn him in, but you also couldn't look him in the eye. the boy learns a lesson of action and consequence, but is it too late?
words: 900
warnings: angst. ya'll i'm so sorry. i literally sobbed during this scene and i wanted to show you guys what the inside of my brain looked like in that moment lol. minors dni pls. not edited!
"sebastian! wait!" your feet were moving as quickly as they could to catch up with him as he weaved through the catacombs, ignoring your calls.
you hadn't really processed what had happened just yet. you'd seen someone die before on your way to hogwarts, but that was different. oslic was ripped out of the carriage by a dragon, for merlin's sake. it happened so quickly and your eyes were shut for most of it. this time is wasn't like that. you watched the life leave solomon's eyes and it was at your best friend's hand. all you knew in that moment was you needed to get to him, to make sure he was okay. in your heart you also knew that there was no possible way he was okay right now. either way, you needed to be there. you couldn't leave him.
"would you stop for a moment? p-please!" you could feel yourself beginning to lose your composure, your voice breaking as you begged him. you could hardly keep up with your feet as you raced after him. you nearly ran into him before you realized he had stopped dead in his tracks, a few feet away from the exit. he was scanning your face, his own twisted with concern and guilt. he saw the tears starting to pool in your eyes and lifted his hand to comfort you. instead of giving you the contact you desired, though, he quickly withdrew it, almost as if it were a painful action.
"don't cry...please?" his head hung low with shame, unable to meet your gaze like a guilty puppy. even if you could try, the wetness persisted down your cheeks, now flushed with both exhaustion and grief.
"how can i not?" his head perked up at your words. the look on his face made you feel like a terrible person.
"i did what i had to do!" his demeanor flipped like a switch. he was suddenly irate and in defense mode. "he attacked us! i had to protect us! i had to protect you--"
okay. no.
after everything you had done for him-- after he pressured you to lie to the keepers, put your education in jeopardy, and treated you like shit the entire time? he would not pretend like this was for you. none of it was for you. most of it wasn't even for anne. it was for him.
"don't you dare try to pretend that any of that was for me." with tears still rolling down your face, you had turned into the physical manifestation of reactive. "i have done everything that you have ever asked of me, sebastian. i have risked my life, my education, and my connection with the keepers for you." he looked petrified as you bore into him, but you weren't done.
"you know, i came here with no one. i thought maybe if i helped you, you would want to be my friend--"
"i am your friend!" it wasn't until he sobbed out those words that you realized he was crying. he was close to incoherent at this point.
"you are the furthest thing from a friend, sebastian. i have endured the way you treat me because i really needed someone. i needed someone, and--" you choked on your words, the lump in your throat becoming too prominent to continue.
"i'm sorry, y/n..." he sounded meek, almost like a whimper. you wiped your face and took a deep breath.
"it's too late for that, seb." his eyes finally met yours as he heard his favorite pet name from you. it broke him just a little bit more knowing that was the last time he'd ever hear you say it. he mirrored you and took a deep breath of his own.
"i know. i know i've treated you terribly and i admit to being blinded by my own desires to not realize what i already have. i understand if you want to turn me in and never see me again." his apology honestly made it worse. him showing remorse for his actions at the last possible second, when you finally show him you're serious, is something that you predicted from miles away. but that didn't make it any easier.
"sebastian, i could never turn you in..." he looked hopeful for a moment, but it was short lived. "but i think it's best if we don't speak." he closed his eyes, looking wounded.
"please," you instinctively turned to walk around him, you couldn't bare to hear his begging. "please, no wait--don't do this!" you almost plugged your ears as you trudged forward, ignoring his pleas.
"i can't do this without you!" deep down, you felt the same. going on without sebastian seemed impossible but you knew it was a necessity. the wizarding world rested in your hands, and at such a young age. you went from being a regular teenager with no responsibilities other than homework to an ancient-magic-wielding sorcerer who was solely responsible for not just one, but multiple repositories full of the most powerful magic known to wizard-kind. not to mention, an entire rebellion regime was after you. they didn't just want you for information or money or some material object. they wanted you dead.
so, you couldn't risk it. you didn't go through everything just to doom an entire world of people. even if your happiness was the price.
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purlty23 · 6 months
Anonymously asking the people I follow to talk about something that makes them happy! (I don't remember if i've already asked you this before ignore it if I have) Do me a learn if you're so inclined!
Hello dear anon! I don’t think I have gotten this before, it must have been one of the many that I’m sure slip through tumblr’s cracks. I love any excuse to talk about my interests, this is such a gift! Since we’re in the demon church fandom here, why not some history of demon summoning? Every horror movie you’ve ever seen where demons are summoned in under 24 hours vastly underestimate the work that allegedly went into the practice!
Before anything, I’m going to cite my source for everything here. Grimorium Verum is a grimoire written in the 18th century, though in the books itself it claims to be from 1517. Markedly untrue. It translates to True Grimoire, and it’s one of the only grimoires out there from the era that has a detailed description of the summoning of demons. It shares some things of note with the Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon, which was written during the Italian Renaissance. You can read Grimorium Verum translated here! One thing you’ll notice if you read it is how quickly the author is to tell you that everything is of consequence. Every action, every word, and even down to the time that they’re done or said is of meaning. It would be incredibly difficult to do it ‘on accident’ going by these guidelines like a lot of pop culture would have you believe First, you’d have to know which demon you want. Each demon has a specific talent or task it can complete. They also have their own sigils. That’s where works like Psuedomonarchia Deamonum, published in 1577, come in handy. Here’s my personal version of it if you’d like to read. It’s a full A-Z list of Hell’s notable demons and their standing in Lucifer’s leagues. Once you’ve figured that out, there’s a lot to plan. Preliminary incantations are just the beginning of pages upon pages of latin that would need to be spoken. The first Invocation is written on virgin parchment- parchment made of a young animal’s tanned hide, likely goat. Purification of the summoner must take place before any instruments for the summoning can be made:
The lancet, made of new steel on the day and hour of Jupiter in the crescent moon. Followed by reciting Orison and the Seven Psalms
The sacrificial knife, which needs to be made of new steel and strong enough to cut through the neck of a young goat. Made on the day of Mars on a full moon. It needs specific carvings on the hilt, and once more follow by Orison and the Seven Psalms
The virgin parchment, which must be made from the sacrificial goat, lamb, or other animal killed with the knife above. All other instruments must remain on the altar at the time of creation.
Two rods; both of hazel wood, one cut in a single stroke on the day and hour of Mercury on a cresent moon, one cut in a single stroke on the day and hour of the Sun. Followed by none other than Orison
Confused about all these days and hours? No worries- those of the time and talent would have had a great grasp on planetary days and hours. Every single step of tanning the virgin parchment comes with it’s own ceremony and incantations, and every action matters.
The summoner must to it all on their own before preparing themselves. They must pray in specific ways at specific times for three days. Seeing how we know this all must start in the day and hour of Jupiter, after those three days of prayer it would be 11 days of preparation.
The actual summoning ritual has to be on a Tuesday. It’s a lot of drawing of sigils, invocations and conjurations. It’s actually the simpler part of everything, if the grimoire is to be believed. However… it claims there to be two kinds of pacts to be made with demons: the tactic and the apparent. The apparent is notably also called the explicit. We can infer quite a bit from that one sly comment by our sassy writer here.
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Another go at,
"This was originally a reply to something someone said on one of my posts but I liked it so much it spawned into it's own thing, so I deleted the original reply and here we are"
og post, reply to @emmys-grimoire :
Oh, I absolutely don't think there's going to be a war arc and I've said so in a previous post - that's (at the end of the day) NOT the kind of game OM! is
When I say the War is "inevitable" I mean it in the context of the characters who are "living through" this situation, not in the context of us, the readers, from our outside perspective.
Characters like Solomon, Michael and even MC have expressed that they think this will all crash down into another war.
In other words, while characters in the game may see it as an inevitability, the people reading it who have outside knowledge about everything going on, knows that's complete bullshit
and both the original post and this are definitely NOT meant to be a bad faith reading of Michael either
I think he's a morally grey character, in that he's done equally good and bad things, but ultimately, even the bad things are done for the greater good
• Luke obviously cares about him
• Mammon says that he probably sent Luke to the human world in the og timeline, so that Luke can move past his narrow minded view of demons
• He clearly still cares for Lucifer and even the others
• Even after he turns Simeon human, Simeon still has faith in him and says that even when others can't understand why he does something he usually does it because he has a plan/for the greater good
• Despite initially thinking MC was "wicked" and also complaining about MC the last time, he still helps them even when he doesn't need to
• I also see Michael as being a pretty obvious counterpart to Diavolo, from the jovial almost childish excitement/personality to the ulterior motives to the long-suffering attendant trying to reign him in
1.) That being said, you can't deny that the racism between The Celestial Realm and The Devildom is a pretty big thing (literally one of the biggest parts of the plot is about trying to move past that).
We've seen it from both sides, and it's definitely something they all have to unlearn
We saw what Lucifer was like as an angel, how he treated the Devildom and Diavolo, and how even over the course of the glory days devilgram, by interacting with Diavolo he started unlearning some of those prejudices
Og timeline Michael has clearly already gone through this process, as he is actively encouraging Luke to go through it as well
Nightbringer timeline Michael has not. We see it in how desperately he tries to get Luke & Simeon back home and obviously because this is his first time in the Devildom and, presumably, his first time interacting with demons in a friendly/neutral context
When you have prejudices like this you never know it's something that's bad or untrue (and om shows this as well) until they start getting challenged. RAD is the perfect opportunity for this to happen to Michael
And he really isn't going to see it coming until he's already started to change
2.) When Michael says "balance" he's saying that he wants the brothers back in the Celestial Realm to restore balance. Because with them acting as leaders in the Devildom, it makes the Devildom stronger than the Celestial Realm.
I'm not saying he wants to start a war, or to subjugate anyone, he very much wants there to be peace/or at least no fighting.
But he also wants that to be by the Celestial Realm and Devildom being at an equal power level again aka the brothers going back
He also straight up says he wants MC to tell them to come back because without balance the war could start up again (specially because he said the celestial realm would then consider the devildom as a hostile party again) and the human world would get destroyed.
Like you said, he's most probably right that the human world will get destroyed in the case of a war but what he said to MC is still very much a threat.
He says, "do this for me because if not the actions my realm has promised to take will lead to your world being destroyed"
You could say that he does not truly mean it when he says he'll consider the Celestial Realm a hostile party again should the brothers not return BUT even if that were true
that is not a statement you can just lightly say, specially not to the people you have just come out of a war with, specially not to the leader of those people when you're acting as a political representative of your people
That is also very much a threat
3.) About how angels vs demons see humans,
Solomon said they both saw humans as something to be protected, while angels still kept away from humans and demons still ate them, but that they also didn't see humans as their equals
And I basically made a long post about how,
Angels probably saw humans; the way we see endangered animals, that must be loved and protected but not interacted with
While demons saw humans; the way we see domenstic, farm animals that can be loved and protected but also taken for food
Since humans are obviously sentient and intelligent beings (eh...) neither of these two views are good
4.) Personally the way I see it:
Michael, like Solomon and Lucifer, is a complex character, who has done bad/shady things for what they believe is the greater good
To get the full effect of him (and others like him...and really any of them) as a character:
You can't colour them only in shades of black and white
The same way you can't say that Michael is a character who has done only ""evil"" things you also can't turn a blind eye to the implications and consequences of what he has said and done
5.) He's done good things, he's done shitty things - the thing he did lately, about demanding the brothers come home and leveraging the continuned peace between the two realms, only a year after they left, after their sister was killed by the angels, after their sister was threatened with being banished for loving/helping a human was a shitty thing (in my perspective)
And, unlike og timeline Michael, nightbringer timeline Michael probably still has a lot of growing to do
And so the original post came frome a place of:
"Haha he's going to be hit by the same fucking train that got Lucifer and Luke and he's going to be just as bamboozled by it"
Overall, Michael's a character I'm very excited to meet (let him have long hair pls solmare you have no idea how much this means to me), I don't dislike him and (like with all my posts) every point I bring up as evidence and every point I use to build up a theory is picked up straight from canon (because I'm too lazy to come up with my own shit🫠), I genuinely like every character in om (yes even Mephisto despite clowning on him at any given opportunity) and so try to be objective when forming theories about them or trying to discern their thought processes and actions (and I'm not always successful because mammon exists and I'm an idiot🤡)
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ashland-frost · 1 year
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Am I still your friend
Ominis & Sebastian
After everything that had transpired, Sebastian found himself seated around the table in Feldcoft, engrossed in the letter from Anne. She was no longer going to be present in his life, and Solomon lay dead, buried just outside the house.
Surprisingly, no tears welled up within him as he sat there, grappling with the weight of it all. The door creaked open, and without a word spoken, he already knew who stood before him. Ominis approached, a heavy sigh escaping his lips before he finally broke the silence.
"Sebastian, I know you're here."
"Yes, Ominis, I'm here," Sebastian responded, his voice heavy with resignation. "Have you made your decision? I will accept whatever you choose."
Ominis placed a comforting hand on Sebastian's shoulder. "I cannot bring myself to send you to Azkaban. I just can't do it."
Sebastian continued to stare at Anne's letter, the words resonating deeply within him. She had made it clear that she would not return, leaving him to wonder what she would have come back to. "I've truly done it this time, haven't I? I have lost everything. I should have listened to you..." He paused, lifting his gaze to meet his best friend's eyes. "Ominis, why aren't you turning me in?"
"I... I thought I should. I believed you need to face the consequences for your actions. But what purpose would that serve other than to utterly shatter your sanity? It might even worsen your state of mind. I couldn't bare the thought of you enduring such agony," Ominis admitted, the weight of the unspoken words lingering between them, stifling the air.
"I feel like I've already lost my mind. What about Anne ? And the new fifth year? Are they accepting of this?" Sebastian's expression remained blank, concealing the multitude of emotions swirling within him.
Ominis took a deep breath, trying to choose his words carefully. "Anne believes you should face the consequences for your actions, but she doesn't want to see you imprisoned. As for the fifth year... well, they were in favor of that outcome, come back to hogwarts with me"
"I.. I understand," Sebastian replied tersely, his voice devoid of any further protest or comment. He rose from his seat, carefully tucking the letter into his pocket.
Ominis found himself at a loss for words, a profound silence enveloping them as they made their way back. The journey was marked by unspoken thoughts and unanswered questions.
From that day forward, Sebastian followed Ominis' lead obediently, carrying out his instructions without complaint. He began to distance himself from the fifth-year student, spending more time in solitude, contemplating life as he stared up at the sky. He was no longer as talkative as he once had been, his voice subdued.
Ominis started to feel the absence of his best friend keenly, unsure of what steps to take next. He yearned to bridge the growing divide but felt uncertain about how to approach Sebastian in his newfound state.
Ominis, feeling overwhelmed with emotions, decided to send an owl to Sebastian, requesting a meeting at the undercroft. Nervously, he paced back and forth, his mind filled with worry about saying the wrong things and potentially making matters worse. As the gates of the undercroft swung open, Sebastian entered, his eyes searching for Ominis before approaching him.
"Ominis, is something wrong?" Sebastian asked, observing his friend's restless pacing and muttered words.
"Oh, Sebastian, no, nothing is wrong. Well, maybe... I suppose this isn't going well. What was I even planning to say?" Ominis stammered, his nerves getting the better of him.
Sebastian watched Ominis with a mixture of confusion and concern. He had never seen his friend so flustered, finding it endearing but refraining from mentioning it in case it caused Ominis to become upset. While observing him, Sebastian's thoughts began to wander. Did he do something wrong? Was Ominis angry with him, which is why he called him here? "Ominis," Sebastian's voice cracked, "did I do something wrong? If I did, I'm sorry."
Hearing the pleading tone in Sebastian's voice, Ominis ceased his pacing and approached him. "Sebastian, heavens no! Please, it's nothing like that. I just wanted to talk to you."
"Okay, then. What is this about?" Sebastian inquired, peering into his friend's sightless eyes.
"Well, I miss you," Ominis confessed.
Sebastian furrowed his brow in confusion. "What do you mean? I'm here."
Ominis let out a sigh and stepped closer to Sebastian, placing his hands on the freckled boy's shoulders. "Listen, we both know this entire situation has been difficult for you. But I'm being selfish because I miss you. I miss our conversations, I miss our arguments... all you do now is agree with me. I'm sorry... I really miss you"
Sebastian stood there, staring blankly into Ominis's face, processing his words. "I... I'm sorry. I just didn't want to disappoint you again. You're all I have left. What would I do if you left me too?" For the first time since the night Solomon died, tears began to flow uncontrollably from Sebastian's eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... please don't leave me." He collapsed onto the floor, overwhelmed by grief. Ominis followed suit, falling beside him.
"Sebastian," he whispered, embracing him tightly. "I love you. Why would I ever leave you?"
Sebastian his gaze still fixed on Ominis, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions. "But I don't deserve your love," he managed to say, his voice filled with self-doubt. "How could you still want me? Someone like me is..." His sentence was cut off as Ominis leaned in and kissed him, silencing his words.
As their lips met, time seemed to stand still, and all the worries and uncertainties melted away. The kiss was gentle yet filled with a depth of emotion that words couldn't express. Sebastian felt a surge of warmth and acceptance wash over him, as if Ominis was reassuring him with this intimate gesture.
Pulling away slightly, Ominis hands still cupping Sebastian's face "Someone like you is who I fell in love with," he whispered softly. "And I need you to be whole."
Sebastian's heart skipped a beat, the weight of his self-criticisms starting to lift. He saw the sincerity and devotion in Ominis' eyes, realizing that he was cherished just as he was, flaws and all. A glimmer of hope and acceptance flickered within him, as he allowed himself to believe in their love.
With tears still lingering in his eyes, but now mixed with a newfound tenderness, Sebastian leaned in and kissed Ominis back. Breaking the kiss Sebastian looked at Ominis " I umm in what way exactly do you love me ?"
The radiant smile on Ominis' face spoke volumes of his love and affection. "Well, I had planned to confess my feelings after we graduate from Hogwarts, in a more romantic setting," he confessed, his voice filled with tenderness. "I imagined us living together in a beautiful home, perhaps even opening a shop together. But please know that I would never force this upon you. If you only wish to remain friends, I am content with that."
Sebastian's heart skipped a beat, his tears drying as he listened to Ominis' words. " I had no idea you were planning all of that, or that you felt this way about me," he replied, a mix of surprise and joy coloring his voice.
Ominis nodded, his expression earnest. "Yes, I debated for a while whether to confess or not. At one point, I even wondered if you had feelings for the new student."
Sebastian's eyes widened, shaking his head gently. "No, I don't feel that way about them, but I'll admit that I found them attractive" he assured, his voice filled with conviction.
"And what about me?" Ominis asked, his voice hopeful yet vulnerable. "Could our relationship be more than just friendship?"
Sebastian took a moment, his heart still processing the depth of his own emotions. "I... Can you give me some time to figure it out?" he requested, his voice filled with sincerity.
Ominis nodded, understanding and respect shining in his eyes. "Of course, Sebastian. Take all the time you need. But please, let's at least be best friends again."
Sebastian's laughter filled the air, a beautiful sound that resonated with joy. It had been too long since they shared such lighthearted moments. Ominis couldn't contain his excitement, leaning in and kissing Sebastian once more, his heart brimming with affection. "Oh, sorry," he chuckled softly. "I got carried away with my excitement. I promise to give you the time you need."
Sebastian blushed, grateful that Ominis couldn't see the warmth spreading across his cheeks.
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journey-to-the-attic · 6 months
3rd anni req 4: [RPG AU] solomon / past life
ao3 link
note: i really enjoyed writing this one! i've been meaning to do more for this au for ages, it's just such a fun concept to work with, but i just never get around to it
brief context if needed: fantasy rpg au setting, solomon is a reincarnation of the evil sorcerer solomon who was trying to evade persecution, and in his new life he is best friends and travelling companions with young hero ik, and here he finds out the truth about himself
∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎
This place feels more like a mausoleum than a house.
The reports say that the owner died decades ago, and that the house has lain undisturbed ever since - up until recently. That isn’t the story Solomon’s seeing here, though.
It’s dusty, but it doesn’t feel like a place that’s been abandoned for eighty years. Try five, maybe.
He brushes a finger through a thick layer of dust on a shelf. These odd contraptions littered around the place - cogs and glassware with no rhyme or reason - aren’t ancient by any stretch of the imagination. He picks up something that resembles a wind-up toy and turns the key. The wheels still spin smoothly.
Welcome home.
He jumps. “...IK?”
No response. He listens hard - he can hear footsteps coming from upstairs. But that voice came from just behind him - surely she can’t move that quickly?
“That wasn’t funny,” He calls, attempting bravado.
Really? I thought it was hilarious.
He manages not to jump this time. He swings around and presses his back to the wall, hand falling to the knife at his hip.
Hey, there’s no need for that, says the strange voice, amused. I’m a friend.
“A friend,” He repeats warily.
Quite an intimate friend, agrees the voice, and he hears the groan of wood from just around the corner. Come with me. I have something to show you.
Don’t bother, it adds as he makes for the hallway, to call IK down to join him. There’s nothing here worth the little girl’s attention.
“Don’t call her that,” He grunts with a spark of indignation. “And—”
I daresay what you’ll find would only hurt the youngster, adds the voice, and at this he pauses.
“...fine.” His mouth feels dry - he hears the irregular pattern of his own breathing as if from miles away. “What do you want to show me?”
Follow me, croons the voice, and something shimmers at him from around the corner.
Let me show you something remarkable, it tells him. The brightest mind in any generation. The most prolific mass murderer this land has ever seen. There’s plenty to learn.
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about,” He growls. “But I don’t want any part in it.”
And yet he finds himself following the voice anyway.
Aren’t you just a little curious?
Wouldn’t you like to just take a little peek?
So close now. What a shame it would be to miss out.
And what a shame it would be to not know more. How close-minded!
Sharp pain lances through his temples - he stumbles, catching himself on a red velvet curtain, gripping the side of his head with a groan. “What— what are you playing at?!”
Side effects. Don’t mind those.
“I…” He can hear colours, taste sounds - feel as he’s never felt before, like millions of icy needles drawing fire from his skin. “...this…”
Why don’t you take a look behind the curtain? The voice whispers.
His mind feels in free-fall - he shakes his head blindly, but he finds himself reaching forward. He seizes a fistful of cold velvet and pulls.
Everything around him seems to shrink to a point. His own pale face stares back at him through the mirror.
“Is this some sort of joke?” He mutters.
His reflection grins back at him. “Welcome home, Solomon. It took you long enough.”
“What…” He tries to step back, but his feet feel anchored to the ground. “...I don’t understand.”
“Of course you don’t! Poor, gullible human that you are.” Mirror-Him laughs. “How cute. Did you have fun living with the mundane, at least?”
He tries to find words, but the reflection doesn’t wait for an answer. “I suppose I don’t need you to tell me. I’ll know soon enough. Now, come here. It’ll all make sense in a moment.”
He doesn’t move. His reflection frowns at him.
“Slow on the uptake, aren’t you?” Mirror-Solomon presses a hand against the glass. “It’s me - I’m you. I’m the part of us that had to die so that you could walk free. Me and you - two pieces of a glorious arcane puzzle.”
He feels his own hand moving to meet his reflection, and fights to keep it still. “That’s ridiculous. I’m not—”
“Not a sorcerer?” Mirror-Him sighs. “I’ve got news for you, cupcake. You wouldn’t be able to see me if you did.”
His head thumps. He says again, lost, “I don’t understand.”
His reflection’s expression softens a little. “I told you, didn’t you? We are the brightest mind any generation has ever seen. Before I died, you prised secrets of life straight from time’s mouth. We unlocked it together - in death, you would be reborn.”
“And when we reunite, I will be whole,” He recites, then claps a hand to his mouth. He doesn’t know where the words have resurfaced from.
His reflection grins at him. “Now you’re getting it. Come on, Solomon. Set us free.”
I know you.
I’ve felt the weight of your sins everywhere I’ve gone. Every place you’ve touched, people have died. Every time I bring your face somewhere new, it’s as if the land itself remembers what you’ve done. I hated it.
Now I understand. I feel it now - your hatred. My anger.
IK is upstairs. I can’t let you hurt her.
“Worried, are you?” His reflection leans closer, dropping his voice to a whisper. “I’ve got a secret to tell you. Once you remember everything, you won’t care.”
That’s exactly what I’m afraid of, he thinks, and the pain in his head suddenly intensifies. It’s all he can do to keep himself from crying out.
“You’ve been waiting for me - you just didn’t know it.” Mirror-Him doesn’t sound surprised by his disobedience. Perhaps that’s the worst part.
A thought, a foreign memory - he’d known this would happen, and that he wouldn’t be able to resist it. He’s a weak-willed mortal, after all.
He moves before he can stop himself. His hand meets the reflection - the cold of the glass cuts into him, and in one silent instant, everything ends. And everything begins.
He feels his legs collapse beneath him - he lands against the wall with a cough, heaving for air as if he hasn’t tasted it in years. Indeed, half his soul has starved in that mirror for the past five years.
Solomon stares down at his hands and sees blood. His fingertips buzz - warm sparks dance across his palms, as if the magic itself rejoices to be reunited with his mortal body. He feels himself smile.
He stands up. His reflection moves with him now. To be honest, part of him had been worried the mirror wouldn’t hold up for long enough - but he hadn’t exactly had time to seek a crystal looking-glass. Oh, that’s new. I remember…
“Oh, how I’ve missed you,” He says to himself.
He imagines this is how the man in the desert must feel - who finally finds water after hours in the scorching heat. How clever he is - a lesser being wouldn’t be able to cope with even a fraction of this operation.
His two sets of memories melt into each other easily. Like simply adding water to a jug. And—
“Solomon? I think we should get out of here.”
He whips around, and immediately knows he’s made a mistake. IK blinks at him from the end of the hallway, clearly unnerved by how quickly he reacted.
“...I think we’re dealing with magic scraps here,” She says after a moment, still eyeing him warily. “Some kind of crazy wizard or something. We need to get someone who knows about that kind of thing to look at it.”
“Crazy wizard?” He repeats almost incredulously. He’s blinded fools for lesser insults.
“I’ve never seen some of the stuff upstairs.” She grimaces. “The shadows were all moving - I swear one of them had teeth.”
Her left arm is dangling uselessly at her side, and he suddenly registers the dark red stains on her sleeves. He feels a familiar rush of worry, and hurries forward without thinking.
“You got bitten?” He reaches forward to inspect the wound, then thinks better of touching it just yet. “Are you alright? How do you feel?”
“Just stings like hell. I’ll probably live.” She attempts to make a thumbs up with the injured arm, then sucks in a breath and shakes her head. “...I’ll ask Luke to look at it later. We should really get going - I don’t think it’s safe here.”
He thinks about telling her that this house is under his control - that the shadows she saw were likely the remnants of failed experiments, that they’re some botched form of life that didn’t know how else to play. He thinks about telling her that that bite might well have been venomous, and that only he knows how to prevent the toxins from rotting her arm from the inside out.
He thinks about telling her that it’s all been for nothing - all the times she’s had to defend him from mobs, everyone from royal guards to fruit vendors, who’d seen him for what he was and rightfully spat at his feet. He thinks of telling her that there’s no need to shield him like this as they leave the house.
He thinks about telling that he knows fifty ways to kill her right there without leaving a trace, and hundreds more that would leave some far worse than a corpse.
But he doesn’t. He lets IK take his hand and lead him down the hill.
He can’t seem to smile now. His hands are clean, and yet he tastes iron each time he tries to speak.
What happened? What happened, Solomon? How did your master plan go wrong?
There was one contingency he didn’t plan for. He’d known he wouldn’t have the power to reject his old self - but somehow missed that, equally, he couldn’t simply abandon his new life, either.
Solomon realises now that his plan had been spoiled from the moment IK helped him out of that pit. The sorcerer, in all his wisdom, had failed to consider this - that he could love and be loved in that next life.
It feels as if the earth should swallow him whole, and yet nothing seems to have changed. The local lord greets him cheerfully when he rides past on a hunting expedition. He remembers poisoning that boy’s father.
New knowledge supplanted by the old, and memories from both past and future in tandem. What could he possibly do now?
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obey-me-hoe · 1 month
OM! Side characters as anime
This is based off animes that I've actually seen so I can match the vibes to the characters. If y'all think of any, feel free to let me know in the comments/reblogs.
[The Brothers as anime]
Diavolo - One Piece
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Fun pirate show for the fun demon prince. Luffy plans to be the future king of the pirates while Dia plans to be the future demon king. Many of these characters are silly goofy but can really come through when it matters just like Dia. If there's a fun/silly event going on then you better believe at least half the crew is gonna wanna join in. Reminds me of Dia and his parties/events. Mans just wants to have fun 🥺
Barbatos - Black Butler
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Demon butler does any and everything for his young master. I feel like this doesn't need more explanation bc that's literally the exact same as Barbs. Although, Barbs is seemingly nicer than Sebastian especially to his young master (Bassy be making fun of Ciel any chance he gets 😂).
Solomon - Fullmetal Alchemist
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Alchemy seems rather similar to sorcery so it fits. The main characters go around searching for more knowledge to help with their alchemy and meet lots of fascinating people along the way. Sol has traveled a lot to further his sorcery and I'm sure he's met lots of different people too. There is a quiet sadness present within the main characters which I feel applies to Sol as well 😭
Simeon - Fruits Basket
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On the outside this show seems really cute and sweet but it is chalked full of sadness and pain much like how I see Simeon. He's sweet on the outside but I know deep down he carries a heavy pain especially after his brothers fell. Much like the main character of this show, he just wants everyone to be happy even if it costs him.
Luke - Haikyu!!
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First off, the main character's height is made fun of often just like little Lukey. The main character is determined to achieve great things despite what he lacks. Luke is trying his hardest to become a great angel someday despite the obstacles he's faced with.
Mephistopheles - Ouran High School Host Club
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It's a bunch of really rich dudes from important families being dramatic. Need I say more? Jk, it also has these dudes learning and growing into better people with the help of the protagonist. Mephisto definitely lives up to the important rich dramatic guy thing but he starts to learn and grow as a demon with the help of MC and the others.
Raphael - Link Click
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Raph gives me big Lu Guang vibes (soft/quiet and shows he cares in small ways instead of saying it). They're both kinda sassy at times too. This show gives slight despressy vibes which I get from Raph as well.
Thirteen - Soul Eater
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A show about collecting souls is perfect for the reaper. This show has fun pops of color while also having some dark themes which I feel like matches Thirteen. She also reminds me of Stein who invents stuff but is also a little unhinged.
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666writingcafe · 11 months
Three Days Later
It's been eerily quiet ever since we returned to Purgatory Hall. Solomon and I have taken turns at keeping an eye on the door, just in case anyone comes with any news about MC's sudden disappearance.
Currently, I'm in the living room with Luke, helping him with some of his homework. I can tell he's just as worried as we are, but I'm trying to keep his mind off it the best I can. He doesn't need to carry that kind of burden; he's only a child.
The loud, rapid knock on the door startles both of us. Luke starts to get up, but I force him to stay put.
"Solomon's got it," I remind him. As Luke resumes doing his homework, I attempt to focus on the conversation happening at the door, but I can't make out anything distinct.
That is, until I hear the door slam.
"What's going on?" Luke asks. "Is everything alright?"
"Simeon." Solomon bursts into the room, looking at me expectantly.
"I'll be back, Luke." I pat him on the shoulder as I stand up. Solomon darts out, and I have to walk quickly to catch up to him.
When Solomon opens the door back up, he reveals two people: one that I've never seen before, and...
When my eyes meet theirs, I instantly realize why Solomon called for me.
"Give me your hand," I instruct. They extend one out to me, and I sandwich it between my own hands. They're warm, but not supernaturally so.
"They're alive."
Solomon directs me to step back so that MC and their guest can come inside, allowing him to shut the door behind them.
"You have no idea how worried we were, MC," Solomon whispers. "When I saw you point the dagger towards yourself, it sent shivers down my spine." I figured that Solomon sent all of us out of the room so that MC could choose a victim for the blade, but I didn't think they would pick themselves.
"You all are incredibly lucky I was there," the female stranger replied. "Otherwise, they would be dead."
"So, I take it the dagger did not get used?" I ask.
"No. Look at their hand." Glancing down at MC's other hand, I notice a ring that wasn't there before. A simple black band.
Wait a minute. Is that what I think it is? The look on Solomon's face confirms that it is.
"It was supposed to have been lost in the carnage of the Great War," he murmurs in awe. "Clearly, I was mistaken."
I have questions.
As Solomon takes MC to the living room to reunite with Luke, I stop the stranger from following them.
"Who are you?" I ask her.
"Thirteen," they reply. That name sounds familiar. "And you must be Simeon, the angel that got demoted after the war."
"How do you know about that?" Thirteen crosses her arms.
"It's my business to know about these sorts of things." What does she mean...
Oh. Of course. She's a reaper.
"Why did you help MC?" She shrugs.
"It wasn't their time."
"I doubt that's the only reason." The words escape my mouth with a sharpness I did not intend. However, instead of her responding in kind, Thirteen sighs.
"You're right. It wasn't. I had to keep a promise I made a long time ago." Interesting. I didn't think reapers made promises, unless...
Unless it was to keep something safe.
"The ring was never lost, was it?" Thirteen shakes their head.
"Lucifer gave it to me. He thought that it was fitting at the time, seeing as he was no longer an angel."
"Nor was he no longer tied to Michael."
"Exactly. That connection now belongs to Solomon and MC. Hopefully, they make better use of it." I smile as I guide Thirteen to the living room.
"They'll make a great pair. Trust me."
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
On the way up to Mammon's apartment, he's definitely complaining he won't be able to sleep. "N-Not because I'm scared or anything from the movie! It's just ... T-The plot twist was so crazy, I-I'm gonna think about it all night!" Poor Mammon.
okay Mammon's apartment is above the coffee shop. I'm thinking it's a maybe two rooms and one bathroom. But one is his bedroom and the other he uses as his office/storage, so Solomon and I will have to sleep on the pullout couch. Solomon does offer to take a sleeping bag if I'm not okay with sharing, and I stubbornly reject his proposal. That wouldn't be fair.
But it'd be cute if we all got changed into our pajamas and got ready for bed together (Solomon in a long sleeve shirt and plaid pants gotta save the tattoos as a surprise, Mammon in a tank top and sweats, me in a comfy shirt and shorts.) I gotta admit, I am dying slightly getting to see Mammon in a tank top, but am doing my best to hold it together. Solomon on the other hand is mostly unaffected. There is the tiniest hint of a blush on his face though.
But everyone getting ready for bed in the bathroom together would be so domestic akdjd. Asmo has definitely roped Mammon and Solomon into having skincare routines, so they're squinting at each other when they notice similar products. Meanwhile I've finished brushing my teeth and take my hair out of it's ponytail, which has the two of them looking at me like I've grown a third head because they've never seen me with my hair all the way down.
Mammon gets everything set up, pillows, blankets, everything, and tells us to wake him up if we need anything before he heads to his room. Now I get to share the couch with Solomon, but I'm definitely curled up on the edge and trying to take as little space as possible to not bother him. It takes what feels like forever for me to fall asleep. But the horror movie is still fresh in my mind. It was all I could think about before sleeping, and I have trouble sleeping in new places as well.
I'm woken up by Solomon shaking me and startled as hell when they're both leaning over me, before I remember where I am. Solomon says I was tossing and turning, and sounded upset. And he had knocked over something trying to turn on the light, which in turn woke up Mammon. Though, by the looks of it, Mammon hadn't even went to sleep in the first place. I sheepishly apologize to both of them, trying to tell them they don't need to worry.
Solomon is having none of it, and he definitely picks up on how rough Mammon looks. Once again, he is the one to initiate things. He scoots over on the couch, before beckoning Mammon over. Mammon scoffs and denies that he needs any comfort and that the futon will be too small. Solomon pats the space next to him again, but with a stern smile, and Mammon is quick to comply. "I meant it when I said I'd protect you both."
Mammon is grumbling but he doesn't fight when Solomon pulls him against his chest so he can lay his head down, he's just blushing hard.
As always, I'm more hesitant to be vulnerable because I'm not used to this, even when the cuddles look so tempting. But Solomon is a sly mf. He reaches out to run his fingers through my hair, making me jump at first before relaxing. He scratches at my scalp, sneakily guiding me down to also curl up against him. And it's hard to be scared or nervous when I'm feeling so cared for. I can hear Sol's heartbeat like this, and despite him taking the initiative and appearing calm, his heart is racing as fast as mine, probably as fast as Mammon's too- Oh wait, he's snoring quietly. It didn't take long for him to pass out. We both share a glance and snicker at the adorable sight.
My own eyes feel heavy, and Sol's hands are moving slower and slower. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, draping my arm across his waist as I press my face against him. There's no more nightmares for anyone that night. Only the best sleep anyone's ever had.
So good that Mammon sleeps through his first alarm, and tries to ignore his second one. He groans and sinks deeper into the warmth, only to be startled by someone chuckling. Solomon, who is tracing patterns on Mammon's bicep, and is groggy af but had been woken by the persistent alarm (he is not a morning person). Meanwhile, I'm out like a light.
Mammon gets embarrassed when he recalls everything that happened last night, but he's never felt so well rested, even on only a couple hours of sleep. He disentangles himself reluctantly, only because he needs to get ready for work and actually get up if he wants the alarm to stop blasting. It wouldn't be fair to make the other two suffer. He quiets any half asleep protests, pulling the blanket over Solomon and I before he gets ready for the day as quietly as possible and heads downstairs to begin baking. He's definitely running behind.
'Come down when you two wake up. I'll have fresh coffees and pastries, so don't keep me waiting, yeah?' - Sticky note left on Sol's forehead, with a heart scrawled out and the smiley Mammon always uses next to it instead.
AKSJD THIS GOT LONG AGAIN WAHH. Horror devilgrams and the bed sharing that ensues lives rent free in my mind. The way both Mammon AND MC had nightmares about the other being the bad guy after watching the scissor movie. Rip them.
Solomon is always in the middle, living his best life !! I'm sure they'll take turns being in the middle once they actually get together, but they always end up a mess of limbs by morning. Y'know, whenever they get together. Omg. Is this a slow burn ?? Oops. They're gonna have a happy ending !! Yeah!!....just ...... Some obstacles to get there 😗 ahem, learning to let people in... The boys are going to be losing it with my obliviousness as well aksjd. Wish them luck.
*checks notes* Playlist drama next ?! I think I might add the concert scene before Halloween party, for a little bit of ✨ spice ✨ (the emotional kind, not the frisky one unfortunately saving that for halloween AHAHA) ... I really gotta figure out the time line! I keep thinking of scenes aaaa. We'll see. OKAY BYEEE, HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT/DAWN UHHH... MAY A SUPER GOOD SALE COME TO YOUR LOCAL SUPERMARKET ON YOUR FAVORITE SNACK ?? WISHING THAT BC I HAVEN'T GOTTEN BETTER WITH HYDRATION AJSD
- ✨ anon
Can I just say how much I love these updates? I look forward to every single one! When I see it, I'm always like awww yes I'm gonna get cozy and enjoy the latest scenario with these three cuties!!
AND I LOVED THIS SO MUCH. AHhhhh Solomon is the glue that brings you all together!! 'Cause without him, this would be an EVEN SLOWER burn, y'all are lucky to have him lol.
Yes yes yes I was HOPING that they'd all end up cuddling together, it's seriously so sweet!!! I love it so much! And Mammon just being like ugh I gotta get up and omg the sticky note!
I also love the domesticness of them all getting ready for bed together! Ahh domestic scenes are the best!
OH NO DRAMA. I'm ready!!
And personally, I love slow burns! It takes time to let someone in when you're guarded like that!! I like when characters take the time to really get to know each other!
Anyway, I am loving it all as always!! I hope you also have a wonderful day/night/etc!
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rubberduckrobin · 11 months
Dreams of the future.
Pairing: Simeon X GN!Reader
“ My heart beats out of my chest for them and I just can’t help it. Is it love?”
Y/N has been invited over for a sleepover at Purgatory hall, with Luke, Solomon and Simeon, but Simeon struggles concealing his newfound feelings for them….
Read Simeon’s perspective as he falls deeper in love with them…
Word Count: Around 4k
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49380574/chapters/124613413
Author's note: Heyyy, idk what to say…um….yeah. 🤷‍♂️ Enjoy reading!
TW: Nothing I can think of.
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Part 1: My heart is beating and I know why.
I didn’t get a good night's sleep last night. I guess the issue was anticipation. I have to admit it, I'm so excited. Luke has been so pumped up for this sleepover and I suppose it’s rubbed off on me…
The more I think about it, the more I can’t think at all; all of the words inside my head seem to jumble to form images of what may be the future or what may not be; and I just have to sit there an comfort myself that i’m not going to make a fool of myself in front of them.
Y/N was invited. Is that the reason that whenever I think about it, it's with not only feelings of excitement but also fear? Are they the reason that my heart pounds whenever I think of them staying over, or just the thought of them at all? 
I don’t know much about love. In the Celestial Realm, all I knew was to value kinship above everything else. Not once have I felt the sensations I felt, to quite the extent, from just standing near them. 
My heart beats out of my chest for them and I just can’t help it. Is it love? I didn't notice these feelings until the idea of the sleepover came up. It was Luke's idea to plan this, and looking back on my motives to go along with it, I now realise that I agreed with the sole purpose of getting to spend more time with Y/N. 
It’s unusual how I was so blind to the sensations I felt in my body before. How could I have not noticed my strong longing to hold them in my arms, intertwine our fingers, pepper them with soft kisses. 
It’s foolish, I know. Solomon told me the same. He’d noticed long before me, and I only just noticed this now. He’d told me that it was obvious that I held a special place in my heart for Y/N, and that I was a fool in love who didn’t know yet. He said it teasingly, but perhaps it was right. 
Perhaps I'm really falling for them. Or perhaps I already have. I’m not used to this. How can I remember what I felt like before? It's like when you're sick, the sensation prevents you from remembering what it's like to be healthy. Oh, that would make more sense of the expression “lovesick” then. I guess I'll need a doctor, hehe.
The doorbell is ringing…my heart is pounding…
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Part 2: I can no longer think without a thought of you.
Luke, Solomon and I welcome them at the door and seeing their smile makes me feel more at ease, remembering how many other days they had spent at Purgatory Hall. Not overnight, however, but it surely can’t be too much of a difference; even though they will be sleeping over, they will be sleeping in Luke’s room once we are all tired enough to declare the night’s events over. 
I realise that (in a hidden disappointment ) perhaps it's best that Solomon and I retreat to our own rooms. Luke may be an angel who has lived for more than the average human does, but he is still a child in angel standards, and being an angel alone can also put someone at ease, so I'm sure Y/N would be more comfortable sleeping with just Luke. Luke is overjoyed, of course. He’s really taken a liking to them, and I think he sees them as his best friend. This is the happiest I've seen him and I'm glad.
I wonder how Y/N charms so many people. Solomon has been stolen by their charms too, and being honest, it makes me jealous. He’s much more forward and flirtatious than I am and sometimes I just have to hope that Y/N hasn’t fallen for him before me. If I even had a chance, that is. 
If there’s even the slither of possibility that whenever Y/N sees me their heart beats at the same rapid pace as mine, and that they feel jittery at just the slight brush of our shoulders, then perhaps maybe I would indulge in a more open expression of my feelings for them. 
When my eyes meet theirs I see the realm of possibility that they share my feelings. But when they look away, I can see it shatter, and I can feel the thumping in my heart when they tell me that they can’t accept how I feel for them, outcasting me. Neglecting me for Solomon, perhaps. 
Yet again, my heart doesn't allow this, and desperately tries to pull me closer to them, my lips to part and for me to just…say it. Tell them that i've never felt this way about someone before. Tell them that I want to hold them in my arms, intertwine our fingers and pepper them with soft kisses. Tell them that I don’t want them to smile at Solomon, or Luke, or anyone else, only me, and that we would dance in my dreams forever.
We’ve now made it into the kitchen. Of course, all of the previous thoughts were momentary, however not once has it escaped the back of my mind. 
Luke says “Do you guys want to bake cupcakes for our first activity? I brought the ingredients!”
I catch a glance at Y/N and they seem eager, so I reflect that on myself too, hoping that they could find the similarity between us, and want to search for more. 
We start to prepare. Luke preheats the oven. I start to crack the eggs that had been left out to set while I watch in the corner of my eye Y/N and Solomon, too close for my own comfort, and they smile at each other and my heart hurts. They take out the ingredients from the fridge and their hands meet as my own clench, not in anger, but regret in knowing I haven't been working hard enough to have a closer bond with Y/N. 
I tell myself I'm getting too worked up and need to focus on just having a good time. 
So I do just that. 
When we are all mixing the ingredients in the bowl, I take the opportunity to ‘flirt’ a little with Y/N. I put my hand in the flour bag and as I took it out, I flicked it on their face. They flinch a little and I start to feel bad, but then I notice that beautiful smile of theirs again, and it gives me courage to keep going - I grab a bigger amount of flour and chuck it at them, but of course not too much to waste it, and this time it ends up all over their face, including right to the tip of their nose, and I find it absolutely adorable. So much as to stupidly comment on it:
On the tip of my tongue, the words slip out and I catch myself saying “you're so cute” mid-way from what seems to be a giggle. 
I didn’t intend to make things awkward but an inevitable solitary gap follows. In order to ease the awkward tension, I laugh and scratch at the nape of my neck. 
Solomon notices and joins along too, taking some flour and throwing it at me. I inhale the powder and sneeze a little. 
“Revenge” he says, with that classic, seductive smirk. If I hadn’t fallen for Y/N first, I'd probably be head over heels for this man. 
Luke joins in with the fun too, and takes a dainty amount of flour, presumably not to waste any more, and throws it at Solomon. Solomon turns around and pulls a fake angry face, but Luke takes it a bit too seriously and gulps. I notice this so I step out and gave him a good pat on the head to let him know we were just playing, but little did he know that I had flour all over my hand! 
Solomon points this out, we laugh and by the time the cupcake mixture is in the mould, I had forgotten my negative thoughts from earlier.
Y/N still has a bit of flour on their cheek…I lick my finger subconsciously and wipe it off…
Thank the celestial realm that no one else saw…well, except for Y/N…they turn away and their face reddens…I'm worried I may have made them uncomfortable, or even angry. 
“Oh…! I-I’m sorry.”
But before I can catch their response, everyone's attention turns to the oven as it pings, letting us know that the cupcakes are ready. 
“Guys guys! Look~! They look great don’t they!” Luke exclaims while taking them out of the oven. The cupcakes are a sort of golden-brown colour and they look absolutely delicious. 
“Shall we decorate them?” Solomon suggests. I have to agree that they do seem plain. 
I turn to Y/N who seems to have decided to ignore what happened, and me in the process, and they seem pretty enthusiastic to decorate the cupcakes.
And I now feel the same. 
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Part 3: Setting the mood.
It’s been a long day. 
I’m not necessarily tired, but it seems as though Luke definitely is - he dozed off within the first few hours of our film marathon. So, we have decided to move to my room, so we don't disturb him. 
Once we get there, Y/N immediately makes a beeline towards my bed, and I can’t help but blush. Seeming relaxed, they leap onto it and sigh. I’m glad they don’t feel self-conscious about the fact that they are in my room for the first time. 
“Oh…sorry! I see a bed and I run to it, haha…” They go to stand up but I assure them it's fine, and it's exactly what we were doing in Luke's room in order to watch the film on Solomon’s D.D.D. 
We all sit on my bed, and lie down with Solomon in the middle, phone in front of us. Every now and then, my eyes drift towards Y/N from across us, and I see them intently watching the movie. I’m not too keen on this sort of movie, but it was their suggestion so Solomon and I thought we should try it; don’t get me wrong, it’s not too bad, but i’d rather admire Y/N…I didn’t intend for that to be creepy in any way, but i suppose it does seem like that. 
The film has ended now, and Solomon gets up and stretches. Through a yawn, he says “I’m starting to feel knackered, so I’m gonna go to bed early. Although, I do have a film recommendation for you!”
“But won’t you want to watch it too?” Y/N makes a good point. I sense an ulterior motive to what Solomon is doing…
“Nah. I’m good. I’ve seen it too many times to count. Let me know what you think in the morning. Good night!” And with a casual wave, he’s gone to his room. 
That sly sorcerer. I know what he’s doing. You can already tell by the title of the film: it’s a romance.
However, Y/N seems eager to try, and I'm not tired so I suppose I'll do it for them…
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Part 4: Romance movies set the mood. How I would like to kiss you…
We are mid-way through the film now, watching on my D.D.D now, of course, and the romantic progressions are starting to show. The main character has finally admitted their feelings for him, but he is oblivious to his own. (I’m starting to see why Solomon chose this one specifically…)
Now…she kisses him. I shuffle in my position. I’m starting to feel a bit awkward sitting next to Y/N, and my heart starts to beat faster than it was before. I wonder if they feel the same way. 
Maybe I should just tell them. In fact…I will.
As the kissing scene gets more passionate, I sneak a glance at them…
They are fast asleep. 
I don’t mean to think this in an unsettling way, but they are even beautiful when they sleep…I watch the rise and fall of their breath, only for a moment, despite it feeling like eternity. They look so peaceful. I wonder what they are dreaming of. Of me? Or of a blank canvas. 
I’m disappointed I wasn’t able to tell them how I felt. There’s always tomorrow, I guess.
I turn off my phone and we are submerged in darkness momentarily before my eyes adjust. I carefully get off the bed in order not to disturb them, and I just stand there a moment. Only for a moment, I see what could be. I see my hand in theirs, their heart for mine. 
I cover them with my duvet. 
As much as I wished I could sleep beside them, I know that it would be inappropriate. Despite the fact that they look so cosy and warm, I must fight my desperacy to stay beside them. 
I try to settle on my settee, ready to sleep. 
I eventually drift into a light slumber… 
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Part 5: I’m ready to sleep, knowing i’ll see you in my dreams.
Even in my vacancy of consciousness, my mind still wanders to the thought of them. Their smile, their laugh…
When I close my eyes I think of them, I dream of them. I see them in idle scenarios made of coffee shops and dancing in the rain. They make me feel as though I am in a dream in itself, never wanting to wake up from my lovesick acoma. 
My dreams are of what I could have said or done with them, but they are also made of what could possibly be. Dreams of the future. 
In the darkness of my shut eyelids I see their silhouette in colours; colours of beauty and gold. I find myself tracing the outer lines of their shadows that stayed with me from the day and the remnants of memories that I spent with them. 
Solomon is right…I do hold a special place in my heart for them.
I think I love them.
I love Y/N…
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Part 6: Hazy mornings, hazy dreams.
I wake up - there’s no way to tell whether it's daytime, being in the Devildom and all. 
It’s difficult to see, so I tumble off…oh. Right. I slept on my settee. That explains the sudden back ache I have. After I'd lazily slumped off, rubbing my hazed eyes, I stretched a little, and a yawn escaped me. 
I go to check the time on my D.D.D when I hear a noise…
From under the constraint of my duvet, I can hear their faint lethargic breaths. Y/N seems to still be asleep.
I’ve only just taken in what I had just heard…my name? 
I must be mistaken.
But I heard it again. This time, louder and clearer, as though they knew I was trying to listen. Or maybe because they were calling out for me. 
Does this mean…they are dreaming of me, too? 
Tell me universe, is this a sign? I don’t believe my own heart when it tells me it is. I suppose I can’t trust anything but their own words.
If they are dreaming of me, I wonder what it’s about.
Hm…? I listen intently to see if they add anything.
“I really love…”
Love? They love what? 
No no, Y/N…finish…I subconsciously make my way towards my bed, and sit on the end. I look at their face; before admiring their features as I normally do, I notice that their expression is content, in a light smile.
“Come closer…”
For a second, I almost believe that they are talking to me. 
Perhaps I should stop listening…
Oh lord. 
“Why am I in your bed? …oh yeah. Um…thank you…wait…where did you sleep?!”
They leap up suddenly, and it makes me jump a little. I can feel my cheeks heat up at just the thought of what they were implying.
“O-oh! No, I slept on my settee. I promise.” 
I hold out my pinkie to them.
“It’s alright…”
And for a moment, I swear they say under their breath, the words I wanted to hear…“I wouldn’t have minded”, but maybe it was my imagination at work again.
They rise out of my bed and I get up to turn on my bedside lamp.
We are both wearing the same clothes as last night. Luke was the only one who had put on pyjamas, the rest of us had just remained in our lounging clothes. 
Y/N gasps, seemingly looking at their reflection on the camera app of their D.D.D (how did they even get it to face them? i’m not good with technology…).
I take a sudden fleeting moment to look at them under the warmth of the light and I notice their horrendous bed hair…not that it makes them look bad, of course, I'd never even dream it possible…but the hair itself has become so tangled it creates an almost abstract appearance that I’d deem it an entire otherworldly being…okay, that was an exaggeration, but their reaction compliments my description well.
I have a sudden thought. Whilst they are checking their D.D.D notifications, I swiftly open my drawer and retrieve my comb. I remove my own stranded hairs from it, discard them and approach Y/N. 
With sudden confidence, I catch their attention by tapping them lightly on the head with the comb. 
“Here, you can borrow this.” I say with a polite smile, and they turn to me and my confidence vanishes in an instance. And there it is, their smile…
“…oh! Thanks, Simeon. True lifesaver, I forgot mine.”
I watch them put their D.D.D down and struggle to get the knots out of their hair.
“Um…Y/N…would you like some…help?”
How I would love to brush their hair. I guess sometimes my thoughts escape my mouth before I even realise it.
After some consideration, they say “…yes.”. I’d imagined the opposite. I’m relieved.
They hand me the brush and sit on my armchair and I think to myself “Good heavens…why is my heart beating so fast? I’ve brushed Luke’s hair before and it was alright. Although I suppose the circumstance is different, seeing as I consider Luke a younger brother. 
And Y/N…well…I’m hoping I’ll someday have the ability to consider them something more than just a friend…and maybe, that day will be today, if I regain the courage I had last night.
As I stroke through their hair with my comb, we remain in a comfortable silence. 
I get the sudden feeling that perhaps now I should tell them. They would be leaving soon, and I most likely wouldn’t be seeing them until the next week…
I’m going to do it. I’m going to tell them-
“Did I…snore last night?”
Oh my god, why did they have to do that to me - I thought my heart would burst out of my chest there and then! 
But now I notice my own disappointment and my heart sinks. 
Through strained nervous laughter I say, “Haha, no, no you didn't…,” Should I bring up the sleep talking? Too late…”,but you did talk in your sleep…”
“Oh gosh! Really!” They turn to me as I finish off the last section of their hair. I ran my fingers through it to make sure I didn’t miss anything…it’s as soft as I’d thought it would be.
I would say that their hair is one of my favourite things about them..but it’s an impossible choice out of millions of other things…Although, if you’d forced me to pick something of them all, my ultimate favourite would be their smile.
Knowing that they are happy makes me happy. Is that selfish? Or perhaps because it also helps them be their utmost self, showing off their other millions of favourable traits. 
“Mhm, yeah…”
“What did I say?! I better not have said anything embarrassing!”
I finish messing around with their hair and go to put my brush in their drawer. 
An angel must strive to be honest, so I tell the truth. However, is it okay to admit that I mainly told the truth because I greedily wanted to know what they would say upon hearing that they dreamt of me? 
“You…said my name” I nervously rub the nape of my neck again and avoid their gaze, although there wasn’t much left to avoid, as they looked at their feet shyly. 
“Wait…really? That’s so embarrassing!”
“If it helps, you didn’t say much other than that.” 
They look at me through the dimly lit room, their eyes sparkling and I just melt.
“…do you remember the dream?”
I add a teasing tone slightly, in order not to reveal too much of my interest.
That was definitely a lie; they averted eye contact again…it’s so adorable. However, I still don’t know for sure whether their dream was of the sort I would want it to be…
I won’t push them. 
“Anyway, Simeon, how did you sleep?”
I notice that they are trying to change the subject. It shouldn't bother me too much, seeing as they must be doing it because they are uncomfortable, but it irritates me slightly that I will never know what the dream was about. 
“That’s very sweet of you, I slept alright, thank you. And you?”
“Um…yes. Very well, thanks. Uhm…I'm sorry I took over your bed last night…”
“No problem. I’m alright with it.” 
Before we finish with the conversation…a smell of smoke arises from the halls, and presumably coming from the kitchen.
As though a part of the same mind, we simultaneously scramble outside to find out what's happening…
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Part 7: Why in Celestia did I let Solomon cook?
I shout out, half in shock and the other in momentary anger. 
He slides a cheeky grin as he backs away from the burning pan.
Luke is on the verge of tears and frantically swatting away the smoke with a cookbook. 
“It’s alright Luke. Nobody’s hurt, right?”
I observe Solomon and Luke and they don’t seem to have any burn injuries or much affect from the smoke. 
Y/N makes a very valid statement of “So, I’m guessing the Devildom don’t have fire alarms? Because of it being hell and all? …Perhaps we should ask Lord Diavolo for a special installation…”
“Good idea.” We need a better warning of Solomon cooking, than smoke. This man…he’s a renowned famous sorcerer, who can do almost anything…but he can’t even fry an egg without creating toxic, hazardous fuel!
“Solomon..step further away fromt he frying pan…that’s it…further…”
Y/N seems to be enjoying this.
It’s a hilarious dilema, I have to admit. 
“I was just trying to make breakfast for everyone, but then this happened…”
“How do you manage to do this every time…?” I sigh, knowing that sometimes the impossible is possible with sorcerers. 
“No clue. Honestly.”
Luke generously offers to make us a new breakfast, still slightly shaken. 
After we finish our luckily non-hazardous breakfast, I sense that Y/N might need to leave soon…
I’ve decided won’t let them until I've told them. Told them how I feel.
Easier said than done, most likely, but I'll try my hardest. Starting…now.
“Hey! Y/N, can we talk for a bit?”
Solomon shoots me an all-knowing glare and discreetly gives a thumbs up. Perhaps I was wrong to be suspicious of him. After all, he’s one of my best friends - he’d only want what's best for me. 
Noticing how forward and sudden my suggestion was, I tense a little, but I'm not going to give up just yet. 
“…can you come with me?”
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀
I take them to the garden. I find comfort here, amongst all of the non-judgmental flowers. It also creates a romantic setting, if I were in need of such a benefit…which would be befitting for now. 
Amongst the rows of pretty flora, my vision sets on only Y/N under the Devildom’s pale morning moonlight. 
Somehow, it makes them even more beautiful. 
“What did you want to say, Simeon?”
“I… just wanted to let you know that…”
They sit on the floor under a gazebo, conveniently placed in privacy behind a brush of roses, and I join them. 
“I need to tell you this in order to be completely honest with you…I don’t want to mislead myself any longer so I'm relying on an answer, however there is no pressure for one…
I’ve been experiencing feelings that I've never felt before, and I found them in you. I think I’ve fallen for you…”
They’re a little shocked, but under the blue light and the shadows cast by the glare, I see that smile again. The one I’ve made my new joy. 
“I feel the same, Simeon.”
My heart flutters but this time it's brought with it a new emotion…of hope.
I’d dreamed of idle scenarios, where Y/N and I would spend our time in coffee shops, dance in the rain, no mind of what others perceive. To hold them in my arms, intertwine our fingers, pepper them with soft kisses. 
It will take some time…but perhaps my dreams can come true.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚❀⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。
End author’s note: Thank you so much for readinggg! Feel free to send in requests & if you like, lmk if you enjoyed it. Have a great day/night :)
Oh! And a joke before you go…
How do angels greet each other…they say “halo!”
I’ll take my leave… 🏃‍♀️
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